自考计算机网络管理02379知识点汇总-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN自考计算机网络管理02379知识点汇总第1章网络管理概念一、网络管理系统的层次结构:OSI/RM 管理站应用层网络管理应用表示层会话层网络管理框架传输层协议支持网络层代理系统数据链路层操作系统被管理的资源硬件物理层二、网络管理框架的共同特点:1、管理功能分为管理站(Manager)和代理(Agent)两部分;2、为存储管理信息提供数据库支持,例如,关系数据库或面向对象的数据库;3、提供用户接口和用户视图(View)功能,例如,管理信息浏览器;4、提供基本的管理操作,例如,获取管理信息,配置设备参数等操作过程。
网络管理概论 复习总结 v1
计算机⽹络管理章节练习题第⼀章⽹络管理概论1.下列⽹络管理功能中属于⽹络控制功能的是( )07A.计费管理B.性能管理C.配置管理D.故障管理2.对⽹络通信的安全威胁中,对可⽤性的威胁属于( )07A.假冒B.篡改C.窃听D.中断3. SNMP属于的协议簇是()08A:TCP/IPB:IPX/SPXC:DECnetD:AppleTalk5.保存在管理信息库中的动态数据库⾥的以下信息是()(2分)08 A:⽹络连接的状态B:路由器的端⼝数C:吞吐率D:事件传感器6.不属于⽹络故障管理功能的是()(2分)08A:可⽤性B:检测和报警C:预测功能D:诊断功能7.下述各功能中,属于性能管理的范畴的功能是( )10A.⽹络规划和资源管理功能B.⼯作负载监视功能C.运⾏⽇志控制功能D.测试管理功能8.在Internet⽹络管理的体系结构中,SNMP协议定义在( )A.⽹络接⼝层B.⽹际层C.传输层D.应⽤层9.在⽹络管理系统中,为了对⾮标准设备进⾏管理,通常使⽤哪个设备进⾏管理?( )10A.ManagerB.ProxyC.ProbeD.Monitor10.OSI系统管理中,管理信息的表⽰⽅式是( )A.由标量组成的表B.关系数据库C.对象数据库D.⽂件每个⽹络节点都包含⼀组与管理有关的软件,叫做_____。
.对于不⽀持TCP/IP的设备,不能直接⽤SNMP进⾏管理,可以使⽤___ _____进⾏管理。
_ __是指修改设备参数或重新配置⽹络资源,以便改善⽹络的运⾏状态。
第三次课讲义网络管理相关基础知识(RFC 1155和1157)1 引子接上次课,我们忽略了SNMP报文30 26 SNMP报文开始02 01 00 版本号,值为整数004 06 70 75 62 6C 69 63 密码,长度为6,值为字符串“public”A0 19 SEQUENCE类型,长度2502 01 02 请求标识号,值为整数202 01 00 错误状态,值为整数002 01 00 错误索引,值为整数030 0E 30 0C SEQUENCE类型,长度14;长度1206 08 2B 06 01 02 01 01 01 00 请求变量OID,值为1. 00 空值要精确解析上述报文,我们需要SNMP协议相关知识、ASN.1相关知识和BER编码相关知识。
2 SNMP协议相关知识2.1 用切块法表达(意义,所占字节数,顺序等)版本号密码请求号错误状态错误索引变量绑定其中,变量绑定部分又可以展开如下:变量标识符变量值・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・变量标识符变量值2.2 用ASN.1来表达: RFC1157-SNMP DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ObjectName, ObjectSyntax, NetworkAddress, IpAddress, TimeTicks FROM RFC1155-SMI; ObjectName ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- syntax of objects in the MIB ObjectSyntax ::= CHOICE { simple SimpleSyntax, -- note that simple SEQUENCEs are not directly -- mentioned here to keep things simple (i.e., -- prevent mis-use). However, application-wide -- types which are IMPLICITly encoded simple -- SEQUENCEs may appear in the following CHOICE application-wide ApplicationSyntax } SimpleSyntax ::= CHOICE { number INTEGER, string OCTET STRING, object OBJECT IDENTIFIER, empty NULL } ApplicationSyntax ::= CHOICE { address NetworkAddress, counter Counter, gauge Gauge, ticks TimeTicks, arbitrary Opaque -- other application-wide types, as they are -- defined, will be added here } NetworkAddress ::= CHOICE { internet IpAddress } IpAddress ::= [APPLICATION 0] -- in network-byte order IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) Counter ::= [APPLICATION 1] IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295) Gauge ::= [APPLICATION 2] IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295) TimeTicks ::= [APPLICATION 3] IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295) Opaque ::= [APPLICATION 4] -- arbitrary ASN.1 value, IMPLICIT OCTET STRING -- "double-wrapped" -- top-level message Message ::= SEQUENCE { version -- version-1 for this RFC INTEGER { version-1(0) }, community -- community name OCTET STRING, data -- e.g., PDUs if trivial ANY -- authentication is being used } -- protocol data units PDUs ::= CHOICE { get-request GetRequest-PDU, get-next-request GetNextRequest-PDU, get-response GetResponse-PDU, set-request SetRequest-PDU, trap Trap-PDU } -- PDUs GetRequest-PDU ::= [0] 难点所在:表示上下文指定标记 IMPLICIT PDU IMPLICIT表示类型忽略 GetNextRequest-PDU ::= 后面PDU类型 [1] IMPLICIT PDU GetResponse-PDU ::= [2] IMPLICIT PDU SetRequest-PDU ::= [3] IMPLICIT PDU PDU ::= SEQUENCE { request-id INTEGER, error-status -- sometimes ignored INTEGER { noError(0), tooBig(1), noSuchName(2), badValue(3), readOnly(4), genErr(5) }, error-index -- sometimes ignored INTEGER, variable-bindings -- values are sometimes ignored VarBindList } VarBind ::= SEQUENCE { name ObjectName, value ObjectSyntax } VarBindList ::= SEQUENCE OF VarBind END 3 ASN.1 抽象语法表示第一版(Abstract Syntax Notation number One)X.2081)A SN.1的基本知识:起因不同生产厂的计算机具有不同的内部数据表示。
Network Working Group M. Rose Request for Comments: 1155 Performance Systems International Obsoletes: RFC 1065 K. McCloghrie Hughes LAN Systems May 1990 Structure and Identification of Management Informationfor TCP/IP-based InternetsTable of Contents1. Status of this Memo (1)2. Introduction (2)3. Structure and Identification of Management Information (4)3.1 Names (4)3.1.1 Directory (5)3.1.2 Mgmt (6)3.1.3 Experimental (6)3.1.4 Private (7)3.2 Syntax (7)3.2.1 Primitive Types (7) Guidelines for Enumerated INTEGERs (7)3.2.2 Constructor Types (8)3.2.3 Defined Types (8) NetworkAddress (8) IpAddress (8) Counter (8) Gauge (9) TimeTicks (9) Opaque (9)3.3 Encodings (9)4. Managed Objects (10)4.1 Guidelines for Object Names (10)4.2 Object Types and Instances (10)4.3 Macros for Managed Objects (14)5. Extensions to the MIB (16)6. Definitions (17)7. Acknowledgements (20)8. References (21)9. Security Considerations (21)10. Authors’ Addresses (22)1. Status of this MemoThis RFC is a re-release of RFC 1065, with a changed "Status of this Memo", plus a few minor typographical corrections. The technical Rose & McCloghrie [Page 1]content of the document is unchanged from RFC 1065.This memo provides the common definitions for the structure andidentification of management information for TCP/IP-based internets. In particular, together with its companion memos which describe themanagement information base along with the network managementprotocol, these documents provide a simple, workable architecture and system for managing TCP/IP-based internets and in particular, theInternet.This memo specifies a Standard Protocol for the Internet community.Its status is "Recommended". TCP/IP implementations in the Internet which are network manageable are expected to adopt and implement this specification.The Internet Activities Board recommends that all IP and TCPimplementations be network manageable. This implies implementationof the Internet MIB (RFC-1156) and at least one of the tworecommended management protocols SNMP (RFC-1157) or CMOT (RFC-1095). It should be noted that, at this time, SNMP is a full Internetstandard and CMOT is a draft standard. See also the Host and Gateway Requirements RFCs for more specific information on the applicability of this standard.Please refer to the latest edition of the "IAB Official ProtocolStandards" RFC for current information on the state and status ofstandard Internet protocols.Distribution of this memo is unlimited.2. IntroductionThis memo describes the common structures and identification schemefor the definition of management information used in managingTCP/IP-based internets. Included are descriptions of an objectinformation model for network management along with a set of generic types used to describe management information. Formal descriptionsof the structure are given using Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) [1].This memo is largely concerned with organizational concerns andadministrative policy: it neither specifies the objects which aremanaged, nor the protocols used to manage those objects. Theseconcerns are addressed by two companion memos: one describing theManagement Information Base (MIB) [2], and the other describing theSimple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) [3].This memo is based in part on the work of the Internet Engineering Rose & McCloghrie [Page 2]Task Force, particularly the working note titled "Structure andIdentification of Management Information for the Internet" [4]. This memo uses a skeletal structure derived from that note, but differs in one very significant way: that note focuses entirely on the use ofOSI-style network management. As such, it is not suitable for usewith SNMP.This memo attempts to achieve two goals: simplicity andextensibility. Both are motivated by a common concern: although the management of TCP/IP-based internets has been a topic of study forsome time, the authors do not feel that the depth and breadth of such understanding is complete. More bluntly, we feel that previousexperiences, while giving the community insight, are hardlyconclusive. By fostering a simple SMI, the minimal number ofconstraints are imposed on future potential approaches; further, byfostering an extensible SMI, the maximal number of potentialapproaches are available for experimentation.It is believed that this memo and its two companions comply with the guidelines set forth in RFC 1052, "IAB Recommendations for theDevelopment of Internet Network Management Standards" [5] and RFC1109, "Report of the Second Ad Hoc Network Management Review Group"[6]. In particular, we feel that this memo, along with the memodescribing the management information base, provide a solid basis for network management of the Internet.Rose & McCloghrie [Page 3]3. Structure and Identification of Management InformationManaged objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base or MIB. Objects in the MIB aredefined using Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) [1].Each type of object (termed an object type) has a name, a syntax, and an encoding. The name is represented uniquely as an OBJECTIDENTIFIER. An OBJECT IDENTIFIER is an administratively assignedname. The administrative policies used for assigning names arediscussed later in this memo.The syntax for an object type defines the abstract data structurecorresponding to that object type. For example, the structure of agiven object type might be an INTEGER or OCTET STRING. Although ingeneral, we should permit any ASN.1 construct to be available for use in defining the syntax of an object type, this memo purposelyrestricts the ASN.1 constructs which may be used. These restrictions are made solely for the sake of simplicity.The encoding of an object type is simply how instances of that object type are represented using the object’s type syntax. Implicitly tied to the notion of an object’s syntax and encoding is how the object is represented when being transmitted on the network. This memospecifies the use of the basic encoding rules of ASN.1 [7].It is beyond the scope of this memo to define either the MIB used for network management or the network management protocol. As mentioned earlier, these tasks are left to companion memos. This memo attempts to minimize the restrictions placed upon its companions so as tomaximize generality. However, in some cases, restrictions have been made (e.g., the syntax which may be used when defining object typesin the MIB) in order to encourage a particular style of management.Future editions of this memo may remove these restrictions.3.1. NamesNames are used to identify managed objects. This memo specifiesnames which are hierarchical in nature. The OBJECT IDENTIFIERconcept is used to model this notion. An OBJECT IDENTIFIER can beused for purposes other than naming managed object types; forexample, each international standard has an OBJECT IDENTIFIERassigned to it for the purposes of identification. In short, OBJECT IDENTIFIERs are a means for identifying some object, regardless ofthe semantics associated with the object (e.g., a network object, astandards document, etc.)An OBJECT IDENTIFIER is a sequence of integers which traverse aRose & McCloghrie [Page 4]global tree. The tree consists of a root connected to a number oflabeled nodes via edges. Each node may, in turn, have children ofits own which are labeled. In this case, we may term the node asubtree. This process may continue to an arbitrary level of depth.Central to the notion of the OBJECT IDENTIFIER is the understandingthat administrative control of the meanings assigned to the nodes may be delegated as one traverses the tree. A label is a pairing of abrief textual description and an integer.The root node itself is unlabeled, but has at least three childrendirectly under it: one node is administered by the InternationalOrganization for Standardization, with label iso(1); another isadministrated by the International Telegraph and TelephoneConsultative Committee, with label ccitt(0); and the third is jointly administered by the ISO and the CCITT, joint-iso-ccitt(2).Under the iso(1) node, the ISO has designated one subtree for use by other (inter)national organizations, org(3). Of the children nodespresent, two have been assigned to the U.S. National Institutes ofStandards and Technology. One of these subtrees has been transferred by the NIST to the U.S. Department of Defense, dod(6).As of this writing, the DoD has not indicated how it will manage its subtree of OBJECT IDENTIFIERs. This memo assumes that DoD willallocate a node to the Internet community, to be administered by the Internet Activities Board (IAB) as follows:internet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso org(3) dod(6) 1 }That is, the Internet subtree of OBJECT IDENTIFIERs starts with theprefix: memo, as a standard approved by the IAB, now specifies thepolicy under which this subtree of OBJECT IDENTIFIERs isadministered. Initially, four nodes are present:directory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 1 }mgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 2 }experimental OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 }private OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 }3.1.1. DirectoryThe directory(1) subtree is reserved for use with a future memo that discusses how the OSI Directory may be used in the Internet.Rose & McCloghrie [Page 5]3.1.2. MgmtThe mgmt(2) subtree is used to identify objects which are defined in IAB-approved documents. Administration of the mgmt(2) subtree isdelegated by the IAB to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority forthe Internet. As RFCs which define new versions of the Internet-standard Management Information Base are approved, they are assigned an OBJECT IDENTIFIER by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority foridentifying the objects defined by that memo.For example, the RFC which defines the initial Internet standard MIB would be assigned management document number 1. This RFC would usethe OBJECT IDENTIFIER{ mgmt 1 }or1. defining the Internet-standard MIB.The generation of new versions of the Internet-standard MIB is arigorous process. Section 5 of this memo describes the rules usedwhen a new version is defined.3.1.3. ExperimentalThe experimental(3) subtree is used to identify objects used inInternet experiments. Administration of the experimental(3) subtree is delegated by the IAB to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority of the Internet.For example, an experimenter might received number 17, and would have available the OBJECT IDENTIFIER{ experimental 17 }or1. use.As a part of the assignment process, the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority may make requirements as to how that subtree is used.Rose & McCloghrie [Page 6]3.1.4. PrivateThe private(4) subtree is used to identify objects definedunilaterally. Administration of the private(4) subtree is delegated by the IAB to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority for theInternet. Initially, this subtree has at least one child:enterprises OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 }The enterprises(1) subtree is used, among other things, to permitparties providing networking subsystems to register models of theirproducts.Upon receiving a subtree, the enterprise may, for example, define new MIB objects in this subtree. In addition, it is strongly recommended that the enterprise will also register its networking subsystemsunder this subtree, in order to provide an unambiguous identification mechanism for use in management protocols. For example, if the"Flintstones, Inc." enterprise produced networking subsystems, then they could request a node under the enterprises subtree from theInternet Assigned Numbers Authority. Such a node might be numbered: "Flintstones, Inc." enterprise might then register their "FredRouter" under the name of: SyntaxSyntax is used to define the structure corresponding to object types. ASN.1 constructs are used to define this structure, although the full generality of ASN.1 is not permitted.The ASN.1 type ObjectSyntax defines the different syntaxes which may be used in defining an object type.3.2.1. Primitive TypesOnly the ASN.1 primitive types INTEGER, OCTET STRING, OBJECTIDENTIFIER, and NULL are permitted. These are sometimes referred to as non-aggregate types. Guidelines for Enumerated INTEGERsIf an enumerated INTEGER is listed as an object type, then a named-number having the value 0 shall not be present in the list ofRose & McCloghrie [Page 7]enumerations. Use of this value is prohibited.3.2.2. Constructor TypesThe ASN.1 constructor type SEQUENCE is permitted, providing that itis used to generate either lists or tables.For lists, the syntax takes the form:SEQUENCE { <type1>, ..., <typeN> }where each <type> resolves to one of the ASN.1 primitive types listed above. Further, these ASN.1 types are always present (the DEFAULTand OPTIONAL clauses do not appear in the SEQUENCE definition).For tables, the syntax takes the form:SEQUENCE OF <entry>where <entry> resolves to a list constructor.Lists and tables are sometimes referred to as aggregate types.3.2.3. Defined TypesIn addition, new application-wide types may be defined, so long asthey resolve into an IMPLICITly defined ASN.1 primitive type, list,table, or some other application-wide type. Initially, fewapplication-wide types are defined. Future memos will no doubtdefine others once a consensus is reached. NetworkAddressThis CHOICE represents an address from one of possibly severalprotocol families. Currently, only one protocol family, the Internet family, is present in this CHOICE. IpAddressThis application-wide type represents a 32-bit internet address. It is represented as an OCTET STRING of length 4, in network byte-order.When this ASN.1 type is encoded using the ASN.1 basic encoding rules, only the primitive encoding form shall be used. CounterThis application-wide type represents a non-negative integer which Rose & McCloghrie [Page 8]monotonically increases until it reaches a maximum value, when itwraps around and starts increasing again from zero. This memospecifies a maximum value of 2^32-1 (4294967295 decimal) forcounters. GaugeThis application-wide type represents a non-negative integer, whichmay increase or decrease, but which latches at a maximum value. This memo specifies a maximum value of 2^32-1 (4294967295 decimal) forgauges. TimeTicksThis application-wide type represents a non-negative integer whichcounts the time in hundredths of a second since some epoch. Whenobject types are defined in the MIB which use this ASN.1 type, thedescription of the object type identifies the reference epoch. OpaqueThis application-wide type supports the capability to pass arbitrary ASN.1 syntax. A value is encoded using the ASN.1 basic rules into a string of octets. This, in turn, is encoded as an OCTET STRING, ineffect "double-wrapping" the original ASN.1 value.Note that a conforming implementation need only be able to accept and recognize opaquely-encoded data. It need not be able to unwrap thedata and then interpret its contents.Further note that by use of the ASN.1 EXTERNAL type, encodings other than ASN.1 may be used in opaquely-encoded data.3.3. EncodingsOnce an instance of an object type has been identified, its value may be transmitted by applying the basic encoding rules of ASN.1 to thesyntax for the object type.Rose & McCloghrie [Page 9]4. Managed ObjectsAlthough it is not the purpose of this memo to define objects in the MIB, this memo specifies a format to be used by other memos whichdefine these objects.An object type definition consists of five fields:OBJECT:-------A textual name, termed the OBJECT DESCRIPTOR, for the object type, along with its corresponding OBJECT IDENTIFIER.Syntax:The abstract syntax for the object type. This must resolve to an instance of the ASN.1 type ObjectSyntax (defined below).Definition:A textual description of the semantics of the object type.Implementations should ensure that their instance of the objectfulfills this definition since this MIB is intended for use inmulti-vendor environments. As such it is vital that objects have consistent meaning across all machines.Access:One of read-only, read-write, write-only, or not-accessible.Status:One of mandatory, optional, or obsolete.Future memos may also specify other fields for the objects which they define.4.1. Guidelines for Object NamesNo object type in the Internet-Standard MIB shall use a sub-identifier of 0 in its name. This value is reserved for use withfuture extensions.Each OBJECT DESCRIPTOR corresponding to an object type in theinternet-standard MIB shall be a unique, but mnemonic, printablestring. This promotes a common language for humans to use whendiscussing the MIB and also facilitates simple table mappings foruser interfaces.4.2. Object Types and InstancesAn object type is a definition of a kind of managed object; it is Rose & McCloghrie [Page 10]declarative in nature. In contrast, an object instance is aninstantiation of an object type which has been bound to a value. For example, the notion of an entry in a routing table might be definedin the MIB. Such a notion corresponds to an object type; individual entries in a particular routing table which exist at some time areobject instances of that object type.A collection of object types is defined in the MIB. Each suchsubject type is uniquely named by its OBJECT IDENTIFIER and also has a textual name, which is its OBJECT DESCRIPTOR. The means wherebyobject instances are referenced is not defined in the MIB. Reference to object instances is achieved by a protocol-specific mechanism: it is the responsibility of each management protocol adhering to the SMI to define this mechanism.An object type may be defined in the MIB such that an instance ofthat object type represents an aggregation of information alsorepresented by instances of some number of "subordinate" objecttypes. For example, suppose the following object types are definedin the MIB:OBJECT:-------atIndex { atEntry 1 }Syntax:INTEGERDefinition:The interface number for the physical address.Access:read-write.Status:mandatory.OBJECT:-------atPhysAddress { atEntry 2 }Syntax:OCTET STRINGDefinition:The media-dependent physical address.Rose & McCloghrie [Page 11]read-write.Status:mandatory.OBJECT:-------atNetAddress { atEntry 3 }Syntax:NetworkAddressDefinition:The network address corresponding to the media-dependent physical address.Access:read-write.Status:mandatory.Then, a fourth object type might also be defined in the MIB:OBJECT:-------atEntry { atTable 1 }Syntax:AtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {atIndexINTEGER,atPhysAddressOCTET STRING,atNetAddressNetworkAddress}Definition:An entry in the address translation table.Access:read-write.Rose & McCloghrie [Page 12]mandatory.Each instance of this object type comprises information representedby instances of the former three object types. An object typedefined in this way is called a list.Similarly, tables can be formed by aggregations of a list type. For example, a fifth object type might also be defined in the MIB:OBJECT:------atTable { at 1 }Syntax:SEQUENCE OF AtEntryDefinition:The address translation table.Access:read-write.Status:mandatory.such that each instance of the atTable object comprises informationrepresented by the set of atEntry object types that collectivelyconstitute a given atTable object instance, that is, a given address translation table.Consider how one might refer to a simple object within a table.Continuing with the previous example, one might name the object type { atPhysAddress }and specify, using a protocol-specific mechanism, the object instance { atNetAddress } = { internet "" }This pairing of object type and object instance would refer to allinstances of atPhysAddress which are part of any entry in someaddress translation table for which the associated atNetAddress value is { internet "" }.To continue with this example, consider how one might refer to anaggregate object (list) within a table. Naming the object typeRose & McCloghrie [Page 13]{ atEntry }and specifying, using a protocol-specific mechanism, the objectinstance{ atNetAddress } = { internet "" }refers to all instances of entries in the table for which theassociated atNetAddress value is { internet "" }.Each management protocol must provide a mechanism for accessingsimple (non-aggregate) object types. Each management protocolspecifies whether or not it supports access to aggregate objecttypes. Further, the protocol must specify which instances are"returned" when an object type/instance pairing refers to more thanone instance of a type.To afford support for a variety of management protocols, allinformation by which instances of a given object type may be usefully distinguished, one from another, is represented by instances ofobject types defined in the MIB.4.3. Macros for Managed ObjectsIn order to facilitate the use of tools for processing the definition of the MIB, the OBJECT-TYPE macro may be used. This macro permitsthe key aspects of an object type to be represented in a formal way. OBJECT-TYPE MACRO ::=BEGINTYPE NOTATION ::= "SYNTAX" type (TYPE ObjectSyntax)"ACCESS" Access"STATUS" StatusVALUE NOTATION ::= value (VALUE ObjectName)Access ::= "read-only"| "read-write"| "write-only"| "not-accessible"Status ::= "mandatory"| "optional"| "obsolete"ENDGiven the object types defined earlier, we might imagine thefollowing definitions being present in the MIB:atIndex OBJECT-TYPERose & McCloghrie [Page 14]SYNTAX INTEGERACCESS read-writeSTATUS mandatory::= { atEntry 1 }atPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX OCTET STRINGACCESS read-writeSTATUS mandatory::= { atEntry 2 }atNetAddress OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX NetworkAddressACCESS read-writeSTATUS mandatory::= { atEntry 3 }atEntry OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX AtEntryACCESS read-writeSTATUS mandatory::= { atTable 1 }atTable OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtEntryACCESS read-writeSTATUS mandatory::= { at 1 }AtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {atIndexINTEGER,atPhysAddressOCTET STRING,atNetAddressNetworkAddress}The first five definitions describe object types, relating, forexample, the OBJECT DESCRIPTOR atIndex to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER {atEntry 1 }. In addition, the syntax of this object is defined(INTEGER) along with the access permitted (read-write) and status(mandatory). The sixth definition describes an ASN.1 type calledAtEntry.Rose & McCloghrie [Page 15]5. Extensions to the MIBEvery Internet-standard MIB document obsoletes all previous suchdocuments. The portion of a name, termed the tail, following theOBJECT IDENTIFIER{ mgmt version-number }used to name objects shall remain unchanged between versions. Newversions may:(1) declare old object types obsolete (if necessary), but notdelete their names;(2) augment the definition of an object type corresponding to alist by appending non-aggregate object types to the object typesin the list; or,(3) define entirely new object types.New versions may not:(1) change the semantics of any previously defined object without changing the name of that object.These rules are important because they admit easier support formultiple versions of the Internet-standard MIB. In particular, thesemantics associated with the tail of a name remain constantthroughout different versions of the MIB. Because multiple versions of the MIB may thus coincide in "tail-space," implementationssupporting multiple versions of the MIB can be vastly simplified.However, as a consequence, a management agent might return aninstance corresponding to a superset of the expected object type.Following the principle of robustness, in this exceptional case, amanager should ignore any additional information beyond thedefinition of the expected object type. However, the robustnessprinciple requires that one exercise care with respect to controlactions: if an instance does not have the same syntax as itsexpected object type, then those control actions must fail. In both the monitoring and control cases, the name of an object returned byan operation must be identical to the name requested by an operation. Rose & McCloghrie [Page 16]6. DefinitionsRFC1155-SMI DEFINITIONS ::= BEGINEXPORTS -- EVERYTHINGinternet, directory, mgmt,experimental, private, enterprises,OBJECT-TYPE, ObjectName, ObjectSyntax, SimpleSyntax, ApplicationSyntax, NetworkAddress, IpAddress,Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks, Opaque;-- the path to the rootinternet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso org(3) dod(6) 1 } directory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 1 }mgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 2 }experimental OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 }private OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 }enterprises OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 }-- definition of object typesOBJECT-TYPE MACRO ::=BEGINTYPE NOTATION ::= "SYNTAX" type (TYPE ObjectSyntax)"ACCESS" Access"STATUS" StatusVALUE NOTATION ::= value (VALUE ObjectName)Access ::= "read-only"| "read-write"| "write-only"| "not-accessible"Status ::= "mandatory"| "optional"| "obsolete"END-- names of objects in the MIBObjectName ::=OBJECT IDENTIFIERRose & McCloghrie [Page 17]-- syntax of objects in the MIBObjectSyntax ::=CHOICE {simpleSimpleSyntax,-- note that simple SEQUENCEs are not directly-- mentioned here to keep things simple (i.e.,-- prevent mis-use). However, application-wide-- types which are IMPLICITly encoded simple-- SEQUENCEs may appear in the following CHOICEapplication-wideApplicationSyntax}SimpleSyntax ::=CHOICE {numberINTEGER,stringOCTET STRING,objectOBJECT IDENTIFIER,emptyNULL}ApplicationSyntax ::=CHOICE {addressNetworkAddress,counterCounter,gaugeGauge,ticksTimeTicks,arbitraryOpaqueRose & McCloghrie [Page 18]。
4、RFC1212给出的宏定义由哪些部分组成?试按照这个宏定义产生一个宏实例宏定义由类型表示(TYPE NOTATION)、值表示(VALUE NOTATION)和支持产生式(supporting syntax)3部分组成,而最后部分是任选的,是关于宏定义体中类型的详细语法说明。
icmpIlMsgs OBJECT-TYPESYNTAX CounterACCESS read-onlySTATUS mandatory::={icmp 1}5、MIB-2 的管理对象分为哪几个组?MIB-2包括11个功能组,分别是:System组、Interfaces组、At组、Ip组、Icmp 组、Tcp 组、Udp组、Egp组、Cmot组、Transmission组、Snmp组。
答:局域网的管理相对简单,因为局域网运行统一的操作系统;对于异构型设备组成的网络,运行各种操作系统的互联网的管理就复杂的多了,就需要跨平台的网络管理技术1-03被管理的网络设备有哪些答:主机,网桥,路由器,交换机,集线器等被管理网络资源:网络硬件(物理介质和连网设备、计算机设备)、网络软件(操作系统软件、通信软件、应用软件) 1-04网络管理系统分为哪些层次网络管理框架的主要内容是哪些答:1、OSI/RM2、管理站3、代理系统网络管理框架内容:各种网络管理应用工作的基础结构,1、管理功能分为管理站和代理2、为存储管理信息提供数据库支持3、提供用户接口和用户视图功能4、提供基本的管理操作1-05在管理站和代理中应配置哪些软件实体答:管理站:1、OS 2、通信3、NME(网络管理实体) 4、应用5、NMA(网络管理应用)代理:1、OS 2、通信3、NME(网络管理实体) 4、应用1-06集中式网络管理和分布式网络管理有什么区别各有什么优缺点答:区别:集中式的网络中,至少有一个结点(主机或路由器)担当管理站角色,所有代理都在管理站监视和控制下协同工作,实现集成的网络管理。
2.网络管理的功能是什么?①故障管理:探测、隔离和修正OSI 环境下的不正常的操作功能。
⑥网络流量控制⑦网络路由选择策略管理3.网络管理系统的层次结构4.网络管理系统的配置 网络管理实体完成下面的任务:①收集有关网络通信的统计信息②对本地设备进行测试,记录设备状态信息③在本地存储有关信息④响应网络控制中心的请求,发送管理信息⑤根据网络控制中心的指令,设置或改变设备参数5.网络管理软件的结构右上图,用户接口软件、管理专用软件和管理支持软件。
6.管理信息库-MIBMIB 是网络管理系统中的重要构件,它有一个系统内的许多被管对象及其属性组成。
MIB 这个概念实际上就是一个虚拟数据库。
MIB 由管理进程和各个代理进程共同使用。
7.管理信息的分类①静态信息:包括系统和网络的配置信息,例如路由器的端口数和端口编号,工作站的标识和CPU 类型等,这些信息不经常变化。
8.集中式网络管理和分布式网络管理有什么区别?各有什么优缺点?区别:集中式网络管理系统中网络中至少有一个结点(主机或路由器)担当管理站的角色(Manager ),除过NME 之外,管理站中还有一组软件,叫做网络管理应用(NMA )。
2.3.1 互联网业务的实现思路 ...........................................................................6
2.3.2 VPN 业务的实现思路..............................................................................7
L3 VPN ...........................................................................................................21
7.4.1 MPLS VPN .............................................................................................21
1 编制说明 ..................................................................................1
范围 ................................................................................................................... 1
4 设备容量和接口要求 ..............................................................9
设备容量要求 ................................................................................................... 9
1.2 SNMP的结构
1.SNMP概述 目前,SNMP有3种版本:SNMPv1、SNMPv2和SNMPv3。SNMPv1 和SNMPv2没有太大差距,只有SNMPv2是增强版本,包含了其他协议 操作。与前两种版本相比,SNMPv3 则包含更多安全和远程配置。 SNMP是分布式的管理协议,一个系统可以只作为SNMP管理器或 SNMP代理中的单一角色,也可以同时完成这两者的功能。如果一个系 统既作为管理器又作为代理,此时可能需要另外一台管理器,用它来查 询被管理的设备,并提供信息的汇总等。 SNMP中的身份验证方式被认为不够安全,主要原因是SNMP并不提 供加密功能,也不能保证在SNMP数据包交换过程中不从网络中直接复 制信息。 SNMP 包括一组由 RMON、RMON2、MTB、MTB2、OCDS 及 OCDS 定义的扩展协议。
9.1.2 SNMP的结构
3)trap首部 (1)企业。填入trap报文的网络设备的对象标识符。此对象标识符肯定 是在管理信息库的对象命名树上的某enterprise结点下面的一棵子树上。 (2)代理的IP地址。代理的IP地址即代理进程的IP地址。 (3)trap类型。此字段正式的名称是generic-trap,共分为7种,详见教 材表9-3所示。 (4)特定代码。指明代理自定义的时间(如trap类型为6),否则为0。 (5)时间戳。指明自代理进程初始化到trap报告的事件发生所经历的时 间,单位为ms。例如,时间戳为1908,表明在代理初始化后1 908 ms发 生了该事件。 4)变量绑定 变量绑定指明一个或多个变量的名称和对应的值。在get或getnext报文 中,变量的值应忽略。
网 络 管 理
1 简单网络管理协议
随着网络技术的发展和网络应用的深入,网络的复杂性在不断提 高,对网络设备管理的要求也日益增多。网络的复杂性使得被管理的 设备在系统中呈现分散管理的特点。这就必须依靠网络设备管理系统 来管理。
网络管理概论 填空题
2(International Organization for Standards)P13、国际标准化组织ISO推出的OSI系统管理标准是P14、网络管理系统(工具)P11)通用网络管理系统开发软件:NetView(由IBM公司研制开发)、OpenView(由HP公司研制开发)2)与硬件结合的网管工具:Works2000(Cisco)、Cabletron Spectrum这些系统有的是主机厂家开发的通用网络管理系统开发软件,有的则是网络产品制造商推出5、在TCP/IP网络中有一个简单的管理工具,用它来发送探测报文,可以确定通信目标的P16、OSI标准采用面向对象的模型定义管理对象。
第一章、网络管理概论1、网络管理的基本概念 1)网络管理的需求和目标网络管理需求:①计算机与网络技术的发展;②网络普及;③网络组成越来越复杂;④多厂家设备不兼容网络管理的目标:①减少停机时间,改进响应时间,提高设备利用率;②减少运行费用,提高效率;③减少/消灭网络瓶颈;④适应新技术(多媒体、多种平台);⑤使网络更容易使用;⑥安全。
2)网络管理系统体系结构:操作系统、协议支持、网络管理框架、网络管理应用 (1)网络管理系统的层次结构§NME (网络管理实体):每个网络节点都包含一组与管理有关的软件 §NMA (网络管理应用):管理站中的一组软件叫做网络管理应用 §代理模块:NME 模块叫做代理模块。
(2)网络管理框架的共同特点:①管理功能分为管理站(Manager)和代理(Agent);②为存储管理信息提供数据库支持,例如关系数据库或面向对象的数据库;③提供用户接口和用户视图功能,例如GUI 和管理信息浏览器;④提供基本的管理操作,例如获取管理信息,配置设备参数等操作过程。
(4)为何采用委托代理(第二章1、 3)也用此题答案)有的老设备可能不支持当前网络管理标准;小的系统可能无法完整实现NME 的全部功能;甚至还有一些设备(moderm 和多路器等)根本不能运行附加的软件,我们把这些设备叫做非标准设备。
通常采用委托代理的设备(Proxy )来管理一个或多个非标准设备。
Agent技术文档(一)背景知识在开发Agent软件之前,需熟悉以下内容:(1)SNMP协议,MIB,ASN.1 SNMP子集,BER编码规则;(2)UDP协议,无连接Socket编程;(3)ATM UNI,AAL5;(4)VxWorks的多任务机制和消息队列机制,及两者的编程;(5)WRS WindNet软件包的使用和扩展;(6)Tornado系列开发和调试工具。
以上内容可参阅下述资料:(1)SNMP,MIB:RFC1155,RFC1157,RFC1122,RFC1213;(2)ASN.1,BER:X.680,X.690;(3)有关ATM的书籍,A TM Forum ILMI 4.0;(4)VxWorks Programmer’s Guide:Chapter 2:Basic OSChapter 5:Network(5)WindNet SNMPv1/v2c全本(6)Tornado User’s Guide全本(7)GNU ToolKit:The GNU Binary Utilities:ar,ld,nmGNU Make(8)编程中若遇到函数调用之类的问题,可参阅VxWorks 5.3.1 Reference Manual(9)有关消息队列的介绍另可参考崔健同学的技术文挡。
(二)A gent简述根据该接入设备的总体设计,网络管理分为用户侧和网络侧两级来进行。
每一级的网络管理模块都基于Client/Server 结构,Manager作为Client ,以请求的形式向被管对象的Agent(以下简称Agent)发送命令;Agent作为Server,根据接收到的请求完成相应的操作,并将结果以响应的形式发回给Manager。
另外,根据A TM Forum 制订的规范,用户侧和网络侧的Agent作为ATM 接口管理实体(IME),两者之间也必须建立起实时对等的通信,每一方都必须实现Manager和Agent 的双重功能,既可以以Manager的身份向对方发送请求,也可以以Agent的身份接收和处理对方的请求。
(2)RFC 1212说明了定义MIB模块的方法;14、SNMP实体及作用:向管理应用程序提供服务,作用是把管理应用程序的服务调用变成对应的SNMP协议数据单元,并利用UDP数据报发送出去。
P43二、MIB结构P44-481、MIB 结构:SNMP环境中的所有管理对象组织成分层的树结构,如图所示:P44internet下面的4个结点需要解释:P46●●●●●SNMP定义的管理对象全部在ISO(1)节点下。
烽火通信EPON设备及组网方案介绍一、AN5116-02 大型电信级EPON接入设备AN5116-02是烽火通信科技股份有限公司推出的一款大型电信级GEPON局端设备,是为电信运营商提供的一种电信级GEPON宽带接入设备。
功能特点:· 大容量AN5116-02作为千兆IP交换平台,它具有高达48G核心、96G背板交换容量,单框最大容量可达4096线。
· 长距离AN5116-02在1:32光分路比的情况下覆盖半径可达20公里,线路部分均为无源器件,可为运营商极大解决机房建设和后期维护的费用。
· 高可靠性AN5116-02内部采用高可靠性的双星型总线结构,线路卡与每个交换卡之间都采用高速总线互联即保证了用户带宽,又保证了失效时的快速倒换。
· 丰富的接口类型AN5116-02可提供10/100/1000M(光口/电口)、V5、STM-1等多种上联接口,可同时承载数据、电路交换语音、软交换语音、IPTV、CATV、TDM等多种业务;端口支持TRUNK功能,可灵活扩展上行端口的容量。
能源计量环境与能源计量标准摘要:本文提出的基于 SNMP 的电能表联网开放标准,仅仅通过扩展 MIB,就可以灵活地包括任何类型的电能表。
开发的网络只要配备 TCP/IP、 SNMP 代理和 MIB 协议,就可以使用不同厂商的仪表。
提出的基于 SNMP 的电能表组网开放标准协议的实现,确保了整个网络管理解决方案的实现,包括自动抄表、网络管理和控制。
由于SNMP 是相当流行的网络支持不间断电源,必要的支持硬件和软件已经存在。
因此,将电能表连接迁移到传输控制协议/基于 Internet 协议的 SNMP 将是一项简单的任务。
2根据 SNMP 建议的电能表组网开放标准2.1硬件使电能表能够使用 TCP/IP 进行通信所有要联网的电能表首先启用 TCP/IP,使每个电能表成为 SNMP 环境中网络管理器(中央服务器)控制下的受管设备(节点)。
一旦电表启用了 TCP/IP 协议,每个电能表都用一个32位的 IP 地址唯一标识,这个 IP 地址可以增长到232(4294967296)可能的唯一地址。
IP 地址由四组数字(称为八位元组)表示,每组数字的范围为0-255(一个字节) ,由点分隔为100.201.102.001。
第一组八进制表示网络部分(netid) ,它确定可能网络的数量,其余八进制表示每个网络支持的可能节点(主机)的数量。
TCP/IP 环境允许三类网络,即 a 类、 b 类和 c 类用于寻址主机。
在 a 类网络中,第一个八位组单独用于网络地址 netid,其余的八位组用于主机地址。
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The Internet Activities Board recommends that all IP and TCP
implementations be network manageable. This implies implementation
of the Internet MIB (RFC-1156) and at least one of the two
1. Status of this Memo
This RFC is a re-release of RFC 1065, with a changed "Status of this
Memo", plus a few minor typographical corrections. The technical
5. Extensions to the MIB ........................................... 16
6. Definitions ..................................................... 17
7. Acknowledgements ................................................ 20
3.1.3 Experimental ................................................. 6
3.1.4 Private ...................................................... 7
3.2 Syntax ......................................................... 7 Opaque ..................................................... 9
3.3 Encodings ...................................................... 9
4. Managed Objects ................................................. 10
4.1 Guidelines for Object Names .................................... 10
4.2 Object Types and Instances ..................................... 10
4.3 Macros for Managed Objects ..................................... 14
Network Working Group M. Rose
Request for Comments: 1155 Performance Systems International Counter .................................................... 8 Gauge ...................................................... 9 TimeTicks .................................................. 9
In particular, together with its companion memos which describe the
management information base along with the network management
protocol, these documents provide a simple, workable architecture and
3.2.3 Defined Types ................................................ 8 NetworkAddress ............................................. 8 IpAddress .................................................. 8
This memo describes the common structures and identification scheme
for the definition of management information used in managing
TCP/IP-based internets. Included are descriptions of an object
Requirements RFCs for more specific information on the applicability
of this standard.
Please refer to the latest edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
Structure and Identification of Management Information
for TCP/IP-based Internets
Table of Contents
This memo is largely concerned with organizational concerns and
administrative policy: it neither specifies the objects which are
recommended management protocols SNMP (RFC-1157) or CMOT (RFC-1095).
It should be noted that, at this time, SNMP is a full Internet
standard and CMOT is a draft standard. See also the Host and Gateway
content of the document is unchanged from RFC 1065.
This memo provides the common definitions for the structure and
identification of management information for TCP/IP-based internets.
Standards" RFC for current information on the state and status of
standard Internet protocols.
Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
2. Introduction
Its status is "Recommended". TCP/IP implementations in the Internet
which are network manageable are expected to adopt and implement this
Obsoletes: RFC 1065 K. McCloghrie
Hughes LAN Systems
May 1990
system for managing TCP/IP-based internets and in particular, the
This memo specifies a Standard Protocol for the Internet community.
3.2.1 Primitive Types .............................................. 7 Guidelines for Enumerated INTEGERs ......................... 7
3.2.2 Constructor Types ............................................ 8
8. References ...................................................... 21
9. Security Considerations.......................................... 21
10. Authors' Addresses.............................................. 22
1. Status of this Memo ............................................. 1
2. Introduction .................................................... 2
3. Structure and Identification of Management Information........... 4
Rose & McCloghrie [Page 1]