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Chapter 15
International Marketing Channels True / False Questions
1.The distribution process includes promotion of goods and services by sellers and resellers.
True False
2.The behavior of channel members in the distribution process is the result of the interactions
between the cultural environment and the marketing process.
True False
3.In an import-oriented distribution structure, supply often exceeds demand.
True False
4.Traditional channels in developing countries evolved from economies with a strong dependence
on imported manufactured goods.
True False
5.In a traditional distribution structure, distribution systems are national rather than local in scope.
True False
6.In the traditional distribution structure, independent agencies that provide facilitating functions are
nonexistent or underdeveloped.
True False
7. A distinguishing characteristic of the Japanese distribution channel system is that it is controlled
by a few small retailers found in the country.
True False
8.The Japanese distribution structure is similar to the one found in the U.S. or in Europe.
True False
9.In the context of the distribution structure in Japan, it has been observed that Japanese
consumers favor cheaper prices over personal service.
True False
10.As traditional channel structures are changing, importers and retailers are also becoming involved
in new product development.
True False
11.In the context of distribution structures, one of Walmart’s strengths is its ability to influence foreign
True False
12.In the context of distribution patterns, wholesaling shows a greater diversity in its structure than
does retailing.
True False
13.In the context of retail patterns, direct marketing works well in affluent markets as well as in
markets with underdeveloped distribution systems.
True False
14.Agent middlemen work on commission and do not take title to the merchandise.
True False
15.Merchant middlemen tend to be more controllable than agent middlemen because they take title to
manufacturers’ goods.
True False
16.The distribution channel process includes all activities, beginning with the manufacturer and
ending with the retailer.
True False
17.Domestic middlemen offer many advantages for companies with large international sales volume.
True False
18.An export management company functions as a low-cost, independent marketing department with
direct responsibility to the parent firm.
True False
19.In the context of the different kinds of middlemen, in 2003, the WTO ruled export management
companies to be in violation of international trade rules.
True False
20.Domestic middlemen are most likely to be used when the marketer desires to minimize financial
and management investment.
True False
21.Export management companies work under their own names.
True False
22.The Export Trading Company Act allows producers of similar products to form export trading
companies in the U.S.
True False
23.Trading companies provide the best means for intensive coverage of the market.
True False
24.An e-vendor in a foreign market can generally ignore culture as an important variable because the
commerce is being done via the Internet that is culturally insensitive.
True False
ing foreign-country middlemen moves the manufacturer away from the market and the
company becomes less involved with problems of language, physical distribution,
communications, and financing.
True False
26.Channels of distribution often pose longevity problems.
True False
27.In the U.S., if a middleman is terminated, the company is required to pay one percent of the
middleman’s average annual compensation, multiplied by the number of years the middleman served, as a final settlement.
True False
28.Legal advice is not necessary when entering distribution contracts with middlemen.
True False
29.Ideally, a website should be translated into the languages of the target market.
True False
30.A physical distribution system involves only the physical movement of goods.
True False
Multiple Choice Questions
31.Which of the following is true of the distribution process?
A. I t does not involve the physical handling and distribution of goods.
B. I t includes activities related to the promotion of goods and services.
C. T he ownership title remains with the distributor even on completion of the transaction.
D. I t includes buying and selling negotiations.
E. T he behavior of channel members is not affected by the cultural environment.
32.In a _____ distribution structure, an importer controls a fixed supply of goods and the marketing
system develops around the philosophy of selling a limited supply of goods at high prices to a small number of affluent customers.
A. d omestic
B. t raditional
C. m anufacturer-oriented
D. s ervice
E. c ustomer-oriented
33.Which of the following statements is true of a traditional distribution structure?
A. T he distribution system is national in scope.
B. T he relationship between the importer and any middleman is similar to that found in a mass-
marketing system.
C. T he idea of a channel as a chain of intermediaries performing specific activities and each
selling to a smaller unit beneath it until the chain reaches the ultimate consumer is common.
D. I ndependent agencies providing functions such as advertising, marketing research, and
financing are a part of this distribution structure.
E. T he marketing system develops around the philosophy of selling a limited supply of goods at
high prices to a small number of affluent customers.
34.Which of the following distribution structures is also known as a traditional distribution structure?
A. E xport-oriented
B. I mport-oriented
C. M anufacturer-oriented
D. S ervice-oriented
E. C ustomer-oriented
35.Which of the following statements is true regarding an import-oriented distribution structure?
A. T he importer–wholesaler traditionally performs most of the marketing functions.
B. T he relationship between the importer and any middleman is similar to that found in a mass-
marketing system.
C. S everal independent agencies providing functions such as advertising, marketing research,
financing are a part of this distribution structure.
D. T he idea of a channel as a chain of intermediaries performing specific activities is common.
E. T his distribution system is national in scope.
36._____ has long been considered the most effective nontariff barrier to the Japanese market.
A. T he Japanese population
B. T he Japanese distribution structure
C. J apanese culture
D. T he Japanese import and export procedure
E. I ntense competition in Japan
37._____ are considered to be the foundation of the Japanese distribution system.
A. C onsumers
B. B rokers
C. M anufacturers
D. S mall retailers
E. W holesalers
38.Which of the following characterizes the business philosophy of the Japanese distribution
A. L oyalty
B. D irect sales
C. F ast delivery
D. V ariety
E. P rice competition
39.Which of the following statements is true of the Japanese market?
A. T he costs of Japanese consumer goods are among the lowest in the world.
B. M anufacturers are independent of wholesalers for a multitude of services to other members of
the distribution network.
C. T he Japanese distribution structure supports long-term dealer–supplier relationships.
D. J apanese law favors the establishment of large retail stores.
E. J apanese consumers favor price over personal service.
40.In Japan, under the Large-Scale Retail Store Law, all proposals for new “large” stores are first
judged by the _____.
A. T ransport and Tourism Department
B. I nternal Affairs and Business Council
C. M inistry of International Trade and Industry
D. H ealth and Welfare Committee
E. L ocal Retailers Union
41.In the international business arena, which of the following is considered to be one of Walmart’s
A. C lean business reputation.
B. I nternal Internet-based system.
C. A bility to beat competitors.
D. O utreach programs to placate small retailers.
E. A bility to influence foreign governments.
42.General Motors, _____, and DaimlerChrysler have created a single online site called Covisint for
purchasing automotive parts from suppliers.
A. T oyota Motor Corporation
B. H onda Motor Company
C. F ord Motor Company
D. N issan Motor Company
E. T ata Motors
43.Which of the following countries has the largest number of retailers?
A. U nited States
B. A rgentina
C. C hina
D. S outh Africa
E. J apan
44.In the context of distribution patterns, the rate of change in retailing around the world appears to
be directly related to the _____.
A. l iteracy rate
B. r ate of inflation
C. p opulation growth
D. s peed of economic development
E. c urrency exchange rate
45._____ is often the approach of choice in markets with insufficient or underdeveloped distribution
A. D irect marketing
B. A big wholesale store
C. I nternet selling
D. A discount house
E. T elevision advertising
46.Which of the following has proved to be an important way to break the trade barrier imposed by
the Japanese distribution system?
A. D irect sales through catalogs.
B. L arge wholesale stores.
C. S treet corner kiosks.
D. I nternet shopping.
E. T elevision advertising.
47.Which of the following are frequently criticized for not representing the best interests of a
A. G lobal wholesalers
B. T rading companies
C. C onsumers
D. M erchant middlemen
E. B rokers
48._____ take title to manufacturers’ goods and assume the trading risks.
A. M erchant middlemen
B. B rokers
C. B uying offices
D. E xport agent
E. A gent middlemen
49.The distribution channel process includes all activities, beginning with the manufacturer and
ending with the _____.
A. w holesaler
B. a gent middlemen
C. m erchant middlemen
D. r etailer
E. f inal consumer
50.Which of the following statements is true regarding agent middlemen?
A. T hey take title to the merchandise.
B. T hey work on commission and arrange for sales in the foreign country.
C. M anufacturers cannot control them as they control merchant middlemen.
D. T hey do not represent the best interests of the manufacturer.
E. T hey assume trading risks.
51.Which of the following statements is true regarding merchant middlemen?
A. T hey represent the best interests of a manufacturer.
B. T hey can be controlled better than agent middlemen.
C. T hey assume trading risks.
D. T hey work on commission and arrange for sales in the foreign country.
E. T hey do not take title to manufacturers’ goods.
52.A disadvantage when using home-country middlemen as intermediaries in the distribution process
A. t he large financial investment required.
B. t he limited control over the distribution process.
C. t he large managerial investments required.
D. t he limited number of retailers in the foreign country who can be reached.
E. t he large amount of commission.
53.A major trade-off when using home-country middlemen is:
A. t he large financial investment required.
B. t he limited control over the entire distribution process.
C. t he large managerial investments required.
D. t he limited number of retailers in the foreign country who can be reached through the home-
country middlemen.
E. t he large amount of commission charged by the home-country middlemen.
54.Home-country middlemen are also known as _____ middlemen.
A. a rea
B. l ocal
C. m erchant
D. d omestic
E. r egional
55.In the context of the different types of middlemen, which of the following is an example of a
manufacturer’s retail store?
A. T oys “R” Us
B. W almart
C. C ostco
D. B enetton
56.James Barker is the marketing manager of a firm with small international sales volume. He is
looking for a middleman who can take responsibility for promotion of the company’s products, credit arrangements, physical handling, and market research. Also, the middleman must be able to provide information on financial, patent, and licensing matters. In addition, the middleman
should agree to work under the name of the firm. Which of the following types of middlemen would be the best choice for Mr. Barker if he wants to meet his objectives?
A. A manufacturer’s export agent.
B. A n export merchant.
C. A trade representative.
D. A n export management company.
E. A complementary marketer.
57.Which of the following statements is true regarding an export management company (EMC)?
A. I t acts as a middleman for firms with relatively large international sales volume.
B. I t operates under its own name while providing services to another firm.
C. I t does not have direct responsibility to the parent firm.
D. I t acts as a middleman for firms willing to involve their own personnel in international functions.
E. I t calls for a minimum investment from the parent firm to get into international markets.
58.A major disadvantage of _____ is that they can seldom afford to make the kind of market
investment needed to establish deep distribution for products.
A. e xport management companies
B. t rading companies
C. i mport associations
D. g lobal retailers
E. c omplementary marketers
59.For companies seeking entrance into the complicated Japanese distribution system, _____ offer
one of the easiest routes to success because they virtually control distribution through all levels of channels in Japan.
A. t rade representatives
B. t rading companies
C. b rokers
D. e xport management companies
E. c omplementary marketers
60.Which of the following was a goal of the Export Trading Company Act?
A. T o allow U.S. companies to bypass tax laws with respect to international trading.
B. T o remove antitrust disincentives to export activities.
C. T o bypass trade barriers in foreign countries.
D. T o earn the highest possible profits in foreign countries.
E. T o combine export shipments within single containers.
61.Which of the following arrangements are undertaken when a firm wants to keep its seasonal
distribution channels functioning throughout the year?
A. P rice skimming.
B. U sing the services of a trading company.
C. E stablishing a retail store.
D. U sing the services of an export management company.
E. C omplementary marketing.
plementary marketing is commonly known as _____.
A. b ackhauling
B. d emand shifting
C. p iggybacking
D. s hape shifting
E. s kimming
panies with marketing facilities in different countries with excess marketing capacity
sometimes take on additional product lines for international distribution. The formal name for this type of marketing is:
A. s kimming.
B. b ackhauling.
C. c omplementary marketing.
D. e xport marketing.
E. d emand shifting.
64.A(n) _____ is an individual agent middleman or an agent middleman firm providing a selling
service for manufacturers that covers only one or two markets.
A. c omplementary marketer
B. e xport management company
C. W ebb-Pomerene export association
D. g lobal retailer
E. m anufacturer’s export agent
65.A _____ provides a selling service for a manufacturer, has a short-term relationship, and operates
on a straight commission basis.
A. m anufacturers’ retail store
B. t rading company
C. g lobal retailer
D. m anufacturer’s export agent
E. c omplementary marketer
66.The Webb-Pomerene Act of 1918 made it possible for American business firms to join forces in
export activities without being subject to which of the following acts?
A. T he Sherman Antitrust Act.
B. T he Federal Communications Act.
C. T he Trade Commission Act.
D. T he Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act.
E. T he Robinson-Patman Act.
67.A(n) _____ is a domestic middleman set up in a foreign country or U.S. possession that can obtain
a corporate tax exemption on a portion of the earnings generated by the sale or lease of export
A. W ebb-Pomerene export association
B. m anufacturer’s export agent
C. e xport management company
D. c omplementary marketer
E. f oreign sales corporation
68.Which of the following is a type of domestic middleman?
A. S ole proprietors.
B. E xport Management Companies.
C. F oreign distributors.
D. L essors.
E. J oint ventures.
69.In the context of types of domestic middlemen, the WTO in 2003 ruled _____ to be in violation of
international trade rules, thus starting a major trade dispute with the European Union.
A. f oreign sales corporations
B. d irect marketing partnerships
C. t rading companies
D. e xport promotion companies
E. W ebb-Pomerene export associations
70.Which of the following is true of foreign sales corporations?
A. T hey are commonly called piggybackers.
B. T hey can only be related to a manufacturing parent and not an independent broker.
C. T hey virtually control distribution through all levels of channels in Japan.
D. T hey accumulate, transport, and distribute goods from many countries.
E. T hey can function as a principal or a commissioned agent.
71.Which of the following factors affects the choice of distribution channels?
A. D istance from manufacturer.
B. L anguage spoken in the target market.
C. A vailable distribution intermediaries.
D. C onsumer literacy levels.
E. C ountry’s per capita income.
72.Which of the following is one of the six Cs of distribution channel strategy?
A. C ommunication
B. C ontinuity
C. C apacity
D. C ommission
E. C ontribution
73.In the context of factors affecting choice of channels, one of the key elements in distribution
decisions includes _____.
A. t he selection of optimum container sizes
B. v olume discounts and rebates
C. t he functions performed by middlemen
D. t he local advertising modes
E. t he target market culture
74.Which of the following is a critical element associated with using a particular type of middleman?
A. K nowledge of the culture of the target market.
B. N umber of employees.
C. M ode of transportation for moving goods.
D. I nfluence over the target market.
E. C ash-flow patterns.
75.In which of the following modes of distribution in the foreign market will a company have to make
maximum financial investment?
A. E xport management companies.
B. T rading companies.
C. E xport associations.
D. D irect sales force.
E. C omplementary marketers.
76.Which of the following is one of the highest costs of doing business in China?
A. M oney required for the transportation of goods.
B. M oney required for obtaining appropriate permits.
C. C ost of local advertising.
D. C apital required to maintain effective distribution.
E. C ost of customizing products for the Chinese market.
77.Which of the following modes of distribution affords the most control over the distribution channels
but often at a cost that is not practical?
A. C omplementary marketers.
B. D irect sales force.
C. E xport associations.
D. T rading companies.
E. E xport management companies.
78.Most middlemen have little loyalty to their vendors. They handle brands in good times when the
line is making money but quickly reject such products within a season or a year if they fail to produce during that period. This is an example of problems associated with which of the following six Cs of distribution channel strategy?
A. C haracter
B. C ontinuity
C. C ontrol
D. C ost
E. C apital requirement
79.One of the reasons that channels of distribution often pose longevity problems is that most
middlemen _____.
A. d o not maintain sufficient inventory to serve customers
B. l ack product knowledge resulting in low sales volume
C. h ave little loyalty to their vendors
D. t end to slow down distribution to extract higher commissions
E. d o not have sufficient knowledge of the target market
80._____ is an area that should be on a checklist of criteria for evaluating middlemen servicing a
A. F lexibility
B. H ypersensitivity
C. C ultural empathy
D. P roductivity
E. B readth of knowledge
81.Which of the following actions should be taken to begin with the search for prospective
A. S hort listing the middlemen.
B. S tudying the target market.
C. E valuating the available financial resources.
D. D esigning the sales force required.
E. U nderstanding the mission of the manufacturing firm.
82.Experienced exporters suggest that the only way to select a middleman is:
A. t o conduct a background check on all the distributors available in the target market.
B. t o issue a request-for-proposal to all distributors in the target market and evaluate their
C. c onsult other manufacturers of the similar products and select the distributor recommended by
D. c onsult trade organizations and select the distributor recommended by them.
E. t o personally talk to ultimate consumers to find whom they consider to be the best distributors.
83.Sixty percent of the Japanese population lives in the _____ market area, which essentially
functions as one massive city.
A. T okyo-Nagoya-Osaka
B. K omaki-Tokoname-Kariya
C. N agoya-Handa-Seto
D. N ishio-Okazaki-Inazawa
E. I nuyama-Nisshin-Takahama
84.Most middlemen have little loyalty to their vendors. They handle brands in good times when the
line is making money but quickly reject such products within a season or a year if they fail to produce during that period. This is an example of problems associated with which of the following six Cs of channel strategy?
A. C haracter
B. C ontinuity
C. C ontrol
D. C ost
E. C apital requirement
85.Apex Corporation is a wholesaler for Global Electronics in the French market. Global Electronics
discovered that Apex Corp. was diverting some of their goods to the English market. Apex Corp.
could get a greater profit in the English market because the goods were bought by the firm at a cheaper price in France. In the context of the above scenario, which of the following forms of business is Apex engaged in?
A. B lack marketing.
B. P arallel importing.
C. B ackwashing.
D. I ndustrial piracy.
E. S muggling.
86.In the context of controlling middlemen, parallel importing is also known as _____.
A. s econdary wholesaling
B. b lack marketing
C. b ackwashing
D. i ndustrial piracy
E. s muggling
87.E-commerce is more developed in _____ than the rest of the world, partly because of the lower
cost of access to the Internet than found elsewhere.
A. C hina
B. B razil
C. S witzerland
D. S outh Africa
E. t he United States
88.In the context of the Internet in international marketing channels, technically, e-commerce is a
form of _____ selling.
A. d irect
B. p arallel
C. d ual
D. m ass
E. t argeted
89.In the context of cultural reactions when engaging in e-commerce, the color red is associated with
socialism in _____.
A. t he United States
B. C hina
C. B razil
D. U ruguay
E. S pain
90.Which of the following is true of a physical distribution system?
A. I t involves only the physical movement of goods.
B. I t is a total systems approach to the management of the distribution process.
C. A decision involving an activity has no impact on the cost and efficiency of one or all others.
D. I t excludes the interdependence of the costs of each activity.
E. I t includes transportation mode, inventory quantities, and packing.
Essay Questions
91.Write a short note on the import-oriented distribution structure.
92.In the context of channel-of-distribution structures, discuss the distinguishing features of the
Japanese distribution structure.
93.Describe export management companies. What are their advantages and disadvantages?
94.What is complementary marketing?
95.Discuss the export trading company act (ETC).
96.What is a foreign sales corporation?
97.Discuss the continuity problem associated with a channel of distribution.
98.What are the various techniques that can be used to motivate middlemen?
99.What is secondary wholesaling?
100.What are the various issues that must be taken into consideration by an e-vendor?
Chapter 15 International Marketing Channels Answer Key
True / False Questions
1.The distribution process includes promotion of goods and services by sellers and resellers.
The distribution process includes the physical handling and distribution of goods, the passage of ownership (title), and—most important from the standpoint of marketing strategy—the buying and selling negotiations between producers and middlemen and between middlemen and
AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 15-01 The variety of distribution channels and how they affect cost and effi ciency in marketing
Topic: Channel-of-Distribution Structures
2.The behavior of channel members in the distribution process is the result of the interactions
between the cultural environment and the marketing process.
The behavior of channel members is the result of the interactions between the cultural
environment and the marketing process.
AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 15-01 The variety of distribution channels and how they affect cost and effi ciency in marketing
Topic: Channel-of-Distribution Structures
3.In an import-oriented distribution structure, supply often exceeds demand.
In an import-oriented distribution structure, market penetration and mass distribution are not
necessary because demand exceeds supply, and in most cases, the customer seeks the
supply from a limited number of middlemen.
AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 15-01 The variety of distribution channels and how they affect cost and effi ciency in marketing
Topic: Channel-of-Distribution Structures
4.Traditional channels in developing countries evolved from economies with a strong
dependence on imported manufactured goods.
Traditional channels in developing countries evolved from economies with a strong
dependence on imported manufactured goods.
AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 15-01 The variety of distribution channels and how they affect cost and effi ciency in marketing
Topic: Channel-of-Distribution Structures
5.In a traditional distribution structure, distribution systems are national rather than local in
In the traditional distribution structure, distribution systems are local rather than national in
AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 15-01 The variety of distribution channels and how they affect cost and effi ciency in marketing
Topic: Channel-of-Distribution Structures
6.In the traditional distribution structure, independent agencies that provide facilitating functions
are nonexistent or underdeveloped.
In the traditional distribution structure independent agencies that provide advertising, marketing research, warehousing and storage, transportation, financing, and other facilitating functions found in a developed, mature marketing infrastructure are nonexistent or underdeveloped.
AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty Level: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 15-01 The variety of distribution channels and how they affect cost and effi ciency in marketing
Topic: Channel-of-Distribution Structures。
