• • • •
1850年,美国的奴隶主势力大增,林肯退出国会,继续当律师。 1860年,林肯成为共和党的总统候选人。11月,选举揭晓,林肯以200万票当 选为美国第16任总统,但在奴隶主控制的南部10个州,他没有得到1张选票。 大选揭晓后,南方种植园奴隶主制造分裂,发动了叛变,南方11个州先后退出 联邦,宣布成立“美利坚诸州同盟”,并制订了新的宪法,选举总统。 1861年4月,南方叛乱武装首先向北方挑起战争。林肯号召民众为维护联邦统 一而战。 内战爆发初期,由于南方种植园主蓄谋叛乱已久,而林肯政府试图妥协,在 战争中节节失利。首都华盛顿受到威胁。为扭转战局,借《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 一书,1862年5月林肯政府颁布了《宅地法》,其中规定,美国公民交付10美 元即可在西部得到160英亩的土地,连续耕种5年就可成为其主人。9月,又颁 布《解放黑奴宣言》,废除了黑奴制,规定叛乱各州的黑奴是自由人。战争 形势骤然改观。 1863年夏,北方军队转入反攻。1865年,南方叛军向北方军队投降,持续4年 之久的内战以北方胜利而告终。
Because of his measuring and calculating skills , he became a local surveyor ,and he was usually invited to deal with the feilds arguments .After working time ,he was also a youth that loved reading,his candles lights never extinguish until midnight. In his youth period , he had read all the books that Shakespeare had written ,finished read 《History of America》, also some history books and famous persons’ biographies .He had a range of knowledge and became a wise man .He published his first speech on a political speech. Because of his against on Slave policy,and had put forward many suggestions that benefit for public course,he had good influence in public ,he also had awesome qualities ,he was chosen to be a senator in 1834. In August ,1834,25-year-old Lincoln started his own political career, in the meanwhile, he managed rural post office,and field measuring ,also he digged in law by his friends’ help.2 years later,Lincoln became a lawyer,soon , he became the leader of Whig . Due to the accumulation of experience ,In 1846,he was 37,and became senator . In 1847, Lincoln participate in the election of country senator as the leader of Whig,and got succeed . This was the first time he came to the capital , Washington. It was a great permanent dispute about Slave policy in American lives . Lincoln became the person who against Slave Policy step in step . He considered that capital of America should be Washington,and there was no doubt they should cancel the Slave Policy .But many representatives from south America who just treat on profits were strongly against Lincoln.
* 1865年4月14日晚10时15分,就在
南方军队投降后第5天,林肯在华 盛顿福特剧院被布斯枪杀。同情南 方的演员约翰·布斯趁总统保镖离开 之时,悄悄溜到总统包厢在戏剧高 潮开枪击中了林肯。开枪8次被击 中6次,5次命中要害。周围的人都 没听到枪声。4月15日,美利坚合 众国第16任总统亚伯拉罕·林肯与世 长辞,有700多万人停立在道路两 旁向出殡的行列致哀,有150万人 瞻仰了林肯的遗容。
The Gettysburg Address Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent, a
new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not
hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead,who struggl-
-ed here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us - that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to - that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve - that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
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Brand Image
• Leland named the new company after Abraham Lincoln, his hero and for whom he cast a vote in 1864. • The coat of arms appeared on various Lincoln models until the mid-1950s when the coat of arms evolved into the framed, four-pointed star that is currently in use.
• 林肯汽车,借助林肯总统的名字来树立公司的形象,显示该公司生产的是顶 级轿车。品牌标志为:“一个矩形中含有一颗闪闪放光的星辰”。 品牌释义 是:“林肯总统是美国联邦统一和废除奴隶制的启明星,也喻示福特·林肯牌 轿车光辉灿烂。
Founder:Henry Leland(亨利·利兰) Founding Date: August 1917. Plant : Detroit, Michigan.
1917 亨利·利兰(Henry Leland)在底特律创办了林肯汽车公司,为第一 次世界大战生产航空发动机。 亨利·利兰创造了凯迪拉克和林肯两种车型,被誉为美国汽车工业的“精密 生产大师”。
lnternational Automobile and Manufacturing Technology Exhibition
He changed his political alliance to the Republican Party
in 1856.
Abraham Lincoln served as the 16th President of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865.
The American Civil War
He successfully led his country
through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War, preserving the Union and ending slavery.
畅想网络 Imagination Network 感谢观看!
Occupation: Lawyer / President
Social and family background
Abraham Lincoln was born in a cabin in Hardin Country, Kentucky, on February 12th ,1809. His mother, Nancy, died when he was nine, and the family moved to Indiana. Then, his father Thomas Lincoln married Sarah Bush Johnston , who encouraged Abraham’s education. In 1830, when he was 21 years old, his family moved again, this time to Illinois militia during the Black
Impact on the World
Lincoln's actions during the Civil War and his postwar policies awards form slips affecting the global discourse on human rights
Global Human Rights
Lincoln's legacy has been remembered for his leadership during the Civil War and his efforts to reutilize the country He is also remembered for his position to slave and his effects to improve race relationships in the United States
He worked as a flatboat on the Mississippi River, delivering goods to New Orleans
Lincoln read broadly during this period, including history, philosophy, and law
After the war, Lincoln oversaw the Reconstruction effort, aimed at rebuilding the South and securing rights for free slaves
Impact on America
Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, freeing slides in the Federated states This was a critical step in the Union's war effort and a major milestone in the history of activism in the United States
and served for terms.
• After receiving his law License in 1836,he married Mary Todd on November 4th,1842.
• In 1847,he was elected and served one term in the U.S.House of Represeentatives.
-----A Legend Story
Through the history
Through the times
Too many people tell us their story
Today,let us see the story of Abraham Lincoln…
His life
• He changed his political alliance to the Republican Party in 1856.
As a grown-up……
Abraham Lincoln served as the 16th President of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865.
Occupation: president
The commemoration
When he was a baby……
Social and family background
Abraham lincoin was born in a cabin in Hardin
be endangered…
Six weeks after becoming
President, the Civil War began. 11 states claimed that they
were independent and set up. In this war, the Northern states
the United States , to commemorate these two great leaders.
The test Free ride The lawyer
Both are tall, thin men with big ears. Both settled in the state of Illinois as young men. Both became lawyers. They each served in the Illinois state legislature before serving one term in the United States Congress. Both are known for their excellent writing and speaking skills.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.
亚伯拉罕•林肯是世界历史 中最伟大的人物之一,领导了 拯救联邦和结束奴隶制度的伟 大斗争。通过颁布《解放奴隶 宣言》,让400万奴隶获得自 由;他遇刺身亡后,美国正式 废除了奴隶制。林肯成功维护 了美国的统一,为推动美国社 会向前发展做出了巨大贡献。 人们怀念他的正直、仁慈、和 坚强的个性,他一直是美国历 史上最受人景仰的总统之一。 尽管他在边疆只受过一点儿初 级教育,担任公职的经验也很 少,然而,他那敏锐的洞察力 和深厚的人道主义意识,使他 成了美国历史上最伟大的总统。 林肯的一生是在接踵不断 的磨难中度过的。挫折是他生 活的主旋律,抑郁是他个人的 大敌。但林肯还是挺了过来, 直到最后一刻!
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), politicians, thinkers, 16th U.S. President (Term: March 4, 1861 -1865 April 15), he led the American Civil War, issued a " Declaration of the liberation of black slaves, "to maintain the unity of the United States federal, for the United States ranked in the 19th century, the world's number one industrial power opened the way, the United States entered the golden age of economic development, known as the" great liberator. " Is the first Republican U.S. president, is history's first name was assassinated president, and George • Washington • Franklin Roosevelt recognized as the greatest in American history, the three presidents.
• Reared in a poor family on the western frontier, Lincoln almost studied himself. He became a country lawyer, a Whig Party (辉格党) leader, Illinois state (伊利诺 斯州)legislator in the 1830s, and a oneterm member of the United States House of Representatives(美国众议院) in the 1840s.
Abraham Lincoln
《圣经》不是 我的书,基督 教不是我的信 仰。我从来不 可能同意基督 教教条冗长繁 杂的陈述。
• 亚伯拉罕· 林肯,美国第16任总 统。他领导了美国南北战争,颁 布了《解放黑人奴隶宣言》,维 护了美联邦统一,为美国在19世 纪跃居世界头号工业强国开辟了 道路,使美国进入经济发展的黄 金时代,被称为“伟大的解放 者”。内战结束后不久,林肯遇 刺身亡。他是第一个遭到刺杀的 美国总统。在美国在线于2005年 举办的票选活动《最伟大的美国 人》中,林肯被选为美国最伟大 的人物第二位。
That’s all thank you
• 林肯的话
• • •
•ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1· 人生最美好的东西,就是他同别人的友谊。 2· 给别人自由和维护自己的自由,两者同样是 崇高的事业。 3· 我们关心的,不是你是否失败了,而是你对 失败能否无怨。 4· 好学的人必成大器。 5· 事实上教育便是一种早期的习惯。 6· 凡是不给别人自由的人,他们自己就不应该 得到自由,而且在公正的上帝统治下,他们也是不 能够长远地保持住自由的。 7· 永远记住,你自己决心成功比其它什么都重 要 8· 我不一定会胜利,但定会真诚行事。我不一 定成功,但会抱持一贯的信念。我会与任何正直持 平的人并肩而立。他对的时候,我会给予支持;他 错的时候,我肯定会离他而去。
1848 Ran for re-election to Congress―lost.
1849 Sought the job of land officer in his home state―reje 1854 Ran for Senat56 Sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party's national convention got less than 100 votes. 1858 Ran for U.S. Senate again ―again he lost.
-----A Legend Story
Through the history Through the times Too many people tell us their story Today,let us see the story of Abraham Lincoln…
Young Lincoln was ever sent to school after arriving in New Orleans, when witnessing slavery firsthand—he walked back home.
1840 Sought to become elector--defeated. 1843 Ran for Congress-lost. 1846 Ran for Congress again―this time he won―went to Washington and did a good job.
1834 Ran for state legislature again-won. 1834 Was engaged to be married, sweetheart died and his heart was broken. 1836 Had a total nervous breakdown and was in bed for six months. 1838 Sought to become speaker of the state legislature-defeated.
It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us - that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to - that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve - that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
One of the greatest U.S. presidents
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
was born on February 12, 1809.
He was born in a poor family and his mother passed
林肯的简介英文版Abraham Lincoln is widely regarded as one of the greatest Presidents in American history. Born on February 12, 1809, in a log cabin in Hodgenville, Kentucky, he grew up in humble surroundings. His father, Thomas Lincoln, was a farmer and carpenter, and his mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, died when he was only nine years old.Despite growing up in poverty, Lincoln had a thirst for knowledge and a strong desire to succeed. He only received one year of formal education, but took every opportunity to learn, borrowing books and studying on his own. He developed a passion for reading, and his favorite books included the Bible, Aesop's Fables, and the works of William Shakespeare.In 1830, Lincoln moved to Illinois, where he began his career as a lawyer. He quickly gained a reputation for his honesty, integrity, and exceptional speaking skills. These qualities helped him win a seat in the Illinois state legislature in 1834 and serve as a U.S. Representative from Illinois from 1847 to 1849.Lincoln's rise to the presidency began in 1860 when he was elected as the 16th President of the United States. His election ignited a deep divide between the northern and southern states over the issue of slavery. Lincoln was firmly against the expansion of slavery into the newly acquired western territories, and this stance ultimately led to the secession of several southern states and the outbreak of the American Civil War.The Civil War was a defining moment in Lincoln's presidency. Hefaced the daunting task of preserving the United States and upholding the principles of liberty and equality. Through great determination and strategic leadership, he guided the Union to victory over the Confederacy and successfully abolished slavery. His Emancipation Proclamation, issued in 1862, declared that all slaves within the Confederate states were to be set free.In the midst of his efforts to save the nation, Lincoln faced immense personal tragedy. His beloved son, Willie, died in 1862 at the age of eleven, plunging him into deep grief. However, Lincoln's resilience and ability to persevere in the face of adversity never wavered. He continued to dedicate himself to his country and the task of reconstruction following the war.On April 14, 1865, just days after the Confederate surrender, Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth while attending a play at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. His death sent shockwaves throughout the nation and left a lasting impact on American history.Lincoln's legacy is undeniable. His leadership during a time of great crisis strengthened the foundations of democracy and laid the groundwork for a more equal and just society. He is remembered as the "Great Emancipator" for his role in ending slavery and promoting equality for all Americans.Furthermore, his ability to communicate effectively and inspire others with his words is legendary. The Gettysburg Address, delivered in 1863, is considered one of the greatest speeches in American history. In it, Lincoln eloquently spoke of the sacrificesmade by the soldiers who fought in the Civil War and emphasized the importance of preserving the Union.Abraham Lincoln's life and presidency serve as a testament to the power of determination, integrity, and compassion. His unwavering commitment to justice and equality continues to inspire generations of Americans. He remains an icon of American history and a symbol of hope and progress.In addition to his remarkable achievements and legacy as President, Abraham Lincoln also faced numerous challenges and controversies during his time in office. These challenges tested his leadership abilities and forced him to make difficult decisions that would shape the future of the nation.One of the most significant challenges Lincoln faced was the issue of civil liberties during wartime. The Civil War brought about a suspension of certain constitutional rights, and Lincoln was often criticized for his actions in suppressing dissent and enforcing martial law. He suspended the writ of habeas corpus, which allowed for the arrest and detention of individuals without trial, in order to maintain order and protect national security. While his actions were controversial, Lincoln believed that preserving the Union was of the utmost importance, and he acted accordingly. Another controversy surrounding Lincoln's presidency was his handling of the issue of race and equality. While Lincoln is often lauded as the "Great Emancipator" for his role in abolishing slavery, his views on race were complex and evolved over time. In the early years of his career, Lincoln's primary goal was to preserve the Union, and he did not initially support the completeabolition of slavery. However, as the war progressed and he witnessed the bravery and sacrifice of African American soldiers, Lincoln came to realize that full emancipation was necessary.On January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring that all slaves in Confederate territory were to be set free. This was a pivotal moment in American history and a major milestone in the fight for equality. However, it is important to note that the Emancipation Proclamation did not immediately free all slaves in the United States, as it only applied to areas under Confederate control. It would take the ratification of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865 to permanently abolish slavery.Lincoln also faced criticism and opposition from within his own party. His leadership during the Civil War was not always unanimously supported, and he had to navigate the tensions within the Republican Party. Many conservatives opposed his policies, and some believed that he was overstepping his constitutional authority. However, Lincoln remained steadfast in his commitment to preserving the Union and accomplishing his goal of abolishing slavery.Despite these challenges, Lincoln's presidency saw significant achievements that transformed the nation. In addition to his role in the abolition of slavery, he also signed the Homestead Act in 1862, which provided land and the opportunity for ownership to thousands of Americans. He also established the Department of Agriculture and implemented policies to modernize the economy and promote industrialization.Furthermore, Lincoln's leadership during the war and his ability to inspire and unite the nation have left a lasting impact. His dedication to preserving the Union and upholding the principles of liberty and equality continue to serve as guiding principles for the United States to this day. His legacy is one of courage, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the ideals of democracy.It is important to recognize that Lincoln was not without his flaws and limitations. Like any leader, he made mistakes and faced controversies throughout his presidency. However, his ability to learn, adapt, and lead during a time of great crisis speaks to his character and his leadership skills.In conclusion, Abraham Lincoln's presidency was marked by significant challenges, controversy, and achievements. His role in preserving the Union, emancipating slaves, and guiding the nation through one of its darkest periods is widely recognized and celebrated. Lincoln's unwavering commitment to justice, equality, and the ideals of democracy continue to inspire and shape the nation to this day. His legacy as one of America's greatest Presidents serves as a reminder of the power of leadership, determination, and compassion.。
林肯的简介英文版Abraham Lincoln February 12, 1809 - April 15, 1865, Republicans, American politicians, thinkers, abolition of black slavery. 16th president of the United States, during his presidency, theUnited States outbreak of civil war, known as the Civil War, Lincoln firmly opposed to the national division. He abolished the rebellion of the state slavery, promulgated the "homestead law","the liberation of black slaves declaration." Lincoln defeated the separatist forces in the south, maintaining the rights of the United States and its territory, regardless of race, human lifeand equal rights. Shortly after the end of the civil war, Lincoln was assassinated, was the first assassination of the US president, is also thefirst Republican president, has repeatedly beenrated as the greatest president. The latest version of the $ 5 notes is the picture of Abraham Lincoln.In 2021, Abraham Lincoln was rated by the American authoritative journal "Atlantic Monthly" as the first 100 characters to influence the United States.British "The Times" in 2021 organized the Committee of Experts on the 43 US presidents were different standards for the "greatest president" ranking, Abraham Lincoln as the first.Early experienceFebruary 12, 1909, Lincoln was born in a poor family in Harding County, Kentucky, in his own words, his childhood is "a poor chronology of poverty." When he was a child, he helped the familymove the firewood, raise the water, do the farm work, and so on. Parents are descendants of British immigrants who live by farming and hunting.In 1816, the Lincoln family moved to the southwest of Indiana, land reclamation for a living. 9 years old, Lincoln only 36-year-old mother died, and thus cultivate his ability to think andwork independently, grew up after the height of 193cm, but always gives the most calm and depressed impression. A year later, the father married a good-hearted woman named Sally Bush.Stepmother kindly hard work, treat her husband's ex-wife's children as their own, full of love for the small Lincoln, Lincoln also respected mother, a family living in harmony and happiness.Lincoln's education is not high due to poor family poverty. In order to maintain the family plan, juvenile Lincoln had been on the Ohio River ferry, plantation workers and so on.At the age of 18, tall Lincoln was hired by a shipowner, with people along a flat barge boat along the Ohio River, sailing thousands of miles to New Orleans. Before the age of 25, Lincoln didnot have a fixed career, four to make a living. Adulthood, he became a local land surveyor, due to proficient in measurement and calculation, often people to go to solve the boundary disputes.In the hard work of spare time, Lincoln is always a love of reading young people, his night lights always flash to late very late. In his youth, Lincoln read all of Shakespeare's writings, read"American history", and read many historical and literary books. He makes himself a learned and intelligent man through self-study.Beginning with politicsIn 1834, at a political rally Lincoln first published a political speech, because of criticism of the slave system, made some suggestions conducive to public affairs, he had an impact in thepublic, coupled with his outstanding character, In 1834 he was elected a state legislator. In August the same year, 25-year-old Lincoln was elected as a member of Illinois as a member of theIllinois and re-elected three to 1842, while managing the country post office, and engaged in land survey.In 1836, Lincoln became a lawyer through self-study, and later opened a law firm in Springfield. And soon became the state legislator Whig party leader. After accumulating the experience ofstate legislators. In 1846, 37-year-old Lincoln was elected to the US House of Representatives.In 1847, Lincoln as the representative of the Whig Party, participated in the election of members of Congress, was successful, the first time to the capital of Washington. In the past, thedebate on slavery has become a major event in American political life. In this argument, Lincoln became an anti-niggerist. He believes that slavery should eventually be eliminated, first of allshould be in the capital Washington to abolish slavery. Manchuists whorepresent the interests of the slave owners in the south are frantically opposed to Lincoln's slavery.In 1850, the slave forces in the United States increased, and Lincoln withdrew from Congress and continued as a lawyer. In 1856, Lincoln withdrew from the Whig Party for his strong oppositionto the expansion of slavery, took part in the newly established Republican against slavery and soon became the main leader of the party.Elected presidentIn November 1860, Lincoln was elected president, Republican for the first time in power. Lincoln's election posed a serious threat to the interests ofthe southern plantation owners, thesouthern plantation slaves for the manufacture of divisions, launched a mutiny, the southern 11 states have quit the federal, announced the establishment of the "United States Union", anddeveloped a new constitution, Elect the new president.In April 1861, the southern rebel forces first provoked war to the north. Lincoln called on the people to fight for the reunification of the Union, the outbreak of the Civil War. After theCivil War began, President Lincoln was decisive, not only to expand the power of the President of the war, but also ordered in some areas to abolishthe personal protection of citizensprivileges. However, Lincoln has been shaken and hesitated on the issueof liberation of slaves, one of the important concerns is the private property rights issues related to theconstitutional process. In view of the fact that the US Constitution prohibits the government from depriving citizens of property without proper legal process, Lincoln has no intention orliberation of slaves.August 22, 1862, in a letter to the New York Tribune editor, "Lincoln wrote:" My highest goal is to save the federation, neither to preserve slavery nor to destroy slavery. A slave can savethe union, I will not liberate; if the liberation of all slaves can save the federal, I will be all liberation; if the liberation of part of the slaves, not the liberation of other slaves cansave the federal, I also do. "In his presidency, Lincoln tried to demand a peaceful way to abolish slavery in order to avoid state divisions and wars.But with the deepening of the war, Lincolnreally realized that in order to really abolish slavery, it must be bloodshed and sacrifice, and the way of peace can not solve any problems at all. Lincoln, in the most critical juncture ofthe civil war, was able to comply with the demands of the broad masses of the people and destroy the slavery in a revolutionary way and to solve the people's demands on the land, thus promotingthe development of American capitalism and maintaining national unity and the liberation of black slaves Made an important contribution.Civil war winsThe defeat of the North on the battlefield caused strong dissatisfaction among the broad masses of the people, and many cities broke out demonstrations and asked the government to takemeasures to reverse the war situation. At this time Lincoln realizedthat in order to win the war, we must mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers, the abolition of slavery, the liberation ofslaves. In May 1862, Lincoln signed the "Homestead Law", whichstipulated that each American citizen would pay only $ 10 in registration fees and would be able to make 160 acres of land in thewest and five years after the continuous cultivation became the legitimate owner of the land. This measure fundamentally eliminates the possibility of the southern slave owners to seize thewestern land, but also to meet the urgent needs of the majority of farmers, greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of farmers fighting courageously. In September 1862, Lincoln personally drafted the"liberation of black slaves declaration draft".January 1, 1863 formally promulgated the "liberation of black slaves declaration", announced that the abolition of the rebellion of the slavery of the state, the liberation of the slaves canbe called to participate in the federal army. Announced the slaves to obtain freedom, fundamentally disintegrated the combat effectiveness of the Southern Army, but also to the North Army toget a solid source of soldiers. During the civil war, direct black warriors reached 18.6 million people, they are very brave fighting, the average of every three blacks have one for theliberation of the cause of life.1863 proposed "people, the people, the people enjoy" the programmatic slogan, so that the war has become a mass revolutionary struggle. It is important to note that the Liberation SlaveDeclaration advocates that all slaves of the territory under the rebel territory of the United States should enjoy freedom, but the object of exemption also includes states that are notdivorced from the federal state and the state under the control of the state. This declaration immediately liberates a small part of the slaves, but essentially strengthens the authority of theslave army after the federal army controls the territory of the Union, and paves the way for the final abolition of the national slavery. The promulgation of the two laws of the "Homestead Law"and the "Declaration of the Liberation of the Black Slaves" is a turning point in the Civil War, and the situation on the battlefield has become increasingly favorable to the North. On July 1,1863, the two sides launched the largest battle since the Civil War in Gettysburg, north of Washington. The two sides fighting for three days andthree nights, the North Army hit the SouthernArmy, the South Army lost 36,000 people, from the North Army began to enter the counterattack, while the South Army only defensive.On July 4, 1863, the Northern Army was victorious in Vicksburg. Vicksburgis located on the Mississippi River, is a 200 feet above the surface of the cliff, according to the cliff of theSouthern Army condescending, you can use fire directly threaten theriver from the ship. It is very difficult to attack this fortress from below. As early as the end of 1862, Grant led histroops in the Navy with the help of several times to attack the fortress, but did not succeed. In April 1863, Grant launched a new offensive plan, first destroyed the fortress around thevarious positions, and then surrounded the Vicksburg. The Navy also came to help, from the land and water at the same time attack, violent shelling fortress, deafening sound has been ringingfor 47 days. July 4, trapped in the fortress of the Southern Army exhausted, forced to surrender, the Northern Army this time captive rebels 2.9 million people. Then, the northern army sweptthe leaves of the autumn trend, the rapid pursuit of rebels, April 3, 1865 captured the rebel capital Richmond. On 9 April, the rebel commander-in-chief Robert Lee's rate of remnants of 28,000people surrendered to Grant in the village of Apomacomos. The four-year-long North and South war ended in the north.Shot deadDue to Abraham Lincoln's outstanding achievements in the American Civil War, he was re-elected as President of the United States on 8 November 1864. However, before Lincoln put his postwarpolicy into effect, the tragedy took place. At 10:15 on April 14, 1865, Lincoln was shot at the Ford Theater in Washington on the fifth day after the surrender of the South Army. Sympathetic tothe South actor John Booth while the president bodyguard to leave,quietly slipped into the presidential box shot hit Lincoln. On 15 April, the16th President of the United States of America,Abraham Lincoln, died.Booth was born in the United States after the opening of the theater, his superb acting has been the object of female fans chase. But the Boss was inthe midst of the mourning of the country,and he was unequivocal in politics: a strong supporter of the Confederacy. During the civil war, Booth put together a group of peoplesecretly activities, these people, including his childhoodfriends Mitchell Aoluofu Lin and Sam Arnold; Maryland, a manufacturing carriage of George Atzrode; 23 years old Of the drugstore staff David Herold; former South Federal fighter Louis Powell,and a former army has provided information for the John Salat. The organization had plotted an apartment in Washington to kidnap Lincoln to exchange plans for captive soldiers in the south, butthese plans were as fruitless as many other conspiracies.Lincoln was stabbed two or three days before, Booth almost every day drunk, his former conspiracy organization fragmented, only Pein, Herod and Atzrod. April 14 at noon, he went to the FordTheater to take the e-mail, inadvertently see the poster said Lincolnand Grant will attend the evening show, Booth burst of ecstasy, immediately called the buddies to implement their finalplan: Assassinate Vice President Johnson, Pein and Herold to assassinate the increasingly recovering Secretary of State West Howard, Booth himself to shoot the president.Booth entered the president's box at 10 pm. The box is a lock, but this lock in a few days ago on the bad, and no one reported the matter. As Booth was an actor, so the guards of thePresident did not embarrass him. Police John Parker should have been on the way to the box in the lobby, but he was not interested in the play, so he hid to another room to drink.When Booth entered the box, he calmly aimed the gun between Lincoln's left ear and back ... ... shot a total of 8 times, Lincoln was hit 6 times, of which 5 hit the key. However, only 1675viewers, only few people heard gunshots, and even sitting next to Mrs. Lincoln and a few accompanied by watching the people are not too shocked by the gunfire. It was hard to hear that thelaughter and the gunshots of the audience were hard to hear because Booth had chosen to shoot at the climax of the play.Then the box in a chaos, Booth jumped from the box to the stage, turned to the audience shouted: "All tyrants are the end of this." This is the famous words of Virginia. After theassassination of Lincoln, Booth has been to the south to escape, but because the government launched a national search, Booth was found in a locked pigsty, and finally killed by the gunsoutside the staff. After the death of a few decades, there are a lot of people claim that they are real Booth, there is a person several times twice said that he is Booth, but in fact becausethese people want to be known through this, from these Things canreflect Lincoln's position in the eyes of the Americans is extremely high.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。