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Reference websites
• /wiki/Pun • /browse/pun • /view/a36cc0325a8 102d276a22f0e.html • /view/6f70ea9851e 79b8968022602.html?from=rec&pos=3&w eight=21&lastweight=16&count=5
他知道乔治.布什正 从幕 僚们那儿得到 一些反对变革的建 议。他谴责这些建 议。“我告诉他, ‘你患了严重的艾 滋病’”,赫尔姆 斯说。"碍-治-病。 "
1.3 Sylleptic pun 一词多义,即利用一词
• 例:perhaps from some vague rumor of his college homours, which had been whispered abroad on his first arrival, perhaps because he was an unmarried, unencumbered gentleman, he had been called the bachelor.(Dickens) • bachelor: 单身汉 多义词 单身博士 • 学士
莲子心中苦,梨儿腹内酸。 “莲子”与“梨儿” 一语三关 • 1:分别为字面意义(果实之名) • 2:分别指儿子的乳名 • 3:暗指谐音“怜子(儿子)”和“离子 (儿子)”
有哪些基本构成条件呢? Why are lawyers all uneasy sleepers? Because they lie first on one side, and then on the other, and remain wide awake all the time. 翻译:为什么律师都很难入睡?因为他们 首先在这一边撒谎,然后又在另一边撒谎, 而且为避免出错还要一直保持高度的清醒。
• 1 Pun 的表现形式 • 2 Pun 的“多关”内涵与术语译名 问题----Pun的定义 • 3 Pun的基本构成条件 • 4 Pun的语用手段 • 5 辞格翻译研究
Pun = Play on words? 双关?
Part1: Pun 的表现形式
1.1 homophonic pun同音双关,即利用
in something / to somebody 4.1词语省略 例:The Clerk: Are you engaged? Augustus: What business is that of yours? However, if you will take the trouble to read the society papers for this week, you will see that I am engaged to the Honourable Lucy Popham......(Bernard Shaw)
A.必须要有一个辐射不同语义方向的“语言 亮点”。 lie----亮点 B.该“语言亮点”要能射出两条可两条以上 不同的“语义路径”,即多重语境。 lie一 词既指“躺” 又指 “撒谎”。 C.每条“语义 路径”都能自行畅通,也就是 每语境都能言之有理。语境一:“他们这 边躺躺那边躺躺,转辗反侧,焉能安然入 睡?” 语境二:“他们受雇打官司时这边 撒谎那边撒谎,一不小心就会出漏而被戳 穿,岂不为难?”
Did you kiss her her back? 你也吻了她吗?
Pun 的“多关”内涵与术语译名问 题
• Pun: two meanings/ two of the possible applications/ more of the possible applications. • "Pun is a humorous use of word to suggest different meanings, or of words of same or similar sound with different meanings". • ----The Concise Oxford DictrionaryFra bibliotekBill
议 会 提 案
议 帐 会 单 提 案
A little boy came up to his mother. "Ma," he said, "I had sometheing to tell you. My teacher kissed me" "Well, were you a good boy and did you kiss her back?" "Of course not!"he denied indignantly, "I kissed her face"
• 4.4 词语扩展 例:Soccer Kicks off with Violence. kick off + with violence 顿生歧义 足球开踢,拳打脚踢。
• 4.5 粘着语素使用 例:Hopeless widower: Notnhing can mend a boken heart. Hopeful widow: Except re-pairing. 粘着语素:re-pairing 修理 再婚 绝望中的鳏夫:没有什么能修补一颗破碎的 心。 满怀希望的寡妇:除非重配。
例:Make your every hello a real good-buy.(电话广 告) 让你的每一声“喂”都成为真正的货真价实。 good-buy goodbye hello
例:He denounces the stand-pat advice he knows George Bush is getting from subordinate: “I told him,“You got a bad case of AIDS,’”says Helm. "A-I-D-E-S."(Donald Baer) AIDS aids(助手) 谐音 异义 艾兹病 碍治病
英语pun辞格历来被认为是不可译的.诚如杨衍松 教授(2000:53)指出:"一切与音符手段相关的文字游 戏(如双关.飞白.倒词.仿拟.谜语.幽默等),成语典故,方 言俗语,俚语行话和诗歌中的格律 ,头韵,拟声以及音 义双涉的专名等等,是不可译的." 然而,"有许多看似无 法在译文中挽留的原文形式的神韵和风采在译文中却 得以挽留."(毛荣贵, 2001: 81) 因此,英译汉中也不乏 成功的译例.
4.2 词语首字母缩写 例:He is working for FBI in London.
英国工业联合会 美国联邦调查局
• 4.3 比喻运用
King:..my cousin Hamlet, and my son...how is it that the clouds still hang you? Hamlet: Not so , my lord, I am too much in the sun. (Shakespare)----我已经在太阳里 晒得太久了。 愤懑 sun 屈做儿子,忍无可忍 (son )
• I finally figured out how government works. The Senate gets the bill from the House. The Prsident gets the bill from the Senate. And we get the bill for everything.(Reader's Digest, Feb. 1991) • 我们终于弄懂了我们的政体是如 何运行的。议会的提案由众议院 转到参议院,再从参议院转到总 统。于是轮到我们支付一切帐单。
杨柳青青江水平, 闻郎江上唱歌声。 东边日出西边雨, 道是无晴还有晴。
What is the rhetoric device in the last sentense?