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SHEN Yan,HUA Xiu-guo,CUI Li*,ZHU Jian-guo,YANG Zhi-biao (School of Agriculture and Biology,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
Abstract:To investigate the effect of infection of different Streptococcus suis strains(HA9801, ZY05719)on the blood biochemical indices and immunological state in Bama miniature pigs,bacterial content and leucocyte of blood were determined after infection,some immunological indexes in the blood were analyzed.Results were as follows:Acute death cases,subacute infection and chronic infection were found after intramuscular injection of Streptococcus suis,the bacterial content of dead pigs reached 106CFU/mL.Hypersecretion of IL-1,IL-8,TNF-α,IFN-γ were found at 12 hours post infection,the amount of TNF-α,in particular,increased significantly in all infected pigs.Increase of CD8+ and reduction of CD4+were also found in all infected pigs,the ratio of CD4+ to CD8+ reversed in death cases even,suggesting inhibition of immunity in these pigs. The ability of lymphocyte transformation showed irregular in dead pigs,whereas that of the subacute infectious pigs recovered from a one week-descend after infections.In the first 2 days,the numbers of blood neutrophil reduced in the subacute infectious pigs,and then increasd and reached the peak at 5 days post infection,accompany with reduction of phagocytic ability of neutrophil.The number of blood neutrophil,neutrophil phagocytic ability and lymphocyte transformation ability varied with different prognosis.Our results suggested that the pathogenicity between ZY0571 and HA9801 was different,secretion of the cytokines and changes of the amount
猪链球菌2型两代表性分离株感染小型猪后对部分 免疫指标的影响
沈 艳,华修国,崔 立*,朱建国,杨志彪 (上海交通大学农业与生物学院,上海 200240)
摘 要:为探讨致病性猪链球菌2型(SS2)感染后对猪外周免疫系统的影响,作者选用SS2两代表性分离株(即四
关键词:猪链球菌2 型;巴马小型猪;T 淋巴细胞亚群;增殖功能;细胞因子
中图分类号:SBiblioteka 52.611文献标识码:Λ
Effect of Experimental Infection with Two SS2 Strains on Several Immune Indices in Miniature Swine
收稿日期:2007-09-25 基金项目:上海科委基础重点项目(05JC14018) 作者简介:沈 艳(1982-),女,江苏徐州人,硕士,主要从事猪链球菌病的研究 * 通讯作者:崔 立(1971-),黑龙江大兴安岭人,博士,副教授,主要从事人兽共患病与动物疾病模型的研究,E-mail:lcui@
of T cell subset and other im m unological examination in this research have some associations with the infection progression of SS2. K ey words: S treptococcus suis Serotype 2;B am a miniature pig; T lym phocyte subset;proliferative ability; cytokines
CD8+T 细胞的水平上升,急性死亡猪出现CD4+/CD8+T 细胞比值倒置,即感染猪处于免疫抑制状态。急性死亡
猪血液中的淋巴细胞转化能力变化无规律,亚急性感染猪的淋转指数在下降1 周后逐渐恢复。结果提示:ZY 05719
同时间猪血液中细菌含量和白细胞变化,以及相关免疫指标的变化。结果表明,猪链球菌2 型感染会引起小型猪 的急性死亡、亚急性感染和慢性迁延。急性死亡猪的血液中细菌含量高达106CFU/mL。感染后的12 h即可见 IL-1、IL-8、TNF-α、IFN-γ分泌量显著增加,其中以TNF-α增幅最显著。同时可见CD4+T 细胞的水平明显下降,