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❖ Creative attractive ❖ to be brief(简洁) interesting ❖ to the point(切题)
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
To phone or not to phone? Q: When you read the title, what do you think of?
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
What’s the point in Para3?
However, maybe the Amish have a valid point. What does the valid point refer to?
para1 para2
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
Reading 译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
What’s the main idea of these four paragraphs (3-6) ?
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
1.Which is more of a friend, someone you often talk to
over the phone or someone you often talk to face to face?
sacrificed, and whatever personal peace one has is
What’s the main idea of the last two paragraphs (paras 7-8) ?
Para 7
Para 8
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
Possible solutions
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在一起并分享生活,其中蕴藏着某种重要的东西,而这种 东西是无法通过电话获得的。
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
3. Meanwhile, real relationships are often
more of 更像是
哪一个更像朋友呢:是你在电话中经常交谈中的某个人, 还是你经常面对面地交谈的某个人?
He is more of our friend than of our teacher.
2. There is something important about being together and sharing life that cannot be found over a telephone wire. L41
No matter what the circumstances, when the phone rings, everyone stops so that the call can be answered. ➢ When the family are eating or chatting together ➢ When one is absorbed in a book or tries to rest ➢ when having a face to face talk with a friend
➢ If you need help, who can help you better, someone far away or someone in the room with you?
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
Para 3
Para 4
the disadvantages of using phones
Para 5
Para 6
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
Main point 1
There is something important about being together and
sharing life that cannot be found over a telephone wire. Supporting details
➢ Which is more of a fiend, someone you often talk to over the phone or someone you often talk to face to face?
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
What’s the point in Para 6?
❖ Main point 3
Using the mobile phone for text messages is the worst.
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
Read the first two paragraphs (Paras 1-2) and try to answer the following questions:
1.Which group of people are talked about?
The Amish in the USA.
2.What do you know about this group of people?
A Christian group who are famous for having rejected most modern technology.
3.Why do they reject most modern technology?
❖ Supporting details:
Relationships are nearly always quite shallow.
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译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
To phone or not to phone?
Main point 1
There is something important about being together
and sharing life that cannot be found over a
telephone wire.
Main point 2
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
What’s the point in Para 4-5?
❖ Main point 2 The calls destroyt_h_e_p_e_a_c_e__one has or w__a_st_e_o_n__e’_s_p_r_e_c_i_o_u_s_t_im__e___. ❖ Supporting details:
Because they don’t think it is necessary and they like having tight communities.
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
The calls destroy the peace one has or waste one’s
precious time.
Main point 3
Using the mobile phone for text messages is the wors According to the main points, what conclusion
2.Why does the author offer the solutions with “maybe”?
He is doubtful about those solutions.
3.What is the tone of the last sentence? (what’s that? … sorry, I have to go. The phone’s ringing…)
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
Module 7 Unit 1 project
Making a list of advantages and disadvantages
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
If the writer is likely to lay emphasis on(强 调)___t_o_p_h__o_n_e___, he will give examples about _th_e__p_o_s_si_b_l_e_a_d_v_a_n_t_a_g_e_s_o_f_p_h_o_n_e_s_.____.
What can you do with a smart phone?
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
To phone phone?
❖ Features(特点) of the title of a newspaper article?
A. Hopeful.
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
B. Humorous.
C. Depressed
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
What’s the main idea of the first two paragraphs (1-2)
If the writer is likely to lay emphasis on(强 调)__n_o_t_t_o_p_h__o_n_e_, he will give examples about _th_e__p_o_s_si_b_l_e_d_i_sa_d_v_a_n__ta_g_e_s_o_f__p_h_o_n_e_s_. _.
can you draw?
Maybe the writer wants to encourage people to learn from the Amish.
译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
Reading 译林牛津英语模块七 Unit1 project PPT课件
Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology project
Read the last two paragraphs (paras 7-8) and answer the following questions: 1.What solution does the author offer?
Maybe we should throw all of our phones into the dustbin, along with our cars and TVs for good measure.