An Overview of Deepwater Pipeline Laying Technology
深水海底管道铺设技术研究进展+李志刚, 王琮, 何宁, 赵冬岩摘要:海底管道作为最重要的海洋石油天然气的运输方式,发展速度逐步加快,对于海底管道的铺设方法和主要铺设工具——铺管船,也提出了更高的要求。
关键词:深水, 海底管道, 铺管方法, 铺管船An Overview of Deepwater Pipeline Laying TechnologyLI Zhi-gang, WANG Cong, HE Ning, ZHAO Dong-yan,(Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd., Tanggu, Tianjin)Abstract: The subsea pipeline, regarded as the most important transportation way of offshore oil and gas, is developing rapidly. Consequently, the pipe laying techniques and vessels are considered as critical and characteristic in its application. In the context, the latest deepwater pipeline laying technologies and the various advanced pipe laying barges are introduced and the corresponding comparison and discussion are presented as well. The authors suggest that China should absorb and digest the internationally advanced pipeline laying techniques and pipe laying facilities to make up for the gap existed in the research and application of pipeline laying technologies, especially in the deepwater field.+国家863计划资助课题(2006AA09A105)。
Unit 3 课文原文——Spillonomics
Spillonomics: Underestimating RiskDavid LeonhardtPublished: June 1, 2010[1] In retrospect, the pattern seems clear. Years before the Deepwater Horizon rig blew, BP was developing a reputation as an oil company that took safety risks to save money. An explosion at a Texas refinery killed 15 workers in 2005, and federal regulators and a panel led by James A. Baker III, the former secretary of state, said that cost cutting was partly to blame. The next year, a corroded pipeline in Alaska poured oil into Prudhoe Bay. None other than Joe Barton, a Republican congressman from Texas and a global-warming skeptic, upbraided BP managers for their “seeming indifference to safety and environmental issues.”[2] Much of this indifference stemmed from an obsession with profits, come what may. But there also appears to have been another factor, one more universally human, at work. The people running BP did a dreadful job of estimating the true chances of events that seemed unlikely—but that would bring enormous costs.[3] Perhaps the easiest way to see this is to consider what BP executives must be thinking today. Surely, given the expense of the clean-up and the hit to BP’s reputation, the executives wish they could go back and spend the extra money to make Deepwater Horizon safer. That they did not suggests that they figured the rig would be fine as it was.[4] For all the criticism BP executives may deserve, they are far from the only people to struggle with such low-probability, high-cost events. Nearly everyone does. “These are precisely the kinds of events that are hard for us as humans to get our hands around and react to rationally,” Robert N. Stavins, an environmental economist at Harvard, says. We make two basic—and opposite—types of mistakes. When an event is difficult to imagine, we tend to underestimate its likelihood. This is the proverbial black swan. Most of the people running Deepwater Horizon probably never had a rig explode on them. So they assumed it would not happen, at least not to them.[5] Similarly, Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan liked to argue, not so long ago, that the national real estate market was not in a bubble because it had never been in one before. Wall Street traders took the same view and built mathematical models that did not allow for the possibility that house prices would decline. And many home buyers signed up for unaffordable mortgages, believing they could refinance or sell the house once its price rose. That’s what house prices did, it seemed.[6] On the other hand, when an unlikely event is all too easy to imagine, we often go in the opposite direction and overestimate the odds. After the 9/11 attacks, Americans canceled plane trips and took to the road. There were no terrorist attacks in this country in 2002, yet the additional driving apparently led to an increase in trafficfatalities.[7] When the stakes are high enough, it falls to government to help its citizens avoid these entirely human errors. The market, left to its own devices, often cannot do so. Yet in the case of Deepwater Horizon, government policy actually went the other way. It encouraged BP to underestimate the odds of a catastrophe.[8] In a little-noticed provision in a 1990 law passed after the Exxon Valdez spill, Congress capped a spiller’s liability over and above cleanup costs at $75 million for a rig spill. Even if the economic damages—to tourism, fishing and the like—stretch into the billions, the responsible party is on the hook for only $75 million. (In this instance, BP has agreed to waive the cap for claims it deems legitimate.) Michael Greenstone, an economist who runs the Hamilton Project in Washington, says the law fundamentally distorts a company’s decision making. Without the cap, executives would have to weigh the possible revenue from a well against the cost of drilling there and the risk of damage. With the cap, they can largely ignore the potential damage beyond cleanup costs. So they end up drilling wells even in places where the damage can be horrific, like close to a shoreline. To put it another way, human frailty [?frelti] helped BP’s executives underestimate the chance of a low-probability, high-cost event. Federal law helped them underestimate the costs.[9] In the wake of Deepwater Horizon, Congress and the Obama administration will no doubt be tempted to pass laws meant to reduce the risks of another deep-water disaster. Certainly there are some sensible steps they can take, like lifting the liability cap and freeing regulators from the sway of industry. But it would be foolish to think that the only risks we are still underestimating are the ones that have suddenly become salient.[10] The big financial risk is no longer a housing bubble. Instead, it may be the huge deficits that the growth of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security will cause in coming years—and the possibility that lenders will eventually become nervous about extending credit to Washington. True, some economists and policy makers insist the country should not get worked up about this possibility, because lenders have never soured on the United States government before and show no signs of doing so now. But isn’t that reminiscent of the old Bernanke-Greenspan tune about the housing market?[11] Then, of course, there are the greenhouse gases that oil wells (among other things) send into the atmosphere even when the wells function properly. Scientists say the buildup of these gases is already likely to warm the planet by at least three degrees over the next century and cause droughts , storms and more ice-cap melting. The researchers’ estimates have risen recently, too, and it is also possible the planet could get around 12 degrees hotter. That kind of warming could flood major cities and cause parts of Antarctica to collapse.[12] Nothing like that has ever happened before. Even imagining it is difficult. It is much easier to hope that the odds of such an outcome are vanishingly small. In fact, it’s only natural to have this hope. But that doesn’t make it wise.。
透镜垫轴向载荷理论差值为流体压力 P 在透镜垫
接触直径 G 内产生的端部总静压力 H:
H = πG2P /4.
( 8)
由表 1 可得 H 有限元值为 345 336N,理论值为
358 870,相对误差 - 3. 772% ,误差较小且偏小,这
接触宽度中心直径 G. 高颈径向接触载荷比预紧状
随着海洋油气资源开发向深海发展的必然性, 水下生产系统成为必须掌握的技术,海底管道是水 下生产系统的关键设施之一. 水下回接技术是将新
开发的边际和卫星油气田的海底管道接入已建海底 设施,使海洋油气开发变得经济有效[1]. 水下回接 技术主要有焊接和机械连接 2 种方式[2],机械连接 可由 ROV( 遥控潜水器) 控制 ROT( 远程操作工具) 安装管道末端连接器,更适于深水作业.
( 3)
摩擦力转向. 透镜垫接触表面残余压力 mP,m 为 ASME 规范建议垫片系数[11],P 为设计压力,透镜垫
轴向操作载荷 Hlo:
H1o = 2πGbmpcos( α + ρ) / cos ρ.
( 4)
高颈径向操作载荷 Who公式如下:
Who = ( πG2 P /4 + Hlo) tan( φ - ρ) . ( 5)
第 32 卷
本文设计了具有自紧特性,结构简单可靠的套筒连 接器系统.
1 套筒连接器系统方案设计
套筒连接器系统如图 1 所示,导向套、控制板、伸 缩限位块、对接油路和操作手柄为安装工具,由 ROV 控制; 固定板、油缸、连接高颈、套筒、卡爪和透镜垫为 套筒连接器. 控制板固定在导向套上,控制板上有对 接油路和操作手柄,操作手柄由 ROV 控制,实现液压 缸和伸缩限位块动作,导向套通过伸缩限位块与固定 板联接,固定板与连接高颈固连,液压缸和固定板固 连,与套筒铰接,套筒可沿高颈滑动,12 个卡爪环向 安装在套筒与高颈之间,可绕连接高颈旋转.
目d 深水海底管道预调试的施工技术主要有两种:连续油管技术与水下模块技术。
不同公司使用的水下模块主要分 两:水下橇,主要水下清管、水下试压水下,分5底管道注水清管、5底管道试压与'另多水下,集5底管道清管、试压及水下于一体。
关键词:深水5底管道;预调试;连续油管;水下清管试压;水下人Summary on pre-commissioning technology of deepwater offshore pipelineGAO Lei,YE Yongbiao,CAO Juhang,ZHANG Jie,YANG Zhibin,HU Chengli,ZHANG JieShenzhen Offshore Oil Engineering Subsea Technology Co.,Ltd.Shenzhen518000,ChinaAbstract:In the development of deepwater oil and gas fields,there are many problems in the offshore pipelines pre-commissioning,and the conventional operation is more difficult to meet the requirements.There are two main technologies for deepwater pipeline pre一commissioning:the coiled tubing technology and the subsea module technology.By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of these two technologies,the subsea module technology has obvious advantages in the pipeline cleaning and hydrotesting.The subsea modules applied by different companies are mainly divided into two types:the single-function subsea skid,which includes the subsea pigging skid,the subsea hydrotesting skid and the subsea data logging and recording skid to respectively achieve water injection,pipeline hydrotesting and data recording;another is the multi-functional subsea skid to integrate the pipeline pigging,subsea hydrotesting and subsea recording functions.Taking the multi-functional subsea skid(COOEC SFHM)as an example,this paper introduces its pigging and hydrotesting process in detail,and focuses on its application in Liuhua16-1project.Keywords:deep water offshore pipe;pre-commissioning;coiled tubing;subsea pigging and hydrotesting;ROV在深水海洋石油开采工程中,海底管道将海上油气田储油设施或陆上处理终端连接成一个有机的整体,使海上生产设施的各个环节通过管道形成相互关联、相互协调作业的生产操作系统。
文章编号:1000-4750(2021)04-0247-10基于向量有限元的深水管道屈曲行为分析李振眠1,2,余 杨1,2,余建星1,2,赵 宇1,2,张晓铭1,2,赵明仁1,2(1. 天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室,天津大学,天津 300350;2. 天津市港口与海洋工程重点实验室,天津大学,天津 300350)摘 要:局部屈曲破坏是深水管道运行的最大安全问题之一。
采用创新性的向量式有限元方法(VFIFE)分析深水管道结构屈曲行为,推导考虑材料非线性的VFIFE 空间壳单元计算公式,编制Fortran 计算程序和MATLAB 后处理程序,开展外压下深水管道压溃压力和屈曲传播压力计算、压溃和屈曲传播过程模拟。
开展全尺寸深水管道压溃试验,进行深水管道压溃压力和压溃形貌分析,对比验证了VFIFE 、试验、传统有限元方法(FEM)得到的结果。
结果表明:VFIFE 能够直接求解管道压溃压力和屈曲传播压力,模拟管道屈曲和屈曲传播行为,计算结果符合实际情况,与压溃试验、传统有限元方法符合较好,并具有不需特殊计算处理、全程行为跟踪等优势,可以为深水管道结构屈曲行为分析提供一套新的、通用的分析策略。
关键词:管道结构;屈曲行为;向量式有限元;空间壳单元;压力舱试验中图分类号:TU312+.1;P756.2 文献标志码:A doi: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2020.06.0357BUCKLING ANALYSIS OF DEEPWATER PIPELINES BY VECTOR FORMINTRINSIC FINITE ELEMENT METHODLI Zhen-mian 1,2, YU Yang 1,2, YU Jian-xing 1,2, ZHAO Yu 1,2, ZHANG Xiao-ming 1,2, ZHAO Ming-ren1,2(1. State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China;2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Port and Ocean Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China)Abstract: Local buckling damage is one of the biggest safety issues during the operation of deepwater pipelines.The innovative vector form intrinsic finite element method (VFIFE) is used to analyze the buckling behavior of deepwater pipelines. After deriving the calculation formula of VFIFE space shell elements considering the nonlinear elastoplastic material, we developed a Fortran calculation program and a MATLAB post-processing program to simulate the collapse and buckling propagation process. The collapse pressure and the buckling propagation pressure were calculated. A full-scale pressure chamber test was conducted to analyze the buckling load and buckling morphology. The VFIFE results were compared with those of the test, traditional finite element method (FEM) and DNV method. The VEIFE can directly simulate the pipeline collapse, the buckling propagation, the collapse pressure, and the buckling propagation pressure. The VFIFE results are in line with the actual situation and in good agreement with those of the other methods. The VFIFE has the advantages of not requiring special calculation processing and tracking of the entire behavior, thus providing a new and universal analytic strategy for buckling simulation of deepwater pipelines.Key words: pipeline structure; buckling behavior; vector form intrinsic finite element method; 3D shell element;pressure chamber test深水管道由于外部高静水压作用,其设计通常依据局部屈曲压溃的失稳极限状态[1]。
Ground water Term
absorption coefficient accumulation (glacial) 吸附系数 堆积 A measure of the amount of radiant energy, incident normal to a planar surface, that is absorbed per unit distance or unit mass of a substance. All processes, which include snowfall, condensation, avalanching, snow transport by wind, and freezing of liquid water, that add snow or ice to a glacier, floating ice, or snow cover. The term also includes the amount of snow or other solid precipitation added to a glacier or snowfield by these processes. the acidic rainfall which results when rain combines with sulfur oxides emissions from combustion of fossil fuels. The acid concentration in ice core layers as a function of depth as determined from electrical measurements. The magnitudes of some volcanic eruptions in the Northern Hemisphere have been estimated from the acidity of annual layers in ice cores taken in Greenland. This methodology is sometimes referred to as acidity signal or acidity record. the molecular attraction asserted between the surfaces of bodies in contact. Compare cohesion the adhesion of a substance to the surface of a solid or liquid. Adsorption is often used to extract pollutants by causing them to be attached to such adsorbents as activated carbon or silica gel. Hydrophobic, or water-repulsing adsorbents, are used to extract oil from waterways in oil spills. Time required for a given stream of irrigation water to move from the upper end of a field to the lower end of the field. The predominately horizontal large-scale movement of air that causes changes in temperature or other physical properties. In oceanography, advection is the horizontal or vertical flow of sea water as a current. the mixing or turbulent exposure of water to air and oxgen to dissipate volatile contaminants and other pollutants into the air. (also known as the unsaturated zone):The zone above the water table is known as the aeration zone. Particulate material, other than water or ice, in the atmosphere ranging in size from approximately 10x-3 to larger than 10x2 磎 in radius. Aerosols are important in the atmosphere as nuclei for the condensation of water droplets and ice crystals, as participants in various chemical cycles, and as absorbers and scatterers of solar radiation, thereby influencing the radiation budget of the earth-atmosphere system, which in turn influences the climate on the surface of the Earth. water which is soft and acidic and can corrode plumbing, piping, and appliances. Composed of livestock, animal specialty, and irrigation water use.
合物,一般取0.6。 轴向摩擦系数冷=Fa/Qs。 (3) 侧向抗力 侧向抗力包括被动土抗力和被动库仑摩擦阻力。 被动土抗力计算式为
F' = N
式中:〃c = tan+,其中+为内摩擦角。
侧向抗力Fr=Fp +F'。
于一0.5,即 Seff/PE〉一0. 5。
上述条件适用于单跨(孤立跨),即悬跨的静 态和动态特性不受相邻悬跨的影响。相反,在多跨 中每个悬跨的静态和动态特性受到相邻悬跨的影 响,即这些自由悬跨是相互作用的。上述推荐公式 显然不适用。针对多跨问题,DNV-RP-F105规范 建议采用近似的响应表达式或精确的有限元法进行 自由悬跨分析,以获得应力幅值和固有频率。
4.1输入参数 以中国南海某油气田采用的单层管道为例进行
多跨模态分析和疲劳评估。该管道为单层管,外防 腐涂层为3层聚乙烯,厚度为3. 1 mm,密度为 940 kg/m3 ;管道总长度为27 km,设计寿命为 25 a。管道输送介质为油和水,密度为293 kg/m3 ; 管道内腐蚀裕量为3 mm。管道结构相关设计参数 如表1 所示)
第36 卷第3 期 2021年06月
offshore pipelines_01
• • • • • • •
Reservoir performance Fluid and water compositions Fluid PVT properties Sand concentration Sand particle distribution Geotechnical survey data Meteorological and oceanographic data
I n t r o d u c t i o n
The first pipeline was built in the United States in 1859 to transport crude oil (Wolbert, 1952). Through the one-and-a-half century of pipeline operating practice, the petroleum industry has proven that pipelines are by far the most economical means of large scale overland transportation for crude oil, natural gas, and their products, clearly superior to rail and truck transportation over competing routes, given large quantities to be moved on a regular basis. Transporting petroleum fluids with pipelines is a continuous and reliable operation. Pipelines have demonstrated an ability to adapt to a wide variety of environments including remote areas and hostile environments. Because of their superior flexibility to the alternatives, with very minor exceptions, largely due to local peculiarities, most refineries are served by one or more pipelines. Mans inexorable demand for petroleum products intensified the search for oil in the offshore regions of the world as early as 1897, when the offshore oil exploration and production started from the Summerland, California (Leffler et al., 2003). The first offshore pipeline was born in the Summerland, an idyllic-sounding spot just southeast of Santa Barbara. Since then the offshore pipeline has become the unique means of efficiently transporting offshore fluids, i.e., oil, gas, and water. Offshore pipelines can be classified as follows (Figure 1.1): • Flowlines transporting oil and/or gas from satellite subsea wells to subsea manifolds; • Flowlines transporting oil and/or gas from subsea manifolds to production facility platforms; • Infield flowlines transporting oil and/or gas between production facility platforms; • Export pipelines transporting oil and/or gas from production facility platforms to shore; and • Flowlines transporting water or chemicals from production facility platforms, through subsea injection manifolds, to injection wellheads. The further downstream from the subsea wellhead, as more streams commingle, the larger the diameter of the pipelines. Of course, the pipelines are sized to handle the expected pressure andfluidflow.To ensure desired flow rate of product, pipeline size varies significantly from project to project. To contain the pressures, wall thicknesses of the pipelines range from 3/8 inch to 11Z2 inch.
OTC 深海技术会议2009年会议论文全部标题——中英文对照
Tahiti Flowline Expansion Control System
Tahiti Project Subsea System Design/Qualification
Novel Single-Trip Upper Completion System Saves Rig Time in Deepwater Offshore Brazil
Development of a Large Bore Umbilical for Deep Water Service
Risk Mitigation of Chemical Munitions in a Deepwater GeoHazard Assessment
Comparison of Tank Testing and Numerical Analysis for the Design of a Catamaran for Deck Installation by the Float-Over Method
Effect of Remolding and Reconsolidation on the Touchdown Stiffness of a
做海洋工程的设计单位有多少家呢?发布: 2008-9-25 16:14 | 作者: bbcc35599571 | 来源: 龙de船人那个地区的最多呢?naval2002 (2008-9-25 16:45:35)太多了,很多海归开的公司,还有很多小私企,搞得竞争激烈,可怜巴巴的一点设计费,还要无止境的技术支持,哎......wucuijiang (2008-9-25 16:49:34)Abana, Gulf of Guinea, NigeriaAgbami Oil Field, Niger Delta, NigeriaAl Shaheen Oil Field, QatarAlba Phase II, North Sea Northern, United KingdomAlvheim North Sea Northern, NorwayAmenam-Kpono Oil and Gas Field, NigeriaÅTopÅsgard, North Sea Northern, NorwayATopAtlantis Platform, Gulf of Mexico, USAAzeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG) Oil Field, Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan BTopBalder, North Sea Northern, NorwayBaldpate, Gulf of Mexico, USABanff, North Sea Central, United KingdomBarracuda and Caratinga Fields, Campos Basin, BrazilBayu-Undan, Timor Sea, AustraliaBBLT, Block 14 Compliant Piled Tower (CPT), AngolaBijupira and Salema Fields, Campos Basin, BrazilBlake Flank, North Sea Northern, United KingdomBlind Faith Subsea Development, Gulf of Mexico, USABlue Stream Natural Gas Pipeline, Russia/TurkeyBombax Pipeline Development, Trinidad and TobagoBonga Deepwater Project, Niger Delta, NigeriaBoulton, North Sea Southern, United KingdomBrigantine, North Sea Southern, United KingdomBritannia, North Sea Central, United KingdomBruce Phase II, North Sea Northern, United KingdomBrutus, Gulf of Mexico, USABuffalo, Timor Sea, AustraliaBuzzard Field North Sea Central, United KingdomCTopCaister Murdoch Phase 3, North Sea Southern, United KingdomCameron Highway Oil Transport System, Gulf of Mexico, USACantarell Oil Field, Gulf of Mexico, MexicoCanyon Express Gas Field, Mississippi Canyon, USACaptain, North Sea Central, United KingdomCarina Aries Natural Gas Production, Offshore Block CMA-1, Argentina Cascade and Chinook Subsea Development, Gulf of Mexico, MexicoCeiba, Rio Muni Basin, Equatorial GuineaChinguetti Oil Field, MauritaniaClair Field, Shetlands, United KingdomConstitution / Ticonderoga Field, Spar Technology, Gulf of Mexico, Afghanistan Cook Field, North Sea Central, United KingdomCorrib Gas Field, Republic of IrelandCottonwood Field, Gulf of Mexico, USACurlew, North Sea Central, United KingdomDTopDalia Field Development of Block 17, AngolaDeep Panuke Gas Field, CanadaDevils Tower Gas Field, Gulf of Mexico, USADunbar Phase II, North Sea Central, United KingdomETopEasington Catchment Area (ECA), North Sea Southern, United Kingdom Eastern Trough Area Project (ETAP), North Sea Central, United Kingdom Ekofisk II, North Sea Central, NorwayEkpe Phase II, Gulf of Guinea, NigeriaElgin-Franklin, North Sea Central, United KingdomErskine, North Sea Central, United KingdomEspadarte, Campos Basin, BrazilEspoir Field, Ivory CoastEttrick Field, United KingdomFTopFoinaven Oil Field, United KingdomGTopGannet, North Sea Central, United KingdomGenesis, Gulf of Mexico, USAGenghis Khan Development, Gulf of Mexico, USAGimboa Field, AngolaGirassol, Luanda, AngolaGjøa Field, North Sea Northern, NorwayGlider, Gulf of Mexico, USAGlitne, North Sea Northern, NorwayGoldeneye Gas Platform, North Sea Northern, United KingdomGorgon, Northern Carnarvon Basin, AustraliaGreater Angostura, Eastern Venezuela Basin, Trinidad and Tobago Greater Plutonio, Block 18, Deepwater Drillship Pride, AngolaGullfaks, North Sea Northern, NorwayGyrfalcon, Gulf of Mexico, USAHTopHanze F2A, Dutch North Sea, NetherlandsHarding Area Gas Project, North Sea, United KingdomHibernia, Jeanne d'Arc Basin, CanadaHickory, Gulf of Mexico, USAHolstein Oil and Gas Development, Gulf of Mexico, USAHoover Diana, Gulf of Mexico, USAHorn Mountain Field, Gulf of Mexico, USAITopIndependence Hub, Gulf of Mexico, USAJTopJade Oil and Gas Platform, North Sea Central, United Kingdom Janice, North Sea Central, United KingdomJotun, North Sea Northern, NorwayJura Field, North Sea Northern, United KingdomKTopK5F Gas Field, NetherlandsKambuna Gas Field Malacca Straits, North-East Sumatra, Indonesia Kashagan, Caspian Sea, KazakhstanKG-DWN-98/1 (KG-D6), Bay of Bengal, IndiaKikeh Floating Production, Storage and Offloading Development, Malaysia King Field, Gulf of Mexico, USAKipper Gas Field, Gippsland Basin, Bass Strait, AustraliaKizomba Deepwater Project, AngolaKnotty Head Field, Gulf of Mexico, USAKristin Deepwater Project, Norwegian Sea, NorwayKu-Maloob-Zaap Field, Gulf of Mexico, MexicoLTopLaminaria, Timor Sea, Australia UPDATEDLangsa Oil Pool, Straits of Malacca, IndonesiaLeadon, North Sea Northern, United KingdomLiuhua 11-1, South China Sea, ChinaLiverpool Bay Oil and Gas Fields, United KingdomLlano, Gulf of Mexico, USALufeng 22-1, South China Sea, ChinaLukoil's Kravtsovskoye (D-6) Oil Field, RussiaMTopMacCulloch, North Sea Central, United KingdomMad Dog Field, Gulf of Mexico, USAMagnolia Field, Gulf of Mexico, USAMagnus EOR, Shetlands, United KingdomMalampaya, South China Sea, PhilippinesManatee Field, Gulf of Mexico, USAMarco Polo Field Gulf of Mexico, USAMardi Gras Oil and Gas Transportation System, Gulf of Mexico, USA Marlim Oil Field, Campos Basin, BrazilMarlim Sul, Campos Basin, BrazilMars, Gulf of Mexico, USAMatterhorn Field, Gulf of Mexico, USAMensa, Gulf of Mexico, USAMexilhão Gas Field, Santos Basin, BrazilMikkel Deepwater Project, Norwegian Sea, NorwayMittelplate Redevelopment, GermanyMorpeth, Gulf of Mexico, USAMossel Bay, Bredasdorp Basin, South AfricaMutineer-Exeter MODEC Venture II FPSO, Carnarvon Basin, Australia NTopNa Kika Oil and Gas Fields, Gulf of Mexico, USANansen and Boomvang Gas Fields, Gulf of Mexico, USANatuna Gas Field, IndonesiaNeptune, Gulf of Mexico, USANjord, North Sea Northern, NorwayNorne, North Sea Northern, NorwayNUGGETS, North Sea Northern, United KingdomOTopOkume Complex, Equatorial GuineaOrmen Lange, North Sea Northern, NorwayOseberg Sør, North Sea Northern, Norway UPDATEDOtway Basin (Minerva, Geographe, Thylacine and Casino) Fields, Australia PTopPazflor Field Development, AngolaPerdido Regional Host Development, Gulf of Mexico, USAPetronius, Gulf of Mexico, USAPierce, North Sea Central, United KingdomPiranema Field, BrazilPM-3 Commercial Arrangement Area (CAA)Prirazlomnoye Oilfield - Barents Sea, RussiaPROCAP 2000, Campos Basin, BrazilRTopR Block Development, North Sea Central, United KingdomRam Powell, Gulf of Mexico, USARed Hawk, Gulf of Mexico, USARivers Fields, East Irish Sea, United KingdomRoncador, Campos Basin, BrazilRosa Field, AngolaRoss, North Sea Central, United KingdomSTopSable Offshore Energy Project, Sable Island, CanadaSakhalin II, Sea of Okhotsk, RussiaSalamander Energy Bualuang Oil Project, Gulf of Thailand, Thailand Sanha / Bomboco Development, AngolaScarab and Saffron Gas Fields, Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt Schiehallion Oil Field, United KingdomSerrano and Oregano, Gulf of Mexico, USASeven Oceans / Seven Seas Pipelay and Construction Vessels, Netherlands Shah Deniz South Caspian Sea, AzerbaijanShearwater, North Sea Central, United KingdomShenzi Oil and Gas Field, Gulf of Mexico, USAShtokman Gas Condensate Deposit Barents Sea, RussiaSigyn Gas Field, Norwegian North Sea, NorwaySiri, North Sea Northern, DenmarkSkarv and Idun Fields, North Sea Northern, NorwaySkinfaks Development and Rimfaks Expansion Project, NorwaySnøhvit Gas Field, Barents Sea, NorwaySnorre, North Sea Central, NorwaySongo Songo Gas Development and Power-Generation Project,Tanzania UPDATEDSouth Arne, Danish North Sea, DenmarkSouth Pars, Qatar North Field, IranStag, North West Shelf, AustraliaStybarrow Oil Field, AustraliaTTopTahiti, Gulf of Mexico, USATahoe, Gulf of Mexico, USATanzanite, Gulf of Mexico, USATerra Nova, Jeanne d'Arc Basin, CanadaThunder Hawk Field, Gulf of Mexico, USAThunder Horse Field, Gulf of Mexico, USATordis IOR Project, NorwayTriton, North Sea Central, United KingdomTroika, Gulf of Mexico, USATroll West, North Sea Northern, NorwayTui, Amokura and Pateke Reserves Area Oil Project, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand UPDATEDTupi Oil Field, BrazilTyphoon, Gulf of Mexico, USATyrihans, Norwegian Sea, NorwayUTopUrsa Gulf of Mexico, USAUsan Field, NigeriaVTopValhall Flank Water Injection Platform, Norwegian North Sea, Norway Viking B, North Sea Southern, United KingdomVisund, North Sea Northern, NorwayVixen, North Sea Southern, United KingdomWTopWest Seno, Makassar Strait Deepwater Development, Indonesia White Rose Oil and Gas Field, Jeanne d’Arc Basin, CanadaWonnich, Carnarvon Basin, AustraliaXTopXikomba Oil Field Deepwater Development, AngolaYTopYoho Oil Field, NigeriaZTopZafiro, Gulf of Guinea, Equatorial Guineawucuijiang (2008-9-25 16:55:09)Sorry for my error!A&E Group - Anti-Corrosion CoatingsA-Belco Hazardous Area - Explosion Proof Electrical Equipmenta.filter - Filter Consumables and Filtration SystemsA/P Chexs - Accounting Consultancy for the Offshore, Energy and Chemical IndustriesAanestad Engineering - Lifts, Cranes and WinchesAanestad Engineering - Pipe-Handling EquipmentAanestad Engineering - Bulk Materials Handling SystemsABAS Cranes - Deck Cranes for Offshore, Fishing and Merchant Vessels ABB - AC Drive Systems for Drilling and Subsea ProductionABLE Instruments & Controls - Oil and Gas Measurement / Control Solutions AC Marine - HVAC System and Service SupplierAccoat - Advanced Corrosion ProtectionACE - Hydraulic Winches and Deck Machinery for the Offshore Industry ACM International - Project Management and Consultancy Services to the Offshore and Onshore, Oil and Gas and Renewable Energy Industry Advanced Production and Loading (APL) - STL, STP and SAL Systems Advanced Sensors - Produced Water AnalysersAdvanced Sensors - Oil-In-Water AnalysersAFL Telecommunications Europe - Fibre Optic CablesAGI - Helideck Lighting SystemsAgito - Offshore and Subsea Dynamic SimulationsAibel - Oil Separation, Water Treatment and Sand ManagementAibel - Flare Gas Recovery, Flare Gas Ignition, HydroCarbon Blanketing, Recovery and Compressor PackagesAir Partner - Aircraft Charters for the Oil and Gas Industry Available 24/7 Airpack - Compressors, Dryers and Nitrogen GeneratorsAJ Asbestos Removal Services - Survey, Removal and Disposal of Asbestos AJT Equipment - Horizontal / Vertical Tensile Testing Machines, Loadcells and Load MonitorsAker Kvaerner Process Systems - Process Systems and Complete Process Trains for the Oil and Gas IndustryAker Kvaerner Subsea - Subsea Production Systems, Umbilicals and Processing and Boosting TechnologyAker Marine Contractors - Marine Operations and Installation ServicesAlimak - Offshore Lifts for Men and Materialsalki-Technik - Torque Wrenches, Pneumatic Wrench Power Tools, Hydraulic Torque Wrenches and Hydraulic PumpsAlliance Valves and Piping Supplies Ltd - Valves, Fittings, Piping and Associated EquipmentAlocit Group - Thermalplastic Anti-Corrosive Coatings (Enviropeel), Delta Thermal Insulating and Sound Dampening CoatingsAluminium Offshore - Aluminium Safety Helidecks, Helideck Support Frames and Offshore StructuresAmalgamated Industrial Composites - Manufacturers of GRP cable trays, Gratings, Ladders, Platforms, Railings and Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Pultruded ProductsAnchor Industries - Sales, Testing and Rental of Marine and Offshore Mooring EquipmentAnsul - Special Hazard Fire Protection ProductsANT AG - Water Jet Cutting Units, Cutting Tables and Manipulation Systems Aqua-GuardSpill Response - Oil Spill Response Equipment - Self-Contained, Rotating Brush and Drum Oil Skimmers and Customized Containment Booms Arjay Engineering - Monitoring and Control InstrumentsArmacell - Armaflex® - Thermal and Acoustic Insulation and Arma-Chek Covering SystemsARPI International - Portland Cement ProductsARTA - High Precision Fittings, Connectors and CouplingsASEP - Wireline Cranes and Mast UnitsASEP - Winch and Lifting SystemsASSAI - Document Control System and Management SystemASTEC Services - Engineering Consultancy and Managed ContractorsAustal - Patrol Boats, Police Boats and Multi-Role VesselsAutronica Fire and Security - AutroSafe Fire and Gas Detection System (IFG) - for the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical IndustryAVEVA - Engineering IT SoftwareAxflow - Offshore Oil API Industrial Pumps: Diaphragm Pumps, Centrifugal Pumps, Reciprocating Pumps and Rotary Positive Displacement PumpsBTopBaliga Lighting - Explosion-Proof Lighting EquipmentBallastSafe - Water Injection Filters and Water Treatment FiltersBalltec - Ball and Roller Engagement Mechanisms (BREM)Bayards Aluminium Constructions - Aluminium Structures for the Offshore IndustryBegley International - Contract Manufacturing, Repair Services, Oilfield Products and Project Driven Design ProductsBentley Systems - Software for Plant Engineering, Construction and Operations Betech Seals - Offshore Seal and Gasket SolutionsBezemer - Hydraulic Linear WinchesBjorge - Eureka API610 Centrifugal PumpsBMS Davinci - Custom Designed Winches and Lifting ProductsBo & Ac Nederland - Fuel Circulating and Purifying SystemsPlasma & Thermal Coatings - High Performance HVOF Applied Tungsten Carbide Coatings and Plasma Sprayed Ceramic CoatingsBöhler Welding - Welding Consumables for the Offshore IndustryBoltstress Ultrasonics - Bolt Tension Monitoring Systems and Services Bornemann - Twin-Screw Pumps, Progressive Cavity Pumps and Multiphase PumpsBosch Rexroth - Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Electrical and Mechanical Drive Systems Bossltg - Gen-Sets, Light Towers and FloodlightsBrand Rex - Industrial Wire and CablingBrevetti Stendalto - Drag Chain Systems for Offshore ApplicationsBrück - Stainless Steel Flanges, Special Forges and Hot Rolled RingsBrunel Oilfield Services - Ezee-Glider™ Oil Well CentraliserBuchan Technical Services - Offshore Equipment Rental and Contract Personnel BUHLMANN - Tubes and Pipes, Fittings and Flanges in Special AlloysBulbeck EnviroSolutions - Oil Spill Response Equipment and Services Burckhardt Compression - Reciprocating Compressors for Offshore and Onshore ApplicationsBurgess-Manning - Process Design, Engineering and FabricationCTopC&M Group - Oil and Gas Industry Engineering and Construction Services Camfil Farr - Offshore Filter Systems for TurbomachineryCapital Safety - Fall Protection And Height Safety EquipmentCapstone Turbine Corporation - Turbines for Oil and Gas ApplicationsCarl Walter - Torque and Special Tools from 0.1Nmm up to 100,000Nm Carltsoe Safety Tools - Non-Sparking, Non-Magnetic, Corrosion-Resistant, Fireproof ToolsCASAR - Special Wire RopesCathodic Protection - Anti-Fouling and Corrosion SolutionsCavotec Micro-Control - Radio Remote Control SystemsCCI - Velocity Control Valves for Severe Service ApplicationsCCI AG - Severe Service Control Valve SolutionsCDS Engineering - Leader in Separation TechnologyCETCO - Pioneers in the Treatment of Oilfield WastewaterChampion Environmental Technologies - Anti-Fouling ProductsChapman Freeborn Airchartering - Air Charter ServicesChemetron Fire Systems - Marine and Offshore Worldwide Fire Protection Co.L.Mar - Acoustic Subsea Leak Detection EquipmentCoates - Compressors And Steam Generator Equipment Hiring Services Consolidated Contractors Group - Complete Construction ServicesContiTech Beattie - Fluid Handling Systems, High Pressure Hoses, Hose and CouplingsConverteam - Dynamic Positioning, Vessel Control and Power and Propulsion SystemsCooper Crouse-Hinds GmbH - Explosion-Protected Luminaires and Electrical ApparatusCorrocoat - Anti-Corrosion TechnologyCORROLESS - VCI Corrosion Inhibitors, Hydrotest Additives and Coatings for Offshore Corrosion ProtectionCorus - DSAW Pipes, HFI Pipes and Pipe-in-Pipe InsulationCrewsaver - Lifejackets and Marine Safety EquipmentCybernetix - Monitoring, Sensors and Robotic SystemsDTopD&F Green Decom - Offshore Rig Decommissioning and Mobile MachiningD&F Group - Passive Fire Protection Solutions and Fire Proofing Services Dakar Offshore Supply Base - Oil and Gas Support ServicesDansk Svejse Teknik - Steelwork and Piping Fabrication, Welding and InstallationDansk Ventil & Fitting - Valves, Tube Fittings, Regulators, Hoses and Fittings Darchem Engineering - Passive Fire and Blast Protection SystemsDassault Systèmes - Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) SoftwareDaurex Pumpen - Progressive Cavity PumpsDeep Development Corporation - Digital Video Recorders for Offshore and Underwater Surveillance and MonitoringDeepwater Corrosion - Offshore Corrosion ControlDeltamarin - Offshore Design, Engineering and ConsultancyDensit - Engineered UHPC SolutionsDetcon - Gas-Detection Sensors, Electronic Control Systems, Process Analyzers and Alarm SystemsDetector Electronics Corporation - Optical Flame and Combustible and Toxic Gas Detection SystemsDiamould - Electrical, Hydraulic and Fibre Optic Connector SolutionsDillinger Hütte GTS - Steel Heavy PlateDistributed Energy Systems - Highly Reliable, Electric Power Generation for Oil and Gas ApplicationsDonut Safety Systems - Escape Systems for the Offshore IndustryDreggen Crane - Ship and Offshore CranesDuraSystems Barriers - Passive Fire Protection SystemsDurham Pipeline Technology - Pipeline Crawlers / TractorsETopE2S - European Safety Systems - Explosion Proof Alarms and Beacons, Marine and Industrial SignallingEagleBurgmann - Stuffing-Box Packing, Heavy-Duty Couplings, Magnetic Couplings, Gas-Lubricated Sealing Systems and Elastomer-Free Metal-Bellows SealsEastern Petroleum Supplies - Helicopter Refuelling SystemsEasternwell Group - Oil and Gas Drilling and Well Maintenance Services Eaton - Marine Grade Transient Voltage Surge SuppressionEbo Systems - The Corrosion Solution for GRP Cable Management and GRP LightStructuresECISGroup - Oil, Gas and Energy Industry SolutionsEcoForm - Formate Brines - High Performance Drilling and Completion Fluids Ega Master - Offshore Industry ToolsEide Marine Tech - New and Used Marine and Offshore EquipmentEisenbau Krämer - Arc Welded Steel PipesElmac Technologies - Flame ArrestersEltek Valere - DC and AC Power Solutions for Offshore SitesEMCE - Ultra Compact Offshore Air WinchesEMS Ship Supply - Life Saving Equipment and General Maritime Equipment wucuijiang (2008-9-25 16:55:29)Endress+Hauser - Measuring Instrumentation for Oil and GasEnres - Sedimentology and Cyclostratigraphy for Exploration and Development ENWA - RO (Reverse Osmosis) Fresh Water Maker and Desalination Systems, Chemical-Free Water Conditioners and Chemical Free Bacteriological Barriers EPCglobal - Engineering and Construction Resourcing SolutionsERCON Composites - GRP Cable Trays, FRP Cable Trays, GRP Cable Ladders, Gratings, Hand Rails, GRP Pipe Supports, Fibre Glass Cross Arms, Frangible Mast, DTGM, Frangible Shelters and FRP Door FramesESAB Holdings - Welding and Cutting SolutionsESSVE Produkter - Fire Sealing Systems for the Marine and Offshore Industry Eupec PipeCoatings - Pipeline Coating to Pipeline ServicesEurogrit - Surface Preparation AbrasivesExproSoft - Risk Analysis, Databases and Customized Drilling and Well Technology SoftwareEyeforEnergy - Information for the Oil and Gas SectorEztek - Electronic Instrumentation and Industrial Cable SystemsFTopFabricom Oil & Gas - Total Care Solutions for the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry FARO - 3D Measuring Scanners and SoftwareFCG - Flameproof Control GearsFEC Heliports Worldwide - Rooftop and Aluminium HelipadsFeedback Data - Personnel On Board (POB) Terminals and Monitoring Systems Ferguson Seacabs - Offshore Transportation and Storage ContainersFHF - Industrial Signalling Systems and ComponentsFisher Offshore - Offshore and Subsea Equipment and Seabed Excavation ServicesFläkt Woods - HVAC Products and SystemsFleximark - Cable, Wire and Component Marking SystemFlexitallic - Industrial Gasket SupplierFMC Loading Systems - Loading Systems for Offshore Applications FoundOcean - Subsea Engineering - Offshore Grouting, Platform Repair and Flooded Member DetectionFPE - Engineering, Design and Building of Fire Protection SystemsFrank Mohn - Submersible Pumps, Injection Pumps and Fire Water Pumps FSC Global Limited - Marine Shipwiring and Instrumentation CablesFugro OCEANOR - Surveillance Cameras (CCTV), Crane Boom Cameras and Environmental Monitoring SystemsFugro Structural Monitoring - Structural Measurement Services and Systems GTopG-Comex - Logistics, Material and Equipment Services for the Oil and Gas IndustryG.A. Valves Sales - Air Vent Valves, Vacuum Valves, Isolation Valves and Automatic Control ValvesGas Turbine Controls Corporation - GE Speedtronic and Westinghouse WDPF Control SparesGas Turbine Efficiency - Gas Path CleaningGasOptics - Remote Gas Leak Detection SystemsGassonic - Fixed Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detectors for the Oil and Gas Industry GE Oil & Gas - Drilling, Processing and Power Distribution EquipmentGedore - Torque Tools, Rust Resistant Nautic Tools, High-Quality Spanners Gencoeec - Alternators Non-Sparking Zone 2 IP54 to IP65 Totally Enclosed General Cable - MOR™ Polyrad® Type P Listed Offshore CablesGeneral Monitors - Fire and Gas Detection SystemsGeo Therm - Thermal Imaging ServicesGeotech - Chemical Testing, Petrophysical Analyses, Consulting Services Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services GmbH - Business Segment Oil and Gas - Engineering Services and ConsultancyGeveke Pompen - Custom-Made Pump and Special Packages for the Oil and Gas IndustryGlamal Engineering - Stainless and Carbon Steel Pipes, Fittings and Flanges Global Pipe Components - Pipe, Fittings, Flanges, Valves, Studbolts and Gaskets Glynwed - Centrifugal Pumps, Metering Pumps, Canned Pumps, Submersible Pumps, Valves and Industrial DampersGLYNWED - Frialit®-Degussit® High Tech Engineering Ceramic Components GMC Produkt - Cranes, Winches and Lifting EquipmentGMT Rubber-Metal-Technic Ltd - Manufacturer of Rubber-to-Metal Bonded Parts and Moulded Rubber Components for Anti-Vibration and Shock Protection Grenland Group - Offshore Engineering, Procurement and ConstructionGS-Hydro - Non-Welded Piping Solutions for Hydraulic ApplicationsGunnebo Lifting - Swivel Safety Hooks, Master Links, Connectors and Chains GW Marine - Offshore HSE Auditing ServicesHTopHach Ultra - Gas and Particle AnalysersHagglunds Drives - Hydraulic MotorsHarihar Alloy Castings - Gate Valves, Globe Valves, Dura-Seal Valves, Ball Valves and Cast Steel FittingsHarness Energy Services - HSE, Training and Labor Supply Service Provider Hayward Tyler - Submersible Motors and Pumps and Subsea MotorsHCL Fasteners - Offshore Strapping (Banding) SolutionsHebo FTE - Oil Spill Response Equipment - Oil Containment Booms, Bioremediation, Sorbents ProductHeerema Group - Design, Fabrication, Transportation, Installation and Removal of Offshore StructuresHeli Logistics - Aviation Consultancy ServicesHempel - Corrosion Protection to Protect Offshore AssetsHimech Equipments - Flare and Burner Boom Systems for Offshore Applications Himech Equipments - Batch Mixers, Bulk Trucks, Cement Trucks, Vertical Silos, Field Silos, Cement Bulk Handling PlantsHoneywell Analytics - Gas Detection EquipmentHoover Materials Handling Group - Metal and Rotationally Molded Intermediate Bulk ContainersHotwell - Well Logging SystemsHuhnseal - Mechanical SealsHunger Hydraulics - Hydraulic Components and SystemsHYDRA tech - Design and Manufacture of Hydraulic CylindersHydraulic & Offshore Supplies - Hydraulic Tube, Fittings, Instrumentation and Pipeline MaterialsHydro Pneumatic Bonetti - Wellhead and Production Safety Equipment Hydropower - Hydraulic Systems Development, Production and Service Hytorc - Square-Drive Tools, Flange Systems, Hexagon Washers and Mechanical TensionersITopIDEA Heavy Equipment - Offshore, Dredging, Subsea and Renewable-EnergyEquipmentIFG de Wit BV - Test and Measuring Equipment for Pressure and Temperature IMA - Humidity and Moisture Measurement EquipmentIMECA - Hydraulic and Electric Traction and Storage Winches, A-Frames, Flexible Pipe Laying Systems, Chain Tensioners, Electric and Automation EngineeringIMT - Helideck Lighting systems, Aids to Navigation and Explosion Proof General / Emergency LightingInduction Pipe Bending - Pipe Induction BendingIngersoll-Rand - Air-Operated Hoists and Winches, Air MotorsINMACO - Active Fire ProtectionINMACO - Nitrogen Generation for Safety and Loss PreventionINMACO - Safety Engineering and Contracting ServicesInnova Systems - SolidWorks Engineering Software for the Offshore Oil and Gas - Fabrication Management and InspectionIntercond - Marine CablesInterDam Merford - Fire Rated Doors and Blast Resistant WallsInternational Cable Management - Offshore and Onshore Cables International Paint - High Performance Protective CoatingsIntervention Rentals - Treating Iron and Associated Equipment RentalIODS - Weld Cladding, Pipe Cladding, Clad Pipe Fittings and FabricationIOS Offshore - Mooring Equipment and Related ServicesIQPC - DRILL TECH ‘07JTopJ.D. Neuhaus - Explosion Proof Air Powered Lifting EquipmentJ.W. Automarine - Underwater Salvage Lifting BagsJacks Winches - Rental Winches, Jacks and Lifting EquipmentJackson - Auto-darkening Welding Helmets and Hearing ProtectionJames Walker - Global Sealing Services for the Oil and Gas SectorJD Instruments - Real Time Drilling Fluid Viscosity MeasurementJS Humidifiers - Humidifiers for Offshore EnvironmentsJSC Podolskkabel - Cables and Wireswucuijiang (2008-9-25 16:55:55)KTopK. LUND Offshore AS - Offshore Compressors for Plant and Instrument Air, Reciprocating Air and Gas Compressors, Nitrogen Boosters and Air Dryers Kanfa Group of Companies - The Topside EPC providerKarmsund Maritime Offshore Supply - Development, Production, Supply and Sale of Patented Offshore Tools and EquipmentKatronic Technology - Clamp-On Non-Invasive Ultrasonic FlowmetersKBR - Production Plant, FPSO and Pipeline EngineeringKelvin Consultants - Incident Investigation Courses and ServicesKENZ FIGEE - Offshore Cranes and Related Lifting AppliancesKeppel FELS - Design, Engineering and ConstructionKeshkamat - Explosion and Flame Proof Enclosures, Pan & Tilts and Junction Boxes for Closed Circuit Television SystemsKockum Sonics - SHIPMASTER® Marine Automation Systems, Loading Computers, Level and Draught Gauging Systems, and Signalling Systems Kongsberg Maritime, Process Simulation Unit - Dynamic Simulation Studies, Process Simulators and Production Management SystemsKrohne - Process Measuring EquipmentLTopL-3 MAPPS - Vessel Integrated Platform Management SystemsLASSARAT - Protective Coatings and Maintenance for Offshore Structures Lebus International Engineers - Spooling Systems for Wire RopeLeighs Paints - High-Performance Coatings and PaintLETS Global - Structural Integrity and Life Extension of FPSOs and Offshore InstallationsLEWA - Metering Pumps, Process Diaphragm Pumps and Engineered Pumping SolutionsLiaaen - Subsea Torque Tools, Subsea Valves and Subsea Insulation Caps Liebherr - Offshore and Subsea CranesLionweld Kennedy Flooring - Steel Walkways, Floors, Handrails, Stairs, Ladders and Gratings DesignLoher - Electrical Drive SystemsLSI - Wireless Crane Load Monitoring SystemsMTopM-I Epcon - Treatment for Removing Hydrocarbons, Low Water Soluble Substances and ParticlesM-I SWACO - Automatic Tank Cleaning (ATC) and Automated Drill Cuttings Collection and TransportationMacgregor & Associates Ltd - Offshore Installation, Maintenance, Commissioning, Inspection and EngineeringMaersk Supply Service - Anchor Handling, Towing and Supply DutiesMalta Shipyards - Ship Repair, Conversion and Steel Fabrication。
四川盆地西北部灯影组深水沉积的发现及油气地质意义张玺华 彭瀚霖 文龙 李勇 钟佳倚 马奎 罗冰 田兴旺中国石油西南油气田公司勘探开发研究院摘 要 德阳—安岳台内裂陷作为四川盆地重要控藏地质单元,其成因演化认识上存在较大分歧。
关键词 四川盆地西北部 晚震旦世 灯影组 德阳—安岳台内裂陷 深水相 沉积型台缘带 构造沉积分异 成藏要素 油气聚集带DOI:10.12055/gaskk.issn.1673-3177.2020.04.002Discovery of deep-water deposits in Northwest Sichuan Basin during Dengyingian period: Implications for petroleum geologyZhang Xihua, Peng Hanlin, Wen Long, Li Yong, Zhong Jiayi, Ma Kui, Luo Bing, and Tian Xingwang (Exploration and Development Research Institute, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sich-uan 610041, China)Abstract: For Deyang—Anyue intra-platform rift, an important geological unit controlling reservoirs in Sichuan Basin, the cognitions of its formation and evolution are quite different. It is found from field geological research that some deep-water facies deposits of dark argillaceous limestone and dolomite interbedded with thin siliceous rocks are developed in the Upper Sinian Dengying Formation, northwestern basin, representing large lithofacies difference with Dengying Formation in adjacent regions, which is also the microbi-al mound beach complexes with giant thickness developed at platform margin. A complete facies sequence developed in Dengying 4 Member is revealed, such as deep-water basin facies, slope facies, mound beach facies at platform margin, and restricted platform fa-cies. In addition, the effect of Deyang—Anyue intra-platform rift during Dengyingian period is further made clear. It suggests that the northwestern basin in the late Sinian had a platform-basin differential framework. However, poor tectonic-sedimentary differentiation generated from the rift in Gaoshiti-Moxi area of central basin and formation-thickness variation inside and outside the rift might result in the later karst erosion. According to regional structural setting, and geologic and seismic study, it is proposed that (1) the thickness difference of Dengying Formation in current Deyang—Anyue intra-platform rift and surrounding regions, is the geological super-imposition effect of "sedimentary-facies differentiation under early extension and karst erosion transformation during Tongwanian period”, which is featured by the segmentation of “sedimentation dominated in the north and karst erosion in the middle and south”;(2) the differentiation in the northern basin is obvious, in which deep-water facies deposits are developed inside the rift and two-stage (Dengying 2 and Dengying 4 members) thick sedimentary platform margin zones with NE strike are developed in the rift limb, where-as poor differentiation in the middle and southern basin is affect by apparent karst erosion; and (3) during Dengyingian period, the tec-tonic-sedimentary differentiation had an important controlling effect on forming reservoirs. Affected by platform-basin differentiation, the Dengying Formation located between northwestern to central Sichuan Basin formed better source-reservoir packaged association with the characteristics of side source, near reservoir, and upper caprock. The mound beach facies of Dengying Formation at platform margin, eastern flank of Deyang—Anyue intra-platform rift trough, should be the massive oil and gas accumulation belt as important exploration domain.Keywords: Sichuan Basin; Dengying Formation; Deep-water facies; Sedimentary platform margin zone; Tectonic-sedimentary differ-entiation; Oil and gas accumulation belt.基金项目:中国石油西南油气田公司科技处项目“德阳—安岳裂陷槽东侧震旦系灯影组油气成藏差异性研究”(编号:20200301-01)。
Deep Water Horizon exploresion
Explosion, fire on April 20th 2010, and sinks later, 41 miles offshore Louisiana, USA.
You may have heard the news in the last two days about the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig which caught fire, burned for two days, then sank in 5,000 ft of water in the Gulf of Mexico. There are still 11 men missing, and they are not expected to be found. The rig belongs to Transocean, the world’s biggest offshore drilling contractor. The rig was originally contracted through the year 2013 to BP and was working on BP’s Macondo exploration well when the fire broke out. The rig costs about $500,000 per day to contract. The full drilling spread, with helicopters and support vessels and other services, will cost closer to $1,000,000 per day to oper
第33卷第2期 2018年4月中国海洋平台CHINA OFFSHORE PLATFORMVol. 33 No. 2Apr.,2018文章编号:1◦〇1-4500 (2〇18) 〇2-〇089-〇5较深水海管带压开孔及临时封堵技术高原,崔宁,宋春娜,高超,李东生(深圳海油工程水下技术有限公司,广东深圳518067)摘要:以国内首例的较深水海管带压开孔项S为背景,全面地介绍海管维修工程中带压开孔及临时封堵技术应用的方案设计、施工流程及注意事项。
关键词:较深水;带压开孔;临时封堵;海管维修中图分类号:TE973 文献标识码:ATechnology of Hot-Tapping and Temporary Plug forDeepwater PipelineGAO Yuan, CUI Ning, SONG Chunna, GAO Chao, LI Dongsheng(COOEC Subsea Technology Co.,L td.,Shenzhen518067,Guangdong,China)Abstract:Based on the first deepwater domestic hot-tapping project,the program design, construction process and attention issues about hot-tapping and temporary plug are comprehensively analyzed.Through the research of hot-tapping and temporary plug for deepwaterpipeline,the general construction process is founded.Key words:deepwater;hot-tapping tem porary plug;pipeline repair〇引言近年来,随着越来越多的海底管线服役年限将近,许多老旧海管在受外力作用时易出现破损泄漏。
Product Survey: Deep-water Swathe Bathym-etry Systems Following on presentation of shal-low-water multi-beam systems in our December 2006 issue, this product sur-vey focuses on deep-water multi-beam systems.You may have noticed that the previous survey did not fully cover the available systems. Details of GeoSwath Plus, L3 Seabeam 1185, Reson Seabat systems, and Kongsberg 3000 and 3002 are thus included in the present survey. Although most of the systems covered here may be classified as ‘multi-beam’, in fact this designa-tion is not correct; taking into account the sonar methods employed they should actually be clas-sified as ‘swathe bathymetry systems’. T raditional multi-beam systems still make up the majority of those presently used in the field using multi-beam sonar methods. However, phase-measurement systems like the GeoAcoustics GeoSwath Plus and those using a combination of amplitude and phase measurement have proved their advantages over the traditional multi-beam system. Users nowadays understand ‘deep water’ to refer to depths exceeding 1,000m. Multi-beam systems designed for ranges greater than 300-500m we here consider ‘deepwater’ systems. They operate at lower frequency, ranging from five to 80kHz. A further growth in demand for deepwater marine survey has been noted, especially in the oil & gas industry and oceanographic research. The need for higher resolution and more reliable data has led most manufacturers to improve specifications and introduce new versions of their systems. Since our last product survey on deepwater multi-beam systems in 2003 we have also noticed a growth in demand for multibeam/swathe bathym-etry systems for AUV/UUV applications. Where further range extension becomes technically difficult to achieve, systems are being integrated into ROV/AUV/UUV vehicles, allowing the systems to descend to required depths and so attaining ‘deepwater’ capabilities.n
水下滑翔机集群应用现状与关键技术展望毛柳伟,杜 度,李 杨(中国人民解放军92587部队,北京 100161)摘要: 水下滑翔机依靠调节浮力实现升沉,借助水动力实现水中滑翔,可对复杂海洋环境进行长时续、大范围的观测与探测,在全球海洋观测与探测系统中发挥着重要作用,目前其应用领域已部分拓展至水下目标探测。
关键词:水下滑翔机;集群组网;关键技术中图分类号:TP242; TJ630 文献标识码:A文章编号: 1672 – 7649(2020)12 – 0013 – 08 doi:10.3404/j.issn.1672 – 7649.2020.12.003Application status and key technology prospect of underwater glider clusterMAO Liu-wei, DU du, LI Yang(No.92587 Unit of PLA, Beijing 100161, China)Abstract: The underwater glider(UG) dives along a saw-tooth trajectory by adjusting the buoyancy and maintains its gliding mode by making use of hydrodynamic force. It can realize continuous observation and detection in long range and large scale in the complex ocean environment. Therefore, UG plays an increasingly important role in the novel global ocean observation and detection systems; At present, its application comprehension has been partially extended to underwater tar-get detection. This paper summarizes the recent development status of UG cluster networking in marine environment obser-vation and cluster underwater target detection, and the constraints technology on its cluster underwater detection were ana-lyzed, such as integrated control of underwater glider platform, the application of artificial intelligence, energy supply, under-water acoustic communication. In addition, the development trend of UG application was prospected.Key words: underwater glider;cluster networking;key technology0 引 言水下滑翔机(underwater glider)是一种典型的自治水下航行器,主要采用浮力驱动实现其在海洋中的上升或下潜,其工作原理如图1所示。
第32卷第5期 2017年10月中国海洋平台CHINA OFFSHORE PLATFORMVol. 32 No. 5Oct.,2017文章编号:1◦〇1-4500 (2017) 〇5-〇049-〇6深水浮式平台新型静电聚结原油脱水技术现场试验张明,王春升,郑晓鹏,尚超,王海燕(中海油研究总院,北京100028)摘要:研发的新型原油静电聚结脱水技术,创新性地采用绝缘电极施加电场加速油水分离,能适应高含水率原油的脱水工况。
将试验样机在流花11-1 FP SO和渤中34-1平台进行现场中试试验,结果表明:静电聚结原油脱水技术可适应高含水原油脱水处理工况,且比常规自由水分离器效率提高50%以上。
关键词:深水浮式平台;静电聚结;原油脱水中图分类号:T E56 文献标识码:AField Test of New Crude Oil Electrostatic Coalescence Dehydration Technologyon Deepwater Floating PlatformZ H A N G M in g,W A N G Chunsheng,Z H E N G X iaopeng,S H A N G C h ao,W A N G Haiyan(C N O O C Research Institute,Beijing 100028,China)Abstract :The new crude o i l electrostatic coalescence dehydration technology uses insulated electrodes which can adapt to the high water content crude o i l dehydration.The field testsare implemented at L H11-1 F P S O and B Z34-1 platform.In the field test,the electrostatic coalescence dehydration equipment work stability in high water cut crude o i l and efficiency i s increased by 50 %than that of conventional gravity separator.The application of this n e w technology will greatly reduce the size and weight of deepwater floating platform.Key words:deepwater floating platform;electrostatic coalescence;o i l dehydration〇引言海上油田生产后期普遍进人高含水期,井口含水率高达90%以上。
中国海洋大学 海工系张兆德
1.4.1 海底管线的设计步骤
1调查现场水下地貌; 2确定海域的波浪气候; 3按照相应的波浪理论,估算海底流速; 4取得有关潮流数据; 5取得回填的沉积物资料; 6确定有没有因波浪和潮流而产生的沉积物迁移
现象; 7考虑在暴风雨作用下,管线周围土壤是否液化; 8确定管线埋深,选定回填材料及回填高度; 9石块压覆或锚固管线,可以减少管线的埋深。
2004级船舶与 海洋工程专业
本课程为船舶与海洋工程专业学生的必修 课程。主要任务是使同学们了解海底管线 的环境影响因素与管线的设计原理。其目 标是使学生们具有从事海洋工程设计、施 工和管理等工作的专业知识,并为深入学 习和研究打下良好基础。
学时34,学分2 考试形式:笔试,闭卷
14 外压与设计外压:管道外部的压力为外压。设 计外压是指管道任一点最大外压力与最小内压力 之差。
15 试验压力 施工完成后或适当运行后,施加于 管道、容器和各种部件上的规定的压力。
16 强度试验压力 为进行强度检验施加的数值大 于试验压力、而且持续时间短的压力。
第1章 概论
1.4 海底管道的设计内容
1.2.3 确定海底管道线路的原则
1.要满足生产工艺和总体规划的要求; 2.使线路和起点至终点的距离最短最合理; 3.线路力求平直,尽量避免深沟、礁石区、活动
4.尽量避开繁忙航道、水产捕捞和船舶抛锚区。 5.长输管道与海底障碍物的水平距离不小于
500m,距其它管道或电缆不小于30m,交叉时垂 直距离不小于30cm。 6.管道的登陆点极为重要,它与岸坡地质地貌、 风浪袭击方位、陆地占地面积和施工条件等因素 有关。
Underground waterOf all the earth's water, 97% is found in the oceans, 2% in glaciers and only 1% on land. Of this 1% almost all (97%) is found beneath the surface and called sub-surface or underground water. Most of this water eventually finds its way back to the sea either by underground movement, or by rising into surface streams and lakes.These vast underground water deposits provide much needed moisture for dry areas and irrigated districts. Underground water acts in similar ways to surface water, also performing geomorphic work as an agent of gradation.Even though man has been aware of sub-surface water sinceearliest times, its nature, occurrence, movement and geomorphic significance have remained obscure. Recently, however, some answers have been found to the perplexing questions about underground water's relationship to the hydrological cycle.1.Source of Underground WaterSince the days of Vitruvius at the time of Christ, many theories have been presented to explain the large volume of water underneath the earth's surface. One theory was that only the sea could provide such large quantities, the water moving underground from coastal areas. Vitruvius was the first to recognize that precipitation provided the main source of sub-surface water, although his explanations of the mechanics involved were not very scientific. His theory, now firmly established, is termed the infiltration theory, and states that underground water is the result of water seeping downwards from the surface, either directly from precipatation or indirectly from streams and lakes. This form of water is termed meteoric. A very small proportion of the total volume of sub-surface water is derived from other sources. Connate water is that which is trapped in sedimentary beds during their time of formation. Juvenile water is water added to the crust bydiastrophic causes at a considerable depth, an example being volcanicwater.2 Distribution of Sub-surface WaterDuring precipitation water infiltrates into the ground. Under the influence of gravity, this water travels downwards through the minute pore spaces between the mitparticles until it reaches a layer of impervious bedrock, through which it cannot penetrate. The excess moisture draining downwards then fills up all the pore spaces between the soil particles, displacing the soil air. During times of excessive rainfall such saturated soil may be found throughout the soil profile, while during periods of drought it may be non-existent Normally the upper limit of saturated mil, termed the water table, is a meter or so below the surface, the height depending on soil characteristics and rainfall supply.According to the degree of water-occupied pore space, sub- surface moisture is divided into two zones: the zone of aeration and the zone of saturation.(a) Zone of AerationThis area extends from the surface down to the upper level 0f saturation-the water table. With respect to the occurrence and circulation of the water contained in it, this zone can be further divided into three belts: the soil water belt, theintermediate bell and the capillary fringe.(1) Soil Water Belt Assuming that the soil is dry, initial rainfall allows water to infiltrate, the amount of infiltration depending on the soil structure. Soils composed mainly of large particles, with large pore spaces between each particle, normally experience a more rapid rate of infiltration than do soils composed of minute particles. No matter what the soil is composed of some water is held on the mil particles as a surface film by molecular attraction, resisting gravitational movement downwards. The water held in this manner is referred to as hygroscopic water. Even though it is not affected by gravity it can be evaporated, though not normally taken up by plants.(2) Intermediate Belt This belt occurs during dry periodswhen the water table is at a considerable depth below the surface. It is similar to the soil water belt in that the water is held on the soil particles by molecular attraction, but differs in that the films of moisture are not available for transpiration or for evaporation back to the atmosphere. In humid areas, with a fairly reliable rainfall, this belt may be non-existent or very shallow. Through it, gravitational or vadose water drips downwards to the zone of saturation.(3) Capillary Fringe Immediately above the water table is a very shallow zone of water which has been drawn upwards from the ground-water reservoir below by capillary force. The depth of this zone depends entirely on soil texture, soils with minute pore spaces being able to attract more water from below than soils with large pore spaces. In the latter types of soil the molecular forces are notabie to span the gaps between soil particles. Thus, sandy ~ils seldom exhibit an extensive capillary fringe, merging from soil water through to the zone of saturation.(b) Zone of SaturationThe zone of saturation is the area of soil and rock whose pore spaces are completely filled with water, and which is entirely devoid of soil air. This zone is technically termed ground water even thoughthe term broadly includes water in the zone of aeration. The upper limit of the zone of saturation is the water table or phreatic surface. It is difficult to know how deep the ground-water zone extends.Although most ground water is found in the upper three km of the crust, pore spaces capable of water retention extend to a depth of 16 km. This appears to be the upper limit Of the zone o{ rock flowage where pressures are so great that they close any interstitial spaces.The upper level of the saturated zone can be completely plotted by digging wells at various places. Studies suggest two quite interesting points.(i) The water table level is highest under the highest parts of the surface, and lowest under the lowest parts of the surface. Hills and mountains have a higher-level phreatie surface than valleys andlakes. The reason for this is that water continually percolating through the zone of aeration lifts the water table, while seepage from the ground-water zone into creeks and lakes lowers the level.(2) The depth of the "Water table Deiow the land surface is greatest in upland areas where the water moves quite freely downhill under gravity. Close to streams, lakes, lakes and swamps tlne water table is close to, if not at, the surface, as water from the higher areas builds it up.译文:地球上的总水量中,95%在海洋,’2%在冰川中,只有1%在陆地上。
2016年2月Power System Technology Feb. 2016 文章编号:1000-3673(2016)02-0382-05 中图分类号:TM 73 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470·40含有海水抽蓄电站的海岛微网优化调度范刘洋1,汪可友1,李国杰1,石文辉2,刘晓娟3(1.电力传输与功率变换控制教育部重点实验室(上海交通大学),上海市闵行区200240;2.中国电力科学研究院,北京市海淀区100085;3.北京市电力公司,北京市西城区100031)A Optimization Dispatch Study of Micro Grid WithSeawater Pumped Storage Plant in Isolated IslandsFAN Liuyang1, WANG Keyou1, LI Guojie1, SHI Wenhui2, LIU Xiaojuan3(1. Key Laboratory of Control of Power Transmission and Conversion (Shanghai Jiao Tong University),Ministry of Education, Minhang District, Shanghai 200240, China;2. State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Haidian District, Beijing 100085, China;3. State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company, Xicheng District, Beijing 100031, China)ABSTRACT:Rapid development of wind power provides a new solution for power supply in isolated islands. However, due to intermittent and stochastic nature of wind power, energy storage unit is required for power grid stability. This paper proposed a novel solution for power supply in isolated islands, including seawater pumped storage plant, wind farm and diesel units. Modeling of these three components is discussed and an optimization method for economic dispatch is developed. Based on historical data of wind farm, several typical scenarios of wind power output are selected and effectiveness of the proposed method is validated.KEY WORDS:isolated island; seawater pumped storage plant; wind power; dispatch optimization摘要:以风能为代表的新能源的迅速发展,为难以与大陆联网的海岛供电提供了新的解决方案。