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近年来,这些生产过程更依赖于先进的技 术,其与世界经济的贡献也与日俱增,远 远大于初期阶段的作用。
acetic 【 ə‘sitɪk 】酸的,醋酸的
acetic acid 乙酸
butanol 【 ‘bjutə,nol 】丁醇
acetone【 ‘æsə,ton 】丙酮 contaminate【 kən‘tæmə,net 】污染、毒害
我们无法确定这些微生物生产过程的出现是源于 偶然还是主观实验,但其进一步不断发展的早期 实例证明了人类能够利用微生物的生命活动来满 足自己的需要。
reliant 【 rɪ‘laɪənt 】依赖、依靠 proportion 【 prə‘porʃən 】比例、比率
humble 【‘hʌmb! 】低下的、卑微的 origin【‘ɔrədʒɪn】起源
其他的微生物过程,如奶酪和酸奶等发酵 乳制品的生产,以及酱油和豆豉等各种东 方食品的生产,都同样有悠久的历史。
Of more rencent introduction is mushroom cultivation which probably dates back many hundreds of years for Japanese shii-ta-ke cultivation and about 300 years for the Agaricus mushroom now widely cultivated throughout the temperate world.
formulate 【‘fɔ:mjuleit 】确切地阐述,
Anton van Leeuwenhoek安东尼·列文虎
The recognition that these processes were being affected by living organisms, yeasts, was not formulated until the 17th century, by Anton van Leeuwenhoek.
Because of its versatility, biotechnology will exert a major impact in many industrial processes and in theory almost all organic materials could be producted by biotechnological methods.
生物技术包括发酵过程(如啤酒、果酒、面包、 奶酪、抗生素和疫苗的生产)、水与废物处理、 食品技术以及越来越多的新应用,包括从生物 医学到从低品质矿石中回收金属各个领域。
versatility 【‘vɜ:sə’tɪlɪtɪ 】多用途的,多功能的 organic 【ɔ:‘ɡænik 】 有机的,有机物的
到2000年,生物技术在未来全球市场的潜 力预计接近650亿美元
Hale Waihona Puke synthesize 【'sɪnθɪ,saɪz 】人工合成,使合成 molecule 【‘mɔlikju:l】 分子 interferon 【'intə(:) 'fiərɔn 】干扰素
However, it must also be appreciated that many important new bio-products will still be synthesized chemically from models derived from existing biological molecules, e.g., new drugs based on the interferons.
利用生物技术生产食品和饮料人类从事烘焙、酿造以及果 酒酿造的活动可以追溯到数千年前,古老的苏美尔人和巴 比伦人喝啤酒的历史可追溯到公元前6000年,埃及人在 公元前4000年就会烘焙面包,《创世纪》诞生时,葡萄 糖就就开始在中东地区流行。
recognition 【rekəɡ‘niʃən 】识别,认可
生物技术所采用的众多技术通常比传统工 业更经济、更低能耗、更安全,而且大多 数生产过程中的残留物都能够通过生物降 解而且无毒。
In the long term biotechnology offers a means of solving some major world problems, in particular those related to medicine, food production, pollution control and the development of new energy sources.
In more recent times, just as these processes have become more reliant on advanced technology, their contribution to world economy has equally increased out of all proportion to their humble origins.
因此,应该从广义上来理解生物学和化学 以及他们与生物技术之间的关系。
residue 【'rezɪ,du: 】 剩余,余渣
A high production of the techniques used in biotechnology tend to be more economic, less energy demanding and safer than current traditional industrial processes and for most processes the residues are biodegradable and non-toxic.
Many important industrial compounds such as ethanol, acetic acid, organic acids, butanol and acetone were being produced by the end of the 19th century by microbial fermentation procedures that were open to the environment; the control of contaminating micro-organisms was achieved by careful manipulation of the ecological environment and not by complicated engineering practices.
最近引进的蘑菇种植可以追溯到数百年前 日本的shii-ta-ke种植,如今在温带地区广 泛种植的巴西蘑菇也有三百年左右的历史 了。
intuitive 【 ɪn‘tjuɪtɪv 】直觉的,直观的 vital 【 ‘vaɪt! 】有生命的
It cannot be ascertained whether these microbial processes arose by accidental observation or by intuitive experimentation but their further and continued development were early examples of man’s abilities to use the vital activities of organisms for his own needs.
1857年到1876年间,巴斯德的开创性研究 证明了这些微生物具有发酵能力,他理所 当然地被称为生物技术之父。
tempeh 【 ‘tempə 】豆豉 ancestry 【 ‘ænsɛstrɪ 】祖先
Other microbially based processes such as the production of fermented milk products, e.g. cheeses and yogurts, and various oriental foods, e.g. soy sauce, tempeh etc., can equally claim distant ancestry.
由于生物技术的普遍性,它将在许多工业 生产过程中产生重大的影响。理论上,几 乎所有的有机物都能用生物技术来生产。
Predictions of future worldwide market potential for biotechnological products in the year 2000 have been estimated at nearly US $ 65bn.
与人们的普遍看法相反的是,生物技术并 不是新兴起的,事实上,它已经有很长的 历史了。实践证明,现在的生物技术体系 是经历了四个主要的发展阶段后形成的。
baking 烘焙 brewing 酿造
Activities such as baking, brewing and wine making are known to date back several millennia; the ancient Sumarians and Babylonians were drinking beer by 6000 B. C. , the Egyptians were baking leavened bread by 4000 B.C. while wine was known in the Near East by the time of the book of Genesis.
从长远来看,生物技术提供了一种可以解 决众多世界性难题的方法,尤其是医药、 食品生产、污染控制和新能源发展领域的 问题。
Contrary to popular belief biotechnology is not a new pursuit but in reality dates far back into history. In practice, four major developmental phases can be identified in arriving at modern biotechnological systems.
antibiotic 【æntɪbaɪ'ɔtɪk】 抗生素 vaccine 【væ k'si:n 】疫苗
Biotechnology includes fermentation processes (ranging from beers and wines to bread, cheese, antibiotics and vaccines), water and waste treatment, parts of food technology, and an increasing range of novel applications ranging from biomedical to metal recovery from low grade ores.
然而,我们必须意识到,许多重要的新的 生物产品仍将以化学方法,按照现有的生 物分子模型进行合成,例如以干扰素为基 础的新药。
interface 【’intəfeis 】 连接,接口 interpret 【in’tə:prit 】理解,解释,说明
Thus the interface between bioscience and chemistry and its relationship to biotechnology must be broadly interpreted.
这些过程都在受生物体、酵母菌的影响, 但直到17世纪安东尼·列文虎克做了系统阐 述之后,人们才认识到这一点。
minute organisms 微生物 seminal 对以后发展有重大影响的,种子的
Definitive proof of the fermentation abilities of these minute organisms came from the seminal studies of Pasteur between 1857 and 1876. Pasteur can justifiably be considered as the father of biotechnology.
acetic 【 ə‘sitɪk 】酸的,醋酸的
acetic acid 乙酸
butanol 【 ‘bjutə,nol 】丁醇
acetone【 ‘æsə,ton 】丙酮 contaminate【 kən‘tæmə,net 】污染、毒害
我们无法确定这些微生物生产过程的出现是源于 偶然还是主观实验,但其进一步不断发展的早期 实例证明了人类能够利用微生物的生命活动来满 足自己的需要。
reliant 【 rɪ‘laɪənt 】依赖、依靠 proportion 【 prə‘porʃən 】比例、比率
humble 【‘hʌmb! 】低下的、卑微的 origin【‘ɔrədʒɪn】起源
其他的微生物过程,如奶酪和酸奶等发酵 乳制品的生产,以及酱油和豆豉等各种东 方食品的生产,都同样有悠久的历史。
Of more rencent introduction is mushroom cultivation which probably dates back many hundreds of years for Japanese shii-ta-ke cultivation and about 300 years for the Agaricus mushroom now widely cultivated throughout the temperate world.
formulate 【‘fɔ:mjuleit 】确切地阐述,
Anton van Leeuwenhoek安东尼·列文虎
The recognition that these processes were being affected by living organisms, yeasts, was not formulated until the 17th century, by Anton van Leeuwenhoek.
Because of its versatility, biotechnology will exert a major impact in many industrial processes and in theory almost all organic materials could be producted by biotechnological methods.
生物技术包括发酵过程(如啤酒、果酒、面包、 奶酪、抗生素和疫苗的生产)、水与废物处理、 食品技术以及越来越多的新应用,包括从生物 医学到从低品质矿石中回收金属各个领域。
versatility 【‘vɜ:sə’tɪlɪtɪ 】多用途的,多功能的 organic 【ɔ:‘ɡænik 】 有机的,有机物的
到2000年,生物技术在未来全球市场的潜 力预计接近650亿美元
Hale Waihona Puke synthesize 【'sɪnθɪ,saɪz 】人工合成,使合成 molecule 【‘mɔlikju:l】 分子 interferon 【'intə(:) 'fiərɔn 】干扰素
However, it must also be appreciated that many important new bio-products will still be synthesized chemically from models derived from existing biological molecules, e.g., new drugs based on the interferons.
利用生物技术生产食品和饮料人类从事烘焙、酿造以及果 酒酿造的活动可以追溯到数千年前,古老的苏美尔人和巴 比伦人喝啤酒的历史可追溯到公元前6000年,埃及人在 公元前4000年就会烘焙面包,《创世纪》诞生时,葡萄 糖就就开始在中东地区流行。
recognition 【rekəɡ‘niʃən 】识别,认可
生物技术所采用的众多技术通常比传统工 业更经济、更低能耗、更安全,而且大多 数生产过程中的残留物都能够通过生物降 解而且无毒。
In the long term biotechnology offers a means of solving some major world problems, in particular those related to medicine, food production, pollution control and the development of new energy sources.
In more recent times, just as these processes have become more reliant on advanced technology, their contribution to world economy has equally increased out of all proportion to their humble origins.
因此,应该从广义上来理解生物学和化学 以及他们与生物技术之间的关系。
residue 【'rezɪ,du: 】 剩余,余渣
A high production of the techniques used in biotechnology tend to be more economic, less energy demanding and safer than current traditional industrial processes and for most processes the residues are biodegradable and non-toxic.
Many important industrial compounds such as ethanol, acetic acid, organic acids, butanol and acetone were being produced by the end of the 19th century by microbial fermentation procedures that were open to the environment; the control of contaminating micro-organisms was achieved by careful manipulation of the ecological environment and not by complicated engineering practices.
最近引进的蘑菇种植可以追溯到数百年前 日本的shii-ta-ke种植,如今在温带地区广 泛种植的巴西蘑菇也有三百年左右的历史 了。
intuitive 【 ɪn‘tjuɪtɪv 】直觉的,直观的 vital 【 ‘vaɪt! 】有生命的
It cannot be ascertained whether these microbial processes arose by accidental observation or by intuitive experimentation but their further and continued development were early examples of man’s abilities to use the vital activities of organisms for his own needs.
1857年到1876年间,巴斯德的开创性研究 证明了这些微生物具有发酵能力,他理所 当然地被称为生物技术之父。
tempeh 【 ‘tempə 】豆豉 ancestry 【 ‘ænsɛstrɪ 】祖先
Other microbially based processes such as the production of fermented milk products, e.g. cheeses and yogurts, and various oriental foods, e.g. soy sauce, tempeh etc., can equally claim distant ancestry.
由于生物技术的普遍性,它将在许多工业 生产过程中产生重大的影响。理论上,几 乎所有的有机物都能用生物技术来生产。
Predictions of future worldwide market potential for biotechnological products in the year 2000 have been estimated at nearly US $ 65bn.
与人们的普遍看法相反的是,生物技术并 不是新兴起的,事实上,它已经有很长的 历史了。实践证明,现在的生物技术体系 是经历了四个主要的发展阶段后形成的。
baking 烘焙 brewing 酿造
Activities such as baking, brewing and wine making are known to date back several millennia; the ancient Sumarians and Babylonians were drinking beer by 6000 B. C. , the Egyptians were baking leavened bread by 4000 B.C. while wine was known in the Near East by the time of the book of Genesis.
从长远来看,生物技术提供了一种可以解 决众多世界性难题的方法,尤其是医药、 食品生产、污染控制和新能源发展领域的 问题。
Contrary to popular belief biotechnology is not a new pursuit but in reality dates far back into history. In practice, four major developmental phases can be identified in arriving at modern biotechnological systems.
antibiotic 【æntɪbaɪ'ɔtɪk】 抗生素 vaccine 【væ k'si:n 】疫苗
Biotechnology includes fermentation processes (ranging from beers and wines to bread, cheese, antibiotics and vaccines), water and waste treatment, parts of food technology, and an increasing range of novel applications ranging from biomedical to metal recovery from low grade ores.
然而,我们必须意识到,许多重要的新的 生物产品仍将以化学方法,按照现有的生 物分子模型进行合成,例如以干扰素为基 础的新药。
interface 【’intəfeis 】 连接,接口 interpret 【in’tə:prit 】理解,解释,说明
Thus the interface between bioscience and chemistry and its relationship to biotechnology must be broadly interpreted.
这些过程都在受生物体、酵母菌的影响, 但直到17世纪安东尼·列文虎克做了系统阐 述之后,人们才认识到这一点。
minute organisms 微生物 seminal 对以后发展有重大影响的,种子的
Definitive proof of the fermentation abilities of these minute organisms came from the seminal studies of Pasteur between 1857 and 1876. Pasteur can justifiably be considered as the father of biotechnology.