

SIEMENS 3wn6低压断路器 说明书

SIEMENS 3wn6低压断路器 说明书

!20033WN6低压断路器・结构和操作・类型・规划和安装3WN6,4极型,带双向机械联锁机构(安装在左侧)3WX3666-1JA001目录1. 一般说明 (6)1.1. 应用 (6)1.2. 类型 (6)1.3. 规格 (6)1.4. 工作条件 (7)1.5. 安装 (7)1.6. 变压器和电缆对短路电流的影响 (7)1.7. 断路器选型准则 — 概述 (9)2. 断路器的结构和操作 (10)2.1. 结构 (10)2.2. 操作机构 (12)2.3. 合闸 (13)2.3.1. 合闸就绪条件 (13)2.3.2. 防止合闸的锁定 (13)2.4. 分闸 (13)2.5. 辅助脱扣器 (14)2.6. 分闸和锁定装置 (15)2.7. 双向机械联锁机构 (18)2.8. 过电流脱扣器系统 (19)2.8.1. 结构 (19)2.8.2. 过电流脱扣器功能一览表 (21) 时间电流曲线和脱扣特性 (25)2.8.3. 过电流脱扣器的功能 (32) 过载保护过载反时限脱扣“a” (32) 短路保护 (33) 接地故障保护接地故障脱扣“g” (33) LCD工作电流显示 (35) 脱扣和/或报警的电子显示和信号 (35) 功能测试 (36) 附加功能 (36) 选择用于电动机和发电机断路器的过电流脱扣器 (38)2.8.4. 带“短时分级控制”(ZSS)的短路保护 (39) 概述 (39) “短时分级控制” (ZSS)的实例 (40)2.8.5. 通过PROFIBUS-DP进行通讯 (42)2.8.6. 手动操作装置 (44)2.9. 作为负载隔离器的断路器 (44)2.10. 机械重合闸锁定装置 (44)3. 类型 (45)3.1. 固定式断路器 (45)3.1.1. 安装 (45)3.1.2. 闭锁装置 (45)3.2. 抽出式断路器 (45)3.2.1. 导向框架 (45)3.2.2. 导向框架内的断路器位置 (46)3.2.3. 位置信号开关 (47)3.2.4. 安全挡板 (48)3.2.5. 编码系统 (49)3.2.6. 联锁装置 (49)3.3. 固定式断路器和抽出式断路器的主回路连接 (50)23WN6低压断路器目录33.4. 辅助回路连接 (51)3.4.1. 辅助触头和信号触头 (51)3.4.2. 辅助回路接线 (51) 固定式断路器 (51) 抽出式断路器 (51)3.4.3. 确定辅助接线端子的所需数量 (52)3.5. 3WN6的短路和接地装置 (53)4. 规划和安装..................................................................................................................................................554.1. 断路器选型. (55)4.2. 工作电流的额定值降低 (58)4.2.1. 周围温度和额定工作电流 (58)4.2.2. 安装到柜内 (59)4.3. 安全间隙 (62)4.3.1. 固定式和抽出式 (62)4.3.2. 不带灭弧室罩的断路器 (63)4.3.3. 带灭弧室罩的断路器 (64)4.3.4. 位于导向框架后侧上的隔板 (65)4.3.5. 相间隔板 (65)4.4. 安装 (66)4.5. 主回路连接和辅助回路连接 (68)4.5.1. 将辅助接线与固定式断路器相连 (68)4.5.2. 将辅助接线与抽出式断路器相连 (69)4.5.3. 与接线端子X300和X400相连的控制和测量导线 (69)4.6. 连接主回路 (70)4.6.1. 通过母排连接 (70)4.6.2. 通过母排连接的实例 (71)4.6.3. 拧紧力矩 (72)4.6.4. 通过电缆连接 (72)4.6.5. 连接铜母排系统 (72)4.6.6. 连接铝母排系统 (75)4.7. 电路实例 (77)4.7.1. 接口模块 (77)4.7.2. “合闸就绪”信号所需的条件 (77)4.7.3. 在变压器与低压进线断路器之间进行接地故障检测 (80)4.7.4. 脱扣信号和报警信号所需的控制电路 (81)4.7.5. 控制电路的信号转换 (81)4.7.6. 超温和µP 报警信号用的控制电路 (82)4.7.7. 负载监控和负载脱落信号用的控制电路 (82)4.7.8. 过载或短路信号用的控制电路 (83)4.7.9. 接地故障、过载或短路信号用的控制电路 (83)5. 技术数据 (84)6. 电路图 (87)7. 改装和改型...................................................................................................................................................927.1. 步骤. (92)7.2. 额定铭牌和ID 编号 (93)7.3. 订货号的结构 (93)7.4. 更换、改装和备件 (97)7.5. 用3WN6替代3WN5所需的适配器 (105)8. 尺寸图 (106)9. 故障排除 (114)10. 过电流脱扣器调节表 (116)11. 操作说明和规划工具 (118)目录3WN6低压断路器4附件1.断路器的过电流脱扣器,H 型和J/K 型...................................................................................................1211.1. 概述. (123)1.2. 投入运行 (124)1.3. 脱扣特性曲线 (129)1.4. 脱扣后重新投运 (132)1.5. 附加功能 (133)1.6. 菜单 (134)1.7. 测试脱扣功能 (141)1.8. 更换过电流脱扣器 (143)1.9. 参数设定检查表 (146)1.10. 其他操作说明书..............................................................................................................................1472.断路器的过电流脱扣器,N 型和P 型.. (148)2.1. 概述 (150)2.2. 投入运行 (151)2.3. 特性曲线 (155)2.4. 脱扣后重新投运 (158)2.5. 附加功能 (159)2.6. 菜单 (160)2.7. 测试脱扣功能 (168)2.8. 更换过电流脱扣器 (170)2.9. 参数设定检查表 (173)2.10. 其他操作说明书 (174)3.D 、E 、F 、H 、J 、K 、N 、P 型过电流脱扣器的PROFIBUS-DP 通讯功能和/或测量功能 (175)4.D 、E 、F 、H 、J 、K 、N 、P 型3WN6过电流脱扣器配套件,带有附加功能2 (186)4.1. 附加功能 (189)4.2. 接线端子配置 (189)4.3. 信号 (189)4.4. 带有“短时分级控制”(“ZSS ”)的短路保护 (191)4.5. 组装 (193)4.6. 其他相关操作说明书 (197)4.7. 技术数据..........................................................................................................................................1975. 欠电压脱扣器.............................................................................................................................................1986.过电流脱扣器的手持装置 (211)6.1. 概述 (212)6.2. 投入运行 (213)6.3. 菜单 (214)6.4. 电源 (227)6.5. 其他操作说明书..............................................................................................................................2277. 中性线电流互感器 (228)8. 用于固定安装断路器的双向机械联锁装置 (232)9. 用于抽出式安装的断路器的双向机械联锁装置 (251)前言3WN6低压断路器5由西门子制造的附加断路器3VF – 结构紧凑、范围广泛、性能高强紧凑的MCCB(小型断路器)系列。



YBSS 低压系列输送机用隔爆型三相异步电动机
YBSS-355、375、400 U、V、W
YBSS-375、400(配三一) U、V、W
1、2 1、2 7、8 1、2
— — 1、2、3 —
— — 4、5、6 —
第 4 页 共 11 页
本系列其它电机 MT478—1996
MT451—1995 MT451—1995
二、型号编制符合国标 GB4831《电机产品型号编制方法》:
Y B S S - 160 A (1140)
额定电压 1140V
输出功率 160kW
YBSS 低压系列输送机用隔爆型三相异步电动机



YBSS-160A、200A T11-145



YBSS-250(B5、B3) T11-145
时,应对润滑脂进行更换,并保证对油封唇部的润滑,骨架油封具体型号见表 4:



ABB EntrelecSommaireBU0402061SNC 160 003 C0205SummarySelection guide ....................................................................................page 1Screw clamp ........................................................................................page 2Feed through and ground terminal blocks .......................................................page 2 - 5 to 10Single pole, multiclamp terminal blocks..........................................................................page 4Feed through terminal blocks - Double-deck................................................................page 11Feed through terminal blocks - Triple-deck...................................................................page 12Three level sensor, terminal blocks without ground connection...................................page 13Three level sensor, terminal blocks with ground connection ........................................page 14Terminal blocks for distribution boxes, double deck + protection .......................page 15 - 16Interruptible terminal blocks for neutral circuit......................................................page 17 - 18Distribution : phase, ground terminal blocks .......................................................page 19 to 21Single pole or four pole distribution blocks..........................................................page 22 to 24Heavy duty switch terminal blocks with blade......................................................page 25 - 26Heavy duty switch terminal blocks with push-turn knob..............................................page 26Heavy duty switch terminal blocks with contact control pull lever...............................page 29Heavy duty switch terminal blocks with blade - Double-deck .....................................page 27Fuse holder terminal blocks for 5x20 mm (.197x.787 in.) and 5x25 mm (.197x.984 in.)or 6.35x25.4 mm (1/4x1 in.) and 6.35x32 mm (1/4x11/4 in.) fuse s.........................................page 28 - 29Fuse holder terminal blocks for 5x20 mm (.197x.787 in.) and 5x25 mm (.197x.984 in.) fuses -Double-dec k.....................................................................................................................page 27Terminal blocks for test circuits with sliding bridge ......................................................page 30Terminal blocks for metering circuits.............................................................................page 31ESSAILEC terminal blocks.............................................................................................page 32Safety connection terminal blocks ................................................................................page 33Miniblocks for EN 50045 (DIN 46277/2) rail ..........................................................page 34 - 35Spring clamp ......................................................................................page 36Angled terminal blocks - Feed through and ground .....................................................page 36Feed through and ground terminal blocks ...........................................................page 37 to 41Feed through terminal blocks - Double deck ................................................................page 42Terminal blocks for sensors / actuators ........................................................................page 42Terminal blocks for distribution boxes...........................................................................page 43Switch terminal blocks for neutral conductor........................................................page 44 - 45Heavy duty switch terminal blocks with blade..............................................................page 46Fuse holder terminal blocks for 5x20 mm (.197x.787 in.) and 5x25 mm (.197x.984 in.) fuse s....page 47Miniblocks Spring clamp ......................................................................................page 48 to 52ADO - Screw clamp ...........................................................................page 53Feed through and ground terminal blocks ...........................................................page 53 to 56Feed through and ground terminal blocks - Double-deck............................................page 57Heavy duty switch terminal blocks with blade..............................................................page 58Fuse holder terminal blocks for 5x20 mm (.197x.787 in.) and 5x25 mm (.197x.984 in.) fuse s ......page 59 - 60Miniblocks ADO - Screw clamp............................................................................page 61 to 65ADO - ADO .........................................................................................page 66Feed through and ground terminal blocks ...........................................................page 66 to 69Feed through and ground terminal blocks - Double-deck............................................page 70Terminal blocks for sensors / actuators ........................................................................page 71Heavy duty switch terminal blocks with blade..............................................................page 72Fuse holder terminal blocks for 5x20 mm (.197x.787 in.) and 5x25 mm (.197x.984 in.) fuse s ......page 73 - 74Miniblocks ADO - ADO .........................................................................................page 75 to 79Accessories ADO ...........................................................................................................page 80Power terminal blocks .............................................................page 81 to 84Quick-connect terminal blocks .................................................page 85 - 86Terminal blocks for railway applications ................................page 87 to 97Pluggable terminal blocks .....................................................page 98 to 100Accessories......................................................................................page 101Marking..................................................................................page 102 to 104GrossAutomation(877)268-3700··*************************PR30PR3.Z2PR3.G2PR5PR4PR1.Z2Rated wire size :Rated wire size :Rated wire size :Rated wire size :Mounting railsShield terminals forcollector barMarking tableHorizontal Rated wire size :0.5 to 16 mm² (22 to 8 AWG)Rated wire size :Rated wire size :Rated wire size :P a g e t o 29e30 t o 32ag e e3P a ge 8 t o 60a g e6t o 6574P a ge 7 t o 79P a ge 9P a g P a gGrossAutomation(877)268-3700··*************************2ABB Entrelecd010830402051SNC 160 003 C0205MA 2,5/5 - 2.5 mm² blocks - 5 mm .200" spacingAccessoriesGrossAutomation(877)268-3700··*************************3ABB Entrelec D010740402051SNC 160 003 C0205M 4/6 - 4 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacingAccessoriesGrossAutomation(877)268-3700··*************************4ABB EntrelecD011030402051SNC 160 003 C0205M 4/6.3A - 4 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacingM 4/6.4A - 4 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacingGrossAutomation(877)268-3700··*************************5ABB Entrelec D010840402051SNC 160 003 C0205M 6/8 - 6 mm² blocks - 8 mm .315" spacingAccessoriesGrossAutomation(877)268-3700··*************************6ABB EntrelecD010850402051SNC 160 003 C0205M 10/10 - 10 mm² blocks - 10 mm .394" spacingAccessoriesGrossAutomation(877)268-3700··*************************7ABB Entrelec D010860402051SNC 160 003 C0205M 16/12 - 16 mm² blocks - 12 mm .473" spacingAccessoriesGrossAutomation(877)268-3700··*************************8ABB EntrelecD010870402051SNC 160 003 C0205M 35/16 - 35 mm² blocks - 16 mm .630" spacingGrossAutomation(877)268-3700··*************************M 95/26 - 95 mm² blocks - 26 mm 1.02" spacingM 70/22.P - 70 mm² ground block with rail contact - 22 mm .630" spacingSelection35 mm / 1.37"12 mm / 0.47"14-30 Nm / 124-260 Ib.in 1.2-1.4 Nm / 10.6-12.3 Ib.in1000600600415400400577070240 mm 2500 MCM 500 MCM 10 mm 2 6 AWG 6 AWG IEC UL CSANFC DIN0.5 - 160.5 - 100 AWG-600 MCM 2 AWG-500 MCM 50 - 30035 - 24018-6 AWGD 150/31.D10 - 150 mm² blocks - 31 mm 1.22" spacingCharacteristicsD 240/36.D10 - 240 mm² blocks - 36 mm 1.41" spacingSelectionWire size main circuit mm² / AWG VoltageV Current main circuit A Current outputARated wire size main circuit mm² / AWG Rated wire size outputmm² / AWG Wire stripping length main circuit mm / inches Wire stripping length output mm / inches Recommended torque main circuit Nm / Ib.in Recommended torque outputNm / Ib.inSolid Stranded Solid Stranded Wire size output mm² / AWG9.5 mm / .37"0.5-0.8 Nm / 4.4-7.1 Ib.in5003003003220204 mm 212 AWG12 AWG0.2 - 422-12 AWG 22-12 AWG 0.22 - 4IEC ULCSANFC DINCharacteristicsWire size mm² / AWGSolid Stranded D 4/6.T3 - 4 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacingSelectionVoltage V CurrentARated wire sizemm² / AWG Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torqueNm / Ib.inM 4/6.T3.P - 4 mm² block - 6 mm .238" spacingD 2,5/6.D - 2.5 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacingD 2,5/6.DL - 2.5 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacingD 2,5/6.DPA1 - 2.5 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacingD 2,5/6.DPAL1 - 2.5 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacingD 4/6... - 4 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacingD 4/6.LNTP - 4 mm² closed blocks - 17.8 mm .700" spacingMA 2,5/5.NT- 2.5 mm² block - 5 mm .200" spacingAccessories**SFB2 : 16 to 35 mm² 6 to 2 AWG H= 3 mm/.12"M 10/10.NT- 10 mm² block - 10 mm .394" spacingAccessories(1) Except for M 35/16 NT (closed block)*SFB1 : 0.5 to 35 mm² 18 to 2 AWG H= 7 mm/.28"**SFB2 : 16 to 35 mm² 6 to 2 AWG H= 3 mm/.12"MB 4/6... - 4 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacingMB 6/8... - 6 mm² blocks - 8 mm .315" spacingMB 10/10... - 10 mm² blocks - 10 mm .394" spacingBRU 125 A - 35 mm² block - 27 mm 1.063" spacingBRU 160 A - 70 mm² block - 35.2 mm 1.388" spacingBRU 250 A - 120 mm² blocks - 44.5 mm 1.752" spacingBRU 400 A - 185 mm² block - 44.5 mm 1.752" spacingAccessoriesAccessoriesBRT 80 A - 16 mm² block - 48 mm 1.89" spacingBRT 125 A - 35 mm² block - 48 mm 1.89" spacingBRT 160 A - 50 mm² block - 50 mm 1.97" spacing9.5 mm / .37"0.5-0.6 Nm / 4.4-5.3 Ib.in4003003002010104 mm 210 AWG 12 AWG 0.5 - 422-10 AWG20-12 AWG0.5 - 2.5IEC ULCSANFC DINMA 2,5/5.SNB - 2.5 mm² blocks - 5 mm .200" spacingCharacteristicsM 4/6.SNB - 4 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacingSelectionWire size mm² / AWGVoltage V CurrentARated wire sizemm² / AWG Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torqueNm / Ib.inSolid StrandedM 6/8.SNB - 6 mm² blocks - 8 mm .315" spacing - blade switchingSelectionAccessoriesM 4/8.D2.SF - for fuses 5x20 mm .197x.787 in. and 5x25 mm .197x.984 in. -4 mm² blocks - 8 mm .315" spacingM 4/6.D2.SNBT - 4 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacing - blade switchM 4/8.SF- 4 mm² blocks - 8 mm .315" spacingM 4/8.SFL - 4 mm² blocks - 8 mm .315" spacing12 mm / .472"1.2-1.4 Nm / 10.6-12.3 Ib.in800(1)60060016252510 mm 210 AWG8 AWG0.5 - 1622-10 AWG 22-8 AWG 0.5 - 10IEC ULCSANFC DINCBD2SML 10/13.SF - for fuses 6.35x25.4 mm 1/4x1 in. and 6.35x32 mm 1/4x11/4 in. -10 mm² blocks - 13 mm .512" spacingSelectionAccessoriesCharacteristicsWire size mm² / AWGVoltage V CurrentARated wire sizemm² / AWG Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torqueNm / Ib.inSolid Stranded (1) Insulation voltage of terminal block - operating voltage : according to fuse.M 4/6.D2.2S2... - 4 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacing11 mm / .43"0.8-1 Nm / 7.1-8.9 Ib.in50060030306 mm 28 AWG0.5 - 1022-8 AWG0.5 - 6IECULCSANFC DINM 6/8.ST... - 6 mm² blocks - 8 mm .315" spacingCharacteristicsWire size mm² / AWGVoltage V CurrentARated wire sizemm² / AWG Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torqueNm / Ib.inSolid Stranded M 6/8.STA - 6 mm² blocks - 8 mm .315" spacing(3)Only for M 6/8.STAM 4/6.ST- 4 mm² blocks - 6 mm .236" spacingBNT...PC...(2) Only for M10/10.ST-SnThe PREM IUM solution for testing the secondary circuits of current or voltage transformers.ESSAILEC, approved by the major electricity utilities, remains the premium choice for the energy market.Implemented in the transformers secondary circuits, ESSAILEC thanks to its intelligent “make before break” design eases and secures any intervention. Cutting the energy supply is avoided with zero risk for the operator.The plug and socket connection cuts cost installation as well as in-situ wiring errors. ESSAILEC is ideal for the wiring of sub-assemblies in the secondary circuits.ESSAILEC terminal blocksProtection relays,Protection relays,Testing :The ESSAILEC socket supplies energy to the protection or counting devices. The insertion of the test plug, which is connected to the measurement equipment, allows the testing of the devices, without perturbing the circuit.ESSAILEC blocks are well adapted to current or voltage measurement :-Current sockets with make before break contacts and pre-wired test plug for current measures-Voltage sockets with open contacts and pre-wired test plug for voltage measures-Up to 4 ammeters or 4 voltmeters connected to the test plugDistributing :The ESSAILEC plug is continuously mounted on the socket to supply current or voltage to secondary circuits sub assemblies.ESSAILEC blocks extreme versatility allow :-Safe current distribution with current socket with mobile contacts since the secondary circuit is not cut when plug is removed-Voltage or polarity distribution with dedicated voltage or polarity socket with closed contactESSAILEC is designed to offer :Great flexibility :-Connection multi contacts « plug and play »-Panel, rail, rack fixed mounting or stand-alone connector -Two wiring technologies, up to 10 mm²Extreme reliability :-Non symmetric blocks -Coding accessories -IP20 design -Locking system -Sealed coverR S T NFor technical characteristics and complete part numbers list, please ask for the ESSAILEC catalog10005006003225254 mm 21.65 mm²12 AWG 13 mm / .51"IECB.SCSANFC DINTS 50-180.5 - 0.8 Nm /4.4 - 7.1 Ib.in0.2 - 422-12 AWG0.22 - 40.5 - 1.50.28 - 1.6580050060041252562.512 AWG 13 mm / .51"0.8 - 1 Nm / 7.1 - 8.9 Ib.inIECB.S CSANFC DINTS 50-180.5 - 1020-12 AWG0.5 - 60.28 - 2.590050060046406510 mm 26 mm² 6 AWG 14 mm / .55"IECB.S UL/CSANFC DINTS 50-181.2 - 1.4 Nm / 10.6 - 12.3 Ib.in0.5 - 1620 - 6 AWG0.5 - 100.28 - 6M 4/6.RS - 4 mm² blocks - 6 mm .238" spacingCharacteristicsWire size mm² / AWGVoltage V CurrentARated wire sizemm² / AWG Wire stripping lengthmm / inches Recommended torque (screw)Nm / Ib.inSolid wire Stranded wire Solid wire Stranded wire Screw clampLugsM 6/8.RS - 6 mm² blocks - 8 mm .315" spacingCharacteristicsWire size mm² / AWGVoltage V CurrentARated wire sizemm² / AWG Wire stripping lengthmm / inches Recommended torque (screw)Nm / Ib.inSolid wire Stranded wire Solid wire Stranded wire Screw clampLugspending M 10/10.RS - 10 mm² blocks - 10 mm .394" spacingCharacteristicsWire size mm² / AWGVoltage V CurrentARated wire sizemm² / AWG Wire stripping lengthmm / inches Recommended torque (screw)Nm / Ib.inSolid wire Stranded wire Solid wire Stranded wire Screw clampLugspending SelectionAccessories(1) Only for block M 4/6.RS (4) For blocks M 4/6.RS and M 6/8.RS(2) Only for block M 6/8.RS(3) Only for block M 10/10.RSDR 1,5/4 - 1.5 mm² blocks - 4 mm .157" spacingDR 1,5/5... - 1.5 mm² blocks - 5 mm .200" spacing。



MNS低压开关柜使用说明书(全)目录1一般信息 (3)1.1一般信息 (3)1.2技术参数 (4)1.2.1 使用环境 (4)1.2.2装置的技术参数 (5)1.3安全建议 (5)2发货 (5)2.1包装 (6)2.2收货 (7)2.3搬运 (7)2.4存放 (10)3安装 (10)3.1现场准备 (10)3.2并柜 (11)3.3母排连接 (13)3.3.1母线系统介绍 (13)3.3.2主母排连接 (15)3.3.3接地排连接 (18)3.4动力电缆连接 (19)3.5二次回路接线 (20)3.6最终安装步骤 (21)3.7基本检查 (21)3.8设备首次通电 (21)4操作 (22)4.1设备操作 (22)4.1.1进线回路的操作 (22)断路器操作说明: (23)4.1.2抽屉单元的操作 (23) 8E/4、8E/2抽屉单元的操作 (24) 8E、16E、24E抽屉单元的操作 (25)4.1.3抽屉的抽出与插入 (28)4.1.4抽屉单元的紧急解锁 (29)4.2设备内元器件操作 (29)4.3维护 (29)4.3.1开关柜中固定安装部分的维护 (29)4.3.2抽屉维护 (30)4.3.3通电前检查 (30)4.3.4故障发生之后的维护 (30)4.3.5预防性维护的频度 (31)4.5扩展 (32)4.5.1订货时所需信息 (32)4.5.2增加回路 (32)4.5.3增加一面柜子 (33)4.6常见问题 (33)1一般信息1.1一般信息MNS低压成套开关柜是根据我国电力发展的需要,参考国外MNS系列低压开关柜设计并加以改进开发的高级型低压开关柜,其技术参数符合IEC60439-1,和GB7251.1-2005《低压成套开关设备和控制设备》,适应各种供电、配电的需要,能广泛用于发电厂、变电站、工矿企业、大楼宾馆、市政建设等各种低压配电系统。

图1.1-1 低压MNS柜图MNS开关柜骨架采用特殊的C型材,模数为25mm,其设计紧凑,结构通用性强,组装灵活,模块化设计,能满足各种结构形式、防护等级及使用环境的要求其主要参数达到当代国际技术水平。



标准威胜电气8PT低压柜操作说明书文案目录一、开关柜主要性能参数 (3)二、操作规程 (5)1、开关柜的操作 (5)1.1断路器柜的操作 (5)1.2储能弹簧的储能 (8)2、抽屉柜的操作 (8)三、维护 (11)3.1 检查 (11)3.2 保养 (12)一、开关柜主要性能参数二、操作规程1、开关柜的操作1.1断路器柜的操作1.1.2抽出式断路器的准备往导向框架中装入断路器1、检查断路器位置指示器,确保显示的是DISCON,否则断路器将不能被放入。





1.2储能弹簧的储能1.2.1手动储能F 手柄手柄力n 储能次数(1)弹簧已储能注意:储能时完全握住手柄,每次都要将手柄压到尽可能最底端!尽管感到手柄力会明显地增加,每次都要尽可能稳定地用力。










Y80~315低压三相异步电动机1 概述1.1 Y80~315电机为一般用途中小型鼠笼式低压三相异步电动机,其外壳防护等级为IP44、IP54或IP55。

1.2 随机供应的技术资料。

1.2.1 外形图图中提供了所供应的电动机的安装尺寸、外形尺寸。

1.2.2 产品使用说明书2 结构说明本电动机的基本结构形式为自通风冷却型式。



2.1 机座机座为表面带有散热筋的全封闭型的铸铁件。

2.2 定子2.2.1 定子铁心用0.5mm厚,两面涂以绝缘漆的硅钢片迭压而成。


2.2.2 定子线圈为双层短距散嵌线圈,嵌入槽内以槽楔固定,铁芯压入机座经浸漆处理后,使其成为一整体。

2.3 转子转子铁心用0.5mm厚,两面涂以绝缘漆的硅钢片迭压经铸铝后而成,端环与风叶一道铸出。


2.4 端盖轴盖2.4.1 电机的端盖轴承都是密封的,这样可以防止润滑脂漏到电动机内部而损坏线圈的绝缘以及外面的水和灰尘进入。

2.4.2 轴承的防护等级为IP54或IP55。

2.5 出线盒2.5.1 出线盒由出线盒座、出线盒盖、接线板等零组成,采用的是螺栓结构型式。

2.5.2 整个出线盒是密封的,出线盒与电动机之间也是密封的能够防止水和灰尘进入出线盒和电动机内部。

2.5.3 出线盒内有接地装置。

3 运输3.1 电动机由制造厂包装后发动,在运输中不得拆箱,否则,电动机容易损坏。

3.2 在装箱及运输途中,电动机必须牢固地固定在箱底木梁上,包装箱内部应有防潮纸,并用油毛毡等垫紧。

3.3 运输时,必须防止电动机翻身,以免损坏电动机。

3.4 一般情况下,电动机不允许在拆开情况下运输。

4 储存4.1 电动机运到后,如不立即安装,也应拆箱清除尘污,并将轴伸端露出的表面擦净,清除原来涂上的临时性涂料、以及表面上的潮气和锈渍等。



1400-062-0606低压产品选型手册Low-Voltage Product Selection ManualReliable electrical safety partner 值得信赖的电气安全伙伴2公司简介200350034400-062-0606低压产品选型手册Low-Voltage Product Selection Manual5目录6低压产品选型手册变压器与断路器配合选用推荐表 08电机保护选型参考表 10低压配电系统示例 12智能型万能式断路器BW1系列智能型万能式断路器 13BW1A 系列智能型万能式断路器 15BW1控制器功能表 17BW3系列智能型万能式断路器 18BW3控制器功能表 22塑料外壳式断路器BM30系列塑料外壳式断路器 23BM30L 系列带剩余电流保护塑料外壳式断路器 27BM30E 系列电子塑料外壳式断路器 30BM3系列塑料外壳式断路器 33BM3L 系列带剩余电流保护塑料外壳式断路器 37BM3E 系列电子塑料外壳式断路器 40BM5系列塑料外壳式断路器 43BM5Z 系列智能型塑料外壳式断路器 46BM65系列终端产品BM65H-125系列小型断路器 50BM65HL-125系列带剩余电流保护小型断路器 51BM65-63S 系列IC 卡表专用小型断路器 52BM65-63GQ 系列过欠压保护小型断路器 53BM65C 模数化插座 54BM65系列产品附件 55BB2系列终端产品BB2-63系列小型断路器 58BB2L-63系列带剩余电流保护小型断路器 59BB2-63PT 计量回路专用小型断路器 60BB2G-125系列小型隔离开关 61BB2系列产品附件 62BB2A 系列终端产品BB2A-63系列小型断路器 65BB2AL-63系列带剩余电流保护小型断路器 66BB2AN-40系列小型断路器 67 BB2ANL-32带剩余电流保护小型断路器 68 BB2ANL-40系列带剩余电流保护小型断路器 69 BB2ANL-40L系列带剩余电流保护小型断路器 70 BB2ANL-63系列带剩余电流保护小型断路器 71 BB2AG-125系列隔离开关 72 BB2AH-125系列小型断路器 73 BB2AHL-125带剩余电流保护小型断路器 74 BB2A-63系列产品附件 75 BLM1系列电磁式漏电保护开关 79电涌保护器BU1系列电涌保护器 80 BU3系列电涌保护器 81 BSCB系列电涌后备保护器 82家用接触器BC3系列家用接触器 83自复式过欠压保护器BV1自复式过欠压保护器 84 BP2系列配电箱 85隔离开关BG1系列隔离开关 86 BGR1系列隔离开关熔断器组 89 BG3-100系列隔离开关 91自动转换开关电器BQ1系列自动转换开关电器 92 BQ1A系列自动转换开关电器 94 BQ3系列自动转换开关电器 96 BQ3A系列自动转换开关电器 98 BQ5系列自动转换开关电器 100 BQ3W系列旁路型自动转换开关电器 102交流接触器BC2(Z)-09~800系列交流接触器 103 BC2(N)-09~800系列可逆接触器 106 BC2-1050~2650系列交流接触器 109 BC2C系列切换电容器接触器 111BC2Q系列星-三角起动器 113 BF系列辅助触头组/BS1系列辅助触头(空气延时式) 115 BR2系列热过载继电器 117控制与保护开关BK2系列控制与保护开关 119 BK3系列控制与保护开关 121 BK2D系列双速控制与保护开关 122 BK2J系列星三角减压启动器 122 BD1系列电动机保护断路器 124直流配电系列产品BM30D系列直流塑料外壳式断路器 126 BM30DB系列选择性直流塑料外壳式断路器 128 BM3D系列直流塑料外壳式断路器 130 BM3DB系列选择性直流塑料外壳式断路器 132 BM30G 系列直流塑料外壳式隔离开关 134 BB2D-63系列直流小型断路器 136 BB2D-63H系列直流小型断路器 136 BB2D-63T系列通讯专用直流小型断路器 137 BB2DB-63系列选择性直流小型断路器 138 BB2CD-63系列直流小型断路器 139 BB2CDB-63系列选择性小型直流断路器 140 BB2CD、BB2CDB系列产品附件 141 BV系列电气火灾监控系统BV系列电气火灾监控器 144 BV系列电气火灾探测器 145剩余电流互感器 146温度传感器 146 BV系列消防设备电源状态监控器 147 BV系列电源监控探测器 148 BV系列防火门监控器 149 BV 系列余压监控器 151 BV系列消防应急照明和疏散指示系统应急照明控制器153 BV系列消防应急照明和疏散指示系统集中电源 154 BV系列消防应急照明和疏散指示系统疏散指示灯具 155 BV系列消防应急照明和疏散指示系统应急照明灯具 158781.计算的依据:上级电网的短路功率为500MVA ; 变压器为10kV/0.4kV2.如开关柜额定冲击耐受电压8000V ,则BM30-63改为BM30-100低压配电系统示例10电机保护选型参考表用于轻载三角启动的电动机回路配合选用参考表(Ue=400V,Iq=50kA)低压配电系统示例用于轻载直接启动的电动机回路配合选用参考表(Ue=400V,Iq=50kA)1.5倍以上。

ABB Drive 低压电机 低压电机说明书

ABB Drive 低压电机 低压电机说明书
DriveIT 低压电机
安装、操作及 维护手册
符合性声明样本 由 ABB 提供。
低电压指令 73/23/EEC (由 93/68/EEC 修订)
有些机器顶部安装的接线端子盒可旋转 4 x 90°,而有 些机器的接线端子盒则安装在机器侧面。 产品目录对是 否采用了这些方案作了说明。
接线端子盒不仅装有主绕组和地线端子,还能容纳热敏 电阻、静止加热元件、双金属部件、开关或 PT100 电阻 元件的接头。
警告 加热元件或直接绕组加热元件的电源可在停机状 态下接入接线端子盒。
公司注册证书 (指令 98/37/EEC 第 4.2 条和附录 II 子条款 B):
CE 标示年份:CE00。
签名 ..................................
标题 ..................................
必须依照地方条例提供必要的安全设备,以防安装和操 作现场发生事故。
警告 供电电流直接由热敏开关控制的小电机可自动 启动。
1. 不要踏在机器上。 2. 在正常操作过程中,本机外壳温度可能会达到烫手的
程度。 3. 在某些特殊场合应用本机时需参照特别说明 (如使用
变频器供电等)。 4. 吊环只能用于抬升本电机。本电机与其他设备连



GCS型交流低压配电柜安装使用说明书洛阳亚日实业公司有限公司GCS型沟通低压配电柜一.概括GCS 型低压抽出式开关柜( 以下称装置 ) 是原电力部、机械部结合设计,拥有切合国情、技术性能指标较高等特色,能够适应电力市场发展需要并可与引进产品竞争的低压抽出式开关柜。




当前, GCS型低压抽出式开关柜已被电力用户宽泛采纳。




装置切合IEC439-1 《低压成套开关设施和控制设施》、GB7251《低压成套开关设施》、ZBK36001《低压抽出式成套开关设施》等标准。

三.标准及使用条件IEC439 -1《低压成套开关设施和控制设施》GB7251《低压成套开关设施》ZBK36001《低压抽出式成套开关设施》四周空气温度不高于+40℃,不低于-5 ℃, 24 小时内均匀温度不得高于+35℃,超出时,需依据实质情况降容运转。




V12-T16-116High Resistance Grounding SystemType C-HRG Products16High Resistance Grounding SystemType C-HRG (Low Voltage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-2Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-2Product History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-2Product History Time Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-2General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-2Sequence of Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-3Catalog Numbering System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-4Further Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-4Type C-HRG (Medium Voltage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-5Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-5Product History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-5Product History Time Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-5General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-5Sequence of Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T16-6Catalog Numbering System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V12-T16-71616High Resistance Grounding SystemType C-HRG(Low Voltage)Originally aWestinghouse ProductWall-Mounted C-HRG(resistors not shown)Free-Standing C-HRGProduct DescriptionCutler-Hammer® Type C-HRGfrom Eaton’s electricalbusiness is designed toimprove the continuity ofelectrical service to criticalprocesses. Systems designerssometimes use ungroundeddistribution systems to avoidinterrupting service duringa ground fault. However,ungrounded systems havea significant disadvantage—the distribution system issubject to the harmfuleffects of ground faults, likehigh transient overvoltages.The Type C-HRG helpscustomers add the benefitsof a grounded system to theirungrounded system.Product HistoryHigh resistance groundingtechnology has been offeredas an integral system withinEaton low voltage switchgearand switchboard productssince the early 1970s. In 1994,Eaton adopted the technologyinto the C-HRG, which is astandalone or wall-mountedproduct ideal for adapting tothe existing electrical system.Product History Time LineGeneral InformationOverviewWhere continuity of service isa high priority, high resistancegrounding can add the safetyof a grounded system whileminimizing the risk of serviceinterruptions due to grounds.The concept is a simple one:provide a path for groundcurrent via a resistance thatlimits the current magnitude,and monitor to determinewhen an abnormalcondition exists.The ground current path isprovided at the point wherethe service begins by placingresistance in the connectionfrom system neutral-to-ground. Control equipmentcontinuously measuresground current; a relaydetects when the currentexceeds a predeterminedlevel. An alarm alerts buildingpersonnel that a groundexists. The system hasbuilt-in fault tracing meansto assist in finding thesource of the ground. Anintegral transformer providescontrol power from theprimary source.Minimum Criteria for UseHigh resistance groundingsystems can be appliedto either grounded orungrounded three-wiredistribution systems.Per NEC® 1996, 250.5(b)exception No. 5, the followingcriteria must be met beforeusing the C-HRG:●The conditions ofmaintenance andsupervision ensure thatonly qualified persons willservice the installation●Continuity of poweris required●Ground detectors areinstalled on the system●Line-to-neutral loads arenot servedWye or Delta SystemAdding the Type C-HRGto a wye connected systemrequires only that the resistorssupplied be connected inseries with the neutral-to-ground connection of thepower source. Addingthe Type C-HRG to anungrounded delta systemrequires the creation of aneutral point. Transformersare supplied for that purposein the enclosure. The resistorssupplied are then connectedat that point. In both cases,the components supplied arechosen to limit the groundcurrent to a maximum valueof 5A.V12-T16-2V12-T16-31616High Resistance Grounding SystemT ypical C-HRG ApplicationGround Fault DetectionWhen one phase of a system becomes grounded, additional current will flow. As all ground current must flow through the grounding resistor assembly, a current sensing relay is placed in this circuit, allowing detection when a ground fault occurs.If chosen, a voltage-sensing relay can be provided to accomplish the same function.Pulser CircuitThe pulser circuit offers a convenient means to locate the faulted feeder and to trace the fault to its origin. The pulser is available any time a fault has been detected. The “pulse” light flashes on and off, corresponding to the ON-OFF cycles of thepulsing contactor. The pulser contactor switches a bank of resistors on and off, allowing a momentary increase in the ground current.Ground Fault Location The current pulses can be noted with a clamp-on ammeter when the ammeter is placed around the cables or the conduit feeding the fault. The operation tests each conduit or set of cables until the pulsing current is noted. By moving the ammeter along the conduit, the fault can be traced to its origin. The fault may be located at the point where the pulsing current drops off or stops. If little or no change in the pulsing current is noted along the entire length of a conduit, then the fault may be in theconnected load.Sequence of OperationsNormal ●Green “normal” light on ●Red “ground fault” light off ●White “pulse” light off ●System control switch in “normal” position ●Reset control switch in either “auto” or “manual”Test ●T urn and hold the system control switch in the “test” position. Phase B will be grounded via the test resistor ●The ground current will activate the sensingcircuit, causing the green “normal” light to turn off and the red “ground fault” light to turn on. The pulser will be activated as well ●The white “pulse” light will turn on and off as the pulser contactor closes and opens ●The ground current ammeter will display the total ground current, including the incremental pulse current ●When ready, return the system control switch to “normal.” The pulser will stop. If the reset control is in the “manual” position, turn it to “reset” to reset the fault sensing circuit ●The red “ground fault” light will turn off, and the green “normal” light will turn on ●T est mode is not available if the system is detecting a ground. The sensing circuit will disable the test circuit.Ground Fault ●When the sensing circuit detects a fault, the green “normal” light will turn off and the red “ground fault” light will turn on ●The ground currentammeter will indicate the total ground current ●T o use the pulser, turn the system control switch to “pulse.” The pulsercontactor will cycle on and off as controlled by the recycle timer relay ●Use the clamp-on ammeter to locate the faulted feeder. Open the feeder and clear the fault ●If the reset control switch is in the “manual” position, turn it to “reset” to reset the sensing circuitNote: If reset control is in “auto,” it will reset itself.●When ready to restore service to the load, close the feeder●Return the system control to “normal”Note1Phase-to-neutral loads cannot be fed from the same system transformer to which the C-HRG is connected. These loads must be fed from a downstream, delta-wye transformer with a solidly grounded neutral on the secondary.1616High Resistance Grounding SystemCatalog Numbering SystemDecoding the Catalog Numbering SystemFurther InformationEnclosure TypeF= Free-standing, Type 1S= Free-standing, Type 1 with screened ventsR= Free-standing, Type 3RW= Wall-mounted, Type 1N= No enclosure (panel-mounted)V= Wall-mounted, Type 1 with 3R resistor enclosureF 4 W N C R N S F 4 6System Neutral PointW= Wye (and accessible at system)Z= Delta (zig-zag grounding transformers)D= Delta (wye-broken delta grounding transformers)Distribution System Voltage6 = 600V4 = 480V3 = 380V2 = 208–240VDistribution System Fault Current6= 25 kA at 600V, 65 kA at 480 and 380V, 100 kA at 240V1= 150 kA at 480 and 380V, 200 kA at 240V2= 200 kA at 600V, 480V or 380/280VN= Not applicable (when using “W” above)Ground Fault SensingC= Current-sensing relay, with noise filterD= Voltage sensing relay, double set pointSystem Frequency5 = 50 Hz6 = 60 HzWire Harness Length for “N”(No Enclosure)4 = 4-foot harness6 = 6-foot harness8 = 8-foot harness0 = 10-foot harness2 = 12-foot harnessWire MarkerM = Machine printedF = Sleeve typeH= Heat shrink, sleeve typeIndicating LightsS= Standard incandescentL= Standard LEDP= Push-to-test incandescentD= Push-to-test LEDT= Transformer-type incandescentX= Push-to-test transformer-typeLoss of Control Power Relay (Alarm)N= No relayL= Alarm relay with 1NO/1NC contactAudible AlarmN= No audible alarmR= Alarm horn with re-alarm timerPublicationNumber DescriptionSN.44C.01.S.E Sales Notes for C-HRG—Bidman pricingTD.44C.01.T.E Technical Data for C-HRGSA-32-602B Sales Aid for high resistance grounding systemsIB 32-698C Instruction Booklet for high resistance grounding systemCA08104001E Eaton’s Consulting Application GuideV12-T16-4V12-T16-51616High Resistance Grounding SystemType C-HRG(Medium Voltage)Free-Standing C-HRGProduct DescriptionThe Type C-HRG is designed to improve the continuity of electrical service tocritical processes. Systems designers sometimes use ungrounded distributionsystems to avoid interrupting service during a groundfault. However, ungrounded systems have a significant disadvantage—thedistribution system is subject to the harmful effects of ground faults, like high transient overvoltages.The Type C-HRG helpscustomers add the benefits of a grounded system to their ungrounded system.Product HistoryHigh resistance grounding technology has been offered as an integral system within medium voltage switchgear for many years. In 1996, Eaton adopted the technology into the C-HRG, which is a stand-alone product ideal for adapting to the existing electrical system.Product History Time LineGeneral InformationHigh Resistance Grounding SystemOverviewWhere continuity of service is a high priority, high resistance grounding can add the safety of a grounded system while minimizing the risk of service interruptions due to grounds. The concept is a simple one: provide a path for ground current via a grounding transformer (with adjustable resistance across its secondary) that limits the current magnitude and a monitor to determine when an abnormal condition exists.The ground current path is provided at the point where the service begins, by placing a predominantly resistive impedance in the connection from system neutral to ground. Control equipment continuously measures ground current; a relay detects when the current exceeds a predetermined level. An alarm alerts building personnel that a ground exists. The system has built-in fault tracing means toassist in finding the source of the ground. A 120 Vac supply (remote) is required forcontrol power for the system.Minimum Criteria for Use The C-HRG MV is offered at the 5 kV class rating. It can be applied to delta or wye ungrounded three-wire distribution systems. Standard dimensions are 36.00 W x 40.00 D x92.00 H inches (914.4 W x1016.0 D x 2336.8 H mm).1616High Resistance Grounding SystemWye or Delta SystemTo add high resistancegrounding to a wye-connectedsystem, resistors are placedacross the secondary of agrounding transformer whoseprimary is placed in serieswith the neutral-to-groundconnection of the powersource. To add high resistancegrounding to an ungroundeddelta-connected system,a neutral point must becreated. Three single-phase transformers can beinterconnected in a wye-broken delta configuration toprovide such a neutral point.Ground Fault DetectionWhen one phase becomesgrounded, additional currentabove the charging level willflow. As all ground currentmust flow through thegrounding resistor/groundingtransformer assembly, anammeter in this circuit willread the total amount ofground current. By placinga current-sensing relay inseries with the ammeter, thecurrent relay can be adjustedto pick up at a level in excessof the capacitive chargingcurrent, thus indicating theabnormal condition.Alternatively, an optionalvoltmeter relay can beconnected across thegrounding resistors, toaccomplish the samefunction.Pulser CircuitThe pulser circuit offers aconvenient means to locatethe faulted feeder and to tracethe fault to its origin. Thepulser is available any time afault has been detected. Thepulse intervals are controlledby an adjustable recycle timer.The “pulse” light flashes onand off, corresponding tothe ON-OFF cycles of thepulser contactor. The pulsercontactor switches a bankof resistors on and off,thus allowing a momentaryincrease in the ground current.Ground Fault LocationThe current pulses canbe noted with a clamp-onammeter when the ammeteris placed around the cables orthe conduit feeding the fault.The operator tests eachconduit or set of cables untilthe pulsing current is noted.By moving the ammeteralong the conduit, or checkingthe conduit periodically alongits length, the fault can betraced to its origin. The faultmay be located at the pointwhere the pulsing currentdrops off or stops. If little orno change in the pulsingcurrent is noted along theentire length of a conduit,then the fault may be in theconnected load.Standard Features●Current sensingground fault detection(2–10A pickup/0.5–20second delay)●Ground currenttransformer(10/10 ratio)●Control circuit pullfuseblock●Ground current ammeter(0–10A, 1% accuracy)●Indicating lights Red(ground fault), Green(normal), White (pulse)●Adjustable pulsing timer(0–10 seconds)●Tapped resistors (limitsprimary current to 3–6A)●Three-position selectorswitch (normal, pulse, test)●Control switch for manualor automatic reset●Ground fault contacts(1NO/1NC)●Shorting terminal block forground current CT●UL® label●WiremarkersSequence of OperationsNormal●Green “normal” light on●Red “ground fault” light off●White “pulse” light off●System control switch in“normal” position●Reset control switch ineither “auto” or “manual”Test●Turn and hold the systemcontrol switch in the “test”position●This mode will test thecontrol circuitry only. It willbypass the sensing circuitand cause the green“normal” light to turn offand the red “ground fault”light to turn on. The pulserwill be activated as well●The white “pulse” light willturn on and off as the pulsercontactor closes andopens. However, theground current ammeterwill not display the totalground current, includingthe incremental pulsecurrent●When ready, return thesystem control switch to“normal.” The pulser willstop. If the reset control isin the “manual” position,turn it to “reset” to resetthe fault sensing circuit●The red “ground fault”light will turn off, and thegreen “normal” light willturn on●T est mode is not available ifthe system is detecting aground. The sensing circuitwill disable the test circuitGround Fault●When the sensing circuitdetects a fault, the green“normal” light will turn offand the red “ground fault”light will turn on●The ground currentammeter will indicate thetotal ground current●To use the pulser, turn thesystem control switch to“pulse.” The pulsercontactor will cycle on andoff as controlled by therecycle timer relay●Use the clamp-on ammeterto locate the faulted feeder.Open the feeder and clearthe fault●If the reset control switchis in the “manual” position,turn it to “reset” to resetthe sensing circuitNote: If reset control is in “auto,”it will reset itself.●When ready to restoreservice to the load, closethe feeder●Return the system controlto “normal”V12-T16-6V12-T16-71616High Resistance Grounding SystemCatalog Numbering SystemCustomer Required InformationA C-HRG High Resistance Grounding Assembly can be completely described by an 8-digit catalog number: MVRG-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Example: MVRG-FWWCLLTS defines a free-standing Type 1 enclosure, 4200 V/60 Hz, Wye-connected system, current-sensing control scheme, alarm horn with re-alarm timer, alarm relay with 1NO and 1NC, transformer type incandescent lights, wrap-on wiremarkers.Enclosure TypeF = Free-standing NEMA ® 1R = Free-standing NEMA 3R non-walk in outdoor Free-standing enclosure for mounting ground transformers and resistors internallySystem Neutral PointW = WyeD = D (Wye broken delta grounding transformers)Choose wye when the neutral point of the power source isaccessible for direct connection to grounding transformer. Choose Delta when there is no neutral or when neutral is not accessible.Distribution System Voltage W = 4200V 60 Hz X = 2400V 60 Hz Y = 3300V 60 HzVoltage of distribution system Fault SensingC = Overcurrent relay (current sensing)V = Single set point voltmeter relay (voltage sensing)D = Indicating voltmeter only (voltage sensing)Wire MarkersS = Standard wrap-on T = Tube/heat shrink type Marks all internal wiring for ease of maintenance.Indicating LampsL = LED lampsT = Transformer-type incandescent lamps X = Push-to-test transformer-typeStandard lights are industrial, oil-tight,transformer type. Optional are the same type lights except with a push-to-test feature.Loss of Control Power Alarm N = No relayL = Alarm relay with 1NO/1NC A relay is connected across the customer’s 120 Vac supply.Audible AlarmN = No audible alarmL = Alarm horn with re-alarm timerAlarm contacts are standard on all assemblies.F W W C L L T S。



带PXR的NRX系列 - IZMX40型低压电力(空气)断路器使用手册系列NRX RF空气断路器型空气断路器使用手册 MN013002SC目录第一部分:简介 (1)目的 (1)安全须知 (1)具备资格的人员 (1)概述 (1)产品标签及标识 (2)断路器概述 (3)抽出式断路器和抽屉座 (3)固定式断路器 (3)第二部分:收货、拆箱和检查 (8)建议使用的工具 (8)断路器的拆箱和检查 (8)断路器的检查 (10)断路器的存放 (10)第三部分:断路器的一般操作及描述 (11)概述 (11)抽出式断路器在抽屉座内的安装 (11)失配联锁保护 (12)抽出式断路器的位置 (12)安装固定式断路器 (14)断路器基本组件 (14)操作机构 (15)手动操作 (15)电动操作 (16)防跳特性 (16)第四部分:断路器特性和附件 (16)概述 (16)灭弧室 (16)电子脱扣系统 (16)基于微处理器的脱扣器 (16)额定值插头 (17)电流互感器 (17)壳架电流模块 (17)脱扣驱动器 (17)固定的高瞬时不可调脱扣 (17)ii带PXR的NRX系列-IZMX40型低压电力(空气)断路器 MN013002SC 2018年9月 使用手册 MN013002SC非自动装置 (17)二次端子和接线图 (18)一般接线说明 (18)附件装置 (19)附件盘 (19)左侧附件盘 (19)右侧附件盘 (19)分励脱扣器(ST) (20)欠压脱扣器(UVR) (20)过电流脱扣开关(OTS) (20)辅助开关 (20)其它内部电气附件 (20)弹簧脱扣器(SR) (20)准备合闸开关(LCS) (20)电动马达 (20)机械附件 (20)未联锁的弹出式机械脱扣指示器 (20)联锁的弹出式机械脱扣指示器 (21)操作计数器 (21)断开钥匙锁 (21)按钮盖 (21)安全停止按钮盖 (21)抽屉座安全挡板 (21)门框 (21)IP55 防尘及防水罩 (21)机械联锁 (21)NRX系列手册 (21)第五部分:抽出式断路器的安装尺寸图 (23)概述 (23)抽出式断路器 (23)第六部分:固定式断路器的安装尺寸图 (39)概述 (39)固定式断路器 (39)带PXR的NRX系列-IZMX40型低压电力(空气)断路器 MN013002SC 2018年9月 iii使用手册 MN013002SC第七部分:检查和维护 (53)概述 (53)一般性建议 (53)何时检查 (53)检查内容 (53)现场功能测试 (53)手动操作功能测试 (54)电气操作功能测试 (54)脱扣器的测试步骤 (54)灭弧栅的检查 (54)一次触头检查 (56)其他修改和/或更换 (56)脱扣器的更换 (56)电流互感器的更换 (56)壳架电流模块的更换 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56第八部分:故障排除 (56)简介 (56)免责条款及责任限制 (58)iv带PXR的NRX系列-IZMX40型低压电力(空气)断路器 MN013002SC 2018年9月 v带PXR 的NRX 系列-IZMX40型低压电力(空气)断路器 MN013002SC 2018年9月 警告和小心是本手册操作步骤的一部分,用来保护人员安全和设备不受损坏。









2.产品型号及含义3.使用条件3.1 周围空气温度不高于40℃,不低于–5℃。


3.2 户内安装使用,使用地点的海拔高度不超过2000M。

3.3 周围空气相对湿度在最高温度为+40℃时不超过50%。


3.4 设备安装时与垂直面的倾斜度不超过5度。

3.5 设备应安装在无剧烈震动和冲击的地方,以及不足使电器元件受到腐蚀的场所。

4.电气参数4.1 额定绝缘电压660V4.2 额定工作频率50HZ4.3 辅助电路的工作电压:交流:100V、220V、380V;直流:110V、220V。

4.3 额定工作电流GGD1:400A、600A(630)、1000AGGD2:1000A、1500A(1600)GGD3:2000A、2500A、3150A。

4.5 额定短路强度GGD1:分断能力 15KA 峰值耐受电流 30KAGGD2:分断能力 30KA 峰值耐受电流 63KAGGD3:分断能力 50KA 峰值耐受电流 105KA5. 柜体结构5.1 构架用8Mf冷弯型钢材局部焊接拼装而成。

其钢性及承载能力均达到电器元件的安装要求,构架上分别有按E= 20mm和E= 100mm模数排列的安装孔,以提高产品装配的通用性。



低压配电产品型号说明低压配电产品型号说明目录低压配电与控制产品低压配电产品型号说明产品图配电产品 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2工控产品 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2低压配电产品空气断路器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4塑壳断路器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8低压终端配电产品. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12低压控制产品电动机起动和保护产品 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26驱动产品 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31主令控制产品 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36工业自动化产品 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .421低压配电产品型号说明产品图低压配电产品低压工控产品空气断路器IZM9变频器软起动器M22按钮和指示灯空气断路器IZM6控制继电器easyE4SmartWire-DT智能总线系统限位开关LSPower Defense 塑壳断路器Easy安全控制继电器ES4PXC300可编程控制器2低压配电产品型号说明产品图塑壳断路器BZMX触摸屏/触摸屏-PLCXN300远程I/O模块信号塔SL微型断路器Xpole/FAZ电动机保护开关电动机起动和保护产品继电器微型断路器Xpole-xD-Line接触器电动机起动和保护产品双电源自动转换开关脚踏手拍开关FAK凸轮开关T和主令开关P接触器式继电器DIL ET3注:具体技术参数及详细选型请参见低压产品样本。

低压电气配电柜、操作台、操作箱 使用说明书

低压电气配电柜、操作台、操作箱 使用说明书

低压电气配电柜、操作台、操作箱使用说明书中冶南方(武汉)自动化有限公司二○一六年四月目录概述 (3)供货范围的产品介绍 (3)低压配电柜的运行维护 (16)低压配电柜检修维护保养方案 (18)安全注意事项 (18)结束语 (20)一、概述:本说明适用于中冶南方(武汉)自动化有限公司给日照酸再生供货的MCC柜、PLC柜、操作台、操作箱。









2.2 MCC低压配电柜1.产品概述:MCC电机控制中心是将各种电机控制单元及计量设备高度集成的电气成套设备,用于对单台电机和整条生产线电机进行统一的控制盒保护。



毕业设计说明书作者:江波学号: 0714480213院系:输变电技术学院专业:供用电技术题目:低压供配电工程设计指导者:杨宏伟教授评阅者:2010 年 6 月吉林摘要随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们对住宅有了更高的要求。










关键词:建筑电气,电气系统,工程设计设计说明图例序号符号名称容量安装方式1 普通白炽灯(定位)吸顶安装2 声光控制吸顶安装3 轴流风机吸顶安装4 安全型灯吸顶安装5 单相二孔三孔安全型暗插座(车库)250V 15A 中心距地1.0m 暗装6 单相二孔三孔安全型暗插座250V 15A 中心距地0.4m厅卧室7 单相二孔三孔安全型暗插座(厨房)250V 15A 中心距地1.8m 暗装8单相三孔防溅型暗插座(卫生间)250V 15A 中心距地1.8m 暗装9 单相三孔暗插座(空调)250V 15A 中心距地2.2m 暗装10 单相单极暗开关250V 10A 中心距地1.4m 暗装11 单相双极暗开关250V 10A 中心距地1.4m 暗装12 单相三极暗开关250V 10A 中心距地1.4m 暗装13 照明配电箱底边距地1.4m 暗装目录1、工程概述 (5)2、设计依据、目的、要求和设计内容 (5)2.1 电气设计依据 (5)2.2 电气设计的要求 (6)2.3 设计要求 (6)2.4 主要设计内容 (6)3、负荷等级及供电电源 (6)3.1负荷等级 (6)3.2供电电源 (7)4、导线和电缆的选择 (10)4.1 电源、电缆进户方式 (10)4.2 线路的计算电流 (11)4.3 导线和电缆类型的选择 (11)4.4 电缆的选择 (14)4.5 绝缘保护层选择 (15)4.6中性线、保护线、保护中性线截面的选择 (15)4.7 本工程导线、电缆的选择 (16)5、室内配电设计 (19)5.1 配电箱 (19)5.2 箱式变电站 (20)5.3 本工程照明及配电 (20)6、室内电气照明及线路设计 (21)6.1 室内配线 (21)6.2 住宅支线回路的划分 (21)6.3 住宅内的电器设备 (22)6.4 室内灯具开关 (22)7、接地系统设计 (24)7.1 接地 (24)7.2 分类 (24)7.3 低压配电网的保护接地系统 (24)7.4 本工程接地系统 (29)8、防雷系统设计 (30)8.1 防雷措施 (30)8.2 接地及等电位 (31)8.3 防雷电波侵入 (31)8.4 本工程防雷等级 (32)9、弱点系统设计 (32)9.1 有线电视系统 (32)9.2电视系统设计 (33)9.3.同轴电缆的选择 (34)结束语 (34)主要参考文献 (35)致谢 (35)1、工程概述随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们对住宅有了更高的要求。

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目录1 前言 12 使用条件 13 主要技术指标 14 型号、外型尺寸及重量 25 设备功能 26 设备构成 47 安装调试 58 使用操作 69 维护 910 附图 12前言使用条件主要技术指标1.前言目前, PLC 可编程序控制器已在工业化领域得到广泛的应用。

世界主要PLC生产厂商,如SIEMENS、OMRON、MODICON 和AB 等公司竞相推出各种系列产品。






2.2环境温度:-10℃~ +55℃。




3.主要技术指标3.1动力回路电源:三相交流 380V±10%,50Hz。


(详见高低压配套图)3.2控制回路电源:单相交流 220V±10%,50Hz。




3.4击穿电压: AC端与框架接地点之间1500V有效值1 分钟。


3.5 绝缘电阻:最小100MΩ。

3.6 抗电磁干扰:脉宽≤1μS 1000Vpp。

3.7 冷却方式:自然风冷。

3.8 防护等级: IP30。

型号、外型尺寸及重量设备功能4.型号、外型尺寸及重量4.1电除尘用PLC程控设备主要有以下两种:(单位mm)DDPLC——2:宽800、深600、高 2000。

DDPLC——D:宽800、深600、高 2200。

其中DDPLC—2 型和DDPLC—D型程控柜中还设有动力回路,适用于单室多电场电除尘器配套,实现控制和动力供电一体化。
























6.2控制回路构成a.PLC控制器一般情况选用日本OMRON CQM1系列也可根据用户要求选用MODICON公司(984,COMPACT984及QUANTUM 系列),SIEMENS公司(S5,S7系列)AB公司(S500,S5000系列)的产品b.熔断器c.就地操作箱(设就地,停止,遥控)加热器不设此操作箱。


安装调试24V电源模块提供PLC控制器的工作电源,5V电源模块提供给按键显示板作为模拟屏指示灯的工作电源g.模拟屏指示灯7.安装调试7.1 接线a.外部输入信号线和控制柜输出控制线用 1.5 ~ 2.5mm2单股,或0.75 ~ 1.5mm2(多股)由控制柜后侧外部接线端子排接到现场。


b.所有220V 信号以及PLC电源进线避免与强动力设备共用电源。


接地面积应大于6 mm2,长度尽可能短,并与强动力线相距600 mm 以上。








8.使用操作8.1 投运步骤a.设备调试无误,系统要求投运时,先为控制柜加电,就地操作箱打到遥控位置,此时加热系统启动工作(此时可用手动加热)。


8.2 模拟显示屏的组成和使用(见下图)a.工作状态显示区由发光二极管组成,显示相应设备工作和事故状态。









使用操作模拟显示屏图如下:程控投运维护使用操作8.4 查看时间参数此项操作在按键显示板上完成(按键显示板如下图)a.每个受控设备都有两个地址代码来对应PLC控制器中的两个地址,这两个地址分别存放受控设备的工作/停止时间。






















