
Elaphodus cephalophus
Petaurista petaurista
Hylopetes alboniger
Typhlomys cinereus
Podiceps cristatus
Ophiophagus hannah
Azemiops kharini
Deinagkistrodon acutus
Protobothrops cornutus
Sasakia funebris
Agehana elwesi
Troides aeacus
Sterna sumatrana
Sterna dougallii
Sterna anaethetus
Upupa epops
Merops viridis
Eurystomus orientalis
Sitta europaea
Oriolus chinensis
Leiothrix lutea
Garrulax canorus
Paradoxornis heudei
Terpsiphone paradisi
Dicaeum ignipectus

Chinese Birds 2012,3(2):118–136SHORT COMMUNICA TIONReceived 02January 2012;accepted 12May 2012Author for correspondence (Shuihua Chen)E-mail:birdchen@The update of Zhejiang bird checklistShuihua CHEN ,Qin HUANG,Zhongyong FAN,Cangsong CHEN,Y iwei LUZhejiang Museum of Natural History ,Hangzhou 310014,ChinaAbstra ct Complete checklist records are essential to understand regional bird diversity and the status of the distribution of birds.The Zhejiang bird checklist was last presented as the A ves Branch of Zhejiang Fauna in 1990.Since then,many new records had been added,of which most remain unpublished.We have collected and examined all published and unpublished new records from Zhejiang habitats as well as those from the A v es Branch of Zhejiang Fauna.We have con rmed the evidence of the new records,which includes specimens,photographs,videos,sounds and tissue samples.We changed the Latin names of 131species and subspecies and 41Chinese names according to the new taxonomy and nomenclature.We provide an updated Zhejiang bird checklist for a total of 483species and 24subspecies,including 70new species records,of which 47species are reported for the rst.Most of the new records are based on recent photographs taken by bird watchers.Keywords Zhejiang,bird,update,new record,con rmed evidence,bird watchingInt roductionComplete checklist records are essential to understand regional bird div ersity and the status of its distribution.Since the 1980s,many provinces or regions in China have published their avifaunas (Tibet Expedition T eam of Chinese Academy ,1983;Wu,1986;Cai,1988;Huang,1989;Heilongjiang Provincial Willife Institute,1992),which had been important and fundamental tools for Chinese ornithology as well as for Chinese wildlife con-servation.Zhejiang province is located in eastern China.Sev-eral foreign naturalists and Chinese ornithologists have made contributions to the Zhejiang bird checklist over a long period of time (Swinhoe,1872;La T ouche,1925–1934;Wilkinson,1929;Caldwell and Caldwell,1931;Shaw,1934;Zhou and Ma,1965;Qian et al.,1983;Y u et al.,1983).In 1990,the A v es Branch of Zhejiang Fauna was published (Zhuge,1990),which described 414spe-cies with 28subspecies occurring in Zhejiang.A ll these records and description are specimen-based.Terrestrial wildlife surv ey s throughout Zhejiang were carried out from 1995to 2000,with the results reported in Zhejiang Forestry Resources (T ao,2002),offering a bird check-list of 436species with 28subspecies.As well,several regional bird surveys have also reported some new re-cords (Zhu,2003;Chen et al.,2005;X iong et al.,2006;Jiang et al.,2007,Fan et al.,2011).Howev er,some of these sur v ey s were only sight-based or evidence was not provided (See Tao,2002;Chen et al.,2005;Jiang et al.,2007,Fan et al.,2011).With the development of bird watching activities in Zhejiang since 2002,many new records have gradually been added,of which most remain as y et unpublished.Furthermore,during the last twenty years a new phy -S 6ww w.ch in eseb ird s.n etC hen hui hua.i ndd 1182012-7-271:09:29Shuihua Chen et al.Update of Zhejiang bird checklist 119B j F y U y O S ylogeny and classi cation of birds,based on DNA -DNA hy bridization studies,hav e been proposed (Sibley and Ahlquist,1990;Monroe and Sibley ,1993).Accordingly ,the Howard and Moore Complete Check list o f the Birdsof the W orld (3rd edition)was published in 2003(Dicken-son,2003).Based on this new development,A Chec klist on the Classificatio n a nd Distribution o f the Birds o f China was edited and published (Zheng,2005,2011),in which the tax onomy and nomenclature had changed considerably compared with that in the A v es Branch of Zhejiang Fauna.Therefore,there is an urg ent and con-tinued need for an updated Zhejiang bird list.Our aims therefore were:1)to con rm the practical sources of evidence for a provincial bird list,2)to sum-marize all new records provided since Zhuge (1990)and 3)to revise and provide an updated Zhejiang bird checklist on the basis of this uni ed and updated tax-onomy and nomenclature.Met hodsWe updated the Zhejiang bird checklist based on the A ves Branch o f Zhejiang Fauna (Zhuge,1990),including new records,subspecies promotion and changing Latin and Chinese names.We con rmed the sources of evidence provided for the new records to the Zhejiang bird checklist,which include specimens,photographs,videos,sounds and tissue samples.For the new records,we indicated the date of record,location and recorder.Most new photo-based records had rst been posted at the bulletin board system of the Zhejiang Wildbird Society .We collected all the photos and posted them at the website of the Zhejiang Biodiv ersity for future checks.If the record ty pe is of a skin specimen,we have indicated the col-lection holder.Some sight records,of which evidence was provided later,were referred to the original literary sources.Mere sight records,without any other evidence,were ex cluded.We collected and examined all published and unpublished new records from Zhejiang habitats,whose taxonomy should be acknowledged,according to Zheng (2011).Sightings should be of native birds,not birds escaped from captivity .Subspecies promotion and the changing of Latin and Chinese names were carriedout according to the taxonomy and nomenclature of Zheng (2011).In editing the checklist,we deleted those birds,which were con rmed to have vanished from wild habitats of Zhejiang.In order to provide complete information,the updated checklist also included a list of subspecies.If the characteristics of subspecies were clear in the speci-mens or photos from the new records,we identi ed them according to Cheng (1964);if not,their determi-nation was made according to Zheng (2011).ResultsIn total,70new species and one subspecies were docu-mented (see T able 1).Of these,47species and one sub-species are rst reported,15species were earlier report-ed but for the rst time evidence was provided and four species were rediscovered specimens,collected before 1990.Therefore,in total,62species and one subspecies were documented for the rst time,with evidence pro-vided.Of these,only three birds were specimen-based;the other 59species were all photo-based.Most of the recent photographs were taken by bird watchers.The recording frequency of new species since 1991is shown in Fig.1.A ccording to Zheng (2011),two subspecies were pro-moted as species,131species and subspecies were given new L atin names and 41were provided with new Chi-nese names (see A ppendix 1).As a result,we provide the updated Zhejiang bird list as an appendix,where a total of 483species and 24subspecies are listed.ComparedFig.1Recording frequency of new species since 1991S 62012ei ing orestr niversit and China rnithological ociet C hen hui hua.i ndd 1192012-7-271:09:29Chinese Birds 2012,3(2):118–136120Ta b l e 1N e w s p e c i e s a n d s u b s p e c i e s r e c o r d s o f Z h e j i a n g b i r d s s i n c e t h e A v e s B r a n c h o f Z h e j i a n g F a u n a (Z h u g e ,1990)En g l i s h n a m e La t i n n a m e Re c o r d t y p e D a t e of r e c o r d a R e c o r d l o c a t i o n R e c o r d er Re f e r e n ce bBu l w e r ’s P e t r e l Bu l w e r i a b u l w e r i i Sk i n s p e c i m e n A b o u t 1900N i n g b o Un k n o w nSS T M (T a o ,2002)Sw i n h o e ’s S t o r m P e t r e l O c e a n o d r o m a m o n o r h i s S k i n s p e c i m e n 19900710Y u e x i ,J i n g n i n g Ya n Z h a n g ,L i r o n g Z h a n g J F M S (Z h a n g a n d Zh a n g ,1998)Gr e a t F r i g a t e b i r d Fr e g a t a m i n o r Sk i n s p e c i m e n 20040817J i u s h a n I s l a n d ,X i a n g s h a n Z h o n g y o n g F a n ,S h u i h u a Ch e n ,C a n g s o n g C h e n Z M N H (F a n e t a l .,2011)Gr a y l a g G o o s e An s e r a n s e r Sk i n s p e c i m e n P h o t o 19580120061119L a n xi X i a s h a ,H a n g z h o u Un k n o w n Yi n g Z h u ,Z h e n g S h e n S S T M 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h o t e n si s P h o t o 20110528N o r t h L a k e o f Y u h a n g ,Ha n g z h o u Ji a n y u e S o n g Pl e s k e ’s W ar b l e r Lo c u s t e l l a p l e s k e i P h o t o 20051006B i n j i a n g ,H a n g z h o u Xu e f e n g T o n gBu f f -t h r o a t e d W a r b l e r P h y l l o s c o p u s s u b a f n i s P h o t o 20120605K u o c a n g s h a n ,L i n h a i Qi n g q i a n C h e n Tw o -b a r r e d W a r b l e r P h y l l o s c o p u s p l u m b e i t a r s u s P h o t o 20050518Q u y u a n f e n g h e P a r k ,H a n g z h o u B i n Q i a n Sa k h a l i n L e a f W a rb l e r P h y l l o sc o p u s b o r e a l o ide s S o u n d 20053004D a y a n g s h a n D a o ,S h e n g s i L i h u X i o n g ,J i a n j i a n L u e t a l .X i o n g e t a l .,2005Wh i t e -s p e c t a c l e d W a r b l e r S e i c e r c u s a f n i s P h o t o 20060626W a n g d o n g y a n g ,J i n g n i n g Sh u i h u a C h e n Ma r s h G r a s sb i r d Me g a l u r u s p r y e r i P h o t o 20080413W e t l a n d O f H a n g z h o u B a y ,C i x i C h a o L i ,H a i h u a Z h a n g Ch e s t n u t -a n k e d W h i t e -e y e Z o s t e r o p s e r y t h r o p l e u r u s P h o t o 20101010D a p e n g S h a n ,C i x i Qi n g q i a n C h e n C h e s t n u t -b e l l i e d N u t h a t c h S i t t a c a s t a n e a Sk i n s p e c i m e n 19630319T i a n m u S h a n ,L i n a n Un k n o w n E C N U C Co m m o n R o s e n c h C a r p o d a c u s e r y t h r i n u s P h o t o 20080706B a i m a S h a n ,S u i c h a n g Yo n g f u Z h e n g Bl a c k -h e a d e d B u n t i n g E m b e r i z a m e l a n o c e p h a l a P h o t o 20101004H a n g z h o u h u a p u P a r k ,H a n g z h o u Y i n g Z h u Ye l l o w B u n t i n g Em b e r i z a s u l p h u r a t a P h o t o 20050421D a y a n g s h a n D a o ,S h e n g s i L i h u X i o n g ,J i a n j i a n L u e t a l .X i o n g e t a l .,2005Pa l l a s 's B u n t i n g Em b e r i z a p a l l a s i Ph o t o 20051223B i n j i a n g E a s t R d ,W e n z h o u H u i C h e n a20030617m e a n s J u n e 17,2003;195801m e a n s J a n u a r y 1958.b Al l p h o t o s a r e p r e s e r v e d a t t h e Z h e j i a n g M u s e u m o f N a t u r a l H i s t o r y a n d p o s t e d a t t h e w e b s i t e o f Z h e j i a n g B i o d i v e r s i t y (h t t p ://w w w .z j b i o d i v .c n /t u k u .p h p );S S T M i s th e S h a n g h a i S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y M u s e u m ,J F M S i s t h e J i n g n i n g F i r s t M i d d l e S c h o o l C o l l e c t i o n ,e Z M N H i s t h e Z h e j i a n g M u s e u m o f N a t u r a l H i s t o r y ,W J A M i s t h W e n z h o u J i n z h o u A n i m a l M u s e u m ,H C C i s t h e H a i y a n C h e n q i c h a n g C o l l e c t i o n a n d E C N U C i s t h e E a s t C h i n a N o r m a l U n i v e r s i t y C o l l e c t i o n .c Ne w s u b s p e c i e s .T a b l e 1(c o n t i n u ed )S C hen hui hua.i ndd 1222012-7-271:09:0Shuihua Chen et al.Update of Zhejiang bird checklist 123B j F y U y O S yto the A v es Branch o f Zhejiang Fauna (Zhug e,1990),70new bird records are added as well as two birds promot-ed to species from subspecies.Howev er,two species,the Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon)and the Dusky Eagle Owl (Bubo co romandus)are con rmed to have vanished and were therefore deleted.Three subspecies,includ-ing that of the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)and the Pale Thrush (T urdus pallidus)were canceled,according to Zheng (2011).The Red Phalarope was once listed in the A v es Branch of Zhejiang Fauna (Zhuge,1990),but we checked the orig inal specimens on which the record was based and found that the specimen was misidenti ed;thus the rst record of the Red Phalarope is now dated as of 31January ,2012at L ing kuandao,Wenzhou (T able 1).DiscussionThe results show that the new records added are actual-ly from 2000and later,with most dated from the period 2004-2009,when birdwatching by amateurs became a popular and rapidly increasing activity in Zhejiang.The evidence consists mostly of photographs taken by birdwatchers.Decades ago,regional avifauna generally was based on skin specimens,mostly collected by orni-tholog ists.But in recent years,the situation has become quite different.The number of expeditions,specially org anized for collecting birds throughout China,has decreased while birdwatching and digital photography have rapidly dev eloped.Thus,birdwatchers have be-come major contributors to the new records and local avifauna.The incidence of new records gener ally resulted from two major causes:one is the chang e in the range of birds while the other consists of increased survey efforts.Some species have signi cantly extended their rang e.These include the Crested Goshawk (A ccipiter trivirg atus),the Black Eagle (Ic tinaetus malay ensis),the Lesser Coucal (Centro pus bengalensis)and the Black-collared Starling (Gracupica nig ricollis),etc.Their orig i-nal ranges were towards the south or in the deep south of Zhejiang (MacKinnon et al.,2000;Zheng 2005),but they are now widely distributed in the province.The Zhejiang Wild Bird Society ,founded in 2002,now has more than 300members whose frequent bird watch-ing activities dramatically increased the survey efforts throughout Zhejiang,especially in coastal areas which were originally ov erlooked.Thus migrant waders and seabirds have become a major part of the new records.On the other hand,due to the increasing survey efforts,the records show the occurrence of some rare species.These rare residents include such species as the White-browed Shr ike-Babbler (Pteruthius flavisca pis),the Spot-breasted Parrotbill (Paradox ornis g uttatico llis),the Shor t-tailed Parrotbill (Paradoxornis davidianus)and the Brown Bush Warbler (Brady pterus luteoventris).Among the rare wintering birds,the Ruddy Shelduck (T adorna ferrug inea),the L ong -tailed Duck (Clang ula hyemalis),the Great Black-headed Gull (L arus ichthy ae-tus)and the Relict Gull (Larus relictus)were discovered,as well as some vag rants,such as the Great Frig atebird (Fregata minor),the Hooded Crane (Grus monacha),the Brown-headed Gull (Larus brunnicephalus)and the Lesser Crested Tern (Thalasseus beng alensis).On the subject of renaming species,it should be not-ed that most of these were relativ ely simple,according to Zheng (2011),although a few were more complicated because of the chang e in the status of their classi ca-tion.Due to the promotion of the subspecies,the Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis crispus)is now the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus),the Rosy Miniv et (Pericroc otus roseus contonensis)is now S winhoe ’s Mini-vet (Pericro cotus cantonensis)and the Water Pipit (An-thus spino letta japonicus)is now the Buff-billed Pipit (A nthus rubescens japonicus).The Water Pipit (A nthus spinoletta)in Zheng (2011)actually is a new record for Zhejiang.According to Zheng (2011),the original Ori-ental Cuckoo (Cuc ulus saturatus)is now divided into the Oriental Cuckoo (Cuculus optatus)and the Hima-layan Cuckoo (Cuculus saturatus).We identi ed that in Zhuge (1990)as the Himalayan Cuck oo.A s for the Spot-billed Pelican,the Rosy Minivet and the Oriental Cuckoo,Zhejiang might be within their ranges,but we did not include them in the Zhejiang bird list this time because of a lack of evidence.We suggest that the records for provincial level fauna should be based on evidence that can be con rmed,such as specimens,photographs,videos,sounds and tissue samples.This evidence should be well preserved,S 3632012ei ing orestr niversit and China rnithological ociet C hen hui hua.i ndd 122012-7-271:09:0Chinese Birds 2012,3(2):118–136124preferably at state-owned museums.As well,photo-based and private-collection-based records should beposted at a publicly accessable website,otherwise they will most likely giv e rise to much dif culty in recon r-mation.Acknowledgmen ts This study was funded by the National Natu-ral Science Foundation of China (No.31071908)and the Zheji-ang Provincial Natural Science Foundation (No.Y 5090070).W e are grateful to all the recorders mentioned in T able 1for contrib-uting their new records and photos.Refere ncesCai QK.1988.Birds of Beijing.Beijing Publishing House,Beijing.(in Chinese)Caldwell HR,Caldwell JC.1931.South China Birds.Hester May V anderburgh,Shanghai.Chen SH,Y an CW,Fan ZY ,Chen CS,Zhang FG.2005.Thebreed-ing colony of Chinese Crested Tern at Jiushan A rchipelago in Zhejiang.Chinese J Zool,40(1):96–97.(in Chinese with Eng-lish abstract)Cheng TH.1964.Systematic Index of Birds in China.Science Press,Beijing.(in Chinese)Dickenson E.2003.The Howard and Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the W orld (3rd edition).L ondon:Christopher Helm.Fan ZY ,Chen CS,Chen SH,Chan S,L u YW.2011.Breeding seabirds along the Zhejiang coast:diversity,distribution an d conservation.Chinese Birds,2(1):39–45.Heilongjiang Provincial Willife Institute.1992.The avifauna of Heilongjiang.China Forestry Publishing Press,Beijing.(in Chinese)Huang MP.1989.A ves Branch of 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16.绿鹭Q窖侵郑〣utorides striatus
244.黑喉石Saxicola torquata stejnegeri
245.灰林S. ferrea haringtoni。

浙江湿地鸟类名录潜鸟目GAVIIFORMES潜鸟科Gaviidae红喉潜鸟*Gavia stellata (Pontoppidan)绿喉潜鸟*Gavia arctica viridigularis Dwight目PODICIPEDIFORMES科Odicipedidae小 Podiceps ruficollis poggei (Reichenow)角 odiceps auritus (Linnaeus)黑颈 Podiceps nigricollis nigricollis Brehm凤头 odiceps cristatus cristatus (Linnaeus)赤颈 Podiceps grisegena (Boddaert)鹱形目PROCELLARIIFORMES信天翁科Diomedeidae黑脚信天翁*Diomedea nigripes Audubon鹱科Procellariidae白额鹱*Puffinus leucomelas (Temminck)短尾鹱*Puffinus tenuirostris (Temminck)燕鹱*Bulweria bulwerii (Jardine et Selby)鹈形目PELECANIFORMES鹈鹕科Pelecanidae斑嘴鹈鹕*Pelecanus philippensis crispus Bruch鲣鸟科Sulidae褐鲣鸟*Sula leucogaster plotus (Forster)鸬鹚科Phalacrocoracidae鸬鹚*Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis (Blumenhach)斑头鸬鹚*Phalacrocorax capillatus (Temminck et Schlegel)军舰鸟科Fregatidae小军舰鸟*Fregata minor minor (Gmelin)鹳形目CICONIIFORMES鹭科Ardeidae苍鹭*Ardea cinerea rectirostris Gould草鹭*Ardea purpurea manilensis Meyen绿鹭黑龙江亚种*Butorides striatus amurensis von Schrenck瑶山亚种*Butorides striatus actophilus Oberholser池鹭*Ardeola bacchus (Bonaparte)牛背鹭*Bubulcus ibis coromandus (Boddaert)大白鹭*Egretta alba modesta (Gray)白鹭*Egretta garzetta garzetta (Linnaeus)黄嘴白骘*Egretta eulophotes (Swinhoe)岩鹭*Egretta sacra sacra (Gmelin)中白鹭*Egretta intermedia intermedia (Wagler)夜鹭*Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax (Linnaeus)栗头夜鳽*Gorsachius goisagi (Temminck)海南夜鳽*Gorsachius magnificus (Ogilvie-Grant)黄苇鳽*Ixobrychus sinensis sinensis (Gmilin)紫背苇鳽*Ixobrychus eurhythmus (Swinhoe)栗苇鳽*Ixobrychus cinnamomeus (Gmelin)黑鳽*Ixobrychus flavicollis flavicollis (Latham)大麻鳽*Botaurus stellaris stellaris (Linnaeus)鹳科Ciconiidae东方白鹳*Ciconia boyciana Swinhoe黑鹳*Ciconia nigra (Linnaeus)鹮科Threskiornithidae白鹮*Threskiornis melanocephalus (Latham)朱鹮*Nipponia nippon (Temminck)彩鹮*Plegadis falcinellus falcinellus (Linnaeus)白琵鹭*Platalea leucorodia leucorodia Linnaeus黑脸琵鹭*Ptatalea minor Temminck et Schlegel雁形目ANSERIFORMES鸭科Anatidae鸿雁*Anser cygnoides (Linnaeus)豆雁*Anser fabalis serrirostris Swinhoe自额雁*Anser albifrons albifrons (Scopoli)小白额雁*Anser erythropus (Linnaeus)灰雁*Anser anser (Linnaeus)小天鹅*Cygnus columbianus jankowskii (Alpheraky)疣鼻天鹅*Cygnus olor (Gmelin)翘鼻麻鸭*Tadorna tadorna (Linnaeus)针尾鸭*Anas acuta acuta Linnaeus绿翅鸭*Anas crecca crecca Linnaeus花脸鸭*Anas formosa Georgi罗纹鸭*Anas falcata Georgi绿头鸭*Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynclos Linnaeus 斑嘴鸭*Anas poecilorhyncha zonorhyncha Swinhoe 赤膀鸭*Anas strepera strepera Linnaeus赤颈鸭*Anas penelope Linnaeus白眉鸭*Anas querquedula Linnaeus琵嘴鸭*Anas clypeata Linnaeus红头潜鸭*Aythya ferina (Linnaeus)白眼潜鸭*Aythya nyroca (Guldenstadt)青头潜鸭*Aythya baeri (Radde)凤头潜鸭*Aythya fuligula (Linnaeus)斑背潜鸭*Aythya marila (Linnaeus)鸳鸯*Aix galericulata (Linnaeus)棉凫*Nettapus coromandelianus corornandelianus (Gmalin)斑脸海番鸭*Melanitta fusca stejnegeri (Ridgway)鹊鸭*Bucephala clangula clangula (Linnaeus)斑头秋沙鸭*Mergus albellus (Linnaeus)中华秋沙鸭*Mergus squamatus Gould红胸秋沙鸭*Mergus serrator serrator Linnaeus普通秋沙鸭*Mergus merganser merganser Linnaeus隼形目FALCONIFORMES鹰科Accipitridae黑翅鸢Elanus caeruleus (Desfontaines)栗鸢Haliastur indus indus (Boddaert)苍鹰Accipiter gentilis (Linnaeus)赤腹鹰Accipiter soloensis (Horsfield)普通鵟Buteo buteo (Linnaeus)白肩雕Aquila heliaca Savigny乌雕Aquila clanga Pallas玉带海雕Haliaeetus leucoryphus (Pallas)白尾海雕Haliaaetus albicilla albicilla (Linnaeus)自尾鹞Circus cyaneus cyaneus (Linnaeus)鹊鹞Circus melanoleucos (Pennant)白腹鹞Circus spilonotus spilonotus Kaup鹗指名亚种Pandion haliaetus haliaetus (Linnaeus)鹗东南亚种Pandion haliaetus mutuus Kipp隼科Falconidae猎隼Falco cherrug milvipes Jerdon游隼Falco peregrinus Tunstall红脚隼Falco amurensis Radde红隼Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus鹤形目GRUIFORMES三趾鹑科Turnicidae黄脚三趾鹑*Turnix tanki blanfordii Blyth鹤科Gruidae灰鹤*Crus grus lilfordi Sharpe白枕鹤*Grus vipio Pallas白鹤*Bugeranus leucogeranus Pallsa秧鸡科Rallidae普通秧鸡*Rallus aquaticus indicus Blyth蓝胸秧鸡*Rallus striatus gularis Horsfield小田鸡*Porzana pusilla pusilla (Pallas)红胸田鸡*Porzana fusca erythrothorax (Temminck et Schlegel)红脚苦恶鸟*Amaurornis akool coccineipes (Slater)白胸苦恶鸟*Amaurornis phoenicurus chinensis (Boddaert)董鸡*Gallicrex cinerea (Gmelin)黑水鸡*Gallinula chloropus indica Blyth紫水鸡*Porphyrio porphyrio (Linnaeus)骨顶鸡*Fulica atra atra Linnaeus鸻形目CHARADRIIFORMES雉鸻科Jacanidae水雉*Hydrophasianus chirurgus(Scopoli)彩鹬科Rostratulidae彩鹬*Rostratula benghalensis benghalensls (Linnaeus)蛎鹬科Haematopodidae蛎鹬*Haematopus ostralegus osculans Swinhoe鸻科Charadriidae凤头麦鸡*Vanellus vanellus (Linnaeus)灰头麦鸡*Vanellus cinereus (Blyth)灰斑鸻*Pluvialis squatarola (Linnaeus)金斑鸻*Pluvialis dominica fulva (Gmelin)长嘴剑鸻*Charadrius placidus Gray金眶鸻*Charadrius dubius curonicus Gmelin环颈鸻*Charadrius alexandrinus nihonensis Deignan蒙古沙鸻*Charadrius mongolus mongolus Pallas铁嘴沙鸻*Charadrius leschenaultii Lesson东方鸻*Charadrius veredus Gould鹬科Scolopacidae小杓鹬*Numenius minutus Gould中杓鹬*Numenius phaeopus variegatus (Scopoli)白腰杓鹬*Numenius arquata orientalis Brehm红腰杓鹬*Numenius madagascariensis (Linnaeus)黑尾塍鹬*Limosa limosa melanuroides Gould斑尾塍鹬*Limosa lapponica novaezealandiae Gray鹤鹬*Tringa erythropus (Palls)红脚鹬*Tringa totanus totanus (Linnaeus)泽鹬*Tringa stagnatilis (Bechstein)青脚鹬*Tringa nebularia (Gunnerus)白腰草鹬*Tringa ochropus Linnaeus林鹬*Tringa glareola Linnaeus小青脚鹬*Tringa guttifer (Nordmann)矶鹬*Tringa hypoleucos Linnaeus灰鹬*Tringa incana brevipes (Vieillot)翘嘴鹬*Xenus cinereus (Guldenstadt)翻石鹬*Arenaria interpres interpres (Linnaeus)针尾沙锥*Gallinago stenura (Bonaparte)大沙锥*Gallinago megala Swinhoe扇尾沙锥*Gallinago gallinago gallinago (Linnaeus)丘鹬*Scolopax rusticola Linnaeus红腹滨鹬*Calidris canutus rogersi (Mathews)细嘴滨鹬*Calidris tenuirostris (Horsfield)红胸滨鹬*Calidris ruficollis (Pallas)小滨鹬*Calidris minuta Leisler青脚滨鹬*Calidris temminckii (Leisler)尖尾滨鹬*Calidris acuminatus (Horsfield)黑腹滨鹬*Calidris alpina sakhalina (Vieillot)弯嘴滨鹬*Calidris ferruginea (Pontoppidan)三趾鹬Calidris alba (Pallas)勺嘴鹬*Eurynorhynchus pygmeus (Linnaeus)阔嘴鹬*Limicola falcinellus (Pontoppidan)反嘴鹬科Recurvirostridae黑翅长脚鹬*Himantopus himantopus himantopus (Linnaeus)反嘴鹬*Recurvirostra avosetta Linnaeus瓣蹼鹬科Phalaropodidae灰瓣蹼鹬*Phalaropus fulicarius (Linnaeus)燕鸻科Glareolidae普通燕鸻*Glareola maldivarum Forster鸥形目LARIFORMES贼鸥科Stercorariidae中贼鸥*Stercorarius pomarinus (Temminck)鸥科Laridae黑尾鸥*Larus crassirostris Vieillot海鸥*Larus canus kamtschatschensis (Bonaparte)银鸥*Larus argentatus vegae Palmen灰背鸥*Larus schistisagus Stejneger红嘴鸥*Larus ridibundus Linnaeus黑嘴鸥*Larus saundersi (Swinhoe)三趾鸥*Rissa tridactyla pollicaris Ridgway须浮鸥*Chlidonias hybrida swinhoei (Mathews)白翅浮鸥*Chlidonias leucoptera (Temminck)鸥嘴噪鸥*Gelochelidon nilotica affinis (Horsfield)红嘴巨鸥*Hydroprogne caspia caspia (Pallas)普通燕鸥*Sterna hirundo longipennis Nordmann粉红燕鸥*Sterna dougallii bangsi Mathews黑枕燕鸥*Sterna sumatrana sumatrana Raffes白额燕鸥*Sterna albifrons sinensis Gmelin大风头燕鸥*Thalasseus bergii cristatus (Stephens)白顶玄鸥*Anous stolidus pileatus (Scopoli)海雀科Alcidae扁嘴海雀*Synthliboramphus antiquus (Gmelin)鸮形目STRIGIFORMES鸱鸮科Strigidae毛脚鱼鸮Ketupa flavipes (Hodgson)雨燕目APODIFORMES雨燕科Apodidae白喉针尾雨燕Hirundapus caudacutus caudacutus (Latham)白腰雨燕Apus pacificus kanoi (Yamashina)小白腰雨燕Apus affinis subfurcatus (Blyth)佛法僧目CORACIIFORMES翠鸟科Alcedinidae冠鱼狗Ceryle lugubris guttulata Stejneger斑鱼狗Ceryle rudis insignis Hartert普通翠鸟Alcedo atthis bengalensis Gmelin蓝翡翠Halcyon pileata (Boddaert)雀形目PASSERIFORMES百灵科Alaudidae小云雀Alauda gulgula coelivox Swinhoe燕科Hirundinidae崖沙燕Riparia riparia fokienensis (La Touche)鹡鸰科Motacillidae黄鹡鸰东北亚种Motacilla flava macronyx (Stesesmann)黄鹡鸰堪察加亚种Motacilla flava simillima Hartert黄鹡鸰台湾亚种Motacilla flava taivana (Swinhoe)灰鹡鸰Motacilla cinerea robusta (Brehm)白鹡鸰灰背眼纹亚种Motacilla alba ocularis Swinhoe白鹡鸰普通亚种Motacilla alba leucopsis Gould白鹡鸰黑背眼纹亚种Motacilla alba lugens Gloger水鹨Anthus spinoletta japonicus Temminck et Schlegel 伯劳科Laniidae灰背伯劳Lanius tephronotus tephronotus (Vigors)河乌科Cinclidae褐河乌Cinclus pallasii pallasii Temminck鸫科Turdidae红尾水鸲Rhyacornis fuliginosus fuliginosus (Vigors)小燕尾Emicurus scouleri Vigors灰背燕尾Enicurus schistaceus (Hodgson)黑背燕尾Enicurus leschenaulti sinensis Gould白顶溪鸲Chaimarrornis leucocephalus (Vigors)蓝头矶鸫Monticola gularis (Swinhoe)画眉科Timaliidae震旦鸦雀Paradoxornis heudei heudei David莺科Sylviidae小蝗莺Locustella certhiola minor David et Oustalet矛斑蝗莺Locustella lanceolata (Temminck)东方大苇莺Acrocephalus orientalis (Temminck et Schlegel)黑眉苇莺Acrocephalus bistrigiceps Swinhoe钝翅苇莺Acrocephalus concinens concinens (Swinhoe)芦莺Acrocephalus aedon (Pallas)山雀科Paridae沼泽山雀Parus palusteis Linnaeus攀雀科Remizidae攀雀Remiz pendulinus consobrinus (Swinhoe)鹀科Emberizidae苇鹀Enberiza pallasi (Cabanis)。

宁波市湿地保护与利用规划(2009~2020年)宁波市林业局浙江省林业调查规划设计院二○○九年九月目录前言1 湿地资源及保护管理现状 (1)1.1湿地资源概况 (1)1.2湿地保护管理现状 (17)1.3湿地面临的主要威胁及原因分析 (24)2 规划指导思想与目标 (32)2.1指导思想 (32)2.2基本原则 (32)2.3规划依据 (33)2.4规划期限 (34)2.5规划目标 (34)3 湿地保护总体布局 (37)3.1湿地保护类型区划 (37)3.2中北部滨海平原湿地区 (38)3.3东南部滨海丘陵湿地区 (42)3.4西部山地溪源湿地区 (46)4 湿地保护体系规划 (49)4.1湿地保护等级体系 (49)4.2湿地自然保护区体系 (52)4.3湿地公园建设体系 (55)4.4湿地污染整治体系 (57)4.5湿地生态修复与保护工程 (61)4.6湿地生态利用示范工程 (64)4.7检疫防疫体系 (66)4.8其他工程建设 (68)5 湿地管理体系规划 (70)5.1湿地保护管理 (70)5.2湿地恢复管理 (72)5.3可持续利用示范 (73)5.4能力建设规划 (73)6 重点工程建设规划 (78)6.1湿地自然保护区重点建设工程 (78)6.2湿地公园建设示范工程 (79)6.3湿地生态修复建设工程 (80)6.4湿地资源监测建设工程 (82)6.5湿地宣传教育培训基地建设 (86)7 效益评价 (88)7.1生态效益 (88)7.2社会效益 (88)7.3经济效益 (89)8 实施规划的保障措施 (91)8.1建立湿地保护管理组织机构和协调机制 (91)8.2完善湿地资源保护利用的政策和法制体系 (91)8.3加强对水资源的保护与管理 (92)8.4加大保护资金投入,力度广开募资渠道 (92)8.5加强科学研究,扩大对外合作 (93)8.6加强宣传教育,提高全民湿地保护意识 (93)8.7实施湿地开发环境影响评价制度 (94)附表:附表1 宁波市2公顷以上湿地按湿地类型分县(市、区)面积统计表附表2 宁波市主要水系湿地分县(市、区)面积统计表附表3 宁波市2公顷以上湿地按保护类型区分县(市、区)面积统计表附表4 宁波市续建与升格湿地自然保护区规划一览表附表5 宁波市新建湿地自然保护区规划一览表附表6 宁波市湿地公园规划一览表附表7 宁波市湿地自然保护小区规划一览表附表8 宁波市重要湿地规划一览表附图:附图1 宁波市湿地资源卫星影像图附图2 宁波市湿地资源分布图附图3 宁波湿地保护类型区划图附图4 宁波市重要湿地分布图附图5 宁波市湿地保护重点工程分布图附图6 宁波市湿地动植物监测点及宣传教育培训基地建设规划布局图1 湿地资源及保护管理现状宁波市地处全国大陆海岸线的中段,长江三角洲的南翼,浙江省东北部的东海之滨,宁绍平原的东端,界于东经120°55’~122°16’,北纬28°55’~30°33’之间。

16.绿鹭Q窖侵郑〣utorides striatus
244.黑喉石Saxicola torquata
245.灰林S. ferrea haringtoni

浙江省鸟类区系研究报道大多侧重于西 部、 南部山区
[ 1 - 5]
况, 同时也为天童国家野外科学观测研究站积 累基础资料, 作 者 于 2006 年 4 月 至 2009 年 11
基金项目 国家自然科学基金重点项目( No. 30130060 ) ;
以及沿海湿地 及 岛 屿
Hale Waihona Puke [ 6 - 9], 其
中对于东部沿海丘陵山地的鸟类资源研究较为 缺少 。 天童国家森林公园位于浙江省东北部的 宁波市鄞县境内, 属于亚热带沿海丘陵山区, 曾 高颖等人对本地区的鸟类区系有所报 有章 平 、 道
· 88 ·
动物学杂志 Chinese Journal of Zoology
45 卷
3. 1
鸻形目 、 鹤 形 目、 雁形目等涉禽及游禽则 形目 、 相对较少;雀形 目 84 种, 主 要 为 鹎 科、 鸫 科、 莺 科、 画眉科等 森 林 鸟 类 以 及 鹡 鸰 科 、 雀 科、 鹀科 等农田 鸟 类 。 鸟 种 组 成 反 映 出 森 林 生 境 的 特 点 。 鸟类地理区系及居留型组成见表 1 。
对鸟 类 春 秋 迁 徙 期 、 繁殖期以及越冬期进行调 查, 其 中 迁 徙 季 各 3 次, 繁殖期及越冬期各 2
图1 Fig. 1
调查样线 、 样点分布示意图
Locations of the sample points and line transects
K、 L、 M、 J、 N、 O、 H 分别为各样线上分布的样点 。
CD 、 DE 、 IJ 为森林样线, EF 、 GH 为农田样线; 地图来自 Google Earth 。 其中 AB 为湿地样线,

东方白鹳、黄腹角雉……浙江“五大珍稀之鸟”,小布带你一一了解~ 五大珍稀之鸟东方白鹳▲吴志华摄东方白鹳是大型涉禽,身长可达1米多,展翅宽度超3米,常在沼泽、湿地、塘边涉水觅食。

中国鸟类图库鸟种列表物种名英文名拉丁文名数量浏览未命名3879Click雪鹑Snow artridgeLerwa lerwa24Click藏雪鸡Tibetan SnowcockTetraogallus tibetanus41Click阿尔泰雪鸡Altai SnowcockTetraogallus altaicus8Click暗腹雪鸡Himalayan SnowcockTetraogallus himalayensis7Click雉鹑Chestnut-Throated artridgeTetraohasis obscurus11Click四川雉鹑Buff-throated artridgeTetraohasis szechenyii62Click石鸡ChukarAlectoris chukar95Click 中华鹧鸪Chinese FrancolinFrancolinus intadeanus4Click斑翅山鹑Daurian artridgeerdix dauuricae66Click高原山鹑Tibetan artridgeerdix hodgsoniae43Click鹌鹑Common QuailCoturnix coturnix2Click鹌鹑Jaanese QuailCoturnix jaonica23Click蓝胸鹑Blue-breasted QuailCoturnix chinensis3Click环颈山鹧鸪Common Hill artridgeArborohila torqueola2Click红胸山鹧鸪Chestnut-breasted artridgeArborohila mandellii1Click褐胸山鹧鸪Bar-backed artridgeArborohila brunneoectus1Click四川山鹧鸪Sichuan artridgeArborohila rufiectus1Click绿脚山鹧鸪Scaly-breasted artridgeArborohila charltonii1Click棕胸竹鸡Mountain Bamboo artridgeBambusicola fytchii6Click灰胸竹鸡Chinese Bamboo artridgeBambusicola thoracica123Click血雉Blood heasantIthaginis cruentus106Click红腹角雉Red-bellied TragoanTragoantemminckii10Click黄腹角雉Yellow-bellied TragoanTragoan caboti1Click 勺鸡Koklass heasantucrasia macroloha10Click白尾梢虹雉Sclater's MonalLohohorus sclateri4Click绿尾虹雉Chinese MonalLohohorus lhuysii9Click原鸡Red JunglefowlGallus gallus14Click黑鹇Kalij heasantLohura leucomelanos7Click白鹇Silver heasantLohura nycthemera42Click蓝鹇Taiwan Blue heasantLohura swinhoii3Click藏马鸡Tibetan Eared-heasantCrossotilon harmani19Click白马鸡White Eared-heasantCrossotilon crossotilon39Click褐马鸡Brown Eared-heasantCrossotilon mantchuricum31Click蓝马鸡Blue Eared heasantCrossotilon auritum41Click白颈长尾雉White-necked Long-tailed heasSyrmaticus ellioti10Click黑颈长尾雉Black-necked Long-tailed heasSyrmaticus humiae3Click黑长尾雉Mikado heasantSyrmaticus mikado5Click白冠长尾雉Reevens's heasantSyrmaticus reevesii28Click雉鸡Common heasanthasianus colchicus523Click。


1.绵阳城市及近郊鸟类初步调查 [J], 刘昊;石红艳;张利权
2.城市居民近郊旅游需求特征分析——以宁波市民抽样调查为例 [J], 袁欣
3.宁波镇海区平原春夏季鸟类群落的区系分析和生态分布 [J], 谢志浩;余红卫;李佑
4.贵州省金沙县3种鹎科鸟类的夏季食性 [J], 陈永祥;胡思玉
5.大同市区及近郊夏季繁殖鸟类多样性研究 [J], 宋晶;郭钰伦;高丽芳;张月;潘方艳;范娇娇


浙江省重点保护陆生野生动物名录纲、目、科序号种中名种学名兽纲MAMMALIA啮齿目RODENTIA鼯鼠科Petauristidae 1 鼯鼠Petaurista petaurista 2 黑白飞鼠Hylopetes alboniger豪猪科Hystricidae 3 豪猪Hystrix hodgsoni食肉目CARNIVORA犬科Canidae 4 狼Canis lupus5 狐Vulpes vulpes6 貉Nyctereutes procyonoides鼬科Mustelidae 7 鼬獾Melogale moschata灵猫科Viverridae 8 食蟹獴Herpestes urva猫科Felidae 9 豹猫Felis bengalensis偶蹄目ARTIODACTYLA鹿科Cervidae10 毛冠鹿Elaphodus cephalophus鸟纲AVES目PODICIPEDIFORMES科Podicipedidae11 凤头 Podiceps cristatus信天翁科Diomedeidae12 黑脚信天翁Diomedea nigripes鹳形目CICONIIFORMES鹭科Ardeidae13 大白鹭Egretta alba14 白鹭Egretta garzetta15 中白鹭Egretta intermedia16 夜鹭Nycticorax nycticorax雁形目ANSERIFORMES鸭科Anatidae17 小白额雁Anser erythropus鸡形目GALLIFORMES雉科Phasianidae18 白额山鹧鸪Arborophila gingica鸥形目LARIFORMES鸥科Laridae19 黑尾鸥Larus crassirostris20 黑嘴鸥Larus saundersi21 黑枕燕鸥Sterna sumatrana鹃形目CUCULIFORMES杜鹃科Cuculidae22 红翅凤头鹃Clamator coromandus23 鹰鹃Cuculus sparverioides24 棕腹杜鹃Cuculus fugax25 四声杜鹃Cuculus micropterus26 大杜鹃Cuculus canorus27 中杜鹃Cuculus saturatus28 小杜鹃Cuculus poliocephalus29 八声杜鹃Cuculus merulinus30 乌鹃Surniculus lugubris31 噪鹃Eudynamys scolopacea咬鹃目TROGONIFORMES蜂虎科Meropidae32 栗头蜂虎Merops viridis佛法僧科Coraciidae33 三宝鸟Eurystomus orientalis戴胜科Upupidae34 戴胜Upupa epops鴷形目PICIFORMES须鴷科Capitonidae35 大拟啄木鸟Megalaima virens啄木鸟科Picidae36 蚁鴷Jynx torquilla37 姬啄木鸟Picumnus innominatus38 黑枕绿啄木鸟Picus canus39 斑啄木鸟Picoides major40 星头啄木鸟Dendrocopos canicapillus41 黄嘴噪啄木鸟Blythipicus pyrrhotis雀形目PASSERIFORMES伯劳科Laniidae42 虎纹伯劳Lanius tigrinus43 牛头伯劳Lanius bucephalus44 红尾伯劳Lanius cristatus45 棕背伯劳Lanius schach46 灰背伯劳Lanius tephronotus47 楔尾伯劳Lanius sphenocercus黄鹂科Oriolidae48 黑枕黄鹂Oriolus chinensis鸦科Corvidae49 松鸦Garrulus glandarius50 红嘴蓝鹊Cissa erythrorhyncha51 灰喜鹊Cyanopica cyana52 喜鹊Pica pica画眉科Timaliidae53 红嘴相思鸟Leiothrix lutea莺科Sylviidae54 戴菊Regulus regulus鹟科Muscicapidae55 寿带(鸟) Terpsiphone paradisi鳾科Sittidae56 普通鳾Sitta europaea啄花鸟科Dicaeidae57 红胸啄花鸟Dicaeum ignipectus太阳鸟科Nectariniidae58 叉尾太阳鸟Aethopyga christinae两栖纲AMPHIBIA蛙形目RANIFORMES锄足蟾科Pelobatidae59 崇安髭蟾Vibrissaphora liui蛙科Ranidae60 凹耳蛙Rana tormotus树蛙科Rhacophoridae61 大树蛙Rhacophorus dennysi爬行纲REPTILIA龟鳖目TESTUDOFORMES龟科Testudinidae 62 平胸龟Platysternon megacephalum蜥蜴目LACERTIFORMES蛇蜥科Anguidae 63 脆蛇蜥Ophisaurus harti蛇目SERPENTIFORMES盲蛇科Typhlopidae 64 钩盲蛇Ramphotyphlops braminus游蛇科Colubridae 65 赤峰锦蛇Elaphe anomala66 黑眉锦蛇Elaphe taeniura67 滑鼠蛇Ptyas mucosus眼镜蛇科Elapidae 68 眼镜蛇Naja naja69 眼镜王蛇Ophiophagus hannah蝰科Viperidae 70 五步蛇Agkistrodon acutus昆虫纲INSECTA鳞翅目LDPEDOPTERA蛱蝶科Nymphalidae 71 黑紫蛱蝶Sasakia funebris凤蝶科Papilionidae 72 宽尾凤蝶Agehana elwesi73 金裳凤蝶Troide aeacus参考资料:/user1/1255/archives/2006/16616.shtml。

Buthus martensi
Polyrhachis dives
Camponotus japonicus
Oecophylla smaragdina
Scolopendra subspinipes
Paguma larvata
Sus scrofa×S. s. domestica
Cervus nippon
Cervus elaphus
Eutamias sibiricus
Struthio camelus
Dromaius novaehollandiae
Cairina moschata
Anas platyrhynchos
Crocodylus porosus

牛背鹭长约50厘米,身体以白 色为主,繁殖期头、颈、胸呈橙 黄色,非繁殖期仅额部为橙黄色, 体形较其他鹭类粗壮。常见于中 国南部低洼地区。常在牛群附近 活动,有时会落在牛背上,因此 被称作“放牛郎”。傍晚小群列 队低飞过有水地区,回到群栖地 点。牛背鹭一般筑巢于树上、灌 丛、芦苇或沼泽、岛屿岩石上。 近年来,牛背鹭的栖息环境遭到 破坏,造成其数量有所减少。
夜 鹭
• 夜鹭长约58厘米,头大而体胖,颈部较短,头颈至背黑绿 色,其余部分灰色,嘴呈黑色,长而尖并微向下曲,嘴上 方额部有一圈淡黄色,眼圈黑色,下体乳白色,枕部有两 至三道带状白色饰羽,下垂至背上,比较醒目,脚趾黄色。 夜鹭幼鸟具褐色纵纹及点斑,虹膜黄色,成鸟变为红色, 腿亦由黄绿色变成红黄色。夜鹭栖息于溪流、水塘、水田、 沼泽等地,喜集群活动,通常白天在树上休息,夜间觅食、 活动。平时,夜鹭常常缩颈或单腿站立,当受惊吓时,则 发出粗犷叫声,主要以鱼、蛙、昆虫等为食。夜鹭为夏候 鸟,通常二三月迁来,八月迁离。
黑 麂
别名红头青麂、乌金麂、蓬头麂,属于鹿科, 黑麂是麂类中体型较大种类。体长100~110厘米,肩 高60厘米,体重21~26千克。雄性具角,头顶部和两角 间有一簇长达5~7厘米的棕色冠毛。冬毛上体暗褐色;夏 毛棕色成分增加。尾较长,一般超过20厘米,背面黑色, 尾腹及侧毛色纯白,白尾醒目。 胆小怯懦,多独居生活。有游走觅食习性,以嫩枝叶、 花果或草本植物为食。繁殖期不固定。孕期约6个月,每 胎1仔。 黑鹿是我国特产动物。产于安徽、浙江、江西和福建。 属于国家一级保护动物。
第二篇 野生动物——珍禽异兽
据历史记载和近年调查,宁波市陆生野生动物区系共有 454种和亚种(438种,另有16亚种),约占全省陆生野生 动物总种数的68%,分别隶属于兽纲、鸟纲、两栖纲和爬 行纲4纲,31目,91科,241属。我市共有两栖动物23种、 爬行动物50种、鸟类349种、兽类49种。 宁波市有多种珍稀濒危物种已被列入有关国际公约或协 定而受到保护。其中有:云豹、金猫、鬣羚、黑麂、东方 白鹳、白肩雕、游隼、白颈长尾雉等77种陆生野生动物被 列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》附录;夜鹭、牛 背鹭、黑脸琵鹭、松雀鹰、燕隼等163种鸟类被列入中日 候鸟保护协定;岩鹭、白眉鸭、大苇莺等52种鸟类被列入 中澳候鸟保护协定。
章旭日 浙江省鸟类多样性名录(野生动物学报)

如有引用本名录内容,请您注明出处:章旭日,李贺鹏,岳春雷,王珺.浙江省鸟类多样性与区系分析[J].野生动物学报,2019,40(3):685-699.浙江省鸟类多样性名录Zhejiang bird diversity checklist编号No.中文名Chinese name类元Taxon保护级别Protection levelCITES IUCN-RL RLCV 一、鸡形目GALLIFORMES(一)雉科Phasianidae1白眉山鹧鸪★Arborophila gingica gingica★省重点NT VU 2中华鹧鸪Francolinus pintadeanus pintadeanus LC NT 3鹌鹑Coturnix japonica NT LC 4灰胸竹鸡★Bambusicola thoracicus★LC LC 5黄腹角雉★Tragopan caboti caboti★国家Ⅰ级附录ⅠVU EN 6勺鸡Pucrasia macrolopha darwini国家Ⅱ级附录ⅢLC LC 7白鹇Lophura nycthemera fokiensis国家Ⅱ级LC LC 8白颈长尾雉★Syrmaticus ellioti★国家Ⅰ级附录ⅠNT VU 9环颈雉Phasianus colchicus torquatus LC LC二、雁形目ANSERIFORMES(二)鸭科*Anatidae*10鸿雁Anser cygnoid省重点VU VU 11豆雁Anser fabalis middendorffii省重点LC LC 12短嘴豆雁Anser serrirostris serrirostris☆省重点NE NE 13灰雁Anser anser rubrirostris省重点LC LC 14白额雁Anser albifrons frontalis国家Ⅱ级LC LC 15小白额雁Anser erythropus省重点VU VU 16黑雁Branta bernicla nigricans省重点LC DD 17疣鼻天鹅Cygnus olor国家Ⅱ级LC NT 18小天鹅Cygnus columbianus bewickii国家Ⅱ级LC NT 19大天鹅Cygnus cygnus国家Ⅱ级LC NT 20翘鼻麻鸭Tadorna tadorna省重点LC LC 21赤麻鸭Tadorna ferruginea省重点LC LC 22鸳鸯Aix galericulata国家Ⅱ级LC NT 23棉凫Nettapus coromandelianus coromandelianus省重点LC EN 24赤膀鸭Mareca strepera strepera省重点LC LC 25罗纹鸭Mareca falcata省重点NT NT 26赤颈鸭Mareca penelope省重点LC LC 27绿头鸭Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos省重点LC LC 28斑嘴鸭Anas zonorhyncha☆省重点LC LC 29针尾鸭Anas acuta省重点LC LC 30绿翅鸭Anas crecca crecca省重点LC LC 31琵嘴鸭Spatula clypeata省重点LC LC32白眉鸭Spatula querquedula省重点LC LC 33花脸鸭Sibirionetta formosa省重点附录ⅡLC NT 34红头潜鸭Aythya ferina省重点VU LC 35青头潜鸭Aythya baeri省重点CR CR 36白眼潜鸭Aythya nyroca省重点NT NT 37凤头潜鸭Aythya fuligula省重点LC LC 38斑背潜鸭Aythya marila nearctica省重点LC LC 39斑脸海番鸭Melanitta fusca stejnegeri省重点VU NT 40长尾鸭Clangula hyemalis省重点VU EN 41鹊鸭Bucephala clangula clangula省重点LC LC 42斑头秋沙鸭Mergellus albellus省重点LC LC 43普通秋沙鸭Mergus merganser merganser省重点LC LC 44红胸秋沙鸭Mergus serrator省重点LC LC 45中华秋沙鸭Mergus squamatus国家Ⅰ级EN EN三、䴙䴘目PODICIPEDIFORMES(三)䴙䴘科*Podicipedidae*46小䴙䴘Tachybaptus ruficollis poggei LC LC 47赤颈䴙䴘Podiceps grisegena holboellii国家Ⅱ级LC NT 48凤头䴙䴘Podiceps cristatus cristatus省重点LC LC 49角䴙䴘Podiceps auritus auritus国家Ⅱ级VU NT 50黑颈䴙䴘Podiceps nigricollis nigricollis LC LC四、红鹳目PHOENICOPTERIFORMES(四)红鹳科*Phoenicopteridae*51大红鹳Phoenicopterus roseus roseus附录ⅡLC DD五、鸽形目COLUMBIFORMES(五)鸠鸽科Columbidae52山斑鸠Streptopelia orientalis orientalis LC LC 53灰斑鸠Streptopelia decaocto xanthocycla LC LC 54火斑鸠Streptopelia tranquebarica humilis LC LC 55珠颈斑鸠Streptopelia chinensis chinensis LC LC 56斑尾鹃鸠Macropygia unchall minor国家Ⅱ级LC NT 57红翅绿鸠Treron sieboldii sororius国家Ⅱ级LC LC六、夜鹰目CAPRIMULGIFORMES(六)夜鹰科Caprimulgidae58普通夜鹰Caprimulgus indicus jotaka LC LC (七)雨燕科Apodidae59白喉针尾雨燕Hirundapus caudacutus caudacutus LC LC 60白腰雨燕Apus pacificus kanoi LC LC 61小白腰雨燕Apus nipalensis subfurcatus LC LC七、鹃形目CUCULIFORMES(八)杜鹃科Cuculidae62褐翅鸦鹃Centropus sinensis sinensis国家Ⅱ级LC LC 63小鸦鹃Centropus bengalensis lignator国家Ⅱ级LC LC 64红翅凤头鹃Clamator coromandus省重点LC LC65噪鹃Eudynamys scolopaceus chinensis省重点LC LC 66八声杜鹃Cacomantis merulinus querulus省重点LC LC 67乌鹃Surniculus lugubris dicruroides省重点LC LC 68大鹰鹃Hierococcyx sparverioides sparverioides省重点LC LC 69棕腹鹰鹃Hierococcyx nisicolor省重点LC LC 70小杜鹃Cuculus poliocephalus省重点LC LC 71四声杜鹃Cuculus micropterus micropterus省重点LC LC 72中杜鹃Cuculus saturatus saturatus省重点LC LC 73大杜鹃Cuculus canorus bakeri省重点LC LC八、鹤形目GRUIFORMES(九)秧鸡科*Rallidae*74灰胸秧鸡Lewinia striata jouyi省重点LC LC 75普通秧鸡Rallus indicus☆LC LC 76红脚田鸡Zapornia akool coccineipes LC LC 77小田鸡Zapornia pusilla pusilla LC LC 78红胸田鸡Zapornia fusca erythrothorax LC NT 79斑胁田鸡Zapornia paykullii NT VU 80白胸苦恶鸟Amaurornis phoenicurus phoenicurus LC LC 81董鸡Gallicrex cinerea LC LC 82黑水鸡Gallinula chloropus chloropus LC LC 83白骨顶Fulica atra atra LC LC (十)鹤科*Gruidae*84白鹤Grus leucogeranus国家Ⅰ级附录ⅠCR CR 85白枕鹤Grus vipio国家Ⅱ级附录ⅠVU EN 86灰鹤Grus grus lilfordi国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 87白头鹤Grus monacha国家Ⅰ级附录ⅠVU EN九、鸻形目CHARADRIIFORMES(十一)蛎鹬科*Haematopodidae*88蛎鹬Haematopus ostralegus osculans NT LC (十二)反嘴鹬科*Recurvirostridae*89黑翅长脚鹬Himantopus himantopus himantopus LC LC 90反嘴鹬Recurvirostra avosetta LC LC (十三)鸻科*Charadriidae*91凤头麦鸡Vanellus vanellus NT LC 92灰头麦鸡Vanellus cinereus LC LC 93金鸻Pluvialis fulva LC LC 94灰鸻Pluvialis squatarola squatarola LC LC 95长嘴剑鸻Charadrius placidus LC NT 96金眶鸻Charadrius dubius curonicus LC LC 97环颈鸻Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus LC LC 98蒙古沙鸻Charadrius mongolus mongolus LC LC 99铁嘴沙鸻Charadrius leschenaultii leschenaultii LC LC 100东方鸻Charadrius veredus LC LC (十四)彩鹬科*Rostratulidae*101彩鹬Rostratula benghalensis benghalensis LC LC (十五)水雉科*Jacanidae*102水雉Hydrophasianus chirurgus LC NT (十六)鹬科*Scolopacidae*103丘鹬Scolopax rusticola LC LC 104姬鹬Lymnocryptes minimus LC LC 105针尾沙锥Gallinago stenura LC LC 106大沙锥Gallinago megala LC LC 107扇尾沙锥Gallinago gallinago gallinago LC LC 108长嘴半蹼鹬Limnodromus scolopaceus LC DD 109半蹼鹬Limnodromus semipalmatus NT NT 110黑尾塍鹬Limosa limosa melanuroides NT LC 111斑尾塍鹬Limosa lapponica menzbieri NT NT 112小杓鹬Numenius minutus国家Ⅱ级LC NT 113中杓鹬Numenius phaeopus variegatus LC LC 114白腰杓鹬Numenius arquata orientalis NT NT 115大杓鹬Numenius madagascariensis EN VU 116鹤鹬Tringa erythropus LC LC 117红脚鹬Tringa totanus terrignotae LC LC 118泽鹬Tringa stagnatilis LC LC 119青脚鹬Tringa nebularia LC LC 120小青脚鹬Tringa guttifer国家Ⅱ级附录ⅠEN EN 121白腰草鹬Tringa ochropus LC LC 122林鹬Tringa glareola LC LC 123灰尾漂鹬Tringa brevipes NT LC 124翘嘴鹬Xenus cinereus LC LC 125矶鹬Actitis hypoleucos LC LC 126翻石鹬Arenaria interpres interpres LC LC 127大滨鹬Calidris tenuirostris EN VU 128红腹滨鹬Calidris canutus rogersiNT VU-C.c.piersmai129三趾滨鹬Calidris alba rubida LC LC 130红颈滨鹬Calidris ruficollis NT LC 131勺嘴鹬Calidris pygmeus省重点CR CR 132小滨鹬Calidris minuta LC DD 133青脚滨鹬Calidris temminckii LC LC 134长趾滨鹬Calidris subminuta LC LC 135尖尾滨鹬Calidris acuminata LC LC 136阔嘴鹬Calidris falcinellus sibirica LC LC 137流苏鹬Calidris pugnax LC LC 138弯嘴滨鹬Calidris ferruginea NT LC 139黑腹滨鹬Calidris alpina sakhalina LC LC 140红颈瓣蹼鹬Phalaropus lobatus LC LC 141灰瓣蹼鹬Phalaropus fulicarius LC LC(十七)三趾鹑科Turnicidae142黄脚三趾鹑Turnix tanki blanfordii LC LC (十八)燕鸻科*Glareolidae*143普通燕鸻Glareola maldivarum LC LC (十九)鸥科*△Laridae*△144白顶玄燕鸥Anous stolidus pileatus LC LC 145三趾鸥Rissa tridactyla pollocaris VU LC 146棕头鸥Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus LC LC 147红嘴鸥Chroicocephalus ridibundus LC LC 148黑嘴鸥Saundersilarus saundersi省重点VU VU 149小鸥Hydrocoloeus minutus国家Ⅱ级LC NT 150遗鸥Ichthyaetus relictus国家Ⅰ级附录ⅠVU EN 151渔鸥Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus LC LC 152黑尾鸥Larus crassirostris省重点LC LC 153普通海鸥Larus canus kamtschatschensis LC LC 154北极鸥Larus hyperboreus barrovianus LC LC 155小黑背银鸥Larus fuscus heuglini LC LC 156西伯利亚银鸥Larus smithsonianus vegae LC LC-L.s.mongolicus157黄腿银鸥Larus cachinnans LC LC 158灰背鸥Larus schistisagus LC LC 159鸥嘴噪鸥Gelochelidon nilotica affinis LC LC 160红嘴巨燕鸥Hydroprogne caspia LC LC 161大凤头燕鸥Thalasseus bergii cristatus省重点LC NT 162小凤头燕鸥Thalasseus bengalensis bengalensis LC LC 163中华凤头燕鸥Thalasseus bernsteini国家Ⅱ级CR CR 164白额燕鸥Sternula albifrons sinensis LC LC 165褐翅燕鸥Onychoprion anaethetus anaethetus省重点LC LC 166乌燕鸥Onychoprion fuscatus nubilosa LC LC 167粉红燕鸥Sterna dougallii bangsi省重点LC LC 168黑枕燕鸥Sterna sumatrana sumatrana省重点LC LC 169普通燕鸥Sterna hirundo longipennis LC LC 170灰翅浮鸥Chlidonias hybrida hybrida LC LC 171白翅浮鸥Chlidonias leucopterus LC LC (二十)贼鸥科△Stercorariidea△172中贼鸥Stercorarius pomarinus LC LC (二十一)海雀科△Alcidae△173扁嘴海雀Synthliboramphus antiquus antiquus LC NT十、潜鸟目GAVIIFORMES(二十二)潜鸟科*Gaviidae*174红喉潜鸟Gavia stellata LC LC 175黑喉潜鸟Gavia arctica viridigularis LC LC 十一、鹱形目PROCELLARIIFORMES(二十三)信天翁科△Diomedeidae△176黑脚信天翁Phoebastria nigripes省重点NT DD (二十四)海燕科△Hydrobatidae△177黑叉尾海燕Hydrobates monorhis NT DD (二十五)鹱科△Procellariidae△178白额鹱Calonectris leucomelas NT DD 179楔尾鹱Ardenna pacificus LC DD 180短尾鹱Ardenna tenuirostris LC DD 181褐燕鹱Bulweria bulwerii LC DD 十二、鹳形目CICONIIFORMES(二十六)鹳科*Ciconiidae*182黑鹳Ciconia nigra国家Ⅰ级附录ⅡLC VU 183东方白鹳Ciconia boyciana国家Ⅰ级附录ⅠEN EN 十三、鲣鸟目SULIFORMES(二十七)军舰鸟科△Fregatidae△184黑腹军舰鸟Fregata minor minor LC LC (二十八)鲣鸟科△Sulidae△185红脚鲣鸟Sula sula rubripes国家Ⅱ级LC NT 186褐鲣鸟Sula leucogaster plotus国家Ⅱ级LC LC (二十九)鸬鹚科*△Phalacrocoracidae*△187普通鸬鹚Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis LC LC 188绿背鸬鹚Phalacrocorax capillatus LC DD 十四、鹈形目PELECANIFORMES(三十)鹮科*Threskiornithidae*189黑头白鹮Threskiornis melanocephalus国家Ⅱ级NT CR 190彩鹮Plegadis falcinellus国家Ⅱ级LC DD 191白琵鹭Platalea leucorodia leucorodia国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 192黑脸琵鹭Platalea minor国家Ⅱ级EN EN (三十一)鹭科*Ardeidae*193大麻鳽Botaurus stellaris stellaris LC LC 194黄斑苇鳽Ixobrychus sinensis LC LC 195紫背苇鳽Ixobrychus eurhythmus LC LC 196栗苇鳽Ixobrychus cinnamomeus LC LC 197黑苇鳽Ixobrychus flavicollis flavicollis LC LC 198海南鳽Gorsachius magnificus国家Ⅱ级EN EN 199栗头鳽Gorsachius goisagi EN DD 200夜鹭Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax LC LC 201绿鹭Butorides striata amurensis LC LC-B.s.actophila202池鹭Ardeola bacchus LC LC 203牛背鹭Bubulcus ibis coromandus LC LC 204苍鹭Ardea cinerea jouyi LC LC 205草鹭Ardea purpurea manilensis LC LC 206大白鹭Ardea alba modesta LC LC 207中白鹭Ardea intermedia intermedia LC LC208白鹭Egretta garzetta garzetta LC LC 209岩鹭Egretta sacra sacra国家Ⅱ级LC LC 210黄嘴白鹭Egretta eulophotes国家Ⅱ级VU VU (三十二)鹈鹕科*△Pelecanidae*△211卷羽鹈鹕Pelecanus crispus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅠNT EN 十五、鹰形目▲ACCIPITRIFORMES▲(三十三)鹗科Pandionidae212鹗Pandion haliaetus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT (三十四)鹰科Accipitridae213黑翅鸢Elanus caeruleus vociferus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 214凤头蜂鹰Pernis ptilorhynchus orientalis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 215黑冠鹃隼Aviceda leuphotes syama国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC 216秃鹫Aegypius monachus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡNT NT 217蛇雕Spilornis cheela ricketti国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 218鹰雕Nisaetus nipalensis nipalensis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 219林雕Ictinaetus malaiensis malaiensis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC VU 220乌雕Clanga clanga国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡVU EN 221靴隼雕Hieraaetus pennatus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC VU 222草原雕Aquila nipalensis nipalensis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡEN VU 223白肩雕Aquila heliaca国家Ⅰ级附录ⅠVU EN 224金雕Aquila chrysaetos daphanea国家Ⅰ级附录ⅡLC VU 225白腹隼雕Aquila fasciata fasciata国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC VU 226凤头鹰Accipiter trivirgatus indicus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 227赤腹鹰Accipiter soloensis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC 228日本松雀鹰Accipiter gularis gularis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC 229松雀鹰Accipiter virgatus affinis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC 230雀鹰Accipiter nisus nisosimilis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC 231苍鹰Accipiter gentilis schvedowi国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 232白腹鹞Circus spilonotus spilonotus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 233白尾鹞Circus cyaneus cyaneus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 234鹊鹞Circus melanoleucos国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 235黑鸢Milvus migrans lineatus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC 236栗鸢Haliastur indus indus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC VU 237玉带海雕Haliaeetus leucoryphus国家Ⅰ级附录ⅡEN EN 238白尾海雕Haliaeetus albicilla albicilla国家Ⅰ级附录ⅠLC VU 239灰脸鵟鹰Butastur indicus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 240毛脚鵟Buteo lagopus kamtschatkensis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 241大鵟Buteo hemilasius国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC VU 242普通鵟Buteo japonicus japonicus☆国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC 十六、鸮形目▲STRIGIFORMES▲(三十五)鸱鸮科Strigidae243领角鸮Otus lettia erythrocampe国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC 244北领角鸮Otus semitorques ussuriensis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NE 245红角鸮Otus sunia japonicus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC-O.s.malayanus,-O.s.stictonotus246雕鸮Bubo bubo kiautschensis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 247黄腿渔鸮Ketupa flavipes国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC EN 248褐林鸮Strix leptogrammica ticehursti国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 249灰林鸮Strix aluco nivicola国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 250领鸺鹠Glaucidium brodiei brodiei国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC 251斑头鸺鹠Glaucidium cuculoides whitelyi国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC 252鹰鸮Ninox scutulata burmanica国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 253日本鹰鸮Ninox japonica japonica国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC DD 254长耳鸮Asio otus otus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC 255短耳鸮Asio flammeus flammeus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT (三十六)草鸮科Tytonidae256草鸮Tyto longimembris chinensis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC DD 十七、咬鹃目TROGONIFORMES(三十七)咬鹃科Trogonidae257红头咬鹃Harpactes erythrocephalus yamakanensis LC NT 十八、犀鸟目BUCEROTIDAE(三十八)戴胜科Upupidae258戴胜Upupa epops epops省重点LC LC 十九、佛法僧目CORACIIFORMES(三十九)蜂虎科Meropidae259蓝喉蜂虎Merops viridis viridis省重点LC LC (四十)佛法僧科Coraciidae260三宝鸟Eurystomus orientalis cyanicollis省重点LC LC (四十一)翠鸟科Alcedinidae261赤翡翠Halcyon coromanda major LC DD 262白胸翡翠Halcyon smyrnensis fokiensis LC LC 263蓝翡翠Halcyon pileata LC LC 264普通翠鸟Alcedo atthis bengalensis LC LC 265冠鱼狗Megaceryle lugubris guttulata LC LC 266斑鱼狗Ceryle rudis insignis LC LC 二十、啄木鸟目PICIFORMES(四十二)拟啄木鸟科Capitonidae267大拟啄木鸟Psilopogon virens virens LC LC 268黑眉拟啄木鸟Psilopogon faber sini LC LC (四十三)啄木鸟科Picidae269蚁 Jynx torquilla torquilla省重点LC LC 270斑姬啄木鸟Picumnus innominatus chinensis省重点LC LC 271棕腹啄木鸟Dendrocopos hyperythrus subrufinus省重点LC LC 272星头啄木鸟Dendrocopos canicapillus scintilliceps省重点LC LC-D.c.nagamichii273大斑啄木鸟Dendrocopos major mandarinus省重点LC LC 274灰头绿啄木鸟Picus canus guerini省重点LC LC-P.c.sobrinus275黄嘴栗啄木鸟Blythipicus pyrrhotis sinensis省重点LC LC 276栗啄木鸟Micropternus brachyurus fokiensis省重点LC LC 二十一、隼形目▲FALCONIFORMES▲(四十四)隼科Falconidae277白腿小隼Microhierax melanoleucos国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC VU 278红隼Falco tinnunculus interstinctus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC-F.t.tinnunculus279红脚隼Falco amurensis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 280灰背隼Falco columbarius insignis国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC NT 281燕隼Falco subbuteo streichi国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡLC LC 282猎隼Falco cherrug milvipes国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡEN EN 283游隼Falco peregrinus calidus国家Ⅱ级附录ⅠLC NT-F.p.japonensis,-F.p.peregrinator二十二、雀形目PASSERIFORMES(四十五)八色鸫科Pittidae284仙八色鸫Pitta nympha nympha国家Ⅱ级附录ⅡVU VU (四十六)黄鹂科Oriolidae285黑枕黄鹂Oriolus chinensis diffuses省重点LC LC (四十七)莺雀科Vireonidae286白腹凤鹛Erpornis zantholeuca griseiloris LC LC 287红翅鵙鹛Pteruthius aeralatus ricketti☆LC LC 288淡绿鵙鹛Pteruthius xanthochlorus pallidus LC NT (四十八)山椒鸟科Campephagidae289大鹃鵙Coracina macei rexpineti LC LC 290暗灰鹃鵙Lalage melaschistos intermedia LC LC 291粉红山椒鸟Pericrocotus roseus LC LC 292小灰山椒鸟Pericrocotus cantonensis LC LC 293灰山椒鸟Pericrocotus divaricatus divaricatus LC LC 294灰喉山椒鸟Pericrocotus solaris griseigularis LC LC 295赤红山椒鸟Pericrocotus flammeus fohkiensis LC LC (四十九)卷尾科Dicruridae296黑卷尾Dicrurus macrocercus cathoecus LC LC 297灰卷尾Dicrurus leucophaeus leucogenis LC LC 298发冠卷尾Dicrurus hottentottus brevirostris LC LC (五十)王鹟科Monarchidae299寿带Terpsiphone incei☆省重点LC NT 300紫寿带Terpsiphone atrocaudata atrocaudata NT NT (五十一)伯劳科Laniidae301虎纹伯劳Lanius tigrinus省重点LC LC 302牛头伯劳Lanius bucephalus bucephalus省重点LC LC 303红尾伯劳Lanius cristatus lucionensis省重点LC LC-L.c.superciliosus304棕背伯劳Lanius schach schach省重点LC LC 305楔尾伯劳Lanius sphenocercus sphenocercus省重点LC LC (五十二)鸦科Corvidae306松鸦Garrulus glandarius sinensis LC LC 307灰喜鹊Cyanopica cyanus swinhoei LC LC 308红嘴蓝鹊Urocissa erythroryncha erythrorhyncha LC LC 309灰树鹊Dendrocitta formosae sinica LC LC 310喜鹊Pica pica serica LC LC 311达乌里寒鸦Corvus dauuricus LC LC 312秃鼻乌鸦Corvus frugilegus pastinator LC LC 313小嘴乌鸦Corvus corone orientalis LC LC 314白颈鸦Corvus pectoralis NT NT 315大嘴乌鸦Corvus macrorhynchos colonorum LC LC (五十三)山雀科Paridae316冕雀Melanochlora sultanea seorsa LC DD 317煤山雀Periparus ater kuatunensis LC LC 318黄腹山雀★Pardaliparus venustulus★LC LC 319杂色山雀Sittiparus varius varius LC NT 320大山雀Parus cinereus minor☆LC LCmixtus☆321黄颊山雀Machlolophus spilonotus rex LC LC (五十四)攀雀科Remizidae322中华攀雀Remiz consobrinus LC LC (五十五)百灵科Alaudidae323大短趾百灵Calandrella brachydactyla dukhunensis LC LC 324短趾百灵Alaudala cheleensis cheleensis LC LC 325云雀Alauda arvensis intermedia LC LC 326小云雀Alauda gulgula coelivox LC LC (五十六)扇尾莺科Cisticolidae327棕扇尾莺Cisticola juncidis tinnabulans LC LC 328山鹪莺Prinia crinigera parumstriata LC LC 329黄腹山鹪莺Prinia flaviventris sonitans LC LC 330纯色山鹪莺Prinia inornata extensicauda LC LC (五十七)苇莺科Acrocephalidae331东方大苇莺Acrocephalus orientalis LC LC 332黑眉苇莺Acrocephalus bistrigiceps LC LC 333钝翅苇莺Acrocephalus concinens concinens LC LC (五十八)鳞胸鹪鹛科Pnoepygidae334小鳞胸鹪鹛Pnoepyga pusilla pusilla LC LC (五十九)蝗莺科Locustellidae335高山短翅蝗莺Locustella mandelli melanorhyncha LC LC 336棕褐短翅蝗莺Locustella luteoventris LC LC 337矛斑蝗莺Locustella lanceolata lanceolata LC NT 338北蝗莺Locustella ochotensis LC LC 339东亚蝗莺Locustella pleskei VU VU 340小蝗莺Locustella certhiola certhiola LC LC 341苍眉蝗莺Locustella fasciolata LC LC342斑背大尾莺Locustella pryeri sinensis NT NT (六十)燕科Hirundinidae343崖沙燕Riparia riparia ijimae LC LC 344淡色崖沙燕Riparia diluta fokienensis LC LC 345家燕Hirundo rustica gutturalis LC LC 346烟腹毛脚燕Delichon dasypus nigrimentalis LC LC 347金腰燕Cecropis daurica japonica LC LC (六十一)鹎科Pycnonotidae348领雀嘴鹎Spizixos semitorques semitorques LC LC 349红耳鹎Pycnonotus jocosus jocosus LC LC 350黄臀鹎Pycnonotus xanthorrhous andersoni LC LC 351白头鹎Pycnonotus sinensis sinensis LC LC 352白喉红臀鹎Pycnonotus aurigaster chrysorrhoides LC LC 353绿翅短脚鹎Ixos mcclellandii holtii LC LC 354栗背短脚鹎Hemixos castanonotus canipennis LC LC 355黑短脚鹎Hypsipetes leucocephalus leucocephalus LC LC 356栗耳短脚鹎Hypsipetes amaurotis amaurotis LC LC (六十二)柳莺科Phylloscopidae357褐柳莺Phylloscopus fuscatus fuscatus LC LC 358棕腹柳莺Phylloscopus subaffinis LC LC 359巨嘴柳莺Phylloscopus schwarzi LC LC 360黄腰柳莺Phylloscopus proregulus LC LC 361黄眉柳莺Phylloscopus inornatus LC LC 362极北柳莺Phylloscopus borealis borealis LC LC 363双斑绿柳莺Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus LC LC 364淡脚柳莺Phylloscopus tenellipes LC LC 365萨岛柳莺Phylloscopus borealoides LC LC 366冕柳莺Phylloscopus coronatus LC LC 367华南冠纹柳莺Phylloscopus goodsoni fokiensis☆LC NE 368黑眉柳莺Phylloscopus ricketti LC LC 369白眶鹟莺Seicercus affinis intermedius LC LC 370比氏鹟莺Seicercus valentini latouchei LC LC 371栗头鹟莺Seicercus castaniceps sinensis LC LC (六十三)树莺科Cettiidae372棕脸鹟莺Abroscopus albogularis fulvifacies LC LC 373短翅树莺Horornis diphone sakhalinensis LC LC 374远东树莺Horornis canturians canturians LC LC 375强脚树莺Horornis fortipes davidianus LC LC 376黄腹树莺Horornis acanthizoides acanthizoides LC LC 377鳞头树莺Urosphena squameiceps LC LC (六十四)长尾山雀科Aegithalidae378银喉长尾山雀★Aegithalos glaucogularis glaucogularis★☆LC LC 379红头长尾山雀Aegithalos concinnus concinnus LC LC (六十五)莺鹛科Sylviidae380棕头鸦雀Sinosuthora webbiana webbiana LC LC-S.w.suffusa381短尾鸦雀Neosuthora davidiana davidiana LC NT 382灰头鸦雀Psittiparus gularis fokiensis LC LC 383点胸鸦雀Paradoxornis guttaticollis LC LC 384震旦鸦雀Paradoxornis heudei heudei省重点NT NT (六十六)绣眼鸟科Zosteropidae385栗耳凤鹛Yuhina castaniceps torqueola LC LC 386黑颏凤鹛Yuhina nigrimenta LC LC 387红胁绣眼鸟Zosterops erythropleurus LC LC 388暗绿绣眼鸟Zosterops japonicus simplex LC LC (六十七)林鹛科Timaliidae389华南斑胸钩嘴鹛★Erythrogenys swinhoei swinhoei★☆LC NE 390棕颈钩嘴鹛Pomatorhinus ruficollis styani LC LC-P.r.stridulus391红头穗鹛Cyanoderma ruficeps davidi LC LC (六十八)幽鹛科Pellorneidae392褐顶雀鹛Schoeniparus brunneus superciliaris LC LC 393灰眶雀鹛Alcippe morrisonia hueti LC LC (六十九)噪鹛科Leiothrichidae394画眉Garrulax canorus省重点附录ⅡLC NT 395灰翅噪鹛Garrulax cineraceus cinereiceps LC LC 396黑脸噪鹛Garrulax perspicillatus LC LC 397小黑领噪鹛Garrulax monileger melli LC LC 398黑领噪鹛Garrulax pectoralis picticollis LC LC 399黑喉噪鹛Garrulax chinensis chinensis LC LC 400棕噪鹛★Garrulax berthemyi★☆LC LC 401白颊噪鹛Garrulax sannio sannio LC LC 402银耳相思鸟Leiothrix argentauris ricketti附录ⅡLC NT 403红嘴相思鸟Leiothrix lutea lutea省重点附录ⅡLC LC (七十)䴓科Sittidae404普通䴓Sitta europaea sinensis省重点LC LC 405栗臀䴓Sitta nagaensis montium LC LC (七十一)鹪鹩科Troglodytidae406鹪鹩Troglodytes troglodytes idius LC LC (七十二)河乌科Cinclidae407褐河乌Cinclus pallasii pallasii LC LC (七十三)椋鸟科Sturnidae408八哥Acridotheres cristatellus cristatellus LC LC 409丝光椋鸟Spodiopsar sericeus LC LC 410灰椋鸟Spodiopsar cineraceus LC LC 411黑领椋鸟Gracupica nigricollis LC LC 412北椋鸟Agropsar sturninus LC LC 413紫背椋鸟Agropsar philippensis LC LC414灰背椋鸟Sturnia sinensis LC LC 415紫翅椋鸟Sturnus vulgaris poltaratskyi LC LC (七十四)鸫科Turdidae416橙头地鸫Geokichla citrina courtoisi LC LC 417白眉地鸫Geokichla sibirica sibirica LC LC-G.s.davisoni418虎斑地鸫Zoothera aurea aurea☆LC LC 419灰背鸫Turdus hortulorum LC LC 420乌灰鸫Turdus cardis LC LC 421乌鸫★Turdus mandarinus mandarinus★☆LC LC 422白眉鸫Turdus obscurus LC LC 423白腹鸫Turdus pallidus LC LC 424赤胸鸫Turdus chrysolaus chrysolaus LC LC 425赤颈鸫Turdus ruficollis LC LC 426红尾斑鸫Turdus naumanni LC LC 427斑鸫Turdus eunomus LC LC 428宝兴歌鸫★Turdus mupinensis★LC LC (七十五)鹟科Muscicapidae429日本歌鸲Larvivora akahige akahige LC LC 430红尾歌鸲Larvivora sibilans LC LC 431蓝歌鸲Larvivora cyane cyane LC LC-L.c.bochaiensis432红喉歌鸲Calliope calliope LC LC 433蓝喉歌鸲Luscinia svecica svecica LC LC 434红胁蓝尾鸲Tarsiger cyanurus LC LC 435鹊鸲Copsychus saularis prosthopellus LC LC 436蓝额红尾鸲Phoenicuropsis frontalis LC LCLC LC 437北红尾鸲Phoenicurus auroreus auroreus-P.a.leucopterus438红尾水鸲Rhyacornis fuliginosa fuliginosa LC LC 439白顶溪鸲Chaimarrornis leucocephalus LC LC 440白尾蓝地鸲Myiomela leucurum leucurum LC LC 441紫啸鸫Myophonus caeruleus caeruleus LC LC 442小燕尾Enicurus scouleri LC LC 443灰背燕尾Enicurus schistaceus LC LC 444白额燕尾Enicurus leschenaulti sinensis LC LC 445斑背燕尾Enicurus maculatus bacatus LC LC 446黑喉石䳭Saxicola maurus stejnegeri LC LC 447灰林䳭Saxicola ferreus haringtoni LC LC 448穗䳭Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe LC LC 449蓝矶鸫Monticola solitarius pandoo LC LC-M.s.philippensis450栗腹矶鸫Monticola rufiventris LC LC 451白喉矶鸫Monticola gularis LC LC 452灰纹鹟Muscicapa griseisticta LC LC453乌鹟Muscicapa sibirica sibirica LC LC 454北灰鹟Muscicapa dauurica dauurica LC LC 455棕尾褐鹟Muscicapa ferruginea LC LC 456白眉姬鹟Ficedula zanthopygia LC LC 457黄眉姬鹟Ficedula narcissina LC LC 458琉球姬鹟Ficedula owstoni☆LC NE 459鸲姬鹟Ficedula mugimaki LC LC 460红胸姬鹟Ficedula parva LC DD 461红喉姬鹟Ficedula albicilla LC LC 462白腹蓝鹟Cyanoptila cyanomelana intermedia LC LC 463白腹暗蓝鹟Cyanoptila cumatilis☆NT NE 464铜蓝鹟Eumyias thalassinus thalassinus LC LC 465白喉林鹟Cyornis brunneatus VU VU 466棕腹大仙鹟Niltava davidi LC LC 467小仙鹟Niltava macgrigoriae signata LC LC (七十六)戴菊科Regulidae468戴菊Regulus regulus japonensis LC LC (七十七)太平鸟科Bombycillidae469太平鸟Bombycilla garrulus centralasiae LC LC 470小太平鸟Bombycilla japonica NT LC (七十八)丽星鹩鹛科Elachuridae471丽星鹩鹛Elachura formosa LC NT (七十九)叶鹎科Chloropseidae472橙腹叶鹎Chloropsis hardwickii melliana LC LC (八十)啄花鸟科Dicaeidae473红胸啄花鸟Dicaeum ignipectus ignipectus省重点LC LC (八十一)花蜜鸟科Nectariniidae474叉尾太阳鸟Aethopyga christinae latouchii省重点LC LC (八十二)梅花雀科Estrildidae475白腰文鸟Lonchura striata swinhoei LC LC 476斑文鸟Lonchura punctulata topela LC LC 477禾雀Lonchura oryzivora VU VU (八十三)雀科Passeridae478山麻雀Passer cinnamomeus rutilans LC LC 479麻雀Passer montanus saturatus LC LC (八十四)鹡鸰科Motacillidae480山鹡鸰Dendronanthus indicus LC LC 481西黄鹡鸰Motacilla flava simillima LC NE 482黄鹡鸰Motacilla tschutschensis taivana☆LC LC-M.t.macronyx☆483黄头鹡鸰Motacilla citreola citreola LC LC 484灰鹡鸰Motacilla cinerea robusta LC LC 485白鹡鸰Motacilla alba ocularis LC LC-M.a.leucopsis,-M.a.lugens486田鹨Anthus richardi sinensisLC LC-A.r.richardi487树鹨Anthus hodgsoni yunnanensis LC LC-A.h.hodgsoni488北鹨Anthus gustavi gustavi LC LC 489红喉鹨Anthus cervinus LC LC 490黄腹鹨Anthus rubescens japonicus LC LC 491水鹨Anthus spinoletta coutellii LC LC 492山鹨Anthus sylvanus LC LC (八十五)燕雀科Fringillidae493燕雀Fringilla montifringilla LC LC 494锡嘴雀Coccothraustes coccothraustes coccothraustes LC LC 495黑尾蜡嘴雀Eophona migratoria migratoria LC LC 496黑头蜡嘴雀Eophona personata magnirostris LC NT 497褐灰雀Pyrrhula nipalensis ricketti LC LC 498普通朱雀Carpodacus erythrinus grebnitskii LC LC 499北朱雀Carpodacus roseus roseus LC LC 500金翅雀Chloris sinica sincia LC LC 501黄雀Spinus spinus LC LC (八十六)铁爪鹀科Calcariidae502铁爪鹀Calcarius lapponicus coloratus LC NT (八十七)鹀科Emberizidae503凤头鹀Melophus lathami LC LC 504蓝鹀★Emberiza siemsseni★LC LC 505三道眉草鹀Emberiza cioides castaneiceps LC LC 506白眉鹀Emberiza tristrami LC NT 507栗耳鹀Emberiza fucata fucata LC LC 508小鹀Emberiza pusilla LC LC 509黄眉鹀Emberiza chrysophrys LC LC 510田鹀Emberiza rustica rustica VU LC 511黄喉鹀Emberiza elegans ticehursti LC LC 512黄胸鹀Emberiza aureola aureola省重点CR EN-E.a.ornata513栗鹀Emberiza rutila LC LC 514黑头鹀Emberiza melanocephala LC LC 515硫黄鹀Emberiza sulphurata VU VU 516灰头鹀Emberiza spodocephala spodocephala LC LC-E.s.personata,-E.s.sordida517苇鹀Emberiza pallasi polaris LC LC 518红颈苇鹀Emberiza yessoensis continentalis NT NT 519芦鹀Emberiza schoeniclus pallidior LC LC 注:*水鸟,△海鸟,▲猛禽;★中国鸟类特有种;☆亚种提升为种。


国家保护动物名录浙江省保护动物名录国家保护动物一级保护动物兽类蜂猴熊猴台湾猴豚尾猴叶猴金丝猴长臂猿大熊猫紫貂貂熊熊狸豹虎雪豹儒艮白鳍豚亚洲象黑麂蒙古野驴西藏野驴野马鼷鹿白唇鹿坡鹿梅花鹿豚鹿野牛野牦牛普氏原羚藏羚高鼻羚羊台湾鬣羚赤斑羚塔尔羊北山羊河狸云豹中华白海豚野骆驼麋鹿扭角羚马来熊两栖爬行类四爪陆龟鼋鳄蜥巨蜥蟒扬子鳄鸟类短尾信天翁白腹军舰鸟白鹳黑鹳朱鹮中华秋沙鸭金雕白肩雕玉带海雕白尾海雕虎头海雕拟兀鹫胡兀鹫细嘴松鸡斑尾榛鸡雉鹑四川山鹧鸪海南山鹧鸪黑头角雉红胸角雉灰腹角雉黄腹角雉虹雉褐马鸡蓝鹇黑颈长尾雉白颈长尾雉黑长尾雉孔雀雉绿孔雀黑颈鹤白头鹤丹顶鹤白鹤赤颈鹤鸨遗鸥二级保护动物兽类短尾猴猕猴藏酋猴穿山甲豺黑熊棕熊(包括马熊) 小熊猫石貂黄喉貂水獭(所有种) 小爪水獭斑林狸大灵猫小灵猫草原斑猫荒漠猫丛林猫猞猁兔狲金猫渔猫麝(所有种) 河麂马鹿白臀鹿水鹿驼鹿斑羚藏原羚鹅喉羚鬣羚黄羊盘羊岩羊海南兔雪兔塔里木兔巨松鼠鳍足目鲸江豚野猪两栖爬行类三线闭壳龟大鲵绿海龟凹甲陆龟玳瑁大壁虎山瑞鳖细痣疣螈镇海疣螈地龟细瘰疣螈虎纹蛙云南闭壳龟太平洋丽龟贵州疣螈大凉疣螈棱皮龟鸟类角赤颈鹈鹕鲣鸟海鸬鹚岩鹭海南虎斑小苇彩鹳白鹮白琵鹭黑脸琵鹭红胸黑雁白额雁天鹅隼科鹰科其它鹰类黑琴鸡柳雷鸟岩雷鸟雪鸡血雉红腹角雉藏马鸡蓝马鸡原鸡勺鸡白冠长尾雉锦鸡灰鹤蓑羽鹤长脚秧鸡姬田鸡棕背田鸡花田鸡小青脚鹬灰燕小鸥黑浮鸥黄嘴河燕鸥黑腹沙鸡绿鸠黑颏果鸠皇鸠斑尾林鸽鸦鹃鸮灰喉针尾雨燕凤头雨燕橙胸咬鹃黑胸蜂虎绿喉蜂虎犀鸟科白腹黑啄木鸟阔嘴鸟鹤嘴翠鸟鹦鹉科小杓鹬白枕鹤花尾榛鸡黄嘴白鹭彩鹮白鹇黑颈鸬鹚八色鸫科黑鹮蓝耳翠鸟鹃鸠黑嘴瑞凤头燕鸥铜翅水雉沙秋鹤黑鹇镰翅鸟鸳鸯三级保护动物豹猫、华南兔、貉狐、红腹松鼠、豪猪箭猪(剌猬)、鼬、獾、黄鼬、青鼬、中华竹鼠、银星竹鼠、竹鸡、红嘴相思鸟、环颈雉、小田鸡、山斑鸡、鹌鹑、针尾鸭、蟾、青蛙等。
浙江省重点保护野生动物名录一、兽类毛冠鹿 ( Elaphodus cephalophus ) 狐 ( Vulpes vulpes)食蟹獴 ( Herpestes urva ) 鼯鼠 ( Petaurista petaurista )黑白飞鼠 ( Hylopetes alboniger ) 豪猪 ( Hystrix hodgsoni )貉 ( Nyctereutes Procyonoides ) 豹猫 ( Felis bengalensis )狼 ( Canis lupus ) 鼬獾 (山獾)( Melogale moschata)二、鸟类凤头 ( Podiceps cristatus ) 黑脚信天翁( Diomedea nigripes )白额山鹧鸪( Arborophila gingica ) 小白额雁( Anser erythropus )大白鹭 ( Egretta alba ) 中白鹭 ( Egretta intermedia )白鹭 ( Egretta garzetta ) 夜鹭 ( Nycticorax nycticorax )黑嘴鸥 ( Larus saundersi ) 黑尾鸥 ( Larus crassirostris )黑枕燕鸥( Sterna sumatrana ) 红胸啄花鸟(Dicaeum ignipectus)叉尾太阳鸟(Aethopyga christinae ) 红翅凤头鹃(Clamator coromandus)四声杜鹃 (Cuculus micropterus ) 大杜鹃 (Cuculus canorus )中杜鹃 ( Cuculus saturatus ) 小杜鹃 (Cuculus poliocephalus )八声杜鹃 (Cuculus merulinus ) 乌鹃 ( Surniculus lugubris )鹰鹃 (Cuculus sparverioides ) 棕腹杜鹃 ( Cuculus fugax )噪鹃 (Eudynamys scolopacea ) 戴胜 ( Upupa epops )栗头峰虎 (Merops viridis ) 大拟啄木鸟 ( Megalaima virens )蚁鴷 ( Jynx torquilla) 姬啄木鸟 ( Picumnus innominatus )黑枕绿啄木鸟( Picus canus ) 斑啄木鸟 ( Picoides major )星头啄木鸟(Picoides canicapillus)黄嘴噪啄木鸟( Blythipicus pyrrhotis )三宝鸟 ( Eurystomus orientalis ) 戴菊 (Regulus regulus )普通鳾 ( Sitta europaea ) 寿带 ( Terpsiphone paradisi )黑枕黄鹂 (Oriolus chinensis ) 红嘴相思鸟( Leiothrix Lutea )红嘴蓝鹊 ( Urocissa erythorhyncha ) 喜鹊 ( Pica pica )灰喜鹊 ( Cyanopica cyana ) 松鸦( Garrulus glandarius )虎纹伯劳( Lanius tigrinus ) 牛头伯劳 ( Lanius bucephalus )红尾伯劳( Lanius cristatus ) 棕背伯劳 ( Lanius schach )楔尾伯劳( Lanius sphenocercus ) 灰背伯劳( Lanius tephronotus )三、爬行类眼镜蛇 ( Naja naja atra )眼镜王蛇 ( Ophiophagus hannah )五步蛇(蕲蛇、尖吻蝮) ( Deinagkistrodon acutus )滑鼠蛇(水律蛇)( Ptyas mucosus )赤峰锦蛇(棕黑锦蛇)( Elaphe schrenckii anomala )黑眉锦蛇 ( Elaphe taeniura )钩盲蛇( Ramphotyphlops braminus )平胸龟 (鹰嘴龟)( Platysternon megacephalum )脆蛇蜥 ( Ophisaurus harti )四、两栖类崇安髭蟾 ( Vibrissaphora liui ) 凹耳蛙( Rana tormotus )大树蛙 ( Rhacophorus dennysi )五、昆虫类黑紫蛱蝶(Sasakia funebris)宽尾凤蝶(Agehana elwesi)金裳凤蝶(Troides aeacus)。
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16.绿鹭Q窖侵郑〣utorides striatus
244.黑喉石Saxicola torquata stejnegeri
245.灰林S. ferrea haringtoni。