ABB System 800xA-2015


ABB System 800xA-2015

ABB System 800xA-2015

Max 12 Communication modules on CEX bus
Max 12 S800 modules on electrical Modulebus
Up to 45.000 I/O channels per 800xA system
Control Network (Ethernet TCP/IP) Remote S800 I/O via PROFIBUS DP/V1
Max 12 S800 modules per I/O cluster
Max 24 S800 modules per remote I/O station
Optionally redundant S800 modules (max 6 pairs per I/O cluster)
Max 12 S800 modules per I/O cluster Optionally max 6 pairs of redundant S800 modules on base cluster.
Optimization and I/O
- Boiler Protection - Burner Management
Device Management
Local Panels Control
ABB PA-OGC, 2015
ABB 800xA 控制系统 介绍
© ABB / PA / Control Systems June 30, 2015 | Slide 1
扩展自动化系统 800xA
MES and Business Systems Knowledge Portals as Thin Clients Remote Operator and Engineering Clients


第四章 导航 ..................................................................................................................................12 上下文菜单 ........................................................................................................................... 15
第三章 操作员工作界面...................................................................................................................5 基本布置图 ............................................................................................................................. 5 窗口管理................................................................................................................................. 9 改变用户............................................................................................................................... 10 在线帮助............................................................................................................................... 11

ABB 800xA系统初学者指引

ABB 800xA系统初学者指引

ABB 800xA系统初学者指引1. 简介ABB 800xA系统是一种先进的过程控制和工厂自动化解决方案,它集成了多个子系统,包括过程控制、电力管理、设备监控和数据管理等功能。

本指南旨在帮助初学者快速掌握ABB 800xA系统的基本知识和操作方法。

2. 系统基础知识2.1. 800xA系统架构:介绍800xA系统的组成部分和功能模块,包括控制层、操作层和管理层。

2.2. 系统硬件要求:详细说明安装和部署800xA系统时需要满足的硬件要求,例如服务器、工作站和网络设备等。

2.3. 系统软件要求:介绍安装和配置800xA系统时需要满足的软件要求,例如操作系统、数据库和其他必要的软件工具等。

3. 系统安装和配置3.1. 安装准备:详细说明在安装800xA系统之前需要做的准备工作,包括准备安装介质、检查硬件兼容性和准备安装文件等。

3.2. 系统安装步骤:逐步指导用户完成800xA系统的安装步骤,包括操作系统安装、数据库配置和系统组件安装等。

3.3. 系统配置:介绍如何配置800xA系统的基本参数和设置,包括网络配置、用户管理和权限设置等。

4. 系统操作和维护4.1. 系统登录和导航:指导用户如何登录800xA系统并进行导航,包括主界面、工程概况和设备视图等。

4.2. 进程控制操作:介绍如何进行过程控制操作,包括启动/停止设备、调整参数和监控过程变量等。

4.3. 设备监控和维护:说明如何使用800xA系统进行设备监控和维护,包括设备状态监测、故障诊断和维护计划等。

4.4. 数据管理和报表生成:介绍如何使用800xA系统进行数据管理和生成报表,包括数据采集、数据分析和报表导出等。

5. 附录5.1. 常见问题解答:列举一些常见问题及其解答,帮助初学者解决常见的疑问和困惑。

5.2. 术语表:提供800xA系统中常用术语的解释和定义,帮助初学者理解相关专业术语。

5.3. 参考资料:列出相关的参考资料和文档,供初学者进一步研究和扩展知识。



现场总线 高速连接器 (FF HSE/H1, PB DP/PA)
标准和 热插拔
S800 I/O
Zone 1 I/O
S900 I/O (Ex)
Full Support for
Full Support for PROFIBUS
Full Support for
Advant Master
Advant MOD
© ABB - 17 JB 050817
Extended Automation System 800xA
© ABB - 18 JB 050817
丰富的系统诊断 强化的安全
本土语言支持 保护投资
© ABB - 27 JB 050817
800xA 系统 结构
符合 21 CFR part 11 标准
n 审计追踪 (Audit Trail) n 电子签名 (Electronic Signature) n Log over (新用户) n 身份鉴定 (Authentification) n 系统同步 (Synchronization)
Industrial IT System 800xA
扩展的自动化 800xA系统 可持续提高生产力的 自动化解决方案
Extended Automation System 800xA
© ABB - 1 JB 050817
© ABB - 2 JB 050817
n 扩展的自动化的概念 n 系统功能与益处 n 控制与 I/O,包括传动、马达控制和现场











AC800M控制器本身具备一对冗余的TCP/IP 接口,可以使用MMs协议通过以太网和其他的控制设备以及800xA操作员站进行通信,还能通过2个串口采用Modbus协议、PointPoint 协议进行通信。



ABB Industrial 800xA 系统 AC 800M 控制与I_O产品说明书

ABB Industrial 800xA 系统 AC 800M 控制与I_O产品说明书

IndustrialIT 800xA 系统
800xA 控制器和 I/O 采用了一整套完善的自我诊断功能,有助于降低维护成 本。 所有模块都配备了前面板 LED 显示器,显示故障和性能降低情况。 各模块可采用报警与事件消息的方式,向操作和维护人员进行错误报告,并 由系统通过电子邮件和 (或)短消息将错误报告转发到工厂的关键人员。有 关报告这种特色功能的说明,请参阅 《800xA 操作概述》一文。 800xA 控制和 I/O 可与 800xA 特有的 " 资产优化 " 功能全面集成,从而以电 子的方式将故障报告提交到相关的维护管理系统 (这些报告将作为工作单的 基础),这样就实现了维护过程的流线化。有关 800xA" 计算机化管理系统 (CMMS)" 集成功能的进一步说明,请参阅 《800xA 资产优化概述》一文。 各模块可带电更换,并通过键控确保更换过程中模块类型的正确无误。
AC 800M 控制与 I/O
800xA 控制器和 I/O,将传统上孤立的工厂设备、系统无缝地集成到 800xA 系统环境,从而将自动化系统延伸到工厂的所有领域。这样就得到了工厂更 为简单的软件表达,既可以有简单的分断式开关和阀门,还可以有智能化现 场设备、专用控制子系统、变速动力装置、智能化 INSUM 开关柜以及流行的 PC 监控系统。
- 以公有环境,同时监控工厂自动化和安 全设施: 高完整性控制器可在同一个 控制器中结合安全回路和控制程序, 从而促进过程设备的充分运用。
- 以容错性,最大限度提高工厂可用 性:健壮的设计、分布式的功能以及 高度灵活的冗余选项,为生产力、成 品率和资产回报提供了切实的保障。

ABB 800xA系统初学者指引

ABB 800xA系统初学者指引

ABB 800xA系统初学者指引概述本指引旨在帮助初学者快速了解ABB 800xA系统,并提供基本的使用指导。


系统组成800xA系统由以下几个主要组件组成:1. 控制器:负责执行控制逻辑和处理输入输出信号。


2. 工程工具:用于配置和管理800xA系统的软件工具。


3. 操作工作站:操作员使用的界面,用于监控和操作工厂生产过程。


4. 网络:用于连接控制器、工程工具和操作工作站的通信网络。


安装和配置启动800xA系统之前,需要进行以下步骤:1. 安装软件:按照提供的安装指南,将800xA系统软件安装到目标计算机。


2. 配置硬件:连接控制器和其他相关设备,并确保网络连接正常。


3. 创建项目:使用工程工具创建一个新的800xA项目,并配置控制逻辑和输入输出信号。


系统操作一旦800xA系统安装和配置完成,您可以按照以下步骤操作系统:1. 登录系统:打开操作工作站,并使用提供的登录凭据登录系统。


2. 浏览画面:通过导航菜单或搜索功能,浏览和选择您想要监控的画面。


3. 监控进程:查看实时数据和趋势图,监控工厂生产过程。


4. 执行操作:根据需要执行控制操作,如开关设备、调整参数等。

ABB Ability System 800xA 企业级系统安全指南说明书

ABB Ability System 800xA 企业级系统安全指南说明书

—ABB Ability™ S ystem 800xA® Cyber Security Maximizing cyber security in process automation2A B B A B I LIT Y™ S YS TE M 800X A®C Y B ER SEC U R IT Y—If it is valuable to you, it is probably valuable to someone elseIn critical infrastructure the protection goes beyond intellectual property and covers the availability of the asset that could be diminished under an attack. In fact, the shape and size of your company’s future will be determined by your know-how, ideas and operations – and on your ability to protect them.With so much at stake the big question is: How do you secure your company against cyber risks, like attacks from viruses, hackers and human errors?C Y B ER SEC U R IT Y A B B A B I LIT Y™ S YS TE M 800X A®3ABB is committed to cyber securityCyber security is important for every company. Without it, your company risks production disruptions, loss of intellectual property and data that cannot be recreated.As for any ABB solution, we want you to be satisfied with the security solutions we provide you with.We fully understand the importance of cyber security, and its responsibility to advance the security of control systems. You can rely on system solutions where reliability and security have the highest priority.ABB helps secure your company’s futureThe world of process automation is changing in the face of new technologies, opportunities and challenges. ABB remains committed to helping customers take advantage of technology advances while minimizing exposure to cyber risks.Since ABB is a leading provider of control systems for a wide spectrum of industries, we can combine our technology strengths and domain expertise to provide a customer-focused solution that enhances asset productivity and efficiency.The objective is to establish the necessary levels of cyber security, and maintain that level while preserving the availability and functional inter- operability of systems.4A B B A B I LIT Y ™ S YS TE M 800X A® C Y B ER SEC U R IT YThe new generation of automation systems utilizes open standards, such as OPC, Profinet, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, IEC 61850 and commercial technologies, in particular Ethernet and TCP/IP-based communication protocols. They also enable connectivity to external networks, such as office intranet and the Internet. These changes in technology have brought huge benefits from an operational perspective, but they have also introduced cyber security concerns previously known only in office or enterprise IT systems.Cyber risks were inherited by adopting open IT standards. But fortunately, so were the cyber security mechanisms developed in enterprise environments to address those risks. These mechanisms enable the development of cyber security solutions tailored for industrial auto-mation and control systems, relying on proven technology.ABB fully understands the importance of cyber security, and its role to advance the security of control systems. ABB customers can rely on system solutions where reliability and security have the highest priority.—Why control system owners have to focus on cyber securityIndustrial automation and control systems have evolved over the past decade thanks to technological advancements. At the heart of these advancements are specialized IT systems. To provide end users with com-prehensive real time information and allow for higher levels of reliability and control, these systems have become more and moreinterconnected.C Y B ER SEC U R IT Y A B B A B I LIT Y™ S YS TE M 800X A®5—ABB’s systematic approachensures cyber securityOver the past few years, the global industries have steadily increased their focus on cyber secu-rity for industrial automation and control sys-tems. As a result, many different drivers and trends have emerged.The ISA Security Compliance Institute (ISCI) is a not-for-profit automation controls industry con-sortium that manages the ISASecure™ confor-mance certification program. They have devel-oped a certification assessment method which they license to interested parties who wish to en-gage with vendor communities to offer certifica-tion services.The certification service providers are entities like Exida, TÜV SÜD & TUV Rheinland among oth-ers. They are sanctioned to conduct certification assessments and testing based on the ISA Secu-rity Compliance Institute’s documented method-ology to determine whether a component, system or development organization successfully ad-dresses the requirements found in IEC 62443.At ABB, we have always seen cyber security as a key requirement and are committed to provide products, systems and services that clearly address this vital issue. ABB takes a systematic approach to c yber security through its operations on a global level. For instance, ABB has established an organization with security councils on corporate and division level to keep track of the global needs and requirements concerning cyber security. Optimal complianceWe also do our part when it comes to cyber security standards. ABB is an active member and driver of industry i nitiatives, including active involvement in ISA, IEEE, Cyber Security Standard Committees and IEC. Our involvement also allows the security councils to ensure that ABB products and sys-tems are compliant with, and support industry standards and regulations related to cyber security. We are constantly developing and improving products compliant with the latest cyber security standards.System 800xA has been designed with cyber security in mind and provides state-of-the-art functionality. This allows you to easily address NERC CIP requirements and maintain complianceaccording to these standards and beyond.6A B B A B I LIT Y™ S YS TE M 800X A®C Y B ER SEC U R IT Y—All control systems are exposed to threats System 800xA has the right protection mechanisms in placeC Y B ER SEC U R IT Y A B B A B I LIT Y™ S YS TE M 800X A®78A B B A B I LIT Y ™ S YS TE M 800X A® C Y B ER SEC U R IT YCyber security is embedded in all phases of ABB’s system life cycle (product, project, and plant life cycle), and is an integral part of System 800xA. This means that cyber s ecurity is addressed at each stage of our system life cycle, from design and development to maintenance. Threat model-ling and security design reviews, security training of software developers, and in-house and external security testing are examples of actions ABB is taking to ensure reliable and secure solutions. System deliveries follow our strict guidelines on handling cyber security.Security for System 800xA adheres to the SD 3+C Security Framework (created by Microsoft) to en-sure and improve security in system components.Secure by DesignThe goal here is to make sure that security bugs or vulnerabilities are not present in new software. To accomplish this, cyber security must be a factor from the very start of product design. And through all phases, from creating the specifica-tion, through writing the code, and testing the product.A secure-by-design philosophy manifests itself as security training, code reviews and walkthroughs, threat analysis, and robustness testing of products. Security is integrated in ABB’s q uality management system. Formal threat analysis and threat modelling provide the basis for security re-quirements and design principles for the sys-tem. S ecurity checkpoints at project gates ensure that security objectives are met.One key element of this process is our indepen-dent robustness test lab, the ABB Device Security Assurance Center, where our products are tested. This laboratory is run by dedicated personnel who are not part of any product development team. They use several specialized security testing tools, for example Wurldtech’s Achilles SatelliteUnit and Mu Dynamics Mu8000. In addition to our adoption of SD 3+C Security Framework and extensive internal testing performed by ABB’s Device Security Assurance Center (DSAC), ABB has embraced third party security certification to IEC62443 standard by ISA Secure Certifica-tion Institute (ISCI) for selected models of the AC 800M controller family .System 800xA security features are designed to meet regulatory requirements, such as by FDA. User account management and authentication is based on Windows Active Directory, or W indows Workgroups for small systems.Secure by DefaultThe goal in this phase is to create default product installations and configurations that are more resistant to attack, by reducing the attack surface (the number of points a hacker can attempt to exploit).To accomplish this goal, software must be installed in its most secure configuration and must stay that way until the customer takes informed steps to loosen it.When using the system installer, 800xA is installed in a predefined way, which makes the process easy and reliable, ensuring that settings are done in a consistent and repeatable way. Functions and features that are not needed are disabled or not installed, and Windows Firewall is automatically configured. System 800xA gives control engi-neers a unique opportunity to manage access for each user. Access can be granted based on param-eters such as who and where the user is, what the user wants to do, and on which aspect object.Secure by DeploymentThe goal here is to ensure that the products can be installed, configured, operated and main-tained in a secure way.User documentation describes how to install and operate System 800xA at the highest level of security. Documentation includes recommenda-tions on how to build secure system architecture using security zones and defense in depth. Security compliance project checklists make sure that all important steps are taken during project execu-tion to ensure a secure deployment.—Cyber security is embedded in System 800xA®—Cyber security is an important factor in all phases of the system life cycleDesignEngineering FATCommissioning SATOperation Maintenance Review UpgradeDesignImplementation Verification Release SupportPRODUCT LIFECYCLEPROJECT LIFECYCLEPLANT LIFE CYCLEC Y B ER SEC U R IT Y A B B A B I LIT Y™ S YS TE M 800X A®9—System 800xA gives you peace of mindPeace of mind tends to come when you have less to worry about. And that is a fact when you operate System 800xA. It is reassuring to know you have done all you can to protect your company’s know-how, ideas and operations.An overview of the security features embedded in System 800xA:• Detailed system monitoring and diagnostics.• Network protection with IPSec.• Host firewalls for servers and workstations.• Network loop protection in servers and work-stations.• Robustness tested products.(AC 800M has earned Achilles C ommunication Certification.)• Network protection filters and storm protection for controllers and communication modules.• Detailed role-based access control.• Fast operator log over.• HW-based access control for safety systems.• Data integrity with protected archives for historical data.• Backup and restore for disaster recovery.An overview of additional security features:• Digital signatureMakes it possible to digitally sign aspectsto ensure that data is kept unchanged after approval.• Advanced access controlReauthentication and double reauthentication for secure interaction and inactivity logout. • Audit trailLogging of all user-initiated actions in a system, like operator interactions, configuration changes and download to controllers, batch recipe editing and execution, start/stop of servers etc. Overview of optional security features through our partners:• Malware protection: AntiVirusABB recommends that a virus scanner is used on all System 800xA servers and workplaces. - McAfee VirusScan® Enterprise and McAfee Endpoint Security have been tested and qualified for optimal performance with System 800xA’s operation and performance.• Malware protection: Whitelisting-McAfee Application Control is also the pre-ferred/validated whitelising solution for800xA.- Designed to prevent the execution of unau-thorized and malicious programs.10A B B A B I LIT Y ™ S YS TE M 800X A® C Y B ER SEC U R IT Y—Cyber Security service offeringsfor System 800xA®ABB service offerings:—Foundation• Assessements , gain anunderstanding of the cyber security posture of your system• Security Controls , defend against fundamental threats by implementing cyber security controls• Training , reduce incidents by equipping your team with cyber security insight—Services• Maintenance , ensurecontinuous protection of your automation systems using our skilled industrial cyber security engineers• Consulting , perform system hardening or implement your cyber security projects using our global network of industrial cyber security experts.—Operations• Collaborative Operations , leverage our global network of experts trough ABB Collaborative Operations Centers for 24/7 continuous monitoring and supportFor more information please visit our ABB Ability Cyber Security Services webC Y B ER SEC U R IT Y A B B A B I LIT Y ™ S YS TE M 800X A®11—Invest in cyber security now—If the worst happens, nothing is lostSystems are always up to dateAutomation Sentinel is ABB’s subscription based control system lifecycle support program that allows systems owners to actively monitor their control system versions and software lifecycle costs.For Automation Sentinel subscribers it is easy to keep systems up to date with the latest security updates and virus signature files.ABB evaluates all third party software security updates for System 800xA, and tests all relevant updates for compatibility. The “ABB System 800xA Qualified Security Updates”, are available for download from ABB for Automation Sentinel subscribers.Also updates for supported virus scanners, including virus definition files, are tested for compatibility with System 800xA to ensure that legitimate code is not wrongly classified as malware.ABB tests virus definition files for both M cAfee Vi-rusScan® Enterprise, McAfee Endpoint Security and Symantec Endpoint Protection each weekday.Service that maximizes securityABB has developed non-invasive tools to diagnose potential cyber security issues, offer solutions to maximize security, and provide support for the future.Cyber Security FingerprintServices; diagnoses and offers solutions for potential security risks. It includes detailed recommendations to reduce vulnerability, and helps to develop a sustainable security strategy for control systems. This service is delivered by an ABB engineer at site.Automation Software MaintenanceABB recommends its customers to use Automa-tion Software Maintenance for all its installed control systems to have access to exclusive ser-vices for the maintenance, evolution and contin-ual enhancement of the installed base of ABB con-trol systems. Automation Software Maintenance is the exclusive way for ABB control system users to receive validated and tested Microsoft security updates and Anti-virus verification reports. For more information,please contact your local ABB.Investing in cyber security is one of the best ways to invest in your company’s future. And it should never be an issue of waiting to see if something will happen. Who can afford that kind of chance taking?Finally, and maybe most importantly, cyber security is not a one-time event, it is an ongoing process. At ABB, we are happy to help you with that process all the way.— /controlsystems3B S E 074956 e n G—800xA is a registered or pending trademark of ABB. All rights to other trademarks reside with their respective owners We reserve the right to make technical changes to the products or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail.ABB does not assume any responsibility for any errors or incomplete information in this document.We reserve all rights to this document and the items and images it contains. The reproduction, disclosure to third parties or the use of the content of this document –including parts thereof – are prohibited without ABB’s prior written permission.Copyright© 2022 ABB All rights reserved。

ABB_ 800xA组态一个报警和事件的模版

ABB_ 800xA组态一个报警和事件的模版
15.在Date/Time Format输入HH:mm;
18.在categories树下,取消勾选Condition Events并展开它,然后选择Process Alarms;
1பைடு நூலகம்.点击Apply
在Color项,改变选项为“Use Single Color”和“Alternate Color”
7.在其aspect列表中选择Name aspect
在name的文本输入框,输入:Sxx Alarm List并点击apply.
选择Alarm and Event List Configuration aspect.先通过优先级后通过时间来排序报警列表。
9.点击Alarm and Event Configuration aspect.
1.切换到Library Structure;
2.在Alarm & Event下找到Alarm & Event List Configurations
3.创建一个类型为Alarm & Event List Configurations的新对象,命名为Sxx_Configurations
拷贝位于Common Alarm & Event Configurations组中的Common Alarm List Configuration对象。
4.选择Common Alarm List Configuration对象并拷贝它
将其作为一个子对象粘贴到Sxx Configurations组下。

ABB 800xA系统画面新手教程---报警组态

ABB 800xA系统画面新手教程---报警组态

ABB 800xA系统画面新手教程---报警组态此处主要介绍800xA系统的报警设置以及弹出框报警,后续再介绍语音报警以及外部报警。

1. 固定界面配置由于后续的弹出框报警我们肯定希望在任意画面只要触发报警都会弹出,因此我们需要把事件设置在固定界面上,不随画面切换而切换。

系统还是用之前介绍过的,我们先新建一个画面,如下:1.选择Test大标题2.新建一个Aspect----FixDisplay画面3.简单编辑画面,加上内容显示4.选择此选项5.点击Application Bar6.点击Add未更改之前,我们看到上面共有4块:Alarm Band,Alarm Line, SystemAlarm Band, Workplace Date, Width% 宽度百分比加起来是100,对于上图的1-4块内容,因此需要调大的话只能把其它调小。

1 2 347.找到我们新建的画面插入8.加入了Fix Display,并且调整宽度使所有加起来为1009.最终显示效果,可以看到分了5块,多了一个我们新建的画面到这里固定界面配置完成,我们后面在介绍如何添加报警弹出框,接下来先介绍报警配置。

2. 报警配置2.1 新建报警栏1.选择此处2.默认就有Alarm Band,Alarm List等,我们可以直接复制一个,下面是新建的方法3.右击新建New Aspect,找到Alarm Band4.右击新建New Aspect,找到Alarm and Event List5.最终有2个Alarm Band和Alarm List6.选择Alarm Band,右击选择Config View7.在Config View中点击Add8.关联Alarm List1下图这个是Alarm Band然后关联了Alarm List才可以显示。

9.同理,Alarm Band2关联Alarm List22.2 把报警栏添加到固定界面1.此处和第一节一样,找到Application Bar2.在Config View中点击Add3.添加另一个AlarmBand,并调整宽度4.可以看到界面变成两个Alarm Band了2.3 报警筛选在这之前需要先连接OPC Server.1. 选择此处2. 点击Service Provider Definition3. 选择节点 连接Alarm And Event接下来配置报警:1.在Alarm &Event中这些都是默认就有的2.此处就不在新建了,我们直接复制黏贴一个3.复制的上面的AlarmList Configuration4.回到之前的Alarm List界面5.Alarm List1关联此处6.同理Alarm List2关联此处到此,我们为Alarm Band连接了Alarm List1并且关联Common Alarm List Configuration;而Alarm Band2连接了Alarm List2并且关联New Alarm List Configuration,接下来实现不同报警分别显示在这两个Alarm List中。

ABB 800xA系统画面新手教程---语音报警和外部报警

ABB 800xA系统画面新手教程---语音报警和外部报警

1ABB 800xA 系统画面新手教程---语音报警和外部报警1. 语音报警在之前已经介绍或报警信息的基本配置,接下来就可以开始配置语音报警了。

ABB 800xA 系统的语音报警和西门子Wincc 的是差不多的,都是只能播放提前录制好的声音,如果需要实现实时文字转语音,需要另外写上位机程序来实现,可以参考之前的相关介绍,C#通过OPC 读取PLC 数据来实现语音报警。

3. 选择我们使用的工作画面1. 右击选择Config View2. 选择需要语音报警的Alarm List开启语音报警功能后,接下来设置音乐及播放模式等,如下:1.右击选择Config View播放器有如下几种,WindowsMediaPlayer需要安装,WavPlayer以及MCIPlayer是内置的无需安装,但是只支持WAV格式,WindowsMediaPlayer不仅可以播放MP3也可以WAV格式的音频。

23音频选择如下:以上全部配置完之后,只要在Alarm List (可根据情况选择哪些报警)出现报警就会有语音提醒。

42. 外部报警1. 右击External Alarm ,选择New Object5接下来进行参数配置:2.选择ExAlarm AS13.选择节点62.选择报警列表配置1.点击报警和事件配置2.找到上面选择的NewAlarm List3.添加筛选Class=1200,之前介绍过,这里不再细讲72.选择Alarm List,这个列表就是上面新建的,它关联的报警信息就是上述第3点介绍的此处我都是用的程序中的BOOL量进行测试,比如ExAlarm1以及ExAlarmInout1等。

1.如果Acknowledged或者Acknowledge配置后效果如下:当报警列表中的所有报警被acknowledged,则输出Acknowledged会被置位;当输入Acknowledge触发后,在报警列表中的所有报警会被acknowledged82.如果Removed或者Remove配置后效果如下:当报警列表中的所有报警被removed,则输出remove会被置位;当输入Remove触发后,所有在报警列表里的inactive以及acknowledged报警会被removed,当然那些active以及unacknowledged报警会仍然显示在报警列表中3.如果Silence input配置后,那么Audible Alarm output必须配置当Silence input触发后,则external alarm is silenced,也就是说Audible Alarm output会被复位以下是输入输出配置的选择:910以上设置完后,我们仿真测试一下:11。



800xA系统装机流程一系统硬件设备配置1按照网络结构图确认服务器(2个)、工程师站(2个)、操作员站(9个)、控制器(5对)等硬件设备的数量|——03-自己总结文件->3.9-各节点IP及快速服务代码.xlsx 2服务器、工程师站、操作员站要连在一个以太网上二安装操作系统1服务器上安装Windows Server 2008操作系统(英文64位)2工程师站、操作员站上安装Windows7操作系统(英文64位)|——03-自己总结文件->3.10-Optiplex7010补充驱动|——03-自己总结文件->3.11-Windows_Loader_2.1(注册操作系统序列号用)注:1)必须全都是英文操作系统,不然无法安装(ABB技术人员解释)2)服务器、ES和OS操作系统位数保持一致就可(都是32位,或者都是64位)。



三安装Office20071服务器、工程师站、操作员站上安装Office 2007英文版|——03-自己总结文件->3.12-office2007_en(若ES和OS已随机预装Office,则3.12不用安装)四安装800xA系统1主服务器上先安装Install Planner,设置安装计划。


|——03-自己总结文件->3.101-800xA 计划包.docx(增加冗余域部分,替换3.1-800xA 计划包.docx)|——03-自己总结文件->3.801-IIT800xA Setup Package(替换培训时的3.8-IIT800xA Setup Package)2先将安装计划文件夹拷贝到从服务器、工程师站、操作员站上,按照操作流程安装800xA系统,并安装系统补丁。

ABB System 800xA Minerals Library 产品说明书

ABB System 800xA Minerals Library 产品说明书

Inform ITSystem 800xA Minerals LibrarySuite of Control Objects for Minerals ProcessingWhat is inside the System 800xA Minerals Library There are numerous control object categories comprising the Minerals Library:• Basic objects (AI, DI, AO, DO)• Group objects (sequential group control, cyclic group control, pre-selections, start warning)• Consumer objects (uni- and bi-directional motor control, variable speed drive control, damper/ actuator control, valve control)• Intelligent drive control (incl. serial interfaces)• Loop objects (PID control)• Power monitoring objects (intelligent relays)• Dosing objects (weigh feeder control)• Report objects (counters)• Communication objects (for controller to controller communication)What is System 800xA Minerals LibrarySystem 800xA Minerals Library is a suite of re-usable control objects for control applications that have been designed using ABB’s vast experience of three decades in the minerals processing industry and is fully integrated into the Industrial IT System 800xA.Embracing the principles of open, real-time networking, System 800xA with the Minerals Library provides a modern scalable solution that spans and integrates your loop, unit, area, operation, and multi operation controls. At the core of the System 800xA is its industry unique integrated object oriented system environment for operations, control and engineering.System 800xA with Minerals Library contains pre-engineered objects containing control logic, human-machine-interface and communication for application creation in drag-and-drop manner. It provides a complete set of operator functions, including realistic process displays with graphic elements and faceplates, superior trending capabilities, intelligent alarm and event handling with remote messaging, reporting, as well as drawings such as wiring diagrams.Actual ProjectLibrarySolution Object DataABB Switzerland LtdPhone: +41 (58) 586 84 44, Fax: +41 (58) 586 73 33E-mail:*************************.com /minerals3B H S 206 683 Z A B R E V A (10.06 500 P o m c a n y ‘s )Benefits from System 800xA Minerals Library Economic gain• Enables effective and smooth plant operation and real-time analysis of events through proven solutions• Maximizes performance of your assets through reduced time to repair through optimized work processes and reduction of unnecessary maintenance and down-time• Lowers engineering, commissioning and administration costsEngineering and Commissioning Efficiency• Fully integrated engineering environment for development, re-use of intellectual assets and streamlined engineering workflow throughout the lifecycle• Shorter commissioning times across numerous operations through reduced testing and validation with scalable, reusable solutions and best practices• Eliminates the need for manual data input and validation by automated incorporation of customer and I/O data • Provides modularization and system wide, single point change management with revision control Higher employee productivity• Contextual navigation based on the users job function and the task at hand allow real-time decision making and action • Fast and informed decision support through enhanced aspect integration and object orientation• Fast, reliable and efficient operation due to predefined and pretested functions, optimized system resources and excellentlibrary software performanceCompliance• Compliant with the IEC 61131-3 standard• Provides a platform to enable the enterprise to reach their environmental, production and quality goals and standards • Delivers reliable, consistent and complete information geared for the minerals processing industry through industry specific graphic displays Top quality at peak rates• Efficient real-time operation and control providing the foun- dation for continuous improvement through easy navigation and alarm/event management• Consistently delivering information to trained personnel to allow informed decision making for maximizing the produc-tion rate Gear-up with experience• Take advantage of ABB vast minerals processing experience in providing enhanced industry specific solutions for over 30 years• Predefined, rich in process knowledge solutions provide predictable results, due to adoption of proven industry «bestpractices»。

ABB 800xA系统荣获电气一体化KEMA认证

ABB 800xA系统荣获电气一体化KEMA认证

ABB 800xA系统荣获电气一体化KEMA认证
【摘要】2011年3月1日,ABB宣布其800xA自动化系统扩展控制器获得了IEC 61850电气一体化方面的KEMA认证。

IEC 61850是输配电与变电自动化的全球通信标准。


1.ABB的800xA获全球认证 [J],
2.合格的密封系统:ABB公司集成了安全功能的800xA控制系统的新版本 [J], Frank;Jablonski
3.ABB公司的旗舰自动化系统800XA销售量超过5,000套——扩展的自动化系统为所有行业带来生产力、能源效率的巨大提升 [J], 无
4.ABB帮助瑞士核电站升级改造自动化系统——基于ABB 800xA技术的自动化控制系统助力核电站实现高效管理 [J],
5.ABB的系统800xA成为首批注册的基金会现场总线主机系统 [J],

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< 1000m
Max 7 S800 I/O clusters Max 12 S800 modules per I/O cluster
Max 7 S800 I/O clusters
全冗余 – “获得最高可用性”
Redundant PROFIBUS or FF master interface Redundant CPUs with optionally redundant CEX buses (max 12 communication modules totally)
S800 – 本安应用
S800 I/O Installation
Zone 2
C1 D2
Zone 1
C1 D1
European EN60079-14
Zone 0
USA NEC 501-504
扩展自动化系统 800xA
MES and Business Systems Knowledge Portals as Thin Clients Remote Operator and Engineering Clients
World Class
No S800 modules on electrical Modulebus !!
Remote S800 I/O via PROFIBUS DP/V1 (optionally line redundant)
Control Network (Ethernet TCP/IP, 10/100Mbps up)
Optimization and I/O
- Boiler Protection - Burner Management
Device Management
Local Panels Control
Redefining the Automation System Standard
系统800xA 核心系统
§ §
操作,工程,信心管理 Windows, 标准的PC硬件
World Class
§ §
各种不同的软件都可以嵌入到这个平台上,以模块的方式即插即用 各种不同的硬件都可以兼容,通过相应的连接软件(驱动)即插即用
800xA System
ECS, ISA-95, OPC… Serial, OPC.. 3rd party PLC’s System Servers
Asset Optimization Operation Engineering Operation Multi-System Integration
Max 7 S800 I/O clusters Max 99 remote I/O stations Max 12 S800 modules per I/O cluster
S800 系列 I/O模块
I/O 模件
全范围的信号类型,包括 AI, AO, DI, DO, 温度, 脉冲, 频率, HART, 本 安接口, SOE 热插拔 全面冗余 高完整性SIL3 G3 防腐
Max 12 Communication modules on CEX bus
Max 12 S800 modules on electrical Modulebus
Up to 45.000 I/O channels per 800xA system
Control Network (Ethernet TCP/IP) Remote S800 I/O via PROFIBUS DP/V1
Max 12 S800 modules per I/O cluster
Hale Waihona Puke Max 24 S800 modules per remote I/O station
Max 12 S800 modules per I/O cluster
Max 12 S800 modules Max 12 S800 modules per I/O cluster per I/O cluster Max 99 remote I/O stations
Device Management Engineering Operations
- Boiler Protection - Burner Management
Power Distribution - Network control & protection Process Instrumentation
Other OPC
Remote Clients
Plant Network / Intranet / Internet System Servers Workplaces
Router / Firewall
Router / Firewall
Control Network AC800M AC800F Melody Controllers
Variable Speed Drives Fieldbus High Speed Linking Devices (FF HSE/H1, PB DP/PA)
S800 I/O S800 I/O General OPC Third Party Controllers with S900 I/O (Ex) Advant Master with S100 and S800 I/O Harmony INFI 90 with Rack and S800 I/O S900 I/O (Ex)
n n
AC800F机架式控制器 通用IO产品
n n
S800 I/O S900 I/O Family
S800 I/O 高完整性 SIL1,2,3 S800 I/O Family n S900 I/O 本质安全
AC 800 系列控制器
PM866 PM866
PM864 PM864
Production Managemen t Information Managemen t Asset Optimization Field Device Management
Other Aspect Systems
MOD 300
Field Device Integration
ABB PA-OGC, 2015
ABB 800xA 控制系统 介绍
© ABB / PA / Control Systems June 30, 2015 | Slide 1
扩展自动化系统 800xA
MES and Business Systems Knowledge Portals as Thin Clients Remote Operator and Engineering Clients
Core System
Quality Measurement & Controls
TCP/IP Ethernet
n n
中小型混合式应用 大型,集成的自动化应用 AC 800F
AC 800M 控制器 AC 800M n AC 800M 高完整性控制器 SIL1,2,3
扩展自动化系统 800xA
MES and Business Systems Knowledge Portals as Thin Clients Remote Operator and Engineering Clients
800xA System
ECS, ISA-95, OPC… Serial, OPC.. 3rd party PLC’s System Servers
Safety Evolution Information Management
Process Asset Automation
Ethernet Control Network
Process Electrification Functional LV & MV - Switchgears - Smart MCC’s - Frequency converters - Multi-drive
Process Asset Automation
Ethernet Control Network
Process Electrification Functional LV & MV - Switchgears - Smart MCC’s - Frequency converters - Multi-drive
n n n n
n n n n n
2线紧凑型设计 3线扩展型设计,带保险丝盒现场电源分配 机械锁,锁定模件 螺丝和笼式弹簧端子 预置连接电缆 CI801
通讯接口模件 (FCI)
n n n n
内置CPU,实现智能IO ISP与OSP,预制安全值功能 PROFIBUS,支持冗余 电源监视和电源分配
800xA System
ECS, ISA-95, OPC… Serial, OPC.. 3rd party PLC’s System Servers
Asset Optimization Operation Operation Applications
Safety Production Management Information Management
Asset Optimization