High Frequency, Solid Aluminum TopType 350’s solid aluminum top assures extremely low impedance. With a typical 4 to 6 nH ESL, the self reso-nant frequency is well above 100 kHz. The very low ESR assures the low impedance rating. The capacitors are fitted with three rugged welded mounting leads to provide maximum resistanceHighlightsOperates to beyond 200 kHz Less than 10 nH ESL Solid aluminum top•••SpecificationsCapacitance Range:Voltage Range:Capacitance Tolerance:Operating Temperature Range:Shelf Life:Leakage Current:Cold Impedance:Ripple Current Multipliers:Load Life:Shelf Life:Vibration:90 to 11,000 F 6.3 to 100 Vdc –10 +75%–55 ºC to +105 ºC 500 hours @ +105 ºC ≤0.5 √CV µA at +25 ºC–55 º multiple of +25 ºC Z ≤6 for 6.3 V, 3 for 10 to 50 V, 2 for 75 & 100 V45 ºC 55 ºC 65 ºC 75 ºC 85 ºC 95 ºC 105 ºC 1.661.521.371.201.000.750.36Ambient TemperatureFrequency60 Hz120 Hz 360 Hz 1 kHz 5 kHz 10 kHz & up 6.3 to 20 V 0.530.650.730.900.95 1.0025 to 35 V 0.450.550.650.850.92 1.0050 to 75 V0.360.500.600.800.90 1.00100 V0.290.400.520.750.871.004,000 h @ +105 ºC at full load ∆ Capacitance ±10% ESR 150% of limit DCL 100% of limit500 h @ 105 ºC, capacitance, ESR and DCL, initial requirement10 to 55 Hz, 0.06” and 10 g max, 2 h in each planeOutline DrawingL.025±.015S1 S2DT ±.015Complies with the EU Directive 2002/95/EC requirementrestricting the use of Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)), PolyBrominated Biphenyls (PBB) and PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE).Case DimensionsPart Numbering System350JP 1152U 6R3 C Type Case Code Capacitance Tolerance Voltage Insulation 350See table900 = 90 µF U = –10 +75%6R3 = 6.3 Vdc O = Bare can161 = 160 µF T = –10 +50%063 = 63 Vdc B = Plastic insulation with epoxy 882 = 8800 µF 100 = 100 VdcC = Plastic insulation, no epoxy1152 = 11500 µFCase InchesCode Nominal Insulated S1S2TD x L D x L ±0.015±0.015GE 3/4 x 1 1/8 0.775 x 1.157 3/4 x 1 5/8 0.775 x 1.657 3/4 x 2 1/8 0.775 x 2.157 3/4 x 2 5/8 0.775 x 2.657 7/8 x 1 1/8 0.900 x 1.157 7/8 x 1 5/8 0.900 x 1.657 7/8 x 2 1/8 0.900 x 2.157 7/8 x 2 5/8 0.900 x 2.657 x 1 5/81.025 x 1.6570.30.150.4Typical Performance CurvesType 350 Impedance vs. FrequencyI m p e d a n c e (Ω)Frequency (Hz)10010k 100k 10001M 10M0.0010.010.11.0103,400 µF 6.3 Vdc6,100 µF 6.3 Vdc11,500 µF 6.3 VdcType 350 Operating Life in Kilohours vs. Ripple Current00. Ripple-Current MultipleE x p e d t e d O p e r a t i n g L i f e , k h105 ºC95 ºC85 ºC75 ºC 65 ºC 55 ºC45 ºC 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5101001000Typical Performance CurvesRatingsESR Max ΩImped.Ripple Nom Cap Catalog +25 ºC Ω +25 ºC A +85 ºC Size (in)(µF)Part Number 120 Hz 20 kHz 100 kHz 20 kHz DxL 6.3 Vdc (8.5 Vdc Surge)1600350GE162U6R3C 0.0870.0430.040 3.23/4 x 1 1/8 2400350HE242U6R3C 0.0650.0350.034 3.77/8 x 1 1/8 3000350GJ302U6R3C 0.0500.0250.025 4.63/4 x 1 5/8 3400350JE342U6R3C 0.0580.0310.031 4.0 1 x 1 1/8 4200350GL422U6R3C 0.0350.0180.019 6.63/4 x 2 1/8 4400350HJ442U6R3C 0.0370.0200.022 5.67/8 x 1 5/8 5400350GP542U6R3C 0.0290.0150.0178.03/4 x 2 5/8 6100350JJ612U6R3C 0.0330.0180.020 6.2 1 x 1 5/8 6300350HL632U6R3C 0.0270.0150.0187.57/8 x 2 1/8 8300350HP832U6R3C 0.0220.0130.0168.87/8 x 2 5/8 8800350JL882U6R3C 0.0240.0140.0168.1 1 x 2 1/8 11000350JP113U6R3C 0.0200.0120.0159.6 1 x 2 5/8 7.5 Vdc (10 Vdc Surge)1500 350GE152U7R5C 0.0910.0440.040 3.23/4 x 1 1/8 2300350HE232U7R5C 0.0680.0350.034 3.77/8 x 1 1/8 2700350GJ272U7R5C 0.0520.0260.025 4.63/4 x 1 5/8 3200350JE322U7R5C 0.0590.0310.030 3.9 1 x 1 1/8 3900350GL392U7R5C 0.0370.0180.019 6.63/4 x 2 1/8 4200350HJ422U7R5C 0.0390.0210.022 5.67/8 x 1 5/8 5100350GP512U7R5C 0.0300.0150.0167.93/4 x 2 5/8 5800350JJ582U7R5C 0.0340.0180.019 6.1 1 x 1 5/8 6000350HL602U7R5C 0.0280.0150.0187.47/8 x 2 1/8 7900350HP792U7R5C 0.0230.0130.0168.87/8 x 2 5/8 8400350JL842U7R3C 0.0250.0140.0168.0 1 x 2 1/8 11000350JP113U7R5C0.0200.0120.0149.51 x2 5/810 Vdc (12 Vdc Surge)1400350GE142U010C 0.0980.0450.040 3.13/4 x 1 1/8 2100350HE212U010C 0.0720.0350.034 3.67/8 x 1 1/8 2600350GJ262U010C 0.0550.0260.025 4.53/4 x 1 5/8 3000350JE302U010C 0.0620.0320.030 3.6 1 x 1 1/8 3800350GL382U010C 0.0390.0190.019 6.53/4 x 2 1/8 3900350HJ392U010C 0.0410.0210.022 5.57/8 x 1 5/8 4800350GP482U010C 0.0310.0150.0167.83/4 x 2 5/8 5400350JJ542U010C0.0360.0190.0205.71 x 1 5/8ESR Max ΩImped.Ripple Nom Cap Catalog +25 ºC Ω +25 ºC A +85 ºC Size (in)(µF)Part Number 120 Hz 20 kHz 100 kHz 20 kHz DxL 10 Vdc (12 Vdc Surge)5600350HL562U010C 0.0300.0150.0187.37/8 x 2 1/8 7300350HP732U010C 0.0240.0130.0168.77/8 x 2 5/8 7800350JL782U010C 0.0260.0140.0167.5 1 x 2 1/8 10000350JP103U010C0.0210.0120.0159.0 1 x 2 5/8 12 Vdc (18 Vdc Surge)1100350GE112U012C 0.1080.0460.042 3.13/4 x 1 1/8 1700350HE172U012C 0.0790.0360.034 3.67/8 x 1 1/8 2000350GJ202U012C 0.0610.0270.025 4.43/4 x 1 5/8 2400350JE242U012C 0.0670.0320.031 3.8 1 x 1 1/8 2900350GL292U012C 0.0440.0190.020 6.43/4 x 2 1/8 3000350HJ302U012C 0.0450.0210.022 5.47/8 x 1 5/8 3700350GP372U012C 0.0350.0160.0177.73/4 x 2 5/8 4200350JJ422U012C 0.0380.0290.020 6.0 1 x 1 5/8 4400350HL442U012C 0.0320.0160.0187.27/8 x 2 1/8 5800350HP582U012C 0.0260.0130.0168.67/8 x 2 5/8 6100350JL612U012C 0.0280.0140.0167.8 1 x 2 1/8 8000350JP802U012C0.0230.0120.0159.3 1 x 2 5/8 16 Vdc (20 Vdc Surge)950350GE951U016C 0.1160.0470.042 3.03/4 x 1 1/8 1500350HE152U016C 0.0850.0370.035 3.57/8 x 1 1/8 1700350GJ172U016C 0.0660.0270.025 4.33/4 x 1 5/8 2000350JE202U016C 0.0710.0330.031 3.7 1 x 1 1/8 2500350GL252U016C 0.0470.0200.020 6.33/4 x 2 1/8 2600350HJ262U016C 0.0480.0220.022 5.37/8 x 1 5/8 3200350GP322U016C 0.0370.0160.0177.63/4 x 2 5/8 3600350JJ362U016C 0.0410.0190.020 5.9 1 x 1 5/8 3800350HL382U016C 0.0340.0160.0187.17/8 x 2 1/8 4900350HP492U016C 0.0280.0130.0168.47/8 x 2 5/8 5200350JL522U016C 0.0290.0140.0167.7 1 x 2 1/8 6800350JP682U016C0.0240.0120.0159.2 1 x 2 5/8 20 Vdc (25 Vdc Surge)800350GE801U020C 0.1250.0480.042 3.03/4 x 1 1/8 1200350HE122U020C 0.0890.0380.035 3.57/8 x 1 1/8 1500350GJ152U020C 0.0700.0280.026 4.23/4 x 1 5/8 1700350JE172U020C0.0750.0330.0313.71 x 1 1/8ESR vs. Temperature Characteristics (10 kHz)-55-40-20025406085105Temperature (ºC)0.1110100Capacitance vs. Temperature (120 Hz)-55-40-20025406085105708090100110≥ 50 Vdc ≤ 40 Vdc E S R - R a t i o t o 25 ºC V a l u eC a p a c i t a n c e - % o f 25 ºC V a l u eTemperature (ºC)≥ 75 Vdc6.3 VdcESR Max ΩImped.Ripple Nom Cap Catalog +25 ºC Ω +25 ºC A +85 ºC Size (in) (µF)Part Number120 Hz20 kHz100 kHz20 kHz DxL20 Vdc (25 Vdc Surge)2100350GL212U020C 0.0500.0200.020 6.23/4 x 2 1/8 2200350HJ222U020C 0.0510.0220.022 5.37/8 x 1 5/8 2800350GP282U020C 0.0400.0170.0177.53/4 x 2 5/8 3000350JJ302U020C 0.0430.0200.020 5.8 1 x 1 5/8 3200350HL322U020C 0.0360.0160.0187.07/8 x 2 1/8 4200350HP422U020C 0.0290.0140.0168.37/8 x 2 5/8 4500350JL452U020C 0.0310.0140.0167.6 1 x 2 1/8 5900350JP592U020C 0.0250.0120.0159.1 1 x 2 5/825 Vdc (30 Vdc Surge)600350GE601U025C 0.1400.0500.042 2.93/4 x 1 1/8 900350HE901U025C 0.1000.0390.035 3.47/8 x 1 1/8 1100350GJ112U025C 0.0790.0290.026 4.13/4 x 1 5/8 1300350JE132U025C 0.0820.0340.031 3.6 1 x 1 1/8 1500350GL152U025C 0.0560.0210.020 6.03/4 x 2 1/8 1600350HJ162U025C 0.0570.0230.022 5.17/8 x 1 5/8 2000350GP202U025C 0.0440.0170.0177.33/4 x 2 5/8 2300350HL232U025C 0.0400.0170.018 6.87/8 x 2 1/8 2300350JJ232U025C 0.0470.0200.021 5.6 1 x 1 5/8 3100350HP312U025C 0.0320.0140.0168.27/8 x 2 5/8 3300350JL332U025C 0.0340.0150.01774.0 1 x 2 1/8 4300350JP432U025C 0.0270.0130.0168.9 1 x 2 5/830 Vdc (40 Vdc Surge)450350GE451U030C 0.1550.0520.043 2.83/4 x 1 1/8 700350HE701U030C 0.1100.0410.035 3.37/8 x 1 1/8 800350GJ801U030C 0.0880.0300.026 4.03/4 x 1 5/8 950350JE951U030C 0.0890.0360.032 3.4 1 x 1 1/8 1100350GL112U030C 0.0620.0220.02 5.83/4 x 2 1/8 1200350HJ122U030C 0.0620.0240.023 5.07/8 x 1 5/8 1500350GP152U030C 0.0480.0180.0177.13/4 x 2 5/8 1700350JJ172U030C 0.0500.0210.021 5.5 1 x 1 5/8 1800350HL182U030C 0.0440.0170.018 6.67/8 x 2 1/8 2300350HP232U030C 0.0350.0150.0168.07/8 x 2 5/8 2500350JL252U030C 0.0360.0160.0177.2 1 x 2 1/8 3200350JP322U030C 0.0290.0130.0168.6 1 x 2 5/840 Vdc (50 Vdc Surge)320350GE321U040C 0.1760.0540.043 2.73/4 x 1 1/8 500350HE501U040C 0.1230.0420.035 3.27/8 x 1 1/8 600350GJ601U040C 0.1000.0310.026 3.93/4 x 1 5/8 700350JE701U040C 0.0990.0370.032 3.4 1 x 1 1/8 850350GL851U040C 0.0700.0230.02 5.73/4 x 2 1/8 900350HJ901U040C 0.0700.0250.023 4.97/8 x 1 5/8 1100350GP112U040C 0.0550.0180.017 6.93/4 x 2 5/8 1200350JJ122U040C 0.0560.0220.021 5.4 1 x 1 5/8 1300350HL132U040C 0.0490.0180.018 6.57/8 x 2 1/8 1700350HP172U040C 0.0390.0150.0167.97/8 x 2 5/8 1800350JL182U040C 0.0400.0160.0177.1 1 x 2 1/8 2300350JP232U040C 0.0320.0130.0168.51 x2 5/8 Ratings。
Parameter Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage Breakdown Voltage Temp. Coefficient Static Drain-to-Source On-Resistance Gate Threshold Voltage Forward Transconductance Drain-to-Source Leakage Current Gate-to-Source Forward Leakage Gate-to-Source Reverse Leakage Total Gate Charge Gate-to-Source Charge Gate-to-Drain ("Miller") Charge Turn-On Delay Time Rise Time Turn-Off Delay Time Fall Time Internal Drain Inductance Internal Source Inductance Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Reverse Transfer Capacitance
V D S , D rain-to-S ource V oltage (V )
V D S , D rain-to-S ource V oltage (V )
Fig 1. Typical Output Characteristics
Fig 2. Typical Output Characteristics
** When mounted on 1" square PCB (FR-4 or G-10 Material ) . For recommended footprint and soldering techniques refer to application note #AN-994
Measured From the Source Inductances
Lead, 2mm (0.08in) from
Header to Source Bonding
Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient RθJA Free Air Operation
Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage (Note 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VDS Drain to Gate Voltage (RGS = 20kΩ) (Note 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VDGR Continuous Drain Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID Pulsed Drain Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDM Gate to Source Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VGS Maximum Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD Linear Derating Factor (See Figure 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
宝马宝·R12 电视机说明书
lockable cabinet capable of housing up to 7 AH batter-
The RZA-5F is a five-zone Remote Annunciator for use with the FireWatch 5000 Series control/communicators. They mount to a single-gang box and offer slide-in zone identification labels. The RZA-5F provides the following:
Initiating Device Circuits (zones)
The MS-5012 includes five programmable Initiating Device Circuits (zones). Circuits 1, 2, 4, and 5 are Style B (Class B). Circuit 3 is Style D (Class A).
DF-51186 07/12/04 Page 1 of 3
Single PC board design using Surface Mount Technology (SMT).
Two modular telephone jacks for connection to RJ31X/ Modules.
16-Event history buffer.
Accurate real-time clock.
Extensive built-in transient protection.
1 2英寸数字扭力适配器说明书
1/2"Drive Digital TorqueAdapterWhen unpacking your new digital torque adapter and related parts &accessories,please inspect it carefully for any damage that may haveoccurred during transit.If you have any questions,or require assistance with damaged or missing parts,please contact our factorycustomer servicedepartmentat:1-800-386-0191Pleasehavethe serialnumber,modelnumberand dateofpurchaseavailableforreferencewhencalling.This instruction manual is intended for your benefit.Please read and follow the safety,installation,maintenance and troubleshooting steps described within to ensure your safety and satisfaction.The contents of this instruction manual are based upon the latest product information available at the time of publication.Due to continuing improvements,actual product may differ slightly from the prod-uct described herein.Tools required for assembly and servicing are not included.INTRODUCTIONAfter opening the carton,unpack your new digital torque wrench adapter and related parts &acces-sories.Please inspect it carefully for any damage that may have occurred during transit.Please check it against the photograph on carton.If any parts are missing,please call factory customer ser-vice at 1-800-386-0191.UNPACKING &INSPECTIONDo not operate this tool if damaged during shipment,handling or misuse.Do not operate the tool until the parts have been replaced or the fault rectified.Failure to do so may result in serious per-sonal injury or property damage.All damaged parts must be repaired or replaced asneeded prior to operating this tool.Check to see that all nuts,bolts and fittings are secure before putting this tool into service.If you have any questions,or require assistance with damaged or missing parts,please contact our factory customer service department at:1-800-386-0191Please have the serial number,model number and date of purchase available for reference whencalling.WARNING -RISK OF FLYING PARTICLESREAD THIS MANUAL COMPLETELY BEFORE USING THE DIGITAL TORQUE ADAPTER•To insure accuracy,work must not move in angle mode.•For personal safety and to avoid wrench damage,follow good professional tool and fas-tener installation practices.•Periodic recalibration is necessary to maintain tool accuracy.USERS AND BYSTANDERS SHOULD ALWAYS WEAREYE PROTECTION•Besure all components,including adapters,extensions,drivers and sockets are rated to match or exceed the torque being applied with tool.•Observe all equipment,system and manufacturer’s warnings,cautions and procedures when using this adapter•Always use the correct size socket for the fastener being torqued.•Do not use damaged sockets,showing signs of wear or cracks.•Always replace damaged fasteners before applying torque.WARNING -Electrical Shock Hazard•Electrical shock can cause injury.•Plastic handle is not insulated.•Do not use on live electrical circuits.Over-torquing can cause breakage.An out of calibration torque wrench can cause part or tool breakage.Broken hand tools,sockets or accessories can cause injury.Excess force can cause crow foot or flare nut wrench slippage.IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSIMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSto applying torque.•Never use this digital torque adapter to loosen fasteners as damage may occur.•Do not exceed the rated maximum torque value for the digital torque adapter as break-age and/or a loss of accuracy could occur.•Always verify the calibration of the digital torque adapter if you know or suspect its capac-ity has been exceeded.•Always pull-do not push-on the drive tool(ratchet)handle that is connected to the digi-tal torque adapter.•Adjust your stance to prevent a possible fall while applying torque.•Apply torque slowly and grasp the center of the handle.Do not apply load to the end ofthe handle.•Avoid applying excessive torque,turn the ratchet slowly and steadily as you apply torque.Pay attention to the LED light and sound indicators.•Never submerge the digital torque adapter in water or any other liquid.•If the tool gets wet,immediately wipe it dry with a soft,clean towel.•Do not expose this wrench to dust or sand as this could cause serious damage.•Use the digital torque adapter only for its intended purpose as described in this manual.•Do not use the digital torque adapter if it is not working properly or if it has suffered anydamage.•Do not disassemble the digital torque adapter.•Do not expose the digital torque adapter to extreme temperatures,humidity,direct sun-light.•Do not shake violently or drop digital torque adapter.•Do not use this tool as a hammer.•Position batteries in proper polarity.•Do not mix batteries of different type.•Never clean the digital torque adapter with soap or solvents.•Use a soft,dry,clean cloth to clean the digital torque adapter and LCD panel.•Do not apply excessive force to the LCD display panel.•Store in a clean dry place.•Keep this tool away from magnets.PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSDrive size:1/2inchAccuracy:CW:±1%CCW:±2%Memory presets:10Display resolution:0.1NmOperation mode:Peak/TraceUnit selection:kg-cm,kg-m,lb-in,lb-ft,N-mBattery:(1)DC3V,CR2032Ambient temperature range:Operating:-10°C–60°C(13.9°F–139.9°F)Storage:-20°C-70°C(-4°F–157.9°F)Auto shut-off:80secondsTorque range:30-150Ft-lbs(41-203N-m)PRODUCT FEATURES•Digital torque readout.•Selectable for five torque units of measure:lb-ft,lb-in,kg-cm,kg-m and N-m.•+/-1%CW and +/-2%accuracy•Clockwise (CC)and counterclockwise (CCW)operation indicated on display.•Peak torque hold mode and Tracking torque mode selectable.•White LED backlight for easy reading.•Reverisble LCD display viewing orientation.•Multiple preset torque value indicators:audible buzzer,vibration alarm,red LED warning light.•Displays percentage of preset torque value attained.•Power saving automatic sleep mode activates after 3minues of inactivity.•Uses one (1)DC 3V,CR2032battery.•Batteries,storage case and calibration adapter included.displaybacklight barMain keyboardCONTROLSThe Titan Digital Torque Adapter displays fastener torque specification settings,torque readings and peak hold measurements.Mode key Warning buzzerpreset torque battery icon value of measure LCD DISPLAY INDICATORSWhen battery voltage drops below 2.6volts,a low battery warning icon willappear on the LCD display.When the battery voltage drops below 2.4volts,the low battery warning icon will begin to flash,indicating that immediate battery replacement isrequired.LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE INDICATIONBattery voltage under 2.4V POWERING ON DIGITAL TORQUE ADAPTERPress Mode button to turn digital torque adapter on and activate auto-zeroing process.Auto-zeroing processNormal mode(Preset number 0shown)CAUTION:Make sure the displayed applied torque value is zero during the auto-zeroing period.Otherwise a torque offset will be included.Select 1of 10user programable memory presets.SELECTING MEMORY PRESETSSETTING PRESET VALUES4.Five different unit selections are available:kg-cm,k-gm,in-lb,ft-lb,and N-m.SELECTING UNITS OF MEASURENOTE:When you change units,any target torque setting you have already entered will now be displayed in the new unit value.SELECTING PEAK HOLD/TRACKING MODESPressIn Track mode -The display will register “real-time”torque as it is applied.This is useful when you are able to observe the digital display while applying torque to a fastener.Watching the torque value increase can assist you in applying torque evenly and safely,especially as you approach your target torque setting.FullyreleaseDisplay retains peak torque achieved.PEAK HOLD MODE OPERATIONPeak Hold ModePercent of Target torqueApplytorque activatesRelease torque to zero-out torquereading and then apply torque again.Select pre-setting:200kg-cm(in this example)Applytorque and hold2sec.Toggle screen from Auto mode to Manual mode.Continue applying torque until preset torque value In Peak hold mode,the digital display shows the maximum torque applied,which can be helpful for verifying that the correct torque was applied when the digital display is not visible during use.This mode is also handy when using the adapter to calibrate a torque wrench.TRACKING MODE OPERATIONTracking ModeAt50%of Target torque:•Percentage of preset torque value is displayed•Buzzer sounds:Bi---Bi---Bi---•Select pre-setting:200kg-cmApply torque to reach preset torque value(200kg-cm in this example)At70%of target torque:At90%of target torque:At100%of target torque:•Percentage of preset torque value is displayed•Buzzer sounds:Bi-Bi-Bi-Bi•Red LED flashes:alert•Percentage of preset torque value is displayed•Buzzer sounds:BiBiBiBiBiBiBi•Percentage of preset torque value is displayedApplytorqueApplytorqueApplytorqueIn Tracking mode,the display will register torque as it is applied in real-time.This allows you to observe the digital display while applying torque to a fastener.Watching the torque value increase can assist you in applying torque evenly and safely,especially as you approach your target torque setting.Press and hold Mode button for 2seconds to turn unit off.NOTE:This tool will automatically enter sleep mode after 3minutes of inactivity.BATTERY INSTALLATION AND REPLACEMENT POWERING OFF DIGITAL TORQUEADAPTERPress and for 2seconds to toggle the orientation of the display readout.CHANGING ORIENTATION OFDISPLAYPress1.Requires one (1)DC 3V,CR2032.2.Unscrew battery cover fastener with a jewelers’phillips screwdriver.3.Remove the battery cover.4.Remove the old battery.5.Clean battery terminals.6.Install fresh battery in the digital torque adapter (with the “+”sign end facing upward).7.Replace the battery cover and screw tight.Note•Remove battery if stored for a long period of time.•Oil,water,dirt and sweat can prevent a battery’s terminals from making electrical contact.Wipe both terminals before installing batteries.Battery disposalOnly dispose of battery when fully discharged.DO NOT dispose of battery in a fire.Dispose of expended batteries andpackagingmaterialsinan environmentallyresponsiblemanner.1.Set your torque wrench to a value of approxi-mately 25%of its maximum capacity.Forexample,if your torque wrench has a maximumcapacity of 150lb-ft,set it to 40lb-ft.2.Program the digital torque adapter for a torquevalue that matches the torque wrench setting.In our example,you would set the adapter for40lb-ft.Ensure the adapter is in the “peak”mode as this will make it easy to referenceactual torque versus the torque indicated onthe wrench.3.Connect the pre-set torque wrench and theincluded calibration adapter to the digital torqueadapter.Secure the calibration adapter in abench vise.Ensure the calibration adapter issecurely tightened in the vise.4.Turn the torque wrench smoothly and steadily,applying torque to the calibration adapter untilyour torque wrench reaches the preset value,either by “clicking”(micrometer style torquewrench),or displaying the desired setting(digital or dial torque wrench).5.Read the peak torque value shown on the digi-tal torque adapter.Adjust your torque wrenchand repeat the procedure until the trquewrench and digital torque adapter show identi-cal torque values.DisposalDo not dispose of this device in normal domestic waste.Observe the currently valid regulations.In case of doubt,consult your waste disposal facility.CALIBRATING A TORQUE WRENCH USING DIGITAL ADAPTERIMPORTANT -Service,repair and calibration are to be performed by Star-Asia USA,LLC only.Cali-bration by the user is recorded in the wrench and voids factory certification.Contact Star-Asia USA,LLC for information on calibration service.PLEASENOTEUSER QUICK REFERENCE GUIDEMeasure Torque Presetting Target Torque90DAY LIMITED WARRANTY-STAR ASIA-USA,LLC POWER TOOLSStar Asia-USA,LLC(hereinafter“seller”)warrants to the original purchaser only,that this product will be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date of purchase for home domestic use. Warranty PerformanceWarranty coverage is conditioned upon purchaser furnishing seller or its authorized service center with adequate written proof of the original purchase date.Products returned,freight prepaid and insured,to our factory or to an Authorized Service Center will be inspected and repaired or replaced,at seller‘s option,free of charge if found to be defective and subject to warranty.Defective parts not subject to normal wear and tear will be repaired or replaced,at our option during the above stated warranty periods.In any event,reimbursement is limited to the pur-chase price paid.Other than the postage and insurance requirement,no charge will be made for repairs or replacements covered by this warranty.Under no circumstances shall the manufacturer bear any responsibility for loss of the unit,loss of time or rental,inconvenience,commercial loss or consequential damages.There are no warranties which extend beyond the description of the face hereof.ExclusionsThis warranty does not cover parts damaged due to normal wear,abnormal conditions,misapplication,misuse, abuse,accidents,operation at other than recommended pressures or temperatures,improper storage or freight damage.Parts damaged or worn by operation in dusty environments are not warranted.Failure to follow recom-mended operating and maintenance procedures also voids warranty.Additional items not covered under this warranty:product failure caused by rain,excessive humidity,corrosive environments or other contaminants;cosmetic defects that do not interfere with product‘s functionality.This warranty shall not apply when:the product has been used for commercial or rental purposes;defects in mate-rials or workmanship or damages result from repairs or alterations which have been made or attempted by others or the unauthorized use of nonconforming parts;this damage is due to abuse,improper maintenance,neglect or accident;or the damage is due to use of the product after partial failure or use with improper accessories.Warran-ty does not apply to accessory items such as batteries.Seller will not be liable for:labor charges,loss or damage resulting from improper operation,maintenance or repairs made by persons other than a Star Asia-USA,LLC Authorized Service Center.The use of other than genuine Star Asia-USA,LLC Repair Parts will void warranty.Warranty DisclaimersNO WARRANTY,ORAL OR WRITTEN,OTHER THAN THE ABOVE WARRANTY IS MADE WITH REGARD TO THIS PRODUCT,ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF SELLER REGARDING THIS PRODUCT INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,ARE EXCLUDED.BUYER‘S OR USER‘S REMEDIES ARE SOLELY AND EXCLUSIVELY AS STATED ABOVE.STAR ASIA-USA,LLC SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL,INDI-RECT,OR SPECIAL DAMAGES.IN NO EVENT,WHETHER AS A RESULT OF A BREACH OF CONTRACT, WARRANTY,TORT(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE)OR OTHERWISE,SHALL SELLER‘S LIABILITY EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT WHICH HAS GIVEN RISE TO THE CLAIM OR LIABILITY.ANY LIABILITY CON-NECTED WITH THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT SHALL TERMINATE UPON THE EXPIRATION OF THE WAR-RANTY PERIODS SPECIFIED ABOVE.Limitations on Warranty DisclaimersAny implied warranties shall be limited in duration to one year from the date of purchase.In some states of the U.S.A.and in some provinces of Canada there is no limitation for how long an implied warranty is valid,so the aforementioned limitation may not apply to you.Star Asia-USA,LLC(hereinafter“seller”)warrants to the original purchaser only,that this product will be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date of purchase for home domestic use. Distributed by Star Asia-USA,LLCP.O.Box58399,Renton,WA98058Consumer Service:800-386-0191e-mail:*****************©2013Star Asia-USA,LLC。
ON Semiconductor MCR12D, MCR12M, MCR12N 数据手册
SCRs12 AMPERES RMS 400 thru 800 VOLTSPreferred devices are recommended choices for future use and best overall value.Device Package Shipping ORDERING INFORMATIONMCR12D TO220AB 50 Units/Rail MCR12M TO220AB MCR12NTO220AB50 Units/Rail 50 Units/RailKGATO–220AB CASE 221A STYLE 31234PIN ASSIGNMENT123Anode Gate Cathode 4AnodeTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristic Symbol Value UnitThermal Resistance— Junction to Case— Junction to Ambient RθJCRθJA2.262.5°C/WMaximum Lead Temperature for Soldering Purposes 1/8″ from Case for 10 Seconds T L260°C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T J = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit OFF CHARACTERISTICSPeak Repetitive Forward or Reverse Blocking Current(V D = Rated V DRM and V RRM; Gate Open)T J = 25°CT J = 125°C I DRM,I RRM————0.012.0mAON CHARACTERISTICSPeak Forward On–State Voltage* (I TM = 24 A)V TM—— 2.2Volts Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (V D = 12 V; R L = 100 Ω)I GT 2.08.020mA Holding Current (V D = 12 V, Gate Open, Initiating Current = 200 mA)I H 4.02040mA Latch Current (V D = 12 V, I G = 20 mA)I L 6.02560mA Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (V D = 12 V; R L =100 Ω)V GT0.50.65 1.0Volts DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSCritical Rate of Rise of Off–State Voltage(V D = Rated V DRM, Exponential Waveform, Gate Open, T J = 125°C)dv/dt100250—V/µsRepetitive Critical Rate of Rise of On–State CurrentIPK = 50 A, Pw = 40 µsec, diG/dt = 1 A/µsec, Igt = 50 mAdi/dt——50A/µs *Indicates Pulse Test: Pulse Width v2.0 ms, Duty Cycle v2%.+ Current+ VoltageV TMI DRM at V DRMI HSymbolParameterV DRM Peak Repetitive Off State Forward Voltage I DRM Peak Forward Blocking CurrentV RRM Peak Repetitive Off State Reverse Voltage I RRM Peak Reverse Blocking Current V TM Peak On State Voltage I HHolding CurrentVoltage Current Characteristic of SCRAnode +on stateReverse Blocking Region(off state)Reverse Avalanche Region Anode –Forward Blocking RegionI RRM at V RRM(off state)90°180°Figure 1. Typical RMS Current Derating Figure 2. On–State Power DissipationFigure 3. Typical On–State CharacteristicsFigure 4. Typical Gate Trigger Current versusJunction Temperature8I T(RMS), RMS ON–STATE CURRENT (AMPS)125120I T(AV), AVERAGE ON–STATE CURRENT (AMPS)3884203.00.5V T , INSTANTANEOUS ON–STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)1001010.1T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)–10–402022.5T C , C A S E T E M P E R A T U R E ( C )P I G A T E T R I G G E R C U R R E N T (m A )11510512312610201.02.0205080125°, A V E R A G E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W A T T S )(A V ), I N S T A N T A N E O U S O N –S T A T E C U R R E N T (A M P S )T dc180°90°60°dc30°MAXIMUM @ T J = 25°CMAXIMUM @ T J = 125°C51.5451104100909567121467129101130°129101116185356595–251104681012141618Figure 5. Typical Holding Current versusJunction Temperature Figure 6. Typical Gate Trigger Voltage versusJunction Temperature–2520–40T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)10T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)–2565–400.2205, H O L D I N G C U R R E N T (m A )I H 501106551253550V G T , G A T E T R I G G E R V O L T A G E (V O L T S )8011.0–103595100–1095801250. 7. Typical Latching Current versusJunction Temperature65125–40T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)I L , L A T C H I N G C U R R E N T (m A )101–255205095100–103580110PACKAGE DIMENSIONSTO–220AB CASE 221A–09ISSUE ZNOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.3.DIMENSION Z DEFINES A ZONE WHERE ALL BODY AND LEAD IRREGULARITIES ARE ALLOWED.DIM MIN MAX MIN MAX MILLIMETERS INCHES A 0.5700.62014.4815.75B 0.3800.4059.6610.28C 0.1600.190 4.07 4.82D 0.0250.0350.640.88F 0.1420.147 3.61 3.73G 0.0950.105 2.42 2.66H 0.1100.155 2.80 3.93J 0.0180.0250.460.64K 0.5000.56212.7014.27L 0.0450.060 1.15 1.52N 0.1900.210 4.83 5.33Q 0.1000.120 2.54 3.04R 0.0800.110 2.04 2.79S 0.0450.055 1.15 1.39T 0.2350.255 5.97 6.47U 0.0000.0500.00 1.27V 0.045––– 1.15–––Z–––0.080––– 2.04QH ZL V GNAK1234DSEATINGPLANE–T–C STUR JSTYLE 3:PIN 1.CATHODE 2.ANODE 3.GATE 4.ANODEON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONCENTRAL/SOUTH AMERICA:Spanish Phone:303–308–7143 (Mon–Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm MST)Email:ONlit–*********************ASIA/PACIFIC: LDC for ON Semiconductor – Asia SupportPhone:303–675–2121 (Tue–Fri 9:00am to 1:00pm, Hong Kong Time)Toll Free from Hong Kong & Singapore:001–800–4422–3781Email:ONlit–******************JAPAN: ON Semiconductor, Japan Customer Focus Center4–32–1 Nishi–Gotanda, Shinagawa–ku, Tokyo, Japan 141–8549Phone: 81–3–5740–2745Email:*****************。
贴片电容和其它贴片电子元器件一样,按封装类型(也就是体积的大小)可分为0402(1.0×0.5)、 0603(1.6×0.8)、0805(2.0×1.2)、 1206(3.2×1.6)、 1210(3.2×2.5)、 1812(4.5×3.2)等。
例:0805 CG 102 J 500 N T
b15n10d效应管的参数"B15N10D" 是一种N沟道MOSFET(Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor)型号的命名。
这是MOSFET 在工作时的主要电压。
栅极电压(V<sub>GS</sub>):是施加在MOSFET 的栅极上的电压。
它用于控制MOSFET 的导电性。
漏极电流(I<sub>D</sub>):是通过MOSFET 的漏极的电流。
栅极阈值电压(V<sub>TH</sub>):是栅极电压,使MOSFET 开始导通的阈值。
在该电压以下,MOSFET 处于截止状态。
最大漏极电流(I<sub>D(max)</sub>):是MOSFET 允许的最大漏极电流,通常由器件的尺寸和制造工艺决定。
漏极-源极电阻(R<sub>DS(on)</sub>):是MOSFET 在导通状态时的漏极-源极电阻。
功耗:与MOSFET 相关的功耗通常通过一些参数,如静态功耗、动态功耗等来描述。
这些参数的具体值通常可以在MOSFET 的规格书或数据手册中找到。
要确切了解"B15N10D" 或其他特定型号的参数,建议查阅相关制造商的规格书或联系制造商获取详细信息。
Full output power is available at ambient temperatures of -25C to +60C with no airflow.Above +60C output power linearly derates to 0% at +100C.Approval Pending Model Num V In V Out I Out I No Load I Full Load EffCase W2530-12S5 9-18 VDC 5.0 VDC 5.0A 30.0 mA 2675.0 mA 78% W2530 W2530-12S12 9-18 VDC 12.0 VDC 2.5A 30.0 mA 3050.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-12S15 9-18 VDC 15.0 VDC 2.0A 30.0 mA 3050.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-12D5 9-18 VDC ±5.0 VDC ±2.5A 35.0 mA 2675.0 mA 78% W2530 W2530-12D12 9-18 VDC ±12.0 VDC ±1.25A 35.0 mA 3050.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-12D5 9-18 VDC ±15.0 VDC ±1.0A 35.0 mA 3050.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-12T5-12 9-18 VDC ±12.0/5.0 VDC ±0.31A/3.5A 35.0 mA 2640.0 mA 79% W2530 W2530-12T5-15 9-18 VDC ±15.0/5.0 VDC ±0.25A/3.5A 35.0 mA 2640.0 mA 79% W2530 W2530-12S3.3 9-18 VDC 3.3 VDC 5.0A 30.0 mA 1860.0 mA 74% W2530 W2530-24S5 18-36 VDC 5.0 VDC 5.0A 30.0 mA 1336.0 mA 79% W2530 W2530-24S12 18-36 VDC 12.0 VDC 2.5A 30.0 mA 1525.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-24S15 18-36 VDC 15.0 VDC 2.0A 30.0 mA 1525.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-24D5 18-36 VDC ±5.0 VDC ±2.5A 30.0 mA 1336.0 mA 79% W2530 W2530-24D12 18-36 VDC ±12.0 VDC ±1.25A 30.0 mA 1470.0 mA 85% W2530 W2530-24D5 18-36 VDC ±15.0 VDC ±1.0A 30.0 mA 1470.0 mA 85% W2530 W2530-24T5-12 18-36 VDC ±12.0/5.0 VDC ±0.31A/3.5A 30.0 mA 1320.0 mA 80% W2530 W2530-24T5-15 18-36 VDC ±15.0/5.0 VDC ±0.25A/3.5A 30.0 mA 1320.0 mA 80% W2530 W2530-24S3.3 18-36 VDC 3.3 VDC 5.0A 30.0 mA 920.0 mA 75% W2530 W2530-48S5 36-72 VDC 5.0 VDC 5.0A 20.0 mA 660.0 mA 79% W2530 W2530-48S12 36-72 VDC 12.0 VDC 2.5A 20.0 mA 765.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-48S15 36-72 VDC 15.0 VDC 2.0A 20.0 mA 765.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-48D5 36-72 VDC ±5.0 VDC ±2.5A 25.0 mA 660.0 mA 79% W2530 W2530-48D12 36-72 VDC ±12.0 VDC ±1.25A 25.0 mA 735.0 mA 85% W2530 W2530-48D5 36-72 VDC ±15.0 VDC ±1.0A 25.0 mA 735.0 mA 85% W2530 W2530-48T5-12 36-72 VDC ±12.0/5.0 VDC ±0.31A/3.5A 25.0 mA 655.0 mA 80% W2530 W2530-48T5-15 36-72 VDC ±15.0/5.0 VDC ±0.25A/3.5A 25.0 mA 655.0 mA 80% W2530 W2530-48S3.3 36-72 VDC 3.3 VDC 5.0A 20.0 mA 460.0 mA 75% W2530 SPECIFICATIONS Input SpecificationsInput Voltage Range 12V----------9-18V 24V--------18-36V 48V--------36-72VInput Filter Pi Type Output SpecificationsVoltage Accuracy Single Output+/-2.0% max.Dual+Output +/-2.0% max. -Output +/-3.0% max. Triple, 5V +/-2.0% max. 12V / 15V +/-5.0% max. Voltage Balance(Dual) +/-1.0% max. Transient Response:Single, 25% Step Load Change <500u sec. Dual,FL-1/2L +/- 1% Error Band <500u sec. External Trim Adj. Range +/-10% Ripple and Noise, 20MHz BW 10mV RMS. Max. 75mV p-p max.Temperature Coefficient +/-0.02% / o C Short Circuit Protection Continuous Line Regulation, Single/Dual +/-0.5% max. Triple+/-1.0% max. Load Regulation, Single/Dual +/-1.0% max. Triple+/-5.0% max.General Specifications EfficiencyUp to 85% Isolation Voltage 500 VDC min Isolation Resistance 109 ohms Switching Frequency 300KHz, minCase GroundingCapacity Coupled to InputOperating Temperature Range -25o C to +71o C Case Temperature 100o C max.CoolingFree-Air Convection Storage Temperature Range -55o C to +105o CEMI / RFI Six Sided Continuous ShieldDimensions2X2X0.4 Inches (50.8X50.8X10.2mm)Case Material Black Coated Copper w/Non-Conductive BaseNotes: 1. Measured From High Line to Low Line 2. Measured From Full Load to 1/4 LoadThe W2530 Familiy of high efficiency DC/DC converters offer power levels of up to 30 Watt, which exceeds that of other bricks with the same Industry-Standard Pinouts, while providing smaller footprints. With a wide input voltage range and single and multi-outputs, these converters provide versatility without sacrificing the board space. All models feature an input Pi filter and short circuit protection. The fully enclosed, encapsulated construction achieves very efficient heat transfer with no hot spots. All converters combine creative design practices with highly derated power devices to achieve very high reliability, high performance and low cost solution to systems designers. Specifications & Features Summary • 500V, 10M Ω input-to-output isolation• No airflow or heatsink required• Enclosed six-sided metal shield construction for low EMI/RFI • Efficiency to 85% • 2:1 Input Range • Pi Input Filter• Continuous Short Circuit Protection• Remote On/Off Control• Delivers up to 30W in 2”x2” package with Industry-Standard PinoutsApplications• Servers, Switches and Data Storage • Networking Gear • Wireless Communications • Data Communications• Distributed Power Architecture • Telecommunications • Semiconductor Test Equipment • Industrial / Medical1400 PROVIDENCE HIGHWAY • BUILDING 2NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-5015 W2530 SERIESDC/DC MODULESThe output voltage can be trimmed (±10%) using an external resistor. To trim the output up (down) connect a resistor between pins 5 and 6 (7). A 10K Ω trim pot can also be used to make the output variable. Connect the wiper to pin 5 and make the other connections to pins 6 and 7.Intronics, Inc. 1400 Providence Highway, Building 2, Norwood, MA 02062-5015 Phone: 1-800-367-0004, 1-781-551-5500 •Fax: 1-781-551-5555 Rev. BTriple Output Loading Table (1) Amperes Pin # S(ingle) D(ual) T(riple) Voltage Min. (2) Nom. 1 On/Off On/Off On/Off 2 No Pin No Pin No Pin 3 Vin - Vin - Vin - 4 Vin + Vin + Vin +5 Trim Trim - Aux. Out +12(15) or -12(15) 0.10 0.31(0.25)6 Vout - Vout - Common7 Vout + Common +5Vout +5 0.508 No Pin Vout + + Aux. Out+12(15) or -12(15) 0.10 0.31(0.25)REMOTE ON/OFF CONTROLLogic Compatibility EC-On EC-OffShutdown Idle Current Input Resistance Control CommonCMOS or Open Collector TTL >+5.5Vdc or Open Circuit <1.8Vdc 10mA100K ohms (Ein 0 Vdc to 9 Vdc Referenced to Input MinusConsult factory for hundreds of other input / output voltage configurationsTypical at Ta= +25 ºC under nominal line voltage and 75% load conditions, unless noted. The information and specifications contained in this brief are believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of publication. Specifications are subject to change。
ERJ120102Y中文资料(panasonic)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
3GE : 0603 0.1 W
6GE : 0805 0.125 W
8GE : 1206 0.25 W
14 : 1210 0.5 W
12 : 1812 0.75 W
12Z : 2010 0.75 W
1T : 2512
Y Value Marking on black side
Embossed CarrierTaping ERJ12
4 mm pitch
■ 施工
Protective coating Alumina substrate
Thick film resistive element
■ 额定值
6.2 to 7
c 0.20 to 0.25 0.25 to 0.35 0.4到0.6
0.8至1 0.9 to 1.4 1.2至1.8 1.8到2.8 2.3 to 3.5 1.8到2.8 2.3 to 3.5
■ 推荐焊接条件
ERJ1G (0201)
ERJ2G (0402)
ERJ3G (0603)
GS-R1012120W STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATORJune 19941/7Type V i V o I o GS-R101218to 36V12V10AFEATURESWide input voltage range (18to 36V)High efficiency (90%min.)Parallel operation with current sharing SynchronizationRemote inhibit/enableRemote load voltage sense Output short-circuit protection Soft-startPCB or chassis mountableDESCRIPTIONThe GS-R1012is a step-down switching voltage regulator suitable to provide 12V/10A output volt-age from a wide input voltage range (18to 36V).ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol ParameterValue Unit V i DC Input Voltage 40V V iinh High Inhibit voltage28V T stg Storage Temperature Range –20to +105°C T copOperating Case Temperature Range0to +75°CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T amb=25°C unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit V i Input Voltage V o=12V I o=1.5to10A182436Vl i Input Current V i=24V I o=10A5,6A l ir Reflected Input Current V i=24V I o=10Awith external filter(C=1000µF)400500mApp V ien Enable Input Voltage V i=18to36V I o=1.5to10A0 1.2V V iinh Inhibit Input Voltage V i=18to36V I o=1.5to10A224Vl iinh Inhibit Input Current V i=18to36V I o=1.5to10AV iinh=5V0.30.5mAV o Output Voltage V i=18to36V I o=1.5to10A11.41212.6VV or Output RippleVoltage V i=24VI o=10A150mVppδV OL Line Regulation V i=18to36V I o=10A0.5%δV OO Load Regulation V i=24V I o=1.5to10A1%∆V o Remote SenseCompensation V i=24VI o=10A0.5VI o Output Current*V i=18to36V V o=12V010A I ol Output CurrentLimitingV i=18to36V10.511.5AI osc Short-circuit OutputCurrentV i=24V16AδI o Current SharingDeviation V i=24VI o=2to10A two modules inparallel10%t ss Soft-start Time V i=24V I o=10A15mstr1Line TransientRecovery Time V i=15to36VI o=5A60µstr2Load TransientRecovery TimeV i=24V I o=1.5to10A100µsf s Switching Frequency V i=24V I o=1.5to10A100kHzηEfficiency Vi=18to36V I o=10A9092% R thc Thermal ResistanceCase-to-ambient7.5°C/W *Note:when output current is less than1.5A,output ripple voltage increases due to discontinuous operation.2/7GS-R1012Dimensions in mm(inches).CONNECTION DIAGRAM AND MECHANICAL DATAPIN DESCRIPTIONPin Function Description1GND Input Return for input voltage source.Internally connected to pin10,11.2Inhibit The converter is ON(Enable)when this pin is unconnected or the voltage applied is lower than1.2V.The converter is OFF(Inhibit)for a control voltage in the range of2to24V.3+Vin DC Input voltage;recommended maximum voltage is36V.External capacitor between pin3and pin1is mandatory;recommended value is 1000µF/50V for switching application.4,5+Vout+12V output voltage.6+Sense Senses the remote load high side.To be connected to pin4,5when remote sense is not used.7Sync Synchronization output.See figures1,2,3,4.Take care to leave the pin open when is not used.8Parallel Parallel output.See figures1,2,3,4.Take care to leave the pin open when is not used.9-Sense Senses the remote load return.To be connected to pin10,11when remote sense is not used.In parallel configuration,take care to connect all-S pins together(see figures1,2,3,4).10,11GND Output Return for output current path.Internally connected to pin1.GS-R10123/7USER NOTESInput VoltageThe recommended operating maximum DC input voltage is36V inclusive of the ripple voltage.The use of an external low ESR,high ripple current capacitor located as close the module as possibleis mandatory;recommended value is1000µF/50V. SoftstartTo avoid heavy inrush current the output voltage rise time is typically15ms in any condition of load. Remote SensingThe remote voltage sense compensation range is for a total drop of500mV equally shared between the load connecting wires.It is a good practice to shield the sensing wires to avoid oscillations.See the connection diagram on figures1,2,3,4.Parallel OperationTo increase available output regulated power,the module features the parallel connection possibility with equal current sharing and maximum deviation of10%(two modules in parallel).See the connec-tion diagram on figures1,2,3,4.Module ProtectionThe module is protected against occasional and permanent shortcircuits of the output pins to ground,as well as against output current overload. It uses a current limiting protection circuitry,avoid-ing latch-up problems with certain types of loads.Figure1.Figure2. GS-R10124/7Thermal characteristics:how to choose the heat-sinkSometimes the GS-R1012requires an external heat-sink depending both operating temperature conditions and power.Before entering into calculations details,some ba-sic concepts will be explained to better understand the problem.The thermal resistance between two points is rep-resented by their temperature difference in front of a specified dissipated power,and it is expressed in Degree Centigrade per Watt(°C/W).For GS-R1012the thermal resistance case to am-bient is7.5°C/W.This means that an internal power dissipation of1W will bring the case temperature at 7.5°C above the ambient temperature.The maximum case temperature to which the mod-ule provides10A is75°C(see fig.6).Let’s suppose to have a GS-R1012that delivers a load current of10A at an ambient temperature of 40°C.The dissipated power in this operating condition is about10.4W(at typical efficiency of92%),and the case temperature of the module will be:T Case=T Amb+P d×R th=40+10.4×7.5=118°C This value exceeds the maximum allowed tempera-ture and an external heat-sink must be added.To this purpose four holes(see mechanical drawing) are provided on the metal surface of the module. To calculate this heat-sink,let’s first determine what the total thermal resistance should be.R th=T CaseMAX−T ambP d=75−4010.4=3.37°C/WThis value is the resulting value of the additional heatsink thermal resistance.Figure3.Figure4.GS-R10125/76/7Figure 6.-Output Current vs.T case.8889909192939495969798012345678910Typ.eff.(%)Vi=18VVi=24V Vi=36VFigure 5.-Efficiency vs.Output Current.GS-R1012The following list may help the designer to select the proper commercially available heat-sink.Sometimes it can be more convenient to use aManufacturers Type Height (mm)Rth (°C/W)ALUTRONICPR139203PR140192PR15920 2.5ASSMAN V5440193V5805152V5280192AAVID 6088514 4.56066025.5 1.56235533.53AUSTERLITZ KS50123KS100.315 2.5FISCHER SK1625.5 1.5SK52192SGE BOSARIL30213LZ50243THERMALLOY 615514 4.56601145617624 4.56320301.57/7custom made heat-sink that can be experimently designed and tested.Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.Specification mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.©1994SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics –All Rights ReservedSGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia -Brazil -China -France -Germany -Hong Kong -Italy -Japan -Korea -Malaysia -Malta -Morocco -The Netherlands -Singapore -Spain -Sweden -Switzerland -Taiwan -Thailand -United Kingdom -U.S.A.GS-R1012。
电感专业制造商 CMQL系列贴片叠层陶瓷体电感器说明书
电感专业制造商 CMQL系列贴片叠层陶瓷体电感器●EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS UNIT:mm(外形尺寸)● PART NUMBERING SYSTEM(品名系统)CMQL04021N0J T123451、SERIES NAME 品名 C代C.RD.,M指贴片系列,QL表示陶瓷体叠层2、DIMENSIONS 尺寸 外围*高度3、INDUCTANCE 电感值 前两位为有效数字,第三位表示零的个数4、TOLERANCE CODE 公差 J:±5%,K:±10%,L:±15%,M:±20%,P:±25%,N:±30%5、PACKING CODE 包装方式 T:Tape&Reel(卷装) B:In Bulk● FEATURES(特性)Monolithic Structure for high reliability,High self-resonant frequency,Excellent solderabulity and high heat resistance迭层独石结构高度可靠性,高自谐频率,良好的可焊性和耐焊性● APPLICATIONS(用途)RF Circuit of in telecommunication and other Equipment通讯电子设备等射频线路************************************************************************************ Design As Customers Requested Specifications可根据客户需求设计电感专业制造商 CMQL系列贴片叠层陶瓷体电感器CMQL0805 TYPE。
No technical content pages of this document may be reproduced in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission of ROHM CO.,LTD. The contents described herein are subject to change without notice. The specifications for the product described in this document are for reference only. Upon actual use, therefore, please request that specifications to be separately delivered. Application circuit diagrams and circuit constants contained herein are shown as examples of standard use and operation. Please pay careful attention to the peripheral conditions when designing circuits and deciding upon circuit constants in the set. Any data, including, but not limited to application circuit diagrams information, described herein are intended only as illustrations of such devices and not as the specifications for such devices. ROHM CO.,LTD. disclaims any warranty that any use of such devices shall be free from infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, and further, assumes no liability of whatsoever nature in the event of any such infringement, or arising from or connected with or related to the use of such devices. Upon the sale of any such devices, other than for buyer's right to use such devices itself, resell or otherwise dispose of the same, no express or implied right or license to practice or commercially exploit any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights owned or controlled by ROHM CO., LTD. is granted to any such buyer. Products listed in this document are no antiradiation design.
STPR1210D/F STPR1220D/FJune 1992Ed:1AULTRA FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODESLow cost single chip rectifier suited for switchmode power supply and high frequency DC to DC conver-ters.Packaged in TO220AC and ISOWATT220AC,this device is intended for use in low voltage,high fre-quency inverters,free wheeling and polarity protec-tion applications.ABSOLUTE RATINGS (limiting values)THERMAL RESISTANCEDESCRIPTIONSymbol ParameterValue Unit I F(RMS)RMS Forward Current 30A I F(AV)Average Forward Current δ =0.5TO220ACTc =115°C12AISOWATT220AC Tc =80°CI FSM Surge Non Repetitive Forward Current Tp =10ms Sinusoidal120A Tstg Tj Storage and Junction Temperature Range-65to +150-65to +150°CSymbolParameter STPRUnit1210D 1210F1220D 1220F V RRMRepetitive Peak Reverse Voltage100200V Symbol ParameterValue Unit Rth (j-c)Junction-caseTO220AC 2.5°C/WISOWATT220AC5.0.SUITED FOR SMPS .LOW LOSSES.LOW FORWARD AND REVERSE RECOVERY TIME.HIGH SURGE CURRENT CAPABILITY .HIGH AVALAN CHE ENERGY CAPABILITYSTPR1210D STPR1220DSTPR1210F STPR1220FTO220AC (Plastic)ISOWATT220AC(Plastic)KAKA 1/6ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC CHARACTERISTICSSymbol Tests Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit I R *Tj =25°C V R =V RRM50µA Tj =100°C0.8mA V F **Tj =125°C I F =12A 0.99VTj =125°C I F =24A 1.20Tj =25°CI F =24A1.25To evaluate the conduction losses use the followin g equation :P =0.78x I F(AV)+0.0175I F 2(RMS)Symbol Tests Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit trr Tj =25°C I F =0.5A I R =1A Irr =0.25A 30ns tfr Tj =25°C I F =1A tr =10ns V FR =1.1x V F20ns V FPTj =25°CI F =1Atr =10ns3VRECOVERY CHARACTERISTICSPulse test :*tp =5ms,duty cycle <2%**tp =380µs,duty cycle <2%Fig.2:Peak current versus form factor.Fig.1:Average forward power dissipation versus aver-age forward current.STPR1210D/F /STPR1220D/F2/6Fig.3:Average current versus ambient temperature. (duty cycle:0.5)(TO220AC)Fig.5:Non repetitive surge peak forward current versus overload duration.(Maximum values)(TO220AC)Fig.6:Non repetitive surge peak forward current versus overload duration.(Maximum values)(ISOWATT220AC)Fig.4:Average current versus ambient temperature. (duty cycle:0.5)(ISOWATT220AC)Fig.8:Relative variation of thermal transient impedance junction to case versus pulse duration.(ISOWATT220AC)Fig.7:Relative variation of thermal transient impedancejunction to case versus pulse duration.(TO220AC)STPR1210D/F/STPR1220D/F3/6Fig.9:Forward voltage drop versus forward current. (Maximum values)Fig.10:Junction capacitance versus reverse voltage applied.(Typical values)Fig.11:Recovery charge versus dIF/dt.Fig.12:Peak reverse current versus dIF/dt. Fig.13:Dynamic parameters versus junction tempera-ture.STPR1210D/F/STPR1220D/F4/6Cooling method :CMarking :Type number Weight :2gRecommended torque value :0.55m.N Maximum torque value :0.70m.N Electrical Isolation :2000V DC Capacitance :12pFPACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA TO220AC (JEDEC outline)Cooling method :CMarking :Type number Weight :1.9gRecommended torque value :0.55m.N Maximum torque value :0.7m.N PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA ISOWATT220AC (JEDEC outline)AGDEBCI PONJHKLMFREF.DIMENSIONSMillimeters Inches Min.Max.Min.Max.A 1010.40.3930.409B 13140.5110.551D 6.2 6.6 0.2440.260E 16.4typ.0.645typ.F 3.5 4.20.1370.165G 2.65 2.950.1040.116H 4.4 4.60.1730.181I 3.75 3.850.1470.151J 1.23 1.320.0480.051K 1.27typ.0.050typ.L 0.490.700.0190.027M 2.4 2.720.0940.107N 4.95 5.150.1940.203O 1.14 1.700.0440.067P0.610.880.0240.034ABCIDOPNMLEJHREF.DIMENSIONSMillimeters Inches Min.Max.Min.Max.A 1010.40.3930.409B 15.916.40.6260.645C 28.630.61.126 1.204D 16typ 0.630typ E 99.30.3540.366H 4.4 4.60.1730.181I 3 3.20.1180.126J2.5 2.70.0980.106L 2.4 2.750.0940.108N 4.95 5.20.1950.204O 1.15 1.70.0450.067P0.7510.0300.039STPR1210D/F /STPR1220D/F5/6STPR1210D/F/STPR1220D/FInformation furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsability for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may results from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.SGS-THOMSON Microelectronicsproducts are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectonics.©1994SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics-All Rights ReservedTURBOSWITCH,TRANSIL,TRISIL,SNUBBERLESS are Trademarks of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia-Brazil-France-Germany-Hong Kong-Italy-Japan-Korea-Malaysia-Malta-Morocco-The Netherlands-Singapore-Spain-Sweden-Switzerland-Taiwan-Thailand-United Kingdom-U.S.A6/6。