生化危机3 完美攻略

生化危机3 完美攻略随着爆炸跳出来的吉尔正被僵尸包围着,不用开枪,往前走避过僵尸,爬路障,EVENT……“9月28日,昼。
ZGM ARMA2 地图制作教程

ZGM ARMA2 地图制作教程(中文版)――一部杰出的武装突袭2地图教程翻译:yxh763译者的话:能不能把自己所在地方的地图做到Arma2里去?能不能把国内铁杆玩家们所做的优秀的PLA MOD和自家的地形结合起来?从而让PLA在自己的国土上摸爬滚打?答案是肯定的。
通过翻译 《ZGM ARMA2 地图制作教程》,我发现这件事现在变得简单多了,对我来说再也不是那么神秘莫测了。
《ZGM ARMA2 地图制作教程》只需四步,就能教你做出专业水准的地图来,真不愧是一部杰出的教程。
中文版发布地点:中国虚拟军事网(VME)原文地址:ZGM MAP MAKING TUTORIAL PART 1 & 2(不太容易打开)原文网盘下载:ZGM MAP MAKING TUTORIAL PART 1 & 2以下是教程的正文。
2011.06.08第1步: 获取、转换与导入一张真实的高度图获取你想要的这个星球上某个区域的DEM (Digital Elevation Model-数字高程模型) 。

让你头疼,今天在 wukaisky 君的技巧贴之下测 试了一套无脑简化系统。 1.起飞,先滑轮打开悬停 auto-hoveron,长
按 Q,这个时候直升机会缓缓垂直上升。
后 enter 切换为第一视觉摆正直升机,连续敲击
Z 键,知道降落。之后关闭引擎,再关闭悬停(时 速必须是 0 哦,-1 和 1 都不允老手请直接无
倾,快速在悬停帮助下回正。 点此进入 3DM《武装突袭 3》论坛专区
1cf0f7c7a1 月色传奇/
2.确定方向,在导航员(队长等任何在看地 图的人包括你自己)的指导下选定方向,关闭悬
停 auto-hoveroff,出发。鼠标微微向下压。
正(为了保险甚至可以再开悬停调整。) 4.前往目的地,之后悬停,按 enter 转为第

AMS 动画制作指南
作者:Imutep 原作英文翻译:Tom Trottle
中文翻译:tateyou 摘自 http://www.assaultmissionstudio.de/
Tateyou 的几句话 这本指南的翻译相对于 Mr.Murray 的大家伙来说轻松了许多。三天的努力,而且经过反 复实践和先前的翻译经验,我成功地制作出了这本翻译指南的 PDF 版本。 翻译这本指南的动力来源很简单,首先我自闪点时期起就对制作动画产生了浓厚的兴 趣。那会的资源还不像现在这样普及(或者是我太笨没找到……),但自从进入了武装突袭 时代后,至少就我而言,感觉到手头的东西充实起来,相比过去的匮乏,现在简直有想囫囵 之意。只有看不懂,没有看不到。Mr.Murray 的编辑器指南虽然涉及到了动画制作(Murray 强就强在他啥都涉及,有些朋友反映指南不够详细,那是因为 Murray 的指南不是高手进阶, 而是让每个人都学会编辑。武装突袭有无限的可能,无限的组合,并不能靠指南来解决的。), 但相对有些粗略,所以我才萌生了翻译 Imutep 动画指南的念头。 这本翻译也并非高手进阶,但是看过、看懂之后,我敢保证谁都能制作出精美(注意是 精美哦!)的动画。文中提到,制作动画最重要的就是耐心。有了耐心,加上这本指南,以 及反复的实践,大家都能成为动画高手。 感谢大家对我的工作所给予的关注与支持。我会再接再厉。

官方战役"Harvest Red"具有以下几个特点:1. 战役取材自真实背景,任务改编自真实事件。
2. 开放式的人物对话,暗藏很多线索及支线任务。
3. 因果相连的的剧情发展模式,面临的重要选择都会影响后面剧情的发展及最后的结局。
4. 战役中融入美军先进的高科技后勤资源。

武装突袭3 步兵作战无伤视频攻略
æ ´å¤ ç²¾å½©æ »ç ¥è®¿é ®1。

第1 阶段血光(Transport) 6 月10 日,14:30,Ortego 镇★实战流程:任务前半段都是强制播放的故事情节:一小队美军乘坐两辆HMMWV 从Ortego 镇前往位于Corazol 镇郊外的一座军营执行任务,半路接到命令前往Corazol 镇内核实是否发生枪战。
(自动Save 点)到达目的地后,班长命令下车,真正的战斗从此开始……推荐两种打法:A:走在队伍中间,但不要进入建筑密集的街道!两辆HMMWV 报销后,向下一个任务提示(Move)撤退,找个安全的地方躲好,敌人会从各个方向过来,不过可以放心的交给AI 战友处理。
敌人的重装甲出现后(建议Save 点)任务提示改为(Get in),跟着队伍走,上了步兵战车后可以等待任务结束了。
B:下车后立刻顺着马路向东跑,手头够准的可以在半路上干掉东北方向楼顶上站着的一名AT 兵,顺便再向北面丁子路口东南角那座房子顶上扔颗手雷(呵呵~晕吧,后面再解释)。
回到刚才扔手雷的那栋房子,就在被炸毁(其实是自爆,似曾相识的场景~)的HMMWV 南面,有楼梯可上到屋顶。
换上他的AKS-74UN,火箭筒先放下,拿上两包炸药(建议Save 点)。
这时应该能听到T-72 的轰鸣声了,赶紧跑到刚才消灭步兵的岸边,埋包儿~跑回屋顶。
T-72 开到包点的时候可以送它归西了,如果不行还有RPG 呢,不过要留两发给稍后到来的两辆BMP-2。
消灭四面包抄的敌兵,出现任务提示(Get in)后归队,钻车,撤离(我们打赢了啊?还要撤离?!还是听导演的吧~)。
★友情提示:本攻略少部分内容是根据1.02 版本编写(少数关卡针对1.05 版本做了补充说明)、大部分是根据1.05 版本编写,难度设置为“Veteran”,因此,如与实际游戏有所出入欢迎大家指出,我们会及时修改、完善。

三角洲特种部队3大地勇士攻略大地勇士游戏攻略之闪电行动QUICK MISSIONS(共11个任务)第一任务三角洲训练营地本关是纯粹的训练,切不可朝真人开枪,那些可都是你的队友!直升机落地后跳入水塘中,游到红旗旁边拿取白色箱子,然后快速回到岸上把箱子放到障碍课程后的哨塔上(按F8),接着再前往靶场,打倒那里所有的红色标靶后返回指挥中心即可结束。
第五任务免费特快行动潜伏到高地上消灭RA VEN点的所有敌人,最好先用狙击步枪在有利地形消灭外围敌人,然后再潜入近战,注意不可破坏任何设备,因此不要使用手雷或枪榴弹。

战争艺术3中文手册主菜单:从左往右1开始新的游戏2读取游戏3用E-MA IL对战4选项5地图编辑器选项:自上而下~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1指挥与控制(指挥控制规则运用与否)2剧本可变性开关3天气影响开关4详细战斗报告开关5主动脱离战斗开关6飞行单位助理开关7无边境开关8军情报告日志开关9高补给10电影~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 AI聪明程度选择st rong强mode rate中等wea k弱12双方战斗惩罚选择新游戏~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1单击”H Q“ 选择要玩的战役2选择“人为攻方”“人为守方”“AI演示”“E-m ail对战”“热坐模式”3单击确定进入游戏4 战前形势报告主要有战役起始结束时间回合数,每回合时间,每六角格方圆大小敌我军力数量战斗力战役背景介绍胜利达成要求失败达成条件等等~~~进入游戏win dow p anel:标题栏u nit p anel:单位栏t urn i nfor:回合信息cont orl p anel:控制板displ ay pa nel:显示板m icrov iew p anel:小地图i nform ation pane l:信息栏mappanel:大地图地图地图边缘地图边缘有可能会出现一些不可操纵的场所战争舞台该区域完全受玩家的控制。


Shift - C 改变机炮射速(A-10)
V 增加投弹间隔距离(A-10)
Shift - V 减少投弹间隔距离(A-10)
Ctrl - Space 改变投弹数量(A-10)
Alt - Space 武器保险开关(A-10)
Shift - Space 改变投弹模式(A-10)
Shift - . (句号) 雷达/光电系统向下扫瞄
Shift - / (斜杠) 雷达/光电系统向右扫瞄
Shift - ; (分号) 雷达/电视搜索系统向上扫瞄
Shift - , (逗号) 雷达/电视搜索系统向左扫瞄
Shift - . (句号) 雷达/电视搜索系统向下扫瞄
Ctrl - Key Pad Del 地形视点锁定观察视野模式(只对F2、F6、F7、F8、F9有效)
Backspace 切换“由目标来/到目标去”的视角观察方向(只对F2、F6、F7、F8、F9、F12有效)
Alt - Delete 视角转换时忽略当前物体
Alt - Insert 把所有被忽略的物体加入视角
Shift - / (斜杠) 雷达/电视搜索系统向右扫瞄
Del 在任务中派遣僚机并允许他完成任务后归队
Ins 密集/松散编队
[ 攻击我的目标
] 掩护我六点钟方向
\\ 显示对僚机指令
F1 座舱视角
Ctrl - F1 头部自然转动视角
Alt - F1 HUD视角
Key Pad 4 向左看
Key Pad 5 视线回中
Key Pad 6 向右看
Key Pad 7 向左上看

的子弹后,再换弹夹. F 切换射击模式/下挂榴弹
看袁慕野打篮球了吧。袁慕野身高 187cm,很瘦却有着打篮球所必需的爆发力。当
G使用战术投掷物Ctrl+G可以对投掷物进行 切换
V 跨跃障碍(AA3 是没跳的~
B 望远镜
N 夜视仪
I 打开背包 M 地图配备 GPS 的情况下可以使用 CTRL+M, 在 HUD 上显示 GPS. O 手表按两下固定 K 指北针按两下固定 L 打开雷射指点器或者战术手电(你得枪得 下挂上这 2 种东西!)
;切换武器也可以使用滚轮(滚一下)打开武 器选择菜单,然后选择切换
大小写切换键使用游戏自带的语音通话注 意频道!
shift 奔跑
小键盘 1234697 调整摄像机位置,让玩家观 察身后的情况
F1~F12 是对小队成员的选择,选择后就可以
看袁慕野打篮球了吧。袁慕野身高 187cm,很瘦却有着打篮球所必需的爆发力。当
武装突袭 3 新手基础教程图文教程
武装突袭 3 新手基础教程图文教程
《武装突袭 3》新手图文教程
说起武装突袭,去年其实我也不会玩这个游 戏,起初只是和几个玩 COD 的老朋友搞了一下 COOP.不过搞着搞这就没救了.深入的话,就要算 是玩 DAYZ 的时候了.简直就是一发不可收拾!
个人非常喜欢这个游戏,有着大部分游戏无 法做到的拟真度.不过武装突袭的复杂度相对与 使命召唤,战地,都要高出很多.而且游戏没汉化, 对于新手的话.进入游戏就会有种摸不着头脑的 感觉.
武装突袭整个游戏偏于慢节奏,虽然按键很 多,但是游戏实际操作的时候,你并不会觉得按 键太多会造成手忙脚乱的局面。
TerraExplorer Pro v7.0用户操作手册-2019v1.0

启动界面 ......................................................................................................................... 13
界面布局 ......................................................................................................................... 13
TerraExplorer 7.0.1 版本新特性 .......................................................................................8
3.1.1 栅格图层改进 ............................................................................................................ 8
3.2.6 分析工具..................................................................................................................10
3.2.7 使用 SkylineGlobe Server– 发布工具 .....................................................................10
关于本手册 ....................................................................................................................... 1

class Header { g a m e Ty p e = Wa s t e l a n d ; minPlayers=1; maxPlayers=64; }; OnLoadMission = "Welcome to Wasteland v1.05 Alpha"; //Dialog includes #include "addonsR3F_ARTY_AND_LOGdesc_include.h" #include "clientsystemscommon.hpp" #include "clientsystemsplayerMenudialogplayer_settings.hpp" #include "clientsystemsgroupsdialoggroupManagement.hpp" #include "clientsystemsgunStoredialoggunshop_settings.hpp" #include "clientsystemsgeneralStoredialoggenstore_settings.hpp" #include "clientsystemsadminPaneldialogadminMenu.hpp" #include "clientsystemsadminPaneldialogmodMenu.hpp" #include "clientsystemsadminPaneldialogserverAdminMenu.hpp" #include "clientsystemsadminPaneldialogdebugMenu.hpp" #include "clientsystemsadminPaneldialogplayerMenu.hpp" #include " c l i e n t s y s t e m s a d m i n P a n e l d i a l o g Ve h i c l e M a n a g e m e n t . h p p " #include "clientsystemsplayerMenudialogrespawn_dialog.hpp" #include "clientsystemsplayerMenudialogteamkill_dialog.hpp" #include "addonsproving_groundPG_config.hpp" class RscTitles { #include "addonsproving_groundPG_rsctitles.hpp" #include "clientsystemshuddialoghud.hpp" #include "clientsystemsplayerMenudialogwelcome.hpp"
Red Dead Redemption 100% Walkthrough 《荒野大镖客:救赎》100%完成 攻略

=============================================================================== ###### ####### ###### ###### ####### # ####### # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # ####### ##### # # # # ##### # # # ## # # # # # # # ####### # ## # # # # # # # # # # ## # ####### ###### ###### ####### # # ############ ####### ###### ####### # # ###### ####### ### ####### # ## # # # # # ## ## # # # # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ####### ##### # # ##### # # # ###### # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # ####### ###### ####### # # # # ### ####### # #===============================================================================DISCLAIMER:This FAQ may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.The latest copy of this FAQ will always be available at:/The following Website(s) have permission to host this guide:(c) Copyright 2010 by Michael Gibson-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Use the Search Function (CTRL+F) and the codes listed to jump to that point of the guide.-Table of Contents-Introduction...........................................[@INT]Story Missions.........................................[@MIS]Rare Weapons...........................................[@WEP] Outfits................................................[@OUT] Houses.................................................[@HOU] Jobs...................................................[@JOB] Hideouts...............................................[@HID] Challenges.............................................[@CHA] Bounties...............................................[@BOU] Strangers..............................................[@STR]Mini-Games.............................................[@GAM]Map Locations..........................................[@MAP]Version History and Credits............................[@VER]------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [@INT] IntroductionRed Dead Redemption is the spiritual successor to Red Dead Revolver, a game released on May 3, 2004 for the Playstation 2 and Xbox platforms. Red Dead Redemption takes place years after the original with a different cast of characters and locations.Red Dead Redemption (RDR for short) follows the Grand Theft Auto example by having a large open world with a ton of activities for the player to complete. In addition, the game features an incredible amount of in game statistics tracking, including completion percentage.This guide is designed to assist you in obtaining the coveted 100% completion. You can only unlock 100% after beating the game, as the final stranger in the game is required. By completing the game to 100% you will unlock an Achievement/Trophy as well as the final outfit in the game. This outfit makes it so you will never have a wanted level as long as you are wearing it. Quite a nice effect!Before going into the guide I would also like to link you to/games/rdr/checklist.html which is Rockstars own online checklist. As of 5/30/2010 however the site is suffering from heavy server load and not updating correctly, but it should be fixed soon.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[@MIS] Story Missions:There are a total of 57 Story Missions in the game. These cannot be missed in any way, and all of them are required for completion. If you need assistance with any of the story missions please refer to a general walkthrough or guide for assistance.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[@WEP] Rare Weapons:There are five rare weapons in the game you are required to purchase for 100% completion. They are the Mauser Pistol, LeMat Revolver, Evans Repeater, Semi- Auto Shotgun, and the Carcano Sniper Rifle. The Mauser Pistol, Evans Repeater, and Carcano can all be purchased from the Gunsmith at Blackwater. The LeMat Revolver and the Semi-Auto Shotgun can be purchased from the Gunsmith in Escalara. This handy chart sums it up best.|Weapon | Location |Price| PreReq ||Mauser |Blackwater|$800 | None ||Evans |Blackwater|$1000| None ||LeMat |Escalara |$1250|Mission "An Appointed Time"||Semi |Escalara |$1100| None ||Carcano|Blackwater|$1100| None |------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [@OUT] OutfitsThere are nine outfits in Red Dead Redemption that are required for 100% completion. There are more than nine outfits, but only these nine will count towards the completion stat. All suits only have cosmetic differences unless otherwise noted.Elegant Suit: You can purchase this suit from the Tailor in Thieves Landing. It allows you to cheat at Poker.Poncho: You will unlock this suit by purchasing a safe house in Mexico.Bollard Twins: You will need to complete the following tasks to unlock this outfit. Bollard Twins gang members will consider you friendly while wearingthis outfit.1) Kill a Bollard Twins Member2) Find a Scrap inside the Warehouse at Thieves Landing. It is in the room where Shaky is being held during the "On Shaky Ground" mission.3) Successfully complete a Nightwatch job at MacFarlane's Ranch. See[@JOB] for tips!4) Win at Horseshoes at MacFarlane's Ranch. See [@GAM] for tips!5) Claim a Bollard Twins bounty alive. See [@BOU] for tips!6) Defend the residents of Hennigen's Stead from the Bollard Twinsgang. This is a random event and can happen at any time.7) Purchase a scrap from the Tailor in Thieves' Landing.Treasure Hunters: You will need to complete the following tasks to unlock this outfit. Treasure Hunters members will consider you friendly while wearing this outfit.1) Kill a Treasure Hunter member.2) Open the chest in Silent Stead. It is in an abandoned house.3) Complete the "California" Stranger's task. See [@STR] for tips!4) Make a profit playing Blackjack in Rathskeller Fork.5) Claim a Treasure Hunter bounty alive. See [@BOU] for tips!6) Successfully complete Gaptooth Breach. See [@HID] for tips!7) Purchase the scrap from Thieves' Landing.Bandito: You will need to complete the following tasks to unlock this outfit. Banditos and Outlaws in Mexico will consider you friendly while wearing this outfit.1) Kill a Bandito2) Open the chest in Sidewinder Gulch. It is in a tent on a plateau.3) Successfully complete a Nightwatch Job in Chuparosa. See [@JOB] for tips!4) Defeat all players in a game of Liar's Dice in Casa Madrugada. See [@GAM] for tips!5) Claim a Bandito bounty alive. See [@BOU] for tips!6) Defend the residents of Mexico from Bandito attacks. This is random.7) Purchase this scrap from the general store in Chuparosa.Reye's Rebels: You will need to complete the following tasks to unlock this outfit. Mexican law Posses and the Mexican Army will not pursue you while wearing this outfit.1) Complete the mission "An Appointed Time"2) Open the chest at the graveyard in Sepulcro.3) Complete the "Poppycock" Stranger's task. See [@STR] for tips!4) Successfully complete a Horsebreaking job in Chuparosa. See [@JOB] for tips!5) Successfully complete the "Love is Opiate" Stranger's Task. See[@STR] for tips!6) Win at Five Finger Fillet in Torquemada. See [@GAM] for tips!7) Purchase from the general store in Escalara.U.S. Army: You will need to complete the following tasks to unlock this outfit.1) Complete the story mission "An Appointed Time"2) Open the chest in Aurora Basin. It is in the cabin by the lake.3) Win at Arm Wrestling in the Pacific Union Railroad Camp. See [@GAM] for tips!4) Eliminate all other players in a game of Poker at Blackwater. See[@GAM] for tips!5) Successfully complete the "Lights, Camera, Action" Stranger's Task. See [@STR] for tips!6) Successfully complete a Nightwatch job in Blackwater. See [@JOB] for tips!7) Purchase the scrap from the tailor in Blackwater.U.S. Marshall: You will need to complete the following tasks to unlock this outfit. U.S. Posses and Marshals will not pursue you while wearing this outfit.1) Complete "The Last Enemy that Shall be Destroyed" story mission.2) Complete all U.S. gang hideouts in 24 in-game hours. These includeTumbleweed, Twin Rocks, Pike's Basin, Gaptooth Breach, and FortMercer.Rancher: This outfit will unlock after completing the mission "The Outlaw's Return"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[@HOU] HousesThere are 13 houses you can purchase in RDR. There are two safe houses you can rent, but they do not count towards the 100% completion.1) MacFarlane's Ranch. You are given this at the beginning of the game.2) Armadillo.3) Rathskeller Fork.4) Thieves' Landing.5) Puerto Chuchilla. You are given this when you enter Mexico.6) Chuparosa.7) Escalara.8) El Matadero.9) Casa Madrugada.10) Blackwater Saloon. You are given this when you enter West Elizabeth.11) Manzanita Point.12) Beecher's Hope1. You are given this after completing "The Outlaw's Return".13) Beecher's Hope2. You are given this after completing "The Last Enemy thatShall be Destroyed"The two rental locations in the game are Plainview and Ridgewood Farms, but they are NOT required for 100%.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[@JOB] JobsThere are two types of jobs and a total of five instances of them in the game. You must successfully complete each instance of the job at least once for 100%.In Horsebreaking you will need to balance on the back of a wild horse until it is breaks, much like in the early Bonnie missions and how you can break any wild horse. After balancing for long enough you will be asked to ride in into the stable before being rewarded.In Nightwatch you will follow a dog around the area breaking up crime. Anything from fighting to hostage situations may arise while out on Nightwatch. If you have the Lasso you can use it to capture criminals non-lethally for a cash bonus.Location: Job:Ridgewood - HorsebreakingChuparosa - HorsebreakingChuparosa - NightwatchBlackwater - NightwatchMacFarlane's Ranch - Nightwatch-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[@HID] Gang HideoutsThere are seven gang hideouts in RDR. The Playstation 3 version has anexclusive eighth hideout, but it isn't required for 100% completion. All hideouts have an associated story mission which must be completed prior.Twin Rocks: Twin Rocks is available after the mission "New Friends, Old Problems" and is located to the North of Armadillo. When you approach the area you will be prompted to meet a Rancher behind a rock (a Yellow X on your mini- map). He will ask for your help in saving his daughter who has been kidnapped. Kill all of the gang members in the area before entering the room where she is being held. Make sure to use Dead Eye to save the Ranchers Daughter before harm befalls her. You will be rewarded with the Volcanic Pistol and some chests to loot for completing this hideout.Pike's Basin: Pike's Basin will be available after the mission "Justice inPike's Basin" and is location North-East from Armadillo. When you approach you will be instructed to meet with a Rancher behind a rock (a Yellow X on your mini-map). He will tell you that his cattle has been stolen by the gang in the basin and will ask for your help in clearing the area out so he can retrieve them. Kill all of the gang Members in the area to complete this hideout. You will be rewarded with the Sawed Off Shotgun afterwards.Gaptooth Breach: This hideout will be available after completing "Man is Born Unto Trouble" and is located Far West past Armadillo. When you approach youwill be asked to meet an injured man behind some crates. He will tell you that his friend is hurt and needs to see a doctor and will ask for your assistance in rescuing him. After clearing out the gang members in the area you will have to cut his friend free. He will tell you there is treasure in the mine and that he will spilt it with you if you lead the way. Fight through the mine to discover one chest worth of gold. Take it, then fight your way back out. After exiting the mine the hideout will be complete. You will receive the Springfield Rifle as a reward, as well as what was in the chest in the mine.Fort Mercer: This hideout will be available after the mission "We Shall be Together in Paradise". You will be asked to meet a gunslinger by the wall. He will give you a lift up onto some boxes so you can enter the fort. Once inside, kill all of the men on the upper walls before dropping down to open the doors and let the man inside. Afterwards just continue to clear the fort until you reach the treasure room. Take your prize and the hideout will be considered complete. You are rewarded with the Semi-Automatic Pistol as well as whatever was in the chest for completing this hideout.Tumbleweed: You can access Tumbleweed after the "New Friends, Old Problems" story mission. Tumbleweed is located at Gaptooth Ridge, to the West of Armadillo. When you arrive you will be asked to free a Sheriff who was been hogtied. Once free you will need to kill the gang members in town with the sheriff until they are all dead. Once prompted to, head to the Mansion on the hill and clear it as well. Make sure to check the Basement and the Upstairs while clearing the mansion. Upon killing all of the gang the hideout will be complete and you will be given some money and a Winchester Repeater Rifle.Tesoro Azul: After completing the mission "The Demon Drink" you will be able to access Tesoro Azul, which is located to the South-West of Chuparosa. Talk to the man near the eastern entrance to begin. You will need to once again kill everyone inside the city. You may find it easier if you attempt to kill as many as possible before heading inside. Eventually you will find the deputy that is being held hostage. Use Dead Eye to make rescuing him easier. You will receive the Double Action Revolver as a reward.Nosalida: Nosalida becomes available after completing the mission "We Shall be Together in Paradise" and is located all the way on the Western Coast of Mexico. Meet the General of the Army outside of the city and he will ask you to kill the Rebels and burn their houses and boats. Clear the city of Rebels while making sure not to shoot anyone from the Mexican Army before moving on. Oncethe village is clear, use the Fire Bombs to destroy the marked targets. Return to the General once you've finished to complete the Hideout and receive the Henry Repeater Rifle as a reward.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[@CHA] ChallengesThere are four types of Challenges in Red Dead Redemption - Hunting, Survivalist, Sharpshooter, and Treasure Hunting. Each challenge has 10 levels of completion, and all must be finished for 100%. You will receive a reward for at levels 5 and 10 for each challenge, except for the Sharpshooter category. You will also be rewarded when you've completed all challenges.===Hunting Challenges===General Tips: Use Bait to attract animals and remember to save often, one death can set you back a lot of work if you haven't saved recently.Hunting Level 1: Collect 5 Coyote Pelts. They can be found almost anywhere. Hunting Level 2: Collect 5 Deer Pelts. These are even more common. Note thatBucks do NOT count.Hunting Level 3: Kill 5 Wolves with your Melee Knife and collect 5 Wolf Pelts. Wolves can be found in multiple locations and travel in packs. Hunting Level 4: Collect 5 Boar Tusks and 3 Armadillo Carapaces. Armadillos are located in both New Austin and Mexico but may be hard to seebecause of their size. Boars can be found in Tall Trees andHennigan's Stead.Hunting Level 5: Kill 2 Cougars with your Melee Knife and collect 2 CougarPelts. Cougars are very dangerous, capable of killing you in a single swipe. They make virtually no noise before attacking,and are very fast. You can find them in mountainous areas. Hunting Level 6: Collect 5 Raccoon Pelts, 5 Skunk Pelts, and 5 Fox Pelts.Raccoons and Skunks can be found in the area around Hennigans Stead and Cholla Springs. Foxes can be found in Tall Trees. Hunting Level 7: Collect 5 Elk meat and 5 Bighorn Skins. Bighorn can be foundin the hills around Rathskella Fork and Tall Trees. Elk can be found in Tall Trees as well.Hunting Level 8: Kill a Bear with your Knife and collect 1 Bear Pelt. Bears are found in the Tall Trees to the North. If you shoot a bear once with the Evans Repeater you can kill it in a Single Knife stab and still receive credit for the challenge.Hunting Level 9: Search Ojo Del Diablo for "Khan" the Jaguar and collect hispelt. Head to Ojo Del Diablo and walk around. You willeventually be told where he is. If you are having trouble you can try using bait to lure him out.Hunting Level 10: Search Aurora Basin, Stillwater Creek and Nekoti Rock for"Lobo" the Wolf, "Gordo" the Boar and "Brumas" the Bear andcollect their pelts. Just like challenge 9 you'll want tohead to the areas listed and wait a bit, using bait if youare having trouble.Level 5 Reward: You can purchase the Buffalo Rifle from Gunsmiths in New Austin.Level 10 Reward: When skinning Animals you will receive a consumable health item.===Survivalist Challenges===General Tips: If you are having trouble locating these plants you can purchase a Survivalists Map from some stores which displays all plants around you onyour mini-map for 10 minutes.Survivalist Level 1: Collect 6 Wild Feverlow. You can find these in Hennigans Stead and Cholla Springs.Survivalist Level 2: Collect 6 Desert Sage. You can find them around Gaptooth Ridge.Survivalist Level 3: Collect 4 Red Sage. You can find them around Rio Bravo. Survivalist Level 4: Collect 8 Prickly Pears. They can be found all overMexico.Survivalist Level 5: Collect 7 Woolly Blue Curls. These can be found inPerdido.Survivalist Level 6: Collect 8 Butterfly Weeds. They are found in Diez Coronas. Survivalist Level 7: Collect 10 Hummingbird Sage. These are in Tall Trees. Survivalist Level 8: Collect 12 Prairie Poppies. These are in the Great Plains. Survivalist Level 9: Collect 15 Golden Currants. These are in the Great Plains. Survivalist Level 10: Collect 10 Violet Snowdrops and 2 of every other herbalready collected. The Violet Snowdrops are in the snowy area of Tall Trees. The other Herbs are where they were previously.Level 5 Reward: Survivalist Maps last for 20 minutes instead of 10.Level 10 Reward: When you collect an Herb you will receive a consumable item that restores Dead Eye.===Sharpshooter Challenges===General Tips: Anytime a challenge requires you to do something without reloading you can use Dead Eye to "cheat". Entering Dead Eye will reload your gun without having it count against you.Sharpshooter Level 1: Shoot and Kill 5 Flying Birds. Simple enough, no? Sharpshooter Level 2: Shoot and Kill 5 Rabbits. Rabbits are small and hoparound. Just keep an eye out for Movement while ridingaround, they can be found all over.Sharpshooter Level 3: Kill 5 Coyotes without them Damaging You. Simple enough, Coyotes tend to run away instead of attacking you, it's just a matter of finding them.Sharpshooter Level 4: Kill 5 Flying Birds from a Moving Train. Board the train and climb on the Roof with a Ladder. As long as it'smoving use Dead Eye to take 5 birds down.Sharpshooter Level 5: Kill any 2 different types of wild animals in one DeadEye Meter. All you need to do is use Dead Eye to kill two types of Animals. When you see one kind look for a bird or something similar and kill them both in a single Dead Eye.Sharpshooter Level 6: Shoot the Hat's off 2 Different People's Heads. It isimportant to note that if they die when you shoot their hat off it will not count towards the challenge,otherwise go wild.Sharpshooter Level 7: Kill 3 Bears with a Single Head Shot Each. You can dothis a few ways. If you have the Buffalo Rifle it works well, as does the Rolling Block. If you're feeling brave a Shotgun works as long as you're at point blank range. Sharpshooter Level 8: Shoot and Hats off 2 People's Heads AND Disarm 2 People. Aim for the Hands to disarm, aim for the Hat to De-Hat. Sharpshooter Level 9: Kill any 6 Wild Animals including Birds, withoutReloading or Changing Weapons. This one is easy if youhave the Evans Repeater or the Mauser Pistol as they each hold a ton of bullets.Sharpshooter Level 10: Disarm 6 Enemies without Reloading or Changing Weapons. Similar to the last challenge, I'd suggest attemptingthis at any of the Gang Hideouts. Twin Rock's worksquite well in my experience.Level 5 Reward: This Challenge does not have any rewards.Level 10 Reward: This Challenge does not have any rewards.===Treasure Hunting===General Tips: Each level of Treasure Hunting rewards you with a Sellable Gold Bar and the next map. The maps are rather easy to use as long as you've grown familiar with the landmarks in the game. All treasures are located under a pile of odd colored rocks. There are only 9 levels of the Treasure Hunter Challenge.Treasure Hunter Level 1: This treasure is located at the Hanging Rock.Treasure Hunter Level 2: This treasure is located at Del Lobo Rock.Treasure Hunter Level 3: It is located in the basement of Tumbleweed Mansion. Treasure Hunter Level 4: This treasure is located at Rio Del Toro.Treasure Hunter Level 5: This treasure is located at Crooked Toes.Treasure Hunter Level 6: This treasure is located at Ojo Del Diablo.Treasure Hunter Level 7: This treasure is located at Roca De Madera.Treasure Hunter Level 8: This treasure is located at Beechers Hope.Treasure Hunter Level 9: This treasure is located at Nekoti Rock.Level 5 Reward: All stagecoach travel is now free.Level 9 Reward: You can now carry twice as many consumable items.After completing all levels of all challenges you will unlock the "Legend of the West" Outfit. It grants you twice as much Dead Eye. You do not need this Outfit for 100% completion, but you do need all of the Challenges Complete.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[@BOU] BountiesBounty hunting is an activity in RDR that can be attempted an infinite number of times. Most bounty targets will have a name and a face on the wanted poster but after enough bounties have been collected you will instead see nameless "?" bounties. If you walk away from this guide with nothing else please know that these nameless bounties DO COUNT! For 100% Completion you will need to collect 20 different bounty "Locations." The bounty himself doesn't matter, only the location in which he was collected.There are 8 Bounty Locations in New Austin, 8 in Mexico, and 4 in West Elizabeth. You can check how many you currently have by looking under the Score Section of the Stats page. Each location counts as .1%, and is what many people need to finish off 100%.Bounty Posters will only spawn in town if you're there and will only spawn one at a time. You will receive a cash bonus if you capture your target alive with the lasso, but you are not required to take them in alive for the completion percentage. The best advice I can give you is to check your Stats page to see how many you need and head to either Armadillo, Chuparosa, or Blackwater to start working on the remaining bounties. You can collect bounties for all of their respective locations from these three cities.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[@STR] StrangersThere are a total of 19 Strangers in the game. The Stranger Quest "I Know You" is not required for 100% completion and is the only item in the game you could miss. Since the game tracks the location of each Stranger Quest after you begin I will only post the starting locations of each quest, and any pre-requisiteyou may need to begin it. If there is demand for it I may flesh this section out more.Stranger Task 1. Name: American Lobbyist.PreReq: "An Appointed Time".Location: Blackwater(Gazebo).Stranger Task 2. Name: Remember My Family.PreReq: "The Last Enemy Shall be Destroyed".Location: Blackwater(Train Station).Stranger Task 3. Name: The Wronged Woman.PreReq: "An Appointed Time".Location: Blackwater (Church).Stranger Task 4. Name: The Prohibitionist.PreReq: "An Appointed Time" and Stranger Quest 3.Location: Blackwater(Near the Shops).Stranger Task 5. Name: Aztec Gold.PreReq: "Must a Savior Die?"Location: Sidewinder Gulch.Stranger Task 6. Name: Poppycock.PreReq: "Civilization, at Any Price".Location: Chuparosa.Stranger Task 7. Name: Love is the Opiate.PreReq: "Empty Promises" and Stranger Quest 6.Location: El Matadero.Stranger Task 8. Name: Eva in Peril.PreReq: "Lucky in Love".Location: Casa Madrugada.Stranger Task 9. Name: Deadalus and Son.PreReq: "We shall be Together in Paradise".Location: Agave Viejo.Stranger Task 10. Name: I Know You.PreReq: "A Temptest Looms".Location: Mescalero.Stranger Task 11. Name: Lights, Camera, Action.PreReq: "The Sport of Kings and Liars".Location: Armadillo(Movie House).Stranger Task 12. Name: Who are you to Judge.PreReq: "Liars, Cheats, and Other Proud Americans".Location: Rathskeller Fork.Stranger Task 13. Name: Water and Honesty.PreReq: "Political Realities in Armadillo".Location: The Path between Armadillo and MacFarlane's Ranch.Stranger Task 14. Name: Jenny's Faith.PreReq: "This is Armadillo USA".Location: Ridgewood Farm.Stranger Task 15. Name: Flowers for a Lady.PreReq: "New Friends, Old Problems".Location: The Path from MacFarlane's Ranch to Thieves Landing.Stranger Task 16. Name: Let No Man Put Asunder.PreReq: "Obstacles in Our Path".Location: Coot's Chapel.Stranger Task 17. Name: California.PreReq: "Women and Cattle".Location: Gaptooth Ridge.Stranger Task 18. Name: Funny Man.PreReq: "Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies".Location: Benedict Point.Stranger Task 19. Name: American Appetites.PreReq: "Political Realities in Armadillo".Location: Armadillo(Sheriff's Office).-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[@GAM] Mini-GamesIn Red Dead there are 6 kinds of mini-games. They are located all around the world but you are only required to do one of each mini-game for the credit.I.E. You don't need to play Poker in both Armadillo AND Thieves' Landing, just one or the other. To receive credit for completing the activity you must win or come out profitable.Blackjack: This is straight up Blackjack. Each player is dealt two cards and, unlike in Poker where you play against the other players, in Blackjack you are playing against the Dealer. There are two ways to win in Blackjack. Get 21 points (or a Blackjack) or stay under 21 while the dealer goes over (called Busting). On your turn you can ask for another card (hit) or stay where you are (stick/stay). You can also "Double Down" where you double your bet and are dealt one more card. It is also useful to know that the Dealer MUST take another card if he has less than 17.To receive credit for winning in Blackjack all you need to do is leave the table with more chips than you sat down with.Poker: The version of Poker being played is Texas Hold 'Em. It is one of the more popular versions of Poker. Each player is dealt two cards and has five community cards to make the best five card hand they can. Two players are required to post "Blinds" before the cards are dealt. The big blind posts the minimum bet, and the small blind posts half of that amount. After the first round of betting three community cards (the flop) are dealt. Another round of betting takes place, and then the fourth community card (the turn) is dealt. Another round of betting commences, and the final community card (the river) is placed on the table. The final round of betting commences, and then the player with the best hand wins the pot.For information on Hand Ranking see this Wikipedia Article:/wiki/List_of_poker_handsTo receive credit for completing Poker you must be the only one at the table with chips. You can use the Elegant suit to cheat, but if you are caught you will be forced to duel whoever caught you. You cannot win by dueling everyone at the table, but you can win while cheating.Liar's Dice: Liar's Dice is a dice based bluffing game, in which you must feed misinformation to your opponents and cause them to lose all of their dice. The。

An expla nati on of Arma 3's ballistics modeli ng: everyth ingthat happe ns when you fire a gun武装突袭3弹道模型解释:当你开枪时所发生的一切Authe ntic ballistics modeli ng con ti nues to be a dist in guish ing aspect of Arma. But eve n though I've dumped hun dreds of hours into the game, I realized I could n't ide ntify all the things that the system simulates (模拟).To alleviate me (and you) of this ignoran ce, I asked two of Bohemia's leads to break dow n what variables go to work whe n you pull the trigger in Arma 3. 真实弹道模型一直是武装突袭独树一帜的方面。
为了减少我的(同时也是你的)无知,我询问了两个波西米亚的领导,让他们来分析一下当你在Arma 3里扣下扳机时变量是如何作用的。
PCG: Some amount of what's being simulated in Arma 3 isin visible to the player. Can you walk usthrough--chro nologically (按时间顺序)--what happe ns whe n the player fires a rifle? From a technical standpoint, what is the game tak ing into acco unt?PCG : Arma 3中许多模拟的东西对玩家来说是不可见的。

要领:黑夜,要开夜视镜,不要干掉楼顶的第三个敌人,要利用桥头的.50 cal炮。
武装突袭3 模组挂载方法

武装突袭3 模组挂载方法挂模组的方法呢,应该是不止一种,这里暂时说一点是一点吧。