
考研作文万能模板三篇导读:本文考研作文万能模板三篇,来源互联网,仅供读者阅读参考.话题作文1:A+B+MENowadays,whenitcomestothetopicof(题目)isbecomingmoreandmorepopularrecently,theanswersmayvaryfrompe rsontoperson.Therearetwosidesofopinionsaboutit.Somepeopleholdtheideathat_______(SomepeoplesayAistheirfavorite).Theyholdtheirviewforthereasonof(理由1),Whatismore,(理由2)Moreover,(理由3).Whileothersarguethat_______,theythinkthatisabetterchoiceinthefollowing somereasons.Firstly,(理由1),Secondly,(理由2).Thirdly,(理由3).Inmyopinion,intheappraisalofthistopicitisone-sidedtoaffirmeverything.Weshouldappreciatethegreatcontributionmade bythem,andatthesametimepayenoughattentiontotheproblemscausedbyt hem.SoIagreetotakethe综合road,扬长避短,两方面都要兼顾.Theybothshouldbeplayextremelyimportantroleinourmodernsociety.O nlyinthiswaywecan更好的解决和处理类似的问题,最终取得进步。
话题作文2:大家的观点+现象的原因+建议Nowadays,whenitcomestothetopicof(题目)isbecomingmoreandmorepopularrecently,theanswersmayvaryfrompe rsontoperson.Somepeopleholdtheideathat(人们的看法).AsfarasI’mconcerned,Ithink(我的看法).Thereareseveralreasonsforthisquestion,butingeneral,theycomedowntoth reemajorones,whichlistedasfollows.首先,这是时代发展带来的不可避免的现象。

模板一:Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)_______(所讨论的问题). In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in ____(所讨论问题). Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly,______(优点一). And secondly _______(优点二).Just as a popular saying goes, "every coin has two sides", ______(讨论问题) is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, ______(缺点一). In addition, _______(缺点二).To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of ____(所讨论问题) into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the _______(讨论问题).模板二:(1)对立观点式议论文。

考研作文作文篇1i don't think it is a good ideas for teenagers to have jobs while they are still students. it can interfere with their studies, it can disrupt their home life, and it takes away part of their childhood that their can never replace.education today is very plex and difficult order to learn and get good grades, a student must work very hard and concentrate, this means attending classes from early in the morning until late afternoon, then doing research for projects, then going home and doing homework. it’s a busy schedule for everyone. for someone trying to hold down a job, it’s even harder. students need all their energy for their studies. if they're working after class at night, they’re going to be tired the next day. they won't be able to concentrate. this will have a negative impact on their learning, and eventually on their grades.having a job can also disrupt a teenager's home life. families spend less and lesstime together. if a teenager has a job to go to after school, he won't be home for dinner.he won't be home after dinner either, and may not get home until late at night, this means he doesn't have a lot of time to spend with his family he doesn't have a car, it can mean changes in his parents' schedule ,too. they have to drive him to work and pick him up.the main drawback of a teenager having a job while he's still a student is that he's missing out on the fun of being young. he has a whole lifetime in which he'll have to earn a living. this is the last free time he'llhave, it’s the last chance he'll have to hang out with friends and just enjoy himself. soon enough he'll have to worry about paying the rent and buying food.考研作文作文篇21.主题至上一篇好的作文最基本的就是紧扣文章主题,遵循特定的文体格式,选用恰当的语言合理组织文章结构,内容同统一、连贯、语法、拼写、标点正确,用词恰当。


考研英语作文万能(优秀7篇)考研英语作文万能模板篇一The above bar chart shows the results of a report concerning the ideal career standards of most university students. Based on the data offered, steadiness, high salary and comfortable environment are highly acclaimed by students. What is reflected in the chart is most thought-provoking and worth discussing among the general public for the time being.The contributing factors responsible for this phenomenon can be summarized as follows. To begin with, the spirit of challenge is missing among most university students. As is indicated in the chart above, the majority of students regard steadiness as their top ideal career standard. The very fact shows that now most university students lack the confidence and courage to face hardships and difficulties in terms of work. Whats more, most students are money-oriented and self-centered. Therefore, high income and comfortable environment are viewed as the most important factors in terms of their standards, which indicates most people lack the spirit of serving the people and rewarding the society. In short, the employment ideal of university students needs to be adjusted.In my view, some necessary measures should be taken to establish new ideal occupation standards among university students. For one thing, a widespread education campaign must be launched to popularize correct employment concepts. For another, a healthy social environment should be created so as to guide the development of students mind. Only in these ways can university students find their ideal jobs in our harmonious society.考研英语作文万能模板篇二The kitchen is my favorite room in a house, because it is where families gather. To me, that is the most important thing. So many of the memories people have of growing up revolve around the kitchen. My childhood memories concern the kitchens in my grandparents ‘homes.My mother’s family lived in a row house in the city. The rooms were all small, and that included the kitchen. In the summertime, when we’d visit, the back door of the house would be left open. People would be sitting on the back porch and in the kitchen, talking and laughing, while my grandmother made dinner. There was no air-conditioning, but I don’t ever remember feeling too hot. There was always a breeze coming through, along with the sounds of traffic and kids playing ball in the street.My father’s family liver on a farm in the country, and their house had a huge kitchen with windows on three sides. It seems like the windows were always open and the curtains blowing with the breeze. The main door to the house was almost never used. Everyone came in through the kitchen, and sat at the big table in the middle of the room. When dinner was being prepared, all the women would bustle around, while the men sat at the table talking about farm prices. Sometimes my grandmother wouldn’t even sit down during dinner, but would be refilling bowls of food and people’s glasses. From outside ,we could hear the cows in the field near the house.These two kitchens are the background for some of my happiest memories. From the beginning of time, human beings have gathered together near the fire where the food was being prepared. I hope that never changes.考研英语作文万能模板篇三I think high school students should be allowed to choose some of the subjects they study. However, the basic subjects, like mathematics, literature, and science, should be mandatory for all students.When I was in high school, we were allowed to choose three electives each semester. Electives were subjects that weren’t part of the basic curriculum. They included things like music, journalism, art, and various kinds of team sports. Choosing some of these subjects to study gave me a chance to experiment. I was able to get a head start on what I was going to study in college.However, college preparation shouldn’t be the main factor. I think all students should be allowed to take a certain number of courses just because they’re interested in them. For many students, high school is the last chance to learn about things they’re interested in. Maybe once they have a job there won’t be time for studying.Of course, it’s also important that students study certain basic subjects. If I’d had a choice, I know I wouldn’t have studied mathematics or science. I wasn’t very interested in them. However, once I was in class, I found myself getting interested. I wouldn’t have known this if I’d been given the choice, because I would have chosen not to take the courses.High school students aren’t always the best judges of what they’ll find useful in the years ahead. They need the guidance of experts in the field of education. However, they also need some freedom to follow their curiosity and individual interests. They should be given the freedom to choose some courses, while being required to take others.考研英语作文万能模板篇四when did sport begin? if sport is, in essence, play, the claim might be made that sport is much older than humankind, for , as we all have observed, the beasts play. dogs and cats wrestle and play ball games. fishes and birds dance. the apes have simple, pleasurable games. frolicking infants, school children playing tag, and adult arm wrestlers are demonstrating strong, transgenerational and transspecies bonds with the universe of animals - past, present, and future. young animals, particularly, tumble, chase, run wrestle, mock, imitate, and laugh (or so it seems) to the point of delighted ehaustion. their play, and ours, appears to serve no other purpose than to give pleasure to the players, and apparently, to remove us temporarily from the anguish of life in earnest.some philosophers have claimed that our playfulness is the most noble part of our basic nature. in their generous conceptions, play harmlessly and eperimentally permits us to put our creative forces, fantasy, and imagination into action. play is release from the tedious battles against scarcity and decline which are the incessant, and inevitable, tragedies of life. this is a grand conception that ecites and provokes. the holders of this view claim that the origins of our highest accomplishments ---- liturgy, literature, and law ---- can be traced to a play impulse which, paradoically, we see most purely enjoyed by young beasts and children. our sports, in this rather happy, nonfatalistic view of human nature, are more splendid creations of the nondatable, transspecies play impulse.the origin of sports!考研英语作文万能模板篇五In most cases, one should never judge a person by external appearances. Sometimes when I walk down the street at night, I avoid people who are acting tough and loud, but in general, I prefer to reserve judgment until I get to know someone. Judging someone by external appearance can be deceptive. Judgments based on external appearances prevent you from getting to know a person reinforce stereotypes, and are superficial and limiting.In high school, I stayed away from students who were called the bad students because they dressed a certain way. I wanted nothing to do with them. I later had the chance to meet one ofthese bad students because of our mothers, we started talking and I realized that we had a lot in common. My impression of him was very different once I got to know him.If you form an opinion of someone based on stereotypes, you risk never getting to know someone who is different. You may are be missing out on an opportunity to make a good friend. In addition, you are reinforcing that stereotype by believing it without given the person a chance. If you take the time to get to know the person, you might become friends.Judging people by external appearance is superficial and often unfair. After all, you don#39;t know what circumstances the person might be facing or who the person really is. Perhaps the person comes from a less fortunate family than you and cannot afford the kind of stylish clothes your friends wear. However, that does not mean the person is less intelligent or interesting than you are.People should not be naive about new people they meet, but should take time to get to know them. External appearance often does not tell us anything about a person. Judging someone by their appearance is misleading, reinforces stereotypes, and is limiting. Doing so could prevent you from making a true friend.考研英语作文万能模板篇六happy birthday to you where did that song come from?the story of how the song happy birthday to you came to be, began as a sweet one, that later soured. two sisters, mildred hill, a teacher at the louisville, kentucky eperimental kindergarten, and dr. patty hill, the principal of the same school, together wrote a song for the children, entitled good morning to all. when mildred combined her musical talents, as the resident epert on spiritual songs, and as the organist for her church, with her sisters epertise in the area of kindergarten education, good morning to all was sure to be a success.the sisters published the song in a collection entitled song stories of the kindergarten in 1893. thirty-one years later, after dr. patty hill became the head of the department of kindergarten education at columbia universitys teacher college, a gentleman by the name of robert h. coleman published the song, without the sisters permission. to add insult to injury, he added a second verse, the familiar happy birthday to you.mr. colemans addition of the second verse popularized the song and, eventually, the sisters original first verse disappeared. happy birthday to you, the one and only birthday song, had altogether replaced the sisters original title, good morning to all.after mildred died in 1916, patty, together with a third sister named jessica, sprang into action and took mr. coleman to court. in court, they proved that they, indeed, owned the melody. because the family legally owns the song, it is entitled to royalties from it, whenever it is sung for commercial purposes.考研英语作文万能模板篇七chinese language faces some challenges. as compared with english and other latin based languages, chinese is less popular and more difficuh for computer word processing. some college students, wondering whether it is still one of the best languages in the world, neglect chinese study.etensive research has revealed that chinese possesses many advantages over other languages. written chinese is based on a set of ideogram characters. from a simple word one may obtain a wealth of information about its hidden meaning, evolution history and related phrases. historians can decipher the damaged ancient characters carved on o hones but no suchachievement could be obtained with latin-based languages. to epress a given idea, the chinese version is always the shortest, most accurate and most , chinese kids learn chinese by memorizing patterns or funny pictures which stimulate curiosity and imagination. it is well recognized that human brains work well with patterns and pattern recognition in turn promotes brain development. whats more, chinese is also easy to learn. many foreigners speak chinese fluently after a few years of learning. recently, several word processing programs have been successfully developed for chinese language and turned out to be better than those designed for english.chinese is the crystallization of the splendid culture developed continuously for over 5,000 years. many treasures remain to be eplored. as china grows stronger, more and more foreigners will learn chinese and share the invaluable treasure.。

___has become a hot topic among people, Some people believe that___. For example, they think____. And it will bring them 好处,让他们的自身利益得到满足。甚至为此不惜损害和影响他人。 In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. 这种做法显然是不明智,不合理的。这样做对别人和我们自己都没有 好处,只会带来不良后果。表面看来自己是当中的受益者,实际上这是目光短浅的举措,根本不值得提倡。 我们应当减少甚至杜绝此类现象的发生,从我做起,向周围的人倡导真正可取的做法,大家一起向正确的方向前进。只有这样 社会才能和谐进步,一切就会向良性发展。
具有很强的指引作用从中我们不难发现很多知识和道理体会和学习当中的深ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ必定使我们能够得到丰富的经验取得发展和进步
【 导语】天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就更接近阳光。 坚持下去,你是最棒的!以下为无忧考整理的考研作文万能模板三篇,今 天你复习了吗?
Nowadays, when it comes to the topic of (题目) is becoming more and more popular recently , the answers may vary from person to person. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people hold the idea that_______(Some people say A is their favorite). They hold their view for the reason of(理由 1),What is more, (理由2) Moreover, (理由3). While others argue that_______, they think that is a better choice in the following some reasons. Firstly, (理由1),Secondly, (理由2).Thirdly, (理由3). In my opinion, in the appraisal of this topic it is one-sided to affirm everything. We should appreciate the great contribution made by them, and at the same time pay enough attention to the problems caused by them.So I agree to take the 综合 road, 扬长避短,两方面都要兼顾. They both should be play extremely important role in our modern society. Only in this way we can 更好的解决和处理类似的问题,最终取得进步。

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1. 说明原因型模板。

直至笔者考了几次雅思,发现原来老外眼里的好文章,首先是easy to read的,原来一篇好文章不需要那么多复杂的语法结构,原来单词没有高级和不高级之分只有准确和不准确之分,原来我们写的各种高分作文在老外看来很尴尬。

考研英语作文优秀7篇考研英语作文篇一Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to inquire the possibility of providing financial aid for a proper candidate.I wish that you could find a primary schoolgirl in the rural areas of western China. More often than not girls drop out of school there for the lack of money. I plan to offer 3000 yuan per year up until she finishes secondary education. If she can enter university, I will continue to support her until she graduates and finds a job.I wish that it would not be too difficult to find such a candidate. I am looking forward to your early reply.Sincerely yours,Li Ming考研英语作文篇二The photos show two big fans of Beckham—a British football star. One writes the star’s name on his face and the other is having his hair made an expensive Beckham style.From them, we can vividly sense the enthusiasm of hero worship, which is an ordinary phenomenon in modern society. As a matter of fact, with mass media and multi’ culture fast developing, hero worship covers an increasingly large scope. People from all walks of life, usually if they are successful, outstanding or popular, may be admired by others.Hero worship is not absolutely right or wrong. It depends on what the worshipper does for his idol. If handled appropriately, hero worship may stimulate the positive aspects in us, such as passion for life, motivation for work and noble values. Learning from our idols we can gain enlightenment, encouragement and qualities that we need when we strive for a career. By loving them, we can add color to our life and explore a larger range of social experiences.考研英语话题作文篇三To Whom It May Concern,As a student of our university living in the dormitory, I am very grateful for the acmodation provided by our university. Generally speaking, the living environment is good, but now I have to express my dissatisfaction.Now I share a room with another student, but it’s for this reason I feel rather inconvenient, because my roommate constantly invite his friends to visit our dorm, making great noise. The situation is so disturbing that I cannot concentrate on my study and work. I wonder if you could arrange a single room for me next semester, as I prefer to live alone to get a favorable living condition to study.I would appreciate it if you could take my request into consideration, and I am looking forward to you reply.Sincerely yours,Li Ming考研英语作文篇四Laziness is a sin. everyone knows that. We have probably all had lectures pointing out thatlazi-ness is immoral, that it is wasteful,and that lazy people will never amount to anything in life.But laziness can be more harmful than that, and it is often caused by more plex reasons than the simple wish to avoid work. Some people who appear to be lazy are sufferingfrommuch moreserious problems. They may be so distrustful of their fellow workers that they are unable to join in any group task for fear of being laughed at or fear of having their ideas stolen. These people who seem lazy may be deadened by a fear of failure that prevents fruitful work. Or other sorts of fantasies may prevent work: some people are so busy planning, sometimes planning great deals of fantastic achievements, that they are unable to deal with whatever lesser work is on hand. Still other people are not avoiding work, strictly speaking; they are nearly procrastinating---rescheduling their day.Laziness can actually be helpful. Like procrastinators,some people look lazy when they are really thinking, planning, researching. We should all remember that some great scientific discoveries occurred by chance. Newton wasn#39;t working in the orchard when the apple hit him and he devised the theory of gravity. Taking a rest can be particularly helpful to the athlete who is trying too hard or the doctor who#39;s simply working himself overtime too many evenings at the clinic.So be careful when you#39; re tempted to call someone lazy.That person may be thinking, resting or planning his or her next book.考研英语作文篇五my aunt edith was a widow of 50, working as a secretary, when doctors discovered what was then thought to be a very serious heart ailment.aunt edith doesn’t accept defeat easily. she began studying medical reports in the library and found an article in a magazine about a well-known heart surgeon, dr. michael debakey, of houston, texas. he had saved the life of someone with the same ailment. the article said dr. debakey’s fees were very high; aunt edith couldn’t possibly pay them. but could he tell her of someone whose fee she could pay?so aunt edith wrote to him. she simply listed her reasons for wanting live: her three children, who would be on their own in three or four more years, her little-girl dream of traveling and seeing the world. there wasn’t a word of self-pity---only warmth and humor and the joy of living. she mailed the letter, not really expecting an answer.a few days later, my doorbell rang. aunt edith didn’t wait to e in; she stood in the hall and read aloud: “your beautiful letter moved me very deeply. if you can e to houston, there will be no charge for either the hospital or the operation. signed考研英语作文篇六she had nearly dozed away the whole lazy afternoon, with her eyelash loose down and some naughty hairs playing and rejoicing on her forehead.occasionally, she would knit her brows out of a surge of pain. but when relief came she would smile again and relish once more the enchanting curve of her abdomen, feeling the fresh pulse of the child inside.the afternoon went by quietly, of which the highlight might be butterfly that kept pestering her. now it had alighted on her chair, wings shining in the setting sun, triggering her childlike fantasy. her finger could not help but snail its way toward the little creature. nearer and nearer, until the butterfly was finally between her delicate fingers. after a while, she decided to release it. no sooner had she slightly opened her fingers than the littlecreature sprang right up into the air, as vigorous, she thought, as her future child would be.so, always, true vitality resides in tranquility, as real beauty in love.考研英语作文篇七What a terrible and shocking scene it is! As is vividly depicted in the drawing above, sitting on the boat and enjoying their sightseeing, a couple of youngsters are throwing rubbish into the sea, with many dead fishes floating on the surface. What is conveyed in the picture is both realistic and thought-provoking.The implied meaning of the given picture can be elaborated in terms of environmental protection and public manners. On the one hand, along with the development of the economy and society, people tend to attach great importance to personal and economic interests, ignoring ecological balance. As a consequence, environment has been polluted so seriously that environmental protection should be put on the agenda immediately. On the other hand, the inappropriate public manners such as littering and spitting are also one of the major factors causing environmental problems. If we let it go as it is, the nature will take revenge on human being sooner or later.。


考研英语二作文模板6篇1. 议论文模板:Nowadays, with the development of society, [Topic] has become a matter of great concern. There are two sides to every question, and this issue is no exception.On the one hand, some people argue that [Supporting Idea 1]. For example, [Example 1], which clearly demonstrates the validity of this viewpoint. Additionally, [Supporting Idea 2] is another factor that cannot be ignored. [Example 2] serves as a strong evidence.On the other hand, those who oppose [Topic] claim that [Counterargument]. They point out that [Counterexample], which casts doubt on the former argument. Moreover, [Counterargument 2] is also a compelling reason.In conclusion, [Topic] is a complex issue that requires a balanced view. While [Concession], it is my belief that [Personal Opinion] because [Reason].2. 图表作文模板:The chart illustrates the trend of [Topic] over the past decade. According to the data, it is clear that [Observation 1], while [Observation 2] is also noticeable.Several factors could account for this phenomenon. Firstly, [Reason 1], which has led to [Consequence]. Secondly, [Reason 2] is another contributing factor, resulting in [Consequence].In light of the above analysis, it is imperative that [Suggestion]. Only by doing so can we [Positive Outcome].3. 书信作文模板:Dear [Recipient],I am writing to express my views on [Topic]. I believethat [Personal Opinion], and I will outline my reasons below.First and foremost, [Reason 1], which is a compelling argument. Furthermore, [Reason 2] is also worth considering.In addition, [Additional Point], which further supports my stance.I would be grateful if you could take my suggestions into account. I am looking forward to your prompt response.Yours sincerely,[Your Name]4. 故事叙述模板:Once upon a time, there was a [Person/Character] named [Name] who lived in [Place]. One day, [Event] happened, which changed [Character's] life forever.Despite facing [Challenge], [Character] decided to [Action]. Through [Character's] efforts, [Outcome] was achieved, demonstrating [Moral/Lesson].In conclusion, the story of [Character] teaches us that [Moral/Lesson], and it is a reminder that [General Statement].5. 说明文模板:[Topic] is a concept that has gained significant attention in recent years. It refers to [Definition].The process of [Topic] involves several steps. Initially, [Step 1], which is followed by [Step 2]. Subsequently, [Step 3], leading to [Result].There are various benefits to [Topic]. For one, [Benefit 1], and for another, [Benefit 2]. Moreover, [Additional Benefit] is also a key advantage.In summary, [Topic] is an important aspect of [Related Field] that can lead to [Positive Outcome]. It is essentialto understand and implement [Topic] effectively.6. 比较对比模板:When comparing [Item 1] with [Item 2], several differences and similarities can be identified. Firstly, [Difference 1], which is a clear distinction between the two. On the other hand, [Similarity 1], showing that they share common ground.Furthermore, [Difference 2] is another point of comparison, highlighting the contrast. Conversely, [Similarity 2]indicates that both [Item 1] and [Item 2] have [Shared Quality].In conclusion, while [Item 1] and [Item 2] have their unique characteristics, they also exhibit certainsimilarities. A comprehensive understanding of these aspects can lead to [Conclusion/Recommendation].。

考研英语作文范文八篇On-line love。
has XXX。
it has XXX。
and some even fall in love with people they meet online.Despite the allure of on-line love。
it is important to consider its side-effects。
One of the biggest risks is that people may not be who they claim to be。
In fact。
many cases of XXX each year。
It is essential to recognize that on-line XXX.In my n。
on-line love is not a XXX it may seem convenient and exciting。
it is XXX-line XXX。
the risks associated with on-line nships are too great to ignore.In n。
on-line love is a trend that is XXX。
it is XXX。
XXX are still the best n for those XXX.On "XXX"XXX。
XXX "beauty economy" has XXX of money and time into enhancing their physical appearance。
XXX.On the positive side。
the XXX industry。
It has also boosted the self-confidence and self-esteem of many individuals who XXX appearance.However。

考研英语作文范文10篇模板1. 电影类。
Nowadays, with the rapid development of the film industry, more and more people are attracted to the cinema. Some people believe that watching movies is a waste of time, while others argue that movies can broaden our horizons and enrich our lives. In my opinion, watching movies can be both entertaining and educational. On the one hand, movies provide us with a means of relaxation and escape from the pressures of daily life. On the other hand, movies can also be a powerful medium for conveying important messages and ideas. For example, many films address social issues such as poverty, discrimination, and environmental degradation. By watching such films, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and become more empathetic individuals. In conclusion, I believe that watching movies is a valuable and enjoyable pastime that can benefit us in many ways.2. 旅游类。

【第一篇:教育主题】The picture shows…… . symbolizes…… . As is quoted in the picture,…… .It apparently mirrors an increasingly common social phenomenon in China—in contrast with…… . One the one hand,the problem partially attributes to…… . Sometimes…… . On the other hand,…… . For example,…… ,while…… .In my opinion, the government needs to launch a reform in the education system with measures that can show immediate effect. proves to be most beneficial to students. Further, a large-scale reform in the macroeconomic level to is the basic solution of this issue【第二篇:文化交流主题】What is presented here is a very i nteresting scenario…… . From the subtitle we can infer that…… . Conspicuously,…… . We can deduce from the picture that…… . It partly owes to…… , and partly to…… . Except the case reflected in the picture, there are numerous evidence demonstrating…… . For example,…… . From a personal point of view, I am delighted to witness ……. To sum up,…… . As for China,…… . Therefore,……. I can firmly conclude that in the long run, cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing Chinese and global economy, as well as diversified cultures.【第三篇:家庭关系主题】There is a popular Chinese song, named "…… ", which encourages…… . However, the in the picture does but for a very different reason—…… . From the facial expression of we can read…… .Sadly as it is, this phenomenon does not occurrarely in today's society, for which are responsible. For one thing,…… . For another,…… . As a matter of fact, the boosting economic development in China sadly and ironically witnesses a deterioration of…… .The above analysis is best exemplified by…… . In my opinion, the awareness of is elementary for paving the way towards success.【第四篇:社会热点主题】It goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current problem; ……. In this drawing,Even ……..It seems to me that the artist is sending a message about the importance of ……. Though the drawing is a little exaggerating,it is not rare for us to find in ……. If we let this situation of continues,it not only harms ……,but also prevents …….Accordingly,we urgently call for ……. Though the governm ent has already taken pains to implement regulations,it still failz to ……. In my opinion,this problem should be urgently solved so as to protect benefits. I expect the government will put forward more effective propositions as soon as possible.【第五篇:展望未来主题】With the rapid advances of _____________ in recent years, ___has____________(引出现象). However, _______ has________________, as____________(提出问题). As a result, _____has ____________________(指出影响).The effects ___________ has produced on____________ can be boiled down to two major ones. First , __________________(影响一). More importantly, ________________(影响二). Hence, I believe that we will see a ____________(提出展望)/ Nevertheless, I do not think we will see a ______(或反面展望) There are numerous reasons why ____, and I would like to explore a few of the most important ones here. The first is that the more(比较级)_____, the more (比较级). Inaddition, we all agree that________________________(第二个原因)。


考研优秀英语范文10篇一、Dear Sir or Madam,Moved by the noble cause of Project Hope and encouraged by what has been achieved so far, I would like to contribute my bit to the project by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area of your province.I would be much grateful if you could help me seek out a girl who has just started schooling but whose family cannot afford her education. My plan is to pay for her tuition on an annual basis till she finishes her secondary education. I would like to remit my donation directly to a bank account opened by her family in her local area.Yours truly,Li Lei二、Dear editor,I’m a sincere reader of your newspaper a nd I like your discussion of the social problems. Now I would like to give some opinions of myself about the “White Pollution”.As we know, regulation was made to solve the problem in June 1st of 2008. The use of plastic bags for free was restricted in the supermarket and many other shops. At the beginning, it was carried on well, but now I find plastic bags are used in some small shops for free or with no pay.I am writing to inform you that we should solve this problem soon with the help of your newspaper. You could make some investigations about it and write some reports of it, so as to appeal to all the people’s attention of our society.Sincerely,Li Lei三、V olunteers NeededJanuary 9, 2010To improve students’ability and enrich extracurricular activities, the Postgraduate Association is recruiting volunteers for an international conference on globalization to be held on December 9, 2010 in Beijing. To begin with, applicants should have Chinese nationality, a strong professional spirit, cheerful personality and be aged under 35. In addition, candidates must have outstanding skills at English listening comprehension andthe ability to speak Chinese and English fluently. Finally, students with relevant professional experience are preferred. Those graduate students who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before February 1, 2010. Everybody is welcome to join in it. (107 words)Postgraduate Association四、Main Reasons of Economic GlobalizationSince the early 1950s, economic globalization has been developing rapidly. Briefly speaking, its reasons mainly include the following ones. The first reason is the technical foundation of economic globalization. Advancements in science and technology have provided the material basis and the technical means for the rapid development of globalization. The second reason is the economic foundation of globalization. Firstly, the market economy has become the preferred choice of promoting economy for every country in the world. Secondly, multinationals which are expanding continuously have become the center of economic globalization. Lastly, international economic organizations have been the organic safeguards for the development of economic globalization. (104 words)五、The past several years have witnessed a phenomenon that a variety of promises have been arising from all walks of life. Regretfully, quite a lot of promises are sheer nonsense, just as the hen in the given cartoon commits herself to lay eggs which are round without any angles and corners and have shells, egg whites and yolks.Odd and funny as they sound, such false promises can be seen and heard everywhere in our country. Administration departments assure to perform their tasks effectively and fairly without taking any bribes; manufacturing units guarantee to turn out products of good quality; commercial enterprises swear to provide genuine commodities and polite and enthusiastic services. Can you find anything new and substantial other than their obligations, duties and jobs in these so called promises? I guess your answer will be negative. As a matter of fact, their intention to make such commitments is nothing but to put on civilized outer clothing to please or deceive the public.I dare say that our society is suffering corruption and cheat which are causing damage to society both materially and morally. But the hen and her like should know that by dishonest words no one can survive the intense competition under marketeconomy system. They should remember the old saying, “Honesty is the best policy”.六、As is shown in the picture, on arriving at the finishing line of a race on the playground, the lovely young man has to continue his new journey in no time instead of stopping to take a rest. He has successfully settled the puzzle of “stopping or going on” which might have confused many others.With the increasing pace of modern life, perhaps no change has characterized the past decade more dramatically than that of people's view on their own life. It is generally agreed upon that people have to adjust themselves to this new change. On the one hand, no doubt, people will gain a lot by setting new goals in their daily life. Take the famous scientist Thomas Edison for example. He had done very well in his early life, but continued to pursue something more difficult all through his life. On the other hand, if one is obsessed with the success he has achieved, he would lose the chance to pursue new success. What is more, he may become the slave of his success. There are many cases showing that people lose their courage to better themselves afterbecoming successful.To sum up, one's view on his success determines his future. In my opinion, it is necessary to carry out a nation-wide campaign publicizing people who have a burning desire for more and ever greater achievement when they are already well-known. So that people in the society will develop a forward-looking attitude and make their life worth living and the world more beautiful as well.七、As is shown in the picture, on arriving at the finishing line of a race on the playground, the lovely young man has to continue his new journey in no time instead of stopping to take a rest. He has successfully settled the puzzle of “stopping or going on” which might have confused many others.With the increasing pace of modern life, perhaps no change has characterized the past decade more dramatically than that of people's view on their own life. It is generally agreed upon that people have to adjust themselves to this new change. On the one hand, no doubt, people will gain a lot by setting new goals intheir daily life. Take the famous scientist Thomas Edison for example. He had done very well in his early life, but continued to pursue something more difficult all through his life. On the other hand, if one is obsessed with the success he has achieved, he would lose the chance to pursue new success. What is more, he may become the slave of his success. There are many cases showing that people lose their courage to better themselves after becoming successful.To sum up, one's view on his success determines his future. In my opinion, it is necessary to carry out a nation-wide campaign publicizing people who have a burning desire for more and ever greater achievement when they are already well-known. So that people in the society will develop a forward-looking attitude and make their life worth living and the world more beautiful as well.八、As is vividly depicted in the picture, two disabled men are running fast through teamwork although each of them has only one leg. Obviously, it is teamwork that makes it possible for them to go anywhere they want to.Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking. With the development of economy and society, competition is increasingly fierce. It is impossible for anyone to finish a work all by himself. Hence, people in mounting numbers put great emphasis on teamwork. In fact, it has been universally acknowledged that the ability of teamwork is the most essential qualification that anyone who wants to achieve success should possess.Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance the sense of teamwork in our society. We should bear in mind that teamwork is of great significance to both our society and ourselves. Every one should have the ability of teamwork. Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in.九、From the information given in the above column chart, we can see a striking contrast in mobile-phone subscriptions between developing and developed countries from 2000 to 2008. During this period, there has been a dramatic increase from 0.4 to 4billion mobile phone subscriptions in developing countries, while that of developed countries remained steady under 1 billion during the decade.At least two fundamental factors could contribute to this phenomenon. On the one hand, with the rapid increase in economy happening in the developing countries, the telecommunication industry in those countries got a great bound to meet the demand of globalization. As a result, the user of mobile phone which can narrow the distance between people and link the whole world together rose at an incredible speed. On the other hand, the extremely advanced civilization of developed countries means less potential in many aspects including in the area of private telecommunication tools and their demand for further enlargement of such tools tend to saturation.In conclusion, while mobile phones subscriptions, if used carelessly or without restraint, could prove to be a double-edged sword, the fact remains that it is already extremely prevalent in both developing and developed countries and even today, continue rise in popularity. Given the levels of intelligence,prudence and discretion imbued in people, I am sure that most of them will be able to sidestep the potential drawbacks of mobile phones, while taking advantage of all its merits.十、As is subtly revealed in the cartoons above, global warming is a real threat to our world. In the first drawing, the glaciers in the polar region are rapidly melting owing to global warming. In the second picture, a homeless polar bear is staying on an isolated big block of ice.The purpose of these portrayals is to show us that global warming is a looming threat to people all over the world. To begin with, global warming leads to the rise of sea levels. Large sections Chinese coastal regions would gradually disappear under rising sea levels because of global warming, severely impairing the country’s social and economic progress. China’s long coastline is the base for about 70% of the large cities, over half of the domestic population and nearly 60% of the national economy. With comparatively-advanced social, economic and cultural developments, China’s off-shore regions will suffer great losses if the sea level does not cease rising. In addition,global warming increases the possibility and intensity of extreme weather such as hurricanes and snowstorms. Hurricanes and typhoons have become stronger and longer-lasting over the past 30 years. These upswings correlate with a rise in sea surface temperatures due to global warming.Taking into account the devastating effects of global warming, we can draw the conclusion that global warming is a great threat to our world. Facing the growing menace of global warming, more scientific and active preventive measures should be taken on a larger scale to change for the better.。

考研英语作文万能(精彩7篇)考研英语作文万能模板篇一although henry fords name is closely associated with the concept of mass production, he should receive equal credit for introducing labor practices as early as 19一三that would be considered advanced even by todays standards. safety measures were improved, and the work day was reduced to eight hours, pared with the ten-or twelve-hour day mon at the time. in order to acmodate the shorter work day, the entire factory was converted from two to three shifts.in addition, sick leaves as well as improved medical care for those injured on the job were instituted. the ford motor pany was one of the first factories to develop a technical school to train specialized skilled laborers and an english language school for immigrants. some efforts were even made to hire the handicapped and provide jobs for former convicts.the most widely acclaimed innovation was the five-dollar-a-day minimum wage that was offered in order to recruit and retain the best mechanics and to discourage the growth of labor unions. ford eplained the new wage policy in terms of efficiency and profit sharing. he also mentioned the fact that his employees would be able to purchase the automobiles that they produced - in effect creating a market for the product. in order to qualify for the minimum wage, an employee had to establish a decent home and demonstrate good personal habits, including sobriety, thriftiness, industriousness, and dependability. although some criticism was directed at ford for involving himself too much in the personal lives of his employees, there can be no doubt that, at a time when immigrants were being taken advantage of in frightful ways, henry ford was helping many people to establish themselves in america.考研英语作文万能模板篇二I’d rather have the university assign a roommate to share a room with me. As far as I’m concerned, this is part of the university experience. Students should meet new people and be open to new experiences. I like leaving this up to chance.Actually, even though the university will choose, it’s not totally a matter of chance. We all filled out information sheets. The school knows what we’re majoring in, what our interests are, and our study habits and our goals. I think they’re probably very good at matching roommates using this information. They’ve had a lot of practice. Besides, if a mistake is made, I can change my room assignment next semester.If I did want to choose my own roommate, I’d first pick some candidates from the list supplied by the university. Then I’d write to them and they’d write back. Through our letters, we’d find out if we shared mon interests, such as sports or movies. More importantly, we’d find out if we like doing the same things in our free time. Because my investigation, I’d probably get someone patible with me. It’s a lot of work to go through, though. Besides, the process of finding similar interests isn’t all that different from what the university does.Trying to predict whom I’m going to get along with is not a science. I might choose someone who sounds just like me and still find that the two of us just don’t get along as roommates. Besides, I think it would be boring to room with somebody who’s just the same as me. I’d rather be with someone who has different interests and likes to do different things. Maybe I’d even get a roommate from another culture. After all, one of the reasons I’m going to the university is to be exposed to a lot of new experiences. So, I’d rather have the university choose my roommate for me.考研英语作文万能模板篇三everyone says,” there is always a gap between imagination and reality, the former is always more ideal(理想) than the latter.” although most people know that we cannot equate imagination with reality, people still find it hard to resist the temptation of imagination, for it is so sweet and wonderful, especially for me when i was working hard for my university dream in high school.endless homework, heavy pressure couldn’t prevent me from drawing a fascinating(迷人的') picture of the university life in my mind. students are sitting leisurely(悠闲) on the green lawn, playing romantic songs with the guitar, or walking along the tree-lined pathway(小径), talking and laughing heartily… i imaged a large and beautiful campus, bright, clean classrooms, and cheap, tasty food. reality is, on most occasion, inferior(低等的,低于)imagination.when i was a university student, i found what i had imagined was far beyond reality. instead of sitting on the lawn singing songs, the students were seen reciting(背诵) english tets aloud; instead of walking cheerfully(欢乐地) along the small paths, they were walking hurriedly with books under their arms. i never epected to live on the sith floor, the highest story. every day i had to drag(拖着) myself to my room after class, out of breath. and the meals disappointed me too.when imagination and reality were naked(暴露的) before each other, i couldn’t deny(否定) a kind of ple feelings in my heart. how could i put the english books aside to read pastime books? how could i play while others were found me leaving late in the evening?in the face of reality, imagination is beautiful, while reality can teach us much eperience, which we cannot obtain from imagination.考研英语作文万能模板篇四The above bar chart shows the results of a report concerning the ideal career standards of most university students. Based on the data offered, steadiness, high salary and fortable environment are highly acclaimed by students. What is reflected in the chart is most thought-provoking and worth discussing among the general public for the time being.The contributing factors responsible for this phenomenon can be summarized as follows. To begin with, the spirit of challenge is missing among most university students. As is indicated in the chart above, the majority of students regard steadiness as their top ideal career standard. The very fact shows that now most university students lack the confidence and courage to face hardships and difficulties in terms of work. Whats more, most students are money-oriented and self-centered. Therefore, high ine and fortable environment are viewed as the most important factors in terms of their standards, which indicates most people lack the spirit of serving the people and rewarding the society. In short, the employment ideal of university students needs to be adjusted.In my view, some necessary measures should be taken to establish new ideal occupation standards among university students. For one thing, a widespread education campaign must be launched to popularize correct employment concepts. For another, a healthy social environment should be created so as to guide the development of students mind. Only in these ways can university students find their ideal jobs in our harmonious society.考研英语作文万能模板篇五A gift of money is generous and weled at our school. There are many tings that my school could use. To decide, one must consider the amount of the gift and understand that it is a one-time ting. Keeping this in mind, I think that my school could most benefit form new classroom fixtures.If you looked at our school, you would agree that nearly all of the classrooms could use new desks, chairs, chalkboards, bookshelves and cabinets. Our school is old and the people who live here aren't very wealthy. New equipment would provide students with the tools that they need to learn. It is hard to write papers if there aren't enough desks and chairs. It is hard to learn when the blackboards are so old that they can't be erased properly. It is also difficult to organize school supplies without proper bookshelves and cabinets.Another plus that new equipment would provide is that it would make the school more attractive to the munity. It is hard for a munity to be proud of a school that is falling apart. If the munity felt that out school was important, perhaps others would give more money in the future. That would allow us to further improve our school. In addition, maybe munity members would feel encouraged to e and help out in the school. That would make it even better.Students would be happier with new equipment. It would make them want to e to school and learn. There would be fewer dropouts. By continuing in their education, these students will be able to better contribute to our munity in the future—perhaps even being further schoolteachers.While there are many things that can be purchased with a gift of money at our school, I believe that new equipment is the best choice. New equipment would improve the learning environment, the munity's attitude, and the students' feelings about their school.考研英语作文万能模板篇六when did sport begin? if sport is, in essence, play, the claim might be made that sport is much older than humankind, for , as we all have observed, the beasts play. dogs and cats wrestle and play ball games. fishes and birds dance. the apes have simple, pleasurable games. frolicking infants, school children playing tag, and adult arm wrestlers are demonstrating strong, transgenerational and transspecies bonds with the universe of animals - past, present, and future. young animals, particularly, tumble, chase, run wrestle, mock, imitate, and laugh (or so it seems) to the point of delighted ehaustion. their play, and ours, appears to serve no other purpose than to give pleasure to the players, and apparently, to remove us temporarily from the anguish of life in earnest.some philosophers have claimed that our playfulness is the most noble part of our basic nature. in their generous conceptions, play harmlessly and eperimentally permits us to put our creative forces, fantasy, and imagination into action. play is release from the tedious battles against scarcity and decline which are the incessant, and inevitable, tragedies of life. this is a grand conception that ecites and provokes. the holders of this view claim that the origins of our highest acplishments ---- liturgy, literature, and law ---- can be traced to a play impulse which, paradoically, we see most purely enjoyed by young beasts and children. our sports, in this rather happy, nonfatalistic view of human nature, are more splendid creations of the nondatable, transspecies play impulse.the origin of sports!考研英语作文万能模板篇七Bacteria are etremely small living things. while we measure our own sizes in inches or centimeters, bacterial size is measured in microns. one micron is a thousandth of a millimeter: a pinhead is about a millimeter across. rod-shaped bacteria are usually from two to four microns long, while rounded ones are generally one micron in diameter. thus if you enlarged a rounded bacterium a thousand times, it would be just about the size of a pinhead. an adult human magnified by the same amount would be over a mile(1.6 kilometer) tall.Even with an ordinary microscope, you must look closely to see bacteria. using a magnification of 100 times, one finds that bacteria are barely visible as tiny rods or dots. one cannot make out anything of their structure. using special stains, one can see that some bacteria have attached to them wavy-looking hairs called flagella. others have only one flagellum. the flagella rotate, pushing the bacteria through the water. many bacteria lack flagella and cannot move about by their own power, while others can glide along over surfaces by some little-understood mechanism.From the bacteria point of view, the world is a very different place from what it is to humans. to a bacterium water is as thick as molasses is to us. bacteria are so small that they are influenced by the movements of the chemical molecules around them. bacteria under the microscope, even those with no flagella, often bounce about in the water. this is because they collide with the watery molecules and are pushed this way and that. molecules move so rapidly that within a tenth of a second the molecules around a bacteria have all been replaced by new ones; even bacteria without flagella are thus constantly eposed to a changing environment.。
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College Students and DepressionCollege can be a trying time for young people, as they face mounting pressure in their academic, extracurricular and social lives, as well as the challenges of living independently. Not surprisingly, university students tend to be more susceptible to depression than are others. In order to deal with this mental disorder, whether existing or potential, students need to understand its signs and symptoms, make proactive life changes, and be willing to seek help from others.The first step that college students must take in order to manage depression is to recognize its symptoms. We all know when we have caught a cold: we develop a soar throat and runny nose, and begin to sneeze or cough. The symptoms of depression, in addition, are less obvious. As a result, depressed individuals often suffer for an unnecessarily long time before being diagnosed. It is important that students recognize some of the common signs of depression, such as lack of motivation, changes in sleeping or eating habits, and feelings of hopelessness.For students who are experiencing some of the abovementioned symptoms, the next seep should be to make positive changes to their lives. To begin with, they should try to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Attending aerobics classes, using the campus fitness center and jogging are a few simple and effective ways to vent negative emotions. Students should also be sure to get plenty of rest and sleep, and to avoid substances like caffeine and alcohol that can exacerbate mood swings.Finally, college students should be willing to seek the support and help of others. This can include confiding in family members and trusted friends, who may be able to offer helpful advice and guidance. In addition, if students find that the symptoms of depression are causing great emotional distress or interfering with their ability to function normally in everyday life, they should not be embarrassed or afraid to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. Psychotherapy and medication can both be safe and viable ways to treat depression.According to one study, over 100,000 Beijing university students suffer from depression. Among them, many either do not recognize the ailment they have, or simply do not know how to face it. Dep ression rarely goes away on its own. However, by understanding its symptoms, making appropriate lifestyle changes, and being willing to seek the help of others, students will be in a good position to maintain or restore their emotional health.Suicide on College CampusesAccording to the National Institute of Mental Health, suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students, ranked only behind accidental causes. All colleges and schools have a responsibility to take care of their undergraduates. To reduce the prevalence of suicide among students, universities should promote mental health awareness, lessen the burden of studies, and provide un-campus psychological services.The first step that colleges can take to reduce the occurrence of student suicide is to enhance awareness of mental health and depression. Universities can make mental health information available on their websites, issue educational pamphlets to new students, and offer free seminars to help dispel myths about emotional disorders arid encourage students to discuss their problems. In addition, most people who are contemplating suicide typically exhibit warning signs, such as sudden changes in eating or sleeping habits. Increasing mental health awareness can enable the classmates or peers of suicidal students to recognize these signs and, if necessary, alert professors or other college staff.Another measure that universities can take is to reduce students' academic burden. While students might become depressed or suicidal for any number of reasons, such as relationship problems or monetary issues, academic pressure is the factor over which colleges have the greatest control. Insofar as possible, professors in each course should coordinate with one another to ensure that students are not overwhelmed with too many assignments at any given time. In addition, the instructor can reduce students' perceived burden by reminding them that receiving a low grade, although disappointing, is not the end of the world.Finally, it is important that colleges provide on-campus psychological services. In some cases, even if a depressed or suicidal student wishes to seek help, he or she may be unable to find it. Therefore, trained psychological counselors should be available to help students who are suffering from stress, anxiety or depression. Colleges can also set up a 24-hour suicide hotline to provide immediate support and counseling to students and give them a lifeline in their most desperate time of need.No value can be placed upon a human life. Although the occurrence of suicide among young people cannot be eliminated, it is the moral obligation of colleges to protect students from harming themselves. To this end, promoting increased awareness of mental health, mitigating academic pressure and providing on-campus psychiatric services can go a long way towards steering troubled students from the brink of self-destruction.Businesses and EthicsEthics can be defined as the principles of behavior relating to moral conduct and judgment. One area in which ethics has been the subject of increasing debate is that of industry and business. While some people believe that robust business ethics often go unrewarded and may even reduce a company's competitiveness, others argue that high ethical standards can be conducive and instrumental to the success of a business. I am a strong proponent of the latter view.The first benefit of maintaining a high standard of business ethics is that, in the long run, it will ensure a larger and more loyal customer base. Some businesses conduct their trade with no concern for the preservation of the environment or for the wellbeing of their employees. Examples include clothing retailers that use child labor and pharmaceutical companies that perform biased clinical trials. Most customers are unwilling to make any purchases that would perpetuate these kinds of unethical practices; ultimately, people will choose to spend their money on the products and services of ethically sound companies.In addition to attracting more customers, ethical leadership can also foster improved employee recruitment, retention and productivity. Not surprisingly, most people would prefer to work for a company that demonstrates honesty, integrity and responsibility. For this reason, a worker who found out that his or her boss was engaging in ethically questionable practices would be likely to "jump ship" at the first available opportunity. Furthermore, since ethically strong companies are more appealing to discriminating job seekers, such firms will be able to choose from a wider range of prospective employees and thus select the roost talented individuals with the skills needed to further enhance corporate profits.Last but not least, strict ethical standards are instrumental to ensuring that a company does not get into legal or regulatory trouble. Finns with a high level of ethics and responsibility will not only safeguard themselves from potentially hefty fines, but also avoid negative media coverage that can leave a company's reputation permanently tarnished. In extreme cases, lax ethics can even spell the demise of an entire corporation, as was the case with Bre-X Minerals Limited, WorldCom, and Enron Corporation. Such fates can be avoided by businesses that place an emphasis on corporate ethics.Admittedly, setting high ethical standards entails certain costs for a business. However, any cost associated with establishing an ethically favorable reputation will ultimately pay for itself as the company attracts more customers, maintains a loyal and motivated workforce, and avoids costly regulatory action. In today's increasingly competitive business world, perhaps the question that companies should ask themselves is not whether they can afford to be ethical, but whether they can afford not to be.China's Traditional CultureThe ancient culture of China is one of the great treasures of human civilization. Over the course of thousands of years, the Chinese people have created their own unique customs and traditions, and passed them on from one generation to the next. In recent decades, however, some people have become increasingly concerned that China's cultural heritage could become marginalized or even disappear entirely. In my opinion, however, the traditional Chinese culture is not only certain to survive, but, in fact, is destined to thrive and prosper.One factor that has already begun to contribute to the preservation of China's traditional culture is its commercialization. Without the ability to attract large audiences, China's acrobatic, theatrical and opera troupes would be sure to face financial struggles, or even bankruptcy. Since China's opening-up to the outside world, however, these and other branches of the Chinese traditional culture have emerged as burgeoning tourist industries. As a result, their survival is more certain today than at any time in history.Another reason that the future of China's ancient culture can be considered "safe" is the active efforts to protect it on the part of the Chinese government. To begin with, traditional arts, such as calligraphy, dance and music, are often taught as a mandatory element of young children's education, ensuring that they grow up with an awareness of their cultural roots. In addition, the government relies on the State-controlled media to promote an appreciation for traditional culture among the Chinese people. For example, the CCTV New Y ear's Gala, broadcast each year on die eve of the Spring Festival, features a variety of cultural content, including Chinese opera, xiangsheng, and traditional dance performances.Finally, the culture of China is buttressed and supported by widespread and growing international interest in China and its traditions. Today, the traditional Chinese culture is treasured not only by the Chinese people, but by people all over the globe. Whether through kung fu schools in Sydney, Australia or Chinese calligraphy exhibits at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada, many people around the world now have the chance to learn about China's 5 ,000-year-old culture, ensuring that its reach and influence extend well beyond China's own borders.For China, as for any other rapidly developing country, there is a danger that age-old customs and traditions may become lost in the shadows of modernization. If tai chi chuan, kung-fu or Peking opera ever perished from the earth, it would be a tragedy of immeasurable proportions. Fortunately, as a result of successful commercialization efforts, unwavering government support and growing interest overseas, the future of China's traditional culture looks brighter and more secure than ever before.The Problems with Plagiarism and CheatingCheating on exams and plagiarizing the work of others are two unfair tactics used by students in an attempt to attain higher grades. Such actions may be propelled by laziness, lack of self-confidence, academic pressure, or a combination of these factors. Cheating and plagiarism are wrong because they adversely affect other students, the university, and even the perpetrators themselves.Students who cheat on examinations or plagiarize on essays have an unfair advantage over other students. For instance, an honest student with average writing ability might spend many hours or even days writing a term paper and receive a grade of, say, 75 percent. A dishonest student might spend only five minutes downloading an essay from the Internet and, unless he or she is caught, receive a grade of 80 percent or higher. Likewise, it would be extremely unjust for a student who cheats on an exam to obtain a perfect score of 100, while a bright and hard-working student studies for a week to receive a score of 95.Plagiarism and cheating on tests are not only unfair to students who do their own work, but are also detrimental to a university's reputation and the worth of its d iploma. If such dishonest practices become prevalent at an institution of higher learning, this information will eventually reach the news media and the community at large. The university's credibility would become diminished, and repairing this credibility would be a slow process. In addition, alumni of a university where cheating and plagiarism are prevalent would see the value of their degree weakened in the job marketplace.Finally, students who plagiarize others' work or cheat on exams end up hurting themselves. Even if their actions are not detected, they will fail to achieve the learning that honest students do. As they seek employment upon their graduation, a potential employer might discover through the interview process that they lack certain required skills or knowledge and, instead, award the job to an honest student able to demonstrate the requisite abilities. Furthermore, deceitful academic practices may form habitual dishonesty that affects students long after they leave the university, and could have adverse effects in every facet of their life.In short, plagiarism and cheating on exams are wrong for multiple reasons. These actions have an unfair impact on other students, the educational institute, and the perpetrators themselves. As students are considered adults by the time they enter university, those who engage in fraudulent academic behavior should be held accountable for their actions.Academic Pressure and Student HealthEveryone is subject to stress and pressure at one time or another. While students at all grade levels may face pressure in their studies, this pressure is often greater for university students, who face the additional tasks of making tough career decisions and balancing complex relationships. If left unchecked, academic pressure has the potential to adversely affect their psychological, physical and social health.First of all, pressure from studies can negatively affect university students' psychological health. It is well documented that intense pressure can lead to both anxiety and depression. Consequently, students who place excessively high expectations on themselves or are constantly worried about their grades will be at a heightened risk of developing these emotional symptoms. For students who focus all of their time on academics to the exclusion of other activities, these negative emotions will have no outlet for release and may thus continue to affect them for a long time.Apart from its harmful effects on emotional well-being, academic pressure can also cause students to suffer physical health ailments. As science confirms, there exists a strong connection between the mind and the body. The brain regulates hormones and biochemical processes to maintain homeostasis. This balance, however, can be offset by excessive stress or pressure, leading to a host of physical problems —including fatigue, muscular tension, headaches, ulcers and insomnia. Academic pressure can also cause indirect physical suffering. Students who worry obsessively about their studies are more likely to lead a sedentary lifestyle devoid of physical activity, which could induce additional physical health symptoms.Finally, academic pressure can adversely affect students' social health. University students who are under severe pressure in their studies are less likely to socialize with their peers and may even isolate themselves to some degree.In addition, psychologists have demonstrated a causal link between intense stress and various negative personality changes. Classmates of affected students are unlikely to understand the reasons fur such changes and may shy away from interaction with them. College students who are overcome by academic pressure may thus find it difficult to make and sustain healthy relationships.To conclude, academic pressure has the potential to negatively affect students' mental, physical and social health. Students who are already suffering from pressure in their studies should take active steps to mitigate its effects or eliminate its sources. Parents and educators, too, should strive to understand the risks associated with academic pressure and devise ways to minimize its potential impact.。