专业英语(一)参考答案一.Translate following 10 words into Chinese(每词1分,共10分)1. 动力学、原动力、动力特性;2. 力偶;3. 螺旋丝杆、螺钉;4. 弹簧、发条;5. 冷变形加工;6. 润滑剂、润滑材料、润滑的;7. 几何的、几何图形的;8. 热力学;9. 原型、样机、模型机;10. 旋转、车削、车外圆二. Translate following 10 words into English (每词1分,共10分)1. statics2. drawing3. coupling4. fastener5. elongation6. stiffness7. linkage8. hydrodynamic9. synthesis 10. feedback三Translate following 4 sentences into Chinese (每句5分,共20分)1. 选择弹簧,尤其是在遇到重载、高温、需要承受交变应力或者需要具有抗腐蚀性的时候;应该向弹簧制造厂家进行咨询。
2. 这一特性使得平面机构上任意选定的一个点都可以按其真实尺寸和形状在一个视图上表示出运动轨迹。
3. 因为只有通过对所设计的系统进行分析,才能确定其性能是否满足设计要求。
4. 一个很有成就的公司在制造所有样机时, 所选用的材料应该和其在生产中使用的材料相同,并尽可能使用同样的制造技术。
四.Translate following 3 passages into Chinese (每段20分,共60分)1. 绘制和提交简洁、清晰的隔离体简图代表了工程交流的核心。
国际经济学I 模拟题1 答案I. Japan primarily exports manufactured goods, while importing raw materials such as food and oil. Analyze the impact on Japan’s terms of trade of the following events:a. A war in the Middle East disrupts oil supply.b. Korea develops the ability to produce automobiles that it can sell in Canada and the United States.c. U.S. engineers develop a fusion reactor that replaces fossil fuel electricity plants.d. A harvest failure in Russia.e. A reduction in Japan’s tariffs on imported beef and citrus fruit.The terms of trade of Japan, a manufactures (M) exporter and a raw materials (R) importer, is the world relative price of manufactures in terms of raw materials (p M/p R). The terms of trade change can be determined by the shifts in the world relative supply and demand (manufactures relative to raw materials) curves. Note that in the following answers, world relative supply (RS) and relative demand (RD) are always M relative to R. We consider all countries to be large, such that changes affect the world relative price.a. Oil supply disruption from the Middle East decreases the supply of raw materials, which increases the world relative supply. The world relative supply curve shifts out, decreasing the world relative price of manufactured goods and deteriorating Japan's terms of trade.(2 points)b. Korea’s increased automobile production increases the supply of manufactures, which increases the world RS. The world relative supply curve shifts out, decreasing the world relative price of manufactured goods and deteriorating Japan's terms of trade. (2 points)c. U.S. development of a substitute for fossil fuel decreases the demand for raw materials. This increases world RD and the world relative demand curve shifts out, increasing the world relative price of manufactured goods and improving Japan's terms of trade. This occurs even if no fusion reactors are installed in Japan since world demand for raw materials falls. (2 points)d. A harvest failure in Russia decreases the supply of raw materials, which increases the world RS. The world relative supply curve shifts out. Also, Russia’s demand for manufactures decreases, which reduces world demand so that the world relative demand curve shifts in. These forces decrease the world relative price of manufactured goods and deteriorate Japan's terms of trade. (2 points)e. A reduction in Japan’s tariff on raw materials will raise its internal relative price of manufactures. This price change will increase Japan’s RS and decrease Japan’s RD, which increases the world RS and decreases the world RD (i.e., world RS shifts out and world RD shifts in). The world relative price of manufactures declines and Japan’s terms of trade deteriorate.(2 points)II. Evaluate the relative importance of economies of scale and comparative advantage in causing the following:a. Most of the world’s aluminum is smelted in Norway or Canada.b. Half of the world’s large jet aircraft are assembled in Seattle.c. Most semiconductors are manufactured in either the United States or Japan.d. Most Scotch whiskey comes from Scotland.e. Much of the world’s best wine comes from France.(Total 10 points)a. The relatively few locations for production suggest external economies of scale in production. If these operations are large, there may also be large internal economies of scale in production. (2 points)b. Since economies of scale are significant in airplane production, it tends to be done by a small number of (imperfectly competitive) firms at a limited number of locations. One such location is Seattle, where Boeingproduces. (2 points)c. Since external economies of scale are significant in semiconductor production, semiconductor industries tend to be concentrated in certain geographic locations. If, for some historical reason, a semiconductor is established in a specific location, the export of semiconductors by that country is due to economies of scale and not comparative advantage. (2 points)d. "True" scotch whiskey can only come from Scotland. The production of scotch whiskey requires a technique known to skilled distillers who are concentrated in the region. Also, soil and climactic conditions are favorable for grains used in local scotch production. This reflects comparative advantage. (2 points)e. France has a particular blend of climactic conditions and land that is difficult to reproduce elsewhere. This generates a comparative advantage in wine production. (2 points)III. There is substantial inequality of wage levels between regions within the United States. For example, wages of manufacturing workers in equivalent jobs are about 20 percent lower in the Southeast than they are in the Far W est. Which of the explanations of failure of factor price equalization might account for this? How is this case different from the divergence of wages between the United States and Mexico (which is geographically closer to both the U.S. Southeast and the Far W est than the Southeast and Far W e st are to each other)? (15 points)Conditions necessary for factor price equalization include both countries (or regions) produce both goods, both countries have the same technology of production, and the absence of barriers to trade.(5points)T he difference between wages different regions of the United States may reflect all of these reasons; however, the barriers to trade are purely "natural" barriers due to transportation costs. U.S. trade with Mexico, by contrast, is also subject to legal limits; together with cultural differences that inhibit the flow of technology, this may explain why the difference in wage rates is so much larger. (10points)IV. During 1989 a wave of political change swept over Eastern Europe, raising prospects not only of democracy but also of a shift from centrally planned to market economies. One consequence might be a shift in how W estern European uses its money: Nations, especially Germany, that during the 1980s were lending heavily to the United States might start to lend to nearby Eastern European nations instead.Using the analysis of the transfer problem, how do you think this should affect the prices of W estern European goods relative to those from the United States and Japan? (Hint: how would the likely use of a dollar of financial resources differ in, say East Germany, from its use in the United States?) (15 points)Given the difference in technological development between most Eastern European countries and the United States and Japan, the effects on Western European prices will depend, in the short run, on transfer problem issues and, in the long run, on the likely biases in Eastern Europe's growth. (5points)The transfer problem point is concerned with the consumption demands of countries which receive available international credit supplies. If loans to developing countries shift from availability to Latin American countries, which have a relatively high propensity to consume U.S. goods, to availability to Eastern European countries, which have a lower propensity to consume U.S. goods and a higher propensity to consume German goods, the price of German exports will rise relative to the price of U.S. exports. This would lead to an improvement in the terms of trade of Germany and a worsening of the terms of trade of the United States. (5points) Note, however, that in the long term, the analysis of terms of trade effects should also consider whether the biases in economic growth in Eastern Europe will be in sectors of the economy more closely aligned with the export industries of Germany or of the United States. The greater the similarity of the export-oriented industrial push in Eastern European with the existing industries in Germany, the greater the supply side reversal of the favorable German terms of trade movement which had arisen from the demand side forces of the transferproblem. (5points)V. Assume that the monopolistic competitor produces tractors. He incurs fixed production costs of $120,000,000 and marginal costs of $8,000. The demand parameter is b=l/40,000. The total annual tractor sales in the Home market is 600,000 units.a. Graph the PP and CC curves for the Home tractor industry.b. How many tractor firms will exist in equilibrium? What will be the equilibrium price of a tractor?c. Confirm that this is a long run equilibrium.the price of $10 per bag.The demand curve is D = 400 – 10P.The supply curve is S = 50 + 5P.Determine the free trade equilibrium. Then calculate and graph the following effects of an import quota that limits imports to 50 bags.a.The increase in the domestic priceb.The quota rentsc.The consumption distortion lossd.The production distortion lossproduce only one good. The land supply in each country and the technology of production are exactly the same. The marginal product of labor in each country depends on employment as follows:Number of W orker Employed Marginal Product of Last W orker1 202 193 184 175 166 157 148 139 1210 1111 10Initially, there are 11 workers employed in Home, but only 3 workers in Foreign.Find the effect of free movement of labor from Home to Foreign on employment, production, real wages, and the income of landowners in each country? (15 points)(5PONITS )The marginal product of labor in Home is 10 and in Foreign is 18. Wages are higher in Foreign, so workers migrate there to the point where the marginal product in both Home and Foreign is equated.This occurs when there are 7 workers in each country , and the marginal product of labor in each country is 14. (3ponts)PRODUCTIN: Overall products increase by triangle EAB (3ponts) Landowners will be better off in HOME but worsen off in Foreign (4ponts)1014。
百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我北京中医药大学东方学院《中药药剂学》试卷(A)(2008-2009学年第二学期)姓名_________学号_________班级 06制药_____班考试日期___ __年__ ___月___ __日题号一二三四五总分得分签字北京中医药大学东方学院教务处2009年06月2、某药物的可可豆脂置换价为,纯可可豆脂栓剂每粒重,欲制成每粒含该药的可可豆脂栓剂100粒,请计算需要加入多少可可豆脂?答题参考:解:已知,药物的可可豆脂置换价为f(DV)= ,纯可可豆脂栓剂(空白栓剂)每粒重,即G = ,栓剂每粒含药(W = )根据药物的重量与同体积基质重量的比值即为该药物对基质的置换价的定义,可求出每粒含药栓剂的实际重量:;则,1粒含药栓剂所含可可豆脂(基质)为:M-W = = (g)或根据G:纯基质平均栓重,M:含药栓的平均重量,W:每个栓剂的平均含药重量,M-W:含药栓中基质的重量,G-(M-W):与药物同体积基质的重量,那么,100粒含药栓剂所含可可豆脂(基质)为:100(M-W)= 100×(g)= 120(g);答:制成每粒含该药0.4g的可可豆脂栓剂100粒,需要加入120g可可豆脂。
中国计量学院现代科技学院200 7 ~ 200 8 学年第 2 学期《互换性与测量基础》课程标准试卷(A)参考答案及评分开课系部:机电系,学生班级:机械061、062 ,教师:叶纲1、判断下列说法是否正确(以“√”或“×”填入括号内):(每题1分,共14分)(1)不经挑选和修配就能相互替换、装配的零件,就是具有互换性的零件。
(√)2、选择正确答案,将其序号填入空白处:(每格1分,共40分)(1)比较两尺寸精度高低的依据是 C 。
A 基本偏差B 公差数值C 公差等级(2)国家标准规定的尺寸公差等级为 D 。
A 1~12共12级B 1~18共18级C 1~20共20级D 01~18共20级(3)基本偏差为r的轴的公差带与基准孔H形成 B 。
A 间隙配合B 过盈配合C 过渡配合D 过渡或过盈配合(4)零件尺寸的极限偏差是 B 。
重庆大学 高电压技术 课程试卷A卷B卷2008 ~2009 学年 第 2 学期开课学院: 电气学院 课程号: 6000490 考试日期:16/5/2009考试方式:开卷闭卷 其他 考试时间: 120 分钟一、 单项选择题(1分/每小题,共10分)1. 下列各项中与电晕放电无关的是 A 。
A .均匀电场B .自持放电C .进线段保护D .电能损耗 2. 在极不均匀电场中,与极性效应无关的是 B 。
A .空间电荷B .非自持放电C .电晕放电D .正负50%放电电压3. 直流电压分别作用于以下四种距离均为10 cm 的气体间隙时击穿电压最低的是A 。
A.针(+)—板(–)B.针(–)—板(+)C.针—针D.球—球 (球径50cm)4. 均匀电场中的同一间隙, 当介质为 B 时其沿面工频闪络电压为最高。
A .空气B .石蜡C .玻璃D .陶瓷5. 通过绝缘电阻的测量可发现电气设备绝缘的缺陷是 D 。
A .气泡B .杂质C .分层脱开D .瓷质绝缘表面污秽6. 工程上直流高电压电压值的测量不能采用 C 。
A .球隙B .电阻分压器C .电容分压器D .静电电压表7. 电力工程中电气设备最常见的耐压试验是 B 耐压试验。
A .直流 B .工频交流 C .雷电冲击 D .操作冲击 8. 雷直击110kV 架空输电线路导线时的耐雷水平大约是 D 。
A .3.5kVB .3.5kAC .7kV D. 7kA 9. 变电站中变压器到避雷器的最大允许电气距离与D 。
A.侵入波的幅值成反比 B.避雷器残压成正比 C.变压器的冲击耐压值成反比 D.侵入波陡度成反比10. 不带高压并联电抗器的空载长线路沿线工频电压的分布按 B 。
A.直线规律B.余弦规律C.正弦规律D.指数规律二、 填空题(1分/每小题,共30分)1. 气体中带电质点的产生途径主要来自气体(空间游离)和 电极(表面游离)。
2. 解释气体放电机理的基本理论主要是 汤逊理论 和 流注理论 。
06级《大学物理A2》期末考试试卷 (甲卷)
![06级《大学物理A2》期末考试试卷 (甲卷)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8b98be5cb52acfc789ebc9be.png)
注意事项:1.请在本试卷上直接答题. 2.密封线下面不得写班级,姓名,学号等.教师姓名__________________ 作业序号_________专业__________________学号__________________姓名________________…………………………………………………07~08学年第一学期………………………密封装订线………………………08年1月15日……………………………………安徽工业大学06级《大学物理A 2》期末考试试卷 (甲卷)一、选择题: 请将你所选的各题答案的序号填入下表(每题3分,共30分).1、若匀强电场的场强为E v,其方向平行于半径为R的半球面的轴,如图所示.则通过此半球面的电场强度通量Φe 为 (A)(B)E R 2πE R 22π (C) E R 221π (D) E R 22π2、如图所示,半径为R 的均匀带电球面,总电荷为Q ,设无穷远处的电势为零,则球内距离球心为r 的P 点处的电场强度的大小和电势为:(A) E =0,r Q U 04επ=. (B) E =0,RQ U 04επ=.(C) 204r QE επ=,r Q U 04επ=. (D) 204r Q E επ=,RQU 04επ=.3、如图所示,边长为a 的等边三角形的三个顶点上,分别放置着三个点电荷-q 、q 、2q .若将另一正点电荷Q 从无穷远处移到三角形的中心O 处,外力所作的功为: (A)a qQ 032επ. (B) aqQ03επ. (C)a qQ 0233επ. (D) aqQ023επ.4、在一不带电荷的导体球壳的球心处放一点电荷,并测量球壳内外的场强分布.如果将此点电荷从球心移到球壳内其它位置,重新测量球壳内外的场强分布,则将发现: (A) 球壳内、外场强分布均无变化. (B) 球壳外场强分布改变,球壳内不变. (C) 球壳内场强分布改变,球壳外不变. (D) 球壳内、外场强分布均改变.5、如图所示,一厚度为d 的“无限大”均匀带电导体板,电荷面密度为σ ,则板的两侧离板面距离均为h 的两点a 、b 之间的电势差为:(A) 0. (B) 02εσ. (C) 0εσh . (D) 02εσh.6、一平行板电容器充电后仍与电源连接,若用绝缘手柄将电容器两极板间距离拉大,则极板上的电荷Q 、电场强度的大小E 和电场能量W 将发生如下变化(A) Q 增大,E 增大,W 增大. (B) Q 增大,E 增大,W 减小. (C) Q 增大,E 减小,W 增大. (D) Q 减小,E 减小,W 减小.7、边长为l 的正方形线圈,分别用图示两种方式通以电流I (其中ab 、cd 与正方形共面),在这两种情况下,线圈在其中心产生的磁感强度的大小分别为 (A) 01=B ,02=B .(B) 01=B ,lI B π=0222μ. (C) lIB π=0122μ,02=B . (D) l I B π=0122μ,lI B π=0222μ.8、圆铜盘水平放置在均匀磁场中,B v的方向垂直盘面向上.当铜盘绕通过中心垂直于盘面的轴沿图示方向转动时,(A) 铜盘上有感应电流产生,沿铜盘转动的相反方向流动.(B) 铜盘上有感应电流产生,沿铜盘转动的方向流动. (C) 铜盘上产生涡流. (D) 铜盘上有感应电动势产生,铜盘边缘处电势最高.9、根据玻尔的理论,氢原子在n =7轨道上的动量矩与在第一激发态的轨道动量矩之比为(A) 7/6. (B) 7/2. (C) 7/4. (D) 7.10、若α粒子(电荷为2e )在磁感应强度为B r均匀磁场中沿半径为R 的圆形轨道运动,则α粒子的德布罗意波长是(A) . (B) . )2/(eRB h )/(eRB h (C) . (D) .)2/(1eRBh )/(1eRBh二、填空题:(共 36 分) . 1、真空中一半径为R 的均匀带电球面带有电荷Q (Q >0).今在球面上挖去非常小块的面积△S (连同电荷),如图所示,假设不影响其他处原来的电荷分布,则挖去△S 后球心处电场强度的大小E =____________,其方向为_________.2、一空气平行板电容器,两极板间距为d ,充电后板间电压为U .然后将电源断开,在两板间平行地插入一厚度为d /4的金属板,则板间电压变成 U ' =________________3、如图所示的空间区域内,分布着方向垂直于纸面的匀强磁场,在纸面内有一正方形边框abcd (磁场以边框为界).而a 、b 、c 三个角顶处开有很小的缺口.今有一束具有不同速度的电子由a 缺口沿ad 方向射入磁场区域,若b 、c 两缺口处分别有电子射出,则此两处出射电子的速率之比v b /v c =_________________.4、已知面积相等的载流圆线圈与载流正方形线圈的磁矩之比为2∶1,圆线圈在其中心处产生的磁感强度为0B v,那么正方形线圈(边长为a )在磁感强度为B v的均匀外磁场中所受最大磁力矩大小为______________________.( 反面还有试题 )题类,题号 选择题 填 空 题 计算题 1 计算题 2 计算题 3 计算题 4 计算题 5 总 分 累分人复累人得分评阅教师题号 1 2 3 4 5 678910选择 得分 q2 IvS Q得 分(1∼5)c d5、平行的无限长直载流导线A 和B ,电流均为I ,垂直纸面, 方向如图示,两根载流导线之间相距为a ,则(1) AB 中点(P 点)的磁感强度_________. =p B (2) 磁感强度B v 沿图中环路L 的线积分 =∫⋅L l B v v d __________________.6、如图所示,aOc 为一折成∠形的金属导线(aO =Oc =L ),位于xy 平面中;磁感强度为B v 的匀强磁场垂直于xy 平面.当aOc 以速度v沿x 轴正向运动时,导线上a 、c 两点间电势差U v ac =____________;当aOc 以速度v v 沿y 轴正向运动时,a 、c 两点的电势相比较, 是____________点电势高.7、两根很长的平行直导线与电源组成回路,如图.已知导线上的电流为I ,两导线单位长度的自感系数为L ,则沿导线单位长度的空间内的总磁能W m =______________.8、用某频率的单色光照射基态氢原子气体,使气体发射出三种频率的谱线,原照射单色光的频率是______________________.(普朗克常量h =6.63×10-34 J ·s ,1 eV =1.60×10-19 J)9、如图所示,一频率为ν 的入射光子与起始静止的自由电子发生碰撞和散射.如果散射光子的频率为ν′,反冲电子的动量为p ,则在与入射光子平行的方向上的动量守恒定律的分量形式为_______________.10、波长为λ0 = 0.500 Å的X 射线被静止的自由电子所散射,若散射线的波长变为λ = 0.522 Å,反冲电子的动能为______________________.(普朗克常量h =6.63×10-34 J ·s)三、计算题:要求写出解题主要步骤 (34分).(6分) 1、一半径为R 的带电球体,其电荷体密度分布为ρ =A/r (r ≤R ) ,ρ =0 (r >R )A 为一常量.试求球体内外的场强分布.(8分)2、一电容器由两个很长的同轴薄圆筒组成,内、外圆筒半径分别 为R 1 = 2 cm ,R 2 = 6 cm .电容器接在电压U = 30 V 的电源上,(如图所示),试求距离轴线R = 3 cm 处的A 点的电场强度和A 点与外筒间的电势差.(6分)3、一维运动的粒子,设其动量的不确定量等于它的动量,试求此粒子的位置不确定量与它的德布罗意波长的关系.(不确定关系式).h x p x ≥ΔΔ(6分)4、通有电流I的长直导线在一平面内被弯成如图形状,放于垂直进入纸面的均匀磁场B v中,求整个导线所受的安培力(R 为已知).(8分 )5、载有电流为I 的长直导线附近,放一导体半圆环MeN 与长直导线共面,且端点MN 的连线与长直导线垂直.半圆环的半径为b ,环心O 与导线相距a .设半圆环以速度 v v 平行导线平移,求半圆环内感应电动势的大小和方向以及MN 两端的电压U M − U N .××××× 得分(6∼10) ……………………………………………………………此线以下答题无效…………………………………………………………得分得分 得分 得分Bv得分A2甲卷 3。
2008~2009学年第二学期期末考试 《铁路轨道》试题A 答案 (适用班级:函授铁道工程07级)1、钢轨是铁路轨道的组成部件 ,要求钢轨具有足够的 强度 、 韧性和 耐磨性 。
磷、硫都是 有害成分 。
二、填空题(每空1分,共25分)1、 无缝线路的锁定轨温,是长钢轨无 温度应力或温度力 时的轨温。
通常将铺设长钢轨的两端正常就位时的 平均轨温 作为锁定轨温。
2、无缝线路钢轨内温度力和温度应力的大小,与轨温 变化量的大小 有直接关系,适当控制轨温的 变化量 ,可降低钢轨内部温度力。
3、在长钢轨两端接头处,防止钢轨纵向位移的阻力,叫 接头阻力 。
它是由钢轨与夹板间的 摩擦 阻力所提供。
4、道床阻力通常取轨枕位移量为 2㎜ 时的相应阻力值作为 计算阻力值 。
5、无缝线路道床横向阻力是防止 涨轨跑道 、 轨距变化 ,保证轨道稳定的主要因素。
6、木枕失效的原因是 腐朽 、 机械磨损 、 裂缝 。
7、每千米最多铺设混凝土枕为 1840根 ,木枕为 1920根 。
8、连续弹性基础梁理论将钢轨视为一根支撑在 弹性支座 上的无限长梁。
9、曲线轨道的主要病害是: 方向不良 、 磨耗超限 。
10、无缝线路依据处理钢轨内部温度应力方式不同,分为 温度应力式 和 放散温度应力式 两种类型。
11、无缝线路轨道除承受列车荷载外,还要承受巨大的 温度力 ,它仅与 温度变化幅度 成正比关系,而与 线路的长度 无关。
12、温度应力式无缝线路的两端钢轨联接有两种型式:一种是 普通夹板接头 ;另一种为 尖轨接头 。
通信06 面向对象程序设计 考试参考答案(A卷)
![通信06 面向对象程序设计 考试参考答案(A卷)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0789db174431b90d6c85c79f.png)
int GetNum() { return Num;};
int GetAge() { return Age;};
Student(int Num0=1001, string Name0="张三", int Age0=20,char Sex0='1')
Num = Num0;
int main()
Student s1,s2(1002,"李四",21,'1');
if (s1.GetAge()>s2.GetAge())
return 0;
哈尔滨工业大学〔威海〕2022 / 2022 学年秋季学期宏观经济学试题卷〔A〕考试形式:闭卷答题时间:120〔分钟〕本卷面成绩占课程总成绩 80 %一、名词解释〔每题2 分,共10 分〕1.乘数原理和加速原理2.资本广化和资本深化二、单项选择题〔每题1 分,共10 分〕1.在宏观经济学创立过程中起到根本作用的是〔〕A.凯恩斯所具有的独立思考和批判精神;B.1929-1933 年资本主义世界大危机C.罗斯福政的成功;D.古典经济学的衰落。
2.假设某国第1 年即基期的产出为1000 亿元,第8 年GDP 折算指数提高了一倍,而实际产出增加了50%,则第8 年的名义产出为〔〕元。
A、1500 亿;B、2022 亿;C、3000 亿;D、4000 亿。
3.假设甲乙两国合并成一个国家,GDP 总和会〔〕。
4.一个预期长期实际利率3%、每年通货膨胀率5%的厂商正在考虑一个投资工程,该工程需要花费100 万美元,估量在两年内回收130 万美元,假设回收资金以当时的名义美元计算,该工程是否值得投资?〔〕A、值得;B、不值得;C、不能确定。
5.假设经济处于流淌性陷阱,政府购置增加了80 亿元,政府购置乘数为4,那么〔〕A、国民收入增加将小于320 亿元;B、国民收入将增加320 亿元;C、国民收入增加将大于320 亿元;D、国民收入增加不确定。
6.在IS-LM 模型中,由于货币供给的增加使得LM 曲线右移100 亿元,假设货币交易与预防需求量占国民收入的比重是1/2,可知货币供给增加了〔〕。
A、100 亿元;B、50 亿元;C、200 亿元;D、70 亿元。
7.当利率和收入的组合点消灭在IS-LM 曲线第三区域中,意味着〔〕。
石家庄铁道学院2006-2007学年第二学期06级本科班期末考试试卷A 答案一、 选择题 (共30分)1.C2.C3.C4.B5.C6.C7.A8.D9.D 10.C 二、填空题 (共30分)1.2分2分2. -F 0R 3分3. 031ω 3分 4. (1)⎰∞100d )(v v f 2分(2)⎰∞100d )(v v Nf 2分5. 33.3%2分50% 2分 66.7% 1分6. 功变热 2分热传导 2分 7. ()042ε/q q + 2分q 1、q 2、q 3、q 4 2分8. Q / (4πε0R 2) 1分0 1分 Q / (4πε0R ) 1分 Q / (4πε0r 2) 1分21211m t F m m t F ∆++∆211m m t F +∆三、计算题 (共40分)1.解:(1) 以炮弹与炮车为系统,以地面为参考系,水平方向动量守恒.设炮车相对于地面的速率为V x ,则有0)cos (=++x x V u m MV α 3分 )/(cos m M mu V x +-=α 1分即炮车向后退.(2) 以u (t )表示发炮过程中任一时刻炮弹相对于炮身的速度,则该瞬时炮车的速度应为)/(cos )()(m M t mu t V x +-=α3分积分求炮车后退距离 ⎰=∆tx t t V x 0d )(⎰+-=tt t u m M m 0d cos )()/(α2分)/(cos m M ml x +-=∆α即向后退了)/(cos m M ml +α的距离.1分2. 解:受力分析如图. 2分mg -T 2 = ma 2 1分 T 1-mg = ma 1 1分 T 2 (2r )-T 1r = 9mr 2β / 2 2分 2r β = a 2 1分 r β = a 1 1分 解上述5个联立方程,得: rg192=β 2分3.解:由图可看出 p A V A = p C V C从状态方程 pV =νRT 可知 T A =T C ,因此全过程A →B →C 的∆E =0. 3分 B →C 过程是绝热过程,有Q BC = 0.A →B 过程是等压过程,有 )(25)( A A B B A B p AB V p V p T T C Q -=-=ν=14.9×105 J . 故全过程A →B →C 的 Q = Q BC +Q AB =14.9×105 J . 4分 根据热一律Q =W +∆E ,得全过程A →B →C 的W = Q -∆E =14.9×105 J . 3分4.解:由高斯定理可得场强分布为:E =-σ / ε0 (-a <x <a ) 1分 E = 0 (-∞<x <-a ,a <x <+∞= 1分由此可求电势分布:在-∞<x ≤-a 区间T 2aT2P1Pβa 1⎰⎰⎰---+==00/d d 0d aa xxx x x E U εσ0/εσa -=2分在-a ≤x ≤a 区间000d d εσεσx x x E U xx=-==⎰⎰2分在a ≤x <∞区间000d d 0d εσεσa x x x E U aa xx=-+==⎰⎰⎰2分图2分-a+aO xU。
若a、b相连时a溶解;c、d相连时c为负极;a、c相连时,c极上产生大量气泡;b、d相连时,b为正极,则四种金属活动性顺序由强到弱为:()A.a>b>c>d B.a>c>d>b C.c>a>b>d D.b>d>c>a3.钢铁发生吸氧腐蚀时,正极上发生的电极反应是( )A. 2H++2e-=H2B. Fe2++2e-=FeC. 2H2O+O2+4e-=4OH-D. Fe3++e-=Fe2+4.某原电池的总反应是Zn +Cu2+=Zn2++Cu,该原电池的正确组成是( )A. B. C. D.正极Zn Cu Zn Cu负极Cu Zn Cu Zn电解质溶液CuCl2CuCl2ZnCl2ZnCl25.CH3COOH与CH3COONa等物质的量混合配成的稀溶液,pH为4.7下列说法错误的是()A.CH3COOH的电离作用大于CH3COONa的水解作用B.CH3COONa的水解作用大于CH3COOH的电离作用C.CH3COOH的存在抑制了CH3COONa的水解D.CH3COONa的存在抑制了CH3COOH的电离6、碱性锌锰电池获得了广泛的应用,根据电池的电极反应,下列判断正确的是()A. Zn为负极,MnO2 为正极B.Zn为正极,MnO2 为负极C.工作时电子由MnO2经外电路流向Zn极D. Zn电极发生还原反应,MnO2 电极发生氧化反应7、下列关于电解池的叙述中不正确的是()A.与电源正极相连的是电解池的阴极B.与电源负极相连的是电解池的阴极C.在电解池的阳极发生氧化反应D.电子从电源的负极沿导线流入电解池的阴极8、将等浓度的氨水与盐酸,以相同体积混合后,下列反映离子浓度关系正确的是()A.B.C.D.9、常温下,柠檬水溶液的PH是3,其中的c(OH-)是()A. 0. 1mol/LB. 1×10-3mol/LC.1×10-7mol/LD.1×10-11mol/L10、下列说法正确的是()A.物质的溶解性为难溶,则该物质不溶于水B.不溶于水的物质溶解度为0C.绝对不溶解的物质是不存在的D.某离子被沉淀完全是指该离子在溶液中的浓度为0二、选择题(每小题有一个到两个选项符合题意,每题3分,多选不得分,漏选得2分,共30分)11.已知25℃时,下列酸的电离常数:醋酸:175105.⨯-氢氰酸:4931010.⨯-氢氟酸:72104.⨯-甲酸:177104.⨯-则物质的量浓度均为0.1mol·L-1的上述溶液酸性最强的是()A、醋酸B、氢氰酸C、氢氟酸D、甲酸12.pH为4.5的盐酸1 mL稀释为约1 L,稀释前后溶液中指示剂的颜色变化是()A、稀释前后酚酞均为无色B、石蕊由红色变为紫色2007-2008学年度上学期06级11月份月考化学试卷(A)满分:100分时间:60分钟C、甲基橙由红色变为黄色D、甲基橙由黄色变为橙色13.下列各变化中属于原电池反应的是()A、在空气中金属铝表面迅速氧化形成保护层B、镀锌铁表面有划损时,也能阻止铁被氧化而生锈C、红热的铁丝与冷水接触,表面形成蓝黑色保护层D、浓硝酸比稀硝酸更能氧化金属铜14.下列各组溶液充分混合后,混合液的PH一定大于7的是()A、PH=3的醋酸与PH=11的NaOH等体积混合B、PH=2的盐酸与PH=12的Ba(OH)2等体积混合C、0.1mol·L-1的酸性溶液与0.2mol·L-1的碱性溶液等体积混合D.PH = 9的溶液稀释至1000倍15.把0.02mol/LCH3COOH溶液和0.01mol/LNaOH溶液以等体积混和,则混合液中微粒浓度关系正确的为()A、(CH3COO-)>C(Na+)B、C(CH3COOH)+C(CH3COO-)=0.01mol/LC、C(CH3COOH)>C(CH3COO-)D、无法判断16.下列离子方程式正确的是()A、碳酸的电离 H2CO3H+ + HCO3-B、将金属钠加入水中 Na + 2H2O = Na+ + 2OH-+ H2↑C、硫化钠水解 S2-+ 2H2O = H2S↑ + 2OH-D、向氯化铝溶液中加入过量的烧碱溶液 Al3+ + 3OH-= Al(OH )3↓17.在给定的四种溶液中加入以下各种离子,各离子能在原溶液中大量共存的是()A、滴加甲基橙试液显红色的溶液 Fe3+、NH4+、Cl-、SCN-B、 pH值为1的溶液 Cu2+、Na+、Mg2+、NO3-C、水电离出来的c(H+)=10-13mol/L的溶液 K+、HCO3-、Br-、Ba2+D、所含溶质为Na2SO4的溶液 K+、CO32-、NO3-、Al3+18.用石墨作电极电解CuCl2溶液,当通电一段时间后,阳极收集到2.24 L气体(标准状况)。
《水力学》(A )答案 (水利06级,2008-06-19)一、单项选择题1-C ; 2-A ; 3-C ; 4-D ; 5-B ; 6-A ; 7-D ; 8-D ; 9-B ; 10-A二、填空题1 当地(或时变)加速度、迁移(或位变)加速度2 粘滞;重3 抛物线;矩4 下游水深t h ;收缩断面跃后水深ch '' 5 线变形;角变形6 水力坡度7 h s /H 0>0.8 8 29 40;0.049三、简答题1.都不正确(1’)。
雷诺数νVd=Re ,其中V 是断面平均流速,d 是圆管直径,ν是液体运动黏度(1’)。
当2000Re <=νVd时为层流,2000Re >=νVd时为紊流(1’)。
面积为A 的正方形过水断面的湿周为A x 41=,水力半径为4/)4/(1A A A R ==(1’)。
面积为A 的圆形过水断面的湿周为A A d x ππππ4/42===,水力半径为ππ4/)4/(2A A A R ==(1’)。
四、计算题 1解:上游水平水压力:)(2.2352352004398005.0212211→==⨯⨯⨯==kN N gbH P x ρ (2’) 下游水平水压力:)(8.58588002398005.0212222←==⨯⨯⨯==kN N gbH P x ρ(2’) 水平水压力合力:)(4.1768.582.23521→=-=-=kN P P P x x (1’)压力体为1/8圆柱减去三角形柱体。
垂直水压力:3]2/28/)22([9800])(2181[222212⨯-⨯⨯=--==ππρρb H H R g gV P zkN N 5.3310005.33)2(39800=⨯=-⨯⨯=π (4’)静水总压力的大小:kN P P P z x 6.1795.334.1762222=+=+=(1’)静水总压力的方向:与水平线间的角度o 8.104.1765.33arctan arctan ===x z P P β(1’) 静水总压力的作用点:距下游水面m 53.0sin ==βR Z D (1’) (或:距上游水面m 53.2sin =+=βR R Z D ) (或:距底部m 47.1sin =-=βR R Z D )2解:/s m 00275.0120/33.0/3w ===t V Q (1.5’)m/s 40.1)4/005.014.3/(00275.0/2=⨯==A Q V (1.5’) 列A 、B 断面的能量方程得:gV g V d L h h h j f 2222w ξλ+=+= (4’) 6.194.1)05.0605.0(63.02ξ+= (1’)3.0=ξ (2’)3解:连续方程:2211A v A v =,m/s 9209121==v v (1’) 对1-1,2-2断面列能量方程g v g v g p z g v g p z 222222222221111ςαραρ+++=++ (0=ζ) (2’) 8.9220008.92)(0229201⨯++=⨯++g p ρ (1’) 21kN/m 197.5=p (1’)/s m 1028.62002.014.34133222-⨯=⨯⨯⨯==A v Q (1’) N 558kN 558.006.014.3415.197.2111==⨯⨯⨯==A p P c (1’) P 2=0 (1’) 对所取坐标系列动量方程: )(1221v v Q R P P -=--βρ (2’) )209120(1028.6100.1055833⨯-⨯⨯⨯⨯=---R112558=-R (2’)R = 446N (←) (1’)∴ 螺栓所受的拉力与R 大小相等,方向相反。
一、 单项选择题(30%, 每小题2分):DDAAC DADCD DDAAD二、 简答题(25%, 每小题5分):1.请简要说明需求分析的三个层次包括那些主要内容。
2.为什么要设计独立性强的模块以及如何判断模块的独立性? 第一3分,耦合1分,内聚1分模块独立性强,则:(1)系统容易开发(2)系统可靠性高(3)系统容易维护判断模块独立性的基本原则:“耦合小,内聚大”3.若现有类已经进行了彻底的测试,为什么必须对从现有类中实例化的子类进行重新测试?使用的场景:3分. 2分因为父类和子类的运行环境是不同的。
另外,如果是多重继承会显著地增加派生类的复杂程度,导致一些难以厦门大学《 软件工程 》课程试卷软件 学院____系 2006 年级 软件工程 专业主考教师:林坤辉 试卷类型:(A 卷)发现的隐含错误。
三、应用题(45%,1-3每小题10分,4小题15分)1.公司计划采用新技术开发一款新的手机软件产品,希望尽快占领市场,假设你是项目经理,你会选择哪种软件过程模型?为什么?选模型:5分;原因:5分选用模型:可采用增量模型/增量+ 原形/螺旋模型等等。
07-08学年第2学期操作系统(06级)试卷(A卷)答案及评分标准一、选择题(每空1 分,共15分)1.在多道程序所提供的可共享的系统资源不足时,可能出现死锁。
(1)9 (2)10 (3)11 (4)128.在下列存储管理方案中,不适用于多道程序的是(1)。
(1)1 (2)2 (3)3 (4)0.510.为了使多个进程能有效地同时处理I/O,最好使用(1)结构的缓冲技术。
(1)同时性(2). 共享性(3)虚拟性(4)交互性12.采用段式存储管理的系统中,若地址用24位表示,其中8位表示段号,则允许段内位移的最大长度是(2)。
2005级大学物理实验考试A卷参考答案)一、填空题(共50分)1、请将下列结果的正确表达式写在括弧内,并指出各有几位有效数字(2分×5=10分)(1)I =50±0.001(mA)[50.000±0.001(mA)], [ 5 ](2)m =20500±400 (kg) [2.05±0.04)×104(kg) ], [ 3](3)v =3.46×10-2±5.07×10-4(m/s)[(3.46±0.05)×10-2(m/s)],[ 3 ](4)E =1.0186±10-4 (V ) [1.0186±0.0001 (V) ], [ 5](5)T =199.997±0.01 (K) [(2.0000±0.0001)×102(K)], [ 5 ]2、按有效数字运算法则计算下列各题(直接写出结果, 3分×4 =12分,)(1)86.852+2.6=89.5(2)6.80×103-20=6.78×103(3)(2.480 2.2) 5.9892.00-⨯=0.3 5.9890.28 5.989(0.90.8)2.00 2.00⨯⨯==或(4)e3.14=23.1(或23.10)3、分别用米尺、50分度的游标卡尺、和外径千分尺测量一次某金属圆柱直径,如果测量结果都是5mm,请写出正确记录结果(3分)4、电压表表盘上有以下符号,你知道代表什么含义吗?请将它的意义填入下表(5分)。
一、名词解释(每题4分,共5题,计20分)1.domain2.glycolysis3.ketone bodies4.coding strand5.reading frame1. domain 结构域大分子蛋白质的三级结构常可分割成一个或数个球状或纤维状的区域,折叠得较为紧密,各行使其功能,称为结构域。
2. annealing 退火热变性的DNA经缓慢冷却后即可复性,这一过程称为退火。
3. covalent modification共价修饰在其他酶的作用下,酶蛋白肽链上的某些基团可与某种化学基团发生可逆的共价结合,从而改变酶的活性,此过程称为共价修饰。
4. random coil无规卷曲无规卷曲是用来阐述没有确定规律性的那部分肽链结构。
5. transpeptidase转肽酶转肽酶为一种23SrRNA的核酶,在肽链合成延长过程中催化肽键的形成。
6. asymmetric transcription不对称转录•在DNA分子双链上某一区段,一股链用作模板指引转录,另一股链不转录;•模板链并非永远在同一条单链上。
7. glycolysis糖酵解在缺氧情况下,葡萄糖生成乳酸的过程称之为糖酵解。
8. one carbon unit一碳单位某些氨基酸分解代谢过程中产生的只含有一个碳原子的基团,称为一碳单位。
3、(本题1分)酶促反应速度(V)达到最大速度(Vmax)的80%时,底物浓度[S]是Km的 4 倍;而V 达到Vmax的60%时,[S]则是Km的 1.5 倍。
广东工业大学试卷用纸 共 3 页,第 页广东工业大学试卷用纸 共 3 页,第 页3、某照相机可拍摄最近距离为1m ,装上1个焦距为f '=500mm 的近拍镜后,能拍摄的最近距离 是 m 。
(假设近拍镜和照相镜头密接)4、“入射光瞳”是指孔径光阑在系统 所成的像。
三(1)题图2、(本题4分)在下图三(2) (a)中标出像的方向;画出(b)中的棱镜展开图a) b)三(2)题图四、计算题(总44分)答题纸不够可写背面,请注明题号 1、(本题12分)已知一个透镜的两个表面的半径分别是r 1=50mm ,r 2=-10mm ,厚度d =5mm ,折射率n =1.5163,求它的像方焦距和像方主平面位置。
(提示:焦距公式为:])1()()[1('1221d n r r n n r nr f -+--=,主点位置公式为:广东工业大学试卷用纸共 3 页,第页广东工业大学试卷参考答案及评分标准 ( A )课程名称: 应用光学。
考试时间: 2008 年 7 月 2 日 (第 19 周星期 3 )一、选择题(每小题4分,总20分)将所选正确答案对应的字母填写在下列对应题号的括号中,多选、不选或者选错均不给分1、[ B ]2、[ C ]3、[ D ]4、[ A ]5、[ A ]二、填空题(每小题4分,总16分)将答案填写在对应题号的空白横线上。
1、130;2、大于等于8 ;3、333.33mm或者0.3333m ;4、物空间。
2、(每小题4分)广东工业大学试卷用纸共 3 页,第页广东工业大学试卷用纸 共 3 页,第 页 四、计算题(总35分)答题纸不够可写背面(请注明题号)1、(本题12分)解:按照焦点公式将r 1、r 2和d 代入可以得到:]55163.0)60(5163.1[52.0)10(505163.1])1()()[1('1221⨯+-⨯⨯-⨯⨯=-+--=d n r r n n r nr f =16.49(mm ) (6分) 象方主点位置为5656.05)15163.1()60(5163.1510)1()('122-=⨯-+-⨯⨯=-+--=d n r r n d r l H (mm )(6分) 2、(本题10分)由远点距离是1/(-2.5)=-0.4(m) (5分) 佩戴上100度的近视镜后,其远点距离变为1/(-2.5+1)=-2/3 (m)或者-0.667m (5分)3、(本题10分)由棱镜展开图如下(画图得1分):D 0=2f '×tg ω =14 (mm) (3分) D 为棱镜的尺寸,D=D 0+(D 1-D 0)×(f '-a 1)/ f ' =16.25(mm), (3分) 棱镜等效空气层厚度为:e =D/n =10.83(mm) (2分) 像面位置:a 0=30-e =19.17mm (1分)4、(本题12分)解:在均匀照明的情况下,照明区域内接受的总光通量为157)1(502≈⨯⨯==ΦπES (流明) (4分) 照明区间的平均发光强度是31085.702.0157''⨯==ΩΦ=I (坎德拉) (2分) 灯泡的发光强度是 25.1968.0157==ΩΦ=I (坎德拉) (2分) 灯泡发出的总光通量是24654≈=ΦI π总(流明) (2分) 若采用钨丝灯照明,其光视效能K =15流明/瓦特,则灯泡的功率是33.164152465≈=Φ=ΦK e 总(瓦特) (2分)。
市场营销观念是以满足顾客需求为出发点的,即“ 顾客需要什么,就生产什么”。
绿色营销策略包括绿色产品策略、绿色价格策略、绿色分销策略等二、简答题(4题,每题 10 分,共40分)1、简述市场营销和推销的区别。
一、词汇与结构题(共50分每题2分)Directions: In questions 1~25, you are to choose the word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the provision. Then, fill the letter you have chosen into the AnswerTable .Art. 2 Characteristics of the goods2.1 It is agreed that any information relating to the goods and their use,such as weights, dimensions, capacities, prices, colours and otherdata contained in catalogues, prospectuses, circulars, advertisements,illustrations, price-lists of the Seller, (1) not take effect asterms of the contract unless expressly referred to in the Contract.2.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the Buyer does not acquire any propertyrights in software, drawings etc. which may have been madeavailable to him. The Seller also remains the (2) owner ofany intellectual or industrial property rights relating to the goods.Art. 3 Inspection of the goods before shipmentIf the parties have agreed that the Buyer is (3) to inspect the goods before shipment, the Seller must notify the Buyer within areasonable time before the shipment that the goods are ready forinspection at the agreed place.Art. 4 Price4.1 If no price has been agreed, the Seller’s current list price at the timeof the conclusion of the Contract shall apply. In the absence of such a current list price, the price generally charged for such goods at the time of the conclusion of the Contract shall apply.4.2 (4) otherwise agreed in writing, the price does not includeV AT, and is not subject to price adjustment.4.3 The contract price includes any costs which are at the Seller's chargeaccording to this Contract. (5) , should the seller bear any costs which, according to this Contract, are for the Buyer's account, such sums shall not be considered as having been included in the contract price and shall be reimbursed by the Buyer.Art. 5 Payment conditions5.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, or implied from a prior course ofdealing between the parties, payment of the price and of any othersums due by the Buyer to the Seller shall be on open account andtime of payment shall be 30 days from the date of invoice. The amounts due shall be (6) by tele-transmission to the Seller's (1)A. shallB. should(2)A. lawfulB. exclusive(3)A. supposedB. entitled(4)A. IfB. Unless(5)A. HoweverB. Therefore(6)bank in the sellers’ country for the account of the Seller and theBuyer shall be deemed to have performed his payment obligationswhen the respective sums due have been received by the Seller'sbank in immediately available funds.5.2 If the parties have agreed on payment in advance, without furtherindication, it may well be assumed that such (7) payment,unless otherwise agreed, refers to the full price, and that the advance payment must be received by the Seller's bank in immediately available funds at least 30 days before the agreed date of delivery. If advance payment has been agreed only for a part of the contractprice, the payment conditions of the (8) amount will be determined according to the rules set forth in this article.5.3 If the parties have agreed on payment by documentary credit, then,unless otherwise agreed, the Buyer must arrange for a documentary(9) in favour of the Seller to be issued by a reputable bank,subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits published by the International Chamber of Commerce and to be notified at least 30 days before the agreed date of delivery. Unless otherwise agreed, the documentary credit shall be (10) at sight and allow partial shipments and transshipments.5.4 If the parties have agreed on payment by documentary collection,then unless otherwise agreed, documents will be tendered againstpayment (D/P) and the tender will in any case be (11) to the Uniform Rules for Collections published by the InternationalChamber of Commerce.Art. 6 Interest in case of delayed payment6.1 If a party does not pay a sum of money when it falls due the otherparty is entitled to interest upon that sum from the time whenpayment is due to the time of payment.6.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the (12) of interest shall be2%above the average bank short-term lending rate to primeborrowers prevailing for the currency of payment at the place ofpayment, or where no such rate exists at that place, then the samerate in the State of the currency of payment.Art. 7 Retention of titleIf the parties have validly agreed on retention of title, the goods shall remain the (13) of the Seller until the complete payment ofthe price.Art. 8 Contractual term of deliveryUnless otherwise agreed, delivery shall be “Ex Works” (EXW).A. deliveredB. transferred(7)A. advancedB. advance(8)A. remainingB. remained(9)A. creditB. draft(10)A. receivableB. payable(11)A. subjectB. object(12)A. sumB. rate(13)A. cargoB. propertyArt. 9 DocumentsUnless otherwise agreed, the (14) must provide the documents indicated in the applicable Incoterm or, if no Incoterm is applicable, according to any previous course of dealing.Art.10 Late-delivery, non-delivery and remedies therefore 10.1 When there is delay in delivery of any goods, the Buyer is entitled toclaim liquidated (15) equal to 0.5% or such otherpercentage as may be agreed of the price of those goods for each complete week of delay, provided the Buyer notifies the Seller of the delay. Where the Buyer so notifies the Seller within 15 days from the agreed date of delivery, damages will run from the agreed date ofdelivery. Where the Buyer so notifies the Seller after 15 days of the agreed date of delivery, damages will run from the date of the notice.Liquidated damages for delay shall not exceed 5% of the price of thedelayed goods.10.2 If the parties have agreed upon a cancellation date, the Buyer may(16) the contract by notification to the Seller as regardsgoods which have not been delivered by such cancellation date for any reason whatsoever (including a force majeure event).10.3 In case of termination of the contract under article 10.2, then inaddition to any amount paid or payable under article 10.1, the Buyer is entitled to (17) damages for any additional loss not exceeding 10%of the price of the non-delivered goods.Art. 11 Non-conformity of the goods11.1 The Buyer shall examine the goods as soon as possible after theirarrival at destination and shall notify the Seller in writing of any lack of (18) of the goods within 15 days from the date when the Buyer discovers or ought to have discovered the lack of conformity.In any case the Buyer shall have no remedy for lack of conformity if he fails to notify the Seller thereof within 12 months from the date of arrival of the goods at the agreed destination.11.2 Goods will be deemed to conform to the contract despite minordiscrepancies which are usual in the particular trade or through course of dealing between the parties but the Buyer will be entitled to any abatement of the price usual in the trade or through course ofdealing for such discrepancies.11.3 Where goods are non-conforming, the Seller shall at his option:(a) replace the goods with conforming goods, without any additionalexpense to the Buyer, or (14)A. SellerB. Buyer(15)A. harmB. damages(16)A. terminateB. suspend(17)A. payB. claim(18)A. conformityB. defects(b) repair the goods, without any additional expense to the Buyer, or(c) reimburse to the Buyer the price paid for the non-conforminggoods and thereby terminate the contract as regards those goods. The Buyer will be entitled to liquidated damages as quantified under article 10.1 for each complete week of delay between the date of notification of the non-conformity according to article 11.1 and the supply of substitute goods under article 11.3 (a) or repair underarticle 11.3 (b) above. Such damages may be accumulated withdamages payable under article 10.1, but can in (19) case exceed in the aggregate 5% of the price of those goods.11.4 If the Seller has failed to perform his duties under 11.3 by the dateon which the Buyer becomes entitled to the maximum amount ofliquidated damages according to that article, the Buyer may give notice in writing to terminate the contract as regards the non-conforming goods unless the supply of replacement goods or the repair is (20) within 5 days of receipt of such notice by theSeller.11.5 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, no action for lack of conformitycan be taken by the Buyer, whether before judicial or arbitraltribunals, after 2 years from the date of arrival of the goods. It isexpressly agreed that after the (21) of such term, the Buyer will not plead non-conformity of the goods, or make a counter-claim thereon, in defence to any action taken by the Seller against theBuyer for non-performance of this Contract.Art.12 Cooperation between the parties12. 1 The Buyer shall promptly inform the Seller of any claim madeagainst the Buyer by his customers or third parties (22) the goods delivered or intellectual property rights related thereto. 12.2 The Seller will promptly inform the Buyer of any claim which mayinvolve the product (23) of the Buyer.Art.13 Force majeure13.1 A party is not liable for a failure to perform any of his obligations inso far as he proves(a) that the failure was due to an (24) beyond his control, and(b) that he could not reasonably be expected to have taken intoaccount the impediment and its effects upon his ability toperform at the time of the conclusion of the contract, and(a)that he could not reasonably have avoided or overcome it or itseffects. (19)A. anyB. no(20)A. effectedB. affected(21)A. matureB. expiry(22)A. concerningB. concerned(23)A. liabilityB. responsibility(24)A. implementB. impediment13.2 A party seeking relief shall, as soon as practicable after theimpediment and its effects upon his ability to perform become known to him, give notice to the other party of such impediment and its effects on his ability to perform. Notice shall also be given whenthe ground of relief ceases.Failure to give either notice makes the party thus failing liable in damages for loss which otherwise could have been avoided.13.3 If the grounds of relief subsist for more than six months, (25) party shall be entitled to terminate the contract without notice.(25)A. eachB. either二、翻译题(共50分每题5分)Directions: In questions 26-35, translate the underlined Chinese segments into English, and the underlined English ones into Chinese. Write down your answers on the Answer Sheet.Article 2 Good Faith and Fair Dealing2.1 (26) 在履行本合同项下义务时, the parties will act in accordance with good faith and fairdealing.2.2 The provision of this contract, as well as any statements made by the parties in connectionwith this distributorship relationship, shall be interpreted in good faith.Article 4 Undertaking Not to Compete4.1 (27) 除非有供应商的事先书面授权,the Distributor shall not represent, manufacture, market or sell in the Territory any products which are in competition with the Products, for theentire term of this contract.Article 7 Conditions of Supply – Prices7.1 (28) 供应商原则上应供应订购的所有指定产品, subject to their availability, and provided payment of the Products is adequately warranted. The Supplier may not unreasonably reject orders received from the Distributor; in particular, a repeated refusal of orders contrary to good faith (e.g. if made for the purpose of hindering the Distributor’s activity) shall be considered asa breach of contract by the Supplier.Article 8 Sales Targets – Guaranteed Minimum Target8.1 The parties may agree annually on the sales targets for the forthcoming year.8.2 (29) 双方应尽最大努力实现议定的销售目标, but the non-attainment shall not beconsidered as a breach of the contract by a party, unless that party is clearly at fault.Article 10 Supplier to Be Kept Informed10.1 The Distributor shall exercise due diligence to keep the Supplier informed about the Distributor’s activities, market conditions and the state of competition within the Territory. The distributor shall answer any reasonable request for information made by the Supplier.10.2 The Distributor shall exercise due diligence to keep the Supplier informed about:(i) the laws and regulations which are applicable in the Territory and relate to the Products (e.g.import regulations, labeling, technical specifications, safety requirements, etc.), and (ii) (30) 只要其可能影响到供应商, the laws and regulations concerning the Distributor’s activity.Article 11 Resale PricesA. The Distributor is free to fix the resale prices of the Products, with the only exception of maximum sales prices that the Supplier may impose. However, the S upplier may indicate “non binding” resale prices, (31) provided this does in no way limit the Distributor’s right togrant lower prices.Article 14 Confidential Information14.1 (32) Each party agrees not to disclose to third parties any Confidential Information (as defined hereunder under Article 14.2) disclosed to him by the other party in the context ofthis Contract.14.2 Confidential Information means information which has been supplied to the other party with an indication that it is confidential, provided such information is not in the public domain.Article 16 Sole Distributorship16.1 The Supplier shall not, during the life of this contract, grant any other person or undertaking (including a subsidiary of the Supplier) within the Territory the right to represent or market the Products. The Supplier shall furthermore refrain from selling to customers established in the Territory, except pursuant to the conditions set out under Article 16 hereafter.16.2 (33) The Supplier is entitled to sell the Products to customers outside the Territory, even if such customers intend to export the Products into the Territory, but may not actively solicit or otherwise provoke such sales to third parties with the purpose of circumventing theexclusivity under Article 16.1.Article 18 Distributor to Be Kept Informed18.1 (34)The Supplier shall provide the Distributor free of charge with all documentation relating to the Products (brochures, etc.) reasonably needed by the Distributor for carrying out its obligations under the contract. The Distributor shall return to the Supplier, at the end of this Contract, all Documents that have been made available to it by the Supplier and that remain in its possession.Article 19 Terms of the Contract19.1 (35)This Contract enters into force on the 2nd of July 2009 and shall remain in forceuntil the 1st of July 2010.19.2 This contract shall be automatically renewed for successive periods of one year, unless terminated by either party by notice given in writing by means of communication ensuring evidence and date of receipt (e.g. registered mail with return receipt, special courier), not less than four months before the date of expiry. If the contract has been in force for more than five years, the period of notice will be six months.三、简答题(共25分每题5分)Directions: Answer the following questions. Your should write at least 20 words for each question.36. What are the four payment methods for international sales of goods?37. According to the INCOTERMS 2000, what does the price term “US$150 perM/T CIF New York” mean in terms of the costs, the place of delivery and the transfer of the risks to the loss or damage of the goods?38. How does “Force Majeure” affect the parties to a contract?39. Explain the differences between arbitration and litigation as a resolution to thecontractual disputes.40. Generally, what do the Industrial Property Rights refer to in the internationalcontracts?。
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若要调整中断事件的响应次序,可以利用A.中断嵌套B.中断响应C.中断屏蔽D.中断向量5.下列中断中,哪一个不属于强迫性中断A.设备出错B.掉电C.时间片到时D.执行print语句6.计算机系统中设置的访管指令A.只能在目录下执行B.只能在管态下执行C.既可在目态又可在管态下执行D.在目态和管态下都不能执行7.实时操作系统的主要目标是A.计算机系统的交互性B.计算机系统的利用率C.计算机系统的可靠性D.提高软件的运行速度8.在计算机系统中,允许多个程序同时进入内存并运行,这种方法称为A.SPOOLing技术B.虚拟存储技术C.缓冲技术D.多道程序设计技术9.假设一个计算机系统,在一定时间内,运行用户的程序所需的时间为T1,运行操作系统程序为用户服务所用的时间为T2,运行操作系统程序做系统管理工作所用的时间为T3,那么计算机系统的时间开销是A.TB.T1C.T2D.T310.分时系统中终端处理程序完成许多工作,下列哪一项不属于终端处理程序所管A.回送显示B.行缓冲C.字符变换D.创建子进程11.下列关于中断的叙述中,不正确的是A.时间片到时属于时钟中断B.目态下执行特权指令将产生程序性中断C.缺页中断属于自愿性中断D.打印机完成打印将产生输入输出中断12.CPU状态分为目态和管态两种,什么是从目态转换到管态的唯一途径?A.运行进程修改程序状态字B.进程调度程序C.中断屏蔽D.中断13.系统出现死锁的原因A.计算机系统发生了重大故障B.有多个等待的进程存在C.若干进程因竞争资源而无休止地等待着其它进程释放占用的资源D.进程同时申请的资源数大大超过资源总数14.用down和up操作可以解决进程间的各种同步互斥问题,下列说法中哪个正确Ⅰ.两个down操作的顺序无关紧要Ⅱ.用于互斥的down操作应在用于同步的down操作之前Ⅲ.用于同步的down操作应在用于互斥的down操作之前A.只有ⅠB.只有ⅡC.只有ⅢD.都不正确15.预防死锁的方法,.通常是破坏产生死锁的四个必要条件之一,但下列哪个条件不能被破坏?A.互斥B.占有并等待C.不可抢夺D.循环等待16. 操作系统中必须设置一个统一的机构,对进程的运行有效地控制和管理,该机构称为A. 进程控制块B.系统核心C.信号量结构D.中断机制17.进程的并发性是指若干个进程执行时(A) 在时间上是不能重叠的 (B) 在时间上是可以重叠的(D)必须独占资源(C) 不能交替占用CPU18.一个进程可以包含多个线程,下列哪一向不是这些线程独立拥有的资源?(A) 线程控制快 (B)内存空间 (C)处理器 (D)系统运行栈19. 进程调度有各种各样的算法,如果算法选择不当,就会出现怎么问题?(A) 颠簸,(抖动) (B)进程长期等待 (C)死锁 (D)不安全20. 下列哪些问题没有包含互斥关系?(A)哲学家就餐问题(B)司机售票员问题(C)飞机订票问题(D)读者写者问题21.一个已经具备运行条件,但由于没有获得CPU而不能运行的进程处于(A) 等待状态 (B)睡眠状态 (C)就绪状态 (D)挂起状态22.一个由于没有获得打印机而不能运行的进程处于(A)就绪状态(B)运行状态(C)等待状态(D)后备状态23.下列关于资源分配图的叙述中,正确的是(A)矩形框表示进程,其中的圆点表示申请同一类资源的各个进程(B)圆点结点表示资源类(C)资源分配图是一个有向图,用于表示某时刻系统资源与进程之间的状态(D)有向边包括两类:进程指向资源类的分配边和资源类指向进程的申请边24.进程从运行状态进入就绪状态的原因可能是(A)等待某一事件(B)被选中占有处理器(C)时间片用完(D)等待的事件已发生25.下面关于存储管理的叙述中正确的是A.先现在操作系统中,允许用户干预内存的分配B.固定分区存储管理是针对单道系统的内存管理方案C.可变分区存储管理可以对作业分配不连续的内存单元D.页式存储管理中,页面大小是在硬件设计时确定的26.在虚拟页式存储管理方案中,当查找的页面不在哪里时,会产生缺页中断?A.外存B.虚存C.内存D.地址空间27.在存储管理中,将进程不需要或暂时不需要的部分移到外存,让出内存空间以调入其他进程这一技术称为A.覆盖技术B.虚拟技术C.交换技术D.缓冲技术28.关于CPU对外部设备的直接内存存取控制方式,哪个是不正确的?A. DMA方式用于高速外部设备与内存之间批量数据的传输B.当本次DMA传送的数据开始时,产生中断,请求CPU进行处理C.DMA方式不用CPU干预D.DMA采用窃取总线控制权的方式29.下面存储管理中哪个会使系统产生抖动?A.固定分区B.可变分区C.虚拟页式D.段式30.对于下列文件的物理结构中,哪一个只能采用顺序存取方式?A.顺序文件B.链接文件C.索引文件D.HASH文件二、问答题(每题5分,共20分,请将答案填在答题纸上)1. 何谓系统栈? 何谓用户栈? 系统栈有何用途? 用户栈有何用途?2. 何谓并行? 何谓并发? 在单处理机系统中,下述并行和并发现象哪些可能发生,哪些不会发生?(1) 进程与进程之间的并行;(2) 进程与进程之间的并发;(3) 处理机与设备之间的并行;(4) 处理机与通道之间的并行;(5) 通道与通道之间的并行;(6) 设备与设备之间的并行。
4. 若在T1时刻进程P1运行,T2时刻进程P2运行,且P1≠P2,则在时刻T1和时刻T2期间之内一定发生过中断。
这种说法对吗? 为什么?三、解答题(20分,请将答案填在答题纸上)1. 某寺庙,有小和尚、老和尚若干.庙内有一水缸,由小和尚提水入缸,供老和尚饮用。
水缸可容纳 30 桶水,每次入水、取水仅为1桶,不可同时进行。
(15分)2. 设系统中有n个进程并发,共同竞争资源X,且每个进程都需要m个X资源,为使该系统不会发生死锁,资源X最少要有多少个。
(5分)天津外国语学院国际商学院2008-2009学年第一学期操作系统期末考试答题纸(A卷)专业信管班级学号姓名成绩考试用时:90分钟题号一二三总分一、 单选题(每题2分,共40分,请将答案填在下面的表中)得分题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案题号11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案题号21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 答案三、问答题(每题5分,共20分)得分1.2.3.4.三、解答题(2题,共20分)得分天津外国语学院国际商学院2008-2009学年第二学期操作系统期末考试试卷(A卷)答案及评分标准专业信管一、单选题(每题2分,共60分,请将答案填在答题纸的表中)DDAAD CCDDD 、CDCCA ABBBB、CCCCD CCBCB二、问答题(每题5分,共20分,请将答案填在答题纸上)1. 何谓系统栈? 何谓用户栈? 系统栈有何用途? 用户栈有何用途?答:系统栈是内存中属于操作系统空间的一块固定区域,其主要用途为:(1)保存中断现场,对于嵌套中断,被中断程序的现场信息依次压入系统栈,中断返回时逆序弹出;(2)保存操作系统子程序间相互调用的参数、返回值、返回点、以及子程序的局部变量。
2.何谓并行? 何谓并发? 在单处理机系统中,下述并行和并发现象哪些可能发生,哪些不会发生?(1) 进程与进程之间的并行;(2) 进程与进程之间的并发;(3) 处理机与设备之间的并行;(4) 处理机与通道之间的并行;(5) 通道与通道之间的并行;(6) 设备与设备之间的并行。
在单处理器系统中,可能发生的并行和并发现象如下:(2) 进程与进程之间的并发。
(3) 处理机与设备之间的并行。
(4) 处理机与通道之间的并行。
(5) 通道与通道之间的并行。
(6) 设备与设备之间的并行。
答:进程在其生存期内可能处于如下三种基本状态之一:(1) 运行态(Run): 进程占有处理机资源,正在运行。
显然,在单处理机系统中任一时刻只能有一个进程处于此种状态;(2) 就绪态(Ready): 进程本身具备运行条件,但由于处理机的个数少于可运行进程的个数,暂未投入运行。
即相当于等待处理机资源(3) 等待态(Wait): 也称挂起态(Suspended)、封锁态(Blocked)、睡眠态(Sleep)。
4. 若在T1时刻进程P1运行,T2时刻进程P2运行,且P1≠P2,则在时刻T1和时刻T2期间之内一定发生过中断。