大学英语综合教程第一册unit 5 Romance

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Saint Valentine severed as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then hade Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honor St. Valentine.
Time: one year /12 months later since the beginning of the story Place: grand general station Figures: 3 John, (imaginative lady, a beautiful girl)overlapping, old ugly lady Beginning: Body: Ending Sequential narration Inverted narration : flashback Interposed narration
Give your order of the following when you are hunting for your BF/GF

Appearance Capacity Character/ Personality Family background Money Education

The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance.

This festival is in mid-summer when the weather is warm and the grass and trees reveal their luxurious greens. At night when the sky is dotted with stars, and people can see the Milky Way spanning from the north to the south. On each bank of it is a bright star, which see each other from afar. They are the Cowherd(牛郎) and Weaver Maid (织女), and about them there is a beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation.
Task 1
Part Ⅰ Part Ⅱ
Text Organization
Paras 1 Paras 2-6
Main Ideas
John was expecting someone at How John had fallen in love
Grand Central Station.
Version 3

范泰伦节(情人节)2月14日,来源于古罗马的牧 神节。据说鸟类在这一天开始交配。那时的风俗是: 在牧神节期间,每个青年男子从一只盒子里抽签, 盒子里放的是写有青年女子姓名的条子。抽到谁, 谁就成为那个青年男子的心上人。后来这个节日改 为纪念一位叫瓦伦丁的基督教圣徒古罗马青年基督 教传教士圣瓦伦丁,冒险传播基督教义,被捕入狱, 感动了老狱吏和他双目失明的女儿,得到了他们悉 心照料。临刑前圣瓦伦丁给姑娘写了封信,表明了 对姑娘的深情。在他被处死的当天,盲女在他墓前 种了一棵开红花的杏树,以寄托自己的情思。这一 天就是2月14日。
The 0rigin of Chinese Valentine„s Day

Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowherd). His parents died when he was a child. Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law. So he lived by himself herding cattle and farming. One day, a fairy from heaven Zhi Nu (Weaver Maid) fell in love with him and came down secretly to earth and married him. The cowherd farmed in the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home. They lived a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl. Unfortunately, the God of Heaven soon found out the fact and ordered the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens to bring the Weaver Maid back.
Version 1

然而,暴政禁止不了爱情。就在暴君的国都里,居 住着一位德高望重的修士,他就是Valentine 我们 的主人公。他不忍看到一对对伴侣就这样生离死别, 于是为前来请求帮助的情侣秘密地主持上帝的结婚 典礼。一时间,这一令人振奋的消息在整个国度传 开,更多的情侣秘密地赶来请求修士的帮助。但是, 事情很快还是被暴君知晓了,于是他再一次显示了 残暴面目——将修士打进大牢,最终折磨致死。修 士死的那一天是2月14日,公元270年的2月14日。 人们为了纪念这个敢于与暴君斗争的人,渐渐地使 得2月14日成为一个节日。很多世纪过去了,人们 再也记不得Claudius的大名,再也记不得他的权杖 与宝剑,但依然会纪念Valentine修士,因为那个日 子是Valentine’s day 是情人节。
with Miss Maynell.
Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ
Paras7-15 Miss Maynell put John to a test. Paras16-17 It was wise of Miss Maynell
to give such a test.

Interposed narration Sequential narration Flashback / inverted narration Time : Place: Figures: dreamlike female character
What is romance in your eyes? What is your ideal BF/GF?

Romance is a state of being. It's about taking action on your feelings. It's a recognition that Love in the abstract has no real meaning at all.

传说,天上玉皇大帝有七个女儿,其中最小的女儿织 女,最聪明可爱、手艺又巧。天上皇宫中的重要织锦 都由她负责设计与制作。另外,玉皇大帝有一群牛, 由一个叫做牛郎的年轻人负责管理。两人情投意合、 互相爱慕,至荒废了原本工作。于是玉皇大帝下旨, 叫喜鹊告诉这两个热恋的情侣要节制,七日见一次面 即可。没想到喜鹊传错话,他们以为每天均可相见, 更是高兴无比,工作完全抛在脑后。 玉皇大帝这回就龙颜大怒,降旨他们每年只能见一次 面,就是农历七月七日的晚上。那一天喜鹊这群肇事 者就负责搭桥,让他们两人踩在他们的肩膀上相会。 因为一年仅能见一次面,当然有说不完的衷曲、道不 尽的悲情,于是那天几乎都会下着毛毛雨,象征两人 的泪水。
Text Study
Task Task Task Task Task Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vocabulary Content Questions Text Organization Text Discussion Language Focus Development
General Knowledege
Unit 5
Text A Text B
Text C
A Valentine Story
The Wallet (for home reading) Fast rene Story
General Knowledge Discussion
Prelude Study

Romance – love in action -- is a daily, living, growing activity.
Through what can you show romance?

Words Actions Gifts Gestures A tender look ….

现在,在情人节里,许多小伙子还把求爱的 圣瓦伦丁的明信片做成精美的工艺品,剪成 蝴蝶和鲜花,以表示心诚志坚。姑娘们晚上 将月桂树叶放在枕头上,希望梦见自己的情 人。通常在情人节中,以赠送一枝红玫瑰来 表达情人之间的感情。将一枝半开的红玫瑰 作为情人节送给女孩的最佳礼物,而姑娘则 以一盒心形巧克力作为回赠的礼物。

What is the story about Valentine?
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3

The difference between Valentine’s day and Chinese Valentine’s day
大约在公元3世纪的罗马,那时恺撒已经死去快 三百年了,暴君Claudius当政。当时,罗马内 外战争频仍,民不聊生。为了补足兵员,将战 争进行到底,Claudius下令,凡是一定年龄范 围内的男子,都必须参加罗马军队,以生命为 国家效劳。自此,丈夫离开妻子,少年离开恋 人。于是整个罗马便被笼罩在绵长的相思中。 对此,暴君大为恼火。为了达到自己的目的, 他竟然下令禁止国人举行结婚典礼,甚至要求 已经结婚的毁掉婚约。
Version 2

在古罗马时期,2月14日是为表示对约娜的尊敬而 设的节日。约娜是罗马众神的皇后,罗马人同时将 她尊奉为妇女和婚姻之神。接下来的2月15日则被 称为“卢帕撒拉节”,是用来对约娜治下的其他众 神表示尊敬的节日。 在古罗马,小伙子和少女的生活是被严格分开的。 然而,在卢帕撒拉节,小伙子们可以选择一个自己 心爱的姑娘的名字刻在花瓶上。这样,过节的时候, 小伙子就可以与自己选择的姑娘一起跳舞,庆祝节 日。如果被选中的姑娘也对小伙子有意的话,他们 便可一直配对,而且最终他们会坠入爱河并一起步 入教堂结婚。后人为此而将每年的2月14日定为情 人节。
Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer‟s daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it “From Your Valentine”. Gradually, February 14 became the date fo r exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was often a social gathering to a ball.