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【摘要】背景过氧化物酶体增生物激活受体γ (PPARγ)是一类由配体激活的核转录因子,是潜在的抗炎、抗纤维增生、抗新生血管形成及神经保护因子,其在动物和人体组织中的生理病理功能是目前的研究热点之一,PPARγ与眼科疾病的研究受到关注. 目的研究PPARγ在眼部不同组织细胞中的表达,为PPARγ激动剂在眼科疾病治疗中的应用提供参考依据.方法取SPF级C57BL/6J小鼠6只及SD大鼠1只,用质量分数3%水合氯醛麻醉处死后立即摘除眼球,采用Western blot法检测小鼠角膜、晶状体和视网膜组织中PPARγ蛋白的表达;采用免疫组织化学和免疫荧光化学法检测PPARγ在小鼠角膜、晶状体、视网膜、睫状体及视神经组织中的表达及定位.结果 Western blot法检测表明,PPARγ在小鼠角膜、晶状体、视网膜中均呈阳性表达.免疫组织化学和免疫荧光化学法检测显示,PPARγ在角膜组织中主要表达于上皮层,以基底细胞染色最强,而角膜内皮及基质细胞上仅有弱表达.PPARγ在晶状体中主要表达于上皮细胞和浅皮质层;在视网膜组织中,PPARγ主要表达于视网膜节细胞层、内丛状层、外丛状层和内核层,此外PPARγ在SD大鼠睫状体组织中主要表达于无色素上皮.免疫荧光化学法检测显示,其在视网膜中与Müller细胞标志物谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)共定位表达明显;PPARγ在视神经组织中的表达与星形胶质细胞标志物胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)共定位表达明显.结论PPARγ广泛分布于眼不同组织中并呈特异性表达,该结果为相关眼科疾病的靶向治疗提供了依
据.%Background Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma
(PPARγ) is one of nuclear transcription factors.It plays potential anti-inflammation,anti-fibrogenesis,anti-angiogenesis and neuroprotection roles in human.So the study of its physiological and pathological function in human and animals is still a focus.To understand the distribution of PPARγ in ocular tissues is important for the target treatment of eye diseases.Objective Current study was to investigate the expression of PPARγ in different parts of eye in roden t.Methods Cornea,lens,ciliary,retina and optical nerve were isolated from 6 SPF C57BL/6J mice and 1 SD
rat.Western blot assay was used to detect the expressions of PPARγprotein in cornea,lens and retina.Immunohistochemistry was used to locate the distribut ion of PPARγ protein in cornea,lens,ciliary,retina and optical nerve.Also,the co-expression of PPARγ with glutamine synthetase (GS) (a Müller cell specific marker) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)(an astrocyte specific marker) in retina and optic nerve was detected by immunofluorescent double staining.Results Western blot assay showed that PPARγ was expressed in the cornea,lens and retina of the
mice.Immunohistochemistry revealed that PPARγ mainly located at corneal epithelium with the strongest staining in the basal cells,but only weak staining was seen in corneal endothelial cells and stroma cells.PPARγ was strongly expressed in epithelial cells and shallow cortex layer of mouse lens.In mouse retina,PPARγ was extensively and richly expressed in r etinal ganglion cell layer,inner and outer plexiform layers and inner nuclear layer.In addition,PPARγ was also expressed in the non-pigmented epithelial cells in ciliary body.The co-locations of PPARγexpression with GS
in retinal tissue and PPARγ expressio n with GFAP in optical nerve tissue were found in the mice.Conclusions PPARγis proved to distribute extensively in different ocular tissues.These results offer basis for the target treatment of relevant eye diseases.
【作者单位】226001 南通大学附属医院眼科;226001 南通大学附属医院眼
科;226001 南通大学附属医院眼科;226001 南通大学附属医院眼科
1.过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体-γ在人侵袭性垂体腺瘤中的分布与表达 [J], 马妍;夏学巍;孔燕国;苏长保
2.过氧化物酶体增生物激活受体γ在鼠眼球中的分布 [J], 张俊芳;秦柏;胡楠;管怀进;
3.过氧化物酶体增生物激活受体γ共激活因子1,能量代谢的共激活因子 [J], 王瑞;常永生;方福德
4.过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ在人垂肿瘤中的分布与表达 [J], 马妍;夏学巍;苏长保;孔燕国
5.过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ共激活因子-1α与线粒体生物发生调控在高原肺水肿中研究进展 [J], 李艳; 牛小娟; 罗晓红; 王海龙
