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Ever willing to adapt to new technologies袁 he posted a message to his Sina Weibo microblog account on Sept. 6袁 five days before his death. It was an announcement about a new live鄄streaming 渊视频直播的冤 lecture series about pingshu.
For his first radio performance that an abridged 渊节略版的冤 version of the historical novel The Romance of Sui and Tang Dynas鄄 ties袁 Mr Shan invited the studio蒺s three recordists as his audiences and adjusted his
Mr Shan grew to love the storytelling form袁 which is popular across northern China. It is a demanding profession that combines acting袁 ora鄄 tion袁 writing袁 historical research and literary criticism and requires countless hours of memo鄄 rization.
But in recent years many of the great ping鄄 shu performers have died袁 and the tradition is fadபைடு நூலகம்ng 渊逐渐消失冤. By the time Mr Shan retired in 2007袁 interest in pingshu among Chinese had all but been replaced by mobile phones and gaming.
performance based on their reactions. Over six decades袁 Mr Shan recorded more
than 110 stories for radio and television totaling about 12袁000 episodes 渊 片 段 冤 and spanning 6袁000 hours. His best鄄known works include his versions of Chinese classics like W hite鄄Eyebrow Hero and Sanxia W uyi, and his dramatizations渊戏 剧化冤 of historical figures like Zhuge Liang and Lin Zexu.
So it was with great reluctance when袁 out of financial necessity袁 he became an apprentice 渊学徒冤to a family friend who was a master of pingshu. He made his first performance in 1956.
Shan Tianfang was born on Dec. 17袁 1934袁 in Tianjin袁 China. Growing up in 1950s爷 China in a family of folk art performers袁 he deeply realized that it was a life of constant financial troubles and low social status. Mr Shan tried for many years to avoid becoming a performer of pingshu袁 the Song Dynasty鄄era storytelling tradi鄄 tion.
2019.1 疯狂英语(读写版) 15
Nevertheless袁 even after retiring袁 Mr Shan worked tirelessly to promote pingshu among young Chinese袁 instructing apprentices and start鄄 ing a school dedicated to the folk arts.
合句遥其主句是it was with...曰when引导时间状语 从句袁意为野当噎噎时冶曰介词短语out of financial necessity意为野由于经济上的需求冶袁在句中做原 因状语遥
3.For his first radio performance that an abridged version of the historical novel The Ro鄄 mance of Sui and Tang Dynasties袁Mr Shan invit鄄 ed the studio蒺s three recordists as his audiences and adjusted his performance based on their re鄄 actions.
A master of pingshu要Shan Tianfang
评书大师要 要要单田芳
河南郑州第十一中学 谷战峰
一桌一椅一把扇袁一卷抚尺半生缘遥 一代枭雄话众生袁一种声音响人间遥 天堂若再无疾病袁梦里红烛照无眠遥 且行且听再分解袁中国经典永流传浴 2018 年 9 月 11 日袁评书大师单田芳因病逝世袁享年 83 岁遥 国内媒体报道尧纪念单田芳的同时袁美 国叶纽约时报曳也发布了长文讣告袁并评价他院野将古老的评书传统推向现代袁让几代中国人得以欣赏遥 冶
For his first radio performance that an abridged 渊节略版的冤 version of the historical novel The Romance of Sui and Tang Dynas鄄 ties袁 Mr Shan invited the studio蒺s three recordists as his audiences and adjusted his
Mr Shan grew to love the storytelling form袁 which is popular across northern China. It is a demanding profession that combines acting袁 ora鄄 tion袁 writing袁 historical research and literary criticism and requires countless hours of memo鄄 rization.
But in recent years many of the great ping鄄 shu performers have died袁 and the tradition is fadபைடு நூலகம்ng 渊逐渐消失冤. By the time Mr Shan retired in 2007袁 interest in pingshu among Chinese had all but been replaced by mobile phones and gaming.
performance based on their reactions. Over six decades袁 Mr Shan recorded more
than 110 stories for radio and television totaling about 12袁000 episodes 渊 片 段 冤 and spanning 6袁000 hours. His best鄄known works include his versions of Chinese classics like W hite鄄Eyebrow Hero and Sanxia W uyi, and his dramatizations渊戏 剧化冤 of historical figures like Zhuge Liang and Lin Zexu.
So it was with great reluctance when袁 out of financial necessity袁 he became an apprentice 渊学徒冤to a family friend who was a master of pingshu. He made his first performance in 1956.
Shan Tianfang was born on Dec. 17袁 1934袁 in Tianjin袁 China. Growing up in 1950s爷 China in a family of folk art performers袁 he deeply realized that it was a life of constant financial troubles and low social status. Mr Shan tried for many years to avoid becoming a performer of pingshu袁 the Song Dynasty鄄era storytelling tradi鄄 tion.
2019.1 疯狂英语(读写版) 15
Nevertheless袁 even after retiring袁 Mr Shan worked tirelessly to promote pingshu among young Chinese袁 instructing apprentices and start鄄 ing a school dedicated to the folk arts.
合句遥其主句是it was with...曰when引导时间状语 从句袁意为野当噎噎时冶曰介词短语out of financial necessity意为野由于经济上的需求冶袁在句中做原 因状语遥
3.For his first radio performance that an abridged version of the historical novel The Ro鄄 mance of Sui and Tang Dynasties袁Mr Shan invit鄄 ed the studio蒺s three recordists as his audiences and adjusted his performance based on their re鄄 actions.
A master of pingshu要Shan Tianfang
评书大师要 要要单田芳
河南郑州第十一中学 谷战峰
一桌一椅一把扇袁一卷抚尺半生缘遥 一代枭雄话众生袁一种声音响人间遥 天堂若再无疾病袁梦里红烛照无眠遥 且行且听再分解袁中国经典永流传浴 2018 年 9 月 11 日袁评书大师单田芳因病逝世袁享年 83 岁遥 国内媒体报道尧纪念单田芳的同时袁美 国叶纽约时报曳也发布了长文讣告袁并评价他院野将古老的评书传统推向现代袁让几代中国人得以欣赏遥 冶