江苏省启东中学2020届高考英语考前最后一讲 任务型阅读

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Part Five: 任务型阅读




二、读文章(Scan)& 找细节(Find):通读、细读和复读文章,分析、理顺表格线




掌握常用的概括性的词汇(部分):definition, introduction , theme , conclusion , evaluation , comparison , reason, cause , result, effect, consequence , advice, suggestion, tip, measure, solution, way (to do//of doing),approach (to sth. 或doing) , feature, characteristic , benefit, advantage, disadvantage , differences, similarities , types, kinds, purpose ,aim , etc.


belong to the club—a member / one of the members of the club;

object to----was opposed to---oppose—in opposition to; can’t be accepted---is unacceptable;

miss our homeland and family---homesick; be addicted to---be hooked on; didn’t respond to….=made no response to =said nothing in response to….; accompany sb.=keep sb. company; accuse …of…=charge …with…..

can’t (help/ choose) but do=have no alternative / choice but to do…apply to..=make an application to…; an appro ach to doing..= a way to do / of doing

approve of= subscribe to=in favor of= support

be beneficial to=be of benefit to = benefit….; be determined to do= be

bent on doing….

go aboard..= go on board..= board….; be bored with=be tired of=be fed up with

do sth. with caution = do sth. cautiously; do sth. with enthusiasm=do sth. enthusiastically

It’s likely that=The chance is that / Chances are that=There is a chance (are chances ) that…=There’s possibility /probability that…

compared to / with=in comparison with…; compensate for=make up for congratulate sb. on sth.= show / express congratulations to sb. on sth. as a result=in consequence; consist of=be made up of=be composed of agree with=correspond with/ to=be consistent with; deserve to be praised =deserve praising

tell the difference between..and…=tell/distinguish.. from …

= tell….apart .=make the distinction between..and…

divorce sb.=got divorced from sb.; face sth=be faced with sth..

do good to=be good for.. ; be merciful to=have mercy on=sh ow mercy to…have prejudice against=be prejudiced against ; like sth. better=prefer sth.=have a preference for…

a little=slightly; thank sb. = be grateful to sb.; draw near=around the corner

don’t know..=have no idea / knowledge of….; get on one’s knees=kneel down

be discovered=come to light; occur to sb=strike sb.; get over difficulties=overcome difficulties

participate in=join in = take part in; improve=polish up ; delay=put off =postpone;

take pride in=be proud of ; deliberately=on purpose=by design;
