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新视野大学英语4 课后填词
1、Hundred of workers sat idle(adj. 不工作的)on the factory floor waiting for the assemblyline to start again.
2、To some of our problems there was mire than one rightanswer, so we were looking at the students’reasoning as how to they got it andif they could justify(vt.证明…有道理) the answer they had.
3、Consumers expect to find the brand available at a discount(n.折
扣) and are unpleasantlysurprised to find a higher price.
4、The European Union is made up of 27 nations with distinct(独特
的) cultural, linguistic andeconomic roots.
5、Police found minute(极小的) traces of blood on thecar seats.
6、Despite his promise to eliminate cronyism, he was openly accused(指控) of giving governmentpositions to friends and relatives.
7、But I would like to accept his kind offer if he did not object(反对) to my sharing the seedwith my friend, Mary, who was an experienced grower and had a beautiful rockgarden.
8、The pollution from the factories continues to contaminate(污染) the river and also poseshealth threat to people living nearby.
9、We believe it’s possible to sustain(维持) growth through the useof different kinds of energy that will allow for lower carbon emissions.
10、The people loved her so much that they nicknamed her“Evita”, and long after her death, many Argentines continue to worship(崇拜) her.
1、I prefer to eat vegetables raw(天然的), not cooked, because Ibelieve that is better for my health.
2、If convicted(证明…有罪) of the charge he wouldface a prison sentence of six years.
3、Any claims for refund or compensation(补偿) must be made in writingto our head office within 28 days.
4、If you will require childcare in order to attend themeeting,
please notify(通知) us by leaving a messagefor Jan or Martha at Jordan’s office.
5、The government attaches great importance to thetraining of food handlers and the new Food Safety Act contains specific provisions(条文) on this.
6、Keep your receipt(收据) in case there issomething wrong with it and you want to bring it back.
7、Her job in that company was to merely fill thecontainers and
then paste(粘贴) labels on them.
8、When he realized that one engine was not working, thepilot altered(引起对…的重视) air traffic control.
9、My garden is too dry and shady---not many plants thrive(茁壮成长) in such environment.
10、This is to certify(证实) that the holder of thiscertificate has been awarded top prize in the English-speaking contest.
1、The local government has given priority to theconstruction of infrastructure so as to attract more foreign
2、He placed his house at my disposal(处理) during my holidays.
3、The writer has condensed(压缩) a great deal of materialinto just over 100 pages and presented it in a reasonably readable style.
4、An absence of strategic(战略上的) vision and insufficientcustomer focus were two other areas identified as key problems facing thiswireless phone service company.
5、The San Francisco-based company said the contract isexpected to generate revenue(收益) of $250 million in thefirst year.
6、We had only two weeks to tour Malaysia, which washardly enough to scratch(抓、挠) the surface.
7、Monopolies in industries like railways and various utilities(公共事
业) need breaking up.
8、T o head off competition, the telecommunications companieshave invested(投资) heavily in hightechnology.
9、BT’s prices for national and international calls arenow among the lowest in the world, although local call prices are nowhere(任何地方都不) near the cheapest.
10、Manufacturers currently are working to establishindustry standards for digital transmission(发射、传输)and reception of thesignals.
1、Employees at humble(地位低下的) jobs have to carefullyweigh up the employer’s words and closely watch their expression.
2、In Pairs, the Eiffel Tower closed to public for fourhours
after a morning snowfall made it too slippery(滑的)to climb.
3、Children and, later, teenagers have to learn to put abrake on their impulses, to tame(控制) their desires.
4、Some poets and philosophers choose to live insolitude because they can find inspiration(灵感) in it.
5、No one noticed that the little boy had crept(蹑手蹑脚地移动) into the room and wassitting there, listening.
6、Blake was wrongfully arrested and is now demanding an apology(道歉) from the police.
7、After months of observation(观察), I personally canconclude that it was pretty much an arbitrary policy.
8、Though he did not dictate(), he went at a pace slow enough for the listenersto take down a lot of what he said.
9、Some people feel totally inadequate(不充分的) when faced with newresponsibilities.
10、The philosopher is said to be a solitary(喜欢独处的) man. He closed himselfindoors and rarely had visitors.
1、Some medical experts believe the chances of anexplosive spread of the disease to Europe cannot be discount(折扣).
2、The export was biased(有偏见的) because it hid notcontain sufficient balance of views.
3、Perhaps it is a good idea to plant different kinds ofroses. That would surely add variation(变化) and charm to yourgarden.
4、Rightly or wrongly, I judged that the potential(潜能) risks in doing so weregreater than any possible benefit that I could imagine.
5、Confronted(面对、遭遇) with the evidence, theyadmitted that, of all humans, Australians are the most distant from Africansgenetically.
6、In areas of high unemployment, workers tend to migrate(移动) to other parts of thecountry where more jobs are available.
7、The people here are said to be descend(遗传) from the Vikings.
8、With the exception of teaching and nursing, thesejobs require little specialized training, and for most a good physicalappearance is
a distinct(独特的) advantage.
9、The problem, he point out, was that though manyEuropeans had at one time studied English, they retained only a superficial(表面
的) knowledge of thelanguage.
10、A survey shows that women who have maintained and/ordeveloped
a extensive(广泛的) network of personalrelationships in middle age are better able to cope with the problems of oldage.
1、The spy looked cautiously(谨慎的) around and then walkedaway from the cinema and disappeared into the dark.
2、The man was sentenced to 10 years in prison after hewas accused
of bribing(贿赂) a senior bank official.
3、The black girl’s family strongly disapprove(不赞成) of her behaving joyfullyin public, especially before strangers.
4、So, in the evening when the body temperature isbeginning to fall, there is a natural tendency(趋向) to fall asleep and inthe morning, when the temperature begins to rise rapidly, we are most likely towake up.
5、The car accident has caused permanent(永久的) damage
to her eyesight.
6、There was a feeling of disappointment and depression(沮丧) in the office when thenews of job cuts was announced.
7、Beautiful women are better than flowers because theyunderstand human language, and flowers are better than beautiful women becausethey give off fragrance(芬芳).
8、Although these opportunities don’t guarantee(保证) to lead to success,market-oriented businesses should find them worth considering.
9、Have you ever read Randolph’s work? It is exclusively(唯一
地) concerned with theeffects of pollution on health.
10、In his speech, he expressed his deep debt ofgratitude to all of the people who had given so generously(慷慨的) of their time and moneyin support of his work.
1、Computer-based communications can offer manyeducational opportunities; therefore, educators will need to incorporate(纳
入) current teaching methodsinto the classroom.
2、Since its release, Dr. Goleman’s Emotional
Intelligence has triggered(引发) heated debates about theimportance of EQ in one’s success in work and in life.
3、Due to different life experiences and socialbackgrounds, people’
s perspective(观点) on an event may varyfrom person to person.
4、Dr. Goleman believes that cultivating(培养) emotional intelligencewill become more and more important in the future.
5、When psychologists began to think about
intelligence,they used
to confine(限制于) it to cognitive aspects,such as memory and problem-solving.
6、The purchase of 500 thanks id part of a strategy toincrease
military capacity(能力) by 25% over the nextfive years.
7、Controversial(有争议的) as EQ is, the companyhas attached much importance to the development of emotional intelligence ofits staff.
8、Working in a refugee camp and seeing the sufferingsof the war victims had helped to raise his political consciousness(意识).
9、If you were interested in EQ, I’d recommend(建议) the
book Emotional Intelligence by DanielGoleman----it’s informative. 10、The state will encourage scientific and technologicalresearch, and promote the application(运用) of science andtechnology to innovate traditional industries and develop high-tech industries,。
