2007年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考教育硕士心理学试卷一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共l0分,本题答案填涂在答题卡上)1.对事物的各种属性、各个部分以及它们之间关系综合的、整体的直接反映是( )。
A.观察B.感觉C.知觉 D.思维2.艾森克认为;性格差异除表现为内外倾似外,速有稳定性和( )性。
A.独立B.敏捷 C.直觉 D.求实3.英国心理学家培因把人的性分为理智型、情绪性和( )型。
A.独立 B.经济 C.理论 D.意志4.不能直接用于交际的言语是( )言语。
A.内部 B.书面 C.口头 D.独自5.思维是人脑对事物概括的( )的反映。
A.深刻 B.间接 C.抽象 D.综合6.主要分布于头、面部,并与头、面部的运动和感觉有关的神经是( )神经。
A.植物性 B.脑 C.脊 D.自主7.强调心理学应该研究无意识现象的是( )、心理学。
A.构造主义 B.行为主义 C.认知 D.精神分析8.把某些事物或现象当作知觉对象,把另一些事物或现象当作知觉背景,这是知觉的( )性。
A.恒常 B.选择 C.理解 D.整体9.其它刺激物的出现,对正在进行的条件反射发生的抑制称为( )抑制。
A.消退 B.超限 C.外 D.分化10.技能形成的基本条件是( )。
A.练习 B.正迁移 C.示范 D.反馈二、填空题(每小题1分。
三、名词解释(每小题2分,共lO分)1.性格 2.想象 3.暗适应 4.实验法 5.习惯四、简答题(每小题5分,共30分)1.简述皮亚杰关于影响心理发展的因素。
考研教育学专业基础综合考试教育学原理真题2007年一、单项选择题1. 赫尔巴特所代表的传统教育思想的核心一般被概括为:教材中心、课堂中心和______A.教师中心B.学校中心C.学生中心D.活动中心答案:A[解答] 赫尔巴特是传统教育的代表人物,而此题目考查的是赫尔巴特的“三中心”,即以教师为中心,以教室为中心,以教材为中心,也被称为“三中心”。
2. 强调知识的内在逻辑和系统性,主张分科教学的是______A.经验主义课程论B.学科中心课程论C.存在主义课程论D.后现代主义课程论答案:B[解答] 课程理论流派主要有经验主义课程论、学科中心主义课程论、存在主义课程论、后现代主义课程论等。
3. 只要提供了足够的时间和帮助,每一个学生都能达成学习目标,依据这种思想建构的教学模式是______A.程序教学模式B.发现教学模式C.掌握学习教学模式D.非指导性教学模式答案:C[解答] 掌握学习教学模式是由美国心理学家和教育学家布卢姆于20世纪70年代创立的。
第⼀部分逻辑⼀、单项选择题(共30题,每⼩题1分,共30分)1.⽼张:只有四川⼈才爱吃辣椒 ⼩刘:不对吧!⽼李是四川⼈,但他不爱吃辣椒。
⼩刘的回答把⽼张的话误解为以下哪项?A.爱吃辣椒的⼈都是四川⼈ B.⽼李爱吃辣椒 C.所有四川⼈都爱吃辣椒D.没有四川⼈爱吃辣椒 E.⽼李不爱吃辣椒2.有⼀次班级活动王颖没有参加,事后班长问王颖:“这次班级活动你怎么⼜没来?”班的的提问必须预设以下哪⼀项?A.王颖这次缺席班级活动没有预先请假 B.王颖没有缺席过班级活动 C.王颖从来没有缺席过班级活动 D.王颖缺席过过去的班级活动E.没有其它同学缺席这次班级活动3.某⼯⼚实验室对3种产品A、B、C进⾏撞击和拉伸测试,能通过这两种测试的产品就是合格品。
A.有两种产品是合格品 B.还应该通过其它测试 C.⾄少有⼀种产品是合格品D.有可能3种产品都不是合格品 E.产品A是合格品4.通信部他的⼠兵学习了不少步兵战术,赵洪是通信部队的⼠兵,所以他也学习了不少步兵战术。
311 07-10真题答案
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.D11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.A21.D 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.A 26.D 27.B 28.A 29.C 30.A31.D 32.C 33.C 34.C 35.B 36.B 37.A 38.B 39.A 40.C41.A 42.D 43.B 44.D 45.D二、辨析题:每小题10分。
在职攻读教育硕士专业学位全国联考教育学试题1 一、填空题 (共10分/每空1分)1.教育的两条基本规律是( )和( )。
2.教育的目的规定了特定社会教育所培养的人的( )标准。
3.结构主义教学理论的代表人物是( )。
4.课外校外教育是指在课程计划和( )以外,利用课余时间,对学生实施的各种有目的、有计划、有组织的教育活动。
5.我国新时期的教育方针是:教育必须为( )服务,必须与生产劳动相结合,培养德智体等几方面全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。
6.中共中央于1999年颁布了《关于深化教育体制改革( )的决定》。
7.德育过程的基本矛盾是( )之间的矛盾。
8.“头脑不是一个可以填满的容器,而是一支需要被点燃的火把”,这句话体现了( )的教学方法思想。
9.“我爱我师,我更爱真理”,这句名言可以用来说明我国社会主义条件下师生关系的( )特点。
二、概念题 (共6分/每小题3分)1.美育 2.陶冶法三、论述题 (9分)试述人的发展的基本特性及其对教育提出的要求。
教育学试题1[参考答案]一、填空题1.教育与社会发展相互制约的规律、教育与人的身心发展相互制约的规律2.质量规格 3.布鲁纳 4.教学大纲 5.社会主义建设 6.全面推进素质教育 7.社会通过教师向学生提出的道德要求与学生已有品德水平之间的矛盾 8.启发式 9.民主平等二、概念题l.美育对人的全面发展具有独特的、不可替代作用,是全面发展教育的有机组成部分。
15. 下列关于“消费者物价指数(CPI)”的说法,不正确的一项是 A. 该指标上升意味着居民生活成本下降 B. 通常作为观察通货膨胀水平的重要指标 C. 该指标较大时可能出现经济运行不稳定 D. 反映与居民生活有关的商品价格及劳务价格的统计物价变动指标 二、填空题 16. 在下列各句横线处,依次填入最恰当的词语。 ①误会产生后,你们并没有给他____的机会。 ②这两个问题之间没有什么关联,需要____处理。 ③大家的力量____在一起,就没有克服不了的困难。 A.分辨 各别 会合 C. 分辩 各别 汇合 B. 分辨 个别 会合 D. 分辨 个别 汇合
2. 下列各句中,没有错别字的一句是 A.不可狂妄自大,也不要枉自菲薄。 B.诗歌最忌骄揉造作,无病呻吟。 C.他自顾不遐,哪里还能顾及他人。
地址:天津市南开区鞍山西道时代公寓 A 座 2302 咨询电话:23156300 GCT 试卷 A 卷
B. 不适当地管教孩子,对孩子的成长十分不利。 C. 他文思敏捷.三天就写出了一篇文章。 D. 火车票没买到,老王只好急急忙忙坐出租车去了。 7. 下列关于文史知识的表述,有错误的一项是 A. 鲁迅的《 狂人日记》1918 年发表于《新青年》杂志,后收人小说集《呐喊》。
地址:天津市南开区鞍山西道时代公寓 A 座 2302 咨询电话:23156300 GCT 试卷 A 卷
25. 人民法院审理_____案件,必须进行调解。 A. 离婚 B. 继承遗产
咨询电话:23156300 GCT 试卷 A 卷
地址:天津市南开区鞍山西道时代公寓 A 座 2302
C. 借款合同
D. 追索劳动报酬
2007年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考(MPA)管理学真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单选题 2. 案例题 3. 简述题 4. 分析题单选题1.西方行政学产生的标志是威尔逊发表的( )A.《公共行政原理》B.《政治与行政》C.《公共行政学研究导论》D.《行政管理学之研究》正确答案:D解析:西方行政学产生于美国,以1887年威尔逊发表的《行政管理学之研究》为标志。
2.把“经济人”假设引入政府行为理论的公共选择学派的创始人是( )A.布莱克维尔B.科恩C.布坎南D.威廉姆逊正确答案:C解析:以布坎南为代表的公共选择学派把”经济人”假设引入政府行为理论。
3.提出使管理职能细化并实行“职能工长制”的管理学家是( ) A.韦伯B.法约尔C.泰罗D.德鲁克正确答案:C解析:泰罗提出管理职能细化,并实行“职能工长制”;韦伯作为组织管理学派的代表人物,在其《社会和经济组织的理论》中提出了现代行政体系的基本原则;法约尔在《工业管理与一般管理》中认为管理职能可以划分为计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制五项基本职能;德鲁克是经验学派的代表人物。
4.阿吉里斯提出“不成熟——成熟理论”的著作是( )A.《个性与组织》B.《激励与个人》C.《工作与人性》D.《人类动机理论》正确答案:A解析:《个性与组织》是阿吉里斯的代表作,提出“不成熟一成熟理论;《工作与人性》是赫茨伯格的著作;《激励与个人》与《人类动机理论》是马斯洛的代表作。
5.现代管理学派中,权变理论学派的代表人物是( )A.孔茨B.西蒙C.卢丹斯D.明茨伯格正确答案:C解析:卢丹斯是权变理论学派的代表人物;孔茨是管理过程学派的代表人物;西蒙是决策理论的代表人物;明茨伯格是经理角色学派的代表人物。
6.不同时期政府设置的临时办公机构,如各种工作领导协调小组及其办公室,属于( )A.直线结构B.矩阵结构C.直线一职能结构D.职能结构正确答案:B解析:直线结构是一种最简单的组织结构形式,组织职位按照垂直系统直线排列,各级主管对自己的下级拥有一切职权,职权和命令从上到下直线纵向贯穿于组织之中。
2007年教育学试题及答案第一篇:2007年教育学试题及答案2007年教育学试题及答案(2009-05-01 17:32:01)转载标签:分类:教师杂谈2007年教育学试题及答案 2007-08-07 08:26一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。
A.大众性 B.公平性 C.终身性 D.未来性 6.学校管理的目标和尺度是()A.经济收入 B.良好的公共关系 C.学校绩效 D.政治影响 7.学校管理的基本途径是()A.教学活?nbsp;B.沟通 C.教劳结合 D.协调8.儿童身心发展有两个高速发展期:新生儿与青春期,这是身心发展()规律的反映。
A.教育方针 B.教育政策 C.教育目的 D.教育目标10.学校德育对政治、经济、文化发生影响的功能即指()A.发展性功能 B.个体性功能 C.教育性功能 D.社会性功能11.美国各门课程中多样化的实践活动,日本的综合活动时间反映出对()在课程中地位的重视。
A.知识B.能力C.直接经验D.间接经验12.欧洲中世纪的宗教神学课程和工业革命后的以自然科学为基础的课程属于课程类别中的()A.学科课程B.活动课程C.综合课程D.融合课程 13.教学活动的本质是()A.认识活动 B.实践活动 C.交往活动 D.课堂活动14.“除数是小数的除法”,某老师把学生的回答的分12个馒头的计算板书出来:12÷3=4(人)12÷2=6(人),12÷1=12(人),12÷0.5=24(人),这一做法体现了()A.巩固性原则 B.直观性原则 C.理论联系实际原则D.因材施教原则15.布鲁纳认为,无论我们选择何种学科,都务必使学生理解该学科的基本结构,依此而建立的课程理论是()A.百科全书式课程理论B.综合课程理论C.实用主义课程理论D.结构主义课程理论16.把两个及其两个年级以上的儿童编在一个班级,直接教学与布置、完成作业轮流交替进行,在一节课内由一位教师对不同年级学生进行教学的组织形式是()。
2007年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考教育硕士英语二试卷一2007年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考教育硕士英语二试卷一SectionⅠ Use of English (20 minutes, 10%) Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blasnk form A, B, C or D.The adults the United States constitute a work force about 81 million people, of whom only 27 million possess a marketable skill as a result of conscious career development. The remaining 2/3 of the work force, not 015 million unemployed, have managed to 02a livelihood, without special skills or experience. During their employed 03 , these individuals will hold many different jobs, 04 the most part unrelated to each other.05 ab out 2.5 million young people a year06 high school or college, with little or no idea of what to do 07 their lives. I estimate that upwards of 50 percent of our young people now in school or college have no real goals toward08 to aim, and 10 them systematically.There are 11 jobs all over the country. Yet, 17 percent of our under-twenty age group are unemployed, many of them 12 welfare. More than 30 percent of our minority young people of this age group are unemployed. 13 none of these young people had the 14 of career education or the traditional technical education 15 in many schools. Is it any 16 that student’s unrest is the result of the unchanging institutional 17 that have failed to make learning useful or meaningful for those who now want more 18 teaching and learning useful or meaningful for those who now want more 18 teaching and learning than the system offers? In fact, our 19 of career development in recent years has done damage to the total educational 20 of both the individual and the nation..01. A. calculating B. counting C. amountingD. computing02. A. build B. open C. enter D. keep03. A. life B. time C. livelihood D. period04. A. in B. by C. with D. for05. A. Roughly B. Strangely C. CurrentlyD. Obviously06. A. graduate B. finish C. complete D. leave07. A. to B. with C. about D.in08. A. what B. that C. which D. those09. A. information B. knowledge C. practice D. literacy10. A. promoting B. continuing C. pursuingD. advancing11. A. potential B. unfilled C. unfitted D. redundant12. A. on B. by C. in D. to13. A. Frequently B. Virtually C. UsuallyD. Apparently14. A. benefits B. chances C. results D. records15. A. accessible B. assessable C. availableD. desirable16. A. secret B. shock C. miracle D.wonder17. A. programs B. codes C. levels D. orders18. A. exotic B. profitable C. reasonable D. realistic19. A. neglect B. defect C. fault D. defeat20. A. deeds B. needs C. causes D. quests SectionⅡ Reading (70 minutes, 50%)Part ARead the following text and answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D.The place of public education within a democratic society has been widely discussed and debated throughout the years. Perhaps no one has written more widely on the subject in the United States than “the father of public education.” John Dewey. Dewey asserted that education contains a large social component designed to provide direction and assure children’s development through their participation in the group to which they belong. Inexplaining education as a social act, he regarded the classroom as a replica (exact copy) of society.Dewey believed that just as humans need sleep, food, water and shelter for physiological renewal, they also need education to renew their minds, assuring that their socialization keeps pace with physiological growth. He thought that education should provide children with a nurturing atmosphere to encourage the growth of their as-yet-undeveloped social customs and that the steadying and organizing influences of school should provide direction indirectly through the selection of the situations in which the youngster participated.Above all, Dewey saw public education as a catalyst (motive force) for growth. Since the young came to school capable of growth, it was the role of education to provide opportunities for that growth to occur. Thesuccessful school environment is one in which a desire for continued growth is created –- a desire that extends throughout one’s life beyond the end of formal education. In Dewey’s model, the role of education in a democratic society is not seen as a preparation for some later stage in life, such as adulthood. Rather, education is seen as a process of growth that never ends, with human beings continuously expanding their capacity for growth. Neither did Dewey’s model see education as a means by which the past was repeated. Instead, education was a continuous reconstruction of experiences, grounded very much in the present environment. Since Dewey’s model places a heavy emphasis on the social component, the nature of the larger society that supports the educational system is of vital importance. The ideal larger society, according to Dewey, is one in which the interests of a group are shared by all of its members andin which interactions with other groups are free and full. He believed that education in such a society should provide members of the group a stake or interest in social relationships and he ability to facilitate change without compromising the order and stability of the society. His teachings continue to play a significant role in the formulation of curriculum geared toward the furthering of democratic principles -------the school system and beyond. 21.Dewey pictured the classroom as a replica of society because.A.t he classroom is immune to social invasion.B.Society imposes its principles on education.C.T he school is a crucial component ofsociety.D.E ducation comprises social interactions.22.Dewey’s philosophy implies that the lack of education for a child would.A.b e mentally destroying.B.Be life intimidating.C.B lock his physical renewal.D.C ause faulty socialization.23.Dewey considered all of the following as true EXCEPT.A.h is model should affect curriculumformulation.B.Direction provided by education should besubtle.C.S chools must foster their participants inevery way.D.I ntellectual renewal must go with physicalgrowth.24.According to Dewey, the goal of education is toA.s atisfy the diverse desires of the youth.B.Impart ready experiences to the young.C.P ave the way for youngsters’ ambitions.D.M ake profound impacts on the students.25.Dewey believed that in the ideal society education shouldA.p romote democratic social principles atlarge.B.Make social groups enjoy commoninterests.C.K eep social stability from beingendangered.D.R eform the established social order mildly.26.The author suggests that Dewey’s theoryA.d ominates educational philosophy.B.Is the by-product of social idealism.C.F ar exceeds the realm of education.D.I s sure to arouse a social revolution.Part BYou are going to read an extract about curriculum. Six paragraphs have been removed from the extract. Choose from the paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (27-32). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.CurriculumIt seems fairly obvious that if teachers are to he the ones responsible for developing the curriculum, they need the time, the skills and the support to do so. Support may include curriculum models and guidelines. It should alsoinclude counseling and bilingual support, and may include support from individuals acting in a curriculum advisory position. The provision of such support cannot be removed from, and must not be seen in isolation from, the curriculum.27____________________In many institutions, it is customary to identify teachers as ‘experienced’or ‘inexperienced’according to the number of years they have been teaching (a common cut-off figure seems to be four or five).28 ________________________In general, there is a great deal of confusion over the term ‘curriculum’, Many teachers see ‘the curriculum’as a set of prescriptive statements about what ‘should happen’. This makes any reference to curriculum matters by outsiders quite threatening.29 _____________________This, in fact, returns us to the point that the relationship between planning, teaching and learning is extremely complex. The notion thatthere is a simple equation between these three components of the curriculum (i.e. that ‘what is planned’=’what is taught = ‘what is learned’) is naïve, simplistic and misleading. It is crucial for those involved in course and program evaluation to be aware of this complexity.30 ________________________The amount that a teacher working alone can achieve is strictly limited. The best teacher- based curriculum development occurs as the result of team efforts, when groups of teachers with similar concerns or with similar students work together to develop a program or course.31 __________________In the past, within the Adult Migrant Education Program, there has been a tendency for initiatives which have curricular implications to be introduced on a grand scale in an unsystematic way with very little monitoring and evaluation. The adoption of a learner-centered approach to curriculum is a case in point.32____________________Many of the problems which are attributed to lack of curriculum continuity flow directly from the adoption of a learner-centered philosophy and the requirement, inherent in this philosophy, that the classroom practitioner be the principal agent of curriculum development, It may well be that a certain amount of discontinuity is inevitable, the price we pay for the chosen philosophy. There is certainly no single or simple solution.A Other examples include the development of self-access centers and the introduction of bilingual information officers. The same may well be said of plans to introduce counseling services, bilingual assistants and curriculum advisors. There is a great deal to be said for curriculum development to occur through small-scale case studies and action research projects which are adequately planned, closely monitored and properly evaluated, rather thanthrough large-scale national initiatives. Teachers are certainly inclined to adopt an innovation which is the result of successful practice than an untested idea which is thrust upon them.B If teachers are to be the principal agents of curriculum development, they need to develop a range of skills which go beyond classroom management and instruction. Curriculum development will therefore be largely a matter of appropriate staff development.C One of the points which emerged most strongly from the study was the fact that continuity in language programs is not just a curricular or pedagogical problem. It is an administrative, management and organizational problem as well as a counseling and curriculum-support.D Such collaboration may or may not include team teaching. While team teaching is recognized by teachers as being highly desirable desirable, many reported that they were prevented from adopting a team approach byadministrative and bureaucratic inflexibility.E There is a need for the scope of curriculum to be expanded to include not only what ‘should happen’, but also what ‘does happen’. Curriculum practice should thus be derived as much from successful practice as from statements of intent.F In terms of the provision of support, other teachers have the highest credibility in the eyes of practitioners. The practice of removing competent teachers from the classroom to be administrators or advisors results in an immediate drop in credibility. It may be more desirable to target practitioners who expertise in a limited domain, e.g.’literacy’or ‘assessment’, than as ‘experts’across the total field of curriculum activityG However, it may well be that there is no such thing as an ‘experienced’teacher, if by experienced is meant a teacher who can, at a moment’s notice and with minimal support, plan, implement and evaluate a course in anyarea of the Program. This was demonstrated by the experience of Sally. It also emerged in interviews where only one or two percent of teachers indicated indicated that they would be able to teach in an unfamiliar area without support.Part CYou are going to read a passage about the role of textbooks in language teaching. Choose from the list A-G the headings which best summarize each paragraph (33-38) of the passage. There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.33 __________________________Textbooks are key component in most language programs. In some situations they serve as the basis for much of the language input learners receive and the language practice that occurs in the classroom. They may provide the basis for the content of the lessons, the balance of skills taught and the kinds of language practice the students take part in. In other situations, the textbook may serve primarily tosupplement the teacher’s instruction. For learners. The textbook may provide the major source of contact they have with the language apart from input provided by the teacher.34 ______________________In the case of inexperienced teachers textbooks may also serve as a form of teacher training – they provide ideas on how to plan and teach lessons as well as formats that teachers can use. Much of the language teaching that occurs throughout the world today could not take place without the extensive use of cormmercial textbooks. Learning how to use and adapt textbooks is hence an important part of a teacher’s professional knowledge.35 ______________________Textbooks, however, sometimes present inauthentic language since texts, dialogs and other aspects of content tend to be specially written to incorporate teaching points and are often not representative of real language use. Textbooks often present an idealized view of theworld or fail to representative of real issues. Furthermore, if teachers use textbooks as the primary source of their teaching, leaving the textbook and teacher’s manual to make the major instructional decisions of them, the teacher’s role can become reduced to that of a technician whose primarily function is to present materials prepared by others.36________________________With such an array of commercial textbooks and other kinds of instructional materials to choose from teachers and others responsible for choosing materials need to be able to make informed judgments about textbooks and teaching materials. Evaluation, however, can only be done by considering something in relation to its purpose. A book may be ideal in one situation because it matches the needs of that situation perfectly. It has just the right amount of material for the program, it is easy to teach, it can be used with little preparation by inexperienced teachers, and it has an equalcoverage of grammar and the four skills. However the same book in a different situation may turn out to be quite unsuitable.37 ___________________________Two factors are involved in the development of commercial textbooks: those representing the interests of the author, and those representing the interests of the publisher. The author is generally concerned to produce a text that teachers will find innovative, creative, relevant to their learners’ needs, and that they will enjoy teaching from. The author is generally hopeful that the book will be successful and make a financial profit since a large investment of the author’s personal time and effort is involved. The publisher is primarily motivated by financial success.38 __________________________When developing materials, the publisher will try to satisfy teachers’ expectations as to what a textbook at a certain level should contain. For example, if an introductory ESL textbook doesnot include the present continuous in the first level of the book, teachers may feel that it is defective and not wish to use it. In an attempt to make an author’s manuscript usable in as large a market as possible, the publisher often has to change it substantially. Some of these changes are necessitated by the fact teachers with very different levels of experience, training, and teaching skill might be using the book.A Textbooks have limitations and disadvantages.B Textbooks can be adapted in classroom teaching.C Textbooks need to be evaluated before they are adopted.D Textbooks should meet teacher’needs in classroom teaching.E Textbook development often serves different purposes.F Textbooks provide the major source of learning.G Textbooks facilitate teachers’ professionaldevelopment.Part DYou are going to read a passage about using the native language in the classroom of second language teaching. Decide whether the statements in the box agree with the information given in the passage. You should choose from the following.A YES = the statement agrees with the informationB NO = the statement contradicts the informationC NOT GIVEN = there is no such information in the passageA voiding use of the 1.1 in the classroomWhile fashions in language teaching ebbed and flowed during the twentieth century, certain basic assumptions were accepted by most language teachers. Though these assumptions have affected many generations of students and teachers, they are rarely discussed or presentedto new teachers but are taken for granted as the foundation of language teaching.One of these assumptions is the discouragement of L1 use in the classroom. This convention can be phrased in stronger or weaker forms. At its strongest, it is ‘Ban the L1 from the classroom.’Only in circumstances where the teacher does not speak the students’L1 or the students have different L1 where the teacher does not speak the students’L1 or the students have different L1 could this be achieved. At weakest, the rule is ‘Minimize the L1 in the classroom,’ that is to say, use it as little it as little as possible. A usefulness of the L2 rather than the harm of the first. However the assumption is phrased, the L2 is seen as positive, the L1 as negative. The L1 is not something to be utilized in teaching but to be set aside.Most teaching methods since the 1880s have adopted this Direct Method avoidance of the L1. The monolingual principle., the unique contribution of the twentieth century toclassroom language teaching, remains the bedrock notion form which the others ultimately derive. Communicative language teaching and task-based learning methods have no necessary relationship with the L1, yet, as we shall see, the only times that the L1 is mentioned is when advice is given on how to minimize its use. The main theoretical treatments of task-based learning do not, for example, have any locatable mentions of the classroom use of the L1. Most descriptions of methods portray the ideal classroom as having as little of the L1 as possible, essentially by omitting any reference to it. Perhaps the only exception is the grammar-translation method, which has little or no public support.Avoidance of the L1 lies behind many teaching techniques, even if it is seldom spelled out. Most teaching manuals consider this avoidance as so obvious that no classroom use of the L1 is ever mentioned. Even writers who are less enthusiastic about avoiding the L1 takeissue primarily with the extent to which this is imposed. Those arguing for the L1 to be mixed with the L2 on a deliberate and consistent basis in the classroom are few and far between. Thus, this anti-L1 attitude was clearly a mainstream element in twentieth-century language teaching methodology.This is not to say that teachers do not actually use the L1 every day. Like nature, the L1 creeps back in, however many times you throw it out with a pitchfork. Even in English-only US classrooms ‘the use of the native language is so compelling that it emerges even when policies and assumptions mitigate against it’. The UK National Curriculum still needs to remind teachers 120 years after the Great Reform that ‘the target language is the normal means of communication’. Teachers resort to the L1 despite their best intentions and often feeling guilty for straying from the L2 path.。
2007年在职教育硕士全国联考英语真题及参考答案请点击下载:2007年十月在职英语真题答案如下:Part I Dialogue Communication ( 15 minutes,15 points)1-5 D A B B C 6-10 B B B C APart II V ocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points)11-15 D C B C A 16-20 B D D A A21-25 D C B D A 26-30 A D C A DPart III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points)31-35 B A B C D 36-40 A D C B D41-45 B C C D D 46-50 B C A D CPart IV Cloze Test (15 minutes, 10 points)51-55 B B C D A 56-60 C A A D BPart V Translation (30 minutes, 10 points)适量的休息时间对人体精力恢复是绝对必要的。
2007年心理学试题一选择题1 强调心理学应该研究无意识现象的是()心理学。
2 主要分布于头、面部,并与头,面部的运动和感觉有关的神经是()3 其他刺激物的出现,对正在进行的条件反射发生的抑制称为( )抑制。
4 把某些事物或现象当作知觉对象,把另一些事物或现象当作知觉背景,这是知觉的()。
5 对事物的各种属性、各个部分以及他们之间关系综合的、整体的直接反映是()6 技能形成的基本条件是()7 英国心理学家培因把人的性格分为理智型、情绪型和()8 艾森克认为,性格差异除了表现为内外倾以外,还有稳定性和()9 思维是人脑对事物的概括的()反映10 不能直接用于交际的言语是()言语二、填空题1 从刺激的来源分,感觉可分为外受感觉、内受感觉和()感觉。
2 巴普洛夫学说以两种()活动来解释思维的生理机制,3 反映事物本质属性与共同属性特征的思维形式是()4 现代心理学的第三种势利是()心理学5 班都拉的人格学习理论称为()论三、名词解释1.性格2 想象3 暗适应4 实验法5 习惯四、简答题1 皮亚杰关于影响心理发展的因素?2 运动知觉及其主要类型3 简述思维过程中分析与综合的三种水平。
4 韦伯三维理论的主要观点5 影响注意分配的条件6 气质的激素理论五、论述题1 能力形成的原因和条件2 如何培养学生良好的情绪3 外显记忆与内显记忆及其在教学中的意义2007年教育学试题一选择题1 在各种社会因素中,决定受教育权利因素的是()2 学记中:时教必有正业,退息必有居学一句所论述的主题相当于现代教育中()3 从个体身心发展动因角度来看,树大自然直的观点反映了()观点。
4 围绕人类的基本活动确定中心学习内容的课程类型是()课程。
5 强调教学活动是间接经验习得,提出这一观点的是()6 体现教学过程中科学实践观与主观能动性统一的学习方式是()7 最早对班级授课制进行研究,确立了班级授课制基本轮廓的是()8 区别一名普通教师与优秀教师的真正标志是()9 杜威主张()10 班级建设的起始阶段重点在()二、填空题1 在近代教育史上,实质教育和形式教育在课程理论上分歧之一是经验论或()2 孔子把学习过程概括为()的统一过程。
2007年心理学试题一选择题1 强调心理学应该研究无意识现象的是()心理学。
2 主要分布于头、面部,并与头,面部的运动和感觉有关的神经是()3 其他刺激物的出现,对正在进行的条件反射发生的抑制称为( )抑制。
4 把某些事物或现象当作知觉对象,把另一些事物或现象当作知觉背景,这是知觉的( )。
5 对事物的各种属性、各个部分以及他们之间关系综合的、整体的直接反映是( )6 技能形成的基本条件是( )7 英国心理学家培因把人的性格分为理智型、情绪型和()8 艾森克认为,性格差异除了表现为内外倾以外,还有稳定性和()9 思维是人脑对事物的概括的( )反映10 不能直接用于交际的言语是()言语二、填空题1 从刺激的来源分,感觉可分为外受感觉、内受感觉和()感觉。
2 巴普洛夫学说以两种()活动来解释思维的生理机制,3 反映事物本质属性与共同属性特征的思维形式是()4 现代心理学的第三种势利是()心理学5 班都拉的人格学习理论称为()论三、名词解释1。
性格2 想象3 暗适应4 实验法5 习惯1 皮亚杰关于影响心理发展的因素?2 运动知觉及其主要类型3 简述思维过程中分析与综合的三种水平。
4 韦伯三维理论的主要观点5 影响注意分配的条件6 气质的激素理论五、论述题1 能力形成的原因和条件2 如何培养学生良好的情绪3 外显记忆与内显记忆及其在教学中的意义2007年教育学试题一选择题1 在各种社会因素中,决定受教育权利因素的是()2 学记中:时教必有正业,退息必有居学一句所论述的主题相当于现代教育中( )3 从个体身心发展动因角度来看,树大自然直的观点反映了()观点。
4 围绕人类的基本活动确定中心学习内容的课程类型是()课程.5 强调教学活动是间接经验习得,提出这一观点的是()6 体现教学过程中科学实践观与主观能动性统一的学习方式是()7 最早对班级授课制进行研究,确立了班级授课制基本轮廓的是()8 区别一名普通教师与优秀教师的真正标志是( )9 杜威主张()10 班级建设的起始阶段重点在( )1 在近代教育史上,实质教育和形式教育在课程理论上分歧之一是经验论或( )2 孔子把学习过程概括为( )的统一过程.3 第二次世界大战以后,主要发达资本主义国家逐步废除双轨制,综合中学的比例增加,中等教育阶段出现了( )的趋势。
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”这句话反映了()A.教育无目的论B. 个人本位的教育目的论C. 社会本位的教育目的论D.效能主义的教育目的论7、教育的心理起源说的代表人物是美国教育史学家()A.勒图尔诺B.沛西?能C.孟禄D.达尔文8、儿童的认知发展研究发端于瑞士心理学家()A.皮亚杰B.柯尔伯格C.维果斯基D.赞可夫9、提出实行九年义务教育的文件是()A.《关于教育工作的指示》B.《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》C.《中国教育改革和发展纲要》D.《中共中央、国务院关于深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育的决定》10、我国新课程改革中提出,将课程管理权赋予中央教育行政部门、地方教育行政部门和()A.教学班B.年级C.学校D.社区11、“情境—陶冶”教学模式的理论基础是()A.布鲁姆的掌握学习法B.巴班斯基的最优教学法C.布鲁纳的发现教学法D.洛扎诺夫的暗示教学法12、儿童自我意识与自我教育能力发展的规律是,从以()为中心发展到“他律”,再从“他律”发展到“自律”。
A.1870 B.1872 C.1877 D.188018、1972年,在南京晓庄创立晓庄学校的教育家是()A.晏阳初B.陶行知C.黄炎培D.梁漱溟19、我国的教育心理学最初是从西方引进的,第一本《教育心理学》教科书是1924年出版的,它的作者是()A.廖世承B.蔡元培C.陈鹤琴D.朱智贤20、在西方教育史上,第一次论述了身心和谐发展教育问题的学者是()A.智者派B.苏格拉底C.柏拉图D.亚里士多德21、1870年英国颁布了第一个关于初等教育的法案(),标着国民初等教育制度正式形成。
A.《法卢法案》B.《费里法案》C.《基佐法案》D.《费舍法案》30、根据埃里克森的理论,青年期主要的心理社会性矛盾是()A.主动性对内疚感B.勤奋感对自卑感C. 同一性对角色混乱D.亲密感对孤独感31、一般来说,偏爱社会科学且成绩较好的学生的认知风格大多数属于()A.场依存型B.场独立型C.沉思型D.冲动型32、发现式教学方法最大缺点是()A.会导致学生注意力分散B.导致学生机械学习C.不利于发展学生的智力D.太耗费时间33、儿童容易模仿影视片中反面人物的行为,结果导致不良品德。
为避免影视片的消极影响,根据班杜拉社会学习理论,适当的做法是()A.避免学生观看这类影视片B.对有模仿行为的儿童进行说服教育C.影片中尽量少描写反面人物D. 影视片应使观众体验到“恶有恶报,善有善报”34、采用两难故事对儿童道德判断发展水平进行研究的是()A.皮亚杰B.埃里克森C.柯尔伯格D.罗杰斯35、根据学习方式对学习进行分类的心理学家是()A.加涅C.布卢姆C.布鲁纳D.奥苏泊尔36、把学习成就看成是赢得地位和自尊的根源,这是一种()A.认知内驱力B.自我提高内驱力C.附属内驱力D.生理内驱力37、需要层次理论是人本主义心理学理论在动机领域的体现,该理论的提出者是美国著名心理学家()A.马斯洛B.阿特金森C.韦纳D.班杜拉38、目前,理论界较公认的观点认为创造性的核心是()A.集中思维B.聚合思维C.发散思维D.抽象思维39、品德的结构包括三种成分,道德认识、道德情感和道德行为,责任感和义务感属于()A.道德认识B.道德情感C.道德行为D.道德观念40、教育研究中最基本、最常用的研究方法是()A.教育观察研究B.教育调查研究C.教育测量研究D.教育实验研究41、按照调查方式的不同,可以将教育调查分为()A.普遍调查与抽样调查B.现状调查与发展调查C.个案调查与普遍调查D.访谈调查与问卷调查42、对某一调查对象在一个较长的时间内的特征变化进行调查的是()A.现状调查B.发展调查C.相关调查D.预测调查43、关于教育实验研究外在效度的错误说法是()A.外在效度指实验结果的概括性和代表性B.外在效度指实验结果是否可以推论到实验对象以外的其他受试者C.外在效度指实验结果是否可以推论到实验情境以外的其他情境D.外在效度高低与内在效度成反比44、历史上最早运用日记描述法研究儿童成长和发展的教育家是()A.杜威B.裴斯泰洛齐C.夸美纽斯D.苏霍姆林斯基45、根据访谈过程是否有严格设计的访谈提纲,可以把访谈调查分为()A.一次性访谈调查和重复性访谈调查B.个别访谈调查和集体访谈调查C.结构性访谈调查和非结构性访谈调查D.电话访谈调查和网络访谈调查二、辨析题:46-48小题,每小题10分,共30分。
参考答案:一选择题1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10B C B B D B C A B C11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20D A A B A D B B A D21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30B C B B C D C D B D31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40A D D C DB AC B B41 42 43 44 45D B D B C二、辨析题46、答:这种观点是片面的。