广西大学毕业证、学位证英文模板DIPLOMACertificate No: ⑴This is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born on ⑷ , majoring in ⑸ in our university from September (6) toJune (7) and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a (8) -year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.President: (9)Guangxi UniversityDate: (10)说明:⑴证书编号⑵姓名拼音⑶性别⑷出生日期⑸专业方向(6) 入学年份 (7)毕业年份⑻学制年数 (9) 校长姓名拼音 (10) 毕业证书签发日期BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATECertificate No: ⑴This is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born on ⑷ , majoring in ⑸ in our university from September (6) to June (7) and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a (8) -year undergraduate program and is awarded the Bachelor of (9) upon graduation in conformity with the Degrees Regulations of the People’s Republic of China.Chairman: (10)Committee on Conferring of DegreeGuangxi UniversityDate: (11)说明:⑴证书编号⑵姓名拼音⑶性别⑷出生日期⑸专业方向⑹入学年份(7)毕业年份(8)学制年数(9)学科名称(10)学位评定委员会主席姓名(11)学位证书签发日期欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。
大学本科学位证英语英文翻译件第一篇:大学本科学位证英语英文翻译件Diploma of Bachelor’s Degree***, female, born on July 1st 1989, having completed the undergraduate program in ***majoring in English(English-French Bilingual Direction), is granted graduation.PHOTO In accordance with The Registration on Academic Degree of the People’s Republic of China, she is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts.***President*** Chairman of the degree assessment committeeCertificate No.: ***2013.06.**(Undergraduate of regular institution of higher education) 第二篇:毕业证学位证英文翻译件广西大学毕业证、学位证英文模板DIPLOMA Certificate No: ⑴⑵ , ⑶ , born on ⑷ , majoring in ⑸ in our university from September(6)toJune(7)and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a(8)-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.President:(9)Guangxi University Date:(10)说明:⑴ 证书编号⑵ 姓名拼音⑶ 性别⑷ 出生日期⑸ 专业方向(6)入学年份(7)毕业年份⑻ 学制年数(9)校长姓名拼音(10)毕业证书签发日期BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATE Certificate No: ⑴This is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born on ⑷ , majoring in ⑸ in our university from September(6)to June(7)and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a(8)-year undergraduateprogram and is awarded the Bachelor of(9)upon graduation in conformity with the Degrees Regulations of the People’s Republic of China.Chairman:(10)Committee on Conferring of Degree Guangxi University Date:(11)说明:⑴ 证书编号⑵ 姓名拼音⑶ 性别⑷ 出生日期⑸ 专业方向⑹ 入学年份(7)毕业年份(8)学制年数(9)学科名称(10)学位评定委员会主席姓名(11)学位证书签发日期第三篇:学位证英文翻译Certificate of Degree of BachelorThis is to certify that Zhang San, male, born on January 1st 1988, majoring in Accounting in the School of Economics & Management, has fulfilled all the courses prescribed for 4-year undergraduate program, passed all the examinations and has been qualified for graduation.Having fulfilled the requirements stipulated by the Academic Degree Regulations of the People’s Republic of China, he is hereby awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Economics.ABC UniversityPrinciple: Li Si Certificate ID: 1XXXXXXXXXXChairman of Academic Evaluation Committee: Wang WuIssue Date: July 2nd, 2010Common Higher College Graduates*请根据个人具体情况修改有颜色的部分第四篇:毕业证学位证英文翻译DIPLOMA This is to certify that 姓名, 性别, born in 出生年月, having studied in the Specialty of专业名称in the school of 学院(系)名称at 大学from入学年月to毕业年月, has completed the学制年数-year program and passed the examinations and is qualified for graduation.University :大学名称 President:校长姓名Date:毕业年月Diploma No:证书编号University No:学校编号CERTIFICATE OF BACHELOR’S DE GREEThis is to certify that 姓名,性别, born in 出生年月, having studied in the Specialty of 专业名称 in the school of 学院(系)名称at 大学名称from 入学年月to 毕业年月, has passed the examinations in the required courses for the Bachelor’s degree and is hereby, in accordance with The Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Academic Degrees, conferred the degree of Bachelor of 学科名称.大学名称Chairman of the Academic Degrees Evaluation Committee: 学位评定委员会主席姓名Date:毕业年月 Certificate No:证书编号第五篇:新版驾照英文翻译件Driving License of the People’s Republic of ChinaNo.[驾照号,一般就是身份证号] Name: [拼音姓名,对应护照] Gender(M/F): [男Male或女Female] Nationality: China Address: [住址] Birthday: [生日] Issue Date: [初次领证日期] Class: [C1驾照类型]Valid From: [有效起始日期] Valid For: [有效期限 6 Years](Seal)Traffic Police Corps of [Shanghai] Public Security BureauDriving License of the People??s Republic of China(Counterpart)No.[驾照号,一般就是身份证号]Name: [拼音姓名,对应护照] File No.[档案编号] Record: Please apply to renew your driving license 90 days before [过期时间] CODES OF LICENSE CLASS A1: coaches and A3, B1, B2 A2: Tractors and B1, B2, M A3: Public buses and C1 B1: Medium-sized buses and C1, M B2: Large-sized trucks and C1, M C1: Cars and C2, C3 C2: automatic cars C3: Low-speed trucks and C4 C4: Tricars D : Three-wheeled motorcycles and E E : Two-wheeled motorcycles and F F: Scooter M: Moped N: Trolleybus P: Tram No organizations or individuals but the traffic authority of the public security bureau may detain this driving license.。
学士学位证书翻译件范例(本科)(精选五篇)第一篇:学士学位证书翻译件范例(本科)学士学位证书翻译件范例(本科)CERTIFICATION OF THE BACHELOR’S DEGREEThis is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born in ⑷ , has studied in ⑸ in the school of ⑹ from ⑺ to ⑻ and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a ⑼-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.In addition, she(he)has fulfilled all the requirements of ordinances and regulations of the Degree Rules of the People's Republic of China and is hereby offered the Bachelor Degree of(10).(11) Chairman of Evaluation CommitteeSichuan University Date:(12)Certificate No: ⑴说明:1、填写说明:⑴ 证书编号⑵ 姓名拼音⑶ 性别⑷ 出生日期⑸ 专业方向⑹ 院系名称⑺ 入学日期⑻ 毕业日期⑼ 学制年数⑽ 学科名称⑾ 学位评定委员会主席姓名⑿ 学位证书签发日期2、以此格式翻译打印出后,凭本人毕业证、学位证原件到校长办公室(行政楼3)审核,并复印在对外稿签纸上后加盖学校公章。
第二篇:学士学位证书日文翻译学士学位証明書(写真)xxx,女、xxx年x月xx日生まれ、xxxx xxx 学部 xx 科に在学、4年制本科所定の課程を修了し、卒業した。
广西大学毕业证、学位证英文模板DIPLOMACertificate No: ⑴This is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born on ⑷ , majoring in ⑸ in our university from September (6) toJune (7) and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a (8) -year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.President: (9)Guangxi UniversityDate: (10)说明:⑴证书编号⑵姓名拼音⑶性别⑷出生日期⑸专业方向(6)入学年份(7)毕业年份⑻学制年数(9)校长姓名拼音(10)毕业证书签发日期BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATECertificate No: ⑴This is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born on ⑷ , majoring in ⑸ in our university from September (6) to June (7) and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a (8) -year undergraduate program and is awarded the Bachelor of (9) upon graduation in conformity with the Degrees Regulations o f the People’s Republic of China.Chairman: (10)Committee on Conferring of DegreeGuangxi UniversityDate: (11)说明:⑴证书编号⑵姓名拼音⑶性别⑷出生日期⑸专业方向⑹入学年份(7)毕业年份(8)学制年数(9)学科名称(10)学位评定委员会主席姓名(11)学位证书签发日期。