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theorem 原理,定理v.s. theory
methodology 方法论(method)
physiology 生理学(physiological)
psychiatry 精神病学psychology, psycho, psychosis, psychoanalysis correlation 相互关系correlation coefficient
sensation 感觉,知觉(另)轰动sensational
perception 感知,认知
intuition 知觉(intuitive)
ESP 第六感(Extrasensory Perception)
motivate 激励à motivation (^ bonus, commission, …)
incentive 激励因素
stimulus 刺激à stimulate, stimulation
disorder 紊乱,失调
dysfunction 机能障碍dys(=dis) + function
dissonance 不和谐,不一致dis + son(sound) +ance
trauma 创伤(traumatic)the trauma caused by Sept. 11
anxiety 焦虑(= anxiousness)
depression 沮丧(de + press + ion)~ depressedv.s. repression (压抑) insomnia 失眠
phobia 恐惧(症) suffix: -phobia
acrophobia acronym: IELTS, TOEFL…
enophobia a fear of foreigners or strangers
claustrophobia a fear of being closed in a confined place
allergy 过敏(症),反感( allergic)He is allergic to card playing. propensity Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery.= tendency, inclination
paranoid 偏执的paranoia (偏执狂)
workaholic 工作狂( alcoholic)
symptom 症状
diagnosis 诊断(n.) diagnose (v.)Arthur Haily: “The Final Diagnosis”electroencephalogram 脑电图^ electrocardiogram (心电图)
assertive 武断的( assert)
therapy 治疗法group therapy
hypnotism 催眠术(~ hypnotize)
prescribe 开药方v.s. subscribe, describe, inscribeà prescription: ~ drugs antidepressant 抗抑郁药
tranquilizer 镇静药( tranquil)
side-effect (+s) 副作用
immune 免疫的,免除的( immunity)
rehabilitation 复原,康复
relapse 旧病复发,故态复萌v.s. elapse 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜!
chronic 慢性的
adolescence 青春期(the time of life between puberty and adulthood) emotional <>rational
affective 情感的( affection)
sane 神智健全的insane
superstition 迷信superstitious
telepathy 传心术,通灵术tele(far away) + pathy(heart)^ numerology, palmistry
apathy 无感情,无兴趣,冷漠(= indifference) sympathy: sym(same) + pathy
pathology 病理学,病理,病变
delusion 迷惑,欺瞒v.s. illusion
disorientation 迷失(dis + orientation)~ disoriented
pervert 使反常/变态反常/变态者perversion
introspection 内省v.s. retrospection (回顾,反省)
sublimation 纯化,升华 sublime
personality = personal characteristicsmultiple personality (多重人格)
innate 天赋的in + nate(nature)= inborn, congenital
attribute 属性(à attributable)
trait 特征,品质national traits 国民性vs. traitor
ubiquitous 普遍存在的= omnipresent (omniscient, omnipotent)
versatile (人)多才多艺的,(物)通用的à versatility
alchemy 炼金术
transmute 变形,变质transmute silver into gold (!)
arduous 艰巨的(=strenuous)an arduous task
pitfall 陷阱,未预见之困难
metallurgy 冶金
alloy 合金
aluminum = aluminium (BE)^ calcium, uranium, radium ,copper, brass, bronze
electrode 电极
distill 蒸馏distilled water
quartz 石英
phosphorus 磷,磷光物质
inflammable 易燃的( flame)
combustion 燃烧(combustible)spontaneous combustion (white phosphorus) ceramic 陶瓷的瓷器(ceramics)
insulate 隔离,绝缘insulator (<>conductor=
fiber 纤维(BE: fibre)fiber optics (纤维光学)
optics 光学(à optical)
retina 视网膜
iris 虹膜
opaque 不透明的v.s. transparent, translucent
microprocessor 微处理器^ CPU(Central Processing Unit), chip
binary 二进制的
integrate integration ,integrated circuit (IC), system integration (SI)
buffer 缓冲区buffer storage
browser 浏览器( IE, Netscape)
hypertext 超文本
envisage 想象,看作en + vis(see) + age be envisaged as
momentous (极为)重要的v.s. momentary
reticular 网状的
Ethernet 以太网
domain 域domain names
cyberlaw 网络法律“cyber-“: Internet relatedcyberlove, cybercafe, …
patent 专利( patented)v.s. copyright, ^ pirated software/VCD’s chronological 按时间顺序的“chron”: time^ chronic, chronicle, chronograph robot 机器人(“肉包它”) robotics
artificial 人造的,做作的artificial satellite/smile
cone 圆锥体,锥形物the nose cone of a missile
Jupiter 木星Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn
exorbitant 过度的,过分的,过高的ex(out) + orbit + ant
centripetal 向心(力)的<>centrifugal
high-rise 高楼(~ skyscraper)
cathedral 大教堂
dome 圆顶(a hemispherical roof)
infrastructure 基础设施<>superstructure
sewage 污水,下水道
hydraulic 水力的,水压的
landfill 垃圾掩埋(地)
ventilation 通风
thermostat 温控器thermo(hot) + stat(steady)^ thermos, thermometer,
prefabricate 预先制造prefab (预制的)
polytechnic 各种工艺的理工学校Hong Kong Polytechnic
geometric 几何(学)的geometry, geo(land) + metry(measure)
asymmetry 不对称a(not) + sym(same) + metry(↑)<>symmetry
concave 凹的<>convex=
bilateral 双边的,两方面的<>unilateral
paradoxical “似非而是”的paradox (悖论)
empirical 经验的empirical law/formula
clockwise 顺时针的(<>anticlockwise
accommodation (膳宿)供应= room and board
lodging 寄宿(处)
lease 出租“for lease”, “to let”v.s. rent
tenant 房客,佃户
landlord 房东àlandlady(f)ßLord, <>tenant ,housemate ~ roommate, dormmate, schoolmate, classmate
dormitory 寝室(abbrev. dorm)
au pair A young foreigner who lives with a family in return for doing light housework (另) = reciprocal
reciprocal 相互的,互惠的
hostel youth hostel~ hotel
real estate 房地产
vicinity = neighborhood
flat 平的,瘪的flat tire公寓(= apartment)^ condo, studio
bond = deposit
linen 亚麻的亚麻织品,床单(= bed linen)
utensil 器皿
stationery 文具(v.s. stationary)
laundry 洗衣,洗衣店
cafeteria 自助餐厅~ canteen
cater 满足(需要)
aerobics 有氧健身操“aero”: air
badminton 羽毛球(运动)
baseball 棒球baseball bat
squash 壁球(运动)
amateur <>professional
gathering 聚会v.s. meeting, reunion
excursion 远足(= outing, expedition)
commonwealth 共和国,联邦Commonwealth: 英联邦
tertiary 第三的After purchasing a house and a car, the next major life
expenditure is almost certainly the cost of tertiary education. primary à secondary à tertiary
post-secondary “post”: afterpostgraduate, postdoctoral, post-sale, postwar
illiterate 文盲不识字的il(no) + literate(words)à illiteracy (<>literacy=discipline 学科,纪律v.s. subject
terminology 术语
faculty department and staff of a college/university
dean (大学)教务长
curriculum 课程(= course)à extracurricular 课外的
syllabus 课程提纲
calendar 日历,日程(~ schedule, agenda, timetable)
compulsory 强制的,必修的<>elective (选修的)
examiner <>examinee^ take/sit, pass/get through, fail, retake/resit
recruit 招生,招募recruitment= enroll
prestige 声望,威信à prestigious
esteem 尊敬(n. & v.)your esteemed school/company
aptitude 智力SAT: School Aptitude Test
matriculation 录取入学
vocation 职业(= calling, occupation, career) à vocational
vocational education
TAFE Technical And Further Education (Australian)
abbreviation 缩略(词)~ abridge (缩短,删节)
transferable (学分等)可转换的
scholarship 奖学金= fellowship
tutorial 辅导(课)ß tutor (= lecturer, instructor)
pedagogue 教员,学究~ pedagogy (教育学,教学法) demagogue (政治煽动家) lexicography 词典编撰(à lexicographer)
assignment 任务,(课外)作业
dissertation 论文(= thesis)
credential 证明,文凭“cred”: creditlinguistic credentials
alumni 校友(男)<>alumnae
overestimate 高估(<>underestimate=
decipher 解码,解释(= decode)decipher workplace culture
caliber 才干
homogeneous 同质的homo + gene +ous(<>heterogeneous=^ homosexual, heterosexual
mainstream 主流主流的
dialect 方言(v.s. accent)
discrepancy 差异
misconception 误解(mis + concept + ion)= misunderstanding
barrier 障碍(物)~ bar, = barricade
discrimination 区别,歧视racial/sexual discriminationß discriminate (+against) hierarchy 等级制度heir + arch(govern) + y
insularity 岛国性质(ß insular, ^island) .
microcosm 小天地micro + cosm(os)
nostalgia = homesickness
patriot 爱国者(<>traitor=à patriotic, patriotism
compatriot 同胞同胞的com + patriot
vernacular 本地的,本国的本地话,本国话the vernacular languages of India Hispanic An American whose first language was Spanish
immigration 移入~ immigrant, immigratev.s. emigration (~ emigrant, emigrate) antipodes Any two places or regions on diametrically opposite sides
of the Earth“from North America to the Antipodes”
permeate 渗透,弥漫Smoke permeated the house.
entrepreneur 企业家(~ enterprise)à entrepreneurship
practitioner 开业者,从业者praction(practice) + er
celebrity a famous person= luminary, VIP
proxy 代理人
anecdote 轶事(à anecdotal)
notoriety 恶名(ß notorious)
counterpart 对应人,对等物Who’s George Bush’s counterpart in China
counterculture, counterbalance
peer 同等的人凝视,窥视(~ peep)
subordinate 下级下级的<>superior
tactics 战术,技巧v.s. strategy (战略,策略) marketing strategy v.s. selling tactics
nuance a subtle difference in meaning
benchmarking 类比分析
punctual 准时的,守时的(à punctuality)
absenteeism 旷工absent à absentee à absenteeism
flextime 弹性工作时间flex(flexible) + time
harass 骚扰(à harassment)Mary said that Gary had sexually harassed her. redundancy 冗余,冗员network redundancy
downsize 裁员(~ lay off)
ballot 投票(= vote)
impartial 不偏不倚的(<>partial=
lobby 大堂(n.) 游说(v.)
shortlist (BE) a list of applicants who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen à (v.)
equilibrium 平衡,均衡
questionnaire 调查表,问卷
quantitative 定量的(<>qualitative=
contingency 偶然性,偶然事件
incur 招致incur debts/hatred/dangerv.s. occur, concur, recur
ethical 伦理的,符合伦理的~ ethics, <>unethical
dubious 疑惑的,可疑的(~ doubt)People were dubious about the result. manifestation 显示,证明(ß manifest)
subtitle 字幕,副标题(sub + title)^ subsidiary, submarine, subway (BE: underground, tube), suburb(~ downtown, uptown, outskirts) dubbing 配音录制
vogue 时尚^ chic
bizarre 奇异的v.s. weird (怪异的)
mediocre 平庸的
dietitian 饮食学家(~ diet)
connoisseur 行家,鉴赏家^ entrée, a la carte
molecule 分子à molecular
cell cellular
amino à amino acids (氨基酸)
protein 蛋白质
enzyme 酶(proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in
specific biochemical reactions)
catalyst 催化剂
chlorophyll 叶绿素“chloro-”: Cl
photosynthesis 光合作用(photo + synthesis)à photosynthetic
botany 植物学(<>zoology=à botanist, botanical
flora 植物群
fauna 动物群
bacterium bacteria (pl.) 细菌
fungus fungi (pl.) 真菌
algae alga (pl.) 海藻
herb à herbal: ~ teaà herbicide (^ insecticide, pesticide)
carnation 康乃馨à reincarnation
fade 凋谢,褪色
organism 机体,组织ß organ
arthropod 节肢动物v.s. anthropoid (↓)
reptile 爬行动物
amphibian 两栖动物
mammal 哺乳动物(ß mamma!)
primate 灵长目动物
evolution 进化(ß evolve)
anthropoid 类人猿(“anthrop”: humankind)~ anthropology, philanthropy v.s.
ape, gorilla, chimpanzee
gene 基因^ DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)~ genome (基因组)
genetics 遗传学(à genetical)
helix 螺旋,螺旋壮物… analyze every single gene within the double helix of humanity’s DNA
identical 同一的~ identity (à ID card)^ clone
mutation 突变gene mutationà mutable, immutable, mutant
predator 捕食者(<>prey=
embryo 胚胎à embryonic (萌芽的)
roe 鱼子>>>caviar (鱼子酱)
tadpole 蝌蚪>>>frog, toad (^ told)
caterpillar 毛毛虫(cater + pillar)The American Company: Caterpillar (CAT) grasshopper 蚱蜢,蝗虫(= locust)grass + hopper, ^ bellhop
cricket 蟋蟀(另)板球
butterfly v.s. moth^ dragonfly, firefly
pollen 花粉传粉à pollinate, pollination
hive 蜂房>>>honey, ^ concoction
larva larvae (pl.) 幼虫v.s. lava
pupa 蛹à pupate
penguin 企鹅v.s. dolphin (海豚)
raccoon 浣熊v.s. kangaroo (袋鼠)
hibernate 冬眠(=hole up)
torpid 麻木的,蛰伏的v.s. torpedo (鱼雷)
cerebral (大)脑的
hemisphere 半球(hemi + sphere)
cortex 脑皮层
migraine 偏头疼ß migrant
somatic 躯体的
limb 四肢upper/lower limb
anatomy 解剖,剖析
paralyze 使瘫痪(=incapacitate, immobilize)
artery 动脉(<>vein=
gland 腺体
pancreas 胰
hormone 荷尔蒙,激素
cholesterol 胆固醇
efficacy 功效v.s. efficiency, effectiveness
conservation 保护,保存(ß conserve)v.s. conversation
environmentalist = conservationist
acid 酸酸的(<>alkali=acid rain
carbon 碳(C) v.s. charcoal (炭)carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide
fume exhaust fumesv.s. smoke, fog, smog
petroleum 石油à petrol (BE) = gasoline/gas (AE)à unleaded petrol/gas
ozone 臭氧(o + zone)ozone layer
ooze 渗出渗出物
radiation 辐射ultraviolet(UV) radiation~ radioactive
greenhouse 温室greenhouse effect/gases
solar 太阳的(solar energy)^ lunar (lunar calendar)
phenomenon 现象
catastrophe = disaster, cataclysm
deterioration 恶化(ß deteriorate)
extinction 灭绝(ß extinct)
species endangered species
drought 干旱(^ “找它”)>>>famine v.s. flooding
recurrent 反复发生的re + (oc)cur + rentv.s. concurrent
inundate 淹没^ “淹掉它”
embankment 筑堤(em + bank + ment)
sediment 沉积(物)= deposit
delta 三角洲the Pearl River Delta
alluvial 冲积的
desertification (v.s. dessert)
dust-storm 沙尘暴^ thunderstorm, brainstorm
barren 贫瘠的,不育的,无效的
dune sand dune the game “DUNE”!
attributable 归因于be attributable to…
deforestation 滥砍滥伐(森林)de + forest + ation<>afforestation/reforestation log 原木,日志伐木v.s. logo
vegetation 植物,植被v.s. vegetable, vegetarian
habitat 栖息地ß habit (Habit is the second nature.)
ecosystem 生态系统(eco + system)~ ecology
viability ß viable “vi”: life养育能力One tool for assessing the impact of
forestry on the ecosystem is population viability analysis. demographic 人口统计的demo(people) + graph(write) + ic interdependence inter + dependence
counterbalance 使平衡,弥补(=offset)counter(against) + balance
mechanism 机理,机制
precipitation 陡降,降水(ß precipice)<>evaporation
circulation 流通,循环
tide à tidal wave (海啸)<>ebb <<<earthquake
typhoon ~ tornado, hurricane
meteorology 气象(学)
volcano 火山
eruption 喷发(ß erupt)volcanic eruption >>>lava
granite 花岗岩
imminent = impending v.s. eminent
Celsius 摄氏的37OCv.s. centigrade
Fahrenheit 华氏的
latitude 纬度(另) longitude, altitude
tropical ß (the) tropicstropical/torrid zone, temperate zone, frigid zone glacier 冰川
dump 倾倒,倾销à anti-dumping
contaminate 弄脏(à contaminant)
recycle 回收再利用
irreversible 不可逆的(= irrevocable)
reclaim 开垦,改造à reclamation
contentious 有争议的(ß contend)Many environmental issues today are highly contentious.
opt 选择(+ for) à option
prioritize 优先考虑(ß prior, priority)
mental hospital 精神病医院clinic诊所
physician/internist 内科医生oculist/eye doctor眼科医生
surgon 外科医生dentist牙医vet兽医shrink心理医生symptom 症状
have/catch a cold 感冒
have a sore throat 嗓子痛
have a stomachache 胃痛
have a fever 发烧
pneumonia 肺炎
flu 流感
have a cough 咳嗽
have a headache头痛
have a toothache牙痛
liver trouble 肝炎
allergy 过敏症
feel dizzy 头晕
feel chilly 觉得发冷
asthma 哮喘
vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐
叮叮小文库have a stuffed nose鼻子不通
stiff neck脖子发僵
yellow fever黄热病
hay fever枯草热
preventive injection预防针
cold cure感冒药
sweating medicine发汗药
case history病历
take one's temperature量体温
see a doctor看病
send for a doctor请医生
feel one's pulse量脉搏
take one's blood pressure量血压
give a prescription开药方
have an operation 动手术
make an appointment预约
make a reservation预定confirm a reservation确认预定
cancel one's reservation取消预定frist come,frist serve先到先服务原则
fare票价toll通行费saver ticket优惠票open ticket开放机票
one-way ticket单程票round-trip ticket往返票
airport tax机场税duty-free shop免税店
excess charge超重vacant seat空座
direct/non-stop flight直达航班connecting-flight转机
frist class头等仓business class商务仓
economy class经济仓van中巴
shuttle bus班车airport limousine机场大巴
scenic spot景点extra charge/surcharge附加费
fulling-booked满了seat arrangement/assignment定座
E.T.A(estimated time of arrival)预计到达时间
E.T.D(estimated time of departure)预计起飞时间
I'd like to book______________________?
I'd like to order_____________________?
Waht hour are you open________________?
waht time do you open/close___________?
bank book/pass book存折open an account开户
earn interest赚取利息savings account储蓄存款帐户
current account活期存款帐户check/cheque account支票帐户
deposit account定期存款帐户annual interest rate年利率
monthly savings account按月计息帐户daily interest account按天计息帐户instant account速成户头service charge服务费/手续费
signature card签名卡draw/withdraw提款
order check/cheque记名支票rubber check/cheque空头支票
blank check/cheque空白支票exchange rate汇率
denomination=face value面额four in hundred四张一百元面额
give the money in fives/tens换成五元或十元面额
amount in figures小写金额amount in words大写金额
credit card信用卡the balance of your bank account帐户余额
traveler’s check/chque旅行支票coin硬币
dime(美、加)的十分硬币unit 货币单位
commercial/merchant bank商业银行full refund全额偿还
pay slip/envelop薪水单a princely sum(an excessive amount)巨款mortgage抵押by installment分期付款
apply for/grant_______a loan申请/批准贷款
fill out/in填写chquebook/checkbook支票簿
loan贷款joint account联名帐户
expense account公款支付帐户cashier收银员
money order汇票accountant会计
I’d like to open a_____________account.
I’d like to check the present balance in ___________account.
I’d like to apply for a personal loan.
I’d like to change(兑换)___________for_____________.
What’s the current rate?
How would you like to receive your change(零钱)?
head of the faculty Faculty
head of the division Division
chairman Department
register/enrole(登记、报到) 一般会student union office
opening ceremony(开学典礼)
orientation meeting(介绍会)指学校综合情况
basic course基础课specialized course专业课
required course必修课optional/selective course选修课
kindergarten幼儿园elementary education初等教育
secondary education中等教育higher education高等教育
叮叮小文库adult education成人教育open admission免试入学制
day-care center幼儿园(美)nursery school托儿所
primary/elementary school小学(英/美)
secondary school中学coeducation男女生同校制度
junior high school初中senior high school高中
attached middle school附中technical school技校
polytechnic institute理工学院/科技大学key school重点中学
graduate school研究生院open university夜大、函大
private school私立学校public school公立学校
universal education普及教育educationist/educator教育家
undergraduate本科Alma Mater母校
auditor=guest student旁听生
boarder住宿生open-book exam开卷考
pop test抽考orientation program新生训练
teaching facilities教学设施assistantship助学金
scholarship奖学金room and board食宿
period of schooling学习年限credit system学分制
mark/score/grade分数schedule=school timetable课程表
individual study自习individual coaching=tutorial个别指导
English evening英语晚会after-school activities课外活动
social investigation社会调查voluntary labor义务劳动
graduation appraisal毕业评估
graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼
diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书
drop out辍学quit school退学
school discipline校纪attendance/participation出勤率
attend a lecture上课miss a class缺课
cut a class旷课expel sb from school开除
tuition学费miscellaneous expenses杂费
a grant-aided student领助学金的学生lecture portfolio讲义夹
report card成绩单final-examination期末考核
quiz小测验oral test口试
associate diploma专科证书Bachelor学士
Master硕士Doctor of Philosophy博士
associate professor副教授lecturer讲师
course arrangement课程按排application form申请表
school of Arts and Sciences文理学院
letter of recommendation表扬信
journal周记office hour教授与学生面谈时间
catalogue(under titles/authors/subjects)目录
reference stacks 书库
delivery desk/circulation desk借书台
call slip 借书单(索书单)
check out 登记并借出
charge out 把、、、、借出来
library card/admission card 借书卡
date slip/deadline/date of expiry 期限
due 应付费
overdue and pay a fine 过期并交罚款
borrow 向、、、、、、、借
lend 借给、、、、人
renew 续借
available 可获得的
out on loan 借出的
reserve/book 预借
closed reserved 只读不借
in circulation 在书库里
out circulation 借走了
not for circulation不外借
classification 分类
bibliography 书目(籍者检索目录)
on the shelf 在书架上
newspaper 报纸
journal 日报
periodical(magazines and journals)定期刊物
current/back issues现今/以后发行
category 种类
return in time 及时归还
interlibrary service图书馆际服务
open/closed shelves开架/闭架书库
librarian 图书馆长。