石油地质学英文课件Chapter 1



Dolomitization may be related to times of high sea level worldwide, under favorable climatic conditions.
Classification of Sedimentary Rocks
These lime muds lithify to form fine-grained limestone.
Classification of Sedimentary Rocks
Carbonates Fossiliferous limestone Biomicrite Biosparite
Effect lowland areas
Sea Level Changes Sequence Stratigraphy
Epeiric seas Seas covered continents Produced packages called sequences Led to sequence stratigraphy
Today, dolomite only forms in a few areas of the world where intense evaporation of seawater concentrates the magnesium.
Extensive areas of carbonate rocks of Precambrian, Paleozoic, and Mesozoic age have been altered to dolomite.

第一节课 绪论PPT课件

第一节课 绪论PPT课件
卡塔尔 其他国家 世界合计
石油探明储量108t 353.82 243.88 171.59 156.86 135.04 133.40 105.34 81.84 53.20 48.09 29.86
20.74 184.24 1742.79
(一) 1859-1884年为原始直接找油阶段-依据 油气苗,或者凭经验找油。 1、 钻井深度浅,<1000m。公元1835年在四川 自流井钻的“兴海井”深度已达1001.4米,从 三叠系石灰岩中采出了天然气
2、1859年Drake在美国宾夕法尼亚州所钻油井的 成功,其钻深仅21.69m,产油量只有69.5L/d
(1)油气藏构成的基本要素:油气藏中的流体—油、气、水, 储集层和盖层和圈闭;
页岩 盖层

0 N2d
1000 N1t
3000 N1s
4000 E
5000 K2
6000 J2
深度 (m)
0 4 8 12km
气 油 水
1、美国的怀特(I.C. White, 1885)提出的 “背斜学说”, 为油气勘探公司普遍用地质测量圈定背斜构造找油奠定 了基础——《石油地质学》萌芽。
沉积盆地: 地壳表面在地质历史时期不断下降



Typical components of a volcano include: Volcanic cone 火山锥 Crater/Caldera
Vent 火山通道 Magma chamber 岩浆房
4.3 Special structure
Columnar jointing (柱状节理) is a kind of structure often formed in basaltic (玄武岩的) flows as a result of contraction during cooling of lava.
Long radius: 6378.140km Short radius: 6356.779km Average radius: 6371.012km
Circumference around the equator: 40,075.16km Circumference around the poles: 40,008.00km
5.2 The composition of sedimentary rocks
Parent rock (source rock, 母岩) is the rock from which fragments and other detached pieces have been derived to form a later sedimentary rock. Source area (provenance, 物源区) is a place of origin from which the constituent materials of a sedimentary rock or facies are derived. Concerning the composition of sedimentary rocks, we often refer to chemical and mineral compositions. a. Chemical composition. After long-term external processes different sedimentary rocks have different chemical compositions, such as: Sandstone: SiO2 Shale: SiO2, Al2O3 Limestone: CaCO3 Fe2O3>FeO (FeO>Fe2O3 in igneous rocks), reason: 4Fe3O4+O2=6Fe2O3 K2O>Na2O (Na2O>K2O in igneous rocks), because cation Na+ can be easily dissolves in the sea water and cation K+ remains in the soils. There are more H2O, CO2 and organic matter in sediments.

石油专业英语课件 Part I 1 How it all began!

石油专业英语课件 Part I 1 How it all began!

Lesson 1 How It All Began
Today we depend upon petroleum products not only for transportation, heating, and generating electricity, but also for fertilizers and fabrics, plastics and pantyhose, munitions and medicines, paints and pesticides, and thousands of other items we take for granted every day. Man first became acquainted with petroleum through natural “seeps,” or spots on the earth’s surface where shallow deposits of crude oil oozed upwards into PITS, CREEKS, AND MARSHES, or along BEACHES and BAYS. Petroleum, as the “rock oil”, was called by the ancients, IS REFERRED TO not only in the Bible, but also in man’s earliest recorded history.
Lesson 1 How It All Began
1.1.2 North America
A fact that Indians in Pennsylvania used a number of open pits as oil wells was noted by the white settlers of the Quaker State who, in the19th century, not only launched the American petroleum industry from this spot. but in so doing, created the impetus that would move the world into the petroleum society. ★Europeans found that the Indians from California to what is now Pennsylvania and Canada were also familiar with this strange black substance, as they penetrated the northern portion of the hemisphere. ★In southern California, they applied asphalt to basket or cloth to make them waterproof. These baskets were not only lighter than pottery, but unbreakable ast All Began

石油地质学英文课件Chapter 1

石油地质学英文课件Chapter 1

China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
Petroleum Geology
1.2 Chemical properties
(1) Elemental composition
The main elements are Carbon and Hydrogen; The minor elements are Sulfur,Nitrogen and Oxygen (normally less than 3%); Trace elements are heavy metals,such as V and Ni.
1 Crude oils
1.1 Definition 1.2 Chemical properties 1.3 Distillation 1.4 Classification 1.5 The differences between marine and
terrigenous oils 1.6 Physical properties
So nickel porphyrin and vanadium porphyrin are biological markers indicating crude oils derived from organic matters.
• Chlorophyll, the green photosynthetic pigment of plants.
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
Petroleum Geology
1.1 Definition
• The word petroleum originates from the Latin words petra(“rock and stone”) and oleum(“oil”), just like its Chinese word, 石油 means “石” and “油”.



(3)构造运动的空间分布和历史发展规律 ①构造运动发展在空间上具有不均衡性 如 : 到新生代时, 我国喜 到新生代时 , •某些地区表现为大面积隆起,遭受风化剥蚀; 某些地区表现为大面积隆起, 某些地区表现为大面积隆起 遭受风化剥蚀; 玛拉雅山褶皱上升了七、 玛拉雅山褶皱上升了七 、 •另一些地区表现为大面积拗陷,接受沉积。 另一些地区表现为大面积拗陷, 另一些地区表现为大面积拗陷 接受沉积。 八千米, 八千米 , 江汉平原则下降 •有的地区表现为大规模水平挤压,形成高大褶皱山系。 有的地区表现为大规模水平挤压, 有的地区表现为大规模水平挤压 形成高大褶皱山系。 接受了近一万米的沉积。 接受了近一万米的沉积。 ②构造运动的周期性和阶段性 一方面是升降性质的转化; -一方面是升降性质的转化; 青藏高原的隆升过程 另一方面表现为运动速度和性质的转化。 -另一方面表现为运动速度和性质的转化。
4、地球的内部圈层(两个面三个层) 地球的内部圈层(两个面三个层)
★小知识—— 小知识—— - 莫霍面和古登堡面的研究是利用天然地震波观测的结果。 莫霍面和古登堡面的研究是利用天然地震波观测的结果。 天然地震波观测的结果 - p波(primary wave),s波(secondary wave)。p波也可以 波 ) 波 ) 波也可以 说是压力波pressure wave,s波也可以说是剪力波 波也可以说是剪力波shear wave。 说是压力波 , 波也可以说是剪力波 。 - 切变,即剪切变形(即媒质各层之间发生平行于这些层的相对移 切变,即剪切变形(即媒质各层之间发生平行于这些层的相对移 容变, 拉伸和压缩形变 形变。 动); 容变,即拉伸和压缩形变。 - 液体,气体没有剪切形变,因此,在机械波中,横波是不能在液 液体,气体没有剪切形变,因此,在机械波中, 体和气体中传波的; 气体都能发生拉伸和压缩形变, 体和气体中传波的 ;而 固 、液 、 气体都能发生拉伸和压缩形变 , 所以纵波能在其中传波。 所以纵波能在其中传波。



(蒸馏) 馏分
石油气 <35
汽油 C5~11 35-190
煤油C9~16 190-260
柴油 C13~23 260-320
重瓦斯 油
重馏分 润滑油 渣油 360-530 >530
第一节 原油的成分和性质
分子中含有苯环的烃类,属不饱和烃。 单环芳烃(含一个苯环) 多环芳烃(含两个以上独立苯环) 稠环芳烃 (含两个以上苯环, 彼此通 过共用两个相邻碳原子稠合而成) 原油中1~3环的苯、萘和菲系列含量 最高,占芳香馏分的70%左右,而 四环以上的芳烃仅占不到10%。
原油(Crude Oil):是石 油的基本类型,赋存在地 下储集层内,在常温、常 压条件下呈液态的。
第一节 原油的成分和性质
二、原油的化学组成 (一)、元素组成(Elemental composition)
世界上各油田所产原油的性质虽然千差万别,但它们的元素组成是 一致的,基本是由碳、氢、硫、氮、氧五种元素组成,而且主要是碳和 氢。它们在原油中含量的一般范围是:
最重要:异戊二烯型烷烃(植烷,姥鲛烷)生物标志化合物 。
2,6,10-三甲基十三烷(异十六烷) :



石油专业英语(钻井)2008-08-02 21:02Drilling 钻井Carry out drilling operation in accordance with the drilling program. 按钻井程序进行钻井作业. Prepared bell nipple. 准备”喇叭口”短节.Make up 2 joints of drill pipe. 接两根钻杆.Break out this connection. 卸开该接头.Run hole opener to sea bed. 下扩眼器到海底Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole. 为钻导管井眼配制高粘度泥浆.Make up bottom hole assembly. 组合下部钻具Check and reset crown-saver on every tour. 每个班都要检查并重新调整天车防碰装置.Number stands on trip out and trip in. 起下钻时给立柱编号.Pick up BHA and run to seafloor. 将下部钻具下到海底.Pick up stands. 接立柱(一个立柱就是三根钻杆接在一起)Don’t drill faster than 15 minutes for 1 stand. 钻进速度别超过15分钟1根立柱Drop TOTCO. 投(陶特)测斜仪Fish TOTCO with overshot. 用打捞筒捞起测斜仪Resume drilling to T.D. 继续钻进到总深Circulate 15 minutes.循环15分钟Run in hole. 下钻Put out of hole. 起钻Make an inventory of all ring gaskets. 开一个所有垫圈的清单Use spinning tong. 使用气动扳手Operate the air winch. 操作气动绞车Lay down 57 joints of 5”drill pipe. 甩57根钻杆Pick up drill stem test tool. 提起钻杆测试工具Circulate mud for 2 hours. 循环泥浆2小时Move string during circulation. 在循环时注意活动钻具Circulate hole clean. 循环清洗井眼Circulate bottoms up. 循环泥浆几周Fill up every 5 stands. 每5柱灌泥浆一次Check mud weight every 15 minutes.每15分钟检查泥浆比重Reverse out excess cement. 反循环替出多余的泥浆Change/replace old mud by new mud.用新的泥浆替换出旧的泥浆Stop drilling. 停止钻进Drilling ahead. 钻进Pull out of hole bit. 起出钻头Change bit. 换钻头Run the wear bushing. 下抗磨补心The bit thread type is regular pin. 钻头丝扣是正规公扣What’s the make-up torque? 上扣扭矩要多大?Run in 9”collars. 下9”钻铤The cathead can’t give enoughtorque. 猫头力量不够Connect crossover sub. 接上配合接头The tong angle is too small. 大钳的角度太小了地质年代术语英汉对照2008-08-0221:04stratum 地层stratigraphic correlation 地层对比horizon 层位key bed 标志层barren bed 哑层lacuna 缺失hiatus 间断continuity 连续discontinuity 不连续conformity 整合unconformity 不整合angular unconformity 角度不整合para-unconformity 平行不整合geochronologic unit 地质年代单位eon 宙era 代period 纪epoch 世stage 期chron 时chronostratigraphic unit 年代地层单位eonothem 宇erathem 界system 系series 统stage 阶chronozone 时带biostratigraphic unit 生物地层单位biostratigraphic zone 生物地层带lithostratigraphic unit 岩石地层单位group 群formation 组member 段bed 层geochronologic scale 地质年代表Phaneozoic Eon(Eonothem)显生宙(宇)Cainozoic Era(Erathem) 新生代(界)Cenozoic Era(Erathem) 新生代(界)Quaternary Period(System) 第四纪(系)Holocene Epoch(Series) 全新世(统)Pleistocene Epoch(Series) 更新世(统)Tertiary Period(System) 第三纪(系)Neogene Period(System) 新第三纪(系)Pliocene Epoch(Series) 上新世(统)Miocene Epoch(Series) 中新世(统)Paleogene Period(System) 老第三纪(系)Oligocene Epoch(Series) 渐新世(统)Eocene Epoch(Series) 始新世(统)Paleocene Epoch(Series) 古新世(统)Mesozoic Era(Erathem) 中生代(界)Cretaceous Period(System) 白垩纪(系)Jurassic Period(System) 侏罗纪(系)triassic Period(System) 三叠纪(系)Palaeozoic Era(Erathem) 古生代(界)Permian Period(System) 二叠纪(系)Carboniferous Period(System) 石炭纪(系)Devonian Period(System) 泥盆纪(系)Silurian Period(System) 志留纪(系)Ordovician Period(System) 奥陶纪(系)Cambrian Period(System) 寒武纪(系)Cryptozoic Eon(Eonothem) 隐生宙(宇)Proterozoic Eon(Eonothem) 元古宙(宇)Neoproterozoic Era(Erathem) 新元古代(界)Sinian Period(System 震旦纪(系)Mesoproterozoic Era(Erathem) 中元古代(界)Palaeoproterozoic Era(Erathem) 古元古代(界)Archaean Eon(Eonothem) 太古宙(宇)Precambrian 前寒武纪石油钻井词汇Part One SLICK-LINE(钢丝作业)A. TOOLS rope socket 绳帽stem 加重杆roll stem 滚轮加重杆Tungsten stem 钨加重杆Lead stem 铅加重杆link jar 机械震击器tubular jar 管状震击器hydraulic jar 液压震击器spring jar 弹簧震击器knuckle joint 万向节swivel joint 旋转节wellhead adapter 井口变扣短节X-Over 变扣gauge cutter 通井规selective downshift tool 选择性滑套开关工具shiftting tool 移位工具blind box 盲锤L.I.B(lead impression block) 铅印swaging tool 胀管器spear 打捞矛prong grab 内捞矛center spear 外捞矛catcher 捕捉器wirefinder 钢丝探测器Go devil-F.B 平底撞棍Go devil-C.B 刀杆撞棍retriever 钢丝打捞器overshot 卡瓦打捞筒magnetic fishing tool 磁力打捞工具sidewall cutter 刮管刀alligator grab 鳄鱼爪sand bailer 捞沙筒pipe wrench 管钳tong chain 链钳spanner 扳手wireline clamp 钢丝夹hay pulley 地滑轮dump bailer 倾倒筒saw 锯子saw blade 锯条punch 冲子file 锉刀flat file 板锉,扁锉hammer 榔头pliers,vice 老虎钳wire cutter 断线钳forfex 剪刀tongs 大钳,钳子,管钳flat bit tongs 扁嘴钳screwdriver 改锥,螺丝刀wire stripper 剥皮钳,掳线钳wire-stripper pliers 剥线钳B. EQUIPMENTstuffing box 防喷盒lubricator upper section 上防喷管lubricator middle section 中防喷管lubricator lower section 下防喷管blowout preventer(BOP) 防喷器wellhead adapter 井口变扣短节Lincoln pump 林肯泵hand pump assy.for stuffing box 手压泵Fire extinguisher 灭火器hand tool box 手工具箱injector 注油器lifting cap BOP吊帽trolly 防喷管支撑架parasol 阳伞work vice 台钳chain block 链葫芦tie down chain 系紧链fixed pulley 定滑轮wobble pump 手摇泵wire line clamp 钢丝绳夹wire rope sling 绳套,钢丝吊绳winch 绞车winch barrel(drum) 绞车滚筒winch brake 绞车刹车winch drive shaft universal joint 绞车主动轴万向节winch drum shaft 绞车滚动轴winch line 吊装用绳套winch control panel 绞车控制面板winch truck 吊车C. OPERATIONSRTTS Operation for Shoot andPull RTTS完井服务RTTS Operation for CementSqueezing RTTS固井服务(挤水泥)Pulling Y Block 捞Y堵塞器Open SSD(Slide Side Door) 开生产滑套Close SSD(Slide Side Door) 关生产滑套Open Circulating SSD(Slide SideDoor) 开循环滑套Close Circulating SSD(Slide SideDoor) 关循环滑套Running Gauge Cutter 通井Clean up 地面完井放喷Open Drain Valve 砸泻油阀Pulling Test Plug 捞测试阀Running Jet Pump 投射流泵Pulling Jet Pump 捞射流泵Running Flow Regulator 投配水器Pulling Flow Regulator 捞配水器Fishing Drop Bar 捞点火棒Measuring Static Pressure 测静压Measuring Flowing Pressure 测流压Measuring BHPBU(Bottom Hole Pressure Build Up) 测压力恢复Measuring BHP(Bottom Hole Pressure) Testing with Jet Pump 带泵测压(射流泵)Multi-Rate BHP(Bottom Hole Pressure) Testing 系统试井Slick-line Operation for Completion 钢丝配合完井服务Slick-line Operation for acidizing 配合酸化钢丝作业Running Plug 投堵塞器Pulling Plug 捞堵塞器Run Impression Block 下铅印Running Prong 投平衡杆Sand Level detection 探沙面Run Sand Bailer 下捞砂桶Open SSSV(Sub Surface Safety Valve) by Force 强行打开井下安全阀Running Go Devil 剪切钢丝Fishing Slickline 打捞钢丝Running Side Pocket Plug 投偏心堵塞器Pulling Side pocket Plug 捞偏心堵塞器Running Side Pocket Check Valve 投偏心阀Pulling Side Pocket Check Valve 捞偏心阀Sand Sampling 取砂样Stable Test 稳定试井Slickline Swab 抽吸Running Hanger 投悬挂器Pulling Hanger 捞悬挂器D. SPARE PARTSgrease injection control head 注脂头grease oil 注脂油grease oil tank 注脂油桶BOP pump c/w hose 手压泵及管线pressure test hose 试压管线lubricator bleed off manifold 防喷管针阀Martin Decker W-15 oil 马丁代克油Martin Decker WT indicator c/whose 指重器及管线picking for stuffing box 盘根bearing for the sheave for stuffingbox 轴承O-ring for lubricator 防喷管O环ram assembly for BOP 防喷管闸板总成O-ring for BOP BOP O环O-ring for wellhead adapter 井口变扣O环pin 销钉counter head 计数头cable for counter 计数器软轴bearing of hay pulley 地滑轮轴承Part two Pressure gaugeaccordance 一致,和谐accuracy 精确性,正确度acquisition 获得,获得物alignment 校直,调准append 附加,添加,悬挂apply 申请,应用available 可利用的,有用的battery 电池battery housing 电池筒battery tester 电池测量器baud rate 波特率bull nose 底堵cable 电缆,电线cable head 电缆头,电缆接头calculation 计算,考虑calibration 标度,刻度,校准calibration drift 漂移calibration parameter 标定参数cartesian 笛卡儿曲线certification 证书com port 串行通讯端口command 命令,掌握,支配communicate 沟通,交流,通讯compensate 偿还,补偿configuration 构造,结构,配置,外形configure 配置,设定consist 组成,构成control panel 控制面板convert 转换,使转变cross-over between gauge 压力计间变扣crystal 水晶,晶体current 电流damage 危险,损害data acquisition 获得数据decode 解码,译解delta time 累计时间deviate 偏离diagnostic 诊断diameter 直径digital 数字的directory 目录discussion 讨论display 显示器,显示,展示downhole tools 井下工具drain 消耗,耗尽dump data 回放数据durability 耐用性element 元素,元件,成分elevated temperature 高温encoder 译码器,编码器establish 建立,安置filter 过滤,筛选firmware 固件(软件硬件相结合)fixed rate 固定采样率flash 闪光,闪现frequency 频率,周率gauge 压力计graph 图表,曲线图grease for transducer 传感器用油housing 壳,壳体incorporate 合并,混合indicate 指出,显示individual 个别的,单独的install 安装,安置instrument 工具,器械,器具interface box 接口箱interface box 接口箱internal diagnostics 内部诊断lapse 失误,下降,过失linear plot 线性平面图log 日志maintenance 维护,保持manual 手册,指南manufacture 制造,加工merge 合并,并入,结合memory 存储器,内存module 模块observe 观察,观测offer 提供,企图parallel communication 并行通信period 周期,时期plug 堵,塞,插上,插栓port 端口,港口potential 潜在的,可能的presentation 陈述,表达presentation software 操作软件printer 打印机prior 优先的,在前的procedure 步骤,手续program 程序,节目prune 剪除,修剪,删除quality 质量,品质,性质quartz 石英range 范围,射程real time 实际时间record mode 记录模式reduce 减小,缩小,简化remote control 遥控,遥控操作remove 移动,开除,移交require 请求,要求resolution 分辨率response 回答,响应scale 刻度,天平,比例尺select 选择,挑选setup 机构,安装,装备,组织silicone oil 硅油sleep mode 休眠模式spanner for gauge 压力计专用扳手SRO(surface read-out) 地面直读surpass 超过,胜过talk mode 对话模式terminal 终点终端thread grease 丝扣油transducer 传感器,变频器,交换器transient 短暂的,瞬时的transmit 传输,传送,发射信号transport 传送器,运输机transportation box 压力计箱troubleshooting 发现并修理故障truncate 截取,修剪update 更新,校正,修正upload 上载variable rate 可变采样率various 不同的,多样的version 版本,译本volt 伏特voltage 电压wand 棒,棍,杖zoom 放大,缩放Part three PVT取样 air chamber plug extractor 空气室拉出手柄air chamber plug retaining ringextractor 梭管套旋出手柄air chamber tube assy 导流管air hose assy. 扫空管allen key 内六角autoclave vacuum nipple 抽真空头B/bench hose assy. 样瓶转样管back-up ring 背环compression spring 压缩弹簧filler funnel 漏斗flow regulator body 节流器flow regulator end cap 端帽flow regulator extractor 节流器拉出手柄fuse/110V 保险丝/110Vglycol 甘醇heating jacket for cylinder 样瓶加温器heating jacket for sampler 取样器加温器holder 装配手柄internal circlip 内簧卡internal circlip for cylinder 取样瓶卡环lock grubscrew 锁紧螺丝needle valve 针阀needle valve assy.extractor 针阀手柄needle valve body 针阀组件needle valve BUR former 针阀背环工具off ball 钢球off diskspring 弹簧片piston assy. 活塞总成piston removal 活塞移位工具piston ring 活塞环piston rod 活塞杆piston valve stem 梭阀杆pols-lock pin 锁定销钉pols-lock spring 锁定销钉弹簧posi lock pin depressing tool 锁定按压工具prime hand pump 注油器prime hand pump adaptor 注油器适配器prime port adaptor assy. 加压口适配器prime port nipple plug 加压口堵头prime port spanner 加压阀扳手prime pump assy. 手压泵适配器prime pump hose assy. 手压泵输出管push rod 推杆relief valve stem 调压阀杆retaining ring 制动环reversible circlip pliers 卡簧手钳safety solvent 清洗液sample analysis 试样分析,样品分析sample analyzer 试样分析器sample bailer 采样筒sample blob 井底取样器sample bomb 高压取样瓶,样品存储器sample bottle 取样瓶,采样瓶sample bottle valve adaptor 样瓶接头sample chamber 样品室sample cock 取样旋塞,取样拷克sample collection 取样,样品收集sample collection procedure 取样点,采样点sample collector 取样程序sample connection 试样收集器,采样员sample container 取样接头sample contamination 样瓶,样筒,样品容器sample cup 样品污染sample cylinder 样品杯sample cylinder tag 样瓶,样筒sample date 样瓶标签sample depth 取样日期sample frequency 采样深度sample hose 采样信号sample identification 取样井,采样井sample integrity 采样频率sample interval 样品管,采样胶皮管sample period 样品鉴定sample point 样品的真实性sample signal 取样间隔,取样速度sample well 取样周期sampler hose assy. 取样器软管总成setting screw 制动螺丝setting fork 导流叉管setting tool 空气定位销手柄setting tool 梭杆推进套shuttle mechanism assy. 触发机构tee ring seals T型密封环test gauge 压力表tool body clamp 取样器夹具tool dressing aids 更换'O'环工具torque wrench 扭矩扳手torque wrench adaptor 扭矩扳手接头torque wrench adaptor 扭矩扳手接头transfer bench assy. 转样器总成transfer lock sleeve 转样护帽transfer port adaptor 转样适配器transfer port plug 转样口堵头trigger mech. assy. 触发机构总成trigger spring 触发弹簧vacuum hand pump 真空泵vibra gauge 压力表Part four OthersAa directional engineer 定向井工程师a drilling engineer 钻井工程师a drilling supervisor 钻井监督a senior mud engineer 高级泥浆工程师a toolpusher 队长,技师abandoned drill 弃船演习accelevator 促凝剂acidity 酸性adapter 接头additive 添加剂/处理剂ahead water 先行水air chamber 空气包air hoist 气动绞车alarm 警报alkalinity 碱性泥浆比重amplitude log 声幅测井anchor 锚angle 角钢annular return velocity 泥浆返回流速annular space 环形空间annular velocity 环空流速apparent viscosity 视黏度asbestos 石棉assistant tug boat 护航船assistant driller 副钻aviation fuel 航空油Bback off 倒扣back pressure 回压back pressure valve 回压阀ball 球ball up 泥包barge engineer 平台工程师barite 重晶石bearing 轴承bearing angle 方位bed 床behind water 尾水bit 钻头bit bearing 钻头轴承bit breaker 钻头装卸器bit cost 钻头成本bit diameter 钻头直径bit gauge 钻头规bit life 钻头寿命bit nozzle 钻头水眼bit position 钻头位置bit sub 钻头接头bit time 钻头纯钻时间bit tooth 钻头牙齿bit torque 钻头扭矩bit type 钻头型号bit wear 钻头磨损blasting cap 雷管blow out 井喷blow out preventer 防喷器boiler 锅炉bolt 螺栓bolt,nut 螺丝,螺母bore hole 裸眼bore hole well 井壁boring 钻孔bottom hole 井底bottom fill 沉砂bottom hole pressure 井底压力bottom hole pressure 井底压力bottoms up 携带岩屑box 母扣brake 刹车break out 卸扣breech lock 泡栓build up 压力恢复bulk density 堆积密度;松装密度bulk tank 灰罐bumper sub 缓冲器buoyancy coefficient 浮力系数bushing 补芯butane 丁烷Ccable 电缆calcium remover 除钙剂calculating free piont 计算卡点深度calibration 刻度casing 套管,螺纹联接的兀接箍casing head 套管头casing spool 套管四通casing burst pressure 套管破裂压力casing elevator 套管吊卡casing monkey board 套管平台casing pressure 套压casing program 套管程序casing scraper 套管刮管器casing shoe 套管鞋casing sub 套管接头casing tong 套管大钳cathead 猫头cave in 坍塌cement 水泥cement basket 水泥伞cement bond log 固井质量检验cement flush 水泥冲洗cement slurry 水泥浆cement slurry for lead 先行水泥浆cementing 固井cementing line 固井管线cementing pump 固井泵center latch elevator 中开门吊卡centralizer 套管扶正器centrifugal pump 离心泵chain block 倒链change bit 换钻头chart 卡片check valve 单流阀chemical tank 化学药剂缸chemical treatment 化学处理chemicals 化学剂choke 油嘴choke line 阻流管汇choke manifold 试油树christmas tree 采油树circulating pressure 循环压力circulation 循环circulation rate 循环速度clamp 卡子clay contamination 粘土侵clock 时钟clog house 值班房cock 水龙头coefficient of friction 摩擦系数colloid 胶体completion 完井computer 计算机conductor 隔水导管cone 牙轮cone bit 牙轮钻头connector 联结器contamination of mud 泥浆污染contract 合同contractor 承包商control room 控制室conventional mud 普通泥浆cooker 炊事员core 岩心core barrel 取芯筒core bit 取芯钻头core catcher 岩心爪core gun 取芯器core handling tools 取芯工具core recovery 取芯收获率coring 取芯coupling 联接扣cover 外壳crane operator 吊车司机critical velocity 临界速度cross 十字接头cross over,x-over(XO) 大小头,短节,变扣接头,旁通管crossover sub 配合接头crown block 天车cut off workline 割大绳cylinder 缸Ddaily production 日产量deadline 死绳deadline anchor 死绳固定器deck 甲板declination 偏差/方位角degas ser 除气器dehydration 失水densimeter 密度计depth 井深derrick 井架derrick man 架工desander 除砂器desilter 沉淀池, 滤水池detonator 炸药deviation survey 井斜测量diamond bit 金刚石钻头die collar 打捞卡瓦diesel oil 柴油different pressure sticking 压差卡钻directional well 定向井discharge of pump 泵排量dispersing agent 分散剂displace 替diver 潜水员doctor 医生drag 遇阻draw works 绞车drier(dring oven) 干燥计drift angle 倾角drift mandrel 通径规drifting 通径drill pipe 钻杆drill spool 钻井四通drill stem 钻柱drill strings 钻杆拄drill water 钻井水drill collar 钻铤drill floor 钻台drill floor 钻台driller 司钻drilling 钻进drilling technician 钻井技术员drilling assembly 钻具组合drilling break 进尺突然加快drilling cost 钻井成本drilling crew 钻井队员drilling engineer 钻井工程师drilling equipment 钻井装置,钻机drilling line 大绳drilling log 钻井记录drilling ration 钻速drilling recorder 钻井记录仪drilling rig 钻井船drilling troubles 井下事故drum shaft 滚筒轴DST(drill stem test) 延长DST测试dump valve 放泄阀duplex slush pump 双缸泥浆泵DV collar 分级注水泥短接DV port DV孔Eelbow 弯接头electric logging 电测electric submerged pump(ESP) 电潜泵electrician 电工elevator 吊卡elevator link 吊环emulsifier 乳化剂engine room 机舱erecting equipment 安装设备erecting tools 安装工具erode out 刺坏error 误差ethane 乙烷exploration 勘探extended well testing 延长测试external upset 外加厚Ffalse threading 造扣field maintenance 现场维护,现场保养fill line 灌泥浆管线filling up mud 灌泥浆filter cake 泥饼filter paper 滤纸filtration educing agent 降失水剂finger board 指梁fire drill 消防演习fishing 打捞fishing bumper sub 打捞缓冲器fishing jars 打捞震击器fishing job 打捞作业fishing neck 打捞颈fishing tools 打捞工具fishing up 打捞出落鱼flash welded tool joint 闪光焊接接头flashlight 手电float collar 浮箍float shoe 浮鞋floor man 钻工flow 放喷flow line 泥浆出口管线flow rate 流量flow line 出油管flow rate 流速flowing bean(nipple) 油嘴flowing pressure gradient 流压梯度fluid loss 失水量fluorescence 荧光反应formation 地层formation conductivities 地层电导率formation damage 破坏地层fracturing 压裂free pipe 未卡部分钻柱free point 自由点free standing mast 无绷绳轻便井架fresh water 淡水full hole(FH) 贯眼扣function 函数funnel viscometer 漏斗黏度计Ggamma ray 射线gamma ray log 自然测井gas reservoir 气层gas analysis 气体分析gas chromatography 气体色谱仪gas cut 气侵gas in mud 泥浆中气量gas oil ratio 油气比gas out 气侵gas showing 气体显示gasoline 汽油gauge 量规gear 牙轮gel 凝胶gel cement 胶质水泥gel mud 胶质泥浆gel strength 切力generator 发动机geothermal gradient 地温梯度goose neck 鹅颈管grade 级/等级grease 黄油guide shoe 引鞋gun perforation 射孔完井gypsum mud 石膏泥浆Hhammer 锤子hard ware 硬件heavy mud 重泥浆/加重泥浆heavy viscosity mud 高粘泥浆heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆heavy bodied 很稠的,粘滞的helicopter 直升飞机helicopter port 飞机平台helmet 安全帽hole opener 扩眼器hole size 井眼尺寸hole straightening 井眼校正/纠斜hook 大钩hook load 大钩负荷hook load off bottom 钻柱离底时大钩负荷hook position 大钩位置hopper 漏斗hose 软管/水龙带hull 船身hydraulic pressure 静水压力hydraulic oil 液压油hydrostatic pressure 静水压力IIF(internal flush) 内平扣indented bolt 齿纹螺栓indented chisel 齿状钻头,牙轮钻头indirect flushing 反循环洗井,反向冲洗induction electrical survey 感应电测井inertia brake 惯性刹车initial gel strength 出切inner barrel 内岩心筒inner string cementing 内管注水泥input 输入insert bit 镶齿钻头inside bop drill 安装回压凡尔演习intake profile 吸水剖面internal upset 内加厚internal-external upset 内外加厚interpreter 翻译invaded zone 侵入带invasion diameter 侵入直径inverse circulation 反洗井inverse well-flushing 反洗井isobutane 异丁烷isopentane 异戊烷Jjack knife mast 折叠式轻便井架jack up type drilling unit 自升式钻井船jars 震击器joint 单根junk basket 打捞蓝Kkelly 方钻杆kelly bushing 方钻杆补芯kelly cock 方钻杆考可kelly down 方入kelly down depth 方入深度kelly drive 方钻杆滚子补芯kelly spinner 方钻杆旋扣器kelly up 方余key seat 键槽key seating sticking 键槽卡钻kick 井涌kick control 控制井涌kill line 压井管汇killing a well 压井Llaminar flow 层流latching elevator 扣吊卡lay down 甩lay time 迟到时间leak 漏life raft 救生筏lifeboat 救生艇lift jacket 救生衣lifting sub 提升短接light weight mud 轻泥浆lignite 铁络盐lignite mud 铁络盐泥浆lime 石灰lime mud 石灰泥浆limit switch 相限开关line 管线line cleaning 管线清洗line test 管线试压liner 缸套,尾管liner hanger 尾管挂living quarters 居住区loading 装船logging cable 测井电缆logging program 测井程序logging tool 测井工具loosen 放松lost circulation 井漏lost circulation materials 堵漏剂lubricating oil 润滑油lubricator(assembly,system) 防喷管(装置,系统)Mmachine oil 机油main tug boat 主拖轮make up 上扣make up torque 上扣扭矩mast 钻机master bushing 转盘大补芯master valve 总闸门material man 材料员mean sea level 平均海平面mechanic 机械工mechanist 机械师methane 甲烷mica 云母milled teeth bit 铣齿钻头milling tool 铣具/磨鞋miring water 溶解水mixing pump 混合泵monkey board 二层台morning tour 白班motormen 机工mouse hole 鼠洞mud 泥浆mud agitator 泥浆搅拌器mud balance 泥浆密度计mud column 泥浆柱mud conditioning 泥浆处理/配泥浆mud conductivity 泥浆导电率mud density 泥浆密度mud ditch 泥浆槽mud flow meter 泥浆流量计mud gun 泥浆枪mud line 泥浆管线mud logging 泥浆录井mud pump 泥浆泵mud resistivity 泥浆电阻率mud retort 泥浆蒸馏水mud return line 泥浆返出管线mud tank 泥浆池mud temperature 泥浆温度mud testing 泥浆测试mud volume 泥浆量mud weight indicator 泥浆比重计mud tank 泥浆罐multiple completion 多层完井MW(mud weight) 泥浆重量,泥浆密度Nnail 钉子natural flow 自喷NDBOPS(nipple down blowout preventers) 卸下防喷器组NDT(nipple down tree) 拆卸井口装置,拆卸采油树near bit stabilizer 金钻头扶正器neutron 中子射线nipple down 卸下,拆卸nipple seating 座落接头no return 未返回水泥浆normal circulation 正循环normal butane 正丁烷normal pentane 正戊烷nozzle size 水眼尺寸nut 螺母Ooff bottom 不接触井底office 办公室oil base mud 油基泥浆oil reservoir 油层on bottom 接触井底open 打开open hole 裸眼opening 扩眼o-ring O环outer barrel 外岩心筒oven 烘箱over pulling 遇卡overshot 打捞筒Ppacker 封隔器packing 密封圈paint 油漆panel 面板paraffin plugging 蜡堵paraffin valve 清蜡闸门paraffin-treatment 清蜡处理paraffin-troubles 结蜡井parts 零件pentane 戊烷PH control additive PH控制剂phenolphthalein 酚酞pile hammer 打桩机pin 销子,公扣pincers 钳子pipe wrench 管子扳手piston 活塞piston rod 活塞杆pit drill 防喷演习pit level 泥浆液面pit level 泥浆池液面pit volume increase 泥浆增加量plastic viscosity 塑性黏度plug 水泥塞plug container 水泥头plug flow 塞流plugging back cementing 回堵注水泥pollution 污染polymer 聚合物portland cement 硅酸盐水泥potassium chlorate 氯化钾power slip 动力卡瓦power source 电源power swivel 动力水龙头power tong 动力大钳power law model 幂律模型pressure decline 压力降pressure equilibrium 压力平衡pressure gage 压力表pressure gradient 压力梯度pressure gradient 压力梯度pressure loss 压力损失pressure loss in pipe 管内压力损失pressure of mud column 泥浆柱压力pressure loss in annular 环空压力损失pressurized air 压缩空气preventer of double ram type 双闸板式防喷器production 生产propane 丙烷pry bar 撬杠,杠杆pull out of the hole 起钻pulley 滑轮pulley 滑轮pulling slip 起卡瓦pumice 浮石pump count 累计泵冲数pump efficiency 泵效pump pressure 泵压pump speed 泵速pump stroke counter 泥浆泵冲数pup joint 短接put into gear 挂挡put on break 刹车,制动PWV(production wing valve) 生产翼阀Qquick coupling 快速接头,快接管箍Rradio operator 电报员radioactivity log 放射性测井rag line 大棕绳rain density 颗粒密度rat hole 鼠洞rate of penetration 转速reamer 释放,丢手reaming 辊轴扶正器recorder 划眼red lead 记录仪reducer 丝扣油,铅油,管件润滑油regular 大小头release 正规扣relief valve 泄压阀,泄流阀reserve pit 储存池reservoir pressure 油层压力retarder 缓凝剂return 返回水泥浆return mud 反出泥浆returning fluid 井口反出液reverse circulation 反循环reverse circulation 反循环revolution 运转revolution 转数revolutions per minute 每分钟转数Reynolds number 雷诺数rig down 拆卸钻机rig up 安装钻机rig in 安装,连接rig out 拆卸ring gasket 钢圈/垫圈riser 隔水导管rope damp 绳头,绳卡rotary hose 泥浆水龙带rotary slip 转盘卡瓦rotary speed 转盘转数rotary table 转盘rotation bases 倒班roughneck 钻工roustabout 水手run casing 下套管run in the hole 下钻run length 进尺run bridge plug 下桥塞run gauge cutter 通井running tool 下入工具running in test 试车running repair 日常修理,现场维修RWTO(returned well to production) 井恢复生产Ssafety belt 安全带safety clamp 安全卡子safety joint 安全接头safety valve 安全阀sampling depth 取样井深sampling interval 取样间隔sand bridge 砂桥sand trouble 砂堵sandline 捞砂绳saturated salt-water mud 饱和盐水泥浆screw 螺钉seal 密封/封堵seating nipple 座落接头sea-water mud 海水泥浆sensor 传感器separater 分离器set back 立根盒setting slip 放卡瓦shaft 轴shale shaker 振动筛shallow gas 试气层shear rate 剪切速度shear pin 剪切销钉sheave 滑轮shock sub 减振器shoe guide 引鞋short trip 短起下钻shut in 关井shut in casing pressure 关井套管压力shut in drill pipe pressure 关井钻杆压力shut in pressure 关井压力shut off 关闭side wall neutron log 井壁中子测井silicon flour 硅粉silicon-controlled rectifier 可控硅整流器single joint elevator 单根吊卡single ram 单闸板slip 卡瓦slip type elevator 卡瓦式吊卡slip velocity 沉积速度slip workline 倒大绳slow pump 低泵速sludge tank 加重泥浆池slush pump 泥浆泵socket 插座solid content 固体含量sonic log 声波测井sonic wave 声波spacer 隔离液spare parts 备件spider 卡盘spontaneous potential log 自然电位测井spool 四通spring 弹簧spud in 开钻squeeze cementing 挤水泥stabilizer 扶正器stabilizing agent 稳定剂stage cementing 分级注水泥stainless steel 不锈钢stand 立柱stand pipe 立管stand the test 试验合格,经受考验standby 待机stand-by boat 值班船starting outfit 启动设备static pressure 静压steam 蒸气sticking 卡钻/被卡stinger 导向插头,引鞋,尾管stinger sub 插入式短节stop lost circulation 堵漏storm 风暴straight well 直井眼sub 接头,短接submerged pump 潜水泵substructure 井架底座sucking line 上水管线suction tank 吸入池supercharge pump 泥浆灌注泵supervisor 监督supply boat 供应船support 支架surge pressure 冲击压力suspending weight 悬重swab pressure 抽吸压力swabbing 抽吸switch 开关TT/B/G 牙齿/轴承/外径磨损table torque meter 转盘扭矩表table height 转盘高度taper milling 锥形刮刀technician 技术人员,技师tee 三通temperature log 温度测井ten minutes gel 终切test paper 试纸thread 丝扣tie back tool 回接工具tighten 上紧TOF(top of fishing) 落鱼顶部tong 大钳tong torque meter 大钳扭矩表ton-mile 吨-英里TOOH(tool out of hole) 起出下入井中的工具tool joint 钻杆接头tool pusher 钻井技师top valve 采油树清蜡闸门,试井闸门torch burner 喷灯torque 扭矩total depth 总井深total gas 气全量total pit 泥浆池总体积tour Shift 班towing 拖航transmission 传动装置/变速器traveling block 游动滑车tri-cone bit 三牙轮钻头trip 起下钻trip tank 计量罐tripping time 起下钻时间tubing 油管tubing hanger 油管挂tubing spool 油管四通tubing head 油管头tubing pressure 油压turbo drill 涡轮钻具turbulent flow 紊流twist off 脱扣typhoon 台风Uunconnect switch 非接触式开关unfreezing 解卡unlatching elevator 开吊卡unloading 卸栽upset 加厚Vvalve master 主阀variable density log 变密度测井V-door 井架大门vent pipe 放空管ventilate 放空,吹扫ventilation 通风,通风设备vertical depth 垂直深度viscosity 黏度volume inside pipe 管内容量volume of annulus 环空容量WW.O.O(wait on orders) 等待指令wait on 等指令wait on cement 候凝wait on(stand by) 待命walkie-talkie 对讲机wall scraper 井壁刮刀WAP(well performance analysis) 井的动态分析warning board 警告牌wash over 洗井,套洗,冲刷wash tank 洗罐,分离罐washer 洗衣机wash-over fishing operation 套洗打捞作业,套洗落鱼作业water flood pump(injection) 注水泵water flush 水循环洗井water injector(injection well) 注水井water lost(WL) 泥浆失水wax containing crude 含蜡原油waxy 蜡,蜡状物,含蜡的WDBS(weight going down before sticking) 仪器遇阻前下行重量weather 气候WEG(wireline entryguide) 喇叭口weight in air 空气中重量weight in mud 泥浆中重量weight indicator 指重表weight material 加重剂weight on bit 钻压weighted mud 重泥浆/加重泥浆welder 电焊工well 井well cleaning 洗井well head 井口well head assembly 井口装置well head pressure 井口压力well shooting 地震测井well bean 井口油嘴well blowout 井喷well bore clean up 洗井,well cementation 固井,挤水泥well cementing operation 固井作业well completing data 完井资料,数据well completing fluid 完井液well completinginformation 完井资料, wellcompleting test 完井测试well completion 完井well condition 井况well control device 井控装置well control equipment 井控设备well control fluid 压井液well control information 井控资料well control manifold 井口控制管汇well control operation 压井作业well deflection 井斜well flow under balance 诱喷well killing 压井well killing job 压井作业well killing method 压井方法well performance testing 系统试井,井动态测试,井生产测试well pulling job 起油管作业well pulling service 修井起下作业well sampling 井下取样well sand up 油井砂堵well screen 油井筛管well service tank 修井液罐well service hoist 修井机well service work 修井作业well site illumination 井场照明well testing supervisor 试油,测试监督well-completion practice 完井作业wellhead cap 井口帽wellhead choke 井口油嘴wellhead control valve 井口总阀门wellhead tap 井口短节wetting agent 润滑剂WHP(wellhead platform) 井口平台wiper trip 通井wire 钢丝wire line(WL) 电缆work accident 操作事故work assignment 工作安排work string reciprocation 工。



1、沉积有机质 按照油气有机成因理论,生成油气的核心是生物
物质,生物死亡后的残体经沉积作用埋藏于水下沉积 物中,经过一定的生物化学、物理化学变化形成石油 和天然气。通过沉积作用进入沉积物中并被埋藏下来 的那部分有机质叫沉积有机质。组成沉积有机质的生 物化学组成包括类脂化合物、蛋白质、碳水化合物以 及木质素4类。
4、高温生成说 5、蛇纹石化生油说
原苏联库得梁采夫提出,他 认为在许多天体上发现碳氢 化合物,火山喷发岩中也发 现有沥青,甚至于在岩浆岩 中也找到有为数极少的石油, 这些石油的形成同基性岩浆 冷却时碳氢化合物的合成有 关,正是因为这是在高温高 压下形成,才会使许多不饱 和碳氢化合物被聚合成饱和 的碳氢化合物。
•石油的组成及其物理化学特征 •天然气的组成及其物理化学特征 •石油天然气的生成
两种成因论之争 油气生成的物质基础 油气生成的主要母质 油气生成的阶段性及其产物 烃源岩类型 天然气成因类型简介
其物理化学特征 石油(oil)是什么?简单地说,
§ 1石油的组成 及其物理化学特

颜色:无色→淡黄色→黄褐色→深褐色→ 黑绿色→黑色。无色石油有的是一种轻质 油,甚至可以即采即用;有的是油气运移 过程中吸附效应。
密度:石油相对密度变化较大,一般均小 于1.0,对应于上述的颜色,浅色的相对密 度低,深色的相对密度高。
粘度:衡量石油流动性能的指标。一般来 说受地下温度、压力和成分影响较大,温 度升高粘度降低,压力增大粘度也增加, 密度大的石油粘度相对也较大。

石油地质学--研究所版 第1章油气水

石油地质学--研究所版 第1章油气水

苯 的 浓 度
未 发 现 的 油
探 井
第三节 油田水 三、 油田水的矿化度
单位体积水中各种离子的总含量称水的矿化度。 用 mg/L 或 ppm 表示 (ppm-重量百万分数; 1ppm = 百万分之一)
第二节 天然气
(二)天然气的赋存形态(产状) 1.气藏气(干气,贫气):烃类气体单独聚集成藏,不与石油伴生。 C1一般大于95%,重烃气含量极少(1—4%)。
2.气顶气(湿气,富气):与石油共存于油气藏中,呈游离气顶状态的天 然气。重烃气含量可达百分之几—几十(仅次于甲烷)(gas cap)
第三节 油田水
在进行水化学分析时常假定 所有的阳离子为 所有的阴离子为 Na+(或 Na++ K+) Ca2+ ClSO42HCO3Mg2+
第一节 石油
(一)石油(Petroleum) 指气态、 液态 、固态的以烃类为主的混合物,具天然产状。
(二)原油(Crude Oil) 采至地表的液态石油(petroleum)。
(三)烃类(Hydrocarbons) 由碳和氢两种原子构成的化合物。
0.5mPa.s以下~数十万mPa.s。受温度影响极大,压力加大亦有增加。 流动性—产量,开发方式,管线运输

油气田地下地质学 中英文对照课件

油气田地下地质学 中英文对照课件
(1)能量守恒 energy conservation (2)容积守恒volumetric conservation
第三节 物质平衡法 ( material balance method)
Basic Principle and Condition
物质平衡方程的建立; 不同驱动类型油藏的物质平衡方程的讨论
第六章 储量计算
Chapter 6 Reserves Calculation 第一节 油气储量分类 第二节 容积法储量计算 第三节 物质平衡法 第四节 气藏物质平衡法储量计算-压降法
第二节 容积法(Volumetric Method) 实质: 通过计算地下容纳油气的 空间来计算油气储量
石油储量的计算 天然气储量的计算 凝析气藏天然气储量的计算
第一节 油气储量分类(Classification)
在当前经济技术条件下, 暂时不 能开采出的已被证实的油气储量, 随 着经济技术条件的提高, 表外储量可 转为表内储量
第一节 油气储量分类(Classification) 4.狭义的油气资源(resources)
指未被证实的储量和在当前 经济技术条件下不允许得到的但 已被证实的储量. (表中A+B+C) 油气总资源量= 狭义的油气资源+油气储量(平衡表内储量)
net pay thickness, effective pay thickness 定义:在一定压差下具有工业性产油能 力的那一部分油层厚度
作为有效厚度的条件: (1)有效厚度上应具有可动油, Smos>0; (2)在现有工艺技术条件下可提供开发;



Methods used 2)Gravity surveys:
Inside the gravimeter is a small metal object that a rock's density will
affect. As the boat moves over the water, the gravimeter weighs the
have to have some indication that the spot holds promise. In the search for that
spot, four steps may take place: First, the company may run a magnetic survey.
reservoirs usually do not give any indication on the surface. Explorationists
cannot therefore find them by direct observation. And offshore, where seas and oceans cover the seafloor, oil finders must depend entirely on indirect scientific
overlying strata. As the molten salt shoves its
way upward through the rock layers, it flits those layers it pierces and folds those above. Eventually, the molten salt cools and solidifies, leaving deformed rock structures around it that can serve as traps. Hydrocarbons can migrate into any porous and permeable beds around the column of salt and be trapped there, since salt is impermeable. The folded, porous beds above the salt can also serve as hydrocarbon traps if overlain by an impervious layer.

石油英语 pptPPT 课件

石油英语 pptPPT 课件
middle distillates
Middle distillates are used to produce such as jet fuel and kerosene.
Heaviest elements
Heavy oil : is the remaining of the distillation. Its high combustion temperature, flame radiation capacity is strong. So the heavy oil is a good fuel for steel production.
1、transportation 2、heating
The crude oil is initally distilled and the initial product yields can be improved byusing other refning units (conversion units) to chemically modify the hydrocarbons(by cracking,combining or altering the molecules).The classical way of operatingthe refinery takes into account the wide variation in price and the seasonality of consumption for the products.For the frst one,some refineries are able toadjust quite quickly to the market value of the products and generate the optimaleconomical mix of products to maximize levenue.On the other hand,refiners alsotake into account the seasonality ofconsumption,usually producing moregasolineduring the summer or"driving season" in the Northern Hemisphere,and moreheating oil during the winter.
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84.5 (83-87)
13 (11-14)
Nitrogen Oxygen total
0 0 100
1.5 (<1%)
0.5 (<0.2) 0.5 (0.1-4.5) 100
1 2 100
1 10 100
2 8 100
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
minor elements are Sulfur,Nitrogen and Oxygen elements are heavy metals,such as V and Ni.
(normally less than 3%);
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
Petroleum Geology
1.1 Definition
• The word petroleum originates from the Latin words petra(“rock and stone”) and oleum(“oil”), just like its Chinese word, 石油 means “石” and “油”. • Petroleum is a kind of mineral resources that occurs in the earth as gas, liquid, semi-solids or in more then one of these states. • Liquid petroleum is called crude oil that consists chiefly of the liquid hydrocarbons, with varying amounts of dissolved gases, bitumens, and impurities, which can be produced from underground reservoir rocks through a drill pipe.
Chapter 1 Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Oilfield Water
1. Crude oils 2. Natural gases 3. Oil-field waters
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
Petroleum Geology
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
Petroleum Geology
1.2 Chemical properties
(1) Elemental composition
main elements are Carbon and Hydrogen;
Petroleum Geology
(2) Alkane series — Paraffins

The general formula is CnH2n+2.

C1-4 are gases. methane/CH4, ethane/C2H6, propane/ C3H8, butane/C4H10
C5-20 are liquids. C20+ are usually waxy solids. In CnH2n+2 in crude oil, usually n≤80.

Alkane series can be divided into 2 types:
a. the normal alkanes: b. the isomeric arkanes:
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
n-alkanes i-alkanes

China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
Petroleum Geology
(5) Nitrgen, sulfur, oxygen compounds (Asphaltics) •
– – – –
They are complex structural arrangements made of naphtheno-aromatic nuclei with chains and heteroatoms (O,N,S).

China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
Petroleum Geology
About porphyrin
• Porphyrins are characterized by a tetrapyrrolic nucleus(4 pyrrole rings), probably inherited from chlorophyll or hemin. So nickel porphyrin and vanadium porphyrin are biological markers indicating crude oils derived from organic matters. • Chlorophyll, the green photosynthetic pigment of plants. • Hemin, the red pigment of animal blood. • There are other metals, like iron(Fe), zinc(Zn), copper(Cu), lead(Pb), arsenic(As), molybdenum(Mo), cobalt(Co), magnesium(Mg), chromium(Cr) etc in crude oils, but only a very little amount.
Petroleum Geo
Butane Pentane Hexane Heptane
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
Petroleum Geology
(3) Naphthene or Cycloparaffin
Sulfur compounds:an average content of sulfur in crude oils is 0.65% by weight. Low or high sulfur crude oil: S<1.0%, S>1.0% b) Nitrogen compounds:Nitrogen content is usually much lower than sulfur content in crude oils. The average nitrogen content is 0.094% by wt, in most crude oils nitrogen content is less than 0.2%. The most important nitrogen compound is porphyrin: Nickel(Ni) and Vanadium(V) porphyrin. c) Oxygen compounds: as saturated fatty acids: phenols
of non-hydrocarbon compounds of nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen and also vanadium(V) and nickel(Ni) as impurities.
• The proportions of the hydrocarbon constituents and the
1 Crude oils
1.1 Definition
1.2 Chemical properties 1.3 Distillation
1.4 Classification
1.5 The differences between marine and
terrigenous oils
1.6 Physical properties
contaminants are different in various petroleum accumulations or oil fields.
• The physical properties of petroleum are different in
various accumulations/fields.
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
Petroleum Geology
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
Petroleum Geology
(4) Aromatic Hydrocarbons
With general formular CnH2n-6; The term aromatic hydrocarbon originated from pleasant-smelling compounds in crude oils. However most HCs have very little odor in pure state. All aromatic HCs contain at least one benzene ring. They are unsaturated cycloHC series with double bonds between carbon atoms, likes benzene and its homologous: Benzene Naphthalene Paranaphthalene