
2010年大学英语三级(cet3)考试B级全真模拟试卷(4)总分:100分及格:60分考试时间:120分Structure(15minutes) Section A(1)________ that you've got something to do in the evening, I won' t keep you.(2)When ________ to zero degree centigrade, water will be changed into ice.(3)I expected her to ________ her promise.(4)Mr. Allen said that he did not want to ________ any further responsibilities.(5)When she heard from the hospital that her grandfather had died, she _________ into tears.(6)If you don' t mind, I ________ do my homework than play cards with you.(7)________ different life today is ________ what it was 15 years ago.(8)The old lady has ________ two wars and revolutions.(9)You had better ________ that fellow. I don't trust him.(10)Some people say that we live ________ the age of computers.Structure(15minutes) Section B(1)It's high time we (take) ________ proper measures to clean our air.(2)根据题意,完成{TSE}题:(3)请在(52)处填上最佳答案。

2010年9月公共英语三级考试真题及答案 SECTION I Listening Comprehension 听力略( 25 minutes) SECTION II Use of English ( 15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the bestword or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET I. Western-style conversations often developquite differently from Japanese-style conversations. A Western-styleconversation between two people is like a 26 of tennis. If Iintroduce a topic, a conversational ball, I expect you do 27 it back.If you agree with me, I don't expect you simply to agree andto 28 more. I expect you to add something to carry the ideafurther.29 I don't expect you always to agree. I am justas 30 if you completely disagree with me.31 you agree or disagree,your 32 will return the ball to me. And then it is my turn 33. Idon't serve a new ball from my _ 34 starting line. I hit your ball backagain to you by 35 your idea further. And so the ball goes backandforth,36 each of us doing our best to give it a new twist. A Japanese-style conversation,37, is not atall like tennis or volleyball. It's like bowling.You 38 for yourturn. And you always know your 39 in line. It depends on such thingsas whether you are older or younger, a close friend or a relativestranger 40 the previous speaker, in a senior or junior position, andso on. When your turn comes, you.41 up to the starting line with yourbowling ball, and 42 bowl it. Everyone else stands back and watchespolitely, whispering 43. Everyone waits until the ball has reached the endof the alley, and watches to see if it 44 down all the pins, or onlysome of them, or none of them. There is a pause, while every- one registersyour 45 26. A.play B.game C.round D. set 27. A.hit B.move C] throw D. push 28. A.everything B.anything D.something 29. A.Then B.So C.Instead D.But 30. A.anxious B.serious C.happy D.grateful 31. A.After B.Because C.Though D.Whether 32. A.response B.action C.operation D.service 33. A.also B.again C.too D.soon 34. A.actual B.new C.particular D.original 35. A.deepening B.carrying C J leading D.employing 36. A.with B.for C.before D.except 37. A.therefore B.moreover C.likewise 38. A.wonder B.work C.wait D.watch 39. A.point B.place C.post D.pole 40. A.than B.beside C.to D.with 41. A.step B.climb C.stand D.catch 42. A.accurately B.carefully C.awkwardly D.courageously 43. A ]instruction B.satisfaction C.agreement D.encouragement 44. A.knocks B.pushes C.kicks D. puts 45. A.line B.work C.score D.outcomeSECTION 111 Reading Comprehension(40 minutes) Part A Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer thequestions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWERSHEET 1. Text 1 When Amber Post started graduate school inphysics at Princeton, her goal was the same as her male colleagues' : ateaching post at a major university. Now with her Ph.D. just a year away, Postis thinking instead about working for a policymaking agency in Washington.Although Princeton, with Shirley Tilghman as the president, is welcoming tofemale scientists, Post senses that her re- ception in the larger academicworld might be chillier. At famous universities, the percentage of women earningdoctor's degrees in science and engineering is considerably higher than thepercent- age of women professors--whi.ch means that a lot of talented women Ph.D. s like Post leave cam- pus for jobs in government or industry instead ofclimbing the teaching ladder. Stopping this female brain drain has been achallenge for years. At a recent academic confer- ence, Harvard presidentLawrence Summers suggested that women aren't succeeding because they lackability in math and science by nature. His comments drew immediate criticism.Indeed, scien- tists have uncovered some differences in male and female brains,but it's unclear how these differ- ences affect talent. Summers proposed two other possible problemsfor women:the conflict between work and life, and absolute prejudice againstwomen( which he seemed to dismiss). Many women scientists blame these twoproblems for the lack of women professors. Junior teachers need to spend their20s and 30s on research and publication. Those are the same years when women havechildren. Time is an enemy for women in other professions, especially law andmedicine. But while women doctors and lawyers benefit from lots of successfulrole models, academic science continues to belong to men chiefly. "Theatmosphere isn't compelling or welcoming, "Post says. "Too many of myfemale friends drop out of graduate programs simply because the environment isdisappointing, not because theycan't handle the math. " Even against this background, there has beensome progress. More universities are pushing hard with stepped-up recruitmentefforts and trying hard to assist staff members with young families. Butultimately, the best remedy against prejudice would be more women on top,like Princeton's Tilghman. 46. Amber Post is thinking about a job ingovernment because __ A.it isthe usual goal of the Ph.D. students at Princeton B she is doubtful about her future inthe academic world C.it isdifficult to get a teaching post at major universities D.shefears that she may not graduate with a Ph. D. degree 47. According to the text, the gap inpercentage between women Ph.D. s and women professors indicates that A.universities lack competitiveness in the recruitment market B.a lotof women professors have chosen to leave universities C.few womenPh. D. s are qualified for the competitive campus D.universitiesare faced with the problem of female brain drain 48. According to the writer, Summers'comments on women's ability seem to be based on A. hisown attitude towards women scientists B.hisrecent study on women's weaknesses C. the latest findings about human brains D.the conventional opinion about talents 49. We can infer that the most seriousproblem of women teachers is A. theirconflict with male colleagues B. thetrouble in balancing work and life C.theircooperation with male colleagues D.thedifficulty in their career advancement 50. The best solution to the female braindrain in universities is to A. create more academic posts for women B. offerhelp to women with young children C.dismissthose with prejudice against women D. promote more women to leadershippositions Text 2 Recently in the Scottish Highlands,260theatergoers were led up a well-lit, pin-tree-lined con- crete path. Theirdestination? A vacant water plant. The large concrete space had the impersonalfeel of an army camp--exactly the atmosphere the producers of Black Watch hopedto reproduce. The play is based on the true story of a Highlands troop sentoverseas in 2004. Essentially, site-specific theater refers toplays produced in places directly relevant to their ac- tion. At the MuseumHotel in Wellington, New Zealand, audiences filed into room 217 to watch a taleabout the various personalities who had occupied the room over time. "Ithink people are tired of the same old plays in the same confines of space,"says Paul McLaughlin, who produced Hotel."Drama happens all aroundus--at the bus stop, in a supermarket--so we attempted to show how people caninteract with the space that surrounds them. " To be sure, on-scene productions presenttheir own set of challenges. Producers of Black Watch had to scout aroundLondon for a location for when the show comes to the British capital. But formany audience members, leaving the comfort of their theater seats makes for amore meaningful experience. "A lot of site-specific work challenges theway you look and think, "says Nick Kaye, adrama professor at theUniversity of Exeter. Site-specific shows can also satisfy thegrowing desire for individualized entertainment fueled by on-demand televisionand the Intemet. In Faust, which the London-based theater group Punch- drunkjust wrapped up, audience members got to pick what they wanted to see. Housedin an old five-story storehouse in east London, the play featured different settings.Audience members could choose to watch a scene and follow certain actors fromlocation to location. Felix Barrett, the direc- tor of Faust, says today'stheatergoers expect more than just the traditional audience-actor relation-ship. "What I wanted to do was to create a piece where the audience cancarve out the night they want to have, and it stays with them. "Creating astrong sense of place goes a long way toward a- chieving that. - 51. Recently,260 Scottish people went to adeserted water plant A.to toura newly-built military base B. towatch a play about military life C. to visit a military troop back home D. to attend a military trainingprogram 52. The essence of site-specific theaterlies in the idea that drama A. shouldbe made as lifelike as possible B. should reflect people's feelings andideas C.should reveal what is going on in theworld D.should be acted by those related to thestory 53. Compared with the conventional form oftheater, on-scene theater to producers is less A.meaningful B.demanding C.convenient D.interactive 54. In the play Faust, audience members can A.revisethe story in their own way B. talk freely to their favoriteactors C.chooseto take part in the acting D.jump over uninteresting scenes 55. We learn from the text thatsite-specific drama is created to accommodate A. the change in what theatergoers expect ofa play B.theatergoers'growing need for a sense of place C.thechange in the role modem drama is to play D.theatergoers' falling interest in entertainment Text 3 Forgive and forget. Most of us find theforgetting easier, but maybe we should work on the for- giving part."Holding on to hurts wears you down physically and emotionally, "saysStanford Uni- versity psychologist Fred Luskin, author of Forgive for Good."Forgiving someone can be a powerful remedy. " In a recent study, Charlotte Van OyenWitvliet, assistant professor of psychology at Hope Col- lege in Holland,Michigan, and colleagues asked 71 volunteers to remember a past hurt. Tests re-corded sudden increases in blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tension--thesame responses that occur when people are beside themselves. Research haslinked temper and heart diseases. When the volunteers were asked to imagineforgiving those who'd wronged them, they remained calm by comparison. What's more, forgiveness can be learned,insists Luskin, director of the Stanford Forgiveness Project. "We teachpeople to rewrite their story in their minds, to change from victim to hero. Ifthe hurt is from a husband's or awife's unfaithfulness, we might encouragethem to think of themselves not only as a person who was cheated on, but as theperson who tried to keep the marriage togeth- er. "Two years ago Luskintested his method on five Northern Irish women whose sons had been murdered.After undergoing a week of forgiveness training, the women's sense of hurt,measured u- sing psychological tests, had fallen by more than half. They werealso much less likely to feelde- pressed and angry. "Forgiving isn'tabout regarding what happened as harmless or acceptable, "says Luskin."It is about breaking free of the person who wronged us. " The early signs that forgiving improvesoverall health are promisings. A survey of 1,423 adults by the University ofMichigan's Institute for Social Research in 2001 found that people who hadforgiven someone in their past also reported being in better health than thosewho hadn't. However, while 75 per cent said they weresure God had forgiven them for past mistakes, only52 per cent had been able tofind it in their hearts to forgive others. Forgiveness, it seems, is stilldivine. 56. In Luskin's opinion, people could enjoybetter health if they A.holdpast hurts back B.avoidthe wrongdoers C.becomeless emotional D.let offthose who hurt them 57. According to Luskin, to forgive anunfaithful husband, a wife needs to A.urgeherself to see the hurt as nothing B.takemeasures in restoring the marriage C.persuade herself to put up with the hurt D. seeherself as the guardian of the marriage 58. According to the text, to forgive means A.to keepsilent when someone hurts you article B.to stop being angry with those who wrongedyou C.tothink of something tolerable that has happened D.toprevent yourself from doing wrong to your enemies 59. What does the last paragraphimply? A. Most mistakes are forgivable. B. It's really no easy task to forgive. C.It's part of human nature toforgive. D.Fewpeople can truly forgive others. 60. The best title of the text mightbe A.TheResearch on Forgiveness B.TheDifficulty in Forgiveness C.ThePromotion of Forgiveness D. The Healing Power of Forgiveness Part B Directions: Read the texts from a magazine article whichdescribes the celebration of the New Year in five places. For questions 61 to65, match the name of each place (61 to 65) to one of the statements ( A to G )given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Edinburgh, Scotland Edinburgh is the home of Hogmanay, a grandlyexciting four-day celebration that welcomes the New Year with fire, music,parades and then some more fire. The party starts on Dec.29 with a15,000-strongsong-filled candlelight procession and fire festival through Edinburgh and endswith the symbolic burning of a Viking ship. Days of parades, concerts, dograces and fireworks follow. Reykjavik, Iceland On New Year's Eve, Icelanders in Reykjavikgather around dozens of massive fires in the open to sing traditional folksongs accompanied, according to local legend, by imaginary human-like creaturesin folk tales. At midnight the city explodes in a massive fireworks display.The dancing and partying that follow last until the sun comes up, which inIceland is at about lunchtime on Jan.1. Kahuitara Point, Chatham Islands If you want to experience New Year with theearly birds, the South Pole is the place to be. On any Jan.1, the sun sitsabove the horizon the whole day across most of the South Pole. For a slight- lymore comfortable holiday vacation, head to the Chatham Islands. Kahuitara Pointon Pitt Island in this Pacific Ocean chain is the first populated place on theplanet to see the sun rise. Bangkok, Thailand In Thailand you have three chances to ringin the New Year. On Dec.31, Western New Year's Eve is celebrated with parties,concerts and fireworks. A few weeks later, the country stages mas- sivecelebrations in honor of ChineseNew Year. Finally, on April 13, Thailandcelebrates the first day of the traditional Thai calendar with Songkran, athree-day festival marked by parades, feasts and waterthrowing. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil New Year's Eve is one of Rio de Janeiro'smost important holidays. Expensive beachfront celebrations unfold alongCopacabana, attracting some 2 million participants. Live music ranging fromsamba to rock explodes along the beach. New Year's Eve is also a day to honorthe goddess of sea with conventional offerings packed in small wooden boats.Tradition holds that if the goddess is pleased with a boat's offering, she willcarry the boat out to sea and give the bearer blessings. If not, it's a greatparty. Now match the name of each place (61 to65)to the appropriate statement. Note: there are two extra statements. Statements 61. Edinburgh, Scotland 62. Reykjavik, Iceland 63. Kahuitara Point, Chatham Islands 64. Bangkok, Thailand 65. RiO de Janeiro, Brazil A. New Year's celebrations will go on four days on end. B.People here are the first to greet the New Year's sun. C.Concerts are held on New Year's Eve forcelebration. D.A midnight fireworks display is an important part of the celebration. E.People send New Year's greeting cards and gifts to each other. F.Peoplespend New Year's Eve on the beach singing and dancing. G.NewYear is ~elebrated three times according to different calendars. SECTION IV Writing (40 minutes) Directions: You should write your responses to both PartA and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2. Part A 66. You received an email from your friendJohn, in which he asked whether you could work as a volunteer on a weekend program to helpthe aged people who live alone. Write back to your friend, 1 )expressing your willingness toparticipate; 2) asking about what preparations to bemade; 3 )confirming the time and location for thework. You should write about 100 words. Do notsign your own name at the end of your email. Use" Wang Lin" instead. Part B 67. Look at the picture below and write anessay of about 120 Words, making reference to the following points: 1) a description of the picture; 2) your comment on this picture. 参考答案及精析 第一部分听力1一25略 第二部分英语知识运用 参考译文 西式的交谈和日式的交谈非常不同。

2010年全国公共英语三级考试(pets3)专家命题预测试卷(2)总分:75分及格:45分考试时间:120分Section II Use of English (15 minutes) 英语常识(1)阅读下面短文,回答{TSE}题。
(2)<Ahref="javascript:;"></ A>(3)<Ahref="javascript:;"></ A>(4)<Ahref="javascript:;"></ A>(5)<Ahref="javascript:;"></ A>(6)<Ahref="javascript:;"></ A>(7)<Ahref="javascript:;"></ A>(8)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >(9)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >(10)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >(11)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >(12)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >(13)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >(14)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >(15)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >(16)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >(17)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >(18)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >(19)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >(20)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A >Section III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) 阅读理解A(1)根据下列文章,回答{TSE}题。

Once this was done, workers no longer started on the product and labored to complete it. In-stead, they might work only one thousandth of it, other workers completing their own parts in cer-tain order. There is nothing strange about this manufacturing work by today’s standards. Highlyskilled workers were unable to compare with the new production techniques, as mass production al-lowed goods of high standard to be produced in greater number than could ever be done by hand.But the skilled worker wasn’t the only loser, the common workers lost too. Similar changes forcedfarmers away. The increased mechanization(机械化) of agriculture freed masses of workers fromploughing the land and harvesting its crops. They had little choice but to stream toward the rapidlydeveloping industrial centers. Increasingly, standards were set by machines. Workers no longerowned their own tools, their skill was no longer valued, and pride in their work was no longer pos-sible. Workers fed,looked after and repaired the machines that could work faster than humans atgreatly reduced cost.

[A]Other forms of energy have taken the place of human power.
26. [A]disliБайду номын сангаасe
27. [A]should
28. [A]a funny
[B]a pleasant
[C]an interesting
[D]an easy
29. [A]it
[A]each nail could be taken the place of by every other nail
The police do an absolutely necessary job, they do it ______ 44 ______ well and I support them, but I do not envy policemen, I do not think that I could ______ 45 ______do the job of a policeman.
34. [A]wait for
[C]think of

2010年大学英语三级(cet3)考试A级全真模拟试卷(2) 总分:100分及格:60分考试时间:120分listening comprehension(15minutes) Section A B(1)根据你所听到的回答{TSE}题(2)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(3)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(4)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(5)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(6)根据你所听到的回答{TSE}题(7)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(8)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(9)根据你所听到的回答{TSE}题(10)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A> listening comprehension(15minutes) Section C(1)根据你所听到的回答{TSE}题(2)For what do people say“thank you”?They say “thank you” for big favors as well as for___________.(3)What is not necessary for other's help?Excessive ___________.(4)What will you say when your adviser helps you to edit your paper?“Thank you for your help.”or“I really ____________________.”(5)How might your adviser feel if you keep on mentioning his kindness?The advisor might feel _____________.Structure(15minutes) Section A(1)All students are eager to know ________they wilt pass the exam or not.(2)When the couple _______ here, they ________ to the park.(3)—I cannot find Tom anywhere.—He _________ have been off long. I heard him make a call just now.(4)No matter who he is, young or old, people's state of mind tends to keep _______ with the rapid change of society.(5)To tell you the truth, it's very hard for us to help them get rid of Internet addiction. But we _________ on this problem trying to improve the situation.(6)There was an earthquake happened, _______ 100 people and with more than 300(7)50miles southwest of the country ________ the famous beautiful mountain.(8)Everyone has periods in their lives ________ everything seems so hard.(9)Miss Liu doesn't mind _______ your homework as long as it is done by yourself.(10)By no means _______ ready to quit her study.Structure(15minutes) Section B(1)The New York Times __________ (be) popular with those statesmen.(2)The people in your town are far _________ (friendly) than we expected.(3)Injury problem could __________ (short) basketball player's career.(4)I will tell Mary the truth instead of you, but I'd rather you _________ (tell) her.(5)By the time I graduate from university, I __________ (be) a student for 15 years.(6)This famous poem should _________ (translate) into Chinese because it is really worth reading.(7)According to the latest report, more and more young people intend to learn __________ (economy) and social science.(8)The dancer might have been killed in the crash if she _________ (go) to American by plane.(9)(catch) _________ by the host for stealing, the boy felt rather ashamed.(10)It's obvious that you hurt my feeling on purpose, so it's no use _________ (make) an apology.Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section A B(1)根据以下资料回答{TSE}题(2)Hamburg originally is __________.(3)Which statement is correct according to the passage.?(4)_________ begin to sell hamburgers to people.(5)After reading this story, we know the word “hamburger” comes from __________.(6)根据以下资料回答{TSE}题(7)The first thing a good youth should have is(8)A good youth should help others(9)From the passage, we can know that cooperation and communication are(10)In the author's opinion, the patriots mustReading Comprehension(40minutes) Section C D E(1)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(2)__________(3)__________(4)__________(5)__________(6)根据以下资料回答{TSE}题(7)()防护带()热处理(8)()电气系统()单项驱动(9)()汽车加热器()触点(10)()发动机燃油系统()受压(11)根据以下资料回答{TSE}题(12)Which college will sponsor the conference?It is _________________________ that sponsors(13)When will the conference be held?It will be held on ____________________________.(14)What will they do for Prof. Lee?They will offer _______________________ for him.(15)What does Prof. Lee need to do if he wants to give some talks?He is required to _____________________ them in advance.Translion(25minutes)(1)Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man.(2)It must be admitted that a good deal of dissatisfaction is reflected in those report.(3)After this agreement is signed by the two parties, both parties shall strictly abide by it.(4)The farmer can continue to support himself and his family only if he produces a surplus.(5)Miss Liu, I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term. The reason for my dissatisfaction with my roommate is his inconsiderate behavior. His friends constantly visit him and he regularly holds noisy parties. In addition, he sometimes uses my things without asking me. Under these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies. Iwould be grateful if you could find another room for me.Writing(25minutes)(1)邀请人:王力被邀请人:John Smith内容:王力及其妻子邀请John Smith夫妇来家中参加儿子一岁生日宴。

2010年大学英语三级(cet3)考试B级全真模拟试卷(3)总分:100分及格:60分考试时间:120分Structure(15minutes) Section A(1)I' m amazed that the young actress married the photographer so soon, for she ________ him very well.(2)<A href="javascript:;"></A>You should learn to take ________ of every opportunity to improve your oral English.(3)People will find this valley a beautiful place ________ they may spend their weekends.(4)If Sam had enough money with him, he ________ on the trip to Malaysia.(5)This is one of the most beautiful songs _________ I have ever heard.(6)He can hardly understand what the teacher has said,________.(7)The time he has devoted in the past years ________ the disabled is now considered ________ of great value.(8)When we arrived at the station, it was said that the train will be late for ten minutes, so we _________.(9)Recently he ________ every night until after one o' clock, preparing for the final exam.(10)Ships are ________ than planes that people take them mainly for pleasure.Structure(15minutes) Section B(1)They succeeded at last after adopting an (effect) teaching method.(2)I've just begun learning English. I am a (begin) ________.(3)He feels like (have) ________ a good rest after a long journey.(4)The book is worthy of reading, because it gives a detailed (describe) ________ of the American Civil War.(5)根据题意,完成{TSE}题:(6)请在(52)处填上最佳答案。

全国英语等级考试(PETS)三级全真模拟试题三Section I Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)Directions:This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET I.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part AYou will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer-A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Example:You will hear:W: Could you please tell me if the Beijing flight will be arriving on time?M:Yes, Madam. It should be arriving in about ten minutes.You will read:Who do you think the woman is talking to?[A] A bus conductor.[B]A clerk at the airport.[ C] A taxi driver.[D]A clerk at the station.From the dialogue, we know that only a clerk at the airport is most likely to knowthe arrival time of a flight, so you should choose answer [ B ] and mark it in your testbooklet.Sample Answer: [A] [B] [C] [D] Now look at question 1.1. What does the woman say about the book?[A] She thinks it' s too difficult.[ B] She thinks it ' s very interesting.[C] She hasn't quite decided what she thinks.[ D] She hasn' t actually read it yet.2. What does the woman mean?[A] She has totaled up the figures correctly already.[B] She hopes the man will do the calculations as soon as possible.[C] Tomorrow will be too late to submit the figures.[D] They should finish the calculations tomorrow.3. What does the woman say about Tom?[A] He got off the bus at the wrong stop. [ B] He has a good reason to be angry.[C] He isn't careful with his belongings. [D] He doesn't have an extra umbrella.4. What does the professor mean?[A] She has another meeting all day.[ B ] She feels the grade is all right.[ C ] She thinks it would be wrong to change the grade.[D] She can meet with the student that afternoon.5. What does the woman suggest the man to do?[ A] Finish the first half of the project right away.[B] Make an effort to reach a compromise.[ C ] Have the teacher review the project.[D] Meet his partner in the middle of the town.6. Where will the man probably go?[A] To a real estate agency. [B] To a car rental agency.[C] To a computer store. [D] To a videocassette store.7. What does the man mean?[A] They always agreed on the same points.[B] They both arrived at the same moment.[C] He met with Amanda five more times.[D] He took Amanda to both plays.8. What does the man mean?[ A] Paul will go out of his way to help.[B] Paul passes by the dry cleaner's anyway.[C] Paul picks out the right clothes.[D] Paul makes himself right at home.9. What did the man do?[A] Ate all the food. [B] Cleaned the kitchen.[ C ] Fixed the refrigerator. [ D ] Left the groceries out.10. What does the woman imply that Katherine should be doing?[A] Studying microbiology for a year. [B] Teaching biology.[C] Taking a nap. [D] Taking a different course.Part BYou are going to hear three conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear each passage or conversation ONLY ONCE.Mark your answers in your test booklet.Questions 11-13 are based on the following conversation. You now have 15 seconds to read the questions II -13.11. According to the conversation, what is one problem with arm exercises?[ A] They don' t get rid of flabby arm.[B] They can damage arm muscles.[ C] They aren' t acceptable to most people.[ D] They can raise one' s blood pressure.12. According to the conversation, what are the experts now recommending?[A] Exercising the entire body.[B] Having your blood pressure taken daily.[ C ] Losing weight prior to exercising.[D] Weighing in before each exercise session.13. Which of the following exercises is suggested?[A] Wearing arm weights while you are swimming.[ B] Jogging vigorously in one place for a long time.[ C ] Using bicycles that require you to use both your arms and legs.[D] Walking slowly while swinging your arms back and forth.You now have 30 seconds to check your answers to questions 11 -13.Questions 14 - 19 are based on the following conversation. You now have 30 seconds to read the questions 14 -19.14. Why does the woman want David to sign up for the course?[ A] He needs to take one more course in order to finish his credit requirements.[B] He plays an instrument the group needs.[ C ] She thinks taking the course would improve his grades in general.[D] She thinks he's the best musician at the college.15. Why is David not sure that he wants to sign up?[A] He doesn' t have an instrument of his own.[ B] He doesn ' t like to play in small groups.[C] He doesn't think he can play well enough.[ D] He isn' t sure whether he has enough free time.16. How often will the group meet?[A] Once a week. [B] Twice a week.[C] Every other day. [D] Every evening.17. What instrument does the director of the group play in the city of orchestra?[A] Cello. [B] Viola.[C] Violin. [D] Bass.18. What is the level of the musical proficiency of the most group members?[A] Beginning. [B] Intermediate.[C] Advanced. [D] Professional.19. What will David do this evening?[A] Try to find his music books.[B] Look for a new instrument.[ C ] Start taking lessons from a professional.[D] Practice his instrument.You now have 60 seconds to check your answers to questions 14 - 19.Questions 20 - 25 are based on the following conversation. You now have 30 seconds to read the questions 20 -25.20. To what student body office does the man want to be elected?[ A ] Senator. [ B ] Treasurer.[C] Secretary. [D] President.21. Who is the woman?[A] A camp counselor. [B] A candidate.[ C ] A radio announcer. [D] A campaign manager.22. Where will they put the posters?[A] In the hallways. [B] In the man's room.[C] In the cafeteria. [D] In the radio station.23. When is the radio broadcast scheduled?[A] In the morning. [B] During lunch.[C] In the afternoon. [D] During dinner.24. What will the man do tonight?[A] Make posters. [B] Write a speech.[C] Answer questions. [D] Study for chemistry.25. What will they do after chemistry class?[ A] Compare their lecture notes. [ B] Review the man' s talk.[C] Prepare questions to ask candidates. [D] Vote in the school election.You now have 60 seconds to check your answers to questions 20 -25.Now you have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to the ANSWER SHEET 1.That is the end of the listening comprehension section.Section Ⅱ Use of English(15 minutes)Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C, or Don your ANSWER SHEET 1.TextIn some ways, the human body is both like a furnace and like an engine. It must have fuel to produce heat as a furnace 26 . It must have fuel to produce motion and do 27 as an engine does. The nutrients (营养物) which 28 energy best are carbohydrates (碳水化合物) and fats. Protein can also be used as fuel. Minerals, vitamins, and water, 29 extremely valuable to the body, cannot be used as fuel.If the body takes in more carbohydrates 30 are used for energy, the 31 is stored. Two storage places are the liver (肝) and muscles. There is a 32 , however, to the amount of carbohydrates they can 33 . When they are filled and they always 34 be for you to feel your best, excess carbohydrates are changed to fat and 35 around the body.If the body does not take 36 a sufficient amount of food, it will use its stored fat for energy. If you 37 at all, the body would use up all the stored fats and 38 it would use its own protein in order to keep 39 as long as possible. Therefore, the 40 amount of food you eat should be in 41 with your energy requirements. It is not necessary, 42 , for you to go 43 counting calories (卡路里l) and weighing food. If a person is the 44 weight, it is safe to 45 that he is eating enough.26. [A] has [B] needs [C] does [D] is27. [A] job [B] function [C] behaviour [D] work28. [A] present [B] offer [C] supply [D] grant29. [A] as [B] since [C] when [D] while30. [A] than [B]such [C] which [D] that31. [A] access [B] excess [C] assess [D] extra32. [A] restriction [B] barrier [C] limit [D] terminal33. [A] fill [B] hold [C] involve [D] press34. [A] might [B] would [C] could [D] should35 .[A] extended [B] distributed [C] separated [D] stretched36. [A] in [B] up [C] on [D] down37. [A] won 'teat [B] mustn 't eat [C] did not eat [D] have not eaten38. [A] when [B] but [C] because [D] then39. [A] alike [B] alive [C] asleep [ D] awake40. [A] general [B] overall [C] usual [D] total41. [A] contact [B] accordance [C] contrast [D] line42. [A] anyhow [B] otherwise [C] moreover [D] however43. [A] around [ B ] away [ C ] after [ D ] against44. [A] exact [B] same [C] right [D] accurate45. [A] imagine [B] remind [C] recommend [D] supposeSection Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Part ADirections:Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET by drawing a thick line across the corresponding letter in the brackets.Text IThe automobile has many advantages. Above all, it offers people freedom to go wherever and whenever they want to go. The basic purpose of a motor vehicle is to get from point A to point B as cheaply, quickly, and safely as possible. However, to most people, cars are also personal fantasy machines that serve as symbols of power, success, speed, excitement, and adventure.In addition, much of the world ' s economy is built on producing motor vehicles and supplying roads, services, and repairs for those vehicles. Half of the world' s paychecks are auto related. In the United States, one of every six dollars spent and one of every six non-farm jobs are connected to the automobile or related industries, such as oil, steel, rubber, plastics, automobile services, and highway construction.In spite of their advantages, motor vehicles have many harmful effects on human lives and on air, water, land, and wildlife resources. The automobile may be the most destructive machine ever invented. Though we tend to deny it, riding in cars is one of the most dangerous things we do in our daily lives.Since 1885, when Karl Benz built the first automobile, almost 18 million people have been killed by motor vehicles. Every year, cars and trucks worldwide kill an average of 250,000 people-as many as were killed in the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki-and injure or permanently disable ten million more. Half of the world ' s people will be involved in an auto accident at some time during their lives.Since the automobile was introduced, almost three million Americans have been killed on the highways-about twice the number of Americans killed on the battlefield in all U.S. wars. In addition to the tragic loss of life, these accidents cost American society about $60 billion annually in lost income and in insurance, administrative, and legal expenses.Streets that used to be for people are now for cars. Pedestrians and people riding bicycles in the streets are subjected to noise, pollution, stress, and danger.Motor vehicles are the largest source of air pollution, producing a haze of smog over the world ' s cities. In the United States, they produce at least 50% of the country's air pollution.46. Cars represent people' s _________.[A] occupation [ B] identity[C] life style [D] fame47. According to the passage, the average number of people killed annually in traffic accidents around the world is __________.[A] 18 million [B] 250,000[ C ] half of the world ' s population [ D] 60 million48. A serious environmental problem resulting from automobiles is _________.[ A ] tragic loss of life [ B ] traffic jams[ C ] air pollution [ D ] mental stress49. It can be inferred from this passage that automobiles _________.[ A ] are an important part of the world ' s economy[ B ] are becoming less dangerous[ C ] will produce less air pollution in the future[ D ] are killing more people in recent years than in the past50. The title that suits the passage best is _________.[ A ] Automobile and Economy[B] Automobile and the Environment[ C ] The Problems with the Automobile[D] Advantages and Disadvantages of the AutomobileText 2I don't know how I became a writer, but I think it was because of a certain force in me that had to write and that finally burst through and found a channel. My people were of the working class of people. My father, a stone-cutter, was a man with a great respect and veneration for literature. He had a tremendous memory, and he loved poetry, and the poetry that he loved best was naturally of the rhetorical kind that such a man would like. Nevertheless it was good poetry, Hamlet's Soliloquy, Macbeth , Mark Antony' s "Funeral Oration" , Grey' s "Elegy" , and all the rest of it. I heard it all as a child; I memorized and learned it all.He sent me to college to the state university.The desire to write, which had been strong during all my days in high school, grew stronger still. I was editor of the college paper, the college magazine , etc. , and in my last year or two I was a member of a course in playwriting which had just been established there. I wrote several little one-act plays, still thinking I would become a lawyer or a newspaper man, never daring to believe I could seriously become a writer. Then I went to Harvard, wrote some more plays there, became obsessed with the idea that I had to be a playwright, left Harvard, had my plays rejected, and finally in the autumn of 1926, how, why, or in what manner I have never exactly been able to determine. But probably because the force in me that had to write at length sought out its channel, I began to write my first book in London, I was living all alone at that time. I had two rooms-a bedroom and a sitting room-in a litter square in Chelsea in which all the houses had that familiar, smoked brick and cream-yellow-plaster look.51. We may conclude, in regard to the author's development as a writer, that his father _________.[ A ] made an important contribution[ B ] insisted that he choose writing as a career[ C ] opposed his becoming a writer[ D] insisted that he read Hamlet in order to learn how to be a writer52. The author believes that he became a writer mostly because of _________.[A] his special talent [B] his father's teaching and encouragement[C] his study at Harvard [D] a hidden urge within him53. The author _________,[A] began to think of becoming a writer at Harvard[ B ] had always been successful in his writing career[ C ] went to Harvard to learn to write plays[ D ] worked as a newspaper man before becoming a writer54. The author really started on his way to become a writer _________.[A] when he was in high school [B] when he was studying at Harvard[ C ] when he lived in London [ D ] after he entered college55. A conclusion we cannot safely draw (based upon this passage) about the author's life in1926 is that _________.[A] he was unmarried[B] he was miserable about having his plays rejected[C] he lived in a house like all the other houses around him[D] he started his first novelText 3Greek mythology is largely made up of stories about gods and goddesses, but it must not be read as a kind of Greek Bible, an account of the Greek religion.According to the most modern idea, a real myth has nothing to do with religion. It is an explanation of something in nature; how, for instance, any and everything in the universe came into existence: men, animals, this or that tree or flower, the sun, the moon, the stars, storms, eruptions, earthquakes, all that is and all that happens. Thunder and lightning are caused when Zeus hurls his thunderbolt. A volcano erupts because a terrible creature is imprisoned in the mountain and every now and then struggles to get free. The Dipper ( 大熊星座) , the constellation ( 星座) called also the Great Bear, does not set below the horizon because a goddess once was angry at it and decreed (命令 ) that it should never sink into the sea. Myths are early science, the result of men ' s first trying to explain what they saw around them.But there are many so-called myths which explain nothing at all. These tales are pure entertainment, the sort of thing people would tell each other on a long winter' s evening. The story of Pygmalion (皮格马利翁) and Galatea is an example; it has no conceivable connection with any event in nature. Neither has the Quest of the Golden Fleece (寻找金羊毛) , nor Orpheus (奥菲士,竖琴圣手) and Eurydice, nor many another. This fact is now generally accepted; and we do not have to try to find in every mythological heroine the moon or the dawn and in every hero' s life a sun myth. The stories are early literature as well as early science. But religion is there, too. In the background, to be sure, but nevertheless plain to see. From Homer through the tragedians and even later, there is a deepening realization of what human beings need and what they must have in their gods.56. The author believes that myths __________.[ A ] have nothing to do with religion[ B ] contain very modern ideas[ C ] are pure entertainment with no religious content[ D ] have to do with science, religion and entertainment57. In every myth, _________.[ A ] there is a connection with some natural event[ B ] there is not necessarily an attempt to explain an event in nature[ C ] there are angry gods and goddesses[ D ] there exists some religious teaching58. According to the passage, the story of Pygmalion and Galatea _________.[A] has something to do with the explanation of nature[B] is pure entertainment[ C ] has something to do with science[D] is closely related to religion59. Myths are early science because they __________.[ A ] explain the natural events[ B ] teach about the history[ C ] have nothing to do with religion[ D ] reflect people ' s expectations60. The author, in regard to modern ideas on myth _________.[A] is impressed and agrees with them[ B ] refuses to accept any of them[ C ] adds to them new points of view[ D ] none of the abovePart BDirections:Read the following article in which five people talk about their ideas of education. For questions 61 to 65, match name of each speaker to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.AlienI think it's a great shame people don't learn anything today. I mean, good heavens, when you think of all the millions of pounds the Government have spent on education-new schools, more teachers, new equipment. And yet still you find people who can' t read properly, can't even write their names and don ' t know what two and two is without a calculator. I think it ' s downright disgraceful. I remember when I was young you went to school to learn. You did as you were told and respected your teachers. Nowadays you get long-haired kids who aren ' t interested in anything. No wonder they don ' t learn anything.MarthaWell, there are a lot of different views on this, but I think it is probably wrong to imagine that there was some golden age in the past when everything was perfect. It all depends, of course, on what you measure and how you measure it. It may surprise some people that there has not been an obvious and dramatic increase in the standard of education, given the vast amounts of money spent in this area by successive governments in recent years. But unfortunately, most improvements in education are intangible.PrittWell, if you asked me, it's all these modern methods that is the problem. In the old days you sat in rows at desks and you did as you were told. You knew that you had to do and you did it-and you kept quiet. Nowadays, my god, the noise in most schools is deafening especially primary schools. The children wander around-do more or less what they want to as far as I can see. The teacher just sits there or wanders around with them, talking to them. Informal teaching they call it.Discovery methods. Sounds more like a recipe for discovering disaster to me.SymonsMany people talk about how to improve education and a lot suggest raising the salaries of teachers and professors. Of course, this is very important to education. However, increasing the salary of teachers is just one way to improve education. It will not work without the cooperation of the other determinants, such as student ' s love of knowledge and reading. Even if the teachers are devoted, it will make no sense if the students are not willing to learn.WilbertThe criticism that what students learn today is not adapted to present-day society is utterly wrong because education can never be seen only in terms of how useful the subjects are when students leave school. We ought to evaluate education in terms of how much the students enjoy those subjects and how much they mean to those students. Instead of being trained to be utilitarian, students should be encouraged to do things for their own sake, and study what they are interested in.Now match each of the persons to the appropriate statement.Note: there are two extra statements.Statements61. Alien [A] Education is a gradual extension of oneself.[B] Students should get satisfaction out of education.62. Martha [C] Education standards are higher than in the past.[ D ] Education involves learning as well as teaching.63. Pritt [E] Many students are spoilt by our present-day educational system.64. Symons [F] Schools should emphasize practical skills.65. Wilbert [G] Educational standards are declining.Section IV Writing( 40 minutes )You should write your responses to both parts on ANSWER SHEET 2.Part A66. Write a note to explain why you were absent from the night class.Part B67. For this part, you are required to write a composition based on the following table of The Brain and the Computer. Your composition should be no less than 150 words.The Brain and the Computer。

2010年全国公共英语三级考试(pets3)全真模拟试卷(5)总分:100分及格:60分考试时间:120分Section I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) 听力A(1)本节中,你将听到10个句子,每个句产配有[A]、[B]、[C]三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。
(2)What does the woman mean?(3)What are the two speakers talking about?(4)What does the man mean?(5)Why did Hill lose his job?(6)What can we infer from the conversation?(7)Where does the conversation most probably take place?(8)What probably is the relationship between the two speakers?(9)What does the man want to know?(10)What do we learn from the woman’s words?听力B(1)在本节中,你将听到几段对话.每段对话后有一个问题。
(2)Why is the woman going to give up swimming?(3)Why is the woman going to give up swimming?(4)下面,请听{TSE}题。
(5)Why doesn’t the man carry a camera with him?(6)What is the major advantage of the woman’s camera?(7)What problem does the man have in taking pictures?(8)下面,请听{TSE}题。

2010年大学英语三级(cet3)考试A级全真模拟试卷(1)总分:100分及格:60分考试时间:120分listening comprehension(15minutes) Section A B(1)根据以下你所听到的回答{TSE}题(2)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(3)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(4)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(5)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(6)根据你所听到的回答{TSE}题(7)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(8)根据你所听到的回答{TSE}题(9)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(10)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A> listening comprehension(15minutes) Section C(1)根据你所听到的回答{TSE}题(2)Where did the speaker like to go during his vacations?The speaker loved to go his ___________.(3)What kind of stories did the speaker’s grandmother tell him?The stories about ___________ during World War Ⅱ.(4)Where did they sometimes go and pick flowers?They often went into ___________ to pick up flowers.(5)When did the speaker's grandmother die?She died ___________ ago.Structure(15minutes) Section A(1)Is there any hope of __________ the final exam?(2)Lawrence will do anything for Lily except _________ her money.(3)We found it impossible __________ all the questions within the time given.(4)We don’t allow _________ in the meeting room.(5)_________ is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.(6)There were _________ for Saturday's movie.(7)The output of our factory is now twice __________ it was three years ago.(8)At no time and under no circumstances ________ the first to use nuclear weapons.(9)What __________ would happen if the manager knew you felt that way?(10)It is high time someone ________ Nick that each member of a team has to do his share of work.Structure(15minutes) Section B(1)A series of cultural programs (hold)__________ in Shanghai to celebrate this largest national sports meeting in history.(2)Do the results of the research have any practical (apply) __________?(3)(not pass) __________ the final examination, she was laughed at by her classmates.(4)Your advice that the investigation (be) __________ postponed is reasonable.(5)Such facts as rain, snow, storm and wind are all (phenomenon) __________ of nature.(6)She makes (occasion) __________ appearances for the local sports meeting.(7)The electric current (break) __________, the workers stopped working right away.(8)The host planned to (modem) __________ his house by buying some latest electronic products.(9)Mary accused one of her colleagues of (steal) __________ her money.(10)They cherish the (friend)__________ between them.Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section A B(1)根据以下资料回答{TSE}题(2)The Presidential Palace was __________.(3)The president's home and the city of Washington were __________.(4)The original home of the president needed to be rebuilt __________.(5)The new presidential home was painted white to __________.(6)根据以下资料回答{TSE}题(7)According to the writer; we communicate with animals in an attempt to __________.(8)The writer implies that the shepherd-sheepdog whistle language is still biased because __________.(9)Allen and Beatrice Gardener managed to communicate with the chimpanzee by __________.(10)It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section C D E(1)根据以下资料回答{TSE}题(2)__________(3)__________(4)__________(5)__________(6)根据以下资料回答{TSE}题(7)()预算委员会()闭幕会(8)()常设机构()工作小组(9)()秘密会议()执行委员会(10)()咨询委员会()全会(11)根据以下资料回答{TSE}题(12)What is the subject of this announcement?Appointment of a ___________.(13)Who will be the new vice president of the company?___________.(14)When is the old vice president retiring?___________.(15)What will Mr. Lee be concurrently serving as?____________of the International Division.Translion(25minutes)(1)The Chinese government has offered great support to Tibet in terms of manpower, material resources, funding and technology.(2)More than 800 people from all walks of life attended the opening ceremony of this company.(3)Now I must work twice as hard to catch up with others.(4)With these markings it is possible for motorists from all over the world to drive with greater safety.(5)Lately you've been hearing a lot of auto companies talking about safety.And at GM,we're proud to say that safety has been a part of our heritage for years.Because to US,safety is more than just the latest trend: It’s the key ingredient in the trust we’ve built with our customers over the years.Writing(25minutes)(1)<A href="javascript:;"></A>答案和解析listening comprehension(15minutes) Section A B(1) :AW: I think I'll take the whole day tour of the village.M: <U>Why not the half day</U>?Q: What does the man suggest?【考点】细节推理【解析】根据男士的回答“Why not the half day?”可推测出,男士的意思是花费一整天时间太长了,故选A。

2010年全国公共英语三级考试(pets3)专家命题预测试卷(1) 总分:75分及格:45分考试时间:120分Section II Use of English (15 minutes) 英语常识(1)阅读下面短文,回答{TSE}题。
(2)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(3)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(4)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(5)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(6)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(7)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(8)<A</A>(9)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(10)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(11)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(12)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(13)<A</A>(14)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(15)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(16)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(17)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(18)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(19)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(20)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>Section III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) 阅读理解A (1)根据下列文章,回答{TSE}题。

2010年中考英语模拟试卷(三)(考试时间120分钟 笔试部分满分150分)Ⅰ、单项选择(共20分)(A)情景交际,从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其代表字母填在答题卡的相应位置。
(共5分,每小题1分)( )1. ---It’s hot . Would you mind _____ the door ?---_______. Please do it now .A. to open ; OKB. opening ; Certainly notC. opening ; Of courseD. to open ; Good( )2.--- We have no idea____________ he is.---They say he is a policeman.A. whomB. whatC. whichD. who( )3. ---How do you like the concert given by the “Foxy Ladies”?---Exciting, ____ one piece of the music wasn’t played quite well.A. thoughB. butC. andD. however( )4. --- What are Johnson’s family like?---_______________.A. His family is just like mine.B. They all like sports and gamesC. Oh, it’s really a big one.D. They are all warm -hearted and helpful.( )5. ---Who was late for school yesterday?---____________ was.A. NoneB. No oneC. Both of usD. All of them(B )基础知识运用 从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其代表字母填在答题卡的相应位置。


2010年3月PETS3笔试真题PUBLIC ENGLISH TEST SYSTEM(PETS) LEVEL 3 SECTION I Listening Comprehension( 25 minutes) 1~25略SECTION II Use of English( 15 minutes) Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.TextEven today in the modem,developed world,surveys show that parents still prefer to have a boy rather than a girl.One longstanding reason why boys have been -26- as a greater blessing has been that they are -27- to become better economic providers -28- their parents’old age.Yet it is time for parents to -29- again.Girls may now be a better investment.Girls get better -30- at school than boys,and in most developed countries more women than men go to -31-.Women will thus be better -32- for the new jobs of the 21st century,in which brains -33- a lot more than physical strength.In Britain far more women than men are now -34- to become doctors.And women are more -35- to provide sound advice on investing their parents’nest egg.Surveys show that women consistently -36- higher financial returns than men do.-37- ,the increase in female employment in the rich world has been the main -38- force of growth in the past couple of decades.Those women have -39- more to global GDP growth than have either new technology or the new giants,China and India.Add the -40- of housework and child-rearing,and women probably account -41- just over half of the world output.It is -42- that women still get paid less and few -43- it to the top of companies,but,-44- prej- udice fades over coming years,women will have great scope to -45- their productivity and incomes.26.[A]seen [B]observed [C]watched [D]noticed27.[A]forced [B]persuaded [C]expected [D]trained28.[A]with [B]for [C]to [D]in29.[A]discuss [B]imagine [C]think [D]try30.[A]chances [B]jobs [C]courses [D]grades31.[A]university [B]work [C]school [D]class32.[A]treated [B]equipped [C]arranged [D]provided33.[A]apply [B]count [C]develop [D]manage34.[A]tending [B]dreaming [C]training [D]demanding 35.[A]courageous [B]bold [C]determined [D]likely36.[A]achieve [B]accept [C]attract [D]adopt37.[A]However [B]Therefore [C]Instead [D]Furthermore 38.[A]driving [B]balancing [C]compensating [D]promising 39.[A]attributed [B]contributed [C]distributed [D]dedicated 40.[A]value [B]profit [C]benefit [D]revenue41.[A]as [B]about [C]for [D]with42.[A]dangerous [B]likely [C]natural [D]true43.[A]get [B]climb [C]make [D]arrive44.[A]unless [B]as [C]since [D]though45.[A]harvest [B]gain [C]stretch [D]increaseSECTION III Reading Comprehension ( 40 minutes) Part ADirections:Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B ,C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1Help,I’ve fallen into a sea of personal identification numbers(PIN)-and I can’t get out.It’s my third call in as many weeks and I recognize Beth’s voice immediately.I’m hoping she doesn’t recognize mine,but it’s obvious by her sudden shift from warm to frosty that she does.”You probably know why I’ve called,”I say.”I can guess,”Beth responds flatly,having dealt with my type dozens of times already today.‘‘Password problem?’’she was right,I had for-gotten it again.Like millions of others,I’m stuck in password hell.With computer key chains,bank card PINs,voice-mail codes,and home alarm systems,things have spun out of control.I have 32 secret codes(that I can think of).Expegs warn that the best way to protect against identity theft is to never reuse or write down your passwords and always be casual in your selections--don’t use pet names,or especially the names of ex—girlfriends.And it’s recommended to change passwords often.But come on.Making it impossible for others to access your life only makes living your life impossible.Surveys indicate that most people use the same one ortwo passwords for everything.After all,it’s not easy to produce something casual,yet memorable.”When the information doesn’t apply to anything in the real world,it’s very hard to get from the brain,”says Albert Katz,a psychology professor.That’s why some are shifting to picture passwords.Since the pictures can’t be written down or shared with another person,they’re more secure.And pictures,says Katz,are easier for the human brain to remember than numbers and letters.Better still is the day when access to everything will be just a fingerprint.But poor Beth will remain my Internet-banking savior.”All you need to do,”says Beth,”is tell me the secret password you set up for security purposes.”What?If I can’t remember my PIN,how do you expect me to remember some secret word?But on my third try I guess it and am once again allowed access to my very small fortune.I thank Beth,but don’t make any promises.Both of US know we’ll speak again soon.46.From the text we learn that the writer_______________.[A]has a declining memory[B]has too many secret codes[C]has trouble dealing with Beth[D]has problems with his bank accounts47.According to the text,Beth replied to the writer_____________.[A]uncooperatively[B]sympathetically[C]considerately[D]impatiently48.It is recommended by experts to_____________.[A]use the same one or two PINs all the time[B]keep passwords in mind instead of on paper[C]set up several codes for Internet—banking accounts[D]keep both number passwords and picture passwords49.It would be easier to memorize your PINs if you_____________.[A]produce them in a casual manner[B]use numbers instead of letters[C]relate them to the real world[D]change them frequently50.Which word best describes the tone of the writer?[A]Critical. [B]Scornful. [C]Humorous. [D]Matter-of-fact.Text 2Identical twins are a perfect test case for theories of personality development.If a theory can’t explain the differences between identical twins,then it cannot explain environmental effects on personality.Even identical twins brought up in the same home have different personalities.Take Ladan and Laleh Bijani from Iran.They were identical twins who had spent their entire 29 years joined at the head.And yet,Ladan,the more outspoken of the pair,told journalists,”We are two completely separate individuals.we have different world views,We have different lifestyles,we think very differently about issues.”Why did Ladan and Laleh have different personalities?Self-organized systems in insects can provide US with some ideas.A colony of ants,for example,can be seen as a self-organized system.No supervisor tells the ants what to do,and yet all the jobs get done.The system works in such a way that if one ant carries out a particular job,it becomes less likely that another ant will attempt that job because it no longer needs doing.The result is what economists call”division of labor.”Self-organizatiOn also produces division of labor in human groups.Each individual looks for something to specialize in,his or her own suitable position in the group.If one position is occupied,the individual will seek another.This process increases the differences even between identical twins,because once they’ve chosen different specialities,a circular mechanism causes small initial differences between them to widen.Although identical twins look very much alike,people who know them well will distinguish between them.They might,for example,address more questions and comments to one twin than the other--perhaps by chance first.But the consequence is that the twin who is addressed more of- ten will do more talking than the other twin,which will cause people who know them to address still more of their questions and comments to that twin.The result,over time,will be one outspoken twin and one quieter one-like Ladan and Laleh Bijani.51.According to the writer we learn that identical twins_____________.[A]differ in personality [B]differ in appearance[C]have the same lifestyle [D]have the same outlook52.The ant colony is perceived to be well-organized because_____________.[A]each ant has the duty to help others on a job[B]each ant instinctively fulfills a different task[C]a particular group of ants does a particular job[D]a leading ant monitors the work of working ants53.It is said in the text that the working style of ants is characterized by[A]shifting roles [B]working shifts[C]division of labor [D]collective efforts54.It can be inferred that the twin’s differences have much to do with_____________.[A]their chosen lifestyles[B]their respective responsibilities[C]either physical or social factors[D]influences from inside and outside55.The purpose of the text is to_____________.[A]entertain [B]persuade [C]inform [D]argueText 3Bemard Jackson is a free man today,but he has many bitter memories.Jackson spent five years in prison after a jury wrongly convicted him of raping two women.At Jackson’s trial,although two witnesses testified that Jackson was with them in another location at the times of the crimes,he was convicted anyway.Why?The jury believed the testimony of the two victims,who positively identified Jackson as the man who had attacked them.The court eventually freed Jackson after the police found the man who had really committed the crimes.Many factors influence the accuracy of eyewitness testimony.For instance,witnesses sometimes see photographs of several suspects before they try to identify the person they saw in a lineup of people.They can become confused by seeing many photographs of similar faces.The number of people in the lineup,and whether it is a live lineup or a photograph,may also affect a witness’s decision.People sometimes have difficulty identifying people of other races.The questions the police ask witnesses also have an effect on them.Many people believe that police officers are more reliable than ordinary people.Psychologists decided to test this idea,and they discovered that it is not true.Two psychologists showed a film of crimes to both police officers and civilians.The psychologists found no difference between the police and the civilians in correctly remembering the details of the crimes.Despite all the possibilities for inaccuracy,courts cannot exclude eyewitness testimony from a trial.American courts depend almost completely on eyewitness testimony to resolve court cases.Sometimes it is the only evidence to a crime,such as rape.Furthermore,eyewitness testimony is often correct.Although people do sometimesmake mistakes,many times they really do identify individuals correctly.American courts depend on the ability of the twelve jurors,and not the judges,to determine the accuracy of the witness’s testimony.It is their responsibility to decide if a certain witness couldactually see,hear,and remember what occurred.In a few cases the testimony of eyewitnesses has convicted innocent people.More importantly,it has rightly convicted a larger number of guilty people;consequently,it continues to be of great value in the American judicial system.56.Benard Jackson was found guilty by the jury because_____________.[A]the victims insisted that he was the attacker[B]the judge believed in the victims’identification[C]the police discovered evidence leading to his guilt[D]the eyewitnesses confirmed the victims’testimony57.An eyewitness’testimony is sometimes inaccurate because_____________.[A]he is of the same race as the suspect[B]he is shown photos of many similar faces[C]he lacks the professional help from the police[D]he has a small number of suspects in the lineup58.Eyewitness testimony is vital because_____________.[A]it can be relied on to detect criminals in all cases[B]it is sometimes the only way to resolve court cases[C]it is sometimes the only clue for police investigation[D]it is more reliable than physical evidences to a crime59.An inaccurate eyewitness testimony may lead to_____________.[A]the dismissal of the case[B]the disbelief in the court[C]the disrespect for the eyewitness[D]the conviction of an innocent person60.From the text we know that_____________.[A]eyewitness testimony plays an essential part in the U.S.court trial[B]police identification is more reliable than that of the ordinary people[C]crime victims often fail to give positive identification of the suspects[D]the jury relies more on the judge than on the eyewitness for a decisionPart BDirections:Read the texts from a magazine article in which five people talked about the importance of doing exercise. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of eachperson to one of the statements ( A to G) given below. Mark your answers onANSWER SHEET 1.Erum NadeemYour article on happiness lifted my spirits.There is one very interesting aspect tO note:the eight steps to happiness listed on pages 32--33 may as well be translations of the values of our cultural tradition.If people would see our values from these aspects,there would be no misunderstanding—only happiness.Sander TidemanI applaud your special on the science of happiness.However,the issue would have been more complete had it mentioned the idea of viewing economic development policies in the context of “gross national happiness”or GNH.This concept is based on the recognition that gross national product does not accurately reflect the well—being of a nation.GNH is a bold idea with far-reaching effects.Since happiness has a scientific base,it can be developed and promoted on a larger social scale.Paul AbohHappiness is a gift,not a commodity.Even the poor have the ability to cultirate and share happiness.We can find pleasure in the small things we often take for granted—a smile,a helping hand,a kiss,a wave,a pat on the back,a glass of water and a promise kept.And when you discover its source,you know it.Sometimes happiness overflows,but it never destroys.Mansoor MalikHappiness is not a product of achievement or wealth or fame.It is the reaction of our mind to the environment.Faith in the values of our long-cherished cultural tradition is a source of well-being.Happiness comes from caring for others and giving whatever we can-help,hope,love,respect,sympathy or just a smile.Peter FischerAt a time when there seem to be SO many reasons for being unhappy,I appreciated your special report on happiness.Surely the poorest kids in Africa who are without parents and are often hungry are the ones with the most reasons to be unhappy.What can possibly make them smile?As your article pointed out,however,we cannot wait for enough friends or a lot of money to make US happy.We have an amazing capacity to setourselves right.Now match the name of each person(61 to 65) to the appropriate statement.Note:there are two extra statements.Statements61.Emm Nadeem 62.Sander Tideman 63.Paul Aboh 64.Mansoor Malik 65.Peter Fischer [A]A rich person is not necessarily happy.[B]Things people often overlook may be the very source of happiness.[C]Happiness can be promoted on a scientific basis.[D]We should mainly rely on ourselves for happiness.[E]Happiness lies in giving instead of taking,[F]The environment is a source of happiness.[G]Happiness can be achieved if we stick to the best of our values.SECTION IV Writing ( 40 minutes) Directions:You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2.Part A66. Your American friend Peter Jones is coming to your hometown for a one-weekvisit.Write to him about:1)the weather conditions of your hometown for the season;2)the accommodation arrangements for him;3)the schedule for his sightseeing activities.You should write approximately 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the endof your letter.Use”Wang Lin”instead.You do not need to write the address.Part B67. Look at the picture below and write an essay of about 1 20 words making referenceto the following two points:1)a description of the picture;2)your attitude towards the phenomenon of private tutors.THIS IS THE END OF THE TEST.。

SECTION I Listening Comprehension Part A1、听⾳频:点击播放回答1-10题:What is the woman’s reply?A.She knows Professor Arnold has come.B.J She thinks Professor Arnold has checked in.C.She is sure that Professor Arnold has arrived.D.She doesn’t know whether Professor Arnold has arrived.2、 Who answered the phone?A.James Clock.B.Mary.C.Sue.D.Not mentioned.3、 How does the man feel about his grade?A.It was an improvement.B.It was disappointing.C.It was unfair.D.It was satisfying.4、 What does the woman mean?A.They’re ready for the snow.B.Once it starts,it’ll snow a lot.C.It has been snowing for some time.D.The winter has just begun.5、 What subject does the man teach now?A.English.B.Chemistry.C.History.D.Chinese.6、 Where does this conversation most probably take place? A.In a library.B.In a hospital.C.At a bank.D.In a store.7、 Where do the speakers work?A.At an art school.B.At a newspaper office.C.At a stadium.D.At a publishing house.8、 What does the man mean?A.The library no longer had the book on reserve.B.The library closed earlier than he’d expected.C.The professor had chosen a mystery book for him instead.D.The homework isn’t clear.9、 What Can we learn from the conversation?A.The man spends more than he makes.B.The man is not keen on arts.C.The woman is an artist.D.The woman looks down upon the man.10、 How are the guests going to New York?A.By bus.B.By plane.C.By Car.D.By train.SECTION I Listening Comprehension Part B11、听⾳频,回答以下问题。

2010 年英语笔译三级考试全真模拟试题(2)总分:100 分及格:60 分考试时间:120 分Part 1 Vocabulary Selection(1) ________________________ According to most linguists ,beside the difference between speech and writing there is also a difference between and informality .(2) __________ Despite a flurry of diplomatic activity in Geneva,prospects for a peace settlement seemed as ___ as ever.(3) _________________________________________________________________ Wireless and digital technologies provide affordable communication ________________________ to answerthe need for individual access and convenience.(4) _______________________________________________________ The African killer bees could not be handled safely, nor ____________________________________(5) _________________________________________________________________ The manager of the company firmly believed that one of the important _________________________ sources ofnew customers was the children ' S market.(6) ______________________________________ Although millions of people worldwide would seea trip into space as the fulfillment of their lifetime's dreams and would therefore such an idea instantly, no action was takenby space agencies to set up adequate opportunities.(7) ___________________________________ The growth of their economy is ,not inreality .Many of their statisticg are false .(8) __________ that increasing numbers of compact-disc players will be bought by consumers inthe years to come.(9) ______________ A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards and should new operating procedures.(10) _____________ Such a link, carrying power, would be an alternative to conventional power lines, with far better _____ integration into the natural environment.(11) ____________________ The feeling of disaster haunted them all the time.(12) _________________________ Big Ben has been the quarter hours now for more than a century .A .strikingout(13) __________________________ According to some recent reports ,the urban masses,particularly middle-class women ,are continuing their spirited of new products .(14) __________________ P et animals live in millions of American homes .People keep cats, dogs, birds, fish,guinea pigs, mice -- snakes .(15) ___________________ I was told e-mail the hotel for reservations .(16) _____________________________ However, unfulfilled of technology application have createda gap betweenearth observation services and the application markets not integrated into the economic mainstream.(17) ______________________________________________________________________ While Maggie, a white-collar worker, was at home after work, she __________________________ doing something to doing nothing .A. likeB. favorC. tendD. preferr(18) The Japanese have decided to impose incredibly high tariff on agricultural imports from China. What do you think will ?(19) ________ T he article gives us a summary of the situation in the first part and then discusses itA. at issueB. at lengthC. at randomD. at large(20) _____________________________ The Minister of Finance the demands of the negotiators and agreed to a meetingwith the leaders of the five unions.Part 2 Vocabulary Replacement(1) He is the most <U>intrepid</U> explorer in the present century.(2) In mountainous regions, much of the snow that falls is <U>compacted</U> into ice.(3) Useful drugs are made from inorganic substances or are plant and animal <U>by-products</U>.(4) The officer is <U>gallant</U> in his behavior toward his young secretary.(5) While many studies indicate that remotely sensed data provide cost-effective and up-to-date information in managing earth resources, use of the <U>tremendous</U> amount of already available data in meaningful applications has not reached its full potential .(6) Such legal <U>entities</U> provide the means for international cooperation and support of macroprojects related to the moon and mars that encourage global private sector participation .(7) Many educators today insist that every good story will not only <U>attract</U> its viewers but also give them some insight into what it means to be a human being .(8) Cactus plants have spines that prevent animals from <U>nibbling</U> them.(9) Agriculture today has had the luxury of being able to pollute and <U>alter</U> the landscape first and worry about the consequences later .(10) The old woman is too <U>feeble</U> to cross the street without her nephew's help.(11) International regulation may be necessary to <U>address</U> a problem of this kind that technology is likely to throw up in the next decade .(12) No organ of the body is less <U>appreciated</U> than the skin .(13) When immigrants arrived looking forward to the new opportunities and new freedom, they found danger and more hardship in a land <U>devoid</U> of any but the most elementary means of communication .(14) It describes a unique joint-venture in distance education and demonstrates the <U>viable</U> opportunities of global tele-education techniques in an exciting new market .(15) The economist said at the conference that mutually beneficial <U>deals</U> were being struck for the provision of investment finance and the transfer of technology .Part 3 Error Correction(1) The children should <U>say</U> "thank you" to you when you gave them gifts.(2) The experience of foreign countries is worth <span style="text-decoration:underline">learning fromand taking for reference</span>.(3) Earth observations should provide " value added " applications <U>from </U>existing environmental services, property title holders and process driven financial firms, while creating greater liquidity within the corporations that use them .(4) There are actually <U>too many</U> opportunities to learn more, to see more, and to understand more, and they all require us to change, at least a little bit, in order to make progress.(5) The average age at which people begin to need eyeglasses <U>vary</U> considerably.(6) Having the highest marks in her class, <U>a scholarship was offered her by the Department</U> .(7) <U>Through</U> receiving financial support from family, community or the government, is allowed, it is never admired .(8) Don't be late. I hate <U>to be</U> waiting for a long time.(9) Ordinary people <U>are now lacking of</U> the scientific knowledge about nutrition.(10) Eating too much fat can <U>distribute to</U> heart disease and cause high blood pressure .(11) He <U>didn't</U> to return earlier than 3 o'clock.(12) He meant telling us about it, but he forgot <U>to tell </U>us .(13) I do not advocate building the park near a jetport ,which might <U>make people to suffer from defective hearing</U> .(14) All in all ,it is now beyond doubt that in size and scope the rapid global spread of the habit<U>to wear</U> jeans ,however it may be explained ,is an <U>accident</U> without precedent in the history of human attire .(15) Four years ago,<U>quitting</U> the artistic director of American Ballet Theatre ,Baryshnikov <U>found</U> the White Oak Dance Project .Reading Comprehension(1) 阅读以下材料,回答{TSE} 题。

2010年全国公共英语(PETS)五级全真模拟试卷(3) 总分:90分及格:54分考试时间:140分Section ⅡUse of English(15 minutes)(1)根据下列材料回答{TSE}题:(2)(2)__________(3)(3)__________(4)(4)__________(5)(5)__________(6)(6)__________(7)(7)__________(8)(8)__________(9)(9)__________(10)(10)__________(11)(11)__________(12)(12)__________(13)(13)__________(14)(14)__________(15)(15)__________(16)(16)__________(17)(17)__________(18)(18)__________(19)(19)__________(20)(20)__________Section ⅢReading Comprehension(15 minutes) (1)根据下列选项回答{TSE}题:(2)is circular in the northern part while square in the southern part?__________(3)presents the largest and most complete ensemble of traditional architecture?__________(4)covers a building space of 90 thousand square meters?__________(5)is the oldest one among the four in the text?__________(6)can present the visitor the significance of Heaven Kitchen?__________(7)is a combination of architectural styles from Han,Tibetan and Nepalese?__________(8)was the religions and political center of old Tibet?__________(9)is along with many comparatively small buildings on either side?__________(10)presents an edict signed with the Great Fifth’s handprint?__________(11)根据下列文章回答{TSE}题:(12)On the way to school,Cosgrove_________.(13)It can be inferred from the passage that_________.(14)Which of the following is true according to this passage?(15)What’s the meaning of the word“bane’’in the 6th line of the last paragraph?(16)根据下列文章回答{TSE}题:(17)From Dr.Dustan’s study we can infer that__________.(18)In the third paragraph。
Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test book let. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET.
Sample Answer:[ A] [■ B] [ C] [ D]
Now look at question 1.
全真模拟试卷(3) 第 2 页( 共 12 页)
PETS 第三级
Public English Test System ( PETS) Level 3
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2010年全国公共英语三级考试(pets3)全真模拟试卷(3) 总分:100分及格:60分考试时间:120分Section I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) 听力A(1)Where does the conversation most probably take place?(2)When will the bank open on Sundays?(3)What did the man ask the woman to do?(4)Where are the two speakers?(5)What can we assume from this conversation?(6)Why can’t they meet on Thursday?(7)What does the woman mean?(8)What does the woman mean?(9)Who is the man?(10)What are they talking about?听力B(1)Questions {TSE} are based on the following dialogue between an employer and an employee.(2)What kind of job is Katie looking for?(3)What qualifications does Katie have for the job?(4)Questions {TSE} are based on the following dialogue between a lawyer and his customer.(5)What’s the purpose of Mr.Tim’s visiting this time?(6)When did Mr.Mm go" to see me plot chosen by his son ?(7)Which material should the house be built of?(8)Questions {TSE} are based on the following dialogue in a travel agency.(9)Which tourist attraction is NOT mentioned in the dialogue?(10)What is NOT listed on the man’s schedule?(11)What call you infer from the dialogue?(12)Questions {TSE} are based on the following monologue on smoking.(13)Which substance in cigarette cause, cancer?(14)What do experts suggest people to do?(15)Why do smokers like low tar cigarettes?Section II Use of English (15 minutes) 英语常识(1)阅读下列文章,选出{TSE}题的最佳答案:(2)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(3)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(4)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(5)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(6)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(7)<Ahref="javascript:;">(8)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(9)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(10)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(11)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(12)<Ahref="javascript:;">(13)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(14)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(15)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(16)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(17)<Ahref="javascript:;">(18)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(19)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>(20)<Ahref="javascript:;"></A>Section III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) 阅读理解A (1)<A href="javascript:;"></A>阅读下列短文,回答{TSE}题:(2)The factor which does NOT influence the size of the workforce is _______.(3)The conclusion which can be drawn the second paragraph is that _______.(4)When a population is said to be aging,_______.(5)The population which is top—heavy with older people poses a problem to _______.(6)<A href="javascript:;"></A>阅读下列短文,回答{TSE}题:(7)One of the elements to gain weight is _______.(8)Which of the following saying is true about dieting?(9)The phrase“starvation mode ”means _______.(10)The word“ shape” in the last sentence me ans _______.(11)阅读下列短文,回答{TSE}题:(12)Marie could hardly recognize the office she went into as _______.(13)The people in the office suddenly started working because _______.(14)We can infer from the text that the employees of t he enterprise _______.(15)The best title for this text would be _______.阅读理解B(1)<A href="javascript:;"></A><A href="javascript:;"></A>根据短文内容,回答{TSE}题:(2)Catherine _______.(3)Roget _______.(4)Briggs ______.(5)Bill _______.Section ⅣWriting (40 minutes) 写作A(1) Suppose you borrowed a novel from your friend Jane.However,after several days you suddenly found that you lost it.Write a letter of apology to Jane.Your letter should include:1)How did you lose it? 2)What’s your feeling and solution? You should write approximately l00 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of you letter.Use “Wang Lin”instead.You do not need to write the address.写作B(1)<A href="javascript:;"></A> Below is a table showing the killers in every l00 deaths in a city during the last three decades.Look at the graph and write an essay of about l20 words making reference to the following points:1)the distribution of killers in different decades and the general bend in these decades 2)the possible reasons for the distribution of these killers in thecity答案和解析Section I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) 听力A(1) :C(2) :D(3) :B(4) :A(5) :D(6) :D(7) :A(8) :A(9) :B(10) :B听力B(1) :C(2) :D(3) :B(4) :C(5) :B(6) :C(7) :A(8) :D(9) :C(10) :C(11) :B(12) :B(13) :C(14) :D(15) :ASection II Use of English (15 minutes) 英语常识(1) :C<A ></A >{Page}此题考查对这篇文章的主要内容的宏观掌握。