



人教版小学六年级英语下册第一单元测试题及答案 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分2017年人教版小学六年级英语下册第一单元全练全测 基础全练全测 一、【四会词汇】根据所给汉语意思写出相应的英语单词。

(50分) 1.更高的____________ 2.更矮的____________ 3.更强壮的____________ 4.年龄更大的____________ 5.更年轻的____________ 6.(体型)更大的____________ 7.更重的____________ 8.更长的____________ 9.更瘦的____________ 10.(体型)更小的____________ 二、【三会词汇】读出下列单词并写出汉语意思。

(10分) 1.little/’lItl/____________ 2.tail/teIl/____________ 3.think/θIk/____________ 4.size/saIz/____________ 5.wear/we/____________ 三、【二会词汇】写出下列英文的汉语意思。

(16分) 1.cm(centimeter)________ 2.than________ 3.funnier________姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------4.kg(kilogram)________5.feet________6.meter________7.ton________8.each________9.squid________10.lobster________11.shark________12.deep________13.seal________14.sperm whale__________15.killer whale________16.even________四、【四会句子】为下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。



一、1—4单元四会词姓名 ______________ 成绩 ____________1.仔细地_________________2. 问___________3. 做,制作 ___________4. 吃 _________5. 应该___________6. 去,走 ________7.早___________8.回家 _________________9.小心__________________10. 必须_________ 11. 起床__________________12.好的___________13.等待______________14.去上学________________________15. 在上午 ________________________16.AM=_______________________17.PM=_______________________ 18.办公室_____________19.在晚上_______________________20.通常 _____________21.爱好______________22.在下午_______________________ 23.足球_____________24. 篮球________________25. 祖父_____________ 26. 享受…乐趣___________27. 耕种________________28. 花_______________29. (用颜料)绘画____________30. 黄色____________31.绿色_____________32.蓝色____________33.红色_______34. 将,会___________ 35. 来,来到______________ 36. 聚会,晚会___________37. 十月______________38.第二_______________ 39. 第三_____________40. 第九____________41.生日_________________42.果冻__________43.得到________ 44. 巧克力______________45.愿意_______________46. I’d =_________________ 47.第五____________ 48 一杯茶_________________________ 49.一杯果汁________________________50.第一____________________二、汉译英1、认真听讲。



PEP六年级英语上册四会单词、句子及语法点整理PEPц?Unit 1锛欻ow do you go there? on foot by bike 楠戣嚜琛岃溅by bus 涔y train 涔樼伀杞?how 鎬庢牱go to school traffic 浜ら€?traffic lights 浜ら€氱伅traffic rules ?stop 鍋滐紝鍋滆溅绔?wait 绛夊緟get to 鍒拌揪 1.How do you go to school, Sarah? 浣犳€庢牱鍘讳笂瀛︼紵Usually I go to school on foot. / Sometimes I go by bike. 閫氬父鎴戣蛋?2銆丠ow can I get to Zhongshan Park? 鎴You can go by the No. 15 bus. 浣犲彲浠ヤ箻鍧?15 ?Unit 2锛歐here Is the Science Museum? library 鍥句功棣?post office hospital 鍖婚櫌cinema 鐢靛奖闄?bookstore 涔﹀簵please 璇?next to 涓庘€︾浉閭?turn right 鍚戝彸杞瑃urn left 鍚戝乏杞琯o straight where 鍦ㄥ摢閲宼hen 鐒跺悗1. Where is the cinema, please??It's next to the hospital.瀹冧笌鍖婚櫌鐩搁偦銆?2. 2銆乀urn left at the cinema, then go straight. It's on the left.鍦ㄧ數褰遍櫌宸﹁浆锛岀劧鍚庣洿琛屻€傚畠灏卞湪宸﹁竟銆?Unit 3锛?What Are You Going to Do? next week 涓嬪懆this morning 浠婂ぉ涓婂崍this afternoon 浠婂ぉ涓嬪崍this evening 浠婂ぉ鏅氫笂comic book ?post card 鏄庝俊鐗?newspaper 鎶ョ焊buy 1. What are you going to do on the weekend? 鍛ㄦ湯浣犳墦绠楀共浠€涔堬紵I'm going to visit my grandparents this weekend.鎴戞墦绠楄繖鍛?2. Where are you going this afternoon? 浠婂?I'm going to the bookstore.鎴戞墦绠楀幓涔﹀簵銆?3銆?What are you going to buy锛熶綘鎵撶畻涔颁粈涔堬紵I'm going to buy a comic book.?4銆乄hen are you going?浣犳墦绠椾粈涔堟椂鍊欏幓锛?I am going at 3 o'clock銆傛垜鎵撶畻 3 鐐瑰幓銆?Unit 4锛?I Have a Pen Pal hobby 鐖卞ソride a bike--riding a bike 楠戣嚜琛岃溅dive--diving 璺虫按play the violin鈥昿laying the violin 鎷夊皬鎻愮惔make kites 鈥昺aking kites 鍒朵綔椋庣瓭collect stamps鈥昪ollecting stamps 闆嗛偖live 锟紺lives 灞呬綇teach--teaches 鏁?go--goes 鍘?watch--watches 鐪?read--reads 璇伙紝鐪?does doesn鈥檛=does not 1. What's your hobby?涔堬紵I like collecting stamps.?2銆丠e likes collecting stamps, too. ?3銆丏oes she teach math? --- Yes, she does.?Does she teach English?-- No, she doesn't.涓嶏紝濂逛笉鏁欍€?She teaches math.?Unit 5锛?What Does She Do? singer 姝屽敱瀹讹紝姝屾墜writer actor 鐢锋紨鍛?actress 濂虫紨鍛?artist TV reporter ?engineer 宸ョ▼甯?accountant policeman ?salesperson cleaner 娓呮磥宸?where 鍦ㄥ摢閲岋紝鍒板摢閲?work 宸ヤ綔 1.What does your mother do? What si your mother??She is a TV reporter.濂规槸涓€浣嶇數瑙嗗彴璁拌€呫€?2銆乄hat does your father do? 浣犵埜鐖告槸骞蹭粈涔堢殑锛烪e is an accountant.浠栨槸涓€浣嶄細璁°€?3銆乄here does she work? ?She works in a car company.濂瑰湪灏忔苯杞﹀叕鍙稿伐浣溿€?4銆丠ow does she go to work? She goes to work by bus.?Unit 6锛?The Story of Rain rain 闆?cloud 浜?sun stream 娌筹紝婧?come from 鏉ヨ嚜锛?浠庘€︽潵seed 绉嶅瓙soil 鍦熷¥sprout 鑻楋紝鑺?plant 妞嶇墿锛?should 搴then 鐒跺悗1. Where does the rain come from? --- It comes from the clouds.?2銆乄here does the cloud come from? 浜--- It comes from the vapour.?3銆乄here does the vapour come from? --- It comes from the water in the river.?4銆丠ow can the water become vapour?姘存€庢牱鍙樻垚姘磋捀姘旓紵--- The sun shines and the waterbecomes vapour.闃冲厜鐓ц€€锛屾按鍙樻垚钂告皵銆?5.銆丠ow do you do that? 浣犳€庢牱鍋氬憿? 6銆?What should you do then?鐒跺悗浣犲簲璇ュ共浠€涔堬紵鍔ㄨ瘝鍙樺寲褰㈠紡锛?鍔ㄨ瘝鐨勭幇鍦ㄥ垎璇嶏紝鐢ㄤ簬鐜板湪杩О+be(am is are)+1ng: reading flying looking cooking eating鈥?2銆佸姩璇嶆湯灏炬槸涓嶅彂闊崇殑e,鍘绘帀e,鍐嶅姞ing: take-taking come-coming ride-ridinghave-having make-making 鈥?3ing:run-running sit-sitting put-putting begin-beginning swimming鈥?渚嬶細I am reading a comic book. 鍚屾椂鍔ㄨ瘝鐜板湪鍒嗚瘝缁撴瀯杩樺彲浠ョ敤浜巐ike/enjoy I like swimming./I enjoy swimming.绉板崟鏁板舰寮忥紝鐢ㄤ簬always,often,usually,sometimes every dayО1銆佸姩璇嶆湯灏惧姞s: says asks sings answers looks makes鈥?2銆佷互s銆亁銆乧h 銆乻h缁撳熬鐨勫姩璇嶅姞es: teaches brushes鈥?3銆佷互杈呴煶瀛楁瘝+y缁撳熬鐨勶紝鍘粂鍙榠,鍐嶅姞es: fly-flies try-tries鈥?4.es锛?go-goes do-does have-has he has a book. 鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙??璇㈤棶骞撮緞锛岀敤how old How old is Jenny? She is eleven. 璇㈤棶棰滆壊锛岀敤what colour What colour is your hair? It鈥檚black. 璇㈤棶浠锋牸锛岀敤how much How much is a stamp? 2 yuan. 璇㈤棶琛屼负鏂瑰紡锛岀敤how How do you go to school? By bus. 璇㈤棶鏁伴噺锛岀敤how many How many books do you have? I have twelve books. 璇㈤棶鏃堕棿锛岀敤when When is Teacher鈥檚Day?It鈥檚September tenth. 璇㈤棶鍏蜂綋鏃跺埢锛岀敤what time What timeis it now? It鈥檚6:30. 璇㈤棶鍦版柟锛岀敤where Where is the book? It鈥檚on the desk. 璇㈤棶浜猴紝鐢╳ho Who is she ?She is my sister. /灞?澶?..锛夛紝鐢╳hich Which season do you like ?I like summer. 璇㈤棶鑱屼笟锛岀敤what What do you do?I am a teacher. What are you?I am a teacher. 璇㈤棶鐖卞ソ锛岀敤what What is your hobby?I like swimming./My hobby is swimming. What do you like to do?I like swimming. 鏃舵€侊細1. (琛ㄧ粡甯革? 锛?锛?be鍔ㄨ瘝鐨勫彞瀛?I am a girl.(鑲? Are you a girl锛焂es,I am./No,I am not.() What is she锛?鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙?She is a teacher./She is not a student.(鍚? 锛?锛?瀹炰箟鍔ㄨ瘝鐨勫彞瀛?A锛彞鍊熷姪鍔╁姩璇峝o I often read comic books and clean the room on Saturday.锛堣偗锛?I do not (don鈥檛) read comic books and clean the room on Sunday.(鍚? Do you often read comic books and clean the room on Saturday?Yes, I do./No,I don鈥檛.() What do you often do on Saturday?(鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙? B:浜虹О紡锛屽湪鐤戦棶鍙ュ拰鍚﹀畾鍙ヤ腑鍔╁姩璇嶇敤does锛屽疄涔夊姩璇嶅彉涓哄師褰?She often reads comic books and clean the room on Saturday.锛堣偗锛?She does not (doesn鈥檛) read comic books and clean the room on Sunday.(鍚? Does she often read comic books and clean the room on Saturday?Yes, she does./No,she doesn鈥檛.() What does she often do on Saturday?(鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙? 2. 為檯杩樻病鍋氾級閫氬父浼氭湁琛ㄥ皢鏉ョ殑鏃堕棿缁撴瀯锛氫汉绉?be锛坅m/is/are锛塯oing to +鍔ㄨ瘝鍘熷舰+鏃堕棿锛堣〃鎵撶畻锛?My mother is going to clean the room this weekend.(鑲? My mother is not going to clean the room this weekend.(鍚? Is your mother going to clean the room this weekend?Yes,she is ./No,she isn鈥檛.(涓) What is your mother going to do this weekend?(鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙?3. 缁撴瀯锛氫汉绉?be锛坅m/is/are锛?鍔ㄨ瘝鍒嗚瘝缁撴瀯+(now) My uncle is making kites now.(鑲? My uncle is not making kites now.(鍚? Is your uncle is making kites now?Yes,he is./No,he isn鈥檛.( ) What is your uncle doing now?(鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙?4. 鎯呮€佸姩璇峜an I can swim.(鑲? I can not swim.(鍚? Can you swim?Yes,I can./No,I can鈥檛.(涓€鑸) What can you do?(鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙?。

PEP六年级上册四会单词及重点句型英语 用于听写

PEP六年级上册四会单词及重点句型英语 用于听写

PEP六年级上册四会单词及重点句型英语Unit 1by __________ foot__________ bike__________ bus__________ train__________ how__________ go to school__________ traffic__________ __________(交通灯)__________(交通规则)__________(停,停车站)__________(等待)__________(到达)Unit 2library(图书馆) post office(邮局) hospital(医院) cinema(电影院) turn(转弯) bookstore(书店) where(在哪里,到哪里) please(请) next to(与…相邻) right (右边) left(左边) straight(成直线地) then (然后)Unit 3next week(下周) this morning(今天上午) this afternoon(今天下午)this evening (今天晚上) comic book(漫画书) post card(明信片) newspaper(报纸) buy(购买)Unit 4hobby(爱好) ride a bike--riding a bike(骑自行车) dive--diving(跳水) play the violin—playing the violin(拉小提琴)make kites—making kites(制作风筝) collect stamps—collecting stamps(集邮) live –lives(居住) teach--teaches(教) go--goes(去) watch--watches(看) read--reads(读,看) does doesn’t=does notUnit 5singer(歌唱家,歌手) writer(作家) actor(男演员) actress(女演员) artist(画家) TV reporter(电视台记者) engineer(工程师) accountant(会计) policeman(男警察) salesperson(销售员) cleaner(清洁工) where(在哪里,到哪里)work(工作)Unit 6rain(雨) cloud (云) sun(太阳) stream(河,溪) come from(来自,从…来) seed(种子) soil(土壤) sprout (苗,芽) plant(植物,种植) should (应该) then(然后)重点句子翻译_________________________? 你怎么去学校,莎拉?_________________________通常我不行去学校,有时我骑自行车去。





5.Whatdoyouwanttoeat?你想吃什么?Module2 (1.begoingto;2.预报天气)A.ter后来,以后2.togo剩余3.dark黑色的;黑暗的4.cloud云5.Ohdear!哎呀!天哪!6.dry干的7.stay保持,维持8.cloudy多云的9.sandwiches三明治10.sunny明朗的11.snow雪,下雪12.windy有风的B.1.haveapicnic野餐2.hungry饿的3.havebreakfast吃早餐4.havelunch吃午餐5.hot热C.1.I’mhungry.Whenarewegoingtoeat,Mum?我饿了。





六年级英语上、下册单元四会句子第一单元I don ’t have breakfast at 7:00 in the morning . 我不是在早上七点钟吃早餐。

She gets up at 6:00 in the morning . 她在早上六点钟起床。

She doesn ’t get up at 6:30 in the morning .她不是在早上6:30起床。

What does Kate do on Saturdays?凯特在周六做什么? She usually plays the piano.她通常弹钢琴。

I have breakfast at 7:30. 我在7:30吃早饭。

I have lunch at 12:00. 我在12:00吃午饭。

I have dinner at 6:00.我在6:00吃晚餐。

What do you do on Saturdays?你在周六干什么? I often go and see a film 我经常去看电影。

第二单元What ’s your grandpa ’s hobby? 你爷爷的爱好是什么? His hobby is fishing .他的爱好是钓鱼。

What are you interested in? 你对什么感兴趣? I ’m interested in taking photos. 我对拍照感兴趣。

What ’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?My hobby is collecting maps.我的爱好是收集地图。

What ’s your dad ’s hobby?你爸爸的爱好是什么? His hobby is planting flowers .他的爱好是种花。

第三单元What kind of cake would you like? 你想要什么种类的蛋糕?I ’d like a heart-shaped cake.我想要一个心形的蛋糕。




(15分) 1.发烧________ 2.疼痛________3.感冒;伤风________4.牙疼________5.头疼________ 6.喉咙疼________7.事情;麻烦________ 8.疼的________9.鼻子________10.疲劳的;累的________11.兴奋的________ 12.生气的;愤怒的________13.高兴的________ 14.无聊的;烦人的________15.忧愁的;悲伤的________二、【三会词汇】根据所给英文单词及音标写出相应的汉语意思。

(5 分) 1.people/'piːpl/__________2.know/nəʊ/__________3.pass/pɑːs/__________4.guess/ɡes/ __________5.game/ɡeIm/__________三、【二会词汇】写出下列英文的汉语意思。

(36分)1.feel__________ 2.sick__________3.flu__________ 4.might__________5.worry__________ 6.medicine__________7.drink__________ 8.stay__________9.better__________ 10.soon__________11.trip__________ 12.fail__________四、【二会词汇】给下列英文选出正确的汉语意思。

(24分)( )1.test ( )2.hear ( )3.match( )4.between ( )5.kick ( )6.a little( )7.goal ( )8.bounce ( )9.off( )10.another( )11.win( )ugh atA.比赛 B.有些 C.因……而发笑 D.测试E.(球赛等)得分 F.听见;听到 G. 距;离;离开H. 另一个 I.反弹 J.赢 K.在……之间 L.踢五、【四会句子】为下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。

人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册Unit 4同步试题(含听力材料及答案)

人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册Unit 4同步试题(含听力材料及答案)

Unit 4同步习题Listening Part 听力部分I. Listen and choose. 听录音,选答语。

()1. A. Sure. B. I have a friend. ()2. A. I am going to the park. B. I like drawing. ()3. A. I like sports. B. I live in Australia. ()4. A. I love my mother. B. She is a singer. ()5. Yes, there is. B. I like collecting stamps. Language Practice 语言运用I. Choose the different word. 选择不同类的单词。

()1. A. diving B. hobby C. riding D. collecting ()2. A. China B. Australia C. stamp D. Canada ()3. A. sister B. brother C. mother D. pen pal ()4. A. singer B. reporter C. writer D. music ()5. A. violin B. basketball C. football D. baseball II. Choose the right answers. 选择正确的答语。

()1. What’s your hobby?()2. What’s your dad’s hobby?()3. Can he go with us?()4. Where do your live?()5. Do you have a sister?A. I live in China.B. I like making kites.C. No, I don’t.D. Sure.E. He likes listening to music.III. Read and choose. 单项选择。


Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5



Unit1大的_______ 强大的,强壮_________ 小声地,安静地___________ 弱的,虚弱的_______大声地________开心地,高兴地___________Unit2习惯________ 从不_________ 迟,晚_______ 完成__________ 干净的,整齐的___________ 快地__________Unit3健康的________ 饮食________ 一点_________几个_________ 需要_________Unit4马路,公路________ 必须________ 安全的________遵守__________ 灯_______Unit5儿童节______________ 开始__________ 结束__________Unit6国家_________ 将,将要________ 学习______ 欢迎__________ 游人,游客___________ 如________ 月__________Unit7回去_____________ 多久__________ 照片________ 旅游_________Unit8梦想__________ 将来,未来_________ 牙齿__________爱护,照顾______________ 科学家________ 艺术家_____________Unit1笑,大笑________ 穿________讲,叙述_________ 说________下一个________ 小的,年幼的_______机会________孩子_______Unit2晴朗的______ 变成,变为_________ 有风的_______多云的_______ 天空_______带来________饮料________多雨的_______遇见_______Unit3假日,假期________国庆节___________长城___________问_______ 激动的,兴奋的_______纸_______瓶子_______开始最初_________Unit4...以前_______ 办公室_______ 报纸__________ 新闻_______ 观看_________ 电子书________ 用_______ 昨天_________Unit5标识_____ 购物中心___________ 小心,当心______意思是_______ 地面_______ 在....周围_________Unit6-8保持,维持________ 干净的,整洁的________ 使....变得_______肮脏的_______ 博物馆_________ 地面,地上_________很多_______ 石油______开车,驾驶______其他的______玻璃______ 收集_______ 收到,接到_______ 下周_____________食物,食品____富有的,有钱的_________ 计划,打算_______。



英语六年级下册四会单词及句型英语六年级下册四会单词及句型Unit 1 taller shorter stronger older younger bigger 更高的更高的 更矮的更矮的 更强壮的更强壮的 年龄跟大的年龄跟大的 更年轻的更年轻的 (体型)更大的(体型)更大的 Heavier longer thinner smaller 更重的更重的 更长的更长的 更瘦的更瘦的 (体型)更小的(体型)更小的How tall are you? 你有多高?你有多高?I ’m 164 cm tall. 我146厘米高。


ou Y ou’’re shorter than me. 你比我矮。


ou Y ou’’re 4 cm taller than me. 你比我矮4厘米。


How heavy are you? 你多重?你多重?I ’m 48 kg 我48千克。


I ’m thinner than you, and shorter. 我比你瘦,和矮。


Unit 2 Have a fever hurt have a cold have a toothache 发烧发烧 疼痛疼痛 感冒;伤风感冒;伤风 牙疼牙疼 Have a headche have a sore throat ma er sore 头痛头痛 喉咙痛喉咙痛 事情;麻烦事情;麻烦 痛的痛的 Noes red excited happy bored angry 鼻子鼻子 疲劳的;累的疲劳的;累的 兴奋的兴奋的 高兴的高兴的 无聊的;烦人的无聊的;烦人的 生气的;愤怒的生气的;愤怒的 Sad 忧愁的;悲伤的忧愁的;悲伤的What What’’s the ma er? 怎么了?怎么了?My throat is sore.My nose hurts. 我的喉咙痛。




How are you,Liu Yun?You look so happy. 你好吗,刘芸?你看上去很开心。



1、一些标志some signs2、一个购物中心a shopping centre3、小心,当心be careful4、扫地sweep the floor5、在他们周围around them6、进入go in7、带入take …into 8、请勿饮食。

No eating or drinking.9、请勿乱扔垃圾。

No littering. 10、请勿停车。

No parking.11、请勿吸烟。

No smoking. 12、小心地滑。

Wet floor.13、继续走路walk on 14、保持我们的城市干净keep our city clean 15、使空气变脏make the air dirty 16、许多博物馆many museums17、在地上on the ground 18、从…搬走move …away from19、捡起它pick it up 20、用水洗东西use water to clean things 21、许多石油much oil 22、开车如此多drive so much23、许多其他的东西many other things 24、使用玻璃瓶use glass bottles25、收集一些纸collect some paper 26、从…来,来自come from27、砍伐cut down 28、太多水too much water29、太多土豆too many potatoes 30、收到红包get red packets31、下周next week 32、买一些食物buy some food33、有钱的be rich 34、讨论他们的计划talk about their plans 35、在除夕on Chinese New Year’s Eve 36、来自汽车的尾气smoke from cars1、它是什么意思?What does it mean?2、它的意思是“危险!”。

人教版小学六年级英语下册unit3 last weekend单元测试卷1带答案

人教版小学六年级英语下册unit3 last weekend单元测试卷1带答案

人教版小学六年级英语下册unit3 last weekend单元测试卷1带答案基础全练全测一、【四会词汇】写出下列单词的过去式及汉语意思。


(21分)1.上一个 ____________________2.周末____________________3.向;朝____________________4.公园____________________5.去游泳____________________6.去钓鱼____________________7.去郊游____________________三、【三会词汇】根据所给英语写出相应的过去式及汉语意思。

(16分)1.cook________________ ________________2.study________________ ________________四、【二会词汇】给英文单词或短语选出正确的汉语意思。

(15分)( )1.yesterday ( )2.tongue twister( )3.fly ( )4.return( )5.swimA. 飞B.游泳 C. 昨天 D. 送回;归还E.绕口令五、【四会句子】为下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。

(24分)( )1.What did you do last weekend?( )2.I visited my grandparents.( )3.I played football.( )4.What did you do yesterday?( )5.I went hiking.( )6.Did you read books?( )7.Yes,I did.( )8.No,I didn't.A.昨天你做什么了?B.我去郊游了。




一、四会单词(19个)1.bone 骨头,骨骼2.chin 下巴3.crutch 拐杖4.relax 放松5.wrist 手腕6.elbow 胳膊肘7.ankle 脚踝8.hand 手9.ear 耳朵10.knee 膝盖11.foot 脚12.nose 鼻子13.eye 眼睛14.smell 闻15.taste 品尝16.look 看上去17.sound 听上去18.feel 感觉19.hear 听见,听到二、四会短语1.go to the movies 看电影2.play outside 到外面玩3.visit my friends 看望朋友4.watch TV 看电视5.spend too much money 花太多钱6.forget to do your homework 忘记做作业7.turn off 关闭三、重点句、语法、语音(一)表达询问或请求,及其回答。

Can I go out after school?放学后我能出去吗?Yes, you can .是的,你可以。

No ,you can’t.不,你不可以。

(二)反义疑问句You like orange juice, don’t you?你喜欢橘汁,是吗?Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。

She is a doctor, isn’t she?她是个医生,对吗?Yes, she is .是的,她是。

He wasn’t hurt, was he?他没有受伤,是吗?No ,he wasn’t.是的,他没受伤。

You won’t forget, will you?你不会忘记,是吗?No ,I won’t.是的,我不会忘。



五升六年级·六年级英语『六年级英语上册四会单词和四会句子』Unit11.博物馆的商店在哪儿?Where is the museum shop?在大门附近。

It’s near the door.2.邮局在哪里?Wh ere is the post office?在博物馆旁边。

It’s next to the museum.3.我们怎么到那儿?How can we get there?到书店左转。

Turn left at the bookstore.Unit 21.你怎么来学校的?How do you come to school?通常我走路来。

Usually, I come on foot.有时候我坐公交。

Sometimes I come by bus.2.在美国骑自行车的人必须戴头盔。

In the USA people on b i k es○s must wear a helmet.3.别闯红灯。

Don’t go at the red light.4.我必须注意交通灯。

I must pay attention to the traffic light○s.5.在黄灯的时候慢下来并停下。

Sl ow down and stop at a yellow light.6.在绿灯的时候行走。

G o at a green light .7.在红灯的时候停下来并等一等。

Stop and wait at a red light .Unit 31.你明天打算做什么?What are...you going to.......dotomorrow?我要上美术课。

I.’.m going to........have an.. art lesson.我们要到人民公园去画画。

We’.re going to.........draw some picture○s in R enmin P ark.2.你们打算去哪儿?Where are you going?我们打算去电影院。



六年级英语(下)四会内容自我检测班级___________ 姓名___________第一部分四会词汇(一)更高的;更矮的;更强壮的;年龄更大的;更年轻的;更大的;更重的;更长的;更瘦的;更小的;(二)发烧;疼痛;感冒、伤风;牙疼;头疼;喉咙疼;事情、麻烦;疼的;疲劳的;兴奋的;生气的、愤怒的;高兴的;无聊的、烦人的;忧愁的、悲伤的;(三)看电视;洗衣服;打扫房间;踢足球;看望祖父母;上个周末;去公园;去游泳;看书;去钓鱼;去郊游;昨天;(四)学中文;唱歌;跳舞;吃好吃的;照相;爬山;买礼物;划船;看大象;去滑雪;去滑冰;怎样、如何;到达;仅余的、最后的;第二部分四会对话(一)1. A: 你有多高?B: 我高164厘米。




2. A: 你有多重?B: 我48公斤。

A: 我比你瘦,也矮。



(二)1. A: 你感觉怎么样?B: 我觉得病了。

A: 怎么了?B: 我的嗓子疼。


2. A: 你好吗,刘云?你看起来很高兴。

B: 是的。




A: 我数学考试不及格。

B: 听到这件事我很遗憾。

(三)1. A: 上个周末你做了什么?B: 我踢了足球。


B: 你帮着他们打扫他们的房间了吗?A:是的。

2. A: 昨天你做了什么?B: 我去钓鱼了。

A: 你看书了吗?B: 是的,我看了。

A: 那你打扫你的房间了吗?B:没有,我没扫。

(四)1. A: 你在假期里去了哪里?B:我去了新疆。

A: 你在那里做了什么?B: 我和我的新朋友又唱歌又跳舞。

2. A:假期里你去了哪里?B: 我去了哈尔滨。

A: 你怎么去那儿的?B: 我做飞机去的。

A: 你干了什么?B: 我滑了雪。

第三部分动词过去式的变化规则(一)一般的动词,在词尾直接加ed.如:watched, washed, cleaned, played, visited, listened, watered, walked, jumped, climbed, cooked, rowed等。

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