



gpt-sovits训练规律英文回答:GPT-Soviets training is an iterative process that involves several key steps:1. Data collection and preparation:The first step is to collect a large dataset of text data in the target language. This data should be relevant to the task that the model will be trained on. Once the data is collected, it is preprocessed to remove noise and inconsistencies.2. Model initialization:The next step is to initialize the GPT-Soviet model. This involves setting the initial weights and biases of the model. The model is typically initialized with random weights, but it can also be initialized with weights thatare pretrained on a related task.3. Training:Once the model is initialized, it is trained on the target dataset. The training process involves iteratively updating the model's weights and biases to minimize a loss function. The loss function measures the difference between the model's predictions and the true labels.4. Evaluation:After the model has been trained, it is evaluated on a held-out test set. The test set is used to assess the model's performance on unseen data. The model's performance is typically measured using metrics such as accuracy, precision, and recall.5. Deployment:Once the model has been evaluated and found to perform well, it can be deployed for use. The model can be deployedin a variety of ways, such as a web service, a mobile app, or a desktop application.中文回答:GPT-Soviets 训练流程。

grid_sample 原理

grid_sample 原理

grid_sample 原理grid_sample是深度学习中常用的图像处理操作之一,其原理是基于空间变换网络(Spatial Transformer Network,简称STN)的一种操作。




在STN中,空间变换分为两个步骤:定位网络(Localization Network)和网格生成器(Grid Generator)。

















如何训练gpt执行测试用例1.引言1.1 概述概述部分应该简要介绍本文的主题以及讨论的背景。






通过训练GPT模型,我们可以提供一系列测试步骤和输入条件,然后GPT 模型将会生成相应的测试输出。









文章结构如下:1. 引言1.1 概述1.2 文章结构1.3 目的2. 正文2.1 训练GPT模型2.2 执行测试用例3. 结论3.1 总结训练GPT模型的重要性3.2 结论和建议在引言部分后,我们的正文将包括两个主要部分。


其次,我们将探讨如何利用训练好的GPT模型执行测试用例,包括输入数据的准备、测试用例的设计和GPT 模型的输出结果的评估。



基于改进DDPG的多AGV路径规划算法目录1. 内容综述 (2)1.1 研究背景 (2)1.2 研究目的 (4)1.3 文献综述 (4)1.4 问题提出与论文结构 (6)2. 多智能体系统(MAS)理论基础 (7)2.1 多智能体系统概述 (9)2.2 多智能体通信模型 (10)2.3 多智能体协同任务规划 (11)3. 深度确定性策略梯度算法(DDPG) (13)3.1 DDPG算法简介 (14)3.2 DDPG算法结构 (16)3.3 DDPG算法的训练与参数调整 (17)4. 基于改进DDPG的多AGV路径规划算法 (19)4.1 智能体交互模型设计 (20)4.2 多智能体协同路径规划的优化方法 (22)4.3 基于奖励机制的路径规划评估标准设计 (23)4.4 改进DDPG算法流程 (24)4.5 仿真实验设置与结果分析 (25)4.5.1 仿真环境搭建 (27)4.5.2 仿真数据与指标 (28)4.5.3 仿真对比实验 (29)5. 结论与展望 (31)5.1 主要贡献与创新点 (32)5.2 研究展望 (33)1. 内容综述本文档旨在深入探讨基于改进型深度确定性策略梯度(DDPG)算法的多自主导引车(AGV)路径规划技术。








GPTs是Generative Pre-trained Transformers的缩写,中文可以称为“生成式预训练转换器”。





另外,在最新论文中,OpenAI直接把GPTs称作general-purpose technologies (GPTs),即通用技术。





prepare_model_for_training 标题:为训练准备模型引言概述:在机器学习和深度学习领域,为训练准备模型是非常重要的一步。



正文内容:1. 数据预处理1.1 数据清洗:去除异常值、处理缺失值和重复值。

1.2 特征工程:选择和提取与训练任务相关的特征,进行特征缩放、编码和选择。

2. 模型选择与构建2.1 模型选择:根据训练任务的特点和数据集的特征选择合适的模型,如线性回归、决策树、支持向量机等。

2.2 模型构建:根据选择的模型,确定模型的结构和参数,并进行初始化。

3. 损失函数与优化算法3.1 损失函数选择:根据训练任务的目标,选择适合的损失函数,如平方损失、交叉熵损失等。

3.2 优化算法选择:根据模型的结构和数据集的规模选择合适的优化算法,如梯度下降、Adam等。

4. 训练过程4.1 数据集划分:将数据集划分为训练集、验证集和测试集,用于模型的训练、调参和评估。

4.2 批量训练:采用批量训练的方式,每次迭代使用一小部分数据进行参数更新,提高训练效率和模型泛化能力。

4.3 参数调优:通过调整模型的超参数,如学习率、正则化参数等,优化模型的性能。

5. 模型评估与保存5.1 模型评估:使用验证集和测试集对训练好的模型进行评估,计算准确率、精确率、召回率等指标。

5.2 模型保存:将训练好的模型保存,以便后续使用和部署。








一、trainingarguments参数的定义Trainingarguments参数是在深度学习中用于控制模型的训练过程的一组参数,其包括许多不同的参数值,例如batch size、learning rate、momentum等。

二、trainingarguments参数的作用1. Batch sizeBatch size指的是每次迭代训练中用到的样本数,它决定了每个参数更新的方式和速度。

如果batch size设置过小会导致在滑动平均的过程中产生的噪声较大,训练的效果会比较差。

而batch size设置过大则会占用较多的内存,有可能导致无法运行。

因此,需要根据实际情况选择合适的batch size。

2. Learning rateLearning rate是控制模型训练速度的一个超参数。


在训练早期,如果learning rate过大,会导致模型梯度爆炸的问题,模型稳定性较差。

而在训练后期,如果learning rate过小,模型则会很难收敛。

所以需要合适的learning rate才能对模型训练起到很好的作用。

3. MomentumMomentum指的是模型中梯度下降的加速度,它会考虑之前梯度的信息来更新当前的参数。







RUIX4Q = 迪斯尼想唱就唱(多版本)MUG(音乐类)Disney Sing It.EURRD4JA4 = 劲舞革命劲爆舞会2(日)MUG(音乐类)Dance Dance Revolution Furu Furu Party.JAPR9RPNG = 舞蹈派对流行合集 (欧)MUG(音乐类) Dance Party Pop Hits.PALSDNE41 = 舞梦成真(欧)MUG(音乐类)Just Dance.PALR34E69 = 摇滚乐团乡村音乐包(美)MUG(音乐类) Rock Band Country Track A RVPEFS = 明星吉他(美)MUG(音乐类)PopStar Guitar with 2 AirG A SXBE52 = 吉他英雄金属乐队专辑(美)MUG(音乐类)Guitar Hero Metallica USARR4EGY = 熊熊工作室(美)SPG(运动类)Build A Bear WorkshopROKJ18 = 卡拉OK 欢乐之声Wii(日)MUG(音乐类)Karaoke Joysound Wii.JPNRI6ENR = 夏季运动会2 天堂岛ACT(动作类) Summer Sports 2 Island Sports A RFNW01 = Wii健身[平衡板](中)SPG(运动类)Wii Fit.CSZAE69 = 摇滚乐队2[WiFi](美)MUG(音乐类)Rock Band ARP6E41 = 宠物疯狂的猴子(美)SIM(模仿类)Petz Crazy ARMBE01 = 马里奥超级棒球强打(美)SPG(体育类)Mario Super A 08年08月25日RCXE78 = 全明星拉拉队[平衡板](美)SPG(运动类)All Star Cheer ARWLJ01 = 瓦里奥大陆摇动(日)ACT(动作类)Wario Land Shake.JPNR49J01 = 大金刚丛林敲击(日)ACT(动作类)Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.JPNR2JJAF = 太鼓达人Wii(日)Music(音乐)Taiko no Tatsujin Wii.JPNRJFE5G = 吉利安麦克尔健身训练09[平衡板](美)SPG(运动类)Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum AREKE41 = 金牌吉姆卡迪欧塑身[平衡板](美)SPG(运动类)Golds Gym Cardio A RLJPKM = 线条滑雪2(欧)SPG(运动类)Line_Rider_Freestyle_PALR2UJ8P = 一起来敲打(日)Sport(休闲运动类)Lets Tap.JPNR3BJ8P = 快乐桑巴[WiFi](日)Music(音乐)Samba De Amigo.JPNRRDE69 = 摇滚乐队追加乐曲包2(美)MUG(音乐类) Rock Band Track Pack Volume A RULE4Q = 终极乐队[WiFi](美)Music(音乐)Ultimate AR33E69 = 摇滚乐团乡村音乐包(美)MUG(音乐类) Rock Band Country Track AR6WE68 = AMF保龄球世界(美)Sport(休闲运动类)AMF Bowling World AROHJAF = 快乐舞蹈集(日)MUG(音乐类)Happy Dance Collection.JPNRFKE41 = 我的健康教练(美)SPG(运动类)My Fitness ARZPJ01 = 林克的弓箭训练(日)Action(射击类)Links Crossbow Training.JAPRZ9EG9 = 简单2000系列2 家庭聚会 30大游戏(美)Sport(休闲运动类)Family Party - 30 Great ARBEE52 = 蜜蜂总动员(美)ACT(动作类)Bee Movie ARMAJ01 = 用Wii玩马里奥网球GC(日)SPG(体育类)Mario Tenis GC.JPNR2GJAF = 脆弱再见月之废墟(日)AAVG(动作解谜类)Fragile Sayonara Tsuki no Haikyo.JPN RYGJ9B = 阿尔戈斯战士筋肉冲击(日)ACT(动作类)Argus no Senshi Muscle Impact.JPN RYGE9B = 阿尔戈斯战士筋肉冲击(美)ACT(动作类)RYGAR The Battle of A 2008-12-11RWME78 = 百战天虫太空星尘(美)STG(射击类)Worms A Space ARPPE41 = 波斯王子宿敌之剑(美)ACT(动作类)Prince of Persia Rival A RKDEEB = 超执刀第二建言(美)SIM(模仿类)Trauma Center Second ARKAE6K = 卡拉斯Wii极射击精选(美)Ultimate Shooting ARRBP41 = 雷曼疯狂兔子(欧)ETC(合集动作类)Rayman Raing Rabbids.EURRM9EGM = 蘑菇人孢子战争(美)ACT(动作类)Mushroom Men The Spores AR9IJ01 = 用Wii玩皮克敏(日)ETC(其他类)Pikmin.JPNRYIE9B = 涂鸦王子(美)AAVG(动作冒险类)ARODE01 = 瓦里奥制造平滑移动(美)PUZ(益智类)WarioWare Smooth ARTCE41 = 分裂细胞双重间谍(美)ACT(动作类)Splinter Cell Double ARHAW01 = Wii第一次接触(台中)Sport(休闲运动类)Wii PlayROUJAF = 海贼王 EP1 随波逐流的秘宝(日)ACT(动作类)One Piece Unlimited Cruise Episode 1.JAPRBOE69 = 布吉尽情摇摆(美)MUG(音乐类)AR9IP01 = 用Wii玩皮克敏(欧)ETC(其他类)Pikmin.EURRB4E08 = 生化危机4(美)AAVG(动作冒险类)Resident Evil ARDZJ01 = 天灾危机之日(日)AAVG(动作冒险类)Disaster Day of Crisis.JPNRD4EA4 = 劲舞革命劲爆舞会2(美) MUG(音乐类)Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party AR2FE5G = 小鱼弗雷迪丢失的海藻种盒(美)ACT(动作类)Freddi Fish Kelp Seed A RB2J2K = 气球泡泡(日)PUZ(益智类)Rainbow Pop.JPNRCHEAF = 大家的啦啦队(美)Sport(休闲运动类)We ARSAP78 = 海绵宝宝亚特兰蒂斯(欧)ACT(动作类)pongebob Atlantis Squarepantis.PAL RGVP52 = 吉他英雄空中铁匠乐队专辑(欧)MUG(音乐类)Guitar Hero Aerosmith.PAL RDLE5G = 特工福克斯(美)ACT(动作类)Spy Fox in Dry ARN2P70 = 南梦宫博物馆混合版(欧)ETC(其他类合集) Namco Museum Remix.PALRLIE64 = 乐高印第安纳琼斯(美)ACT(动作类)Lego Indiana Jones USARYEEEB = 101合1 聚会游戏大合集 (美)ETC(合集类)101 In 1 Party A 2011年01月11日SSWEPZ = 水上运动(美)SPG(体育类)Water ARTIJ8P = 古怪运动世界(日)SPG(体育类)Wacky World of Sports.JPNR4ZJ01 = 零:月蚀的假面(日)AAVG(动作冒险类)Zero Gesshoku no Kamen.JAPR6LEWR = 乐高摇滚乐团(美)MUG(音乐类)Lego Rock Band Rock Band ARM8J01 = 马里奥派对8(日)ETC(合集类)Mario Party 8.JPNRHPJ8N = 欺诈流浪记(日)TAB(桌面麻雀类)Akko de Pon Ikasama Hourouki.JAPRJMERS = 穿梭者(美)ACT(动作类)ARDXE18 = 德卡运动会十项全能(美)SPG(运动类)DECA ARDKP01 = 大金刚木桶喷射(美)ACT(动作类)Donkey Kong Barrel ARH8E4F = 古墓丽影8 地下世界ACT(动作类) TOMB RAIDER ARUBP7N = 极致桌上游戏合辑(欧)TAB(桌面类)Ultimate Board Game Collection.PALRC4SGT = 蜡笔小新最强家族春日部之王(西)ETC(合集类)Shin Chan The New Aventures For WiiRTDE6K = 新中华大仙米迦勒与美美的冒险(美)Action(射击类)The Monkey King The Legend ASEAE69 = EA运动活力更多锻炼[平衡板](美)SPG(运动类)Sports Active A RH3E4Q = 歌舞青春 3.三年级热舞(美)MUG(音乐类High School Musical 3 Senior Year AREAP69 = 名人体育(欧)SPG(运动类)Celebrity Sports Showdown.EURRBIJ99 = 牧场物语欢乐动物进行曲(日)RPG(角色扮演)Bokujou Monogatari Waku Waku Animal March.JPNRMZE5Z = 神话制造者崔克茜在玩具岛(美)ACT(动作类)Myth Makers Trixie In A ROTE20 = 双重打击雷电行动(美)Action(射击类)Twin Strike Operation A REKJ2N = 有氧拳击 Wii快乐瘦身[平衡板](日)FTG(格斗类)Shape Boxing Wii de Enjoy Diet.JPNRGVJ52 = 吉他英雄空中铁匠乐队专辑[WiFi](日)MUG(音乐类)Guitar Hero Aerosmith.JPN SXAE52 = 吉他英雄.世界巡演[WiFi](美)MUG(音乐类)Guitar Hero World Tour A RO8E7D = 斯派罗传说龙之黎明(美)ACT(动作类)The Legend Of Spyro Dawn Of The Dragon USARKHE52 = 功夫熊猫神龙大侠(美)ACT(动作类)Kung Fu Panda Legendary A RNKE69 = 玩具枪大战(美)Action(射击类)Nerf n ARDAE52 = 与星共舞让我们翩翩起舞(美)MUG(音乐类)Dancing with the Stars We A RBHE08 = 生化危机0(日)AAVG(动作冒险类)Biohazard 0.JAPS59JC8 = 战国无双3(日)ACT(动作类)(D9)Sengoku_Musou 3.JAPR58FMR = 你来唱(欧)MUG(音乐类)U Sing.PALRBSJ08 = 战国 BASARA 2 英雄外传(日)ACT(动作类)Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes.JAPRIMP6M = 不可能完成的任务(欧)Action(射击类)Impossible Mission.EURRUXXUG = 都市极限飙车(欧)RAC(竞速类)Urban Extreme Street Rage.EURREBPMT = 憨豆先生的古怪世界(欧)ACT(动作类)Mr Bean.EURRHOE8P = 死亡之屋.过度杀戮(美)Action(射击类)The House of the Dead A RDCE78 = 致命生物(美)ACT(动作类)Deadly AREMJ8P = 哆啦A梦Wii 秘密道具王决定战!(日)TAB(桌面类)Doraemon Wii Himitsu Douguou Ketteisen.JAPRLHP52 = 小联盟世界锦标赛2008(欧)SPG(体育类)Little League: World Series Baseball 2008.EURRLQP52 = 运动世界锦标赛(欧)SPG(体育类)World Championship Sports.EURRXYE4Z = 纵横填字谜(美)PUZ(益智类)Puzzle Challenges And ARENE8P = 索尼克与黑暗骑士[WiFi](美)ACT(动作类) Sonic And The Black A RBWE01 = 军队战争2(美)SLG(战略类)Battalion Wars AR8TENR = 台球巡回赛(美)TAB(桌面类)Tournament AR92J01 = 用Wii 玩皮克敏2(日)ETC(其他类)Pikmin 2 Wii de Asobu.JAPR3SE52 = 蜘蛛侠影之网(美)(美)ACT(动作类)Spider Man Web of AR4LXUG = 田径猪派对(X)SPG(体育运动类)Athletic Piggy Party.EURRWIJ18 = 翼神之岛(日)STG(射击类)Wing island.JAPRDNEA4 = 劲舞革命.开心迪士尼(美)MUG(音乐类)Dance Dance Revolution Disney ARHXE78 = 乐队大战(美)MUG(音乐类) Battle of the ARDVE41 = 横冲直撞之平行线(美)RAC(竞速类)Driver Parallel AR43E69 = EA运动活力[平衡板](美)SPG(运动类)EA Sports Active: Personal A RSME8P = 超级猴子球香蕉闪电战(美)ACT(动作类)Super Monkey Ball Banana A 2006年11月14日RHKE18 = 工作狂(美)ETC(合集类)Help Wanted: 50 Wacky ADMHJ08 = 怪物猎人3试玩版(日)RPG(角色扮演)Monster Hunter 3 DEMO.JPNR2LJMS = 健康美丽草裙舞Wii[平衡板](日)ACT(动作类)Hula Wii Minna de Fura Oodorou.JPNRW6PA4 = 劲舞革命美少女俱乐部(欧)MUG(音乐类)Dance Dance Revolution Winx Club.EUR RMUE52 = 漫画英雄终极联盟(美)ACT(动作类)Marvel Ultimate ART3JEL = Rockstar乒乓球(日)SPG(运动类)Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis.JPN RINJ08 = 丧尸围城僵尸的祭品(日)AAVG(动作冒险类)DEADRISING.JPNRBUJ08 = 生化危机安布雷拉历代记(日)biohazard The Umbrella Chronicles.JPNR2SJ18 = 德卡运动会十项全能2(日)SPG(体育、运动类)Deca Sporta 2 Wii de Sports 10 Shumoku.JPNRI9PGT = 万众瞩目的冰上公主(欧)SPG(体育、运动类)Diva Girls Princess On Ice.EUR RDJE4F = 小死神邪恶的根源(美)ACT(动作类)Death Jr Root of ARUKPGT = 摇滚.最强鼓手(欧)MUG(音乐类)We Rock Drum King.EURRKAJMS = 羽(日)STG(射击类)カラスKarous.PALRJ2E52 = 詹姆斯邦德007 量子危机[WiFi](美)Action(动作射击类)James Bond Quantum of Solace ARBNEG9 = BEN 10 地球保卫者(美)ACT(动作类)Ben 10: Protector of ARM8E01 = 马里奥聚会8(美)ETC(合集类)Mario Party ARV9E78 = 降世神通地狱之战(美)ACT(动作类)Avatar The Last Airbender Into the ARSLEAF = 刀魂传奇(美)ACT(动作类)Soul Calibur ARIRE8P = 钢铁侠(美)ACT(动作类)Iron ARLRE4F = 古墓丽影 10周年纪念版(美)AAVG(动作冒险类)Tomb Raider A RRKE70 = 鬼屋魔影冒死调查(美)AAVG(动作冒险类)Alone in the AR5JES5 = 海盗vs忍者躲避球(美)SPG(运动类)Pirates Vs Ninja Dodgeball A RVAE78 = 降世神通最后的空气大师燃烧的大地(美)ACT(动作类)Avatar The Last Airbender The Burning AROSJ01 = 魔法指挥棒[WiFi](日)Action(射击类)Takt of Magic.JPNRO9PNK = 水底恐慌(欧)PUZ(益智解谜类)Aqua Panic.EURRZREGT = 佐罗的命运(美)ACT(动作类)The Destiny of AR8PJ01 = 超级纸片马里奥(日)ACT(动作类)Super Paper Mario.JPNRN7P78 = 邻居间的游戏(欧)ACT(动作类)Big Family Games.EURROVE6U = 马戏团游戏(美)ETC(其他合集类)Circus ARV8PRT = 海滩暑假快乐挑战(欧)Sport(休闲运动类)Beach Fun Summer Challenge.EUR RXWE20 = 巧克力豆海滩聚会(美)Sport(休闲运动类)M&M's Beach ARIAP52 = 冰河世纪3 恐龙的黎明(欧)ACT(动作类)Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs.PAL RI9EGT = 天后女孩冰上公主(美)SPG(体育运动类)Diva Girls Divas on ARY5E52 = 大联盟体育夏季赛(美)SPG(体育类)Big League Sports AR2DEEB = 多卡波王国(美)RPG(角色扮演类)Dokapon ARQ5E5G = 疯狗麦基利(美)STG(射击类)Mad Dog McCree Gunslinger ARCJE8P = 管道[WiFi](美)FPS(第一人称射击类)The ARIUJAF = 海贼王无尽的航海第二章觉醒的勇者(日)ACT(动作类)One Piece Unlimited Cruise Episode 2 Mezameru Yuu.JPNRMLEH4 = 合金弹头精选集(美)Action(动作射击类)Metal Slug ARGHE52 = 吉他英雄3摇滚传奇[WiFi](美)MUG(音乐类)Guitar Hero III Legends of A SXCE52 = 吉他英雄流行精选[WiFi](美)MUG(音乐类) Guitar Hero Smash A RRBE41 = 雷曼疯狂兔子(美)ETC(其他合集类)Rayman Raving AR46JKB = 灵武战记Wii(日)SRPG(战棋角色扮演)Phantom_Brave Wii.JPNRWOE69 = 垄断大富翁(美)TAB(桌面类)AR4QE01 = 马里奥足球激情四射[WiFi](美)SPG(体育类)Mario Strikers AR9SPPL = 球形数独侦探(欧)PUZ(益智类) Sudoku Ball Detective.EURRJXE5G = 去玩吧伐木工(美)ETC(其他合集类)Go Play ARLUE4Q = 闪电狗(美)ACT(动作类)Bolt A 2008-11-18RE4E08 = 生化危机档案(美)AAVG(动作冒险类)Resident Evil ARS4JJF = 式神之城3(日)STG(射击类)Shikigami No Shiro 3.JAPRMME7U = 水银融化革命(美)PUZ(益智类)Mercury Meltdown ARN4E41 = 探索的开端(美)SIM(模仿经营类)Dawn of ARQGJ13 = 我的模拟人生赛车(日)RAC(竞速类)Boku to Sim no Machi Racing.JPN RJVEGN = 狂热医院急诊室(美)SIM(模拟经营类)Hysteria Hospital Emergency A RVOEPL = 眩晕滚球[平衡板](美)PUZ(益智类)Vertigo .USAR2UP8P = 一起来敲打(日)Sport(休闲运动类)Lets Tap.EURRJ8E64 = 印第安纳琼斯与帝王手杖(美)ACT(动作类)Indiana Jones And The Staff Of ARGSE8P = 幽灵小队[WiFi](美)Action(射击类)Ghost AR2YP54 = 这是我的生日(欧)ETC(其他合集类)Its My Birthday.EURRT3E54 = Rockstar出品乒乓球(美)SPG(体育运动类)Rockstar Presents Table A RLXEMJ = 埃及祖玛法老王的挑战(美)PUZ(益智类)Luxor Pharaoh's ChallengeROAE36 = 霸王黑暗传奇(美)AAVG(动作冒险类)Overlord Dark Legend A RP2E69 = 聪明人冷知识游戏(美)PUZ(益智类)Smarty ARDREA4 = 迪威大冒险(美)ACT(动作类)Dewys ARD6PNP = 动物探索Wii(欧)PUZ(益智类)SafarWii.PALRI2E4Q = 高校音乐剧想唱就唱(美)MUG(音乐类)High School Musical Sing ARS7J01 = 光速蒙面侠21 球场最强战士(日)SPG(体育运动类)Eyeshield 21 Field no Saikyou Senshi Tachi.JAPRH6E69 = 哈利波特与混血王子(美)AAVG(动作冒险类)Harry Potter and the Half Blood ARHQP4Q = 汉娜蒙塔娜万众瞩目全球巡演(欧)MUG(音乐类)Hannah Montana Spotlight World Tour.PALRLYPWR = 华纳群星总动员超级兵工厂(欧)Action(动作射击类)Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal.EURRX3E01 = 激情漫游特技竞速[WiFi](美)RAC(竞速类)ExciteBots Trick A RFAJAF = 家庭训练器运动天地(日)ETC(合集类)Family Trainer Athletic World.JPNRZ2JG9 = 简单Wii系列Vol.1 大家一起赛车SIMPLE Wii[WiFi](日)RAC(竞速类)Simple Wii Series Vol 1 The Minna de Kart Race.JAPRZ4JG9 = 简单Wii系列Vol.3 THE 赌场聚会[WiFi](日)TAB(桌面赌博类)Simple Wii Series Vol 3 The Party Casino.JPNRZ5JG9 = 简单Wii系列Vol.4 THE 射击·动作[WiFi](日)STG(射击类)Simple Wii_Series Vol 4 The Shooting Action.JPNRZ6JG9 = 简单Wii系列Vol.5 THE 打砖块[WiFi](日)PUZ(益智类)Simple_Wii Series_Vol 5_The Block_Kuzushi.JAPRZ7JG9 = 简单Wii系列Vol.6 THE 喧哗枪战[WiFi](日)Action(动作射击类)SSimple Wii Series Vol 6 The Wai Wai Combat.JAPRDDEA4 = 热舞革命火爆舞会(美)MUG(音乐类)Dance Dance Revolution Hottest ARZEE52 = 科学爸爸 (美)PUZ(益智Science ARJOJJ9 = 恐怖体感咒怨(日)AVG(冒险类)Kyoufu Taikan Juon.JAPRPBE01 = 口袋妖怪战斗革命[WiFi](美)FTG(格斗对战类)Pokemon Battle A RLBEWR = 乐高蝙蝠侠 (美)ACT(动作类)Lego AR7GJAF = 龙珠天下第一大冒险(日)ACT(动作类)Dragon Ball Tenkaichi Daibouken.JPN RJ9PFR = 逻辑训练(欧)PUZ(益智类) Think Logic Trainer.EURRMCE01 = 马里奥赛车Wii[WiFi](美)RAC(竞速类)Mario Kart AR7EE8P = 梦精灵星降夜物语[WiFi](美)ACT(动作类)Nights Journey of Dreams A RZDJ01 = 塞尔达传说黎明公主(日)ACT(动作类)Zelda no Densetsu Twilight Princess.JPN RBHJ08 = 生化危机0(日)Action(动作射击类)biohazard 0.JPNRBUE08 = 生化危机安布雷拉历代记(美)Action(动作射击类)Resident Evil The Umbrella ARL9PHZ = 台球天王(欧)TAB(桌面类)King Of Pool.EURRUEE4Q = 豚鼠特工队(美)ACT(动作类)ARVLPA4 = 摇滚革命(欧)MUG(音乐类)Rock Revolution.PALRCGE54 = 游戏狂欢节(狂欢嘉年华)(美)ACT(动作类)Carnival ARBBE18 = 炸弹人乐园(美)ACT(动作类)Bomberman ARS5JC8 = 战国无双武士刀(日)ACT(动作类)Sengoku Musou Katana.JPNRLGE64 = 乐高星球大战完整的传奇(美)ACT(动作类)LEGO Star Wars The Complete a RK6J18 = 穿越迷路 2 安东尼和金色的向日葵种子[平衡板][WiFi](日)ACT(动作类)Kororinpa 2 Anthony to Kiniro Himawari no Tane Wii.JAPR8ZE8P = 大师教你普拉提[平衡板](美)Sport(休闲运动类)Daisy Fuentes A RUOEPL = 阁楼里的外星人(美)ACT(动作类)Aliens In The Attic AR4VEA4 = 故事绘本工坊(美)ETC(故事读本类)Storybook ARMHJ08 = 怪物猎人3[WiFi](日)ACT(动作类)Monster Hunter 3 Tri.JPNRXXE4Q = 化石超进化起源(美)ARPG(动作角色扮演)Spectrobes ASXEE52 = 吉他英雄5[WiFi](美)MUG(音乐类)Guitar Hero AR46ENS = 灵武战记(美)SRPG(战棋角色扮演)Phantom Brave We Meet AR83JA4 = 流行音乐Wii(日)MUG(音乐类)Popn Music Wii.JAPRBME5G = 泡泡龙(美)PUZ(益智类)Bust A Move ARDYEGN = 人偶CID(美)ACT(动作类)CID The ARMMJ7U = 水银融化革命(日)PUZ(益智类)Tamaran.JAPRIJE69 = 特种部队眼镜蛇危机(美)ACT(动作类)GI JOE The Rise of ARLFE64 = 星球大战克隆人战争光剑对决(美)ACT(动作类)Star Wars Clone Wars.EUR RLNPMR = 幸存者/前进鲁宾逊[平衡板](欧)AVG(冒险类)Survivor.PALREJEAF = 运动生活极限挑战(美)SPG(运动类)Active Life Extreme A 2009-08-11RRRE5Z = 真正的英雄消防员(美)ACT(动作类)Real_Heroes A 2009-08-11RRJPMR = 准备好的可靠的厨师(欧)SIM(模仿类)Ready.Steady.Cook.EURRQNEWR = 史酷比最初恐惧(美)ACT(动作类)Scooby-Doo! First ASJSEPK = Jumpstart宠物营救(美)ACT(动作类)Jump Start Pet ARU4X41 = NewU 塑身第一个人教练[平衡板](欧)Sport(休闲运动类)NewU Fitness First Personal Trainer.PAL 2009-09-18RRSE4Q = 拜见鲁宾逊一家(美)ACT(动作类)Disneys Meet The A 2007-03-27 RBPE4Z = 宾士域专业保龄球(美)SPG(体育类)CBrunswick Pro AR2AE7D = 冰河世纪2 消融(美)ACT(动作类)Ice Age 2 The AR5FP41 = 冠军学园[MP][平衡板](欧)SPG(体育类)Academy Of Champions.PAL 2009-09-04 RQ4E78 = 棉球方块历险记(美版)pongeBob SquarePants featuring Nicktoons Globs of ARIUPAF = 海贼王无尽的航海第二章觉醒的勇者(欧)ACT(动作类)One Piece Unlimited Cruise Episode 2 Mezameru Yuu.EURRBRE5G = 轰炸使命[WiFi](美)STG(射击类)Blast Works Build Trade A 2008-05-06R63EG9 = 家庭聚会 30款趣味十足的户外游戏Family Party 30 Great Games Outdoor A R9JE69 = 甲壳虫乐队摇滚乐团[WiFi](美)MUG(音乐类)Beatles Rock Band NTSC 2009-09-09 R68E5G = 来玩吧城市运动会[平衡板](美)SPG(运动类)Go Play City A 2009-09-08RMSE52 = 漫画英雄终极联盟2(美)ACT(动作类)Marvel Ultimate Alliance A 2009-09-15ROYE41 = 美食从天降(美)ACT(动作类)Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs A 2009-09-15RNJE4F = 迷你忍者(美)ACT(动作类)Mini ARDME6K = 米侬向前冲(美)ACT(动作类)Domino ARHMEE9 = 牧场物语魔力音符(美)RPG(角色扮演类)Harvest Moon Magical A 2009-08-25R2TE41 = 忍者神龟毁灭[WiFi](美)ACT(动作类)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Smash A 2009-09-22RSWP08 = 生化间谍(欧)ACT(动作类)Spyborgs.PALRZJP69 = 死亡太空撤离(欧)AVG(冒险类)Dead Space Extraction.PALRSRE8P = 索尼克与神秘指环(美)ACT(动作类)Sonic and the Secret A 2007-02-20 ROGE78 = 塔克和恶心的监护人(美)ACT(动作类)Tak and the Guardians of Gross - USA RQVE20 = 太平洋解放者(美)SIM(模拟飞行类)Pacific ARQCJAF = 贪吃精灵(日)ACT(动作类)Tabemon.JAPR5IE4Q = 玩具总动员(美)ETC(合集类)Toy Story Mania ASHPE5G = 我们的家庭聚会[WiFi](美)ETC(合集类)Our House Party!.USARKKE6K = 雪女大旋风(美)ACT(动作类)Heavenly ARQ6EJJ = 妖山诅咒(美)AVG(冒险类)Cursed ARYZPTV = 游玩天下[平衡板](欧)ETC(合集类)Play The World.PALRG8E41 = 宠物体育狗狗竞技场(美)SIM(模仿类)Petz Sports Dog A 2008-11-04R72E5G = 蛋糕工坊混合(美)PAR(派对类)Cake Mania In The ARTLE18 = 钓鱼大师.世界之旅(美)Sport(休闲类)Fishing Master World ARQMEVN = 海洋指挥官ACT(美)ACT(动作类)Ocean ARLWE78 = 料理鼠王(美)ACT(动作类)ARKQENR = 糖果工厂(美)PAR(派对类)Candace Kanes Candy ARTHP52 = 托尼霍克滑板(欧)SPG(体育类)Tony Hawks Downhill Jam.PALRQEE6U = 阿加莎克里斯蒂阳光下的罪恶(美)AAVG(解谜类)Evil Under The AR8BE41 = 保姆派对[平衡板]SIM(模仿类)(美)BEBES ARWKE5G = 料理妈妈世界厨房(美)SIM(模仿类)cooking mama: WORLD ARFVE52 = 淘气小猴聚会时间(美)PAR(派对类)Monkey Mischief Party ARSVE8P = 索尼克释放(美)ACT(动作类)Sonic ARTOJ8P = 428 被封锁的涉谷(日)AVG(冒险解谜类)428: Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de.JPN RKFEH4 = 格斗之王合辑大蛇传说(美)FTG(格斗类)King of Fighters Collection: The Orochi ARVSE69 = 极限滑板[平衡板](美)SPG(体育类)Skate AR6GPMR = 黄金球(欧)PUZ(益智类)Golden Balls.EURRF7J08 = 龙之子对卡普空(日)FTG(格斗类)Tatsunoko vs Capcom Cross Generation of Heroes.JPNRYAJDA = 小双侠Wii 噗通噗通大赛车(日)RAC(竞速类)Yattaman Wii Bikkuridokkiri Machine de Mou Race da Koron.JPNRNWJAF = 大家一起玩 NAMCO嘉年华会(日)namco Carnival.JPNR3BE8P = 快乐桑巴[WiFi](美)MUG(音乐类)Samba De ARVFE20 = 大脚赛车撞不停(美)RAC(竞速类)Bigfoot: Collision AR4BPGT = 桌面足球(欧)TAB(桌面类)Table Football.EURR2ME20 = 巧克力豆大冒险(美)ACT(动作类)M And Ms ARBXJ8P = BLEACH死神对决十刃[WiFi](日)FTG(格斗类)Bleach Versus Crusade.JPN RQFE6U = 破箱人终极难题冒险(美)PUZ(益智类)Safecracker: The Ultimate Puzzle ARUME5Z = 滑雪射击[平衡板](美)SPG(体育类)Ski And ARE4J08 = 生化危机(日)Action(动作射击类)biohazard.JPNR3VEFP = 麋鹿猎人(美)FPS(第一人称射击)DEER ARXEJDA = 棒球大联盟Wii(日)SPG(体育类)Major Wii Perfect Closer.JPNRL2E78 = 我的驯马场(美)SIM(模仿类)Gallop And ARJDPKM = 我的动物中心(欧)SIM(模仿类)My Animal Centre.EURRUUE01 = 动物之森城市大家庭[WiFi](美)RPG(角色扮演)Animal Crossing: City A RDGEA4 = 恶魔城审判[WiFi](美)FTG(格斗类)Castlevania A 2008年11月18日R29E52 = 世界彩弹锦标赛2009(美)SPG(体育类)NPPL Championship Paintball A RVGE78 = 默夫格里芬纵横字迷(美)PUZ(益智类)Merv Griffin's ARL3EMJ = 埃及祖玛3(美)Sport(休闲类)Luxor AR3HX6Z = 特工雨果热带假期(多版本)ACT(动作类)Agent Hugo Hula Holiday.EURRVNE20 = 凯文塔克的乡巴佬露营会(美)PAR(派对类)Calvin Tucker's Redneck A R5MJAF = 语言解谜文字拼词Wii豪华版(日)PUZ(益智类)Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan Wii Deluxe.JPNRHKJ18 = 努力工作的人(日)ETC(其他类)Hataraku Hit.JPNRUFJ99 = 牧场物语符文工场边境(日)RPG(角色扮演)Rune Factory Frontier.JPNRICENR = 美国铁人料理顶级烹饪法(美)ETC(料理类)Iron Chef America: Supreme ARRUPRT = 冬季运动会2009:下一个挑战[平衡板](欧)SPG(体育类)RTL Winter Sports 2009: The Next Challenge.EURR96JAF = 风之少年克罗诺亚通往幻梦界之门(日)ACT(动作类)Kaze no Klonoa Door to Phantomile.JPNR2QJC0 = 料理妈妈2世界厨房(日)ETC(料理类)Cooking Mama 2 Taihen Mama wa Ooisogashi.JPNRNUE8P = 南茜朱儿冰溪白狼(美)AVG(冒险类)Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle ARHUE20 = 轮滑城市英雄[平衡板](美)SPG(体育类)Skate City ARXRERS = 浪漫鼠德佩罗(美)ACT(动作类)The Tale Of AR6FERS = 六旗主题乐园(美)ETC(合集类)Six Flags Fun Park.EURR84EE9 = 牧场物语Wii 济世之树(美)RPG(角色扮演)Harvest Moon: Tree Of AR2AX7D = 冰河世纪2 消融(多版本)ACT(动作类)Ice Age 2: The Meltdown.PALRIGE54 = 徒步旅行救助队恐龙大拯救(美)ACT(动作类)Go Diego Go! Great Dinosaur ARN7E78 = 邻居间的游戏(美)PAR(派对类)Neighborhood ARFZE41 = 想象时尚聚会[平衡板](美)Music(音乐类)Imagine Fashion ARHHJ8J = 凉宫春日的激动(日)PAR(派对类)Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekidou.JPNRY3J41 = 雷曼疯狂兔子电视聚会[平衡板](日)ETC(合集类)Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party.JPNRLAE20 = 一掷千金(美)PUZ(益智类)Deal or No AREDE41 = 赤色钢铁(美)ACT(动作类)Red AR3CE20 = 克莱斯勒经典赛车(美)RAC(竞速类)Chrysler Classic ARXFEVN = 海洋大亨(美)SIM(经营类)Offshore ARCOPNP = 名侦探柯南追忆的幻想(欧)AAVG(动作解谜类)Case Closed: One Truth Prevalis.EURR4FE20 = 经典童话故事时间(美)ETC(益智类)Story Hour: Fairy AR4AE69 = 模拟动物(美)SIM(模拟养成类)Sim ARF2E54 = 神奇四侠与银影侠(美)ACT(动作类)Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver ARKLEG9 = 鬼妈妈卡洛琳(美)AAVG(动作解谜类)ARONJG9 = 御姐玫瑰革命[WiFi](日)ACT(动作类)Oneichanbara Revolution.JPNRU2E5Z = 冬季运动会 2 下一个挑战(美)SPG(体育类)Winter Sports 2: The Next Challenge 2008-11-25RSDJAF = SD高达.疾速流星锤(日)ARPG(动作角色扮演)SD Gundam Scad Hammers.JPN RCVE41 = 孤岛惊魂复仇(美)FPS(第一人称射击)Far Cry: A 2006-11-19 RCCE5G = 料理妈妈(美)SIM(经营类)Cooking Mama: Cook ARBAE41 = 炽天使二战空骑兵(美)STG(射击类) Blazing Angels: Squadrons of A RFBE01 = 永恒蔚蓝[WiFi](美)Sport(休闲类)Endless ARNOJ01 = 异色代码 R 记忆之门(日)Sport(休闲类)Another Code R Kioku no Tobira.JPN RTQENR = 怪物卡车越野赛(美)RAC(竞速类)Monster Trux: ARTNE41 = 天诛4(美)ACT(动作类)Tenchu Shadow ART4JAF = 仙乐传说拉塔托斯克的骑士(日)ARPG(动作角色扮演)Tales Of Symphonia Dawn New A 2008-11-11RCDE52 = 使命召唤3(美)FPS(第一人称射击)Call of Duty ARMVE69 = 荣誉勋章先遣部队(美)FPS(第一人称射击)Medal of Honor: A RBME5G = 泡泡龙(美)PUZ(益智类)Bust-A-Move Bash!.USARNCEH4 = SNK街机经典Vol1(美)ETC(合集类)SNK Arcade Classics ARMCP01 = 马里奥赛车[WiFi](欧)RAC(竞速类)Mario Kart Wii.EURRTBE52 = 职业钓鱼锦标赛(美)Sport(休闲类)Rapala's Fishing ARBLJ8P = 死神白刃闪耀圆舞曲(日)FTG(格斗类)BLEACH Wii Shattered Bl.JPNRSLPAF = 剑魂传说(欧)ACT(动作类)Soul Calibur Legends.EURRDFP41 = 肖恩怀特滑雪板[平衡板](欧)SPG(体育类)Shaun White Snowboarding: Road Trip.EURRJQE5G = 睡衣山姆别怕黑(美)ACT(动作类)Pajama Sam: Don't Fear the A 2008年8月26日ROXE20 = 上菜啦(美)SIM(模仿类)Order Up!.USARSEJGD = 噬魂者单调公主(日)AAVG(动作冒险类)Soul Eater Monotone Princess.JPNRS5EC8 = 战国无双.刀(美)FPS(第一人称动作)Samurai Warriors: ARZ9JG9 = 简单2000系列2 家庭聚会(日)ETC(合集类)SIMPLE 2000 Series Wii Vol.2 The Party Game.JPNRBKJ13 = 轰炸方块(日)ETC(益智类)BOOM BLOX.JPNRF9P69 = FIFA足球09[WiFi](欧)SPG(体育类)FIFA 2009 All Play.EURRWBENR = 川崎雪橇(美)SPG(运动类)Kawasaki AROCPNK = 小魔怪卡丁车(欧)RAC(竞速类)Cocoto Kart Racer.EURREVJ8P = 忌火起草解明篇(日)Action(动作射击类)Imabi Kis?: Kaimei Hen.JPNRM5E7D = 木乃伊归来 3 龙帝之墓(美)ACT(动作类)The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon AR4SE54 = 北美职棒超明星(美)SPG(体育类)MLB AREHP41 = 紧急出动(欧)RAC(竞速类)Emergency Heroes.EURRTGJ18 = Wi-Fi对应严选桌面游戏[WiFi](日)TAB(桌面类)Wi-Fi Tai? Gensen Table Games Wii.JPNRK2EEB = 超执刀新血[WiFi](美)SIM(模仿类)Trauma Center NEW A 2007年11月20日ROWE08 = 大神(美)ACT(动作类)ARD6J8N = 动物奇想天外!在谜之乐园摄影(日)ETC(其他类)Doubutu kisoutengai.JPNR2DJEP = 多卡波王国for Wii(日)TAB(桌面类)DOKAPON KINGDOM for Wii.JPNRBKP69 = 轰炸方块(欧)ETC(益智类)Boom Blox.EURRB8E70 = 后院棒球09(美)SPG(体育类)Backyard Baseball 'ARWAE78 = 机器人瓦伊(美)ACT(动作类)WALL?ARJWJEL = 猛犸象与神秘之石(日)AAVG(动作解谜类)JAWA ~Mammoth and a Secret Stone~.JPN RIHE8P = 无敌绿巨人(美)ACT(动作类)Incredible AR3DES5 = 梦幻弹球3D(美)TAB(桌面类)Dream Pinball ARDQJGD = 勇者斗恶龙假面女王(日)Dragon Quest Swords The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors.JPNR3TP54 = 上旋高手3(欧)SPG(体育)Top Spin 3.EURRS4EXS = 式神之城3(美)STG(射击类)Castle of Shikigami ARSSJH4 = 侍魂六番胜负(日)FTG(格斗类)Samurai Spirits: Rokuban Shoubu.JPNRIRP8P = 钢铁侠(欧)ACT(动作类)Iron Man.EURRKZJA4 = 迷失蔚蓝Wii(日)Sport(休闲类)Survival Kids Wii.JPNRSBJ01 = 任天堂明星大乱斗X[WiFi](日)FTG(格斗类)Dairantou Smash Brothers X.JPN RMEJDA = 大联盟Wii投掷(日)STG(射击类)Major Wii JyairoBall.JPNRMYE5Z = 超级卡丁车GP(美)Myth Makers: Super Kart ARHIP41 = 第一神拳革命(欧)FTG(格斗类)Victorious Boxers Challenge.EURRIPEAF = 海贼王终极冒险(美)ACT(动作类)One Piece Unlimited A RNXJDA = 火影忍者疾风传激斗忍者大战(日)Naruto Shippuuden Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX.JPNR3PEWR = 极速赛车手(美)RAC(竞速类)Speed Racer: The ARGDEA4 = 恐怖行动(美)Target ARGCEXS = 遥控直升机Wii 飞行大冒险(美)MiniCopter Adventure AR48E7D = 奇幻精灵事件簿(美)AAVG(动作冒险类)The Spiderwick A RRZEGY = 魔方世界(美)TAB(桌面类)Rubik's ARM2P69 = 荣誉勋章英雄2[WiFi](欧)FPS(第一人称射击)Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 RFNP01 = Wii健身[平衡板](欧)Sport(休闲运动类)Wii Fit.EURRSUENR = 夏季运动会天堂岛(美)PAR(派对类)Summer Sports: Paradise IslandRKKE6K = 雪女大旋风(美)ACT(动作类)Heavenly ARXJJDA = 人生游戏Wii EX(日)PAR(派对类)Jinsei Game Wii EX.JPNRVQE41 = 电影游戏(美)ETC(合集类)Movie AR6BJ78 = 颜料宝贝(日)ETC(合集类)Blob Colorful na Kibou.JPNRRME69 = 孩之宝家庭游戏之夜(美)TAB(桌面类)Hasbro: Family Game A 2008-11-11RLQE52 = 大联盟运动(美)SPG(体育类)Big League A 2008年11月11号RRTE52 = 打击聚会(美)Sport(休闲运动类)Block Party 20 gamesR5SERW = 幽灵庄园的秘密(美)ACT(动作类)Mortimer Beckett and the Secrets of Spooky ARG8P41 = 宠物体育狗狗竞技场(欧)SIM(模仿类)Petz Sport: Dogs Playground.EUR RWQPSP = 真实世界斯诺克冠军赛2008(欧)Sport(休闲类)WSC Real 08: World Championship Snooker.EURRUUJ01 = 动物之森城市大家庭[WiFi](日)RPG(角色扮演)Machi he Ikouyo Doubutsu no Mori.JPNRX9P69 = 极品飞车卧底(欧)RAC(竞速类)NEED FOR SPEED UNDERCOVER.EURRE8J99 = 家庭教师禁断的暗之三角[WiFi](日)Katekyoo Hitman Reborn Kindan no Yami no Delta.JPNRDBE70 = 龙珠Z 电光火石 2(美)FTG(格斗类)Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi A RMTJ18 = 桃太郎电铁16北海道大移动[WiFi](日)SIM(经营类)Momotarou Dentetsu 16.JPN RDRJA4 = 水精迪依大冒险(日)ACT(动作类)Dewy's Adventure.JPNRCHJAF = 大家的啦啦队(日)Music(音乐)WE CHEER.JPN 2008年09月30日RNHE41 = 英雄不再(美)ACT(动作类)NO MORE ARL8E54 = 实况职业力量棒球2008(美)SPG(体育类)MLB Power Pros ARG2PGT = 罪恶装备XX(欧)FTG(格斗类)Guilty Gear XX Accent Core.EURRWOP69 = 大富翁垄断(欧)TAB(桌面类)Monopoly.EURRTNJCQ = 天诛4(日)ACT(动作类)Tenchu 4.JPNRR4PFK = 熊熊工作室(欧)ETC(其他类)Build-A-Bear Workshop.EURRJCE52 = 巴扎.1000越野拉力赛(美)RAC(竞速类)Score International Baja A RRGE52 = 马达加斯加2 逃往非洲(美)ACT(动作类)Madagascar: Escape 2 ARP7E52 = 海盗任务搜寻黑胡子的密宝(美)ACT(动作类)Pirates: Hunt for Blackbeard's ARM7E4F = 怪物实验室[WiFi](美)ETC(其他类)Monster ARUZE7T = 终极挑战者(美)TAB(桌面类)Ultimate I ARW9X78 = 世界职业摔角联盟2009[WiFi](多版本)FTG(格斗类)WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009.EURRW8P41 = 想象冠军骑士(欧)SIM(模仿类)Imagine Champion Rider.EURRLZE4Z = 企鹅保卫战(美)ETC(合集类)Defendin De ARVYP52 = 使命召唤世界大战[WiFi](欧)FPS(第一人称射击)Call Of Duty World At War.EUR RLFP64 = 星球大战复制战纪(欧)ACT(动作类)Star Wars Clone Wars.EURRT4EAF = 仙乐传说拉塔托斯克的骑士(美)RPG(角色扮演)Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New ARFAEAF = 生命运动户外挑战(美)Sport(休闲运动类)Active Life: Outdoor A RY3P41 = 雷曼疯狂兔子电视聚会[平衡板](欧)ETC(合集类)Rayman Raving Rabbids: TV Party.EURRFMJAF = 职棒家庭棒球场[WiFi](日)SPG(体育类)Pro Yakyuu Family Stadium.JPN RYKJAF = 世界滑雪&滑雪板[平衡板](日)Sport(运动类)Family Ski World Ski and Snow Board.JPNRYVJMS = 伊鲁贝罗Wii(日)ETC(其他类类)Illvelo Wii.JPNRUNJ0Q = 新右脑达人Wii(日)PUZ(益智类)New Unou Kids Wii EX.JPNRRLE78 = 贝兹娃娃女孩本摇滚(美)MUG(音乐类)Bratz: Girlz Really A 2008年10月13日R64E01 = Wii音乐[平衡板][WiFi](美)Wii A 08年11月RSSP7U = 侍魂六番胜负(欧)FTG(格斗类)Samurai Shodown Anthology.EURRHJJ13 = 银星桌面游戏(日)ETC(类)Ginsei Table Games WiiRYTE4Z = 科罗拉多职业骑野牛赛斜道之外(美)SIM(模仿类)PBR: Out of the A RN5E78 = 赤裸兄弟乐队(美)The Naked Brothers Band: The Video ARWTEG9 = BEN10 外星神力维尔加科斯的攻击(美)ACT(动作类)Ben 10: Alien A 2009-10-27RXKEGL = 电视秀之王聚会(美)PAR(派对类)TV Show King ARX2P70 = 我和我的小马2(欧)SIM(模仿类)My Horse And Me ARFQP69 = 破相拳击(欧)FTG(格斗类)FaceBreaker K.O. Party.EURR6BX78 = 颜料宝贝(多版本)ETC(合集类)de Blob.EURRXZE52 = 卡贝拉危险狩猎2009(美)Cabela's Dangerous Hunts ARI8P41 = 战火兄弟连双重时间A(欧)FPS(第一人称射击)Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30.EURRB5P41 = 战火兄弟连双重时间B(欧)FPS(第一人称射击)Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30.EURRQ9E69 = 美国职业篮球2009[WiFi](美)SPG(体育类)NBA Live 09 ARKYE20 = 玩具军人倒霉战士(美)Action(动作射击类)Army Men Soldiers of ARP3JAF = 高尔夫球选手猿(日)SPG(体育类)Pro Golfer Saru.JPN 2008-10-23R8VE41 = 拯救地球野生动物兽医(美)SIM(模仿类)Petz Rescue: Wildlife A RZHE5G = 动物医院(美)SIM(模仿类)Zoo ARSHJ13 = 我的模拟王国(日)RPG(角色扮演)Boku to Sim no Machi Kingdom.JPNRRCE52 = 芭比娃娃的骑马冒险.夏季露营(美)PAR(派对类)Barbie Horse Adventures: Riding ARJ2P52 = 詹姆斯邦德007 量子危机[WiFi](欧)Action(动作射击类)James Bond Quantum Of Solace.EURRWSE8P = 马里奥与索尼克在奥运会[WiFi](美)SPG(体育类)Mario & Sonic at the Olympic ARQWEG9 = 益智之迷战神的挑战(美)TAB(桌面类)Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the ARM3P01 = 银河战士3 腐蚀(欧)FPS(第一人称射击)Metroid Prime 3: A RUAE52 = 怪物卡车袭击市区(美)RAC(竞速类)Monster Jam: Urban ARDPE54 = 探险家多拉拯救雪公主(美)ACT(动作类)Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves the Snow ARRQE52 = 史莱克的疯狂嘉年华(美)ETC(合集类)Shrek's Carnival Craze Party A RUGE7T = 鸡皮疙瘩恐怖乐园(美)ETC(合集类)Goosebumps ARJ3E20 = 吉普越野赛车(美)RAC(竞速类)Jeep ARGKENR = 国际儿童疯狂高尔夫(美)Sport(休闲运动类)Kidz Sports Crazy A RGFE69 = 教父黑手党(美)Action(动作射击类)The Godfather: Blackhand A RQRJAF = 空中杀手无罪王牌(日)STG(射击类) The Sky Crawlers Innocent Aces.JPN RIBES5 = 科学小怪蛋(美)ACT(动作类)ARB6J18 = 炸弹人大陆[WiFi](日)ACT(动作类)Bomberman.JPNRZ8JG9 = 简单2000系列1 桌面游戏(日)TAB(桌面类)SIMPLE 2000 Series Wii Vol.1 The Table Game.JPNRPFE52 = 森林寻宝大冒险(美)ACT(动作类)Pitfall The Big ARKZEA4 = 迷失蔚蓝Wii(美)ARPG(动作角色扮演)Lost in Blue: ARMIE20 = 玛戈的单词大脑(美)PUZ(益智类)Margot's Word ARCIE41 = 犯罪现场调查铁证如山(美)AVG(冒险解谜类)CSI: Hard ARF3E52 = 法拉利挑战赛(美)RAC(竞速类)Ferrari ARFZP41 = 想象时尚偶像[平衡板](欧)PAR(派对类)Imagine Fashion Idol.EURRSTE64 = 星球大战原力释放(美)ACT(动作类)Star Wars The Force ARS9E8P = 索尼克滑板失重[WiFi](美)RAC(竞速类)Sonic Riders: Zero A RBSJ08 = 战国BASARA2 英雄外传(日)ACT(动作类)Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes.JPNRR7PVP = 一球成名皇家马德里游戏版(欧)SPG(体育类)Real Madrid The GameR2NE69 = 纳斯卡卡丁车赛(美)RAC(竞速类)NASCAR Kart AR8SE41 = 假日体育(美)Sport(休闲运动类)Vacation ARRYPHY = 侠盗中队(欧)Action(动作射击类)Rogue Trooper.EURRINE08 = 丧尸围城僵尸的祭品(美)ACT(动作类)Dead Rising Chop Till You AR82JG0 = 飞标Wii DX(日)Sport(休闲类)Darts Wii DX.JPN。

mmsegmentation 量化训练

mmsegmentation 量化训练


而在语义分割领域,mmsegmentation 量化训练技术备受瞩目。

本文将以此为主题,探讨 mmsegmentation 量化训练的原理、优势和应用,并共享个人观点和理解。

1. 量化训练的概念量化训练是指在深度学习模型训练过程中,将模型中的参数和计算过程转换为低精度的表示形式。


在语义分割领域,mmsegmentation 量化训练技术正是基于这一思想而发展起来的。

2. mmsegmentation 量化训练的原理mmsegmentation 量化训练采用了一系列量化技术,包括权重量化、激活量化、量化感知训练等。


3. mmsegmentation 量化训练的优势相比传统的深度学习模型训练方法,mmsegmentation 量化训练具有许多优势。




4. mmsegmentation 量化训练的应用mmsegmentation 量化训练已经在许多领域得到广泛应用,涵盖了图像识别、视频分析、自动驾驶等多个领域。


5. 个人观点和理解作为一项前沿的深度学习技术,mmsegmentation 量化训练无疑为语义分割领域带来了新的机遇和挑战。




股市中的数据看做一个时间序列 前N个值作为输入 后M个值作为输出
将3天的股票数据作为网络的输入向量 输出为当天的股票价格,M=1 样本个数K= L- (M+N)+1 = 7 中间层的神经元个数为50 Spread取1-5 5个样本用作训练 2个样本用作测试
输入维数:n1=4(取值范围0-1) 隐含层神经元个数n2=9~16-tansig 输出层神经元个数:2-logsig 训练参数:
训练函数:trainlm;学习函数:learngdm; 性能函数:mse;训练次数:500;
输入:5个财务指标 输出:分为两类(破产公司/正常公司) 预设概率:0.5-0.5 竞争层神经元:8个(多个核心) 前10个样本做训练 后4个样本做测试
输入维数:n1=4(取值范围0-1) 隐含层神经元个数n2=9-tansig 输出层神经元个数:4-logsig 训练参数:
训练函数:trainlm;学习函数:learngdm; 性能函数:mse;训练次数:1000; 训练目标:0.01;学习率:0.1
上游来流量Q 上游输沙量G 下游水位ZD 河床形态 B / H
浅滩断面年内最小水深Hmin 年平均预计厚度ΔZ
影响因素选取 原始数据归一化 隐藏层神经元个数实验 测试
BP网络预测精度比较高,但训练误差收敛 比较慢。




近年来,深度学习技术的发展极大地推动了图像分割的进步,其中mmsegmentation 是一个基于 PyTorch 的深度学习框架,专门用于图像分割的训练和推理。

在使用 mmsegmentation 进行训练之前,需要准备好训练数据集和相关的配置文件。

可以使用自己的数据集或者公共数据集,例如PASCAL VOC、COCO 等。



mmsegmentation 提供了多种优化器和学习率调度器的选择,例如 SGD、Adam、CosineAnnealingLR 等。




总之,mmsegmentation 是一个非常强大的图像分割框架,可以帮助我们更方便地进行图像分割任务的训练和推理。

- 1 -。

instruct gpt目标函数

instruct gpt目标函数

instruct gpt目标函数"GPT" 通常指的是 "Generative Pre-trained Transformer",它是一种深度学习模型,主要用于自然语言处理任务,如文本生成、问答、翻译等。


对于 GPT 这样的模型,目标函数通常基于对齐(alignment)和一致性(coherence)来定义,目的是确保生成的文本有意义、有逻辑、且与目标语言风格相匹配。

以下是几种常见的 GPT 目标函数:1. 交叉熵损失(Cross-Entropy Loss): 这是自然语言处理中最常用的损失函数。


2. 重排序损失(Retrieval Loss): 对于对话系统或机器翻译任务,模型生成的文本需要与真实对话或原文高度相关。


3. 困惑度(Perplexity): 困惑度是一个衡量模型预测能力的指标,通常用于语言建模任务。


4. BERTScore: BERTScore 是用于评估文本生成任务的一种新指标,结合了BERT 模型的掩码语言建模任务和精确度、召回率和 F1 分数等指标。

5. 对话质量评估指标(Dialogue Quality Evaluation Metrics): 对于对话系统任务,常见的评估指标包括自动评价(如BLEU、ROUGE、METEOR 等)和人工评价(如对话质量评估表)。

6. 文本风格损失(Text Style Loss): 对于需要保持特定风格的文本生成任务(如新闻、小说、评论等),可以使用文本风格损失来确保生成的文本与目标风格一致。


Unit 4 Body Language 词汇 -21学年人教版高中选择性必修第一册

Unit 4 Body Language 词汇 -21学年人教版高中选择性必修第一册
witness vt 当场见到;目击 n 目击者;证人;证据
a witness / witnesses to ......的证人/证据 witness for 作证;为......辩护 witness to doing sth 见证做某事
employ vt 雇佣;利用 employer n 雇主 employee n 雇员 employment n 职业;工作;使用 unemployment n 失业(率)
17. distract vt.分散,使分心--- __d_is_t_r_a_c_ti_o_n__ n. 分心,分散
18. distinguish vi./vt. 区分,辨别 ----_d_is_t_in_g_u_i_s_h_e_d_ adj. 卓越的,著名的 19. anxiety n.焦虑,担心,害怕---- __a_n_x_i_o_u_s___ adj. 忧虑的,担心的 --_a_n_x_io_u_s_l_y__adv.焦虑地,急切地 20. embarrassed adj. 难堪的,尴尬的---e_m__b_a_rr_a_s_s_i_n_g_ adj. 令人尴尬的, 令人难堪的 --- __e_m__b_a_rr_a_s_s__vt. 使尴尬 _e_m_b_a_r_r_a_s_s_m_e_n_t___ n. 尴尬 21. ashamed adj.羞愧,惭愧 ---__s_h_a_m__e_______ n.羞愧,耻辱,惭愧, 让人遗憾的事 ---__s_h_a_m_e_f_u_l__ adj. 可耻的,丢脸的--- __s_h_a_m_e_l_e_s_s_____ adj. 无耻的,不知羞耻的 22. merely adv. 只是,仅仅,只不过 --- __m_e_r_e_____ adj. 仅仅的,只不过 23. adjust vt.调整,调节 vi./vt. 适应,[使]习惯-- _a_d_j_u_s_t_m_e_n_t__ n. 调整, 调节--- _a_d_ju_s_t_a_b_le__ adj. 可调整的,可调节的



gpt训练代码训练GPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)需要大量的计算资源和专业知识。

以下是一个简化的训练GPT的示例代码,使用PyTorch和Transformers库:pythonimport torchfrom transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2Model, AdamW, NoamOpt # 加载预训练的GPT2模型和分词器tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')model = GPT2Model.from_pretrained('gpt2')# 定义优化器和损失函数optimizer = AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)scheduler = NoamOpt(optimizer, d_model=768, warmup_steps=4000) criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=-1)# 定义训练数据和验证数据train_data = [('Hello, my dog is cute', 'And what is your dog\'s name?')]val_data = [('I am learning about machine learning', 'What is the purpose of your learning?')]# 训练模型num_epochs = 10for epoch in range(num_epochs):# 转换训练数据和验证数据为模型输入格式train_inputs = tokenizer(train_data, return_tensors='pt',padding=True, truncation=True)train_labels = tokenizer(train_data[1:], return_tensors='pt', padding=True, truncation=True)val_inputs = tokenizer(val_data, return_tensors='pt',padding=True, truncation=True)val_labels = tokenizer(val_data[1:], return_tensors='pt',padding=True, truncation=True)# 清零梯度缓存并前向传播optimizer.zero_grad()outputs = model(**train_inputs, training=True)loss = criterion(outputs.logits.view(-1,outputs.logits.shape[-1]), train_labels['input_ids'].view(-1)) loss.backward()scheduler.step()optimizer.step()print(f'Epoch {epoch+1}, Loss: {loss.item()}')这个示例代码使用预训练的GPT2模型进行微调,通过在训练数据上运行模型并计算损失,然后反向传播梯度并更新权重。



实习生薪酬(Intern salary)08 major companies and industry graduates and interns payFast fading:Procter & Gamble: 7200, 8200, Bo, 9700, 14 months, and 800 traffic subsidies, marketing every 9 months rose 20% - 30%.Mars: 10000 per month. It is said that 14 months of wages divided by 12 data, there are insider who can prove or disproveArrow: sales:4400 * 15.Finance:Sunshine Insurance: graduate student, investment research post, annual basic salary + bonus + welfare = 80 thousand (pre tax)HSBC: Global markets mainland China foreign exchange trader, monthly salary of 8000. HSBC's BDP projectThe starting salary is 8000, up from 12000 after 18 months of training.Tokyo MITSUBISHI Bank: Shanghai foreign exchange trader may refer to HSBC's salary, with a starting salary of not more than 10 thousand.Citibank MT:8000 x 13Goldman Sachs Hongkong: all departments, regardless of thisresearch, starting salary of HK $660 thousand, but bonus may be different.Goldman Sachs Gao Hua: fixed income division trader, undergraduate: 300 thousand.CICC IBD: Undergraduate: 111000base, sign, on, bonus, 9250 * 6.Graduate student: 190 thousand, base, sign, on, bonus, 19250 * 10.CITIC IBD:11000+Barclays: HK $sales:40UBS Securities (UBSS): operation sector 150 thousand, investment banking sector 300 thousand, undergraduate and graduate students, bonuses to see the project.Holland international ING:base in Hongkong training project, local pay + global relocation package, the total is much higher than the average investment (about 70 80W), previously only recruit MBA, this year expanded to the general research, worth fighting for. Now more and more companies have such projects, we should pay more attention to reading MBA in the country, and later can aim at this project.CITIC Bank: the average salary 5-6 million, undergraduate and graduate with little difference.The bank's head office software: 6500/ months after the positive, room 1500, 12 months a year.China Merchants Bank Management Training: management training is better inside, the annual salary of 100 thousand, but to Shenzhen, consumption is higher than in BeijingThe development of deep tube culture: practice when very few, little did not say, one annual salary of 8 - 100 thousand different departments, the difference is relatively large, the front end of the back end to do a lot more, a lot less than the bank credit card center.Import and export head office: internship 3500, 4500 of the full, treatment benefits generallyCDB head office: more than 7000 positive, the welfare is very goodHarvest Fund: fixed income graduate: basic salary of 112 thousand, basic bonus 48 thousand.Fixed income Department trader (undergraduate): annual salary of 100 thousand or so, excluding bonus.Huaan Foundation: graduate student, assistant industry analyst, the basic salary of 120 thousand, but in accordance with the 80 thousand basic wage hair, and the other 40 thousand in accordance with the welfare of the name of the newly recruited graduatesKKR and Blackstone: the starting salary is 400 thousand USD, but they have been in the investment bank for some time.Southern Fund: the first new year is about 160 thousand, and often ten thousand or twenty thousand yuan for Wal Mart shopping card.After the increase is also quite large. Industry researchers are higher, at 210 thousand.Deep SDIC: treatment is better than the treatment of the South Fund, the exact figures are not clear, at least 200 thousand annual salary.Next year, the state investment commission system will be adopted, the annual salary will be estimated to be highDiscover Finacial Sevice:Shanghai, Base, 15w/y, welfare bonuses are not clear, the former Morgan Stanly subsidiary,Discover credit card, 2008 hiring in China in the first yearIT class:IBM China: sales (ISU, STG, SWG), training period 6-9 months, undergraduate 4800, graduate students 6000, 14 monthsAfter the first full year, base 7500, 14 months, 100% complete the task, send 140% wages, 200% complete the taskAbout 340% of the salary,Grants: IBM sets up an account for each employee, with 15% of the employee's salary paid to the account each month, and three of the workEmployees can only take this account after 15% years. If the employee continues to keep IBM after three years, the company will continue to deposit the accountThe total amount of wages, full 10W, IBM up for each employee to deposit 10W, in so doing, new employees can take 45W 3 yearsAlmost.IBM CDL CRL the first half of the probation period is Band6, and you can take sick leave, annual leave and home leaveCDL= (7500+800) *12 + 7500*2.5CRL= (7500+800+900) *12 + 7500*2.5The standard for housing provident fund is 750 + 750 /mSouthern Fund IT Division: 25W pre tax, in addition, some benefits are not included, master.Morgan, Stanley, IT:18, Wan base, bonus look performance.Moodie KMV: Master of computer: 2500 knife / month + performanceaward + year-end bonus, 14 months. In Shenzhen 140 thousand. Different positionsDifferent pay.Microsoft:base 16.1W, everything adds up to about 19W, the stock is not given every year.Tencent: starting salaries for undergraduates in general positions are 70 thousand, starting salaries for postgraduates are 100 thousand. Advertising sales department according to the performance commission, there are peopleSingle Commission 50w.Tencent's R & D is not very transparent, Peking University Tsinghua computer cattle and HR can talk about wages, there are special HR noodles. research and developmentAlso divided into departments, one is the traditional Tencent, Beijing R & D department, and the other is the new Tencent research institute. Most of the former are10W, a few of the one or two particularly powerful, HR talk alone, you can talk about 20W... Tencent Research Institute 160 thousand onwards, you can talk aboutThere is a salary of 200 thousand.Google: Software Engineer, master of computer science, 180 thousand.Baidu: this year's master of computer science: Baidu se, this year has several, etc., 17.8w, 19.2, 20.6w, and super cattle connectionNearly 30W, all package. There are also differences: Web, dev, 15W, a little more, ordinary dev, 16W, this is the wage is notCount bonus.EMC: all (bonus + benefits) add up to 15.5wSk: last year, I went to Korea to exchange training positions, with an annual salary of about 200 thousandHP:sales, which is mostly 5000-6000 monthly salary, to find their own invoices for reimbursementCISCO: sales, about 7000 monthly salary, this is to return to the United States after a year of training, and of course, to the United StatesTime is also money to takeConsultation class:McKinsey: 160 thousand base, $3000 signing bonusBCG: 180 thousandBain:19 millionMonitor:19w (summer intern enters 20W)Latitude: 20WRoland Begg: 150 thousand base + 30 thousand bonus.As a whole, Bain and monior bonuses and wages rose more in the first three years, and 500 thousand bonus for third yearsRight. Mckinsey and BCG are lower before consultant.IBM consulting (GBS):base 6000-6800, in the field projects, 200-250 subsidies per day, 14 months, fillHelp ibid. Other IT consulting, the original five points out, such as Bi Bo, Accenture, Capgemini, may refer to IBM's GBS salary, IBMThe GBS division is a merger of the original PWC consulting division and the IBM's own advisory arm.Bain: 19WAC Nielsen: MT: offer letter data: wages 4700 (undergraduate), service once a yearSex is 3600 reward.Real estate: the title, 2500-5500, after the positive difference.Energy sources:J Len Bbe Semyon: the department below FE: the drilling (DM) pay is mediumDomestic staff: 140 thousand base, 100 dollars per day on the well subsidy.International employee (IM): Global pay, during training period, the salary is 4.8K US dollars * factor * 12, generally more dangerousWhere the insurance coefficient is high, ranging from 1.01.7, 12 months salary. There is no subsidy during the training period. After training, the upper reaches will be filledHelp 100 dollars per day. There are bonuses. The longer you work, the more bonuses you will have. The Wireline department pays more than DM.Shell:7500, this is the same as research. 12 months of salary, more than 12 months, belongs to the bonus, Sales DivisionSales have 3 months bonus, sales of more than bonus; other departments have 1-5 months ranging from bonus.France liquefied air: sailing international training program offer (signed three years) treatmentDomestic half a year 7.8k/mForeign 1 and a half global pay + relocation expenseDomestic 1 years, 120 thousand +4 millionGE Energy: general position: Master 5k-6k * 13; CLP (Commercial, Leadership, Program):6000*13, two years, 4 rotation, 2 in the United States, all costs, company cover.Four big:This 5500, research 5800, 13 months, have CPA certificate, Waterhouse DDT, plus 500, monthly, Ernst & Young KPMG, plus 1000The audit department each year rose 30% to - 50%.Medicine:Simcere:R & D is master 60K/y, doctor 100K/yOther:HUAWEI: HUAWEI undergraduate 4500, 1000 subsidy per month,Graduate students have 1000 more bonuses at the end of the 3-8 months.Generally speaking, only 3 months' bonus can be obtained in the first year. There are many overseas subsidies.International Paper: sales, Ben 4000, R 6000.Newegg: MT the 10000, research 11000, 13 months.Samsung Institute of Economics: fellows, masters, 110 thousand, 13 months each year.Huarun land: Undergraduate 4000, master 4300, 14 months salaryPractice wage:SIEMENS 80 yuan / dayCummings, 175 yuan / daySchneider undergraduate 2000 yuan / month graduate student or second degree 3000/ monthsGeneral Electric undergraduate 80 yuan / day, graduate student 100 yuan / day, Dr. 120 yuan / dayDaimler 150 yuan / day (say 3000/ month)BMW 3000 yuan / monthMichelin 120 yuan / dayKPMG 100 yuan / dayDDT 85 yuan / dayBank of Holland 1500 yuan / monthHSBC 80 yuan / dayCitibank 10 yuan / timeDeutsche Bank 80 yuan / dayStandard Chartered Bank 75 yuan / dayGold 4600 yuan / month (Full-time) 2300 yuan / month (Part-time) PS. overtime intelligence, selling meals fareKim Du court 1300 yuan / month (short-term) 3000 yuan / month (long term)Accenture 150 yuan / dayAlcatel lucent 80 yuan / dayETS 2000 yuan / month (Full-time) 10 yuan / time (Part-time) PS. package lunchCITIC Group headquarters 2000 yuan / monthConocoPhillips 200 yuan / dayMcGee oil 200 yuan / dayIBM 15 yuan / timeP & G 5040 yuan / month (undergraduate) 5740 yuan / month (Graduate) 6740 yuan / month (Doctor)Samsung 70 yuan / day (say 120 yuan / day)Cadbury 50 yuan / daySony Ericsson 100 yuan / day PS. lunchJohn Deal, 100 yuan / dayVia 120 yuan / dayEasy view international 120 yuan / day, business trip 180 yuan / dayShanghai Pu issued last year's employees per capita salary of 366 thousand and 700 yuan, ICBC to 69 thousand and 200 yuan at the bottom.Report from our correspondent (reporter Chen Yan) with Ningbo bank 2007 annual report disclosed yesterday, two cities 14 listed banks have all disclosed annual reports, these listed banks employees salary ranking also surfaced. Reporters search data found that Pu released last year's employees per capita salary of 366 thousand and 700 yuan, ranking first in 14 listed banks.Following the release of CITIC Bank and Industrial Bank, last year the banks paid $243 thousand and $242 thousand and 200 in per capita pay to their employees. The per capita remuneration of Minsheng Bank and China Merchants Bank was 231 thousand and 800 yuan and 226 thousand yuan respectively. Compared with the above-mentioned small and medium-sized joint-stock banks, ICBC, China Construction Bank, Bank of China 3 state-owned banks pay per capita level is slightly inferior. ICBC's pay per worker last year was $69 thousand and 200, ranking at the bottom of the list of 14 listed banks. The per capita remuneration of CCB and BOC was 91 thousand and 100 yuan and 153 thousand and 800 yuan respectively.Looking at financial returns,To achieve a certain level of POSITION, the financial industry is the best (out of business, and China characteristics of the deepwater area) of course competition and requirement is very high, adventure.has, people should do the right thing according to their own resources and capabilities, the article below to Chase Dream, to have ambition have a strong desire for money, students:We are not the four schools (Qinghua University Fudan Jiaotong University), so I want to success is to know the rules of the game, TOP20 MBA in US is anecesity many users of investment banks and other financial industry have shown a great interest. But there are a lot of hearsay rumors can not be trusted. And many posts are confusing concepts, and many people don't even know what the investment bank is doing. I look at the science here, all Daniel don't laugh. This post focuses on some of thefinancial division of labor, as well as a brief career path. The entire financial industry is broadly divided into two categories: buy, side and sell side. The main thing Sell side does is to turn all kinds of asset into various financial products and provide them to the market. "Sell side" mainly refers to the investment bank in the usual sense. The internal structure of the investment bank is also very complex, according to product classification can be broadly divided into two categories: fixed, income and equity. According to the business division is roughly divided into IBD, sales & trading, equity, research, asset, management (this part is similar to the nature of buy side) and so on. IBD is the most traditional investment banking business, close to the corporate side; sales &trading mainly for product sales and trading, and sometimes the investment bank will play the role of market maker in order to maintain market liquidity. Buy side is mainly for investment management business, so they are also called IM (Investment Management) or AM (asset management), is mainly composed of a variety of institutional investors, including mutual fund, hedge fund, pension fund and so on.As far as career path is concerned, it is hard to say who is good and who is bad. The key is to see the strengths and personalities of each person. IBD for work, enthusiasm,hard-working people. Sales is good for people who are good at social interaction. Trading is suitable for people who can bear great pressure and have a keen sense of the market. Equity research is a person for practical work. Generally speaking, IBD, career, path more step-by-step, need to boil years, can boil up not only need good business ability, also need strongphysique. Trader career path is very risky, may within 2 years will be ruined the future, may also thrive in a very short period of time.I know it takes 2 years for a top trader to rise from associate to director. Sell side equity research industry prospects have problems, because regulation is increasingly inclined to make research maintain independence to protect investors.Buy side overall, lifestyle is better than sell side, and revenue is more than sell side. However, entering buy side is far more difficult to get into sell side.Note: the size and complexity of today's financial industry far exceeds the average person's imagination, and there are many segments of the entire financial industry chain, which is not listed here.Add,The professional division of Posts refers mainly to mature market conditions. Domestic situation is different.The opening up of the financial sector has made many young friends suddenly see the light. But what followed was distorted values: those who went into the investment banks were cattle, the four who were human, the natives, and the like. Here, I also want to show my following view: there is no hierarchy in the work itself. I will never agree that the investment bank ishigher than the "four big". Any man who can do well in his work is a man. Choosing a career path should depend on what you like to do and what you can do, and then try to strike a balance between the two. If you just want to work in the "advanced" job, you may still get nowhere in the first placeHedge fund translated into "hedge fund", the translation is accurate. But interestingly, now the mainstream hedge fund often do not hedge, on the contrary many hedge fund bold speculation on some market trends (Chinese is speculation, derogatory term, English original intention is neutral, is the opposite of hedge, said the risk and obtain abnormal returns). If the hedge fund is linked to the domestic situation, the more accurate translation should be "private equity funds."". In this sense, the existence of domestic hedge fund has been around for years, only because of the legal definition and not exposed to the water. Now the management is the process of legalization of private fund, it should soon be able to become a financial power open and aboveboard. (now, it is inaccurate to translate PE into "private equity fund" at homeIn mature markets, hedge fund is usually relative to mutual fund. The difference is: mutual fund is an open, open and publicly traded fund. Most of the open funds traded in the domestic market belong to mutual fund. The hedge fund is mostly privately recruited and closed funds.In the global financial market, hedge fund has become a pivotal role. From the Southeast Asian financial crisis to the last two years of commodity futures super bull market, you can see the hedge fund figure. Since the hedge fund yield is generallyhigher than mutual fund, in recent years, the global range of hedge, fund has achieved rapid growth. Coupled with global capital surplus, several billion's fund are now small.Mention the concept of hedging slightly. Hedging is a means of controlling financial risks. For example, if you buy 100 shares and then worry about a fall in the stock, you can buy another 100 option (put option) to hedge. Finally, no matter how the stock falls, the worst result is that you sell your stock at the put option (strike) price. Hedging, but the more confusing concept is arbitrage (arbitrage). Arbitrage refers to the risk of all related completely washed away, later access torisk-free income. For example Chinese bank $rate is 8, the door is the price of cattle 7.8, you can use 7.8 yuan from cattle there for $1, then immediately take the dollar to BOC becomes 8 yuan, no risk earned 0.2 yuan.就职业而言购买方和出售方的链接最多的是交易柜台。
















gpt3.5 训练参数

gpt3.5 训练参数

gpt3.5 训练参数















《ChatGPT从入门到实践》阅读札记目录1. 第一章 (2)2. 第二章 (3)3. 第三章 (4)4. 第四章 (6)4.1 数据预处理 (7)4.2 选择模型架构 (9)4.3 设置超参数 (10)4.4 训练模型 (11)4.5 模型评估与调优 (12)5. 第五章 (14)5.1 文本分类 (15)5.2 情感分析 (16)5.3 命名实体识别 (17)5.4 问答系统 (19)6. 第六章 (20)6.1 文本生成 (21)6.2 对话生成 (23)6.3 摘要生成 (25)7. 第七章 (26)7.1 微调策略 (28)7.2 迁移学习方法 (29)7.3 结合其他技术应用 (31)8. 第八章 (32)8.1 案例一 (33)8.2 案例二 (34)8.3 案例三 (35)8.4 案例四 (37)8.5 案例五 (40)8.6 其他拓展应用 (42)9. 第九章 (43)9.1 ChatGPT的发展历程与未来趋势 (44)9.2 ChatGPT在各行业的应用前景 (45)9.3 中国在AI领域的发展与机遇 (46)1. 第一章随着科技的快速发展,人工智能已经渗透到我们生活的各个领域。













在 Linux 系统中,可以使用命令dmesg 查看系统日志。


在 Linux 系统中,可以使用命令 tail -f /var/log/<application_name>.log 查看应用程序的日志。


在 Linux 系统中,可以使用命令 gdb 调试应用程序,获取更详细的信息。

如果应用程序需要连接网络才能正常工作,可以使用命令 netstat 查看

如果出现硬件错误,可以使用命令 lspci 和 lsusb 查看系统中的设备信息,以确定硬件是否工作正常。

如果系统资源耗尽导致应用程序崩溃,可以使用命令 top 查看当前系统中的进程和资源占用情况,以确定系统资源是否被其他应用程序占用。



ROLAND VG-99TRAINING GUIDEContents1. FEATURES2. QUICK DEMO3. FIVE FEATURES TO KNOW and SHOW4. ACCESSORIES5. VG-99 GUITAR, AMPS, EFFECTS1. FEATURES∙The ultimate modeling guitar processor∙Two discrete COSM guitar signal paths: each models guitars, basses, synth waves, amps, effects, and mixers∙Either or both signal paths can be used at the same time∙Switching can be by onboard controllers, footswitches, picking dynamics, or all of these∙Ten polyphonic pitch shifters: five for each signal path∙Two GT-Pro equivalent effects processors∙Converts guitar to MIDI and USB audio∙D-Beam and ribbon controller plus dynamic input sensing for unique performance capabilities∙Unequalled real time control: up to 18 parameters can be controlled by any one of up to 20 VG controllers at one time∙Stereo 1/4” outs, plus stereo XLR sub outs w/ ground lift, USB, SP/DIF, and MIDI I/O∙Table top, Rack mountable, or stand mountable∙ Bundled with Mac/PC Editor /Librarian software∙Works with FC-300 MIDI Foot Controller∙MAP $1,499, MSRP $1,6992. QUICK DEMOThe Roland Quick Demo is a way to get a customer interested in a product in less than 60 seconds.Before You StartSTEP ONE-Connect the VG-99If you have a PA or studio playback system1. Connect the Left and Right MAIN or SUB OUTPUTS of the VG-99 to twochannels of the PA.2. Set the PA’s EQ controls for a flat response.3. Press GLOBAL.4. Press the F4 button or turn the F4 knob to select LINE/PHONES.5. Press EXIT.If you only have a guitar amp:1. Connect the MONO MAIN OUTPUT of the VG-99 to a clean channel ofthe amp.2. Set the EQ of the amp to a flat response.3. Press GLOBAL.4. Press the F4 button or turn the F4 knob to select COMBO AMP.5. Press EXIT.If you are using headphones:1. Press GLOBAL.2. Press the F4 button or turn the F4 knob to select LINE/PHONES.3. Press EXIT.STEP TWO: Set the SensitivityThis is the most important procedure of the VG-99. Setting sensitivity adjusts how the VG-99 responds to how you play; it’s much like getting a level when recording.1. Connect a divided pickup equipped guitar (Fender Roland Ready Strat,Brian Moore i-guitar, Godin with Synth Access, or other) to the VG-99 via the included 13-pin cable.2. Press SYSTEM.3. Press F3.4. Press PAGE RIGHT once.5. Press F1 or turn the F1 knob to select the type of divided pickup you areusing: GK-3, piezo, etc.6. Press F2 or turn the F2 knob to select ST if you are using a Strat or LP ifyou are using a guitar with a Gibson scale.7. Press PAGE RIGHT to select PAGE 4: SYSTEM GK SETTING.You will see this screen:8. Set the Input Sensitivity:a. Play an open string hard. You will see a row of LEDs light up in thedisplay.b. Use the corresponding Function knob to adjust the sensitivity of thestring so that all the LCD’s light only on the very hardest note.c. Repeat for the other five strings.d. When you are finished, Press EXIT.1. Rotate the PATCH/VALUE dial to select P 202 Fat LP.2. Play some heavy chords, then while holding a chord, wave the neck of theguitar or your hand over the D-Beam.3. Press the Ribbon Controller PITCH button.4. Play some more chords, then hold a chord and slide your finger up the Ribbon Controller.1. Turn the PATCH/VALUE Dial to select P240: Dyna AG.2. Play the sound softly.3. Play the sound hard to blend in the higher sound by dynamics.QUICK DEMO THREE1. Turn the PATCH /VALUE Dial to select P207: DADGAD 12-String2. Play this sound with open strings to show the multiple polyphonic pitchshiftersNOTES3. FIVE FEATURES TO KNOW AND SHOW1. Most powerful guitar processor in history2. Dual COSM complete signal paths3. Multiple polyphonic pitch shifters allow unique alternate tunings4. Converts guitar to MIDI and to USB audio: control synth modules, softsynths, and record direct to computer audio all at the same time5. D-Beam and ribbon controllers onboard for unique performancecapabilities4. ACCESSORIES1. Roland GK-3 Divided Pickup2. Roland FC-300 Foot Controller3. Roland RAD-99 Rack Adapter4. Roland PDS-10 Stand5. Roland CB-VG9 Carrying Bag6. Roland EV-5 Expression pedal7. 2 x BOSS FS-5U Foot Controllers8. Roland PCS-31L insert cable5. COSM GUITARS, AMPS, EFFECTSELECTRIC GUITARS ORIGINALStratocasterFenderCLA-ST vintageMOD-ST modern Fender Strat w/ active PUTelecasterFendervintageTEsunburst Gibson Les Paul Standard vintageLPGibsongoldLes Paul Special w/ P-90 PU P-90vintageLIPS vintage Danelectro w/ 3 lipstick PURickenbacker360modernRickGibsonES-335redvintage335GibsonL4sunburstvintageL4virtualdesignableguitaruserVARIACOUSTIC GUITARS ORIGINALD-28MartinMA2800028MartinTRP-0J-45GB45GibsonB-25SML GibsonGBD-40GLD40 GuildCOSM AMPS ORIGINALJC-CLEANJC-120JC-120 RolandWARM CLEAN Roland original clean amp with tube warmth JAZZ COMBO PolytoneFULL RANGE Roland AC-100BRIGHT CLEAN Roland original clean amp w/strong highsTW CLEANTW CLEAN Fender Twin ReverbPRO CRUNCH Fender Pro Reverb410BassmanTWEED FenderWARM CRUNCH Original crunch amp w/ tube warmthCRUNCHCRUNCH Fender Twin Reverb mod’ed w/ master volumeBluesbreakerBLUES ModifiedMarshallWILD CRUNCH Original Crunch amp w/ very wide EQ range STACK CRUNCH Original amp stack w/ tube warmthVO DRIVE Vox AC-30TBAC-30VoxTB w/ top boost onLEADVOVO CLEAN Vox AC-30TB clean soundMATCH DRIVE Matchless DC/30 left inputFAT MATCH Matchless DC/30 w/ mid boostMATCH LEAD Matchless CD/30 right inputBG LEADMesaBoogie Studio Lead lead channel LEADBGBG DRIVE Boogie Studio Lead OD soundBG RHYTHM Boogie Studio Lead clean channelSMOOTH DRIVE Original amp w/ smooth mids and tube warmth MILD DRIVE Original amp w/ light overdriveMS STACKMS 1959 (I) Marshall 1959 Plexi channel 1MS 1959 (II) Marshall Plexi channel 2MS 1959 (I+II) Plexi w/ channels connected in parallelPlexi w/ extra gain stageModifiedMSHI-GAINPOWER STACK Original amp w/ tube stack soundR-FIERRectifier channel 1 CLEAN modeDualCLEAN BoogieRAW Dual Rectifier channel 2 RAW modeRectifier channel 2 VINTAGE modeDual1VINTAGEMODERN 1 Dual Rectifier channel 2 MODERN modeRectifier channel 3 VINTAGE modeDualVINTAGE2MODERN 2 Dual Rectifier channel 3 MODERN modeT-AMPCLEAN Hughes + Kettner Tri-amp channel 1channel2Tri-ampCRUNCH3channelTri-ampLEADEDGE LEAD Original full stack amp w/ strong highsHI-GAINSLDNSLO100SoldanoDRIVE STACK Original hi-gain stack amp drive channel LEAD STACK Original hi-gain stack amp lead channel HEAVY LEAD Original lead amp w/ extreme distortion5150 DRIVE Peavey 5150 drive channelMETAL STACK Original heavy metal amp drive channel METAL LEAD Original heavy metal amp lead channelmodsdesignableampUserCUSTOMBASS AMPPortaflexB-15VINTAGEAmpegSM-400MODERNSWRCOSM SPEAKER CABINETS-GUITAR AMPSOriginal The cabinet that comes with the amp1 x 8” Compact open back cabinet w/ 1 x 8” speaker 1 x 10”Compact open back cabinet w/ 1 x 10” speaker1 x 12” Compact open back cabinet w/ 1 x 12” speaker2 x 12” Standard open back cabinet w/ 2 x 12” speaker 4 x 10” Closed back 4 x 10” cabinet4 x 12” Standard 4 x 12” cabinet for 1/2 stack sound8 x 12” Two 4 x 12” cabs for full stack soundCOSM SPEAKER CABINETS-BASS AMPSOriginal The cabinet that comes with the amp1 x 15” Trace Elliot 15181 x 18” SWR Big Ben2 x 15” Vintage Acoustic 4024 x 10” SWR Goliath8 x 10” Ampeg 810ECOSM SPEAKER CABINET MICSDYN57 ShureSM-57MD-421DYN421 SennheiserCND451 AKGC451BU87CND87 NuemannFLAT speaker cab sound uncolored by a micEFFECTSCOMPRESSORCOSM OD/DS ORIGINALBOOST Original level boost pedalBlues OD BOSS BD-2 Blues DriverCombinesoverdrive w/ amp distortion CRUNCHNATURAL OD Original realistic natural ODTURBO OD BOSS OD-2 w/ Turbo onFAT OD Original mellow OD w/ distinct midsOverdriveOD-1BOSSOD-1T SCREAM Ibanez TS-808 Tube ScreamerWARM OD Original OD w/ accented midsDS-1DistortionBOSSDISTMILD DS Original light DSDRIVE DS Strong DS good for rhythmRATRATProcoGuvnorGUVDS MarshallDistortionPlusMXR+DSTSOLID DS Original DS w/ edgy toneMID DS Original DS w/ mid boostSTACK Original fat DS combined with amp distortion MODERN DS Original DS w/ tube stack characteristics POWER DS Original DS effect: DS pedal in a stack amp soundX-100RockmanR-MAN ScholzMETAL ZONE BOSS MT-2 Metal ZoneHEAVY METAL BOSS HM-2 Heavy Metalsmooth attack and strong distortionw/LEADOriginalDSLOUD Original DS w/ boosted lowsSHARP Original DS w/ boosted highsMECHANICAL Original DS w/ boosted lows and highsFuzzface‘60SFUZZAcetoneFuzzFUZZOCTMUFF FUZZ Electro Harmonix Big Muff piCUSTOM User designable OD/DS modsWAHCrybabyCRYDunlopWAHVO WAH vintage Vox 846FAT WAH Morley Bad HorsieLIGHT WAH Original wah with smooth tone7STR WAH Original Wah tuned for 7stg rangeOriginalwah with accentuated harmonics WAHRESOCUSTOM User designable wah modsEQ4 band w/ 2 parametric midsDELAYSINGLEPAN (ping-pong or tap delay)STEREO (dry left, wet right)DUAL-S (two different delays in series)DUAL-P (two different delays in parallel)DUAL L/R (two separate delays; delay 1 on left channel, delay 2 on right) REVRSE (Reverse delay)ANALOG BOSS DM3RE-201 RolandTAPEWARP (simulates analog delay in self-oscillation) MOD (delay w/ modulation)HOLD (sound on sound)CHORUSMONOST1 (chorus at both outputs)ST2 (dry left, wet right: CE-1 effect)REVERBAMB (room mic ambience)ROOMHALL 1HALL 2PLATESPRINGMOD (reverb w/ modulation)MOD 1/ MOD 2PHASER4-STG MXR90Phase100 8-STG MXRPhasePH-312-STG BOSSBI-PHBi-Phase Mutron FLANGR (Flanger)TREML (Tremolo)PANT.WAH (Touch wah)AUTO WAHOCTAVEPITCH SHIFTHARMONIST (scale intelligent pitch shifter) PEDAL BEND2 x 2 CHORUS147 ROTARYLeslieUnivibe UnivoxUni-VVB-2 BOSSVIBSLICERHUMANIZERSLOW GEARDEFRETFEEDBACKER (modeled feedback)RING MODANTI-FB (Anti-feedback)ADV. COMPBOSS COMP BOSS CS-3HI-BAND Original compressor w/ boosted highsgentlew/effectcompressorLIGHT OriginalCompDynaD-COMP MXRSqueezerOrangeORANGEVintagecompressorw/ boosted mids based on gain OriginalFATcompressor w/ high cut based on gain MILDOriginalSTEREO COMP Original stereo compressorLIMITR (Limiter)BOSS LIMITR Original stereo limiterdbx160X160DRACKVINTAGE RACK U Urei 1178SUB EQ (4-band w/ 2 parametric mids)SUB DELAYNOISE SUPPRESSORFOOT VOLUME。

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统一存储 (存储文件和应用数据)
Global CSMB
NX3600 NX3200 NX 3300 NX 400 EQL PS62xx MD 36/38xxF/i EQL PS41X0
DELL 2014 存储产品线
EQL PS65xx
• DAS不适合的领域
– – – – 为超过4台服务器提供存储服务 需要存储级别数据复制容灾和保护的客户 专业的文件存储 为多台数据库及邮件服务器提供存储服务
Global CSMB
MD 1200
MD 32/34/36/3800
MD 1220
• SAN不适合的领域
Global CSMB
Dell的 SAN家族
客户思路: 服务器加存储
客户思路: 数据, 存储加服务器
PowerVault MD 32i/36/38 系列
EqualLogic PS系列
Dell Compellent

企业级应用 海量内容存储,BI / DW / DSS
较大规模的业务应用 核心数据存储 满足多种应用,高标准SLA
PowerVault MD 36/38 系列
• 入门级FC 或 ISCSI SAN 存储
• • • 大型文件存储 视频捕获/流传输 高性能计算
• •
MD 36/386x
高性能服务器和存 储扩展
低成本的集群和虚 拟化扩展
• 这么多产品,我们该如何推荐? • 每款产品适合什么样的客户需求? • 我们的funnel在哪来?
Global CSMB
情景:ABC 贸易有限公司致电给你。简单阐述了该公司暂时的IT情况是: 公司一共有12个办公人员,希望购买一台服务器做文件服务器。并且希望 可以让该公司的不同职能工作人员通过共享文档协同工作和整合文件资源。 推荐:NX400是可以提供4个最大4T硬盘的存储空间。满足客户的共享文 档和协同工作的需求,而且可以提供足够的扩展空间和连接数量扩展需求。
• • • •
如果客户服务器只有1~2台,只需要空间扩展 推荐:MD12xx 如果客户对性能要求高,但又没有太多预算 推荐:MD32/3400 如果客户想做服务器HA 推荐:MD32/34/36/38xx 如果客户要连接2台以上服务器 推荐:MD32/34/36/38xx
推荐:MD1200可以提供 12* 3.5 HDD。同一架构下最大支持192块硬盘。 对于客户的性价比和扩展性要求非常适合。
Global CSMB
NAS 网络存储
Global CSMB
• NAS: Network Attached Storage 网络存储

SELL MD1200 SELL MD32/34
SELL MD32/36/3800i
Global CSMB 15
情景:ABC楼宇管理公司致电给你。简单阐述了该公司暂时的IT情况是: 他们现有两台PowerEdge R510用于存储该公司的CCTV系统录像。由于 两台服务器的硬盘资源皆已用尽,希望寻找一种价格便宜的增容方案,并 且不影响该公司现有的IT架构。
Global CSMB
Customer calls looking for a server
Global CSMB 21
入门级机架式文件共 适应性强,使用Storage 企业级文件存储,属于统 享,使用Storage Server 2012标准版,容量 一存储 。既可以支持文件, Server 2012标准版, 高达48TB, 适合用户数不 又可以支持数据库等块级 Support cluster,适 超过500的SMB客户 别数据的存储。群集系统 合50-100个用户环境 架构,主备机头+存储柜
• • • • • • 是U 盘 ? 是硬盘? 是EqualLogic? 是Compellent? 有人说存储就是:一条电缆串起来的一堆硬盘?! 对吗?
把一些列数字组织起来,就是数据。 存放数据的设备,就是存储。
Global CSMB
DELL 存储销售培训
清晰了解DELL存储的产品线 了解每款产品的最佳应用环境 能推荐合适的存储方案给客户,满足他们的需求 通过对客户IT环境的了解,能够挖掘客户存储需求
Global CSMB
使用经济实惠的多协议存储 补充您的PowerEdge服务器环境, 该存储能够与不断增长的性能需求 保持同步
针对虚拟服务器和数据整合 而优化的企业级横向扩展存储
适用于核心业务的企业级 多协议、海量容量
Global CSMB
MD32/3400,就是把阵列卡放 到硬盘箱内部嘛。 为了防止一个出故障(保证高可 用),放两个
这就是MD1200, 接起来的12*个硬 盘嘛,这么简单!
6/28/2015 Global CSMB
• DAS的用武之地
– – – – – – DAS价格低廉,性能好! 非常适合预算有限,而又需要扩展存储空间的客户。 已经拥有文件服务器,但苦于服务器空间不足的客户 需要共享存储以实现2台服务器高可用的客户 服务器不多,而又需要高性能存储的小型企业 单台的数据库、邮件服务器的最佳伴侣
DL 4000 DR 4100/6000
MD 32/34xx MD 12xx TL 4000 TL 2000 PV124T PV114X RD1000
ML 6000
• • • •
丰富的存储产品线 磁盘、磁带 DAS、NAS、SAN SAS、ISCSI、FC
DAS 直连存储
Global CSMB
SAN 存储网络
Global CSMB
• SAN: Storage Area Network存 储域网络
将数据存储设备连接到服务器的 快速、专门的网络。 SAN其实是网络,而不是存储设 备 这个网络通常包括交换机、网络 介质和存储设备 我们所说的SAN存储,就是那些 可以放在存储网络中的存储设备 SAN是最昂贵的存储选项,同时 也是最复杂的。但DELL正在改 变这一切---by you
• 虚拟化与整合
满足多协议需求(iSCSI, FC, FCoE)
Equallogic PS
• 虚拟化与整合 模块化,满足向外扩展的需求 • 业务应用 Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, Oracle • 中等规模的解决方案
面向具体项目或应用 多个SAN部署选项 从专用解决方案迁移出来
Global CSMB
• DAS: Direct Attached Storage 直连存储
增加服务器磁盘槽位数,扩展了服务器的存储空间 直接和服务器相连 本身是硬件的堆叠,不带存储操作系统 是存储世界的入门级产品(售价约1.5万~4万人民币)
没有网络 没有文件 只有数据库或邮件系统的客户 真的有这样的客户吗??
Global CSMB
入门级塔式NAS , 使用Storage Server 2012 WG or Std。适合部门 级或50人以下的小 型企业或部门
• 存储世界 • DAS --- 直连存储 • NAS --- 网络存储(文件存储) • SAN --- 存储网络 • 磁带机产品 --- 数据保护的故事
6/2Байду номын сангаас/2015
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欢迎来到存储 的世界
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