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Sure, human dads can play catch and help with homework, but can they give birth? Daddy sea horses can! This Father's Day, while you're showing respect to your dad, remember some of the best dads in the world can also be found in the animal kingdom.
Sea Horses: The "Mr. Moms" of the marine world, male sea horses, carry up to 2,000 fertilized eggs in pouches in their stomachs until they hatch. Even after the babies are bor n, they stay in side the pouch until they are ready to ven ture out on their own.
Microhylid Frogs: Buy these dads a n Baby on Board" sign to put on their backs! These froggy fathers from New Guinea play piggyback once their babies hatch from their eggs. One by one, the dad lets as many as 24 froglets climb onto his back for a family road trip. He hops about 50 feet each night, and one by one, his kids jump off along the way to begin new lives of their own.
Darwirfs Rheas: Thought your dad was overprotective? Darwin's rhea, also known as South American ostriches (鸵鸟),are so protective of their children that they routinely rush cowboys on horseback and have even been known to attack small airplanes on the ground if they get too close to their brood!
Marmosets: These little mon keys do everythi ng but Lamaze class (心'理助产课)! Dedicated dads assist during labor by biting off the umbilical cord (脐带)and cleaning up the afterbirth. They also let Mom get some R&R(rest & recreation) by taking care of the kids when they're not nursing.
Sand Grouse: Talk about sponging off Dad! These pigeolike birds live in areas where water is sparse, so fathers fly as many as 50 miles to get water for their kids. After they soak up the water in their breast feathers, they fly home and let their chicks suckle the moisture from their bodies.
Fathers of the an imal kin gdom are not that d iff ere nt from our own beloved dads. This Father's Day, when you are honoring your dad, honor animal dads, too, by practicing kindness and compassion toward all animals.
1.The passage is mainly written to _________ .
A.introduce to us some unusual animals
B.distinguish between human and animal dads
C.raise our awareness of animal protection
D.praise animal dada for their sacrifices



2.Among these animal dads, which have the ability to fly?
A.Microhylid Frogs.
B. Sea Horses.
C. DarwirVs Rheas.
D. Sand Grouses.

由倒数第二段"Sand Grouse: Talk about sponging off Dad! These pigeon-like birds live in areas where water is sparse, so fathers fly as many as 50 miles to get water for their kids."可知,D 选项为正确答案。

3.What these an imals have in comm on is that ______ .
A.they carry their young to wherever they please
B.they're all devoted to their children
C.they're overprotective of their children
D.they help their wives clean up the afterbirth


4.When Microhylid Frogs play piggyback, they _________ .
A.let their kids ride on their back
B. attack cowboys with their back
C. carry their babies inside a pouch
D. help their wife during the labor


由第三段^Microhylid Frogs: ...One by one, the dad lets as many as 24 froglets climb onto his back for a family road trip."可知,Microhylid



There were smiling children all the way. Charily they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway, wave to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards Penang・ Often whole families stood outside their homes and waved and smiled as if those on the trains were their favorite relatives・ This is the simple village people of Malaysia. I was moved.
I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car, so this was the first time I was on a train. I did not particularly relish the long train journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread. I looked about the train. There was not one familiar face. 1 sighed and sat down to read my Economics ・It was not long before the train was across the Causeway and in Malaysia. Johore Baru was just another city like Singapore, so I was tired of looking at the crowds of people as they hurried past. As we went beyond the city, I watched the straight rows of rubber trees and miles and miles of green. Then the first village came into sight, Immediately I came alive; I decided to wave back・
From then on my journey became interesting. I threw my magazines into the waste basket and decided to join in Malaysian life. Then everything came alive. The mountains seemed to speak to me. Even the trees were smiling. I stared at everything as if I was looking at it for the first time.
The day passed fast and I even forgot to have my lunch until I felt hungry. I looked at my watch and was surprised that it was 3:00 pm. Soon the train pulled up at Butterworth. I looked at the people all around me. They all looked beautiful. When my uncle arrived with a smile, I threw my arms around him to give him a waim hug (方可扌包)• I had never done this before・ He seemed surprised and then his weather-beaten face warmed up with a huge smile. We walked arm in arm to his ca匚
I looked forward to the return journey・
16.The author had thought the train trip was _____ at the beginning
A.adventurous B・ pleasant C. exciting D. dull
17.What did the author remember most fondly of her train trip?
A.The friendly country people・
B.The mountains along the way.
C.The crowds of people in the streets.
D.The simple lunch served on the train.
18.Which of the following words can best take the place of the word "relish" in the second paragraph? A・ choose B・ enjoy C・ prepare for D. carry on
19.Where was the writer going?
A.Johore Baru.
B. The Causeway・
C. Butterworth.
D. Singapore.
20.What can we learn from the story?
fort in traveling by train.
B.Pleasure of living in the country.
C.Reading gives people delight.
D.Smiles brighten people up.


About 70 scientists were working on a very busy project. All of them felt really desperate due to the pressure of work and the dema nds of their boss but every one was loyal to him and did not think of quitting their job.
One day, one scientist came to his boss and told him, "Sir; I've promised to take my children to the exhibition going on in our township so I want to leave at 5:30 p. His boss replied, "OK. You're permitted to leave the office early today/
The scientist started working. He continued his work after lunch. As usual, he got involved to such an extent that he looked at his watch only when he \felt he was close to completion. The time was 8:30 p. m. suddenly he remembered his promise to the children. He looked for his boss but he was not there・ Having told him in the morning himself, he closed everything and left for home. Deep within himself, he was feeling guilty for having disappointed his children. He reached home. The children were not there. His wife alone was sitting in the hall and reading magazines. The situation was explosive; any talk would
boomerang on him. His wife asked him, "Would you like to have coffee or shall I straight away serve dinner if you are hungry?" The man replied, "If you would like to have coffee, I too will have but what about the children?〃His wife replied, "You don't know? Your boss came here at 5:15 p. m. and has taken them to the exhibiti on.〃
What had really happened was the boss who gave him permission was observing him working seriously at 5:00 p. m. He thought to himself: this person will not leave the work, but he z s promised to take his children to the exhibition. So he took the lead in taking them there. The boss does not have to do it every time. But once it's done, loyalty is established.
That is why all the scientists at Thumba continued to work under their boss even though the stress was extraordinarily huge. By the way , can you boldly guess who the boss was? He was none other that the mastermind behind India's successful nuclear weap ons program, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, former preside nt of In dia.
1.The scientist asked for an early leave because _________ .
A.he felt increasingly desperate about his work
B.he meant to accompany his wife at dinner
C.the task at hand was close to completion
D.he'd promised to take his kids to a show

由第二段科学家对他老板说的话promised to take my children to the exhibition going on in our township so I want to leave at 5:30 p. m/'可知,

2.The underlined sentence implies that the scientist thought his wife was __________ .
A. dissatisfied with his coming home late
B・ ready to serve dinner for him
C.grateful to his kind-hearted boss
D.delighted to see him back home


结合划线句子的上下文,科学家专注于工作,忘记了带孩子去看演出,回到家感到非常愧疚,可是孩子们并不在家,只有妻子一个人坐在客厅读杂志,作者用句子."The situation was explosive; any talk would boomerang on him."来描述此时科学家内心的活动“情况非常糟糕,他一开口谈话必然会遭到妻子的责骂”,因此划线部分的句子暗示科学家认为他的妻子对他的晚归非常不满意,故答案为A。

3.The boss took children to the exhibit!on _______ .
A.when it was too late for the scientist to do so
B.because the scientist was absorbed in his work
C.because he also wan ted to see what was on show
D・ when the man's wife asked him to do so

由倒数第二段"He thought to himself: this person will not leave the work, but he's promised to take his children to the exhibition. So he took the lead in taking them there/'可知,老板带科学家的孩子去看演出是因为时间到了的时候科学家仍然专注于自己的工作,故答案为Bo
4.All the scientists stayed loyal to their boss ________ .
A. out of gratefulness for his thoughtfulness
B・ because he had power over them
C.to learn how to live under pressure
D.every time he took the children to the show


由倒数第二段最后两句话"The boss does not have to do it every time. But once it's done, loyalty is established/ 和最后——段首句"That is why all the scientists at Thumba continued to work under their boss even though the stress was extraordinarily huge/可知,科学家忠实于他们的老板是因为老板体贴关心他们,因此科学家感激老板,不论压力多大也愿意为老板工作,故答案为A。


One man tells of driving on a long and lonely road, the last 65 miles of it unpaved, in order to watch Indian dances in the state of Arizona. After the dances, he retumed to his car only to find that it had a flat tire. He put on the spare and drove to the only service station in that town. “Do you fix flats?" he inquired of the attendant.
“YesJ came the answer・
“How much do you charge?^ he asked・
With a twinkle in his eye, the man replied, “Wha t difference does it make?、'
This is what has been called a "Hobson's choice: A Hobson?s choice is a situation that forces a person to accept whatever is offered or go without.
According to Barbara Berliner, the phrase was inspired by sixteenth-century entrepreneur (企业家)Thomas Hobson. There was no choice by the customer — it was strictly Hobson,s choice・But often we really have a choice, and the choice does make a difference. We may not always believe it. We may feel as if we have no choice, but almost always there is a choice in the matter. And when we realize that we do most things by choice, then we are taking control of our own lives・Someone challenged me to try an experiment that completely changed my perspective・“For the next seven days/' he said, "eliminate the words 'I have to' from your vocabulary and say 4I choose to\ Don't say, "I have to work late tonight^ Instead, say, 4I choose to work late\ When you choose to do it, you take control of your life. Instead of saying, "I have to stay home', try 'I choose to stay home\ The way you spend your time is your choice・ You are responsible. You have control;
In just seven days I was no longer saying “I have to^ and I felt better about my decisions・ I learned that there is very little in my life I actually have to do. You and I decide to do certain things because we believe that it will be for the best. When we eliminate "I have to" from our vocabularies, we take control.
1 ・ What did the attendant mean by saying "What difference does it make"?
A.The man didn^t need to pay for the work・
B.It was unnecessary for the man to ask about the price.
C.There was no need for the man to have the tire fixed.
D.The man should keep silent.
2.The author learnt from the experiment that he ・
A.could become more challenging
B.could spend more time relaxing himself
C.should take pleasure in helping others
D.actually changed his attitudes towards life
3.What does the underlined word "eliminate55 mean?
B. Repeat.
C. Remove. D・ Recite.
4.What is the situation where we have a "Hobson's choice"?
A. We have no choice but to follow.
B.We should often change our choice・
C.We should make preparations before a journey・
D.We should think twice before Uiking action.
5.The purpose of writing this text is to ・
A.advise us to become active in life
B.explain what Hobson^s choice is
C・ tell an interesting story about the author
D・ accept others' advice modestly
