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第一套:Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
第二套:Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between parents and children. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
第三套:Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between teachers and students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
审题过程中,根据write a short essay on这句提示语很容易找到写作内容为how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients/parents and children/teachers and students。其中“handle”译为“处理”,这一动词虽然在近几年的四级写作中没有出现过,但是是阅读的高频词,大家应该不陌生。“relationship”译为“关系”。接下来三组名词没有难度—“doctors and patients”(医生和患者)、“parents and children”(父母和孩子)和“teachers and students”(老师和学生)。审题过程中,哪怕不明白“handle”和“relationship”两个词的意思,根据四级写作课上传授的技巧,也能依靠“how to”(如何...)和“doctors and patients/parents and children/teachers and students”三组名词,推出题目要求我们写:让医生和患者、父母和孩子、老师和学生“更好”的“措施”。所以在理解题意时,如果没看错题,基本不存在跑题的可能性。
审题后,需要确定文章行文思路。2017年12月的写作题和2010年12月“how should parents help children to be independent”(父母如何帮助孩子独立)非常类似,都是谈“措施”,甚至连主体“父母和小孩”都一样。在四级写作课堂上,讲完“社会热点”这一类题,就会将2010年12月这道题目引出。根据平时上课四级一对一的同学2010年这篇作文的写作情况看来,同学们对“社会热点”谈“措施”这类题型掌握还是很好的。对于2017年这道题,比较符合题目是以下结构:
第一句:但我们引出主题时,描述三组关系时,采用“社会热点”类型写作经典句式:“在最近人们正在谈论的所有流行话题中,最热门之一是关于...的。”对应句式为Among all
the popular issues that individuals are talking about recently, one of the hottest is...。这句话中的issues(事情、话题)、individuals(人们)两个词汇作为写作高频词替换词(前者代替thing,后者代替people),在四级写作课程中都具体讲解了用法,并布置了背诵。句中“...”很好填,在课程中教授了选取题目关键词基本原则,这道题可以填how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients,也可以填the relationship between doctors and patients,甚至填doctors and patients,这三种都符合题意且语法正确。
第二句:引出题目主题是处理三组关系之后,接下来可以强调一下处理三组关系的重要性。正是因为父母和孩子的关系很重要,才需要提出处理的方法,这一句话为下文具体措施做了一个铺垫。这句话开头可以用上“黄金开头句式”There is no denying the fact that...(不可否认的事实是...),课上反复强调这一个小结构作用不容小觑。第一,放在陈述句首将句子加长。第二,句式变复杂,将句子变成了主语从句。第三,所有写作想用一定都能用上。黄金开头句式后面接上importance of a good relationship between doctors and patients has been approved by an increasing number of individuals,一句被动语态为句式多样加分。这句话写完之后可以不具体展开到底带来哪些好处,因为写作篇幅有限,并且题目要求谈措施,所以“原因理由”这块内容可以少提。直接一句Therefore, some effective and efficient measures should be adopted,两句被动语态连用,加分语法点,引出下一段措施。
第一句:根据字数来看,第二段写三条措施最为合适,这三条可以分别从三个角度来写。我们以第一套题目“医生和患者”为例,要处理好两方的关系,仅靠一方的努力是肯定不够的。所以,第一方面写医生该做什么,一方面说患者该做什么,另一方面可以说地官方、正式一些,从社会大环境下的公民或者政府机构谈可以做什么。写第一条措施之前,一定要加上逻辑连接词,在四级写作第一堂课中就讲到,“结构”是写作考察第二大要素,句与句之间要有连接词,段与段之间要有连接句。所以三条里面的第一条,我们可以用First and foremost,这是讲课时强调替换First的一组词。接下来具体医生应该更加关注病人的健康和更有责任心,doctors should make every effort to attach more importance to patients’ well-being and have a sense of responsibility。第二是患者,同样不能忘了连接词,What is more, 患者应该理解和尊重医生,it is indispensable for patients to understand and respect the doctors, which should be the basis of building a harmonious relationship between them。上句为主语从句,后面加上一个定语从句,含义为:这样做是构建两个和谐关系的基础。定语从句部分为“万用废话”,考前叮嘱过四级写作班的同学,考试的时候一定能用上。第三方面Last but not least,政府设立严格法律法规来惩罚“莆田系”这类作恶的医生。we can appeal to institution concerned to set down strict laws and regulations to punish those doctors who do evil。至此,全篇已经出现四个从句,达到写作最高分14分档。
第二套:First and foremost, parents should make every effort to attach more importance to not only children’s physical health but also their mental health. What is more, it is indispensable for children to understand and respect the parents, which should be the basis of building a harmonious relationship between them. Last but not least, we can appeal to institution concerned to set down some relevant regulations to educate parents and children.
第三套:First and foremost, teachers should make every effort to attach more importance to not only students’ academic record but also their all-round development. What is more, it is indispensable for students to understand and respect the teachers, which should be the basis of building a harmonious relationship between them. Last but not least, we can appeal to institution concerned to set down some relevant regulations to educate teachers and students.