FPSO Topside Arrangement_Nov 2008




中性点直接接地系统的优点:发生单相接地时,其它两相 完好对地电压不升高,因此可降低绝缘费用。 缺点:发生单相接地短路时,短路电流大,要迅速切除故 障部分,从而使供电可靠性差
中性点不接地三相系统在发生单相接地故障时 虽还可以继续供电,但在单相接地故障电流较大, 如35kV系统大于10A,10kV系统大于30A时,就无 法继续供电。为了克服这个缺陷,便出现了经消弧 线圈接地的方式。在35kV电网系统中,广泛采用了 中性点经消弧线圈接地的方式
高压变压器电阻柜(2个),电阻:13.18Ω 透平发电机电阻柜(2个),电阻:30.3Ω
高压变压器电阻柜(4个),电阻 :900Ω Essential发电机电阻柜(2个),电阻:1500Ω
蓬勃接地电阻柜采用上海新上阻的GZ型接地电阻器,用于 联接变压器和发电机与大地之间的一种保护型电器。当电力系 统出现故障时,配电系统中性点将偏移,中性点通过电阻接地 限制了故障电流,使电力系统有时间进行检测,诊断保护和切 换,避免设备损坏。
出于不同的目的,将电气装置中某一部位经接地线和接地体 与大地作良好的电气连接,称为接地。 根据接地的目的不同,分为工作接地和保护接地。 工作接地是指为运行需要而将电力系统或设备的某一点接地。 如:变压器中性点直接接地或经消弧线圈接地、避雷器接地等 都属于工作接地。 保护接地是指为防止人身触电事故而将电气设备的某一点接 地。如将电气设备的金属外壳接地、互感器二次线圈接地等。



有关船舶缩略语HULL(船体):ABS (American Bureau of Standard)美国船级社ANG (Angle Bar)角钢BFE (Builder Furnish Equipment)建造商提供设备BG (Bulk Carrier)散货船BHD (Bulkhead)舱壁BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力BL (Base Line)基线BM (Breadth Molded)型宽BV (Bureau Veritas)法国船级社CAD (Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助设计CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)计算机辅助制造CB (Center of Buoyancy)浮心CCS (China Classification Society)中国船级社CF (Center of Floatation)漂心CFE (Contractor Furnish Equipment)承包商提供设备CG (Center of Gravity)重心CH (Channel)槽钢CM (Metacenter)稳心CPP (The Controllable Pitch Propeller)可调螺距桨CS (Carbon Steel)碳素钢DB (Double Bottom)双层底DK (Deck)甲板DM (Depth Molded)型深DNV (Det Norske Veritas)挪威船级社DWG (Drawing)图DWL (Design Waterline)设计水线DWT (Deadweight)载重量FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)工厂验收试验FB (Flat Bar)扁钢FEM (Finite Element Method)有限元法FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading) 浮(船)式生产储油卸油系统FSO (Floating Storage Offloading)浮(船)式储油卸油系统Fwd (Forward)向船艏1GL (Germanischer Lloyd)德国船级社GM (Metacentric Height)初稳心高HP (Half Bulb Plate)球扁钢LBP (Length between Perpendiculars)垂线间长LCG (Longitudinal Center of Gravity)纵向重心LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas Vessel) 液化石油气船LOA (Overall Length)总长Long. (Longitudinal)纵骨LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vessel) 液化天然气船LR (Lloyd's Register)英国劳氏船级社MDK (Main Deck)主甲板MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units)移动式近海钻井平台MS (Mild Steel)低碳钢MTO (Material Takeoff)材料估算NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)日本海事协会OFE (Owner Furnished Equipment)船东提供设备OT (Oil Tight)油密PL (Plate)板RI (Register Italian)意大利船级社SB (Starboard)右舷Semi- (Semi-submersible Platform)半潜式钻井平台STLP (Suspended Tension Leg Platform)悬式张力腿平台TCG (Transverse Center of Gravity)横向重心TEU (Twenty-foot equivalent Unit)20英尺国际标准集装箱TLP (Tension Leg Platform)张力腿平台UCLL (Ultra Large Crude Carrier)超大型油船VCG (Vertical Center of Gravity)垂向重心VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier)特大型油船WB (Web Bar)腹板WL (Waterline)水线WT (Water Tight)水密MECHANICAL & PIPING(轮机):AHU (Air Handling Unit)通风装置BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力A/C (Air Compressor)空气压缩机A/C (Air Conditioning)空调2BB (Ball Bearing)滚珠轴承BRG (Bearing)轴承CAS NUT(Castle Nut)蝶型螺帽CCR (Central Control Room)中心控制室COW (Crude Oil Washing)原油洗舱DFO (Diesel Fuel Oil)柴油DPS (Dynamic Position System)动力定位系统DT (Double-Thread)双头螺纹FS (Forged Steel)锻钢FW (Fresh Water)淡水FO (Fuel Oil)燃油GRP (Glass-reinforced Plastic)玻璃钢HVAV (Heating Ventilation and Air-condition)暖通空调系统HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit)液压工作站LSA (Life Saving Apparatus)救生器具LCC (Local Control Console)机旁控制台LO (Lube Oil)滑油MDO (Marine Diesel Oil)船用柴油OS (Operation System)操作系统PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)逻辑控制单元PMS (Power Manage System)动力管理系统ELECTRICAL(电气):AC (Alternative Current)交流电AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation)自动电压调整计CCTV (Closed Circuit Television)闭路电视CMS (Cargo Monitoring System)货物监控系统DC (Direct Current)直流电DFT (Dry Film Thickness)干膜DG (Diesel Generator)柴油发电机DVD (Digital Video Disc) 数字化视频光盘EMSP (Emergency Shutter Panel)应急关断板ESS (Emergence Shutdown System)应急关闭系统GPS (Global Position System)全球定位系统HG (Harbor Generator)停泊发电机HT (High Temperature)高温JB (Junction Box)接线盒3LED (Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管LT (Low Temperature)低温MCU (Main Control Unit)主控器箱MG (Main Generator)主发电机MUR (Manual Voltage Regulation)手动调压器NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association)国际电气制造业协会PA (Public Address System)公共寻呼系统PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)脉宽调制ST (Starter)启动器SWBD (Switch Board)配电盘,配电板UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)不间断电源VCR (Video Cassette Recorder)录像机PAINTING(涂装):ARD (Alkyd Resin Deck)醇酸树脂甲板漆ARF (Alkyd Resin Finish)醇酸树脂面漆ARP (Alkyd Resin Primer)醇酸树脂底漆A/C (Anti-corrosive Paint)防腐漆CAF (Compressed Asbestos Fiber)压缩石棉填料EDP (Epoxy Deck Paint)环氧甲板漆EFP (Epoxy Finish Paint)环氧面漆EPP (Epoxy Primer Paint)环氧底漆ETPF (Epoxy Tank Paint Finish)环氧舱室面漆ETPP (Epoxy Tank Paint Primer)环氧舱室底漆ETP (Epoxy Topside Paint)环氧干舷漆ERL (Erosion Resistant Lacquer)防腐漆ECP (Etching Primer) 磷化底漆EPR (Ethylene-Propylene Rubber)乙丙橡胶F/C (Finish Coating)面漆IZP (Inorganic Zinc Primer)无机锌底漆IZSP (Inorganic Zinc Shop Primer)无机锌车间底漆UTP (Polyurethane Topside Primer)聚氨脂干舷漆TE (Tar Epoxy Paint)环氧焦油漆VTP (Vinyl Tar Primer)聚乙烯焦油底漆ZRP (Zinc Rich Primer)富锌底漆4WELDING and Material(焊接与材料):ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials)美国材料实验协会AWS (American Welding Society)美国焊接协会FCAW (Flux Cored Arc Welding)药芯焊丝电弧焊FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding)气体保护金属极电弧焊GRP (Glass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding)气体保护钨极电弧焊GW (Gravity Welding)重力焊MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection) 磁粒检验NDE (Nondestructive Evaluation)无损鉴定NDT (Nondestructive Testing)非破坏性检验PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)聚氯乙烯S/W (Spot Weld) 点焊SAW (Submerge Arc Welding)埋弧焊SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding)手弧焊UT (Ultrasonic Test)超声波检验WPS (Welding Procedure Sheet)焊接程序表WQT (Welding Qualification Test)焊工资格检验OTHERS(其它):AE (Assistant Engineer)助理工程师ANSI (American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准局API (American Petroleum Institute)美国石油协会ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)美国机械工程师协会Bbls (Barrels) 桶(美制容量单位 1桶 = 159升),C.E. (Chief Engineer) 总工程师CEO (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行总裁CIS (Chinese Industrial Standard)中国工业标准CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Company)中国海洋石油总公司Co Ltd.(Company Limited)(股份)有限公司cu.ft. (Cubic Feet) 立方英尺cu.in. (Cubic Inch) 立方英寸GB (Guo Biao)国标5GM (General Manage)总经理H.Q. (Headquarters) 总部HSE (Health, Safety & Environment)健康,安全和环保ID (Inner Dimension)内径IEC (International Electro technical Commission)国际电工协会IMO (Intergovernmental Marine Organization)国际海事组织ISO (International Standardization Organization)国际标准化协会ITU (International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟Ksi (kilopounds per square inch)千磅/平方英寸N/A (None Applicable)不适用NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineer)全国防蚀工程师协会NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)国家防火协会OD (outer Dimension)外径QA (Quality Assurance)质量保证QC (Quality Control)质量管理(检查)ST (Short Ton)短吨SOLAS (International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea)国际海上人命安全公约Spec. (specification)说明书,规格书sq.ft. (Square Feet) 平方英尺sq.in. (Square Inch) 平方英寸PROPER NOUN(专有名词):Basic Design(基础设计): Preparation of specification and plans/drawings outlining the design and in sufficient detail to gain Class approval.总括性的设计规格书和图纸等,其详细程度仅足可以通过船级社认可其设计思想。



[ UED ] 143 | 06 | 2023K11 TAIZIWAN RETAIL COMPLEX太子湾K11商业综合体项目中国深圳. 2017—进行中SHENZHEN, CHINA. 2017-ONGOING状况:建设中业主:新世界中国功能内容:零售商业、办公室、公共交通设施 总建筑面积: 222000平方米主管合伙人:克里斯·范杜恩团队概念设计: 项目建筑师: Roberto Requejo、孙炜权Karilyn Johanesen、Anthony Lam、刘特宏、卢陈、Giedrius Mamavicius、Slava Savova、吴越、张凌霄、张心怡扩初设计: 项目建筑师: 拓元强 、Anatoly Travin 、张凌霄 Assaf Barnea、陈希格、陈彦如、Joel Cunningham、黄乔仑、黄盟、高浚明、Vasily Kuleshov、黎乐源、Slava Savova、张骏翔施工配合阶段: 项目建筑师: Anatoly Travin、张凌霄 陈嘉程、高浚明合作单位执行建筑师: 吕元祥建筑师事务所 本地建筑师: CCDI Group 悉地国际结构: 迈进机电: 科进幕墙: 英海特灯光: Lightlinks 景观: SED 交通: 奥雅纳绿色策略: 奥雅纳标识: Fabio Ongarato 工料测量: 利比效果图:Tegmark、SAN Status: Construction Client: New World China Land Limited Program: Retail, Office, Culture, Transportation GFA: 222,000m 2Partner-in-Charge: Chris van Duijn Team Concept: Project Architect: Roberto Requejo, Ricky Suen Karilyn Johannesen, Anthony Lam, Alan Lau, Chen Lu, Giedrius Mamavicius, Slava Savova, Yue Wu, Lingxiao Zhang, Selina Zhang Design Development: Project Architect: John Thurtle, Anatoly Travin, Lingxiao Zhang Assaf Barnea, Hay Ger Chan, Anna Chen, Joel Cunningham, Kellen Huang, Meng Huang, Anthony Ko, Vasily Kuleshov, Leyuan Li, Slava Savova, Junxiang Zhang Construction Administration: Project Architect: Anatoly Travin, Lingxiao Zhang, Charlotte Chan, Anthony Ko Collaborators Executive Architect: Ronald Lu & Partners Local Architect: CCDI Group Structure: Meinhardt MEP: WSP Façade: Inhabit Lighting: Lightlinks Landscape: SED Traffic: Arup Sustainability: Arup Signage: Fabio Ongarato Quantity Surveyor: RLB Renderings: Tegmark, SAN[ TOPIC ] 主题/OMA亚洲:大胆 / 谦逊 OMA ASIA: BOLD / HUMBLE随着零售业的开发迅速扩大到25万平方米,带来的挑战也同样扩大到了城市规模。



美国“海狼”级、“洛杉矶”级、“弗吉尼亚”级攻击核潜艇的相关资料以下是美国“海狼”级、“洛杉矶”级、“弗吉尼亚”级攻击核潜艇简表艇名英文名舷号开工时间服役时间海狼级(SEA WOLF)海狼Seawolf SSN21 1989年10月1996年5月康涅狄格Connecticut SSN22 1993年5月1999年1月吉米·卡特Jimmy Carter SSN23 1999年4月2005年2月洛杉矶级(LOS ANGELES)洛杉矶 Los Angeles SSN688 1972年2月1976年11月巴吞鲁日Baton Rouge SSN689 1972年11月1977年6月费城Philadelphia SSN690 1972年8月1977年6月孟菲斯 Memphis SSN691 1973年6月1977年12月奥马哈 Omaha SSN692 1973年1月1978年3月辛辛那提Cincinnaiti SSN693 1974年4月1978年6月格罗顿 Groton SSN694 1973年8月1978年7月伯明翰 Birmingham SSN695 1975年4月1978年10月纽约城 New York City SSN696 1973年12月1979年3月印第安纳波利斯Indianapolis SSN697 1974年10月1980年1月布雷默顿Bremerton SSN698 1976年5月1981年3月杰克逊维尔Jacksonville SSN699 1976年2月1981年5月达拉斯Dallas SSN700 1976年10月1981年7月拉霍亚LaJolla SSN701 1976年10月1981年10月菲尼克斯Phoenix SSN702 1977年7月1981年12月波士顿Boston SSN703 1978年7月1982年1月巴尔德摩Baltimore SSN704 1979年5月1982年7月科珀斯克里斯蒂城City of Corpus Christi SSN705 1979年9月1983年1月阿尔伯克基Albuquerque SSN706 1979年12月1983年5月朴次茅斯Portsmouth SSN707 1980年5月1983年10月明尼阿波利斯Minneapolis SSN708 1981年1月1984年3月海曼·G·里科弗Hyman G Rickover SSN709 1981年7月1984年7月奥古斯塔Augusta SSN710 1982年4月1985年1月旧金山San Francisco SSN711 1977年5月1981年4月休斯顿Houston SSN713 1979年1月1982年9月诺福克Norfolk SSN714 1979年8月1983年5月布法罗Buffalo SSN715 1980年1月1983年11月盐湖城Salt Lake City SSN716 1980年8月1984年5月奥林匹亚Olympia SSN717 1981年3月1984年11月火奴鲁鲁Honolulu SSN718 1981年11月1985年7月普罗维登斯Providence SSN719 1982年10月1985年8月匹兹堡Pottsburgh SSN720 1983年4月1985年11月芝加哥Chicago SSN721 1983年1月1986年9月基韦斯特Key West SSN722 1983年7月1987年9月俄克拉荷马城Oklahoma City SSN723 1984年1月1988年6月路易斯维尔Louisville SSN724 1984年9月1986年11月海伦娜Helena SSN725 1985年3月1987年7月纽波特纽斯Newport News SSN750 1984年3月1989年6月圣胡安San Juan SSN751 1985年8月1988年8月帕萨迪纳Pasadena SSN752 1985年12月1989年2月托皮卡Topeka SSN754 1986年5月1989年10月迈阿密Miami SSN755 1986年10月1990年6月斯克兰顿Scranton SSN756 1986年6月1991年1月亚历山德里亚Alexandria SSN757 1987年6月1991年6月阿什维尔Ashville SSN758 1987年1月1991年9月杰斐逊城Jefferson City SSN759 1987年9月1992年1月安纳波利斯Annapolis SSN760 1988年6月1992年4月斯普林菲尔德Springfield SSN761 1990年1月1992年11月哥伦布Columbus SSN762 1991年1月1993年6月圣塔菲Santa Fe SSN763 1991年7月1994年1月博伊西Boise SSN764 1988年8月1992年7月蒙彼利埃Montpelier SSN765 1989年5月1992年11月夏洛特Charlotte SSN766 1990年7月1994年1月汉普顿Hampton SSN767 1990年3月1993年8月哈特福德Harrford SSN768 1992年2月1994年9月托莱多Toledo SSN769 1991年4月1994年6月图森Tucson SSN770 1991年9月1994年11月哥伦比亚Columbia SSN771 1992年8月1995年3月洛林维尔Greeneville SSN772 1992年1月1995年4月夏延Cheyenne SSN773 1992年8月1996年3月弗吉尼亚级(计划建成30艘)弗吉尼亚SSN774 1999年2004年10月德克萨斯SSN775 2006年6月夏威夷SSN776 2007年1月北卡罗来纳SSN777 2008年海狼级(SEAWOLF)数量:3艘排水量:7460吨(水上),9150吨(水下)主尺度:长99.4米,宽12,9米,吃水10.9米主机:核动力,1座通用电气公司S6W压水堆(GEPWRS6W),2台蒸汽轮机,52000马力(38.8兆瓦),单轴,泵喷射推进器航速:35节(水下)编制:133人(12名军官)导弹:潜射巡航导弹:12枚GDC“战斧”(Toma—hawk)导弹舰对舰导弹:“战斧”,“捕鲸叉”(Harpoon)鱼雷:8具660毫米发射管(卟径为762毫米),MK48改进型鱼雷,总共能发射50枚导弹和鱼雷水冒:作为鱼雷的替代电子对抗:假目标:发射鱼雷诱饵。



HULL(船体):ABS (American Bureau of Standard)美国船级社ANG (Angle Bar)角钢BFE (Builder Furnish Equipment)建造商提供设备BG (Bulk Carrier)散货船BHD (Bulkhead)舱壁BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力BL (Base Line)基线BM (Breadth Molded)型宽BV (Bureau Veritas)法国船级社CAD (Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助设计CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)计算机辅助制造CB (Center of Buoyancy)浮心CCS (China Classification Society)中国船级社CF (Center of Floatation)漂心CFE (Contractor Furnish Equipment)承包商提供设备CG (Center of Gravity)重心CH (Channel)槽钢CM (Metacenter)稳心CPP (The Controllable Pitch Propeller)可调螺距桨CS (Carbon Steel)碳素钢DB (Double Bottom)双层底DK (Deck)甲板DM (Depth Molded)型深DNV (Det Norske Veritas)挪威船级社DWG (Drawing)图DWL (Design Waterline)设计水线DWT (Deadweight)载重量FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)工厂验收试验FB (Flat Bar)扁钢FEM (Finite Element Method)有限元法FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading) 浮(船)式生产储油卸油系统FSO (Floating Storage Offloading)浮(船)式储油卸油系统Fwd (Forward)向船艏GL (Germanischer Lloyd)德国船级社GM (Metacentric Height)初稳心高HP (Half Bulb Plate)球扁钢LBP (Length between Perpendiculars)垂线间长LCG (Longitudinal Center of Gravity)纵向重心LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas Vessel) 液化石油气船LOA (Overall Length)总长Long. (Longitudinal)纵骨LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vessel) 液化天然气船LR (Lloyd's Register)英国劳氏船级社MDK (Main Deck)主甲板MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units)移动式近海钻井平台MS (Mild Steel)低碳钢MTO (Material Takeoff)材料估算NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)日本海事协会OFE (Owner Furnished Equipment)船东提供设备OT (Oil Tight)油密PL (Plate)板RI (Register Italian)意大利船级社SB (Starboard)右舷Semi- (Semi-submersible Platform)半潜式钻井平台STLP (Suspended Tension Leg Platform)悬式张力腿平台TCG (Transverse Center of Gravity)横向重心TEU (Twenty-foot equivalent Unit)20英尺国际标准集装箱TLP (Tension Leg Platform)张力腿平台UCLL (Ultra Large Crude Carrier)超大型油船VCG (Vertical Center of Gravity)垂向重心VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier)特大型油船WB (Web Bar)腹板WL (Waterline)水线WT (Water Tight)水密MECHANICAL & PIPING(轮机):AHU (Air Handling Unit)通风装置BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力A/C (Air Compressor)空气压缩机A/C (Air Conditioning)空调BB (Ball Bearing)滚珠轴承BRG (Bearing)轴承CAS NUT(Castle Nut)蝶型螺帽CCR (Central Control Room)中心控制室COW (Crude Oil Washing)原油洗舱DFO (Diesel Fuel Oil)柴油DPS (Dynamic Position System)动力定位系统DT (Double-Thread)双头螺纹FS (Forged Steel)锻钢FW (Fresh Water)淡水FO (Fuel Oil)燃油GRP (Glass-reinforced Plastic)玻璃钢HVAV (Heating Ventilation and Air-condition)暖通空调系统HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit)液压工作站LSA (Life Saving Apparatus)救生器具LCC (Local Control Console)机旁控制台LO (Lube Oil)滑油MDO (Marine Diesel Oil)船用柴油OS (Operation System)操作系统PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)逻辑控制单元PMS (Power Manage System)动力管理系统ELECTRICAL(电气):AC (Alternative Current)交流电AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation)自动电压调整计CCTV (Closed Circuit Television)闭路电视CMS (Cargo Monitoring System)货物监控系统DC (Direct Current)直流电DFT (Dry Film Thickness)干膜DG (Diesel Generator)柴油发电机DVD (Digital Video Disc) 数字化视频光盘EMSP (Emergency Shutter Panel)应急关断板ESS (Emergence Shutdown System)应急关闭系统GPS (Global Position System)全球定位系统HG (Harbor Generator)停泊发电机HT (High Temperature)高温JB (Junction Box)接线盒LED (Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管LT (Low Temperature)低温MCU (Main Control Unit)主控器箱MG (Main Generator)主发电机MUR (Manual Voltage Regulation)手动调压器NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) 国际电气制造业协会PA (Public Address System)公共寻呼系统PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)脉宽调制ST (Starter)启动器SWBD (Switch Board)配电盘,配电板UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)不间断电源VCR (Video Cassette Recorder)录像机PAINTING(涂装):ARD (Alkyd Resin Deck)醇酸树脂甲板漆ARF (Alkyd Resin Finish)醇酸树脂面漆ARP (Alkyd Resin Primer)醇酸树脂底漆A/C (Anti-corrosive Paint)防腐漆CAF (Compressed Asbestos Fiber)压缩石棉填料EDP (Epoxy Deck Paint)环氧甲板漆EFP (Epoxy Finish Paint)环氧面漆EPP (Epoxy Primer Paint)环氧底漆ETPF (Epoxy Tank Paint Finish)环氧舱室面漆ETPP (Epoxy Tank Paint Primer)环氧舱室底漆ETP (Epoxy Topside Paint)环氧干舷漆ERL (Erosion Resistant Lacquer)防腐漆ECP (Etching Primer) 磷化底漆EPR (Ethylene-Propylene Rubber)乙丙橡胶F/C (Finish Coating)面漆IZP (Inorganic Zinc Primer)无机锌底漆IZSP (Inorganic Zinc Shop Primer)无机锌车间底漆UTP (Polyurethane Topside Primer)聚氨脂干舷漆TE (Tar Epoxy Paint)环氧焦油漆VTP (Vinyl Tar Primer)聚乙烯焦油底漆ZRP (Zinc Rich Primer)富锌底漆WELDING and Material(焊接与材料):ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials)美国材料实验协会AWS (American Welding Society)美国焊接协会FCAW (Flux Cored Arc Welding)药芯焊丝电弧焊FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding)气体保护金属极电弧焊GRP (Glass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding)气体保护钨极电弧焊GW (Gravity Welding)重力焊MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection) 磁粒检验NDE (Nondestructive Evaluation)无损鉴定NDT (Nondestructive Testing)非破坏性检验PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)聚氯乙烯S/W (Spot Weld) 点焊SAW (Submerge Arc Welding)埋弧焊SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding)手弧焊UT (Ultrasonic Test)超声波检验WPS (Welding Procedure Sheet)焊接程序表WQT (Welding Qualification Test)焊工资格检验OTHERS(其它):AE (Assistant Engineer)助理工程师ANSI (American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准局API (American Petroleum Institute)美国石油协会ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)美国机械工程师协会Bbls (Barrels) 桶(美制容量单位 1桶 = 159升),C.E. (Chief Engineer) 总工程师CEO (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行总裁CIS (Chinese Industrial Standard)中国工业标准CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Company)中国海洋石油总公司Co Ltd.(Company Limited)(股份)有限公司cu.ft. (Cubic Feet) 立方英尺cu.in. (Cubic Inch) 立方英寸GB (Guo Biao)国标GM (General Manage)总经理H.Q. (Headquarters) 总部HSE (Health, Safety & Environment)健康,安全和环保ID (Inner Dimension)内径IEC (International Electro technical Commission)国际电工协会IMO (Intergovernmental Marine Organization)国际海事组织ISO (International Standardization Organization)国际标准化协会ITU (International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟Ksi (kilopounds per square inch)千磅/平方英寸N/A (None Applicable)不适用NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineer)全国防蚀工程师协会NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)国家防火协会OD (outer Dimension)外径QA (Quality Assurance)质量保证QC (Quality Control)质量管理(检查)ST (Short Ton)短吨SOLAS (International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea)国际海上人命安全公约Spec. (specification)说明书,规格书sq.ft. (Square Feet) 平方英尺sq.in. (Square Inch) 平方英寸PROPER NOUN(专有名词):Basic Design(基础设计): Preparation of specification and plans/drawings outlining the design and in sufficient detail to gain Class approval. 总括性的设计规格书和图纸等,其详细程度仅足可以通过船级社认可其设计思想。



英国企鹅,美国TAS,留声机,日本艺术,台湾刘汉盛,以上5大发烧榜单中的古典唱片你可能早就已经耳熟能详,但是作为一个古典发烧友又怎可以错过当年由CR(Classic Records)公司所发行的22张24K金碟版CD?此22张古典唱片绝非儿嬉之物,无论指挥、演绎之深度,录音之动态、定位、场感等皆是绝顶之作!而且录音时间正值乐团及执棒者的"当打"之年,所以无一不是流芳百世的极品之声。

我称之为"古典-黄金-二十二"!其中17张全为Decca公司录音,大部分由传奇录音师:威尔金森(粤语译:伟坚逊 Kenneth Wikinson)所制,其录音之厉害已到人神共知的地步(后注)。




提供资料只是让大家作个参考,一般朋友可以选购这些录音的普通CD版本或近年推出的SHM-CD 版本(榜单中录音基本有重制,不过大部分断货了,大家将就吧),有条件的当然可以买张旧版黑胶珍藏,当然价格也不会比24K CD版便宜多少,甚至更贵。


价格也就200多 RMB,属于可接受的范围。

所谓的「Wilkinson 之音」有什么特色﹖一、所有的Wilkinson 录音都展现出一个极为宽阔的舞台。

Wilkinson 录音时习惯把法国号摆到左后方,小号、伸缩号放在右后方,某些录音你甚至会觉得舞台太宽了,甚而超出聆听室的范围。




2024年一级注册建筑师之建筑设计真题精选附答案单选题(共45题)1、清朝对建筑色彩有严格的等级规定,按尊卑顺序排列是:[2000-043]A.金、黄、绿、赤、灰、青、蓝、黑B.金、黄、赤、绿、青、蓝、黑、灰C.金、黄、赤、绿、灰、黑、蓝、青D.金、赤、黄、绿、青、蓝、黑、灰【答案】 B2、城市公共厕所中,男女厕位分别超过多少时宜设双出入口?()A.30个B.25个C.20个D.18个【答案】 C3、提高住宅适应性和可变性是为了解决()。

A.收入水准提高和住宅性能要求的矛盾B.结构寿命较长而功能要求变化较快的矛盾C.家庭人口增加和住宅面积固定的矛盾D.住房政策变化和住宅性能要求的矛盾【答案】 B4、关于建筑中空间序列(space sequence),以下论述中,哪一个不属于其范畴? ( )A.综合地运用对比、重复、过渡、引导等一系列空间处理手法,把建筑中各个空间组织成一个有序、有变化、统一完整的空间集群B.建筑中各个空间具有不同的使用功能,人在其间生活工作需要在一系列空间中活动C.人对建筑的观赏是一个有时间历程的运动过程,在这一点上建筑可以比拟于音乐D.某一形式空间的重复或再现,不仅可以形成一定的韵律感,而且对于衬托主要空间和突出重点、高潮也是有利的【答案】 B5、围护结构热桥部位的内表面温度不应低于()。

A.室内设计温度B.室内空气最低温度C.室内采暖平均温度D.室内空气露点温度【答案】 D6、在7~9层的高层住宅中,一梯两户板式住宅与塔式(点式)住宅相比,以下哪一条不是它的优点?( )A.自然通风和采光、日照较好B.户间干扰较少C.具有“均好性”,每户的条件差异较小D.可以节省电梯【答案】 D7、绿色建筑评价指标体系中,下列不属于指标选项的是()。

A.评分项B.加分项C.创新项D.控制项【答案】 C8、居住区内人均公共绿地指标应不少于:( )A.2.5㎡/人B.1.5㎡/人C.2.0㎡/人D.1.0㎡/人【答案】 B9、住宅性能按照评定得分可划分为()。



船舶英文缩写HULL(船体):ABS (American Bureau of Standard)美国船级社ANG (Angle Bar)角钢BFE (Builder Furnish Equipment)建造商提供设备BG (Bulk Carrier)散货船BHD (Bulkhead)舱壁BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力BL (Base Line)基线BM (Breadth Molded)型宽BV (Bureau Veritas)法国船级社CAD (Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助设计CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)计算机辅助制造CB (Center of Buoyancy)浮心CCS (China Classification Society)中国船级社CF (Center of Floatation)漂心CFE (Contractor Furnish Equipment)承包商提供设备CG (Center of Gravity)重心CH (Channel)槽钢CM (Metacenter)稳心CPP (The Controllable Pitch Propeller)可调螺距桨CS (Carbon Steel)碳素钢DB (Double Bottom)双层底DK (Deck)甲板DM (Depth Molded)型深DNV (Det Norske Veritas)挪威船级社DWG (Drawing)图DWL (Design Waterline)设计水线DWT (Deadweight)载重量FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)工厂验收试验FB (Flat Bar)扁钢FEM (Finite Element Method)有限元法FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading) 浮(船)式生产储油卸油系统FSO (Floating Storage Offloading)浮(船)式储油卸油系统Fwd (Forward)向船艏GL (Germanischer Lloyd)德国船级社GM (Metacentric Height)初稳心高HP (Half Bulb Plate)球扁钢LBP (Length between Perpendiculars)垂线间长LCG (Longitudinal Center of Gravity)纵向重心LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas Vessel) 液化石油气船LOA (Overall Length)总长Long. (Longitudinal)纵骨LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vessel) 液化天然气船LR (Lloyd's Register)英国劳氏船级社MDK (Main Deck)主甲板MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units)移动式近海钻井平台MS (Mild Steel)低碳钢MTO (Material Takeoff)材料估算NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)日本海事协会OFE (Owner Furnished Equipment)船东提供设备OT (Oil Tight)油密PL (Plate)板RI (Register Italian)意大利船级社SB (Starboard)右舷Semi- (Semi-submersible Platform)半潜式钻井平台STLP (Suspended Tension Leg Platform)悬式张力腿平台TCG (Transverse Center of Gravity)横向重心TEU (Twenty-foot equivalent Unit)20英尺国际标准集装箱TLP (Tension Leg Platform)张力腿平台UCLL (Ultra Large Crude Carrier)超大型油船VCG (Vertical Center of Gravity)垂向重心VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier)特大型油船WB (Web Bar)腹板WL (Waterline)水线WT (Water Tight)水密MECHANICAL & PIPING(轮机):AHU (Air Handling Unit)通风装置BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力A/C (Air Compressor)空气压缩机A/C (Air Conditioning)空调BB (Ball Bearing)滚珠轴承BRG (Bearing)轴承CAS NUT(Castle Nut)蝶型螺帽CCR (Central Control Room)中心控制室COW (Crude Oil Washing)原油洗舱DFO (Diesel Fuel Oil)柴油DPS (Dynamic Position System)动力定位系统DT (Double-Thread)双头螺纹FS (Forged Steel)锻钢FW (Fresh Water)淡水FO (Fuel Oil)燃油GRP (Glass-reinforced Plastic)玻璃钢HVAV (Heating Ventilation and Air-condition)暖通空调系统HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit)液压工作站LSA (Life Saving Apparatus)救生器具LCC (Local Control Console)机旁控制台LO (Lube Oil)滑油MDO (Marine Diesel Oil)船用柴油OS (Operation System)操作系统PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)逻辑控制单元PMS (Power Manage System)动力管理系统ELECTRICAL(电气):AC (Alternative Current)交流电AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation)自动电压调整计CCTV (Closed Circuit Television)闭路电视CMS (Cargo Monitoring System)货物监控系统DC (Direct Current)直流电DFT (Dry Film Thickness)干膜DG (Diesel Generator)柴油发电机DVD (Digital Video Disc) 数字化视频光盘EMSP (Emergency Shutter Panel)应急关断板ESS (Emergence Shutdown System)应急关闭系统GPS (Global Position System)全球定位系统HG (Harbor Generator)停泊发电机HT (High Temperature)高温JB (Junction Box)接线盒LED (Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管LT (Low Temperature)低温MCU (Main Control Unit)主控器箱MG (Main Generator)主发电机MUR (Manual Voltage Regulation)手动调压器NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) 国际电气制造业协会PA (Public Address System)公共寻呼系统PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)脉宽调制ST (Starter)启动器SWBD (Switch Board)配电盘,配电板UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)不间断电源VCR (Video Cassette Recorder)录像机PAINTING(涂装):ARD (Alkyd Resin Deck)醇酸树脂甲板漆ARF (Alkyd Resin Finish)醇酸树脂面漆ARP (Alkyd Resin Primer)醇酸树脂底漆A/C (Anti-corrosive Paint)防腐漆CAF (Compressed Asbestos Fiber)压缩石棉填料EDP (Epoxy Deck Paint)环氧甲板漆EFP (Epoxy Finish Paint)环氧面漆EPP (Epoxy Primer Paint)环氧底漆ETPF (Epoxy Tank Paint Finish)环氧舱室面漆ETPP (Epoxy Tank Paint Primer)环氧舱室底漆ETP (Epoxy Topside Paint)环氧干舷漆ERL (Erosion Resistant Lacquer)防腐漆ECP (Etching Primer) 磷化底漆EPR (Ethylene-Propylene Rubber)乙丙橡胶F/C (Finish Coating)面漆IZP (Inorganic Zinc Primer)无机锌底漆IZSP (Inorganic Zinc Shop Primer)无机锌车间底漆UTP (Polyurethane Topside Primer)聚氨脂干舷漆TE (Tar Epoxy Paint)环氧焦油漆VTP (Vinyl Tar Primer)聚乙烯焦油底漆ZRP (Zinc Rich Primer)富锌底漆WELDING and Material(焊接与材料):ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials)美国材料实验协会AWS (American Welding Society)美国焊接协会FCAW (Flux Cored Arc Welding)药芯焊丝电弧焊FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding)气体保护金属极电弧焊GRP (Glass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding)气体保护钨极电弧焊GW (Gravity Welding)重力焊MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection) 磁粒检验NDE (Nondestructive Evaluation)无损鉴定NDT (Nondestructive Testing)非破坏性检验PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)聚氯乙烯S/W (Spot Weld) 点焊SAW (Submerge Arc Welding)埋弧焊SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding)手弧焊UT (Ultrasonic Test)超声波检验WPS (Welding Procedure Sheet)焊接程序表WQT (Welding Qualification Test)焊工资格检验OTHERS(其它):AE (Assistant Engineer)助理工程师ANSI (American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准局API (American Petroleum Institute)美国石油协会ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)美国机械工程师协会Bbls (Barrels) 桶(美制容量单位 1桶 = 159升),C.E. (Chief Engineer) 总工程师CEO (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行总裁CIS (Chinese Industrial Standard)中国工业标准CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Company)中国海洋石油总公司Co Ltd.(Company Limited)(股份)有限公司cu.ft. (Cubic Feet) 立方英尺cu.in. (Cubic Inch) 立方英寸GB (Guo Biao)国标GM (General Manage)总经理H.Q. (Headquarters) 总部HSE (Health, Safety & Environment)健康,安全和环保ID (Inner Dimension)内径IEC (International Electro technical Commission)国际电工协会IMO (Intergovernmental Marine Organization)国际海事组织ISO (International Standardization Organization)国际标准化协会ITU (International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟Ksi (kilopounds per square inch)千磅/平方英寸N/A (None Applicable)不适用NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineer)全国防蚀工程师协会NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)国家防火协会OD (outer Dimension)外径QA (Quality Assurance)质量保证QC (Quality Control)质量管理(检查)ST (Short Ton)短吨SOLAS (International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea)国际海上人命安全公约Spec. (specification)说明书,规格书sq.ft. (Square Feet) 平方英尺sq.in. (Square Inch) 平方英寸PROPER NOUN(专有名词):Basic Design(基础设计): Preparation of specification and plans/drawings outlining the design and in sufficient detail to gain Class approval.总括性的设计规格书和图纸等,其详细程度仅足可以通过船级社认可其设计思想。



HULL(船体):ABS (American Bureau of Standard)美国船级社ANG (Angle Bar)角钢BFE (Builder Furnish Equipment)建造商提供设备BG (Bulk Carrier)散货船BHD (Bulkhead)舱壁BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力BL (Base Line)基线BM (Breadth Molded)型宽BV (Bureau Veritas)法国船级社CAD (Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助设计CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)计算机辅助制造CB (Center of Buoyancy)浮心CCS (China Classification Society)中国船级社CF (Center of Floatation)漂心CFE (Contractor Furnish Equipment)承包商提供设备CG (Center of Gravity)重心CH (Channel)槽钢CM (Metacenter)稳心CPP (The Controllable Pitch Propeller)可调螺距桨CS (Carbon Steel)碳素钢DB (Double Bottom)双层底DK (Deck)甲板DM (Depth Molded)型深DNV (Det Norske Veritas)挪威船级社DWG (Drawing)图DWL (Design Waterline)设计水线DWT (Deadweight)载重量FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)工厂验收试验FB (Flat Bar)扁钢FEM (Finite Element Method)有限元法FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading) 浮(船)式生产储油卸油系统FSO (Floating Storage Offloading)浮(船)式储油卸油系统Fwd (Forward)向船艏GL (Germanischer Lloyd)德国船级社GM (Metacentric Height)初稳心高HP (Half Bulb Plate)球扁钢LBP (Length between Perpendiculars)垂线间长LCG (Longitudinal Center of Gravity)纵向重心LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas Vessel) 液化石油气船LOA (Overall Length)总长Long. (Longitudinal)纵骨LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vessel) 液化天然气船LR (Lloyd's Register)英国劳氏船级社MDK (Main Deck)主甲板MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units)移动式近海钻井平台MS (Mild Steel)低碳钢MTO (Material Takeoff)材料估算NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)日本海事协会OFE (Owner Furnished Equipment)船东提供设备OT (Oil Tight)油密PL (Plate)板RI (Register Italian)意大利船级社SB (Starboard)右舷Semi- (Semi-submersible Platform)半潜式钻井平台STLP (Suspended Tension Leg Platform)悬式张力腿平台TCG (Transverse Center of Gravity)横向重心TEU (Twenty-foot equivalent Unit)20英尺国际标准集装箱TLP (Tension Leg Platform)张力腿平台UCLL (Ultra Large Crude Carrier)超大型油船VCG (Vertical Center of Gravity)垂向重心VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier)特大型油船WB (Web Bar)腹板WL (Waterline)水线WT (Water Tight)水密MECHANICAL & PIPING(轮机):AHU (Air Handling Unit)通风装置BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力A/C (Air Compressor)空气压缩机A/C (Air Conditioning)空调BB (Ball Bearing)滚珠轴承BRG (Bearing)轴承CAS NUT(Castle Nut)蝶型螺帽CCR (Central Control Room)中心控制室COW (Crude Oil Washing)原油洗舱DFO (Diesel Fuel Oil)柴油DPS (Dynamic Position System)动力定位系统DT (Double-Thread)双头螺纹FS (Forged Steel)锻钢FW (Fresh Water)淡水FO (Fuel Oil)燃油GRP (Glass-reinforced Plastic)玻璃钢HV A V (Heating Ventilation and Air-condition)暖通空调系统HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit)液压工作站LSA (Life Saving Apparatus)救生器具LCC (Local Control Console)机旁控制台LO (Lube Oil)滑油MDO (Marine Diesel Oil)船用柴油OS (Operation System)操作系统PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)逻辑控制单元PMS (Power Manage System)动力管理系统ELECTRICAL(电气):AC (Alternative Current)交流电A VR (Automatic V oltage Regulation)自动电压调整计CCTV (Closed Circuit Television)闭路电视CMS (Cargo Monitoring System)货物监控系统DC (Direct Current)直流电DFT (Dry Film Thickness)干膜DG (Diesel Generator)柴油发电机DVD (Digital Video Disc) 数字化视频光盘EMSP (Emergency Shutter Panel)应急关断板ESS (Emergence Shutdown System)应急关闭系统GPS (Global Position System)全球定位系统HG (Harbor Generator)停泊发电机HT (High Temperature)高温JB (Junction Box)接线盒LED (Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管LT (Low Temperature)低温MCU (Main Control Unit)主控器箱MG (Main Generator)主发电机MUR (Manual V oltage Regulation)手动调压器NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) 国际电气制造业协会PA (Public Address System)公共寻呼系统PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)脉宽调制ST (Starter)启动器SWBD (Switch Board)配电盘,配电板UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)不间断电源VCR (Video Cassette Recorder)录像机PAINTING(涂装):ARD (Alkyd Resin Deck)醇酸树脂甲板漆ARF (Alkyd Resin Finish)醇酸树脂面漆ARP (Alkyd Resin Primer)醇酸树脂底漆A/C (Anti-corrosive Paint)防腐漆CAF (Compressed Asbestos Fiber)压缩石棉填料EDP (Epoxy Deck Paint)环氧甲板漆EFP (Epoxy Finish Paint)环氧面漆EPP (Epoxy Primer Paint)环氧底漆ETPF (Epoxy Tank Paint Finish)环氧舱室面漆ETPP (Epoxy Tank Paint Primer)环氧舱室底漆ETP (Epoxy Topside Paint)环氧干舷漆ERL (Erosion Resistant Lacquer)防腐漆ECP (Etching Primer) 磷化底漆EPR (Ethylene-Propylene Rubber)乙丙橡胶F/C (Finish Coating)面漆IZP (Inorganic Zinc Primer)无机锌底漆IZSP (Inorganic Zinc Shop Primer)无机锌车间底漆UTP (Polyurethane Topside Primer)聚氨脂干舷漆TE (Tar Epoxy Paint)环氧焦油漆VTP (Vinyl Tar Primer)聚乙烯焦油底漆ZRP (Zinc Rich Primer)富锌底漆WELDING and Material(焊接与材料):ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials)美国材料实验协会AWS (American Welding Society)美国焊接协会FCAW (Flux Cored Arc Welding)药芯焊丝电弧焊FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding)气体保护金属极电弧焊GRP (Glass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding)气体保护钨极电弧焊GW (Gravity Welding)重力焊MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection) 磁粒检验NDE (Nondestructive Evaluation)无损鉴定NDT (Nondestructive Testing)非破坏性检验PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)聚氯乙烯S/W (Spot Weld) 点焊SAW (Submerge Arc Welding)埋弧焊SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding)手弧焊UT (Ultrasonic Test)超声波检验WPS (Welding Procedure Sheet)焊接程序表WQT (Welding Qualification Test)焊工资格检验OTHERS(其它):AE (Assistant Engineer)助理工程师ANSI (American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准局API (American Petroleum Institute)美国石油协会ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)美国机械工程师协会Bbls (Barrels) 桶(美制容量单位1桶= 159升),C.E. (Chief Engineer) 总工程师CEO (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行总裁CIS (Chinese Industrial Standard)中国工业标准CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Company)中国海洋石油总公司Co Ltd.(Company Limited)(股份)有限公司cu.ft. (Cubic Feet) 立方英尺cu.in. (Cubic Inch) 立方英寸GB (Guo Biao)国标GM (General Manage)总经理H.Q. (Headquarters) 总部HSE (Health, Safety & Environment)健康,安全和环保ID (Inner Dimension)内径IEC (International Electro technical Commission)国际电工协会IMO (Intergovernmental Marine Organization)国际海事组织ISO (International Standardization Organization)国际标准化协会ITU (International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟Ksi (kilopounds per square inch)千磅/平方英寸N/A (None Applicable)不适用NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineer)全国防蚀工程师协会NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)国家防火协会OD (outer Dimension)外径QA (Quality Assurance)质量保证QC (Quality Control)质量管理(检查)ST (Short Ton)短吨SOLAS (International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea)国际海上人命安全公约Spec. (specification)说明书,规格书sq.ft. (Square Feet) 平方英尺sq.in. (Square Inch) 平方英寸PROPER NOUN(专有名词):Basic Design(基础设计): Preparation of specification and plans/drawings outlining the design and in sufficient detail to gain Class approval.总括性的设计规格书和图纸等,其详细程度仅足可以通过船级社认可其设计思想。









奥赛⽆论从展品到建筑都深得我⼼,在伦敦,我选了Victoria & Albert Museum。


⼤都会中的博物馆现代艺术是华彩,于是Tate Modern和蓬⽪杜艺术中⼼顺理成章地相互对应上。



蓬⽪杜艺术中⼼是在1971年通过国际建筑设计竞赛选中的⽅案,英国建筑师理查罗杰斯Richard Rogers和意⼤利建筑是伦佐⽪亚诺Renzo Piano这对当时的组合从将近七百个设计团队脱颖⽽出,赢得了这个项⽬。







船舶英文缩写船舶英文缩写HULL(船体):ABS (American Bureau of Standard)美国船级社ANG (Angle Bar)角钢BFE (Builder Furnish Equipment)建造商提供设备BG (Bulk Carrier)散货船BHD (Bulkhead)舱壁BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力BL (Base Line)基线BM (Breadth Molded)型宽BV (Bureau V eritas)法国船级社CAD (Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助设计CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)计算机辅助制造CB (Center of Buoyancy)浮心CCS (China Classification Society)中国船级社CF (Center of Floatation)漂心CFE (Contractor Furnish Equipment)承包商提供设备CG (Center of Gravity)重心CH (Channel)槽钢CM (Metacenter)稳心CPP (The Controllable Pitch Propeller)可调螺距桨CS (Carbon Steel)碳素钢DB (Double Bottom)双层底DK (Deck)甲板DM (Depth Molded)型深DNV (Det Norske V eritas)挪威船级社DWG (Drawing)图DWL (Design Waterline)设计水线DWT (Deadweight)载重量FA T (Factory Acceptance Test)工厂验收试验FB (Flat Bar)扁钢FEM (Finite Element Method)有限元法FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading) 浮(船)式生产储油卸油系统FSO (Floating Storage Offloading)浮(船)式储油卸油系统Fwd (Forward)向船艏GL (Germanischer Lloyd)德国船级社GM (Metacentric Height)初稳心高HP (Half Bulb Plate)球扁钢LBP (Length between Perpendiculars)垂线间长LCG (Longitudinal Center of Gravity)纵向重心LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas V essel) 液化石油气船LOA(Overall Length)总长Long. (Longitudinal)纵骨LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas V essel) 液化天然气船LR (Lloyd's Register)英国劳氏船级社MDK (Main Deck)主甲板MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units)移动式近海钻井平台MS (Mild Steel)低碳钢MTO (Material Takeoff)材料估算NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)日本海事协会OFE (Owner Furnished Equipment)船东提供设备OT (Oil Tight)油密PL (Plate)板RI (Register Italian)意大利船级社SB (Starboard)右舷Semi- (Semi-submersible Platform) 半潜式钻井平台STLP (Suspended T ension Leg Platform) 悬式张力腿平台TCG (Transverse Center of Gravity)横向重心TEU (Twenty-foot equivalent Unit)20英尺国际标准集装箱TLP (Tension Leg Platform)张力腿平台UCLL(Ultra Large Crude Carrier)超大型油船VCG (V ertical Center of Gravity)垂向重心VLCC (V ery Large Crude Carrier)特大型油船WB (Web Bar)腹板WL (Waterline)水线WT (Water Tight)水密MECHANICAL & PIPING(轮机):AHU (Air Handling Unit)通风装置BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力A/C (Air Compressor)空气压缩机A/C (Air Conditioning)空调BB (Ball Bearing)滚珠轴承BRG (Bearing)轴承CAS NUT(Castle Nut)蝶型螺帽CCR (Central Control Room)中心控制室COW (Crude Oil Washing)原油洗舱DFO (Diesel Fuel Oil)柴油DPS (Dynamic Position System)动力定位系统DT (Double-Thread)双头螺纹FS (Forged Steel)锻钢FW (Fresh Water)淡水FO (Fuel Oil)燃油GRP (Glass-reinforced Plastic)玻璃钢HV A V (Heating V entilation and Air-condition)暖通空调系统HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit)液压工作站LSA(Life Saving Apparatus)救生器具LCC (Local Control Console)机旁控制台LO (Lube Oil)滑油MDO (Marine Diesel Oil)船用柴油OS (Operation System)操作系统PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)逻辑控制单元PMS (Power Manage System)动力管理系统ELECTRICAL(电气):AC (Alternative Current)交流电A VR (Automatic V oltage Regulation)自动电压调整计CCTV (Closed Circuit Television)闭路电视CMS (Cargo Monitoring System)货物监控系统DC (Direct Current)直流电DFT (Dry Film Thickness)干膜DG (Diesel Generator)柴油发电机DVD (Digital Video Disc) 数字化视频光盘EMSP (Emergency Shutter Panel)应急关断板ESS (Emergence Shutdown System)应急关闭系统GPS (Global Position System)全球定位系统HG (Harbor Generator)停泊发电机HT (High T emperature)高温JB (Junction Box)接线盒LED (Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管LT (Low Temperature)低温MCU (Main Control Unit)主控器箱MG (Main Generator)主发电机MUR (Manual V oltage Regulation)手动调压器NEMA(National Electrical Manufacturers Association)国际电气制造业协会PA(Public Address System)公共寻呼系统PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)脉宽调制ST (Starter)启动器SWBD (Switch Board)配电盘,配电板UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)不间断电源VCR (V ideo Cassette Recorder)录像机PAINTING(涂装):ARD (Alkyd Resin Deck)醇酸树脂甲板漆ARF (Alkyd Resin Finish)醇酸树脂面漆ARP (Alkyd Resin Primer)醇酸树脂底漆A/C (Anti-corrosive Paint)防腐漆CAF (Compressed Asbestos Fiber)压缩石棉填料EDP (Epoxy Deck Paint)环氧甲板漆EFP (Epoxy Finish Paint)环氧面漆EPP (Epoxy Primer Paint)环氧底漆ETPF (Epoxy Tank Paint Finish)环氧舱室面漆ETPP (Epoxy Tank Paint Primer)环氧舱室底漆ETP (Epoxy Topside Paint)环氧干舷漆ERL (Erosion Resistant Lacquer)防腐漆ECP (Etching Primer) 磷化底漆EPR (Ethylene-Propylene Rubber)乙丙橡胶F/C (Finish Coating)面漆IZP (Inorganic Zinc Primer)无机锌底漆IZSP (Inorganic Zinc Shop Primer)无机锌车间底漆UTP (Polyurethane Topside Primer)聚氨脂干舷漆TE (Tar Epoxy Paint)环氧焦油漆VTP (V inyl Tar Primer)聚乙烯焦油底漆ZRP (Zinc Rich Primer)富锌底漆WELDING and Material(焊接与材料):ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials)美国材料实验协会A WS (American Welding Society)美国焊接协会FCA W (Flux Cored Arc Welding)药芯焊丝电弧焊FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GMA W (Gas Metal Arc Welding)气体保护金属极电弧焊GRP (Glass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GTA W (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding)气体保护钨极电弧焊GW (Gravity Welding)重力焊MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection) 磁粒检验NDE (Nondestructive Evaluation)无损鉴定NDT (Nondestructive Testing)非破坏性检验PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)聚氯乙烯S/W (Spot Weld) 点焊SA W (Submerge Arc Welding)埋弧焊SMA W (Shielded MetalArc Welding)手弧焊UT (Ultrasonic Test)超声波检验WPS (Welding Procedure Sheet)焊接程序表WQT (Welding Qualification Test)焊工资格检验OTHERS(其它):AE (Assistant Engineer)助理工程师ANSI (American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准局API (American Petroleum Institute)美国石油协会ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)美国机械工程师协会Bbls (Barrels) 桶(美制容量单位1桶= 159升),C.E. (Chief Engineer) 总工程师CEO (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行总裁CIS (Chinese Industrial Standard)中国工业标准CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Company)中国海洋石油总公司Co Ltd.(Company Limited)(股份)有限公司cu.ft. (Cubic Feet) 立方英尺cu.in. (Cubic Inch) 立方英寸GB (Guo Biao)国标GM (General Manage)总经理H.Q. (Headquarters) 总部HSE (Health, Safety & Environment)健康,安全和环保ID (Inner Dimension) 内径IEC (International Electro technical Commission) 国际电工协会IMO (Intergovernmental Marine Organization)国际海事组织ISO (International Standardization Organization)国际标准化协会ITU (International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟Ksi (kilopounds per square inch)千磅/平方英寸N/A(None Applicable)不适用NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineer)全国防蚀工程师协会NFPA(National Fire Protection Association)国家防火协会OD (outer Dimension)外径QA(Quality Assurance)质量保证QC (Quality Control)质量管理(检查)ST (Short Ton)短吨SOLAS (International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea)国际海上人命安全公约Spec. (specification)说明书,规格书sq.ft. (Square Feet) 平方英尺sq.in. (Square Inch) 平方英寸PROPER NOUN(专有名词):Basic Design(基础设计):Preparation of specification and plans/drawings outlining the design and in sufficient detail to gain Class approval.总括性的设计规格书和图纸等,其详细程度仅足可以通过船级社认可其设计思想。



2008年欧锦赛转播中的C SPN禹雄华,田天(湖南师范大学新闻与传播学院湖南长沙410081)摘要:电视频道cs PN在2()()8年欧锦赛的转播中吸引了无数球迷的目光,挑战了ccTv一5在国内体育传播中的优势地位,其生存之道对于地方媒体在激烈竞争环境中发展的启迪和借鏊价值是不可低估的,但csPN在欧锦赛的直播中出现的问题也不可忽视。

关键词:足球欧锦赛转播c spN四年一度的欧洲足球锦标赛(以下均简称欧锦赛)于2008年6月7日至6月29日在奥地利和瑞士举行。



一、20∞年欧锦赛的中目转播在本届欧锦赛期间,中央电视台体育频道(以下简称ccT v一5)一如既往地全程直播所有31场比赛,除了凌展的直播外,并在每晚比赛开始之前的23.00播出欧锦赛专栏节目《足球欧洲),节目回顾前一天的比赛并邀请专家、嘉宾前瞻即将举行的比赛。

C C TV一5在转播中动用了目前频道中解说、评球的最强阵容。



与以往不同的是,全国各地很多城市的球迷观众惊奇地发现,除了他们平时所习惯观看的C C T V一5转播此次欧锦赛之外,通过他们各自所在省市的电视频道也能收看到欧锦赛的全程直播,在直播画面的右上角出现了以前从未见过的标识叫SPN,担任主要解说、评论的是很多球迷所喜爱的、曾经在C C T、,一5任职的著名体育评论员黄健翔以及著名的足球专业记者李承鹏、董路等人。

同时,在赛前也有回顾性和前瞻性的专题节目<亮剑欧罗巴),嘉宾则是比C C T v一5更能吸引球迷目光的“神奇教练”米卢以及同样在C C T v一5中也担任了嘉宾的“金哨”陆俊。

正是这一新的频道的出现,打破7C C T v一5在以往大赛转播中一家独大的局面,并对C C T V一5在体育传播中的强势地位形成了挑战。

FPSO Topside电气设备的布置及其安装

FPSO Topside电气设备的布置及其安装

FPSO Topside电气设备的布置及其安装针对上部模块的特殊性结构,探讨可行性的设备布置及其安装方案,总结上部模块的特点及设计难点。

标签:浮式生产储油(FPSO);上部模块;电气设备布置;电气设备安装Abstract:According to the special structure of the upper module,this paper discusses the feasibility of the equipment layout and installation scheme,and summarizes the characteristics and design difficulties of the upper module.Keywords:floating production oil storage (FPSO);upper module;electrical equipment arrangement;electrical equipment installation引言FPSO項目的Topside模块主要有清洗模块,分离模块,压缩模块,注入模块和火炬塔燃烧模块。




1 船舶电气设备的布置及其安装概述1.1 船舶电气设备安装的总体要求电气设备安装的总体要求如下:(1)符合规范。




以上活动受艺术理事会支持能享用 Tote Board Grant
Singapore International Band Festival 2008
Page 3 of 11
1 管乐节日程
日期 7 月 22 日(二) 7 月 23 日(三) 7 月 24 日(四) 7 月 25 日(五)
7 月 26 日(六)
4.1 主办单位将在 7 月 25 至 27 日安排一系列由管乐节评判讲解的工作坊及大师班。
4.2 因名额有限,工作坊及大师班报名席位先到先得。
4.3 裕知更多详情,请游览管乐节网站。
Singapore International Band Festival 2008
Page 7 of 11
5.1 各乐团可申请与另一支乐团进行观摩交流会。
5.2 因名额有限,交流会活动席位以先到先。各乐团只限与一队乐团进行交流。
5.3 主办单位将有权决定及分派交流的团体。
5.4 参加交流活动的乐团须自负一切有关此活动的节目、消费及交通等安排。
6.1 主办单位将在比赛场地提供钢琴及常用的打击乐器。详情将在报名后提供。
6.2 参赛者可在比赛时用自备的打击乐器。但一切的乐器摆设等工作需要在规定的舞台 时间内完成。
6.3 比赛时将不提供专业定音鼓调音师。
7.1 未经主办单位应许,参加者不可擅自录音、录相或拍摄管乐节在共和理工学院文化 中心及滨海艺术中心的一切活动。
7.2 主办单位在获得大师/讲员的允许后可特许参加者在工作坊/大师课时为存档案的缘 故拍摄或录影。若有需要请向秘书处询问详情。



第50卷第3期辽 宁化工V〇1.50,N〇.3 2021 #- 3 _________________________________Liaoning Chemical Industry_________________________________March, 2021抗氧剂1010生产优化童宝亭U2,赵洪福2(1.新疆天利石化控股集团有限公司,新疆克拉玛依833699;2.克拉玛依市天利恒华石化有限公司,新疆克拉玛依833699 )摘要:工业上防止有机物氧化的方法很多,包括聚合物结构改性、加人抗氧剂等。




关键词:抗氧剂丨010;甲醇钠;氢氧化钾;硅酸镁中图分类号:T Q03-3文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-0935 ( 2021 ) 03-0358-03抗氧剂1010可作为聚丙烯、线性低密度聚乙 烯、聚苯乙烯、聚酯等多种合成树脂的主抗氧剂,用以提高这些合成材料的抗氧、老化性能,延长其 使用寿命[1_2]。

目前抗氧剂10H)在国内外被视为最 理想的聚烯烃抗氧剂。


本文从3种不同的生产工艺 方面阐述如何优化抗氧剂1010的生产。

1使用甲醇钠催化制备抗氧剂10101.1 工艺控制在DCS控制下将2,6-酚与催化剂甲醇钠打人加 成釜,脱去甲醇后,向釜内加人丙烯酸甲酯,加热 至指定温度,保温反应3 h,生成3,5-甲酯。

反应液 送入结晶釜提纯,得到3,5-甲酯纯品,在熔料罐加 热熔化后打人酯交换釜,加入季戊四醇及催化剂,启动反应真空泵在指定温度下保温反应4 h,再升温 至指定温度,保持微正压反应生成抗氧剂1010。



船舶英语中的一些缩写ABS (American Bureau of Standard)美国船级社ANG (Angle Bar)角钢BFE (Builder Furnish Equipment)建造商提供设备BG (Bulk Carrier)散货船BHD (Bulkhead)舱壁BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力BL (Base Line)基线BM (Breadth Molded)型宽BV (Bureau Veritas)法国船级社CAD (Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助设计CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)计算机辅助制造CB (Center of Buoyancy)浮心CCS (China Classification Society)中国船级社CF (Center of Floatation)漂心CFE (Contractor Furnish Equipment)承包商提供设备CG (Center of Gravity)重心CH (Channel)槽钢爱我船舶网CM (Metacenter)稳心CPP (The Controllable Pitch Propeller)可调螺距桨CS (Carbon Steel)碳素钢DB (Double Bottom)双层底DK (Deck)甲板DM (Depth Molded)型深DNV (Det Norske Veritas)挪威船级社DWG (Drawing)图DWL (Design Waterline)设计水线DWT (Deadweight)载重量FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)工厂验收试验FB (Flat Bar)扁钢FEM (Finite Element Method)有限元法FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading) 浮(船)式生产储油卸油系统FSO (Floating Storage Offloading)浮(船)式储油卸油系统Fwd (Forward)向船艏GL (Germanischer Lloyd)德国船级社GM (Metacentric Height)初稳心高HP (Half Bulb Plate)球扁钢LBP (Length between Perpendiculars)垂线间长LCG (Longitudinal Center of Gravity)纵向重心LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas Vessel) 液化石油气船LOA (Overall Length)总长Long. (Longitudinal)纵骨LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vessel) 液化天然气船LR (Lloyd's Register)英国劳氏船级社MDK (Main Deck)主甲板MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units)移动式近海钻井平台MS (Mild Steel)低碳钢MTO (Material Takeoff)材料估算NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)日本海事协会OFE (Owner Furnished Equipment)船东提供设备OT (Oil Tight)油密PL (Plate)板RI (Register Italian)意大利船级社SB (Starboard)右舷Semi- (Semi-submersible Platform)半潜式钻井平台STLP (Suspended Tension Leg Platform)悬式张力腿平台TCG (Transverse Center of Gravity)横向重心TEU (Twenty-foot equivalent Unit)20英尺国际标准集装箱TLP (Tension Leg Platform)张力腿平台UCLL (Ultra Large Crude Carrier)超大型油船VCG (Vertical Center of Gravity)垂向重心VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier)特大型油船WB (Web Bar)腹板WL (Waterline)水线WT (Water Tight)水密MECHANICAL & PIPING(轮机):AHU (Air Handling Unit)通风装置BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力A/C (Air Compressor)空气压缩机A/C (Air Conditioning)空调BB (Ball Bearing)滚珠轴承BRG (Bearing)轴承CAS NUT(Castle Nut)蝶型螺帽CCR (Central Control Room)中心控制室COW (Crude Oil Washing)原油洗舱DFO (Diesel Fuel Oil)柴油DPS (Dynamic Position System)动力定位系统DT (Double-Thread)双头螺纹FS (Forged Steel)锻钢FW (Fresh Water)淡水FO (Fuel Oil)燃油GRP (Glass-reinforced Plastic)玻璃钢HVAV (Heating Ventilation and Air-condition)暖通空调系统HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit)液压工作站LSA (Life Saving Apparatus)救生器具LCC (Local Control Console)机旁控制台LO (Lube Oil)滑油MDO (Marine Diesel Oil)船用柴油OS (Operation System)操作系统PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)逻辑控制单元PMS (Power Manage System)动力管理系统ELECTRICAL(电气):AC (Alternative Current)交流电AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation)自动电压调整计CCTV (Closed Circuit Television)闭路电视CMS (Cargo Monitoring System)货物监控系统DC (Direct Current)直流电DFT (Dry Film Thickness)干膜DG (Diesel Generator)柴油发电机DVD (Digital Video Disc) 数字化视频光盘EMSP (Emergency Shutter Panel)应急关断板ESS (Emergence Shutdown System)应急关闭系统GPS (Global Position System)全球定位系统HG (Harbor Generator)停泊发电机HT (High Temperature)高温JB (Junction Box)接线盒LED (Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管LT (Low Temperature)低温MCU (Main Control Unit)主控器箱MG (Main Generator)主发电机MUR (Manual Voltage Regulation)手动调压器NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association)国际电气制造业协会PA (Public Address System)公共寻呼系统PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)脉宽调制ST (Starter)启动器SWBD (Switch Board)配电盘,配电板UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)不间断电源VCR (Video Cassette Recorder)录像机PAINTING(涂装):ARD (Alkyd Resin Deck)醇酸树脂甲板漆ARF (Alkyd Resin Finish)醇酸树脂面漆ARP (Alkyd Resin Primer)醇酸树脂底漆A/C (Anti-corrosive Paint)防腐漆CAF (Compressed Asbestos Fiber)压缩石棉填料EDP (Epoxy Deck Paint)环氧甲板漆EFP (Epoxy Finish Paint)环氧面漆EPP (Epoxy Primer Paint)环氧底漆ETPF (Epoxy Tank Paint Finish)环氧舱室面漆ETPP (Epoxy Tank Paint Primer)环氧舱室底漆ETP (Epoxy Topside Paint)环氧干舷漆ERL (Erosion Resistant Lacquer)防腐漆ECP (Etching Primer) 磷化底漆EPR (Ethylene-Propylene Rubber)乙丙橡胶F/C (Finish Coating)面漆IZP (Inorganic Zinc Primer)无机锌底漆IZSP (Inorganic Zinc Shop Primer)无机锌车间底漆PUTP (Polyurethane Topside Primer)聚氨脂干舷漆TE (Tar Epoxy Paint)环氧焦油漆VTP (Vinyl Tar Primer)聚乙烯焦油底漆ZRP (Zinc Rich Primer)富锌底漆WELDING and Material(焊接与材料)ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials)美国材料实验协会AWS (American Welding Society)美国焊接协会FCAW (Flux Cored Arc Welding)药芯焊丝电弧焊FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding)气体保护金属极电弧焊GRP (Glass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding)气体保护钨极电弧焊GW (Gravity Welding)重力焊MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection) 磁粒检验NDE (Nondestructive Evaluation)无损鉴定NNDT (Nondestructive Testing)非破坏性检验PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)聚氯乙烯S/W (Spot Weld) 点焊SAW (Submerge Arc Welding)埋弧焊SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding)手弧焊UT (Ultrasonic Test)超声波检验WPS (Welding Procedure Sheet)焊接程序表WQT (Welding Qualification Test)焊工资格检验AE (Assistant Engineer)助理工程师ANSI (American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准局API (American Petroleum Institute)美国石油协会ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)美国机械工程师协会Bbls (Barrels) 桶(美制容量单位 1桶 = 159升),C.E. (Chief Engineer) 总工程师CEO (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行总裁CIS (Chinese Industrial Standard)中国工业标准CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Company)中国海洋石油总公司Co Ltd.(Company Limited)(股份)有限公司cu.ft. (Cubic Feet) 立方英尺cu.in. (Cubic Inch) 立方英寸GB (Guo Biao)国标GM (General Manage)总经理H.Q. (Headquarters) 总部HSE (Health, Safety & Environment)健康,安全和环保ID (Inner Dimension)内径IEC (International Electro technical Commission)国际电工协会IMO (Intergovernmental Marine Organization)国际海事组织ISO (International Standardization Organization)国际标准化协会ITU (International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟Ksi (kilopounds per square inch)千磅/平方英寸N/A (None Applicable)不适用NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineer)全国防蚀工程师协会NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)国家防火协会OD (outer Dimension)外径QA (Quality Assurance)质量保证QC (Quality Control)质量管理(检查)ST (Short Ton)短吨SOLAS (International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea)国际海上人命安全公约Spec. (specification)说明书,规格书sq.ft. (Square Feet) 平方英尺sq.in. (Square Inch) 平方英寸LPROPER NOUN(专有名词):Basic Design(基础设计): Preparation of specification and plans/drawings outlining the design andin sufficient detail to gain Class approval.总括性的设计规格书和图纸等,其详细程度仅足可以通过船级社认可其设计思想。



浮式生产储油装置(FPSO)造价影响分析及综述张广磊;杨小龙;蔡元浪;刘波【摘要】根据浮式生产储油装置(FPSO)基本构成,对影响各个组成部分(主要包括船体、系泊系统和上部模块三部分)造价的因素逐一归纳分析;举例对比南海和渤海FPSO造价,总结分析整体FPSO中船体、系泊系统和上部模块三部分所占造价比例,并对比分析不同海域的典型FPSO的造价,从整体上对FPSO的造价因素进行阐述,为海上油田开发采用FPSO方案提供参考和指导.%Based on consist of the Floating Production Storage Offloading Unit (FPSO),main factors which might affect cost of main parts of FPSO (contains hull,mooring system and topside) has been studied,respectively.Illustrating and comparison of FPSO in South China Sea and the Bohai Bay,cost ratio of hull,mooring system and topside in whole FPSO will be summarized.And cost of construction and affect factor of typical FPSO in different sea area will be analyzed.Moreover,these analyses could provide reference and guidance when FPSO plan using in offshore oil development.【期刊名称】《中国海洋平台》【年(卷),期】2017(032)002【总页数】6页(P8-13)【关键词】FPSO;船体;系泊系统;上部模块;造价【作者】张广磊;杨小龙;蔡元浪;刘波【作者单位】海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津300451;海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津300451;海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津300451;海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津300451【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P75浮式生产储油装置(Floating Production Storage and Offloading, FPSO)是海洋油田开发方案的一种,目前全世界已有160 多艘FPSO服役,主要分布在英国北海、巴西沿海、西非沿海、澳大利亚海域和中国渤海与南海,作业水深分布从15~2 500 m,其水深跨度比较大;该装置兼有生产和储油的作用,储油能力可达40万吨,兼具小至几千立方米,大到几百万立方米的油气处理能力,可称为海上的油气厂。



FPSO TOPSIDE模块支撑系统摘要:FPSO上部模块支撑系统起到承上启下的作用,结合支撑系统的系统组成、各自作用、设计特点来介绍,并结合实际建造过程中问题的解决方案、施工工艺、安装流程、重点注意事项来阐述,希望给以后类似项目的设计建造提供参考。

关键词:模块支撑系统橡胶垫块 stopper stool bearing-nodeFPSO是一座“海上油气加工厂”把来自油井的油气水等混合物经过流体接收、气体/液体分离、气体调节、凝析油去除和稳定等加工处理成合格的凝析油和天然气,凝析油储存在储油舱,到一定储量时定期通过串联卸载offload装置卸到受油的穿梭油轮中。







(2) 刚性结构柔性连接, 上部模块支撑腿与承载支撑节点连接,再通过一系列的组合结构柔性连接,可让模块可以相对支墩滑动,避免模块支撑结构随船体的总纵弯曲而发生的强制变形,释放模块自身重量引起的支撑变形,极大降低产生疲劳裂纹产生概率。



德意志就在我们面前Vor uns liegt Deutschland,德意志就在我们的心中in uns marschiert Deutschland,德意志永远跟随着我们!und hinter uns kommt Deutschland!1941年德国占领白苏联党卫军敢死队和当地警&hearts;察&hearts;围捕犹太人几周内 5万人被屠&hearts;杀&hearts;福伊尔!Feuer!一百万人面临流放和死亡片名:反抗军本片根据事实改编行行好! 他是我儿子!Please! He's my son!妈妈妈妈Mama! Mama!妈妈妈妈妈妈Mama! Mama! Mama!-我们该怎么办? -安静- What do we do? - Shut up.赶紧回家跑!We've got to get home. Go!我的天哪Oh, my God!天哪Oh, my!爸爸!Papa!艾伦Aron.出来吧没事了Come. It's safe.走Let's go.别哭了Stop it.阿索别哭了!Asael! Stop it!不许哭不许哭Stop! Stop!你想哭? 不准哭!You want to cry? Stop! Stop!走吧艾伦我们走Let's go. Aron. Let's go.1941年8月里皮克赞斯卡森林图维亚是图维亚Tuvia! It's Tuvia.如果来的是德国人你现在已经死了If I was a German, you would be dead.-爸爸和妈妈...都被杀了 -我知道- Papa and Mama... They killed them! - I know. 艾伦Aron.大哥回来了Big brother returns.你看到他们了?You saw them?你的妻儿呢?Where is your wife and child?躲在何罗德齐的地下室Horodyszcze. Hiding in a cellar.等风声过去我再带她们走I'll bring them when it is safe.-里夫卡呢? -在诺鲁克- And Rifka? - Novogrudok.-她不肯走 -那你还...- She wouldn't leave.- You are still...-她还是我老婆 -大富婆- She's still my wife.- A rich wife.图维亚你为什么回来?Tell me,Tuvia,why have you come back?-有什么计划吗? -没有- Do you have a plan? - No.你有计划吗?Do you?警&hearts;察&hearts;穷追不舍The police will be after us.我们得逃亡一辈子We've run from them our whole life.现在停下能行吗?You think this is a good time to stop?我们对森林瞭如指掌We know these woods.他们怎样也抓不到咱们They'll never find us in here.艾伦!Aron!艾伦!Aron!我叫他留在这I told him to stay here.我想爸爸I miss Papa.我不相信他死了I can't believe he's dead.-班尼奇 -不确定是不是他干的- Bernicki.- We don't know he did it.-警&hearts;察&hearts;长吗? -他总盯着爸爸- The police captain?- He always had it in for Papa.但我们不确定But we don't know that he did it.那就去问他So we will go and ask him.柯思齐有把手&hearts;枪&hearts; 他给我看过Koscik has a pistol. He showed me once.一把手&hearts;枪&hearts;不顶用我们要来&hearts;复&hearts;枪&hearts; 机关枪One pistol is nothing.We need rifles, machine guns.-你要对付整支德军? -那是因为...- You'll take on the whole German army?- Just because...-孩子受伤了 -让她躺这儿- The child is hurt.- Please, lay her down here.图维亚.Tuvia.我们养不起他们We cannot feed them.-我去跟柯思齐要食物 -还有手&hearts;枪&hearts;- I'll go ask Koscik for food.- And the pistol.还有手&hearts;枪&hearts;And the pistol.不要我帮忙吗我只有4颗子弹I only have four bullets.谢谢Thank you.你父亲是个好人Your father was a good man.他也说你是个大好人He said the same of you.别理那婊&hearts;子&hearts; 敬死者Ignore the bitch. To the dead.愿上帝安抚他们的灵魂God rest their souls.婊&hearts;子&hearts; 你喝伏特加吗我就这么忍&hearts;着她你能想象吗I live with this. Can you imagine?去谷仓The barn.我的天哪Oh, God!这么晚还值班啊班尼奇捕猎犹太人我们的新老大很有一套别作声Be quiet!你一定渴了吧一天抓了15个抓一个500卢布犹太人那么值钱吗胖子能贵点不有5个是臭水沟里抓到的臭死了我还怕德军不要呢估计得贱卖&hearts;&hearts;你认识贝尔斯基一家子吗我只见到父母没找到孩子我老婆恨死漫漫长夜了你留着吧你这是贿赂执勤官员吗难道说谷仓里还有伏特加?那你就请瞧瞧吧顺便把牛粪清理掉你会留神的对吧工作顺利对不起但他们得跟你走I'm sorry, they have to go with you.我要拿他们怎么办?What am I supposed to do with them?那些警&hearts;察&hearts;...是他们杀了我父母吗Those policemen... were they the ones who killed my parents? 你们这些人就不能跟犹太人当朋友吗You people. Why is it so fucking hard being friends with a Jew? 我试试吧Try being one.-他是谁 -跟上- Who is he?- Come on.谢谢来来Thank you. Come. Come.你上学时是坐后排的我是西蒙·哈兹You sat at the back, in school. I am Shimon H'aretz.-我还以为你死了 -半只脚进棺材差不多- I thought you were dead.- I am at least half dead.我听说你父母的事了节哀顺变I heard you speaking of your parents.I am very sorry.你的兄弟放荡不羁的那个叫什么?The other brothers.What was his name, the wild one?祖斯他跟两个弟弟一起Zus. He's with the other two.你们就躲在森林里?You are hiding here in the forest?那里以前出过事吧警&hearts;察&hearts;搞的There has been trouble before, maybe? With the police?所以你们躲到森林里来明智的选择So you go to the forest. A wise choice.明智之选...对个笨学生来说A wise choice... for a stupid schoolboy.我穷极一生教授别人正直做人My whole life, I presumed to teach others the right way to live. 从不怀疑 "这是上帝的旨意那不是"I had no doubt."This is God's way, this isn't. "希望你能谅解...You'll forgive me...如果最近的事情动摇了我的决定If recent events have somewhat shaken my resolve.就跟上学时一样完全搞不懂你说啥Just like school. I have no idea what you are talking about. 好了走吧Please, let's go.来你不饿吗Here. You're not hungry?你们这些小孩都不说话Your little one does not talk.他看见了He saw things.我派你拿食物结果你带回来那么多张嘴I send you for food and you bring more mouths to feed. -你派我? -饶了我吧- You send me?- Oh, please.班尼奇杀了爸爸It was Bernicki who killed Papa.你拿到枪了吗?Did you at least get the pistol?只有4颗子弹Only four bullets.那就得用在刀刃上Then, we'll have to make them count.你工作得很晚明天礼拜日能休息吗该死的党卫军从来不休息知道我是谁吗给我坐下!你知道我的目的你在说什么?我在说什么?他们叫我找人我就得找这是我的工作屠&hearts;杀&hearts;犹太人要不就丢乌纱帽你喜欢你的工作我对你们家向来不错人人都知道你走私我放你一马问你&hearts;爸&hearts;爸就知道我爸? 你去问他吧跪下!求求你行行好为我的父母戴维和芭拉·贝尔斯基For my parents, David and Beila Bielski.为敬我的兄弟们和大家For my brothers, and for all the others.杀了我吧操!Shit!-只剩一个了 -他的两个儿子- Only one left.- His sons.怎么样?How was it?-什么怎么样 -杀人的感觉- How was what?- To kill them.-爽还不爽? -别说了- It was good, no?- Shut up.-这些人怎么办 -我怎么知道- And what about these others?- I don't know.女人会拖慢速度还有你的老师Women will slow us down.Your old teacher...怎么还怕他打你屁&hearts;股&hearts;What, you afraid he's gonna spank you...催作业吗For forgetting your homework?我们得行动起来还得快一点We have to be able to move, Tuvia,and quickly.我同意但他们在这I agree. But they're here.我们睡远一点We'll sleep further up the trail.万一有人来最先发现他们If someone comes, they'll find them first...枪击也会给我们时间逃跑And the gunshots should give us time to escape.好吧...但别再加人了Alright... but no more.不加人No more.我知道我知道!I know. I know!特玛拉你还记得祖斯表哥吗到火边坐吧Tamara, you remember Cousin Zus.Please, go and sit by the fire.-拉哲是伊沙贝尔的小弟 -你好- Lazar. He's Isabel's youngest.- Hello.-这是伊扎·马布里 -你好- And this is Isaac Malbin.- Hello.-他从明斯克市过来的 -图维亚- He's from Minsk.- Tuvia.阿索! 给他们点吃的Asael! Find them something to eat.我可怜他们但...I have pity for them all, but...-他们是自己人 -怎么养活他们?- They're family!- And how will we feed this family?把汤调稀一点We'll water the soup.这个... 她也是家里人吗And this one... she is family?不是No.1941年10月佩里拉斯森林营地搞什么你不会用锤子吗What the fuck?!Have you never used a hammer before? -呃...不会 -你是干什么的?- Er... no.- What is it you do?我算是个知识分子I suppose you'd have to say I was,am,an intellectual. 这算工作?This is a job?我出版杂&hearts;志&hearts;I published a small magazine.实际上是期刊Actually, a journal.小册子性质的More like a pamphlet.图维亚Tuvia?这是莱拉我的压寨夫人This is Lila. Lila is my forest wife.我懂了I see.恭喜Congratulations.这说法有趣Interesting concept.也要他的糟糠夫人一直躲着才行As long as his village wife stays in hiding.你好先生们有什么可为你效劳?Hello, boys. What can we do for you?食物我们要吃的Food. We want food.小杂种拿枪指着我们These little shits are holding us up.里头有子弹吗Do you have the balls to shoot me?我们有食物可以分你们一点We have food. We'll share.不我倒要看看这些小杂种有没有子弹No. I want to see if the little shit has the balls to shoot me. 你要杀犹太人吗小杂种You like to shoot Jews, little shit?-你们是犹太人? -我们还是盖世太保呢- You are Jews?- No, we're the Gestapo.-放下枪 -别等我把枪塞你屁&hearts;眼&hearts;里- Put down the gun.- Before I shove it up your ass.-看着我!你们是哪里的 -何罗德齐- Hey! Look at me! Where you from? - Horodyszcze.我们两天没吃东西了我叫帕莱士We haven't eaten in two days. My name is Paretz.这是雅格This is Jacov.2天前何罗德齐还有3千犹太人Two days ago there were 3,000 Jews in Horodyszcze.现在...只剩下50人了And now... there are 50.我们俩躲在墙后Me and him, we hid in a wall.你认不认识索尼娅·贝尔斯基Do you know a woman... Sonia Bielski?认识We knew her.还有一个孩子There was a child.我的孩子...我该保护她们的!My child...I should have protected them!-别这样 -我...Sonia- No. - I... Sonia!妈妈Mama!爸爸Papa!-死了那么多人 -我知道- So many dead! - I know.为什么死的不是我们Why not us?我不知道I don't know.死也比躲进森林强Better to be hiding in the woods...像兔子一样Like rabbits...被人围猎不...hunted. No.我们在找游击队员你的反抗军叫什么We're looking for partisans.What is the name of your otriad? -什么反抗军? -那是指军旅- What is an otriad?- It's an armed brigade.听说苏联人开始行动了We heard the Russians are beginning to organise.-这里呢 -里皮克赞斯卡森林里也有- Here? - And also in Lipicanska.那我们就是贝尔斯基反抗军你要加入吗Then we are the Bielski Otriad.You want to join?-苏联人都是战士 -你要加入得有枪- The Russians are fighters.- But you need a gun to join them. 他们炸铁路杀德国人They sabotage railroads and kill Germans.你想杀德国人? 跟我来You want to kill Germans? Come with me.如果你怕来&hearts;复&hearts;枪&hearts;就算了Unless you're still afraid to use that rifle.别动都别动!Stay there. Stay there!不要做无谓的牺牲We must get what we need without killing.这样你家人也回不来This will not bring your family back.血债血偿Blood for blood.-你还有家人 -我还能见着他们- You had yours.- And I can still see their faces."我要复仇" 这话谁说的"Vengeance is mine. " Who said that?你这算替天行道了?This is God's work you're doing now?不这事是你干的救几个人饶人一命No, only you can do that. Take a few lives, spare others. 我们不能变成侩子手We must not become like them.但可以像他们一样杀人No, but we can kill like them.你加入吗Are you coming with us or not?有人通敌叛徒我们是贝家军我们会再来我的车! 谁干的?你是什么人?这车是押送犹太人的德国人逼我&hearts;干&hearts;的来了来了It's coming! It's coming!卡车Truck!快快跑Hurry, hurry! Go!在这里Here!是我们的车但这儿没人可能是喝醉了赶紧找我们还想去派对呢不不Nein! Nein!嘿我&hearts;干&hearts;掉一个Hey, I got one!-伏特加! -这才像游击队员- Vodka! - Now we are real partisans!敬贝尔斯基反抗军To the Bielski Otriad!有香烟!Cigarettes!阿索!Asael!阿索!Asael!拿他的来&hearts;复&hearts;枪&hearts;Get his rifle!操他走错路了Shit! He's going the wrong way!-快跑 -我们不能丢下他- Come on! - We can't just leave him!没别的选择了! 跑!We have no choice! Go!-阿索! -不不!- Asael! - No! No!还以为你们会带点吃的农民不给吗They thought you were bringing food. Farmers stop you? -他们有枪? 还是有狗? -没有- They had guns? Dogs? - No.我真搞不懂I don't understand.犹太法典说:The Talmud says,你拯救了一条性命就必须对此负责If you save a life, you must take responsibility for it.又来了我还是不懂你说啥Again, I have no idea what you're talking about.是啊我以为你懂呢你弟弟都不见了yes. I think you do. And now your little brother is gone. -你是怎么骗过拉哲的? -谁?- How did you get past Lazar? - Who?兔崽子...你这没用的杂种Fucking shit...You worthless piece of shit!住手!Enough!他从你旁边走过去要是有人被杀怎么办He walked by you! Someone could have been killed! 我说住手起来! 起来!I said enough! Get up! Get up!他该死的He should be shot.如果我们真是游击队那他现在就该死If we were real partisans, he'd be shot,你这蠢货you stupid little piece of!他只是犯错He made a mistake!犯错?Mistake?我们不能犯错图维亚.We cannot make mistakes, Tuvia.就像昨晚一样Like last night, Zus.他们先折磨阿索First they will torture Asael...然后把他吊死And then they will hang him.你是图维亚 BielskiYou are Tuvia Bielski?-你认识我? -在维尔纽斯听说过你- You know me? - We heard of you in Vilna.-我妹妹在维尔纽斯 -我家人在那里!- My sister lives in Vilna! - My family is there!-党卫军来了毫无预兆 -我的天哪- The SD came without warning.- Oh, God!我的老天爷Oh, God! Oh, God!我情愿待在犹太人区We'll be better off in the ghetto!至少在这安全At least here we are safe.-在那里还有希望 -在这里才有希望- There, we had had hope. - Here we have hope!-有吗 -我们没吃的- Do we?- We have no food!-明天会有另一场任务 -像上次一样?- Tomorrow will be another mission. - Like last time?-我们不会再犯错 -你怎么知道- We won't make that mistake again. - How do you know?我们会留在这很久We may be here a long time.-必须做准备 -怎样?- We have to prepare. - How?防卫严密点搜集食物拿手点Better security, better at getting food...我们没武器还开始生病We don't have weapons. People are getting sick.不论什么事都要一起承担Whatever it takes, we all have to participate!我们不能内讧!We can't work against each other!我们还不能复仇至少现在不行We cannot afford revenge. Not now!不能失去像雅格和帕莱士这样的人We cannot afford to lose friends like Jacov and Peretz.还有阿索Or Asael.一个都不能少We cannot lose anyone.我们会在地图上标出去过的村子We will map out where we have been...同一个村别去得太频密So as not to visit the same farms too often,只取富人的And we will take only from those who can afford to give,不取穷&hearts;人&hearts;的东西And we will leave those who can't alone.活着...Our revenge...-就是最好的复仇 -最穷的也比我们富有- Is to live. - The poorest farmer has more than us.安静我要说的是我们不是小偷或强盗Quiet. What I'm saying is, we're not thieves or murderers.就算像动物一样被猎杀但也不能变成禽兽We may be hunted like animals, but we'll not become animals.我们能够选择...We have all chosen this...尽力在这活得自&hearts;由&hearts; 像个人样To live here free, like human beings, for as long as we can. 每一天的自&hearts;由&hearts;都是一份信念Every day of freedom is like an act of faith.如果要死那就试着活下去...And if we should die, trying to live...至少也死得像个人Then at least we die like human beings.你好在谷仓"犹太爱人"节哀顺变跟我来感谢上帝上来上来Thank God. Come here! Come here!上来阿索Come, Asael!祖斯... 祖斯我透不过气了Zus... Zus, I can't breathe.瞧瞧瞧咱有啥了Look. Look. Look what we found.这从哪儿来的Where did you get these?你好Hello.没事的出来吧It is alright. Please come.-没事的 -来吧- It is alright. - Come on.给我Give me that.-阿索你还挺忙的嘛 -闭嘴- Asael, you've been busy! - Shut up.你们好我是祖斯Hello. I am Zus.这是贝拉这是凯雅This is Bella and this is Chaya.-请过来你饿了吧 -谢谢- Please, come. You must be hungry. - Thank you.谢谢去吧然后我们就掉进了可怕的水塘里And then, we fell into this horrible bog,我不会游泳多亏凯雅救了我And Chaya saved me. I can't swim at all.那我们得好好教你了Well, we'll have to teach you.我们迷路了好几次We must have got lost a dozen times.差点就死了凯雅告诉他I was absolutely resigned to die. Tell him, Chaya.这一切是不是糟糕透顶了?Was it not the absolute worst?-那个农夫他叫什么来着 -柯思齐- And that farmer, a Mr er... - Koscik.对他总是说些下流的笑话Yes. He kept making the most vulgar jokes.你是想告诉我政&hearts;治&hearts;是毫无意义的东西? So you're trying to tell me that all politics is meaningless? 在西方那个禽兽留着小胡子In the West, the monster with the little moustache.在东方那个禽兽留着大胡子In the East, the monster with the big moustache.这就是政&hearts;治&hearts;That is all I need to know about politics.你的救世主也有胡子而且是络腮胡Your Messiah will have a moustache, too, and a full beard. 不假救世主都在搞政&hearts;治&hearts; 还会杀了我们No. The messiahs are all in politics, and they are killing us. -才不... -你们讨论的东西才会杀了我- No... - What's killing me is all your talking.那罗斯福呢? 他没留胡子And Roosevelt? He has no moustache.我们得了解那些村子We need to know about the villages,德国佬在哪里哪些人是通风报信的where the Germans are, who the informers are.-你在听我说吗 -嗯在听- Are you listening to me? - Yes. Yes.-她叫什么 -凯雅- What's her name? - Chaya.凯雅!Chaya!你在做什么?What are you doing?-你去和她聊聊 -我都不认识她- Talk to her. - I hardly know her.你和她在地窖待了三天You spent three days in a cellar with her.马布里说彼兹纳斯基的仓库是满的Malbin says the Piznarski granary is full.-但我们至少还需要2支枪 -轮到谁去了?- But we still need two guns at least. - Whose turn is it to go? -祖斯 -你和他一起去- Zus.- You go with him.确保他按照我的命令行事Make sure he understands my orders.去! 和她聊聊! 快去!Go! Go and talk to her! Go!你好还适应吗Hello. How are you?-挺好 -那就好- Fine. - Good.早上好赶早市?你能分我们点牛奶吗?这些我必须得交给德国人如果我没完成配额他们会杀了我和我家人留一半他不能空手见德国佬图维亚的命令同志感谢你的合作多棒的大衣是毛领子的吗?停下! 谁在那?Halt! Who goes there?你觉得是谁拉哲我们回来了You know who goes there, Lazar. We go there.当你不知道是谁You only say "Who goes there?"...你只说"谁在那"?When you don't know who goes there.抱歉祖斯牛奶还有鸡蛋凯雅有美餐了Milk! And eggs! Chaya, our brave men have brought us a feast.你可以给我做薄饼卷了You can make me blintzes.嘿! 我觉得我们还没互相自我介绍过Hey... Hey! I don't think we've been properly introduced.-你好 -我叫阿卡迪·卢布赞斯基- Hello. - Arkady Lubczanski.-你叫凯雅 -是的- You are Chaya. - Yes.过得还好吗你需要什么吗You're getting along alright? Anything you need?比如一条毯子?An extra blanket?不用了谢谢我很好Er, no, thank you. I am fine.-其它好东西要吗? -不用了- Oh. Something nice... and soft? - No, it is alright.你还没结婚You don't have a husband yet.-怎么了? -在这找个丈夫吧- Yet? - A forest husband.其他女人都选好了她们没告诉你吗All the other women have chosen already. They haven't told you? 还没有谢谢你告诉我No, they haven't. Thank you for explaining it.笛卡尔证明了经验的主观作用Descartes provided for the subjective nature of experience.没错你让我厌烦故我在Yes. You annoy me, therefore I exist.本·让恩?Ben Zion?新的一批人刚到他们来自诺鲁克The new ones have just arrived. They are from Novogrudok.你的妻子... 他们说她在上周被杀了Your wife... They say she was killed last week.我很抱歉I'm sorry.谢谢你告诉我Thank you for telling me.Can I join you?当然Of course.-我从不... -你从不什么?- Oh, I... I never... - You never what?在这儿你感到孤独吗?Do you get lonely out here?我喜欢森林I like the woods.我有时很害怕I get a little bit scared sometimes.告诉我为什么规定女人不能有枪Tell me something. Why is there a rule against women having guns? -光给男人用都不够 -女人也需要枪- There aren't enough for the men. - Women need guns, too.要来做什么What for?来保护自己For... protection.女人会由男人来保护Women have men for protection.我需要你的保护I want protection.有人来了! 他们有枪! 快起来!Men with guns! Men with guns! Up!只带上武器弹&hearts;药&hearts;!Take weapons and ammunition only!-洛瓦本·让恩跟着我阿索! -遵命!- Lova, Ben Zion, with us. Asael! - Yes!让他们保持移&hearts;动&hearts;! 不要停! 快跟上!Keep them moving! Don't stop! Keep them moving!快快走! 跟上! 快点快!Go, go. Move! Come on! Quickly, quickly!祖斯! 过来!Zus! No!快快点Quick, quick.快起来Come!一直朝农田跑不要停!Don't stop till you reach the fields!-快走跟上! -快点跟上祖斯! 阿索!- Move, move! - Keep them moving. Zus! Asael!本·让恩那里!Ben Zion, there!投降吧贝尔斯基我会放了剩下的人Give up Bielske, and the rest of you can go free!你也来自白俄&hearts;罗&hearts;斯&hearts; 为什么要和你的人&hearts;民&hearts;作对Your're from Belorussia! Why do you work against your own people?因为你们从穷&hearts;人&hearts;手里强取豪夺!For the same reason you steal from the poor!为了活下去!To survive!-见鬼 -下次就打头了!- Shit! - Next one's to the head!天就快黑了你们怎么找到回去的路?It will be dark soon. How will you find your way home then?我们走他们会回来的我们得造个新营地They'll be back. We will have to build a new camp.-下次你可以给他们画张地图 -什么意思- Next time you can draw them a map. - And what does that mean?我的意思是应该杀了那个该死的奶农It means we should have killed the fucking milkman.你的外交政策是狗屎Your policy of diplomacy is shit.冬天就要来了现在我们还没屋子Winter is coming, and now we have no shelter.为什么会这样?Why?因为你没种做那些必须要做的事Because you don't have the stomach to do what must be done.继续走Go! Move.他要带我们去哪儿? 我的脚快断了Where is he taking us? My feet are going to fall off.我需要组织人去侦察I need volunteers for a scouting party.你们是什么人独&hearts;立&hearts;战斗团什么团?贝尔斯基反抗军The Bielski Otriad我们听说过你犹太人的队伍我觉得他可以和你们指挥官说清楚我叫维克多·本切科十月反抗军的司令听说一伙犹太人盗窃了我们的村庄对此你们有什么看法你拿食物叫支援我们拿就叫偷?我们是苏联红军我们有共同的敌人祖国&hearts;母&hearts;亲不会介意你是不是犹太人不过犹太人不会战斗我们战斗拭目以待派你最好的战士过来吧很荣幸能够为祖国服务-那么现在我们是游击队了 -很快就会知道- So now we are partisans. - We'll see.-给 -谢谢- Here. - Thank you.如果新社&hearts;会&hearts;主&hearts;义&hearts;俱乐部的人看到我这样子If my friends at the New Socialist Club could see me now!我已经一个月没读书了I haven't read a book in months.我没读过多少书I don't read much.-你可以和西蒙说说 -我说过了- You can ask Shimon. - I did.-那你还当我是领导? -谁不是呢?- Yet you accept me as commander? - Who else?-能让我提点意见吗? -尽管说- Might I make an observation? - Please! Observe away.没错我们需要变得强大但是We need to be strong, yes. But...但是什么?But?- 其它事也很重要 - 比如?- Other things are important, too. - Such as?建设共&hearts;产&hearts;党Community.你懂吗共&hearts;产&hearts;党?You have ideas about, er... about community?一些A few.又多了几张要喂的嘴巴Oh! More mouths to feed.还有更多的年轻身体来给我们取暖And more young bodies to keep us warm.-哪位是图维亚·贝尔斯基i? -图维亚!- Which one is Tuvia Bielski? - Tuvia!我是图维亚!I'm Tuvia.你好Hello.我们都不知道你是否真的存在None of us knew if you really existed.请见谅我叫因扎克·舒曼Excuse me. My name is Yitzhak Shulman.-欢迎因扎克 -我来自巴伐诺维兹- Welcome, Yitzhak. - I am from Baranowicze.犹太人区已经被扫荡了The ghetto is being liquidated.德国人说如果少一个人就全部杀光The Germans said everyone will be executed if anyone is missing. 所以议会阻止我们逃跑不过...So the council stops us from leaving. But, er...每天都有更多人被杀Every day, more people are killed.我的父母!My parents!-我们会尽力而为 -谢谢- We will do what we can. - Thank you.不要这样!No!-谢谢你了 -不客气- Thank you. - Welcome.-求你了你会去救我父母吗? -我...- Please, will you help my parents? - I, er...我知道你一直关注我I've seen you looking at me.如果你去救他们我会为你做任何事If you were to rescue them, I will do anything for you.-不要这样! -任何事求你了- No! - Anything. Please!"尽我们所能" 这是什么意思And what does it mean, "do what we can"?我们会去救那儿还活着的人We will send for everyone who is left alive.如果他们有几百人呢图维亚?And if there are hundreds, Tuvia?那也要去救Then we will provide.如果德国人跟着他们过来呢?And when the Germans follow these hundreds?-我不会让这发生的 -你不会?- I won't let that happen. - You won't?是的我会亲自把他们救出来No. I will bring them out myself.从犹太人区?From the ghetto?-没错! -那么你现在是摩西了?- Yes! - So, now you are Moses, huh?回去工作你在浪费时间Go back to work. You're wasting time.浪费时间的不是我I'm not the one who's wasting time.我不会让你在众人面前这么质问我I cannot have you questioning me in front of the others.-我们是家人我们紧密相连 -为什么?- We're family. We stick together. - Why?那么我们要和这些没用的人一起死吗?So we can die alongside these... malbushim?不要这样叫他们他们是犹太人Don't call them that. They're Jews.自负的犹太人Pretentious Jews.犹太人不会对我们趾高气扬Jews who stuck up their noses at us.犹太人不会让女儿远离我们的脏手Jews who would lock their daughters away from our dirty hands. 你对他们来说一文不值图维亚You are nothing to them, Tuvia.他们跟着你...They only follow you because...因为他们不能自己战斗They're too weak to fight for themselves.那贝拉呢?And what about Bella?如果这一切不发生她会和你一起吗?She'd be with you if this wasn't happening?-不要这样 -这是爱吗祖斯?- Don't. - Is it love, Zus?图维亚...Tuvia...图维亚!Tuvia!洛瓦本·让恩...Lova, Ben Zion...比起等死还有更愿意战斗的人吗And anyone else who'd rather fight than wait to be killed... 我们要去加入反抗军了We're leaving to join those who fight.你来吗Are you coming?不No.我们还没天真到认为他们不会杀我们We are not so naive to think they won't kill some of us,但是要杀光犹太人? 那完全行不通but all the Jews? It makes no sense.他们需要我们在工厂和劳&hearts;改&hearts;营工作They need us to work in the factories, in the labour camps. 那是死亡集中营They're death camps.我们也听说过那样的地方We, too, have heard of such places.但你亲眼见过吗But have you seen them yourself?你能明确告诉的我Can you tell me with absolute certainty that...我们跟着你就不会死吗We won't just as likely die冬天来了还在树林里待着不会死吗?。

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SBM Offshore / FPSO Topsides
Typical Topsides Schematic Flow Path
Gas Compressors
Production Separator Well Fluid From Risers
Seawater Lift
SBM Offshore / FPSO Topsides
Storage capacity: 1,400,000 bbls
Oil separation System
Gas Compression and Treatment System
Water Treatment System
Utility & Power Generation
Crane Handling Lay down Area
Vessel Converted Tanker
Storage capacity: 1,000,000 bbls
Oil separation System
1/3/5 50,000 bopd
Gas Compression and Treatment System
2/4/6/7/8/9 150 MMscfd
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
SBM Offshore / FPSO Topsides
Tantawan Explorer
Thailand, Tantawan
First Oil 1997
Client Chevron
Water Depth 74 m
Rang Dong I
Vietnam, Rang Dong
First Oil 1998
Client JVPC
Water Depth 60 m
Vessel Converted Tanker
Storage capacity: 1,000,000 bbls
Oil separation System
1 65,000 bopd
HP Gas Compression Riser Balconies
100,000 bpd 2 stage separation, including HP/LP separation and electrostatic coalescer, test separation, produced water flash drum. Pig reciever for Benguela Belize stabilized crude import. Two crude heaters, two 100,000 bopd FWKO vessels, hydrocyclones and an induced gas flotation (IGF) unit
Gas Lift to Wells Gas Export To Pipeline
Fuel Gas
Crude Oil to Tanks
Produced Water to Slops Tanks
Water Injection to wells
Tantawan Exporer Rang Dong I Kuito Espadarte FPSO FPSO Falcon FPSO Brasil FPSO Serpentina FPSO Xikomba FPSO Marlim Sul Sanha LPG FPSO FPSO Capixaba FPSO Kikeh FPSO Mondo FPSO Saxi Batuque FPSO Espirito Santo FPSO Frade FPSO P-57
23 / 24
Module Description
1/2/3/ 14 / 20
Oil Separation
4 5 8 15 A/B 10 11 12 13 18 16 9 19
21 25 / 22
Gas Treatment Gas Injection Water Treatment Water Injection Pumps Crude Metering Gas Metering Power Generation Local Equipment Room Flare KO Drums Chemical Injection Utility Utility
Sales gas meter skid, 2 off 100% meter runs
Produced Water Treatment (25,000 bpd), chemical injection, air compression, fuel gas system
HP and LP knock out drums
As a result, the Company offers the industry its integrated competence for the largest and most complex FPSOs. This encompasses Design and Engineering (naval architecture, topsides, moorings, installation), as well as unit Construction, Installation and Operation.
5 riser slots and swivel stack
Engineering, Procurement & Project Management: Conversion & Integration Yard:
6 SBM Offshore / FPSO Topsides
SBM Offshore / Intec / Alliance Sembawang Shipyard, Singapore
SBM Offshore Hitachi Zosen Shipyard, Singapore
SBM Offshore / FPSO Topsides 7
Angola, Kuito
First Oil 1999
Client Chevron
Water Depth 383 m
Vessel Converted Tanker
4 off 33% reciprocating compressor sets. Ariel compressors driven by Waukesha gas engines, each rated at 50 MMscfd
2 off 50% TEG gas dehydration and regeneration units
Gas Compression and Treatment System
2/3 10 MMscfd
Water Treatment System
4 50,000 bwpd
5 1 Riser
Crane Handling Lay down Area
Module Description
Oil Separation
Design Capacity 10 MMscfd
Hydrocyclone and degasser system rated at 50,000 bwpd
1 riser slot and 1 pipe swivel
Engineering, Procurement & Project Management: Conversion & Integration Yard:
Gas Treatment
Gas Metering
Flare KO Drum
50,000 bpd 3 stage separation, including HP/IP/LP separation
Fiscal oil offloading meter-prover skid
1 / 2 / 3 / 14 / 20 100,000 bopd
4 / 5 / 10 / 18 / 21 100 MMscfd
8 / 15A / 15B 136,000 bwpd
9 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 16 / 19 2 x 3.76 MW Gas Turbines
22 / 25 16 Slots
1 off 100% reciprocating compressor set. Ariel compressor driven by Waukesha gas engine
3 off 50% reciprocating compressor sets. Ariel compressors driven by Waukesha gas engines, each rated at 25 MMscfd
FPSO Topsides Performance Record
Technology Creating Value
SBM Offshore / FPSO Topsides
FPSO Topsides
Performance Record
SBM Offshore has developed the capability to perform in-house, both basic and detailed designs of FPSO topsides in 4 locations: Monaco, Houston, Kuala Lumpur and Schiedam. Since 1996, the Company has executed the complete design, including topsides, for the most complex of its vessels.