





(14分)1.下列加点字读音全部正确的一组是( )A.抵御.(xiè) 上卿.(qīng) 浩瀚.(hàn) 强.逼(qiǎng) B.间.隔(jiàn) 懒惰.(duò) 谴.责(qiǎn) 击缶.(fǒu) C.削.弱(xiāo) 岔.道(chà) 绰.绰(zhuó) 游隼.(sǔn) D.树冠.(guàn) 战袍.(páo) 推辞.( cí ) 允诺(ruò)2.下列词语书写完全正确的一项是()A.山洪爆发保持平衡不计其数完璧归赵B.绝口不提呼啸而过理所当然攻无不克C.难以置信战无不胜同心胁力无价之宝3.下列加点字的意思解释不正确的一项是()A.不计其数.(数目)B. 完璧归.赵(还给)C.同归于尽.(灭亡)D.难以置.信(购买)4.下列词语搭配不正确的一组是()A.轻快的音乐广阔的平原B.抵御准备举行隆重C.保持平衡动作协调D.美好的情感浩瀚的太空5.下列句子中,加点词语运用不恰当的一项是()A.李老师正为选谁去参加夏令营活动左右为难....。











2. 检测仪重新启动,屏幕显示CAL倒计 时,按住C直至倒计时结束并进入校准 状态。
显示APPLY GAS(施加标气)。
4. 接通标气气瓶且以250-500ml/min流
本快速参考指南提供GasAlertMicroClip的基本资料。详尽的操作 指引请参照包装内光盘的使用手册。GasAlertMicroClip 检测仪 (本检测仪)对用户可选定的报警点以上的危害气体浓度存在时 提出警告。 本检测仪是个人安全设置。你有责任确保对报警作出适当反应。
提示 本检测仪出厂时以英语为显示语言。葡萄牙语,西班牙语,德语 和法语手册有对应其语言的屏幕显示。
联系BW科技公司 美国:1-888-749-8878 加拿大:1-800-663-4164 欧洲:+44 (0) 1869 233004 其他国家:+1-403-248-9226
• STEL Interval: 改变短时间暴露时间限值(5至15分 钟,仅适用于有害气体传感器)
• Daily Bump Test: 24小时内若未对检测仪进行冲击测 试则发出报警(适用所有传感器)
• Nominal: 允许被检测的周围空气浓度定为20.9%vol 或20.8%vol.
• O2 Auto-Calibration: 氧气传感器开机自动校准功能 开启
⇒ GasAlertMicroClip检测仪长时间暴露于某种浓度的 可燃气或空气有可能会加重检测仪的负荷,结果可能 会严重影响其性能。如检测仪曾因高浓度可燃气体而 发生报警,应重新对其进行校准,或必要时应更换传 感器。

Heka EPC 10 USB 电子吸管电流仪家族用户指南说明书

Heka EPC 10 USB 电子吸管电流仪家族用户指南说明书

Smart Ephys. The Smart Source for All Your Ephys Needs.Fully computer-controlled Patch Clamp AmplifiersIntroductionThere are many advantages to a fully digitally-controlled patch clamp amplifier. Three major advantages em-ployed in the design of the EPC 10 USB are:• First, since all of the functions of the amplifier are controlled by a data acquisition program all of the amplifiers hardware settings can be stored along with the data. Not only is this capability important when reviewing and ana-lyzing the data but also for complete and thorough experimental book-keeping.• S econd, computer control allows a number of operations to be fully automated. These can include automaticmode switching (e.g. switching between the settings for establishing a seal or those for single-channel recording), automatic capacitance neutralization of C-Fast and C-Slow, and series resistance compensation. In fact, digital control of every adjustable parameter in the amplifier circuitry is implemented including full functionality test and calibration. • Finally, the integration of the amplifier, data acquisition interface and software allows experiments to be easily repli-cated to exact details.1) Electronic Design of the Patch Clamp. F .J.Sigworth. Single-Channel Recording, Second Edition, edited by Bert Sackmann and Erwin Neher. Plenum Press, New York, (1995) 95-127.2) Design of the EPC-9, a computer–controlled patch-clamp amplifier. 1. Hardware, F .J.Sigworth, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 56 (1995) 195-202.3) Design of the EPC-9, a computer–controlled patch-clamp amplifier. 2. Hardware, F.J.Sigworth, H.Affolter, E.Neher, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 56 (1995) 203-215.HEKA is very proud to release the EPC 10 USB - the newest member of the EPC 10 family of fully com-puter-controlled patch clamp amplifiers. The EPC 10 USB continues the HEKA commitment to provide the most up-to-date and technologically advanced pro-ducts for scientific research. The EPC 10 USB is the successor to the revolutionary EPC 9 patch clamp amplifier, which was introduced in 19901)2)3), as well as the renowned EPC 10.The EPC 10 USB patch clamp amplifier is available with either one (EPC 10 USB), two (EPC 10 USB Double), three (EPC 10 USB Triple) or four (EPC 10 USB Quadro) integrated amplifier modules.The EPC 10 USB is fully integrated with HEKA´s new LIH 8+8 data acquisition interface. The LIH 8+8 is a high resolution, low noise scientific data acquisition in-terface that utilizes the latest Analog to Digital, Digital to Analog, USB 2.0 and high-speed processor techno-logies. This powerful hardware combination in con-junction with PATCHMASTER or PATCHMASTER NEXT software provides a highly-integrated system that will minimize total recording noise, eliminate compatibility problems, reduce additional equipment expense, and most importantly, set-up time.ApplicationsThe EPC 10 USB family of amplifiers can be used, for example, for any of the following applications:• Low noise single-channel recordings• Low noise whole-cell patch clamp recordings: voltage clamp and cur-rent clamp/Low Frequency Voltage Clamp (LFVC)• Measurements of fast action potentials (AP), fast switching between voltage and current clamp and vice versa.• Loose-patch recordings4).• Intracellular voltage recordings with high resistance electrodes.• Field potential recordings.• Recordings from artificial membranes (Bilayer Recordings) and nano-pores.• Study Synaptic Transmission by simultaneous stimulation/recording from multiple cells (e.g. pre- and post-synaptic cells).• Study of Long Term Potentiation (LTP) and Long Term Depression (LTD).• Study of Exocytosis/Endocytosis or Synaptic Transmission by -Measurement of whole-cell membrane capacitance-Measurement of on-cell membrane capacitance-Detection of released substances (amperometry with e.g. carbon fiber electrodes)-Detection of released substances under a patch (patch ampero-metry)-Combined membrane capacitance measurements with ampero-metry (using EPC 10 USB Double)-Combined patch amperometry and on-cell capacitance measure-ments (using EPC 10 USB Double)• All above mentioned methods can be combined with photometric de-termination of e.g. the internal calcium ion concentration. Models and FeaturesThe EPC 10 USB is a complete data acquisition system, which can be used with HEKA’s PATCHMASTER or PATCHMASTER NEXT software.A DLL (dynamic link library) is available for software developers who are interested in writing their own Windows data acquisition software.The EPC 10 USB patch clamp amplifier, combined with a computerand PATCHMASTER / PATCHMASTER NEXT software is equivalent to a fully-equipped recording setup, which includes a patch clamp amplifier, a digital storage oscilloscope, a variable analog filter, a sophisticated pulse generator, and a full featured data acquisition and analysis system.Revision “T” Improvements Extended Stimulus RangeFilter 2 Bypass4) Loose Patch Recording. W. Stühmer. Practical Electrophysiologica Methods, edited by H. Kettenmann and R. Grantyn. Wiley-Liss, New York, (1992) 271-273.EPC 10 USB Patch Clamp Amplifier family Common Features• F ully computerized patch clamp amplifier that has a built-in data acquisition interface.• T he integration of the built-in low noise LIH 8+8data acquisition interface and the amplifier provides optimal grounding, removes external connections and only requires a single USB 2.0 (Hi-speed) port connection.• Compatible with either Windows or Mac OS systems, fully controlled via the PATCHMASTER / PATCHMASTER NEXT software• Software testing and calibration routines allows the user to verify the working condition of the instrument within minutes. Calibration, which typically required that the amplifier be taken out of service can be performed in-house, within a few minutes, withno additional expense, and more importantly no downtime to the recording setup. In addition, if needed, the headstage can be easily replaced and calibrated by the user.• The EPC 10 USB features C-Slow compensation in the high gain range (50 GΩ feedback resistor) for low noise whole-cell measurements.• U ltra slim low noise headstage design is optimized for single-channel, whole-cell and loose-patch current recordings • Resistor switching headstage with three gain ranges can be switched during an experiment• True Current Clamp capabilities• A “Low Frequency Voltage Clamp”(LFVC) modeis provided to automatically inject an appropriate amount of current to preserve the membrane potential, at a desired level during current clamp measurements.• Gentle Switch option from voltage clamp to current clamp (injection current is equal to the current monitor in voltage clamp mode)• Automatic or manual C-Fast and C-Slow capacitance neutralization• Capacitance tracking• Hardware leak compensation for non-voltage gated channels• T rue noise measurements from 100 Hz to 15 kHz• B uilt-in tone generator fully controlled by software • 16 Digital-In and 16 Digital-Out connections at the rear panel. Three of the Digital-Out connectors are also provided via BNC on the front panel.• All amplifier settings and parameters are stored with the data.• EPC DLL (dynamic link library) for controlling the EPC 10 USB is available for writing custom Windows applicationsFurther configurations are available. For more information see our product overview.Smart Ephys. The Smart Source for All Your Ephys Needs.EPC 10 USB AmplifiersThe number of recording channels and the number of amplifiers can be increased by con-necting two EPC 10 USB amplifiers. On the rear panel of the EPC 10 USB there are “SlaveSync” and “Master Sync” CAT5 connectors. EPC 10 USB amplifiers can be connected inFor example, an 8-channel parallel patch clamp amplifier can be configured by connecting two EPC 10 USB Quadro. These 8 in-dependent patch clamp amplifiers can be controlled by one copy of PATCHMASTER. Expandability to a 16-channel parallel patch clamp amplifier can be done by connecting four EPC 10 USB Quadro. In this case the amplifiers are controlled by two copies of PATCHMASTER that are synchronized and data can be automatically transferred to a single data file.2 x EPC 10 USB Quadro Amplifier8 ProbesSmart Ephys. The Smart Source for All Your Ephys Needs.Software Control OptionsPATCHMASTER NEXTThe EPC 10 USB family of amplifiers can be controlled with PATCHMASTER NEXT software on either Windows (10 (64-bit)) or Mac (OS X 10.6+) platform. PATCHMASTER NEXT is a multi-channel stimulation/acquisition and control software. For more details please refer to the PATCHMASTER NEXT brochure or contact us.CDEFGBAAmplifier WindowEach amplifier control can be accessed through the software and all hardware parameters can be accessed. This window is customizable in respect to displayed and required hard-ware parameters.Oscilloscope WindowAll acquired and replayed data will be displayed in this window.Control WindowThe control center of the PATCHMASTER NEXT soft-ware. Here, you start, break and or pause your experiments. Further, you have access to all main windows and the configu-ration of PATCHMASTER NEXT.Test Pulse WindowThis window is essential for the patch process itself. A run-ning test pulse is necessary to estimate important cell param-eters like membrane resistance or offset currents. Further, one can easily detect changes in patch clamp conditions during an ongoing experiment. Each amplifier board has its own test pulse view pane.Data TreeShows all the acquired data of the currentlyloaded data file. The tree-like organization of the data enables fast and easy data screening.Notebook WindowAll relevant software information is plotted into the Notebook which can be stored along with the data itself. Further, the Notebook Window is an important place to write on- and offline analysis results.Graph LayoutAnalysis results can be plotted on- or offline in analysis graphs which are displayed in the Graph Layout window.In this editor you define the pattern of the stimulation sequence. You have access to all output and input channels of the EPC 10 USB amplifier. Numer-ous different segment classes, an Increment Editor and a File Template Edi-tor allows you to create almost every possible stimulation sequence.The Protocol Editor allows to create experimental protocols via an event list which is processed in the given order. In addition to data acquisition one can now control or interact with external devices, react to analysis results or create conditional loops including break conditions or assigned keys. The predefined protocol lines allow a highly standardized and automated experi-mental procedure.Protocol EditorSmart Ephys. The Smart Source for All Your Ephys Needs.HeadstagesS-Probe HeadstageThe unique feature of the S-Probe is the significantly reduced size and weight compared to our standard headstages. This allows for compatibility with a wider range of applicati-ons, especially when experimental space is limited or where the weight of the headstageitself matters. The electrical specifications of the S-Probe are identical to our standard Red Star Headstage, with the added feature of an optional bath sense connection ena-bling operation in 3-Electrode mode (with EPC 10 USB only). It is compatible with a new EPC 10 USB or EPC 800 USB amplifier and is also available as an upgrade. Check withour support team to find out if this headstage is supported by your HEKA patch clamp amplifier. The amplifier (EPC 10 USB) and the headstage need to be calibrated using PATCHMASTER NEXT or EPCMaster software.Red Star HeadstageThe Red Star Headstage is used with the EPC 10, EPC 10 USB or the EPC 800 USBPatch Clamp Amplifiers. It offers excellent noise levels in the most important 1 - 10 kHzbandwidth. Further, it has three feedback resistors (50 GΩ, 500 MΩ, 5 MΩ) for three gain ranges which are switchable during the measurement. The Red Star Headstage is also noise-optimized for demanding single-channel recordings. The amplifier (EPC 10 USB) and the headstage need to be calibrated using PATCHMASTER NEXT or EPCMaster software.Model CircuitsModel Cells for Patch Clamp AmplifiersS-Probe Headstage with 248 cm flexible ribbon cable and a BNC to SMA connectorGeneralNumber of Amplifiers/HeadstagesEPC 10 USB Single: 1EPC 10 USB Double: 2EPC 10 USB Triple: 3EPC 10 USB Quadro: 4Amplifier ControlFully software controlled patch clamp amplifier featuring e.g. direct access to all amplifier settings, automatic calibration and self testing/diagnosis procedures.Host Interface USB 2.0 Dimensions Main UnitWeight Main UnitDimensions HeadstageD x W x H: 90 x 17 x 14.5 mmPower SupplyPower requirements are 100 Watt. The logic controlled power supply automatically switches the voltage range. It operatesin the range 85 V to 250 V at line frequencies of 50 or 60 Hz. A shielded transformer minimizes noise pickup from power line frequencies.Ground LinesA Signal ground is accessible via a Banana plug on the front panel of the main unit and via a connector pin on the heads-tage. In case of EPC 10 USB Double, Triple and Quadro, all amplifiers share the same ground.A Chassis ground is accessible via a Banana plug on the front panel of the main unit. Chassis and Signal ground are connec-ted via a 10 MΩ resistor.Voltage Clamp ModeCurrent Measuring ResistorsThe headstage provides three feedback resistors.The gain ranges can be switched during the experiment.Low gain range (5 MΩ): ± 2 µA current range Medium gain range (500 MΩ): ± 20 nA current range High gain range (50 GΩ): ± 200 pA current range Current Gain SettingsLow gain range: 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 mV/pA Medium gain range: 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 mV/pAHigh gain range: 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 mV/pAInput Capacitance < 1 pFNoise PerformanceMeasured with open input via external 8-pole Bessel filter. Medium gain range:up to 1 kHz: ~ 180 fA rms (theoretical limit)up to 3 kHz: ~ 320 fA rms (theoretical limit)up to 10 kHz: ~ 580 fA rmsHigh gain range:up to 1 kHz: ~ 31 fA rmsup to 3 kHz: ~ 72 fA rmsup to 10 kHz: ~ 350 fA rmsBandwidth100 kHz (low and medium gain range), > 60 kHz (high gain range)Current FilterFilter 1 is a 6-pole Bessel pre-filter with 10 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz, and HQ 30 kHz. The EPC 10 USB Single, Double, and T riple allow to directly sample the current signal of Filter 1.Filter 2 is a 4-pole filter with 100 Hz to 15 kHz bandwidth with selectable Bessel or Butterworth characteristics. Filter 2 is usable in series with Filter 1 or as separate filter for external signals. Holding PotentialSoftware controlled holding within a ± 2000 mV range.External Stimulus Input (VC)Via a BNC connector at the front panel an external stimulus input can be added to the internal set holding potential. An external stim scaling circuit allows scaling of the external stimulus with a factor in the range of – 1.0 to + 1.0.Single Double Triple QuadroDepth x Width31.1 x 48.3 cmHeight14.5 cm18.0 cm26.9 cmmounts in a 19“ rackSingle Double Triple Quadro11.4 kg12.2 kg15.3 kg16.5 kgCompensations in Voltage Clamp Mode Pipette Offset Potential Compensation Automatic or manual adjustment of the offset potential in the range ± 200 mV.Injection CapacitorsThe C-Fast compensation signal is injected via a 1 pF capaci-tor. The C-Slow compensation signals are injected via a 10 pF capacitor in medium and low gain and via a 1 pF capacitor in high gain range.C-Fast CompensationAutomatic or manual compensation in all gain ranges:0 to 15 pF, 0 to 8 µs tau (calibrated)0 to ~ 80 pF (Extended C-Fast)C-Slow CompensationAutomatic or manual compensation in all gain ranges:0.2 to 1000 pF (low and medium range), 0.2 to 100 pF (high range).Rs range 1 MΩ to 1 GΩ.Synchronous C-Slow CompensationThe EPC 10 USB Double, Triple and Quadro provide the option for synchronous C-Slow compensation pulses on multiple cells. This is essential for using the C-Slow compensation when mea-suring on multiple electrically connected cells.Series Resistance CompensationMaximal compensation is 95% with the optimal settingbeing dependent on the cell capacitance.Equivalent time constants: 2 µs, 5 µs, 10 µs, 100 µsHardware Leak SubtractionAutomatic or manual linear leak subtraction in all gain ranges:0 to 2 nS (high range), 0 to 200 nS (medium range), 0 to 20 μS (low range).Injection time constant: 100 µsSoftware Leak SubtractionA versatile p/n leak subtraction is provided in combination with the PATCHMASTER / PATCHMASTER NEXT software.Other VC FeaturesZap PulseProvided by the PA TCHMASTER / PA TCHMASTER NEXT software. The amplitude (up to ± 1 V) and duration is programmable. Audio Resistance MonitorA 3.5 mm jack is provided at the rear panel for connecting phones or speakers. Volume and Resistance/Frequency ratio can be adjusted by the PATCHMASTER / PATCHMASTER NEXT software. Frequency range: 1 Hz to 10 kHz.Current Clamp ModeCurrent InjectionFour current injection gains are selectable:0,1 pA/mV range: ± 1 nA1 pA/mV range: ± 10 nA10 pA/mV range: ± 100 nA100 pA/mV range: ± 1 µAIn the “Extended Stimulus Range” the current injection capability in current clamp mode is increased by factor of “5”.Voltage GainTwo gains are selectable: Bit resolution:V-mon x 10: ± 1000 mV 30 µVV-mon x 100: ± 100 mV 3 µVVoltage FilterFilter 2 setting do also allow the filtering of the voltage signal in a current clamp measurement.Voltage Measuring RangeThe voltage measuring range is ± 1 V (± 5 V when usingthe “Extended Stimulus Range”) in current clamp mode.External Stim Input (CC)Via a BNC connector at the front panel an external stimulus input can be added to the internally set holding current. The scaling factor is determined by the selected current injection gain.C-Fast in CC ModeC-Fast is active in current clamp mode to allow voltage recor-dings at high bandwidth.Bridge ModeThe voltage drop across the pipette resistance can be compen-sated.Low Frequency Voltage Clamp (LFVC) Automatic current tracking readjusts the holding current to fix any slow voltage drift while in current clamp mode.Gentle SwitchWhen switching from voltage to current clamp, the holding cur-rent is automatically set to the “I-mon” in voltage clamp mode. Fast Mode SwitchingThe PATCHMASTER / PATCHMASTER NEXT software allows to rapidly switch between current and voltage clamp mode and vice versa during data acquisition.DA/AD ConverterStimulationNumber of DA-converters: 4Settling Time: 1 µsDA output voltage range: ± 10 VNumber of AD-converters: 2DA/AD resolution: 16 bitFastestSamplingRate:2channels 200kHz8 channels 50 kHzFree DA channelsEPC 10 USB Single: 3EPC 10 USB Double: 2EPC 10 USB Triple: 1EPC 10 USB Quadro: 0Free AD channelsEPC 10 USB Single: 5EPC 10 USB Double: 3EPC 10 USB Triple: 1EPC 10 USB Quadro: 0Digital Input/OutputDigital I/O: 16 digital in and 16 digital out channels are provided on a 40 pin male connector on the rear panel. Digital In: 16 channels provided at the Digital In connector on the rear panel.Digital Out: 16 channels provided at the Digital Out connector on the rear panel, three of them are also provided via BNCon the front panel.Trigger In: Via 1 BNC connector on the front panel data acquisition can be triggered externally.Master/Slave Sync2 CAT5 connectors for synchronization of a second amplifier/ interface system are provided at the rear panel.The Smart Source for All Your Ephys NeedsAmericas************************ (+1) 833 668 8632Europe, Middle East, Africa*********************(+49) 7121 909 2526Asia Pacific**************************(+86) 21 6226 0239©January22|HEKAElektronikGmbHProductnamesusedhereinareforidentificationpurposesonlyandmaybetrademarksoftheirrespectiveowners.HEKAdisclaimsanyandallrightsinthosemarks.Wereservetherighttoeffecttechnicalchangesasdevelopmentprogresses.Specialversionsareavailableonrequest.Furthertechnicaldataareprovidedbyadetaileddescription,whichisavailableonrequest.Awarrantyoftwoyearsappliestoallinstruments.。





















现在我公司新建Ф2600/Ф2800锥形煤气炉的运行情况介绍如下:1、工艺条件1).温度:煤气炉内O2与C的反应,C+O2=CO2+Q. 2C+O2=2CO+Q. O2+2CO=2CO2+Q等都是放热反应,且这些发生在吹风阶段,吹风阶段放的热积蓄于燃料层内,使燃料层的温度积聚升高且沿着燃料层高度变化,其中氧化层温度最高,被称为操作温度,此温度愈高,制气过程愈有利,不仅使碳与蒸气反应的平衡右移,提高煤气中CO和H2等有效成分的含量,降低H2O↑含量,而且能加快反应速度。











因此对于锥形炉吹风速度一般控制在18000-300 00Nm3/h.3).蒸汽用量:造气炉内蒸汽送入时间越长,流量越大,煤气产量越高但蒸汽送入过长,流量过大,炉温会迅速下降,对制气不利。

箭心(Arrow Hart)水密连接器说明书

箭心(Arrow Hart)水密连接器说明书

Design features for watertight locking devices•Thermoplastic elastomeric exterior out-performs rubber when exposed to moisture, chemicals, oils, and the effects of UV exposure and ozone attack•Mated plug and connector or plug and receptacle form a watertight seal that meets NEMA and IEC IP ratings (see specification sheet for details) and withstands water spray test at 1000 psi•High visibility safety yellow for identification. Also available in black•Power contacts, blades and terminal screws nickel-plated for corrosion resistance•Quick-drive stainless steel assembly screws for corrosion resistance and fast installation•Multiple color coded neoprene grommets for a watertight seal on a wide range of cord sizes• Receptacles have self-closing spring loaded flip lid covers • Santoprene™ grommets ensure watertight seal at cord entrance •Wide range cord diameter 0.30" – 0.65"2-pole, 3-wire grounding15A, 125/250V/AC; 20A, 125/250V/AC NEMA 5-15, 6-15, 5-20, 6-20Arrow Hart watertight locking plugs, connectors & receptacles60W33Project Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:T able 1. S traight blade plugs, connectors & receptacles2-pole, 3-wire60W48DPLX14W4715W47Catalog no.ReceptacleCordRatingPlug ConnectorSingle DuplexdiameterA V/AC NEMA14W47 15W47 60W47 60W47DPLX 0.30-0.65”(7.6-16.5mm)151255-15 14W49 15W49 60W49 60W49DPLX 0.30-0.65”(7.6-16.5mm)152506-15 14W33 15W33 60W33 60W33DPLX 0.30-0.65”(7.6-16.5mm)201255-20 14W4815W4860W4860W48DPLX 0.30-0.65”(7.6-16.5mm)202506-20Compliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.2EATON /arrowhart Technical DataEffective March 2016Arrow Hart watertight locking plugs, connectors & receptaclesCompliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.Catalog no.ReceptacleCordRatingPlug ConnectorSingle DuplexdiameterA V/AC NEMA24W47 25W47 65W47 65W47DPLX 0.30-0.65”(7.6-16.5mm)15125L5-15 24W49 25W49 65W49 65W49DPLX 0.30-0.65”(7.6-16.5mm)15250L6-15 24W3425W34 65W34 65W34DPLX 0.30-0.65”(7.6-16.5mm)15277L7-15 L520PW L520CW L520RW —0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)20125L5-20 L620PW L620CW L620RW —0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)20250L6-20 L720PW L720CW L720RW*—0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)20277L7-20 L820PW L820CW L820RW*—0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)20480L8-20 L530PW L530CW L530RW —0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)30125L5-30 L630PWL630CW L630RW —0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)30250L6-30 L730PW L730CW L730RW —0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)30277L7-30 L830PWL830CWL830RW—0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)30480L8-30*Not NOM certifiedProject Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:T able 2. Locking devices – 2-pole, 3-wireL530RW65W47DPLX24W4725W47L1020PWCatalog no.CordRating Plug ConnectorSingle receptaclediameterA V/ACNEMA9965PW 7314CW 7314RW 0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)20125/250Non-NEMA L1020PW L1020CW 0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)20125/250L10-20 L1120PW L1120CW L1120RW 0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)203Ø 250L11-20L1030PW L1030CW 0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)30125/250L10-30 3331PW 3333CW 0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)30125/250Non-NEMA L1130PWL1130CWL1130RW0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)303Ø 250L11-302-pole, 3-wire grounding15A, 125/250/277V/AC; 20A,125/250/277/480V/AC; 30A, 125/250/277/480V/AC NEMA L5-15, L6-15, L7-15, L5-20, L6-20, L7-20, L8-20, L5-30, L6-30, L7-30, L8-303-pole, 3-wire non-grounding 3-pole, 4-wire grounding20A; 125/250, 3Ø 250, 3Ø 480V/AC30A; 125/250, 3Ø 250, 3Ø 480, 3Ø 600V/ACNon-NEMA L10-20, L11-20, L10-30, L11-30T able 3. Locking devices – 3-pole, 3-wire3EATON /arrowhart Technical DataEffective March 2016Arrow Hart watertight locking plugs, connectors & receptaclesCompliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.L1620RWProject Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:L1420CWCatalog no.CordRating PlugConnectorSingle receptacle diameterA V/ACNEMAL1420PWL1420CW L1420RW 0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)20125/250L14-20 L1520PW L1520CW L1520RW 0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)203Ø 250L15-20 L1620PW L1620CW 0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)203Ø 480L16-20L1430PW L1430CW 0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)30125/250L14-30 L1530PWL1530CW 0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)303Ø 250L15-30 L1630PW L1630CW 0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)303Ø 480L16-30 L1730PWL1730CW0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)303Ø 600L17-30T able 4.Locking devices – 3-pole, 4-wireCatalog no.CordRating PlugConnectorSingle receptacle diameterA V/ACNEMA7411PW 7413CW 7413RW 0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)203ØY 120/208Non- NEMA L1820PW L1820CW L1820RW 0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)203ØY 120/208L18-20 L1920PW L1920CW L1920RW 0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)203ØY 277/480L19-20 L2020PWL2020CW L2020RW 0.36-0.84” (9.1-21.3mm)203ØY 347/600L20-20 3433PW 3433CW 3433RW 0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)303ØY 120/208Non- NEMA L1830PW L1830CW L1830RW 0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)303ØY 120/208L18-30 L1930PW L1930CW L1930RW 0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)303ØY 277/480L19-30 L2030PWL2030CWL2030RW0.43-1.15” (10.9-29.2mm)303ØY 347/600L20-30T able 5. Locking devices – 4-pole, 4-wireReceptaclePlugNon-NEMA 20A 125/250V YWXReceptacle PlugNon-NEMA30A 125/250V3-pole, 3-wire non-grounding3-pole, 4-wire grounding20A; 125/250, 3Ø 250, 3Ø 480V/AC30A; 125/250, 3Ø 250, 3Ø 480, 3Ø 600V/ACNEMA L -14-20, L15-20, L16-20, L14-30, L15-30, L16-30, L17-304-pole, 4-wire non-grounding20A; 3ØY 120/208, 3ØY 277/480, 3ØY 347/600V/AC 30A; 3ØY 120/208, 3ØY 277/480, 3ØY 347/600V/ACNon-NEMA L18-20, L19-20, L20-20, L18-30, L19-30, L20-30L2030RWL1820PWL1820CWTechnical Data Effective March 2016Arrow Hart watertight lockingplugs, connectors & receptacles Compliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.Catalog no.Cord RatingPlug Connector Single receptacle diameter A V/AC NEMA 7411PW 7413CW 7413RW0.36-0.84”(9.1-21.3mm)203ØY120/208Non-NEMA L1820PW L1820CW L1820RW0.36-0.84”(9.1-21.3mm)203ØY120/208L18-20L1920PW L1920CW L1920RW0.36-0.84”(9.1-21.3mm)203ØY277/480L19-20L2020PW L2020CW L2020RW0.36-0.84”(9.1-21.3mm)203ØY347/600L20-203433PW 3433CW 3433RW0.43-1.15”(10.9-29.2mm)303ØY120/208Non-NEMA L1830PW L1830CW L1830RW0.43-1.15”(10.9-29.2mm)303ØY120/208L18-30L1930PW L1930CW L1930RW0.43-1.15”(10.9-29.2mm)303ØY277/480L19-30 L2030PW L2030CWL2030RW0.43-1.15”(10.9-29.2mm)303ØY347/600L20-30T able 6. Locking devices – 4-pole, 4-wireL1830PWL1820CWCatalog no.Cord RatingPlug Connector Single receptacle diameter A V/AC NEMAL2120PW L2120CW L2120RW0.36-0.84”(9.1-21.3mm)203ØY120/208L21-20L2220PW L2220CW L2220RW0.36-0.84”(9.1-21.3mm)203ØY277/480L22-20L2320PW L2320CW L2320RW0.36-0.84”(9.1-21.3mm)203ØY347/600L23-20L2130PW L2130CW L2130RW0.43-1.15”(10.9-29.2mm)303ØY120/208L21-30L2230PW L2230CW L2230RW0.43-1.15”(10.9-29.2mm)303ØY277/480L22-30L2330PW L2330CW L2330RW0.43-1.15”(10.9-29.2mm)303ØY347/600L23-30T able 7.Locking devices – 4-pole, 5-wireReceptacle PlugNon-NEMA20A 125/250VYWXReceptacle PlugNon-NEMA30A 125/250VProject Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:4-pole, 4-wire non-grounding20A; 3ØY 120/208, 3ØY 277/480, 3ØY 347/600V/AC30A; 3ØY 120/208, 3ØY 277/480, 3ØY 347/600V/ACNon-NEMA L18-20, L19-20, L20-20, L18-30, L19-30, L20-304-pole, 5-wire grounding20A; 3ØY 120/208, 3ØY 277/480, 3ØY 347/600V/AC30A; 3ØY 120/208, 3ØY 277/480, 3ØY 347/600V/ACNEMA L21-20, L22-20, L23-20, L21-30, L22-30, L23-30 L2330RWL2120PWL2120CW4EATON /arrowhart5EATON /arrowhart Technical DataEffective March 2016Arrow Hart watertight locking plugs, connectors & receptaclesCompliances, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.Device type Watertight plugs & connectors, straight blade & locking Watertight receptacles, straight blade & 15A locking Watertight receptacles, 20A & 30A locking Wiring typeBack wireBack wireBack wireTesting & code compliance • L isted to UL 498, file no. E3663• cUL Certified to C22.2, no. 182.2• Listed to UL 498, file no. E2369• cUL Certified to CAN/CSA C22.2 no. 42-99• Listed to UL 498, file no. E2369• NOM certifiedEnvironmental specificationsFlammability: Meets UL 94 requirements; V2 ratedFlammability: Meets UL 94 requirements; V2 ratedFlammability: Meets UL 94 requirements; V2 ratedTemperature rating: -40ºC to 75ºC (-40°F to 167°F)Temperature rating: -40ºC to 75ºC (-40°F to 167°F)Temperature rating: -40ºC to 75ºC (-40°F to 167°F)Protection: NEMA 4, 4X, 6, 6P & IP67Protection: NEMA 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 12 & IP66Protection: NEMA 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 12 & IP66High pressure water test: 1000 psi spray (mated or closed)High pressure water test: 1000 psi spray (mated or closed)High pressure water test: 1000 psi spray (mated or closed)Electrical specificationsDielectric voltage: Withstands 1500V per UL 498Dielectric voltage: Withstands 1554V per UL 498Dielectric voltage: Withstands 1696 - 2200V per UL 498Current interrupting: Yes, at full-rated currentCurrent interrupting: Yes, at full-rated currentCurrent interrupting: Yes, at full-rated currentTemperature rise: Max. 30ºC (86°F) after 250 cycles of overloadTemperature rise: Max. 30ºC (86°F) after 250 cycles of overloadTemperature rise: Max. 30ºC (86°F) after 250 cycles of overloadMechanical specificationsTerminal accommodation: #18 - 10 AWG Terminal accommodation: #18 - #10 AWG Terminal accommodation: #14 - #8 AWG Voltage ratings: Permanently marked on deviceVoltage ratings: Permanently marked on deviceVoltage ratings: Permanently marked on deviceIndustrial specification grade watertight devices are ideal for applications in food and beverage, agriculture, chemical processors, shipyards, marinas and wastewater treatment environments. Watertight receptacles feature spring-loaded flip-lid covers that provide watertight protection even under 1,000 psi water spray. Plugs, connectors and receptacles comply with various NEMA and IEC ratings as listed below.ApplicationsProject Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:T able 8. Specifications Receptacle flip lid cover & base N/A Thermoplastic, glass-filled nylon Thermoplastic, glass-filled nylon Receptacle cover spring N/A Stainless steel, self-closingStainless steel, self-closingReceptacle lid liner &mounting gasketN/ASantoprene™ thermoplastic elastomeric Santoprene™ thermoplastic elastomeric Plug/connector outer shell Santoprene™ thermoplastic elastomeric over glass filled polypropylene N/AN/AInterior body NylonGlass-filled nylon Glass-filled nylon Terminal retainer Clear polycarbonate Clear polycarbonate Clear polycarbonate Blades .060” thick brass, nickel plated N/AN/ALine contacts .032” thick copper alloy, nickel plated .032” thick copper alloy, nickel plated .032” thick copper alloy, nickel plated Ground shunt N/ASolid brass Solid brass Terminal clamps Steel, nickel platedSteel, nickel platedSteel, nickel platedTerminal screws #10-32 brass, neutral screw nickel plated #8-32 brass, neutral screw nickel plated #10-32 brass, neutral screw nickel plated Ground contact N/A.032” thick brass, nickel plated .032” thick brass, nickel plated Ground screw#10-32 brass, zinc plated (green)#8-32 brass (green)#10-32 brass (green)Assembly/mounting screws Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Compression nut Nylon N/A N/A Compression nut grommet Santoprene™N/A N/A Receptacle mounting plateN/AStainless steelStainless steelT able 9. MaterialsTechnical DataEffective March 2016Arrow Hart watertight locking plugs, connectors & receptaclesCatalog no.60W4960W49DPLX ••••60W3360W33DPLX ••••60W4860W48DPLX •••14W4715W47••••14W4915W49••••14W3315W33••••14W4815W48••••65W4765W47DPLX 24W4725W47••••65W4965W49DPLX 24W4925W49••••65W3465W34DPLX24W3425W34••••L520RW L520PW L520CW ••••L620RW L620PW L620CW ••••L720RW L720PW L720CW •••L820RW L820PW L820CW •••L530RW L530PW L530CW ••••L630RW L630PW L630CW ••••L730RW L730PW L730CW ••••L830RW L830PW L830CW ••••7314RW 9965PW 7314CW ••••L1020RW L1020PW L1020CW ••••L1120RW L1120PW L1120CW ••••L1030RWL1030PW L1030CW ••••3333RW3333PW3333CW••••Certifications & compliancesKEY:cULus ROHS426NOMParts are manufactured and designed in accordance with article 4 of the European Union’s RoHS2 directive 2011/65/EUProject Name:Prepared By:Project Number:Date:Catalog Number:Type:Catalog no.L1420RW L1420PW L1420CW ••••L1520RW L1520PW L1520CW ••••L1620RW L1620PW L1620CW ••••L1430RW L1430PW L1430CW ••••L1530RW L1530PW L1530CW ••••L1630RW L1630PW L1630CW ••••L1730RW L1730PWL1730CW ••••7413RW 7411PW 7413CW •••L1820RW L1820PW L1820CW ••••L1920RW L1920PW L1920CW ••••L2020RW L2020PW L2020CW ••••3433RW 3431PW 3433CW •••L1830RW L1830PW L1830CW ••••L1930RWL1930PW L1930CW ••••L2030RW L2030PW L2030CW ••••L2120RW L2120PW L2120CW ••••L2220RW L2220PW L2220CW ••••L2320RW L2320PW L2320CW ••••L2130RW L2130PW L2130CW ••••L2230RW L2230PW L2230CW ••••L2330RWL2330PWL2330CW••••For ordering devices, include Cat. no. followed by the color code: (Black), Y (Yellow)T able 10. Color ordering informationEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States Electrical Sector203 Cooper CirclePeachtree City, GA 30269United States /arrowhartElectrical Sector Canada Operations 5925 McLaughlin RoadMississauga, Ontario, L5R 1B8CanadaEatonCanada.ca/arrowhartElectrical Sector Mexico Operations Carr. Tlalnepantla -Cuautitlán Km 17.8 s/n Col. Villa Jardín esq.Cerrada 8 de MayoCuautitlán, México CP 54800México Eaton.mx/arrowhart© 2016 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. SB630002EN March 2016。





目录安全注意事项 (2)一、概述 (3)二、技术指标 (3)三、安装和接线 (4)3.1使用环境 (4)3.2 安装注意事项 (4)3.3 配线接线图 (5)3.4 控制端子原理图接线 (5)四、操作面板 (6)4.1面板说明 (6)4.2 按键说明 (7)4.3 显示面板操作方法如下 (8)五、功能参数表 (9)六、软起动内部线路板资料 (12)七、BANG软起动性能 (13)八、电机软起动器装置结构及外形尺寸 (14)九、电机软起动柜结构及外形参考尺寸 (15)十、维护及故障检修 (16)安全注意事项警告!BANG软起动器只允许专业技术人员安装,并根据使用手册进行操作。















07001230Ú Instructions for connecting gas and gas conversion (forAfter-Sales Service only)HGV1E0U50M HGV1D0U59M HGV1D0V50M HGV1F0U59M HGVDA0Q50M HGVDA0Q59M HGW3ASQ50M HGW3ASQ59M HGV1F0V50. HGV1F0V20. HGVDF0V..S HGW3FSV..S HGV1F0U5.S HGW3FSV50. HGX5G7W 30. HGX5G7W8.S HGVDF0X50S HGX5G7W59S HGX5H0W50M HGX5H0W59M HIZ5G7W50M HIZ5G7W59M HJY5G7.6.M HJY5G7V6.S HIZ5G7W59SImportant information (3)Choose which side of the appliance to connect the gas on (* optional) (3)Guidelines for ventilation (3)Gas connection (4)Approved connections (4)Liquefied gas connection (LPG) (4)Natural gas connection (NG) (4)Electrical connection (5)Conversion to a different gas type (6)Changing the gas type (6)Parts for gas conversion (6)Replacing the burner nozzles (6)Setting the burner bypass nozzles and a small flame (7)Converting the appliance from liquid gas to natural gas (7)Converting the appliance from natural gas to liquid gas (7)Removing the control panel (7)Setting the bypass nozzles (8)Fitting the control panel (8)Replacing the oven gas burner (optional) (8)Leak test and function test (9)Check the gas connection (9)Checking the burner nozzles (9)Checking the bypass valves (9)Checking the oven burner nozzle (option) (10)Check the grill burner nozzle (option) (10)Correct flame formation (10)Burners (10)Oven (10)Technical data – Gas (11)Appliance categories (11)23The appliance must only be converted from one gas type to another by authorised personnel who have receivedappropriate training. The procedure must always be carried out in accordance with the instructions in this manual.Incorrect connection and incorrect settings configuration may damage the appliance. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for failure to connect or configure the appliance correctly.Always observe the symbols on the rating plate. If there is no symbol that is relevant to your country, comply with thetechnical guidelines in force in your country when configuring the appliance.Find out which gas type and which gas pressure your local gas supply network uses before installing the appliance. Make sure that all settings have been configured correctly before starting to use the appliance.Always observe local and national guidelines and regulations.All the connection data you need can be found on the rating plate to the right of the appliance door.Enter the following data in the table: Product number (E no.) Production number (FD)Enter the factory settings for the gas type/gas pressure in the table and then add the applicable gas type/gas pressure settings for once conversion has been carried out.Caution!After converting the appliance from one gas type to another, the new gas type must be indicated on the rating e a gas conversion label to do this. The gas type is marked with an asterisk (*) on the label. The label detailing the gas type(marked with an asterisk (*)) to which the appliance has been converted must be adhered in the designated place on the rating plate.The changes made to the appliance and the type of connection are essential to enabling the appliance to work safely and in accordance with the relevant regulations.: Risk of gas escape!■After connecting the appliance to the gas supply, always check the connection for leak tightness. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for the escape of gas from a gas connection which has been previously tampered with.■Do not move the appliance by pulling on the gas pipe (collector). This could damage the gas pipe.■The appliance must not be moved once it has been installed.If you do move the appliance once it has been installed,check that the connection is leak-tight.Switch off the power and gas supply before carrying out any work.This appliance must not be installed on boats or in vehicles.Choose which side of the appliance to connect the gas on (* optional)The gas supply to the appliance can be connected on the left or right. The side on which the gas supply is connected can be changed if necessary.Connect the main gas supply.If you change the side on which the gas supply is connected, the gas connection piece on the side that is not being used must be sealed with a blind plug. To do this:1.Place the new seal in the blind plug. Make sure the seal isseated correctly.2.Secure the gas connection piece to the appliance using a 22mm spanner and place the blind plug onto the connection piece using a 24 mm spanner.Once the side on which the gas supply is connected has been changed, check that the connection is leak-tight. See the section entitled "Leak testing" for more information about this.Note: Use a torque wrench to connect the appliance.*Option:Only valid for some models.This appliance must only be installed in a room that is sufficiently ventilated.If the total power for all gas appliances is below 11 kW, then this requirement is met if the installation room has a volume of over 15 m³ and at least one door leading outside or one window that can be opened.If the total power for all gas appliances is above 11 kW, then this requirement is met if the installation room has a volume of over 2 m³ per kW and at least one door leading outside or one window that can be opened. Furthermore, an exhaust extractor hood or a controlled domestic ventilation system (norecirculated air operation) should be present and should have aminimum flow volume of 15 m³/h for each kW of total power for all gas appliances. Appropriate supply air openings must be present.Note: In some countries, the requirements for minimum room volume vary. Find out information on this from your after-sales service.E no.FDAfter-sales service O Gas type/gas pressure This data can be found on the rating plateGas type/gas pressure Data following gas conversion4Approved connectionsThese instructions apply only when the appliance is set up in countries that are indicated on the rating plate.If the appliance is set up, connected and used in a country that is not indicated on the rating plate, installation and assembly instructions must be used that contain data and information on the valid connection conditions in the relevant country.Liquefied gas connection (LPG)Caution!Observe the specific guidelines for each country.If liquid gas (LPG) is used, the gas supply should be connected via a gas hose or a fixed connector.Important information on using a gas hose:■Use a safety gas hose or a plastic gas hose (8 or 10 mm in diameter).■It must be attached to the gas connection using an approved connecting device (e.g. a hose clamp).■The hose must be short and completely leak-tight. The hose must not be longer than 1.5 m. Observe the applicable guidelines.■The gas hose must be replaced once a year.1.Place the new seal in the connection piece. Make sure the seal is seated correctly.2.Secure the gas connection piece to the appliance using a 22mm spanner and place the connection piece into the connection piece using a 24 mm spanner.3.Fit the safety gas hose and use a pipe union or cable clampto tighten it securely.4.For information on how to carry out leak testing, see thesection entitled "Leak testing". Open the gas connection shut-off.Note: Use a torque wrench to connect the appliance.Natural gas connection (NG)If natural has (NG) is used, the gas supply should beconnected via a gas pipe or a safety gas hose with threaded fittings at both ends.Connection in accordance with EN ISO 228 G ^ (TS EN ISO 228 G ^ )1.Place the new seal in the connection piece. Make sure theseal is seated correctly.2.Secure the gas connection piece to the appliance using a 22mm spanner and place the connection piece into the connection piece using a 24 mm spanner.3.Place the new seal into the gas pipe or safety gas hose.Make sure the seal is seated correctly.4.Secure the connection piece using a 24 mm spanner . Use a24 mm spanner to place the threaded fitting of the gas pipe or safety gas hose on the connection piece and tighten it firmly.5.For information on how to carry out leak testing, see thesection entitled "Leak testing". Open the gas connection shut-off.: Risk of gas leak!When connecting the gas pipe or safety gas hose, do not tighten the gas connection piece on the appliance using a 22 m spanner. This may damage the connection piece.Notes■*G ^: EN ISO 228 G ^ (TS EN ISO 228 G ^)■Use a torque wrench to connect the appliance.5Connection in accordance with EN 10226 R ^ (TS 61-210 EN 10226 R ^ )1.Place the new seal in the connection piece. Make sure theseal is seated correctly.2.Secure the gas connection piece to the appliance using a 22mm spanner and place the connection piece into the connection piece using a 24 mm spanner.3.Secure the connection piece using a 24 mm spanner . Use a24 mm spanner to place the threaded fitting of the gas pipe or safety gas hose on the connection piece and tighten it firmly.4.For information on how to carry out leak testing, see thesection entitled "Leak testing". Open the gas connection shut-off.: Risk of gas leak!When connecting the gas pipe or safety gas hose, do not tighten the gas connection piece on the appliance using a 22 m spanner. This may damage the connection piece.Notes■*R ^: EN 10226 R ^ (TS 61-210 EN 10226 R ^)■Use a torque wrench to connect the appliance.Only licensed specialists may connect the appliance.It is important that you comply with the requirements of your electricity supplier.The appliance is designed to operate at 220-240 V. A 16 A fuse is required for connection.Any damage arising from the appliance being connected incorrectly will invalidate the warranty.Caution!If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by themanufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.■The appliance must be disconnected from the power supply whenever installation work is being carried out.■The appliance fulfils the requirements of protection class I and may only be connected to an earthed socket.Notes 1Yellow and green 2Brown 3Blue6Changing the gas type■Change the gas connection piece.■Change the burner nozzles.■The bypass nozzles of the burner taps will need to be adjusted depending on the gas setting configured at the factory.■If fitted, the nozzles for the oven burner and grill burner must also be changed.The numbers on the burners refer to their diameter. You can find more information about which gas types can be used with the appliance and the appropriate gas nozzles in the section entitled "Technical specifications – Gas".After conversion■Always test for leaks after converting the appliance to adifferent gas type. See the section entitled "Testing for leaks"for details.■The burning must be checked after the product has been converted to a different gas type. See the section entitled "Correct burning" for details.■Enter the new gas type and the new gas pressure in the table. See the section entitled "Important information".Parts for gas conversionThe parts required for the gas conversion procedure described are given below.To find out the correct nozzle diameter, see the table entitled "Technical data – Gas".Always use a new seal.The gas connecting piece may vary depending on the gas type and the regulations in force in your country.(*) A gas connection must never be made without these parts.Replacing the burner nozzles1.Make sure all the knobs on the control panel are turned off.2.Close the gas connection shut-off.3.Remove the pan supports and the burner parts.4.Removing the burner nozzles5.Look up the burner nozzles in the table. You can findinformation about this in the section entitled "Technical data –Gas".6.Position the new burner nozzles on the correspondingburners and screw them in place. (Tightening torque 4 Nm)If the burner nozzles have been replaced, check that they are not leaking. You can find information about this in the section entitled "Testing for leaks".Bypass nozzleBurner nozzle(*) Seal(*) Connecting piece for natural gas(NG: G20, G25)TS 61-210 EN 10226 R ^EN 10226 R ^(*) Connecting piece for natural gas(NG: G20, G25)TS EN ISO 228 G ^EN ISO 228 G^(*) Connecting piece for liquid gas (LPG: G30, G31)Connection pieceSetting the burner bypass nozzles and a small flameThe bypass nozzles are used to set the minimum flame height for the burners.PreparationClose the gas connection shut-off.: Risk of electric shock!Disconnect the appliance from the mains.1.Make sure the knobs on the control panel are turned off.2.Remove the knobs one by one by holding them firmly against the control panel and pulling them towards you slightly.Converting the appliance from liquid gas to natural gasIf the appliance is being converted from liquid gas(LPG: G30, G31) to natural gas (NG: G20, G25):Turn all the bypass nozzles in the appliance anti-clockwise by half a turn. You can find information about this in the section entitled "Removing the control panel".Then carry out the steps described in the "Setting the bypass nozzles" section.Then carry out the steps described in the "Fitting the control panel" section.Converting the appliance from natural gas to liquid gasIf the appliance has been set to natural gas (NG: G20, G25) and needs to be converted to liquid gas (LPG: G30, G31): Fully tighten all the bypass nozzles in the appliance by turning them clockwise. See the section entitled "Removing the control panel".Then carry out the steps described in the "Setting the bypass nozzles" section.Then carry out the steps described in the "Installing the control panel" section.Removing the control panel1.There may be some differences, depending on the type of appliance.If the appliance has an upper cover, remove this. To remove the cover, open it fully, hold it by the sides with both hands and pull it upwards. The upper cover will come loose. Ensure that you do not lose the hinges (optional).2.Remove the pan supports and the burner parts.3.Remove all burner connection screws on the hob.4.There may be some differences, depending on the type of appliance.If screws are present on the left- and right-hand hinge fastener, remove these (optional).If there is a splash guard, remove the screws (1). Remove the screws in the hob top below the splash guard (2) (optional).5.Lift up the hob top upwards by the burner hubs, then pull itforwards.76.Take the knobs off the hob top by pulling them towards you. Remove the screws in the corners of the front panel.7.Remove the screws that become visible after you remove the buttons from the front panel.Setting the bypass nozzlese a slotted screwdriver (no. 3) to set the bypass nozzles for the gas type that is going to be used, following the instructions in the section entitled "Converting from LPG to natural gas" or "Converting from natural gas to LPG".2.At this stage, it is important to test for leaks. See the section entitled "Testing for leaks".Fitting the control panelTo reassemble, proceed in the reverse order of disassembly. There may be some differences, depending on the type of appliance.1.Take hold of the control panel with both hands and carefully fit it into place. Make sure that you do not damage the cables and that the connections do not come loose.2.Insert the screws under the buttons on the front panel.3.Insert the screws in the corners of the front panel.4.Push the hob top backwards and slowly insert it.5.If you have to insert the screws on the left- and right-hand hinge brackets, insert these. (optional)If there is a splash guard, insert the screws in the hob top (2). Insert the splash guard and attach the screws. (1) (optional)6.Insert the burner connection screws.7.Put the burner bases in place, positioning them by size, and make sure that the ignition plugs are inserted into the opening at the edge of each burner base. Place the burner caps in the centre of the burner bases of the corresponding size.8.If an upper appliance cover is available, hold this on both sides and lower it vertically into the holder (optional).9.Refit the pan supports.10.Carefully insert the knobs.11.At this stage, you must check that the burners are burning correctly. You can find information about this in the section entitled "Correct burner behaviour".12.Check whether the appliance is working correctly. Replacing the oven gas burner (optional) PreparationMake sure all the knobs on the control panel are turned off. Close the gas connection shut-off.: Risk of electric shock!Disconnect the appliance from the mains.Replacing the nozzle for the lower oven gas burner (optional) 1.On the rear cover, loosen the plastic screw on the power cord's fixing parts.2.Remove the screws on the rear cover and take the cover off.3.Remove the two screws on the nozzle holder for the lower oven burner and carefully take the nozzle holder out.4.Remove the nozzle from the nozzle holder using a 7 mm box spanner.5.Select the appropriate nozzle from the table depending on the new gas type. You can find information about this in the section entitled "Technical data – Gas".6.Put the new nozzle in place and tighten. (Tightening torque 4 Nm)7.At this stage, it is important to test for leaks. See the section entitled "Testing for leaks" for instructions on how to do this.8.Carefully fit the nozzle holder into place. Insert the screws.9.At this stage, it is important to test for leaks. See the section entitled "Testing for leaks" for instructions on how to do this.10.Fit the rear cover and insert the screws.11.On the rear cover, tighten the plastic screw on the power cord's fixing parts.12.At this stage, it is important to check that the burner is burning correctly. You can find information about this in the section entitled "Correct burner behaviour".8Replacing the nozzle for the grill burner (optional)1.Open the oven door.2.Remove the two fastening screws on the grill burner nozzle holder.3.On the rear cover, loosen the plastic screw on the power cord's fixing parts.4.Remove the screws on the rear cover and take the cover off.5.Carefully take the grill burner nozzle holder out.6.Remove the nozzle for the grill burner using a 7 mm box spanner.7.Select the appropriate nozzle from the table depending on the new gas type. You can find information about this in the section entitled "Technical data – Gas".8.Put the new nozzle in place and tighten. (Tightening torque 4 Nm)9.At this stage, it is important to test for leaks. See the section entitled "Testing for leaks" for instructions on how to do this.10.Carefully fit the grill nozzle holder into place.11.Insert the two fastening screws on the nozzle holder.12.At this stage, it is important to test for leaks. See the section entitled "Testing for leaks" for instructions on how to do this.13.Fit the rear cover and insert the screws.14.On the rear cover, tighten the plastic screw on the power cord's fixing parts.15.At this stage, it is important to check that the burner is burning correctly. You can find information about this in the section entitled "Correct burner behaviour".: Risk of explosion!Avoid sparking. Do not use an open flame.Perform the leak test only with a suitable leakage spray.In the event of a gas leakShut off the gas supply.Ensure that the room affected is well ventilated.Check the gas and valve connections again. Repeat the leak test.The leak test must be performed by two people, in accordance with the following instructions.Check the gas connection1.Open the gas supply.2.Spray the gas connection with a leakage spray.If small bubbles or foam form, indicating a gas leak, follow the instructions in the section entitled "In the event of a gas leak". Perform the same steps for the part closed with the blind plug.Checking the burner nozzles1.Open the gas supply.Carry out the leak test separately for each nozzle.2.Carefully close the hole in the burner nozzle to be checked using your finger or a suitable device.3.Spray the nozzle with a leakage spray.4.Press the function selector and turn it anti-clockwise. This supplies the nozzle with gas.If small bubbles or foam form, indicating a gas leak, follow the instructions in the section entitled "In the event of a gas leak". Checking the bypass valves1.Open the gas supply.Carry out the leak test separately for each bypass screw. 2.Carefully close the hole in the burner nozzle to be checked using your finger or a suitable device.3.Spray the nozzle in the burner to be checked with a leakage spray.4.Push the control knob and turn it anti-clockwise. This supplies the nozzle with gas.If small bubbles or foam form, indicating a gas leak, follow the instructions in the section entitled "In the event of a gas leak".9Checking the oven burner nozzle (option)1.Open the gas supply.2.Carefully close the hole in the oven burner nozzle using your finger or a suitable device.3.Spray the nozzle with a leakage spray.4.Press the function selector and turn it anti-clockwise. This supplies the nozzle with gas.If small bubbles or foam form, indicating a gas leak, follow the instructions in the section entitled "In the event of a gas leak".Check the grill burner nozzle (option)1.Open the gas supply.2.Carefully close the hole in the grill burner nozzle using your finger or a suitable device.3.Spray the nozzle with a leakage spray.4.Turn the oven function selector clockwise. This supplies the nozzle with gas.If small bubbles or foam form, indicating a gas leak, follow the instructions in the section entitled "In the event of a gas leak".BurnersThe burning and soot formation of each burner must be checked after the product has been converted to a different gas type.If there is a problem, compare the nozzle values with the values in the table.1.Ignite the gas burners in accordance with the instructions in the operating manual.2.Set the burner head to a small flame.Check whether the flame safety system is working by keeping the flame at the "small flame" setting for one minute.3.Check that the burners are burning correctly with both large and small flames. The flame should burn evenly and steadily.4.Turn the burner knob back and forth quickly between the large flame setting and the small flame setting. Repeat this process several times. The gas flame must not flicker or go out.OvenBottom gas burner or gas grill burner (optional)1.Ignite the lower gas burner in accordance with the instructions in the operating manual.2.Open the oven door and observe the flame.:The flame must burn evenly. (Failure may occur during the first few minutes. However, the flame must stabilise after a few minutes.)3.Switch on the appliance for a few minutes to check whether the thermocouple becomes sufficiently warm.If required, check the settings and, in the event of a fault, ensure that the setting for the bypass nozzle on the burner is correct.1011Different types of gas and the corresponding values are listed here.Your appliance must be operated at these pressure values. All information on the rating plate refers to these pressure values. The manufacturer does not accept any liability for operability, power of the appliance or for other risks if the appliance isoperated at pressure values other than those values specified for the appliance.Note: If you are operating the appliance with liquefied gas, use a gas pressure regulator. The pressure regulator must beconnected and maintained by a licensed technician.Gas type mbar Nozzle Burner typePower (kW)Power min. (kW)Max. consumption (mm)Bypass G20 (l/h)G30 (g/h)Natural gas NG G20201,16 0,78High output burner 3,0≤ 1,3285 l/h 0,970,60Standard output burner1,75≤ 0,9167 l/h 0,720,52Economy burner 1,0≤ 0,5595 l/h 1,480,94Wok burner 4,0≤ 1,7381 l/h 1,48/ 0,700,92/ 0,57Dual-flame wok burner 4,2≤ 2,6399 l/h 1,47 0,76Oven burner 4,2-399 l/h 1,30-Grill burner 3,1-295 l/hLiquid gas Butane Propane LPG G3028 - 300,850,49High output burner 3,0≤ 1,3218 g/h 0,650,40Standard output burner1,75≤ 0,9127 g/h 0,500,32Economy burner 1,0≤ 0,5573 g/h 1,000,59Wok burner 4,0≤ 1,7291 g/h 0,95/ 0,440,57/ 0,30Dual-flame wok burner 4,2≤ 2,6306 g/h 0,900,56Oven burner 4,2-306 g/h 0,85-Grill burner 3,1-226 g/h Liquid gas Butane Propane LPG G30500,750,49High output burner 3,0≤ 1,3218 g/h 0,580,40Standard output burner1,75≤ 0,9127 g/h 0,430,32Economy burner 1,0≤ 0,5573 g/h 0,800,59Wok burner 3,4≤ 1,7248 g/h 0,68/ 0,430,57/ 0,30Dual-flame wok burner 3,4≤ 2,6248 g/h 0,880,56Oven burner 4,4-321 g/h 0,730,55Grill burner3,1≤ 1,7226 g/h Country Category P (mbar)RU, BY, KZ, AM, KG II 2H3B/P2000 тта–3000 ттаUA II 2H3B/P 20 - 28 - 30MA I 3+28 - 30/37AE, LB, JO II 2H3B/P 20 - 28 - 30EGII 2H3+20 - 28 - 30/373PCFSU #PTDI )BVTHFSÉUF (NC) $BSM 8FSZ 4USB F.ßODIFO(FSNBOZXXX CPTDI IPNF DPN*9001456465* 9001456465。



GH SeriesEnd Suction Centrifugal Pumps For Flows to 2,500 GPMThe GH Series•Flows to 2,500 US GPM (570 m3/hr)•Heads to 520 ft. (160 m)•Efficiencies to 85%•Solids to 1.250" diameter (32 mm)•Power to 150 HP (110 KW) Speeds to 3,500 RPM •Acids and solvents transfer•Bilge transfer•Black, green, and white liquor transfer •Caustic solution transfer •Commercial marine vesselsFluid filteringLight hydrocarbon transferIrrigation systems•Main and auxiliary engine cooling •Potable and raw water supply •Various OEM systemsHydraulicsFlows to 2,500 US GPM (570 m3/hr) Heads to 520 ft. (160 m) Efficiencies to 85%Solids to 1.250" diameter (32 mm) Power to 150 HP (110 KW)•Speeds to 3,500 RPM ApplicationsAcids and solvents transferBilge transferBlack, green, and white liquor transfer Caustic solution transferCommercial marine vessels•Fluid filtering•Light hydrocarbon transfer•Irrigation systemsMain and auxiliary engine coolingPotable and raw water supplyVarious OEM systemsOther common features for the GH include316 SS shaft sleeves, keyed impellers to prevent accidental spin off, dynamic balancing to ISO G2.5 guidelines, and regreasable bearings secured with locking rings as standard. These features combine to produce shaftdeflection values solow that theyactually exceed therequirements of ANSIB73.1M-1991 and,overall, provide someof the most efficienthydraulics in theindustry.Common options for the GHinclude replaceable wear rings, cartridge seals, and API seal flush plans. Along with these, higher alloy material options such as Ni-Al-Br and CD4MCu and a full range of motor and baseplate choices are also available. Most importantly, as with all our other pumps, the GH offers the reliability, low total life cost, and lasting value that has made Carver one of the most trusted names in pumps.T he GH is Carver’s horizontal, end suction pump series for handling water, oils, and chemicals in marine, process, and general industrial applications. Hydraulic performance extends to 2,500 GPM and is covered by twenty-eight sizes in cast iron, bronze fitted, 316 stainless steel fitted,and all 316 SSconstruction.Available as either aframe mounted(GHF) or closecoupled (GHC) unit, theGH is based on the sameproduct platform as our verticalpumps and shares many of the same parts with them.For added simplicity, the entire series is covered by only three bearing frames and can be had in whole pump or modular kit form. The GHC is fully compatible with standard, off-the-shelf NEMA JP frame motors, and all models feature a back pull-out design, removable suction covers, and casings rotatable in 90° increments for different field piping orientations.Features & BenefitsHeavy duty, thick-walled cast iron frame supports bearings with rigid rear foot for less vibration, assuring the assembly stays in alignmentdisturbing system pipingBearing Frameimpeller-to-casing clearancesLarge diameter shafts with replaceable 316 SS shaft sleeves meet or exceed ANSI B73.1-1991for driving impellers also prevents them from spinning off the shaft in the event of accidental reverse rotationof critical fitsHigh efficiency design in cast iron, bronze or 316 stainless steel –individually balanced to stringent ISO G2.5standards for vibration-free operationReplaceable 17-4 PH wear rings with all enclosed impeller for reduced wear and longer component lifewith vent and drains for easier maintenance at no added costWear RingsImpellersApproval Certification Number 95-370T O T A L H E A D I N F E E TU.S. GALLONS PER MINUTE2x 1x 112x 11/2x 1011/4x 1x 521/2x 2x 52x 11/2x 511/4x 1x 711/2x 11/4x 721/2x 2x 73x 21/2x 74x 3x 75x 4x 711/2x 11/4x 104x 2x 114x 3x 115x 4x 104x 3x 1021/2x 2x 103x 21/2x 10Hydraulic CoverageMechanical DataRotation.............................CW as standard Input Power.......................Up to 150 HP Connections.......................NPT or flange (>2") Radial Bearing L 10Life..........50,000 hours Thrust Bearing L 10Life ..........25,000 hoursStandard MaterialsBearing Frame.......Cast ironCasing..................Cast iron or 316 SSImpeller ...............Cast iron, bronze or 316 SS Shaft....................Carbon steel Shaft Sleeve .........316 stainless steel11/2x 11/4x 102x 11/2x 1021/2x 2x 103x 21/2x 104x 3x 105x 4x 106x 5x 1021/2x 11/2x 1321/2x 2x 133x 21/2x 134x 3x 135x 4x 136x 5x 138x 6x 132x 1x 114x 2x 114x 3x 115x 4x 118x 6x 1111/4x 1x 711/2x 11/4x 721/2x 2x 711/4x 1x 52x 11/2x 521/2x 2x 53x 21/2x 74x 3x 75x 4x 7T O T A L H E A D I N F E E TU.S. GALLONS PER MINUTE20P Bearing Frame30P Bearing Frame10P Bearing Frame1750 RPM3500 RPM600500400300200100806030405060801002003004005006008001000200030003040506080100200300400500600800100020003000200100806050403020S ince we built our first pumps in 1938, the Carver name has become synonymous with value. Today we are recognized as one of the world’s leading centrifugal pump companies, building pumps to the most demanding engi-neering specifications and military standards in the world.Our company is located in Muscatine, Iowa, 25 miles southwest of the Quad Cities area. Our operations there include some of the most modern manufacturing equipment and pump develop-ment software available, and we are committed to the highest quality possible-in our products and our people. Along these lines, Carver was also one of the first American pump companies to attain ISO 9001 certification-the most recognized standard for quality in the world.From an applications standpoint Carver has traditionally built pumps for water, oil, and chemicals for both the public and private sectors. Our product line includes both horizontal and vertical end suction, multi-stage, axial split case, self-priming, API, and solids-handling pumps that all carry the same Carver trademark: lasting value from solid, straightforward designs engi-neered to provide many years of service. These pumps are also backed by unparalleled aftermarket support. Our network of stocking distributors, manufacturer’s representatives and certified service centers throughout the world means that no matter where your pump may be installed, there are local sales and service people ready to support your aftermarket needs.MADE IN USA WITH PRIDECarver Pump Company2415 Park Avenue • Muscatine, IA 52761563.263.3410 • Fax: 563.262.0510GH-5M-12/01。



CATALOG NUMBERHCA1V1.25nVent ERICO Cadweld 石墨模具设计和建造用于数千种连接方式和导体组合。

CERTIFICATIONSFEATURES 形成永久性低电阻连接提供分子焊接nVent ERICO Cadweld 放热焊接的额定电流与导体额定电流相同便携安装设备,无需外部电源安装人员只需接受简单的培训后即可进行 nVent ERICO Cadweld 放热焊接可目测检查焊接处产品属性Mold Family: HCConnects To: 钢管Conductor Size: #2 同心Conductor Outer Diameter, Nominal: 7.42 mm Pipe Size: 1 1/4"Outer Diameter (OD): 42.2 mm NB/DN: 32Kit: 否Split Crucible: 否Wear Plates: 否Mold Only: 否Welding Material: 45 or 45PLUSF20, Sold SeparatelyHandle Clamp: B323N2 or B320 and B322, Sold SeparatelyFrame: 附件Price Key: AEase of Use: 首选ADDITIONAL PRODUCT DETAILS对于诸如计算机房、隧道或其他通风不畅区域的应用,请指定无烟 nVent ERICO Cadweld Exolon模具。

订购时,向标准模具部件号添加 XL 前缀(例如,将 TAC2Q2Q 更改为 XLTAC2Q2Q)。

Similarly, nVent ERICO Cadweld Exolon welding material is also designated by the XL prefix (for example, 150 becomes XL150).导体之间可能需要存在间隙。


附件 1:项目验收监测委托书 附件 2:项目环评批复文件 附件 3:项目总量批复文件 附件 4:煤渣处置合同 附件 5:项目工况证明 附件 6:锅炉烟气在线监测备案表 附件 7:项目验收检测报告 附件 8:项目补充检测报告 附图 1:项目地理位置图 附图 2:项目平面布置图
九江心连心化肥有限公司年产 30 万吨复合肥项目验收监测报告表验收监测报告表
最高允许 排放浓度 (mg/m3)
排气筒 二级 (m) (kg/h)
无组织排放监控浓度限 值 浓度
监控点 (mg/m3))
表 1-3 《恶臭污染物排放标准》(GB14554-93)
筒造 机,以及配套的破碎,输送、筛分、包膜
作业装置 用于储存尿素、硝铵磷、磷酸一铵、硫酸 钾、填充料等复合肥原料,最大储存能力 3 万吨,单层建筑,钢混结构,按原料品
种分隔成不同库区 用于储存本公司生产的成品复合肥,最大 储存能力 6 万吨,单层钢混结构,按产品
分隔成不同库区 引自园区 10KV 高压供电线路,经项目自
主体 工程
储运 工程
公用 及配 套工

高塔硝(尿)基 复合肥车间
双烘双冷蒸汽 造粒滚筒复合
成品仓库 供电
年生产 20 万吨高塔硝(尿)基复合肥, 主要设备包括 1 台直径 19m×高 119 的造 粒塔,以及配套的破碎,输送、熔融、筛 分、包膜作业装置 年生产 10 万吨双烘双冷蒸汽造粒滚筒复 合肥,主要设备包括 1 台直径 2.4m 的滚



河南心连心化肥有限公司原料结构调整项目原煤储存与煤浆制备工程施工组织设计中国化学工程第六建设有限公司 2012 年 4月 18 日目录一、编制依据 (2)二、工程概况 (2)三、施工部署 (3)四、质量保证措施 (17)五、安全保证措施 (20)六、环境、卫生保证措施 (21)七、节约措施 (21)一、编制依据1.1施工图纸、答疑文件、现场踏勘情况。

















STEC.163.001YS V1.0 PD76-24C系列安装式数字多功能仪表用户手册

STEC.163.001YS V1.0 PD76-24C系列安装式数字多功能仪表用户手册

密级版本 1.0分发号技术文件STEC.163.001YSPD76-24C系列安装式数字多功能仪表用户手册拟制日期审核日期标准化日期批准:生效日期:深圳市泰瑞捷电子有限公司目录一、产品简介 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2工作原理 (1)1.3规格及技术指标 (2)二、外形与安装说明 (3)2.1安装尺寸 (3)2.2安装方法 (3)2.3接线端子 (3)三、基本功能 (5)3.1主要功能 (5)3.2功能操作说明 (5)3.3编程操作 (7)四、通讯 (9)4.1引言 (9)4.2字节格式 (9)4.3帧格式 (10)4.4出错处理 (12)4.5通讯报文举例 (13)五、运输和贮存 (16)附录 (17)1.地址信息表 (17)2.电量数据变换 (19)3.通讯控制字 (19)4.开关量状态(DIO) (20)5.模拟量变送输出设置 (20)6.开关量输出设置 (20)一、产品简介1.1概述PD76-24C系列安装式数字多功能仪表是采用大规模集成电路,应用数字采样处理技术及SMT工艺,针对电力系统、工矿企业、公用设施、智能大厦、智能小区等的电力监控需求而设计制造的智能仪表。






X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent中文说明书

X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent中文说明书
选) 转染复合物形成 - Opti-MEM I Reduced Serum Medium 或无血清培养基 - 无菌聚丙烯材质试管或 96 孔板 培养细胞 - 选择对数期的近汇合的培养物进行细胞转染实验 - 对细胞数量进行定量,使用数量相同的细胞进行实验以提
取用 X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent 前,将试剂 瓶放置于+15 至+25℃平衡,漩涡混匀 1s 混合均匀。
请勿分装 X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent,将试剂 保存于原始玻璃瓶中。
尽量避免将未稀释的 X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent 与塑料表面接触。
每次转染实验中制备的 X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent:DNA 复合物的最小体积是 100μl。减少复合物制备体 系的体积将显著降低转染效率。
注意,此产品运输温度与保存温度不同。不同的运输温度不会 影响产品性能或产品稳定性。
标准实验室设备 - 标准细胞培养设备(例如:生物安全柜、培养箱) - 标准移液器与微量移液器 - 涡旋混匀器 质粒制备 - 纯化质粒储液(0.1-2.0μg /μl),溶于无菌 TE(10mM Tris,
仅供生命科学研究使用。 不可用于诊断程序。
X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent
货号:06 366 244 001 货号:06 366 236 001 货号:06 366 546 001
0.4ml 1ml 5x1ml



发放编号:文件编号:河南心连心原料结构调整项目锅炉钢架吊装方案迪尔集团有限公司2012年05月河南心连心原料结构调整项目锅炉钢架吊装方案编制:审核:批准:批准日期:年月日目录1 编制依据 (1)2 工程概况 (1)3 吊装方法简述 (2)4 吊装受力计算 (2)5 机具、索具的选用 (3)6 工件的强度、稳定性验算 (4)7 施工工期计划 (4)8 主要操作程序及施工技术要求 (4)9 安全技术措施 (5)10 机具、索具和材料表 (8)11吊装附图、组织机构 (8)1.编制依据1.1《电力建设安全工作规程》(火力发电厂部分DL5009.1-2002);1.2《电力建设施工验收及质量评定》(锅炉机组)DL/T5210.2-2009;1.3 太原锅炉厂施工图纸及技术资料;1.4 本标段施工组织总设计及锅炉专业设计;1.5 260吨、170吨、65吨、55吨汽车吊性能表;1.6 我公司《设备吊装安全作业管理规定》(QB/DR10320-2009);1.7《工程建设安装工程起重施工规范》(HG20201-2000);1.8《电力建设安全健康与环境管理工作规定》。


2.工程概况河南心连心化肥有限公司采用洁净煤气化技术进行原料结构调整项目2×180t/h CFB锅炉安装工程,属扩建工程。







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