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[关键词] 皮肤病;军事人员;问卷调查 [中图分类号] R631;R641 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 0577-7402(2019)08-0701-05 [DOI] 10.11855/j.issn.0577-7402.2019.08.13
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The present situation investigation and possible factors of skin diseases in Southern Theater Command FEI Fan, YAN Hua-cheng, ZHOU Zhi-jian, LI Dai-bo, SU Jian-xin, YU De-xian, ZENG Rui, LIU Le-bin*
Med J Chin PLA, Vol. 44, No. 8, August 28, 2019 701
论 著
[摘要] 目的 调查南部战区官兵皮肤病患病情况并分析其可能的影响因素。方法 2018年7–8月在南部战区以 整群抽样、分层抽样、单纯随机抽样相结合的多阶段抽样方法,选取15个有代表性的基层单位,包括陆军、海军、空 军、火箭军和联勤保障部队等5个军兵种的1111名官兵,年龄17~45(23.5±4.4)岁。采用横断面调查方式,逐一发放调 查问卷并现场回收,双录入问卷资料建立EpiData数据库,统一导出并采用SPSS 20.0软件进行统计分析。结果 调查回 收有效问卷1073份,有效率为96.58%。统计结果发现,南部战区官兵皮肤病总患病率为54.89%(589/1073),占比居前5 位的分别为手足癣(27.84%,164/589)、痱子(23.94%,141/589)、湿疹(18.34%,108/589)、甲沟炎(18.17%,107/589) 及虫咬皮炎(15.28%,90/589);陆军和火箭军的患病率相对较高,分别为65.02%(210/323)和61.79%(152/246)。多因素 logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄、军种、饮酒、过敏体质、维生素缺乏、饭前便后洗手、与他人互换床铺可能是皮肤 病的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论 南部战区官兵的皮肤病患病率仍较高,其中陆军和火箭军的患病率最高;须加强官兵 皮肤病的防治,降低部队皮肤病的发病率。
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Southern Theater Command, Guangzhou 510507, China *Corresponding author, E-mail:llb158@sina.com This work was supported by the Key Scientific Project of Military Logistics of PLA (AWS16J023) [Abstract] Objective To investigate the morbidity of skin diseases in Southern Theater Command, and explore the possible influencing factors. Methods Fifteen basic units were selected in Southern Theater Command by random sampling. The total sample included 1111 soldiers who aged between 17 to 45 (23.5±4.4) years old, from five services: army, navy, air force, rocket force and logistic service force. A cross-sectional survey was conducted. Questionnaires were sent out one by one, retrieved on the spot, then transferred into EpiData database by double entry. Data were exported from EpiData uniformly and analyzed by SPSS 20.0. Results 1073 valid questionnaires were retrieved and the effective questionnaire rate was 96.58%. The results showed that the total prevalence of skin diseases in Southern Theater Command was 54.89%. Foot and hand tinea (27.84%, 164/589), prickly heat (23.94%, 141/589), eczema (18.34%, 108/589), paronychia (18.17%, 107/589) and insect bite dermatitis (15.28%, 90/589) were the top five of the constituent ratios in all skin diseases. The prevalence rates in army 65.02% (210/323) and rocket force 61.79% (152/246) were relatively high. According to the multivariate logistic regression analysis, age, services, whether drinking, whether allergic constitution, whether vitamin-deficient, whether washing hands before eating and after toilet, and whether interchanging beds with others might be the possible influencing factors (P<0.05). Conclusions The prevalence rate of skin diseases in Southern Theater Command is still high, with particularly serious situations in the army and the rocket force. To reduce the occurrence of skin diseases effectively, further reinforcement needed in prevention and treatment of skin diseases in military officers and soldiers. [Key words] skin disease; military personnel; questionnaire