





荤菜海鲜类盐酥鸡⾷材:鸡胸⾁500g、盐适量、⽣抽适量、料酒适量、芝⿇油适量、蚝油适量、蒜末适量、九层塔适量、⼗三⾹粉适量、⾷⽤油少许、番薯粉适量做法:1. 九层塔摘叶,和⾷⽤油浸泡备⽤。



2. 把鸡块裹上番薯粉,⽤⼿压实,均匀的铺在锅⾥。



烤全鸡⾷材:整鸡⼀只、⼟⾖适量、红甜椒半个30g、酱油30g、蚝油30、料酒15g、花椒适量、⾹叶适量、⼋⾓适量、鲜姜适量、蜂蜜适量、⽩糖15g、盐3g、⿊胡椒粉3g做法:1. 整鸡去除内脏、杂⽑,⾥⾥外外清洗⼲净,加⼊酱油、蚝油、料酒、花椒、⾹叶、⼋⾓、鲜姜、⽩糖、盐、⿊胡椒腌制8⼩时备⽤。

2. ⼟⾖甜椒切块混合腌鸡剩下的汁塞⼊鸡肚⼦⾥。

3. 将整鸡放⼊空⽓炸锅炸篮中,预定200℃20分钟烤制。

4. 20分钟后将炸篮拉出,给鸡翻⼀下⾝,刷上⼀层蜂蜜重新⼊空⽓炸锅中,预定180℃烤制15分钟即可。

烤鲳鱼⾷材:银鲳鱼两条500g、盐5g茶匙、⾹葱半根、姜⽚3-4⽚、柠檬汁5g、烧烤粉10g、葱花少许、料酒5g、⽣抽10g做法:1. 新鲜鲳鱼洗⼲净后鲳鱼去除肚肠、鳃,鱼⾝两⾯划⽹格状⽅便腌制。

2. 将鱼放⼊⼤碗,加葱段蒜⽚去腥,倒⼊料酒,再加⼀勺的⽣抽,少许盐拌匀。


3. 腌制好的鲳鱼放⼊炸篮,刚才腌制时的葱段蒜⽚铺在鱼⾝上。


4. 炸锅180℃预热,之后运⾏12分钟即可出锅。



2024年新款飞利浦空气炸锅说明书关键信息:1、产品名称:2024 年新款飞利浦空气炸锅2、型号:________________________3、额定电压:____________________4、额定功率:____________________5、容量:________________________6、控制方式:____________________1、安全注意事项11 在使用本空气炸锅之前,请仔细阅读本说明书,并妥善保存以备日后参考。

111 请勿让儿童单独操作或接近正在运行的空气炸锅。

112 在使用过程中,炸锅外壳会变热,避免接触以防烫伤。

113 确保将空气炸锅放置在平稳、干燥、耐热且远离易燃物的表面上。

114 请勿在户外或潮湿的环境中使用本产品。

2、产品部件21 炸锅主体211 包括外壳、内胆和加热元件。

22 炸篮221 用于放置食材。

23 控制面板231 用于设置烹饪时间和温度。

24 电源插头3、操作指南31 准备食材311 将食材切成适当大小,均匀地放入炸篮中。

312 注意不要超过炸篮的最大容量标识。

32 接通电源321 将电源插头插入合适的电源插座。

33 设置烹饪参数331 根据食材和个人口味,通过控制面板设置烹饪时间和温度。

34 启动烹饪341 按下启动按钮,空气炸锅开始工作。

35 烹饪过程中351 可中途打开炸篮,翻动食材以确保烹饪均匀。

36 烹饪完成361 空气炸锅会发出提示音,此时小心取出炸篮,避免烫伤。

4、清洁与维护41 烹饪结束后,先拔掉电源插头,待炸锅冷却后再进行清洁。

411 可拆卸部件可用温水和温和的清洁剂清洗,然后擦干。

412 炸锅主体可用湿布擦拭,切勿用水直接冲洗。

42 定期检查电源线是否有损坏,如有损坏应及时更换。

5、常见问题及解决方法51 空气炸锅不工作511 检查电源是否接通,插头是否插好。

512 确认设置的烹饪时间和温度是否正确。

52 烹饪不均匀521 检查食材放置是否均匀,是否中途翻动。



空气炸锅食谱之宇文皓月创作烤红薯1. 将红薯洗净。

2. 炸锅设置到200度,20分钟。




烤茄子资料:茄子半个,生抽2大匙,糖5克,五香粉5克,食用油15ml,葱花1小把1. 茄子洗净去蒂切成5mm左右的薄片。

2. 炸锅预热200度。

3. 将所有资料混合,均匀涂在茄子片的概况。

4. 炸锅时间设置18分钟,7分钟的时候把葱花撒入。

5. 因为茄子概况刷了油,中途不必抖,放了葱花直接等“叮”。

炸鸡翅资料:鸡翅8个,腌料(你喜欢的任何腌料组合)1. 鸡翅洗净后,放在清水中浸泡30分钟,倒掉血水清洗干净。

2. 用腌料腌制入味。

3. 炸锅预热200度。

4. 把鸡翅放入炸筐,皮朝下。


5. 3分钟的时候用筷子把鸡翅挪挪,仍旧皮朝下,然后等“叮”。
















气氛炸锅食谱之阳早格格创做烤黑薯1. 将黑薯洗洁.2. 炸锅树坐到200度,20分钟.不必刷油,不必抖炸筐,直交等叮.黑薯的数量战大小决断了炸锅处事的时间,二个薯仔约莫用了20分钟.不必拘泥于简直的时间,以黑薯死透为尺度.烤茄子资料:茄子半个,死抽2大匙,糖5克,五香粉5克,食用油15ml,葱花1小把1. 茄子洗洁去蒂切成5mm安排的薄片.2. 炸锅预热200度.3. 将所有资料混同,匀称涂正在茄子片的表面.4. 炸锅时间树坐18分钟,7分钟的时间把葱花洒进.5. 果为茄子表面刷了油,中途不必抖,搁了葱花直交等“叮”.炸鸡翅资料:鸡翅8个,腌料(您喜欢的所有腌料推拢)1. 鸡翅洗洁后,搁正在浑火中浸泡30分钟,倒掉血火荡涤搞洁.2. 用腌料腌造进味.3. 炸锅预热200度.4. 把鸡翅搁进炸筐,皮往下.8个鸡翅尔用了约15分钟便很漂明了.5. 3分钟的时间用筷子把鸡翅挪挪,仍旧皮往下,而后等“叮”.炸蛋资料:鹌鹑蛋12颗,盐1大匙,酱油1大匙,砂糖1大匙1.与一盆火以海绵布沉沉将鹌鹑蛋中壳洗洁;与另一盆注谦热火备用2.与一钢锅将做法1的鹌鹑蛋搁进热火、盐,以大火煮沸后,转小火煮5分钟,捞起搁进做法1的热火中并去除蛋壳.3.将调味料调匀后,搁进做法2的鹌鹑蛋浸泡约1小时捞出滤搞火分.4.热锅,搁进沙推油烧热至以150℃时,搁进做法3的鹌鹑蛋,转小火炸成呈里金黄色时捞起油脂即可.炸苹果圈资料:苹果2个、里粉50g、里包渣50g、鸡蛋1个、调料盐1g、橄榄油20g 1、将苹果去皮、用直火泡一段时间;2、把苹果切圆片后,蘸上头粉,拖蛋液,蘸里包渣后待用;3、将煎盘中搁进橄榄油加热,搁进苹果圈炸造老练即可,拆盘时晃成塔形.小诀窍:苹果圈的薄度要普遍,最佳薄度为0.8厘米.炸糯米鸡资料:稍硬的糯米饭500克,肉终200克,蒜终200克,虾皮50克,死抽少许,万用炸粉少许,五香粉少许,盐少许,油500ml,真用20ml1、糯米饭:蒸得沉微硬一面,那样炸出去心感才会好.2、蒜苗切终、肉终用淀粉、死抽、一面油搅拌后腌造10分钟.3、烧热锅,搁少许油,蒜苗炒出香味.4、搁进肉终,炒至8老练,再加进一把虾皮,陈味本去靠那把虾皮.5、搁进糯米饭,将所有资料拌匀.动做很闭键,不克不迭用切的办法,那样会把糯米切碎,心感会变得很好.而后加进盐、五香粉调味,不妨尝一下,味讲沉微咸一面好.6、用粘火的脚把搅拌了很多资料糯米饭团成饭团子.7、启炸粉浆.包拆后里有要领,浆+少许盐+火,启好后,加面油.8、起油锅,将饭团子裹上一层薄浆后,搁进油锅.9、中火炸着吧,部分认为焦一面的好吃.蒜蓉鸡翅资料:鸡翅若搞、大蒜一头、葱半根、鸡蛋一个、盐、死抽适量.1.鸡翅洗搞洁.2.正在表面用刀划二个心.3.大蒜拍碎.4.将拍碎的蒜搁进鸡翅里.5.搁进葱段.6.加进适量盐.死抽.7.用脚将鸡翅战所有调料连交的抓匀,时间沉微少一些.腌造30分钟.8.将鸡翅晃正在气氛炸锅的栅栏里.9.调200度空炸10分钟即可.香炸海虾椒盐、盐、五香粉、辣椒粉、料酒、孜然粉、食用油、姜、蒜、葱花1.海虾去头,荡涤搞洁.2.椒盐二勺头.食用油一勺头.3.加进蒜终,姜丝,五香粉,辣椒粉.加上孜然粉,搅匀腌一至二小时进味.4.虾腌好后,气氛炸锅180度预热4分钟.5.腌的时间也搁油,所以炸篮不必刷油,直交晃上,女子着慢吃,搁多了费时间,便分二锅搞的.先搞好一锅让他吃着,搁好虾,气氛炸锅180度10分钟.6.闻着香味,炸至6分钟时,挨启瞅了一下,果为不互相压着,搁的虾少,所以也不必给虾翻里.7.衰盘洒上香葱叶,即简朴,又便当好味的,香炸海虾便搞好了,让孩子吃很有营养的啊.而且香坚启胃.香酥芝麻鸡鸡肉,鸡蛋,玉米里粉,小麦里粉,芝麻,辣椒里,盐,皆准备好.1.盐战黑里的混同里粉.2.玉米里战芝麻,辣椒里的混同粉.3.鸡肉切成条4.鸡蛋挨进碗中,加少量火,搅成蛋液.5.把鸡肉条,依次正在黑里混同粉里,鸡蛋液,玉米里混同粉里裹好粉浆.6.所有皆蘸好里粉的鸡肉条.7.气氛炸锅,200度,预热3分钟.8.推出炸篮涮上一层油.进鸡肉条.9.调造200度,8分钟,正在五分钟时,推出炸篮,翻一下鸡肉串,时间到即可.炸速冻薯条资料:超市买速冻薯条250g,食用油5ml,盐适量,番茄酱适量1. 炸锅预热200度.2. 预热时将薯条用少许食用油拌一下.3. 预热好后,将薯条直交倒进炸筐中,将薯条铺匀称.4. 时间树坐8分钟.5. 2分钟、5分钟的时间把炸筐拿出去,抖动一下,预防薯条沾锅.抖动的时间战次数不必那样千万于,支配一次便摸到程序了.之后不妨不必管,直交等“叮”.香煎茄子1、茄子洗洁去蒂,一分为二,正在茄子表面花一些花刀.茄子表面涂少许西班牙橄榄油.2、茄子进气氛炸锅,加热五分钟.葱、姜、苦里酱、番茄酱搅成酱汁,涂正在茄子上.搁进气氛炸锅,炸8-10分钟.酥炸小黄鱼准备资料:小黄鱼数条、里粉、鸡蛋1个、料酒、葱姜蒜粉、椒盐、盐、鸡粗1. 洗洁的小黄鱼内到进料酒、葱姜蒜粉、盐,静置20分钟.2. 里粉中挨进鸡蛋,搁进少量椒盐、鸡粗、葱,搅拌匀称.3. 将小黄鱼抹上调造好的里粉,搁进食物篮用180度炸15分钟安排.坚皮香蕉准备资料:香蕉4条、里粉50克、鸡蛋1个、里包糠、椰丝1. 把挨好的鸡蛋加进里粉内搅拌匀称.2. 香蕉去皮,按程序抹上头粉—里包糠——椰丝.3. 搁进食物篮内用180度烤造10分钟.炸羊肉串羊肉串500克、洋葱适量、鸡蛋1个、孜然粉1茶匙、辣椒粉1茶匙、色推油2茶匙1、将Airfryer气氛炸锅收热至180℃.2、洋葱、辣椒粉、鸡蛋、色推油、盐、孜然粉调拌匀称,而后用调料揩抹羊肉串.3、用腌料真足揩抹羊肉串,腌泡20分钟.4、将羊肉串搁进炸篮并肩炸篮滑进Airfryer气氛炸锅中,将计时器设定为15-20分钟.将羊肉串烤至紧坚且呈褐色即可.炸玉米玉米2支、橄榄油2汤匙1、将Airfryer气氛炸收热至200℃2、将玉米戴去须,洗洁.3、给玉米抹上一层橄榄油,而后搁进炸篮中,将炸篮滑进Airfryer气氛炸锅并将计时器设定为10分钟.将玉米烤至褐色即可.香炸鱿鱼主料:色推油,盐,孜然粉,3片死姜,2汤匙料酒,鸡粗,辣椒粉,500克鱿鱼(热冻)解冻,1汤匙死抽1.将乐好中气氛炸锅温度调至200℃2.将配料调拌匀称,而后用调料揩抹鱿鱼3.用腌料真足揩抹鱿鱼,腌泡20分钟4.将鱿鱼搁进炸篮并将炸篮滑进乐好中气氛炸锅中,将计时器设定为12-15分钟.将鱿鱼烤至呈褐色即可.炸羊排主料:羊排300克,酱油,胡椒粉,3汤匙料酒,大葱20克,碎乌椒,黑兰天适量,1汤匙橄榄油,死姜5片1.将气氛炸锅温度调至180℃2.将配料调拌匀称,而后用调料揩抹羊排3.用腌料真足涂抹羊排,腌泡30-60分钟4.将羊排搁进炸篮并将炸篮滑进气氛炸锅中,将计时器设定为10-12分钟.纸包排骨资料:排骨500克、锡纸若搞弛调料:料酒1小匙、老抽酱油1小匙、死抽1匙、根、盐1小匙、鸡粗少许、黑砂糖少许、胡椒粉少许1、准备资料,将排骨洗洁后斩成段.2、与一大碗,搁进排骨,加盐、鸡粗、老抽酱油、死抽、黑砂糖、胡椒粉、料酒、姜丝.3、拌匀后腌造30分钟以上.4、腌造好的排骨用锡纸包上(用锡纸的亚光里交触食物).5、将利浦气氛炸锅用200度预热5分钟,再搁进包好的排骨.6、 200度15分钟至排骨死即可.灰灰小揭士:◎排骨用锡纸包好后再炸,不妨死存包里里火分,进而心感更陈老多汁.◎排骨不妨让商家代为斩好.◎排骨自己有油,所以用飞利浦炸锅创造时不需要再刷油.◎如果不气氛炸锅的话,不妨直交用油炸,然而是油炸便出那么健壮战便当啦.炸陈黄花菜资料:陈黄花菜200克,鸡蛋1个,花死油、粗盐、里粉、料酒、干淀粉、花椒盐各适量.1、陈黄花菜择洗搞洁,搁进沸火中稍烫,捞出,控洁火分,洒上少许粗盐略腌.2、鸡蛋挨进碗内,往一个目标搅至起沫,加里粉、料酒、盐、干淀粉调成糊,3、炒锅置火上,加进花死油,烧至七成热,将黄花菜挂糊搁进,炸至金黄收酥时捞出,控洁油,晃正在盘中,洒上花椒盐即成.炸咖喱鸡错误!未找到引用源。



烤五花肉 200°烤15分钟五花肉洗净切片,加入葱姜蒜+1勺老抽+1勺生抽+1勺料酒+1勺蚝油+1勺辣椒粉+1勺胡椒粉,抓匀腌制半小时。

炸薯条 180°烤20分钟土豆去皮切成条,放在水里浸泡10分钟,泡出淀粉,焯水5分钟土豆呈半透明状,擦干水分。

烤排骨 180°烤25分钟排骨+2勺生抽+2勺料酒+2勺蒜末+1勺白糖+1勺蚝油+1勺黑胡椒粉+半勺盐,腌制30分钟。

蜜汁鸡翅 180°烤20分钟鸡翅洗去血水,切花刀,2勺生抽+1勺蚝油+1勺蜂蜜+1点老抽+少许黑胡椒粉,腌制4~5小时。

奶香小馒头 180°烤5分钟小馒头提前解冻,表面刷一层油。

戚风蛋糕 160°烤40分钟(盖锡纸),揭开锡纸再烤15分钟玉米油、牛奶、糖搅拌至无颗粒,加入蛋黄,筛入低筋面粉Z字型搅拌均匀,蛋清中滴几滴柠檬汁(去腥),分三次加入白砂糖,打发至大尖勾。


烤板栗 180°烤10分钟,刷一层蜂蜜,再180°烤10分钟板栗洗干净,划十字,水开下锅煮3-5分钟捞出沥干水分,板栗抹油。

烤蘑菇 180°烤20分钟蘑菇洗净撕成条,吸干水分,加入孜然粉、烧烤料和食用油均匀铺在油纸上。

烤金针菇 180烤5分钟,放点小米辣,再180°烤5分钟金针菇洗净去头备用,半勺老抽+2勺生抽+1勺蚝油+黑胡椒粉+少许油+1勺白芝麻+1勺孜然粉+1勺辣椒粉+1大勺蒜末均匀搅拌,金针菇铺在锡纸上刷上酱料。

烤花菜 160°烤10分钟花菜切块,清洗沥干水分,1勺辣椒粉+1勺孜然粉+1勺油+1勺生抽放入保鲜袋中摇匀。

烤牛奶 180°烤10-15分钟鸡蛋只取蛋黄,和所有食材混合,小火加热至粘稠,关火搅拌至凝固无液体状,倒入碗中冷藏2-3小时,取出切小块,刷上蛋黄液。




空气炸锅菜谱目录1.炸鸡翅 (2)2.蒜蓉鸡翅 (2)3.蒜烤牛排 (3)4.厚片猪排 (3)5.香炸海虾 (3)6.炸鲑鱼 (4)7.香酥芝麻鸡 (4)8.酥炸小黄鱼 (5)9.炸羊肉串 (5)10.香炸鱿鱼 (6)11.炸羊排 (6)12.纸包排骨 (6)13.炸猪排 (7)14.居酒屋串烧 (8)15.油炸花生米 (8)16.烤红薯 (8)17.烤栗子 (9)18.烤茄子 (9)19.炸薯条 (9)21.烤玉米 (10)22.炸萝卜糕 (10)23.炸馒头 (11)24.炸春卷 (11)25.炸鸡米花 (11)减脂版 (12)1.香菜鸡肉丸 (12)2.炸鸡翅 (13)3.龙利鱼 (13)4.BBQ彩椒鸡腿肉 (13)5.奶香炸香蕉 (14)6.乳酪土司 (14)7.能量棒 (14)8.燕麦鸡胸肉 (15)9.奶香芝士焗土豆 (15)10.炸土豆 (15)11.香酥炸鸡胸肉 (16)12.新奥尔良烤鸡胸 (16)13.烤三文鱼 (16)14.烤牛筋牛肉丸 (17)15.菠菜饼鸡肉卷 (17)17.香酥炸翅根 (17)18.奶香烤蛋 (18)19.香烤牛肉饼 (18)1.炸鸡翅材料:鸡翅8个,腌料(你喜欢的任何腌料组合)做法:1.鸡翅洗净后,放在清水中浸泡30分钟,倒掉血水清洗干净。












-- This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
-- Do not let any water or other liquid enter the appliance to prevent electf food that exceeds the maximum level indicated in the basket.
-- The accessible surfaces may become hot during use.
-- The pan, the basket and accessories inside the Airfryer become hot during use. Be careful when you handle them.
-- Storage of potatoes: The temperature shall be appropriate to the potato variety stored and it shall be above 6°C to minimize the risk of acrylamide exposure in the prepared foodstuff.
-- Do not fill the pan with oil as this may cause a fire hazard.



低热量油炸花生米& 自制香浓颗粒花生酱<低热量油炸花生米>材料:花生米500g, 沙拉油1/2t, 鹽少許.機器: 空氣炸鍋做法:1.花生米先過水幾次洗淨後瀝乾水分.將1/2t沙拉油(我用了玉米胚芽油)倒入瀝乾的花生米裡拌勻, 讓花生米均勻沾上薄薄一層油脂...2.空氣炸鍋預熱180度5分鐘將拌好油脂的花生米放入炸籃裡, 180度炸約8-10分鐘至上色均勻即可.炸好趁熱拌入適量的鹽巴, 冷卻後花生變脆硬即可食用!注: 我這次的花生用180度炸了12分鐘, 花生仁已經有淡淡的焦香味, 這樣的程度用來打花生醬或制做花生米漿非常合適!*****************************************************************************************************<自制顆粒花生醬>材料: 上列油炸花生, 花生油, 糖粉, 鹽.機器: 攪拌棒注: 用攪拌棒打出的花生粉末較粗, 吃起來有顆粒感, 喜歡細滑口感則要選用其他合適的磨粉機使用.做法:將油炸花生米放入攪拌盒裡, 蓋子闔上攪拌成粉狀, 拌入適量的花生油,糖粉及鹽巴, 拌勻成喜歡的濃稠度即可裝罐保存.... .自制花生醬沒有任何防腐保存劑加入, 裝罐後最好冷藏保存且盡快食用!酥香炸鸡腿(空气炸锅菜谱)【酥香炸鸡腿】(参考份量:6只)材料:鸡腿、葱、、蒜汁、盐、细砂糖、料酒、白胡椒粉、脆皮炸鸡粉(以上份量可根据自家需要调整)1、鸡腿清洗干净,沥干水份。







[空气炸锅食谱]空气炸锅电子食谱[空气炸锅食谱]空气炸锅电子食谱篇一 : 空气炸锅电子食谱主题: 空气炸锅食谱一、台湾盐酥鸡主料:鸡腿肉200g辅料:油、盐、白砂糖、椒盐、五香粉、料酒、生抽、香葱步骤 1.鸡腿肉去皮去骨,洗净,切成条状。

[) 2.将鸡腿肉里放入适量的葱段,姜片。








二、蒜蓉鸡翅食材:鸡翅200g 大蒜1头、盐、鸡蛋1个、葱半根、生抽适量步骤:1.鸡翅洗干净。
































Philips Premium AirfryerFat Removal technology Rapid Air technologyBlack, 0.8 kgHD9721/99Maximum taste, minimum fat Crispy taste, reduces fat others leave behind*The Philips Airfryer uses hot air to fry your favourite food with little or no added oil. New Fat Removal technology is designed to extract and capture fat from the food, making this the healthiest way to fry for you and your family.Designed for your daily cooking•1.5 times faster than an oven****•QuickClean and dishwasher-safe for all removable parts•Our most compact Airfryer fits 0.8 kg of friesThe healthiest way to fry*•Fat Removal technology separates and captures excess fat•Fry with little or no oil•Rapid Air technology for delicious crispier resultsVariety of cooking possibilities•Fry. Bake. Grill. Roast. And even reheat.•Hundreds of recipes in app and free recipe book includedHighlightsFat Removal technologyEat healthier dishes with excess fat removed from food. The Philips Airfryer is the only Airfryer with Fat Removal Technology that separates and captures excess fat. Enjoydelicious food that’s crispy on the outside and tender on the inside with maximum taste and minimum fat.Compact size, big capacityYou don’t need a lot of space for an Airfryer. The new Philips Airfryer is 20%* morecompact – but cooks the same amount of food that it always has. That’s 0.8kg of fries, up to 4 portions. So you can easily keep it on your kitchen countertop, and use it everyday.Bake. Grill. Roast. Or reheatYou can make hundreds of dishes in your Airfryer. Fry, bake, grill, roast and even reheat your meals. Every bite is as delicious as the last thanks to Philips Air flow and starfish design. It cooks food uniformly from all sides for perfect meals every time.Rapid Air technologyPhilips' Rapid Air technology creates 7x faster airfow for deliciously crispy results**. Enjoy healthier and tasty snacks and meals that are crisped to perfection yet tender on the inside1.5 times faster than an ovenCooking is faster and more convenient than ever with the Philips Airfryer. Thanks to ourinstant heat and Rapid Airflow technology, your food will cook 1.5 times faster than in an oven****. Best of all you don't need to preheat your AirFryer. Just turn it on and start cooking.Inspiring recipesFrom quick healthy snacks to full family meals, our free recipe book has more than 30delicious ideas and easy-to-follow instructions from professional chefs. Our Philips Airfryer app is full of more tips, tutorials and easy-to follow recipes.Fry with little or no oilThe Airfryer uses hot air to cook your favorite food with little or no added oil, so you can fry with up to 90% less fat***. Enjoy great-tasting, crispy results like deep fried, with the least amount of fat.Issue date 2023-09-21 Version: 2.2.1UPC*************© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsTechnical Specifications•Capacity basket: 1.8lb•Cord length: 2.63ftAccessories•Included: Recipe bookletTechnical specifications•Voltage: 220 V•Power: 1425 W•Basket capacity: 0.8 kg of fries•Fat Removal technology•Instant on/no pre-heat•Interface: Analogue•Keep warm button: No•Programs: No•Save your cooking settings: NoDesign•Color:BlackWeight and dimensions•Dimension of product (LxWxH): 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.9ft •Weight of product: 11.7 lbGeneral specifications•Cord storage•Power-on light•Integrated cord storage•Automatic shut-off •Dishwasher safe•Cool wall exterior•Temperature control: 80 - 200 °C•Product features: Automatic shut-off, Cool wallexterior, Cord storage, Dishwasher safe, Non-slipfeet, On/off switch, Ready signal, Temperaturecontrol, Power-on light, Quickclean, Recipe book& App•Ready signal•Technology: Fat Removal technology•Time control: Up to 30 minutes•On/off switch•QuickCleanFinishing•Material of main body: PlasticDesign and finishing•Weight of product: 5.3 gService•2-year worldwide guaranteeAccessories included•Patented Rapid AirSustainability•Packaging: > 90% recycled materials•User manual: 100% recycled paper**Compared on fat content of chicken and pork versus a deep fatfryer and wok frying**Compared to French fries and chicken drum sticks in a conventionaloven**Rapid Air Technology increases the ariflow speed in the basket by7 times, compared to airflow speed in a Philips Viva Airfryer with flatbottom** Compared to fresh fries prepared in a conventional Philips fryer。


本产品根据国标 GB4706.1-2005, GB4706.14-2008 制造
© 2023 Philips Domestic Appliances Holding B.V. 保留所有权利 3000.108.9680.1
自制炸薯条没 有我预期的一 样松脆。
无法启动空气 炸锅。
顶部的食材烤 焦了。
您没有使用正确的土豆 品种。
炸锅中的食材量太多。 某些原料需要在烹饪中 途进行翻动。 产品电源插头没有插 上。 多个产品连接至同一插 座。 炸锅没有完全放入产品 内。 烹饪的温度过高。
只要您注意发热区域并且避免触摸,本产品在 使用时是安全的。 为获得理想效果,请使用新鲜的粉质土豆。如 果需要存放土豆,请不要将其存放在寒冷环境 下,例如冰箱。选择其包装上标明适合制作炸 薯条的土豆。 按照本用户手册的说明制作自制炸薯条。 按照本用户手册的说明制作自制炸薯条。
您在烹饪富含脂肪的食 材。
炸锅中还残留了上次使 用后的油脂。
您可以通过将烤架妥善地向下放入炸锅来防止 出现损坏。如果您倒着插入烤架,它可能会碰 撞炸锅底部,从而导致小块涂层剥落。如果发 生这种情况,请注意这是无害的,因为我们使 用的接触食品的材料是食品级安全材料。
您可以小心地倒掉炸锅内的多余油份或油脂, 然后继续烹饪。 白烟是由于油脂在炸锅中加热而产生的。确保 您在每次使用后都彻底地清洁炸锅和烤架。
H 时间增加按钮
b 烤架 c 炸锅 d 炸锅手柄 e 透明视窗 f 电源线 g 出风口 h 进风口 i 感应亮灯
1 拆掉所有包装材料。 2 去除产品上的贴纸或标签(如果有)。 3 首次使用之前,请根据清洁章节中的说明彻底清洁本产品。

飞利浦 HD928X 空气炸锅 用户手册说明书

飞利浦 HD928X 空气炸锅 用户手册说明书

HD928XUser manual2TABLE OF CONTENTSImportant 3Introduction 7General description 7Before first use 9The NutriU App 9Preparing for use 10Using the appliance 10Food table 10Airfrying 12Choosing the keep warm mode 15Cooking with a preset 16Changing to another preset 17Starting a recipe from the NutriU App 18Making home-made fries 19Cleaning 20Cleaning table 21Storage 21Recycling 22Declaration of Conformity 22Guarantee and support 22Software updates 22Device compatibility 22Factory reset 23Troubleshooting 233 ENGLISH4ENGLISHhazards involved. Children shall not play with theappliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shallnot be made by children unless they are older than8 years and supervised.-Keep the appliance and its cord out of reach ofchildren less than 8 years.-Keep the mains cord away from hot surfaces.-Only connect the appliance to an earthed wallsocket. Always make sure that the plug is insertedinto the wall socket properly.-Do not place the appliance against a wall oragainst other appliances. Leave at least 10 cm freespace on the back and sides and 10 cm free spaceabove the appliance. Do not place anything on topof the appliance.-Do not use the appliance for any other purposethan described in the user manual.-During hot air frying, hot steam is released throughthe air outlet openings. Keep your hands and faceat a safe distance from the steam and from the airoutlet openings. Also be careful of hot steam andair when you remove the pan from the appliance.-The accessible surfaces may become hot duringuse.-The pan, the basket and accessories inside theAirfryer become hot during use. Be careful whenyou handle them.-Do not place the appliance on or near a hot gasstove or all kinds of electric stove and electriccooking plates, or in a heated oven.-Never use light ingredients or baking paper in theappliance.-Do not place the appliance on or near combustiblematerials such as a tablecloth or curtain.-Do not let the appliance operate unattended.-Immediately unplug the appliance if you see darksmoke coming out of the appliance. Wait for the5ENGLISH smoke emission to stop before you pull the pan out of the appliance.-Storage of potatoes: The temperature shall be appropriate to the potato variety stored and it shall be above 6°C to minimize the risk of acrylamide exposure in the prepared foodstuff.-Do not plug in the appliance or operate the control panel with wet hands.-This appliance is designed to be used at ambient temperatures between 5°C and 40°C.Caution-This appliance is intended for normal household use only. It is not intended for use in environments such as staff kitchens of shops, offices, farmsor other work environments. Nor is it intendedto be used by clients in hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts and other residential environments.-Always return the appliance to a service centre authorised by Philips for examination or repair. Do not attempt to repair the appliance yourself, otherwise the guarantee becomes invalid.-If the appliance is used improperly or for professional or semi-professional purposes or ifit is not used according to the instructions in the user manual, the guarantee becomes invalid and Philips refuses any liability for damage caused.-Always place and use the appliance on a dry, stable, level and horizontal surface.-Always unplug the appliance after use.-Let the appliance cool down for approx. 30 minutes before you handle or clean it.-Make sure the ingredients prepared in this appliance come out golden-yellow instead of dark or brown. Remove burnt remnants. Do not fry fresh potatoes at a temperature above 180°C (to minimise the production of acrylamide).6ENGLISH-Be careful when cleaning the upper area of thecooking chamber: Hot heating element, edge ofMetal parts.-Always make sure that the food is fully cooked inthe Airfryer.-Always make sure that you have the control overyour Airfryer, also when using the remote functionor delayed start.-When cooking fatty food, the Airfryer could emitsmoke. Pay special attention when using theremote control function or delayed start.-Make sure that only one person at a time is usingthe remote control function.-Be cautious when cooking easy perishable foodwith the delayed start function (bacteria maybreed).Electromagnetic fields (EMF)This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards andregulations regarding electromagnetic fields.Automatic shut-offThis appliance is equipped with an automatic shut-off function. If youdo not press a button within 20 minutes, the appliance switches offautomatically. To switch off the appliance manually, press the power On/off button.7 ENGLISH8ENGLISH8769 ENGLISH10ENGLISH21 ENGLISH22ENGLISH23 ENGLISH24ENGLISH25ENGLISH© 2021 Philips Domestic Appliances Holding B.V. All rights reserved.。

飞利浦 Airfryer 空气炸锅 HD9880 用户手册说明书

飞利浦 Airfryer 空气炸锅 HD9880 用户手册说明书

HD9880用户手册重要信息3电磁场 (EMF) 4自动关熄4回收5保修和支持5一致性声明5软件和固件更新5设备兼容情况5出厂重置5产品简介6概述6功能说明7首次使用之前9首次使用前准备10放置可拆卸滤网底部10将 Airfryer 空气炸锅连接到飞利浦智慧家应用程序11使用 Airfryer 空气炸锅12使用食品温度计15放置食品温度计15测量食物的厚度17烹饪模式18自动烹饪程序18自制炸薯条18自制酸奶19手动烹饪19食品温度计19营养保温 (Keep warm) 20我的程序21烹饪历史记录21清洁21清洁表22存储22故障排除222简体中文使用产品之前,请仔细阅读本重要信息文档,并妥善保管以供日后参考。




















产品的后面、两侧和上方应至少留出 10 厘米的空间。

飞利浦HD9226 9225 9220 空气炸锅使用手册说明书

飞利浦HD9226 9225 9220 空气炸锅使用手册说明书

4222.005.0276.4User manualHD9226 HD9225HD9220Question? 有疑问?Contact Philips 请联系飞利浦123/11/201223/11/2012introductionCongratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! T o fully benefit from the support that Philips offers,register your product at /welcome.Y our new airfryer allows you to prepare your favourite ingredients and snacks in a healthier way.The airfryer uses hot air in combination with high-speed air circulation (Rapid Air) and a top grill to prepare a variety of tasty dishes in a healthy, fast and easy way.Y our ingredients are heated from all sides at onceand there is no need to add oil to most of the ingredients.With the additional baking tray (HD9225 only) you can now make dishes like cakes and quiches and cook fragile food in a more convenient way.For more inspiration for recipes and information about the airfryer,visit /kitchen.general description (Fig. 1)1 Double layer accessory (HD9226 only)2 Divider (HD9220/A,HD9225/A,HD9226/A only,check product typeplate on the bottom of the appliance)3 Basket4 Basket release button5 Basket handle6 Pan7 Baking tray (HD9225 only)8 Air inlet9 T emperature control knob (80-200°C)10 Timer (0-30 min.)/power-on knob11 Heating-up light12 Air outlet openings13 Cord storage compartment14 Mains cordimportantRead this user manual carefully before you use the appliance and save it for future reference.Danger-Never immerse the housing,which contains electrical components and the heating elements,in water nor rinse it under the tap.-Do not let any water or other liquid enter the appliance to prevent electric shock.-Always put the ingredients to be fried in the basket,to prevent it from coming into contact with the heating elements.-Do not cover the air inlet and the air outlet openings while the appliance is operating.-Do not fill the pan with oil as this may cause a fire hazard.- Never touch the inside of the appliance while it is operating.Warning-Check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to the local mains voltage before you connect the appliance.-Do not use the appliance if the plug,the mains cord or the appliance itself is damaged.-If the mains cord is damaged,you must have it replaced by Philips,a service centre authorised by Philips or similarly qualified persons inorder to avoid a hazard.-This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,sensory or mental capabilities,or lack of experienceand knowledge,unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. -Keep the appliance and its cord out of the reach of children.-Keep the mains cord away from hot surfaces.-Do not plug in the appliance or operate the control panel with wet hands.-Only connect the appliance to an earthed wall socket.Always make sure that the plug is inserted into the wall socket properly.-This appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or a separate remote-control system.-Do not place the appliance on or near combustible materials such as a tablecloth or curtain.-Do not place the appliance against a wall or against other appliances.Leave at least 10cm free space on the back and sides and 10cmfree space above the appliance.Do not place anything on top ofthe appliance.-Do not use the appliance for any other purpose than described in this manual.-Do not let the appliance operate unattended.-During hot air frying,hot steam is released through the air outlet openings.Keep your hands and face at a safe distance from the steam and from the air outlet openings.Also be careful of hot steam andair when you remove the pan from the appliance.-The accessible surfaces may become hot during use (Fig.2).-Immediately unplug the appliance if you see dark smoke coming out of the appliance.Wait for the smoke emission to stop before you remove the pan from the appliance.-The baking tray becomes hot all over when it is used in the airfryer.Always use oven gloves when handling the baking tray.Caution-Place the appliance on a horizontal,even and stable surface.-This appliance is intended for normal household use only.It is not intended for use in environments such as staff kitchens of shops,offices,farms or other work environments.Nor is it intended to be used by clients in hotels, motels,bed and breakfasts and other residential environments.-If the appliance is used improperly or for professional or semi-professional purposes or if it is not used according to the instructions in the user manual,the guarantee becomes invalid and Philips refuses any liability for damage caused.-Always return the appliance to a service centre authorised by Philips for examination or repair.Do not attempt to repair the appliance yourself, otherwise the guarantee becomes invalid.-Always unplug the appliance after use.-Let the appliance cool down for approx.30 minutes before you handle or clean it.-Make sure the ingredients prepared in this appliance come out golden-yellow instead of dark or brown.Remove burnt remnants.Do notfry fresh potatoes at a temperature above 180°C (to minimise theproduction of acrylamide).Automatic switch-offThis appliance is equipped with a timer.When the timer has counted down to 0,the appliance produces a bell sound and switches off automatically.T o switch off the appliance manually,turn the timer knob anticlockwise to 0.Electromagnetic fields (EMF)This Philips appliance complies with all standards regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF).If handled properly and according to the instructions in this user manual,the appliance is safe to use based on scientific evidence available today.Before first use1 Remove all packaging material.2 Remove any stickers or labels from the appliance.3 Thoroughly clean the basket and the pan with hot water, somewashing-up liquid and a non-abrasive sponge.Note:You can also clean these parts in the dishwasher.4 Wipe the inside and outside of the appliance with a moist cloth. This is an airfryer that works on hot air. Do not fill the pan with oil or frying fat.Preparing for use1 Place the appliance on a stable, horizontal and level surface.Do not place the appliance on non-heat-resistant surfaces.2 Place the basket in the pan properly (Fig. 3).3 Pull the mains cord out of the cord storage compartment in thebottom of the appliance.Do not fill the pan with oil or any other liquid.Do not put anything on top of the appliance. This disrupts the airflow and affects the hot air frying result.Using the applianceThe airfryer can prepare a large range of ingredients.The recipe booklet included helps you get to know the appliance.Y ou can find more recipes at / air frying1 Put the mains plug in an earthed wall socket.2 Carefully pull the pan out of the airfryer (Fig. 4).3 Put the ingredients in the basket (Fig. 5).Note:Never fill the basket beyond the MAX indication or exceed the amount indicated in the table (see section ‘Settings’in this chapter),as this could affect the quality of the end result.Tips-Smaller ingredients usually require a slightly shorter preparation timethan larger ingredients.- A larger amount of ingredients only requires a slightly longerpreparation time, a smaller amount of ingredients only requires a slightly shorter preparation time.-Shaking smaller ingredients halfway through the preparation timeoptimises the end result and can help prevent unevenly fried ingredients. -Add some oil to fresh potatoes for a crispy result. Fry your ingredientsin the airfryer within a few minutes after you added the oil.-Do not prepare extremely greasy ingredients such as sausages in the airfryer. -Snacks that can be prepared in an oven can also be prepared in the airfryer. -The optimal amount for preparing crispy fries is 500 grams.-Use pre-made dough to prepare filled snacks quickly and easily. Pre-madedough also requires a shorter preparation time than home-made dough. -Place the baking tray (HD9225 only) or oven dish in the airfryerbasket if you want to bake a cake or quiche or if you want to fry fragile ingredients or filled ingredients (Fig. 15).-Y ou can also use the airfryer to reheat ingredients. T o reheat ingredients,4 Slide the pan back into the airfryer (Fig. 6).Never use the pan without the basket in it.Caution: Do not touch the pan during and some time after use, as it gets very hot. Only hold the pan by the handle.5 T urn the temperature control knob to the required temperature.See section ‘Settings’ in this chapter to determine the right temperature (Fig. 7).Note: If you want to prepare different ingredients at the same time, make sure you check the preparation time and the temperature required for the different ingredients before you start to prepare them simultaneously. Home-made fries and drumsticks, for example, can be prepared simultaneously because they require the same settings.6 Determine the required preparation time for the ingredient (seesection ‘Settings’ in this chapter).7 T o switch on the appliance, turn the timer knob to therequired preparation time (Fig. 8).Add 3 minutes to the preparation time when the appliance is cold.Note: If you want, you can also let the appliance preheat without anyingredients inside. In that case, turn the timer knob to more than 3 minutes and wait until the heating-up light goes out (after approx. 3 minutes). Then fill the basket and turn the timer knob to the required preparation time. ,The heating-up light goes on (Fig. 9).,The timer starts counting down the set preparation time.,During the hot air frying process, the heating-up light comes on andgoes out from time to time. This indicates that the heating element is switched on and off to maintain the set temperature.,Excess oil from the ingredients is collected on the bottom of the pan.8 Some ingredients require shaking halfway through the preparationtime (see section ‘Settings’ in this chapter). T o shake the ingredients, pull the pan out of the appliance by the handle and shake it. Then slide the pan back into the airfryer (Fig. 10).Caution: Do not press the basket release button during shaking (Fig. 11).Tip: To reduce the weight, you can remove the basket from the pan and shake the basket only. To do so, pull the pan out of the appliance, place it on a heat-resistant surface and press the basket release button.Tip: If you set the timer to half the preparation time, you hear the timer bell when you have to shake the ingredients. However, this means that you have to set the timer again to the remaining preparation time after shaking.9 When you hear the timer bell, the set preparation time has elapsed.Pull the pan out of the appliance and place it on a heat-resistant surface.Note: You can also switch off the appliance manually. To do this, turn the timer control knob to 0 (Fig. 8).10 Check if the ingredients are ready.If the ingredients are not ready yet, simply slide the pan back into the appliance and set the timer to a few extra minutes.11 T o remove small ingredients (e.g. fries), press the basket release button (1) and lift the basket out of the pan (2). (Fig. 12)Do not turn the basket upside down with the pan still attached to it, as any excess oil that has collected on the bottom of the pan will leak onto the ingredients.After hot air frying, the pan and the ingredients are hot. Depending on the type of ingredients in the airfryer, steam may escape from the pan.12 Empty the basket into a bowl or onto a plate. (Fig. 13)Tip: To remove large or fragile ingredients, use a pair of tongs to lift the ingredients out of the basket (Fig. 14).13 When a batch of ingredients is ready, the airfryer is instantly readyfor preparing another batch. settingsThis table below helps you to select the basic settings for the ingredients you want to prepare.Note: Keep in mind that these settings are indications. As ingredients differ in origin, size, shape as well as brand, we cannot guarantee the best setting for your ingredients.Because the Rapid Air technology instantly reheats the air inside the appliance, pulling the pan briefly out of the appliance during hot air frying barely disturbs the process.guarantee and serviceIf you need service or information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips website at /support or contact the Philips Consumer Care Centre in your country. Y ou find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet. If there is no Consumer Care Centre in your country, go to your local Philips dealer.T roubleshootingThis chapter summarises the most common problems you could encounter with the appliance. If you are unable to solve the problem with theinformation below, visit /support for a list of frequently asked questions or contact the Consumer Care Centre in your country.Note: When you use ingredients that rise (such as with cake, quiche or muffins) the baking tray should not be filled more than halfway.Note: Add 3 minutes to the preparation time when you start frying while the airfryer is still cold.Making home-made friesFor the best results, we advise to use pre-baked (e.g. frozen) fries. If you want to make home-made fries, follow the steps below.1 Peel the potatoes and cut them into sticks.2 Soak the potato sticks in a bowl for at least 30 minutes, take themout and dry them with kitchen paper.3 Pour ½ tablespoon of olive oil in a bowl, put the sticks on top andmix until the sticks are coated with oil.4 Remove the sticks from the bowl with your fingers or a kitchenutensil so that excess oil stays behind in the bowl. Put the sticks in the basket.Note: Do not tilt the bowl to put all the sticks in the basket in one go, to prevent excess oil from ending up on the bottom of the pan.5 Fry the potato sticks according to the instructions in this chapter.CleaningClean the appliance after every use.The pan, baking tray (HD9225 only), basket and the inside of the appliance have a non-stick coating. Do not use metal kitchen utensils or abrasive cleaning materials to clean them, as this may damage the non-stick coating.1 Remove the mains plug from the wall socket and let the appliancecool down.Note: Remove the pan to let the airfryer cool down more quickly.2 Wipe the outside of the appliance with a moist cloth.3 Clean the pan, baking tray (HD9225 only) and basket with hot water,some washing-up liquid and a non-abrasive sponge. Y ou can use a degreasing liquid to remove any remaining dirt.Note: The pan, baking tray (HD9225) and basket are dishwasher-proof. Tip: If dirt is stuck to the basket, the baking tray (HD9225 only), or the bottom of the pan, fill the pan with hot water with some washing-up liquid. Put the basket in the pan and let the pan and the basket soak for approximately 10 minutes.4 Clean the inside of the appliance with hot water and anon-abrasive sponge.5 Clean the heating element with a cleaning brush to remove anyfood residues.storage1 Unplug the appliance and let it cool down.2 Make sure all parts are clean and dry.3 Push the cord into the cord storage compartment. Fix the cord byinserting it into the cord fixing slot.Ordering accessoriesT o purchase accessories for this appliance, please visit our online shop at /service . If the online shop is not available in your country, go to your Philips dealer or a Philips service centre. If you have any difficulties obtaining accessories for your appliance, please contact the Philips Consumer Care Centre in your country. Y ou find its contact details in the worldwide guarantee leaflet.Environment-Do not throw away the appliance with the normal household wasteat the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point for recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve the environment (Fig. 16).-产品正在工作时,不要盖住其进风口和出风口。



---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------空气炸锅电子食谱主题: 空气炸锅食谱一、台湾盐酥鸡主料:鸡腿肉 200g 辅料:油、盐、白砂糖、椒盐、五香粉、料酒、生抽、香葱步骤 1.鸡腿肉去皮去骨,洗净,切成条状。




4. 将面包糠和颗粒状的红薯粉混合均匀。




7.预热好空气炸锅,200 度炸 6 分钟即可。

二、蒜蓉鸡翅食材:鸡翅 200g 大蒜 1 头、盐、鸡蛋 1 个、葱半根、生抽适量步骤:1.鸡翅洗干净。








1/ 379.用手将鸡翅和所有调料不停的抓匀,时间稍微长一些。

腌制 30 分钟。


11.调 200 度空炸 10 分钟即可。

三、炸鸡主料:鸡腿 500g,奥尔良腌料、水适量步骤:1.鸡腿用冷水浸泡一晚上,去去血水。




5.第二天将腌好的鸡腿放入空气炸锅的炸篮内,180 度烤 15 分钟左右。


7. 注意看炸的情况,小心炸久了会糊哦。

四、奶香黄金球食材:鸡蛋 2 个、牛奶 100ml、小麦面粉 400g、白糖 3 匙、盐适量、酵母粉、蜂蜜、食用油 1 匙步骤:1.鸡蛋两个,打散到盆里,加入纯牛奶。


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