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Based on the analysis of the third party payment platform theory of anti-money laundering law, the integrated use of literature, comparative analysis and other methods, investigated the more developed countries represented by the United States, Britain's legal system of anti-money laundering work, combined with the present third party payment platform, the problems existing in the legal system of anti-money laundering, puts forward on the improvement of the system of the third party payment anti-money laundering law countermeasures.
Besides introduction and conclusion part, this paper is divided into four parts, a total of about 32000 words.
The first part, theoretical overview of the legal system of anti-money laundering of the third party payment platform.This part firstly puts forward the connotation of the third-party payment platform, and legal risk, raises money laundering legal risk, and to define the concept of third-party payment money laundering; And then analyzes the legal relationship of third-party payment, finally expounds the third party payment platform on the basis of
economic law on anti money laundering. The second part, the current situation of the legal system of anti-money laundering and
deficiencies of our country third party payment platform.This part introduces the third-party payment platform in the current legislation of money laundering in our country, summarize and analysis of the defects in the legal system of anti-money laundering in China.
本文在分析第三方支付平台反洗钱法律制度的理论基础上,综合运用文献资料法、 比较分析法等方法,考察了以美国、英国为代表的较为发达国家的反洗钱法律制度成果, 结合我国当前第三方支付平台反洗钱法律制度存在的问题,有针对性地提出关于我国第 三方支付反洗钱法律制度的完善对策。
本文除引言和结语部分外,分为四个部分,共计 32000 字左右。 第一部分,第三方支付平台反洗钱法律制度的理论概述。本部分首先提出第三方支 付平台的内涵和法律风险,由此引出了第三方支付平台存在的洗钱特殊风险,对第三方 支付洗钱的概念予以界定;最后分析了第三方支付中各方主体间的法律关系,阐述第三 方支付平台反洗钱的经济法依据。 第二部分,我国第三方支付平台反洗钱法律制度的现状与不足。本部分在介绍我国 第三方支付平台反洗钱的现行立法基础之上,总结并分析我国反洗钱法律制度存在的不 足。 第三部分,第三方支付平台反洗钱法律制度的域外考察与借鉴。本部分详细介绍了 反洗钱法律制度比较发达的美国和英国在反洗钱领域的法律规范和相关制度措施,结合 美英两国的反洗钱监管特点,总结出可供我国第三方支付平台反洗钱法律制度的完善进 行借鉴的经验。
The fourth part, the perfection of legal system of anti-money laundering of our country third party payment platform. This part of the third-party payment platform in China, the problems existing in the legal system of anti-money laundering, put forward to improve the legislative level, improving the anti-money laundering law responsibility system, strengthening risk prevention, to establish incentive mechanism, give play to the role of self-discipline organization consummation countermeasure.
Of the development of the third party payment in China in the past ten years, the legal position has been clear, lead to the existence of regulatory gap, and our country's anti-money-laundering legal system also relatively late start, on the third-party payment platform for laundering money laundering laws because of lower legislation level, interoperability is not strong, difficult to effectively guard against money laundering risk. The United States is the birthplace of the third party payment, and the legal system of anti-money laundering start early with perfecting anti-money laundering legal system and the advanced experience of anti-money laundering, for the improvement of the system of the third party payment anti-money laundering law provides content to refer to.
The third-party payment platform anti-money laundering legal system research
作 者 姓 名: 指 导 教 师:
张倩 沈 萍 副教授
西南政法大学 Southwest University of Political Science and Law
The third part, the legal system of anti-money laundering investigation and reference of the outside of the third party payment platform.This part introduced the anti-money laundering legal system is developed in the United States and Britain in the field of anti-money laundering system of legal norms and the relevant measures, combining with the characteristics of American and British anti-money laundering supervision and summarized for the third-party payment platform, the perfection of legal system of anti-money laundering to draw lessons from 分,我国第三方支付平台反洗钱法律制度的完善。本部分针对我国第三方支 付平台反洗钱法律制度存在的问题,提出提高立法层级、完善反洗钱法律责任体系、加 强风险防范、建立激励机制、发挥行业自律组织作用等方面的完善对策。
In our country, with the prosperous development of information technology and e-commerce, the third-party payment give people convenient, fast and security at the same time also led to a series of payment risk, management risk, financial crime risk and so on. Especially the use of third-party payment platform this high and new technology of the characteristics of concealment, convenience for money laundering behavior is intensified, the stability of financial order poses a threat to our country.
在我国,随着信息技术和电子商务的繁荣发展,第三方支付在带给人们方便、快捷 和安全保障的同时也引发了一系列的支付风险、经营风险、金融犯罪风险等问题。尤其 是利用第三方支付平台这种高新科技隐蔽性、便捷性的特点进行洗钱的行为愈演愈烈, 对我国金融秩序的稳定构成了威胁。
我国第三方支付发展的十余年间,对其法律定位一直没有明确,导致对其存在监管 的空白地带,并且我国的反洗钱法律制度的起步也较晚,关于第三方支付平台进行洗钱 的反洗钱法律规范因为立法层级较低、操作性不强等原因,难以起到有效的防范洗钱风 险作用。美国是第三方支付的发源地,并且反洗钱法律制度的研究起步较早,有着比较 健全的反洗钱法律体系和先进的反洗钱经验,为我国第三方支付反洗钱法律制度的完善 提供了可以借鉴的内容。