名称型号最高销售限价适配车型防冻液(配比稀释完毕)LG 012 A8D A440C95全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/高尔夫6/速腾防冻液(配比稀释完毕)LG 012 A8D A140C40捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾机油LG 052 182 A2168.75迈腾3.2/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/迈腾/全新速腾G 052 512 A280.09全新宝来/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/高尔夫7/捷达G 060 726 A293.28全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾/迈腾散热器L180 121 251 D687.4全新宝来/高尔夫6/全新速腾散热器L1TD 121 251840开迪/高尔夫6/速腾制冷剂LN 052 155 0060.01全新宝来/捷达/宝来/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾/迈腾/CF安全气囊 L16D 880 2043315.72全新速腾安全气囊L16D 880 204 C3315.73全新速腾玻璃滑动L16D 877 041 5T54651.52全新速腾仪表板L16D 857 002 6T62332.89全新速腾前车灯L1KD 941 699329.92速腾前车灯 L16D 941 0051293.63全新速腾前车灯L16D 941 0061293.63全新速腾前车灯L1KD 941 006 B1232.03速腾前车灯 L1KD 941 0314900.01速腾前车灯L1KD 941 0324900.01速腾前车灯L1KD 941 032 A5047.03速腾前车灯 L1KD 941 699329.92速腾前车灯L1KD 941 700329.92速腾车灯L16D 945 095452.21全新速腾车灯L16D 945 096452.21全新速腾L1KD 945 096 430.68速腾L1KD 945 095430.68速腾ATF油LG 055 025 A2125全新宝来/高尔夫4/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/捷达挡风玻璃L16D 845 011 D NVB737.02全新速腾车窗升降器L16D 837 461236.6全新速腾车门 L16D 831 056 A2306.42全新速腾车门L16D 831 0562306.4全新速腾车门L16D 831 055 A2306.42全新速腾车门L16D 831 0552306.4全新速腾风扇L1TD 959 455 A233.85全新宝来/开迪/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾L1TD 959 455686.65 全新宝来/开迪/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾点火导线L06A 905 430 AJ67.32全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾L06A 905 430 AP55.78全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾L06A 905 430 BP59.63全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾L06A 905 430 AQ48.08全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾密封剂LD 176 600 A1117.21全新宝来/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾制动摩擦片 L1TD 698 451447.95 开迪/速腾后舱盖L16D 827 0251852.2全新速腾轮胎L1TD 601 307 A GTY690宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾轮胎 L1TD 601 307 A KUM629.69高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾轮胎 L1TD 601 307 GTY 576.54高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾轮胎L1TD 601 307 A RHT641.45高尔夫4/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾轮胎L1KD 601 307 A RGY1020高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾冷凝器L16D 820 4111447.19全新速腾制动液LB 000 750 M375全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速保险杠L16D 807 3051285.83全新速腾全新速腾保险杠面罩L1K0 807 217 E GRU887.38速腾保险杠面罩L1K5 807 417 GRU1053.78速腾保险杠面罩L16D 807 217 D GRU1064.87全新速腾保险杠面罩L16D 807 417 GRU1106.46全新速腾保险杠面罩L16D 807 417 A GRU1164.69全新速腾保险杠面罩L16D 807 217 K GRU1064.87全新速腾保险杠面罩L16D 807 217 J GRU1064.87全新速腾保险杠面罩L16D 807 217 E GRU1064.87全新速腾保险杠面罩L1K5 807 417 A GRU1109.23速腾轮毂 L1TD 501 611587.03新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾空气滤清器L1TD 129 62072.8开迪/速腾/迈腾刮水片L1KD 955 42686.16高尔夫6/速腾刮水片L1KD 955 425 106.19高尔夫7/速腾支架L16D 807 109 B1285.83全新速腾L16D 807 109 A1285.83全新速腾铝合金轮辋L16D 601 025 8Z8570.22全新速腾后轴L16D 500 051 A1649.34全新速腾转向系L16D 423 051 K5605.61新CC/全新迈腾/CC/全新速腾L16D 423 051 E5605.59新CC/全新迈腾/CC/全新速腾火花塞 L101 905 610 B21全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾滚珠轴承 L6N0 412 249 C150迈腾3.2/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾滤清器L6Q0 201 051 C85全新宝来/开迪/高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾L6Q0 201 051 J85全新宝来/开迪/高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾进气管L06J 133 185 DM3285.54新CC/全新迈腾/CC/全新速腾格栅L1KD 853 651 A GRU381.21速腾L1KD 853 651 RYP381.21速腾传感器L5KD 919 275 B GRU148.75新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/迈腾/全新速腾氧传感器L03C 906 262 J826.2全新宝来/高尔夫6/全新速腾涡轮增压器L06J 145 702 G6366.35新CC/全新迈腾/CC/全新速腾L03C 145 702 K3614.55全新宝来/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾输送单元L1KD 919 051547.88高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾L1KD 919 051 A547.88高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾阀门L06J 906 036 G450.9新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/迈腾/全新速腾L06J 906 036 H533.79新CC/全新迈腾/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾前车灯L5KD 941 699307.85全新宝来/高尔夫6/全新速腾L1KD 941 0051232.01速腾L5KD 941 700307.85全新宝来/高尔夫6/全新速腾L1KD 941 005 B1232.03速腾L1KD 941 0061232.01速腾链条张紧器L06K 109 467 S283.18全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾五档变速器L0A4 300 046 B37893.7高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾排气阀L06J 109 611 C75.63新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾安全气囊L5KD 880 204 A1254.35高尔夫6/速腾补偿元件L06J 109 42391.03全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾支架L1KD 807 1091224.61速腾蓄电池L5KD 915 105 C510全新宝来/捷达/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/高尔夫7/捷达L5KD 915 105 D580.01全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/高尔夫7/捷达L5KD 915 105 F660新CC/CC/速腾/迈腾L5KD 915 105 G670捷达/开迪/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾冷凝器L1KD 820 411 C1447.18高尔夫6/速腾滤油器L06J 115 403 H119新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾L06J 115 403 K119新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾压缩机L1KD 820 803 H1882.91开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾L1KD 820 803 L1882.91新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾进气管L06J 133 185 CE3285.54速腾/迈腾挡风玻璃L1KD 845 011639.02速腾传感器L5KD 919 275 A GRU148.75迈腾3.2/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/迈腾/全新速腾短发动机L06J 100 860 X25000.07速腾/迈腾/RE气缸盖L06J 103 063 B5776.84新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾缓冲档块L1KD 511 35966全新迈腾/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾密封条 L06J 103 383 C864.74新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾减震器L1KD 513 029 A558速腾油底壳L06J 103 600 H1102.99速腾/迈腾铝合金轮辋L1KD 601 025 16Z601.26高尔夫6/速腾飞轮L06J 105 266 AM3293.02新CC/全新迈腾/CC/全新速腾制动摩擦片 L1KD 698 151 F456.59高尔夫6/速腾活塞L06J 107 065 AG384.01新CC/全新迈腾/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾安全气囊L5KD 880 201 E 81U4587.09全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/全新速腾L5KD 880 201 J 81U4587.1新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/全新速腾凸轮轴L06J 109 021 G1678.22新CC/全新迈腾/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾L06J 109 022 F1435.89新CC/全新迈腾/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾制动盘L1KD 615 301 C262.5开迪/高尔夫6/速腾水泵L06H 121 026 CM993.76新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/迈腾/全新速腾L03C 121 005 P501.9全新宝来/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾泵L06H 127 025 N3397.24新CC/全新迈腾/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾橡胶支座L1KD 407 182106.76迈腾3.2/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾壳体L1K1 857 507 BG9B9358.32速腾壳体L1KD 407 2551000开迪/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾壳体L1KD 407 2561000开迪/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾壳体L06H 109 210 AE302.14新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾铝合金轮辋L5KD 601 025 B653.44高尔夫6/速腾轮毂L1KD 407 621511.59新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾L1KD 407 621 A364.13高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾短发动机L03C 100 036 A33534.23全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾L03C 100 038 H29808.35高尔夫6/全新速腾短发动机L06J 100 03345337.81全新迈腾/CC/全新速腾完整发动机L06J 100 010 RG68957.13全新速腾短发动机L06J 100 035 J43071.02新CC/全新迈腾/CC/全新速腾连接杆L1KD 411 315455.65迈腾3.2/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾减震器L1KD 413 031 A408.01速腾转向系 L1KD 423 051 K5389.98高尔夫6/速腾L1KD 423 051 T5390.01高尔夫6/速腾横摆臂L1KD 505 311 C860.19新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾点火线圈 L06F 905 115 H270.7新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾车门板 L1K5 831 106 D1019.65速腾车门板L1K5 831 105 D1019.65速腾车门板L1K5 833 106 C1009.75速腾车门板 L1K5 833 105 C996.77速腾钥匙L5K0 837 202 ADINF315全新宝来/高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾/捷达护盖板L06H 103 269 J129.74新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾分离器L06H 103 495 B315.58新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾汽车收音机L1KD 035 1861975.42全新迈腾/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾正时链L06H 109 158 P439.71新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾散热器L1KD 121 251 A710.78全新速腾L1KD 129 620 D70全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾空气滤清器L1KD 129 62070.01开迪/速腾/迈腾空气滤清器L1KD 129 620 A75新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾调节器L06H 121 026 BB552.59全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾调节器L06H 121 026 CD1033.51新CC/全新迈腾/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾调节器06H 121 026 CC2035.8全新迈腾/CC/速腾/迈腾冷却器 L1KD 145 8032043.15高尔夫6/CC/速腾/全新速腾翼子板L1K5 821 021 A881.68速腾翼子板L5C6 821 105925.76全新速腾翼子板L5C6 821 106925.76全新速腾翼子板L1K5 821 022 A881.68速腾后舱盖L1K5 827 025 AQ2008.54速腾前舱盖L5C6 823 031 B2293.23全新速腾齿形皮带L06B 109 119 M126.36捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾车门L5C6 833 055 C2306.4全新速腾车门L5C6 833 056 C2306.4全新速腾排气阀L06B 109 611 F26.7全新宝来/速腾发电机L06B 903 016 AB2266.88新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾格栅L5C6 853 651 A ZLL406.64全新速腾变压器L06B 905 106 A380.98全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾/迈腾内部件L1K5 831 301 Q2525.35速腾L1K5 831 302 Q2525.35速腾泵L06F 121 011 B274.08速腾L06A 121 011 Q321.98全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾/迈腾L06A 121 012 B309.12全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾/迈腾03C 127 026 M2525.38全新宝来/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾侧围件L5C6 809 6051730.4全新速腾L1K5 809 6051512.03速腾L5C6 809 6061730.4全新速腾L1K5 809 6061512.03速腾导航系统L3CD 035 682 A14709.86全新宝来/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾L3CD 035 682 B11431.19新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/全新速腾L3AD 035 2725400.01全新宝来/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/全新速腾启动机L02M 911 023 M539.3全新宝来/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾L02T 911 023 T673.66全新宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/高尔夫6/速腾车窗升降器5C6 837 461 C1255.4全新速腾5C6 837 461 E1255.4全新速腾5C6 837 462 C1255.4全新速腾5C6 837 462 E1255.4全新速腾存储卡L56D 919 866890全新宝来/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/全新速腾支架 L1K0 805 588 G1806.08速腾支架L5C6 805 588 D1118.1全新速腾支架L1K0 805 588 F1806.08速腾扰流板L1K5 807 521 A 9B9177.25速腾L1K0 805 903 B 9B9746.14速腾摆动半轴 L1K0 407 272 TC943.7新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾制动摩擦片L1K0 698 151 E474.85开迪/速腾/迈腾节气门L06A 133 062 BC591.08全新宝来/速腾L03C 133 062 Q566.24全新宝来/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾前舱盖L1K0 823 031 H2695.57速腾离合器盘L06A 141 031 T300全新宝来/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾控制单元 L1K0 909 605 T 0483621.35速腾5C0 937 087 D Z0M5211.54全新速腾5C0 959 655 C 0DB5220.42全新速腾粉尘滤清器L3CD 819 65390迈腾3.2/开迪/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾粉尘滤清器L1K1 819 653 A90迈腾3.2/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾滤清器L1K0 201 051 C85全新宝来/高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾L1K0 201 051 K85全新宝来/高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾/捷达仪表板L1K1 857 001 F 81X2332.89速腾L1K1 857 001 F 84S2332.89速腾张紧件L06A 903 315 M142.81全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾/迈腾发电机L03C 903 025 D1202.18全新宝来/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾火花塞L03C 905 60195全新宝来/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾曲轴箱L06A 103 011 E3652.19全新宝来/捷达/宝来经典/速腾曲轴箱L03C 103 011 BM4854.11全新宝来/高尔夫6/全新速腾横摆臂L1K0 407 151 AA355.14开迪/高尔夫6/速腾L1K0 407 152 AA416.68开迪/高尔夫6/速腾活塞L06A 107 065 BL612.48全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾齿形皮带L06A 109 119 J141.96全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾/迈腾摆动半轴L1K0 407 271 FM7050.13速腾/迈腾L1K0 407 272 LC7050.13速腾/迈腾滤油器L06A 115 561 D28全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾/迈腾L03C 115 561 E63全新宝来/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾06J 115 403 J119新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾盖罩L3C8 857 537 GRU354.86新CC/全新迈腾/CC/全新速腾L3C8 857 538 GRU354.86新CC/全新迈腾/CC/全新速腾空气滤清器L036 129 620 M70全新宝来/高尔夫6/全新速腾缓冲档块 L1J0 512 131 B40.24宝来/宝来经典/全新速腾飞轮 L03C 105 266 Q2088.01全新宝来/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾高度调节器总成-安全带3C8 857 819487.98新CC/CC/全新速腾/高尔夫7/捷达5K0 857 819464.74迈腾3.2/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾转向点火锁5C6 905 8412170.73全新宝来/全新速腾散热器总成1K0 121 253 BB2220.51全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾散热器总成5K0 121 251 J2345.84高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾1K0 121 251 BN1757.03全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾风扇L3C0 959 455 F687.51全新宝来/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾L3C0 959 455 G225全新宝来/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾球轴承6N0 412 249 C150迈腾3.2/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾螺母811 807 577 C 3.66迈腾3.2/全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/捷达密封剂 D 174 003 A2215.03新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾润滑脂 G 000 450 02357.19迈腾3.2/全新宝来/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/捷达火花塞06H 905 611120新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾火花塞06H 905 604103.45新CC/全新迈腾/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾火花塞101 000 063 AA158.31宝来/速腾101 905 601 B66.55全新宝来/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾通风管1K0 145 770 AH1021.59新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾密封环1J0 919 133 B87.4迈腾3.2/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾转向横拉杆1K0 423 810 A282.53迈腾3.2/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾轮罩1K0 805 911 K333.75速腾ABS单元1K0 614 517 DE BEF17458.79高尔夫6/速腾空调压缩机 1K0 820 859 S8767.28高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾水泵1K0 965 561 J2329.76新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾转向系1K1 423 055 M13385.19迈腾3.2/开迪/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾端板1K5 813 301 A4144.39 速腾控制单元1T0 906 093 G1251.71全新宝来/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/捷达34D 959 655 C Z026000.49全新速腾减震装置323 863 950227.86迈腾3.2/全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/高尔夫7/捷达涡轮增压器06J 145 702 C22813.62速腾/迈腾张紧件06J 903 133 A749.79全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾维修套件 06J 998 907 B86.08迈腾3.2/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾链条张紧器06K 109 467 K411.95全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾机油冷却器078 117 021 A1652.54全新宝来/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾/迈腾变速箱09G 300 03463699.33速腾自动变速箱09G 300 034 R84064.95高尔夫6/全新速腾油底壳 09G 321 361 A1220.04全新宝来/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/捷达密封件09G 321 370516.81全新宝来/高尔夫4/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/高尔夫7/捷达滑阀箱09G 325 039 D18454.04全新宝来/高尔夫4/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/高尔夫7/捷达机滤油网09G 325 429597.55全新宝来/高尔夫4/全新速腾/高尔夫7/捷达09G 325 429 A525高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/捷达白炽灯泡LN 103 201 0228.8全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/高尔夫7节气门清洗剂LZ 371 166 TE36.5迈腾3.2/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾/迈腾点火线圈036 905 715 G468.13全新宝来/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/全新速腾飞轮03C 105 266 J5947.56全新宝来/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾蓄电池N 105 283 0150.19迈腾3.2/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/捷达滤油器03C 115 561 B92.63全新宝来/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾螺栓N 908 132 0211.04全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/高尔夫7/捷达N 910 868 0120.61全新宝来/开迪/速腾/迈腾机油传感器03C 907 660 M736.6新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/全新速腾皮带张紧器06A 109 479 F474.84全新宝来/捷达/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾/迈腾气阀06A 131 351 F886.56全新宝来/宝来/宝来经典/高尔夫4/开迪/速腾点火线圈06A 905 115 D370.63宝来/速腾拖杆06E 109 417 P151.06 新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾轴承座06H 103 144 J1697.64新CC/全新迈腾/高尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾夫7/捷达尔夫6/CC/速腾/迈腾/全新速腾/高尔夫7/捷达。
例如Y 132 M- 4Y →三相异步电动机,其中三相异步电动机的产品名称代号还有:YR为绕线式异步电动机;YB为防爆型异步电动机;YQ为高起动转距异步电动机。
132→机座中心高(mmM →机座长度代号4 →磁极数2.接法:这是指定子三相绕组的接法。
一般鼠笼式电动机的接线盒中有六根引出线,标有U1、V1 、W1、U2、V2、W2。
其中:U1 U2是第一相绕组的两端;V1 V2是第二相绕组的两端;W1 W2是第三相绕组的两端。
如果U1、V1 、W1分别为三相绕组的始端(头 ,则U2、V2、W2是相应的末端(尾。
通常三相异步电动机自3kW以下者,联接成星形;自4kW以上者, 联接成三角形。
对三相异步电机,其额定功率:PN=UNINηNcos N式中ηN和cos N分别为额定情况下的效率和功率因数。
我国生产的Y系列中、小型异步电动机,其额定功率在3kW以上的,额定电压为380 V,绕组为三角形联接。
额定功率在3 kW及以下的,额定电压为380/220V,绕组为Y/联接(即电源线电压为380 V时,电动机绕组为星形联接;电源线电压为220 V时,电动机绕组为三角形联接。
20Cr15Mn15Ni2N (旧牌号2Cr15Mn15Ni2N)
53Cr21Mn9Ni4N (旧牌号5Cr21Mn9Ni4N)
26Cr18Mn1Si2N (旧牌号3Cr20M n9Si3N)
22Cr20Mn10Ni3Si2N (旧牌号2Cr20Mn9Ni3Si2N)
12Cr18Ni9Si3 (旧牌号1Cr18Ni9Si3)
Y12Cr18Ni9 (旧牌号Y1Cr18Ni9)
Y12Cr18Ni9Se (旧牌号Y1Cr18Ni9Se)
06Cr19Ni10 (旧牌号0Cr18Ni9)
022Cr19Ni10 (旧牌号00Cr19Ni10)
06Cr17Ni12Mo2N (旧牌号0Cr17Ni12Mo2N)
022Cr17Ni12Mo2N (旧牌号00Cr17Ni13Mo2N)
06Cr18Ni12Mo2Cu2 (旧牌号0Cr18Ni12Mo2Cu2)
022Cr18Ni14Mo2Cu2 (旧牌号00Cr18Ni14Mo2Cu2)
06Cr18Ni12 (旧牌号0Cr18Ni12)
06Cr16Ni18 (旧牌号0Cr16Ni18)
06Cr20Ni11 (S30808)
22Cr21Ni12N (旧牌号2Cr21Ni2N)
16Cr23Ni13 (旧牌号2Cr23Ni13)
三极管 MMBT3906 中文规格参数资料
2000 Apr 11
Philips Semiconductors
Product specification
PNP switching transistor
THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL Rth j-a Note 1. Transistor mounted on an FR4 printed-circuit board. CHARACTERISTICS Tamb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL ICBO IEBO hFE PARAMETER collector cut-off current emitter cut-off current DC current gain CONDITIONS IE = 0; VCB = −30 V IC = 0; VEB = −6 V VCE = −1 V; (see Fig.2) IC = −0.1 mA IC = −1 mA IC = −10 mA IC = −50 mA IC = −100 mA VCEsat VBEsat Cc Ce fT F collector-emitter saturation IC = −10 mA; IB = −1 mA voltage IC = −50 mA; IB = −5 mA base-emitter saturation voltage collector capacitance emitter capacitance transition frequency noise figure IC = −10 mA; IB = −1 mA IC = −50 mA; IB = −5 mA IE = ie = 0; VCB = −5 V; f = 1 MHz IC = −10 mA; VCE = −20 V; f = 100 MHz 60 80 100 60 30 − − − − − 250 − − − − MIN. PARAMETER thermal resistance from junction to ambient CONDITIONS note 1 VALUE 500
PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable DeviceStatus (1)Package Type Package DrawingPins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)6N135OBSOLETE PDIP N 8TBD Call TI Call TI 6N136OBSOLETE PDIP N 8TBD Call TI Call TI HCPL4502OBSOLETEPDIPN8TBDCall TICall TI(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan -The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free (RoHS)or Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS):TI's terms "Lead-Free"or "Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br):TI defines "Green"to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine (Br)and Antimony (Sb)based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues totake reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM8-Apr-2005Addendum-Page 1IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. 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BCW66H 45V NPN 小信号转换器 SOT23 数据手册说明书
45V NPN SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR IN SOT23Features∙ BV CEO > 45V ∙ I C = 800mA High Continuous Collector Current ∙ Low Saturation Voltage V CE(sat) < 300mV @ 100mA ∙ Complementary PNP Type: BCW68H∙ Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS compliant (Notes 1 & 2) ∙ Halogen and Antimony Free. “Green” Device (Note 3) ∙ Qualified to AEC-Q101 Standards for High Reliability ∙ PPAP capable (Note 4)Mechanical Data∙ Case: SOT23 ∙ Case Material: molded plastic, “Green” molding compound ∙ UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 ∙ Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020∙ Terminals: Finish – Matte Tin Plated Leads, Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 ∙Weight 0.008 grams (approximate)Ordering Information (Notes 4 & 5)Part Number Compliance Marking Reel size (inches) Tape width (mm) Quantity per reel BCW66HTA AEC-Q101 EH 7 8 3,000 BCW66HQTA Automotive EH 7 8 3,000Notes: 1. No purposely added lead. Fully EU Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) & 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2) compliant.2. See /quality/lead_free.html for more information about Diodes Incorporated’s definitions of Halogen- and Antimony-free, "Green" and Lead-free.3. Halogen- and Antimony-free "Green” products are defined as those which contain <900ppm bromine, <900ppm chlorine (<1500ppm total Br + Cl) and <1000ppm antimony compounds.4. Automotive products are AEC-Q101 qualified and are PPAP capable. Automotive, AEC-Q101 and standard products are electrically and thermally the same, except where specified. For more information, please refer to /quality/product_compliance_definitions/.5. For packaging details, go to our website at /products/packages.html.Marking InformationEH = Product Type Marking CodeEHTop View Pin-OutCEBTop ViewDevice SymbolSOT23Maximum Ratings (@T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)Characteristic Symbol Value UnitCollector-Base Voltage V CBO 75 V Collector-Emitter Voltage V CEO 45 V Emitter-Base Voltage V EBO 7 V Continuous Collector Current I C 800 mA Peak Pulse Current I CM 1000 mA Base Current I B 100 mAThermal Characteristics (@T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)Characteristic Symbol Value UnitPower Dissipation (Note 6) P D310mW (Note 7) 350Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient (Note 6)R θJA403 ︒C/W (Note 7) 357Thermal Resistance, Junction to Leads (Note 8) R θJL 350 ︒C/W Operating and Storage Temperature Range T J,T STG-55 to +150 ︒C Notes:6. For a device mounted on minimum recommended pad layout 1oz weight copper that is on a single-sided FR4 PCB; device is measured under still airconditions whilst operating in a steady-state.7. Same as Note 6, except the device is mounted on 15mm X 15mm 1oz copper.8. Thermal resistance from junction to solder-point (at the end of the leads).Transient Thermal ImpedancePulse Width (s)Pulse Power DissipationPulse Width (s)MElectrical Characteristics (@T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test ConditionOFF CHARACTERISTICSCollector-Base Breakdown Voltage BV CES 75 — — V I C = 10µA Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage (base open) (Note 9)BV CEO45 — — V I CEO = 10mAEmitter-Base Breakdown Voltage BV EBO 7 — — V I EBO = 10µACollector-Emitter Cut-Off Current I CES— — <1 — 20 20 nAµA V CES = 45V V CES = 45V, T A = +150°CEmitter-Base Cut-Off Current I EBO — <1 20 nA V EBO = 5.6V ON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 9)Static Forward Current Transfer Ratio h FE80 180 250 100 — — 350 — ——630 — — I C = 100µA, V CE = 10V I C = 10mA, V CE = 1V I C = 100mA, V CE = 1V I C = 500mA, V CE = 2VCollector-Emitter Saturation Voltage V CE(sat)— — — — 0.30.7 mV I C = 100mA, I B = 10mA I C = 500mA, I B = 50mABase-Emitter Saturation Voltage V BE(sat) — — 2 V I C = 500mA, I B = 50mA SMALL SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 9)Transition Frequency f T100 — — MHz I C = 20mA, V CE = 10V,f = 100MHzOutput Capacitance C obo — 8 12 pF V CB = 10V, f = 1MHz Input Capacitance C ibo — — 80 pF V CB = -0.5V, f = 1MHzNoise Figure N — 2 10 dBI C = 0.2mA. V CE = 5V,R G = 1K Ω Turn-On Time t on— — 100 ns I C = 150mA. I B1 = -I B2 = 15mAR L = 150ΩTurn-Off Time t off — — 400 ns Notes: 9. Measured under pulsed conditions. Pulse width ≤ 300µs. Duty cycle ≤ 2%Package Outline DimensionsPlease see AP02002 at /datasheets/ap02002.pdf for latest version.Suggested Pad LayoutPlease see AP02001 at /datasheets/ap02001.pdf for the latest version.SOT23Dim Min Max Typ A 0.37 0.51 0.40 B 1.20 1.40 1.30 C 2.30 2.50 2.40 D 0.89 1.03 0.915F 0.45 0.60 0.535G 1.78 2.05 1.83 H 2.80 3.00 2.90 J 0.013 0.10 0.05 K 0.903 1.10 1.00 K1 - - 0.400L 0.45 0.61 0.55 M 0.085 0.18 0.110° 8°- All Dimensions in mmDimensions Value (in mm)Z2.9 X 0.8 Y 0.9C2.0 E1.35 X EYCZIMPORTANT NOTICEDIODES INCORPORATED MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARDS TO THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION).Diodes Incorporated and its subsidiaries reserve the right to make modifications, enhancements, improvements, corrections or other changes without further notice to this document and any product described herein. Diodes Incorporated does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this document or any product described herein; neither does Diodes Incorporated convey any license under its patent or trademark rights, nor the rights of others. Any Customer or user of this document or products described herein in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Diodes Incorporated and all the companies whose products are represented on Diodes Incorporated website, harmless against all damages.Diodes Incorporated does not warrant or accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any products purchased through unauthorized sales channel. Should Customers purchase or use Diodes Incorporated products for any unintended or unauthorized application, Customers shall indemnify and hold Diodes Incorporated and its representatives harmless against all claims, damages, expenses, and attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized application.Products described herein may be covered by one or more United States, international or foreign patents pending. Product names and markings noted herein may also be covered by one or more United States, international or foreign trademarks.This document is written in English but may be translated into multiple languages for reference. Only the English version of this document is the final and determinative format released by Diodes Incorporated.LIFE SUPPORTDiodes Incorporated products are specifically not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of the Chief Executive Officer of Diodes Incorporated. As used herein:A. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which:1. are intended to implant into the body, or2. support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in thelabeling can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.B. A critical component is any component in a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause thefailure of the life support device or to affect its safety or effectiveness.Customers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their life support devices or systems, and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of Diodes Incorporated products in such safety-critical, life support devices or systems, notwithstanding any devices- or systems-related information or support that may be provided by Diodes Incorporated. Further, Customers must fully indemnify Diodes Incorporated and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of Diodes Incorporated products in such safety-critical, life support devices or systems.Copyright © 2013, Diodes Incorporated。
“7”表示角接触球轴承(6类)“3”表示圆锥滚子轴承(公制)(7类)“51”“52”“53”表示向心推力球轴承(基本型号共五个数字)(8类)“81”表示推力短圆柱滚子轴承(9类)“29”表示推力调心滚子轴承(9类)轴承国家标准GB-T 305-1998 滚动轴承外圈上的止动槽和止动环尺寸和公差GB-T 308-2002 滚动轴承钢球GB-T 309-2000 滚动轴承滚针GB-T 4661-2002 滚动轴承圆柱滚子GB-T 4662-2003 滚动轴承额定静载荷GB-T 6391-2003滚动轴承额定动载荷和额定寿命JB-T 3034-1993 滚动轴承油封防锈包装JB-T 3573-2004 滚动轴承径向游隙的测量方法JB-T 6639-2004 滚动轴承零件骨架式丁腈橡胶密封圈技术条件JB-T 6641-2007 滚动轴承残磁及其评定方法JB-T 6642-2004 滚动轴承零件圆度和波纹度误差测量及评定方法JB-T 7048-2002 滚动轴承零件工程塑料保持架JB-T 7050-2005 滚动轴承清洁度评定方法JB-T 7051-2006 滚动轴承零件表面粗糙度测量和评定方法JB-T 7361-2007 滚动轴承零件硬度试验方法JB-T 7752-2005 滚动轴承密封深沟球轴承技术条件JB-T 8196-1996 滚动轴承滚动体残磁及其评定方法JB-T 8571-1997 滚动轴承密封深沟球轴承防尘、漏脂、温升性能试验规程JB-T 8921-1999 滚动轴承及其零件检验规则JB-T 10336-2002 滚动轴承及其零件补充技术条件JB-T 50013-2000 滚动轴承寿命及可靠性试验规程JB-T 50093-1997 滚动轴承寿命及可靠性试验评定方法前置代号前置代号 R 直接放在轴承基本代号之前,其余代号用小圆点与基本代号隔开。
FEATURESMultilayer structure allows diverse resistance value in the same B constantMultilayer structure allows lower resistance at high B constant.Solder plating with Ni barrier gives high reliability for both flow and reflow soldering.Unified shape and tightly controlled dimension is fit to high mounting speed.APPLICATIONSTemperature compensation for crystal oscillator (TCXO)Temperature compensation for Personal computer Temperature detection for CPU and memory device Temperature detection for battery packTemperature compensation for contrast of LCDLNS V 16 G 103 J PDESCRIPTIONThe LNS series is manganese oxide based NTC thermistor,which shows non-linear resistance-temperature behavior.Multilayered structure has as high reliability as monoblock type,even without protective glass coating, since the active electrode and sensor layer is buried inside the ceramic body.NTC Thermistor SMDSeries B constantZ 3250K K 3435K Y 3670K W 3890K A 3970K V 4150K U 4550K T 4750KChip size (mm)10 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.5 (inches 0402)16 1.6 x 0.8 x 0.8 (inches 0603)202.0 x 1.2 x 0.8 (inches 0805)Resistance at 25 ¡10110 ¡¿101= 100¥10210 ¡¿102= 1 K ¥10310 ¡¿103= 10 K ¥PackageP Paper taping E Emboss taping BBulkResistance deviation rangeF ¡1£¥H ¡3£¥J ¡5£¥K¡10£¥ORDERING INFORMATIONB constant deviation rangeF ¡1%G ¡2%H¡3%SPECIFICATIONS1005(0402) sizeResistance @ 25o CThe zero-power resistance at the standard temperature of 25o C. The zero-power resistance means the value of DC resistance of a thermistor measured at a specified temperature, with electric load being kept so small that there is no noticeable change in the measured resistance by the influence of the applied electric load.Bconstant 25 / 85B = ln(R0/R1) / (1/T- 1/T1) Without special note, B constant is calculated from the resistance values at 25o C and 85o C[B25/85], which is the most common.Dissipation constant (¥‰)Dissipation factor is defined as the ratio at a specified ambient temperature of a change in power dissipation in a thermistor to the resultant body temperature change.¡⁄¥= P/( T1- 25o C) mW/ o C¡⁄P : dissipated power¡⁄T1 : thermistor temp, 85¡0.1o CMaximum power rating PThis is the maximum handling power, keeping its temperature not exceeding the allowed maximum temperature for operation.¡⁄P max = ¥(T max- T a)¡⁄¥:dissipation constant¡⁄T a:25o C¡⁄T max:125o CThermal Time ConstantThe time necessary for an unloaded thermistor to vary its temperature by 63.2%of the difference between its initial and final temperatures. Initial temperature is 85¡0.1o C and final1608(0603) sizeResistance @ 25o CThe zero-power resistance at the standard temperature of 25o C. The zero-power resistance means the value of DC resistance of a thermistor measured at a specified temperature, with electric load being kept so small that there is no noticeable change in the measured resistance by the influence of the applied electric load.Bconstant 25 / 85B = ln(R0/R1) / (1/T- 1/T1) Without special note, B constant is calculated from the resistance values at 25o C and 85o C[B25/85], which is the most common.Dissipation constant (¥‰)Dissipation factor is defined as the ratio at a specified ambient temperature of a change in power dissipation in a thermistor to the resultant body temperature change.¡⁄¥= P/( T1- 25o C) mW/ o C¡⁄P : dissipated power¡⁄T1 : thermistor temp, 85¡0.1o CMaximum power rating PThis is the maximum handling power, keeping its temperature not exceeding the allowed maximum temperature for operation.¡⁄P max = ¥(T max- T a)¡⁄¥:dissipation constant¡⁄T a:25o C¡⁄T max:125o CThermal Time ConstantThe time necessary for an unloaded thermistor to vary its temperature by 63.2%of the difference between its initial and final temperatures. Initial temperature is 85¡0.1o C and final temperature is 47.1¡0.1o C.Resistance @ 25o CThe zero-power resistance at the standard temperature of 25o C . The zero-power resistance means the value of DC resistance of a thermistor measured at a specified temperature,with electric load being kept so small that there is no noticeable change in the measured resistance by the influence of the applied electric load.Bconstant 25 / 85B = ln(R 0/R 1) / (1/T 0- 1/T 1) Without special note, B constant is calculated from the resistance values at 25oC and 85o C [B25/85], which is the most common.Dissipation constant (¥‰)Dissipation factor is defined as the ratio at a specified ambient temperature of a change in power dissipation in a thermistor to the resultant body temperature change. ¡⁄¥= P/( T 1- 25o C ) mW/ o C ¡⁄P : dissipated power ¡⁄T1 : thermistor temp, 85¡0.1o C Maximum power rating PThis is the maximum handling power, keeping its temperature not exceeding the allowed maximum temperature for operation. ¡⁄P max = ¥(T max - T a )¡⁄¥:dissipation constant ¡⁄T a :25o C ¡⁄T max :125o C Thermal Time ConstantThe time necessary for an unloaded thermistor to vary its temperature by 63.2%of the difference between its initial and final temperatures. Initial temperature is 85¡0.1o C and final temperature is 47.1¡0.1o C .2012(0805) sizeRESISTANCE VS. TEMPERATURE TABLERELIABILITY TEST METHODStructure and Dimension CHIP STRUCTURECHIP DIMENSIONSize A B C D E F G H Jtnote 1608 1.0¡0.1 1.9¡0.18.0¡0.1 3.5¡0.05 1.75¡0.1 4.0¡0.1 2.0¡0.05 4.0¡0.1 1.5+0.1-0.00.23¡0.02paper 10050.62¡0.04 1.12¡0.048.0¡0.1 3.5¡0.05 1.75¡0.1 4.0¡0.1 2.0¡0.05 4.0¡0.1 1.5+0.1-0.00.6¡0.05paperTape and Reel Packaging for Paper PackageStructure of TapingTaping must have leader and empty component compartment as shown in the following figure.Size A B W F E P1P2P0D0t1t2note 3216 1.73¡0.1 3.56¡0.18.0+0.3-0.1 3.5¡0.05 1.75¡0.1 4.0¡0.1 2.0¡0.05 4.0¡0.1 1.5+0.1-0.00.23¡0.02 1.14¡0.1emboss 2012 1.45¡0.1 2.25¡0.18.0+0.3-0.1 3.5¡0.05 1.75¡0.1 4.0¡0.1 2.0¡0.05 4.0¡0.1 1.5+0.1-0.00.23¡0.02 1.0¡0.1embossTape and Reel Packaging for Emboss PackagePackage Quantity12,000(pcs/Reel) - 1005 size4,000(pcs/Reel) - 1608, 2012, 3216 sizePackagingRecommended Land PatternSolderingHand soldering : 280o C max., 5sec max.Reflow profileComponent LayoutLocate the product horizontal to the direction at which bending is applied.Component MountingSMT Process CharacteristicsSolder and FluxSolder : Eutetic solder recommended Flux : Rosin based flux recommendedHalogen content 0.2 w% or less recommendedFlow profile。
NSR691RF-D60 V3.11NSR698RF-D60 V3.11NSR698RF-D61 V3.11串口103参数表串口103数据位--8;串口103停止位--1;无校验串口103遥控参数表(遥控具体名称见附录1)NSR691RF-D60 有遥控功能NSR698RF-D60和NSR698RF-D61无遥控功能┌─────┬─────┬─────────────────┐│FUN │INF │名称│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │48 │Yk00 │└─────┴─────┴─────────────────┘串口103遥信参数表(遥信具体名称见附录2)┌─────┬─────┬─────────────────┐│FUN │INF │名称│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │149 │YX000 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │150 │YX001 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │151 │YX002 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │152 │YX003 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │153 │YX004 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │154 │YX005 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │155 │YX006 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │156 │YX007 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │157 │YX008 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │158 │YX009 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │159 │YX010 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │160 │YX011 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │161 │YX012 ││ 1 │162 │YX013 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │163 │YX014 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │164 │YX015 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │165 │YX016 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │166 │YX017 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │167 │YX018 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │168 │YX019 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │169 │YX020 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │170 │YX021 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │171 │YX022 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │172 │YX023 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │173 │YX024 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │174 │YX025 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │175 │YX026 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │176 │YX027 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │177 │YX028 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │178 │YX029 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │179 │YX030 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │180 │YX031 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │181 │YX032 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │182 │YX033 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │183 │YX034 ││ 1 │184 │YX035 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │185 │YX036 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │186 │YX037 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │187 │YX038 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │188 │YX039 │└─────┴─────┴─────────────────┘网络103参数表UDP方式端口号8000全遥测asdu90,变化遥测asdu91;全遥信asdu44,变位遥信asdu40;遥控asdu64;定值asdu10 网络103遥控参数表表(遥控具体名称见附录1)┌─────┬─────┬─────────────────┐│FUN │INF │名称│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │48 │Yk00 │└─────┴─────┴─────────────────┘网络103遥信参数表(遥信具体名称见附录2)┌─────┬─────┬─────────────────┐│FUN │INF │名称│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │149 │YX000 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │150 │YX001 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │151 │YX002 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │152 │YX003 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │153 │YX004 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │154 │YX005 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │155 │YX006 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │156 │YX007 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │157 │YX008 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │159 │YX010 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │160 │YX011 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │161 │YX012 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │162 │YX013 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │163 │YX014 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │164 │YX015 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │165 │YX016 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │166 │YX017 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │167 │YX018 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │168 │YX019 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │169 │YX020 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │170 │YX021 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │171 │YX022 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │172 │YX023 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │173 │YX024 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │174 │YX025 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │175 │YX026 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │176 │YX027 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │177 │YX028 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │178 │YX029 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │179 │YX030 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │181 │YX032 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │182 │YX033 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │183 │YX034 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │184 │YX035 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │185 │YX036 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │186 │YX037 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │187 │YX038 │├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│ 1 │188 │YX039 │└─────┴─────┴─────────────────┘网络与串口103定值参数表103软压板参数表┌─────┬─────┬─────────────────┐│GINH │GINL │名称│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│48 │ 1 │差动速断投退-差动速断投退│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│48 │ 2 │比率差动投退-比率差动投退│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│48 │ 3 │二次谐波闭锁投退-二次谐波闭锁投退│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│48 │ 4 │CT断线闭锁投退-CT断线闭锁投退│└─────┴─────┴─────────────────┘103定值参数表┌─────┬─────┬─────────────────┐│GINH │GINL │名称│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│49 │ 1 │差动速断定值-差动速断定值│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│49 │ 2 │比率差动定值-比率差动定值│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│49 │ 3 │二次谐波闭锁定值-二次谐波闭锁定值│└─────┴─────┴─────────────────┘103保护事件参数表┌─────┬─────┬─────────────────┐│GINH │GINL │名称││72 │ 1 │差动速断保护动作│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │ 2 │比率差动保护动作│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │ 3 │高压侧CT断线│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │ 4 │中压侧CT断线│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │ 5 │低压侧CT断线│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │ 6 │桥压侧CT断线│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │7 │差流越限动作│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │8 │本体重瓦斯动作│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │9 │有载重瓦斯动作│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │10 │压力释放动作│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │11 │主变超温动作│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │12 │非电量5告警│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │13 │非电量6告警│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │14 │非电量7告警│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │15 │非电量8告警│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│72 │16 │非电量9告警│└─────┴─────┴─────────────────┘103保护自检故障参数表┌─────┬─────┬─────────────────┐│GINH │GINL │名称│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│80 │ 1 │EEP出错│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│80 │ 2 │AD出错│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│80 │ 3 │RAM出错│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│80 │ 4 │保护退出││80 │ 5 │保护投入│├─────┼─────┼─────────────────┤│80 │ 6 │CT异常│└─────┴─────┴─────────────────┘附录1附录2。
环宇HUANY 011.015. 023. 024. 033 .040. 043. 053. 056 .009. 057. 058虹美HONGMEI 003. 011. 016 .018 .023. 024. 025 .033 .040. 043. 056.009.057 .058. 079红岩HONGYAN 011.033. 053. 056. 079菊花JUHUA金海JINHAI 009.057.058金凤JINFENG金塔JINTA金鹊JINQUE 011.025.016金雀JINQUE嘉华JIAHUA昆仑KUNLUN凯歌KAIGE康力KANGLI康虹KANGHONG 009.058.057康立KANGLI 016.023024.康艺KANGYI孔雀KONGQUE快乐KUAILE乐华ROWA龙江LONGJIANG利华LIHUA 011牡丹MUDAN 3.065.079美乐MEILE梦寐MENGMEI南声NANSHENG青岛QINGDAO如意RUYI神彩SHENCAI山茶SHANGCAI上海SHANGHAI .079.123韶峰SHAOFENG沈阳SHENGYAN塞格SAIGE 011.025.016松柏SONGBA 016.025三元SANYUAN三键SANJIAN泰山TAISHAN天鹅TIANE 003.011.018通广TONGGUANG松下(乐声)PANASONIC(NAYIONAL) 222夏普SHARP三菱MITSUBISHI 011.051.东芝TOSHIBA 089.014三星SAMSUNG胜利JVC 004三洋SANYO高土达GOLDSTAR飞利浦PHILIPS爱华AIWA 009.057.058JVC 089日电NEC大宇DAYU 012.042.031LG 040.043.140WARUMAIA 031.012.042狮龙SHERWOOD 016.025雅佳AKAI皇冠 IMPERIAL-COWN富土通FUJITSU 048富丽FULI 047尼康NIKON 009.057.058优拉纳斯YONLANASI奥林普AOLINGPU 104佳丽彩JIALICAI部分:奇声QiSheng IRC-3039.IRC3030D, 300影之宝YingZhiBao , 301索尼SONY, VCP-K10, 302东大DONGDA, 303杂牌机ZAPAIJI, 304奇声QiSheng, 305杂牌机ZAPAIJI,306新科Shinco, RC-006 , 307奇声QiSheng,IRC3020A, 308万利达MALATA, VCP-N28P, 309步步高BBK ,RCU-H, 310万利达MALATA, VCP-N28F, 311新科Shinco, RC-12G, 312守一颗心,别像守一只猫。
DTSU666系列三相四线电子电能表(Din-Rail) DSSU666系列三相三线电子电能表 使用
DTSU666 series three phase four wire electronic energy meter (Din-rail) DSSU666 series three phase three wire electronic energy meter (Din-rail)ManualZTY0.464.1002Zhejiang Chint Instrument & Meter Co., Ltd.Jan., 2018.1. Brief Introduction1.1 Main application & applicable rangeDTSU666 series three phase four wire and DSSU666 series three phase three wire electronic energy meter (din-rail) (hereinafter referred to as the “instrument”) is designed based on power monitoring and energy metering demands for electric power system, communication industry, construction industry, etc. as a new generation of intelligent instrument combining measurement and communication function, mainly applied into the measurement and display for the electric parameters in the electric circuit including three voltage, three current, active power, reactive power, frequency, positive& negative energy, four-quadrant energy, etc. Adopting the standard DIN35mm din rail mounting and modular design, it is characterized with small volume, easy installation and easy networking, widely applied into the internal energy monitoring and assessment for industrial and mining enterprises, hotels, schools, large public buildings.Complied standards:IEC 61010-1:2010《Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,control and laboratory use Part1:General requirements》IEC 61326-1:2013 《Electrical equipment for measurement,control and laboratory use –EMC requirements Part1:General requirements》1.2 Product Features1)Characterized with positive and reverse active power, four quadrant reactive power meteringand storage function.2)RS485 communication interface, easy to exchange data with outside;3)Adopting the standard DIN35mm din rail mounting and modular design, it is characterizedwith small volume, easy installation and easy networking1.3 Model composition and meaningsTable 1 product model and specification1.4. Environmental conditions1.4. 1.Temperature rangeIndoor type:Regulated working temperature range: -10℃~+45℃;Limited working temperature range: -25℃~+75℃;1.4.2 Relative humidity(Annually average):≤75%;1.4.3 Atmospheric pressure: 63.0kPa~106.0kPa( altitude 4km and below), excepting the requirements for special orders.2. Main Technical Performance & Parameters2.1 Start and Defluction2.1.1. StartUnder the power factor of 1.0 and started current, the instrument can be started and continuously measure (for multiple phase instrument, it will bring balanced load). If the instrument is designed based on measurement for dual directional energy, then it is applicable for each direction of energy.Table 3 start current2.1.2. DefluctionWhen adding voltage while there is no current on the current circuit, the test output of the instrument shall not produce another pulse. When testing, the current circuit shall be opened, and the added voltage for voltage circuit shall be 115% of the referenced voltage.Shortest testing time Δt :For instrument of class 0.5S and class1: 6max60010Δt [min]n k m U I ⨯≥⋅⋅⋅ For instrument of class 2: 6max48010Δt [min]n k m U I ⨯≥⋅⋅⋅ From the formula, k represents meter constant (imp/kWh), m represents measuring components, Un represents referenced voltage (V) and Imax represents the maximized current (A). 2.2. Electrical parametersTable 3 Electrical parameters3.Main function 3.1. Displayed functionFrom the displayed interface, the electrical parameter and energy data are all primary side data (that is, the multiplied by current and voltage ratios). The energy measuring value will be displayedseven bits, with the displaying range from 0.00kWh to 9999999MWh.Diagram 1 Liquid crystal displayTable 4 Display interface3.2.Programming function3.2.1.Programming parameterTable 5 Programming parameter3.2.2.Programming operationButton description: “SET” button represents “confirmation”, or “cursor shift” (when input digits), “ESC” button represents “exit”, “→” button represents “add”. The input code is (default701).Diagram 2 Setting examples for current ratioDiagram 3 Setting examples for communication address and baud rateDiagram 4 Setting examples for zero electricity energymunication functionCharacterized with a RS485 communication interface, the baud rate can be changed between 1200bps, 2400bps, 4800bps and 9600bps. Communication protocol: complied with the requirement of DL/T645—2007 Multifunctional meter communication protocol or requirements of ModBus-RTU protocol.The default factory communication parameters are ModBus-RTU protocol, baud rate is 9600 bps, check bit and stop bit is n.1, table address is 1. The following table is the commonly used ModBus protocol address table. You can call for detailed communication protocol. The ModBus_RTU protocol reads 03H and writes the command 10H.4.Outline and installation sizeTable 6 Installation sizeDiagram 5 Outline size diagram (four modulus)5.Installation and operation manual5.1.Inspection TipsWhen unpacking the carton, if the shell has obvious signs caused by severe impact or falling, please contact with the supplier as soon as possible.After the instrument being removed from the packing box, it should be placed on a flat and safe plane, facing up, not overlaying for more than five layers. If not installed or used in a short time, the electric meter shall be packed and placed to the original packing box for storage.5.2.Installation and tips5.2.1.Installation and InspectionIf the model No or configuration in the original packing box is not in accordance with the requirement, please contact with the supplier. While, if the inner package or shell has been damaged after removing the instrument from the packing box, please do not install, power on the instrument, please contact with the supplier as soon as possible, instead.5.2.2.InstallationIt requires experienced electrician or professional personnel to install it and you must read this operation manual. During the installation, if the shell has obvious damage or marks caused by violent impact or falling, please do not install it or power on and contact with the supplier as soon as possible.5.3.Typical wiringThree phase four wire: direct connect Three phase three wire: direct connectDiagram 6 Diagram 7Three phase four wire: via current transformer Three phase three wire: via current transformer Diagram 8 Diagram 9RS485 Pulse outputDiagram 10 Diagram 11◆V oltage signal (only for connection via current transformer)2-------UA (Phase A voltage input terminal) 5 -------UB (Phase B voltage input terminal) 8-------UC (Phase C voltage input terminal) 11-------UN (Phase N voltage input terminal) ◆Current signal:1-------IA*(Phase A current input terminal) 3------IA (Phase A current output terminal)4-------IB*(Phase B current input terminal) 6------IB (Phase B current output terminal) 7-------IC*( Phase C current input terminal) 9------IC(Phase C current output terminal)◆RS485 Communication wire24-------A(RS485 Terminal A)25-------B(RS485 Terminal B)Auxiliary function19------ Active energy and reactive energy output high terminal21------ Active energy and reactive energy output low terminal6.Diagnosis, analysis and elimination for common faults7.Transportation & StorageWhen transporting and unpacking the products, please confirm they are not severely impacted, transporting and storing based on Transportation, basic environmental conditions and testing methods for instrument and meters of JB/T9329-1999.The instrument and accessories shall be stored in the dry and ventilated places, to avoid humidity and corrosive gas erosion, with the limited environmental temperature for storage to be 0℃~+40℃and relative humidity not exceeding 85%.8.Maintenance & ServiceWe guarantee free reparation and change for the multi-meter if found any unconformity with the standard, under circumstance of that the users fully comply with this instructions and complete seal after delivery within 18 months.Dear clients,Please assist us: when the product life is end, to protect our environment, please recycle the product or components, while for the materials that cannot be recycled, please also deal with it in a proper way. Really appreciate your cooperation and support.Name of Company: Zhejiang Chint Instrument & Meter Co., Ltd.Address: Wenzhou Bridge Industrial Zone, Yueqing, Zhejiang, China.Zip Code:325603Telephone:*************Fax:*************Service hotline: 4008177777FakeComplaint**************Website: http: //Email:ztyb@Date of Issue: January, 2018.No.:ZTY0.464.1002V1。
电路图纸-TCL彩电IC中文名称及参数资料 (105种)
相为滤波器 3.8 16
高音数字- 2.2
相为滤波器 3.8 17
左右声道平 2.9
相为滤波器 3.8 18
右声道高音 3.8
0 19
右声道低音 3.8
左声道高音 3.8 20
直流 序
电压 号
电源 1
11 6
4.9 7
音量控制输入 0.6 9
电源 2
AN5891K 音频处理集成电路
概述:AN5891K 是 I2C 总线控制的音频处理器,具有以下特点:受 I2C 总线控制;AGC
为复位输入端口,外接电阻电容组成的复位电路。VCC(40 脚)和 VSS(20 脚)为供电端
口,分别接+5V 电源的正负端。P0~P3 为可编程通用 I/O 脚,其功能用途由软件定义,在本
设计中,P0 端口(32~39 脚)被定义为 N1 功能控制端口,分别与 N1 的相应功能管脚相连
纳芯微-NSM2012 高精度霍尔电流传感器 数据手册说明书
NSM2012 基于霍尔原理,高精度,具有共模磁场抑制,可达3000V隔离的电流传感器Datasheet (CN) 1.0Product OverviewNSM2012是一款集成路径电流传感器,具有1.2mΩ极低的导通电阻,减少了芯片上的热损耗。
纳芯微创新的隔离技术以及信号调理设计能够满足高隔离等级的同时感测流过内部B usbar的电流。
在高边电流检测应用中只需用一颗NSM2012即可达到600V pk工作电压,无需加任何保护器件即可耐受6kV浪涌电压。
Key Features•高带宽以及快速响应时间•400kHz带宽• 1.5us响应时间•高精度电流测量•差分霍尔检测可抵御外界杂散磁场•满足UL标准的高隔离等级•耐受隔离耐压(V ISO):3000Vrms•最大浪涌隔离耐压(V surge):6kV•CMTI > 100V/ns•CTI(I)•爬电距离/电气间距:4mm•纳芯微创新的斩波以及旋转电流激励技术使得零点温漂很小•比例输出或者固定输出•工作温度:-40℃ ~ 125℃•原边导通电阻:1.2mΩ•SOIC8封装•满足UL62368/EN62368安规认证•ROHSApplications•光伏•工业电源•电机控制•OBC/DCDC/PTC Heater•充电桩Device InformationFunctional Block DiagramsFigure 1. NSM2012 Block DiagramINDEX1. PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTIONS (3)2. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (4)3. ISOLATION CHARACTERISTICS (4)4. SPECIFICATIONS (5)4.1C OMMON C HARACTERISTICS (TA=-40°C TO 125°C,VCC=5V OR 3.3V, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) (5)4.2NSM2012-30B3R-DSPR C HARACTERISTICS (TA=-40°C TO 125°C,VCC=3.3V, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) (6)4.3NSM2012-30B5R-DSPR C HARACTERISTICS (TA=-40°C TO 125°C,VCC=5V, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) (6)4.4NSM2012-10U5R-DSPR C HARACTERISTICS (TA=-40°C TO 125°C,VCC=5V, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) (7)4.5NSM2012-20B5R-DSPR C HARACTERISTICS (TA=-40°C TO 125°C,VCC=5V, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) (8)4.6T YPICAL P ERFORMANCE C HARACTERISTICS (9)NSM2012-30B3R-DSPR[1] (9)NSM2012-30B5R-DSPR[1] (9)NSM2012-10U5R-DSPR[1] (10)NSM2012-20B5R-DSPR[1] (11)5. FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (13)5.1.O VERVIEW (13)5.2.NSM2012R版本(单端比例输出) (13)5.3.NSM2012F版本(固定输出版本) (13)5.4.NSM2012专业术语定义 (13)6. APPLICATION NOTE (16)6.1.典型应用电路 (16)6.2.PCB L AYOUT (16)6.3.热评估实验 (17)7. PACKAGE INFORMATION (18)8. ORDER INFORMATION (19)9. TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION (20)10. REVISION HISTORY (21)1. Pin Configuration and FunctionsR Version F VersionFigure 1.1 NSM2012 PackageTable 1.1 NSM2012 Pin Configuration and Description2.Absolute Maximum Ratings3.Isolation Characteristics4.Specifications[1]: 被设计保证。
金龙机电股份有限公司水平线性振动电机LVM0615 30B 产品规格书说明书
产 品 规 格 书PRODUCT SPECIFICATION金 龙 机 电 股 份 有 限 公 司JINLONG MACHINERY & ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.地址: 中国浙江乐清白象进港大道金龙科技园Add:JinLong Science and Technology Park, Jin Gang Avenue , Baixiang, Yueqing, Zhejiang 325603, China电话/Tel: 0086-577-61806666传真/ Fax: 0086-577-61801858客户名称/Customer客户料号/Part No. 客户承认签章 Customer ApprovedSignatures品名/Description 水平线性振动电机Horizontal linear vibration motor型号/Part No. LVM061530B设计/ Designed by审核/Verified by批准/Approved byYu haijiangJames重要提示IMPORTANCE NOTES:1.如对电机的性能和/或寿命有任何争议,仅基于此规格书做出判断。
If there is any argument on motor performance and/or life, judgment is to be made based on this specification only.2.客户方有责任确认该电机能满足您的使用要求。
Customer has the responsibility to verify that the motor can meet the requirement of your application.3.如果贵公司未提供技术规格,该文件将详细叙述与贵公司商定的技术规格。
In the event that an official specification is not being presented by customer; this document will specify the agreed technical specification.4.收到此规格书后,贵司应于下订单之前将规格书副本签回以示贵司已确认。
TNY266PN中文资料TNY266PN-芯片离线开关用500—2型万能表1K档测试各脚内阻:(只供参考)1脚(BP)接黑表笔——2、3、7、8脚(S)接红表笔=130KΩ;1脚(BP)接红表笔——2、3、7、8脚(S)接黑表笔=3.8KΩ;1脚(BP)接黑表笔——5脚(D)接红表笔=220KΩ;1脚(BP)接红表笔——5脚(D)接黑表笔=24KΩ;1脚(BP)接黑表笔——4脚(EN/UV)接红表笔=220KΩ;1脚(BP)接红表笔——4脚(EN/UV)接黑表笔=35KΩ;4脚(EN/UV)接红表笔——2、3、7、8脚(S)接黑表笔=5.2KΩ;4脚(EN/UV)接黑表笔——2、3、7、8脚(S)接红表笔=35KΩ;4脚(EN/UV)接红表笔——5脚(D)接黑表笔=2MΩ;4脚(EN/UV)接黑表笔——5脚(D)接红表笔=42KΩ;号输出通道:1输出电压:700V输出电流:560mA封装类型:双列直插针脚数:8工作温度范围:-40°C 到+150°C封装类型:DIP工作温度敏:-40°C工作温度最高:150°C器件标号:266电源电压最小:50V电源芯片类型:脱机交换机芯片标号:266表面安装器件:通孔安装输入电压最大:265VAC输出电压最大:700V输出电流最大:100µA逻辑功能号:266频率:132kHz在电阻RDS(上):14ohm温度 @ 电流测量:25°C漏极电压峰值(最大):700V漏极电压峰值(最小):-0.3V电流消耗:35mA电流消耗, 峰值:0.56A电源类型:离线开关耐温性能:25°C输出功率, 开架(OF) @ 230VAC:15W输出功率, 开架(OF) @ 85-265VAC:9.5WTNY266P 是一款10 W高效小功率隔离式开关电源用集成电路,该系列产品包括TNY264P/G,TNY266P/G,TNY267P/G,TNY268P/G,共8种型号。
课件(六)课后思考题答案1. 对于给定的原子集合N ,缺陷(空位)的数量与e -ΔH k /kT 成正比。
ΔH k 是缺陷形成能,k 是玻尔兹曼常数。
kT H v k Ne n /Δ−∝kT /H v k ANe n Δ−=(若没有指定,通常取A = 1)且 417241038.1106.112.1kT/H v 1036.5e e Nn 2319k −××××−Δ−×===−− 对 n v = 1得到:341087.11036.51N ×=×=− 个/空位2. 该题同1题。
需要:)kT /H (ANe v n k −=Cr, T M = 2130K Hv= 1.08 eVkT /H Ne v n k −=我们要找到一个N 让n v =1kT /H Ne k −=1 21291038.1106.108.1kT H kTH 2319v v 718.2e e 1N ××××−−−===N = 358个/空位3. 解决这个问题我们先要把n v /cm 3转换成n v /N, 且我们知道Al 的摩尔体积是10cm 3 (N=N A /Mol.V ol.=6.02×1022)。
也就是说,我们有)kT H exp(1032.31002.6102N n v 62217v Δ−=×=××=−4.已知:然后有:变成对数形式:5.已知:(1) 1/1010 = A exp (-ΔHv/kT1)1/(3×109) = A exp (-ΔHv/kT2)(2)两式相除可以去掉常数A然后6.假定A趋于1,可以得到:ln 10-5 = -(ΔH v)/(kT x)7. 沿着<111>方向滑动得到一个BCC系统,对相应的{110}面簇有最密集平面是{110},且有8.根据课件6–15: N = 2n-1,N是用100X放大后每平方英寸的晶粒个数,n为晶粒大小,让n=7有:N = 26×104 grains/inch2= 6.4×105 grains/inch2由N可以得到一个平均晶粒直径:进一步说,如果每平方英寸(立方体-在显微镜下可见的部分)我们有64 x 105个晶粒,用线性排列我们得到grains/inch,对每个晶粒面有1/800 inch = 1.25 x 10–3 inch = 1.25 x 10–3 x 25 mm = 3.12 x 10–3 mm = 31.2 µm 下面建立一个方便的关于晶粒大小的米制转换:ASTM No. n Grain/mm2近似晶粒直径 (µm) -3 1 1000.0-2 2 708.0-1 4 500.00 8 354.01 16 250.02 32 177.03 64 125.04 128 88.45 256 62.56 512 44.27 1024 31.29. 举例如下:(1)半导体中的掺杂物 → 影响电导率。
ABB Mini 联接器 B6、BC6 3线版产品说明说明书
Mini contactors B6, BC6 with 3 poleDescription–Rated for motor loads up to 4 kW @ 400 V and 3 hp @ 480 V –3-pole with one built-in auxiliary contact–Connection types: screw, soldering pin (PCB-mount) up to 12 A or flat pin (quick connect) up to 20 A –AC or DC control voltages–Low power consumption, hum free coils –Acceptable use in any mounting position –Compact design with shallow depthMini contactors from ABB are used for remotely controlling motors and other loads wherever space is at a premium. These devices feature hum free coils, shallow depth, and no limitations regarding mounting orientation.Order dataB6 3-pole with screw terminal 4 kW @ 400 V AC-3AC operated2C D C 211001S 0012C D C 211012S 0012Rated con-trol circuit voltage TypeOrder codePacking unit Weight per pc V AC pcs kg 12B6-30-01-14GJL1211001R1014100.17512B6-30-10-14GJL1211001R1104100.17524B6-30-01-01GJL1211001R0011100.17524B6-30-10-01GJL1211001R0101100.17532B6-30-01-18GJL1211001R1018100.17532B6-30-10-18GJL1211001R1108100.17542B6-30-01-02GJL1211001R0012100.17542B6-30-10-02GJL1211001R0102100.17548B6-30-01-03GJL1211001R0013100.17548B6-30-10-03GJL1211001R0103100.17560B6-30-01-22GJL1211001R2012100.17560B6-30-10-22GJL1211001R2102100.17572B6-30-01-23GJL1211001R2013100.175110 ... 127B6-30-01-84GJL1211001R8014100.175110 ... 127B6-30-10-84GJL1211001R8104100.175200B6-30-01-37GJL1211001R3017100.175200B6-30-10-37GJL1211001R3107100.175220 ... 240B6-30-01-80GJL1211001R8010100.175220 ... 240B6-30-10-80GJL1211001R8100100.175380 ... 415B6-30-01-85GJL1211001R8015100.175380 (415)B6-30-10-85GJL1211001R8105100.175BC6 3-pole with screw terminal 4 kW @ 400 V AC-3DC operatedRated con-trol circuit voltage TypeOrder codePacking unit Weight per pc V AC pcs kg 6BC6-30-01-06GJL1213001R0016100.1756BC6-30-10-06GJL1213001R0106100.17512BC6-30-01-07GJL1213001R0017100.17512BC6-30-10-07GJL1213001R0107100.17520BC6-30-10-09GJL1213001R0109100.17524BC6-30-01-01GJL1213001R0011100.17524BC6-30-10-01GJL1213001R0101100.17530BC6-30-01-13GJL1213001R1013100.17530BC6-30-10-13GJL1213001R1103100.17542BC6-30-01-02GJL1213001R0012100.17542BC6-30-10-02GJL1213001R0102100.17548BC6-30-01-16GJL1213001R1016100.17548BC6-30-10-16GJL1213001R1106100.17560BC6-30-01-03GJL1213001R0013100.17560BC6-30-10-03GJL1213001R0103100.17572BC6-30-01-21GJL1213001R2101100.17575BC6-30-01-22GJL1213001R2012100.175110 ... 125BC6-30-01-04GJL1213001R0014100.175110 ... 125BC6-30-10-04GJL1213001R0104100.175220 ... 240BC6-30-01-05GJL1213001R0015100.175220 ... 240BC6-30-10-05GJL1213001R0105100.175250BC6-30-10-34GJL1213001R3104100.175B6 3-pole with soldering pin 1) 4 kW @ 400 V AC-3AC operatedRated control circuit voltage Type Order code PackingunitWeightper pcV AC pcs kg 24B6-30-10-P-01GJL1211009R0101100.170 24B6-30-01-P-01GJL1211009R0011100.170 42B6-30-10-P-02GJL1211009R0102100.170 42B6-30-01-P-02GJL1211009R0012100.170 48B6-30-10-P-03GJL1211009R0103100.170 48B6-30-01-P-03GJL1211009R0013100.170 110 ... 127B6-30-10-P-84GJL1211009R8104100.170 110 ... 127B6-30-01-P-84GJL1211009R8014100.170 220 ... 240B6-30-10-P-80GJL1211009R8100100.170 220 ... 240B6-30-01-P-80GJL1211009R8010100.170 380 ... 415B6-30-10-P-85GJL1211009R8105100.170 380 ... 415B6-30-01-P-85GJL1211009R8015100.170BC6 3-pole (3 N.O.) with soldering pin 1)4 kW @ 400 V AC-3AC operatedRatedcontrolcircuitvoltageType Order code PackingunitWeightper pcV AC pcs kg12BC6-30-10-P-07GJL1213009R0107100.170 12BC6-30-01-P-07GJL1213009R0017100.170 24BC6-30-10-P-01GJL1213009R0101100.170 24BC6-30-01-P-01GJL1213009R0011100.170 48BC6-30-10-P-16GJL1213009R1106100.170 48BC6-30-01-P-16GJL1213009R1016100.170 60BC6-30-10-P-03GJL1213009R0103100.170 60BC6-30-01-P-03GJL1213009R0013100.170 110 ... 125BC6-30-10-P-04GJL1213009R0104100.170 110 ... 125BC6-30-01-P-04GJL1213009R0014100.170 220 ... 240BC6-30-10-P-05GJL1213009R0105100.170 220 ... 240BC6-30-01-P-05GJL1213009R0015100.170BC6 3-pole (2 N.O. + 1 N.C.) with soldering pin 1)4 kW @ 400 V AC-3AC operatedRatedcontrolcircuitvoltageType Order code PackingunitWeightper pcV AC pcs kg24BC6-21-10-P-01GJL1213109R0101100.170 8BC6-21-10-P-16GJL1213109R1106100.170 60BC6-21-10-P-03GJL1213109R0103100.170 110 ... 125BC6-21-10-P-04GJL1213109R0104100.170 220 ... 240BC6-21-10-P-05GJL1213109R0105100.170B6 3-pole with flat pin 1) 4 kW @ 400 V AC-3 AC operatedRated control circuit voltage Type Order code PackingunitWeightper pcV AC pcs kg 24B6-30-10-F-01GJL1211003R0101100.170 24B6-30-01-F-01GJL1211003R0011100.170 42B6-30-10-F-02GJL1211003R0102100.170 42B6-30-01-F-02GJL1211003R0012100.170 48B6-30-10-F-03GJL1211003R0103100.170 48B6-30-01-F-03GJL1211003R0013100.170 110 ... 127B6-30-10-F-84GJL1211003R8104100.170 110 ... 127B6-30-01-F-84GJL1211003R8014100.170 220 ... 240B6-30-10-F-80GJL1211003R8100100.170 220 ... 240B6-30-01-F-80GJL1211003R8010100.170 380 ... 415B6-30-10-F-85GJL1211003R8105100.170 380 ... 415B6-30-01-F-85GJL1211003R8015100.170 1) Soldering pin connection acc. to DIN 40801: 0.8 x 1 mm / 0.8 x 2.54 mmFlat pin connection acc. to DIN 46248: 1 x 6.3 mm / 1 x 2.8 mm BC6 3-pole with flat pin 1)4 kW @ 400 V AC-3DC operatedRatedcontrolcircuitvoltageType Order code PackingunitWeightper pcV DC pcs kg12BC6-30-10-F-07GJL1213003R0107100.170 12BC6-30-01-F-07GJL1213003R0017100.170 24BC6-30-10-F-01GJL1213003R0101100.170 24BC6-30-01-F-01GJL1213003R0011100.170 48BC6-30-10-F-16GJL1213003R1106100.170 48BC6-30-01-F-16GJL1213003R1016100.170 60BC6-30-01-F-03GJL1213003R0013100.170 110 ... 125BC6-30-10-F-04GJL1213003R0104100.170 110 ... 125BC6-30-01-F-04GJL1213003R0014100.170 220 ... 240BC6-30-10-F-05GJL1213003R0105100.170 220 ... 240BC6-30-01-F-05GJL1213003R0015100.1702 - 2CDC102053D02012CDC102053D0201 - 3Functional description123456789102C D C 212003F 00141 Wall mounting (two diagonally arranged M4 screws)2 Main terminals - 1L1, 3L2, 5L33 Auxiliary terminal - 13 NO or 21 NC4 Coil terminal A15 Front extra auxiliary contact mounts6 Side extra auxiliary contact mount7 Coil terminal A28 Auxiliary terminal - 14 NO or 22 NC 29Main terminals - 2T1, 4T2, 6T3210Mounting on DIN-rail (rear side)ApplicationB6 contactors are capable of switching power circuits up to 690 V AC. They are mainly used for controlling single and three-phase motors (AC-3) and non-inductive or slightly inductive loads (AC-1). Standard versions include either 3 normally-openmain poles with 1 auxiliary contact or 4 main poles in various configurations. Additional auxiliary contacts for front or side mounting are available as accessories. Mini contactors can be mounted in any position (including upside down) without derating.Operation modeB6-30-01 / BC6-30-01Terminal markingBC6-30-10 ...BC6-30-01 ...in mmand inchesB(C)6 - Connection: ScrewsB(C)6 - Connection: Soldering pins4 - 2CDC102053D0201Main pole – utilization characteristics according to IECStandards IEC/EN 60947-1IEC/EN 60947-4-1IEC/EN 60947-5-1Rated operational voltage main circuit690 V ACRated frequency main circuit50 Hz, 60 Hz, DCConventional free-air thermal current main circuit20 ARated operational current AC-1(220/240 V) 40 °C20 A(380/440 V) 40 °C20 A(500 V) 40 °C12 A(690 V) 40 °C 6 A(220/240 V) 55 °C16 A(380/440 V) 55 °C16 A(500 V) 55 °C12 A(690 V) 55 °C 6 ARated operational current AC-3(220 V) 55 °C8.9 A(230 V) 55 °C8.5 A(240 V) 55 °C8.1 A(380 V) 55 °C8.9 A(400 V) 55 °C8.5 A(440 V) 55 °C7.4 A(500 V) 55 °C 6.8 A(690 V) 55 °C 3.8 ARated operational power AC-3(220/230/240 V) 2.2 kW(380/400 V) 4.0 kW(440 V) 4.0 kW(500 V) 4.0 kW(690 V) 3.0 kWRated making capacity AC-3 acc. to IEC 60947-4-110 x Ie AC3Rated breaking capacity AC-3 acc. to IEC 60947-4-18 x Ie AC3Co-ordination with short-circuit protective devices - type 1690 V AC - gG Type Fuses25 ACo-ordination with short-circuit protective devices - type 2690 V AC - gG Type Fuses20 A64 kARated short-time withstand current at 40 °C ambient temp, in free air, froma cold state 10 sMaximum electrical switching frequency AC-1300 cycles per hourAC-3300 cycles per hourMain pole – utilization characteristics according to ULStandards UL 60947-1UL 60947-4-1General use rating UL/CSA300 V AC12 A600 V AC-Maximum motor rating UL/CSA full load current three phase (200 V) 4.8 Afull load current three phase (208 V) 4.6 Afull load current three phase (220/240 V) 6.8 Afull load current three phase (440/480 V) 4.8 Afull load current three phase (550/600 V) 1.7 AHorsepower rating UL/CSA208 V AC three phase 1 hp220 ... 240 V AC three phase 2 hp440 ... 480 V AC three phase 3 hp550 ... 600 V AC three phase 1 hpMaximum electrical switching frequency AC-1300 cycles per hourAC-3300 cycles per hour2CDC102053D0201 - 5General technical dataRated insulation voltage690 VRated insulation voltage acc. to UL/CSA600 VRated impulse withstand voltage main circuit 6 kVAmbient air temperature operation-25 ... +55 °Cstorage-40 ... +80 °C Maximum operating altitude permissible2000 mMechanical durability10000000 cycle11 ms pulse15gResistance to shock acc. to IEC 60068-2-275g / 5 ... 150 Hz Resistance to vibrations acc. to IEC60068-2-6Magnet system characteristicsCoil operating limits (acc. to IEC 60947-4-1) for AC supply0.85 ... 1.1 x Uc (at θ ≤ 55 )(acc. to IEC 60947-4-1) for DC supply0.85 ... 1.1 x Uc (at θ ≤ 55 ) Coil consumption average pull-in value 50 Hz 3.5 VAaverage holding value 50 Hz 3.5 VAaverage pull-in value DC 3.5 VAaverage holding value DC 3.5 VAMounting characteristics and conditions for useConnection characteristicsDegree of protection acc. to IEC 60529, IEC 60947-1,IP20EN 60529 main terminalsIP20acc. to IEC 60529, IEC 60947-1,EN 60529 auxiliary terminalsacc. to IEC 60529, IEC 60947-1,IP20EN 60529 coil terminalsTightening torque control circuit0.8 ... 1.1 N·mmain circuit0.8 ... 1.1 N·m Tightening torque UL/CSA control circuit7 in·lbmain circuit7 in·lb Connecting capacity-main circuit UL/CSA stranded1/2x 22 ... 10 AWGConnecting capacity-main circuit flexible1/2x 1 ... 2.5 mm²flexible with ferrule1/2x 1 ... 2.5 mm²flexible with insulated ferrule1/2x 1 ... 2.5 mm²rigid1/2x 1 ... 4 mm²Connecting capacity-control circuit flexible1/2x 1 ... 2.5 mm²flexible with ferrule1/2x 1 ... 2.5 mm²flexible with insulated ferrule1/2x 1 ... 2.5 mm²rigid1/2x 1 ... 4 mm²stranded1/2x 22 ... 10 AWG Connecting capacity-auxiliary circuit UL/CSAConnecting capacity-auxiliary circuit flexible1/2x 1 ... 2.5 mm²flexible with ferrule1/2x 1 ... 2.5 mm²flexible with insulated ferrule1/2x 1 ... 2.5 mm²rigid1/2x 1 ... 4 mm²Wire stripping length main circuit9 mm6 - 2CDC102053D0201ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbHEppelheimer Straße 8269123 Heidelberg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-0 Fax: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-13 25 E-Mail:*****************.com You can find the address of your local sales organisation on the ABB home page/contacts-> Low Voltage Products and SystemsContact usNote:We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG. Copyright© 2015 ABB All rights reservedB r o c h u r e n u m b e r 2CD C 102 053 D 0201 (10.2015)。