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第一部分: 英汉句子互译。占课程总成绩的10%。 第二部分: 文章翻译(英译汉)占课程总成绩的30%。
具体试卷结构说明及样题详见《期末考试复 习。》
英语中有许多词一词多义,其所表达的各个意义,分别与汉语中 几个不同的词或词组对应。 如hard这个词,除在一般情况下,它与汉语的“坚硬的”对应 外,还具有许多其他词义。如:
他早晨起得很早,为的是可以有时间给他 姑妈担水扫院子。
四次大作业 (主客观题均有)
The Second Class
1. Now we have solved the problem and have arrived at the same conclusion as they arrive at.
翻译课程Unit 1-2
教学课件、任务的发布、任务提交地址为北京 电大学习平台,网址是,同 时《形成性考核任务安排表》《形考任务评价 标准》也挂在该平台上的考核说明栏目下。
终结性考试占课程总成绩的50%,90分钟, 纸笔考试,闭卷,学生允许携带辞典。
上来。 这地方实在漂亮,所以许多人都把他们的家小搬来
Here ends the diary of Dr. Watson.
• Little did I then know the meaning of war and what it was in reality.
1. His superior grades at high school enabled him to enroll at the tuition-free College of the City of New York.
2. That he will come to the discussion is certain.
Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life.
The fact that she was able to send a message was a hint. But I had to be cautious.
Formality has always characterized their relationship.
1. Hard rocks 坚硬的岩石 2.a hard blue 一种刺目的蓝色 3.Hard drugs 易成瘾的烈性毒品 4.hard sounds 清音 5.Hard currency 通货 6.hard water 水质较硬的水 7.hard evidence 确凿的证据
8. a hard winter 一个严寒的冬天 9. Hard times 艰难的岁月 10. hard on somebody 对某人很严厉 11.A hard smile 一个冷酷的微笑 12. think hard 认真地思考 13. hard work 辛苦的工作 14. a hard question 一个难回答的问题
In the early dawn, the guard towers were silhouetted against the sky. 黎明时,天空映出了瞭望塔的轮廓。
The blockade was a success. 封锁很成功。
英语和汉语在词的搭配能力方面往往有差异。因 此,为了使译文语言规范,译者有必要注意这 种差异,译文中词的搭配必须符合汉语习惯。
He wore dark glasses, and thick jersey, and stopped up his ears with cotton wool.
8.下课 finish the class 9 下列 listed below 10 下坡路 the downhill path 11 下棋 play chess 12 下属 subordinate 13 下乡 go the countryside 14 下旬 the last ten-day period of a month 15 下意识 sub-consciousness
“来啦” 她转身蹦着跳着地跑了,越过草 地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门 廊。
Party officials worked long hours on meager粗 陋的food, in cold caves, by dim lamps.
党的干部吃简陋的饮食,住寒冷的窑洞,靠 微弱的灯光,长时间地工作。

• Let’s work harder so that we may fulfilled our plan ahead of schedule.
让我们更加努力工作,以便能提前完成计 划。
He got up early in the morning in order that he might have time to fetch water and sweep the yard for his aunt.
the enemy’s reinforcement troops came up. 3. This place is really beautiful, and many people
bring their wives and families out here to live.
我刚上火车,车就开了。 我们的队伍已经走得很远了,敌人的增援部队才赶
Some Americans pop across the border simply to fuel up on flavorful Mexican food and beer.
一些美国人越过国境线,只是为了吃点可口的墨西哥 食物,喝点墨西哥啤酒。
John did not distinguish himself as a student, but he was very active in class.
Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young man’s past wrong doings.
Independent Thinking is an absolute necessity in study.
我未必会教你游泳,我想教我的小弟弟比我教的 好。
约翰当年并不是出色的学生,但他在班上很 活跃。
Modern science and technology are developing rapidly.
Then with a bag of toys and books we walked across the garden in the gray light of the dawn.
Robin Hood and his merry men hated the rich and loved and protected the poor. 罗宾汉和他的伙伴们痛恨阔人,热爱并保护 穷人。
Stevenson was eloquent and elegant-but soft. 有口才,有风度,但很软弱。 The Wilde family were religious. 王尔德全家都是虔诚的教徒。 They were considered insincere. 他们被人认为是伪君子。
2. u, Phyl, but everybody else.
现在我们已经解决了这个问题,并且得出 了和他们相同的结论。
我就是恨所有的人。不,不是你,菲儿, 我恨其他所有的人。
Nothing has happened since we parted.
As he is a perfect stranger in the city, I hope you will give him the necessary help.
他对这个城市完全陌生,所以我希望你能给他必要 的帮助。
They did their best to help the sick and the wounded. 他们进了最大的努力帮助病号和伤员。
4. He was a regular visitor.
5. He has already made mention of the matter in his speech.
在和儿子谈话时,老人宽恕了年轻人过去所干的 坏事
“coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.
To them, he personified the absolute power.
医生们说他们不敢肯定能否得了他的命. 她能够给我带个信儿这件事就是个暗示.但是我必须小心谨慎.
他们之间的关系,有一个特点,就是以礼相待. 在他们看来,他就是绝对权威的化身.
Most U.S. spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earth’s atmosphere after completing their mission.
A jeep, full, sped fast, drenching me in spray.
我们提着一口袋玩具和书籍,在晨曦中穿 过了花园。
一辆坐满人的吉普车急驶而过,溅了我一 身水。
观察下列短语,注意汉语中词的多义性。 1.下班 get off the work 2.下半辈子 the latter half of the one’s life 3.下策 a stupid move 4. 下厨房 go to the kitchen 5 下蛋 lay eggs 6 下饭 go well with rice 7 下岗 go off sentry duty
3. The question is whether we can finish our work by tomorrow evening.
由于在中学成绩优异,他进入了免费的纽约市立大 学。
他肯定会来参加讨论的。 问题在于我们能不能在明晚以前完成这项工作。
1. Hardly had I got aboard when the train started. 2. Our men had gone quite a distance off before
1. An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs.
2. A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained from here.
3. He is no smoker, but his father is a chainsmoker.
Suppose we can’t get the necessary equipment, what shall we do?
He would be a rash man if he should venture to forecast the results of this event. (后置)
我们分别之后,一直没有发生什么事情。 假定我们弄不到必要的设备,那怎么办? 如果有人敢于预言此事的结果,那他一定是
I am afraid I can’t teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I.