01 简介
03 测量原理
02 特点 04 分类
05 检定规程
07 使用方法
06 国家标准
邵氏硬度计本硬度计(橡胶硬度计)广泛应用于橡胶、塑料的硬度测定。具有结构简单、使用方便、型小体轻、 读数直观等特点,既可以随身携带手持测量,也可以装置在配套生产的同型号定荷架上定荷测定。本仪器执行 JB6148-的要求
指针式邵氏橡胶硬度计的正确使用方法和保养常识目前国内最常用的邵氏硬度计就是两款指针式的邵氏橡胶 硬度计1)邵氏A型硬度计
邵氏硬度计2)邵氏D型硬度计使用邵氏硬度计时,当A型硬度计示值低于10HA时是不准确的,测量结果不能使 用。A型硬度计测量值超出90HA时推荐使用D型硬度计。但由于用户出于经济方面的考虑,普遍只买硬度计而不买 定负荷架,所以新手往往操作不规范,导致试验结果有较大的偏差。如何正确的使用这两种硬度计呢?下文结合 应用实际情况,提供以下方法供试验用户参考1)橡胶的试样及试验温度要求; ①、橡胶的试样厚度不小于6mm, 宽度不小于15mm,长度不小于35mm,试样厚度不足6mm时,可用同样胶片重叠测定,但不超过3层。并要求胶片上下平 行。 ②、检定时室温为23℃±5℃,检定前硬度计在此温度下至少存放1小时2)塑料试样及试验温度要求; ①、 塑料试样为正方形,边长50mm、厚度6mm。也允许采用50×15mm的试样。 ②、在可能的情况下,试样在测试前应按 照GB/T2941-1991规定在实验室标准温度下进行调节。比对试验或系列试验必须在相同温度下进行。3)橡胶及塑 料试样表面均应光滑、平整、不应有机械损伤及杂质等缺陷。
邵氏硬度计分为机械式,数显式两种A型适用于一般橡胶、合成橡胶、软橡胶,多元脂、皮革、蜡等C型适用 于橡塑并用、塑料中含有发泡剂制成的微孔材料D型适用于一般硬橡胶、树脂、压克力、玻璃、热塑性橡胶、印刷 板、纤维等。
南京道尔斯特电气有限公司地址:南京市秦淮区中山东路448号普华大厦4层QQ :2148984411 网址:回 传我希望了解道尔斯特电气的以下产品我希望了解更多的信息关于:姓名:公司:部门:地址/邮政编码:电话号码/传真:电子邮件:样本工业防雷PDU系列样本数显表/液晶表系列样本温湿度控制系列样本智能隔离器/安全栅系列工业交换机选型手册Product Catalog2022.1版精益求精KEEP IMPROVING样本工业交换机系列样本超级电容缓冲装置系列百兆工业级光电转换器支持2个百兆电口、1个百兆光口光口SC/ST/FC 可选,距离可选可选24V/220V 电源输入工业IP40防护等级支持导轨式/壁挂式安装● ●●●●产品简介DST-MC-3系列工业级百兆光电转换器,支持百兆电口到百兆光口的转换。
交换机参数IEEE 标准IEEE 802.310BaseT EthernetIEEE 802.3u 100BaseT(X) and 100BaseFX Fast Ethernet IEEE 802.3x Flow Control(流量控制)交换特性MAC 地址表2K 数据包缓存1Mbit 处理方式存储转发接口RJ45端口数2个百兆电口百兆光口1个百兆光口,单模/多模可选,SC/ST/FC 可选,单纤/双纤可选百兆光口传输距离多模2km,单模20km/40km/60km/120km 可选LED 指示灯电源、电口、光口电源24V 输入4针端子,双电源;24VDC 电源支持范围为12~36VDC 220V 输入4针端子,单电源;220V 电源支持范围为85~264VAC/77~300VDC 电源功耗最大3瓦电源保护反接保护、过载保护环境属性工作温度-40~75°C 储存温度-40~85°C相对湿度5~95% (无凝霜)物理特性外壳IP40金属外壳安装方式默认导轨安装,可选壁挂安装尺寸30(W) x 125(H) x 88(D) mm认证EMIFCC Part 15. CISPR(EN55022) class A EMSEN 61000-4-2(ESD)Level 3EN 61000-4-3(RS)Level 3EN 61000-4-4(EFT)Level 3EN 61000-4-5(Surge)Level 3EN 61000-4-6(CS)Level 3EN 61000-4-8机械IEC60068-2-6(震动) IEC60068-2-27(冲击) IEC60068-2-32(自由跌落)质保期MTBF 380000h 保修期5年0102配置型号产品描述DST-MC-2TX/1MC 百兆工业级光电转换器,2个百兆电口,1个百兆SC 光口,多模双纤2公里,24V 双电源DST-MC-2TX/1SC百兆工业级光电转换器,2个百兆电口,1个百兆SC 光口,单模双纤20公里,24V 双电源配置型号产品描述机架插卡式光电转换器每个机箱支持16个卡槽,板卡支持1个电口、1个光口百兆板卡或者千兆板卡可混插机箱双电源供电● 产品简介DST-MC-16系列机架插卡式光电转换器,标准2U 机箱,共支持16个插槽。
BLM15H Series (0402 Size)
I Dimension
I Equivalent Circuit
(Resistance element becomes dominant at high frequencies.)
(in mm)
0 1
Frequency (MHz)
1000 3000
I Z-f characteristics (Typ.)
I Z-f characteristics (Typ.)
Impedance (Ω)
1500 1000
Frequency (MHz)
1000 3000
Impedance (Ω)
3000 2000 1000
1000 3000
Frequency (MHz)
I !Caution/Notice
!Caution (Rating) Do not use products beyond the rated current and rated voltage as this may create excessive heat and deteriorate the insulation resistance.
300mA 250mA 300mA 250mA 300mA 250mA 200mA
起重机中匹配YZR系列电动机通用电阻器使用说明目录一、产品用途 (3)二、型号含义 (3)三、接线图及标志 (3)四、YZR电机电阻器型号对照表 (6)(1)RK系列电阻器 (7)(2)RT系列电阻器 (8)(3)RS系列电阻器 (9)(4)RSf系列电阻器 (11)(5)RY系列电阻器 (12)(6)RZ系列电阻器 (13)(7)Rze系列电阻器 (15)(8)RQ系列电阻器 (15)一、产品用途本电阻器主要用于起重机中YZR电机的S3、S4、S5工作制的通用电阻器,它使用于交流50HZ电压至660V 的电路中作为电动机的启动,调整及制动电阻。
三、接线图及标志1..RTZ3Z2Z1 Q12.RK型电阻器接线图Z3 Q1Z1 Q23.RQ型电阻器的接线图Z1 Q51 Q41 Q31 Q21 Q11 Q1 Q0Z2 Q52 Q42 Q32 Q22 Q12 Q2Z3 Q53 Q43 Q33 Q23 Q13 Q34.RS型电阻器的接线图Z1 Q31 Q21 Q11 Q1 Q0Z2 Q32 Q22 Q12 Q2Z3 Q33 Q23 Q13 Q35.RSf型电阻器的接线图Z1 Q41 Q31 Q21 Q11 Q1 Q0Z2 Q42 Q32 Q22 Q12 Q2Z3 Q43 Q33 Q23 Q13 Q3 6.RY型电阻器的接线图。
通过ISO9002国际质量体系认证conformity Certification of ISO9002 Quality Management SystemBWY(WTYK)-802、803系列变压器温度控制器SERIES TRANSFORMER TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER使用说明书DESCRIPTION & OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS杭州华立仪表有限公司HANG ZHOU HUALI INSTRUMENT & METER GENERAL PLANT感谢您使用本厂产品使用前请认真阅读产品使用说明书THANKS FOR USING OUR PRODUCTSPLEASE READ THE DIRECTIONS BEFORE USE目录一、概况 (1)二、工作原理 (5)三、主要技术指标 (5)四、安装及使用 (5)五、注意事项 (10)六、附录Pt100工业铂电阻分度值表 (11)一、概况1、温度控制器根据沈阳变压器研究所制订的JB/T6302-92《变压器用压力式温度计》标准的命名如下:+2、温度控制器根据JB/T9236-1999《工业自动化仪表产品型号编制原则》的要求产品命名如下:图一 系列温度控制器外形及安装尺寸B W Y (W T Y K )二、工作原理变压器温度控制器(以下简称温控器),主要由弹性元件、毛细管、温包和微动开关组成。
● 按照动态转矩矢量控制方式,能配合负载实现在最短时间内平稳地加减速。
● 使用高速CPU能快速响应急变负载和及时检知再生功率,设有控制减速时间的再生回避功能,实现无跳闸自动减速过程。
● 采用富士独自开发的控制方式,在0.5Hz能输出200%高起动转矩(£ 22kW)。
* 30kW以上时为180% 。
带PG反馈更高性能的控制系统● 使用PG反馈卡(选件)构成带PG反馈的矢量控制系统,实现更高性能、更高精度的运行。
- 速度控制范围:1:1200- 速度控制精度:±0.02%- 速度响应:40Hz电动机低转速时脉动大大减小● 采用动态转矩矢量控制,结合富士专有的数字AVR,实现电动机低转速(1Hz)运行时的转速脉动比以前机种减小1/2以上。
新方式在线自整定系统● 在电动机运行过程中常时进行自整定,常时核对电动机特性变化,实现高精度速度控制。
● 第2电动机亦有自整定功能。
优良的环境兼容性● 采用低噪声控制电源系统,大大减小对周围传感器等设备的噪声干扰影响。
● 标准装有连接抑制高次谐波电流的DC电抗器端子。
● 连接选件EMC滤波器后,能符合欧洲EMC指令。
节能功能的提高● 标准设有风机、泵等最佳自动节能运行模式。
更方便使用的键盘面板● 标准设有复写功能,能容易地将1台变频器的功能码数据复写至其他变频器。
持续 间歇/60秒
输 出容量 ( 2 0 8 V)
最 大电缆横截面 ( 输入电源端, 电机输出端, 制动电阻端 )
最 大输入电流
持续 间歇/60秒
最 大外接输入快 熔(主电源)
环境 额 定最大负载时 的预计功率损 耗
重量 IP20
I P5 5 ,I P66
[kW] [H P] [A] [A]
变 频器能在高达50℃的环境温度下达 到 最大的输出 ,在 最大55℃的环境 温 度下仍可降容运行。
VLT®FC202本 地控 制面板20 04年获 得 国际iF设计奖 ,在“界面 通讯” 类 来自34个国 家的1000项产 品中一 举夺魁。
内置直流电抗器,有效降低电源的谐 波 干 扰 , 符 合 IEC-1000-3-2国 际标 准。设计紧凑、无需外部选件。
13 防腐蚀
具 有防腐蚀性的背 部散热通道组件 和 散 热片可以作为选 件订购,用于一 些 恶 劣的环境,例如 靠近海边的含盐 空 气中。
14 控制端子
专 门开发的笼式弹 簧夹紧端子增强 了 可靠性,而且便于调试和维护。
变 频器外壳封装符 合保 护等级IP20, 另 有 IP00, IP21, IP54, IP55和 IP66多种封装等级可选。
FC202系列 标准负载变频器
模 块 式V L T ®FC 2 0 2变 频 器
在任 何工 业的泵 、风 机等 变转矩 应用
中, VLT®FC202系列变频器 都能 取得
较高 的传 动质量 和显 著的 节能效 果。
VT Series -- NTC Thermistor for Vehicle Temperature Sensor & Thermo Switch Making
VTS 系列——交通工具溫度感測器/溫度開關
VTS Series -- Vehicle Temperature Sensor & Thermo Switch
CT 系列——片式 NTC 熱敏電阻
CT Series -- Chip NTC Thermistor
FT 系列——薄膜 NTC 熱敏電阻
FT Series -- Film Type NTC Thermistor
GT 系列——玻璃封裝 NTC 熱敏電阻
GT Series -- Glass Sealed NTC Thermistor
4. 通讯: CT系列——片式负温度系数热敏电阻 AT系列——非绝缘引线插件 NTC热敏电阻
5. 计算机及办公自动化设备: OT系列——办公自动化NTC热敏电阻/温度传感器 GT系列——玻璃封装NTC热敏电阻 FT系列——薄膜NTC热敏电阻
6. 消费类电子: PT系列——功率型(浪涌抑制)NTC热敏电阻 AT系列——非绝缘引线插件 NTC热敏电阻 BT系列——绝缘引线型NTC温度传感器
Exhibit a decrease in resistance when temperature rises.
NTC 熱敏電阻是一種以過渡金屬氧化物為主要原材料經高溫燒結而成的半導體陶瓷元件,它具有非常大的負溫 度係數,電阻值隨環境溫度或因通過電流而產生自熱而變化,即在一定的測量功率下,電阻值隨著溫度上升而迅速 下降。利用這一特性,可將 NTC 熱敏電阻通過測量其電阻值來確定相應的溫度,從而達到檢測和控制溫度的目的。
欧诺克 直流伺服 驱动器 产品说明书
深圳市欧诺克科技有限公司Shenzhen ONKE Technology Co., Ltd.座机:*************27381841电话:邓先生135****7106陈先生139****0920邮箱:***************网 址 : 地址:广东省深圳市宝安区福海街道怀德翠湖工业园13栋稳定的质量是我们赖以生存的根本优质的服务是我们继续发展的前提客户的满意是我们唯一追求的目标产品画册Product gallery专业生产伺服驱动器、伺服电机及自动化控制系统深圳市欧诺克科技有限公司直流伺服驱动器目录匠心制造精益求精“一、公司介绍03二、直流伺服驱动器091.驱动器介绍与型号说明092.DC系列技术指标133.DE系列技术指标174.DE2系列技术指标215.BC系列技术指标256.驱动器应用领域297.驱动器外设配件31 0102C O M P A N Y PROFILE以精密制造引领未来Leading the future with precision manufacturing公司简介Company Profile深圳市欧诺克科技有限公司成立于2010年,是一家专业研发生产伺服电机和驱动器的高新技术企业,公司技术力量雄厚,检测手段先进,欧诺克人本着不求最全,只求最精的信念,为生产出各类伺服电机、各类驱动器而不懈奋斗。
人民电器 二级配电选型手册 RDM10系列塑料外壳式断路器 产品资料说明书
公司简介COMPANY PROFILE更 安 全保障人员生命及财产安全。
更 可 靠不间断供应电力,全天随时可用。
更 高 效降低能源消耗和成本,提高生产率,缩短需求供应时间。
更 经 济更 环 保通过可再生能源提供能量,减少二氧化碳排放量。
电力与能源电力石油石化交通工业与机器矿业/建材水利/水处理汽车数据中心IT高科技互联网商业网络银行保险金融机构电信运营楼宇办公楼宇工业建筑基础设施住宅住宅建设公共建设小区设施剩余电流保护断路器逆变器直流断路器直流塑壳断路器直流框架断路器光伏箱变直流熔断器直流浪涌保护器终端新能源HS11FH系列防护型开启式刀开关B -117HD11F系列防误型开启式刀开关B -119RDM1系列塑料外壳式断路器B -001RDM10系列塑料外壳式断路器B -010DZ20系列塑料外壳式断路器B -015DZ15系列塑料外壳式断路器B -020RDM1E系列电子式塑壳断路器B -023RDM1L系列漏电断路器B -043RDL20系列漏电断路器B -057DZL25系列漏电断路器B -064DZ15LE系列漏电断路器B -060RDL18系列漏电断路器B -068RDWQ2系列双电源自动转换开关B -080RDQ6系列双电源自动转换开关B -082RDH5D系列双电源自动转换开关B -088HD 、HS系列开启式刀开关B -101RDQH系列双电源自动转换开关B -070RDQ1系列双电源自动转换开关B -077HD11FH系列防护型开启式刀开关B -121RDH5系列隔离开关B -123HR3系列熔断器式刀开关B -130HR5系列熔断器式隔离开关B -133RDH5DS系列双电源自动转换开关B -096RDM1EL系列电子式塑壳断路器B -051HR17B系列熔断器隔离开关B -141RDT16系列有填料封闭管式刀型触头熔断器B -155HH15系列隔离开关熔断器组B -146RDH5R系列隔离开关熔断器组B -143NGT系列快速熔断器B -174RS0、RS3系列快速熔断器B -171RT0系列有填料封闭管式刀型触头熔断器B -168RT14系列有填料封闭式管圆筒形帽熔断器B -165HG30熔断器式隔离器B -163RT18系列有填料封闭管式圆筒形帽熔断器B -160HR6系列熔断器式隔离开关B -136RDHG2B系列条型熔断器式隔离开关B -139全国统一客服热线: 400 898 1166 001选型指南产品概述RDM1系列塑料外壳式断路器具有体积小、分断能力高、飞弧短、抗震动的特点, 是陆地及船舶使用的理想产品。
恒温恒湿电子防潮箱(低温加热型)选型手册与技术参数(控湿范围:20%-60%,10%-20%,1%-10%RH三选一;控温范围:10~40℃)100L165L246L325L435L546L720L878L1440L(四门)1440L(六门)非防静电型号防静电型号外形尺寸(W*D*H)内部尺寸(W*D*H)平均功率(W)最大功率(W)层板数量容积(L)MC108T MC108TF448*400*688mm446*372*598mm13911100 MC168T MC168TF448*450*1010mm446*422*848mm181263165 MC268T MC268TF598*400*1310mm596*372*1148mm181263246 MC328T MC328TF900*450*1010mm898*422*848mm201403325 MC468T MC468TF900*600*1010mm898*572*848mm201403435 MC568T MC568TF598*710*1465mm596*682*1298mm201403546 MC718T MC718TF598*710*1910mm596*682*1723mm201405720 MC878T MC878TF900*600*1890mm898*572*1698mm201405878 MC1368T MC1368TF1200*710*1910mm1198*682*1723mm4028051440 MC1369T MC1369TF1200*710*1910mm1198*682*1723mm4028051440 *白色为非防静电系列;黑色为防静电系列,型号后带有F。
产品特性:1.加热器采用德国进口的DBK加热器,该加热器通过德国TUV,欧洲CE,美国UL 认证,符合ROHS环保。
Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 1Quick ReferenceSeries Features Page DM05Lead Spacing: 3.05 +/-0.8 mm7DM10Lead Spacing: 3.57 +/-0.8 mm9DM12Lead Spacing: 5.00 +/-0.8 mm10DM15Lead Spacing: 5.95 +/-0.8 mm11DM19Lead Spacing: 8.73 +/-0.8 mm13DM20Lead Spacing: 11.11 +/-0.8 mm15DM30Lead Spacing: 11.11 +/-0.8 mm High Capacitance17DM42Lead Spacing: 26.99 +/-0.8 mm High Capacitance17Packaging Specifications18Quick Reference GuideSHARMA DESIGNATIONDM 05DM 10DM 12DM 15MIL STYLE - Discontinued-CM 04-CM 05CAPACITANCE RANGE pF1 to 390 1 to 390 1 to 25001 to 1200MAXIMUM50 V DC 390820-2500CAPACITANCE 100 V DC20039025002000IN pF IN THE 300 V DC 1203608202000RATED 500 V DC -250430750VOLTAGE 1000 V DC*----INDICATED MAXIMUM L 0.2700.3900.4130.490NOMINAL W 0.2500.3800.4330.420DIMENSIONS IN T 0.1900.2200.2200.240INCHES B 0.1200.1410.2000.234MAXIMUM L 6.869.9110.4912.45NOMINAL W 6.359.6511.0010.67DIMENSIONS IN T 4.83 5.59 5.59 6.10mmB3.053.585.085.94SHARMA DESIGNATIONDM 19DM 20DM 30DM 42MIL STYLE - DiscontinuedCM 06-CM 07-CAPACITANCE RANGE pF1 to 8200680 to 12,0005100 to 20,00016000 to 82000MAXIMUM50 V DC ----CAPACITANCE 100 V DC 820012000-82000IN pF IN THE 300 V DC 6800120002000068000RATED 500 V DC 5100100002000051000VOLTAGE1000 V DC*4700-1200030000INDICATED MAXIMUM L 0.7100.8200.830 1.470NOMINALW 0.5900.6300.9200.920DIMENSIONS IN T 0.3700.4500.4500.450INCHES B 0.3440.4380.438 1.063MAXIMUM L 18.0320.8321.0837.34NOMINALW 14.9916.0023.3723.37DIMENSIONS IN T 9.4011.4311.4311.43mmB8.7411.1311.1327.00DM Series General Specifications by Case Size* Available as special part.MICA CAPACITORS330 - 430Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 2are150 ±5%500V SAHATYPE 1MICA CAPACITOR - PART NUMBERING SYSTEMSample Part Number: DM 15F D 151J O3 Description: DM 15 Series, 150pF, 500 Volt, 5%, RoHS Compliant, Tape & Reel , Inside Crimped(See Special Specifications Sheet)Rev D - 2/99Sharma Mica CapacitorsPage 3GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR SHARMA MICA CAPACITORSThe SHARMA Mica capacitors meet the required commercial specifications and theEIA requirements. The CMO series capacitors also meet the military specifications MIL-C-5. The actual specifications and dimensions of the capacitors are mentioned under each series in the catalog.CAPACITANCEThe capacitance of mica capacitors is measured at 1 M Hz ±10% for capacitance values up to 1000 pF and at 1 K Hz ±10% for capacitance values above 1000 pF. The capacitance value when measured at 25 °C shall be with in the tolerance specified.DISSIPATION FACTORThe dissipation factor for mica capacitors are measured at 1MHz for values up to 1000 pF and at 1 KHz for values above 1000 pF. The values shall remain within the specified values.The variation pattern of dissipation factor for different values of capacitance are also shown in the Figure 3.INSULATION RESISTANCEThe insulation resistance is measured at 50 ±5 V for capacitors with rated voltage of 50 V DC and at 100 ±10 V for capacitors with higher voltage rating. The insulation resistance thus measured at 25 °C shall meet the specified limits. The variation of insulation resistance for different capacitance values at 25 °C is shown in Figure 1. After certain tests listed below the insulation resistance value changes and these values are plotted in Figure 2. Figure 4indicates the variation pattern of insulation resistance with capacitance value at different temperature conditions.WITHSTANDING VOLTAGEThe mica capacitors are designed to withstand higher voltage than the rated voltage for limited time. These capacitors shall withstand 200% of the rated voltage for 1 to 5 seconds when applied with a limiting surge current value of 50 mA.VIBRATION GRADEThe capacitors shall be subjected to a harmonic motion having an amplitude of 1.5 mm and the frequency which is varied between the limits of 10 and 55 Hz. The entire frequency range from 10 to 55 Hz and then back to 10 Hz shall be traversed in approximately 1 minute and the motion shall be applied for a period of 1hour in each of the three mutually perpendicular directions. After testing, when the electrical measurements are performed:1.The insulation resistance shall be more than 30000 M Ohms for capacitance value up to 10000 pF. Please refer to Figure 2 for acceptable variation pattern for Insulation Resistance for values above 10000 pF.2.The dissipation factor shall be within the original specified limits. Please also refer to Figure 3 for variation pattern of dissipation factor with respect to capacitance value.3.The capacitance change shall not exceed ±1% or ±1 pF whichever is greater.SOLDERING HEAT RESISTANCEBoth leads of the capacitors shall be immersed in molten solder at a temperature of 270°C for 3 to 4 seconds. After the test the capacitors shall meet the initial requirements of the Withstanding voltage and the Capacitance change shall not exceed ±0.55 or ±1 pF.MOISTURE RESISTANCECapacitors shall be subjected to a temperature of 40 ±2 °C at 90 to 95 % relative humidity for 240 ±8 Hours. After the test:1.The samples shall meet the after test requirement of Insulation resistance values as furnished in Figure2.2.The dissipation factor shall be within 1.5 times the original specified limits. Please also refer to Figure 3 for variation pattern of dissipation factor with respect to capacitance value for original limits.3. The capacitance change shall not exceed ±3% or ±1 pF whichever is greater.MOISTURE RESISTANCE LOADINGCapacitors shall be subjected to a temperature of 40±2 °C at 90 to 95% relative humidity with rated voltage for 500 Hours. After the test the samples are maintained at normal temperature and relative humidity for a period of 4 to 24 hours. When tested after this;1.The capacitor samples shall be free of cracks, or other mechanical damages and the marking shall remain legible2.The samples shall meet the original requirement of the Withstanding voltage3.The samples shall meet the after test requirement of Insulation resistance as furnished in Figure 24.The dissipation factor shall be within 2 times the original limits5.The capacitance change shall not exceed ±5% or ±1 pFPERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSFIGURE 1FIGURE 2FIGURE 3FIGURE 5FIGURE 4Sharma Mica CapacitorsPage 4FIGURE 6FIGURE 7FIGURE 8MOISTURE RESISTANCE LOADINGCapacitors shall be subjected to a temperature of 40±2 °C at 90 to 95% relative humidity with rated voltage for 500 Hours. After the test the samples are maintained at normal temperature and relative humidity for a period of 4 to 24 hours. When tested after this;1.The capacitor samples shall be free of cracks, or other mechanical damages and the marking shall remain legible2.The samples shall meet the original requirement of the Withstanding voltage3.The samples shall meet the after test requirement of Insulation resistance as furnished in Figure 24.The dissipation factor shall be within 2 times the original limits5.The capacitance change shall not exceed ±5% or ±1 pFLIFE TESTThe capacitor samples shall be subjected to a temperature of 125 °C with 150% of rated voltage for 2000 hours. After the test :1.The capacitor samples shall be free of cracks, or other mechanical damages and the marking shall remain legible2.The samples shall meet the original requirement of the Withstanding voltage3.The samples shall meet the original requirements of Insulation resistance as furnished in Figure 1.4.The dissipation factor shall be within 1.5 times the original limits5.The capacitance change shall not exceed ±3% or ±1 pF(whichever is greater) for characteristic "C" and ±2.5 ±1pF (whichever is greater) for characteristic D, E and F.)OTHER TYPICAL VARIATION PATTERNSSome typical variation patterns for selected values during heat resistance load life test and moisture proof load life tests as listed below are illustrated in Figures 8 through 10.1.Insulation resistance Vs. time for heat resistance load life test and moisture proof load life tests (Figure 8).2.Capacitance change in percentage Vs. time (Figure 9).3.Dissipation factor Vs. time (Figure 10).Other variation patterns and characteristic for selected values as listed below are furnished as Figures 11 through 141.Capacitance change Vs. frequency (Figure 11)2.Capacitance change Vs. time(Figure 12)3.Dissipation factor change Vs. frequency(Figure 13)4.Insulation resistance Vs. temperature (Figure 14)FIGURE 9FIGURE 10FIGURE 11FIGURE 12FIGURE 13FIGURE 14Sharma Mica CapacitorsPage 5DM SERIESINTRODUCTIONS HARMA Mica capacitors have been designed to meet the exacting physical, electrical & environmental requirements of the MIL-C-5 and RS-153 specifications. Careful selection of raw materials, starting with the finest available grade of India Ruby Mica, and the constant monitoring of all equipment and processes,provides an overall uniform level of quality consistent with today's most sophisticated electronic equipment.Ideal for Tuning, Timing, Filtering and Coupling Circuits.FEATURES•Low loss and high stability•Available in very close tolerances •Suitable for precision applications •Wide range of operating temperatureGENERAL SPECIFICATIONSCAPACITANCE RANGE:1 pF to 82,000 pF VOLTAGE RATING:50 V DC to 500 V DC (Higher voltage capacitors can also be custommade) TEMPERATE RATING:- 40 to + 150 °C CASE SIZES:DM 05 to DM 42 INSULATION RESISTANCE:100,000 M Ohms minimum at 25°C for capacitance up to 10,000 pF. Please refer to characteristic curve for values above the range. DISSIPATION FACTOR <0.1% at 1 M Hz for values between 100 to 1,000 pF <0.2 at 1K Hz for values above 1,000 pF. Please refer to characteristic curve for values above the range.LIFE TEST DETAILS:Capacitors shall withstand 1.5 times the rated DC voltage at 125 °C for 2000 hours. After the test:1. Capacitance change shall not exceed 1% of the initial value or 1 pF, which ever is greater.2. Dissipation Factor shall be within 1.5 times the original limits.3.Insulation Resistance shall meet the initial specified requirements.4.There shall be no remarkable change in the appearance and the marking shall remain legible.DimensionCASE CODE DM05DM10DM12DM15DM19DM20DM30DM42 B 3.05 3.57 5.00 5.958.7311.1111.1126.99± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8C0.400.400.500.600.800.801.001.00DimensionCASE CODE DM05DM10DM12DM15DM19DM20DM30DM42 B 0.1200.1410.1970.2340.3440.4380.438 1.063± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031C0.0160.0160.0200.0250.0320.0320.040.04#26#26#24#22#20#20#18#18Case Capacitance Range in pF Equivalent Size Standard MIL MIL Series DM05 1 to 390-None DM10 1 to 820 1 to 390CM 04DM12 1 to 2,500-None DM15 1 to 2,500 1 to 390CM 05DM19100 to 8,200 430 to 4,700CM 06DM20680 to 12,000 -None DM305,100 to 20,000 5,100 to 20,000CM 07DM4216,000 to 82,000-NoneLEAD DIMENSIONS IN INCHESLEAD DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERSCASE SIZE Vs. CAPACITANCE RANGELL" = 1.25" min.Dimension "R" = 0.078" max. for DM 05 TO DM 15 and 0.125"max. for DM 19 to DM 42LL" = 30 mm min.Dimension "R" = 2.0 mm max. for DM 05 TO DM 15 and 3.2 mm max. for DM 19 to DM 42DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 6VOLTAGE100 V DC50 V DCW max.T maxLmax.W max.T max3. 6.864.83 3.053.05 6.86 4.83 3.053.30 6.86 4.83 3.053.30 6.86 4.83 3.053.30 6.865.08 3.053.566.86 5.08 3.053.56 6.86 5.08 3.05CAPACITANCE VOLTAGE VALUE in pF300 V DC 100 V DC50 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 12C 0.2700.1900.11015C 0.2700.1900.12018 - 20C0.2700.2000.12022 - 24C 0.2700.2000.1200.2700.1900.12027E 0.2700.2000.1300.2700.1900.12030 - 33E 0.2700.2000.1300.2700.2000.12036E 0.2700.2100.1300.2700.2000.12039E 0.2700.2100.1300.2700.2000.1200.2700.1900.12043E 0.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.1200.2700.1900.12047-51E 0.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.1300.2700.1900.12056E 0.2700.2200.1500.2700.2000.1300.2700.1900.12062E 0.2700.2200.1500.2700.2100.1300.2700.2000.12068E 0.2700.2200.1500.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.12075 - 82E 0.2700.2300.1600.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.12091F 0.2700.2300.1700.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.130100 - 110F 0.2700.2400.1800.2700.2200.1500.2700.2000.130120F 0.2700.2500.1900.2700.2200.1600.2700.2000.130130F 0.2700.2300.1600.2700.2100.130150F 0.2700.2300.1700.2700.2100.140160F 0.2700.2300.1700.2700.2100.140170 - 180F 0.2700.2400.1800.2700.2100.140200F 0.2700.2500.1900.2700.2200.150220F 0.2700.2200.150240F 0.2700.2200.160270F 0.2700.2300.160300F 0.2700.2300.170330 - 360F 0.2700.2400.180390F0.2700.2500.190C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM05CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:3.05 ±0.8mmDM 05Mica CapacitorsDM05CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.120 ±0.031”DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 7CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF300 V DC100 V DC 50 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T max1 - 12C 6.35 4.06 2.2915 - 20C 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2922C 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2924C 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2927 - 36E 6.35 4.32 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2939E 6.35 4.57 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2943E 6.35 4.57 3.05 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.32 2.5447 - 51E 6.35 4.57 3.05 6.35 4.32 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.5456 - 62E 6.35 4.57 3.30 6.35 4.32 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.5468E 6.35 4.83 3.30 6.35 4.57 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.5475 - 82E 6.35 4.83 3.56 6.35 4.57 3.05 6.35 4.32 2.5491F 6.35 4.83 3.81 6.35 4.57 3.05 6.35 4.32 2.79100F 6.35 5.08 4.06 6.35 4.57 3.30 6.35 4.32 2.79110F 6.35 5.08 4.06 6.35 4.83 3.30 6.35 4.32 2.79120F 6.355.334.326.35 4.83 3.56 6.35 4.32 2.79130F 6.35 4.83 3.56 6.35 4.32 2.79150F 6.35 4.83 3.81 6.35 4.57 3.05160F 6.35 5.08 3.81 6.35 4.57 3.05170 - 180F 6.35 5.08 4.06 6.35 4.57 3.05200F 6.355.334.326.35 4.57 3.30220F 6.35 4.83 3.30240 - 270F 6.35 4.83 3.56300F 6.35 4.83 3.81330 - 360F 6.35 5.08 4.06390F6.35 5.33 4.32C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF300 V DC 100 V DC50 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T max1 - 12C 0.2500.1600.09015 - 20C 0.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.09022C 0.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.1000.2500.1600.09024C 0.2500.1700.1000.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.09027 - 36E 0.2500.1700.1100.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.09039E 0.2500.1800.1100.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.09043E 0.2500.1800.1200.2500.1700.1000.2500.1700.10047 - 51E 0.2500.1800.1200.2500.1700.1100.2500.1700.10056 - 62E 0.2500.1800.1300.2500.1700.1100.2500.1700.10068E 0.2500.1900.1300.2500.1800.1100.2500.1700.10075 - 82E 0.2500.1900.1400.2500.1800.1200.2500.1700.10091F 0.2500.1900.1500.2500.1800.1200.2500.1700.110100F 0.2500.2000.1600.2500.1800.1300.2500.1700.110110F 0.2500.2000.1600.2500.1900.1300.2500.1700.110120F 0.2500.2100.1700.2500.1900.1400.2500.1700.110130F 0.2500.1900.1400.2500.1700.110150F 0.2500.1900.1500.2500.1800.120160F 0.2500.2000.1500.2500.1800.120170 - 180F 0.2500.2000.1600.2500.1800.120200F 0.2500.2100.1700.2500.1800.130220F 0.2500.1900.130240 - 270F 0.2500.1900.140300F 0.2500.1900.150330 - 360F 0.2500.2000.160390F0.2500.2100.170C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sSCDM 05Mica CapacitorsSCDM05CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:3.05 ±0.8mmSCDM05CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.120 ±0.031”Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 8VOLTAGE100 V DCT maxLmax.W max.T max4.839.148.38 4.834.839.408.38 4.834.839.408.64 4.834.839.408.64 4.834.839.408.64 4.835.089.408.64 4.835.089.408.64 4.835.089.408.64 5.08CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 0.3600.3300.19020 - 24E 0.3600.3300.19027E 0.3700.3300.19030 - 36E 0.3700.3400.19039E 0.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.1900.3600.3300.19043E 0.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.1900.3700.3300.19047 - 68E 0.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.19075E 0.3700.3400.2000.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.19082E 0.3700.3500.2000.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.19091 - 100F 0.3700.3500.2000.3700.3500.2000.3700.3400.190110F 0.3800.3500.2000.3700.3500.2000.3700.3400.190120F 0.3800.3500.2000.3700.3500.2000.3700.3400.200130F 0.3800.3600.2000.3800.3500.2000.3700.3500.200150F 0.3800.3600.2100.3800.3500.2000.3700.3500.200160F 0.3800.3600.2100.3800.3600.2000.3700.3500.200180F 0.3900.3700.2100.3800.3600.2100.3800.3500.200200F 0.3900.3700.2200.3800.3600.2100.3800.3500.200220F 0.3900.3700.2200.3900.3700.2100.3800.3600.210240 - 250F 0.3900.3800.2200.3900.3700.2200.3800.3600.210270F 0.3900.3800.2200.3800.3700.210300F 0.3900.3800.2200.3900.3700.210330F 0.4000.3900.2300.3900.3700.220360F 0.4000.3900.2300.3900.3800.220390 - 400F 0.3900.3800.220430 - 680F 0.4000.3900.230750 - 820*F0.4000.3900.230C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM 10 / CM04Mica CapacitorsDM10CM04CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:3.57 ±0.8mmDM10CM04CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.141 ±0.031”* Available only in 50 V rating. Note: Values above 390 pF - available on special order only Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 9DM 12Mica CapacitorsDM12CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:5.0 ±0.8mmDM12CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.197 ±0.031SCDM 10Mica Capacitors* Available only in 50 V rating.Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SUSCO Standard items.SCDM10CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:3.57 ±0.8mmSCDM10CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.141 ±0.031”Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicateSHARMA DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica CapacitorsPage 10CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF 500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 11.439.14 4.3220 - 68E 11.439.14 4.3275 - 82E 11.439.14 4.5791 - 100F 11.689.14 4.57110 - 130F 11.689.40 4.57150 - 180F 11.689.40 4.83200F 11.689.65 4.83220 - 240F 11.689.65 5.08270 - 390F 11.949.91 5.33430F 11.949.91 5.3311.689.65 5.08470 - 510F 11.9410.16 5.5911.689.65 5.08560 - 620F 12.1910.41 5.8411.689.65 5.08680F 12.4510.67 6.1011.949.91 5.33750F 12.7010.926.3511.949.91 5.33820F 11.949.91 5.3311.949.91 5.33910F 11.9410.16 5.5911.9410.16 5.591,000F 12.1910.16 5.8412.1910.16 5.841,100F 12.4510.67 6.1012.1910.16 5.841,200 - 2,000F 12.7010.92 6.3512.4510.67 6.102,200 - 2,500*F12.4510.67 6.10C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM 15 / CM05Mica Capacitors* Available only in 50 V rating.Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 0.4500.3600.17020 - 68E 0.4500.3600.17075 - 82E 0.4500.3600.18091 - 100F 0.4600.3600.180110 - 130F 0.4600.3700.180150 - 180F 0.4600.3700.190200F 0.4600.3800.190220 - 240F 0.4600.3800.200270 - 390F 0.4700.3900.210430F 0.4700.3900.2100.4600.3800.200470 - 510F 0.4700.4000.2200.4600.3800.200560 - 620F 0.4800.4100.2300.4600.3800.200680F 0.4900.4200.2400.4700.3900.210750F 0.5000.4300.2500.4700.3900.210820F 0.4700.3900.2100.4700.3900.210910F 0.4700.4000.2200.4700.4000.2201,000F 0.4800.4000.2300.4800.4000.2301,100F 0.4900.4200.2400.4800.4000.2301,200 - 2,000F 0.5000.4300.2500.4900.4200.2402,200 - 2,500*F0.4900.4200.240C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM15CM05CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:5.95 ±0.8mmDM15CM05CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.234 ±0.031DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 11SCDM 15Mica CapacitorsCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 10.927.11 3.5620 - 68E 10.927.11 3.5675 - 100F 10.927.11 3.81110 - 160F 11.187.37 3.81180 - 200F 11.187.37 4.06220 - 270F 11.187.62 4.06300 - 390F 11.437.87 4.06430 - 470F 11.437.87 4.3211.187.37 3.81510F 11.437.87 4.5711.187.37 3.81560F 11.437.87 4.5711.187.62 4.06620F 11.438.13 4.8311.187.62 4.06680F 11.688.13 5.0811.437.62 4.06750F 11.688.135.3311.437.62 4.06820F 11.437.87 4.3211.437.87 4.06910F 11.437.87 4.5711.437.87 4.321,000F 11.438.13 4.8311.437.87 4.321,100F 11.688.13 5.0811.437.87 4.571,200 - 2,000F 11.688.13 5.3311.438.13 4.832,200 - 2,500*F11.438.13 4.83C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 0.4300.2800.14020 - 68E 0.4300.2800.14075 - 100F 0.4300.2800.150110 - 160F 0.4400.2900.150180 - 200F 0.4400.2900.160220 - 270F 0.4400.3000.160300 - 390F 0.4500.3100.160430 - 470F 0.4500.3100.1700.4400.2900.150510F 0.4500.3100.1800.4400.2900.150560F 0.4500.3100.1800.4400.3000.160620F 0.4500.3200.1900.4400.3000.160680F 0.4600.3200.2000.4500.3000.160750F 0.4600.3200.2100.4500.3000.160820F 0.4500.3100.1700.4500.3100.160910F 0.4500.3100.1800.4500.3100.1701,000F 0.4500.3200.1900.4500.3100.1701,100F 0.4600.3200.2000.4500.3100.1801,200 - 2,000F 0.4600.3200.2100.4500.3200.1902,200 - 2,500*F0.4500.3200.190C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s* Available only in 50 V rating.Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.SCDM15CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:5.95 ±0.8mmSCDM15CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.234 ±0.031”DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 12CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max100 - 330F 16.2612.70 4.83360 - 470F 16.2612.95 5.08510 - 620F 16.5112.95 5.08680 - 910F 16.5112.95 5.331,000 - 1,100F 16.5113.21 5.591,200 - 1,300F 16.7613.21 5.591,500F 16.7613.21 5.841,600F 16.7613.46 5.841,800 - 2,000F 17.0213.46 6.102,200F 17.0213.46 6.352,400F 17.0213.72 6.602,700F 17.2713.72 6.863,000F 17.2713.977.113,300F 17.2713.977.3717.0213.72 6.603,600F 17.2714.227.6217.2713.72 6.863,900F 17.5314.227.8717.2713.72 6.864,300F 17.5314.488.3817.2713.977.114,700F 17.7814.738.8917.2713.977.375,100F 18.0314.999.40---5,600F 17.2714.227.876,200F 17.5314.228.1317.5314.227.876,800F 17.5314.488.3817.5314.488.137,500F 17.7814.488.648,200F17.7814.738.89C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max100 - 330F 0.6400.5000.190360 - 470F 0.6400.5100.200510 - 620F 0.6500.5100.200680 - 910F 0.6500.5100.2101,000 - 1,100F 0.6500.5200.2201,200 - 1,300F 0.6600.5200.2201,500F 0.6600.5200.2301,600F 0.6600.5300.2301,800 - 2,000F 0.6700.5300.2402,200F 0.6700.5300.2502,400F 0.6700.5400.2602,700F 0.6800.5400.2703,000F 0.6800.5500.2803,300F 0.6800.5500.2900.6700.5400.2603,600F 0.6800.5600.3000.6800.5400.2703,900F 0.6900.5600.3100.6800.5400.2704,300F 0.6900.5700.3300.6800.5500.2804,700F 0.7000.5800.3500.6800.5500.2905,100F 0.7100.5900.370---5,600F 0.6800.5600.3106,200F 0.6900.5600.3200.6900.5600.3106,800F 0.6900.5700.3300.6900.5700.3207,500F 0.7000.5700.3408,200F0.7000.5800.350C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM 19 / CM06 Mica CapacitorsDM19CM06CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:8.73 ±0.8mmDM19CM06CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.344 ±0.031”Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 13CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max100 - 240F 15.4911.43 3.30270 - 560F 15.4911.43 3.56620 - 820F 15.4911.68 3.81910 - 1,100F 15.7511.68 4.061,200 - 1,500F 15.7511.68 4.321,600 - 1,800F 15.7511.68 4.572,000 - 2,200F 16.0011.68 4.832,400F 16.0011.94 5.332,700F 16.0011.94 5.593,000F 16.0011.94 5.843,300F 16.0012.19 6.1016.0010.67 5.333,600F 16.2612.19 6.3516.0011.94 5.333,900F 16.2612.19 6.6016.0011.94 5.334,300F 16.5112.457.1116.0011.94 5.594,700F 16.5112.457.6216.0011.94 5.845,100F 16.7612.708.1316.0012.19 6.105,600F 16.2612.19 6.356,200F 16.2612.19 6.6016.2612.19 6.356,800F 16.2612.45 6.8616.2612.19 6.607,500F 16.5112.457.118,200F16.5112.457.62C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max100 - 240F 0.6100.4500.130270 - 560F 0.6100.4500.140620 - 820F 0.6100.4600.150910 - 1,100F 0.6200.4600.1601,200 - 1,500F 0.6200.4600.1701,600 - 1,800F 0.6200.4600.1802,000 - 2,200F0.6300.4600.1902,400F 0.6300.4700.2102,700F 0.6300.4700.2203,000F 0.6300.4700.2303,300F 0.6300.4800.2400.6300.4200.2103,600F 0.6400.4800.2500.6300.4700.2103,900F 0.6400.4800.2600.6300.4700.2104,300F 0.6500.4900.2800.6300.4700.2204,700F 0.6500.4900.3000.6300.4700.2305,100F 0.6600.5000.3200.6300.4800.2405,600F 0.6400.4800.2506,200F 0.6400.4800.2600.6400.4800.2506,800F 0.6400.4900.2700.6400.4800.2607,500F 0.6500.4900.2808,200F0.6500.4900.300C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sSCDM 19Mica CapacitorsSCDM19CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:8.73 ±0.8mmSCDM19CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.344 ±0.031”Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 14CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max680 - 1,200F 0.7500.5100.2001,300 - 1,600F 0.7500.5100.2101,800 - 2,200F 0.7600.5200.2202,400F 0.7700.5300.2502,700F 0.7700.5400.2603,000F 0.7700.5400.2703,300F 0.7800.5500.2803,600F 0.7800.5500.2903,900F 0.7800.5600.3004,300F 0.7800.5600.3100.7700.5400.2704,700F 0.7900.5600.3200.7700.5400.2705,100F 0.7900.5700.3300.7800.5500.2805,600F 0.7900.5700.3400.7800.5500.2906,200F 0.7900.5800.3500.7800.5600.3000.7800.5500.2906,800F 0.8000.5900.3700.7900.5600.3200.7800.5600.3007,500F 0.8000.6000.3900.7900.5700.3300.7800.5600.3008,200F 0.8100.6100.4100.7900.5700.3400.7800.5600.3109,100F 0.8100.6200.4300.8000.5800.3600.7900.5700.33010,000F 0.8200.6300.4500.8000.5900.3700.7900.5700.34011,000F 0.8000.5900.3800.7900.5800.35012,000F0.8100.6000.4000.8000.5800.360C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max680 - 1,200F 19.0512.95 5.081,300 - 1,600F 19.0512.95 5.331,800 - 2,200F 19.3013.21 5.592,400F 19.5613.46 6.352,700F 19.5613.72 6.603,000F 19.5613.72 6.863,300F 19.8113.977.113,600F 19.8113.977.373,900F 19.8114.227.624,300F 19.8114.227.8719.5613.72 6.864,700F 20.0714.228.1319.5613.72 6.865,100F 20.0714.488.3819.8113.977.115,600F 20.0714.488.6419.8113.977.376,200F 20.0714.738.8919.8114.227.6219.8113.977.376,800F 20.3214.999.4020.0714.228.1319.8114.227.627,500F 20.3215.249.9120.0714.488.3819.8114.227.628,200F 20.5715.4910.4120.0714.488.6419.8114.227.879,100F 20.5715.7510.9220.3214.739.1420.0714.488.3810,000F 20.8316.0011.4320.3214.999.4020.0714.488.6411,000F 20.3214.999.6520.0714.738.8912,000F20.5715.2410.1620.3214.739.14C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM 20Mica CapacitorsDM20CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.438 ±0.031”DM20CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:11.11 ±0.8mmNote: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 15。
官方微信官方网站目 录SDAC6000(u)量热仪SDACM4000量热仪SDACM3100量热仪SDC712量热仪SDC715量热仪01-05热值分析系列020*********-11元素分析系列SDCHN536碳氢氮元素分析仪SDCH536红外碳氢仪SDH536红外测氢仪SDS350红外定硫仪SDS820自动定硫仪SDS720自动定硫仪SDS-V 定硫仪SDFCl3000自动氟氯分析仪SDFCl1000(a)氟氯分析仪070707080909101111SDTGA8000(a)工业分析仪SDTGA6000工业分析仪SDTGA6000A 工业分析仪SDTGA6000V 工业分析仪SDTGA5000a 工业分析仪SDTGA520(a)水分测试仪SDTGA500光波水分测试仪SDIMF200智能马弗炉SDMF300马弗炉SDIDB413智能干燥箱SDDH315通氮鼓风干燥箱SDDH323鼓风干燥箱SDDH313鼓风干燥箱SDDH306鼓风干燥箱12-22成分分析系列1314151516171819202121222222SDAF105(a /b )灰熔融性测试仪SDAF4000灰熔融性测试仪SDHG60a 哈氏可磨性指数测定仪23-26物理特性分析系列242526S DUC3150(D )联合制样机S DHD150t 锤式破碎缩分机S DHC锤式破碎机S DJC颚式破碎机S DRC对辊破碎机S DHCW400×260湿煤破碎机S DPP制样粉碎机S DMD16自动机械缩分器S DNS300环保振筛机S DNS200a标准振筛机S DRD二分器采制样辅助工具30-38样品制备系列313232333334343535353637-38激光盘料仪系列SDLM200便携式激光盘料仪SDLM1250固定式激光盘料仪39-41404142-43公司简介44发展历程45运维服务2829S DVD25风透 式快速除湿干燥系统S DVD3mm 风透 干燥机27-29风透 式低温快速除湿干燥系列热值分析系列适用范围符合标准GB/T213-2008GB/T384-1981 GB/T30727-2014ASTM D5865-2007ISO 1928-2009 JC/T1005-2006《煤的发热量测定方法》《石油产品热值测定法》《固体生物质燃料发热量测定方法》《煤与焦炭总热值的标准试验方法》《固体矿物燃料-氧弹式量热计测定总值并计算净热值》《水泥黑生料发热量测定方法》三德科技是中国第一台自动量热仪(1996年)的发明者,先后自主研发出6代量热仪,缔造了2个“国家重点新产品”。
记号 E B F
绝缘种类 E种 B种 F种
F 8 075 Z
记号 075 085 096 097 107 115 132 133 135 164 165
机座号 71M 80M 90L
100L 112M 132S
132M 160M
转 矩
︵ 100
% ︶
2 380V级的电压中国对应,热带处理标准 60
3 耐环境性
●富士标准三相电动机(4极)和FRENIC-MEGA, FRENIC-Multi(动态转矩矢量控制时)用1:1组合 使用下的扭矩特性表如右下角图示
记号 (165)※ 167 168 169 184 185 186 187 206 207 208
机座号 160L 180M 180L 200L
Z GB18613-2012对象机种
记号 A B C D M P Z
2 动力强劲,富余充沛
3 应对中国能效等级GB3级(GB18613-2012),
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Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 1Quick ReferenceSeries Features Page DM05Lead Spacing: 3.05 +/-0.8 mm7DM10Lead Spacing: 3.57 +/-0.8 mm9DM12Lead Spacing: 5.00 +/-0.8 mm10DM15Lead Spacing: 5.95 +/-0.8 mm11DM19Lead Spacing: 8.73 +/-0.8 mm13DM20Lead Spacing: 11.11 +/-0.8 mm15DM30Lead Spacing: 11.11 +/-0.8 mm High Capacitance17DM42Lead Spacing: 26.99 +/-0.8 mm High Capacitance17Packaging Specifications18Quick Reference GuideSHARMA DESIGNATIONDM 05DM 10DM 12DM 15MIL STYLE - Discontinued-CM 04-CM 05CAPACITANCE RANGE pF1 to 390 1 to 390 1 to 25001 to 1200MAXIMUM50 V DC 390820-2500CAPACITANCE 100 V DC20039025002000IN pF IN THE 300 V DC 1203608202000RATED 500 V DC -250430750VOLTAGE 1000 V DC*----INDICATED MAXIMUM L 0.2700.3900.4130.490NOMINAL W 0.2500.3800.4330.420DIMENSIONS IN T 0.1900.2200.2200.240INCHES B 0.1200.1410.2000.234MAXIMUM L 6.869.9110.4912.45NOMINAL W 6.359.6511.0010.67DIMENSIONS IN T 4.83 5.59 5.59 6.10mmB3.053.585.085.94SHARMA DESIGNATIONDM 19DM 20DM 30DM 42MIL STYLE - DiscontinuedCM 06-CM 07-CAPACITANCE RANGE pF1 to 8200680 to 12,0005100 to 20,00016000 to 82000MAXIMUM50 V DC ----CAPACITANCE 100 V DC 820012000-82000IN pF IN THE 300 V DC 6800120002000068000RATED 500 V DC 5100100002000051000VOLTAGE1000 V DC*4700-1200030000INDICATED MAXIMUM L 0.7100.8200.830 1.470NOMINALW 0.5900.6300.9200.920DIMENSIONS IN T 0.3700.4500.4500.450INCHES B 0.3440.4380.438 1.063MAXIMUM L 18.0320.8321.0837.34NOMINALW 14.9916.0023.3723.37DIMENSIONS IN T 9.4011.4311.4311.43mmB8.7411.1311.1327.00DM Series General Specifications by Case Size* Available as special part.MICA CAPACITORS330 - 430Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 2are150 ±5%500V SAHATYPE 1MICA CAPACITOR - PART NUMBERING SYSTEMSample Part Number: DM 15F D 151J O3 Description: DM 15 Series, 150pF, 500 Volt, 5%, RoHS Compliant, Tape & Reel , Inside Crimped(See Special Specifications Sheet)Rev D - 2/99Sharma Mica CapacitorsPage 3GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR SHARMA MICA CAPACITORSThe SHARMA Mica capacitors meet the required commercial specifications and theEIA requirements. The CMO series capacitors also meet the military specifications MIL-C-5. The actual specifications and dimensions of the capacitors are mentioned under each series in the catalog.CAPACITANCEThe capacitance of mica capacitors is measured at 1 M Hz ±10% for capacitance values up to 1000 pF and at 1 K Hz ±10% for capacitance values above 1000 pF. The capacitance value when measured at 25 °C shall be with in the tolerance specified.DISSIPATION FACTORThe dissipation factor for mica capacitors are measured at 1MHz for values up to 1000 pF and at 1 KHz for values above 1000 pF. The values shall remain within the specified values.The variation pattern of dissipation factor for different values of capacitance are also shown in the Figure 3.INSULATION RESISTANCEThe insulation resistance is measured at 50 ±5 V for capacitors with rated voltage of 50 V DC and at 100 ±10 V for capacitors with higher voltage rating. The insulation resistance thus measured at 25 °C shall meet the specified limits. The variation of insulation resistance for different capacitance values at 25 °C is shown in Figure 1. After certain tests listed below the insulation resistance value changes and these values are plotted in Figure 2. Figure 4indicates the variation pattern of insulation resistance with capacitance value at different temperature conditions.WITHSTANDING VOLTAGEThe mica capacitors are designed to withstand higher voltage than the rated voltage for limited time. These capacitors shall withstand 200% of the rated voltage for 1 to 5 seconds when applied with a limiting surge current value of 50 mA.VIBRATION GRADEThe capacitors shall be subjected to a harmonic motion having an amplitude of 1.5 mm and the frequency which is varied between the limits of 10 and 55 Hz. The entire frequency range from 10 to 55 Hz and then back to 10 Hz shall be traversed in approximately 1 minute and the motion shall be applied for a period of 1hour in each of the three mutually perpendicular directions. After testing, when the electrical measurements are performed:1.The insulation resistance shall be more than 30000 M Ohms for capacitance value up to 10000 pF. Please refer to Figure 2 for acceptable variation pattern for Insulation Resistance for values above 10000 pF.2.The dissipation factor shall be within the original specified limits. Please also refer to Figure 3 for variation pattern of dissipation factor with respect to capacitance value.3.The capacitance change shall not exceed ±1% or ±1 pF whichever is greater.SOLDERING HEAT RESISTANCEBoth leads of the capacitors shall be immersed in molten solder at a temperature of 270°C for 3 to 4 seconds. After the test the capacitors shall meet the initial requirements of the Withstanding voltage and the Capacitance change shall not exceed ±0.55 or ±1 pF.MOISTURE RESISTANCECapacitors shall be subjected to a temperature of 40 ±2 °C at 90 to 95 % relative humidity for 240 ±8 Hours. After the test:1.The samples shall meet the after test requirement of Insulation resistance values as furnished in Figure2.2.The dissipation factor shall be within 1.5 times the original specified limits. Please also refer to Figure 3 for variation pattern of dissipation factor with respect to capacitance value for original limits.3. The capacitance change shall not exceed ±3% or ±1 pF whichever is greater.MOISTURE RESISTANCE LOADINGCapacitors shall be subjected to a temperature of 40±2 °C at 90 to 95% relative humidity with rated voltage for 500 Hours. After the test the samples are maintained at normal temperature and relative humidity for a period of 4 to 24 hours. When tested after this;1.The capacitor samples shall be free of cracks, or other mechanical damages and the marking shall remain legible2.The samples shall meet the original requirement of the Withstanding voltage3.The samples shall meet the after test requirement of Insulation resistance as furnished in Figure 24.The dissipation factor shall be within 2 times the original limits5.The capacitance change shall not exceed ±5% or ±1 pFPERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSFIGURE 1FIGURE 2FIGURE 3FIGURE 5FIGURE 4Sharma Mica CapacitorsPage 4FIGURE 6FIGURE 7FIGURE 8MOISTURE RESISTANCE LOADINGCapacitors shall be subjected to a temperature of 40±2 °C at 90 to 95% relative humidity with rated voltage for 500 Hours. After the test the samples are maintained at normal temperature and relative humidity for a period of 4 to 24 hours. When tested after this;1.The capacitor samples shall be free of cracks, or other mechanical damages and the marking shall remain legible2.The samples shall meet the original requirement of the Withstanding voltage3.The samples shall meet the after test requirement of Insulation resistance as furnished in Figure 24.The dissipation factor shall be within 2 times the original limits5.The capacitance change shall not exceed ±5% or ±1 pFLIFE TESTThe capacitor samples shall be subjected to a temperature of 125 °C with 150% of rated voltage for 2000 hours. After the test :1.The capacitor samples shall be free of cracks, or other mechanical damages and the marking shall remain legible2.The samples shall meet the original requirement of the Withstanding voltage3.The samples shall meet the original requirements of Insulation resistance as furnished in Figure 1.4.The dissipation factor shall be within 1.5 times the original limits5.The capacitance change shall not exceed ±3% or ±1 pF(whichever is greater) for characteristic "C" and ±2.5 ±1pF (whichever is greater) for characteristic D, E and F.)OTHER TYPICAL VARIATION PATTERNSSome typical variation patterns for selected values during heat resistance load life test and moisture proof load life tests as listed below are illustrated in Figures 8 through 10.1.Insulation resistance Vs. time for heat resistance load life test and moisture proof load life tests (Figure 8).2.Capacitance change in percentage Vs. time (Figure 9).3.Dissipation factor Vs. time (Figure 10).Other variation patterns and characteristic for selected values as listed below are furnished as Figures 11 through 141.Capacitance change Vs. frequency (Figure 11)2.Capacitance change Vs. time(Figure 12)3.Dissipation factor change Vs. frequency(Figure 13)4.Insulation resistance Vs. temperature (Figure 14)FIGURE 9FIGURE 10FIGURE 11FIGURE 12FIGURE 13FIGURE 14Sharma Mica CapacitorsPage 5DM SERIESINTRODUCTIONS HARMA Mica capacitors have been designed to meet the exacting physical, electrical & environmental requirements of the MIL-C-5 and RS-153 specifications. Careful selection of raw materials, starting with the finest available grade of India Ruby Mica, and the constant monitoring of all equipment and processes,provides an overall uniform level of quality consistent with today's most sophisticated electronic equipment.Ideal for Tuning, Timing, Filtering and Coupling Circuits.FEATURES•Low loss and high stability•Available in very close tolerances •Suitable for precision applications •Wide range of operating temperatureGENERAL SPECIFICATIONSCAPACITANCE RANGE:1 pF to 82,000 pF VOLTAGE RATING:50 V DC to 500 V DC (Higher voltage capacitors can also be custommade) TEMPERATE RATING:- 40 to + 150 °C CASE SIZES:DM 05 to DM 42 INSULATION RESISTANCE:100,000 M Ohms minimum at 25°C for capacitance up to 10,000 pF. Please refer to characteristic curve for values above the range. DISSIPATION FACTOR <0.1% at 1 M Hz for values between 100 to 1,000 pF <0.2 at 1K Hz for values above 1,000 pF. Please refer to characteristic curve for values above the range.LIFE TEST DETAILS:Capacitors shall withstand 1.5 times the rated DC voltage at 125 °C for 2000 hours. After the test:1. Capacitance change shall not exceed 1% of the initial value or 1 pF, which ever is greater.2. Dissipation Factor shall be within 1.5 times the original limits.3.Insulation Resistance shall meet the initial specified requirements.4.There shall be no remarkable change in the appearance and the marking shall remain legible.DimensionCASE CODE DM05DM10DM12DM15DM19DM20DM30DM42 B 3.05 3.57 5.00 5.958.7311.1111.1126.99± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8± 0.8C0.400.400.500.600.800.801.001.00DimensionCASE CODE DM05DM10DM12DM15DM19DM20DM30DM42 B 0.1200.1410.1970.2340.3440.4380.438 1.063± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031± 0.031C0.0160.0160.0200.0250.0320.0320.040.04#26#26#24#22#20#20#18#18Case Capacitance Range in pF Equivalent Size Standard MIL MIL Series DM05 1 to 390-None DM10 1 to 820 1 to 390CM 04DM12 1 to 2,500-None DM15 1 to 2,500 1 to 390CM 05DM19100 to 8,200 430 to 4,700CM 06DM20680 to 12,000 -None DM305,100 to 20,000 5,100 to 20,000CM 07DM4216,000 to 82,000-NoneLEAD DIMENSIONS IN INCHESLEAD DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERSCASE SIZE Vs. CAPACITANCE RANGELL" = 1.25" min.Dimension "R" = 0.078" max. for DM 05 TO DM 15 and 0.125"max. for DM 19 to DM 42LL" = 30 mm min.Dimension "R" = 2.0 mm max. for DM 05 TO DM 15 and 3.2 mm max. for DM 19 to DM 42DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 6VOLTAGE100 V DC50 V DCW max.T maxLmax.W max.T max3. 6.864.83 3.053.05 6.86 4.83 3.053.30 6.86 4.83 3.053.30 6.86 4.83 3.053.30 6.865.08 3.053.566.86 5.08 3.053.56 6.86 5.08 3.05CAPACITANCE VOLTAGE VALUE in pF300 V DC 100 V DC50 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 12C 0.2700.1900.11015C 0.2700.1900.12018 - 20C0.2700.2000.12022 - 24C 0.2700.2000.1200.2700.1900.12027E 0.2700.2000.1300.2700.1900.12030 - 33E 0.2700.2000.1300.2700.2000.12036E 0.2700.2100.1300.2700.2000.12039E 0.2700.2100.1300.2700.2000.1200.2700.1900.12043E 0.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.1200.2700.1900.12047-51E 0.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.1300.2700.1900.12056E 0.2700.2200.1500.2700.2000.1300.2700.1900.12062E 0.2700.2200.1500.2700.2100.1300.2700.2000.12068E 0.2700.2200.1500.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.12075 - 82E 0.2700.2300.1600.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.12091F 0.2700.2300.1700.2700.2100.1400.2700.2000.130100 - 110F 0.2700.2400.1800.2700.2200.1500.2700.2000.130120F 0.2700.2500.1900.2700.2200.1600.2700.2000.130130F 0.2700.2300.1600.2700.2100.130150F 0.2700.2300.1700.2700.2100.140160F 0.2700.2300.1700.2700.2100.140170 - 180F 0.2700.2400.1800.2700.2100.140200F 0.2700.2500.1900.2700.2200.150220F 0.2700.2200.150240F 0.2700.2200.160270F 0.2700.2300.160300F 0.2700.2300.170330 - 360F 0.2700.2400.180390F0.2700.2500.190C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM05CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:3.05 ±0.8mmDM 05Mica CapacitorsDM05CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.120 ±0.031”DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 7CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF300 V DC100 V DC 50 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T max1 - 12C 6.35 4.06 2.2915 - 20C 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2922C 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2924C 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2927 - 36E 6.35 4.32 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2939E 6.35 4.57 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.06 2.2943E 6.35 4.57 3.05 6.35 4.32 2.54 6.35 4.32 2.5447 - 51E 6.35 4.57 3.05 6.35 4.32 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.5456 - 62E 6.35 4.57 3.30 6.35 4.32 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.5468E 6.35 4.83 3.30 6.35 4.57 2.79 6.35 4.32 2.5475 - 82E 6.35 4.83 3.56 6.35 4.57 3.05 6.35 4.32 2.5491F 6.35 4.83 3.81 6.35 4.57 3.05 6.35 4.32 2.79100F 6.35 5.08 4.06 6.35 4.57 3.30 6.35 4.32 2.79110F 6.35 5.08 4.06 6.35 4.83 3.30 6.35 4.32 2.79120F 6.355.334.326.35 4.83 3.56 6.35 4.32 2.79130F 6.35 4.83 3.56 6.35 4.32 2.79150F 6.35 4.83 3.81 6.35 4.57 3.05160F 6.35 5.08 3.81 6.35 4.57 3.05170 - 180F 6.35 5.08 4.06 6.35 4.57 3.05200F 6.355.334.326.35 4.57 3.30220F 6.35 4.83 3.30240 - 270F 6.35 4.83 3.56300F 6.35 4.83 3.81330 - 360F 6.35 5.08 4.06390F6.35 5.33 4.32C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF300 V DC 100 V DC50 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T max1 - 12C 0.2500.1600.09015 - 20C 0.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.09022C 0.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.1000.2500.1600.09024C 0.2500.1700.1000.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.09027 - 36E 0.2500.1700.1100.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.09039E 0.2500.1800.1100.2500.1700.1000.2500.1600.09043E 0.2500.1800.1200.2500.1700.1000.2500.1700.10047 - 51E 0.2500.1800.1200.2500.1700.1100.2500.1700.10056 - 62E 0.2500.1800.1300.2500.1700.1100.2500.1700.10068E 0.2500.1900.1300.2500.1800.1100.2500.1700.10075 - 82E 0.2500.1900.1400.2500.1800.1200.2500.1700.10091F 0.2500.1900.1500.2500.1800.1200.2500.1700.110100F 0.2500.2000.1600.2500.1800.1300.2500.1700.110110F 0.2500.2000.1600.2500.1900.1300.2500.1700.110120F 0.2500.2100.1700.2500.1900.1400.2500.1700.110130F 0.2500.1900.1400.2500.1700.110150F 0.2500.1900.1500.2500.1800.120160F 0.2500.2000.1500.2500.1800.120170 - 180F 0.2500.2000.1600.2500.1800.120200F 0.2500.2100.1700.2500.1800.130220F 0.2500.1900.130240 - 270F 0.2500.1900.140300F 0.2500.1900.150330 - 360F 0.2500.2000.160390F0.2500.2100.170C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sSCDM 05Mica CapacitorsSCDM05CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:3.05 ±0.8mmSCDM05CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.120 ±0.031”Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 8VOLTAGE100 V DCT maxLmax.W max.T max4.839.148.38 4.834.839.408.38 4.834.839.408.64 4.834.839.408.64 4.834.839.408.64 4.835.089.408.64 4.835.089.408.64 4.835.089.408.64 5.08CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 0.3600.3300.19020 - 24E 0.3600.3300.19027E 0.3700.3300.19030 - 36E 0.3700.3400.19039E 0.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.1900.3600.3300.19043E 0.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.1900.3700.3300.19047 - 68E 0.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.19075E 0.3700.3400.2000.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.19082E 0.3700.3500.2000.3700.3400.1900.3700.3400.19091 - 100F 0.3700.3500.2000.3700.3500.2000.3700.3400.190110F 0.3800.3500.2000.3700.3500.2000.3700.3400.190120F 0.3800.3500.2000.3700.3500.2000.3700.3400.200130F 0.3800.3600.2000.3800.3500.2000.3700.3500.200150F 0.3800.3600.2100.3800.3500.2000.3700.3500.200160F 0.3800.3600.2100.3800.3600.2000.3700.3500.200180F 0.3900.3700.2100.3800.3600.2100.3800.3500.200200F 0.3900.3700.2200.3800.3600.2100.3800.3500.200220F 0.3900.3700.2200.3900.3700.2100.3800.3600.210240 - 250F 0.3900.3800.2200.3900.3700.2200.3800.3600.210270F 0.3900.3800.2200.3800.3700.210300F 0.3900.3800.2200.3900.3700.210330F 0.4000.3900.2300.3900.3700.220360F 0.4000.3900.2300.3900.3800.220390 - 400F 0.3900.3800.220430 - 680F 0.4000.3900.230750 - 820*F0.4000.3900.230C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM 10 / CM04Mica CapacitorsDM10CM04CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:3.57 ±0.8mmDM10CM04CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.141 ±0.031”* Available only in 50 V rating. Note: Values above 390 pF - available on special order only Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 9DM 12Mica CapacitorsDM12CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:5.0 ±0.8mmDM12CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.197 ±0.031SCDM 10Mica Capacitors* Available only in 50 V rating.Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SUSCO Standard items.SCDM10CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:3.57 ±0.8mmSCDM10CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.141 ±0.031”Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicateSHARMA DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica CapacitorsPage 10CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF 500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 11.439.14 4.3220 - 68E 11.439.14 4.3275 - 82E 11.439.14 4.5791 - 100F 11.689.14 4.57110 - 130F 11.689.40 4.57150 - 180F 11.689.40 4.83200F 11.689.65 4.83220 - 240F 11.689.65 5.08270 - 390F 11.949.91 5.33430F 11.949.91 5.3311.689.65 5.08470 - 510F 11.9410.16 5.5911.689.65 5.08560 - 620F 12.1910.41 5.8411.689.65 5.08680F 12.4510.67 6.1011.949.91 5.33750F 12.7010.926.3511.949.91 5.33820F 11.949.91 5.3311.949.91 5.33910F 11.9410.16 5.5911.9410.16 5.591,000F 12.1910.16 5.8412.1910.16 5.841,100F 12.4510.67 6.1012.1910.16 5.841,200 - 2,000F 12.7010.92 6.3512.4510.67 6.102,200 - 2,500*F12.4510.67 6.10C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM 15 / CM05Mica Capacitors* Available only in 50 V rating.Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 0.4500.3600.17020 - 68E 0.4500.3600.17075 - 82E 0.4500.3600.18091 - 100F 0.4600.3600.180110 - 130F 0.4600.3700.180150 - 180F 0.4600.3700.190200F 0.4600.3800.190220 - 240F 0.4600.3800.200270 - 390F 0.4700.3900.210430F 0.4700.3900.2100.4600.3800.200470 - 510F 0.4700.4000.2200.4600.3800.200560 - 620F 0.4800.4100.2300.4600.3800.200680F 0.4900.4200.2400.4700.3900.210750F 0.5000.4300.2500.4700.3900.210820F 0.4700.3900.2100.4700.3900.210910F 0.4700.4000.2200.4700.4000.2201,000F 0.4800.4000.2300.4800.4000.2301,100F 0.4900.4200.2400.4800.4000.2301,200 - 2,000F 0.5000.4300.2500.4900.4200.2402,200 - 2,500*F0.4900.4200.240C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM15CM05CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:5.95 ±0.8mmDM15CM05CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.234 ±0.031DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 11SCDM 15Mica CapacitorsCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 10.927.11 3.5620 - 68E 10.927.11 3.5675 - 100F 10.927.11 3.81110 - 160F 11.187.37 3.81180 - 200F 11.187.37 4.06220 - 270F 11.187.62 4.06300 - 390F 11.437.87 4.06430 - 470F 11.437.87 4.3211.187.37 3.81510F 11.437.87 4.5711.187.37 3.81560F 11.437.87 4.5711.187.62 4.06620F 11.438.13 4.8311.187.62 4.06680F 11.688.13 5.0811.437.62 4.06750F 11.688.135.3311.437.62 4.06820F 11.437.87 4.3211.437.87 4.06910F 11.437.87 4.5711.437.87 4.321,000F 11.438.13 4.8311.437.87 4.321,100F 11.688.13 5.0811.437.87 4.571,200 - 2,000F 11.688.13 5.3311.438.13 4.832,200 - 2,500*F11.438.13 4.83C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max1 - 18C 0.4300.2800.14020 - 68E 0.4300.2800.14075 - 100F 0.4300.2800.150110 - 160F 0.4400.2900.150180 - 200F 0.4400.2900.160220 - 270F 0.4400.3000.160300 - 390F 0.4500.3100.160430 - 470F 0.4500.3100.1700.4400.2900.150510F 0.4500.3100.1800.4400.2900.150560F 0.4500.3100.1800.4400.3000.160620F 0.4500.3200.1900.4400.3000.160680F 0.4600.3200.2000.4500.3000.160750F 0.4600.3200.2100.4500.3000.160820F 0.4500.3100.1700.4500.3100.160910F 0.4500.3100.1800.4500.3100.1701,000F 0.4500.3200.1900.4500.3100.1701,100F 0.4600.3200.2000.4500.3100.1801,200 - 2,000F 0.4600.3200.2100.4500.3200.1902,200 - 2,500*F0.4500.3200.190C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s* Available only in 50 V rating.Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.SCDM15CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:5.95 ±0.8mmSCDM15CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.234 ±0.031”DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 12CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max100 - 330F 16.2612.70 4.83360 - 470F 16.2612.95 5.08510 - 620F 16.5112.95 5.08680 - 910F 16.5112.95 5.331,000 - 1,100F 16.5113.21 5.591,200 - 1,300F 16.7613.21 5.591,500F 16.7613.21 5.841,600F 16.7613.46 5.841,800 - 2,000F 17.0213.46 6.102,200F 17.0213.46 6.352,400F 17.0213.72 6.602,700F 17.2713.72 6.863,000F 17.2713.977.113,300F 17.2713.977.3717.0213.72 6.603,600F 17.2714.227.6217.2713.72 6.863,900F 17.5314.227.8717.2713.72 6.864,300F 17.5314.488.3817.2713.977.114,700F 17.7814.738.8917.2713.977.375,100F 18.0314.999.40---5,600F 17.2714.227.876,200F 17.5314.228.1317.5314.227.876,800F 17.5314.488.3817.5314.488.137,500F 17.7814.488.648,200F17.7814.738.89C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max100 - 330F 0.6400.5000.190360 - 470F 0.6400.5100.200510 - 620F 0.6500.5100.200680 - 910F 0.6500.5100.2101,000 - 1,100F 0.6500.5200.2201,200 - 1,300F 0.6600.5200.2201,500F 0.6600.5200.2301,600F 0.6600.5300.2301,800 - 2,000F 0.6700.5300.2402,200F 0.6700.5300.2502,400F 0.6700.5400.2602,700F 0.6800.5400.2703,000F 0.6800.5500.2803,300F 0.6800.5500.2900.6700.5400.2603,600F 0.6800.5600.3000.6800.5400.2703,900F 0.6900.5600.3100.6800.5400.2704,300F 0.6900.5700.3300.6800.5500.2804,700F 0.7000.5800.3500.6800.5500.2905,100F 0.7100.5900.370---5,600F 0.6800.5600.3106,200F 0.6900.5600.3200.6900.5600.3106,800F 0.6900.5700.3300.6900.5700.3207,500F 0.7000.5700.3408,200F0.7000.5800.350C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM 19 / CM06 Mica CapacitorsDM19CM06CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:8.73 ±0.8mmDM19CM06CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.344 ±0.031”Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 13CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max100 - 240F 15.4911.43 3.30270 - 560F 15.4911.43 3.56620 - 820F 15.4911.68 3.81910 - 1,100F 15.7511.68 4.061,200 - 1,500F 15.7511.68 4.321,600 - 1,800F 15.7511.68 4.572,000 - 2,200F 16.0011.68 4.832,400F 16.0011.94 5.332,700F 16.0011.94 5.593,000F 16.0011.94 5.843,300F 16.0012.19 6.1016.0010.67 5.333,600F 16.2612.19 6.3516.0011.94 5.333,900F 16.2612.19 6.6016.0011.94 5.334,300F 16.5112.457.1116.0011.94 5.594,700F 16.5112.457.6216.0011.94 5.845,100F 16.7612.708.1316.0012.19 6.105,600F 16.2612.19 6.356,200F 16.2612.19 6.6016.2612.19 6.356,800F 16.2612.45 6.8616.2612.19 6.607,500F 16.5112.457.118,200F16.5112.457.62C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max100 - 240F 0.6100.4500.130270 - 560F 0.6100.4500.140620 - 820F 0.6100.4600.150910 - 1,100F 0.6200.4600.1601,200 - 1,500F 0.6200.4600.1701,600 - 1,800F 0.6200.4600.1802,000 - 2,200F0.6300.4600.1902,400F 0.6300.4700.2102,700F 0.6300.4700.2203,000F 0.6300.4700.2303,300F 0.6300.4800.2400.6300.4200.2103,600F 0.6400.4800.2500.6300.4700.2103,900F 0.6400.4800.2600.6300.4700.2104,300F 0.6500.4900.2800.6300.4700.2204,700F 0.6500.4900.3000.6300.4700.2305,100F 0.6600.5000.3200.6300.4800.2405,600F 0.6400.4800.2506,200F 0.6400.4800.2600.6400.4800.2506,800F 0.6400.4900.2700.6400.4800.2607,500F 0.6500.4900.2808,200F0.6500.4900.300C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sSCDM 19Mica CapacitorsSCDM19CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:8.73 ±0.8mmSCDM19CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.344 ±0.031”Note: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 14CAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DC Lmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max680 - 1,200F 0.7500.5100.2001,300 - 1,600F 0.7500.5100.2101,800 - 2,200F 0.7600.5200.2202,400F 0.7700.5300.2502,700F 0.7700.5400.2603,000F 0.7700.5400.2703,300F 0.7800.5500.2803,600F 0.7800.5500.2903,900F 0.7800.5600.3004,300F 0.7800.5600.3100.7700.5400.2704,700F 0.7900.5600.3200.7700.5400.2705,100F 0.7900.5700.3300.7800.5500.2805,600F 0.7900.5700.3400.7800.5500.2906,200F 0.7900.5800.3500.7800.5600.3000.7800.5500.2906,800F 0.8000.5900.3700.7900.5600.3200.7800.5600.3007,500F 0.8000.6000.3900.7900.5700.3300.7800.5600.3008,200F 0.8100.6100.4100.7900.5700.3400.7800.5600.3109,100F 0.8100.6200.4300.8000.5800.3600.7900.5700.33010,000F 0.8200.6300.4500.8000.5900.3700.7900.5700.34011,000F 0.8000.5900.3800.7900.5800.35012,000F0.8100.6000.4000.8000.5800.360C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sCAPACITANCE VOLTAGEVALUE in pF500 V DC 300 V DC100 V DCLmax.W max.T max Lmax.W max.T maxLmax.W max.T max680 - 1,200F 19.0512.95 5.081,300 - 1,600F 19.0512.95 5.331,800 - 2,200F 19.3013.21 5.592,400F 19.5613.46 6.352,700F 19.5613.72 6.603,000F 19.5613.72 6.863,300F 19.8113.977.113,600F 19.8113.977.373,900F 19.8114.227.624,300F 19.8114.227.8719.5613.72 6.864,700F 20.0714.228.1319.5613.72 6.865,100F 20.0714.488.3819.8113.977.115,600F 20.0714.488.6419.8113.977.376,200F 20.0714.738.8919.8114.227.6219.8113.977.376,800F 20.3214.999.4020.0714.228.1319.8114.227.627,500F 20.3215.249.9120.0714.488.3819.8114.227.628,200F 20.5715.4910.4120.0714.488.6419.8114.227.879,100F 20.5715.7510.9220.3214.739.1420.0714.488.3810,000F 20.8316.0011.4320.3214.999.4020.0714.488.6411,000F 20.3214.999.6520.0714.738.8912,000F20.5715.2410.1620.3214.739.14C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sDM 20Mica CapacitorsDM20CaseDimensions in Inches Lead Spacing:0.438 ±0.031”DM20CaseDimensions in Millimeters Lead Spacing:11.11 ±0.8mmNote: Bold Outlined Sections indicate SHARMA Standard items.DIMENSIONS:LL = 31.75 mm (1.25”) min.Sharma Mica Capacitors Page 15。