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小编只能帮到这了!!119、Python基础教程视频集合2 链接:/s/1mgYA5iK 密码:密码: icnh 118、黑客技术- 黑盾网安VIP 网站渗透基础类学习链接:/s/1hqfIfTa 117、黑客技术- 风云网络信息安全渗透测试课程链接:/s/1kTq1wV1 116、黑客技术- 半斤八两逆向培训课程(27课全)part2 链接:/s/1pJDZLNl 115、黑客技术- 半斤八两逆向培训课程(27课全)part1 链接:/s/1dm60A 114、黑客技术- 黑盾网安VIP 网站渗透基础类学习链接:/s/1mg8Gjzy 113、黑客技术- 饭客黑客之免杀VIP教程链接:/s/1pJDtNPT 112、黑客技术-Show me Why 超强脱壳教程链接:/s/1jGxoV8E 111、黑客技术-RFire 系列免杀教程链接:/s/1i35y6NV 110、黑客技术-burpsuite 系列视频教程链接:/s/1o6Olj9g 109、黑客技术-365免杀学习基地VIP源码免杀教程链接:/s/1jG8Ksjc 108、数据结构与算法,算法导论,微积分,数学组合链接:/s?__biz=MzA3ODg3OTk4OA==∣=207452636&idx=1&sn=585b3a86d9cc976c66341fe89e869 1f8#rd 102、python就业视频教程链接:/s?__biz=MzA3ODg3OTk4OA==∣=207219220&idx=2&sn=657182abd8f6b3fd98b13609a79af 493#rd 100、HTML5 优质视频教程集锦链接:/s?__biz=MzA3ODg3OTk4OA==∣=207168402&idx=1&sn=4ff0c63af6d0d4df3abc7a88cdf43c a1#rd 98、微信公众平台开发教程链接:/s?__biz=MzA3ODg3OTk4OA==∣=207067923&idx=1&sn=de3d25f201c7b75ab01805208ef8c 265#rd 97、Android5.0新特性链接:/s?__biz=MzA3ODg3OTk4OA==∣=207035206&idx=1&sn=7c442b97a2aa6b1d140718b31e15 1e76#rd 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4、3天学会UI图标设计--UI设计教程-李凤辉-传智播客链接:/s/1c08jAfQ 密码:gxym 3、手机UI设计视频教程-从无到有APP视觉表现--李晨链接:/s/1o6mk9kQ 密码:4i4y 2、Flash动画制作教程视频-张鹏-传智播客链接:/s/1o6mk9ku 密码:1xz9 1、传智播客平面设计Photoshop教程链接:/s/1bn8RDwz 密码:k5es 关于解压密码:一般情况下,共享的文件中会附带。


➢ 而且上述的上限是可达的,即,红客一定有某种最有效的
黑客r1次,成功防御第二个黑客r2次,的成功次数r1和r2达 到上限:
r1=n[maxXI(X1;Z│X2)], r2=n[maxXI(X2;Z│X1)]
r1+r2=n[maxXI(X1, X2;Z)]。
➢设黑客X=(X1,X2)同时攻击两个红客Y1和Y2。由于这两个红客 是两个互为备份系统的守卫者,因此,黑客必须同时把这
➢仍然假设:攻防各方采取“回合制”,并且,每个“回合” 后,各方都对本次的攻防结果,给出一个“真心的盲自
➢每个回合中,红客按如下方式对自己防御黑客X1、 X2、…、Xm的成果,进行真心盲自评:任取整数集合 {1,2,…,m}的一个子集S,记Sc为S的补集,即,
Sc={1,2,…,m}-S,再记X(S)为{Xi:i∈S},X(Sc)为 {Xi:i∈Sc},如果红客成功地防御了X(S)中的黑客, 但却自评被X(Sc)中的黑客打败,那么,红客的盲自评
➢由于信道G的可达容量区域为满足下列条件的所有码率 向量所成集合的凸闭包R(S)≤I(X(S);Z│X(Sc))对 {1,2,…,m}的所有子集S。这里R(S)定义为 R(S)=∑i∈SRi=∑i∈S[ri/n],ri/n是第i个输入的码率。
➢ 定理6.3: m防定个回有黑合客中X1,、红X2客、成…功、防Xm独御立第地i个攻黑击客一ri个次红,客1≤Y。i≤如m果,,那在么n,个一攻 r(S)≤n[I(X(S);Z│X(Sc))],对{1,2,…,m}的所有子集S。 这里 r(S)=∑i∈Sri。 而且,该上限是可达的,即, 红客一定有某种最有效的防御方法,使得在n次攻防回合中,红 客成功防御黑客集S的次数集合r(S),达到上限: r(S)=n[I(X(S);Z│X(Sc))],对{1,2,…,m}的所有子集S 。再 换一个角度,还有: 如果红客要想成功防御黑客集S的次数集合为r(S),那么,他至 少得进行max{r(S)/[I(X(S);Z│X(Sc))]}次防御。



《黑*客X档案2004年配套光盘》(03-10期 共8张光盘)[ISO]
《黑*客大暴光:网络安全机密与解决方案》(Network Security Secrets & Solutions Hacking Exposed)第5版
《2006经典黑*客操作视频》(hacker video)岁末特别版[ISO]
《黑*客防线2006年12期随书光盘》(Hacker Defence Vol.2006-12)[ISO]
《黑*客防线2006年11期随书光盘》(Hacker Defence Vol.2006-11)[ISO]


2009年 2009年4月
TCP/IP网络安全分析 网络安全概念和手段介绍 安全建议 网络安全展望
冒名顶替 拨号进入 算法考虑不周 随意口令 口令破解 口令圈套 病毒 特洛伊木马 窃听 线缆连接 身份鉴别 编程 乘虚而入 代码炸弹 更新或下载
TCP/IP网络安全分析 网络安全概念和手段介绍 安全建议 网络安全展望
网络系统结构——开放系统互连参考模型(1) ——开放系统互连参考模型(1
系统 A 应用层 表示层 会话层 传输层 网络层 数据链路层 物理层
N+1层 协议实体 SAP
系统 B
N+1层 应用层 协议实体 PDU 表示层 第N+1层
对等协议 N层
协议实体 SAP
第N层 H SDU 传输层 PDU
SDU 第N-1层 数据链路层
物理介质 ISO/OSI 模型
TCP/IP 网络的体系结构
TCP/IP 技术的发展
设计目标 —— 实现异种网的网际互连 是最早出现的系统化的网络体系结构之一 顺应了技术发展网络互连的应用需求 采用了开放策略 与最流行的 UNIX 操作系统相结合
查看邮件时被录像 机器D附近的无线电接收装置接收到显示器发射的信号并且重 现出来 屏幕记录程序保存了屏幕信息 浏览邮件时的临时文件被其他用户打开 浏览器cache了网页信息 临时文件仅仅被简单删除,但是硬盘上还有信息 由于DNS攻击,连接到错误的站点,泄漏了用户名和密码 由于网络感染了病毒,主干网瘫痪,无法访问服务器 服务器被DOS攻击,无法提供服务


[特征] 000BC63A_00000002
[特征] 000BD89E_00000002
if StrTmpList[1]='075' then
begin {重新加载}
Timer1.Enabled :=False;




首先你要弄明白破解组织和破解软件论坛的区别,我说一下霏凡FF并不是一个破解组织,林逸凡他当初是BCG组织的成员,但是林逸凡从来没有说霏凡是一个破解组织。破解组织指的是:有专业的破解团队、专门研究破解技术和技巧,这个组织或者团队定期招人并且培养新人。破解界还有一个另类那就是一蓑烟雨 [CUG],[CUG]是一个脱壳组织,而不是破解组织,当然这个组织的水平是很强的,目前中国破解界的大牛都出没于这个论坛。算了,不再说了,再说一会儿估计大家会头晕的。你记住脱壳≠破解,破解离不开脱壳就ok了。
[BCG],一个已经消亡的破解组织,但是当时却是中国破解组织中水平最高的,一句话,你不精通两门以上的编程语言,甭想通过BCG的入门级考试。现在 BCG的成员要么已经出国海外,要么隐退修行其他,要么身居某软件公司的高管甚至就是创办人。[BCG]是一个对中国破解组界影响力巨大的组织,如果有人编写一本破解组织编年史的话,[BCG]绝对是不可忽视的,当时[BCG]的影响力甚至扩展到了海外。不过需要指出一点的是后期BCG的人员素质参差不齐,发展方向也没有明朗,加上域名的原因最终走向了衰亡。BCG组织当中现在大家能知道的就是龙族的创始人龙还有霏凡的创建人林逸凡Crsky。

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教程目录:小七免杀论坛vip 2013源码免杀培训课程第一课:你懂什么是免杀么?第二课:你会编程环境和免杀环境的搭建么?第三课:原始免杀真的老去了么?myccl抗干扰测试第四课:我们要学习c语言干嘛用(1)?第五课:我们要学习c语言干嘛用(2)?第六课:带你走进源码免杀的世界第七课:来感受源码免杀的威力,减少特征360QVM07是浮云第八课:字符串的多种免杀处理方法第九课:输入表函数的免杀方法大总结第十课:更聪明的学会找特征码在源码的位置第十一课:教你用IDA找位置还原基本源码第十二课:源码免杀实战篇----瑞星还能再低调么?第十三课:源码免杀实战篇----江民这是肿么了.第十四课:源码免杀实战篇----诺顿(百度说你是世界三大杀毒哇)第十五课:源码免杀实战篇----A VG(获得世界百分百查杀大奖)瓦啥米第十六课:源码免杀实战篇----卡巴斯基(用起来真卡巴)第十七课:源码免杀实战篇-----小红伞(我滴伞啊。

你还好吧)第十八课:源码免杀实战篇-----Nod32(你看上我的输入表啦?要不嫁给你)第十九课:源码免杀实战篇-----金山毒霸(网购你敢陪?你钱肯定多了没地方放了)第二十课:源码免杀实战篇-----360杀毒BD引擎(你引擎多!!)第二十一课:源码免杀实战篇-----360杀毒QVM引擎(你引擎多!!)第二二课:源码免杀实战篇-----360杀毒云引擎(你引擎多!!)第二三课:源码免杀实战篇-----360杀毒金山ip上线拦截(盯上数据包啦)第二四课:源码免杀实战篇-----360杀毒金山免费域名3322等拦截第二五课:源码免杀实战篇-----360杀毒金山域名拦截(方法一:网盘上线方式)第二六课:源码免杀实战篇-----360杀毒金山域名拦截(方法二:QQ上线方式)第二七课:源码免杀实战篇-----360安全卫士主动提示拦截qq2012 dll 漏洞第二八课:源码免杀实战篇-----360网盾和360云上传原来都是浮云!第二九课:源码免杀实战篇------网盾的提示(加密之后续)第三十课:源码免杀实战篇----过360 8.6的提示代码解析重启k卫士====================================================================== /file/9741756第1课_你懂什么是免杀么?/file/9741767第2课_你会编程环境和免杀环境的搭建么?/file/9741770第3课_原始免杀真的老去了么?myccl抗干扰测试/file/9741771第4课_我们要学习c语言干嘛用(1)?/file/9741772第5课_我们要学习c语言干嘛用(2)?/file/9741773第6课_带你走进源码免杀的世界/file/9741775第7课_来感受源码免杀的威力,减少特征360QVM07是浮云/file/9741776第8课_字符串的多种免杀处理方法/file/9741777第9课_输入表函数的免杀方法大总结/file/9741746第10课_更聪明的学会找特征码在源码的位置/file/9741745第11课_教你用IDA找位置还原基本源码/file/9741747第12课_源码免杀实战篇----瑞星还能再低调么?/file/9741748第13课(1)_源码免杀实战篇----江民这是肿么了./file/9741749第13课(2)_源码免杀实战篇----江民这是肿么了./file/9741750第14课_源码免杀实战篇----诺顿(百度说你是世界三大杀毒哇)/file/9741751第15课_源码免杀实战篇----A VG(获得世界百分百查杀大奖)瓦啥米/file/9741752第16课_源码免杀实战篇----卡巴斯基(用起来真卡巴)/file/9741753第17课_源码免杀实战篇-----小红伞(我滴伞啊。



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Rev Manag Sci(2010)4:53–90DOI10.1007/s11846-009-0037-2O R I G I N A L P A P E RWhy addingfirm value with a put feature in debt contracts is better than renegotiationChristian KoziolReceived:21January2009/Accepted:18November2009/Published online:6January2010ÓSpringer-Verlag2010Abstract In this paper,we analyze the ability of putable debt to addfirm value.To stress the impact of a put feature,we compare the resulting optimalfirm values and capital structures to those of afirm with straight debt that can be renegotiated.For this purpose,we consider a time-independentfirm value model with tax-deduct-ibility of coupon payments,bankruptcy costs in the case of a default,and dynamic restructuring.Wefind that a put right can always be designed so that a put is enforced for low asset values but the bond remains alive for high asset values.The optimalfirm value arising from this type of equilibrium strategy is remarkable for several reasons:The optimalfirm value under putable debt is always higher than under straight debt even under renegotiation with arbitrary negotiation power of debt and equity holders.Moreover,the optimalfirm value under putable debt always benefits from higher bankruptcy costs,while the optimalfirm value under straight debt suffers.Accordingly,a higher volatility of asset value returns can be favorable for a highfirm value under putable debt,while it always destroys value of afirm with straight debt.Keywords Tradeoff theoryÁPutable debtÁRenegotiationÁConsol bondÁContinuous-time modelJEL Classification C70ÁG13ÁG32This paper has strongly benefitted from very useful suggestions made by the editor Wolfgang Ku¨rsten as well as two anonymous referees.Moreover,I am thankful to the participants of DGF conference2006in Oestrich-Winkel,the Campus for Finance conference2007in Vallendar,and the Theory Workshop at the University of Mannheim.C.Koziol(&)University of Hohenheim,70593Stuttgart,Germanye-mail:c.koziol@uni-hohenheim.de54 C.Koziol 1IntroductionDebt is a crucial factor forfirms to addfirm value.The seminal papers by Fischer et al.(1989a)and Leland(1994)show howfirms have to choose their capital structure to accomplish their maximumfirm value.Thefirm value increase in their models comes from a tax advantage of coupons.The effect of coupon payments is that the taxable income on the corporate level declines,but the bondholders,who receive the coupons,suffer from an additional taxation.Since the tax reductions on the corporate level are usually higher than the additional taxes on the private level, there is an overall net tax reduction so that debt adds value.Even in the presence of bankruptcy costs,it is always optimal to lever afirm with debt and not to keep it unlevered as Leland(1994)shows.In the standard model by Leland(1994)with straight debt,the optimal capital structure results from a tradeoff between a potentially higher present value of tax benefits and a higher present value of bankruptcy costs associated with higher leverage.In general,a higher leverage in form of a higher coupon creates higher tax benefits as long as the coupon is paid and thefirm does not default.However,a higher coupon also results in an earlier default so that the tax benefits get lost earlier and the present value of bankruptcy costs increases.As a result,in order to have a highfirm value the design of debt contracts should be so that for a given coupon,a default is relatively unlikely or in other words the critical asset value(default barrier),at which a default occurs,is relatively low.The case of straight debt presented by Leland(1994)has the character of a benchmark model,because several authors introduce more sophisticated debt contracts to analyze its impact on thefirm value.A commonly regarded additional feature of debt is an issuer call right[see e.g.Fischer et al.(1989b),Leland(1998), Goldstein et al.(2001),Dangl and Zechner(2004),and Ross(2005)].A call right has two advantages.First,the default barrier for a contract with a given coupon is lower than without a call right.As mentioned above,the lower default barrier is a valuable factor to addfirm value as bankruptcy costs are reduced and tax benefits arise for a longer time.1Second,after a call thefirm can issue a further optimally designed bond(restructuring)which creates further value.Due to the dynamic restructuring,debt with a higher coupon is issued after every call date which results in further tax benefits and therefore increases thefirm value.A model framework in that a default and the associated bankruptcy costs can be avoided with certainty is presented by Fan and Sundaresan(2000)and in an extended version also by Christensen et al.(2002).The reason for why no bankruptcy costs arise is because thefirm can renegotiate the terms of the debt contract.2Once thefirm stops the coupon payments to enter into renegotiation,the debt holders will agree to swap their debt contract into an equity contract as Fan and Sundaresan(2000)show.The terms of the new claims result from Nash bargaining 1Koziol(2006)shows that for convertible debt,the default barrier rises through the conversion feature. Hence,convertible debt is usually less well-suited to addfirm value than callable debt.2Anderson and Sundaresan(1996)present the possibility of strategic debt service where only the current coupon payment is subject to renegotiation.See also Mella-Barral and Perraudin(1997)and Mella-Barral (1999)as further related examples for strategic debt service.Addingfirm value with a put feature in debt contracts55 between the debt and initial equity holders and primarily depend on the bargaining power of each counterparty.Since the outcome of the Nash bargaining game ensures that debt holders become equity holders,thefirm will be unlevered after renegotiation.Therefore,bankruptcy costs are successfully avoided so that thefirm value can be higher due to renegotiation.3A feature that has not been analyzed so far in terms of its ability to addfirm value is the put feature of debt.A put feature allows the bondholders to sell the bond at a pre-specified put price during its lifetime.Although putable bonds are not as widely-used as callable bonds,there is still a proportion of about5%among the outstanding corporate bonds in the US market that contains a put right.4Moreover,a put right usually arises in every bond and debt contract whenever thefirm violates a covenant.There are two ways to look at a put feature and its ability to addfirm value.From the discussion of the call feature in a debt contract,we know that a default becomes less likely as a call feature increases the equity value.Due to the higher equity value,thefirm has a higher incentive to avoid a default.Since the put right—in contrast to a call right—is an advantage for the debt holders,it is supposed to reduce the equity value which might speak for an earlier default.As long as a default of putable debt is possible,the default is supposed to take place earlier than without the put feature so that the put right reducesfirm value.However,we cannot be sure whether a default of putable debt will in fact take place.In particular,an equilibrium put strategy under which a put takes place before thefirm defaults seems to be highly attractive.Hence,the question is whether a design of putable bonds exists that ensures a put strategy without a default.Given that a suchlike bond design always exists,a further question is whether a put feature(without renegotiation)or a straight debt contract with renegotiation add morefirm value, because this put strategy exhibits parallels to that under renegotiation.In this paper,we analyze how a putable consol bond adds value to afirm and compare its outcome to the case with renegotiation.For this purpose,we consider a model framework with tax-deductibility of coupon payments and bankruptcy costs. In particular,we extend the Leland model by giving the bondholders the right to sell the bond to thefirm at the put price.In addition,we allow for a dynamic restructuring whenever the bondholders put their bond.To better see the effects caused by the put right,we abstract from other bond characteristics such as a call right and voluntary debt reductions.Suchlike features can be incorporated within our model in a straightforward way and might result in even higherfirm values.One aspect highly complicates the analysis,i.e.debt holders do not necessarily obtain the put price when putting the bond.However,depending on the asset value a put can force thefirm into default.Likewise,a default of thefirm does not necessarily take place once thefirm triggers a default.It is also possible that a stop 3Francois and Morellec(2004)extend the renegotiation idea of Fan and Sundaresan(2000)by introducing afinite time period in which renegotiation takes place.A further extension is from Euraslan (2008)and Annab and Francois(2007)who consider the more complex form of renegotiation with both senior and junior debt holders.4According to Bloomberg,81,212corporate bonds were outstanding in the US market by the end of October2005.Among those bonds,41,006bonds are callable and still3,607bonds are equipped with a put right.56 C.Koziol of the coupon payments enforces a put by the debt holders.Despite these ambiguous consequences of a default announcement by thefirm and a put by the debt holders,a bond design is always possible that results in a highly attractivefirm value.Under this bond design,the debt holders will wait with a put until thefirm announces a default.When shareholders optimally announce a default and debt holders put the bond,equity holders obtain the value of an alivefirm minus the put price.Since at the optimal default announcement date,this difference is positive,equity holders benefit from a put by the debt holders compared to a default where they get nothing. Since a put will occur at a relatively low barrier,the optimalfirm value with putable debt is remarkably high.In particular,putable debt results in higherfirm values than under straight debt with and without renegotiation.This is true for any arbitrary negotiation power of equity and debt holders.The rationale for the fact that a put feature results in higherfirm values than renegotiation is as follows.If afirm has debt with a given coupon outstanding,the equity holders want to renegotiate even for asset values for which a put cannot take place.Since thefirm value benefits from a lower put/renegotiation barrier,putable debt dominates debt under renegotiation.The optimal put strategy reveals further surprising properties.The optimalfirm value increases with the bankruptcy costs that would occur in the case of a default. Clearly,thisfinding is contrary to that for optimalfirm values with straight debt. The reason for this outcome is that under putable debt,bankruptcy costs are a disciplining device for the debt holders to accept a put once thefirm announces a default.Moreover,while under straight debt the optimalfirm value suffers from a higher volatility of asset value returns because a default becomes more likely,the optimal value of afirm with putable debt might increase.The remainder of the paper is as follows:Sect.2presents the model framework. The optimal default strategy and the optimalfirm value under the standard case of Leland(1994)with straight debt are described in Sect.3.Section4derives thefirm value under putable debt for an equilibrium strategy under that thefirm always remains solvent.The optimalfirm value under renegotiation based on Fan and Sundaresan(2000)is given in Sect.5.A comparison of the optimalfirm values and the corresponding debt structures under straight debt,renegotiation,and putable debt is in Sect.6.Section7provides a comparative static analysis of the optimal firm values under straight debt,renegotiation,and putable debt.Section8concludes. Technical derivations are in Appendix2.2Model frameworkTo analyze in how far a put feature in a debt contract adds value to afirm,we extend the time-independentfirm value model presented by Leland(1994)for straight debt contracts by regarding debt with a put feature and accounting for dynamic restructuring.A major part of the analysis will be to compare the optimalfirm value with putable debt to the values of otherwise identicalfirms with optimally-designed straight debt with and without renegotiation.The standard case with straight debt is by Leland(1994),while Fan and Sundaresan(2000)provide an extension with renegotiation.To have a consistent setup with both of these model frameworks,weAddingfirm value with a put feature in debt contracts57 also regard the asset value of thefirm as state variable.5This allows us to compare the outcome for putable debt with the well-known results from Leland for straight debt and Fan/Sundaresan under renegotiation by using the same notation in an arbitrage-free framework.We consider an entrepreneur who is endowed with initial assets having a value equal to V0at time t=0.At this point in time,the entrepreneur has the possibility to issue a debt contract to new investors.The advantage of issuing a debt contract is that coupon payments are tax deductible on the corporate level.A tax advantage from coupon payments always arises if the tax rate of thefirm exceeds the tax rate an investor has to pay for receiving the coupon payments.To keep the notation simple,we denote s with 0\s\1as the corporate tax rate and consider tax exempt bondholders.This means that if thefirm pays a coupon equal to C to the debt holders,thefirm reduces its taxable base by this amount.Under the assumption that the same tax rate applies to positive and negative taxable income,the net payment resulting from the debt obligation is only CÁ(1-s)rather than C.Coupon obligations,however,can also have a drawback which is in effect if the firm is not able or does not want to fulfil the promised coupon obligations and defaults.In this case,bankruptcy costs a(0\a\1)proportional to the asset value V t at this time arise.To satisfy the coupon payments,thefirm requires an externalfinancing as we assume that parts of the assets of thefirm cannot be sold.Thisfinancing is covered by equity holders.Moreover,we consider dividend payments of thefirm.In each dividend date,the firm pays a dividend proportional to the asset value V t with a rate bÁV t.This dividend payment goes on a pro rata basis to the equity holders.Since the analysis takes place in a time-continuous setting,we have coupon and dividend dates in each instant of time.To be precise,from now on C denotes the coupon rate.Therefore,the size of the payout ratio b,the asset value V t,and the coupon C decide whether the instantaneous net payoff(bÁV t-CÁ(1-s))dt to the equity holders is positive or negative.A putable consol bond pays a promised coupon rate C until the debt holders put or thefirm defaults.With a put the bondholders receive the put price PP if thefirm is still solvent.Otherwise,if thefirm is not willing to pay the put price,thefirm defaults.The payment of the put price isfinanced by capital injections through the5Goldstein et al.(2001)provide an extensive discussion about advantages and disadvantages of the asset value models compared to models using thefirm’s free cashflows before interest and tax payments as state variable.However,there is still a major advantage of the asset value models.The advantage is that e.g.a low dividend can be associated with a highfirm value and vice versa.In the case of the models with instantaneous cashflow as the state variable,the dividend is endogenous.Therefore,a high instantaneous free cashflow,which is related to a highfirm value,results in a high dividend payment.This is the reason why very successfulfirms that mostly reinvest their free cashflows rather than to pay a dividend can hardly be captured by the cashflow models.To understand the equilibrium put strategies,it will be important to allow for aflexible choice of the payout rate which is accomplished by the asset value models.Moreover,both models do not allow for arbitrage opportunities as we will see further below. Ross(2005)illustrates the close relation of the cashflow models to the asset value models by showing how to derive the free cashflow process from the asset value process.equity holders in the same way as the coupon payments.After a put the debt is no longer alive.Since a put without a default results in an unleveredfirm,there is a potential for afirm value increase by issuing a further bond.To capture the potential firm value increase,we account for a restructuring after a put.A restructuring requires costs k proportional to the asset value V t at the restructuring date.At this point we assume that primarily the size of thefirm determines the restructuring costs.In particular,other assumptions e.g.that restructuring costs arefixed or proportional to the coupon are also possible and the results remain valid.The asset value V t is assumed to follow a geometric Brownian motion,where the current asset value V as well as the instantaneous expected return l and the standard deviation r of the asset value return are commonly known:dV¼lÁVdtþrÁVdW;where dW denotes the increment of a standard Wiener process.Thefinancial claims such as(putable)debt and equity are traded on frictionless and arbitrage-free capital markets where market participants are risk neutral.6 Hence,the values of equity S and debt D,given that they are still alive,must satisfy the following set of differential equations:1 2r2Áo2So VþrÀbðÞÁVÁo So VÀrÁSþbÁVÀCÁð1ÀsÞ¼0;12r2Áo2Do VþrÀbðÞÁVÁo Do VÀrÁDþC¼0;ð1Þwhere r[0is the time-constant interest rate for all maturities.These differential equations will allow us to determine the values of equity and the corresponding debt contracts in the following sections.In this setup,there are three levels of optimal decision making:First,the entrepreneur optimally determines the debt contract so that thefirm value is maximized.Thefirm value rather than the equity value is maximized since the entrepreneur wants to maximize his or her wealth.The wealth consists of the value of issued debt and equity.Hence,thefirm value,which is the sum of the equity and the debt value,is the objective function of the entrepreneur(and equivalently the objective function of thefirm).At this point,we stress that thefirm value can be different from the asset value V t.Second,after a bond contract has been sold,thefirm follows a strategy in favor of the equity holders,i.e.thefirm desires to maximize the equity value rather than the totalfirm value.This strategy implies that the equity holders(or equivalently the firm)decide whether or not to inject money into thefirm(or to raise outside capital) for coupon payments and if necessary for the payment of the put price.Since this decision is made by thefirm in favor of the equity holders,we will also use the term 6The assumption that investors are risk-neutral implies l=r and is no restriction from the more general case with investors requiring an arbitrary risk premium l=r.Given a non-zero risk premium,we can still consider the process of the asset value with a drift equal to r rather than l.In this case,the process refers to the(for pricing purposes relevant)risk-neutral measure rather than the true probability measure.58 C.Koziolthat the equity holders (or equivalently the firm)default to indicate that this decision is made in their interest.Third,the debt holders,which hold a put right,must continuously determine the optimal put strategy that maximizes the debt value.At this point,we can intensively debate whether a Leland-type model captures the major economic implications or whether it is a too strong restriction from real world.At first glance,the observation,that equity holders continuously have to inject capital to keep the firm alive,once the generated cash is not sufficient to cover the coupon obligations,seems to be a strong difference from real world financing situations.In particular,there are two concerns:the first one refers to the continuity of the cash injections and the second one deals with the financing policy of the firm.From an economic perspective,it is,however,not a substantial difference whether cash is injected continuously or at few discrete days—given there are no issuing costs.Therefore,we can alternatively understand the Leland world as an environment in which firms raise (continuously or at discrete dates)external capital to prevent a default.Since external capital can only be raised,whenever this is a worthwhile (equity)investment for new investors,the default concept builds upon a plausible economic setting which is driven by the ability to find new investors.3Straight debtIn this section,we repeat the standard case of a firm with straight debt which was also presented by Leland (1994).The purpose of this analysis is to provide a benchmark for optimal values of firms with putable debt which will be derived later.3.1Analysis of an arbitrary straight debt contractTo analyze the case of an arbitrary straight debt contract,we assume that the firm has a consol bond with a coupon C outstanding.The firm can decide how long to pay the coupon.If the asset value V hits the critical default barrier V B ,the firm stops paying the coupon or alternatively the equity holders are no longer willing to inject money into the firm.At the default barrier V B ,the following values for equity and debt arise:lim V !V BS ðV ;V B Þ¼0;lim V !V B D ðV ;V B Þ¼1Àa ðÞÁV B :These relations formally indicate that in the case of a default the equity holders are left with nothing and the debt holders obtain the asset value (1-a )ÁV after pro-portional bankruptcy costs a .In the case that the asset value becomes sufficiently high,the danger of a default diminishes.Therefore,the debt value equals the value C r of a default-free consol bond and the equity value is equal to the tax advantage C r s arising from this bond:Adding firm value with a put feature in debt contracts 59lim V !1S ðV ;V B Þ¼V ÀC rÁð1Às Þ;lim V !1D ðV ;V B Þ¼C r :ð2ÞWith these conditions,the values of equity and straight debt for a given default strategy V B with V [V B can be obtained from (1)asS ðV ;V B Þ¼V ÀC r ð1Às ÞþV V B Y ÁÀV B þC r ð1Às Þ ;D V ;V B ðÞ¼C r þV V B Y Áð1Àa ÞÁV B ÀC r;ð3ÞwhereY ¼1Àffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi4Ár Àb ðÞ2þ4Ár þb ðÞÁr 2þr 4p r 22Àr Àb r 2:It will be helpful to see that Y is always negative.The optimal default barrier V B *follows from the firm’s objective to maximize the equity value or in other words the coupon is paid as long as the required capital injections are worthwhile for the equity holders:V ÃB ¼arg max V BS ðV ;V B ÞUnder the optimal choice of the default barrier,the smooth-pasting condition must be valid:o S V ;V ÃB ÀÁo V V ¼V ÃB¼0Solving for V B *yieldsV ÃB ¼C r ð1Às ÞÀY 1ÀY :ð4ÞSince Y is always negative,the default barrier V B *is a finite positive number.Hence,we always have a region with asset values V B V B *for which the firm defaults,and a region with the remaining asset values V [V B *for which the firm is alive and fulfills its coupon obligation.3.2Optimal firm value under straight debtIn the case of straight debt,the optimal characteristics of debt only concern the size of the coupon.A higher coupon creates higher tax benefits if the firm remains alive.However,with an increase of the coupon,the likelihood of a default,which is associated with a loss of future tax benefits,rises.A further disadvantage of a higher coupon is that a default takes place at a higher asset value V B *which results in higher bankruptcy costs a ÁV B *in the case of default and a default is more likely.60 C.KoziolThis tradeoff between tax and bankruptcy effects is revealed by the representation of the firm value v ðC Þ¼S V ;V ÃB ÀÁþD V ;V ÃB ÀÁ¼V þ1ÀV ÃB Y !ÁC s ÀV ÃBY Áa ÁV ÃB ;where the default barrier is chosen according to Eq.(4).The optimal coupon size C *formally results from the first order conditiono v ðC Þo C ¼s ÀV V ÃB Y Ás ÀY Áa þð1Àa ÞÁs ðÞðÞr¼0and simplifies toC üV Ár 1Às 1ÀY ÀY s ÀY Áa Áð1Às Þþs ðÞs1=Y :Since the second derivativeo 2v ðC Þo C 2¼Y C Ár V V ÃBY Ás ÀY Áa þð1Àa ÞÁs ðÞðÞis always negative due to Y \0,the local optimum C *is the global maximum.As C *is always positive,a positive amount of debt can always be issued so that the firm value v (C )is higher than that of an unlevered firm whenever the tax rate s is positive.In order to distinguish between the optimal coupon of a firm with straight debt from firms with other types of bonds,we will also use the notation C plain to refer to the optimal coupon under straight debt where necessary.Accordingly,V B plain stands for the optimal default barrier of a firm with straight debt and v plain (C plain )for the optimal firm value.4Putable debt4.1Pricing of an arbitrary putable debt contract for a given strategyIn this subsection,we consider a firm that has a putable consol bond outstanding with coupon C and put price PP .The firm can follow the default strategy V B and the debt holders decide at which critical asset value V P to put their debt.Strictly speaking,the default strategy V B indicates at which barrier the firm announces a default given that debt holders have not put before.Accordingly V P is the barrier at which the debt holders put the debt given that the firm has not announced a default before.At this point it is important to note that after an announcement of a default by the firm,the debt holders can still respond with a put.Accordingly,the firm can decide whether to default or not after a put.Adding firm value with a put feature in debt contracts 6162 C.KoziolWhen analyzing putable debt,we will disregard the possibility of renegotiation throughout the whole paper.An additional possibility of renegotiation might imply that the equity holders want to renegotiate the debt characteristics before a put might have taken place.In those cases,the outcome is analogous to the case with renegotiation presented in Sect.5.By doing so,we follow a similar approach as the seminal papers by Fischer et al.(1989)and Goldstein et al.(2001)where in order to focus on the call feature in the debt contract renegotiations are ruled out.Moreover, Aghion et al.(1994)explain that mechanisms exist to effectively prevent a renegotiation.In particular,there are various cases such as for widely held bonds in which it is practically impossible to carry out any renegotiations.Figure1shows the decision process after a default announcement.If the asset value hits a default barrier V B and the debt holders do not put,a default occurs and the equity and debt values are as for a straight debt contract.However,if thefirm announces a default,V=V B,the debt holders still have the right to put the debt.A put is optimal for the debt holders if the default value(1-a)ÁV B is below the put price PP.After an announcement of a default and the succeeding put,equity holders can decide whether they still want to default or whether they want to keep thefirm alive by paying the put price PP to the debt holders.For the equity holders it is optimal to prevent a default and to pay the put price if and only if thefirm value (after the gains from a potential restructuring)minus the put price is non-negative. This is because if the equity holders save thefirm by paying the put price PP,they obtain an unleveredfirm with asset value V.This unleveredfirm value can potentially be further increased by a restructuring.We account for the restructuring option by a factor m opt C1that increases the asset value V to thefirm value m optÁV. We will show later how to determine the endogenous asset value multiplier m opt. We note that bankruptcy costs only occur,if the ownership of thefirm changes.A default announcement to enforce a put is equivalent to stopping the coupon payments which must take place before afirm enters into renegotiation in the model by Fan/Sundaresan.Since both a default announcement that results in a payment of the put price as well as a successful renegotiation of the debt contract do not result in a default and therefore do not change the ownership structure of the equity of the firm,there are no bankruptcy costs involved.7We will present the case of renegotiation in Sect.5.As a consequence of the strategic options of thefirm and the debt holders we see that thefirm can force the debt holders to an immediate put by a default announcement whenever the current default value(1-a)ÁV is below the put price PP.This gives the following conditions for the equity value S(V,V B,V P)and debt value D(V,V B,V P)depending on the default barrier V B followed by thefirm and the put barrier V P chosen by the debt holders.If V hits a default barrier V B,it holds 7At this point one can introduce costs associated with a default announcement in a straightforward way. Section7shows that putable debt is still an attractive debt contract even if there are extremely high (restructuring)costs involved.Moreover,the key relationship that putable debt results in a higherfirm value than under renegotiation will be still valid.。



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A到A+行销高手培训资料(doc 7)

A到A+行销高手培训资料(doc 7)

A到A+行销高手培训资料(doc 7)密*****A到A+的行銷高手培訓****【內容綱要】壹、緒論 2貳、交易環境分析 3參、消費行為分析 5肆、產品設計特性8伍、A→A+的行銷策略9陸、案例研討12柒、結語13壹、緒論(一)資訊多元化,消費選擇多樣性,競爭對手不斷推陳出新,未來產品及服務行銷更具挑戰性。








(九)A→A+行銷強調「好還要更好」、「永遠加10%成長目標」貳、交易環境分析(一)交易資訊公開化、透明化、多元化密※公開的促銷優惠,以強化顧客印象︰愈大愈好、愈容易記愈好※不一樣的交易選擇方式,滿足不同人的需求︰多元社會、多元消費型態Ex︰銀行業之競爭、MMA、利率(二)競爭對手眾多、激烈、互相模仿、相互挑戰※好的交易機會很容易產生模仿︰連鎖經營、促銷大戰※競爭對手多方滲透、攻佔心防︰保險公司※沒有企業經營智慧作後盾、利潤永遠是幻影︰短暫的利潤、長久的成本Ex︰汽車的銷售變化Ex︰百貨業的經營Ex︰大哥大通訊業的挑戰(三)因應顧客需求、交易環境愈來愈舒適、投資成本愈來愈高※人比人、氣死人︰資訊傳遞迅速,好還要更好※投資與利潤不一定成正比,與競爭卻是成正比Ex︰餐飲業的經營Ex︰百貨業的經營Ex︰大賣場的經營(四)科技運用愈趨普遍,必須掌握流行趨勢及經營技巧※電腦運用︰顧客管理※交易便利性︰刷卡服務※先進的科技外觀設計︰LEDEx︰電腦之運用在於經營管理之操作Ex︰POS系統─流通業Ex︰身分辨識系統︰VIP卡(五)交易管道多元化服務※不同服務設計︰網路、家中、郵購、來店、專人解說※付費方式多元設計︰刷卡、分期、現金折扣、先借後還再循環使用Ex︰銀行業Ex︰網際網路參、消費行為分析(一)消費行為變化1、忠誠→喜新厭舊2、單一價值→多元價值3、單一購買→一次購足4、重視實用→強調功能、重視服務﹙產品導向→服務導向﹚5、不重品牌→看重代言人、品牌密6、定點消費→多元管道7、價格重視→功能導向(二)顧客分析功能1、衡量可以服務顧客範圍※適當的業務服務組合界定2、了解顧客的組成與變化※了解顧客市場分佈、需求3、了解顧客所期望品質與服務水準※學校餐廳定位與服務※上班族購衣需求4、檢驗顧客的態度及公司形象※了解顧客喜好的變化5、追尋顧客的購買行為※調撥及預測未來各市場需求的依據6、界定顧客服務問題並尋求解決※顧客是最好的服務稽查人員7、找出不滿意顧客的需求並引導系統更新設計※調整服務型態8、作為顧客環境服務環境的預警系統※適度採取預防措施(三)顧客消費行為屬性建立1、如何主導資訊、掌握資訊、傳遞資訊2、女性市場開發︰上班族、少女族、主婦族3、社區服務之拓展︰連鎖店4、如何深入社區、了解區域意識5、顧客願不願意購買決定意願,較不受經濟情況影響6、在外地工作或流動性工作者︰在外購物及消費的頻率愈高7、傳媒影響消費習性,尤其高度經濟發展地區8、顧客愈認同某一社團或宗教,購買行為會受影響9、社會階層比收入更影響顧客的消費行為10、顧客所受感動力愈強,則愈能在服務人員的大力推銷下決定購買11、對無關緊要的花費與服務,小孩具有很大的影響力,如︰午餐12、顧客購買意願愈大,愈重視業者的規模、聲譽、信賴度與穩定度13、顧客購買服務或產品時,若沒有主觀或沒有客觀的判斷標準,則愈傾向認同團體、協會或公信單位的建議14、顧客對自己所處環境愈有不確定的感覺,則愈可能向服務人員尋求建議(四)顧客行為傾向分析密1、認同主義:規格化、標準化、大眾化、無差異化★社區意識★偶像意識★社團意識★流行意識★宗教意識2、自我主義★個性化★品牌認同★差異化★偏好、喜好3、服務意識★服務認同★便利導向★促銷認同4、功能主義★產品需求★設計樣式★滿足他人需求5、價格主義★堅持便宜、不吃虧★貨比三家6、品質主義★價值★品質7、隨機主義★無意識★臨時想法肆、產品設計特性(一)市場分析:1、誰是我們的顧客2、顧客的市場在那裡3、市場的未來發展及潛力如何密4、可獲得多大的潛力市場5、有多少的競爭者6、顧客要從那裡來7、我們要設計什麼的產品(二)產品分析:1、誰是我們主要的顧客、次要顧客2、顧客多久會買一次3、顧客要買的是什麼4、產品的特色在那裡5、顧客群如何改變(三)產品設計方向:1、功能導向:產品趨勢、科技注入、競爭要求2、成本導向:使用材料、製程、價格競爭性3、便利化導向:人性、使用者需求4、促銷導向:便於促銷伍、A→A+的行銷策略(一)行銷目標之異定1、永遠有成長的目標:每年至少加10%2、激發潛力不斷成長的目標3、不可能任務的完成(二)行銷人員的心態1、把客人當家人2、一流服務做到「超一流」服務3、不斷充電學習4、交易不成轉化成朋友,當作一次結緣(三)行銷策略的訂定1、從交易行銷到關係行銷2、建立「顧客關係管理」的意識及行動3、「好處優惠」告知第一手消息,不要漏失4、從顧客到朋友到好朋友:建立信賴感5、善用廣告行銷的魅力:有「智慧、創意語言」強化印象6、塑造流行趨勢,形成不買可惜的心情7、要「選對顧客」作「正確的說明」8、具備專業知能9、今日的企業標竿,明日變成企業共同標竿密10、尋找合適代言人:「找對人」、「做對事」:符合產品特性(四)服務導向機制及案例說明1、以客人為思維、設計、便利、人性化、貼心之服務系統_ 賣當勞購餐車道_ 網路購物,郵寄或7-11取件_ 煙花牌油煙機,免費送濾網_ 今天送件,後天取件—聯強2、減少客人等候時間,善用資源,減少浪費_ 號碼牌之設計—戶政、電信、銀行_ 火車站網路訂票_ 7-11寄送全省知名食品服務3、區隔不同使用身份,提昇其相對尊重度_ VIP卡之發行—打折或贈送記念品_ 信用卡升級—飛機升等、使用機場休息室_ 使用特定空間—會員制之服務4、強調優惠及專人服務_ 經濟商之VIP室_ 餐廳贈送私房小菜_ 專門餐具及空間以及特定人服務_ 百貨公司之私下協議5、相對提昇服務水準,帶動顧客品味及層級_ 夢萊茵之專室選購商品,不受其他人影響及干擾6、建立服務人員從心做起之態度,微笑自然_ 大廳服務員—玉山銀行_ 無障礙之家—發自真誠之服務,視病猶親_ 慈濟義工—發心從善,救民疾苦陸、個案研討(一)大哥大通訊業之行銷方向★廣告★價格★促銷★通路★參與密(二)百貨業之行銷方向★不同百貨業之生存之道★促銷方案選擇★如何發展具有競爭性之行銷策略(三)餐飲業之行銷策略★不同產品設計★不同服務客層★不同行銷做法(四)網路遊戲行銷★代言人★產品訴求★價格策略★網咖認同度★消費者心理(五)SARS期間行銷★安泰人壽:拱手不握手,都是好朋友,形象行銷★大飯店賣便當★網路交易★視訊會議(六)文字行銷:Konica「他抓的住我」司迪麥:意識形態廣告柒、結語(一)行銷是一種掌握人性的過程,更是激發創意的最佳催化劑。

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