Heaven on Earth







Some facts more and some less pretensions to nonsense.当星星不眨眼,你将为它闪耀。

When the stars don't blink, you will shine for it.太快和太慢,结果都不会美满。

Too fast and too slow, the result won't be happy.不太热烈的情才会维持久远。

Not too passionate love will keep long.放弃时间的人,时间也放弃他。

Abandoning time person, time also give up him.有很多良友,胜于有很多财富。

There are a lot of friend, is better than have a lot of wealth.强有力的理由产生强有力的行动。

Strong reasons make strong actions.世上本无所谓好和坏,思想使然。

There is, there is no good and bad, thought.有所期待是一切精神痛苦的根源。

Expectation is the root of all mental distress.黑夜无论悠长,白昼总会到来。

No matter how long the night, the day will come.没有肉体的摩擦,哪来灵魂的火花。

No physical friction, which come the spark of the soul.我荒废了时间,时间便把我荒废了。









4、《I will survive》(我会活下去)一首非常振奋人心的音乐。

I Will Survive 由歌手 Gloria Gaynor (葛罗莉亚·盖罗) 演唱这首1979 年蝉连六周冠军白金曲,成为当时 70 年代 Disco 必备歌曲,法国世界杯足球队开赛歌选用此曲;此曲更是被滚石评为100 首最伟大的作品之一。

纯音乐:1、《Chariots Of Fire》班得瑞的《Chariots of Fire》有红日冉冉升起时气势磅礴的壮丽画卷。






Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.2、世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。

O Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprintsin my words.3 、世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。


The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.4 、是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。

It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.5 、无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。

The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.6 、如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。

If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.7 、跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。



宇宙 Universe1. 苍天苍天 the blue sky2. 长空长空 vast sky3. 大气大气 atmosphere4. 地球地球 earth5. 高空高空 high altitude6. 九天九天 the Ninth Heaven/ the highest of heavens7. 九霄云外九霄云外 beyond the highest heavens/ beyond the nine clouds 8. 空间空间 space 9. 空中空中 in the air/ in the sky10. 乾坤乾坤 heaven and earth/ the universe11. 晴空晴空 clear sky/ cloudless sky12. 球 globe13. 上空上空 in the sky/ overhead14. 世界世界 world15. 太空太空 the irmament space/ outer space16. 天 sky/ heaven17. 天地天地 heaven and earth/ scope of operation18. 天幕天幕 the canopy of the heavens19. 天穹天穹 vault of heaven/ celestial vault 20. 天色天色 color of the sky21. 天堂天堂 paradise/ heaven22. 天体天体 heavenly body23. 球面球面 sphere24. 天文天文 astronomy 25. 天象天象 astronomical phenomena26. 外层空间外层空间 outer space27. 星空星空 starlit sky/ starry sky28. 艳阳天艳阳天 bright sunny sky29. 夜空夜空 night sky30. 以太以太 ether 31. 宇宙结构学宇宙结构学 cosmography32. 宇宙空间宇宙空间 cosmic space33. 宇宙论宇宙论 cosmology34. 宇宙起源学宇宙起源学 cosmogony35. 太阳太阳 sun/solar 36. 幻日幻日 sundog37. 烈日烈日 burning sun/ scorching sun38. 日出日出 sunup/ sunrise39. 日珥日珥 prominence40. 日光日光 daylight / sunlight/ sunbeam41. 日光七色日光七色 prismatic colors42. 日轮日轮 sun disk43. 日落日落 sunset/ sundown 44. 日冕日冕 solar corona45. 日射日射 insolation46. 日晕日晕 solar halo47. 日照日照 sunshine48. 太阳常数太阳常数 solar constant49. 太阳辐射太阳辐射 solar radiation 50. 太阳光太阳光 the sun’s rays51. 太阳光谱太阳光谱 solar spectrum52. 太阳黑子太阳黑子 sun spot53. 太阳能太阳能 solar energy54. 太阳能太阳能 solar energy 55. 太阳系太阳系 solar system56. 太阳耀斑太阳耀斑 solar lare57. 阳光阳光 sunshine/ sunlight/ sunbeam58. 半边月半边月 half moon59. 满月满月 full moon60. 上下弦上下弦 half moon61. 上弦上弦 irst quarter of the moon62. 下弦下弦 last quarter or the third quarter of the moon 63. 新月新月 new moon64. 月光月光 moonlight/ moonbeam65. 月色月色 moonlight 66. 月牙月牙 crescent moon67. 月晕月晕 lunar halo/ halo of the moon68. 月震月震 moonquake69. 矮星矮星 dwarf star70. 白矮星白矮星 white dwarf 71. 北斗七星北斗七星 the Big Dipper/ the Plough72. 北极星北极星 Polaris/ the North Star73. 本星系本星系 local system74. 本星云本星云 local star cloud75. 比邻星比邻星 proxima76. 长庚星长庚星 Venus/ evening star 77. 超星系超星系 hypergalaxy/ supergalaxy78. 大行星大行星 major planet79. 繁星繁星 cluster of stars80. 哈雷彗星哈雷彗星 Halley's comet81. 海王星海王星 Neptune 82. 黑洞黑洞 black hole83. 恒星恒星 ixed star84. 彗星彗星 comet85. 火流星火流星 bolide86. 火星火星 Mars87. 假行星假行星 ictitious planet 88. 金星金星 Venus89. 巨星巨星 giant star/ giant90. 流星流星 shooting star91. 流星雨流星雨 meteor shower92. 脉动星脉动星 pulsar/ pulsating star 93. 冥王星冥王星 Pluto 94. 木星木星 Jupiter95. 牛郎星牛郎星 Altair96. 启明星启明星 morning star97. 牵牛星牵牛星 Altair98. 射电星射电星 radio star 99. 水星水星 Mercury100. 太白星太白星 Vesper101. 天狼星天狼星 Sirius102. 天王星天王星 Uranus103. 土星土星 Saturn104. 外银河系外银河系 extragalactic systems 105. 卫星卫星 satellite106. 小行星小行星 planetoid / asteroid 107. 新星新星 nova108. 星斗星斗 stars109. 星球星球 celestial / heavenly body 110. 星团星团 star cluster111. 星系星系 galaxy112. 星云星云 nebula113. 行星行星 planet114. 银河银河 Milky Way/ Galaxy 115.银河外星云银河外星云 extragalactic nebula 116.银极银极 galactic poles 117.银经银经 galactic longitude 118.银纬银纬 galactic latitude 119.陨石陨石 aerolite/ stony meteorite 120. 陨石雨陨石雨 meteoric shower 121.陨铁陨铁 meteoric iron/ iron meteorite 122.陨星陨星 meteorite 123.织女星织女星 Vega 124.主星主星 principal star 125. 环食环食 annular eclipse 126.偏食偏食 partial eclipse 127.全环食全环食 total total--annular eclipse 128.全食全食 full eclipse/ total eclipse 129.日偏食日偏食 partial solar eclipse 130. 日全食日全食 total solar eclipse131. 日食日食 solar eclipse 132.卫星食卫星食 eclipse of a satellite/ satellite eclipse 133.月偏食月偏食 partial lunar eclipse 134.月全食月全食 total lunar eclipse 135.月食月食 lunar eclipse航天器 Spacecraft 136.变轨变轨 orbit shift 137.不明飞行物不明飞行物 unidenti ied lying object/ UFO 138.测地卫星测地卫星 geodetic satellite 139. 初始轨道初始轨道 initial orbit 140.登月舱登月舱 lunar module 141.地面管制中心地面管制中心 ground control 142.电讯卫星电讯卫星 telstar 143.多级火箭多级火箭 step rocket 144.多级人造卫星多级人造卫星 multistage satellite 145.发射发射 launch 146.发射器发射器 launcher/ launching vehicle/ launch vehicle 147.发射塔发射塔 launch tower 148.发射台发射台 launch pad 149.固体燃料火箭固体燃料火箭 solid propellant rocket 150. 轨道轨道 orbit 151.航天航天 space light 152.航天发射降落场航天发射降落场 space port 153.航天飞机航天飞机 space shuttle 154.航行卫星航行卫星 navigation satellite 155. 回转轨道回转轨道 insertion 156.火箭火箭 rocket/ rocket motor 157.火箭靶机火箭靶机 rocket target 158.火箭发射者火箭发射者 racketeer 159.火箭发射装置火箭发射装置 rocket launcher 160.火箭技术火箭技术 rocketry 161. 火箭试验区火箭试验区 rocket range 162.火箭宇宙船火箭宇宙船 rocket ship 163.火箭助推器火箭助推器 booster 164.火箭专家火箭专家 racketeer 165.机械舱机械舱 service module 166. 基地基地 rocket base 167.假星假星 arti icial star 168.进入轨道进入轨道 injection 169.军事卫星军事卫星 military satellite 170.科学研究卫星科学研究卫星 scienti ic research satellite 171. 两极探测卫星两极探测卫星 polar orbit satellite172. 母舰母舰 mother ship 173.气球卫星气球卫星 balloon satellite 174.气象火箭气象火箭 meteorological rocket 175.气象卫星气象卫星 meteorological satellite 176.人造地球卫星人造地球卫星 arti icial earth satellite 177.人造卫星人造卫星 man man--made satellite/ arti icial satellite 178. 三级火箭三级火箭 three three--stage rocket 179.失重医学失重医学 weightlessness medicine 180.实用卫星实用卫星 applications satellite 181.试验发射中心试验发射中心 spaceport 182.太空船太空船 spaceship 183. 太空发射台太空发射台 space suit 184.太空实验室太空实验室 skylab 185.太空速度太空速度 space light velocity 186.太空站太空站 space station 187.探测火箭探测火箭 sounding rocket 188.通信卫星通信卫星 communication satellite 189.推进火箭推进火箭 booster rocket 190.脱出速度脱出速度 escape velocity 191.外层空间宇宙火箭外层空间宇宙火箭 outer space rocket 192.宇航学宇航学 astronautics/ cosmonautics 193.宇宙飞船宇宙飞船 spaceship/ space vehicle 194. 宇宙飞行器宇宙飞行器 space craft 195.宇宙火箭宇宙火箭 space rocket 196.月球飞船月球飞船 moonship 197.月球探测器月球探测器 moon probe 198.运载火箭运载火箭 carrier rocket/ freight rocket 199. 载人卫星载人卫星 manned satellite 200.侦察卫星侦察卫星 reconnaissance satellite 201.指挥舱指挥舱 command module 202.宇航员宇航员 astronaut/ astronavigator 203.登陆地点登陆地点 landing zone 204.地面管制中心地面管制中心 ground control 205. 航天飞行航天飞行 space shuttle mission 206.近太空近太空 aerospace 207.女航天员女航天员 astronautess 208.软着陆软着陆 soft soft--landing 209.失重失重 zero gravity 210. 太空船外太空船外 extravehicular 211.太空服太空服 space suit 212.太空计划太空计划 space program 213.太空枪太空枪 space gun 214.太空人太空人 spaceman/ cosmonaut 215. 太空时代太空时代 space age216. 太空食品太空食品 space food 217.太空速度太空速度 space light velocity 218.太空行走太空行走 space walk 219.逃生系统逃生系统 escape system 220.外太空外太空 outer space 221.星球大战星球大战 star war 222. 引力圈引力圈 gravisphere 223.宇宙病宇宙病 space sickness 224.宇宙空间宇宙空间 aerospace 225.远太空远太空 deep space天文术语 Astronomical Terms 226.本初子午线本初子午线 prime meridian 227.春分点春分点 vernal equinox 228.地平纬度地平纬度 altitude 229.冬至点冬至点 winter solstice 230.复明复明 ending of the eclipse 231.复圆复圆 emersion 232.光谱光谱 spectrum 233.近地点近地点 perigee 234.近日点近日点 perihelion 235. 经度经度 longitude 236.秒差秒差 parsec 237.秋分点秋分点 autumnal equinox 238.射电天文学射电天文学 radio astronomy 239.生物圈生物圈 biosphere 240. 天体测量学天体测量学 astrometry 241.天体地质学天体地质学 astrogeology 242.天体力学天体力学 astromechanics 243.天体照相学天体照相学 celestial photography 244.天文单位天文单位 astronomical unit 245.天文馆天文馆 planetarium 246. 天文台天文台 observatory 247.天文学天文学 astronomy 248.同温层同温层 stratosphere 249.万有引力定律万有引力定律 law of universal gravitation 250.纬度纬度 latitude 251. 夏至点夏至点 summer solstice 252.星图星图 star star--atlas/ star map/ star chart 253.宇宙学宇宙学 cosmology 254.占星学占星学 astrology 255.紫外天文学紫外天文学 ultraviolet astronomy 256. 自行自行 proper motion天文仪器 Astronomical Instruments257. 赤道仪赤道仪 equatorial telescope 258. 地球仪地球仪 terrestrial globe 259.方位仪方位仪 azimuth telescope 260.浑天仪浑天仪 armillary sphere/ celestial globe 261.经纬仪经纬仪 theodolite/transit 262.量日仪量日仪 heliometer 263. 六分仪六分仪 sextant 264.罗盘仪罗盘仪 compass 265.日冕仪日冕仪 coronagraph 266.天顶仪天顶仪 zenith telescope 267. 天球仪天球仪 celestial globe 268.天文望远镜天文望远镜 astronomical telescope 269.天文仪天文仪 astroscope 270.天象仪天象仪 planetarium 271.望远镜望远镜 telescope 272. 中星仪中星仪 meridian instrument/ transit instrument 273.子午仪子午仪 meridian instrument。

第三章 旅游文本特征及其翻译

第三章 旅游文本特征及其翻译

第三章 旅游文本特征及其翻译
旅游文本的句式特点及翻译 旅游文本的时态和语态特点及翻译 旅游文本中的修辞手法及翻译
3.1 旅游文本的句式特点及翻译
3.1.1 英语旅游文本的句式特征及其翻译 1)简短句
Welcome to heaven on earth—a summer vacation paradise at an altitude of 1,050 meters. Engelberg entices both young and old with its attractive range of offers and activities. Who could resist the temptation of spending several unforgettable days in the heart of Central Switzerland? Scope out the town on e-bikes or let the new Brunni cable car transport you closer to the sun in just a matter of minutes.
All year around, tourists jam the streets and hotels of Manhattan. They come to see the skyscrapers, visit museums, art galleries, opera houses, theaters, and famous specialty shops, and eat in the elegant and exotic restaurants. Besides New York, people are also attracted by cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, New Orleans, and Philadelphia.



• 1. 用助动词“do/ does/ did+动词原形”表 强调
• 2. 用very, just, the only, at all 等词表强调 • 3.in the world, on earth, ever等用于疑问词
后表强调 • 4. 用感叹词表强调 • 5. 用倒装句表强调 • 6. so作“确实”表强调 • 7. 用强调句型表强调
❖ 1.一般疑问句的强调形式 ❖ 2.特殊疑问句的强调句式 ❖ 3.反意疑问句的强调句式 ❖ 4.感叹句的强调句式 ❖ 5.省略句的强调句式
It was in 1939 that the Second World War broke out.
Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out?
如果被强调的成分有同位语,同位语也应 提前。
It was from him,his Chinese teacher, that Paul learned to watch carefully in class.
I didn’t recognize him until he took off his dark glasses. 强调句型 It was not until he took his dark
2. 用very, just, the only, at all 等词表强调
翻译:译成汉语时可以使用 “的确”,“正是”,“只有”,“到底” 等词突出强调语气。
(1). This is the just book that I’m looking for.
(2). Have you read any of the report at all?






1. 形容词very可置于被强调的名词前,表示“正是”“最佳”等含义。

例如:You are the very person I want to marry. 你就是我想要嫁的人。

At the very moment the police arrived and stopped the fighting. 就在这时,警察来了并阻止了打斗。

just也可表示类似的意思,但要注意just需置于名词的修饰词the, this, that, my, his等之前。

例如:He is just the right person for the job. 他正是适合这份工作的人。

2. 助动词do, does, did用来强调谓语动词。

You did tell me a lie yesterday. 昨天你果真向我撒了谎。

3. “疑问词+ever”“疑问词+ever”构成的复合词可用来分别强调相应疑问词的语气。

例如:Whatever is left is yours. 剩下的都给你。

Wherever have you been? 你究竟去哪里了?4. on earth, in heaven, in the world, under the sun亦可加强语气,表示“究竟”之意。

例如:What on earth have you done to my computer? 你究竟把我电脑怎么了?Where in the world could he be? 他究竟在哪里?5. not a single, in the least, not a bit, not simply, by no means等短语可加强否定语气。





Mother knows kindness, child-bearing knows filial piety, filial piety knows, heaven and earth are weeping.大爱无声,大德无言;大慈无界,大孝无边。

Great love is silent, great virtue is silent; great kindness is boundless, great filial piety is boundless.惟孝顺父母,可以解忧。

Filial piety is the only way to alleviate worries.赐子千金,不如赐子一艺。

Giving a child a thousand gold is better than giving a child a skill.父母之恩,水不能溺,火不能灭。

The grace of parents, water can not drown, fire can not extinguish.父亲,应该是一个气度宽大的朋友。

Father, should be a generous friend.甜不过蜂蜜,亲不过母女。

Sweet but honey, but not mother and daughter.谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。

Whoever speaks in an inch of grass will be rewarded with spring sunshine.教子光说好,后患少不了。

If the Godson says well, he will suffer.孩子不好慢慢教,哪有挖井只一锹。



卖房的英语短语1. "This house is a real gem, just waiting for the right owner to snatch it up!"Example: I was showing the house to a couple the other day, and I told them, "This house is a real gem, just waiting for the right owner to snatch it up! It's got so much character and potential. You can already picture your family gatherings here, can't you?"2. "Our house for sale is like a blank canvas, ready for you to paint your dream life on it."Example: A young artist came to view the house. I said, "Our house for sale is like a blank canvas, ready for you to paint your dream life on it. You can turn this space into your own personal art studio, don't you think?"3. "Selling a house that's more than just four walls - it's a home full of memories."Example: When an older lady came, I shared, "Selling a house that's more than just four walls - it's a home full of memories. I can still remember the kids running around here, laughing and playing. Wouldn't you love to create your own memories in this place?"4. "The house on the market is a steal! You won't find a better deal anywhere."Example: A thrifty buyer was hesitating. I exclaimed, "The house on the market is a steal! You won't find a better deal anywhere. Look at all the space and the great location. Why would you pass this up?"5. "This house for sale is a little slice of heaven on earth."Example: A couple looking for a peaceful place said, "This house for sale is a little slice of heaven on earth. Imagine waking up every morning to this beautiful view. Isn't this what you've been searching for?"6. "Selling a house that's a haven for anyone seekingfort and tranquility."Example: A stressed - out businessman visited. I told him, "Selling a house that's a haven for anyone seekingfort and tranquility. After a long day at work, you cane here and just relax. Don't you need a place like this?"7. "Our house for sale is a treasure chest of possibilities."Example: A family with big dreams came by. I said, "Our house for sale is a treasure chest of possibilities. You could turn that extra room into a playroom for the kids or a home office. What do you think?"8. "The house on sale is a warm embrace waiting for you."Example: A single woman looking for a cozy place was there. I said, "The house on sale is a warm embrace waiting for you. It just feels so homely, right? You cane back to this warm place every day."9. "Selling a house that's like a storybook waiting to be filled with your own tales."Example: A writer was interested. I told her, "Selling a housethat's like a storybook waiting to be filled with your own tales. You could write your best works here, surrounded by such a great atmosphere. Don't you feel inspired already?"10. "This house for sale is a doorway to a new and wonderful life."Example: A newlywed couple was looking. I said, "This house for sale is a doorway to a new and wonderful life. This is where you can start your journey as a married couple. Wouldn't it be amazing?"11. "Selling a house that's a nest for you to build your future in."Example: A young couple starting out visited. I told them, "Selling a house that's a nest for you to build your future in. You can raise your family here, watch your kids grow. How exciting is that?"12. "The house on the market is a symphony offort and style."Example: A fashion - conscious buyer came. I said, "The house on the market is a symphony offort and style. It's got all the modern amenities along with a cozy feel. Isn't it just perfect for you?"13. "Our house for sale is a lighthouse in the sea of real estate."Example: A confused buyer was looking around. I said, "Our house for sale is a lighthouse in the sea of real estate. It stands out with its unique features. Don't you see it as something special?"14. "Selling a house that's a springboard for your new adventures."Example: An adventurous couple was interested. I told them, "Selling a house that's a springboard for your new adventures. You can use this as your base before you go on those exciting trips. What do you say?"15. "The house for sale is a magic box of potential."Example: A creative entrepreneur was looking. I said, "The house for sale is a magic box of potential. You could transform it into a startup hub or a unique living space. Don't you want to explore that?"16. "Selling a house that's a cozy corner in this big world."Example: An introverted person came. I said, "Selling a house that's a cozy corner in this big world. You can just hide away here and be yourself. Isn't that appealing?"17. "The house on the market is a golden opportunity you don't want to miss."Example: A shrewd investor was hesitating. I said, "The house on the market is a golden opportunity you don't want to miss. The value is only going to go up. Why are you hesitating?"18. "Our house for sale is a happy haven for all."Example: A family with kids and pets came. I said, "Our house for sale is a happy haven for all. There's enough space for the kids to play and the pets to run around. Doesn't it seem ideal?"19. "Selling a house that's a bridge to a better lifestyle."Example: A person looking for an upgrade was there. I told him, "Selling a house that's a bridge to a better lifestyle. You can finally have that luxury you've been dreaming of. Aren't you ready?"20. "The house for sale is a star in the real estate sky."Example: A couple looking for something special was viewing. I said, "The house for sale is a star in the real estate sky. It has all those amazing features that make it stand out. Don't you want to own a star?"。



★导游解说词英语英语导游词永定土楼(Y ongDing Hakka Earth Building plex)Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Please alloe on behalf of XIXI travel Service to extend our sincere e is LinXi,and I ber is F-12345,If you have anyquestion or special interests, please don’t hesitate to let us koake yourstay of LongY an pleasant and enjoyable .I’m sure most of you perssed by LongY an .y dear guides, Hoe flies! At the end of the tour, on behalf of Xixi Travel Servece again, I am glad to e to enjoy the trip for earth building. That’s all , Thank you!以上就是土楼的五大功能,由于时间关系,今天的土楼讲解就先告于段落了,在即将结束我们的土楼游览的时候,我也再次代表我们西西旅行社非常欢迎大家可以再来感受我们土楼的魅力,谢谢!鼓浪屿Good morning,ladies and gentleman. Please alloe on behalf of xx Travel Service to extend our sincere e is Linxi, and I en. This is our drive, Mr chen, and his bus number is D-12345.If you have any questions or special requets,please don’t hesitate to let us knoake your stay of xiamen pleasant and enjoyable. ay I introduce my Chinese colleagues to you ? This is Mr ____ from (China International Travel Service). He ber is ***. My name is ______. I am from CITS.My job is to smooth your y best to ansake your stay in ____ a pleasant one. ay I ain styles of ansion-style, square and round.among them , there are over 360 round earthbuildings,ost typical.我们今天将要去参观的是被称为是世界上独一无二的山区建筑,神秘的东方古堡——永定土楼。



天地人合一英语作文## 英文回答:Harmony between Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.At the core of traditional Chinese thought lies the concept of harmony between heaven (天), earth (地), and humankind (人). This interconnectedness manifests itself in various aspects of life, encompassing both the physical and the metaphysical realms.1. Nature and Human Society:The ancient Chinese believed that the natural world and human society were inseparable. They saw nature not as a mere backdrop but as an active participant in shaping human affairs. The harmony between heaven and earth influences the balance of yin and yang, which in turn affects thewell-being of individuals and communities. Natural disasters, such as floods or droughts, were interpreted asmanifestations of cosmic disharmony.2. Human Body and Cosmos:In Chinese medicine, the human body is seen as a microcosm of the universe. The five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) that compose the cosmos are also found within the human body. Maintaining a balance of these elements is essential for health and longevity. Acupuncture, a traditional healing practice, aims to restore thisbalance by manipulating energy channels in the body.3. Rituals and Ceremonies:Traditional Chinese rituals and ceremonies played a significant role in fostering harmony between heaven, earth, and humankind. Ancestral worship, for example, was believed to connect the living with the dead and maintain cosmic order. Rituals such as the Spring Festival and the Mid-autumn Festival celebrated the changing seasons and paid homage to natural deities.4. Philosophy and Ethics:Taoist and Confucian philosophies emphasized the importance of living in harmony with the natural order. Taoism taught that following the "Way" (Tao) led to a harmonious state of unity with nature. Confucianism stressed the role of rituals, benevolence, and filial piety in maintaining social order and harmony.5. Art and Aesthetics:Chinese art and aesthetics reflect the concept of harmony between heaven, earth, and humankind. Traditional paintings, calligraphy, and architecture often depict scenes from nature or represent cosmic principles. In these works, the beauty of the natural world is celebrated and integrated into the human experience.Conclusion:The concept of harmony between heaven, earth, and humankind is a fundamental aspect of Chinese culture. Itencompasses the interconnectedness of nature, human society, the human body, and the cosmos. This harmony is fostered through rituals, ceremonies, philosophy, art, and ethics, ultimately striving to create a balanced and harmonious existence.## 中文回答:天人合一。



关雎Cooing And Wooing关关雎鸠, By riverside are cooing在河之洲. A pair of turtledoves;窈窕淑女, A good young man is wooing君子好逑. A fair maiden he loves.参差荇菜, Water flows left and right左右流之. Of cress long here, short there;窈窕淑女, The youth yearns day and night寤寐求之. For the good maiden fair.求之不得, His yearning grows so strong,寤寐思服. He can not fall asleep,悠哉悠哉,But tosses all night long,辗转反侧. So deep in love, so deep!参差荇菜, Now gather left and right左右采之. Cress long or short and tender!窈窕淑女, O lute, play music bright琴瑟友之.For the bride sweet and slender! 参差荇菜, Feast friends at left and right左右芼之. On cress cooked till tender!窈窕淑女, O bells and drums, delight钟鼓乐之. The bride so sweet and slender!垓下歌XIANG YU’S LAST SONG项羽XIANGYU力拔山兮气盖世,I could pull mountains down, oh! With main and might时不利兮骓不逝。

But my good fortune wanes, oh! My steed won’t fight.骓不逝兮可奈何!Whether my steed will fight, oh! I do not care. 虞兮虞兮奈若何!What can I do with you, oh! My lady fair!回乡偶书HOME-COMING贺知章He Zhi zhang少小离家老大回,Old, I return to the homeland while young,乡音无改鬓毛衰。



Milton, John, 1608-1674. 密尔顿,约翰,1608-1674 Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library 1: Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit人类最初的违抗,还有那禁果2: Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast它那必死的味道3: Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,将死亡带到世上,连同我们所有的悲哀4: With loss of EDEN, till one greater Man自伊甸园失去,到更伟大的人5: Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,修复我们,让我们重回福地6: Sing Heav'nly Muse, that on the secret top唱天堂般的音乐,在神秘的欧瑞伯山顶7: Of OREB, or of SINAI, didst inspire和西耐山顶,真正赋予那牧者灵感8: That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed, 第一个教晓那些被选出的种子9: In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth最初天堂与大地是如何10: Rose out of CHAOS: Or if SION Hill在一片混沌中出现:或假如锡安山11: Delight thee more, and SILOA'S Brook that flow'd 更喜爱你,那地底的溪流12: Fast by the Oracle of God; I thence恰带来神谕;我从此13: Invoke thy aid to my adventrous Song,让你助我完成那冒险之歌14: That with no middle flight intends to soar平庸者所不敢飞越的高度15: Above th' AONIAN Mount, while it pursues翻越阿诺安山,追逐着16: Things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhime.诗歌与散文里未曾尝试之事17: And chiefly Thou O Spirit, that dost prefer你,灵魂做主,更爱18: Before all Temples th' upright heart and pure,在所有庙宇之前,以正直纯粹之心19: Instruct me, for Thou know'st; Thou from the first 指引我,因你知道:你自最初20: Wast present, and with mighty wings outspread 即已在此,伸开有力的双翼21: Dove-like satst brooding on the vast Abyss鸽子般安坐在巨大的深渊前沉思22: And mad'st it pregnant: What in me is dark看穿我内心的黑暗23: Illumine, what is low raise and support;照亮那卑微,唤起并支持着我24: That to the highth of this great Argument直到这伟大的辩论25: I may assert th' Eternal Providence,我可断言永恒的天意26: And justifie the wayes of God to men.证明神对世人的方式27: Say first, for Heav'n hides nothing from thy view 预言,因天对人无所隐藏28: Nor the deep Tract of Hell, say first what cause 地狱亦是如此,言明何因29: Mov'd our Grand Parents in that happy State, 令我们的祖先自那欢乐境界30: Favour'd of Heav'n so highly, to fall off先得天宠,因违背其意31: From their Creator, and transgress his Will从他们的创造者那里堕落32: For one restraint, Lords of the World besides? 世界的主宰们竟然失去耐性33: Who first seduc'd them to that fowl revolt?引他们发动家禽般的反抗34: Th' infernal Serpent; he it was, whose guile邪恶的魔鬼,他的诡计35: Stird up with Envy and Revenge, deceiv'd因嫉妒和复仇而起,欺骗了36: The Mother of Mankinde, what time his Pride 人类的母亲,当他的自尊37: Had cast him out from Heav'n, with all his Host 将他自天堂抛弃,以他为首的38: Of Rebel Angels, by whose aid aspiring叛逆天使,因他们的热情39: To set himself in Glory above his Peers,赋予他高于同类的光荣40: He trusted to have equal'd the most High,相信他具有与最高者同等的地位41: If he oppos'd; and with ambitious aim他野心勃勃42: Against the Throne and Monarchy of God反抗神的王座和权力43: Rais'd impious War in Heav'n and Battel proud徒然在天堂骄傲的发起不敬的战争44: With vain attempt. Him the Almighty Power全能的力量45: Hurld headlong flaming from th' Ethereal Skie自天上投射熊熊烈火46: With hideous ruine and combustion down可怕的毁灭和燃烧降临47: To bottomless perdition, there to dwell无尽的毁灭,若无休止48: In Adamantine Chains and penal Fire,坚硬的锁链和惩罚之火49: Who durst defie th' Omnipotent to Arms.加于敢对全能之神挑战者50: Nine times the Space that measures Day and Night 九倍于凡人以日夜计算的时间51: To mortal men, he with his horrid crew他和他可怕的队伍52: Lay vanquisht, rowling in the fiery Gulfe被击溃,倒在烈火的深渊53: Confounded though immortal: But his doom虽不死却充满困惑:但他的厄运54: Reserv'd him to more wrath; for now the thought 使他更加愤怒;想起55: Both of lost happiness and lasting pain失去的快乐和永恒的痛苦折磨56: Torments him; round he throws his baleful eyes他以邪恶的眼神望向四周57: That witness'd huge affliction and dismay只看到巨大的痛苦和沮丧58: Mixt with obdurate pride and stedfast hate:混合着冷酷的骄傲和笃实的憎恨59: At once as far as Angels kenn he views旋以天使之眼看到60: The dismal Situation waste and wilde,荒芜凄惨的境遇61: A Dungeon horrible, on all sides round四周皆是恐怖的地牢62: As one great Furnace flam'd, yet from those flames 如巨大的洪炉,那火焰之中63: No light, but rather darkness visible没有光,只有看的见的黑暗64: Serv'd only to discover sights of woe,只为让你看见悲哀的景象65: Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace悲痛的领域,阴沉的影子,66: And rest can never dwell, hope never comes永无和平与休息,人人都有的希望在这里67: That comes to all; but torture without end永不来临,只有无穷的折磨68: Still urges, and a fiery Deluge, fed仍在以燃烧不尽的硫磺,69: With ever-burning Sulphur unconsum'd:持续那烈火的狂潮70: Such place Eternal Justice had prepar'd这样的地方是永恒的正义71: For those rebellious, here their Prison ordain'd为反叛者所准备,这里注定是他们的监狱72: In utter darkness, and their portion set在绝对的黑暗中,他们的身体73: As far remov'd from God and light of Heav'n被置于离神和天堂的光明玄远之地74: As from the Center thrice to th' utmost Pole.三倍于天堂的中心到最远支柱的距离75: O how unlike the place from whence they fell!与他们坠落的地方多么的不同76: There the companions of his fall, o'rewhelm'd那和他一起坠落的,是无法抗拒的77: With Floods and Whirlwinds of tempestuous fire,有如洪水旋风般的狂暴的火焰78: He soon discerns, and weltring by his side他很快辨认出,在他之旁79: One next himself in power, and next in crime,和他一样具有权力和罪行的80: Long after known in PALESTINE, and nam'd那以后很久才在巴勒斯坦被名以81: BEELZEBUB. To whom th' Arch-Enemy,别卜西以及他们头号敌人的82: And thence in Heav'n call'd Satan, with bold words 当时在天堂被称作撒旦的,83: Breaking the horrid silence thus began.以大胆言辞打破恐怖的沉默的魔王。



2024年6月中考三模卷《语法填空》真题(深圳专用)第一篇According to ancient legend,a boy named Niulang was living a difficult life on Earth. He only had one friend an old buffalo(水牛). In heaven, Zhinyu was 36 young lady who was good at weaving. One day, she 37 (grow) tired of her boring life and secretly went down to Earth. By chance she met Niulang, and privately decided 38 (marry) him .When the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother learned about their marriage,they were 39 (anger) and ordered Zhinyu to return to heaven immediately. After Niulang heard the news, he took his children to heaven with the help of his old buffalo. 40 this reason, the Queen Mother took off her hairpin and "drew" a river to separate the couple.However, the love story between Niulang and Zhinyu spread 41(wide). A large number of magpies (喜鹊) then came to build a "magpie bridge" across the river with 42 (they) bodies so the couple could meet in heaven. Later, the Queen Mother 43 (touch) by Niulang and Zhinyu's romance, and agreed they could meet 44 (one) a year on the 7th day of the 7th month of the Chinese lunar calendar.This day was designated (指定) as the Qixi Festival 45 is considered to be the most romantic and traditional festival in China. Today, it is dubbed the Chinese Valentine's Day.Red is the color of China. Of all the colors, red is the easiest one to see in China. People call it China Red. Chinese people 36. (attract) by the color red because it makes Chinese people feel excited. And it means a lot to them.You may wonder 37. Chinese people love the color more than any other people around the word. Red 38. (mean) respect for power which was full of mystery in the past centuries. Today, it stands for luck, health, happiness, peace, 39. (wealthy) and so on. It is 40 everlasting character for both the nation and 41. (it) people. So China uses color red in the way that no other country has over used in the world.It is not difficult 42. (find) redcolored objects in China. Things withthe color can 43. (easy )be seen everywhere. The walls of ancient palaces, the lion dances,lanterns, and even tanghulu are filled 44. the red tradition, They all have played special roles in the development of China.It is 45. (amaze) that red is more than just a color in China.e to China and experience the richness of China red!Do you know Yueju opera? It is one of the five major Chinese operas andthe 36. (two) largest type nationally, known as “Chinese drama" abroad. Yueju opera is skillful in telling stories and emotion and its performance is full of beautiful singing with 37 (art) moods, It has 38. least 13 schools (流派) with major topics and was popular in Shanghai, Fujian, Jiangxi and Anhui provinces, as well as cities in northern China.Yueju opera started first in the late 19th century in East China, Zhejiang province as 39 form of public entertainment. Most librettos (歌词) 40.(collect) from conversations between farmers at work. Audience loved these librettos 41. they described their daily life. In the mid 19th century, people there suffered a disaster and some farmers and craftsmen created the popular tunes 42. (earn) ine by singing in the village in springtime.Over the years, these librettos 43. (develop) into the basic source materials for Yueju opera. Artists also began to mix simple acting and use instruments in their performances. Yueju opera became 44 (increasing) famous. In 1955, the Shanghai Yueju Opera theatre was set up, bringing together many 45 (talent) in related fields such as scriptwriters, directors and actors. In recent years, Yucju Opera has gained attention from younger generations.I really like Peking Opera. It makes me feel 36 ( peace ) and happy.37 I was 8 years old, I saw Peking Opera for the first time. The actors dancing and singing 38 (beautiful)on television. I told my mom that I wanted 39 (learn) Peking Opera, and she put 40 (I) in classes. Since then I've been on my learning journey for 5 years.I have to wake up 41 6 o'clock every morning to practice the key skillsin Peking Opera performance, such as leg exercises, somersaults(翻筋斗), and voice training.As the saying goes, “One minute on the stage needs 10 years' practice off the stage." All of 42 hard work was worth it. I got the chance to perform Peking Opera onstage.In2020,I 43 (take) part in KingCross(《跨界歌王》)on Beijing TV. This year, I performed a part from The Drunken Beauty(《贵妃醉酒》)during ashow on CCTV.Peking Opera puts together different 44 (part) of theater like writing,music, painting, and costumes. The charm (魅力) of Peking Opera is timeless. I hopePeking Opera will 45 (love) by more young people.The hot pot has a long history. It 36 (bee) an important part of Chinese people's meals since ancient China, The hot pot used to be preferred in winter, 37 " recently it has been appearing on tables all year round.Besides 38 (it) delicious taste, there are two other important 39 (reason) for the Chinese to like the hot pot. One reason is that the hot pot 40(consider) as a great way to make new friends, People gather around the pot, chatting, eating. drinking and having fun.41 other is that the hot pot is a “healthy meal”. 42 (eat) the hot pot can warm the body and improve circulation (血液循环) in winter, and increase perspiration (汗水) to help cool the body in summer.There are several kinds of hot pots in China with different soup. Among them, two of 43 (popular) hot pots are Sichuan hot pot and Beijing mutton hot pot. Generally, there43.are two types of soup bases: spicy and clear. A clear soup base has a quite mild (温和的) taste, which is 44 (main) made from meat bones or seafood, A spicy soup base usually has Sichuan pepper, which tastes spicy and salty. If you have a mixed group with some who don't eat spicy food, there is a special pot with a divider(间隔物) 45 the spicy and clear soup,which is called a doubleflavor hot pot (鸳鸯锅).Do you know anything about the TwentyFour Solar Terms''.It is known as the 36 (five)great invention from ancient China. As the eighteenth solar term, Oct.23 marks the 37 (begin)of the Frost's Descent also called “Shuangjiang” in Chinese.The solar term Shuangjiang 38 (mean) the time of year when frost starts to sweep across China. In autumn , as the weather gets cool and cold, the temperatures fall so fast 39 little water drops in the air bee icy in the end, bringing deadly cold winds as well.It 40 (think) of as autumn's last chapter(篇章) and the start of the following winter.The Frost’s Descent, with clear autumn skies and refreshing air, is an excellent time 41 (go) hiking and catch the sights from high up in the mountains. Many Chinese believe that it is a good idea to go walking in the highlands and enjoy the 42 (beautiful)of nature on that day.Eating orangecolored persimmons(柿子) is a traditional Chinese custom of the Forest’s descent. The Chinese think these orange fruits not only keep out the cold, but also provide the human body 43 rich VC. In order to fight off different winter illness ,people usually prefer the helpful things.44 (actual), eating some persimmons in autumn is good for people of all ages, as ancient Chinese medical books recorded Shuangjiang, as the last solar term of autumn, is an end as well as a start for Chinese people to work for a happier and 45(health) life, surely.Open AI has built a new video model called Sora. It is a new tool that can make a video like magic! Just tell Sora your imagination, and watch it create 36 high quality video up to one minute just in front of your eyes.How good is it?Videos created by Sora look good on both big and small devices, such as puters and smart phones. Sora can also make scenes with lots of people doing different things with clear details. It also knows 37 things should look in real life.Why is it so good?Sora is a good learner. It looks at many videos and learns from them by 38 (break) them into very small bits. It uses these bits to make a new video. The new video is gray and 39 a plete mess at first — you can’t tell what’s in it. Then, Sora fixes the video until it looks good and smooth. Sora also gets help from Chat GPT, which turns 40 (user) short sentences into clear instructions. This helps Sora make the video just as it 41 (ask).Is it good enough?Since Sora was announced in February 2024, Open AI 42(know) that it is far from perfect. When meeting plex images, it can’t make everything look real because it may find them hard 43 (understand).For example, when a person moves, things around them change. In another video, a grandma blows the candle on a birthday cake, 44 the flame doesn’t move at all. Sora may not be able to tell “left” from “right” 45 (correct) and mess up a person’s leg moves.答案解析篇According to ancient legend,a boy named Niulang was living a difficult life on Earth. He only had one friend an old buffalo(水牛). In heaven, Zhinyu was 36 a young lady who was good at weaving. One day, she 37 grew(grow) tired of her boring life and secretly went down to Earth. By chance she met Niulang, and privately decided 38 to marry(marry) him .When the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother learned about their marriage,they were 39 angry(anger) and ordered Zhinyu to return to heaven immediately. After Niulang heard the news, he took his children to heaven with the help of his old buffalo. 40 For this reason, the Queen Mother took off her hairpin and "drew" a river to separate the couple.However, the love story between Niulang and Zhinyu spread 41 widely (wide).A large number of magpies (喜鹊) then came to build a "magpie bridge" across the river with 42 their(they) bodies so the couple could meet in heaven. Later, the Queen Mother 43 was touched (touch) by Niulang and Zhinyu's romance, and agreed they could meet 44 once(one) a year on the 7th day of the 7th month of the Chinese lunar calendar.This day was designated (指定) as the Qixi Festival 45 which /that is considered to be the most romantic and traditional festival in China. Today, it is dubbed the Chinese Valentine's Day.第二篇Red is the color of China. Of all the colors, red is the easiest one to see in China. People call it China Red. Chinese people 36. are attracted (attract) by the color red because it makes Chinese people feel excited. And it means a lot to them.You may wonder 37. why Chinese people love the color more than any other people around the word. Red 38. meant (mean) respect for power which was full of mystery in the past centuries. Today, it stands for luck, health, happiness, peace, 39. wealth (wealthy) and so on. It is 40 an everlasting character for both the nation and 41. its (it) people. So China uses color red in the way that no other country has over used in the world.It is not difficult 42. to find(find) redcolored objects in China. Things with the color can 43. easily (easy )be seen everywhere. The walls of ancient palaces, the lion dances,lanterns, and even tanghulu are filled 44. with the red tradition, They all have played special roles in the development of China.It is 45. amazing (amaze) that red is more than just a color in China.e to China and experience the richness of China red!第三篇Do you know Yueju opera? It is one of the five major Chinese operas andthe 36. second(two) largest type nationally, known as “Chinese drama" abroad. Yueju opera is skillful in telling stories and emotion and its performance is full of beautiful singing with 37 artistic(art) moods, It has 38. at least 13 schools (流派) with major topics and was popular in Shanghai, Fujian, Jiangxi and Anhui provinces, as well as cities in northern China.Yueju opera started first in the late 19th century in East China, Zhejiang province as 39 a form of public entertainment. Most librettos (歌词)40. were collected (collect) from conversations between farmers at work. Audience loved these librettos 41. because/for/ since they described their daily life. In the mid 19th century, people there suffered a disaster and some farmers and craftsmen created the popular tunes 42. to earn (earn) ine by singing in the village in springtime.Over the years, these librettos 43. have developed / have been developed (develop) into the basic source materials for Yueju opera. Artists also began to mix simple acting and use instruments in their performances. Yueju opera became 44 increasingly (increasing) famous. In 1955, the Shanghai Yueju Opera theatre was set up, bringing together many 45 talents (talent) in related fields such as scriptwriters, directors and actors. In recent years, Yucju Opera has gained attention from younger generations.第四篇I really like Peking Opera. It makes me feel 36 peaceful ( peace ) and happy.37 When I was 8 years old, I saw Peking Opera for the first time. The actors dancing and singing 38 beautifully (beautiful) on television. I told my mom that I wanted 39 to learn (learn) Peking Opera, and she put 40 me(I) in classes. Since then I've been on my learning journey for 5 years.I have to wake up 41 at / before 6 o'clock every morning to practice the keyskills in Peking Opera performance, such as leg exercises, somersaults(翻筋斗), and voice training.As the saying goes, “One minute on the stage needs 10 years' practice off the stage." All of 42 the hard work was worth it. I got the chance to perform Peking Opera onstage.In 2020,I 43 took(take) part in King Cross(《跨界歌王》)on Beijing TV. This year, I performed a part from The Drunken Beauty(《贵妃醉酒》)during a showon CCTV.Peking Opera puts together different 44 parts(part) of theater like writing,music, painting, and costumes. The charm (魅力) of Peking Opera is timeless. I hopePeking Opera will 45 be loved (love) by more young people.第五篇The hot pot has a long history. It 36 has bee (bee) an important part of Chinese people's meals since ancient China, The hot pot used to be preferred in winter, 37 but recently it has been appearing on tables all year round.Besides 38 its (it) delicious taste, there are two other important 39 reasons (reason) for the Chinese to like the hot pot. One reason is that the hot pot 40is considered (consider) as a great way to make new friends, People gather around the pot, chatting, eating. drinking and having fun.41 The other is that the hot pot is a “healthy meal”. 42 Eating (eat) the hot pot can warm the body and improve circulation (血液循环) in winter, and increase perspiration (汗水) to help cool the body in summer.There are several kinds of hot pots in China with different soup. Among them, two of 43 the most popular (popular) hot pots are Sichuan hot pot and Beijing mutton hot pot. Generally, there43.are two types of soup bases: spicy and clear. A clear soup base has a quite mild (温和的) taste, which is 44 mainly (main) made from meat bones or seafood, A spicy soup base usually has Sichuan pepper, which tastes spicy and salty. If you have a mixed group with some who don't eat spicy food, there is a special pot with a divider(间隔物) 45 between the spicy and clear soup,which is called a doubleflavor hot pot (鸳鸯锅).第六篇Do you know anything about the TwentyFour Solar Terms''.It is known as the 36 fifth (five)great invention from ancient China. As the eighteenth solar term, Oct.23 marks the 37 beginning (begin)of the Frost's Descent also called “Shuangjiang” in Chinese.The solar term Shuangjiang 38 means (mean) the time of year when frost starts to sweep across China. In autumn , as the weather gets cool and cold, the temperatures fall so fast 39 that little water drops in the air bee icy in the end, bringing deadly cold winds as well.It 40 is thought (think) of as autumn's last chapter(篇章) and the start of the following winter.The Frost’s Descent, with clear autumn skies and refreshing air, is an excellent time 41 to go (go) hiking and catch the sights from high up in the mountains. Many Chinese believe that it is a good idea to go walking in the highlands and enjoy the 42 beauty (beautiful)of nature on that day.Eating orangecolored persimmons (柿子) is a traditional Chinese custom of the Forest’s descent. The Chinese think these orange fruits not only keep out the cold, but also provide the human body 43 with rich VC. In order to fight off different winter illness ,people usually prefer the helpful things.44 Actually(actual), eating some persimmons in autumn is good for people of all ages, as ancient Chinese medical books recorded Shuangjiang, as the last solar term of autumn, is an end as well as a start for Chinese people to work for a happier and 45 healthier (health) life, surely.第七篇Open AI has built a new video model called Sora. It is a new tool that can make a video like magic! Just tell Sora your imagination, and watch it create 36 a high quality video up to one minute just in front of your eyes.How good is it?Videos created by Sora look good on both big and small devices, such as puters and smart phones. Sora can also make scenes with lots of people doing different things with clear details. It also knows 37 how things should look in real life.Why is it so good?Sora is a good learner. It looks at many videos and learns from them by 38 breaking (break) them into very small bits. It uses these bits to make a new video. The new video is gray and 39 in a plete mess at first — you can’t tell what’s in it. Then, Sora fixes the video until it looks good and smooth. Sora also gets help from Chat GPT, which turns 40 users’ (user) short sentences into clear instructions. This helps Sora make the video just as it 41 is asked(ask).Is it good enough?Since Sora was announced in February 2024, Open AI 42 has known(know) that it is far from perfect. When meeting plex images, it can’t make everything look real because it may find them hard 43 to understand (understand). For example, when a person moves, things around them change. In another video, a grandma blows the candle on a birthday cake, 44 but the flame doesn’t move at all. Sora may not be able to tell “left” from “right” 45 correctly(correct) and mess up a person’s leg moves.。



Jam 自由高歌Nation to nation all the world must get together face the problems that we see. 全世界所有的国家必须团结起来面对我们所看到的问题Then maybe somehow we can work it out.然后可能在某种程度上我们能解决这些问题I asked my neighbor for a favor.我请求我的邻居帮个忙She said later.她却说要等会儿What has come of all the people?所有的人都怎么了?Have we lost love of what it‟s about?我们失去了爱的意义吗?I have to find my peace我不得不寻找我的安宁cuz no one seems to let me be false prophets cry of doom.因为似乎没有人想让我错误的对未来抱悲观态度What are the possibilites?可能性是什么?I told my brother there‟ll be problem, times and tears for fears.我告诉过我的兄弟这样会有恐惧的问题、时间和眼泪But we must live each day like it‟s the last.但是我们必须把每天都当作最后的机会Go with it. Go with it .来吧,来吧Jam, 自由高歌it ain‟t too much stuff. 没有太多It ain‟t too much 没有太多It ain‟t too much 没有太多东西for me to jam 可以限制我的歌唱it ain‟t too much stuff. 没有太多It ain‟t 没有太多Don‟t you 你不认为这样吗?It ain‟t too much for me to 没有太多东西可以限制住我The world keeps changing,这个世界总是在变化rear ranging minds and thoughts predictions fly of doom. 改变了原有持有悲观的预想观点和思维The baby boom has come of age.婴儿潮的生人都已成年We‟ll work it out.我们会解决它I told my brother, don‟t kyou ask me for no favors.我告诉我的兄弟,你不要再请求我不给你帮助I‟m conditioned by the system 我被这个系统所影响Don‟t you preach to me.你不要对我说教Don‟t scream and shout.不要尖叫和叫嚷She pray to god, to buddha她向上帝佛祖祈祷Then she sings a talmud song. 然后她唱了一支犹太法典之歌Confusions contradict the self. 惶惑使她迷失了自我Do we know right from wrong? 我们能从错误中汲取教训吗?I just want you to recognize me. 我只是想让你认识我I‟m the temple.我是神庙You can‟t hurt me.你们不能伤害我I found peace within myself.我找到了我心中的安宁Go with it. Go with it .来吧,来吧Jam, 自由高歌it ain‟t too much stuff. 没有太多It ain‟t too much 没有太多It ain‟t too much 没有太多东西for me to jam 可以限制我的歌唱it ain‟t too much stuff. 没有太多It ain‟t 没有太多Don‟t you 你不认为这样吗?It ain‟t too much for me to 没有太多东西可以限制住我Jam Jam. Here comes the man, hot damn歌唱歌唱,来了个人,火辣得要命The big boy stands moving up a hand,这个大家伙站在那里挥手making funky tracks with my man,和我的英雄制作疯克的唱片Michael Jackson,Smooth Criminal.Michael Jackson,犯罪高手That‟s the man.就是他Mike‟s so relaxed.Mike是那么轻松。








Chapter 1The Way that can be told of is not an Unvarying Way;The names that can be named are not unvarying names.It was from the Nameless that Heaven and Earth sprang;The named is but the mother that rears the ten thousand creatures, each after its kind.Truly, 'Only he that rids himself forever of desire can see the Secret Essences' ;He that has never rid himself of desire can see only the Outcomes.These two things issued from the samemould, but nevertheless are different in name.This ' same mould' we can but call the Mystery,Or rather the 'Darker than any Mystery', The Doorway whence issued all Secret Essences.《老子》第二章天下皆知美之为美,斯恶已。









Man on earth,Good at birth.The same natureVaries on nurture.人在太初或刚出生时其本性都是善良的;由于后天成长环境、教育背景不一样,性情也就有了各种各样的差别。

Man was good in the beginning,or he is good at birth.Human nature deviates due to different nurtures.苟不教,性乃迁。


With no education,There'd be aberration.To teach well,You deeply dwell.对孩子如果不进行适当的教育,其本性就会发生变化。


If a child is not properly taught,he may go astray.In education,what is important is to be focus ed,dwelling on key points.昔孟母,择邻处,子不学,断机杼。

Then Mencius'motherChose her neighbor.At Mencius sloth,She cut th' cloth.战国时期,孟子的母亲为了使孟子有个良好的学习环境曾经三次搬家。


In the Warring State period,Mencius'mother moved three times for better environment for her son.Mencius once played truant,and she cut the cloth she was weaving to show her seriousnes s and the consequences of interrupted learning.窦燕山,有义方,教五子,名俱扬。



古希腊罗马神话Prometheus and ManIn the conflict between Cronus and Jupiter, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities神明,神灵. To him and his brother Epimetheus was now committed the office of making man and providing him and all other animals with the faculties necessary for their preservation. Epimetheus proceeded to bestow授予 upon the different animals the various gifts of courage, strength, swiftness迅速,敏捷, and sagacity睿智,聪敏. Taking some earth and kneading捏合,捏炼 it with water. Prometheus made man in the image of the gods. He gave him an upright stature身高,身材. Then since Epimetheus had been so prodigal浪子,挥霍者 of his gifts to other animals that no blessing was left worth conferring upon the noblest of creatures, Prometheus ascended to heaven, lighted his torch 火炬,火把at the chariot 二轮战车 of the sun, and brought down fire. But it was only rather grudgingly 勉强地that Jupiter granted mortals人类,凡人 the use of fire.Then there came the occasion that when gods and men were in dispute辩论,争吵 at Sicyon concerning the prerogatives特权 of each, Prometheus, by an ingenious有独创性的 trick, attempted to settle the question in favor of man. Dividing into two portions a sacrificial牺牲的,献祭的 bull, he wrapped all the eatable parts in the skin, cunningly surmounted with uninviting entrails; but the bones he garnished with a plausible mass of fat. He then offered Jupiter his choice. The king of Heaven, although he perceived the intended fraud欺骗,骗子, took the heap of bones and fat, and forthwith立刻,立即 availing himself of this insult as an excuse for punishing mankind, deprived 使丧失,剥夺the race of fire. But Prometheus regained the treasure, stealing it from heaven in a hollow tube.By Jove's order Prometheus was chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, and subjected to the attack of an eagle which, for ages, preyed upon his liver, yet succeeded not in consuming it.In his steadfastness to withstand the torment痛苦,苦恼,折磨 the Titan was supported by the knowledge that in the thirteenth generation there should arrive a hero, - sprung from Jove himself, - to release him. And in fullness of time the hero did arrive: none other than the mighty Hercules. No higher service, thinks this radiant 辐射的,光芒四射的 and masterful专横的,傲慢的 personage, remains to be performed than to free the champion of mankind. Hercules utters these words to the Titan --The soul of man can never be enslaved束缚,征服Save by its own infirmities, nor freedSave by its very strength and own resolveAnd constant vision and supreme最高的,至高的 endeavor!You will be free? Then, courage, O my brother!O let the soul stand in the open doorOf life and death and knowledge and desireAnd see the peaks of thought kindle点燃,激起 with sunrise!Then shall the soul return to rest no more,Nor harvest dreams in the dark field of sleep -Rather the soul shall go with great resolveTo dwell at last upon the shining mountainsIn liberal converse with the eternal stars.Thereupon he kills the eagle; and sets Jove's victim free.普罗米修斯与人类在克洛诺斯反对朱庇特的斗争中,普罗米修斯站到了奥林波斯山诸神的一边。





Man on earth,Good at birth.The same natureVaries on nurture.人在太初或刚出生时其本性都是善良的;由于后天成长环境、教育背景不一样,性情也就有了各种各样的差别。

Man was good in the beginning, or he is good at birth. Human nature deviates due to different nurtures.苟不教,性乃迁。


With no education,There'd be aberration.To teach well,Youdeeply dwell.对孩子如果不进行适当的教育,其本性就会发生变化。


If a child is not properly taught, he may go astray. In education, what is important is to be focus ed, dwelling on key points.昔孟母,择邻处,子不学,断机杼。

Then Mencius' motherChoseher neighbor.At Mencius sloth,She cut th' cloth.战国时期,孟子的母亲为了使孟子有个良好的学习环境曾经三次搬家。


In the Warring State period, Mencius' mother moved three times for better environment for her son. Mencius once played truant, and she cut the cloth she was weaving to show her seriousnes s and the consequences of interrupted learning.窦燕山,有义方,教五子,名俱扬。

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