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1.借词(loan word)
2.经济不景气(economic recession)
3.经济适用房(economically affordable housing)
4.节能减排(energy saving and emission reduction)
5.面向基层(grass-root client-oriented)
6.反腐倡廉(anti-corruption and building an honest government)
7.法治国家(a country under the rule of law)
9.执政为民(governing for the people)
1.伪朋友(false friends)
3.次贷危机(subprime crisis)
4.暗箱操作(black case work)
5.破釜沉舟(burn one's boats)
6.网恋(cyber love)
8.知识产权(intellectual property rights)
9.人均国内生产总值(per capita GPA)
10.自由撰稿人(a free-lance writer)
1.世博展馆(Expo Hall)
2.小道休息(grapevine news)
3.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆(As you sow, so will you reap.)
4.闪婚(flash marriage)
5.摆架子(put on airs)
6.上海五国第九次峰会(the Ninth Summit of Shanghai Five)
7.保兑银行(confirming bank)
8.本命年(year of fate)
10.不以物喜,不以己悲(keep a peaceful mind)
11.贸易顺差(trade surplus)
12..货币贬值(currency devaluation)
14.违约责任(liability for breach of contract)
15.可再生资源(renewable energ)
16.主权国家(a sovereign state)
17.扩大内需(boost domestic demand)
18.民意调查(public opinion poll/survey) 8.盗版软件(pirated software)
1.知足常乐happiness lies in contentment
2.水火无情fire and water have no mercy
3.祸从口出A man may dig his grave into his teeth
1.这条河真臭! This river smells stinking.
2.这种方便面不含防腐剂。This brand of instant noodles is preservative-free.
3.她好几分钟说不出话来。She could not say a word for a few minute
4.对于普通老百姓来说,物价实在涨得太快The prices rise really too fast for ordinary people
5..实施新规则时出现了许多问题。A lot of problems come about when we carried out the new
6..总共有287人在飞机坠毁事件中丧生。There were 287 people deaths in the air crash.
7..近几年来,他们家的经济状况每况愈下。In recent years,the economic condition of their familu has become worse and worse.
8.申请人必须至少精通两门外语。The applicant must be proficient in at least two foreign languages.
9..撒切尔基因可以让有远大抱负之人每晚睡眠至多四小时Thstcher Gene let ambitious people sleep no more than four hours a night
10.这种药物尚在试验阶段,至少要等两年后才能批量生产。This medicineis is still in experiment,it can not be manufactured until two years later.
11. 透过这个窗户可以看见城市美丽的景色。The window afford a beautiful view out over the city.
12.的话引起了哄堂大笑。Arouse 唤醒激起His words aroused a blast of laughter
13.这样的论文往往采用非常朴实的写作风格。Simple writing style is usually used in this kind of essay
14.你要避免公开和老板唱反调。You should avoid being against your boss in public.
15..我们很快就融入当地乡村生活We were soon absorbed into local village life.
16..他的出色发挥使我们赢得了比赛。Our wining owned to his excellent performance.
17.外来干涉也许会使这个国家陷入全面内战。Foreign interference may result in overall civil war in this country.
18.为了避免一场大争论,那个男的只好让步。To avoid a hot debate ,that man had no choice but to make a compromise/
19....在这个国家,你若酒后开车会被判三个月的监禁。you will be sentenced to jail for three months in this country if you drive after drinking .
20..这种行为违反了健康与安全条例。This behavior violates the code of health and security.
21.冬天桂林天气寒冷潮湿,作为旅游点就不那么吸引人了。As a scenic spot ,Guilin is not so attractive for the cold and humid weather in winter.