

CES2016万象更新 蓄势待发

CES2016万象更新  蓄势待发



首先来说,在今年CES的4 119家参展商中,共有1 300家中国厂商,这个数量是去年的两倍。










这款产品采用了1.32英寸屏幕,320×300分辨率,运行Android Wear系统,电池续航可达1个月;同时,内置了压力、指南针、加速度计等传感器,右上角的工具按钮还能快速访问各种户外功能。









《精灵宝可梦Go》《精灵宝可梦Go》是由任天堂、Pokémon公司和谷歌Niantic Labs 公司联合制作开发的现实增强(AR)宠物养成对战类手游。





Snapchat Spectacles眼镜Snapchat发布了第一款可穿戴硬件产品Spectacles太阳镜。






亚马逊Echo 亚马逊Echo是一款语音交互式蓝牙音箱,与苹果的Siri或微软的Cortana一样,充当虚拟助手的角色。




超薄手机Light phone 手机的诱惑力太大,总是忍不住想看。




课上,孙老师用幽默的语言,极具实战性的案例为学员们深入浅出地剖析了CES 理论。


















【BestofInnovation】2018CES创新奖(完整版)一年一度的CES大会最近在拉斯维加斯拉开帷幕估计最近很多人的朋友圈都被CES刷屏了据称今年参会人主要分两类中国和外国人为啥?因为今年国内的厂商参展高达1551家数量上占据CES展商总数的三分之一华为展台作为最顶尖的盛宴全球数码潮品的汇聚智慧家电、智能硬件、无人机AI人工智能、无人汽车等等黑科技依旧最受关注去不了拉斯维加斯也没关系跟着象君一起就够了!一起来看看2018 CES 31件最佳创新奖作品(Best of Innovation)!2018 日产LEAF类别:车辆智能和自动驾驶技术厂商:日产汽车公司全新日产Leaf为纯电动汽车,配备自动驾驶功能,该功能能够帮助司机在高速公路上行驶时加速、刹车和转向。



B&O 模块化音响 BeoSound Shape类别:高性能家庭音频 - 视频设备厂商:Bang & Olufsen你是否厌倦了传统音响的外观造型和摆放?B&O最新推出的模块化墙艺音响BeoSound Shape能摆脱你的烦恼。

BeoSound Shape是由一组六角形面板所组成的无线扬声器系统,可以完美融入家居背景,充当“墙砖”,多可以拥有44个独立单元构成一整套音响系统。

三星The Wall电视类别:视频显示器厂商:三星电子The Wall是三星的电视新品,它是全球首款146英寸Micro LED 模块化电视,The Wall可以同其他设备连接在一起,构成更大的屏幕。

The Wall 采用了 Micro LED 自发光显示技术,相较于 OLED 电视来说,对比度更高且纯净,又没有残影现象,从各方面表现来看,Micro LED 显示技术所呈现出的画面效果都相当令人惊艳。

三星Family Hub 3.0冰箱类别:家电厂商:三星电子美国Family Hub 3.0冰箱不仅配置了AI语音助理Bixby,还提供了能分辨多用户的语音辨识并支援SmartThings 生态系,可以操控包括电灯、温度、监控摄影机等等各种物联产品。

CES 2016观后感 炫酷产品背后是技术实力的较量

CES 2016观后感 炫酷产品背后是技术实力的较量

CES 2016观后感炫酷产品背后是技术实力的较量

1.2016款奥迪TT中的炫酷音响技术 [J],
2.炫酷产品背后是技术实力的较量 [J], 刘启诚;王熙
3.CES 2009:酷炫新品秀 [J],
4.技术开启春晚新局面r——回顾2016年春晚舞台上的炫酷技术 [J], 杨子
5.CES2020:展望炫酷新生活 [J], 园园



ces原理CES(Consumer Electronics Show)原理CES是全球最大的消费电子产品展览会,每年一次,于美国拉斯维加斯举办。







CES的成功原理主要有以下几个方面:1. 创新导向:CES致力于展示最新、最具创新性的科技产品和技术。


2. 市场需求导向:CES关注和反映了消费者对新科技产品的需求和兴趣。


3. 合作交流:CES提供了一个全球化的交流和合作平台。


4. 公众参与:CES不仅面向专业观众和业界人士,还面向公众。






【CES2016最全】官方最佳创新奖99种炫黑科技新智元原创1整理:王嘉俊王婉婷张巨岩李宏菲CES 全称国际消费类电子产品展览会,由美国电子消费品制造商协会主办,开始于1967年,迄今已有48年历史,现已成为了全球各大电子产品企业发布产品信息和展示高科技水平及倡导未来生活方式的窗口。


新智元翻译了CES 官方认定的24 项最佳发明,除此之外还精选了 75 项炫黑科技产品,合计 99 项。

CES 2016 创新奖得主:24 项1.Bang & Olufsen BeoLab 90(音频—视频的高性能家居类)BeoLab 90 是Bang & Olufsen的旗舰落地扬声器。

全新的主动式空间补偿技术,以此弥补由房间、家具、扬声器的位置与聆听人员的位置所带来的影响,为用户提供360º 的声音体验。


2.Belkin International 苹果手表和iPhone的充电装置(便携式媒体播放器配件类)悬空式设计是这款 Belkin Charge Dock 的设计亮点,其底座的左边部分设置有Lightning 接口,用户可以将iPhone 放上去充电,右侧的上方则是 Apple Watch 的放置点。

这款产品的市场售价在 800 元人民币左右。

3.Deeper 智能手机探鱼助手(无线手机配件类)该款产品是一个配合智能手机使用的智能声纳,它是为专业和业余钓鱼者设计的,可以用来定位鱼,并把水下地形和鱼类的位置信息直接发送到你的iOS或Android手机或平板电脑上,检测到的数据有深度、水温、海底地形等。


4.Airspek DietSensor(软件&移动App类)这是一款手机app,它可以自动追踪食物营养,使用方便,追踪精准;适合需要追踪饮食情况的肥胖人士和其他与食品相关的慢性疾病患者等人使用。



2016年电子行业CES深度分析报告内容目录1. 虚拟显示仍是消费终端最值得关注的领域 (8)1.1. 消费级AR放量在即,中国厂商加速扩张 (9)1.2. AR将是手机创新的重要方向 (11)1.3. 专业领域汽车成为应用的主要场景 (11)1.4. 坚定看好AR带来的微投技术应用 (15)1.5. VR市场玩家扩容,从话题性转入实用 (17)1.5.1. VR玩家扩容带来新格局 (17)1.5.2. 全生态多维度提升是关键,内容将是今年VR推动的重要环节 (18)2. 多方推进自动驾驶技术,汽车电子化主题延续 (20)2.1. 无人驾驶技术:自动驾驶引入期,多方发力角逐 (20)2.1.1. 整车厂积极参与无人驾驶技术角逐:自动驾驶汽车商用 (21)2.1.2. 产业链各方提供无人驾驶技术支持:芯片+系统 (23)2.2. 新能源汽车:电动汽车发展迅猛,未来十年工业化提速 (24)2.3. 人机交互:人车互联到车车互联 (26)2.4. 汽车电子化:生物识别与OLED成为创新方向 (26)3. 声学的战争已经打响,人工智能的出入口 (28)3.1. 智能语音助手广泛应用到家电终端 (28)3.2. 高保真音频产品涌现,感官享受追求无极限 (29)4. 创新落地消费终端,今年能看到的商业应用 (31)4.1. 手机仍是消费电子最看重的领域 (31)4.2. 电视回归面板技术,量子点LCD和超薄OLED竞争发展 (33)4.3. 家庭机器人核心是语音助手,专业机器人应用场景丰富 (34)4.4. 无人机应用场景多样化,看好小型便携消费市场 (35)5. CES发布会重点回顾 (36)5.1. 高通发布骁龙835,重磅推出多平台消费终端芯片 (36)5.1.1. 顶级制程+诸多最新技术,骁龙835性能发力 (37)5.1.2. 从智能手机拓展到多平台多终端,下一代娱乐体验和联网云服务支持芯片 (38)5.1.3. 五大支柱打造极致用户体验 (38)5.1.4. 机器学习成为芯片基础技性术,神经网络框架可实现丰富体验 (40)5.2. 华为发布荣耀6X 国际版,双摄成主打 (40)5.3. 联想新品发布,出击声学与虚拟现实 (40)5.4. LG发布智能家电,愿景是连接一切 (41)5.4.1. 电视:传统与新兴,量子点LCD与超薄OLED (41)5.4.2. 听命于人类并实现交互的先进机器人 (43)5.4.3. 冰箱+触摸屏+语音助手一体化,打造厨房智能控制中枢 (43)5.5. TCL发布黑莓手机与量子点电视,呈现消费电子智能化 (43)5.5.1. 黑莓新机保留实体键盘,曲面玻璃+Type C (43)5.5.2. 量子点技术LCD电视,整合人工智能技术成亮点 (44)5.5.3. 全套智能家居解决方案,多功能智能手环 (45)5.6. 三星盛宴,消费电子全产品线创新 (45)5.6.1. QLED与家庭音响,出色硬件与优秀服务结合 (45)5.6.2. 家用电器全产品线展出,高品质笔记本电脑登场 (46)5.7. 华硕发布会,AR手机和拍照手机为重磅内容 (46)5.8. 英伟达力推市场上最具吸引力的自动驾驶架构 (48)5.8.1. 基于Drive PX 的AI 超级计算机,加速智能汽车革命。

2016尾声将至 好产品年底大盘点

2016尾声将至 好产品年底大盘点

DIGITAL防水功能苹果并且与,就视该机已预正版、安将这这次的升此次了最大的ZenBook 3i7处理,支持15.6英15配备7mm,重,屏幕则为32411 松下 GX85松下GX85是一台介于GX7与GX8之间的产品,它集两者优点于一身,并装备了lumix几乎所有最新功能。

GX85配备了一块1600万有效像素的M4/3规格LIVE MOS传感器,采用无低通滤镜设计,提升画面分辨率细节,并通过新的处理器和处理器引擎来抑制摩尔纹的干扰。

 2 Sony A6300索尼A6300是A6000后续机型,作为索尼APS-C画幅微单的新旗舰,其采用全新的2420万像素APS-C画幅CMOS和BIONZ X图像处理器,继承了A6000的4D自动对焦系统,并将其再次进化,使A6300拥有了一个425点混合式对焦系统,对焦速度达到了惊人的0.05秒,为全球最快。



3 富士 X-E2S富士高档可更换镜头相机X-E2S拥有小巧耐用的轻型机身和高达0.62倍放大倍率的实时取景器,电子取景器的显示延迟时间仅为0.005秒,堪称业界先进水平。



4 Roli Seaboard Rise乐器制造商ROLI2016年又发布了一款全新的电子设备——Seaboard Rise。


使用Seaboard Rise之后,用户可以创造出如同长笛、大提琴或者其他乐器能够演奏出的滑音效果。

5 任天堂 NX游戏主机NX是一个平台,并不依赖于单一的设备,兼有家用机和掌机两种系统。



里约奥运“鲜”科技作者:暂无来源:《科学之友》 2016年第9期历届奥运会不仅是体育健儿们展示的舞台,也是科技装备的竞技场。






















office专业增强版2016_计算机应用基础Office Professional Plus 2016 is a powerful and versatile software suite that includes essential programs like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. These tools are commonly used in office settings for creating documents, analyzing data, making presentations, and managing emails. In today's digital age, having proficiency in these programs is crucial for productivity and efficiency in the workplace. Office Professional Plus 2016 takes these familiar programs to the next level with added features and enhancements designed to make work easier and more streamlined.Office专业增强版2016是一个功能强大且多才多艺的软件套件,其中包括Word、Excel、PowerPoint和Outlook等必不可少的程序。




One of the key advantages of Office Professional Plus 2016 is its integration with cloud services like OneDrive and SharePoint. Thisallows for seamless collaboration and file sharing among team members, regardless of their physical location. With real-time co-authoring capabilities, multiple users can work on the same document simultaneously, making it easier to edit and review content. This level of connectivity and teamwork is essential in today's fast-paced work environment, where quick decision-making and collaboration are crucial for success.Office专业增强版2016的一个关键优势是其与OneDrive和SharePoint 等云服务的集成。







根据数据统计,几乎100%的米粉都会使用小米自带APP100%0.31%0.04%0%50%100%150%主题91桌面点心桌面个性主题APP94.55%17.26%16.79%17.24%3.86%3.61%3.44%0.00%50.00%100.00%小米视频爱奇艺-…腾讯视…优酷暴风影音P P T V 聚力搜狐视…视频APP100%30.68%21.44%6.81%1.98%0%50%100%150%音乐APP100%5.57%1.07%0.72%0.29%0%50%100%150%天气APP100%1.42%0.96%0.20%0.03%0.03%0%50%100%150%日历APP100%17.96%18.43%1.56% 1.03%0.89%0%50%100%150%浏览器APP小米手机各类型应用不同APP 用户覆盖率对比我们为米粉而来小米致力于为米粉提供最丰富的奥运资讯最有趣的奥运互动小米生态全矩阵产品系运作让米粉嗨动里约奥运小米手机锁屏主题小米直播小米社区小米网MIJIA 生态链小米之家奥运专题火热上线资讯定制|主题游戏|福利奖券小米商城奥运狂欢季玩小米电视/盒子立体化传播预热期高潮期长尾期幸运米粉共赴里约迎奥运公益跑全民参与小米之家米粉一起F U N召集奥运直播达人手机直播7*24H 不间断预热期多角度全媒体对小米奥运营销做最大化传播报道时间规划动看聚奥运资讯随心阅;手机直播7*24h 不间断,明星、网红里约见米动里约嗨不停家人、朋友欢聚共襄奥运赛事,分享胜利才精彩最好的米看最好的米聚(hào )最好的米玩奥运专题内容丰富,主题游戏玩法多样,福利奖券发不停幸运米粉共赴里约;萌眼公益跑全民参与;米粉之家一起FUN最好的米动(hào )1.小米奥运个性主题2.小米奥运互动专题,米动里约奥运3.小米商城奥运狂欢季全面启动小米全集团矩阵产品,满足米粉个性、内容、体验的需求,嗨动米粉奥运热情最好的米玩资讯游戏竞猜福利1.小米奥运个性主题——黄金入口重量推荐开屏首页奥运专区增加“奥运”专区入口icon奥运主题个性定制奥运专题首页定制合作方式:所有主视觉均可为品牌定制合作优势:抢占用户第一眼屏幕2.小米奥运互动专题——五大需求,一个页面资讯实时更新赛事资讯个性定制化资讯A直播米粉主持里约直播,个性有趣现场鲜活B小米奥运多款游戏好嗨皮,互动排行争第一C 竞猜每天都有小奖励,强粘性活跃参与D福利丰厚福利回馈米粉,奥运周边嗨买EABCDEA奥运资讯随心阅——及时推送+个性订阅个性订阅你的“关键词”不错过他的任何资[hua]讯[bian]奥运快讯林丹荣获2106年里约奥运会羽毛球男子单打冠军奥运快讯宁泽涛即将参加2106年里约奥运会男子100米自由泳决赛宁泽涛订阅小米新闻资讯在奥运期间为米粉提供最全面的个性化奥运资讯合作方式:品牌诚邀共赏奥运合作优势:长期入口大量曝光A互动游戏,每日开放——手机秒变奥运赛场6全网排行积分福利款游戏合作方式:所有游戏中主视觉均可为品牌定制合作优势:游戏中品牌形象长时间渗透足球、游泳、羽毛球等6款国人最爱的奥运赛事游戏赛事期间游戏积分累计816米粉节可以换购小米产品C我是竞猜王——预测赛事赢大奖PK羽毛球男子单打赛事竞猜支持支持猜“赢积分福利”赛事期间游戏积分累计816米粉节可以换购小米产品赛事竞猜胜负竞猜、比分竞猜、排名竞猜合作方式:竞猜页面主视觉和文字提醒等可为品牌定制合作优势:品牌形象长时间渗透D米粉福利疯狂送——黑科技为奥运添能量816米粉狂欢积分福利兑换站福利等你抢合作方式:卡券发放、为电商平台引流,产品专区定制(类似米粉节)合作优势:品牌形象大曝光,并带来实际售卖首页logo 及文字体现定点“摇一摇”卡券大放送定制品牌专区E小米网+小米商城家小米之家24人气3.小米商城奥运狂欢季[线上线下齐换装]合作方式:品牌战略合作,形象共同打造合作优势:品牌形象大曝光•小米直播,明星、米粉、网红一起直播里约全面启动小米全集团矩阵产品,满足米粉个性、内容、体验的需求,嗨动米粉奥运热情最好的米看——玩转最酷最FUN 的手机直播7*24小时超FUN 直播,最娱乐最年轻的内容共享北京直播室里约前线合作优势:品牌形象大曝光——玩转最酷最FUN的手机直播史上最牛打赏列表合作优势:品牌形象大曝光•送汽车、•全家桶、•饮品,•理财产品、•迪士尼门票•……•主持人口播•24小时送餐(麦当劳)•嘉宾接送车•抽奖(耐克球鞋...)明星米粉播报团——不同视角新鲜解读团员|前奥运冠军刘璇及丈夫|著名歌手:尚雯婕|人气网红团体|两名报名米粉•小米社区全球米粉直播征集令•迎奥运,为公益,跑起来线上线下创造小米奥运声势,场景化预热奥运热潮最好的米动(hào )公益小米企业家明星趣味性[大型线下活动公益跑奥运专场]小米公司联合众多企业家、明星参与,与米粉和爱心跑者一同助跑公益。





1.QuestMobile:短视频月活用户规模破5亿,增长势头远超直播 [J], ;
2.推CDR,迎“独角兽”预期融资规模或远超2017年全年IPO [J], 李诺;
3.现在烧钱,已经远远超出我之前的商业经验 [J], 元野[1];李碧雯[2]
4.2021年上半年新增装机规模远超集中式电站分布式光伏势头强劲 [J], 董梓童
5.网络视频规模远超电影行业跨界溢出效应强劲 [J],







LG发布4K超高清电视高端系列“LGSuper UHD TV”,拥有LG最先进的LCD/LED画质、丰富的色彩、高动态范围(HDR)等高级的图像和声音增强功能以及超薄设计。



Dolby与Vizio结成独家合作伙伴关系,计划通过Vudu串流服务提供首批支持Dolby Vision的电影,包括《乐高大电影》、《明日边缘》以及《超人:钢铁之躯》。

65英寸TCL 4KTV加入了DolbyVision技术,在CES2016上,TCL将全球首发了其QUHD旗舰新品X1,是第一家在美国发布此高含金量技术的中国企业。



在北美推出了首个非商业性超高清频道NASA TV UHD。


从2016年起,索尼4K电视将完全支持HDR 内容。





直击CES观后感直击CES2016观后感【篇1】一年一度的2016国际消费电子展(CES2016) 昨在美国拉斯维加斯开幕,作为全球最大的消费电子盛会,自1967年开始举办以来,每年的CES展都会云集当前最优秀的传统消费类电子厂商,堪称全球科技界和消费电子风向标。






有统计数据显示,今年参加CES 的4119 家参展商中,共有1300多家中国厂商,其中652家来自深圳,比去年翻了一番还多。






TCL X1代表了目前全球电视最高的科技实力,65英寸的价格在4万元左右,QUHD系列产品将承载着TCL品牌能力的提升。












intel展示了一款平衡车机器人,当英特尔 CEO 踩着这样一台平衡车出现时,看不出什么端倪,甚至它外观还不及小米那台九号平衡车。



这款机器人用到两个核心配件,一个intel嵌入式处理器Atom,另外就是内置了 RealSense 实感技术摄像头。





【摘要】<正> 这款DVD产品是由北京志和电子公司推出的,光驱的型号为ZIM-S1648,它还有一个很别致的名字——“唯美”。

“唯美”16X DVD设计的很有特色,比起一般的DVD产品要小了不少。


“唯美”16X DVD技术规格方面作的比较不错,缓存容量达到了2MB,而且可以垂直使用。

产品采用了智能寻道读盘技术,在芯片中嵌入了专为寻道控制器设计的智能算法程序,使得读取数据信息更为精确,读盘能力大大增强;而采用ENS 噪音抑制技术,超低静音设计,给用户提供了安静的环境。

此外,志美“唯美”DVD 还采用了ASA高级分离减震技术,使工作中的驱动马达平稳转动,在有效控制噪音的同时使激光头能进一步准确地获取光盘数据信息,增强DVD的读盘能力。

通过实际测试,“唯美”16X DVD在CD WinMark 99中的成绩为
1.终结DVD刻录倍速——BenQ 16X DVD刻录机全球首发 [J],
2.爱国者DVD刻录机F161和16倍速DVD光驱全新升级 [J],
3.ZIM志美“唯美”16X DVD [J],
4.技术突出,造型美观三星SD—816 16倍速DVD [J], 唐达鹏;
5.399元的美达飞凡16倍速DVD光驱 [J], ;

next-generation WDM技术的内容简介说明书

next-generation WDM技术的内容简介说明书

Next-generation WDM technologies offer choices to meet rising bandwidth demands Jan Watté, Cristina Lerma Arce & Vivek PanapakkamContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 About WDM and its evolution (2)Coarse WDM vs dense WDM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Advances in WDM technologies provide more compact solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3-port TFF WDM (FDWM) (4)Free-space CDWDM (4)AAWG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Technology comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 WDM use case examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Coexistence of multiple PON standards: XGS-PON and NG-PON-2 (6)Small cell support and a more efficient C-RAN (7)WDM use cases in the RAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Conclusion (8)About the authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8IntroductionTransition to the cloud, smart city development, spreading deployment of the internet of things and the advent of 5G are converging on service providers and multiservice operators (MSOs) in a perfect storm. According to recent research, the world spent a combined 1.25 billion years online in 2020 alone. With 40 percent of the global population yet to connect to the internet,i the demand for bandwidth will only continue to grow.Historically, the answer to the bandwidth crunch has been to lay more fiber. This is due, in part, to a couple of factors. Firstly, network operators have, for decades, worked tirelessly to build out their fiber plant—the end goal being an all-FTTH outside plant (OSP) theoretically capable of delivering as much capacity as an end user would need. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, for all but the largest MSOs, there were few other commercially feasible options for keeping up with the explosive demand for bandwidth. So, while trenching and laying fiber is expensive and can be highly disruptive, especially in densely populated urban areas, more fiber made the most sense.The exceptions, as noted, were the largest MSOs that could afford to invest in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology and have been doing so since the 1990s. Currently, WDM is a core strategic component within the OSPs of nearly all tier-1 MSOs in the U.S. and many of the largest cable providers globally.Now, recent developments in WDM performance, form factor and OSP integration have made the technology commercially attractive across the board, from tier-2/tier-3 cable providers to wireless networks. This new generation of WDM solutions gives network operators a powerful toolthat can be used either instead of, or in addition to, laying more fiber.About WDM and its evolutionWDM is a technique that allows network operators to multiplex several optical carrier signals onto a single optical fiber by using different optical wavelengths (i.e., colors) of laser light. Each wavelength carries an individual signal that does not interfere with the other wavelengths. WDMenables bidirectional communications over one strand of fiber, as well as multiplication of capacity. It has become the preferred option in telecommunications because it enables the network to increase the bit rate and increase the effective bandwidth without having to add more fiber.Figure 1: Global mobile network data traffic (EB per month)Source: Ericsson Mobile Data Report, June 2021In 2020, the world’s internet users spent a cumulative 1.25 billion years online.Figure 2: At the transmitter site, 4 signals with different wavelengths are multiplexed and propagate along the same fiber to the receiver site wherethey are demultiplexed.Tier 1 cable operators first began to use WDM in their inside and outside plant networks in the 1990s. Since then, WDM solutions have become more compact and easier to install, more flexible in terms of their capabilities and, perhaps most importantly, significantly less expensive, and are gaining traction with many communications service providers. Furthermore, WDM can be integrated in coexistence elements to provide an alternative to combo cards. This enables operators to deliver multiple PON services with different requirements for upstream and downstream wavelengths and line rates over the same outside plant infrastructure.For mobile networks, WDM technology has an important role to play in supporting the deployment of more cell sites to allow for cost-effective RAN architectures. In a recent market forecast, Allied Market Research explained:Coarse WDM vs dense WDMWDM is segmented into two main technologies, coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) and dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM). Each uses different wavelength patterns for different applications.CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing) typically supports 4-, 8-, 12- or 16-channel multiplexing, with eachwavelength ranging from 1270 nm to 1610 nm and a 20 nm channel spacing. The great benefit of using CWDM is that it allows for using cheaper lasers, although amplification of the signal is not possible in the entire transmission band. This technology is ideal for short-range communications as it is compact and cost-effective.Alternatively, DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) typically can support up to 96 channels in the 1550 nm region (C-Band), with a channel spacing of only 0.8 nm (for 100 GHz). This narrow channel spacing requires temperature-controlled lasers (which are more expensive) but at the same time allows for the use of EDFAs (Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier) to amplify the entire 1550-nm of C-Band spectrum commonly used in DWDM applications. As a result, DWDM allows a significant amount of data to travel along a single network link, making it ideal for long-haul transmission.“Long-haul networks, proliferation of cloud computing, deployment of WDM equipment in Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), and surge in investments on advanced networking infrastructure drive the WDM equipment market. Moreover, ongoing efforts of telecom companies to upgrade their network infrastructure with performance-enhancing network technologies and rise in investment on long-haul, metropolitan areas, and access network globally present numerous opportunities for market expansion.” iiBecause DWDM can be overlaid over the same link where CWDM is used, network operators can easily upgrade from CWDM to DWDM without significantly impacting their existing fiber infrastructure.Figure 3: Number of channels and channel spacing for coarse and dense WDMAdvances in WDM technologies provide more compact solutionsThe industry has seen two major trends that will continue to drive the future solution requirements: more fiber is needed to keep up with bandwidth capacity expansion and to reduce the footprint for both inside plant and outside plant solutions. The need for smaller frames, panels, closures and terminals is driving development of more compact WDM devices or device assemblies that can be installed inside. So, while 3-port thin film filter (TFF) WDM, also known as FWDM, technology (discussed below) had been the preferred DWDM technology, newer designs including smaller free-space compact dense WDM (CDWDM) devices and athermal arrayed waveguide grating (AAWG) technology are quickly gaining traction. In addition to closures and terminals, these WDM devices can also be installed in optical distribution frames—providing operators the flexibility to cross over between different PON deployments.The following is an overview of some of the most-promising WDM options with their pros and cons.3-port TFF WDM (FDWM)The 3-port FWDM is based on thin film filter (TFF) technology. It consists of a tubular device with one input and two outputs (one for the transmitted light and another for the reflected light). A TFF is sandwiched between a pair of collimating gradient index (GRIN) lenses, so that the light impinging the filter is collimated and transmitted or reflected by the TFF in an efficient way. The TFF wavelength in each tubular device will define the DWDM channel wavelengths.A key benefit of the 3-port FWDM device is very low insertion loss, around 0.6 dB per filter. This makes the technology a good candidate for use in cascading devices. The CommScope NG-4 cassette in Figure 5, for example, incorporates twelve 3-port TFF devices supporting multiple channel DWDM capabilities. In addition, FWDM is also characterized by a wide operating wavelength range and excellent channel isolation. An important application for the technology, therefore, has been the delivery of triple-play services in cable networks.The main drawback of the FWDM technology is thearduous manual assembly it requires. A 12-channel DWDM device requires twelve 3-port tubular devices. Each must be correctly and sequentially cascaded via 11 successful fiber splices. The number of components in a cascaded device scales with the number of channels, which can be as high as 40 channels, and, consequently, insertion losses, footprint and costs scale as well.Free-space CDWDMAn alternative to the FWDM technology is the free-space compact dense WDM (CDWDM) technology. Free-space CDWDM uses free-space propagation of light before and after being filtered by a TFF . Incoming light from the input port propagates in free space until it finds a first TFF filter. After passing through the filter, the narrow-band signal is redirected to the output port corresponding to the first wavelength channel. The rest of the spectrum is reflected by the TFF filter and redirected to a second filter.Figure 4: Layout of a 3-port filter WDMFigure 5: FWDM cascade within the CommScope NG-4 cassetteThe optical losses of a free-space CDWDM device are typically less than 2.5 dB for a 12-channel device. Most importantly, the optical losses do not scale severely as the number of ports increases, giving an advantage over the fusion-spliced cascaded FWDM for some applications. The footprint also is extremely compact (about 5x3 cm), enabling it to be easily integrated into a small subassembly as shown in Figure 6.The quality of the packaging of CDWDM devices has become outside plant robust and the assembly processes have improved to achieve high yields. Further improvement of the assembly procedures will favor lowering the cost and will allow it to become more cost-effective than state-of-the-art FWDM cascades.AAWGAn arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) is an integrated interference-based device that consists of one input and several output ports, two regions of free-space propagation and a grating of waveguides with a constant incremental length (see Figure 7).Light is coupled into the device via an optical fiber connected to the input port and propagates through an input waveguide until encountering a free-space region. The light diffracts and illuminates the grating of waveguides, which have different lengths. The length differences in the grating create a constant phase change within each wavelength until the light is diffracted to the second free-space propagation region. Here, constructive interference refocuses the light signal at the output waveguides.Typically, interference-based devices are temperature dependent. Significant innovations in thermal design have led to development of an athermal AWG device (hence, AAWG) designs. Current AAWG technology is now available as wafer-scale integration while the assembly process is fully automated and scalable to very high volumes. The per-channel footprint is also extremely compact (≈ 7 x 12 cm for 48 channels) with up to 96 channels possible. Furthermore, insertion loss remains uniform, irrespective of the channel count.On the other hand, overall insertion loss performance (~5 dB for a 48-channel device) and isolation and polarization dependent loss is not yet on par with the FWDM or free-space CDWDM technologies. Despite the considerable strides made in the athermalization of these devices, packaging and long-term reliability are still being validated before they can be deployed in outside plant applications.An appealing aspect of AWG device technology is that a properly designed cyclic filter can route a wavelength in different adjacent bands separated by a dedicated Free Spectral Range (FSR) (see Figure 8). The cyclic nature allows for smooth capacity upgrades or for specific universal filter designs capable of (de)multiplexing bands with a dedicated FSR.Figure 6: 12-channel free-space CDWDMFigure 7: Layout of an AWG multiplexer and picture of an AWG chip inside a deviceFigure 8: Working principle of a cyclic AWGTechnology comparisonThe following table gives a comparative overview of the technologies explained above:Table 1: Comparison of FWDM, free-space CDWDM and AAWG optical multiplexing technologiesWDM Use Case ExamplesCoexistence of multiple PON standards: GPON, XGS-PON and NG-PON2The higher bandwidth demands of 5G and other emerging technologies have led to the development of XGS-PON in addition to NG PON-2. XGS-PON operates at a downstream wavelength band of 1575-1580 nm and an upstream wavelength band of 1260-1280 nm compared to upstream traffic allocations in the band 1524-1544 nm and downstream in the band 1596-1602 nm for NG PON-2. WDM technology is a key enabler for operators who want to support simultaneous upstream and downstream traffic on a single fiber strand. Meanwhile, increased deployment of coexistence modules, which are essentially passive couplers, are enabling operators to support multiple services on a single fiber. Today, this includes delivering GPON, XGS-PON and NG-PON2 over the existing PON fiber infrastructure without changing the outside plant (see Figure 9).When added to subassembly components in optical distribution frames, WDM devices offer a passive, highly flexible solution for upgrading from one passive optical network scenario to another. It also provides another tool for supporting OTDR fault diagnostics. This enables operators to perform remote troubleshooting from the central office to identify network problems in the outside plant. Finally, the ability to turn specific capabilities and elements on and off with a mouse click gives network managers the agility to respond to traffic issues, capacity surges and faster turn-up of new services.Figure 9: WDM implementation allowing for PON cross over scenariosGood Better BestThe benefits of WDM-enabled GPON, XGS-PON and NG-PON2 are well documented but hardly limited to these two specific PON standards. In the future, WDM will also allow for the coexistence of other new PON standards as they continue to evolve, helping to make the fiber network future-proof.Small cell support and a more efficient C-RANWDM technology is also poised to help mobile providers transition to C-RAN architectures and lay the foundation for more cost-effective and emerging broadband topologies driven by 5G (see Figure 10). As mobile operators continue to densify their networks with small cells, the fiber fronthaul—the link between a centrally located base band unit (BBU) and the radio at a remote cell site—becomes increasingly important. Because of the huge numbers of new small cells required, the centralized RAN serves as a critical hub within the front haul network. To handle the increased traffic, however, networks typically require 4-6 channels at each small cell location. Serving up those connections with dedicated fiber runs is cost-prohibitive, but it can be more efficiently accomplished by installing WDM-enabled field terminals and closures (see Figure 11).WDM use cases in the RANFigure 10: Fronthaul of CRAN NodesConclusionWDM is not intended as a replacement for fiber, nor is it capable of doing so. The real benefit of WDM is its ability to add significant value and bandwidth potential to the existing fiber plant already installed.In recent years, accelerating developments in multiplexing technologies have opened up new opportunities for operators to add capacity without necessarily having to lay more fiber. With compact DWDM and AWG technologies, next-generation passive optical devices offer more options to support all ISP and OSP environments and applications where high-density housing and low footprint are critical.About the authorsJan Watté is Manager of Strategic Engineering for the CommScope Optics Group, which focuses on passive and electro-optical fiber devices and new types of fiber connectivity. He earned his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from the Catholic University of Leuven.Cristina Lerma Arce is Product Development Engineer for the Strategic Engineering team within the CommScope Optics Group. She received her Ph.D. in Photonics from Ghent University, Belgium, in 2014 and has led photonics research projects in collaboration with different research institutes in Europe.Vivek Panapakkam obtained his Ph.D. from the CNRS-Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (C2N) in France. Since 2017, he has worked as a CommScope Research and Development Engineer, specializing on fibre optic connectivity and integrated optical devices for passive optical networks.i Digital Trends 2020; ii WDM Equipment Market: Global Forecast 2021-2028; Allied Market Research;November 2020Visit our website or contact your local CommScope representative for more information.© 2021 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved.Unless otherwise noted, all trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. This document is for planning purposes only and is not intended to modify or supplement any specifications or warranties relating to CommScope products or services. CommScope is committed to the highest standards of business integrity and environmentalsustainability, with a number of CommScope’s facilities across the globe certified in accordance with international standards, including ISO 9001, TL 9000, and ISO 14001. Further information regarding CommScope’s commitment can be found at /About-Us/Corporate-Responsibility-and-Sustainability .CommScope pushes the boundaries of communications technology with game-changing ideas and ground-breaking discoveries that spark profound human achievement. We collaborate with our customers and partners to design, create and build the world’s most advanced networks. It is our passion andcommitment to identify the next opportunity and realize a better tomorrow. Discover more at .。

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Thermodynamic analysis of a combined heat and power systemwith CO2utilization based on co-gasification of biomass and coalPo-Chih Kuo,Wei Wu nDepartment of Chemical Engineering,National Cheng Kung University,Tainan70101,TaiwanH I G H L I G H T SA CHP system based on co-gasification of biomass and coal is investigated.Identifying the CBP through the specific optimization algorithm.The performance of the CHP system can be effectively improved under CO2addition.Co-gasification of torrefied biomass and coal blends is able to suppress the CO2specific emissions.a r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received12June2015Received in revised form31October2015Accepted23November2015Available online11December2015Keywords:Co-gasificationTorrefied biomassCO2utilizationCarbon boundary pointCombined heat and powerOptimizationa b s t r a c tIn this article,a co-gasification system blending coal and biomass is examined in the Aspen Plusenvironment in terms of energy conversion efficiency(ECE)and exergy efficiency(EE).Although thepercentage of raw wood(RW),torrefied wood(TW)and coal in steam co-gasification is one of the mostimportant parameters that affect the gasification process,the addition of CO2could effectively improveECE and EE while the steam-to-carbon ratio(S/C)is adjusted at the carbon boundary point(CBP).Theoptimum operating conditions such as S/C and CO2supply ratio,are determined by solving a series ofconstrained optimization algorithms for maximizing ECE and EE.A combined heat and power(CHP)system using the maximum waste heat recovery and Rankine cycle is illustrated to assess performance interms of power generation and CO2utilization.The results show that the total power generation byfeeding the TW-based fuel blend of40wt%TW and60wt%coal is increased by8.43%,as compared tothat of the RW-based fuel blend of40wt%RW and60wt%pared with100wt%coal fuel,theTW-based fuel can significantly reduce CO2specific emission by38.23%.&2015Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionGasification is a promising thermo-chemical conversion pro-cess for producing syngas(i.e.H2þCO)(Goransson et al.,2011;Woolcock and Brown,2013).Syngas has been widely applied tothe synthesis of chemicals,such as methanol,dimethyl ether(DME),and methyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE),as well as some liquidtransportation fuels via the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis methodbased on various H2/CO ratios(Goransson et al.,2011;Tijmensenet al.,2002;Woolcock and Brown,2013).Moreover,both heat andpower can be generated in an integrated gasification combinedcycle(IGCC)power plant(Sadhukhan et al.,2010).Typically,syngas is converted from carbonaceous fuels,such ascoal,biomass,plastic and waste,of which coal currently plays animportant role in energy and electricity production(Goransson etal.,2011;Woolcock and Brown,2013).However,coal gasificationcombined-cycle power plants release a large amount of green-house gas(GHG)emissions,mainly carbon dioxide(CO2),nitro-gen-(N)and sulfur-(S)based gases,into the atmosphere,thuscausing environmental pollution(Taba et al.,2012).It is thusnecessary to reduce the GHG emissions associated with thistechnology.Biomass is one of the most important renewable and sustain-able energy sources to produce syngas and electricity,and thus apromising alternative to the use of fossil fuels(Abdollahi et al.,2010;Taba et al.,2012).Biomass is an abundant resource that isenvironmental friendly because of its low nitrogen and sulfurcontents.It is also seen as a carbon-neutral fuel,which producesessentially zero net CO2emissions to the environment(Abdollahiet al.,2010;Taba et al.,2013).However,when raw biomass isdeveloped for bioenergy purposes the utilization efficiency isrelatively low,due to the disadvantageous intrinsic properties ofContents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/cesChemical Engineering Science/10.1016/j.ces.2015.11.0300009-2509/&2015Elsevier Ltd.All rightsreserved.n Corresponding author.Tel.:þ88662757575x62689;fax:þ88662344496.E-mail address:weiwu@.tw(W.Wu).Chemical Engineering Science142(2016)201–214this material compared to those of coal.For example,the major properties of raw biomass include(Chen and Kuo,2011;Sarvar-amini et al.,2013;Taba et al.,2013;Thanapal et al.,2014):(1)high moisture content,(2)low calorific value,(3)low energy density,(4)high hydrogen-to-carbon(H/C)ratio and oxygen-to-carbon(O/C)ratio,(5)hygroscopic nature,and(6)a low bulk density,making both transportation and storage costs higher.These properties mean that raw biomass gasification has a lower conversion effi-ciency than that seen with coal gasification.In recent years various studies have reported that using the combination of coal and biomass as a feedstock,in a process known as co-gasification,is as promising technology for the production of syngas.This process has the advantages of being both economical and environmentally friendly(García et al.,2013;Taba et al.,2012,2013),and a number of researchers have examining blending various types of biomass with coal.For instance,Saw and Pang(2013)examined the use of lignite and wood as a feedstock at various blending mass ratios for co-gasification.They reported that the H2/CO ratio can be enhanced during co-gasification,and that a H2/CO ratio of2(for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis)can be obtained by blending60%wood with40%lignite.Aigner et al.(2011)reported an increase in hydrogen production and a decrease in CO production with a ris-ing coal ratio.Furthermore,the concentrations of impurities such as NH3and H2S in the gas product have also been found to decrease during the co-gasification process.Howaniec and Smo-linski(2013)investigated the influence of synergetic effects on the steam co-gasification process.They reported that the reactivity of fuel blends increased at a gasification temperature of900°C,due to the alkali content of the biomass,and especially the presence of potassium,which acts as a catalyst to aid in the process of char gasification.Compared to traditional approaches to the production of raw biomass energy,the application of torrefied biomass is attracting increasing attention in recent years,as it offers several advantages. Torrefied biomass is produced by thermally pretreating the raw biomass.This process is known as torrefaction,which is a mild pyrolysis process carried out in the temperature range of200–300°C under an inert or nitrogen atmosphere.Torrefaction enhances the physical and chemical properties of raw biomass. Torrefied biomass has the following improved properties com-pared with the untreated material(Chen and Kuo,2011;Sarvar-amini et al.,2013;Thanapal et al.,2014;Kuo et al.,2014):(1)lower moisture content(hydrophobicity),(2)higher energy density, (3)greater ignitability,reactivity and grindability,(5)a lower oxygen-to-carbon(O/C)ratio,and(6)lower costs of transportation and storage.Torrefied biomass is thus seen as a more valuable and economic fuel than raw biomass.In the recent literature Deng et al.(2009)reported that a combination of torrefaction and co-gasification is a promising process for the production of syngas. Chen et al.(2011)gasified torrefied sawdust in a bench-scale laminar entrained-flow gasifier,and found that the cold gas effi-ciency increased compared to that of raw sawdust,especially for sawdust torrefied at250°C.Weiland et al.(2014)observed that carbon conversion was improved by using torrefied wood residue as a feedstock in an entrainedflow gasifier.Furthermore,and more recently,Dudyński et al.(2015)used torrefied woody biomass for industrial-scale gasification experiments,and found that syngas with a higher calorific value was obtained by using torrefied pel-lets as a feedstock.These earlier studies show that torrefaction in association with gasification is an effective and promising method to enhance the performance of gasification.Although numerous works have investigated the gasification characteristics of torrefied biomass, little information is available on the co-utilization of coal and torrefied biomass during a steam co-gasification process.On the other hand,the integrated gasification combined cycle(IGCC)power generation is an important and potential clean coal tech-nology(CCT)that is able to reduce emissions of CO2,the primary greenhouse gas that is responsible global warming.A review of the past literature suggests that most of the related studies focus on the type of oxygen-blown(Emun et al.,2010;Zhang et al.,2013), air-blown(Klimantos et al.,2009;Giuffrida et al.,2013),and a mixture of steam/oxygen(Lee et al.,2014;Asif et al.,2015)IGCC systems,while relatively little research has been carried out using a mixture of CO2/O2(Oki et al.,2011;Prabu,2015).If CO2is used as a gasifying agent it can not only be converted to carbon monoxide via the Boudouard reaction in gasification,but also reduce the level of CO2emission into the atmosphere(Prabu,2015).Fur-thermore,a number of studies have examined the use of steam and CO2as a gasifying agent.Castaldi and Dooher(2007)adopted the Aspen Plus simulator to investigate coal steam gasification with a CO2recycle stream to the reformer.They found that the addition of CO2could lead to decreased energy consumption in the reformer,and thus this is a suitable technique for reducing the energy requirements of such systems.Butterman and Castaldi (2007)also studied biomass steam gasification by introducing CO2 via thermogravimetric analysis-gas chromatography(TGA-GC), and found that the existence of CO2significantly promotes the production of CO when the operating temperature was beyond 700°C,while the production of H2is reduced.Prabowo et al. (2014)compared the gasification performance under the atmo-spheres of steam,CO2,and steam–CO2mixtures.They found that the gasification thermal efficiency increased along with the CO2 mixing ratio at high gasification temperatures.Jayaraman and Gokalp(2015)carried out char gasification to investigate the kinetic behaviors of gasification under a steam–CO2environment in the temperature range of850–950°C.They found that a higher temperature reduced the time required for50%char conversion.Despite the potential advantages of using steam–CO2mixtures as a gasifying agent,as detailed above,the process of co-gasification under a steam–CO2environment for a class of power generation system has not yet been investigated.The present study thus aims to design a combined heat and power(CHP) system based on the steam co-gasification of biomass and coal with the addition of CO2.Particular emphasis is placed on the comparison of co-gasification performance between raw/torrefied biomass and coal blends.Two important parameters of the steam-to-carbon ratio(S/C)and CO2supply ratio(y CO2)are adjusted to evaluate their influences on system performance.Finally,the optimum operating conditions are obtained by solving a series of constrained optimization algorithms2.Process simulationCoal and two types of biomass,namely raw wood(RW)and torrefied wood(TW),are selected as the feedstock for gasification and co-gasification in this study(Park et al.,2012).Their proper-ties,such as proximate analysis,elemental analysis,and higher heating values(HHV),are presented in Table1.The simulation model is established using a commercial heat and mass balance analysis package,Aspen Plus V8.4.The following main assump-tions are made in this study for developing the process model: (1)the process is steady-state;(2)the feedstock is at normal conditions(i.e.25°C and1atm);(3)the solid and gaseous phases are in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium;(4)the following gaseous species are considered in the whole system:H2O,H2,O2, N2,CO,CO2,CH4,H2S,COS,SO2,HCN,NO,NO2and NH3;and (5)char only contains carbon and ash,and tar formation is neglected(Kannan et al.,2013;Shen et al.,2008;Song et al.,2013). In the simulation,the global thermodynamic property method used in this model is the Peng-Robinson equation of state with theP.-C.Kuo,W.Wu/Chemical Engineering Science142(2016)201–214 202Boston-Mathias alpha function (PR-BM).The fuels are de fined as an unconventional component,based on the experimental results of elemental analysis and proximate analysis.Due to the non-conventional stream for the fuels,the HCOALGEN model,including a number of empirical correlations for heat of combustion,heat of formation,and heat capacity,is used in the simulation.The density of nonconventional fuels is established by the DCOALIGT model (Ramzan et al.,2011).The simpli fied block diagram of the whole system is shown in Fig.1,which consists of a gasi fication unit,gas cooling unit,gas cleaning unit,gas burning unit,and power generation unit.2.1.Co-gasi fication systemFig.2a shows a schematic of the co-gasi fication process,which is composed of a number of blocks.The total mass flow rate of fuel into the system is kept constant at 100kg/h throughout the simulations.When the “fuel ”(stream 1)is fed into the system,the first stage is the drying of the fuel.An RStoic reactor is used to simulate the drying process and the heat produced by the reaction is simulated by a heat stream (Q drying ).The process of drying is simulated by the following chemical reaction (Chen et al.,2013):Fuel -0:0555H 2O þfuel dryð1ÞAfter fuel drying,a yield reactor is used to simulate the decomposition of fuel.In the yield reactor,the unconventional components of the fuel (stream 2)are decomposed into conven-tional constituents (stream 3),including N 2,O 2,H 2,S,H 2O,carbonand ash.The product yield distributions in RYield are calculated by a calculator block which is controlled by the FORTRAN statement in accordance with the component characteristics of the feedstock (Table 1).The heat of the reaction from the decomposition is simulated by a heat stream (Q decomp ).For the gasi fication model,an RGibbs reactor is used to model reactions according to chemical equilibrium.In this block,the chemical and phase equilibrium calculations are carried out by minimizing the Gibbs free energy.The mathematical model of the RGibbs reactor is described in a previous study (Kuo et al.,2014),and this reactor is operated at 900°C (Howaniec and Smolinski,2013;Jayaraman and Gokalp,2015;Prabowo et al.,2014).The heat of the reaction from the endothermic gasi fication reactions is simulated by a heat stream (Q gasi fier ).The detailed operating con-ditions of the co-gasi fication process are presented in Table 2,and the major chemical reactions that take place during the gasi fica-tion are listed below (Prabowo et al.,2014;Taba et al.,2012,,2013):Water gas reaction C þH 2O -CO þH 2;ΔH 0¼þ131:4kJmol À1ð2ÞWater gas shift reaction CO þH 2O 2CO 2þH 2;ΔH 0¼À42kJmol À1ð3ÞBoudouard reaction C þCO 2-2CO ;ΔH 0¼þ172:6kJmol À1ð4ÞMethanation reaction C þ2H 22CH 4;ΔH 0¼À75kJmol À1ð5ÞCH 4þH 2O 2CO þ3H 2;ΔH 0¼À206kJmol À1ð6ÞRegarding the gasifying mediums (stream 4),steam and CO 2,are mixed and preheated by a heater (H1)before being fed into the RGibbs reactor.Notably,a heater (H1)with a heat stream (Q gasifying agents )is used to adjust the inlet temperature from 25°C (stream 4)to 200°C (stream 5).The outlet stream (stream 6)resulting from the RGibbs reactor is divided into two streams,product gas (stream 7)and char (stream 8)through an SSPLIT block.The product gas is cooled down by a cooler (C1),which reduces the temperature to 150°C (Emun et al.,2010).The steam and acid gases produced from the co-gasi fication process are then removed from the product gas in a separator block,where a heat stream (Q sep )is simulated to the energy demand of the separator.The clean gas (stream 9)is then obtained and combusted with excess air (stream 11)in order to provide complete combustion in theTable 1Proximate and elemental analyses of the feedstock used in the simulation (Park et al.,2012).FeedstocksRaw wood Torre fied wood CoalProximate analysis (wt%)Moisture3.81 3.19 6.67Volatile matter (VM)88.7281.1927.25Fixed carbon (FC)7.4215.5154.5Ash0.050.1111.58Elemental analysis (wt%)C 46.7352.2274.12H 6.46 5.18 4.22N 0.410.55 1.91O a 46.3541.94 6.93S000.41Higher heating value (MJ/kg)18.5120.5626.82aBy difference.Co-gasificationRaw gasGasifying agents (Steam/CO 2)Clean gasGas BurningHeat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) and Rankine cycleFlue gasFuels(RW, TW, Coal)PowerGas cooling and cleaningFig.1.Block diagrams for the CHP system.P.-C.Kuo,W.Wu /Chemical Engineering Science 142(2016)201–214203burner to form flue gas (stream 12),which can be used in the power generation system.To validate the present model,simula-tions have been performed for gasi fication of rubber wood in a fixed bed gasi fier operated at atmospheric pressure (1atm)(Mahishi and Goswami,2007)and the gasi fication temperature is 900°C.The validation has been examined in a previous study (Kuo et al.,2014),where the predicted results are in good agreement with the experimental values.2.2.Power generation systemThe schematic process of power generation is shown in Fig.2(b)where the power generation system major consists of a steam generator and Rankine cycle (Chen and Wu,2014).After burning the product gas from the co-gasi fication process,the high tem-perature flue gas is obtained and sent to the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG)and steam turbine (ST)process.A series of heat exchangers is used,including a radiant water-wall evaporator,radiant superheater,and economizer,in which steam is generated in conjunction with the heat transfer from hot product gas and then sent to three steam turbines,namely a high pressure (HP),intermediate pressure (IP),and low pressure (LP)one,for power generation.The detailed operating conditions of the steam cycle are shown in Table 2.First of all,0.279kg/s of the feedwater (stream 13)with a temperature of 45°C goes through a water pump in which it is pressurized from 1to 240atm,resulting in energy consumption (W Pump ).The high pressure feedwater (stream 14)is then fed into shell side of the multi-stream heat exchangers (feedwater regenerative heaters)and this water gets heated by the exhaust steam entering in the tube side,so that the steam is heated to 250°C (stream 17)and sent to the economizer.The steam (stream 17)is first heated by the outlet stream of the hot flue gas to the temperature of 550°C after leaving the boiler (stream 19).To achieve the supercritical state,the temperature of the steam is then raised from 550to 600°C through superheater 1,and it subsequently feeds into a high pressure turbine (HPT)(stream 20)to expand and produce electricity (W HPT ).The pres-sure of the steam exhausted from HPT is 49atm (stream 21).The Fsplitter (F1)is then speci fied as 0.7and used to split the steam stream;that is,a 0.195kg/s of steam stream (stream 22)flows to superheater 2to reheat the temperature to 620°C (stream 23),while a 0.0837kg/s of steam stream (stream 28)is sent to the feedwater regenerative heaters to reheat the feedwater.Similarly,after reheating to 620°C (stream 23)in superheater 2,the steam is also delivered into an intermediate-pressure turbine (IPT)and exhausted to a low-pressure turbine (LPT)(stream 25)to produce electricity (W IPT and W LPT ).After removing the heat from the flue gas,the temperature of exhausted gas drops to 50°C (stream 38)(Sorgenfrei and Tsatsaronis,2014),and the exhaust steam (stream 37)is then cooled down to 45°C at 0.1atm as saturatedwaterFig.2.Process flow chart of (a)the co-gasi fication system,and (b)power generation system.P.-C.Kuo,W.Wu /Chemical Engineering Science 142(2016)201–214204(stream13)by the cooling water in an external water-cooled condenser(C2).2.3.Process parametersThe steam-to-carbon(massflow rate)ratio(S/C ratio)and CO2supply ratio(y CO2)are two significant parameters in this process.They are expressed asS=C¼F steamy c F fuelð7Þy CO2¼F CO2steamþF CO2ð8Þwhere y c is the carbon content in the fed fuel,and y CO2is definedby the weight ratio of the CO2contained in the total gasifyingagents from both steam and CO2.That is,when y CO2is equal to0,itmeans that steam is the only gasifying agent fed to the gasifier.In addition,four biomass blending ratios(BR)of raw/torrefied biomass and the coal are considered for the co-gasification pro-cess,and these are20,40,60,and80wt%,which are expressed as BRðwt%Þ¼F biomassbiomassþF coalÂ100%ð9Þ2.4.Energy analysisThe energy conversion efficiency(ECE)and net energy effi-ciency(NEE)are two important indexes with regard to the per-formance of the system,and thus they are evaluated in this study.The ECE is defined as the ratio of energy output of the co-gasification system to the energy input,whereas NEE is the ratio of net power generation to energy input(Mahishi and Goswami, 2007;Speidel and Worner,2015).The energy input is calculated as the sum of the energy content of the fuel,heat of reaction,and energy requirement of the preheating gasifying agents and separator.The energy output is the lower heating value(LHV,kJ/ Nm3)of the product gas for the co-gasification system(Lv et al., 2004;Kuo et al.,2014)or net power output(W n et,kW)for the power generation system.These are defined as follows:ECE%ðÞ¼F productgas UG P U LHV productgasF fuel U LHV fuelþQ HÂ100%ð10ÞQ H¼Q d ryingþQ d ecompþQ g asifierþQ g asifying agentsþQ s epð11ÞLHV product gas¼30:0x COþ25:7x H2þ85:4x CH4ÀÁÂ4:2ð12ÞNEEð%Þ¼W n etF fuel U LHV fuelþQ HÂ100%ð13ÞW n et¼W H PTþW I PTþW L PTÀW P umpð14Þwhere F productgas and F fuel are the massflow rates of the product gas and fuel(kg/s),respectively;G P is the volume of product gas from the gasification per unit weight of fuel(Nm3/kg-fuel);Q H is the heat required for the co-gasification process(kW);x stands for the mole fraction of gas species in the product gas(dry basis); W n et is the net power of the whole system(kW);W P ump is the energy requirement of the water pump(kW),and W H PT,W I PT,and W L PT are the energy outputs(kW)from individual steam turbines, corresponding to the high-pressure turbine,intermediate-pressure turbine,and low-pressure turbine,respectively.2.5.Exergy analysisIn addition to the energy analysis,the exergy efficiency(EE)of the co-gasification system is also evaluated.For a steady state process,the overall exergy balance between the inlet and outlet streams can be written as(Kaska,2014;Prins et al.,2003;Zhang et al.,2012,2013):XinE x i¼XoutE x jð15ÞXinE x i¼E x fuelþE x gasifying agentsþE x heatð16ÞXoutE x j¼E x product gasþE x charþE x wþE x lossð17ÞwherePinE x i andPoutE x j are the exergy rates of the input and outputstreams,respectively.E x fuel is the input exergy rate of fuel(kW), E x gasifyingagents is the exergy rate of the gasifying agents(kW),E x heat is the exergy rate of heat required by the gasification system(kW), E x product gas is the output exergy rate of the product gas(kW),E x char is the exergy rate of char(kW),E x w is the exergy rate of work (kW),and E x loss is exergy loss rate from the system(kW).Therefore,the total exergy of the material streams includes physical exergy and chemical exergy,and these are defined in the following equations:E x total¼E x phþE x chð18Þwhere E x total represents the total exergy of the material streams (kW),E x ph is the physical exergy of the material streams(kW),and E x ch is the chemical exergy of the material streams(kW).Table2Operating parameters of co-gasification for power generation systems. Parameter ValueFeedstock CH1.68O0.752N0.008(raw wood)CH1.04O0.486N0.006(torrefied wood)CH0.683O0.070N0.022S0.002(Coal)Fuelflow rate(kg/h)100Blending ratio(wt%)20–80Gasifier Temperature(°C)900Pressure(atm)1 Burner Airflow rate(kg/h)1000 Sensitivity analysis Steam to carbon ratio(S/C)0.1–2CO2content in gasifyingagents0.01–2Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG)and Rankine cycle Feedwater(kg/s)0.279HP steam turbine inletpressure(atm)240HP steam turbine inlettemperature(°C)600Fsplitter(F1)0.7Steam massflow rate(kg/s)0.195(stream22)0.084(stream28)IP steam turbine inletpressure(atm)49IP steam turbine inlet tem-perature(°C)350Fsplitter(F2)0.9Steam massflow rate(kg/s)0.186(stream25)0.009(stream32)LP steam turbine inletpressure(atm)5Fsplitter(F3)0.9Steam massflow rate(kg/s)0.176(stream27)0.009(stream35)Condenser pressure(atm)0.1P.-C.Kuo,W.Wu/Chemical Engineering Science142(2016)201–214205In the foregoing equation,the E x ph for each species in the product gas can be described by E x ph ¼ðh Àh 0ÞÀT 0ðs Às 0Þð19Þwhere h and s are the speci fic enthalpy and entropy of the gasspecies at a given state,while h 0and s 0are the speci fic enthalpy and entropy of the gas species at the environment state T 0¼25°C and P 0¼1atm,respectively.The E x ch for each species in the gas mixture can be evaluated as follows:E x ch ¼X i n i Ex ch ;i þRT 0ln n iP n ið20Þwhere n i is the mole flow rate of species i in the product gas (kmol/s),Ex ch ;i is the standard chemical exergy of species i in the product gas,and R is the universal gas constant (kJ kmol À1K À1).The exergy of heat streams is de fined as follows (Kaska,2014):E x heat ¼X 1ÀT 0Q H ð21Þwhere T is the operating temperature for the system,and Q H is the heat requirement of the system (kW).For coal,the speci fic chemical exergy can be expressed by (Zhang et al.,2013)E x coal ¼Q L Â1:0438þ0:0013H =C þ0:1083O =C þ0:0549N =CÀÁþ6:710S O =C r 0:666ÀÁð22Þwhere Q L is the heating value of the coal (kJ/kg),and C ,H ,O ,N ,S are the mass fractions of carbon,hydrogen,oxygen,nitrogen,and sulfur,respectively.However,for biomass,the speci fic chemical exergy can be obtained by (Prins et al.,2003;Zhang et al.,2012)E x biomass ¼βF biomass LHV biomassð23Þβ¼1:044þ0:0160H =C À0:3493O =C ð1þ0:0531H =C Þþ0:0493N =C1À0:4124O =CðO =C r 2Þð24Þwhere LHV biomass is the heating value of the biomass (kJ/kg),and C ,H ,O ,N are the mass fractions of carbon,hydrogen,oxygen,and nitrogen,respectively.As a result,the exergy ef ficiency (EE)of the product gas in the co-gasi fication system is de fined by (Prins et al.,2003;Zhang et al.,2012)EE ð%Þ¼E x product gasE x fuel gasifying agents heatÂ100%ð25ÞFig.3.Distributions of (a)H 2flow rate,(b)CO flow rate,(c)CO 2flow rate in the product gas,and (d)char flow rate from steam gasi fication of three fuels.P.-C.Kuo,W.Wu /Chemical Engineering Science 142(2016)201–214206。
