
4. 要是只有一维单元,泊松比可以不输入。 5. 现在应该可以看到在 Model Browser 里的 Material 组下面的 steel 材料。
第二步 创建新的部件和属性,然后指定材料 1. 从 Model Browser,右键点击选 Create > Component。 2. 然后输入部件名称:如 A1,注意目前没有指定的属性或者材料。
第四步- 定义约束载荷集,设置模型约束
1. 在 Model Browser 里右键点击然后选 Create > LoadCollector 打开 Create LoadCollector 窗口。 2. Name 输入 SPC,Card Image 选成 none,然后点 Create。
创建这个载荷集以后,在 Model Browser 可以看得到约束 SPC 在 LoadCollector 里。
这就给出了节点2和3的位移值。确定位移矢量以后,就可以确定单元应变、应力和力。 应变
这是很简单的例子,可是精心总结了有限元分析在线性静态问题中的使用。以上所有的计算是求解器计算 的。要是用户需要更详细的有限元分析信息,可以在网上文档或者参考书籍中找到。
2. 现在应该在节点 3 创建 X 负方向的力。用 BCs > Create > Forces 下面的 Forces 面板。 3. Nodes 选 node3。magnitude 输入-10,然后选 x-axis,具体如下:
4. 点击 Create 创建力。

12587.1 全机模型建模下面为大家讲解飞机全机的建模过程,具体步骤如下。
启动HyperMesh 并设置RADIOSS (Bulk Data )用户配置文件。
(1)启动HyperMesh ,弹出一个User Profiles 的用户图形界面。
(2)在图形界面中选择RADIOSS 。
(3)在RADIOSS 的扩展菜单中选择Bulk Data 。
(4)单击OK 按钮。
(1)单击工具栏Open model ()按钮,选择模型文件。
(2)单击Open 按钮。
(1)单击工具栏图标Shaded Geometry and Surface Edges ()按钮,显示几何面。
(2)选择Geom >surfaces edit >trim with lines 。
(3)在with lines 列中,双击surfs>by collector>fuselage ,选中fuselage 部件中的所有曲面。
(4)双击lines>by collector>stringer ,选中stringer 部件中的所有的线。
(5)切换其他两个选项为normal to surface 和entire surface 。
(6)单击trim 按钮,曲面被曲线切割。
(7)切换到trim with surfs/plane 子面板。
(8)在with surfs 列中,双击上面的surfs>by collector>fuselage ,选中fuselage 部件中的所有曲面。
(9)双击下面的surfs>by collector>frame ,选中frame 部件中的所有曲面。
(10)无需勾选trim both 选项。
(11)单击trim 按钮。
(1)单击2D>automesh ,在surfs 中选择fuselage 中的所有面,设置element size 为1000,单元尺要足够大,确保每个曲面只划分一个单元。
HyperMesh 介绍

关于Hypermeshhypermesh Hypermesh软件是美国Altair公司的产品,是世界领先的、功能强大的CAE 应用软件包,也是一个创新、开放的企业级CAE平台,它集成了设计与分析所需的各种工具,具有无与伦比的性能以及高度的开放性、灵活性和友好的用户界面。
在CAE领域, Hypermesh 最著名的特点是它所具有的强大的有限元网格前处理功能和后处理功能。
与其他的有限元前后处理器比较,HyperMesh的图形用户界面易于学习,特别是它支持直接输入已有的三维CAD几何模型(G,Pro/E,CATIA等)已有的有限元模型,并且导入的效率和模型质量都很高,可以大大减少很多重复性的工作,使得CAE 分析工程师能够投入更多的精力和时间到分析计算工作上去。
其他很多有限元前处理软件对于一些复杂的,大规模的模型在读取数据时候,需要很长时间,而且很多情况下并不能够成功导入模型,这样后续的CAE 分析工作就无法进行;而如果采用Hypermesh,其强大的几何处理能力使得Hypermesh可以很快的读取那些结构非常复杂,规模非常大的模型数据,从而大大提高了CAE分析工程师的工作效率,也使得很多应用其他前后处理软件很难或者不能解决的问题变得迎刃而解。

Altair Hyperworks拥有业界领先的包括应力分析,刚度分析,热分析以及疲劳分析在内的强大的静态分析能力。
同时,作为一个完备的仿真分析平台,Altair HyperWorks亦为用户提供了模态分析,频率响应分析以及声场分析等振动与噪声领域的分析功能。

我们需要消除所有 Uy,Uz 自由度和节点 1 上的 Ux 自由度。在 Constraints 面板里,选节点 1,然后只选 dof1, dof2,dof3。
2. Name 输入 force。在 SPC 方框内打勾,然后点击 = 再选载荷集 SPC. 在 LOAD 方框内打勾,点击 = 然后选载荷集 Force。
3. 确认 type 选的是 linear static 然后选 create。 这就会在 Model Browser 里创建一个新的组叫 Loadstep,包括载荷集 force。
8. 重复这个过程,创建第二部件 A2,选 PROD 属性,面积等于 78.54。也指定 steel 材料。记得把部件 选成另外颜色。
创建这两个部件以后,应该可以在 Model Browser 里看到两个叫 Component 和 Assembly Hierarchy 的新 组,两个里面都有 A1 和 A2。
XI 线性静态分析
本章部分内容来自《Practical Finite Element Analysis》。Debdatta Sen 和 Matthias Goelke 检查 并添加了部分内容。
11.1 线性静态分析
线性 线性表示材料线性弹性行为。也就是说,应力-应变曲线的线性部分,一个直线按照胡克定律:σ=εE。这
3. 点击 Property tab, 选择 assign property. Name 输入 A1,card image 选 PROD,选 Create property 就可以设定属性卡片。

Linear Static Analysis of a Plate with a Hole - RD-1000This tutorial demonstrates how to create finite elements on a given CAD geometry of a plate with a hole, apply boundary conditions, and perform a finite element analysis of the problem. Post-processing tools will be used in HyperView to determine deformation and stress characteristics of the loaded plate.The following exercises are included:•Setting up the problem in HyperMesh•Applying Loads and Boundary Conditions•Submitting the job•Viewing the resultsExerciseStep 1: Launch HyperMesh and set the RADIOSS (Bulk Data) User Profileunch HyperMesh.A User Profiles… Graphic User Interface (GUI) will appear. If it does not appear, go to Preferences>User Profiles … from the menu on the top.2.Select RADIOSS in the User Profile dialog.3.From the extended list, select Bulk Data.4.Click OK.This loads the User Profile. It includes the appropriate template, macro menu, and import reader, paring down the functionality of HyperMesh to what is relevant for generating models in Bulk Data Format for RADIOSS and OptiStruct.Step 2: Open the File plate_hole.hm1.Click the Open .hm file icon .An Open file… browser window pops up.2.Select the plate_hole.hm file, located in the HyperWorks installation directory under<install_directory>/tutorials/hwsolvers/radioss/.3.Click Open.The plate_hole.hm database is loaded into the current HyperMesh session, replacing any existing data. The database only contains geometric data.Setting Up the Problem in HyperMeshWhen building models, we encourage you to create the material and property collectors before creating the component collectors. This is the most efficient way of setting up the file since components need to reference materials and properties.Step 3: Create the material1.Click the Material Collector Panel toolbar button .2.Make sure the create subpanel is selected using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.3.Click mat name = and enter steel.4.Select the desired color for the material steel by clicking on .5.Click type = and select ISOTROPIC.6.Click card image = and select MAT1.7.Click create/edit.The MAT1 card image pops up.If a material property in brackets does not have a value below it, it is off. To edit these materialproperties, click the property in brackets you wish to edit and an entry field will appear below it. Click the entry field and enter a value.8.Enter the following values for E, NU and RHO; E as 2e5; NU as 0.3 and RHO as 7.9e-09.9.Click return twice.A new material, steel, has been created. The material uses RADIOSS's linear isotropic material model,MAT1. This material has a Young's Modulus of 2E+05 and a Poisson's Ratio of 0.3. It is not necessary to define a density value since only a static analysis will be performed. Density values are required,however, for other solution sequences.At any time, the card image for this collector can be modified using the Card Editor .Step 4: Create the properties and update the Component Collector1.Click Properties toolbar icon .2.Make sure the create subpanel is selected using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.3.Click prop name = and enter plate_hole.4.Select the desired color for the property plate_hole by clicking on .5.Click type = and select 2D.6.Click card image = and select PSHELL.7.Click material = and select steel.8.Click create/edit.The PSHELL card image pops up.9.Click [T] and enter 10.0 as the thickness of the plate.10.Click return twice and go back to the main menu.The property of the shell structure has been created as 2D PSHELL. Material information is also linked to this property.11.Click the Component Collector Panel toolbar button .12.Make sure the update subpanel is selected using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.13.Click comps >> and select plate_hole from the list.14.Toggle <no property> to property =.15.Click property = twice and select the plate_hole property from the list.Property card image and material information are listed below the property entry field.16.Click update.17.Click return to go to the main menu.The component plate_hole has been updated with a property of the same name and is currently the“Current Component” (see the box in the lower right for plate_hole ). This component uses theplate_hole property definition with a thickness value of 10.0. The material steel is referenced by this component.At any time, the card image for this collector can be modified using the Card Editor and the material referenced by this component collector can be changed using the update option in the Collectors panel.Apply loads and boundary conditions to the modelIn the following steps, the model is constrained so that two opposing edges of the four external edges cannot move. The other two edges remain unconstrained. A total load of 1000N is applied at the edge of the hole in the positive z-direction.Step 5: Create load collectors (spcs and forces )A new load collector, spcs is created.A new load collector, forces is created.Step 6: Create constraints1.Click the Load Collectors toolbar icon .2.Make sure the create subpanel is selected using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.3.Click loadcol name = and enter spcs .4.Click color and select a color from the color palette.5.Click the creation method switch and select no card image from the pop-up menu.6.Click create .7.Click loadcol name = and enter forces .8.Click color and select a different color from the color palette.9.Click create .10.Click return to go to the main menu.1.From Model Browser expand LoadCollectors , right-click on spcs and click Make current to set spcsas the current load collector.The window is polygonal, and every mouse click creates a window vertex.Illustration of which nodes to select for applying single point constraints. Dofs with a check will be constrained while dofs without a check will be free.Dofs 1, 2, and 3 are x, y, and z translation degrees of freedom.Dofs 4, 5, and 6 are x, y, and z rotational degrees of freedom.This applies these constraints to the selected nodes.Step 7: Create forces on the nodes around the holeThe window is polygonal, and every mouse click creates a window vertex.2.From the Analysis page,enter the constraints panel.3.Make sure the create subpanel is selected using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.4.Make sure nodes are selected from the entity selection switch.5.Click nodes and select by window from the pop-up extended entity selection menu.6.Draw a window in the graphics area encompassing the nodes to be selected (shown in the figure).7.Check the box beside interior and click on select entities .8.Constrain dof1, dof2, dof3, dof4, dof5, and dof6 and set all of them to a value of 0.0.9.Ensure the load types is set to SPC .10.Click create .11.Click return to go to the main menu.1.Set your current load collector to forces in Model Browser as shown before in point 1 under Step 6.2.From the Analysis page, enter the forces panel.3.Make sure the create subpanel is selected using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.4.Make sure nodes are selected from the entity selection switch.5.Click nodes and select by window from the pop-up extended entity selection menu.6.Draw a window in the graphics window encompassing the nodes shown in the figure below.Nodes selected for creating loading around hole.7.Check the box beside interior and click on select entities.8.Set the coordinate system toggle to global system.9.Click the vector definition switch and select constant vector.10.Click magnitude = and enter 21.277 (i.e. 1000 divided by the number of nodes 47).11.Click the direction definition switch below magnitude=, and select z-axis from the pop-up menu.12.Ensure the load types is set to FORCE.13.Click create.This creates a number of point forces, with the given magnitude in the z-direction, to be applied to the nodes about the hole.14.Click return to go to the main menu.Step 8: Create a RADIOSS subcase (also referred to as a loadstep)1.From the Analysis page, enter the loadsteps panel.2.Click name = and enter lateral force.3.Click the type: switch and select linear static, if it is not already selected by default.4.Check the box preceding SPC.An entry field appears to the right of SPC.5.Click on the entry field and select spcs from the list of load collectors.6.Check the box preceding LOAD.An entry field appears to the right of LOAD.7.Click on the entry field and select forces from the list of load collectors.8.Click create.A RADIOSS subcase has been created which references the constraints in the load collector spcs andthe forces in the load collector forces.9.Click return to go to the main menu.Step 9: Submitting the job1.From the Analysis page, enter the RADIOSS panel.2.Click save as… following the input file: field.A Save file… browser window pops up.3.Select the directory where you would like to write the RADIOSS model file and enter the name for themodel, plate_hole.fem, in the File name: field.The .fem filename extension is the recommended extension for RADIOSS Bulk Data Format input decks.4.Click Save.Note the name and location of the plate_hole.fem file displays in the input file: field.5.Set the export options:toggle to all.6.Click the run options: switch and select analysis.7.Set the memory options: toggle to memory default.8.Click Radioss.This launches the RADIOSS job. If the job is successful, you should see new results files in the directory from which plate_hole.fem was selected. The plate_hole.out file is a good place to look for error messages that could help debug the input deck if any errors are present.The default files written to the directory are:plate_hole.html HTML report of the analysis, giving a summary of the problemformulation and the analysis results.plate_hole.out RADIOSS output file containing specific information on the file setup,the setup of your optimization problem, estimates for the amount ofRAM and disk space required for the run, information for eachoptimization iteration, and compute time information. Review this filefor warnings and errors.plate_hole.h3d HyperView binary results file.plate_hole.res HyperMesh binary results file.plate_hole.stat Summary of analysis process, providing CPU information for eachstep during analysis process.Viewing the ResultsDisplacement and Stress results for linear static analyses are output from RADIOSS by default. The following steps describe how to view those results in HyperView.HyperView is a complete post-processing and visualization environment for finite element analysis (FEA), multi-body system simulation, video and engineering data.Step 10: View a contour plot of stresses1.Once you receive the message 'Process Completed Successfully' in the command window, clickHyperView.HyperView is launched and the results are loaded. A message window appears to inform of thesuccessful model and result files loading into HyperView.2.Click Close to close the message window.3.Click the Contour toolbar button .4.Select the first pull-down menu below Result type:and select Element Stresses [2D & 3D] (t).5.Select the second pull-down menu below Result type:and select vonMises.6.Select None in the field below Averaging method:.7.Click Apply.A contoured image representing von Mises stresses should be visible. Each element in the model isassigned a legend color, indicating the von Mises stress value for that element, resulting from the applied loads and boundary conditions.8.Click Top in the view controls from the bottom right corner to view the model, as shown in the followingfigure.von Mises stress assigned plotWhat is the maximum von Mises stress value?At what location does the model have its maximum stress?Does this make sense based on the boundary conditions applied to the model?Step 11: View a contour plot of displacements1.Select the first pull-down menu below Result type:and select Displacement (v).2.Select the second pull-down menu below Result type:and select Mag.3.Click Apply.The resulting contours represent the displacement field resulting from the applied loads and boundary conditions.What is the maximum Displacement value?At what location does the model have its maximum displacement?Does this make sense based on the boundary conditions applied to the model?Step 12: View the deformed shape1.Click Iso in the view controls (bottom right corner) to display the isometric view of the model.2.Click the Deformed toolbar button .3.Set Result type: to Displacement(v), Scale:to Scale factor; and Type:to Uniform.4.In the field next to value, enter 500.This means that the displacement results of the analysis will be multiplied by 500.5.For Show:, select Wireframe.6.Click Apply.A deformed plot of your model with displacement contour should be visible, overlaid on the originalundeformed mesh. Refer to the following figure to see what the plot should look like in isometric view.Isometric view of deformed plot overlaid on the original undeformed mesh with model units set to 500.Go ToRADIOSS, MotionSolve, and OptiStruct Tutorials。
hypermesh的analysis system -回复

hypermesh的analysis system -回复Hypermesh 是一款强大的有限元分析软件,在工程学领域广泛应用。
它的Analysis System 功能是它最重要和强大的特点之一。
在本文中,我们将逐步回答关于Hypermesh Analysis System 的问题,并深入探讨其功能和应用。
第一步:什么是Hypermesh Analysis System(分析系统)?Hypermesh Analysis System 是Hypermesh 软件中的一个模块,用于执行有限元分析。
第二步:Hypermesh Analysis System 的主要功能是什么?Hypermesh Analysis System 提供了广泛的有限元分析功能,可以帮助工程师进行结构分析并理解结构的行为。
它具备以下主要功能:1. 网格生成:Hypermesh 提供了灵活和强大的网格生成工具,可以从几何模型创建高质量的有限元网格。
2. 材料定义:Hypermesh Analysis System 允许用户定义并分配材料属性,包括弹性模量、泊松比、密度等。
3. 载荷和边界条件:用户可以在Hypermesh 中定义并应用不同类型的载荷和边界条件,如力、压力、热量、约束等。
4. 分析类型:Hypermesh Analysis System 支持多种分析类型,包括静态分析、动态分析、线性和非线性分析、热分析等。
5. 结果显示和后处理:Hypermesh 具有强大的结果显示和后处理功能。
梁江波 _基于HyperMesh和RADIOSS矿用自卸车高强度车箱有限元分析

基于HyperMesh和RADIOSS的矿用自卸车高强度车箱有限元分析梁江波吕景春邵林陕西重型汽车有限公司陕西·西安 710200摘要:本文介绍了矿用自卸车高强度车箱结构设计特点,利用通用有限元分析软件HyperMesh9.0,建立了高强度大箱的有限元模型。
关键词: 高强度车箱;HyperMesh9.0;有限元模型;静载工况;举升工况;动载系数;应力分布;0引言一般汽车质量每减轻10%,燃油消耗可降低6%-8%。
1 矿用自卸车高强度车箱结构设计特点(1)车箱主体采用当前欧洲流行U型自卸车箱结构。

HyperMesh入门教程HyperMesh的界面介绍HyperMesh的几何建模和清理HyperMesh的网格剖分和优化HyperMesh的连接建立和检查HyperMesh的材料和属性定义HyperMesh的载荷和约束设置HyperMesh的模型导出和导入HyperMesh的界面介绍菜单栏:位于界面顶部,包含了各种功能菜单,如File、View、G eometry、Mesh等。
工具栏:位于菜单栏下方,包含了常用的工具按钮,如Select、M ove、Rotate等。
面板区:位于界面左侧,包含了各种功能面板,如Model Browser、Entity Editor、Connectors等。
HyperMesh的几何建模和清理HyperMesh可以通过两种方式创建几何模型:从零开始创建:使用Geometry菜单中的各种工具,如Point、Line 、Surface等,可以创建基本的几何实体,并通过Boolean运算等方式进行组合和修改。

查看 应力
软 软件介绍
求解器:Radioss (BulkData)
主要用于求解计算,得到最终的( 主要用于求解计算 得到最终的(BulkData是线性求解器, 是线性求解器 除此之外Block…均为非线性求解器)。
设置 约束
设置 工况
步骤 操作
使用Analysis面板中的Radioss命 令进行求解建立计算文档保存 路径(注意此软件使用的所有路 径均不能含有中文字符)点击 Radioss即可进行计算弹出计算 窗口无错误且计算成功完成。 求解 计算 如需查看模型信息及计算过程信 息,可在Analysis面板的control 息,可在 y 面板的 cards中选择SCREEN卡片设置为 out即可。 若由于网格质量问题无法计算, 可在A l i 面板的 t l 可在Analysis面板的control cards中选择PARAM卡片勾选 CHECKEL设置为NO重新计算即 可 可。
几何 清理
序号 步骤
先划分二维网格,再生成体网格: 格 格 ①创建二维网格的存储“盒子”: 在左侧Model空白处点击右键Create Component(可命名为2D) (可命名为 )Create; ②在此“盒子”中创建二维三角形网格: 快捷键F12选择所有面设置网格大小 选择网格类型(三角形网格)设置elems to current comp点击mesh(density选项可 调整网格的疏密程度)无需调整选择return; ③将之前的Component置于现在的对象: 在Model中选择对应Component点击右键选择 Make Current(盒子名称会加粗显示); ④生成三维网格: 在3D面板中选择tetramesh使用tetra mesh选择部件选择要配合的二维网格 meshreturn; ⑤删除2D Component: 选中盒子点击右键Delet完成。

Control card界面
至此,可以将搭建好的模型提交给求解器求解。提交运算有两种方法: 1. 通过导出相应的求解器输入文件进行提交;
2. 通过analysis面板,optistruct命令提交;
创建、编辑 或赋予属性
属性类 型过滤
常用边界条件:固定约束,力加载,扭矩加载,重力,接触 固定约束contraints
力加载 forces
扭矩加载 moment
• 创建材料、属性等. • 创建边界条件(约束、载荷、接触等) • 定义其它需要的信息(求解要求,运行参数等)
• 提交求解器
如图,默认的hypermesh启动界面包含的求解器界面。包含常用的各种 求解器,目前使用optistruct求解器为例。另外可以点击图标 来调出此界面 。此外可以通过preferencesuser profiles调出此界面。 利用toolsconvert功能可以在不同的求解器之间进行转换。 HyperMesh直接支持多种主流求解器格式 结构分析 (应力, NVH, 疲劳, 非线性结构 分析) Radioss (Linear), Abaqus, Nastran, Ansys, Marc, nSOFT 制造分析(流动分析 / Mold-Filling, 挤压分 析) Moldflow, CMold, HyperExtrude 安全性分析 (冲击 /碰撞, 乘员安全性分析) Dyna, Pamcrash, Radioss, Madymo 优化分析 (拓扑, 形貌, 形状, 尺寸 /参数) OptiStruct, Nastran

问题大小合并的自由度个数和工况个数决定了“问题大小”。多工况分析可能需要更多的:内存(相对于等效的多步骤分析)。在回代的过程中,方程的右手边必须保留在内存中。硬盘空间(单元和节点数据库)。在可能的情况下,设置:standard_memory 为最小的 I/O (请察看数据文件)。standard_memory_policy 为 MAXIMUM。如果必要,将不同的工况散布到几个分析步中,用以减小每个分析步中内存和硬盘的使用量。 最坏情况:回到多摄动步分析(在这里,还可以比较数据文件中的求解器信息)。
执行: 751 751 模型的细节
相对 CPU 时间 – 3.4 M variable case
8 Steps/8 Load cases
16 Steps/16 Load cases
修改 501 501 模型8 工况在每个工况中改变对边的边界条件相对全部 CPU 时间: ~0.153
Multiple *LOAD CASE
(stiffness/multiple RHS)
(with possibly multiplesmall factorizations)

Linear Static Analysis of a Plate with a Hole - RD-1000This tutorial demonstrates how to create finite elements on a given CAD geometry of a plate with a hole, apply boundary conditions, and perform a finite element analysis of the problem. Post-processing tools will be used in HyperView to determine deformation and stress characteristics of the loaded plate.The following exercises are included:•Setting up the problem in HyperMesh•Applying Loads and Boundary Conditions•Submitting the job•Viewing the resultsExerciseStep 1: Launch HyperMesh and set the RADIOSS (Bulk Data) User Profileunch HyperMesh.A User Profiles… Graphic User Interface (GUI) will appear. If it does not appear, go to Preferences>User Profiles … from the menu on the top.2.Select RADIOSS in the User Profile dialog.3.From the extended list, select Bulk Data.4.Click OK.This loads the User Profile. It includes the appropriate template, macro menu, and import reader, paring down the functionality of HyperMesh to what is relevant for generating models in Bulk Data Format for RADIOSS and OptiStruct.Step 2: Open the File plate_hole.hm1.Click the Open .hm file icon .An Open file… browser window pops up.2.Select the plate_hole.hm file, located in the HyperWorks installation directory under<install_directory>/tutorials/hwsolvers/radioss/.3.Click Open.The plate_hole.hm database is loaded into the current HyperMesh session, replacing any existing data. The database only contains geometric data.Setting Up the Problem in HyperMeshWhen building models, we encourage you to create the material and property collectors before creating the component collectors. This is the most efficient way of setting up the file since components need to reference materials and properties.Step 3: Create the material1.Click the Material Collector Panel toolbar button .2.Make sure the create subpanel is selected using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.3.Click mat name = and enter steel.4.Select the desired color for the material steel by clicking on .5.Click type = and select ISOTROPIC.6.Click card image = and select MAT1.7.Click create/edit.The MAT1 card image pops up.If a material property in brackets does not have a value below it, it is off. To edit these materialproperties, click the property in brackets you wish to edit and an entry field will appear below it. Click the entry field and enter a value.8.Enter the following values for E, NU and RHO; E as 2e5; NU as 0.3 and RHO as 7.9e-09.9.Click return twice.A new material, steel, has been created. The material uses RADIOSS's linear isotropic material model,MAT1. This material has a Young's Modulus of 2E+05 and a Poisson's Ratio of 0.3. It is not necessary to define a density value since only a static analysis will be performed. Density values are required,however, for other solution sequences.At any time, the card image for this collector can be modified using the Card Editor .Step 4: Create the properties and update the Component Collector1.Click Properties toolbar icon .2.Make sure the create subpanel is selected using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.3.Click prop name = and enter plate_hole.4.Select the desired color for the property plate_hole by clicking on .5.Click type = and select 2D.6.Click card image = and select PSHELL.7.Click material = and select steel.8.Click create/edit.The PSHELL card image pops up.9.Click [T] and enter 10.0 as the thickness of the plate.10.Click return twice and go back to the main menu.The property of the shell structure has been created as 2D PSHELL. Material information is also linked to this property.11.Click the Component Collector Panel toolbar button .12.Make sure the update subpanel is selected using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.13.Click comps >> and select plate_hole from the list.14.Toggle <no property> to property =.15.Click property = twice and select the plate_hole property from the list.Property card image and material information are listed below the property entry field.16.Click update.17.Click return to go to the main menu.The component plate_hole has been updated with a property of the same name and is currently the“Current Component” (see the box in the lower right for plate_hole ). This component uses theplate_hole property definition with a thickness value of 10.0. The material steel is referenced by this component.At any time, the card image for this collector can be modified using the Card Editor and the material referenced by this component collector can be changed using the update option in the Collectors panel.Apply loads and boundary conditions to the modelIn the following steps, the model is constrained so that two opposing edges of the four external edges cannot move. The other two edges remain unconstrained. A total load of 1000N is applied at the edge of the hole in the positive z-direction.Step 5: Create load collectors (spcs and forces )A new load collector, spcs is created.A new load collector, forces is created.Step 6: Create constraints1.Click the Load Collectors toolbar icon .2.Make sure the create subpanel is selected using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.3.Click loadcol name = and enter spcs .4.Click color and select a color from the color palette.5.Click the creation method switch and select no card image from the pop-up menu.6.Click create .7.Click loadcol name = and enter forces .8.Click color and select a different color from the color palette.9.Click create .10.Click return to go to the main menu.1.From Model Browser expand LoadCollectors , right-click on spcs and click Make current to set spcsas the current load collector.The window is polygonal, and every mouse click creates a window vertex.Illustration of which nodes to select for applying single point constraints. Dofs with a check will be constrained while dofs without a check will be free.Dofs 1, 2, and 3 are x, y, and z translation degrees of freedom.Dofs 4, 5, and 6 are x, y, and z rotational degrees of freedom.This applies these constraints to the selected nodes.Step 7: Create forces on the nodes around the holeThe window is polygonal, and every mouse click creates a window vertex.2.From the Analysis page,enter the constraints panel.3.Make sure the create subpanel is selected using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.4.Make sure nodes are selected from the entity selection switch.5.Click nodes and select by window from the pop-up extended entity selection menu.6.Draw a window in the graphics area encompassing the nodes to be selected (shown in the figure).7.Check the box beside interior and click on select entities .8.Constrain dof1, dof2, dof3, dof4, dof5, and dof6 and set all of them to a value of 0.0.9.Ensure the load types is set to SPC .10.Click create .11.Click return to go to the main menu.1.Set your current load collector to forces in Model Browser as shown before in point 1 under Step 6.2.From the Analysis page, enter the forces panel.3.Make sure the create subpanel is selected using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.4.Make sure nodes are selected from the entity selection switch.5.Click nodes and select by window from the pop-up extended entity selection menu.6.Draw a window in the graphics window encompassing the nodes shown in the figure below.Nodes selected for creating loading around hole.7.Check the box beside interior and click on select entities.8.Set the coordinate system toggle to global system.9.Click the vector definition switch and select constant vector.10.Click magnitude = and enter 21.277 (i.e. 1000 divided by the number of nodes 47).11.Click the direction definition switch below magnitude=, and select z-axis from the pop-up menu.12.Ensure the load types is set to FORCE.13.Click create.This creates a number of point forces, with the given magnitude in the z-direction, to be applied to the nodes about the hole.14.Click return to go to the main menu.Step 8: Create a RADIOSS subcase (also referred to as a loadstep)1.From the Analysis page, enter the loadsteps panel.2.Click name = and enter lateral force.3.Click the type: switch and select linear static, if it is not already selected by default.4.Check the box preceding SPC.An entry field appears to the right of SPC.5.Click on the entry field and select spcs from the list of load collectors.6.Check the box preceding LOAD.An entry field appears to the right of LOAD.7.Click on the entry field and select forces from the list of load collectors.8.Click create.A RADIOSS subcase has been created which references the constraints in the load collector spcs andthe forces in the load collector forces.9.Click return to go to the main menu.Step 9: Submitting the job1.From the Analysis page, enter the RADIOSS panel.2.Click save as… following the input file: field.A Save file… browser window pops up.3.Select the directory where you would like to write the RADIOSS model file and enter the name for themodel, plate_hole.fem, in the File name: field.The .fem filename extension is the recommended extension for RADIOSS Bulk Data Format input decks.4.Click Save.Note the name and location of the plate_hole.fem file displays in the input file: field.5.Set the export options:toggle to all.6.Click the run options: switch and select analysis.7.Set the memory options: toggle to memory default.8.Click Radioss.This launches the RADIOSS job. If the job is successful, you should see new results files in the directory from which plate_hole.fem was selected. The plate_hole.out file is a good place to look for error messages that could help debug the input deck if any errors are present.The default files written to the directory are:plate_hole.html HTML report of the analysis, giving a summary of the problemformulation and the analysis results.plate_hole.out RADIOSS output file containing specific information on the file setup,the setup of your optimization problem, estimates for the amount ofRAM and disk space required for the run, information for eachoptimization iteration, and compute time information. Review this filefor warnings and errors.plate_hole.h3d HyperView binary results file.plate_hole.res HyperMesh binary results file.plate_hole.stat Summary of analysis process, providing CPU information for eachstep during analysis process.Viewing the ResultsDisplacement and Stress results for linear static analyses are output from RADIOSS by default. The following steps describe how to view those results in HyperView.HyperView is a complete post-processing and visualization environment for finite element analysis (FEA), multi-body system simulation, video and engineering data.Step 10: View a contour plot of stresses1.Once you receive the message 'Process Completed Successfully' in the command window, clickHyperView.HyperView is launched and the results are loaded. A message window appears to inform of thesuccessful model and result files loading into HyperView.2.Click Close to close the message window.3.Click the Contour toolbar button .4.Select the first pull-down menu below Result type:and select Element Stresses [2D & 3D] (t).5.Select the second pull-down menu below Result type:and select vonMises.6.Select None in the field below Averaging method:.7.Click Apply.A contoured image representing von Mises stresses should be visible. Each element in the model isassigned a legend color, indicating the von Mises stress value for that element, resulting from the applied loads and boundary conditions.8.Click Top in the view controls from the bottom right corner to view the model, as shown in the followingfigure.von Mises stress assigned plotWhat is the maximum von Mises stress value?At what location does the model have its maximum stress?Does this make sense based on the boundary conditions applied to the model?Step 11: View a contour plot of displacements1.Select the first pull-down menu below Result type:and select Displacement (v).2.Select the second pull-down menu below Result type:and select Mag.3.Click Apply.The resulting contours represent the displacement field resulting from the applied loads and boundary conditions.What is the maximum Displacement value?At what location does the model have its maximum displacement?Does this make sense based on the boundary conditions applied to the model?Step 12: View the deformed shape1.Click Iso in the view controls (bottom right corner) to display the isometric view of the model.2.Click the Deformed toolbar button .3.Set Result type: to Displacement(v), Scale:to Scale factor; and Type:to Uniform.4.In the field next to value, enter 500.This means that the displacement results of the analysis will be multiplied by 500.5.For Show:, select Wireframe.6.Click Apply.A deformed plot of your model with displacement contour should be visible, overlaid on the originalundeformed mesh. Refer to the following figure to see what the plot should look like in isometric view.Isometric view of deformed plot overlaid on the original undeformed mesh with model units set to 500.Go ToRADIOSS, MotionSolve, and OptiStruct Tutorials。

有孔平面的线性静态分析(Hypermesh,Radioss)Hypermesh,radioss帮助里的实例有孔平面的线性静态分析(Hypermesh,Radioss)下面的例子包含了以下内容:1,在Hypermesh 中设置问题2,加载荷和边界条件3,提交任务4,察看结果例子:Step1:运行Hypermesh进入RADIOSS(Bulk Date)1,从顶部菜单界面Preferences > User Profiles进入2,在User Profiles选择RADIOSS3,在后面的扩展栏里选择Bulk Data4,单击ok。
Step3:创建材料1,单击2,单击mat name,命名为steel3,选择一个颜色4,单击type设置为isotropic5,单击card image选择MAT16,单击create/edit7,输入E, NU and RHO; E = 2e5; NU = , RHO a= . 8,单击returnStep4:创建属性properties组集Component Collector 1,单击2,单击prop name输入plate_hole3,选择一个颜色4,type选2D5,card image 选PSHELL6,material 选steel7,单击create/edit8,单击[T]输入为平面壳厚度9,单击return10,单击11,单击comps选plate_hole12,将转换成property13,单击property选择plate_hole14,单击update15,单击returnStep5:创建载荷集(spcs和forces)1,单击2,单击loadcol name输入spc3,选颜色4,单击creation method并选择no card image6,单击create7,单击loadcol name输入forces8,单击color选颜色9,单击create10,单击returnStep6:创建约束1,从Model Browser中将LoadCollectors点开,选择建好的spcs右键然后选择Make current使spcs作为当前工作层2,进入Anslysis面板,进入constraints(约束)子面板3,选择nodes,通过节点施加约束4,单击nodes,(鼠标先不要移动),弹出面板后,选择第一个by window,手动画出一个选择区域选取下图所示节点5,选择interior保证框选区域内部节点被选取,单击select entities。

2)在User Profile对话框中选择OptiStruct,点击OK。
简化了与OptiStruct 使用相关的HyperMesh功能。
User Profiles…可以从下拉式菜单中的Preferences中进入。
弹出Open file…窗口。
3)点击name =并输入steel。
4)点击card image =并从弹出菜单中选择MAT15)点击create/edit。
弹出MAT1 的卡片信息。
6)点击 return。
该材料的杨氏弹性模量(Young's Modulus)为2E+05,泊松比(Poisson's Ratio)为0.3。
Radioss Step by Step 教程之1:线性静力分析

Radioss Step by Step教程之1:线性静力分析Edited by lengxuef 1启动Hypermesh,选择Radioss模块。
通过坐标创建4个临时节点创建好的四个临时节点如下图所示通过四个节点创建一个面在node list中分别选中下边两个节点与上边两个节点创建好的面如下图所示:网格划分2D-automesh点击Surfs选中上一步创建的面,单元大小为10,网格形状为四边形划分好网格如下所示:点击reture接受网格划分的结果6边界条件和载荷6.1创建约束卡片选择一条边上的7个节点,创建约束,约束六个自由度6.2创建载荷卡片选择平板上的一个节点创建载荷Magnitude表示载荷的幅值大小。
7创建载荷步Analysis-Loadsteps指定分析类型为linear static,并在创建的载荷步中引用前面创建的约束卡片和载荷卡片。
编辑载荷步,设定输出项目设定输出位移和应力的结果,输出文件为H3D格式(H3D为HyperView binary results file.)8提交计算Analysis-Radioss先点击save as ,在弹出的对话框中,输入求解文件的文件名,例如:01Static.fem 保存一下求解文件。
9查看后处理结果(Hyperview)查看位移结果(先选择Displacement,然后单击Apply)查看应力结果(先选择Element Stresses(2D&3D),然后单击Apply)Radioss的静力分析到此结束2013.03.23。
第二讲 零件的静态分析_2

安全系数大,表示可以节省该区域的材料。 常要求最小安全系数在1.5~3。
习题2: L形支架的静态分析(P50)
习题2: L形支架的静态分析(P50)
习题2 (fillet)
习题3 :一个托架体的分析
材料 :
Alloy Steel(合金钢)
S=2.8389 in2
1000 psi(磅/平方英寸) 的法向均布力。
施加 均布力
习题2 (no fillet)
由弹性力学理论,尖角处应力无穷大(P57)。 若对尖锐区域研究,必须设置圆角(P57)。 解压圆角特征,重新分析本例,网格划分时同时采用 “自动过渡”和“网格控制” (P58)。
二个孔面上支反力 垂直面上的支反力 托架底部面上的支反力
中空的悬臂梁支架,背面固定;5000 lb的载荷 施加在围绕圆柱孔的分割面上。模型单位:in, 材料:AISI 304。

Shot cut一 hypermesh 网格划分 ⑴单元体的划分1.1 梁单元该怎么划分?Replace 可以进行单元结点合并,对于一些无法抽取中面的几何体,可以采用surface offset 得到近似的中面 线条抽中线:Geom 中的lines 下选择offset,依次点lines 点要选线段,依次选中两条线,然后Creat. 建立梁单元:1进入hypermesh-1D-HyperBeam ,选择standard seaction 。
在standard section library 下选HYPER BEAM 在standard section type 下选择solid circle(或者选择其它你需要的梁截面)。
然后create 。
然后return.2 新建property,然后create (或者选择要更新的prop ),名称为beam,在card image 中选择PBAR,然后选择material ,然后create.再return.3 将你需要划分的component 设为Make Current,在1D-line mesh ,选择要mesh 的lines,选择element size,选择为segment is whole line,在element config:中选择bar2,property 选择beam(上步所建的property).然后选择mesh 。
现在可以欣赏你的beam 单元了,用类似方法可以建立其他梁单元,据说bar 单元可以承受轴向,弯曲的力,rod 的只能承受拉压的力,beam 可以承受各方向的力。
1.2 2D面单元的划分:利用2D- automesh 划分网格(快捷键F12),所有2D 都可以用这个进行划分网格。
(目前我只会用size and bias panel ) 1.3 3D四面体的划分:利用3D-tetramesh 划分四面体网格,一般做普通的网格划分这个就够用了。

Hypermesh & Nastran 模态分析教程摘要:本文将采用一个简单外伸梁的例子来讲述Hypemesh 与Nastran 联合仿真进行模态分析的全过程。
教程内容:1.打开”Hypermesh 14.0”进入操作界面,在弹出的对话框上勾选‘nastran’模块,点‘ok’,如图1.1 所示。
图1.1-hypermesh 主界面2.梁结构网格模型的创建在主界面左侧模型树空白处右击选择‘Creat’ –‘Component’,重命名为‘BEAM’,然后创建尺寸为100*10*5mm3的梁结构网格模型。
(一开始选择了Nastran后,单位制默认为N, ton, MPa, mm.)。
本例子网格尺寸大小为2.5*2.5*2.5mm3,如图2.1 所示:图2.1-梁结构网格模型3.定义网格模型材料属性●在主界面左侧模型树空白处右击选择‘Creat’–‘Material’,如图3.1所示:图3.1-材料创建●在模型树内Material下将出现新建的材料‘Material 1’,将其重命名为’BEAM’。
故在参数设置对话框内填入一下数据:完整的材料参数设置如图3.2所示:图3.2-Material材料参数设置同理,按同样方式在主界面左侧模型树空白处右击选择‘Creat’ –‘Pro perty’,模型树上Property下将出现新建的‘Property1’,同样将其重命名为‘BEAM’,点击Property下的‘BEAM’出现如图所示属性参数设置对话框。
由于本例子使用的单元为三维体单元,因此点击对话框的‘card image’选择‘PSOLID’,点击对话框内的Material选项,选择上一步我们设置好的材料‘BEAM’,完整的设置如图3.3所示:图3.3-Property属性设置最后,点击之前创建的在Component 下的‘BEAM’模型,将出现以下对话框(图3.4),把Property 和Material 都选上对应的‘BEAM’,完成网格模型材料属性的定义。
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1,在Hypermesh 中设置问题
Step1:运行Hypermesh进入RADIOSS(Bulk Date)
1,从顶部菜单界面Preferences > User Profiles进入
2,在User Profiles选择RADIOSS
3,在后面的扩展栏里选择Bulk Data
2,单击mat name,命名为steel
5,单击card image选择MAT1
7,输入E, NU and RHO; E = 2e5; NU = 0.3 , RHO a= 7.9e-09.
Step4:创建属性properties组集Component Collector
2,单击prop name输入plate_hole
5,card image 选PSHELL
6,material 选steel
12,将<no property>转换成property
2,单击loadcol name输入spc
4,单击creation method并选择no card image
7,单击loadcol name输入forces
1,从Model Browser中将LoadCollectors点开,选择建好的spcs右键然后选择Make current使spcs作为当前工作层
4,单击nodes,(鼠标先不要移动),弹出面板后,选择第一个by window,手动画出一个选择区域选取下图所示节点
5,选择interior保证框选区域内部节点被选取,单击select entities。
6,将dof1, dof2, dof3, dof4, dof5, and dof6 这六个自由度全部约束,即将他们后面的值设为 0.0.
7,要保证load types为spc
1,同上面步骤,在Model Browser中将forces层设为当前工作层(step6.1)2,进入Analysis面板,进入forces子面板
4,单击nodes,弹出面板后,选择第一个by window,手动画出一个选择区域选取下图所示节点
5,选择interior保证框选区域内部节点被选取,单击select entities。
6 ,将坐标系coordinate system 设为全局坐标系 global system.
7,单击magnitude 输入21.277 (即1000 除以 47个节点).
8,单击magnitude 下面的direction definition选择z-axis
9,使load types为Force
2,单击name 输入 lateral force.
3,单击type 选择linear static
2,单击save as
5,设置输出数据export options选择all
6,单击run options选择analysis
7,设置内存设置memory options为memory default
1,单击Contour( toolbar button )
2,在下拉菜单的第一行的结果类型Result type选择Element Stresses [2D & 3D] (t).
3,第二行的Result type中选择vonMises
4,在Averaging method:.下面选择None
(位移的查看和上步类似,在第一行和第二行Result type中分别选择displacement(v)和Mag)。