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Investigation on the Growth and Expansion Ability of Four Dwarf Ornamental Bamboo Species
Pang Yuanxiang1ꎬ Qi Lin1ꎬ Chen Ying1ꎬ Cao Xidong2ꎬ Wu Yue1ꎬ Guo Longmei1ꎬ Cao Banghua1 (1������ Key Laboratory of State Forestry Administration on Silviculture of the Lower Yellow Riverꎬ Shandong Agricultural Universityꎬ Taian 271018ꎬ Shandongꎬ Chinaꎻ 2������ School of Geography and Planningꎬ Cardiff Universityꎬ Cardiffꎬ CF10 3XQꎬ UK)
4 种观赏地被竹的生长及扩展能力比较
庞元湘1 祁 琳1 陈 颖1 曹曦东2 伍 越1 郭龙梅1 曹帮华1
(1 山东农业大学 黄河下游森林培育国家林业局重点实验室 山东泰安 271018ꎻ 2 卡迪夫大学地理与城市规划学院 英国卡迪夫 CF10 3XQ)
摘 要: 对山东东平县第二苗圃 4 种 3 年生地被竹生长进行了调查ꎬ 并探讨和比较了其扩展能力差异ꎮ 结果 表明: 4 种观赏地被竹高生长排序为菲白竹>黄条金刚竹>铺地竹>鹅毛竹ꎬ 地径生长的排序为鹅毛竹>铺地竹 >菲白竹>黄条金刚竹ꎬ 菲白竹与黄条金刚竹的高径比较大ꎬ 鹅毛竹与铺地竹的高径比相对较小ꎻ 单位面积株 数的排序是菲白竹>铺地竹>鹅毛竹>黄条金刚竹ꎬ 菲白竹和铺地竹生长较为密集ꎬ 鹅毛竹和黄条金刚竹相对 稀疏ꎻ 4 种地被观赏竹扩展距离从大到小的排序为鹅毛竹>黄条金刚竹>铺地竹>菲白竹ꎻ 不同竹种之间相遇 时竞争能力不同ꎬ 其排序为鹅毛竹>菲白竹>黄条金刚竹>铺地竹ꎮ 关键词: 观赏地被竹ꎻ 株高ꎻ 地径ꎻ扩展能力 DOI: 10.13640 / j.cnki.wbr.2018.05.006
Abstract: Four dwarf 3 ̄year ̄old ornamental bamboo species in No������ 2 Nursery of Dongping County were investigated and studied for their growthꎬ and their differences in the expansion ability were discussed and compared������ The results showed that their heights were differentꎬ which were ordered by Pleioblastus fortunei > P������ kongosanensis f������ aureostriaus > P������ argenteostriatus > Shibataea chinensis������ Their ground diameter was ordered as Sh������ chinensis > P������ argenteostriatus > P������ fortunei > P������ kongosanensis f������ aureostriaus������ P������ fortunei and P������ kongosanensis f������ aureostriaus had the relatively higher ratio of height to diameterꎬ while the ratio of S������ chinensis and P������ argenteostriatus was relatively lower������ The per ̄unit densities was ordered by P������ fortunei > P������ argenteostriatus > S������ chinensis > P������ kongosanensis f������ aureostriaus������ P������ fortunei and P������ argenteostriatus grew relatively denserꎬ while Sh������ chinensis and P������ kongosanensis f������ aureostriaus grew relatively sparse������ The extension distance of these dwarf ornamental bamboos was sequenced by Sh������ chinensis > P������ kongosanensis f������ aureostriaus > P������ argenteostriatus > P������ fortune������ They also had different competitiveness when growing togetherꎬ with the sequence as Sh������ chinensis> P������ fortunei > P������ kongosanensis f������ aureostriaus > P������ argenteostriatus������ Key words: ornamental dwarf bambooꎬ culm heightꎬ ground diameterꎬ expansion ability