人教版初中英语九年级全一册第十一单元Section B 3a—3b Self check(共18张PPT)
Unit 11 section A(3a-3c) 教案2021-2022学年人教版英语九年级全册
一、教学背景教学学科:初中英语教学年级:九年级课型:阅读课执教教师:克音河乡学校王明子【教材分析】教学内容:人教版 Go for it!九年级全一册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry SectionA (3a-3c)主题语境:快乐人的衬衫(叙述快乐人的衬衫这则故事,国王郁郁寡欢,医生告诉他只要找到一个快乐人的衬衫穿上,就可以治愈,国王找了首相,银行家,歌手,但是都没有成功,于是国王让将士三天内找到一个快乐的人...那么什么样的人快乐呢?你眼中的快乐是什么呢?)语篇类型:寓言故事(叙述快乐人的衬衫这一则寓言故事)【核心素养点】积累语言知识-锻炼语言能力-培养思维方式【语篇研读】[what]语篇的主题和内容:本单元主要研究的是不同的事物对情绪的影响,本阅读文段中选取了《快乐人的衬衫》中的一段,通过寓言故事告诉我们情绪影响。
Unit 1 Section B (3a_3b) 课件 2024-2025学年英语人教版九年级全一册
1. Science is quite important and useful. 2. As we all know, science is as important as Chinese and math. 3. It's said that(据说) science plays an important part in our life, so it's necessary for us to learn it well. 4. As is known to us(众所周知), science is such an important subject that all of us need to learn it well.
1. How/ What about doing sth? 2. Why don't you do sth?
3. Why not do sth?
4. Shall we do sth?
5. Would you mind doing sth? 6. You'd better do sth. 8. It's +形容词+ to do sth.
Every science class is like a bad dream. Science is so hard that she doesn't understand it most of the time. She usually hides behind the textbook because she is afraid of being questioned by the teacher.
【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 11 第2课时分层训练(练习题)
人教版九年级全一册Unit 11 第2课时分层训练(Section A2 3a-4b)(933)1.Ba g s o f Lo veLa s t ye a r, I wo r k e d in a mid d le sc ho o l n e a r my mo th e r's h o u se, and I s ta ye d with h e r fo r a mo n th.Du r in g th at time,I h e lp e d h e r d o s o me h ou s e wo r k a n d b u y s o me f o o d.A f te r th e f ir s t we ek,I n o tic ed tha t th e f oo d wa s e a te n u p ve r y q u ic k ly.T h e n I b e g an k e e p in g a n e ye o n my mo m.To my s u r p r is e, I f o u nd th a t sh e wo uld p u t so me o f th e fo od in to a p a pe r b ag a n d go ou t with it a t a bo u t n in e e ve r y mo r n in g.A n d f ina lly, I d e c id ed to f o llo w h e r.I s a w h e r ta k ing th e f oo d to th e s tr e e t c h ild r e n.Sh e wou ld a ls o sp end a lo t o f time ta lk in g an d p la yin g with th e m.O ne da y,I ta lk e d to a n e ig hb o r a nd f ou nd out th a t my mo m wa s well-k n o wn in thea r e a.Th e c h ild r en we r e ve r y f r ie n d ly wit h h e r a nd e ve n tho u ght o f he r a s th e ir o wn mo th e r.Th e n it h it me—wh y wo u ld n't s h e wa n t to te ll me a bo u t it? Wa s sh e wo r r ied th at I wo u ld s to p bu yin g f o o d if I f o u nd ou t?W h en my mo m g o t h ome, I g a ve h e r a b ig h ug.I to ld he r s he d idn't n e e d to ke ep it s e c re t f r o m me.A nd s he tol d me s o me th in g a b ou t th e ch ild r en.S o me o f th e m live d with an o ld la d y in a s ma ll h ous e.O th e r s s lep t o n th e s tr e e t.Fo r ye a r s sh e wa s h e lp in g the p oor s tr e e t c h ild r en b y g ivin g th e m f oo d.A f te r s h e to ld me e ve r yth in g, I wa s so mo ve d b y h ow s e lf le s s(无私的) s he wa s.Sh e he lp ed o the r s in n e ed.A s he r so n, I wa s s o p ro u d o f my mo m.I c o n tin u ed to b u y f o od f o r my mo m a f te r th a t.Bu t I a lwa ys a d d ed o ne mo r e b a g f o r h e r o th e r c h ild re n.(1)A f te r the f ir s t week,the wr ite r n o tic ed th a t .()A.th e fo o d wa s p u t in to a b ig b oxB.h is mo m f o llo we d th e ch ild r enC.the f oo d wa s e a te n u p q u ick lyD.h is mo m s to p p ed buyin g f o od(2)Th e s tre e t ch ild r en th o ug h t o f the wr ite r's mo m a s th e ir.()A.o ld g r a nd maB.o wn mo th e rC.ne w ne ig hb o rD.d e a r te a ch e r(3)Ho w d id the wr i te r f e e l ab ou t h is mo m a fte r s h e to ld h im e ve r yth in g?()A.He wa s p r ou d o f h er.B.H e wa s c on f id en t in h e r.C.H e wa s a ng r y with h e r.D.He wa s wo r r ied ab ou t h e r.(4)Th e wr ite r a dd e d on e mo r e b a g o f fo od to.()A.ma k e f r ie nd s with th e ch ild r enB.ge t a h ug f ro m h is mo th e rC.be co me we ll-k n o wn in th e a r eaD.h e lp th e p oo r s tr ee t c h ild r en2.We live in B ed f o rd,a to wn n ea r Lo n don.M y f a th e r is a h a rd-wo r k in g p ilo t,s o h ed oe sn't h a ve mu c h time to loo k af te r u s.W h en I wa s a k id,my mo m lik e d to ma ke b r ea k f a s t f oo d fo r din n e r e ve r y n o w a n dth e n.An d I r e me mb e r o ne n igh t in p a r tic ula r,wh en s he ha d ma d e b r e ak f a s t fo o d a f te r a lo ng,h a r d d a y a t h o s p ita l.O n tha t e ve n in g so lo ng ag o,my mo m p la c ed a p la te o f eg g s,s aus a g e an d te r r ib ly b u rn t b is c u its in f ro n t o f my d a d.I r e me mb e r wa itin g to s ee if a n yo n e n o tic ed.Ye t a ll my d a d d id was r e ac h fo r a b is cu it,s mile a t my mo m a n d a s k my b r o th e r an d me ho w we h a d b e e n do in g a t sc h oo l.I do n't r e me mb e r wh a t I to ld h im th a t n ig h t,b u t I d o r e me mb e r wa tc h ing h im p u t b u tte r a nd je lly(果酱) o n th a t b is cu it an d e a t e ve r y b ite!W h en I g o t u p f ro m the ta b le th a t e ve n ing,I r e me mb e r h e a r ing my mo m a p o log iz e(道歉) to my d a d f o r bu r n in g th e b is cu its.A nd I will n e ve r f o rg e t what h e s a id,“Ho n e y,I lo ve b u r n t b isc u its.”La te r th a t n ig h t,I we n t to k is s my d a d g o od n igh t a n d I a s ke d h im if h e r e a ll y lik e d h is b is c u its bu r n t.H e wr a p pe d me in h is a r ms a n d sa id,“Yo u r mom is r e a ll y tir e d a f te r a h a r d da y's wo r k.Be sid e s, a little b u rn t b is c u it c o u ld n e ve r hu r t a n yo n e.We h a ve b een ma r r ie d f o r 17 ye a r s.Sh e a lwa ys c o ok s fo r me.D on't p u t th e key to yo u r h ap p ine s s in s o me o n e e ls e's p o c ke t b u t in to yo u r o wn.”根据短文内容,回答下列问题。
Section B 3a—3b Self check 初中九年级初三英语教案教学设计教学反思 人教版
人教版九年级(全一册) Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.Writing 教学设计T: What’s the person?S. …T: How about the points? S. …T: How many words?S. …Task2:Write an outline. T: How to write your outline? S. …Step3 PresentationTask1 Watch the video.T: We have many memories about our school life. Do you want to know Miss Liang’s memories about your school life?S. Yes.T: Now I’ll share with you. Let’s watch the video.视频中的文本:My boys and girls,How time flies! I can’t believe it’s been three years since you came to our school. There are many sweet memories of ours.I remember walking into your classroom for the first time in Grade 7.I remember cheering for your basketball game.I remember the excitement of the school sports day each year.I remember your lovely smiles, your wonderful performance, your good handwriting…We used to sing English songs together before class.We used to discuss the questions together.You have improved your English level by working hard since you came here.You have grown up and can be responsible for yourselves. I’m proud of you.All good things come to an end. You will set out on your new journey. I hope you remember where you came from.The future is yours. Best wishes to you!Task2 Complete the mind map according to the passage.T: Complete the mind map according to the passage. Write on the paper. You can use the key words or key sentence patterns.【设计说明】任务一,课前收集学生们的学校生活照片,制作成一个短视频,配上《时间都去哪儿了》的音乐伴奏,以教师自身的视角展现memories, 并配上文字说明。
人教版英语九年级全册Unit1 SectionB(3a-Self Check)精品教案
Unit1 SectionB〔3a-Self Check〕精品教案【学习目标】一、通过学习,熟练掌握以下词汇:repeat, note, pals, physics, chemistry, try to, take notes, pen pals, pattern, bit by bit, over and over again.二、口、笔头掌握以下句型:1.—How do you learn new words?—By listening to a tape and repeating out loud.2.—How do you practice listening?—By taking notes, doing exercises and reading a lot.3.—How do you learn grammar?—By writing e-mails to my pen pals.4. It is also a good idea to ... because ...5. You could try to improve your English by ... This will help you to ...三、1.通过对本单元语法的复习与稳固,学会归纳和总结。
【课前准备】以动画片? 哆啦A梦?为话题,导入新课。
并以学习不好的大雄向哆啦A 梦讨教学习方法为本节课的主线,贯穿整节课。
T: Do you like watching ? 哆啦A梦??Do you know who is smart?Is Da Xiong good at studying?教学设计说明:利用学生感兴趣的动漫形象及内容为话题,能充分调动学生的积极性和兴趣,激发学生的学习欲望,起到事半功倍的作用。
人教版英语课本九年级全一册第十一单元未完待续的课文后续11单元 3aRead the story and answer the questions.The Shirt of a Happy Man (Part 1)A long time ago, in a rich and beautiful country, there lived an unhappy king. He slept badly and didn't feel like eating. His face was always pale(苍白) as chalk(粉笔) . He often cried(哭泣)for no reason. This made the queen and his people worried .One day, a doctor was called in to examine(检查the king. But he found nothing wrong with his body. "It's all in his mind. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. What he needs is the shirt衬衫)of a happy person to wear(穿的). That'll make him happy."The prime minister(首相)was called to the palace(宫殿. But when they explained the king's situation to him, he said,“Although I have a lot of power, it doesn't make me happy. I'm always worried about losing my power. Many people are trying to take my position."Then, the king's banker(银行家)came to the palace.“Oh, I'mafraid I'm not happy either," he said.“ I have a lot of wealth(财富), but I'm always worried about losing my money. Someone tries to steal my money every day. " Next, the palace singer came to the king's room. But this was what he said:“It's true that I'm famous and everyone loves my songs. But I'm not happy because I'm always worried about being followed(被跟踪)by others. I cannot be free (我不自由!) "Finally, the king's top general(将领 was told(被告知 to go out and find a happy man in three days' time.(To be continued)(未完待续)11 单元 2bRead the story and number the events(事件) in the correct order(顺序).The Winning TeamPeter kept his eyes on the ground(眼睛盯着地面). He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders(肩膀)as he walked home alone. It was the worst day of his life. His mind(脑海)would not stop thinking about what happened only just an hour ago on the school soccer field.How could he have missed scoring that goal(他怎么会错过那个进球了?) He had let his whole team down(他让整个队伍失望了). His stupid mistake made him angry. His team had lost(输掉)the game because of him. He was really worried that his coach(教练)might kick 踢him off出 the team.As soon as he walked through the door, his father asked, "What's wrong, son?" Peter's feelings were written all over his face."I lost the game," Peter replied. Then he went into his room without another word(一言不发). Ten minutes later, Peter heard hisfather knocking on his bedroom door. He opened the door to let him in.“Look ,Peter . I don't know what happened. But whatever it was, don't be too hard on yourself .”“I lost the game, Dad. I failed(使失败/失望)my team. They'll probably(很可能)never let me play aga in.“Soccer is about team effort(足球运动是团队合作). You're not the only reason your team lost. If you havea good team, you should support(支持)each other. Besides(况且), winning or losing is only half the game. The other half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes."Peter didn't say anything, but what his father said made him think carefully. The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage(勇气) rather than 而不是 fear(恐惧不安)in his heart.“Hey guys(伙计们)" he said to his teammates. "I'm really sorry about yesterday. We were so close(接近) to winning that game. But I think if we continue to pull together(重新振作/齐心协力), we're going to win the next one."To his surprise and relief(安慰), his teammates all nodded点头表示)in agreement.“Y eah," they said, "don't worry about it. It's never just one person's fault(从来都不是一个人的错). We should think about how we can do better next time."Peter smiled(笑了). It made him feel lucky to know that he was on a winning team.。
人教新目标版英语九年级全一册Unit 11 Section A 3a-3c.
Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示填空。 1. Xinjiang is w ealthy in cotton and grapes. 2. Susan asked for a year's leave and Jane takes her p osition . 3. Tomorrow we will be e xamined in our English. 4. The Readers shows the beauty of Chinese language and the p ower of
H__ea_h_la_od__t_o__f__p_o_ wer
his power. Many people were
trying ttao_k_e__h_i_s__p__o.sition
He _w__a_s__w__o_r_r_i_e_d__about
palace The _____
( )4.
F The banker was worried about
being followed by others
1. Can medicine help the king? Why or why not? No. Because the doctor finds nothing wrong with his body.
1.Look through the passage quickly to find the
main idea without having to read every word.
2.Pay attention to the first or the last sentence of
each paragraph before you read the whole text
人教版《Section B 3a―3b Self check》优秀PPT课件九年级全一册
In a word, it’s important for us to keep safe
all the time.
----- (Ending)
Step 6 Homework
归县连续发生两次小型的地震,宜昌地区的很多县市 都有震感,可见,拥有较好的防震知识很重要,请你 以学校组织的一次防震演练(earthquake drill)为例, 谈一谈地震发生时我们应该怎么做? 可包含以下要点:
downstairs. _____, we should be friendly and get
on well with others. _____, we should be careful
to eat healthy food and stay away from junk food.
It is bad for our health. ----- (Main body)
Eg: When we eat food , we must/should eat healthy food. /we shouldn’t/mustn’t eat junk food.
When we … , we must/should … /we shouldn’t…
What can we do to help ourselves to be safe?
We should/must/need to…
We should/must/need to/ can…
We should … must … need to …
We should … must … need to …
【人教版】九年级全一册英语:Unit 11单元导学案(Word版)
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.第一课时Section A(1a-2d)Target Navigation 【目标导航】Key words and phrases:drive,drive sb. crazy/mad,the more…the more…,lately,be friends with(sb.),leave out,friendshipKey sentences:(1)Sad movies make me cry.(2)I'd rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I'm eating.(3)Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy.(4)The more I got to know Julie,the more I've realized that we have a lot in common.(5)It makes Alice unhappy because she thinks Julie is now better friends with me than with her.Skills:初步学会谈论事情如何影响你,并表达个人主观感受。
The guidance of learning methods 【学法指导】通过听、说等一些活动培养良好的听力习惯和能力,再通过独学和小组合作,学会把握学习的主要内容,在学习中善于记要点,善于抓住用英语进行交际的机会。
Learning important and difficult points 【学习重难点】学会运用make sb. do sth./make sb.+adj.的结构表达“某事使某人怎么样”。
新目标人教版 九年级全册英语 Unit11 Section B 3a-Self check
本文根据要求是一篇记叙文。它主 要是说明事件的时间、背景、起因、过 程及结果,即我们通常所说的五个“ W ” (what, who, when, where, why )和一 个“ H ” (how)。人称应是第一人称,时 态应是过去时。
After school this afternoon, on my way home I met two Americans who lost their way. They forgot the way to the hotel where they stayed. As I knew where the hotel was, I decided to take them there. On the road, we talked a lot. I told them about the great changes in the city. They told me something about the American youth as well.
翻译下列短语。 1. 使……失望
let… down 3. 而不是
rather than 5. 在肩上
on one’s shoulder 7. 敲门
knock on the door 9. 向……学习
learn from
2. 开除
kick sb. off 4. 齐心协力
pull together 6. 停止做某事
Friendship is very important. Spending time with friends makes me happy. Family is the most important to me. My family around me makes me feel comfortable and contented.
Unit11 SectionB3a~SelfCheck课件英语九年级全一册
The boy 5 off on foot for the river and some time later came back with a bowl of water.The old man asked him,“Did you notice the beautiful flowers along the road and the birds 6 in the trees?” The boy could say 7 about them because he gave his full attention to the bowl in his hands.The old man smiled and said,“Bring me 8 bowl of water,but this time enjoy the flowers and the singing of birds as well.” When he returned,the boy was able to describe everything he had seen to the old man.But when he looked down at his bowl,he found sadly that most water 9 .He forgot all about his bowl while enjoying the beautiful things along the road.
We had better call in a specialist at this critical moment.
Neither dad nor mom is at home today.
Unit 11 Section A 3a-3c22-23人教版英语九年级全一册
Oh, I’m afraid I’m not happy either, I have a lot of wealth (n. 财富), but I’m always worried about losing my money. Someone tries to steal my money every day.
either … or …表示两者选其一,意思是 “不是…就是…; 要么…要么…”。作主语 时,谓语动词遵循就近原则。
Either he or I am right. 不是他是对的,就是我是对的。
Either my sister or my parents are coming to see me.
so3m.eWonheytrdieosetso msteoanl ehyisnmootnmeyaekveertyhedabya. nker happy?
He is always worried about being followed by others, so
3b Find words or phrases from the story with
向某人解释某事 因...而担心 取代某人的位置 丧失权利,下台 被某人跟踪 被告知做某事 在三天内
unhappy worried
examine the king
power money famous unhappy
find a happy person
A person is happy or not has nothing to do with the external factors such as power, money, the key is their own state of mind.
[ˈɡræmə(r)] n.语法
3a. Read the passage about Wei Fen and answer the questions.
1.Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English? 2.What did she do in English class? 3.What is the secret to language learning?
watch English movies
Read English books
Read English newspapers
[ɪkˈspreʃn] n.表情;表示;表达方式
express v. 表达
[dɪˈskʌvə(r)] v. 发现;发觉
Last year, I did not like my English class.Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand most of the time. I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation. I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything.
How I Learned to Learn English
practice and learn Practice makes perfect.
Argument: from mistakes
We can learn a lot.
develop study skills They can help us learn better
ask questions
Knowledge comes from questioning.
How to ask how to study (English/for a test)? ①How+do/does +主语+动词原形+…? ②How+情态动词+主语+动词原形+…?
How to answer how to study (English/for a test)?
Best ways to learn
1. Being interested in what you do
If you are interested in If you like music, you can something, your brain will learn English by listening be more active and … to English songs.
2. Li Ming wants to improve his listening. He could practice his listening _b_y__li_st_e_n_in_g__to__ta_p_e_s__.
3. Meiping doesn’t know many English words. She could learn more words _b_y__u_si_n_g_d_i_c_ti_o_n_a_ri_e_s__.
Unit 11 Section B 3a写作课优质课件 九年级年级英语全一册(人教版新目标)
helping others
jump up and ... person, down with / for one of the greatest things
in life
getting good grades on an exam
be on cloud nine (极其快乐;乐不
inspire (激励) me to keep studying hard
I failed in an English competition in Grade 8. It made me sad.
What happened next?
3a Think of some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad.
Tell your partner about them. Use the following ideas to help you.
• winning/losing a competition • getting good/bad grades on an exam • performing something well/badly in front of a big group of people • getting into a fight with your best friend • your first trip outside your hometown
How does it make you feel when you ...?
win a competition
perform something well in front of a big group of
人教版九年级英语全一册 教学课件Unit 11第6课时(B 3a-Self Check)
开门见山,介绍 “我”参加过的
具体介绍该课外 活动给“我”带 来的收获及感受
总结课外活动 的意义
There are many different kinds of… I joined… I get used to playing…
To start with, I’ve made lots of friends … Besides, the more … the healthier … Lastly, it’s true that it makes me feel relaxed while…
unhappy things in your lives. 3. To review the key vocabulary and functions
presented in the unit.
Review and fill in the blanks.
Peter _k__ep__t _h_is__e_y_es__o_n_ the ground as he walked home, he was very upset because he had _m__is_s_e_d_s_c_o_r_i_n_g_ a goal in the soccer game and his team had lost, he was worried that his coach might _k_ic_k__h_i_m__o_ff__ the team. When he got home, his feelings w__e_re__w_r_i_tt_e_n__a_ll_o_v_e_r_ his face, his father noticed something was wrong so he went and had a talk with Peter. Peter told his father that he had failed his team, but his father told him not _to__b_e_t_o_o__h_a_r_d_o_n_ himself.
4b Complete the survey. Then ask two other students.
What makes You Student Student 2
you ...?
want to cry 使人不舒服的
feel like
…使某人做某事(不能带不定式符号to) e.g.The music makes us happy.
The rainy days make us sad.
The loud music makes me want to dance
注意:当make 用于被动语态时,必须带不定式符号to. 如: We were made to work all night.
“make + sb. / sth.+ _a_d__j_.__
(使得某人 / 某物……)”
2. “make + sb. / sth.+_d_o__ sth.
(使得某人 / 某物做某事)”。
◆ make + sb./sth. + adj. 意为“使得某人/某物……”。
A: What makes you angry? B: When people throw rubbish on the
the teacher handed back our exams. That made me nervous.
But I found out that I didn’t do too badly. That made me very
人教版初中英语九年级全一册第十一单元Section B 3a—3b Self check(共18张PPT)
happy uneasy
happy uneasy
angry awful
2. Write sentences using the words given.
(1). sad movies/ cry Sad movies make me cry.
(2). speaking in front of many people/nervous
人教版Go for it 九年级
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.
Section B
Period 5 3a-3b Self check
sad/unhappy angry
nervous /uneasy awful
comfortable /relaxed
1. Put the words in the appropriate
e.g. Friendship is very important. Spending time
with friends makes me happy. Power is not important to me. I don’t like toFinish your composition. 2. Review the whole unit.
Section B 3a—3b Self check 初中九年级初三英语教案教学设计教学反思 人教版
国平台优质课堂教学设计1、设计人:宁夏银川市第二十中学郑瑞2、课题:人教版Go for it!(2011年版)九年级全一册Unit5What are the shirts made of?Section B 3a---Self Check话题复习课:Intangible cultural heritage.3、教学设计(1)学情分析(和注意问题):班级英语成绩属于中上水平。
本节课教学的主线是通过引导学生了解非物质文化遗产(intangible cultural heritage),激发他们对非物质文化遗产的讨论及重视,树立文化自信。
(3)教学安排(第几节、课型和相关性分析):在整合完这个单元的内容后,我结合传统文化元素,设计了一节话题复习课,也是一节综合复习课,让学生以Intangible Cultural Heritage为话题,了解更多非物质文化,探讨文化态度。
(4)教学目标:第一,展示本节课的标题及话题(intangible cultural heritage),让学生思考并提出与之相关的子话题。
人教版九年级第11单元Section B 1a—1e教案
(Section B 1a-1e) 教学设计
一、教学基本信息 人教版九年 任课 教材 级全一册 教师
汕头市外砂华侨中学 汤嘉勋
内容 分析
本课是对 Section A 中 “ The Shirt of a Happy Man” 故事的继续和延伸, 以故事的第二部分作为听说练习的材料,通过描述事情的经过来升华主题 “the thoughts of happiness”。教材给出听前预测题(1a,1b),听力练习题 (1c,1d),听后口语题(1e)。
2.复习故事第一部 分完成流程图。
教学过程 Pre-Listening
1. 进行头脑风暴,让 1.预测故事的第二
学生讨论,猜测故事 部分。
2. 对故事可能出现的 2.学习更多故事可
教学目的 1. 激发学生的学习兴 趣。
2. 学生学会对听力材料 的内容进行预测,降低 对材料的畏难心理。
Review &
1. 讲述发生在自己身 上的不愉快的事,提 出问题“How can I be happy?” 并引入故事。
1. 回答问题,了解 话题。
设置流程图帮助学生复 习故事的背景,提问来 激活学生对话题的已有 知识。
2. 引导学生利用 flow map 复习故事第一部 分,引出故事第二部 分。
学生能运用听力策略并进行小组合作学习,理解听力材料并拓 展自己观点。
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getting good/ bad grades on an exam
performing something well/ badly in front of a big group of people
getting into a fight with your best friend
your first trip outside your hometown
(4). soft piano music/relaxed Soft piano music makes me relaxed. (5). rainy days/stay at home and watch TV Rainy days make me stay at home and watch TV.
人教版Go for it 九年级
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.
Section B Period 5 3a-3b Self check
nervous /uneasy
comfortable /relaxed
1. Put the words in the appropriate pla to write about
● winning/ losing a competition ● getting good/ bad grades on an exam ● performing something well/ badly in front of a big group of people ● getting into a fight with your best friend ● your first trip outside your hometown
3 a
Think of some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad. Tell your partner about them. Use the following ideas to help you.
winning/ losing a competition
What’s your story?
Number the things [1–6] (1 = least important, 6 = most important). Write a reason for each choice.
____ fame (名誉) ____ health (健康)
____ power (权力) ____ family (家庭)
2. Write sentences using the words given.
(1). sad movies/ cry Sad movies make me cry. (2). speaking in front of many people/nervous (3). money and fame/ not always happy
Yesterday’s homework
Rewrite the story of 2b in short. Read your article and record it on the computer. Then send your recordings to me.
Homework online
Positive Negative
nervous unhappy nervous uncomfortable comfortable unhappy worried uncomfortable comfortable relaxed worried relaxed happy uneasy angry awful angry awful happy uneasy
Rewrite of 2b: Last Friday was the worst day of Peter’s life. He was angry with himself for missing an important goal and letting his team down. Then Peter’s father advised him not to be too hard on himself but to learn how to communicate with his teammates and learn from his mistake. The next day, he went to the playground and said sorry to his teammates with courage. To his surprise, his teammates asked him not to worry about what had happened as it wasn’t just one person’s fault. They agreed that they should work together to think about how they could do better in the future.
Write a story similar to the one in 2b using your notes in 3a.
In your story, try to explain the following: What happened? When did it happen? Where did it happen? How did it make you feel? Why? What did you learn from the experience?
____ friendship (友谊) ____ wealth (财富) e.g. Friendship is very important. Spending time