保护区南北长约130km,南部东西宽约4~9km,北部南华片东西宽则达20多km,总面积67 700hm2,主峰称哀牢山,海拔3166米。
ge r f Fo mi i a we e e o i e ne a o r c d e r r c gn z d. The da a ho d h t he nt o t s we t a t a c mm u te f o t we t l pe nii s r m he s so pr s n e e t i z ni g phe me on wih t c ng o c l gia o ii n e e t d c r an o n no n t he ha e f e o o c lc nd to s; a d n mo t pe i s a a s s ce h d we k a pt b lt o t e e v r m e nd d s rbu e nl n l w liud r a a da a iiy t h n ion nta it i t d o y i o a tt e a e s,wih t e a tt e d fe e e t h liud if r nc
Absr c :I r r t e e lt i ti i rncp e o n pe is i o he o de o r v a he d s rbuton p i i l fa t s c e n s ut a t r be i he d s
种 。 其 群 落 随 生 态环 境 条 件 的 变 化 呈 现 带 状 分 布 ; 多数 物 种 对 环 境 的 适 应 性 较 弱 , 分 布 在 低 海 大 仅
拔 区域 , 直分 布 高差 小于 5 0m; 垂 0 同一亚科 不 同属或 同属 不 同种对 环境 的选择 分 化 明显 。在 9类 生境 中, 山栎 ( u ru e cr i oi ) 高 Q ec s mia p f l 林的 物种 最丰 富 ; 9类 觅食 场所 中, 地表 觅食 的物种 s a 在 在
夯基提能卷5地理环境的整体性与差异性夯基提能卷⑤一、选择题(每小题4分,共44分)[2019 •河北邯郸质检]某群岛面积12 200平方千米,由大约200个岛屿组成,岛上建有一座城镇。
1 .群岛上无天然树木生长的最主要原因是()A.阴凉多风的气候B .过早与大陆分离C.过于单一的地形 D .火山的不断喷发答案:A解析:本题主要考查地理环境的整体性。
2 .群岛禽鸟丰富得益于()A.靠近大陆的位置 B .流经沿岸的洋流C.缺少大型食肉动物D .受人类活动影响弱答案:B解析:本题主要考查洋流对地理环境的影响。
[2019 •陕西宝鸡教学质量检测]法国梧桐和香樟树都是典型的城市行道树。
树种特点法国梧桐属落叶大乔木,根系分布较浅,易倒斜香樟属常绿大乔木,主根发达,深根性,能抗风3.杭州的法国梧桐易倾斜的时间和影响因素是()A. 1、2月份的积雪 B . 2、3月份的梅雨C. 7、8月份的暴雨 D . 8、9月份的台风答案:D解析:本题主要通过事物的相互关系考查气象要素对植物的影响。
从表中可见,法国梧桐属于落叶大乔木,根系分布较浅,8、9月份的台风带来大量的降水和大风,使杭州的法国梧桐易倒斜,选择D4 .与法国梧桐相比,香樟树作为城市行道树的明显缺点是()①冬季采光不佳②夏季保持水土功能差③夏季遮阴不足④冬季下雪树叶易积雪A.①②B .①④C.②④D .③④答案:B解析:本题主要通过事物的相互关系考查气象要素对植物的影响。
切,与东北区关系最疏远。 哀牢山自然保护区呈西北-东南走向,地处横断山三江并流地区、云贵高原和滇南热
带谷地之间,致使三大地理区域的物种在此汇聚。 此外,哀牢山西坡主要受印度洋季风影响降雨量较大,东坡主
要 受 印 度 洋 季 风 控 制 降 雨 量 较 小 ,多 样 的 气 候 条 件 为 蚂 蚁 物 种 创 造 了 丰 富 的 栖 息 条 件 ,哀 牢 山 自 然 保 护 区 因 而
QIAN Yishun,QIAN Yuhan,XU Zhenghui,XIONG Zhongping,ZHAO Zhongliang,XU Wenchuan,HE Zonghui ( College of Biodiversity Conservation,Southwest Forestry University / Key Laboratory of Forest Disaster Warning and Control in Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,China)
将野外采集的标本带回实验室,依据 “ 同种同 巢” 和“ 同种形态相同” 原则,进行归类、编号,将 每 号标本 9 头以内个体制作成三角纸干制标本,将其 余个体 制 做 成 浸 渍 标 本。 依 据 主 要 分 类 学 著 作[17-23] ,采用形态分类方法对蚂蚁标本逐一鉴定, 尽可能鉴定到种。 1. 3 区系分析方法
Abstract: To reveal ant fauna character of Ailao Mountain Nature Reserve,206 species belonging to 10 subfamilies and 60 genera of Formicidae were collected through plot-sampling method,and the distribution types and fauna components of genus and species were analyzed. We conclude that the ant fauna of Ailao Mountain Nature Reserve has typical Oriental characteristics. At genera level,it is closest to Palearctic region,and farthest from Neotropical region. At species level,it is dominant in Oriental components,closest to Palearctic region, and farthest from Neotropical region. In Chinese zoogeographical zones,it has typical southwest China zone characteristics, closest to central China and south China zones,and farthest from northeast China zone. Ailao Mountain Nature Reserve runs northwest to southeast and situated between the Three-Parallel-Rivers area,and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and South Yunnan tropical valley,therefore, ant species from the three great geographical areas assemble in the nature reserve. Besides,the west slope of Ailao Mountain is mainly influenced by Indian Ocean monsoon with rich rainfall while the east slope is mainly influenced by Pacific Ocean monsoon less rainfall.
C ie eAcd myo oe t ) / o r a o r e s oet iest.一2 0 3 1 .一5 hn s a e F rsr / Jun l fNot at rsr Unv ri f y h F y y 0 7.5( 0) 7—6 0
An e p r n sc n u t d t t d h it b t n rg lr y o n p ce iest tf u e t a a d n x ei me t wa o d ce o s y t e d sr ui e u a t fa ts e is d v ri a o r v ril b n s a d u i o i y c
K n n 5 2 4,P u mig6 O 2 .R.C ia ;L oC a g i teReerh Isi t fIsc suc s hn s c d myo oe t hn ) u h n we(h sac ntueo e t o re .C ieeA a e f rs t n Re F —
r) X hnh iS u w sF rsyC l g ) WagWeh a H ogu(h eerhIstt o sc R sucs y ; uZ egu(o t et o t o ee ; n nu , e n hit R sac tu fnet eor , h e r Z e ni e I e
引文格式:崔文夏, 王戌勃, 徐正会, 等. 云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区蚂蚁物种分布格局研究[J]. 云南农业大学学报(自然科学), 2023, 38(4): 537−548. DOI: 10.12101/j.issn.1004-390X(n).202211018云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区蚂蚁物种分布格局研究*崔文夏1, 王戌勃1, 徐正会1 **, 陈 友1,2, 周雪英1, 许国莲1(1. 西南林业大学 生物多样性保护学院,云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室,云南 昆明 650224;2. 重庆城市管理职业学院 文化与旅游学院,重庆 401331)摘要: 【目的】全面揭示哀牢山国家级自然保护区蚂蚁物种的多样性。
水平分布上,西坡的蚂蚁物种数高于东坡(171 vs 145),西坡特有种64种,东坡特有种38种,东、西坡共有种107种;垂直分布上,东、西坡的蚂蚁物种数均与海拔负相关(西坡R 2=0.65,东坡R 2=0.63);10类不同生境中,中低海拔的针阔混交林和季风常绿阔叶林中栖息的蚂蚁物种较为丰富(分别为127和104种),高海拔的苔藓矮林中蚂蚁物种最贫乏(3种);觅食和筑巢分析中,土壤为蚂蚁最喜欢的觅食和筑巢场所,其次为地表,最后为植物上。
关键词: 蚁科;水平分布;垂直分布;生境;觅食和筑巢场所;哀牢山中图分类号: S759.9 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004–390X (2023) 04−0537−12Distribution Patterns of Ant Species from Ailao MountainNational Nature Reserve, Yunnan ProvinceCUI Wenxia 1,WANG Xubo 1,XU Zhenghui 1,CHEN You 1,2,ZHOU Xueying 1,XU Guolian 1(1. Key Laboratory of Forest Disaster Warning and Control in Yunnan Province, College of Biodiversity Conservation,Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China; 2. School of Culture and Tourism,Chongqing City Management College, Chongqing 401331, China)Abstract: [Purpose ]To reveal the ant species diversity in Ailao Mountain National Nature Re-serve. [Method ]The distribution patterns of ant species from this nature reserve were studied by plot-sampling method. [Results ]A total of 209 species, belonging 61 genera and 10 subfamilies were collected from 58 plots in eight vertical zones. Horizontally, the number of ant species on the west slope was higher than that on the east slope (171 vs 145). There were 64 species endemic to the west slope and 38 species endemic to the east slope, with 107 species in both. Vertically, there was a negative correlation between ant species number and altitude on both the east and west slopes云南农业大学学报(自然科学),2023,38(4):537−548Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University (Natural Science)E-mail: ********************收稿日期:2022-11-10 修回日期:2023-07-11 网络首发日期:2023-08-18*基金项目:国家自然科学基金应急管理项目(31750002)子课题;国家自然科学基金项目(31860615,31260521);云南省自然科学基金项目(2001C0042M)。
新平哀牢山自然保护区东坡爬行动物多样性研究作者:李红梅,章新,饶定齐,等来源:《湖北农业科学》 2012年第16期李红梅1,章新1,饶定齐2,张宏雨3(1.玉溪师范学院资源环境学院,云南玉溪653100;2.中国科学院昆明动物研究所,昆明650223;3.哀牢山国家级自然保护区新平管理局,云南新平653400)摘要:采用样线、站点统计、走访调查法、文献法对新平哀牢山自然保护区东坡爬行动物的种类、分布状况等进行了研究。
新平哀牢山自然保护区地处滇中高原南部,E100°54′-101°30′,N23°26′-24°41′,属典型亚热带半湿润高原季风气候类型,年均气温16.4 ℃。
关键词:地表蚂蚁;哀牢山;物种名录;分布中图分类号:S718.7文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-874X(2011)03-0130-04The investigation of ground ants resourceson the west slope of mountain ailaoCHEN You1,LUO Chang-wei2,LI Zhuo-xin1,LIU ying-jie1,XU Zheng-hui3(1.Training Center,Yunnan Forestry Vocational College,Kunming650224,China;2.the Research Institute of Insect Resources,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Kunming650224,China;3.Southwest Forestry University,Key Laboratory of Biodiversity Conservation in Southwestern China,Kunming650224,China)Abstract:This paper dealed with the ground ants of Mt.Ailao,based on investigation method of sample plot.Numerically,140sample plots in28sample stands at4different sections on west slope were investigated.The results were as follows:(1)the total number of ground ants specimen was3592individuals which belongs to110species,37genera and7subfamilies.Density of ground species was up to25.7 inviduals/m2;(2)The richness of dominant species was high because47.3%of total species number was the ground ants belonging to Myrmicinae take up;(3)Widespread species were Pachycondyla luteipes,P.javana,P.rhombinoda all belonging to pachycondyla genus;(4)The number of endemic species were rich because there were16species belonging to monotypic genera,61species occurred only in one of 28sample plots,and33species occurred in two of28sample plots;(5)Quantity of some ants species was low because there were70species of ground ants whose number was lower than10individuals,and31species of which had only an individual.Key words:ground ants;Mt.Ailao;species list;distribution地表蚂蚁(ground ants)是指在地表中营巢和活动的蚂蚁。
Sou h e t r t w se n Chi Sou hwe tFor s r nie st K u na, t s e t y U v r iy, nm i 02 4, ng 65 2 Chi ) na
Ab t a t sr c :T h o e tc lz ne ih i t if r n t e o e e a i ns n he w e t l p of e f ur v r ia o s w t egh d fe e t yp s f v g t to o t s so A ia ou a n w a a p e o t dy n o m u t ve st he s i a s The r s t e e lo m nt i s s m l d f r s u i g c m niy di r iy oft o l nt . e uls w r a o l s T h o a m b r o s i a s w a 7 p ce a on h c h r e e 4 d m i a t sf low : e t t lnu e f o l nt s 4 s e i s, m g w ih t e e w r 2 o n n
摘 要 :采 用 样 地 调 查 法 , 哀 牢 山 西 坡 4个 垂 直 地 带 8种 植 被 类 型 的 土 壤 蚂 蚁 群 落 多样 性 进 行 调 对
查 。结果 如下 : 共有 7 4种 土壤 蚂蚁 , 中 4 其 2种 为加 呈 土
s c e .The ew a .or e a i n o o la sdi e st ih i c e s n lv to T h r e t g f pe is r s a c r l to f s i nt v r iy w t n r a i g e e a i n. e pe c n a e o
关键词 : 蚁科 ; 物种多样性 ; 群落相似性 ; 西藏 ; 横断山
中图 分 类 号 :7 3 3 ¥6 .3 文献标识码 : A
An m m un te fW e tS o e o o ntDe ul nd tCo iiso s l p fM u m a a Bo iValy i o t e se n b t m le n S u h a tr Ti e
刘 霞 , 正会 , 雪英 徐 周 ,于娜娜 张成林 ,
(.北京林业大学林学院 , 1 北京 10 8 ; .西南林 业大学保护生 物学学 院, 00 3 2 云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室 , 云南 昆 明 6 0 2 ) 5 2 4
摘要 : 用样 地调查法和搜索调查法研究 了藏东南德姆拉 山西坡及波密河谷 1 采 1块样地的蚂蚁群落 。采获 蚁科 昆虫 3亚科 1 0属 2 , 7种 多数物种为稀有种。调查 数据 显示 , 地 的物种数 目 0~ 1 样 1种 ( 平均 5 9种 ) 个 体密 度 0~ . , 176 2 ・ ( 0 .头 m 平均 20 7头 ・ ) 多样性指数 0 36 1 12 73 平均值 0 753 , 7. m , .4 ~ .0 ( . 9 ) 均匀度 0 2 50~ 0 70 . 1 .7 3 平均值 0 4 46 , ( .7 ) 优势度指数 0 335~ 0 8 19 平均值 0 5 84 。在垂 直带上 , .8 .1 ( .7 ) 个体 密度 随海拔 升高大体呈现
降低趋势 , 山体 中部 物种数 目低于山体下部和上部 。各样地蚂蚁群落 的多样性指数 、 均匀度指数和优势度指 数没有
呈现规律性变化 , 均匀度与优势度成负相关关系 。蚂蚁群落 的多样性 和稳定性 同时受 到海拔 高度 、 但 地貌条 件和植 被状 况的影响 。蚂蚁群落相似性系数表 明不 同样地 蚂蚁 群落间差异 显著 , 明藏东南 德姆拉 山生态系 统 中生境存 说
喜马拉雅山珠峰段蚂蚁物种的分布格局李文琼;徐正会;周雪英;李安娜;许国莲【摘要】为了揭示喜马拉雅山蚂蚁物种的分布规律,采用样地调查法研究了珠峰段蚂蚁物种的分布格局.合计发现蚁科Formicidae 3亚科13属23种,蚂蚁物种的分布主要受气温因素制约.大多数物种分布范围狭窄,对高山环境的适应性较弱,适应性强的物种较少.珠峰段北坡分布有4个物种,山间谷地仅分布有3个物种,而南坡分布有22个物种.蚂蚁物种对植被类型的选择受气温和植物丰富度的共同影响,在8类生境中,中山阔叶林的物种最丰富.在9类场所中,以石下筑巢和地表觅食的物种最丰富.西藏盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster tibetana Donisthorpe是珠峰段分布范围最广、占据生境类型最多的物种,其分布上限高达4980 m,是目前已知西藏境内分布最高的物种.%In order to reveal the distribution role of ant species in Mt. Himalaya, distribution patterns of ant species from Mount Everest Section were investigated by using sample-plot method. Totally, 23 species belonging to 3 subfamilies and 13 genera of Formicidae were recognized. Distribution of ant species is mainly affected by air temperature. Most species express weak adaptability to alpine environment and have a narrow distribution range, only a few species evolve strong adaptability. Four species dwell on the north slope, only 3 species live in the mountain valley, and 22 species distribute on the south slope. Selection of vegetation types by ant species is commonly influenced by air temperature and plant richness. Subalpine broadleaf forest has the richest ant species among the 8 vegetation types. In the 9 types of dwelling places, majority of the ant species choice to nest under stone and forage on the ground.Aphaenogaster tibetana Donisthorpe is the extensively distributed species occupying most habitats in the Mount Everest Section and the known most highly distributed species in Tibet reached to altitude 4980 m.【期刊名称】《环境昆虫学报》【年(卷),期】2017(039)005【总页数】9页(P1054-1062)【关键词】蚁科;分布格局;生境;栖息场所;喜马拉雅山【作者】李文琼;徐正会;周雪英;李安娜;许国莲【作者单位】西南林业大学林学院, 云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室, 昆明650224;西南林业大学林学院, 云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室, 昆明650224;西南林业大学林学院, 云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室, 昆明650224;西南林业大学林学院, 云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室, 昆明650224;西南林业大学林学院, 云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室, 昆明650224【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q968.2蚂蚁隶属于昆虫纲Insecta膜翅目Hymenoptera蚁科Formicidae,是分布最广泛、种类和数量最多的社会性昆虫,除地球两极和高山雪线以上范围外,陆地上几乎都有分布(Holldobler & Wilson, 1990)。
藏东南德姆拉山西坡及波密河谷蚂蚁分布格局刘霞;徐正会;张成林;于娜娜;许国莲【摘要】In order to reveal the distribution principle of ant species in southeastern Tibet, China, the distribution patterns of the ants from the west slope of Mount Demula and Bomi Valley were investigated by using sample-plot and search-collecting methods. In total, 27 species belonging to 3 subfamilies and 10 genera of Formicidae were recognized. The data showed that the ant communities from the west slope presented certain zoning phenomenon with the change of ecological conditions; and most species had a weak adaptability to the environment and distributed only in low altitude areas, with the altitude difference less than 500m. In addition, the adaptabilities of different genus of the same subfamily and different species of the same genus to related environment were further differentiated. The ant species richness in Quer-cus semicarpi folia forest was the highest among the 9 types of habitats, and the species that foraged on the ground was the richest among the 9 types of foraging sites. Among the 6 types of nesting sites, those nested under stones were the most. Formica gagatoides was the most extensively distributed species in this area and occupied the widest range of habitats.%为了揭示藏东南地区蚂蚁物种的分布规律,采用搜索调查法和样地调查法调查了德姆拉山西坡及波密河谷蚂蚁物种的分布格局.结果表明:发现蚁科(Formicidae)昆虫3亚科,10属,27种.其群落随生态环境条件的变化呈现带状分布;大多数物种对环境的适应性较弱,仅分布在低海拔区域,垂直分布高差小于500 m;同一亚科不同属或同属不同种对环境的选择分化明显.在9类生境中,高山栎(Quercus semicarpifolia)林的物种最丰富;在9类觅食场所中,在地表觅食的物种最丰富;在6类筑巢场所中,在石下筑巢的蚂蚁物种最丰富.亮腹黑褐蚁(Formica gagatoides)是该地区分布最广泛、占据生境类型最多的物种.【期刊名称】《西北林学院学报》【年(卷),期】2012(027)004【总页数】6页(P77-82)【关键词】蚁科;垂直分布;生境分化;西藏【作者】刘霞;徐正会;张成林;于娜娜;许国莲【作者单位】北京林业大学林学院,北京100083;西南林业大学林学院云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室,云南昆明650224;西南林业大学林学院云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室,云南昆明650224;西南林业大学林学院云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室,云南昆明650224;西南林业大学林学院云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室,云南昆明650224【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S763.43;Q969.544.2蚂蚁是一类重要的社会性昆虫,种类繁多、生物量大、分布广泛,除了两极、冰岛和格陵兰岛外,在陆地各种环境条件下均可发现它们的踪迹[1]。
哀牢山国家级保护区西坡生态旅游规划探讨王慧;胡晓;巩合德【期刊名称】《绿色科技》【年(卷),期】2012(000)008【摘要】With the development of ecotourism,ecotourism has been a popular tourism product,because it can enhance environmental protection and promote a high degree of harmony between man andnature.Ecotourism emphasizes sustainable development,including many forms,such as nature reserve.Ailao Mountain Nature Reserve has abundant resources and biodiversity,so it has potential to develop ecotourism.In this paper,the advantages and disadvantages of ecotourism,and the development prospects of forest ecotourism in Ailao Mountain National Nature Reserve are discussed,and ecological carrying capacity of forest ecotourism in this area is calculated.Besides,some suggestions are offered to play a guiding role for the government.%对森林自然保护区开展生态旅游的优缺点、发展前景进行了分析,采用参考文献等方法,提出了在哀牢山规划设计中建立便于游览的廊道、景观台等,针对哀牢山国家级自然保护区开展生态旅游提出建议并对其生态承载力进行了计算,为哀牢山将来开展森林生态旅游以及有关部门提供参考。
藏东南嘎隆拉山及墨脱河谷蚂蚁物种的分布格局刘霞;徐正会;于娜娜;张成林【摘要】Objective]In order to reveal the ant distribution feature in southeastern Tibet,the ant distribution patterns in Galongla Mountains and Medog Valley were investigated. This study would provide a reference for biodiversity protection in the region.[Method]Sample-plot and searching methods were used to investigate distribution patterns of ant species in Galongla Mountains and Medog Valley. A sample-plot was set at every 250 m along the altitude. Within each selected sample-plot,five quadrats,each with 1 m × 1 m,were set and the quadrat spacing was 10 m. In each quadrat,the ants from the land surface,soil and plants were investigated. After the sample-plot investigation,all places in the sample-plot were investigated by 5 people for one hour. [Result]A total of 20 371 ant individuals were collected from Galongla Mountains and Medog Valley,and belonged to 96 species,45 genera,and 8 subfamilies of Formicidae. The subfamily of Myrmicinae was richest in genera and species (18 genera and 44 species involved) among the 8 subfamilies,followed by Ponerinae with 24 species in 10 genera. The subfamilies of Pseudomyrmecinae,Dorylinae and Leptanillinae each had only 1 genus and 1 species. The genus of Pheidole was richest in species (10 species involved) among the 45 genera. Most ant species from Galongla Mountains and Medog Valley distributed below the elevation of 2 000 m. Over the all species, Pheidole sagei had the widest range in vertical distribution,and the elevation difference wasup to 1 510 m. Valley rainforest was richest in ant species among the 10 habitat types. The ant species nesting and forage on the ground were the richest among all types of nesting and forge sites. In addition,some species could also forge on the tree. Moreover,95 ant species distributed in south slope and only 5 species distributed in north slope. Myrmica bactriana occupied the widest range of habitats,nesting and foragesites.[Conclusion]The distribution of ant species in Galongla Mountainsand Medog Vally is restricted by altitude and plant richness. At the same time,distribution patterns of ant species are affected by slope aspect. As for nesting and forging sites choice,ants firstly ensure the nest relatively dry and the plentiful source of food. Thus ants choose different habitatand foraging and nesting sites, which would avoid the intraspecific and interspecific competition and be in favor of the establishment and development of ant colony.%【目的】调查研究藏东南地区蚂蚁物种分布格局,为当地生物多样性保护提供参考。
四川高三高中地理月考试卷班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 分数:___________一、选择题1.杭州(30°16′N , 120°09′E )工作的王先生,在春分日早晨7:50点(北京时间)走进单位大门时,发现自己的影子落在正前方。
【1】按照地形剖面、年降水量、1月气温、7月气温的排序,依次是A.③①②④B.④③②①C.③④①②D.④③①②【2】该山地降水量最多的地方,1月气温大约为A.10℃B.0℃C.-5℃D.-15℃5.下图为南欧某地常见的地址景观示意图,读图回答下面小题:【1】关于该地地质作用的叙述,正确的是:A.该地曾有沉积作用,但无法确定是否有岩浆活动B.钟乳石的形成是流水侵蚀所致C.天窗是板块断裂形成的D.该地可能有海洋生物化石【2】该地貌对人类活动的影响包括:①.流水侵蚀作用普遍,土壤贫瘠,不适合发展种植业②.地表水源丰富,地下水水位较高,生产生活供水充足③.地貌景观丰富独特,适于发展旅游业④.地表破碎,地形崎岖,交通运输方式优先选择铁路A. ①③B. ②③C. ③④ D ①④6.水量盈余率是衡量水库蓄水量变化的重要指标(水量盈余率=流入量/流出量),下表为某水库各月水量盈余率统计表。
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陈 友
( 云南林业职业技术学院 , , 02 ) 昆明 6 24 5
( 中国林业科学研究 院资源 昆虫研究所)
( 西南林学 院)
摘 要 利 用样地调查 法对 哀牢山 自然保 护 区西坡 4个垂直带、 8个水平带的 2 8块样 地 10个样方 的蚁科 昆 4 虫进行 了调查 , 结果表 明 : 落的物种丰 富度 随海拔 的升高 、 群 气温 的降低 和植被 的减 少而 减少 , 蚂蚁群 落 随着生 态 环境条件的 变化而 出现一定 的分 带现 象; 特有种 的数量 随着海拔 高度 的增加 而降低 , 类型组成 则随海拔 的增加 而 由杂食 性 、 肉食性 、 植食性逐 渐变为植食性 , 预示栖 息环境 的植被逐 渐稀 少、 食物资源 变得贫乏 ; 管西坡 同一海拔 尽 植被 类型相似 , 但是 蚂蚁群 落之间差异显著 。样地 的 3 4组相 似性 系数 中, 4组相 似性 系数 处于 0 2 有 .5~0 5 .0之 间, 中等 不相似 水平, l. % , 为 占 18 其余 3 0组为极不相似水平或无任何相似 , 8 . % , 明保 护 区的蚂蚁群 落具 占 8- 表 有显著的垂直地带性特 点。 关键词 哀 牢山 自然保护 区; 蚂蚁 ; 有种 ; 特 相似性 分 类 号 Q 6 .5 . 99542
第3 6卷 第 7期
20 0 8年 7月
Vo. 6 No 7 13 .
J1 0 8 u .2 0
T i p p rd asw t h ns c mmu i .Ai ob sdo eiv s g t n meh d o a l lt u r a— hs a e e i tea t ’o l h nt i Mt yn l ae nt et ai to fsmpepo.N meil a h n i o c
l y,1 0 s m p eplt n 2 a p esa dsao e tc e e ainsa fe e ts cinso s lpewee i v si ae 4 a l os i 8 sm l t n ng8 v ri a v g t t l l o t di r n e t 4 o n we tso r n e tg t d. Re u t e a o O s ls a sfi WS:t ts ce o osto sco e y rl td t lv to r l he a pe i sc mp iin i ls l eae o ee a in,artmpe au e a d f rs o er n d t e n i e rt r o tc v ,a h n e n h s e r a e t lvain i c e sn e a trc ne s d c e s swi e e to n r a i g a d tmpe au e a d f r s o e e r a i g:t e a tc i h n r tr n o e tc v rd c sn e h ommu t rf r o n niy p ee st l e i p c a etdu o t ha :g e oo i le v r n e o iins i n as e i b l v l e t hec ngn c l gca n io m ntc nd to ,whch i sl n u n e h tr g n iy i smo t i f e c d byt ehee o e et y l o h i b tta d t i il gc lc a a trsi s Th umb r o n e c p ce ece s s whie e e to nc a i . ft e rha ia n herbo o ia h r ce tc . i en e f e d mi s e is d r a e l : lvain i r sng e Th tc mm u iy a o ee ain s ma e u fo nv r u ea o n n t tlw l v t o i d p o m io o s,c r io o s. p y o a o s tp s Ath g ee ai anvru h tph g u y e . ih l v t on,t e e h r i ny p t p g ustpe,i d c tn ha h e ea o c a e r du ly a d f o s u c s ae g ti c re wih i s o l hyo ha o y n i ai g t tt e v g tt n de r s sg a al i e n o r o r e r etngs a c t n— d e
Ve t a srb to fAn si lo M o n an Nau eRee v / h n Yo Y n a oet e h ooia o ee ri lDitiu in o t Ai u ti tr sr e C e n( u n n F rsr T c n lgc lC l g . e n a y l K n n 5 2 4 P .C ia ; u h n w i R sac s tt o eo reIsc , h eeA a e yo F r t ) u mi 6 0 2 , .R hn ) L oC a g e( ee rhI tu f su c e t C i s cd m o s y ; g ni e R n s n f er XuZ e g u ( o tw s F rs nv ri / J u lo ote s F rsr iest.一2 0 3 7) h n h i S uh et oet U iest / o ma fN fh at o t Unvri y r y) e y y 0 8,6( .一6 5~6 8