
























提供致胜方案 点亮办公生活--欧迪办公

提供致胜方案  点亮办公生活--欧迪办公

上上海海分分公公司司 员员工工人人数数::>>220000 物物流流中中心心::77000000mm22
Office Depot零售店铺突破1000家 亚商在线成为中国销售额最大的办公行业电子商务企业
亚商在线推出BizBuyTM电子采购系 统,电子商务平台日趋成熟
In October 2006, Office Depot announced acquisition of majority stake of AsiaEC. AsiaEC has been renamed Office Depot China.
2007 Office Depot China founded Tianji
M.S. in physics, Boston College
B.S. in Physics, Peking University
现任欧迪办公(中国)供应链管理、 IT总监,负责全国的供应链管理 和IT工作;同时负责全国OA维修 业务的管理工作。
2000年加盟亚商在线,历任北京 分公司销售经理、大客户经理、 广州分公司总经理、华南区总经 理、亚商在线副总裁等职


国家(地 区) 瑞典
丹麦 瑞士 比利时 德国来自荷兰英国 爱尔兰法国
西班牙 意大利 俄罗斯
爱立信(Ericsson)【电信设备与网络设备】、沃尔沃(Volvo)、ABB公司(阿西布朗勃法 瑞)【电子、电气设备】、斯道拉恩索(StoraEnso)、萨博(SAAB)、斯堪的亚保险公司 (SKANDIA)、斯凯孚(SKF)【轴承】、利乐包装(TetraPak)、H&M【时装】、阿斯利康 (AstraZeneca)、宜家(IKEA)、阿特拉斯·科普柯公司(ATLAS COPCO)【压缩机、建筑 诺基亚(Nokia)【移动和固定电信网络设备及移动电话】、欧芬汇川(UPM-Kymmene)【纸 张纸浆、纸板和包装薄膜】、斯托拉-恩索纸业集团(StoraEnso)【杂志用纸、新闻纸、包 装用纸和办公用纸】、富腾工程有限公司(Fortum)【石油和天然气,电力和热能,工程建 造、运营和维护】、凯斯科(Kesko)【食品、家居用品等批发零售,建筑装修及农业产品 Maersk(马士基)【集装箱运输服务】、Danfoss(丹佛斯)【机电产品及控制领域研发及 生产】、Novozymes(诺维信)【酶】、Novonordisk(诺和诺德)【糖尿病治疗药企】、 NNE、FlSmidth(史密斯)【水泥设备与水泥生产】、Sonion、Velux(威卢克斯)【建材】 、Bestseller【国际时装,拥有ONLY(女装)、VEROMODA(女装)、JACK&JONES(男装)和 雀巢【食品】、苏黎世金融【保险】、瑞士信贷【银行】、瑞士联合银行集团(瑞银集团) 【银行】、瑞士再保险【保险】、诺华(Novartis)【制药】、罗氏【制药】、ABB公司 (阿西布朗勃法瑞)【电子、电气设备】、阿第克【人力资源】、瑞士人寿、Migros公司【 百威英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev)【啤酒】、富通银行(Fortis)、 戴姆勒克莱斯勒【车辆、飞机发动机和内燃机】、安联保险、梅赛德斯-奔驰(MercedesBenz)、大众汽车(Volkswegen)、保时捷汽车、奥迪(Audi)、巴斯夫集团(BASF SE) 【石油、化工产品和药品】、博世集团(Bosch)、巴伐利亚机械制造厂股份公司(BMW)、 西门子、卡斯可(kuche&co)【厨房、卫浴制造】、杰卡芬特(JACRAFT)【卫浴】、德意志银 行、拜耳【高分子、医药保健、化工以及农业】、麦得龙(Metro)【零售】、蒂森—克虏 伯飞利【浦钢电铁子、公汽司车技(术Phi、li机ps器)制【造视、听工产程品设、计照、明电、梯电、子及元贸件易、】半、导思体爱、普医(疗S系AP统)【、软小件家电】、、 工业电子及商业电子】、皇家壳牌集团(Shell)【石油、天然气、化工产品、有色金属、 煤炭经营】、ING荷兰国际集团【银行与保险】、联合利华公司(UniLever)【日用及食品 化工】、荷兰国家银行(ABN)、毕马威(KPMG)、阿克苏· 诺贝尔公司【化工和医药】、 汇丰银行(HSBC)、渣打银行、巴克莱银行(BarclaysBank)、英国石油(BP)、皇家壳牌集 团(Shell)【石油、天然气、化工产品、有色金属、煤炭经营】、英杰华集团(AVIVA)【 保险】、百安居(B&Q)【装饰建材零售】、特易购(TESCO)【零售】、苏格兰皇家银行 (RBS)、沃达丰(Vodafone)【移动通信运营】、劳埃德TSB集团【银行和金融服务】、联 合利华公司(UniLever)【日用及食品化工】、葛兰素史克(GSK)【药品和保健品】、英 美埃资森源哲集(团Acc【en采tu矿re和)自【然咨资询源服】务、、英软美件烟开草发公】司、(廉B价AT航S)空、公翠司丰瑞集安团航(空K(inRgyfainsahierr))、利洁 阿尔斯通(Alstom)【发电设备,输配电设备,机电,铁路设备,地铁车辆】、阿尔卡特 (Alcatel)、家乐福(Carrefour)、欧尚(Auchan)、香奈儿(Channel)、空中客车 (Airbus)、里昂信贷银行(Credit lyonnais)、雪铁龙汽车公司(Citroen)、标致汽车 公司(Peogeot)、达能(Danone)、雷诺汽车公司(Renaud)、拉法基集团(Lafarge)【 水泥,混凝土与骨料,石膏建材,及屋面系统】、米其林轮胎、欧洲宇航防务集团公司 (EADS )、路易威登(LV)、香奈儿(CHANEL)、道达尔公司(TOTAL)【石油化工】、罗纳 -桑普坦朗德克银集行团、(西R班HO牙NE电-P话OU公LE司NC()T【ele化fó工ni医ca药)产、品In】di、te迪x奥集团(D【io时r尚)零、售欧莱,雅拥(有LoZrAeRaAl品)牌【化】妆 范思哲服装服饰公司(Gianni Versace)、法拉利汽车(Ferrari)、菲亚特汽车(FIAT) 苏霍伊公司(Sukhoi)、卡巴斯基实验室(Kaspersky Lab)【IT安全产品】



UnitedHealthcare ® Community PlanZulresso ® (Brexanolone)Policy Number : CS2023D0080J Effective Date : November 1, 2023 Instructions for UseTable of Contents Page Application ..................................................................................... 1 Coverage Rationale ....................................................................... 1 Applicable Codes .......................................................................... 2 Background .................................................................................... 2 Clinical Evidence ........................................................................... 2 U.S. Food and Drug Administration ............................................. 3 References ..................................................................................... 3 Policy History/Revision Information ............................................. 3 Instructions for Use ....................................................................... 3 This Medical Benefit Drug Policy does not apply to the states listed below; refer to the state-specific policy/guideline, if noted: StatePolicy/GuidelineFloridaRefer to the state’s Medicaid clinical policyIndiana Zulresso ® (Brexanolone) (for Indiana Only)Kansas None LouisianaRefer to the state’s Medicaid clinical policy North CarolinaNone OhioZulresso ® (Brexanolone) (for Ohio Only)TexasRefer to the drug specific criteria found within the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures ManualZulresso (brexanolone) is proven and medically necessary for the treatment of postpartum depression in patients who meet all of the following criteria :Diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD) according to the current DSM (i.e., DSM-5), by a mental health professional; andOnset of current depressive episode was during the third trimester or within 4 weeks postpartum; andCurrent depressive episode is considered moderate to severe based on a standardized, validated tool; andPatient has not previously received Zulresso (brexanolone) for the current postpartum depressive episode from the most recent pregnancy (within 6 months); andPatient has not previously received Zurzuvae (zuranolone) for the current postpartum depressive episode from the most recent pregnancy (within 6 months); andThe provider and/or the provider’s healthcare setting is certified in the Zulresso REMS program, with ability to support onsite continuous monitoring; andBrexanolone is dosed in accordance with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved labeling; and Commercial Policy • Zulresso ® (Brexanolone)Approval is for a single 60-hour infusionThe following list(s) of procedure and/or diagnosis codes is provided for reference purposes only and may not be all inclusive. Listing of a code in this policy does not imply that the service described by the code is a covered or non-covered health service. Benefit coverage for health services is determined by federal, state, or contractual requirements and applicable laws that may require coverage for a specific service. The inclusion of a code does not imply any right to reimbursement or guarantee claim payment. Other Policies and Guidelines may apply.HCPCS Code DescriptionJ1632 Injection, brexanolone, 1 mgDiagnosis Code DescriptionF53.0 Postpartum depressionBrexanolone is a neuroactive steroid gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor positive modulator, that is chemically identical to endogenous allopregnanolone.Meltzer-Brody et al. assessed brexanolone as a treatment for moderate to severe postpartum depression (PPD) in two double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trials.2 Women in the trial were 18-45 years of age, 6 months post-partum or less at screening, and diagnosed with PPD with a Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) score of ≥ 26 and 20-25 for study 1 and study 2, respectively. Study participants were randomly assigned to receive either brexanolone 90 μg/kg per hr. (BRX90), brexanolone 60 μg/kg per hr. (BRX60), or matching placebo for a single 60-hour infusion in study 1. In study 2, BRX90 or placebo was infused as a single 60-hour infusion. The primary efficacy endpoint was the change from baseline in the 17-item HAM-D total score at 60 hours. This was assessed in all patients who started infusion of brexanolone or placebo, had a valid HAM-D baseline assessment, and had at least one post-baseline HAM-D assessment. The trials are NCT02942004 (study 1) and NCT02942017 (study 2). In study 1, at 60 hours, the least-squares (LS) mean reduction in HAM-D total score from baseline was 19.5 points (SE 1.2) in the BRX60 group and 17.7 points (1.2) in the BRX90 group compared with 14.0 points (1.1) in the placebo group [difference -5.5 (95% CI -8.8 to -2.2), p = 0.0013 for the BRX60 group; -3.7 (95% CI -6.9 to -0.5), p = 0.0252 for the BRX90 group]. In study 2, at 60 hours, the LS mean reduction in HAM-D total score from baseline was 14.6 points (SE 0.8) in the BRX90 group compared with 12.1 points (SE 0.8) for the placebo group [difference -2.5 (95% CI -4.5 to -0.5), p = 0·0160]. The authors conclude that brexanolone for PPD resulted in significant and clinically meaningful reductions in HAM-D total score at 60 hours compared with placebo, with rapid onset of action and durable treatment response during the study period. The authors conclude that results suggest that brexanolone injection is a novel therapeutic drug for PPD that has the potential to improve treatment options for women with this disorder.Brexanolone safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics were evaluated in a multicenter, open-label study in 20 patients aged 15 to 17 years diagnosed with PPD and were comparable to those in adult patients with PPD.1Professional SocietiesThe American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has published a clinical practice guideline with recommendations on treatment and management of perinatal mental health conditions including depression. ACOG recommends consideration of brexanolone administration in the postpartum period for moderate-to-severe perinatal depression with onset in the third trimester or within 4 weeks postpartum. The decision to use brexanolone should balance the benefits (e.g., rapid onset of action) with the risks and challenges (e.g., limited access, high cost, lack of data supporting safety with breastfeeding, requirement for inpatient monitoring during the infusion, lack of efficacy data beyond 30 days).(STRONG RECOMMENDATION, MODERATE-QUALITY EVIDENCE)This section is to be used for informational purposes only. FDA approval alone is not a basis for coverage.Zulresso is indicated for the treatment of postpartum depression (PPD) in patients 15 years and older.Zulresso is only available through a restricted program under a REMS called the Zulresso REMS due to the risk of excessive sedation or sudden loss of consciousness that can result in serious harm.Important requirements of the Zulresso REMS include the following:Healthcare facilities must enroll in the program and ensure that Zulresso is only administered to patients who are enrolled in the Zulresso REMSPharmacies must be certified with the program and must only dispense Zulresso to healthcare facilities who are certified inthe Zulresso REMSPatients must be enrolled in the Zulresso REMS prior to administration of ZulressoWholesalers and distributors must be registered with the program and must only distribute to certified healthcare facilities and pharmacies1.Zulresso [package insert]. Cambridge, MA: Sage Therapeutics; June 2022.2.Meltzer-Brody S, Colquhoun H, Riesenberg R, Epperson CN, Deligiannidis KM, Rubinow DR, Li H, Sankoh AJ, Clemson C,Schacterle A, Jonas J, Kanes S. Brexanolone injection in post-partum depression: two multicentre, double-blind,randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trials. Lancet. 2018 Sep 22;392(10152):1058-1070.3.AAmerican Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. 2013. Washington,DC. Pages 451-459.4.Treatment and Management of Mental Health Conditions During Pregnancy and Postpartum: ACOG Clinical PracticeGuideline No. 5. Obstet Gynecol. 2023;141(6):1262-1288. doi:10.1097/AOG.0000000000005202.Date Summary of Changes11/01/2023 Coverage Rationale•Replaced references to “brexanolone” with “Zulresso (brexanolone)”•Revised coverage criteria:o Added criterion requiring the patient has not previously received Zurzuvae (zuranolone) for thecurrent postpartum depressive episode from the most recent pregnancy (within 6 months)o Replaced criterion requiring “onset of current depressive episode was during the third trimester and 4 weeks postpartum” with “onset of current depressive episode was during the thirdtrimester or within 4 weeks postpartum”Supporting Information•Updated Clinical Evidence and References sections to reflect the most current information•Archived previous policy version CS2022D0080IThis Medical Benefit Drug Policy provides assistance in interpreting UnitedHealthcare standard benefit plans. When deciding coverage, the federal, state, or contractual requirements for benefit plan coverage must be referenced as the terms of the federal, state, or contractual requirements for benefit plan coverage may differ from the standard benefit plan. In the event of a conflict, the federal, state, or contractual requirements for benefit plan coverage govern. Before using this policy, please check the federal, state, or contractual requirements for benefit plan coverage. UnitedHealthcare reserves the right to modify itsPolicies and Guidelines as necessary. This Medical Benefit Drug Policy is provided for informational purposes. It does not constitute medical advice.UnitedHealthcare may also use tools developed by third parties, such as the InterQual® criteria, to assist us in administering health benefits. The UnitedHealthcare Medical Benefit Drug Policies are intended to be used in connection with the independent professional medical judgment of a qualified health care provider and do not constitute the practice of medicine or medical advice.。

Radial Studio-Q

Radial Studio-Q

Radial Engineering Ltd.1845 Kingsway Ave. Port Coquitlam BC V3C 1S9 CanadaTel:604-942-1001•Fax:604-942-1010•Email:******************User GuideSTUDIO•QTMStudio-Q™ Talk Back InterfaceOverview (1)Features .......................................................................................2-3Making Connections .....................................................................4-5Using the Remote Control (6)Using the Remote Output (7)Block Diagram (8)Specifications (9)Warranty .........................................................................Back CoverThank you for your purchase of the Studio-Q™ talkback box and cue system controller. The Studio-Q™ is a ruggedly built device designed to make communication easier in the recording studio by adding a talkback microphone into the cue system that feeds the artist’s headphones.Even though the Studio-Q™ is simple and easy to use, the best way to utilize its full functionality is to take a few minutes to review the manual and get to know the various features that are built into the unit before making your audio connections. This will save time when you first setup the Studio-Q™ and provide a hassle-free experience.If you happen to have a question that is not answered in this manual, please visit the Radial website and navigate to the Studio-Q™ FAQ page. This is where we post the latest updates on the Studio-Q™ as well as questions from other users that may be similar to your own. If you do not find the answer to your question on our website, please feel free to contact **************************************************************************.OVERVIEWThe Studio-Q is a clever box that is designed to provide a basic talkback system for those that have a recording studio but may not have a large console with built-in talkback in the control room. It easily integrates with recording workstations by connecting to an available mono or stereo output. Once connected it allows the engineer to speak on top of the program material to the artist using either the internal mic or an external one. The mic may be turned on using the main switch or activated remotely with a footswitch for hands-free operation. Once in use you will ask yourself how you ever managed without it!1 985672341. DIM: Used to lower the program volumeto the desired level when the talkback micis active.2. INT-MIC: Trim control used to adjust theinternal capacitive microphone.3. EXT-MIC: Trim control used to adjust theexternal producer mic input.4. MIC: Internal omni-directional capacitivemicrophone.5. REMOTE ON BOTH: Engaged - Pressingeither the talkback button or an externalfootswitch will activate both the internal andexternal mic’s. Disengaged - The talkbackbutton will only activate the internalmicrophone and an external footswtich willonly activate the external mic.6. MIC: Is the master output level for the twomicrophones.7. TALKBACK: Engages both the internaland external microphone (if connected)and dims the program level.8. PROGRAM: Used to set the level ofthe incoming pre-recorded tracks to theheadphone system.9. DRY CONTACT/PWR: Sets the function ofthe remote output as a dry contact relay orto send power to a beacon.1011121316151410. EXT MIC: XLR connection for the externalproducer microphone.11. PROGRAM INPUTS: ¼” TRS input forprogram material; L input may also be used in mono.12. OUTPUTS: ¼” TRS connections carryprogram material mixed with the talkback mic.13. REMOTE OUT: Dry contact output to controlexternal relay or to send power to a beacon.14. REMOTE IN: Connection for Radial JR1-M™momentary footswitch.15. CABLE LOCK: Prevents accidentaldisconnection from the power supply.16. POWER DC: Connection for 15V powersupply.MAKING CONNECTIONSAs always turn off your audio equipment or turn down all volume controls before making connections. This will help you avoid plug-in and turn-on transients that can damage more sensitive components like tweeters. There is no power switch on the Studio-Q; simply connecting the power cable from the 15VDC supply will automatically turn it on. Check for power by depressing the MIC switch. The LED above will illuminate. A handy cable clamp is provided to lock the cable and prevent accidental disconnection. Connect the output from your recording system to the Studio-Q using either balanced ¼” TRS or unbalanced ¼” TS cables. A balanced connection will typically yield about 6db more gain. From the Studio-Q connect the program output to your headphone amplifier.1. Set the recessed DIM control to 12 o’clock2. Set recessed INT-MIC trim control to 3 o’clock3. Set the master MIC level to 7 o’clock (off)4. Set the PROGRAM level to 7 o’clock (off)Connect a headphone amp to the output and set a track to play andslowly increase the master PROGRAM volume on the Studio-Q until acomfortable setting is found. Depress the TALKBACK switch, talk at anormal level and slowly turn up the master MIC level until you can hearyour own voice comfortably over the music. You can also adjust theDIM control so that when the talkback mic is on the program material isreduced to a comfortable background level or even off.Adding an external micThe Studio-Q is equipped with a second mic input that will also feed the headphone system, allowing a producer or band member to speak to artists. This is designed for a standard dynamic microphone. Turning on the producer mic can be done via a remote footswitch like the JR1-M. T o use the talkback button to activate an external mic, engage the REMOTE ON BOTH MICS recessed switch on the right side of the Studio-QT o test, follow the same procedure as above. Then set the recessed EXT-MIC level to 7 o’clock (off) . Press the TALKBACKUSING THE REMOTE CONTROLRadial makes a footswitch called the JR1-M™. This momentary footswitch is able to control the Studio-Q remotely by connecting a simple ¼” TS cable. The JR1-M can be set up in two modes, one with LED and one without. For use with the Studio-Q, you must set the footswitch to operate without LEDs as they will not receive power from the Studio-Q.There are two reasons to have a remote footswitch. The first is that for some studio engineers they prefer to switch the talkback mic on or off using a footswitch as this allows them to be twisting knobs and pushing a mouse around while talking. The other is for the producer. He may be sitting at the back of the room talking into an external mic where he cannot reach the Studio-Q and being able to turn on the mic using a footswitch makes this easy. In both cases, the footswitch input improves productivity!Using a footswitch with the Studio-Q is as simple as plugging it into the REMOTE IN ¼”connector on the back of the unit. In normal operation the footswitch will only activate theexternal microphone, allowing a producer at the back of the room control over their microphoneonly. When the REMOTE ON BOTH MICS recessed switch on the side of the Studio-Q isactivated then any connected footswitch will activate both microphones simultaneously.JR1-M footswtichUSING THE REMOTE OUTPUTThe REMOTE OUT connection on the Studio-Q™ allows an external device to receive a switching signal when the TALKBACK switch is pressed so that a relay or beacon can be used to attract attention when needed. There are two ways to set up the dry contact output:1. Switch set to OUT position – When the Talkback switch is pressed, this provides 12VDC at the remote out jack to operate a small light or to trigger a relay. The maximum current available at the output is 200mA. This output is NOT isolated from the internal circuitry of the Studio-Q™. Be careful as grounding either conductor anywhere may cause a ground loop.2. Switch set to IN position - When the Talkback switch is pressed, this provides a dry contact closure that is totally isolated from the internal circuitry of the Studio-Q. The line coming from this output may be exposed to a maximum peak voltage of 30V with a maximum current load of 500mA.RIGHTREMOTE EXT MICRIGHTLEFT REMOTE ININPUTRadial Engineering Ltd.Studio-Q™ User Guide9SPECIFICATIONS** Subject to change without notice.Audio Circuit Type: ...........................................................................................................Active with Opto FET dim circuits Frequency Response - Program: ......................................................................................................20Hz-20kHz +/-0.5dB Noise Floor: ...............................................................................................................................................................-86dBu Dynamic Range: ........................................................................................................................................................106dB Maximum Input - Program: .......................................................................................................................................+14dBu Intermodulation Distortion:......................................................................................................................................<0.005%Total Harmonic Distortion: ......................................................................................................................................<0.007%Input Impedance - Program: .................................................................................................................................20k Ohms Input Impedance - EXT Mic ....................................................................................................................................2k Ohms Clip Level - 1/4” Outputs: ..........................................................................................................................................+20dBu Output Impedance - 1/4” Outputs: ........................................................................................................................225 Ohms Maximum Gain - EXT Mic Input: .................................................................................................................................+45dB Dim Attenuation: .............................................................................................................................................-6dB to -80dB Power: ........................................................................................................................15VDC 400mA, Center Pole Positive Construction: ...............................................................................................................................................Steel Enclosure Warranty: ....................................................................................................................................Radial 3-year, transferableRadial Engineering Ltd.1845 Kingsway Ave. Port Coquitlam BC V3C 1S9 CanadaTel:604-942-1001•Fax:604-942-1010•Email:******************RADIAL ENGINEERING LTD. (“Radial”) warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship and will remedy any such defects free of charge according to the terms of this warranty. Radial will repair or replace (at its option) any defective component(s) of this product (excluding finish and wear and tear on components under normal use) for a period of three (3) years from the original date of purchase. In the event that a particular product is no longer available, Radial reserves the right to replace the product with a similar product of equal or greater value. In the unlikely event that a defect is uncovered, please call 604-942-1001 **********************************************(ReturnAuthorizationnumber)beforethe3yearwarrantyperiodexpires.The product must be returned prepaid in the original shipping container (or equivalent) to Radial or to an authorized Radial repair center and you must assume the risk of loss or damage. A copy of the original invoice showing date of purchase and the dealer name must accompany any request for work to be performed under this limited and transferable warranty. This warranty shall not apply if the product has been damaged due to abuse, misuse, misapplication, accident or as a result of service or modification by any other than an authorized Radial repair center.THERE ARE NO EXPRESSED WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE ON THE FACE HEREOF AND DESCRIBED ABOVE. NO WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL EXTEND BEYOND THE RESPECTIVE WARRANTY PERIOD DESCRIBED ABOVE OF THREE YEARS. RADIAL SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCI-DENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS ARISING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH MAY VARY DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU LIVE AND WHERE THE PRODUCT WAS PURCHASED.RADIAL ENGINEERING 3 YEAR TRANSFERABLE WARRANTYRadial Studio-Q™ User Guide - Part #: R870-1021-00 / 07-2021 / V2. Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved.Appearance and specifications subject to change without notice.。



Serie 8, Placa de inducción, 80 cm, NegroPIE875DC1EHEZ390090 Wok para radiantes e inducciónHEZ390210 Sartén antiadherente de 15 cm. de base. HEZ390220 Sartén antiadherente de 19 cm de base HEZ390230 Sartén antiadherente de 21 cm de base HEZ390250 Sartén antiadherente de 28 cm de base HEZ394301 Accesorio de uniónHEZ9ES100 Cafetera 4 tazasHEZ9FE280 Sartén de hierro Ø 18 / 28 cmHEZ9SE030 Set de 2 ollas y 1 sarténHEZ9SE040 set de 4 piezasHEZ9SE060 set de 6 piezas Encimera de inducción con PerfectFry: logra resultados de fritura perfectos gracias al control automático de temperatura.• DirectSelect Premium: selección directa y fácil de la zona decocción, potencia y funciones deseada.• PerfectFry: Un perfecto dorado al momento de freír gracias al sensor de control con 5 niveles de potencia.• PowerBoost: hasta un 50% más de potencia para una cocción más rápida.• QuickStart: start comience de inmediato a cocinar y seleccione el nivel de cocción deseado.• ReStart: si algo se derrama, la placa de cocción se apagaautomáticamente y guarda la última configuración seleccionada.Familia de Producto: ..........................Placa independie.vitrocerámica Tipo de construcción: .........................................................Integrable Entrada energética: ...............................................................Eléctrico Número de posiciones que se pueden usar al mismo tiempo: . (4)Medidas del nicho de encastre: ...............51 x 750-780 x 490-500 mm Anchura: .................................................................................816 mm Dimensiones aparato (alto, ancho, fondo): ...........51 x 816 x 527 mm Medidas del producto embalado: ........................126 x 953 x 603 mm Peso neto: ...............................................................................13.3 kg Peso bruto: ..............................................................................17.0 kg Indicador de calor residual: .................................................Separado Ubicación del panel de mandos: ...............Frontal de la vitrocerámica Material de la superficie básica: ....................................Vitrocerámica Color de superficie superior: ........................Negro, Aluminio gratado Longitud del cable de alimentación eléctrica: ......................110.0 cm Sealed Burners: ..............................................................................No Zonas con booster: ....................................................................Todas Potencia del elemento calentador: ...........................................2.2 kW Potencia del tercer elemento calentador: ................................1.4 kW Potencia del quinto elemento calentador: ...............................2.6 kW Power of heating element (kW in boost): ..............................[3.7] kW Power of 3rd heating element (kW in boost): ........................[2.1] kW Power of 5th heating element (kW in boost): ........................[3.7] kW Potencia: .................................................................................7400 W Tensión: ..............................................................................220-240 V Frecuencia: ..........................................................................60; 50 Hz Entrada energética: ...............................................................Eléctrico Tipo de clavija: ..................................................................sin enchufe Appliance Dimensions (h x w x d) (in): ..........................................x x Dimensions of the packed product: ....................4.96 x 23.74 x 37.51 Net weight: .........................................................................29.000 lbs Gross weight: .....................................................................37.000 lbs Número de posiciones que se pueden usar al mismo tiempo: . (4)Longitud del cable de alimentación eléctrica: ......................110.0 cm Medidas del nicho de encastre: ...............51 x 750-780 x 490-500 mm Dimensiones aparato (alto, ancho, fondo): ...........51 x 816 x 527 mm Medidas del producto embalado: ........................126 x 953 x 603 mm Peso neto: ...............................................................................13.3 kg Peso bruto: ..............................................................................17.0 kgSerie 8, Placa de inducción, 80 cm, NegroPIE875DC1EEncimera de inducción con PerfectFry: logra resultados de fritura perfectos gracias al control automático de temperatura.Diseño:- Combinación perfecta con el resto de placas de cristal vitrocerámico y terminación PremiumConfort:- 4 zonas de inducción- Programación de tiempo de cocción para cada zona y avisador acústico- Avisador acústico- STFE- Regulación electrónica con 17 niveles de potencia- Detección de recipiente- Posibilidad de limitar la potencia total de la encimera- Desconexión de seguridad de la placa- Bloqueo de seguridad para niños automático o manual- Función Clean: bloqueo temporal del control- Display de consumo de energía- Función Sprint en todas las zonasSeguridad:- Indicador de calor residual dual (H/h)- Main Switch- Sensor PerfectFry con 5 ajustes de temperaturaSerie 8, Placa de inducción, 80 cm,NegroPIE875DC1E。


XU io i YU io X I Li ua X am n X a A h
D p r n f y e ooy Z ein rvn eQuh uHoptlQ zo 3 4 0 C ia e at t n clg ,h j gPoic z o s i , uh u 2 0 0, hn me o G a a
13细 胞 学诊 断 .
2 结 果 2 1TCT 结 果 .
进 行 宫 颈 疾 病 T T筛 查 的 1 7 C 75 8例 患 者 中 ,诊 断 为 AC U S — S及 以上 的病 例 共 12 0例 , 8 占受检 患 者 总 数 72 % , .8 其 中 AS U 2 C— S8 3例 ( .8 、 S — 3例 ( .6 、SL 46 %) A C H 6 03 %)L I 3 3例 ( .8 、 I 3例 ( . %)AG 1 1 %)HSL7 7 04 2 、 C 8例 。
M eho l1 7 a e t e ia CT is e t n c n u td wee 0 o De e e t ds Al 5 8 c s s wi c r c lT n p ci o d ce r ee td i u op t rm a u r 0 9 t c mb r 7 h v o a
及 时 正确 诊 治 。薄层 液 基 细胞 学 检 测 ( ipe yooyts, t n rpctlg t h e T T) 目前 同际 上 比较 先 进 且 应 用极 广 的 检 测 技 术 , 有 C 是 具 检 查 简便 易 行 、 创 伤 、 济有 效 且可 多 次重 复 等 优点 。 院 无 经 我 妇 科 门诊 于 2 0 0 9年 1月 ~ 0 0年 1 21 2月共 对 1 7 7 5 8例 患 者 进 行 了 T T宫 颈 疾 病 筛 查 ,并 对 其 中检 查 异 常 患 者 进行 了 C



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Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告深圳市欧帝医疗科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:深圳市欧帝医疗科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分深圳市欧帝医疗科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业研究和试验发展-工程和技术研究和试验发展资质空产品服务是:第一类医疗器械销售;第二类医疗器械零1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标信息最多显示100条记录,如需更多信息请到企业大数据平台查询7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。



02 爱尔兰医疗器械法规框 架
爱尔兰的医疗器械法规主要依据欧盟的医疗器械指令(MDD)和医疗器械监 管法规(MDR)制定。这些法规为医疗器械的生产、销售和使用提供了全面的 法律框架。
为了加强医疗器械的监管,HPRA还采取了一系列措施,如建立医疗器械不良事件报告制度、加强与其他欧盟成 员国的合作和信息共享等。这些措施有助于提高医疗器械的安全性和有效性,保护患者的健康和权益。
03 市场准入要求
根据风险等级将医疗器械分为 I类、IIa类、IIb类和III类,不 同类别有不同的注册要求。
监管机构会对医疗器械制造商的生 产过程、质量管理体系等进行监督 审核,以确保产品的质量和安全性 。
监管机构会对市场上销售的医疗器 械进行监测,收集和分析相关数据 ,以评估产品的性能和安全性。
医疗器械制造商、进口商和医疗 机构等发现不良事件后,应通过
爱尔兰的医疗器械监管机构是爱尔兰药品和医疗器械管理局(HPRA)。该机构 负责监管医疗器械的市场准入、安全性和有效性,确保市场上的医疗器械符合 相关法规和标准。
爱尔兰的医疗器械法规适用于所有在 爱尔兰境内销售、使用的医疗器械, 包括进口和本地生产的医疗器械。



1.2 分支机构
截止 2018 年 10 月 27 日,根据国内相关网站检索及天眼查数据库分析,未查询到相关信息。不排除因信 息公开来源尚未公开、公开形式存在差异等情况导致的信息与客观事实不完全一致的情形。仅供客户参
状态 法定代表人
152000 万人民币 存续(在 顾丽华 营、开 业、在 册)
投资数额(万 元)

4.1 融资历史
截止 2018 年 10 月 27 日,根据国内相关网站检索及天眼查数据库分析,未查询到相关信息。不排除因信 息公开来源尚未公开、公开形式存在差异等情况导致的信息与客观事实不完全一致的情形。仅供客户参 考。
4.2 投资事件
截止 2018 年 10 月 27 日,根据国内相关网站检索及天眼查数据库分析,未查询到相关信息。不排除因信 息公开来源尚未公开、公开形式存在差异等情况导致的信息与客观事实不完全一致的情形。仅供客户参 考。
4.3 核心团队
截止 2018 年 10 月 27 日,根据国内相关网站检索及天眼查数据库分析,未查询到相关信息。不排除因信 息公开来源尚未公开、公开形式存在差异等情况导致的信息与客观事实不完全一致的情形。仅供客户参 考。
4.4 企业业务
截止 2018 年 10 月 27 日,根据国内相关网站检索及天眼查数据库分析,未查询到相关信息。不排除因信 息公开来源尚未公开、公开形式存在差异等情况导致的信息与客观事实不完全一致的情形。仅供客户参 考。





试剂价格 与干式生化相仿 收费 按急诊/POCT收费 按干化学收费 申请新收费 模仿者 配套试剂门槛较高
Any question?
爱尔兰欧迪诊断公司 Audit Diagnostics Business & Technology Park Carrigtwohill Co.Cork, Ireland www.auditdiagnostics.eu
检测结束/打印结果 加入样品/开始检测
Patient Correlation Microalbumin .
300.0 250.0 y = 1.1325x + 1.8589 R2 = 0.9916
什么是POCT(Point Of Care Test) 床边检测或就地检验 1994年首次提出 POCT的主要特点 快速得到结果 易于使用 个性化服务
中心实验室 周转时间 标本处理 校正 质控 试剂 消耗品 检测仪 对操作者的要求 每个试验花费 实验结果质量 可检测项目 慢 通常需要 频繁而且烦琐 烦琐但可靠 需要配制 相对少 复杂 专业人员 低 高 多 POCT 快 不需要 不频繁并且简单 一般不易控制 随时可用 相对多 简单 可以非专业人员 高 一般 一般较少
4.87 5.1 2
社区医院: 检测项目全,每日测试数少,没有专门人员; 肝功能:ALT, AST, ALP, TBIL, DBIL 肾功能:Crea, Urea, UA, CO2 血糖:GLU, FRU, HbA1c 胰腺炎:AMY (腹痛) 高血压:ACE 血脂:CHO, TG, HDL/LDL-C 营养评估:PALB (减肥健康状态筛查)






2.资质和认证:确保CRO公司拥有适当的资质和认证,如GCP认证(Good Clinical Practice)。













通过综合考虑以上因素,并与各家CRO 公司进行比较,您将能够选择最适合您的临床CRO合作伙伴。




欧迪特医学作为一家第三方独立临床试验稽查CRO公司之一,临床试验CRO是指专门从事临床试验服务的合同研究组织(Contract Research Organization)。











通过外包临床试验工作给CRO 机构,企业可以集中精力于核心业务,加速新药研发和上市。






一旦您体验了我们优质的浅表图像,您将发现它 会成为您在临床应用中一个必不可少的工具,其 应用包括神经丛阻滞、肌肉骨骼、风湿病、介入 引导、急诊及重症监护等等。
Fare clic per modificare lo stile del titolo
超过18MHz高频线阵探头,保证了精湛的浅表图像质量; 极高的浅表血流与能量多普勒灵敏度; 纯净波与Xcen探头技术,可以获得分辨率更高的图像; 人机工程学设计,紧凑、直观,简化了您的工作流程。
1.吸引眼球,让使用者眼前一亮 ----美丽的外观, 完美的细节
Fare clic per modificare lo stile 2. 超强的性能 ----图像质量 ----更好或是匹敌于世界上任何一款机器 del titolo
3. 直观的操作风格 ----便捷,高效
Fare clic per modificare lo stile del titolo
银杏具有悠久的历史,她出现在地球上有超过2.3亿年 的历史,现在在我们国家有很多超过一千年树龄的银杏 树 ---选择银杏作为我们公司企业文化的标志是取义于她的超 长生命力,寓意我们公司的经久不衰!
• • • • • • • • • • 腹部 产科 妇科 心脏 泌尿 血管 经颅多普勒 小器官 儿科 超声引导(神经阻滞、血管穿刺)
Fare clic per modificare lo stile del titolo
Fare clic per modificare lo stile 产品采用推车式结构,由主机、各种探 头、脚踏开关和踏脚板、医用黑白打印 del titolo 机、心电导联线组成。探头包括S1-8C、



5.10 司法拍卖..................................................................................................................................................10 5.11 股权冻结..................................................................................................................................................10 5.12 清算信息..................................................................................................................................................10 5.13 公示催告..................................................................................................................................................10 六、知识产权 .......................................................................................................................................................10 6.1 商标信息 ....................................................................................................................................................11 6.2 专利信息 ....................................................................................................................................................11 6.3 软件著作权................................................................................................................................................11 6.4 作品著作权................................................................................................................................................11 6.5 网站备案 ....................................................................................................................................................11 七、企业发展 .......................................................................................................................................................11 7.1 融资信息 ....................................................................................................................................................11 7.2 核心成员 ....................................................................................................................................................11 7.3 竞品信息 ....................................................................................................................................................12 7.4 企业品牌项目............................................................................................................................................12 八、经营状况 .......................................................................................................................................................12 8.1 招投标 ........................................................................................................................................................12 8.2 税务评级 ....................................................................................................................................................12 8.3 资质证书 ....................................................................................................................................................12 8.4 抽查检查 ....................................................................................................................................................12 8.5 进出口信用................................................................................................................................................13 8.6 行政许可 ....................................................................................................................................................13

Milestone AV Technologies 产品说明书

Milestone AV Technologies 产品说明书

Milestone AV Technologies6436 City West ParkwayEden Prairie, MN 55344 USACustomer ServiceAmericas:800-359-5520•651-484-7988•**************Europe,MiddleEast,andAfrica:+31(0)495580852•************************** Asia Pacific:8675589969226•**********************©2012 Milestone AV Technologies, a Duchossois Group Company.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS – SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – PLEASE READ ENTIRE MANUAL PRIOR TO USESpecifi cationsÙW e ight ca p acity-DO NOT EXCEED : 22.6 kg (50 lb) includ es TV and any acc ess ori es ÙTilt: ±12°CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial pe r s onal injuri es and p ro pe rty damag e !ÙDo not u se thi s p roduct for any p ur p o se not e x p licitly spe cifi e d by manufactur e r . ÙTh e wall mu s t b e ca p abl e of s u pp orting fi v e tim es th e w e ight of th e monitor and mount combin e d . ÙThi s p roduct i s d es ign e d for u se in wood fram e wall s only!ÙIf you do not und e r s tand th ese in s truction s , or hav e doubt s about th e s af e ty of th e in s tallation, a sse mbly or u se of thi s p roduct, contact Cu s tom e r S e rvic e or call a qualifi e d contractor .ÙManufactur e r i s not r esp on s ibl e for damag e or injury cau se d by incorr e ct a sse mbly or u se.3mmWARNING: This productcontains small items that could be a choking hazard if swallowed. B e for e s tarting a sse mbly, v e rify all p art s ar e includ e d and undamag e d . If any p art s ar e mi ss ing or damag e d, do not r e turn th e damag e d it e m to your d e al e r; contact Cu s tom e r S e rvic e. N e v e r u se damag e d p art s !NOTE: M4, M6, or M8 d es crib es th e diam e t e r, mm d es crib es th e l e ngth of s cr e w s that ar e lab e l e d M# X ##mm . Not all hardwar e includ e d will b e u se d .[01] x 1[02] x 1[03] x 2[05] x 4[06] x 4[07] x 4[08] x 4[09] x 4[10] x 4[11] x 4[12] x 4[13] x 4[14] x 4[15] x 4[17] x 4[16] x 8M4M6/M8M4M6/M8M8 x 16mm M8 x 35mmM6 x 12mm M6 x 20mm M6 x 35mmM4 x 12mm M4 x 30mmSupplied Parts and HardwareIn s tall brack e t e xt e n s ion s[03] ONLY if your TV ha s a 200 x 200 mm (79⁄10 x 79⁄10 in.) hol e p att e rn.M4/M6/M8En s ur e th e brack e t i s l e v e l on th e back of th e TV .NOTE: If th e hol e p att e rn on your TV i s 75mm x 75mm th e wa s h e r s [16, 17] will not b e u se d .If you r e quir e additional sp ac e for cabl es , r e c esses , or p rotru s ion s , choo se confi guration B .[01]Your TV ty pe will h e l p you d e t e rmin e which hardwar e confi guration to u se.A. In s tallation o p tion without sp ac e r s (TV s with fl at back s )B. In s tallation o p tion u s ing sp ac e r s (TV s with irr e gularback s )Hand thr e ad s cr e w s into th e thr e ad e d in se rt s on th e back of your TV to d e t e rmin e th e corr e ct s cr e w diam e t e r (M4, M6, or M8).CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial pe r s onal injuri es and p ro pe rty damag e ! V e rify that th e r e ar e ad e quat e thr e ad s to se cur e th e brack e t s to th e monitor . If you e ncount e r r es i s tanc e , s to p imm e diat e ly and contact cu s tom e r se rvic e. U se th e s hort es t s cr e w and sp ac e r combination to accommodat e your n ee d s. U s ing hardwar e that i s too long may damag e your TV .B1-1 Select the hardware diameter and length1 Select TV Hardware and Mount TV BracketEn s ur e th e brack e t i s l e v e l on th e back of th e TV. Standard confi guration s ar e s hown.NOTE: If th e hol e p att e rn on your TV i s75mm x 75mm th e wa s h e r s[16,17] will not b e u se d.For spe cial a pp lication s, or if you ar e unc e rtain about your hardwar e se l e ction, contact Cu s tom e r S e rvic e.L e v e l th e wall p lat e [02] and mark th e hol e location s.CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial injuri es or p ro pe rty damag e !Im p ro pe r u se could r e duc e th e holding p ow e r of th e lag bolt . To avoidp ot e ntial injuri es or p ro pe rty damag eÙDO NOT ov e r-tight e n th e lag bolt s [04].ÙTight e n th e lag bolt s [04] only until th e y ar e p ull e d firmly again s t th e wall p lat e [02].V e rify th e c e nt e r of th e s tud u s ing an awl, a thin nail, or an e dg e to e dg e s tud fi nd e r . CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial pe r s onal injuri es and p ro pe rtydamag e !ÙAny mat e rial cov e ring th e wall mu s t not e xc ee d 16 mm (5/8 in .). ÙMinimum wood s tud s iz e : common 51 x 102 mm (2 x 4 in .)(nominal 38 x 89 mm (1½ x 3½ in .)).CAUTION: Avoid p ot e ntial injuri es or p ro pe rty damag e ! Pilothol es MUST b e drill e d to a d ep th of 63½ mm (2½ in .), u s ing a 3 mm (1⁄8 in .) diam e t e r drill bit .[02][01]A34.92 mm(13⁄8 in.)[01][02]BS e cur e th e TV to th e wall p lat e u s ing th e locking tab (T). NOTE: If you n ee d to r e mov e th e TV from th e wall p lat e, un se cur e th e locking tab (T).5 Adjust Up / Down Tilt TensionLoo se n th e tilt t e n s ion nut to adju s t th e tilt of your TV. Tight e nth e tilt t e n s ion nut wh e n your TV i s se t to th e d es ir e d tilt.Mil es ton e AV T e chnologi es and it s affi liat e d cor p oration s and s ub s idiari es (coll e ctiv e ly, “Mil es ton e”), int e nd to mak e thi s manual accurat e and com p l e t e. How e v e r, Mil es ton e mak es no claim that th e information contain e d h e r e in cov e r s all d e tail s, condition s, or variation s. Nor do es it p rovid e for e v e ry p o ss ibl e conting e ncy in conn e ction with th e in s tallation or u se of thi s p roduct. Th e information contain e d in thi s docum e nt i s s ubj e ct to chang e without notic e or obligation of any kind. Mil es ton e mak es no r ep r ese ntation of warranty, e x p r esse d or im p li e d, r e garding th e information contain e d h e r e in. Mil es ton e a ss um es no r esp on s ibility for accuracy, com p l e t e n ess or s uffi ci e ncy of th e information contain e d in thi s docum e nt.。



欧迪办公介绍范文您需要后才可以 |office depot(.officedepot.)公司(中文名称:欧迪办公)成立于1986年,总部位于美国佛罗里达州,年销售额150多亿美元,全球员工近52000人,为43个国家和地区的客户提供办公产品与办公效劳。

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目前,office depot已在北美地区开设近1200多家零售店,并在世界其他国家和地区拥有350多家零售店;同时,office depot是世界最大的电子商务企业之一,网上年销售额达47亿美元,全球排名第三。

office depot在纽约证券交易市场上市(股票代码:odp),列于标准普尔500指数。

亚商在线(.asiaec.)创立于 1999 年,引入美国风险投资基金,总部位于北京,连续三年被《互联网周刊》评为“中国商业网站百强”,并荣获“中国最具影响力的电子商务企业”.“未来之星——最具成长性新兴企业”等多项称号。

xx年10月,office depot公司控股亚商在线,自xx年1月1日起亚商在线正式更名为欧迪办公(中国)。




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QuickRead 光电比浊法 2 (CRP, MALB) 需要加试剂
2-3min/测试 差 无 ? 1kg
检测项目齐全,检测更多指标也无需购买昂贵仪 器
POCT,快速并且简单 免维护,无折旧困扰,环保 结果精确,相关性极佳 具有完整的校准、质控解决方案 专利条形码试剂杯,不可替代
作业标准记得牢,驾轻就熟除烦恼。2020年 11月2日 星期一 4时28 分47秒 04:28: 472 November 2020
好的事情马上就会到来,一切都是最 好的安 排。上 午4时28分47 秒上午4 时28 分04:28 :4720. 11.2
专注今天,好好努力,剩下的交给时 间。20. 11.220. 11.204: 2804: 28:470 4:28:4 7Nov- 20
检测项目齐全,检测更多指标也无需购买昂贵仪器 POCT,快速并且简单 免维护,无折旧困扰,环保
政府医疗改革大投入 发展社区医院
按急诊/POCT收费 按干化学收费 申请新收费
Any question?
树立质量法制观念、提高全员质量意 识。20. 11.220. 11.2Monday, November 02, 2020
人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。 04:28: 4704:28:470 4:2811/ 2/2020 4:28:47 AM
安全象只弓,不拉它就松,要想保安 全,常 把弓弦 绷。20. 11.204: 28:47 04:28 Nov-20 2-Nov- 20
毒品滥用DOA 酒精定量检测
干式生化分析仪 Roche, J&J, Fuji
特种蛋白分析仪 QuickRead, 国赛,小旋风
检测原理 检测项目
样品 检测速度 质控 结果相关性 结果保存 重量
优化病人结果:提供快速反应,尤其急救目的 促进关联:尽量使结果和中心实验室一致 整合诊断实验:以病人为中心的服务制定,检测更多
项目 保证出色的工作:完善质控 减少工作错误
完全定量结果! 使用和中心实验室一样方法学! 全能移动实验室! 快速准确的结果, 1-5% CV! 完善的质控系统,每个检测都读取空白! 条形码管理,减少人工出错!
谷氨酰氨基转移酶 (GGT)
靶值 % 偏离靶值 %CV 钙 偶氮砷法 靶值 % 偏离靶值 %CV 胆固醇 靶值 % 偏离靶值 %CV
水平 1 41 6 2.88
2.05 3.22 2.16
2.37 2.66 3.36
水平 2 201 -0.75 3.49
3.23 3.5 0.52
4.87 5.1 2
儿童医院: CRP (诊断发炎病因):可与血常规一起检测 MALB (肾炎指标) ADA (肺结核排查):肺结核高度流行,高度危险 GLU (妊娠期糖尿病) CA (新生儿癫痫,低钙血症), 乳酸 (围产期评估,休克治疗)
AMY, CO2, CRP, 血氨,心脏病指标
1-5分钟出结果 带有条形码的专利比色杯R1 & R2 触摸屏LCD,界面友好,操作简易 可通过USB与L.I.S主机相连 整合打印机 密码保护
安全象只弓,不拉它就松,要想保安 全,常 把弓弦 绷。20. 11.204: 28:47 04:28 Nov-20 2-Nov- 20
加强交通建设管理,确保工程建设质 量。04 :28:47 04:28: 4704: 28Mon day, November 02, 2020
安全在于心细,事故出在麻痹。20.11. 220.11. 204:28 :4704 :28:47 Novem ber 2, 2020
牢记安全之责,善谋安全之策,力务 安全之 实。20 20年11月2日星 期一4 时28分 47秒Monday, November 02, 2020
相信相信得力量。20.11.22020年11月2日星期 一4时28分47 秒20.11.2
POCT Market Status & Liqui-Stat POCT市场状况及立可得
什么是POCT POCT的机会和趋势 欧迪诊断Liqui-Stat 竞争产品 我们的优势和机会 Liqui-Stat定位 关键问题
ALT:采血前检测,有效减少废血 Hb:评估献血资格
CRP, 常规生化
踏实肯干,努力奋斗。2020年11月2日 上午4 时28分
追求至善凭技术开拓市场,凭管理增 创效益 ,凭服 务树立 形象。2020年 11月2日 星期一 上午4 时28分 47秒0 4:28:4 720.11.2
严格把控质量关,让生产更加有保障 。2020 年11月 上午4 时28分20.11.20 4:28N ovembe r 2, 2020
复杂 准备样品/试剂,操作 下单,报告,需专业
少(几乎无双试剂) 少(几乎无双试剂)
低能耗,用去离子水 高能耗,更多去离子水

清洗管路,光路系统 清洗管路/光路,移动 换泵管/灯泡/滤光片 件,换泵管/灯/滤光片
通常需要 频繁而且烦琐 烦琐但可靠
需要配制 相对少
复杂 专业人员
低 高 多
不需要 不频繁并且简单
一般不易控制 随时可用 相对多 简单
可以非专业人员 高 一般
通过POCT提高患者满意度 省去不必要的成本
社会成本:节省时间,减少到医院次数 降低仪器维护与折旧成本 降低培训和教育成本
检测项目全,每日测试数少,没有专门人员; 肝功能:ALT, AST, ALP, TBIL, DBIL 肾功能:Crea, Urea, UA, CO2 血糖:GLU, FRU, HbA1c 胰腺炎:AMY (腹痛) 高血压:ACE 血脂:CHO, TG, HDL/LDL-C 营养评估:PALB (减肥健康状态筛查)
检测原理 检测项目 试剂
检测速度 仪器扩展性 打印 结果保存 重量
Liqui-Stat 光电比色法
95 无需加试剂 简单,仅需加样品,非 专业可操作 1-5min/测试
强 自动打印
1000 1.33kg
特种蛋白分析仪 光电比浊法 约30 需要加试剂
2-5min/测试 中
自动打印 ?
加强交通建设管理,确保工程建设质 量。04 :28:47 04:28: 4704: 28Mon day, November 02, 2020
安全在于心细,事故出在麻痹。20.11. 220.11. 204:28 :4704 :28:47 Novem ber 2, 2020
踏实肯干,努力奋斗。2020年11月2日 上午4 时28分
什么是POCT(Point Of Care Test)
床边检测或就地检验 1994年首次提出
快速得到结果 易于使用 个性化服务
周转时间 标本处理 校正 质控 试剂 消耗品 检测仪 对操作者的要求 每个试验花费 实验结果质量 可检测项目
中心实验室 慢
世界第一台快速湿生化分析仪 进口产品质量稳定
医疗改革可能带来社区医院发展机会 血站面临新挑战,有效减少废血
爱尔兰政府支持 厂家支持学术访问
社区医院 血站/采血车 中小医院急诊/夜间门诊 军队移动医院/野战医院
通过POCT进行有效率的决策和治疗优化 政府支持/推动POCT发展
“在未来的5~10年内,POCT应该达到检查的70~80%以上,基本改变目前的检验医 学格局;当然中心实验室也应该同时存在,主要进行一些复杂的试验;当成本进一步 降低后,POCT的发展将达到高峰,而目前我们正处于这个被改变过程中。” -- 丛玉 隆
追求至善凭技术开拓市场,凭管理增 创效益 ,凭服 务树立 形象。2020年 11月2日 星期一 上午4 时28分 47秒0 4:28:4 720.11.2
严格把控质量关,让生产更加有保障 。2020 年11月 上午4 时28分20.11.20 4:28N ovembe r 2, 2020
作业标准记得牢,驾轻就熟除烦恼。2020年 11月2日 星期一 4时28 分47秒 04:28: 472 November 2020