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口译时该如何听 从听字词转变为听意思, 从听语言形式转变为听内在含 义:所以听意不听词,得意而忘形。 岌岌可危 Dangerous, great danger, walking on the ice, hanging by a thread\hair, on the ropes 听的时候经常问自己:发言人要说什么意思?听意不听 词,不一定要听清每一个词。 有人说我的脑子像电脑,数字, 高兴,忧虑,改革开放: GDP,9%,外汇储备3000亿美元:高兴。 有人说我的脑子像电脑,我确实装了很多数字,这些数 字有些使我高兴,也有使我忧虑的,比如说中国改革开 放以来,GDP增长平均在9%以上,中国的外汇储备达 到了3000亿美元,这是使我高兴的。
关键词(key words)的选择
• There is also a lot of difference between the East and the West in terms of management. • 词汇层面:名词、动词等实词 • 句法层面:主语、谓语、宾语或表语等句 子主干 • 语意层面:已知信息+新信息 • 语气层面:重读、强调、重复 • 东西管理大不同
• 北方的房子强调厚重,比如说在选材上,他们会尽量选择 一些砖石为主的材料。南方的房子强调的是通透,选材多 采用木结构。 • 有一份调查报告比较了男女双方对恋爱的积极程度的差异 ,结果显示,无论是对爱情的信心,还是寻爱的努力程度 ,女生的得分明显高于男生。 • 随着世界全球化不断加快步伐,西方文化大量涌进中国, 如何保护中华民族的传统礼仪,与西方礼仪进行合理有效 的融合,成为人们不断思考和探讨的话题。 • 就日常打招呼而言,中国人大多会说“吃了吗?”、“上 哪呢?”等等,这体现了人与人之间的一种亲切感。可对 西方人来说,这种打招呼的方式会令对方感到尴尬甚至不 快,因为西方人会认为对方在询问他们的私生活。 • 调查显示,中国大部分家庭还是三代同堂,但传统儿孙满 堂的家庭“金字塔”已经迅速演变为“421”的“倒金字 塔”式家庭结构,即“2个结婚的独生子女,4个父母长辈 ,和1个小孩”。
Modification does not make a good speech, but speaking
by heart does. I hope what I say today can be inspiring. And I will be honored if one or two sentences shall be remembered.
• Many Americans want to achieve financial independence from their parents as early as possible, because they can start to stand on their own feet and take care of themselves. • If you made a mistake and want others to forgive you, you could give them an apology, and, if necessary, make promises of no further offense. • Most westerners do not get very close to each other. Instead, they would keep a distance and respect each other’s privacy, which may include age and income. • Nowadays fast food is very popular. You can find fast food chains in every corner of the city, and busy families increasingly rely on take-out food in their working days. • Principally the public education should forbid the existence of the so called “key school”. The answer is simple: public education should be impartial to all students, regardless of一到节假日,各个影院售 票处就会排起长长的买票队伍,而电影放映表上也排得满 满当当。 • 我建议,国家有关部门应该加大对教育的投入,并进一步 深化教育体制改革,尤其是高考考试招生制度的改革。 • 现在学校开设的诸如英语实验班、美术实验班等项目满足 了很多学生的个性化需求,有利于学生的全面发展。 • 在农村,由于外出务工人员增多,出现了越来越多的留守 儿童。这些留守儿童由于与父母长期远离,无法感受父母 情感上的关爱和呵护,与父母的感情相对淡薄。 • 在我国民间传统节日中,最受人们重视的要算春节了。春 节期间的庆祝活动比起其他节日来更为丰富多采,而且这 些活动都具有特别浓郁的节日特色。
• 限制关键词的数量,提高口译的效率 • 有利于口译学习者养成重脑记重分析的良好习惯,在以后 的口译笔记阶段摆脱对笔记的依赖。 • 词语搭配层面: • 新一届政府必将克服各种困难,满足人民群众的需求,实 现预定的目标。 • 困难、需求、目标 • 句子逻辑关系: • I became so addicted to video games, and even though I tried so hard to divert my attention elsewhere, in the end I would often give up and continue to play games. • 上瘾、虽转移、但继续
because I firmly believe that the power of knowledge and
the courage of the youth will change the fate of the human race, of one country and of the whole world.
同学们思想以启迪。你们能够记住其中一两句话,那我也 就满足了。
• It’s snowing heavily and severely cold outside, but I feel
completely the opposite. I’ve long wanted to come to Cambridge University and to meet you. Now we are in this bleak winter of financial crisis, but when I see young people, I see the coming of spring, brightness and future
A reform of thinking pattern while listening
外语学习中的“听” 口译活动时的听” 标准音、声音清晰 不同口音、环境干扰 材料可控 内容不可控 (语速、难度、知识面、长短、连贯性、逻辑性、专业性等) 学习语言或答题,压力和责任小 完成工作,压力和责任大 听懂就可,重在理解 为说而听,兼顾表达 记字词 记意思 有提示 无提示
• 听辨关键词是指译员为了更好地记忆信息,有选择地提取 原文少数词语并快速记忆其意义的过程。 • 遵循三原则: • 一是听辨关键词是为了满足译员记忆原文信息的需要,关 键词更多起到的是提示作用,译员可以借助关键词迅速回 忆原文的主要内容; • 二,选取关键词时数量不能过多,译员要用尽可能少的关 键词记忆原文的主要内容。 • 三,记忆关键词时以其意义为主,词的形态不是听辨的重 点。 • 关键词听辨训练可以分为两个阶段:关键词的选择和关键 词的精简。
• 信息听辨是整个口译过程的起点和基础。 信息听辨不仅要求译员辨识原文的内容, 听懂原文的意义,还需要译员在此基础上 把握原文的关键概念和逻辑关系,为口译 的顺利进行打下良好的基础。为了迅速有 效地把握原文的关键概念和逻辑关系,译 员需要分别掌握关键词听辨和逻辑关系听 辨这两大技能。 • 关键词;逻辑
• 口译试练。听音,脑记、手记随意,口译,录音,听录音 • 今天外边下着大雪,天气严寒,但是我的心是热的。我早
金融危机的严冬季节,但是我看到年轻人,仿佛看到了春 天,看到了光明和未来。因为我坚信,知识的力量,年轻 人的勇气,是可以改变人的命运、国家的命运、整个世界 的命运。一篇好的演讲应该是不加修饰的。用心说话,讲
• When Americans disagree with someone’s opinion, their statement is usually followed by a reason or an explanation of why they disagree. • American often joke that in their life there are two things that they cannot avoid, namely, death and tax. • The most popular students on the U.S. campus are not the ones with good academic performance, but those who are “sports stars”. • The internet is extremely important in our daily life. We use it to search and collect all sorts of information, or to send and receive emails. • I think the only worthwhile knowledge is the information that could be used, so it is pointless to make students memorize useless facts that they would quickly forget.
• several ways to prepare for sleeping: work late: a short break, restful before. A bedtime drink, but coffee or tea , caffeine, awake. • There are several ways to prepare for sleeping: people who work late should try to give themselves a short break and do something restful before going to bed. A bedtime drink can also help, but coffee or tea should be avoid as they contain caffeine and will keep you awake.