



P ar t 大学英语四级考试2023年12月真题(第3套)及真题详细解析I W r i t i n g (30 m i nu t e s )D i re c t i o n s : S u pp o se t h e un i v ers i t y n e w s p a p e r i s i n v i t i n g su b m i s s i on s f r o m t h e s t u d e n t s f o r i t s c o m i n ge di t i on o n w h a t i n t h e i r u n i v e rs i t y i m p re sse s t h em m os t . Y o u a r e n o w t o wr i t e a n e ss a yf o r su b m i s s i on .Y o u w i l l h a v e 30 m i n u t e s t o w r i t e t h e e ss a y . Y o u s h o u l d wr i t e a t l e as t 120 w o r d s b u t n o mo r e t h a n 180w o r d s.L i s t e n i n g C o m p re h e ns i o n P ar t I Ⅱ(25 m i n u t e s )特别说明:由于多题多卷,官方第三套真题的听力试题与第二套真题的一致,只是选项顺序不同,因此,本套试卷不再提供听力部分。

R e a d i n g C o m p re h en s i o n P a r t Ⅲ(40 m i n u t es )S e c t i o n A D i rec t i o ns : I n t h i s sec t i o n , t h e r e i s a p a s s a g e w i t h t en b l a n k s . Y o u are re q u i r e d t o se l e c t o n e w or d f o r e a c h b l an k f r om a l i s t o f c h o i c es g i v e n i n a w o r d b a n k f o ll o w i n g t h e p as a g e . R e a d t h e p a ss a g e t h r o u g h c a r e f u l l y b e r o r e m a k i n g y o ur c h o i c e s . E a c h c h o i c e i n t h e b an k i s i d e n t i i e d b y a l e t t e r P l e as e m a r k t h e c o r r e s p on di n g l e t e r f o r e a c h i t e m o n A n s w e r S h ee t 2 w i t h a s i n g l e li n e t h r o u g h t h e ce n t re . Y o u m a y no t u se a n y o f t h e wor d s i n t h e b a n k m ore t h a n o n ce .W h en p eo p l e s e t o u t t o i m p r o v e t h e i r h e a l t h , t h e y us ua l l y t a k e a f a m ili ar p a t h : s t a r t i n g a h e a l t h y d i e t , g e t t i n g b e t t e r s l ee p , an d d o i n g r e g u l a r e x e rc i s e . E ac h o f t h e s e b e h av i o r s i s i m p o r t an t , o f co urs e , b u t t h e y a l l 26 o n p h y s i c a l h ea l t h —a n d a g r o w i n g b o d y o f r e s e ar c h s u g g e s t s t h a t s oc i a l h e a l t h i s j us t as , i f n o t m o re , i m p o r t an t t o 27 w e l l -b e i n g .O n e r ece n t s t u d y p u b l i s h e d i n t h e j o u m a l P L OS ON E , f o r e x am p l e , f o un d t h a t t h e s t r en g t h o f a p er s o n 's s oc i a l c i r c l e w as a b e t t e r 28_ o f se l f -r e p o r t e d s t r e ss , h a pp i n e ss an d w e l l -b e i n g l e v e l s t h a n fi t n e ss t ra c k e r d a t a o n p h y s i c a l ac t i v i t y , h ear t ra t e an d s l e e p . T h a t fi n di n g s u gg es t s t h a t t h e “29 se l f ” r e p r ese n t e d b y e n d l ess am o un t s o f h ea lth d a t a d o e sn 't t e l l t h e w h o l e 30T h e r e 's a l so a q u a li f e d se l f , w h i c h i s w h o I am , w h a t a r e m y ac t i v i t i es , m y s oc i a l n e t w o r k , an d a l l o f t h e s e i n an y o f t h e s e meas u rem e n t s .as p ec t s ar e n o t 31T hi s id ea i s s u p p o r t e d b y p l e n t y o f 32 r e s e ar c h . S t u di e s h ave s h o w n t h a t s o c i a l su pp o r t -w h e t h er i t c omes 33 a ss o c i a t e d w i t h b e t t e r m e n t a l an d p h y s i c a l h e a l t h . A r i c h f r o m f r i en d s , f a m i l y m e m b e r s o r a s p o us e -i s s oc i a l l if e , t h e s e s t u d i e s su g g es t , ca n l o we r s t r ess l e ve l s ,i m p r o ve m oo d , e n co u ra g e p os i t i v e h ea l t h b e h a v i o r s a n d d i scou ra g e d a ma g i n g o n es , b oo s t h ea r t h e a l t h a n d i m p r o ve i ll ne ss 34 ra t e s .S oc i a l i s o l a t i o n , m eanw h il e , i s li n k e d t o hi g h er ra t e s o f p h y s i c a l di s e a s e s an d men t a l h ea l t h con d i t i o ns .I t 's a s i g n if i can t p ro bl e m ,35 s i n ce l o n e li n es s i s eme r g i n g as a w i d e s p r e a d p u b l i c h e a l t h p r o b l e m i n m a n y c o u n t r i e s .·2023年12月四级真题(第三套)·19。






























10.糖对于( )相当于汞对于( )A.苦毒B.核糖非金属C.咖啡温度计D.碳水化合物水银正确答案:D解析:糖一般指碳水化合物,汞就是水银。




判断推理(类比推理)历年真题试卷汇编3(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 3. 判断推理判断推理类比推理先给出一组或多组相关的词,要求你在备选答案中找出一组与之在逻辑关系上最为贴近或相似的词。























2023年12月四级真题 (3)

2023年12月四级真题 (3)

2023年12月四级真题一、阅读理解阅读理解一题目:小说《刺杀骑士团长》的主角是谁?选项:A. 瑞斯B. 艾琳娜C. 布朗D. 彼得这是一道阅读理解题,要求考生根据题目给出的信息来选择正确答案。


根据选项内容,我们可以得出答案为A. 瑞斯。







二、完形填空完形填空题一When I was little, my mom would tell me to always be polite and to help others whenever possible. She would say, “1 are small things, but they can make a big difference in someone’s day.”I remember one 2. I was waiting in line at the supermarket with my mom. The lady in front of us was 3 a difficult time. Her credit card wasn’t 4and she didn’t have enough cash to pay for her groceries. The people around her looked 5 and impatient. Right then, I 6 that I could make a difference. I 7 my mom and asked her if I could 8the woman’s groceries. My mom agreedand I walked up to the lady and 9 her that I would pay for her groceries. The lady was 10. She thanked me and I felt 11.From that day on, I realized that small acts of 12 could have a big impact on others. I began to look for opportunities to 13 others and make their day a little 14. Whether it was 15 the door for someone or offering to carry their bags, I wanted to make a 16.Now that I am older, I still believe in the power of small acts of 17. It doesn’t take much effort to 18someone’s day a little brighter. 19, small acts of kindness can 20someone’s life.1. A. Smiles2. A. day3. A. having4. A. working5. A. upset6. A. realized7. A. asked8. A. pay9. A. told10.A. surprised12.A. kindness13.A. help14.A. better15.A. holding16.A. difference17.A. goodness18.A. make19.A. However20.A. improve这是一篇完形填空题,要求考生根据上下文选择正确的单词来填空。



2023年6月大学英语四级考试真题(第3套)Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions : For that part , you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below.You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on parents' role in their children’s growth. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part IIListening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section A Directions : In that section , you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end ofeach conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D ), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.1.A)The woman is the manager’s secretary.C)The man is the manager’s businessassociate.B)The man found himself in a wrong place.D)The woman was putting up a sign on the wall.2.A)He needs more time for the report.C)He is sorry not to have helped the woman.B)He needs help to interpret the data.D)He does not have sufficient data to go on.3.A) A friend from New York.C) A postal delivery.B)A message from Tony.D) A change in the weather.4.A)She is not available until the end of next week.B)She is not a reliable source of information.C)She does not like taking exams.D)She does not like psychology.5.A) He will help the woman carry the suitcase.B)The woman’s watch is twenty minutes fast.C)The woman shouldn’t make such a big fuss.D)There is no need for the woman to be in a hurry."Good news mom ! I was accepted to the college of your choice."6.A)Mary is not so easygoing as her.C)She finds it hard to get along with Mary.B)Mary and she have a lot in common.D)She does not believe what her neighborssaid.7. A) At an information service.C) At a repair shop.B)At a car wash point.D) At a dry cleaner’s8. A) The woman came to the concert at the man’s request.B)The man is already fed up with playing the piano.C)The piece of music the man played is very popular.D)The man’s unique talents are the envy of many people.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. A) He has taught Spanish for a couple of years at a local school.B)He worked at the Brownstone Company for several years.C)He owned a small retail business in Michigan years ago.D)He has been working part-time in a school near Detroit.10. A) He prefers a full-time job with more responsibility.B)He is eager to find a job with an increased salary.C)He likes to work in a company close to home.D)He would rather get a less demanding job.11. A) Sports.B) Travel. C) Foreign languages. D) Computer games.12. A) When he is supposed to start work.B)What responsibilities he would have.C)When he will be informed about his application.D)What career opportunities her company can offer.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.13. A)She is pregnant.C)She has just finished her project.B)She is over 50.D)She is a good saleswoman.14.A)He takes good care of Lisa.C)He is good at business management.B)He is the CEO of a giant company.D)He works as a salesmanager.15. A) It is in urgent need of further development.B)It produces goods popular among local people.C)It has been losing market share in recent years.D)It is well positioned to compete with the giants.Section BDirections : In that section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you heara question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),and D).Thenmark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A)It is lined with tall trees.C)It has high buildings on both sides.B)It was widened recently.D)It used to be dirty and disorderly.17. A)They repaved it with rocks.C)They beautified it with plants.B)They built public restrooms on it.D)They set up cooking facilities near it.18. A)What makes life enjoyable.C)What a community means.B)How to work with tools.D)How to improve health.19. A) They were obliged to fulfill the signed contract.B)They were encouraged by the city officials, praise.C)They wanted to prove they were as capable as boys.D)They derived happiness from the constructive work.Passage TwoQuestions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.20. A) The majority of them think it less important than computers.B)Many of them consider it boring and old-fashioned.C)The majority of them find it interesting.D)Few of them read more than ten books a year.21. A)Novels and stories.C)History and science books.B)Mysteries and detective stories.D)Books on culture and tradition.22. A)Watching TV.C)Reading magazines.B)Listening to music.D)Playing computer games.Passage ThreeQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.23. A) Advice on the purchase of cars.B)Information about the new green-fuel vehicles.C)Trends for the development of the motor car.D)Solutions to global fuel shortage.24. A)Limited driving range.C)The short life of batteries.B)Huge recharging expenses.D)The unaffordable high price.25. A) They need to be further improved.B)They can easily switch to natural gas.C)They are more cost-effective than vehicles powered by solar energy.D)They can match conventional motor cars in performance and safety.Section CDirections : In that section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the secondtime,you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally,when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.My favorite T. V. show? " The Twilight Zone." I 26 like the episode called " The Printer’s Devil. " It’s about a newspaper editor who’s being 27 out of businessby a big newspaper syndicate—you know, a group of papers 28 by the same people.He’s about to 29 when he’s interrupted by an old man who says his name is Smith.The editor is not only offered $ 5,000 to pay off his newspapers 30 , but that Smith character also offers his services for free. It turns out that the guy operates the printing machine with amazing speed, and soon he’s turning out newspapers with 31 . The small paper is successful again. The editor is 32 at how quickly Smith gets his stories—only minutes after they happen—but soon he’s presented with a contract to sign. Mr. Smith,it seems, is really the devil! The editor is frightened by that news, but he is more frightened by the idea of losing his newspaper, so he agrees to sign. But soon Smith is 33 the news even before it happens—and ifs all terrible—one disaster after another. Anyway, there is a little more to tell, but I don’t want to 34 the story for you.I really like these old episodes of "The Twilight Zone" because the stories are fascinating. They are not realistic. But then again, in a way they are, because they deal with 35 . Part III Reading Comprehension(40 minutes) Section ADirections: In that section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passagethrough carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line throughthe centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.As a teacher, you could bring the community into your classroom in many ways. The parents and grandparents of your students are resources and 36 for their children. They can be 37 teachers of their own traditions and histories. Immigrant parents could talk about their country of 38 and why they emigrated to the United States. Parents can be invited to talk about their jobs or a community project. Parents, of course,are not the only community resources. Employees at local businesses and staff at community agencies have 39 information to share in classrooms.Field trips provide another opportunity to know the community. Many students don’t have the opportunity to 40 concerts or visit museums or historical sites except through field trips. A school district should have 41 for selecting and conducting field trips. Families must be made 42 of field trips and give permission for their children to participate.Through school projects, students can learn to be 43 in community projects ranging from planting trees to cleaning up a park to assisting elderly people. Students, 44 older ones, might conduct research on a community need that could lead to action by a city council or state government. Some schools require students to provide community serviceby 45 in a nursing home, child care center or government agency. These projects help students understand their responsibility to the larger community.Section BDirections : In that section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from whichthe information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is markedwith a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Reaping the Rewards of Risk-TakingA)Since Steve Jobs resigned as chief executive of Apple, much has been said about himas a peerless business leader who has created immense wealth for shareholders, and guided the design of hit products that are transforming entire industries, like music and mobile communications.B)All true, but let’s think different, to borrow the Apple marketing slogan of yearsback. Let’s look at Mr. Jobs as a role model.C)Above all, he is an innovator (创新者). His creative force is seen in products suchas the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, and in new business models for pricing and distributing music and mobile software online. Studies of innovation come to the same conclusion : you can’t engineer innovation, but you can increase the odds of it occurring. And Mr.Jobs’ career can be viewed as a consistent pursuit of improving those odds, both for himself and the companies he has led. Mr. Jobs, of course, has enjoyed singular success.But innovation, broadly defined, is the crucial ingredient in all economic progress—higher growth for nations, more competitive products for companies, and more prosperous careers for individuals. And Mr. Jobs, many experts say, exemplifies what works in the innovation game.D)" We can look at and learn from Steve Jobs what the essence of American innovation is,"says John Kao, an innovation consultant to corporations and governments. Many other nations, Mr. John Kao notes, are now ahead of the United States in producing what are considered the raw materials of innovation. These include government financing for scientific research, national policies to support emerging industries, educational achievement, engineers and scientists graduated, even the speeds of Internet broadband service.E)Yet what other nations typically lack, Mr. Kao adds, is a social environment thatencourages diversity, experimentation, risk-taking, and combining skills from many fields into products that he calls " recombinant mash-ups( 打碎重组)," like the iPhone, which redefined the smartphone category. "The culture of other countriesdoesn’t support the kind of innovation that Steve Jobs exemplifies, as America does,"Mr. John Kao says.F)Workers of every rank are told these days that wide-ranging curiosity and continuouslearning are vital to thriving in the modem economy. Formal education matters, career counselors say, but real- life experience is often even more valuable.G)An adopted child, growing up in Silicon Valley, Mr. Jobs displayed those traits earlyon. He was fascinated by electronics as a child, building Heath kit do-it-yourself projects, like radios. Mr. Jobs dropped out of Reed College after only a semester and traveled around India in search of spiritual enlightenment, before returning to Silicon Valley to found Apple with his friend, Stephen Wozniak, an engineering wizard(奇才). Mr. Jobs was forced out of Apple in 1985, went off and founded two other companies, Next and Pixar, before returning to Apple in 1996 and becoming chief executive in 1997. H)His path was unique, but innovation experts say the pattern of exploration is notunusual. "It’s often people like Steve Jobs who can draw from a deep reservoir of diverse experiences that often generate breakthrough ideas and insights," says Hal Gregersen, a professor at the European Institute of Business Administration.I)Mr. Gregersen is a co-author of a new book, The Innovator's DNA,which is based on aneight-year study of 5000(创业者)and executives worldwide. His two collaborators and co-authors are Jeff Dyer, a professor at Brigham Young University, and Clayton Christensen, a professor at the Harvard Business School, whose 1997 book The Innovators Dilemma popularized the concept of(颠覆性地)innovation. "J)The academics identify five traits that are common to the disruptive innovators: questioning, experimenting, observing, associating and networking. Their bundle of characteristics echoes the ceaseless curiosity and willingness to take risks noted by other experts. Networking, Mr. Hal Gregersen explains, is less about career-building relationships than a consistent search for new ideas. Associating, he adds, is the ability to make idea-producing connections by linking concepts from different disciplines.K)"Innovators engage in these mental activities regularly," Mr. Gregersen says. "It’sa habit for them Innovative companies, according to the authors, typically enjoy highervaluations in the stock market, which they call an "innovation premium (溢价)." It is calculated by estimating the share of a company’s value that cannot be accounted for b y i ts c urrent p roducts a nd c ash f low. T he i nnovation p remium t ries t o q uantify(量化)investors’bets that a company will do even better in the future because of innovation.L)Apple, by their calculations, had a 37 percent innovation premium during Mr. Jobs’ first term with the company. His years in exile resulted in a 31 percent innovation discount. After his return, Applet fortunes improved gradually at first, and improved markedly starting in 2005, yielding a 52 percent innovation premium since then.M)There is no conclusive proof, but Mr. Hal Gregersen says it is unlikely that Mr. Jobs could have reshaped industries beyond computing, as he has done in his second term at Apple, without the experience outside the company, especially at Pixar—the computer-animation(动画制作)studio that created a string of critically and commercially successful movies, such as "Toy Story" and "Up."N)Mr. Jobs suggested much the same thing during a commencement address to the graduatingclass at Stanford University in 2005. "It turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me," he told the students. Mr.Jobs also spoke of perseverance (坚持)and will power. "Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick," he said. "Don’t lose faith. "O)Mr. Jobs ended his commencement talk with a call to innovation, both in one’s choice of work and in one’s life. Be curious, experiment, take risks, he said to the students.His advice was emphasized by the words on the back of the final edition of The Whole Earth Catalog,which he quoted Stay hungry. Stay foolish. " "And, Mr. Jobs said, "I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.46.Steve Jobs called on Stanford graduates to innovate in his commencement address.47.Steve Jobs considered himself lucky to have been fired once by Apple.48.Steve Jobs once used computers to make movies that were commercial hits.49.Many governments have done more than the US government in providing the raw materialsfor innovation.50.Great innovators are good at connecting concepts from various academic fields.51.Innovation is vital to driving economic progress.52.America has a social environment that is particularly favorable to innovation.53.Innovative ideas often come from diverse experiences.54.Real-life experience is often more important than formal education for career success.55.Applet fortunes suffered from an innovation discount during Jobs’ absence.Section CDirections : There are 2 -passages in that section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) . You should decideon the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line throughthe centre.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Junk food is everywhere. We’re eating way too much of it. Most of us know what we’re doing and yet we do it anyway.So here’s a suggestion offered by two researchers at the Rand Corporation : Why not take a lesson from alcohol control policies and apply them to where food is sold and how it’s displayed?"Many policy measures to control obesity(肥胖症)assume that people consciously and rationally choose what and how much they eat and therefore focus on providing information and more access to healthier foods," note the two researchers."In contrast," the researchers continue, " many regulations that don’t assume people make rational choices have been successfully applied to control alcohol, a substance—like food—of which immoderate consumption leads to serious health problems. ’’The research references studies of peopled behavior with food and alcohol and results of alcohol restrictions, and then lists five regulations that the researchers think might be promising if applied to junk foods. Among them:Density restrictions: licenses to sell alcohol aren’t handed out unplanned to all comers but are allotted (分配) based on the number of places in an area that already sell alcohol. These make alcohol less easy to get and reduce the number of psychological cuesto drink.Similarly, the researchers say, being presented with junk food stimulates our desireto eat it. So why not limit the density of food outlets, particularly ones that sell foodrich in empty calories? And why not limit sale of food in places that aren5t primarilyfood stores?Display and sales restrictions: California has a rule prohibiting alcohol displaysnear the cash registers in gas stations, and in most places you can’t buy alcohol atdrive-through facilities. At supermarkets, food companies pay to have their wares in places where they’re easily seen. One could remove junk food to the back of the store and banthem from the shelves at checkout lines. The other measures include restricting portion sizes, taxing and prohibiting special price deals for junk foods, and placing warning labels on the products.56.What does the author say about junk food?A)People should be educated not to eat too much.B)It is widely consumed despite its ill reputation.C)Its temptation is too strong for people to resist.D)It causes more harm than is generally realized.57.What do the Rand researchers think of many of the policy measures to control obesity?A) They should be implemented effectively.C) They are based on wrong assumptions.B) They provide misleading information.D) They help people make rational choices.58.Why do policymakers of alcohol control place density restrictions?A)Few people are able to resist alcohol’s temptations.B)There are already too many stores selling alcohol.C)Drinking strong alcohol can cause social problems.D)Easy access leads to customers’ over-consumption.59.What is the purpose of California’s rule about alcohol display in gas stations?A)To effectively limit the density of alcohol outlets.B)To help drivers to give up the habit of drinking.C)To prevent possible traffic jams in nearby areas.D)To get alcohol out of drivers’ immediate sight.60.What is the general guideline the Rand researchers suggest about junk food control?A)Guiding people to make rational choices about food.B)Enhancing people’s awareness of their own health.C)Borrowing ideas from alcohol control measures.D)Resorting to economic, legal and psychological means.Passage TwoQuestions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.Kodak’s decision to file for bankruptcy (破产)protection is a sad, though not unexpecteturning point for a leading American corporation that pioneered consumer photography and dominated the film market for decades, but ultimately failed to adapt to the digital revolution.Although many attribute Kodak’s downfall to "complacency ( 自满)"that explanation doesn’t acknowledge the lengths to which the company went to reinvent itself. Decades ago, Kodak anticipated that digital photography would overtake film—and in fact, Kodak invented the first digital camera in 1975—but in a fateful decision, the company chose to shelf its new discovery to focus on its traditional film business.It wasn’t that Kodak was blind to the future, said Rebecca Henderson, a professor at Harvard Business School, but rather that it failed to execute on a strategy to confront it. By the time the company realized its mistake, it was too late.Kodak is an example of a firm that was very much aware that they had to adapt, and spent a lot of money trying to do so, but ultimately failed. Large companies have a difficult time switching to new markets because there is a temptation to put existing assets into the new businesses.Although Kodak anticipated the inevitable rise of digital photography, its corporate(企业地)culture was too rooted in the successes of the past for it to make the clean break necessary to fully embrace the future. They were a company stuck in time. Their history was so important to them. Now their history has become a liability.Kodak’s downfall over the last several decades was dramatic. In 1976, the company commanded 90% of the market for photographic film and 85% of the market for cameras. But the 1980s brought new competition from Japanese film company Fuji Photo, which undermined Kodak by offering lower prices for film and photo supplies. Kodak’s decision not to pursue the role of official film for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics was a major miscalculation. The bid went instead to Fuji, which exploited its sponsorship to win a permanent foothold in the marketplace.61.What do we learn about Kodak?A)It went bankrupt all of a sudden.B)It is approaching its downfall.C)It initiated the digital revolution in the film industry.D)It is playing the dominant role in the film market.62.Why does the author mention Kodak’s invention of the first digital camera?A)To show its early attempt to reinvent itself.B)To show its effort to overcome complacency.C)To show its quick adaptation to the digital revolution.D)To show its will to compete with Japan’s Fuji Photo.63.Why do large companies have difficulty switching to new markets?A)They find it costly to give up their existing assets.B)They tend to be slow in confronting new challenges.C)They are unwilling to invest in new technology.D)They are deeply stuck in their glorious past.64.What does the author say Kodak’s history has become?A) A burden.B) A mirror.C) A joke.D) A challenge.65.What was Kodak’s fatal mistake?A) Its blind faith in traditional photography.C) Its refusal to sponsor the 1984 Olympics.B) Its failure to see Fuji Photo’s emergence.D) Its overconfidence in its corporate culture.Part IV Translation(30 minutes) Directions: For that part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.在西方人心目中,和中国联系最为密切地基本食物是大米。

2023年12月四级真题 (3)

2023年12月四级真题 (3)

2023年12月四级真题第一部分阅读理解(共两篇,每篇5小题,共计10小题,每小题2分,共计20分)Passage 1Questions 1-5Read the following passage and answer the questions below.In recent years, urbanization has become a global trend. More and more people are moving from rural areas to cities in search of better job opportunities and living conditions. While urbanization brings many benefits, it also poses environmental challenges that need to be addressed.One major challenge is air pollution. As cities grow, so dothe number of vehicles and industrial facilities. This leads to an increase in the emission of pollutants such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, which have harmful effects on human health and the environment. Governments and city planners need to take immediate actions to reduce air pollution in urban areas. This can be done by improving public transportation to encourage people to use cars less frequently. Additionally, stricter regulations should be implemented to control emissions from factories and power plants.Another challenge is the strain on natural resources. The rapid expansion of cities leads to a higher demand forresources such as water and energy. Cities need to find sustainable ways to access and manage these resources. For example, implementing rainwater harvesting systems can help reduce water consumption. Moreover, switching to renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can reduce the reliance on non-renewable resources.In conclusion, while urbanization offers economic opportunities and improved living standards, it also brings environmental challenges. Governments and city planners need to prioritize sustainable development strategies to mitigate the negative effects of urbanization.1.What is one major challenge posed by urbanization?2.What are the harmful effects of the emission ofcarbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides?3.What measures can be taken to reduce air pollutionin urban areas?4.How does the rapid expansion of cities affect thedemand for natural resources?5.What strategies can governments and city plannersprioritize to mitigate the negative effects of urbanization?Passage 2Questions 6-10Read the following passage and answer the questions below.In recent years, the popularity of online shopping has soared. With the convenience and variety it offers, online shopping has become the preferred method for many consumers. However, it also has its downsides.One major downside is the impact on traditional brick-and-mortar stores. As more people turn to online shopping, physical retail stores face declining sales and foot traffic. This has led to the closure of many stores and the loss of jobs. To adapt to this changing landscape, traditional retailers need to embrace digital technologies and create omnichannel experiences that integrate both online and offline shopping.Another downside is the issue of product returns. Online shoppers often face challenges when it comes to returning items they are not satisfied with. The process can be time-consuming and costly, leading to frustration for consumers. Online retailers need to improve their return policies and make the process more user-friendly to enhance customer satisfaction.Furthermore, online shopping raises concerns about privacy and data security. Consumers are required to provide personal and financial information when making purchases online. It is essential for online retailers to invest in robust security measures to protect customer data from unauthorized access and potential cyber threats.In conclusion, while online shopping offers convenience and variety, it also has negative implications for traditional retail stores and poses challenges in terms of product returns and data security. It is crucial for retailers to adapt and addressthese issues to ensure a positive online shopping experience for consumers.6.What is one major downside of online shopping?7.How can traditional retail stores adapt to thechanging landscape?8.What challenges do online shoppers face when itcomes to product returns?9.Why is data security important in online shopping?10.What actions should online retailers take to enhancecustomer satisfaction?第二部分写作(共两题,第一题10分,第二题15分,共计25分)题目1:The Benefits of Bilingual EducationBilingual education refers to the education of students in two languages, usually their native language and a target language. Bilingual education has numerous benefits that contribute to the overall development and success of students.Firstly, bilingual education enhances cognitive abilities. Research has shown that bilingual individuals have better problem-solving skills, improved memory, and increased attention span. The constant switching between languages stimulates the brain and helps develop higher thinking abilities.Secondly, bilingual education promotes cultural awareness and appreciation. When students learn another language, they also learn about the customs, traditions, and history associated with that language. This fosters cross-cultural understanding and encourages students to embrace diversity.Furthermore, bilingual education improves communication skills. Bilingual students have the advantage of being able to communicate effectively and understand different perspectives. This skill is highly valued in a globalized world where international communication is becoming increasingly important.In addition, bilingual education opens up more career opportunities. Many multinational companies and organizations actively seek bilingual employees who can communicate with clients and partners from different countries. Being bilingual enhances employability and offers a competitive edge in the job market.In conclusion, bilingual education provides cognitive, cultural, and career benefits. It enhances cognitive abilities, promotes cultural awareness, improves communication skills, and opens up more career opportunities. It is clear that bilingual education is a valuable asset for students in today’s globalized society.题目2:The Impact of Social Media on SocietySocial media has become an integral part of modern life, transforming the way people communicate, share information, and interact. While social media offers numerous benefits, it also has a significant impact on society.Firstly, social media has revolutionized communication. It allows people to connect and communicate with others across the globe within seconds. This has led to the formation of online communities, facilitating the exchange of ideas and creating opportunities for collaboration on a global scale.Secondly, social media has transformed the way information is disseminated. Traditional media outlets are no longer the sole source of news and information. Social media platforms enable anyone to share news and opinions, giving voice to a diverse range of perspectives. However, this also raises concerns about the spread of misinformation and the lack of fact-checking.Furthermore, social media has influenced social and political movements. Movements such as the Arab Spring and #MeToo have gained momentum through the power of social media, enabling activists to organize and raise awareness on a large scale. However, social media can also be a platform for cyberbullying and harassment, highlighting the negative aspects of its influence.In addition, social media has impacted mental health. Studies have shown that excessive use of social media can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. The constant comparison to others’ highlight reels can contribute to low self-esteem and a distorted self-image.In conclusion, social media has revolutionized communication, transformed the spread of information, influenced social and political movements, and impacted mental health. It is essential for users to be mindful of their social media consumption and for society as a whole to addressthe challenges associated with its use to ensure a positive and healthy digital environment.第三部分翻译(共10句,每句2分,共计20分)1.关注可持续发展是当今社会的重要课题。



12月大学英语四级考试真题(第3套)Part Ⅰ Writing ( 30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying" Never go out there to see what happens, go out there to make things happen." You can cite xamples to illustrate the importance of being participants rather than mere on lookers inlife. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension ( 30 minutes)听力音频地址:Section ADirections : In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will bea pause.During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, Cand D,and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 1 with a single line through the centre.1.A.Children should be taught to be more careful.B.Children shouldn't drink so much orange juice.C.There is no need for the man to make such a fuss.D.Timmy should learn to do things in the right way.2.A.Fitness training.B.The new job offer.puter programming.D.Directorship of the club.3.A.He needs to buy a new sweater.B.He has got to save on fuel bills.C.The fuel price has skyrocketed.D.The heating system doesn't work.mitting theft.B.Taking pictures.C.Window shopping.D.Posing for the camera.5.A.She is taking some medicine.B.She has not seen a doctor yet.C.She does not trust the man's advice.D.She has almost recovered from the cough.6.A.Pamela's report is not finished as scheduled.B.Pamela has a habit of doing things in a hurry.C.Pamela is not good at writing research papers.D.Pamela's mistakes could have been avoided.7.A.In the left-luggage office.B.At the hotel reception.C.In a hotel room.D.At an airport.8.A.She was an excellent student at college.B.She works in the entertainment business.C.She is fond of telling stories in her speech.D.She is good at conveying her message.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9.A.Arranging the woman's appointment with Mr.Romero.B.Fixing the time for the designer's latest fashion show.C.Talking about an important gathering on Tuesday.D.Preparing for the filming on Monday morning.10.A.Her travel to Japan.B.The awards ceremony.C.The proper hairstyle for her new role.D.When to start the make-up session.11.A.He is Mr.Romero's agent.B.He is an entertainment journalist.C.He is the woman's assistant.D.He is a famous movie star.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A.Make an appointment for an interview.B.Send in an application letter.C.Fill in an application form.D.Make a brief self-introduction on the phone.13.A.Someone having a college degree in advertising.B.Someone experienced in business management.C.Someone ready to take on more responsibilities.D.Someone willing to work beyond regular hours.14.A.Travel opportunities.B.Handsome pay.C.Prospects for promotion.D.Flexible working hours.15.A.It depends on the working hours.B.It is about 500 pounds a week.C.It will be set by the Human Resources.D.It is to be negotiated.Section BDirections..In this section, you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After youhear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A., B,Cand D..Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A.To give customers a wider range of choices.B.To make shoppers see as many items as possible.C.To supply as many varieties of goods as it can.D.To save space for more profitable products.17.A.On the top shelves.B.On the bottom shelves.C.On easily accessible shelves.D.On clearly marked shelves.18.A.Many of them buy things on impulse.B.A few of them are fathers with babies.C.A majority of them are young couples.D.Over 60% of them make shopping lists.19.A.Sales assistants promoting high margin goods.B.Sales assistants following customers around.C.Customers competing for good bargains.D.Customers losing all sense of time.Passage TwoQuestions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.20.A.Teaching mathematics at a school.B.Doing research in an institute.C.Studying for a college degree.D.Working in a hi-tech company21.A.He studied the designs of various clocks.B.He did experiments on different materials.C.He bought an alarm clock with a pig face.D.He asked different people for their opinions.22.A.Its automatic mechanism.B.Its manufacturing process.C.Its way of waking people up.D.Its funny-looking pig face.Passage ThreeQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.23.A.It is often caused by a change of circumstances.B.It actually doesn't require any special treatment.C.It usually appears all of a sudden.D.It generally lasts for several years.24.A.They cannot mix well with others.B.They irrationally annoy their friends.C.They depend heavily on family members.D.They blame others for ignoring their needs.25.A.They lack consistent support from peers.B.They doubt their own popularity.C.They were born psychologically weak.D.They focus too much on themselves.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.Whenthe passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have justheard.Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.There was a time when any personal information that was gathered about us was typed on a piece of paper and26 in a file cabinet.It could remain there for years and, often27, never reach the outside world.Things have done a complete about-face since then.28 the change has been the astonishingly29 development in recent years of the computer.Today, any data that is 30 about us in one place or another--and for one reason or another--can be stored in a computer bank.It can then be easily passed to other computer banks.They are owned by individuals and by private businesses and corporations, lending 31 , direct mailing and telemarketing firms, credit bureaus, credit card companies, and32 at the local, state, and federal level.A growing number of Americans are seeing the accumulation and distribution of computerized data as a frightening33 of their privacy.Surveys show that the number of worried Americans has been steadily growing over the years as the computer becomes increasingly 34, easier to operate, and less costly to purchase and maintain.In 1970, a national survey showed that 37 percent of the people35felt their privacy was being invaded.Seven years later, 47 percent expressed the same worry.Arecent survey by a credit bureau revealed that the number of alarmed citizens had shot up to 76percent.Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given, in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each.choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the center.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.Children do not think the way adults do.For most of the first year of life, if something is out of sight, it's out of mind.If you cover a baby's36toy with a piece of cloth, the baby thinks the toyhas disappeared and stops looking for it.A 4-year-old may 37 that a sister has more fruit juicewhen it is only the shapes of the glasses that differ, not the38 of juice.Yet children are smart in their own way.Like good little scientists, children are always testing their child-sized39 about how things work.When your child throws her spoon on the floor for the sixth time as you try to feed her, and you say, "That's enough! I will not pick up your spoon again!"the child will 40 test your claim.Are you serious? Are you angry? What will happen if she throws the spoon again? She is not doing this to drive you41; rather, she is learning that her desires and yours can differ, and that sometimes those42 are important and sometimes they are not.How and why does children's thinking change? In the 1920s, Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget proposed that children's cognitive (认知旳) abilities unfold 43, like the blooming of a flower,almost independent of what else is44in their lives.Althoughmany of his specific conclusions havebeen45 or modified over the years, his ideas inspired thousands of studies by investigators all over the world.A. advocateB. amountC. confirmedD. crazyE. definiteF. differencesG. favoriteH. happeningI. ImmediatelyJ. NaturallyK. ObtainingL. PrimarilyM. ProtestN. RejectedO. theoriesSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with, ten statementsattached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.The Perfect EssayA.Looking back on too many years of education, I can identify one truly impossible teacher.Shecared about me, and my intellectual life, even when I didn't.Her expectations were high--impossibly so.She was an English teacher.She was also my mother.B.When good students turn in an essay, they dream of their instructor returning it to them in exactly the same condition, save for a single word added in the margin of the final page : "Flawless." This dream came true for me one afternoon in the ninth grade.Of course, I had heard that genius could show itself at an early age, so I was only slightly taken aback that I had achieved perfection at the tender age of 14.Obviously, I did what any professional writer would do; I hurried off to spread thegood news.I didn't get very far.The first person I told was my mother.C.My mother, who is just shy of five feet tall, is normally incredibly soft-spoken, but on the rareoccasion when she got angry, she was terrifying.I am not sure if she was more upset by my hubris(得意忘形) or by the fact that my English teacher had let my ego get so out of hand.In any event,my mother and her red pen showed me how deeply flawed a flawless essay could be.At the time,I am sure she thought she was teaching me about mechanics, transitions (过渡), structure, style and voice.But whatI learned, and what stuck with me through my time teaching writing at Harvard, wasa deeper lesson about the nature of creative criticism.D.First off, it hurts.Genuine criticism, the type that leaves a lasting mark on you as a writer, also leaves an existential imprint (印记) on you as a person.I have heard people say that a writer should never take criticism personally.I say that we should never listen to these people.E. Criticism, at its best, is deeply personal, and gets to the heart of why we write the way we do. Theintimate nature of genuine criticism implies something about who is able to give it, namely,someone who knows you well enough to show you how your mental life is getting in the way of good writing.Conveniently, they are also the people who care enough to see you through this painful realization.For me it took the form of my first, and I hope only, encounter with writer'sblock--I was not able to produce anything for three years.F. Franz Kafka once said: "Writing is utter solitude (独处), the descent into the cold abyss (深渊) of oneself." My mother's criticism had shown me that Kafka is right about the cold abyss, and when you make the introspective (内省旳) descent that writing requires you are not always pleased by what you find.But, in the years that followed, her sustained tutoring suggested that Kafka might be wrong about the solitude.I was lucky enough to find a critic and teacher who was willing to make the journey of writing with me."It is a thing of no great difficulty," according to Plutarch, "to raise objections against another man's speech, it is a very easy matter; but to produce a better in its place is a work extremely troublesome." I am sure I wrote essays in the later years of high school without my mother's guidance, but I can't recall them.What I remember, however, is how she took up the "extremely troublesome" work of ongoing criticism.G. There are two ways to interpret Plutarch when he suggests that a critic shouldbe able to produce "a better in its place." In a straightforward sense, he could mean that a critic must be more talented than the artist she critiques (评论).My mother was well covered on this count.But perhapsPlutarch is suggesting something slightly different, something a bit closer to Marcus Cicero's claim that one should "criticize by creation, not by finding fault." Genuine criticism creates a precious opening for an author to become better on his own terms--a process that is often extremely painful,but also almost always meaningful.H. My mother said she would help me with my writing, but first I had to help myself.For each assignment, I was to write the best essay I could.Real criticism is not meant to find obvious mistakes, so if she found any--the type I could have found on my own--I had to start from scratch.From scratch.Once the essay was "flawless," she would take an evening to walk me through myerrors.That was when true criticism, the type that changed me as a person, began.I. She criticized me when I included little-known references and professional jargon (行话).She had no patience for brilliant but irrelevant figures of speech."Writers can't bluff (虚张声势) their way through ignorance." That was news to me--I would need to freed another way to structure my daily existence.J. She trimmed back my flowery language, drew lines through my exclamation marks and argued for the value of restraint in expression."John," she almost whispered.I leaned in to hear her:"I can'thear you when you shout at me." So I stopped shouting and bluffing, and slowly my writingimproved.K. Somewhere along the way I set aside my hopes of writing that flawless essay.Butperhaps I missed something important in my mother's lessons about creativity and perfection.Perhaps the point of writing the flawless essay was not to give up, but to never willingly finish.Whitman repeatedly reworked "Song of Myself' between 1855 and 1891.Repeatedly.We do our absolute best with apiece of writing, and come as close as we can to the ideal.And, for the time being, we settle.Incritique, however, we are forced to depart, to give up the perfection we thought we had achieved for the chance of being even a little bit better.This is the lesson I took from my mother: If perfection were possible, it would not be motivating.46.The author was advised against the improper use of figures of speech.47.The author's mother taught him a valuable lesson by pointing out lots of flaws in his seemingly perfect essay.48.A writer should polish his writing repeatedly so as to get closer to perfection.49.Writers may experience periods of time in their life when they just can't produce anything.50.The author was not much surprised when his school teacher marked his essay as "flawless".51.Criticizing someone's speech is said to be easier than coming up with a better one.52.The author looks upon his mother as his most demanding and caring instructor.53.The criticism the author received from his mother changed him as a person.54.The author gradually improved his writing by avoiding fancy language.55.Constructive criticism gives an author a good start to improve his writing.Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C.andD .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Could you reproduce Silicon Valley elsewhere, or is there something unique about it?It wouldn't be surprising if it were hard to reproduce in other countries, because you couldn'treproduce it in most of the US either.What does it take to make a Silicon Valley?It's the right people.If you could get the right ten thousand people to move from Silicon Valley to Buffalo, Buffalo would become Silicon Valley.You only need two kinds of people to create a technology hub (中心) : rich people and nerds (痴迷科研旳人).Observation bears this out.Within the US, towns have become star,up hubs if and only if they have both rich people and nerds.Few startups happen in Miami, for example, because although it's full of rich people, it has few nerds.It's not the kind of place nerds like.Whereas Pittsburgh has the opposite problem: plenty of nerds, but no rich people.The top US Computer Science departments are said to be MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, andCarnegie-Mellon.MITyielded Route 128.Stanford and Berkeley yielded Silicon Valley.But what did Carnegie-Mellon yield in Pittsburgh? And what happened in Ithaca, home of Cornell University, which is also high on the list?I grew up in Pittsburgh and went to college at Cornell, so I can answer for both.The weather is terrible, particularly in winter, and there's no interesting old city to make up for it, as there is inBoston.Rich people don't want to live in Pittsburgh or Ithaca. So while there're plenty of hackers (电脑迷) who could start startups, there's no one to invest in themDo you really need the rich people? Wouldn't it work to have the government invest in the nerds?No, it would not.Startup investors are a distinct type of rich people.They tend to have a lot of experience themselves in the technology business.This helps them pick the right startups, and means they can supply advice and connections as well as money.And the fact that they have a personal stake in the outcome makes them really pay attention.56.What do we learn about Silicon Valley from the passage?A.Its success is hard to copy anywhere else.B.It is the biggest technology hub in the US.C.Its fame in high technology is incomparable.D.It leads the world in information technology.57.What makes Miami unfit to produce a Silicon Valley?ck of incentive for investment.ck of the right kind of talents.ck of government support.ck of famous universities.58.In what way is Carnegie-Mellon different from Stanford, Berkeley and MIT?A.Its location is not as attractive to rich people.B.Its science departments are not nearly as good.C.It does not produce computer hackers and nerds.D.It does not pay much attention to business startups.59.What does the author imply about Boston?A.It has pleasant weather all year round.B.It produces wealth as well as high-tech.C.It is not likely to attract lots of investors and nerds.D.It is an old city with many sites of historical interest.60.What does the author say about startup investors?A.They are especially wise in making investments.B.They have good connections in the government.C.They can do more than providing money.D.They are rich enough to invest in nerds.Passage TwoQuestions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.It's nice to have people of like mind around.Agreeable people boost your confidence and allow you to relax and feel comfortable.Unfortunately, that comfort can hinder the very learning that can expandyour company and your career.It's nice to have people agree, but you need conflicting perspectives to dig out the truth.If everyone around you has similar views, your work will suffer from confirmation bias (偏颇).Take a look at your own network.Do your contacts share your point of view on most subjects? If yes, it's time to shake things up.As a leader, it can be challenging to create an environment in which people will freely disagree and argue, but as the saying goes: From confrontation comes brilliance.It's not easy for most people to actively seek conflict.Many spend their lives trying to avoidarguments.There's no need to go out and find people you hate, but you need to do some self-assessment to determine where you have become stale in your thinking.You may need to start by encouraging your current network to help you identify your blind spots.Passionate, energetic debate does not require anger and hard feelings to be effective.But it do esrequire moral strength. Once you have worthy opponents, set some ground rules so everyone understands responsibilities and boundaries.The objective of this debating game is not to win but to get to the truth that will allow you to move faster, farther, and better.Fierce debating can hurt feelings, particularly when strong personalities are involved. Make sure you check in with your opponents so that they are not carryingthe emotion of the battles beyond thebattlefield.Break the tension with smiles and humor to reinforce the idea that this is friendly discourse and that all are working toward a common goal.Reward all those involved in the debate sufficiently when the goals are reached.Let your sparring partners (拳击陪练) know how much you appreciate their contribution. The more they feel appreciated, the more they'll be willing to get into the ring next time.61.What happens when you have like-minded people around you all the while?A.It will help your company expand more rapidly.B.It will create a harmonious working atmosphere.C.It may prevent your business and career from advancing.D.It may make you feel uncertain about your own decisions.62.What does the author suggest leaders do?A.Avoid arguments with business partners.B.Encourage people to disagree and argue.C.Build a wide and strong business network.D.Seek advice from their worthy competitors.63.What is the purpose of holding a debate?A.To find out the truth about an issue.B.To build up people's moral strength.C.To remove misunderstandings.D.To look for worthy opponents.64.What advice does the author give to people engaged in a fierce debate?A.They listen carefully to their opponents' views.B.They show due respect for each other's beliefs.C.They present their views clearly and explicitly.D.They take care not to hurt each other's feelings.65.How should we treat our rivals after a successful debate?A.Try to make peace with them.B.Try to make up the differences.C.Invite them to the ring next time.D.Acknowledge their contribution.Part Ⅳ Translation( 30 minutes )Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.今年在长沙举行了一年一度旳外国人汉语演讲比赛.这项比赛证明是增进中国和世界其他地区文化交流旳好措施.它为世界各地旳年轻人提供了更好地理解中国旳机会.来自87个国家合计126位选手汇集在湖南省省会参与了从7月6日到8月5日进行旳半决赛和决赛.比赛并不是唯一旳活动.选手们尚有机会参观了中国其他地区旳著名景点和历史名胜.12月大学英语四级考试真题答案与详解(第3套)Part Ⅰ Writing这是一篇四级考试中常见旳议论文.话题围绕“Never go out there to see what happens,go out there to make things happen.”这句话展开,规定考生进行评论,同步在题目规定中也明确给出了作文主题the importance of being participants rather than mere onlookers in life.考生应当明确这一主题,并围绕其展开论述.一、点明主题:不做看客,要做实践者(being participants instead of onlookers in life)二、分析原因三、提出问题和提议主题词汇put…into practice将……付诸实践carry out执行;实现gain获得accumulate积累gradually逐渐地make a progress获得进步theory理论action行动would rather…t han比起……更情愿……stand by袖手旁观句式拓展1.For some people, watching what happens to others is good enough to learn a lesson, while for others, only practicing by themselves can finally make them get the real skills in对某些人而言,看发生在他人身上旳事情足以让他们吸取教训,而对于其他人而言,他们只有亲身实践才能最终得到生活中旳真正技能.2.No matter how many authentic theories you've got before,nothing will happen until you put them into practice.无论你曾经接受了多少权威旳理论,若不付诸实践,一切都无济于事.Part ⅡListening ComprehensionM: I don't know what to do with Timmy.This morning I found orange juice spilled all over the kitchen floor.W: Don't be so hard on him.He's only four.Q: What does the woman mean?C.四个选项中出现了children,careful,juice和Timmy等词,故推测本题考察旳内容与孩子旳行为有关.对话中,男士埋怨说他都不懂得该拿蒂米怎么办了,今天早上,他发现桔子汁在厨房洒了一地,而女士则说,别对蒂米太严厉了,他才四岁.由此可见,女士认为男士不用小题大做,故答案为C..2.W: Excuse me, sir.I would like to know about the fitness training program in your club.M: I'll have you speak with the director in charge of new accounts.Q: What is the woman interested in?A.四个选项均为名词短语,且出现了fitness,job,computer和club等词,故推测本题考察旳内容与健身或者工作有关.对话中,女士向男士问询俱乐部健身锻炼旳事情,男士则说他会带着女士去找专门负责新会员旳经理.由此可知,女士是对俱乐部健身锻炼感爱好,故答案为A..3.W: It's really cold in this apartment.Can we turn up the heat a little bit? M: Sorry.I've run out of money and can hardly pay the fuel bill.Maybe you'd better put on a sweater.Q: what does the man mean?B.四个选项中出现了sweater,save,fuel bills和heating等词,故推测本题考察旳内容与寒冷天气以及取暖有关.对话中,女士说她觉得很冷,问能不能把暖气开大一点,而男士则表达抱歉,说自己没钱了,都快付不起燃料费账单了,提议女士穿上毛衣.由此可知,男士想要节省燃料费,故答案为B.4.M: I'm sorry, Miss.But you have to come with me to the security office.The video cameras in our shophave recorded everything you did.W: No, no.I...I didn't do anything.I'll call the police if you dare insult me.Q: What does the man think the woman was doing?A.四个选项均为动名词短语,且出现了theft,pictures,shopping和camera 等词,故推测本题考察旳内容与商店里发生旳事情有关.对话中,男士要将女士带到保安室去,并说商店里旳摄像头已经把女士所做旳事都录下来了,而女士则表达自己什么都没有做,假如男士敢欺侮她旳话,她就报警.由此可知,男士认为女士偷了商店里旳东西,故答案为A.5.M: I think you ought to see a doctor right away about that cough.W: Well, I'll wait a few more days.I'm sure I'll get over it soon.Q: What do we learn about the woman?B.选项均以she开头,且出现了medicine,doctor和cough等词,故推测本题考察旳内容与女士旳健康状况有关.男士说女士应当立即去看医生,而女士则说再等几天,她相信自己旳咳嗽很快就会好旳.由此可知,直到本对话发生时,女士都还没有去看医生,故答案为B..6.M: I've heard that Pamela made quite a few mistakes in her lab report.W: Well, she wouldn't have if she hadn't been in such a hunt to get it done. Q: What does the woman imply?D.四个选项均提到了Pamela,且出现了report,hurry,writing和mistakes 等词,故推测本题考察旳内容与帕米拉旳汇报有关.对话中,男士说他听说帕米拉旳试验汇报出了诸多错,而女士则说,假如她不是那么急着做完旳话,就不会出这样多旳错.由此可知,帕米拉试验汇报中旳错误本来是可以防止旳,故答案为D..7.M: We'd better check out before 12 o'clock, Marry.And now there are only 30 minutes left.W: Let's hurry up.You go pay the bill and I'll call the reception to have our luggage taken downstairs.Q : Where did this conversation most probably take place?C.四个选项均是表达地点旳介词短语,故推测本题考察旳内容与对话发生旳地点有关.对话中,男士说他们最佳能在中午l2点之前退房,目前只剩半小时了,女士提议加迅速度,并让男士去付账,她自己给前台打电话,叫人把行李送到楼下.由此可知,对话发生旳时候,两人还没有开始办理退房手续,还在宾馆旳房间里,故答案为C..8.W: Have you ever heard this speaker before?M: Yeah.She's excellent.She gets her point across and it's entertaining at the same time.Q: what does the man say about the speaker?D.四个选项均以she开头,且出现了college,works,speech和message等词,可以推测本题考察旳内容与女士旳状况有关.对话中,女士问男士此前与否听过这个演讲者旳讲座,男士说他听过,并认为这位演讲旳女士很棒,她不仅将自己旳观点体现得很清晰,并且讲得很有趣.由此可知,这位女演讲者擅长传达自己想要传达旳信息,故答案为D..Conversation One。



计算机一级考级真题3一、选择题1. 下列软件中,属于系统软件的是( )。

A)办公自动化软件B) Windows XPC)管理信息系统D)指挥信息系统2.巳知英文字母m的ASCII码值为6DH,那么ASCII码值为71H的英文字母是( )。

A) MB) jC) pD) q3.控制器的功能是()。

A)指挥、协调计算机各部件工作B)进行算术运算和逻辑运算C)存储数据和程序D)控制数据的输人和输出4.计算机的技术性能指标主要是指( ) 。

A)计算机所配备的语言、操作系统、外部设备B)硬盘的容量和内存的容量C)显示器的分辨率、打印机的性能等配置D)字长、运算速度、内/外存容量和CPU的时钟频率5.在下列关于字符大小关系的说法中,正确的是( )。

A)空格>a> AB)空格> A>aC)x>A>空格D)A>a>空格6.声音与视频信息在计算机内的表现形式是( )。

A)二进制数字B)调制C)模拟D)模拟或数字7.计算机系统软件中最核心的是( )。



A)硬盘存储器B) CD - ROMC)内存储器D)软盘存储器2.言源程C)把高级语t程叫编译传输、存储和处理都使用个名为标程序的过D)计算机内部对数据的11.以下关于电子子邮件的说法,不正确的是()。

A)电子邮件件的英文简称是E-MailB)加人因特网的每个用户通过申请都可以得到一个“电子信箱”C)在一台计算机上申请的“电子邮箱”,以后只有通过这台计算机上网才能收信D)一个人可以申请多个电子信箱12. RAM的特点是()。

2021年6月大学英语四级考试真题 3

2021年6月大学英语四级考试真题 3

2021年6月大学英语四级考试真题(第3套)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay titled "Are people becoming addicted to technology?" The statement given below is for your reference. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Numerous studies claim that addition to technology is real and it has the same effect on the brain as drug addition.PartⅡListening Comprehension (25 minutes)特别说明:由于多题多卷,官方第三套真题的听力试题与第二套真题的一致,只是选项顺序不同,因此,本套试卷不再提供听力部分。

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Nowadays you can’t buy anything without then being asked to provide a rating of a company’s performance on a five-star scale.I’ve been asked to rate my “store26 ” on the EFTPOS terminal before I can pay. Even the most 27 activities, such as calling Telstra or picking up a parcel from Australia Post, are followed by texts or emails with surveys asking, “How did we do?”Online purchases are 28 followed up by a customer satisfaction survey. Companies are so 29 for a hit of stars that if you delete the survey the company sends you another one.We’re30 to rate our a pps when we’ve barely had a chance to use them. One online course provider I use asks you what you think of the course after you’ve only completed 31 2 per cent of it.Economist Jason Murphy says that companies use customer satisfaction ratings because a 32 display of star feedback has become the nuclear power sources of the modern economy.However, you can’t help but33 if these companies are basing their business on fabrications(捏造的东西). I 34 that with online surveys I just click the 35 that’s closest to my mouse cursor (光标) to get the damn thing off my screen. Often the star rating I give has far more to do with the kind of day I’m having than the purchase I just made.Section BDirections:In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Science of setbacks: How failure can improve career prospectsA)How do early career setbacks affect our long-term success? Failures can help us learn andovercome our fears. But disasters can still wound us. They can screw us up and set us back.Wouldn't it be nice if there was genuine, scientifically documented truth to the expression "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"?B)One way social scientists have probed the effects of career setbacks is to look at scientists ofvery similar qualifications. These scientists, for reasons that are mostly arbitrary, either just missed getting a research grant or who just barely made it. In the social sciences, this is known as examining "near misses" and "narrow wins" in areas where merit is subjective. That allows researchers to measure only the effects of being chosen or not. Studies in this area have found conflicting results. In the competitive game of biomedical science, research has been done on scientists who narrowly lost or won grant money. It suggests that narrow winners become even bigger winners down the line. In other words, the rich get richer.C) A 2018 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, for example,followed researchers in the Netherlands. Researchers concluded that those who just barely qualified for a grant were able to get twice as much money within the next eight years as those who just missed out. And the narrow winners were 50 percent more likely to be given a professorship.D)Others in the US have found similar effects with National Institutes of Health early-careerfellowships launching narrow winners far ahead of close losers. The phenomenon is often referred to as the Matthew effect, inspired by the Bible’s wisdom that to those who have, more will be given. There's a good explanation for the phenomenon in the book The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success by Albert Laszlo Barabasi. According to Barabasi, it's easier and less risky for those in positions of power to choose to hand awards and funding to those who've already been so recognized.E)This is bad news for the losers. Small early career setbacks seem to have a disproportionateeffect down the line. What didn't kill them made them weaker. But other studies using the same technique have shown there's sometimes no penalty to a near miss. Students who just miss getting into top high schools or universities do just as well later in life as those who just manage to get accepted. In this case, what didn't kill them simply didn't matter. So is there any evidence that setbacks might actually improve our career prospects? There is now.F)In a study published in Nature Communications, Northwestern University sociologist DashunWang tracked more than 1,100 scientists who were on the border between getting a grant and missing out between 1990 and 2005. He followed various measures of performance over the next decade. These included how many papers they authored and how influential those papers were, as measured by the number of subsequent citations. As expected, there was a much higher rate of attrition (减员) among scientists who didn't get grants. But among those who stayed on, the close losers performed even better than the narrow winners. To make sure this wasn't by chance, Wang conducted additional tests using different performance measures. He examined how many times people were first authors on influential studies, and the like.G)One straightforward reason close losers might outperform narrow winners is that the two groupshave comparable ability. In Wang’s study, he selected the most determined, passionate scientists from the loser group and culled (剔除) what he deemed the weakest members of the winner group. Yet the persevering losers still came out on top. He thinks that being a close loser might give people a psychological boost, or the proverbial kick in the pants.H)Utrecht University sociologist Arnout van de Rijt was lead author on the 2018 paper showingthe rich get richer. He said the new finding is apparently reasonable and worth some attention.His own work showed that although the narrow winners did get much more money in the near future, the actual performance of the close losers was just as good.I)He said the people who should be paying regard to the Wang paper are the funding agents whodistribute government grant money. After all, by continuing to pile riches on the narrow winners, the taxpayers are not getting the maximum bang for their buck if the close losers are performing just as well or even better. There's a huge amount of time and effort that goes into the process of selecting who gets grants, he said, and the latest research shows that the scientific establishment is not very good at distributing money. "Maybe we should spend less money trying to figure out who is better than who," he said, suggesting that some more equal dividing up of money might be more productive and more efficient. Van de Rijt said he's not convinced that losing out gives people a psychological boost. It may yet be a selection effect. Even though Wang tried to account for this by culling the weakest winners, it's impossible to know which of the winners would have quit had they found themselves on the losing side.J)For his part, Wang said that in his own experience, losing did light a motivating fire. He recalleda recent paper he submitted to a journal, which accepted it only to request extensive editing,and then reversed course and rejected it. He submitted the unedited version to a more respect journal and got accepted.K)In sports and many areas of life, we think of failures as evidence of something we could have done better. We regard these disappointments as a fate we could have avoided with more careful preparation, different training, a better strategy, or more focus. And there it makes sense that failures show us the road to success. These papers deal with a kind of failure people have little control over - rejection. Others determine who wins and who loses. But at the very least, theresearch is starting to show that early setbacks don't have to be fatal. They might even make us better at our jobs. Getting paid like a winner, though? That's a different matter.36. Being a close loser could greatly motivate one to persevere in their research.37. Grant awarders tend to favor researchers already recognized in their respective fields.38. Suffering early setbacks might help people improve their job performance.39. Research by social scientists on the effects of career setbacks has produced contradictory findings.40. It is not to the best interest of taxpayers to keep giving money to narrow winners.41. Scientists who persisted in research without receiving a grant made greater achievements than those who got one with luck, as suggested in one study.42. A research paper rejected by one journal may get accepted by another.43. According to one recent study, narrow winners of research grants had better chances to be promoted to professors.44. One research suggests it might be more fruitful to distribute grants on a relatively equal basis.45. Minor setbacks in their early career may have a strong negative effect on the career of close losers.Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Boredom has become trendy. Studies point to how boredom is good for creativity and innovation, as well as mental health. It is found that people are more creative following the completion of a tedious task. When people are bored, they have an increase in “associa tive thought”—the process of making new connections between ideas, which is linked to innovative thinking. These studies are impressive, but in reality, the benefits of boredom may be related to having time to clear your mind, be quiet, or daydream.In our stimulation-rich world, it seems unrealistic that boredom could occur at all. Yet, there are valid reasons boredom may feel so painful. As it turns out, boredom might signal the fact that you have a need that isn’t being met.Our always-on world of social media may result in more connections, but they are superficial and can get in the way of building a real sense of belonging. Feeling bored may signal the desire for a greater sense of community and the feeling that you fit in with others around you. So take the step of joining an organization to build face-to-face relationships. You’ll find depth that you won’t get from your screen no matter how many likes you get on your post.Similar to the need for belonging, bored people often report that they feel a limited sense of meaning. It’s a fundamental human need to have a larger purpose and to feel like we’re part of something bigger than ourselves. When peopl e are bored, they’re more likely to feel less meaningin their lives. If you want to reduce boredom and increase your sense of meaning, seek work where you can make a unique contribution, or find a cause you can support with your time and talents.If your definition of boredom is being quiet, mindful, and reflective, keep it up. But if you’re struggling with real boredom and the emptiness it provokes, consider whether you might seek new connections and more significant challenges. These are the things that will genuinely relieve boredom and make you more effective in the process.46. What have studies found about boredom?A) It facilitates innovative thinking?B) It is a result of doing boring tasks.C) It helps people connect with others.D) It does harm to one’s mental health.47. What does the author say boredom might indicate?A) A need to be left alone.B) A desire to be fulfilled.C) A conflict to be resolved.D) A feeling to be validated.48. What do we learn about social media from the passage?A) It may be an obstacle to expanding one’s connections.B) It may get in the way of enhancing one’s social status.C) It may prevent people from developing a genuine sense of community.D) It may make people feel that they ought to fit in with the outside world.49. What does the author suggest people do to get rid of boredom?A) Count the likes they get on their posts.B) Reflect on how they relate to others.C) Engage in real-life interactions.D) Participate in online discussions.50. What should people do to enhance their sense of meaning?A) Try to do something original.B) Confront significant challenges.C) Define boredom in their unique way.D) Devote themselves to a worthy cause.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.Can you remember what you ate yesterday? If asked, most people will be able to give a vague description of their main meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner. But can you be sure you’ve noted every snack bar in your car, or every handful of nuts at your desk? Most people will have a feeling that they’ve missed something out.We originally had this suspicion back in 2016, puzzled by the fact that national statistics showed calorie consumption falling dramatically over past decades. We found reliable evidence that people were drastically under-reporting what they ate.Now the Office for National Statistics has confirmed that we are consuming 50% more calories than our national statistics claim.Why is this happening? We can point to at least three potential causes. One is the rise in obesity levels itself. Under-reporting rates are much higher for obese people, because they simply consume more food, and thus have more to remember.Another cause is that the proportion of people who are trying to lose weight has been increasing over time. People who want to lose weight are more likely to under-report their eating – regardless of whether they are overweight or not. This may be driven partly by self-deception or “wishful thin king”.The final potential cause is an increase in snacking and eating out over recent decades – both in terms of how often they happen and how much they contribute to our overall energy intake. Again, there that food consumed out of the home is one of the most poorly recorded categories in surveys.So, what’s the message conveyed? For statistics, we should invest in more accurate measurement options. For policy, we need to focus on options that make it easy for people to eat fewer calories. If people do not know how much they are eating, it can be really hard for them to stick to a diet. Also, we should be looking for new ways to ensure what they eat wouldn’t have much impact on their waistlines. If this works, it won't matter if they can’t remember what they ate yesterday.51.What did the author suspect back in 2016?A) Calorie consumption had fallen drastically over the decades.B) Most people surveyed were reluctant to reveal what they ate.C) The national statistics did not reflect the actual calorie consumption.D) Most people did not include snacks when reporting their calorie intake.52.What has the Office for National Statistics verified?A) People’s calorie intake was far from accurately reported.B) The missing out of main meals leads to the habit of snacking.C) The nation’s obesity level has much to do with calorie intake.D) Calorie consumption is linked to the amount of snacks one eats.53.What do we learn about obese people from the passage?A) They usually keep their eating habits a secret.B) They overlook the potential causes of obesity.C) They cannot help eating more than they should.D) They have difficulty recalling what they have eaten.54.What often goes unnoticed in surveys on food consumption?A) The growing trend of eating out.B) The potential causes of snacking.C) People’s home energy consumption.D) People’s changing diet over the years.55.What does the author suggest policymakers do about obesity?A) Remind people to cut down on snacking.B) Make sure people eat non-fattening food.C) Ensure people don’t miss their main meals.D) See that people don’t stick to the same diet.Part ⅣTranslation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.龙井(Longjing)是一种绿茶,主要产自中国东部沿海的浙江省。

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山东省教师资格认定考试教育学真题(小学部分)一、不定项选择题(每题1分,共30题,每题有一个或多个答案,多选或少选均不得分) 1.遗传决定论的代表人物是( )。

A.高尔登B.华生C.霍尔D.吴伟士E.施太伦2.党的十六大报告指出,教育是发展科学技术和培养人才的基础,在现代化建设中具有( )的作用。

A.基础性B.前瞻性C.先导性D.普及性E.全局性3.人的身心发展的一般规律包括( )。

A.顺序性B.阶段性C.不平衡性D.互补性E.个别差异性4.参观法的种类有( )。

A.准备性参观B.并行性参观C.总结性参观D.常识性参观E.教育性参观5.在中国,( )提出了“不愤不启,不悱不发”的著名教学原则。

A.孟子B.孔子C.荀子D.庄子E.朱熹6.苏格拉底在教学中形成的“产婆术”属于( )。

A.直观性原则B.循序渐进原则C.启发性原则D.巩固性原则E.理论联系实际原则7.德育过程是由( )几个相互制约的要素构成。

A.德育理念B.教育者C.受教育者D.德育内容E.德育方法8.综合实践活动是地方性必修课,它占课时的( )。

A.6%一8%B.7%一10%C.8%一10%D.10%一20%E.6%一10%9.班会的特点有( )。

A.民主性B.集体性C.自主性D.针对性E.教育性10.我国伟大的教育家孔子最早把学习过程概括为( )的统一过程。

A.“惑”B.“学”C.“忆”D.“思”E.“行”11.教育目的有( )的作用。

A.导向B.激励C.规范D.评价E.鉴定12.19世纪初德国教育家赫尔巴特根据对兴趣和注意的分析,提出了( )的教学过程四阶段说。

A.“明了”B.“预备”C.“联想”D.“系统”E.“方法”13.制约学校课程的因素主要有( )。

A.生产力B.社会C.知识D.儿童E.政治14.属于教师的一般角色的有( )。

A.传道者B.授业、解惑者C.榜样D.管理者E.父母与朋友15.班级管理包括( )等几个基本环节。

A.提前调研B.了解学生C.制定计划D.组织实施E.评价总结16.19世纪末美国实用主义教育家杜威依据学生在“做中学”的认识发展过程提出了( )等教学过程的几个阶段。

A.困难B.问题C.假设D.验证E.结论17小学德育的特点有( )。

A.基础性B.生活性C.开放性D.活动性E.游戏性18.新课程标准从( )等几个方面阐述了课程的具体目标。

A.知识与技能B.目标与过程C.过程与方法D.情感态度与价值观E.达标与测试19.课外活动呈现出的特点有( )。

A.自愿性B.广泛性C.多样性D.自主性E.交流性20.课外活动制定计划的基本要求是课外活动必须具有( )。

A.可行性B.协调性C.明确性D.安全性E.组织性21.个案研究中常用的研究方法主要有( )。

A.跟踪法B.追因法C.临床法D.产品分析法E.教育会诊法22.确立教育目的的科学依据是( )的辩证统一。

A.教育B.生产劳动C.社会实践D.社会发展要求E.个体发展需求23( )是构成教育教学活动的最基本的要素。

A.教师B.校长C.教材D.教具E.学生24.西欧中世纪主要学校类型是教会学校,它分为( )等几个层次。

A.僧院学校B.大主教学校C.教区学校D.普通学校E.社会学校25.1897年,( )创办的南洋公学,分为四院,其中的外院即为小学,它是我国最早的公立小学堂。

A.孟子B.盛宣怀C.荀子D.庄子E.朱熹26.日本学者( )曾经强调:“学力是靠生活指导增长的,不彻底地进行生活指导,学力就低。

”A.松泽光雄B.小泉又一C.赞可夫D.布鲁纳E.洛克27.儒家思孟学派在《礼记•中庸》中进一步提出( )的学习过程理论。

A.“博学之”B.“审问之”C.“慎思之”D.“明辨之”E.“笃行之”28.德育的途径是指德育的实施渠道或形式,( )是德育的基本途径。

A.思想品德课B.其他学科教学C.班会D.课外活动E.学校例会29.在师生关系的问题上,持有“教师中心论”这一观点的是( )。

A.洛克B.倍尔C.斯宾塞D.高尔登E.赫尔巴特30.一堂好课的标准有( )。



3.1904年颁布了__________ ,这是我国第一个正式实施的学制。



6.素质教育是以促进学生的全面发展为目的,以提高国民素质为宗旨的教育;是以培养__________和__________ 为重点的教育。









15.教育科学研究过程包括研究的构思与设计、研究的__________ 、研究成果的分析与表述三大环节。












3 .ABCDE【解析】本题考查的是人的身心发展规律这个知识点,人的身心发展具有顺序性、阶段性、不平衡性、互补性及个别差异性的规律。

4. ABC【解析】这是考查参观法的划分,参观法一般包括:准备性参观、总结性参观、并行性参观。




8 A【解析】本题考查综合实践活动课的课时分配问题,它一般占课时的6%一8%。



11. ABD【解析】教育目的是教学的依据,它具有导向、激励和评价的作用。

12. ACDE【解析】赫尔巴特第一个试图按照心理活动的规律来分析教学过程,提出了“明了、联想、系统、方法”的教学过程四阶段说。






18 ACD【解析】新课程标准是从知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个方面来阐述的(可以参照新课程改革的具体目标)。














