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live upon sth. 依靠……生活

deep end 深端

well off 处境好的

stand still 一动不动

in time 迟早

think a great deal of 对……评价很高

be/get/become used to sth/doing sth 习惯于……

used to do sth 过去常常

not nearly 远非

feel like doing sth 想做某事

send sb to someplace 把某人送到某处

on the edge of 在……边上

run by 从旁跑过

at a distance 在远处

in the course of a day 在一天当中

do sb harm 伤害某人

at the sight/sound of 一看到…/一听到…

for no good reason 无缘无故

be shut in 被关在

live next door to sb 住某人隔壁

look across to sb (从对面) 朝某人看

have nothing to do with 与…毫无关系

(have) quarrel with sb 与某人争吵

live in peace 平静地生活

lose control of sth 失去对…的控制

be particular in/about sth/doing sth 对……讲究、挑剔

jump off 从……跳下来;开始

go off (枪炮等)被发射;突然发出响声

close by 在附近

pull up 停住(车、马等)

what do you say to sth/doing sth 你觉得怎么样?你觉得行吗?

do one's full share 完成某人应做的部分

feel at home 舒适自在,无拘无束

not only…but also…不仅…而且…

to one’s mind 在某人看来

be supposed to do 应该做…

have the full use of sth. 充分利用…

agree on sth. 同意…

take the same tone 风格一致,基调一致

calm sb. down 使某人平静下来

might (just) as well 倒不如…最好还是…

break off 结束

get up sb’s spirits 使某人精神振奋

start for 动身去某处

from side to side 从一边到另一边

be well out of sth 幸而摆脱了某事

come down upon 掉落到…上

hardly…when… 一……就……

tear up by the roots 连根拔起

be brought up to sth 从小被教育要……

narrow escape 死里逃生

spring out of 从……跳出来

die down 逐渐平息

give way 坍塌

more than likely 很可能

stop to do 停下来去做某事

take a message 捎口信

be in the charge of sb 处在某人负责之下

spread over 展开、笑容绽放

look across at sb 打量某人

step into one's place 代替某人

part with sb 与某人分别

think sth over 把某事想清楚

pay a visit 拜访

be upset 感到不安

rub down 擦洗

practice makes perfect 熟能生巧

later on 随后,稍后

shake one's head 摇头

lead the way 带路

to death 以致死亡

trust sth entirely to sb 把某事全权托付给某人

be proud of sb 为某人感到骄傲

be alarmed in sth 对某事感到恐慌

deny doing sth 否认做过某事

remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事

never to allow sth 绝对不要允许某事

ought to be 应该成为…

get (one's) breathe (恢复)呼吸

hurry to 急忙赶去

all goes well 一切进展顺利

look out for 寻找;小心、提防

be ready to do 准备好做...

be of much use 有些用处

be afraid of work 害怕工作

get into trouble & get out of trouble 陷入麻烦&脱离麻烦do a kindness 采取善意行为

have full charge of 对...负全责

come whistling to work 吹着口哨来工作

be annoyed at...因...而恼怒

turn out well 结果良好

get on well 相处很好

in no time = in a minute 马上、立刻

old fellow 老伙计

draw up 停下、起草

think fit 觉得合适

stand by sb 站在某人身边

take some breath 喘口气

use up = run out 耗尽
