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· hold
· v. [həʊld] ( holds; held; holding )
· 双解释义
· vt. 1.拿,抱,握住have a thing in one's hands; have and keep fast in or with the hands or some other part of the body
· vt. 2.包含; 容纳contain; have a capacity of
· vt. & vi. 3.举行,进行have; cause to take place; make sth happen
· vt. & vi. 4.保持,持续remain unchanged; last
· vt. 5.认为,相信believe
· 基本要点
4.hold作“认为,相信; 保持,使…处于某种状态”解时,还可接以“(to
5.hold指动作时,可用于被动结构; 指处于某种状态时,只能用于主动结构。
9.hold water意思是“站得住脚,经得起考验”,通常用在否定句或疑问句中,偶尔
· 词汇搭配
•hold a baby in one's arms 怀抱孩子
•hold a banquet 举行宴会
•hold a belief 相信
•hold a book in one's hands 手中拿着一本书
•hold a box together 把箱子钉牢
•hold a celebration 举行庆祝会
•hold a ceremony 举行仪式
•hold a chair 抓住椅子
•hold a cigarette between the lips 叼着一根香烟•hold a consultation 磋商,协商
•hold a conviction 坚信
•hold a council of war 开军事会议
•hold a court 开庭
•hold a dance 举行舞会
•hold a debate 举行辩论
•hold a demonstration 举行示威游行
•hold a discussion 展开讨论
•hold a general election 举行大选
•hold a hammer in the hand 手拿锤子
•hold a high opinion 对某人有好感
•hold a meeting 举行会议
•hold a military base 拥有军事基地
•hold a military manoeuvre 举行军事演习
•hold a military parade 举行阅兵
•hold a parcel 提着包
•hold a pen 拿着钢笔
•hold a pipe between the teeth 嘴里衔着烟斗
•hold a platform by pillars 用柱子支撑平台
•hold a rally 举行群众集会
•hold a referendum 举行公民投票
•hold a rein 握住缰绳
•hold a strange view 有奇妙的见解
•hold a test tube 握住试管
•hold a wedding ceremony 举行婚礼仪式
•hold all one's clothes 装下所有的衣服
•hold an argument on some question 就某问题进行辩论•hold an examination 举行考试
•hold an exhibition 举办展览
•hold an important office 担任一重要职务
•hold an opinion of one's own 坚持自己的意见
•hold attention 吸引某人的注意力
•hold captive 拘捕
•hold copy 读原稿,作校对助手
•hold counsel 进行商量,听取意见
•hold court 主持法庭会议,举止高贵
•hold each other's hands 互相握手
•hold electric torch 拿着电筒
•hold everything 停止,等一下
•hold fire 忍着不表态
•hold games 举办运动会
•hold ground 坚守阵地,一步不退
•hold intercourse with a person 与人交往
•hold land 拥有土地
•hold many people 容纳很多人
•hold milk 装有牛奶
•hold much property 拥有许多资产
•hold one's emotions 控制某人的感情
•hold one's hand(s) 握住某人的手,谨慎,留余地
•hold one's hands at one's side 两手扶腰
•hold one's head high 趾高气扬,骄傲
•hold one's nose 用手掩鼻,保持沉默
•hold one's peace 保持沉默,不开口
•hold one's seat 保留座位
•hold one's temper 忍住怒气
•hold one's tongue 保持沉默
•hold position 担任职务
•hold power 掌权
•hold right 保持权力
•hold salt 装盐,含有盐
•hold sb's attention 吸引某人注意
•hold sb's talk 制止某人讲话
•hold shares 拥有股份
•hold silence 保持安静
•hold the attention of the audience 吸引住听众
•hold the bag 受害
•hold the bridge 支撑着这座桥
•hold the cards in one's hands 稳操胜券,握有成功的手段•hold the child by the hand 手领着孩子
•hold the city 占领该城
•hold the first position 占第一位
•hold the flowers 拿着花
•hold the fort 固守堡垒,毫不示弱
•hold the job 拥有这份工作
•hold the line 别挂断电话
•hold the office of chairman 担任主席职务
•hold the place of adviser 担任顾问的职务
•hold the price increase to a minimum 把价格的上涨控制在最低限度•hold the rein 掌权,执政,支配
•hold the sheep by the horns 抓住羊角
•hold the stage 继续活跃在舞台上
•hold the title of model worker 享有劳动模范的称号
•hold the weight of sb/sth 支撑某人或某物的重量
•hold water 不漏水,论点站得住脚
•hold cheap 看不起,不重视
•hold dear 看得起,珍视,看重
•hold good 有效,适用
•hold long 持续下去
•hold true 有效,有理
•hold aloof 不接近,不参与
•hold fast 紧紧抓住
•hold automatically 自动控制
•hold cheaply 虚伪地认为
•hold concurrently 兼任某职
•hold conscientiously 真心实意地认为
•hold deferentially 谦逊地认为
•hold desperately 拼命地抓住
•hold dexterously 敏捷,灵巧地抓住
•hold diplomatically 举行外交仪式
•hold disdainfully 认为不屑一顾
•hold firmly 紧紧抓住
•hold gingerly 兢兢业业地供职
•hold hungrily 渴望持有
•hold inviolably 不可侵犯地拥有
•hold jealously 戒备地控制住,妒忌地认为
•hold obstinately 顽强地控制
•hold permanently 持久拥有
•hold personally 个人以为
•hold proudly 自豪地认为
•hold securely 安全可靠地固定住
•hold staunchly 坚定地相信
•hold stoutly 断然地制止,坚决地继续进行
•hold strictly 严格遵守
•hold strongly 强烈地认为
•hold stubbornly 顽固地认为
•hold tenderly 温和地托着,慎重地决定
•hold tentatively 暂时地控制住
•hold tremulously 颤抖地握着
•hold universally 普遍认为
•hold back 犹豫,阻止,积攒,储蓄,隐瞒,忍住
•hold back some important information 隐瞒一些重要消息
•hold back ten dollars 扣下10美元钱
•hold back the wheel of history 阻止历史车轮前进
•hold forth 提供,提出
•hold forth hopes of recovery 有复原的希望
•hold forth the possibility 提供…的可能性
•hold down 使降低,使保持低水平,使不提高,控制或压制(某人),保持(职位等) •hold down a good job 保有一个很好的职位
•hold down food prices 不让食品涨价
•hold down one's eyes 垂下目光
•hold down one's head in shame 羞愧地低下头
•hold down people 镇压人民
•hold down student intake 减少招生人数
•hold down the city's population 减少城市人口
•hold down the enemy's reinforcements 牵制敌人的援军
•hold off (使)保持一段距离,(使)推迟
•hold off the invaders 抵挡入侵者
•hold on 继续抓住某物,系住,固定住,继续,持续,等候
•hold on a correspondence 与…保持联系
•hold on one's way 不顾干扰地继续前进
•hold out 伸(手),伸手(拿或放),坚持要求,坚持到底,隐瞒,拖延答复
•hold out a bad example 举出一个坏的例子
•hold out a promise 作出许诺
•hold out against 经受得住,顶住
•hold out one's hand 伸出手来
•hold out the worker's pay 扣发工人的工资
•hold out till victory 坚持到胜利
•hold out unlimited prospects 前途无量
•hold power over 有支配…的权力
•hold together 使团结在一起
•hold up 举起,展示,托住,支持住,使停滞,耽搁,拦路抢劫,列举出(榜样),授人以(笑柄),(理论等)经得住(检验)
•hold up a large blue banner 举着一面蓝色大旗
•hold up one's hand 举起某人的手,投降
•hold up one's head 抬起头,打起精神
•hold up the bank 抢劫银行
•hold up the roof 支撑屋顶
•hold up the work 停工
•hold back from doing sth 阻止某人做某事
•hold off from answering 迟迟不作回答
•hold off from people 和别人保持一段距离
•hold off from smoking 戒烟
•hold against the enemy 反抗敌人
•hold demonstration against sb 举行游行示威反对某人•hold strike against 举行罢工反对
•hold as 扣押作…
•hold at arm's length 冷漠对人
•hold by坚持,忠于hold by one's principles
•遵循自己的原则hold in
•约束,克制hold in abhorrence
•厌恶,痛恨hold in balance
•使不稳定,悬而未决hold in derision
•嘲笑某人hold in esteem
•尊重,尊敬hold in estimation
•尊重某人hold in honour
•尊重,尊敬hold in memory
•记住hold in one's temper
•克制自己的脾气hold in place
•使…保持固定位置hold in play
•使劳动,使有事做hold in pledge
•抵押hold in position
•使…位置固定hold in regard
•尊重,尊敬hold in respect
•尊重,尊敬hold in trust
•保管hold onto
•紧紧抓住,抓牢,坚持,不改变,忠于hold onto one's plan •不放弃自己的计划hold out against the enemy
•抵抗敌人hold over
•以…要挟,威胁hold it over sb
•以此要挟某人hold to
•坚持,信守hold to a promise
•遵守诺言hold to derision
•嘲笑某人hold to ransom
•绑某人的票hold a candle to the devil
•助纣为虐,为虎作伥hold under control
•控制hold with
•赞成,同意,和…持同一意见hold with excessive drinking
•赞成酗酒hold one's sides with laughter
· 常用短语
hold back(v.+adv.)
1.阻碍,阻止 restrain
▲hold sb/sth ⇔back
The police held back the crowd.警察挡住了人群。
If they had not held him back, he would have beaten you black and blue.
They tried to hold us back when we fought the enemy.我们和敌人战斗时,他们想制止我们。
He was so impatient that I could hardly hold him back.他是那样急躁,我简直拉不住他。
Now that the end's in sight, nothing can hold him back.终点已经在望,什么也阻止不了他继续前进。
No one can hold back the wheel of history.谁也无法阻挡历史车轮的前进。
They built dykes and dam to hold back the rising flood waters.他们修筑了堤坝来阻挡上涨的洪水。
Shortage of capital was a factor holding back economic development.缺乏资金是阻碍经济发展的一个因素。
2.控制; 抑制 control
▲hold sth ⇔back
Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight.吉姆总算抑制住了愤怒,从而避免了一场殴斗。
They are accustomed to holding back their emotions.他们习惯于抑制自己的感情。
▲hold back from v-ing
Though very angry,I held back from telling him exactly what I thought.尽管我非常生气,仍克制自己未将我的感想告诉他。
3.隐瞒,保留 keep a secret; keep or delay
▲hold sth ⇔back
The laboratory has been advised to hold back any announcement of its findings.实验室已得到通知,不要宣布发现的成果。
They held back some important information.有一些重要情况他们没讲。
Do not hold back the truth.别隐瞒真相。
We were sure he was holding something back from us.我们肯定他有些情况没告诉我们。
4.犹豫不决 be slow or reluctant to do sth
▲hold back
Mary is afraid of people; she always holds back when we take her to a party.玛丽怕见生人,我们带她参加聚会时她总是畏缩不前。
When danger appeared, every one of them held back.当危险到来的时候,他们每一个人都退缩了。
Buyers are holding back.买主们不愿出价。
Because of the uncertain state of the market, buyers are holding back.由于市场不稳定,买主都踌躇不前。
hold down(v.+adv.)
▲hold sb/sth ⇔down
1.压住,使固定 keep on the ground or in place
He took a dictionary to hold down the test papers for fear that they might be blown away by the wind.他拿了本词典压住试卷,以防被风吹掉。
We must hold down the tents because of the strong wind.风很大,我们必须把帐篷固定好。
2.限制,控制 control
When my father is in bad temper, no one can hold him down.我父亲发脾气时,没人能让他安静下来。
Hold down that noise! Mother is sleeping.声音小一点!妈妈在睡觉。
The government has done something to hold down food prices.政府已经采取措施控制食品价格上涨。
We must try to hold prices down.我们必须设法降低物价。
They were blamed for their failure to hold down expenditure.他们因未能缩减开支而受到责备。
3.镇压,压制,使屈服 keep at a low level or make to give in
They tried every means to hold down the workers on strike.他们采取一切手段镇压罢工工人。
How long can a small force of mercenaries hold down an entire people?一小股雇佣军能把整个人民压制多久呢?
You won't be able to hold such a man down.你是无法叫这样的人屈服的。
◇ 用于be ~ed 结构
The whole nation was held down by the cruel rule of the king.整个国家处于国王的残酷统治的压制之下。
hold forth(v.+adv.)
1.长篇大论地讲; 侃侃而谈 speak at length
▲hold forth
I've never seen anyone who could hold forth so long.我从没见过这么说话没完没了的人。
When we left the room he was still holding forth on his adventures.我们离开那房间时,他还在侃侃而谈他的历险记。
2.〈正〉给予; 提供 give or offer
▲hold forth sth
Senator Smith held forth a suggestion.史密斯参议员提出了一项建议。
hold in1(v.+adv.)
抑制,压抑 control (feelings, etc.); control oneself
▲hold oneself/sth ⇔in
He was so tempted to laugh that he could scarcely hold himself in.他太想笑了,几乎控制不住自己。
Jane was very much abused by the landlady, but she held in her temper.简被女房东狠狠地骂了一顿,但是她没有发脾气。
hold in2(v.+prep.)
〔说明〕 hold in通常不用于进行体。
▲hold sb/sth in sth
1.拿着; 抱住; 夹住 keep or support with a part of the body, especially with the hands
He held a magazine in his hand.他手里拿着一本杂志。
She held her baby in her arms.她抱着她的小孩。
She held the pen in her teeth.她把钢笔咬在嘴里。
2.托住; 支持住 keep in the stated position or condition
She was holding her face in her hands.她用双手托住脸。
3.以…对待 treat sb by sth
They all held him in ridicule.他们都讥笑他。
They all held him in great esteem.他们都很敬重他。
They held the imperialism in contempt.他们鄙视帝国主义。
◇ 用于be ~ed 结构
He is held in regard.人们不怎么尊敬他。
He was a bishop who was held in reverence by all.他是一位被大家都尊敬的主教。
A man who is cruel to his children should be held in contempt.虐待自己孩子的人应受鄙视。
The Prime Minister is held in the greatest respect.首相备受拥戴。
hold off(v.+adv.)
1.拖延,被拖延 fail to arrive; delay
▲hold off
The rain held off and they went out.雨没有下起来,他们外出了。
He held off for half an hour because of the rain.因为下雨,他晚了半个小时才动身。
If the rain holds off for a few days more, they can finish the planting.如果这场雨还能晚几天再下,他们的种植任务就可以完成了。
The storm has held off so far. Let's hope it will move away.现在风暴已延缓了,但愿它能过去。
▲hold sth ⇔off
Their attorney has promised to hold off legal action for another week.他们的律师已答应把诉讼再延迟一个星期。
They're holding off their decision because of changing conditions.由于情况变化,他们迟迟不作决定。
2.抵抗; 抗拒 resist
▲hold sb/sth ⇔off
A squad of our troops held off six attacks of a numerically superior enemy.我们部队的一个班打退了在人数上占优势的敌人的六次进攻。
We used five columns to hold off enemy reinforcements.我们使用了五个纵队来阻止敌人的增援部队。
3.使…疏远,使不接近 fail to arrive; cause to keep at a suitable distance ▲hold sb/sth ⇔off
Hold your cat off.把你的猫赶走。
Finally he came to realize it was his haughtiness that held people off.他终于意识到是他的傲慢态度使人不敢同他接近。
hold on(v.+adv.)
1.等一等,停一停 wait or stop
〔说明〕 hold on通常用于祈使句。
▲hold on
Hold on! I'd like some of that apple-pie too, you know!等会儿!你要知道我也想吃一些苹果派。
Hold on for a minute,I've just got to put on my makeup.等一会儿,我得化装一下。
2.抓紧不放 maintain a grip or footing
▲hold on
Hold on,Zhang Long!抓紧,张龙!
3.〈口〉别挂电话 wait (often on the telephone)
▲hold on
She told the speaker to hold on while she was going to call the man he wanted to speak to.她告诉说话的人不要挂电话,她就要去叫通话的人。
The operator asked the caller to hold on until a connection was made.接线员请打电话者不要挂断,等候电话接通。
4.坚持 persist
▲hold on
I'll stay in Mexico as long as my money holds on.只要我的钱还能维持一天,我就在墨西哥呆一天。
They were holding on, waiting for the reinforcement.他们仍然坚守,等待援军的到来。
It was rather hard to fulfil the task, but they held on and overfulfilled it.虽说完成任务是困难的,但是他们坚持干下去,结果超额完成了任务。
▲hold sth ⇔on
He was determined to hold on this job whatever difficulties he might run into.他下定决心,不管碰到什么困难,都要坚持做这工作。
I'm pleased to know that you still hold on a correspondence with her.听说你和她仍保持着通信联系,我很高兴。
hold onto(v.+prep.)
紧紧抓住,不卖出 grip tightly
▲hold onto sth
My child holds onto my hand tightly while we cross the street.横穿马路时,孩子紧拉着我的手不放。
It was so windy that I had to hold onto my hat all the way along the street.
How long can the climber hold onto the cliff?这个登山者能抓住悬崖多久? Don't panic, just hold onto that rock and I'll come to fetch you down.别怕,你只要抓住那岩石,我就接你下来。
The old man held onto his job stubbornly and would not retire.那老人倔强地不肯脱离工作岗位,不愿意退休。
You should hold onto your company and it will get better.别卖掉你的公司,它会好起来的。
You should hold onto your oil shares.你应当握紧你手中的石油股票,不要卖出。
hold out(v.+adv.)
1.伸出,张开 extend; stretch (sth such as a hand) forward
▲hold sth ⇔out
Hold your arms out.伸出手臂。
Seeing her son again after two years' absence,Mother held out her arms to embrace him.离家两年再次见到儿子时,母亲张开双臂拥抱他。
They held out the hand of friendship to me.他们向我伸出了友谊之手。
2.拿出,提出,提供 offer sth
▲hold sth ⇔out
She held out her new skirt for us to see.她把新裙子拿出来给我们看。
In his speech he held out a special example.他在讲话中举了一个很特别的例子。
Radio astronomy investigations seem to hold out the best hopes of obtaining such proof.射电天文学的调查研究似乎提供了获得此种证据的最大希望。
3.顶住,坚持 continue to resist
▲hold out
We must hold out till victory.我们必须坚持到胜利。
In spite of the earthquake damage, the residents are holding out in their determination to remain in their village.尽管地震造成了破坏,居民们还是决心不离开村子。
▲hold out against sth
Our troops cannot hold out much longer against the superior force of the enemy.面对敌人的优势我们的部队不可能坚持很久。
▲hold out for sth
The strikers held out for a raise of five cents an hour.罢工的人坚持要求每小时增加5分钱。
I hope this good weather will hold out for another week.我希望这好天气能再持续一个星期。
4.呈现 appear
▲hold out sth
This state of things holds out a cheerful prospect.事态呈现出可喜的前景。
5.隐瞒,保密 keep a secret from sb
▲hold out on sb/sth
I don't know why he's been holding out on me.我不知道他为何一直瞒着我。
Why didn't you tell me at once, instead of holding out on me?你为什么不立即告诉我,而瞒着我呢?
The police suspected him of holding out on information important to the case.警方怀疑他隐瞒了有关这件案子的重要情况。
hold over(v.+adv.)
1.推迟,延续 move to a later date
▲hold over
The meeting holds over until next week.会议延期至下星期召开。
The matter held over until the next meeting.这件事推迟到下次会上再讨论。
▲hold sth ⇔over
The judge said he would hold over the case till the next sitting of the court.法官说他将把这一案件推迟到下次开庭再审理。
As for the hero's fate,I will hold it over for my next book.关于主人公的命运问题,我将留到下一本书中再谈。
◇ 用于be ~ed 结构
The matter was held over until the next meeting.此事被延至下次会议解决。
2.保留,留用 continue using
▲hold sth ⇔over
Would you please hold over the rest of the goods?请将其余货物保存起来好吗?
3.继续上映 continue (a show) longer than originally planned
▲hold sth ⇔over
They are going to hold that movie over for a week again, it's very successful.他们打算把那部片子再继续上映一周,上座率非常好。
hold to(v.+prep.)
▲hold to sth
1.紧握 adhere; clasp
Hold firmly to the rail.紧紧抓住栏杆。
Hold to my hand while we cross the street.我们过马路时,你要抓住我的手。
2.坚持 persist in holding an opinion, principle, belief, etc.
The ship held to its course in spite of the storm.尽管遇上了暴风雨,轮船还是没有改变航向。
If we believe something is true and good, we should hold to it.如果我们认为一件事是正确的而且有好处,就应该坚持下去。
I've tried to tell him he's wrong, but he still holds to his original opinion.我试图让他知道自己错了,但他仍坚信原来的想法。
After considering various alternatives we decided to hold to our first plan.考虑了几种不同的可以采用的方案之后,我们决定仍用最初的计划。
I hold to what I have always said.我仍然坚持我一贯的说法。
hold together(v.+adv.)
把…结合在一起; 团结一致 remain firm or united, or be complete or consistent ▲hold together
I've tied up the parcel with string, but I'm afraid it won't hold together.我已把那个包用绳捆上了,只是怕捆不牢。
You can't be defeated as long as you hold together.只要你们团结起来,就不会被打败。
▲hold sth together
The country needs a leader who will hold the nation together.这个国家需要有一个能把全民族团结起来的领袖。
hold up(v.+adv.)
1.举起,抬起,拿起 raise or lift
▲hold sth ⇔up
Hold up your right hand.请举起右手。
She was holding up an umbrella when I saw her in the street.我在街上看到她时,她手里撑着把伞。
He held up the map so it could be seen more clearly.他举起地图,这样可以看得更清楚些。
They held their heads up.他们昂着头。
2.支持,支撑,承受住 support
▲hold up
Don't worry. The house will hold up.别担心,房子不会倒下来。
▲hold sth⇔up
I thought that no one else could hold up such pain.我认为任何别的人都忍受不住这样的疼痛。
3.拦住,使停顿,耽搁 obstruct or stop the progress of sb/sth
▲hold sb/sth ⇔up
Won't this hold up the field work?这会不会耽误农活?
Please step aside, my children! You are holding me up.孩子们,请站开点儿。
Two policemen held up a truck so as to inspect the driver's license.两个警察让一辆卡车停住以便检查司机的驾驶证。
◇ 用于be ~ed 结构
Traffic on the bridge was held up for several hours because of the accident.由于出了交通事故,桥上的交通受阻了好几个小时。
4.拦劫,抢劫 stop in order to rob
▲hold sb/sth ⇔up
The thief pointed a gun at Wendy and held her up.那个强盗拿枪逼着温蒂,抢走了她的东西。
Masked men held up a wages van in South London.蒙面人在伦敦南部抢劫了一辆运钞车。
◇ 用于be ~ed 结构
That bank has been held up three times.那家银行已遭劫三次。
5.举出,提出 show as an example
▲hold sb/sth ⇔up
Don't hold me up as a model.不要拿我当典型。
6.(天)继续晴下去,放晴 (the weather) continue to be fine
▲hold up
I hope that the fine weather will hold up for some more days.我希望晴天再持续几天。
The weather held up and the match was played on time.天气很好,比赛按时进行。
7.(情况)良好 (situation) be true
▲hold up
Everyone was doubtful at first, but his statement in detail held up.起初大家都怀疑,但他的详细叙述证明情况属实。
hold with(v.+prep.)
1.同意 approve of; agree with
〔说明〕 hold with通常不用于进行体。
▲hold with sth
Why did you go with them if you don't hold with their plan?如果你不同意他们的计划,你为什么和他们一起去呢?
I don't hold with these modern ideas.我不赞成这些新观念。
I don't hold with the idea of postponing further discussion of the matter.
▲hold sth with sb
I hold with you that young people should dare to think, speak and act.我
2.容忍 put up with
▲hold with sb
I can't hold with him, he's insupportable.我不能容忍他,他简直使人受不了。
· 句型例句
I hope the fine weather holds until they arrive home, at least.我希望这好天气至少持续到他们到家。
Winter still holds.冬天还没有过去。
How long will this fine weather hold?这种好天气能持续多久?
Will the coal hold through the voyage?煤够全部航程使用吗?
Will the rope hold?这绳子不会断吧?
How long will the anchor hold?这锚能稳住多久?
These nails will not hold.这些钉子经不住。
The rule doesn't hold in this case.在这种情况下这条规则不适用。
The contract still holds.合同仍然有效。
What he said still holds.他说的话仍然有效。
The weather holds fine.天气依旧晴朗。
The weather will hold warm.天气会一直暖和下去。
I fear this fine weather won't hold long.我担心这种天气不会持久。
The sellers hold firm.卖方毫不让价。
Prices hold comparatively firm.物价保持相对稳定。
This colour will hold fast.这种颜色是不会褪色的。
The enemy attacked fiercely, but the line held firm.敌人发动了疯狂的攻击,但我们的阵地是稳固的。
The argument does not hold good.论据不能成立。
The contract holds good for three years.这合同有效期三年。
Does the principle still hold good?这一原则还有效吗?
This principle holds good only in this place.这条规则仅在这个地方有效。
This rule doesn't always hold good.这条规则并不是永远适用的。
Your remarks do not hold good in this case.你的话在这个场合不适用。
It holds good for any place.它适用于任何地方。
This rule holds true in every case.这一规则适用于任何情况。
Do you think these regulations still hold true?你认为这些规章仍然适用吗? This proposition holds true no matter how you apply it.不管你怎样应用它,这个设想是正确的。
We will hold responsible for their safety.我们将对他们的安全负责。
They must hold fully responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom.他们必须对由此产生的后果负完全的责任。
Do you think who are to hold responsible for this state of affairs?这样的局面你看应由谁负责?
Hold the baby a minute, please.请把孩子抱一下。
They held me so that I could not move.他们抓住了我,我一点儿也动弹不了。
She held me by the sleeve.她抓着我的袖子。
The girl was holding her father's hand.那女孩握住她父亲的手。
We held each other's hand, not knowing what to say.我们握住彼此的手,不知说什么好。
You should hold the rail, it is dangerous here.这里太危险了,你应抓紧护栏。
The police held the thief.警察抓住了小偷。
She holds a pen, thinking.她握着笔思考着。
The lifeguard held the drowning man's head above water.救生员把溺水者的头托出水面。
He held the pipe between his teeth while he was typing.他打字的时候,用嘴叼住烟斗。
She was holding her sides with laughter.她捧腹大笑。
There is no holding him.没办法约束他。
Hold the dogs so the strangers can pass.把几条狗管住,陌生人才好过路。
She tried hard to hold her tears.她极力忍住眼泪。
Hold your breath under water.在水下要屏住呼吸。
We held our breath in the dark, for fear of being discovered.我们在黑暗中
They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.他们会把你的行李保存在车站等你去取。
He held that appointment for two years.那个职务他担任了两年。
They shall hold office until the next regular election.他们的职务将担任至下届正式选举为止。
They don't hold the power to hire or fire at will.他们没有雇用或随意解雇的权力。
The State Council holds the executive power.国务院掌握行政权力。
He has held the political power for ten years.他掌握的政治权力已有10年了。
He holds the rights to hunt on this land.他有在这片地上狩猎的权利。
In our country people are encouraged to hold their views and express them in the open.我国鼓励人们持有自己的观点并公开讲出来。
He holds some strange ideas.他有一些奇怪的想法。
His friends hold a high opinion of him.他的朋友们对他评价很高。
My car holds four people comfortably.我的车子能舒服地坐四个人。
This bus can hold about fifty people.这辆公共汽车大约能坐50人。
The stadium holds sixty thousand people.这个体育场能容纳6万人。
The jar holds water.坛子装满了水。
Sea-water holds many salts in solution.海水中溶有多种盐。
The higher the temperature, the warmer the air, and the more water vapor it can hold.温度越高,空气越热,它所含的水汽就越多。
This nail won't hold such a heavy mirror.这个钉子挂不住这么重的一面镜子。
We'll have to use large screws to hold that shelf in place.我们得用大螺丝钉来固定那块搁板。
Yesterday we held a meeting to discuss our plan.昨天我们开会讨论计划。
That evening they held a feast in honour of some foreign guests.那天晚上他们设宴招待外宾。
The strikers held demonstrations to demand better working conditions.罢工的人举行示威要求改善工作条件。